The Constitutions (Anderson's Constitutions) - 1767

Page 89

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Emperor- <";4AB,A Y: &I'rf s gqve,tp~fl.ttlg~~~"Pf~_-'!'€. l!rfmin, .

with an updght,and.·unftained Reputation-; ~n:d~abo¥eall;was -~ v.ery great .Encourager ,<;>f Le-tJrrting and :learned Jl.fen,, ,and: im::..: proved th~ G:O,untry, i~'if£v;J ;l,r(s•J vy-as a M;:t~,l: ¥~:i!t·t- :and, made. ,a, great· ~oll~~Otl!Qf,W~li:mf<n, anq :~~r ,f\r#~qr~:::·Jro~ . all Parts: The People enjoyed p~rfech Pe~ce:3:~4~Tr~l{l:R_UH!ity: under him, (ot,J~v;~aLYears.~··~·.4-n4--P-~4~u~w;~rsr and qth,er· -Artificers, were employed Hy ~hn in:Y~flt l~ts~·~~<!§· · :1 -- · 1. EV:i.!r~!·lUt~~ -~'!~yridl w~t:ing; (Q:r:~:-~ g(j!ttf:~pq:if!ers ' of MiAISDNtl :had· then :left the. H).a,nd ; . "~yen your,:City1of :Autun,.. f' fays he, mofl::devoted to your. Servicp,, a:qd;in whofe. Name L '-:' am efpecially to congr,atulate: you ; . has. been..welr :ll:ored .with, ~~ Artificers (ARc.~ IT E c T s and-.MA soNs)· (lnce y;our Victory oyer.· '' .the.Br:itoiz.r, .who(e.P,rQ:vinces.,abounded yv~th th~J?:t:.-. and ·n~w,, '' by their W orkmanihip, the fame City:g£ ;4~~!fi~e,~ in.Sphm1 "· dor, by -~the .rehuilding1¢ t~ir.~nci¢nt.Houfes,.:e;retting public · "·W..q~]ts,;~~Qlil: of Temples: . So that th_ean<tient

'" N~·

~~1BR:Q.T.nF;~Hoop,'!V'fl~g)-;thyYJ;!~~P~~~rr­ " joyed,.: is· again.tefror~d;:.l?y;J,l:a.v;ing J.OUf i~i~~IS(.4jp,R:y~·;or ·

"their. feeond·Fopnd,ert'" .,Jfrom,..)lenef!: it is.bey_qnd allDoubt:t.,. that .the Reducti<tt\ of )kitafn., occafi<?-J?:ed.I!lapy e?Ccei~el!:~ ~ti~

rP~'#~Ib~~!aj.n~;,~ to the' ·neautyf Conve~ mence; ·and: MagJ?.ificence .of the Hlani,._that ,Ganfiamius Chlorus ·



chofe to. m,~ke it the Seat of his.• Empire. . · . · · , WHEN Dioci~qrt·.and.,M¥~"'jriian abdicated·t,, ·~· . , _·. . :.. CUN:STAN.l'~p,~_,qfi_tp~usfu~ceeded:J?mpyor .o£ the;![~, a .

LOVle.r ,Qf;4nl~1a-n(f\ Sci.i,J'{cfJ:f. ~, al{9r ·~;n:J-¥c:h· f~Ro~t~-?ged the ~t'\F'r, 'till he d~ill.l\t~T;ork., t!>.~-,·f~IJle Year ..t4~-~- ,#~if~rEmprefs HELENA:girt.LoN.D.-oN with . a. Stone11{.al-4.. _.,



C.ON-·. :


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:··."Guthrie's Hill:. Eng. Vol. I: page 58~


.t ~. D. 303.

I! A•. D. 3?6·

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