The Constitutions (Anderson's Constitutions) - 1767

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and BoN ouR ABLE F R ATE R N IT Y 0 F

:Jf~tt anb ~ectpttb ~aeons. CONTAINING

Their HxsToRv, CaAR.G£s,

&c. ·



By 0Rn'ER of the GRAND L 0 D G E, faithful




their old RECORDS~


For the Us. E 9f the L 0 D G E S, . .


By . J A M E S A N D E R S 0 N, D. D. AND



A NEw EDIT 1 0 N,

~ith ALTERATio-Ns ~ A»n~:~•Ns., •

Bya C 0 M MITT E.E appointtd by the ,,.,.,

L Printed for Brother W. .

N D. 0 N:·


HN S T 0 N, in


.~t!CLXV II. ~--~~-· •')''


~n the Yulgar YEAR

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LuDG\A~! STiliiiT.,..

<lf JlftalimtR .~;~1•


. Cadwallader Lord BLAYNEY'· Baron B L A Y N E Y, ·of Monaghan,. L 0 R.D "'LIEUTENANT And



T 0 S . R 0 T U L 0 RUM of the faid County, in the KINGDOM of IRE L.A. N D,


in his MAJESTY's Service,_

G R.A N D M A S T. E R of .Jl)aafonl1.

Right Honourable and Right Worjhipful SJ R I


.H E Committee, appointed by and, with the Confent of your W orihip, to. revife, alter, . ' and mc:~:k~. ~1cns to, aad to cont:inue thii Book of the Hiflory and Regulations of MAsONRY, l1aving examined and compleated the fame, ·according to the Trufl: in them repofed by the GRAND L?J?GE, take this Opportunity of affuring your Lordfhip, that, duly fenfible of the great Honour done the FilA TERNITY by your pre:liding over them, they are comma~ded by the diffu:live ·Body of Majons to teft~fy their · .~ A 2 .· · .Gratitude,

[ iv ] Gratitude, Brotherly Love, and :fincere Obetiience to your Lordihip, and to thefe Regulations publiilied by your Comn1and. In T~ken whereof, We moft duti. f~1lly requeft your Permiffion to infcribe this. Edition of the HisTORY and CoNSTITUTIONs of MAsoNRY to your Wodhip, and to fubfcribe -ourfelve&,

Right Honourable S1 R ! r{)ur L 0 R D s HI p 's

True 路and}aithful13retltren, The C 0 M M I T T E E.



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T I 0. N.

WHEREAS on NO'Vem6er ~5, t723, the· Qra~J-~ _ ,in ample Forms refolved, Cf'hat no .Alterations }hall !Je made in their printed Book if CoNSTITUTIONs, without Leave if the Grf!nd~IJf:! · An,d. 'Iph,er~a.r_, gn 'June 2'7,. I754, the Moft Noble Marquis of CA:RN A 'It VAN, Grand M'!fler, with h~s Deputy and Wardens, and the Grq1,1._d ~Obgt, did appoint a CoMMITTEE to revie~ and make fuch Alterations and Additions, confiftent with the Law; and Rules of MAsoNRY, as th~y $e fai~ <:;om.: mittee fhould find neceffory to be made to the for~r MiiAt:Js of the BooK of CoNSTITUTIONS for the Ufe of the rtgular Lodges; which faid Alterations and Additions were made accordingly · a.nd approved of, and recommended, by the Grpnd-Mafier,"' Deputy, and Wardens to the Fraternity, as the pp}y &ok qf • ' ' ·" ,,, ·fl'· CoNSTlTUTlONS: , ·· · And wh~r;as;~-the ninth Day of April, 1766, it was thought neceffary, by the Right Honourable Lord BLA.YNEY, Grand Mafier, with his Deputy and Wardens, and the Grand ilobgt, to appoint a CoMMITTEE to revffe, alt~r, and make fome Additions to the laft mentioned BooK of CoNSTITUTIONS;, confiftent with the Laws and Rule~ of MAsG>NRY, for: the Ufe of regular Lodges : And whereas the faid neceffary Alterations and Additions have been made, :and this new Edition of the BooK of CoNSTITUTIONS has oeen publilhed with great.Care aad Fidelity, under the Infpeetioa of our faid Committee; 'lVe ~~

[ vi


We, the preflnt GRAND MAsTER,. ~tputp, ~nd Warbttt~, do hereby recommend this our new printed Book, as the on{y Book if.CoN·STITUTIONs, to the and Accepted MA.soNs; and,: difclaiming all other Books that have not the SanCtion of the · Grand Lodge,- we warn all the Brethren againft being employed or concerned in writing, (preading, printing,. or publif.hing any other Boaks relating to Mafons or Mafonry, and againft ufing any other Book i~ any Lodge, as a Lodge-Book~ as they .ihall be anfwerable to the ·v~anb'llobg~:

B L A Y N E Y, 4!5~anb Jo:a:N SAL,TER,

Jlmafter? _ Deputy ~~anti JIV}aller,.

PETER Enw .aRns, 1.. Grand · HoRATio RIPLEY, S10atbens. ~amud ~p$ttetr" · Secretary.

. ·:o·___ :_N··.· ·s-..T··. I:'T· .···_··u·.·. C . '' ' ' '



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obeyed the Almighty's Comthiui"d,. and began to range into Form a.o,,d Order.f. Sotne fubfld~d· to the.Center of the Earth; but the lUcid. and lkrr P~.rticl~s aft~ndinghigper, .feparated LIGHT from DARKNEss, and made ~he firft Day and Night; which became more lucid arid ferene byJh~: \Yor~ of the fecond Day; when· the Waters were drawn off from the Chaos, and were· difmi:lfed. to their fev~a}. Prb.s . an'-i $.tations •. ·. ... · · . . . THE delightful'"Ei~m~n-t ~r the 'Air was difentangled and extr~cted:from Chaos;· ~~-f~~t ~ay;.the.Waters of the Earth be1ag gathered· mto one Place, the ary Land appeared, and was furJU9led. _;}Vitl}: PrP4"s f~f Cattle, ~d ~erbs, and Fruit-tree~Jor the Nouti1hm~nt of Man. ··On t:he-foprth.Day the .fame.Di:vine Wifdom created the glorious Orbs~o(.the SuN to rule the Dav, and· the MooN to rule tb~ Nigl!ti .. and for the Meafure and Co~-putation of Time. · . THESE. g~~t Ba,dies thus Jet in Order; he proceeded to the ~r~ti9ni: oJ :th~ _ANIMA It. World;. -and qegari.. with ·Fifo and Fowl; whicJt. the D.ivjne ·P,ower fori,ne~ .oit.t,.ttl C?f.fuch Matter as. ·, ' ' ' was mi~ed and concocted with theW atet~ and "gave tbah apto... Jifick Y~r-oot -~~.a ~~ra~ Inftinc,t f'?_r Generation, to preferve their Species, and to muttiply their Individuals; a:· virtue which he alfo beftowed on the. teqe~ria} Animals, both Savag~s,, tame




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c~:-:7~i:~~~~'l:~;t:;;;;~f;iici't)t~seiftt·~i'r~et .


by the ARCHITECT and


of the u f'aM. 1 ' .. · UNIVER.SE·· according to GEOMETRY, and fo. ·.or.u« • . • 4004· . . . . .d .. . ·b·. • ~1.. ;· · · . dered and difpofe · as· to contr1 ute, m :iueir feveral.Capacitt~~ t~ hiS Benefit and tlelight;- tben·MA.N.was · · · · · alfo


* THE fir!! Cliriftians computed' their Tiines as tlic: Natigns did. among whom

·'They I;ved till AI I), 5~ Filen: · ... · .. · . ~ . • '': ' ·· .J)iinyjius B;#iguus; a Roman'Abkat,. t.aught:them firft to compute ..the Birth ef Chr:!/1: But He loft -tYears, or began. the Cbry5an JEra 4 Years later tlian juft:


'( 3"] "tllfo created and introduce·d ~nt~ the World in a Manner a~d So.;. lemnity not unbecoming the Lord and Governor of- it. -A Work fo truly Divin~, that the Power of no fupordin~se Intel.ligence coul~ be capable of it; and was nt?t -perfecred w~tlw'llt a ·.P~culiar ·Confultation of the Divine Perfof!s: ~ ':fh~ ·~efu!t w}le~~­ of. was to· create Man after the Image of GoD; with· a_ He~rt thoroughly inftruCl:ed in the nob~e Science of GEoME1;1fK~~ for his own' Imprqvement,, a;JidJ~~~iLJ:t.!~~-~of ]lis ~feen­ dan~s,' ip .t¥~)Art of applying every Part of the C~tien.~<hthe Glory of the Creator, and to the Benefit of the 9ref!ture: -with a Mind fortified to bear the Divine Prefence, .. qualified . for the Divine Conyerfe, fully ilh.tminated by the Divine .Spirit i. and with a B?dy indulged with the Privilege of Immor~ality, ~dom­ ed with fuch .Cornelinefs and .Maj~ffy, a~ ~igllt 1=~allenge the RuJ~· and Jurifdicrion of this jnferior:Wqrl4 ; ___and. ;l>letred ,'with an univerfal Harmony jn ;all its .F~cul4es; . an: tindetjtatufi11g fraught with ~1 ~.uer of Knowledge; a !fill fubmitted;to tile Divine Pleafure:; · Ajjetlions placed upon their pr~r Q~j~s; Pajjion-: cal~ and eafy; -and· a. Co!if~nce _qy.jet~d.~, ·with refplendent Holinefs and perfecr Felicity•. , · . How ADAM exercifed himfel:( in thtft noble_ S:cif~~~in·);ds :Paradf[tft~al ~tat~, does,· · ~~~~~at ~,,~·~, Reafon Therefore, tho' according to the Hebrew Cb;onology of the Old TeRament,· and other. goo,.d Vouchers, CHIU:ST 'was truly born in fome. Mon,th :.of the Y:ear of the ,warid, or A. M. 4-000, .yet tb.efe 4- Years added make. . .. ·. . - " - A-09:4 t Not before the Bir:t4,_ofQ8rfj, .~.ut ~efort~~ Cbt;ijlian ~ra, ydZ. ~: l.i$:GJ , For the true Anno Domini, or ,Year after f;hrlft's Birtli; Is •· ~-~ ~ 1 "i~o But the MAsoos·being ufed to c;.omp11te'b; . /~ f · . ' .· :11 1r.;,lf ·· theVu~~-4-~ Doinini, or Cbr,!J2i41f :Ai'f'!tZ, ·· r.7,36 ; and f<r...effcl:.e.tter.s.J~.M. and a~ding to it not 400.4 as. it ought,~ .; . .~~fYr~ Mundi, .orr~r the ftri& ~ea.~~ bef.or~ 9-?rifi's:Birth) w~~~ . 4000 · ot ~hr. Wod~: and q«e '· · · · · · ' ·· -~ · ··' · · ' ~ ' ~- . B: C. :is nqt ~efore:Chrlft~ They ufUoitlly call·Te'bf-0(1\i~<G~~.. 'l!Jtrt: 1\.llefore >lth'il a,i;)itm ln{tead of the accurate Year - 5760 .tF.ra.


and we mull keep to the Yulgat" Computation.

The A.M. or .4nno 1!4undi .is the fame followed by Ujkr and Prideaux, &c.


Re~' ~ :Oetteve that he ·employed· fiimfelf in forming a weD pro~tjened af).~ c·onvenieat Plan. dfft,Jelterfrom Heat;- of Retire~~ ·. R.ert, ~n:d: Jteps:ft ;. 11nd); of Worlhip; and iri laying: ()ttt! aftd1.'taMnnsg. his Gartkn·f!f.Delt"ghts• .However~ this very M~,_.;w~:Gon'natfcreated upright,thirfting: after illicit K.oowledg~; ·roon. ferfeited t~e Favoutr .<>~ the ~l~ig~ty ; · and hi$ .that fuippy_State :. By our iirfr Parents Difobedience to · tJre . Divine Precept· in Paradifo,, they 'defaced the'· heatttiful WorJts:of 4.bcYe~tio&·;,. e}itafi~r~;. P~"n>·. and Deatb' upon. their ~e~ ~th: g.tinty~n~ila6'~ ~'f6i~~:~~ ~cha?ge· fa.ic El!J;s;!ft'~H~oit/m for al'l·uneul:tivated World,. ~ieh pMttted. aOihirig.\ut w'hat wa&thttEtfeti:&fteiii"ome.Labour} and ~h~re wy~l!tacii:hi0 Other·prefi>eB!~h~hJa: ~:Var~ty .of &r~o~, Care', ' ami Ttoo..ti.te.::: ~ ·frate wbi(h/.bo~er ·im-P~red~: w~ cal'l~~t~ ·in, any w~kl: :1!tppofe:tO: be· i~'oririi of·~he tiBE;~~~ ..Sc1~NbE'S'~ ~udi-lefs o~G:eo:ME'f'RV ::--itt which'it wlls.''faood to·oe·of dte \ltm6ftl~m~\:lenee, tot ibAruet nis: ·~ffspri~g;, :to en~ble' the~.


to;t~af;;e;·~'IYifila;R~ ·s.t~eng~if, ~rid .~tf~~fpl_a~_d ~n .~!,:.~?e:

W000~1J:S ·Works ·ef. Cr~.tOn·; and ·by' w~rch revef.\1:_ C~QUs; ~rts ~ ~~~#! '!~~:.t~ ~. D~y ate ~~- _G~y of Man-.. kind,c'afitt a~t:·OrWtmel'l~ ti·~~tM!:·,·:-::··· · · · · · . '. HENe:E- it is, that there is in' Min'a Fund· E>'f'Ihd~fl:iy,. and~: cei~.,~~:y ini•:;y.!f!5*f!ll8~•~~ #aqg_ ~~E~ c~""whe_....•.·.· .. !her 111$~ or 1i1Jeral;,. aU of which have. a mighty TendenC,· to. ·th~t /Delight ·and Benefit of Mankind:.. And thefefore we~ l)eed ·norqneftitm b'Ut~that the wife GoD,, by putti~g_ thefe .Sin~ . gufarl.tiesi&'(mi: Nature,. inten~d,, as. another. End· of our.Creat'}, tion) 'that we fhould not on1y u~·liappUyiourfelves> ::\Jld. .fpend' onr.·Ttn:m in benefici-al ~~1ap~tions7' or agreeable Amufem~t"S;. bu:~ l?e'li~~ife mtt~lly affifr6 to each other~; l!i}rufll,tnl1 for


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~~k· .~. -~~-·. S~IE. 7!.-: Y;. ·~hi·c··'h~. in . ~ Scr.iptu~c~ ~r.a~e,. th.

·~~,ta ~ iJt.fl..~JJ~A~~ :/xt~:~an.. ~e fttr ~,. ·a~.d t?J· •


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hv!' 111 Brethnti; as.,~. itliat'have been Tll.U£ and FA'rru!u:r. have fet an Exai11ple to--the ·F·R.EE a:hd AcCEPTim. may be very:well a:tfured, tbat AI>AM ip.ftru<frdd his D'e... fcendants in oi~METRY ,.·and the Applkat.ioo o( it to' whatever Crafts weri convemeiit' ~. tbcfe ~early Tim-es;. :withont which• the C!Jildre~ mu~'fi:~{,~tPivediin Wo@ii'S~ J)tin~, and.Caves; like Brutes ;: or it lea11 in Arbours rria6le of- Branches of Ttees,



~~t!.:N!~~~~e ~-!~~~<~


Al~ars, ~nd- pre-l.rtftrutted i1Ythe·


' '

Principle_~. _of GEOMETRY. arid: A:KClit~Tlt,CTtrllE, Pier~··f3~;~::

forthwith· ~built' a ·fttobg ·City, ~and • calld.· it ~ . :ti£i.Ji~.A +~:or eJw$tie'ait:'t:k;rMlt~.tli;e ·~a~ ofhtr·eldeft SG>t1 E:Nbc!t'j I~fi8~ R.;k& :f~irig ~is &:g:Wip.IC!,:.iroFtt>v:ml: therit-t :feivea- not~onl}r G_·~O::rJ.ii!''li:R:v.: atid; M-fii·o ~RiY*:::bnt: ~de.:D1i(:Q., veries of feveral otber.~ctitioos::Jtrt~·~~- ~ Thus Ja:s~ tbe: elcle:fi:: !On of LA~ECtf, f.tifet'~-t&.n;t~ th~- Ufe df q-'sfits;; fon .in: tlmfe: em~1 ~y~~.~~~it~ti' rup~. tile .feeble: . lnllaJ:m~:. ,.ofi. ;Eart~ w~re_capable ~£,&,-~ _and Timbet.r .an:d· :~ -tMI~htnt~,-.Art or.nmnaging th6f~ Herd$ of'· Cattle,.-- whicll· here~f<!we haiL ·t;>een.· di£perfed wild tb.r<>~-ta~






his youngeft Son* f61it11d .out 'the· Art of ftrgil~J,g ~nd •iing M~uisf: of'm~ing·..Aniioft'l' an~· ''TbB.r-lilid Wep4 J... ~ *as ~~&mJusf~t ltis:g~t!f!:tfengtb.ati.j S)iili itt, _lf~r:.. . . · Tilt~· Defee~ittv)rtf,&l(~!!pi::t:atsl«: ~~--~·::.~~<t~,t#' €-.tuN,- in .the {1qUiv~~ ~f;~JIIi:r~i'hNl4·M.A:~*~,1'hi$: :Fatt~.. *ef ·d:et {)t~cr" . laif •df; ~rt<t fill!~ ~!ea~hr profit~·-ih7~dro£e.·h.~ ;SGliwt~ar:·t~ ~P.~: 'Tw~pli: Qf C.tUN:i

An·.K.:M, wit& '\Vh<tm4te::i$.y~tiUrifitJlj~~ -~ W~:!d~9~ox

~ fY£ceeded &fu;D.reiJ.ib~qt~JJ.i'tilfilirll4:A{ ~~1~~.Wil· ,·,,.~





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JARED, an~ ENoCH ; who, as a Monumen:t Gif liis fuperior Abilities and Love to Pofterity, forefeeing the 1mi~erfal Defqlation., which W01.1ld £0011 happen by· Wat4r o1·. lf:ir~,.·and depraxe Mankind of thofe,A:Rrs and Scr:E;N:CE'salt:eady impm·v:ed, rai[ed two large Piliars,· one -of Bric*;·:t~e otl;u~x ,of Stane, and in:fcribed thereon an Abridgment of the ~rts and S'Ciences, particularly GEOMETRY and MAso~RY, that, if the PILLAR of Brick happened to be. over.thtown )?y idle ~.F~pqp, T{IAT ofStoJZe might. rema~; which t 'Joj(:p&s :teUs ·"W:<:!S Jp he ire~ in hiS: ';{'ime; . in. the Land qf $iriaJ, hy the Name ofSETH's'orE.N~cu's PILLARs.· And from the Contents of thife .PIJ;;LARs we have great Reafon to believe, .that the Gepius of Man did not .confine it-. felf .to the Ar.t ,of .Building4 .and working in Brafs ~nd Iron, and to Mufick; but that it very early exerted itfelf in AsTRONOMY, and ·every Science, ufeful and entertaining. NoNE can doubt but AsTRONOMY, tho' preceded by GEoMETRY, was invented near the Commencement ofTime. As there is nothing tE.or.e furprizing than the Regularity of the heaven& Lu:MnfA.RIEs,it.~6 judge that.0ne of the firft Curioiities of 1v1ankind was to conJidertheir.CQurfes., and to obferve the Periods of them. It was .not Curiofity only that .prompted Mento apply the~¥~ttY~'l~~~~yt"'~-~ .· · N ecefii t i tfelf may be i'aid to have obliged them to it. or. >ll· t e, ea ons ~r\l'ed~ which are diftinguiihed by the Motion qf the SuN, it is impoffible to fucceed in AGRICULTURE. If the Durationof the Month and rear were not determined, a certainOrdercould not beeil:abliihed in civil .Affairs; nor could 'the Days. all<>tted ·to the Exercife of Religiop be fixed. Thus as meith~r AGR~C:U~TPR:E, ,PoLI'T.Y, nor RELIGION could difpenfel,_ith.the Wan~ of AsTROl!iOMY, it is evident that Mankind wer¢ ®ligedJo apply th~xp.felves to . the SciENCES from. the Beg-innipg 9f,dl~ World~

aB5tmd •by*ENosu,


:t See Gen. v. 6,-~S·

. .t .Jof. 4:n_tiq. Lib. I. C. ~.

[ 7]

THE Pofter~y of SE'I'Ir, who had for f<>me Ages retained their· Integrity in the true W ~riliip·ofGoD',. and a dofe Applic~~ion·to' SciENCES, were at li-ft ihfetted with the fame Contagion Of PJ:'"G..J. fanenefs ~nd· Immorality, aS' tne 'R~e· of c:£rN ";· (d tllat all Sorl'S'·

of·Wickedn~fsbver~fpreadthe'E~fth, an~ reig~ed triurnplla~t-: ·I3uP at htff ended in their Deftiud:ion and Extirpation by the ·Deluge,·: in which all the human ~a~e·perifhed.; ex~ep-tN o~~-and h.~~ Ra-. ~ r d•yo: -~ -~·, ...• , m1•1y • .a ere '!as~ . I~.~~: . , ~·~~.;:, · th · ;~ E art.h,. adorned \'V'id~ ~~l'a66.0iis' Nature~ and the Impro~'e'fbetits of ittft', "a. W!ltery _De~ert appeared, which offered riothi~g td 1:}jcr View ofl:feav.en; out the fib~~ing Wr~k.S'ifM''lin ~nd hWFdtOw Creafures, ~no_ w.ere 'iirepf~'WafWj1li 1t#e:~~thr#bri D'enro'4iC>h ·~:· whldi ~s :f:Jie; m6ff''dr.ea&ttb a_n'cfamii£r~g-jitagm'e~, tlie ~.oft: .


noriid~"and~P.6i't~to~s' :eahifffupae.'lfu~t N~tfurt ~;,te¥"yei 'fa*~~ I

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'f'kF StlltP ,of MA.sqNR ~iJ:IiWR~~h{ l;J!9IO~ :6~ th! ~'ltiitlg ff·


· SaEoM:p~s 't'U1~LE. ·.··:




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Wardens: That:· Edifl®, .

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]iix~ liv~ afier.bis 'S9h E:~b.·vears 4Js,; ahialea ~g~ 1g6i,)Ji: %t!!:~ ~>~;~

'the d:Wpi·hiS'''Gr:ib~~us:Jt.k.h'!t&<Jsmit'Q/)JJJd~

ceedu •:fir.d ;~ bat Jl;!(llhtifekih' rdi~ii<Jl;Wng ~Lf~~1~ fally· prevailing,. . ., .. I . METHW,Sl!.LAH, "With his·Sop:L4~JH ~:Ur11 . · ·

co~rupt~old"*, an<qntheir~ownpecJ:Aiar.~~~lt ·of tM pr;timifed'.Milflab pure,· and'alti'~ ·. ,cll.ed.'~ five

Years befw-e the


aJ¥1. M~:ratrsEtAH

~t,. a~d ~¢2-lCe~rs_;_ and fo _he ~ 't~rMd"·Pt~fOhi to Noah'Yl'thtt~ ,

SnM 98, and H'AM 96. :t. See Gen, vi. q., &c.._





· froro.,the~


1'£& 1,-i\~·

died a few D.tys communicate· the.: Tradi •

JAPH-aT 'ii~a 'WJ

*Set om. vi. u, I 2, I 3•

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e'ars~, ; 13, &c.,.

t ~ l t~Iq~\.M~W~~ otlJ~_:!f~fa.~ri.~~ ~f;(h:qMET.RY~, ~s· nieply ~~~YiP~t\t'~:uJj:~~yg tl~.~~J3t;ft/riprr.,f!ui~g. to·Day) .a .~ur_.·~ ,~p~~~fi£~fffzy~ff!4lm'., !A!.4m#h~qwhe'!l;No~f?.:~nte~ed.;

i~~~::~8:r"X:laft:a."""g0j\.r4~:w¥~; ~@ ~~fl .i~,~ "~~<fe.Sons. and~­ th¢fr :~ff{}¥iv;e~ ~n~~~~ ,~cl~~rm:,r~y.~ ::~;.Carg?_ of ~~mn~~h.fOo4':S:_Dr\~~¥>,~,!th,ey·\1lH~~ fav.eq_i~ ~e4r~~: ~J.:!i~e ,. A.-M._< r1656 '1\ .. -~.. -~~_ A;P.¢!hm_., .i~ }l),:~·,lf~d.. *.for t~e~r ;lm:-. a~~ 2.:3i&' .. morality an.p U nb'eli:e~·. ·Fran~ thcife 1\{~so.II'l:s~. : . .., _·; ~: '.'ni ~t9'1~~~~~; ~e .:w.hole prefen~ Race; 4 ~~~~r.Qef~de,t::r·..- .}·:: f'!·: :• .• · Ji ~L .-•. ~. • • .. . vr~~i!* .bro~ght ~ith ·the,n; O?f!F ~e. ~l:ood~ ..~cl.fl~'¥:~ds


~~~uqici],t~~ .tp :tkr~r,gft¥~,, .g~~:r::-.rR ~ .;. (lnd t~e 4r~·:'!.J . . ~~#fittz': .T,~q 1 ~'I;~rM<>:A:U, f#ll)lpo~ }lis.lan~~n,g! was to b~4 '·~ _P, anc} 91f:~ Jf. bp~P.f:,·~.a<:~ffi_ce .9f .e~p-J'·cleaa Beaft and Fowl.

Gon having·accepted the



NoXi'f,- ana"give·tmn. Powerover· .At:L""living·creatzirt.r, witti a Permiffion to eat t\re.(Xl ~srfr~ly~ f.S 9f the Produce €lf the Ground: However, he forbid, him to eat the Blood of Animals, or· tP thcd· th~ Blooo af··Mai) \to~~trutgili·.~=~njklugfttet witJI;.J)eat/J,· aad tE> people the World as fait as.'he could. . BEJN({all ~t ~(~!!~~; It came to pafi, tiS ··



.Land of Shizzaar., and

: [,, 9 ] 'Tower. But a'S this. wa1; ·only in order to make themfelves a Name, and prevent their Difperfion, Gon for their Vanity confounding their Speech*; occafioned that which they endea.. voured to avoid. And hence this Tower was calle4 BABEL, or Canfztfion. Upon the Top of this Tower was an Obfervatory, by the Benefit of which it was that the Babylonians adv-anced their Skill in GEOMETRY andAsTRONOMY, beyond all other~atioJ:lS; ·For whenf ALEXANDE ~~~~~J;.~S;r'HENES, the J>hilofopher,,t~·. me 1m thith:;~~n3~t1y.llad . qp~~?'Ubfervations for 1903 Years backwards fr:om tfiat · Time, which carries up the AcCO':J:llt as high as the I I sth Year after the Flood~ and fifteen after the building of the Tower of BABEL... All which ihewsthat, af~er the D+fpe,rfion, they ftu.l carried with them the Knowledge of MasoN~ Y, and improv~d it to a. great Degree of PerfeC!ion.. · , . · N I M R 0 D :f:, or B~Lus §, the Sou. of Cusu, the eldefr Son of HAM,. ~nd E-ouader .of t.he ..Baby/g7Jian Mo~t-arcpx~ kept Po~ 0f the. Plain,. and founded th~ firJl. $!Pit:e:.,'a.t BABYLON, and becam~ GR~ND MA.sTEJ! '.'f al~ ~~&<;ms, after the general Migration. ·He b;uilt many fplendid''Citie.s in . . S!fi-: N AR : And under him &w-ifued thofe learned Mat4~W~tA(:,~~ who(e .Succcifors · · · . of from SHIN AR colnmenced 53 Years after they began to. build the Tower, or .154 Years after ~h~ Flood.· And they w~nt qff at various.. Times, .and tt:a.velled N()rth, $outh, Etlji, andJrdf.~.w.ith .their niighty Skill, and f<!Hlflcl the go~ Ufe.of itin fe:tt!~g~:k .Colonies. And ftopl SHINAR, 'rh~ Science anci .the ~WWere "Carried t() the diftant Parts of thy ~~rp, P'Otw~d,ing the Confujion 'of DittleCis: Which gave.Rife ·to.theMtJfons Faculth .and u~iyerfal Pr~4t~c~_, of cop;,g Fifhout fpeaking, and of


J"' ...()wlt'IG:' ""'f.': ...~~·

·...:.:.Jtliu.~i. 7, 8, '9· t Yearof*·FJ®d 2017, before Chrift 33I· t i.e. • .Re;el, .a Name ,given to B~lus by tb.t.Jfrll#iw, by way of inve6ti,e. · ; i. e. Lord.


[ IO ) knowing e;ch other by Signs an9. Tokem: which, fays an old '.fradition, they fettled upon the Dfl}etjion, or _Migration, in cafe any of them ihould meet in diftant Parts~ who had been before in SHINAR. · . T.Hus · the Earth was again planted and .repleniihed with MASONS, - whofe various Improvements w~ :lhaU trace. MI'TZRAIM, or lV1ENEs, the fecond Son of HAM, car... ried to, and preferved in EGYPT, or the Land of Year of the MlTZRAIM, their original Skill, and much cultiFlood r6o. Before Chr!fi vated the Art: ForantieritHiftoryinforms us* of :2.!88. the early :fine Tafte of the Egyptians, their many magnificent Edifices, and great Cities, as Memph£s, Heliopolis,. 'l'he/Jes, with roo Gates, &.c. befides their Palaces and Sepulchres, their Obelijks and Statues, the Coloffal Statue of SPHINX, whofe Head was rzo Feet round, -and their famous Jl~tamib~, the greateft heing reckqned the jitft or earlieft of the feven Wonders of Art,. after the general Migration. Some fay it was built of Marble, brought from. the Q.£arries of Arabia; for there is no Veftige of a ~arry near it. Others call them artifi:eial' Stones made on the Spot, moft of them 3o Feet long. The P-ile at Bottom was 7oo Feet fquare,. and 48 I Feet high; but Others make it much higher: And in rearing it 36o,ooo Mqfons were emp:l~:io!Ltt"'!JtQ:,,¥~s6, • o le had joined in the .



Egyptzan.s excelled all Nations alfo in their amazing

LABYR ~NTHs, One of them covered the Ground of a whole Province, containing many :fine ·Palaces, and 1.00 Temples, difpofed in its feveral ~arters. and Divifions., .adorned with Co• lumns of the beft Porphyry, and the accurate Statues of their Gods and Princes; which Labyrinth the Gr-eeks, long afte&wards3 endeavoured to imitate, but never arrived at Its Extenjion and





THE Succe1fors of .fllitstaim (who ftiled themfelves the Sonl of antient Kings) encouraged the Royal Art down to the laft of the Race, the learned King AMAsrs. BuT Hiftory fails us in the South and Weft of Africa. Nor have we any juft Accounts of the fair and gallant Pofterity of NOAH's elqeft Son 'J A PH E T, that firft replenifhed vaft old Scythia, from NQ.rway Eaftward to America; nor of th~ ~apJJt-

::: !;,;~c=#tof~\~~:t'f{~~e~;!~ at Arc~s

their firfl: Migration from Shinar. SHE M, the fecond Son of NoAH, remained at U R of the Cha!dees in Shinar, with his Father arid great Grandfon HEBER, where they lived private and died. in Peace; but SHEM's Offfpririg travelled into the South, and Eafl: 'of Great AJUI, viz.. ELAM, AsHUR, ARPHAXAD, Lun, and ARAM, with SALA the Father of HEBER; and their Offspring propagated the Science ~d the Ar.t .as far as.CHIN.A and Sflapan: while NoAH, SHEM, anCI~HE8ER~:diV:erted themfelves at Ur, in Mathematical Stu4,ies, teaching PELEG the Ffl,ther of REHU., Father of SERUG, Father of N ACHox., Father of TERAH, Father of ABRAM, a learned Race _of Mathematicians and Geometricians *. ~:No~H

, . Ta:m.s .. ·






the GoD of GLORY c.alled him to travel from Ur t A.M. 2 oo8. <>f the. Chaldees, and. to live ·a Peregrin, not in Stone· and &iclt, hut in ~tS eretl:ed alfo by Geometry. So travel ... ling with hisFamily'aLidi'lotks thr.oughMif.opotamm, he.pii!ilied at Ch_arran. *, where· old .T.ERA.H, in five, Years, · . 1 · · died, . .alllX;l, .then ABRAM~. ·aged~ 7 5 Yea13, trav~lled _: •:;. M. 2078•





[ I2 ) into the Land of .the Ca;zaam'tes*: but a Famine· foon forced . him down to Egypt; and returning next Year, *,B!.M.c. 208 3·l he began to communicate his great-Skill to the • .7921· s . _· Chiefs of the Canaanites~ for which they honoured him as a Prince• .ABRAM tranfmitted his Geometry to all his Off-fpring; IsAAC did the fame to his two Sons, and JACOB well inftruCl:ed his Family, of which we have a clear Example in his Son JosEPH, who retained fuch ftrong Ideas of the early Inftrutl:ions received in his Father's Houfe, that he excelled the Egyptian. MAsoNs in Knowledge, and, being inftalled their ·~attll •allet by the Command of PHARAoH, employed them in building many Granaries, and Store-Cities throughout the Land of Egypt, to preferve them from the direful Effects of a long and. fevere Famine, before the Defcent of jACOB and his Family • . THE Defcendants of ABRAHAM, being Sojourners and Shep .. • . herds in Egypt, praCl:ifed very little of Architecture, 'i ear of the · hty Flood 774• except th e bm'ld'mg of . ·T· ents, t1'11 about e1g Before Cbrijl Years before their Exodus; when, ·bJF 1$e ~over157+ · ruling Hand of Providence, they were trained up to the building with ~tone and 25dtk and built for the Egyptians the two ftrong Cities of Pithom and Raamajis, in order to mak~.~.,~~fl!iJQii&irs1 ~~'itiAAeifed the gromifed Land, then famous for good A~cHITECTURE!1 .1 1• 1' 111 -~~-~~t~ AFTER ABRAM left Charran 430 Years, MosEs marched out of Egypt, at the Head of 6oo,ooo Hebrew Males, marihalled in due Form; forwhofe fake .GOD divided the Red-Sea, to let them pafs through, and drowned Pharaoh and the Egyptians that purfued them.· And in this Peregrina~ion through Araii;z; to Canaan, G 0 D was pleafed to infpire their 40ta® Jl&alltt: M 0 S E S, Jojhua his Deputy, and Ahol:iab with Wifdom. of H~; and fo a.nd 6tanb next Year they raifed the curiou.s -- · Wardens :Bezaleel ' . Exod. xxxii. 6. , TABER ...

1.-.. 1

[ 13 ] TABEltNACLE or 'ie~t (where the- divine ~betbinab re .. fided, and the holy .Ark or. Che.fl, the Symbol of G 0 D's Prefence) which, though not of Stone or Brick, was framed by Geometry, a moft beautiful Piece of true fymmetrical ArchiteCture, according to the Pattern that G 0 D difcovered to Mqfts on Mount Sinai, and it was afterwards· the Model of SoLoMoN's ~tmplt. MosEs being we!,al'li·~-~~~¥dle ~gyp~itzJ2 Learning,· and alfo divinely ~~a;· excelled all Grand Ma}ters before him, a.nlb~~<lthe more :lkilful to meet him, as in a Grand Lodge, near the Tabernacle in the P~!Jover- Week,_ and gave them wife Charges, Regulations, &c. though the Tradition thereof has·not been tranfrnitted down to us fo perfeCt as might have been. wifhed. JOSHUA fuc:ceeded in the DireCtion with KALEB his n~ puty, and ELEAZAR the High-Prt"df, and PHIYear of the NEAs his Son, as Grand WardetfS: He marihalled Flood 897. tfle lfrae!ites,. a.nd led them over Jordan, which Before Chri/1 14$!· GOD made dry for their March, into the promifed Land: The Canaanites regularly fortified their great Cities. ~nd Pa:ffes, that without the fpecial Intervention ofEL. SHADDAI,. in behalf of his Pecult"ar~ The ,~e ~p~j~b~ and invin.~ ·..· " 'witll' 'if:te ·Canaanites, he fixed the TABERNACLE at Shiloe, in Ephraim, ordering the Cht"ifs of !frael to ferve their God, cultivate the Land, and carry on the grand D¢gn of Architecture in the heft 1\tlOSAICK STYLE~·

Ifrae!ites made a prodigious Progrefs in the Stu4J;of Geo-· metry ~::tn<l ArchiteCiure, having many expert Art.ia:s in .every Tribe that met in Lodges or Societies. for that Purpofe, except when. for their Sins they came under Servitude; but their occafional frin.~es, called, ,:f~ef_ and Saviours, revived the. Mqfaic Sty!e-~lo~ ~i.~ Liberty~ and ,~ Mqfoic Co!Yfz"tution. Bu~ ~}/were. exceedec£. .,. THE

[ 14] exceeded by 'the Canaanites, Phcenicians, and Sidonians in the SACRED ArchiteCture of Stone, who being a People of a happy Genius, and Frame of Mind, made many great Difcoveries and Improvements in the Sciences, as well as in Point of Learning ; though it is very probable they excelled much more iti the Labours of the Hand, than thofe of the Head. The Glafs Of Sidon, the Purple of 'I'yre, and the exceeding fine Linen the;rr wov·e, were the Product of their own Country, and their own Inventions : And for their extraordinary Skill in working of Metals, in he:wing Timber and Stone; in· a: Wer<4 for their perfeCt Knowledge of what was folid~ great, and ornamental in ArchiteCture, it need but be remembered, the great Share they had in eretting and decorating of the Temple at jerufalem; than which nothing can more redound to their Honour, or give a clearer Idea of what their own Buildings muft have been. Their Fame was fuch for their juft Tafl::e, fine De.fign, and ingenious Invention, that whatever was elegant, great, or pleafing., was difringuilhed by way of Excellence, with the Epithet of Sidonian; or for the A rtifl:s to be Men of 'Ijre; ~d jet:the one Temple or ~abtrttadt of the one true God at Shiloh exceeded them all in Wjfdom and Beauty, though not in Strength and

Dimen)ions. ME'~t11P~ . . .

of Mofes~ TROY was fou:nd~e~d(:an~d~-~o~o,.(-_-Tu~Wl~~-~~== by the emulous Greeks, about the I zth Year of Tala Judge of IjhTd. .A.M. z8r9. AND foon after the Exodus, the famous Temple_ of JuPITER HAMMON in Libyan .Africa was ereCted, that ftood till demo.. liilied by the firfl: Chriftians in thofe _Parts. .. THE City of Tyre, Sor, or '!'for, was bailt by a great.~y of Sidonian MAsoNs frOm GABALA, under their Year of the .· · _,fl. · J)' .n. :Flood 1096. Gran d M~!;~er, an d proper p nnces, ~t'e~.-~.ors, ~efo~ Chrift who finifhed the lofty Buildings of the City, with ' l2.52.. -· · its {hong Walls and AqueduCts, in a Manner greatly

pr .· .

[ IS ] . greatly to the Honour and Renown of thofe who had the con... dutl:ing of this grand Defign. · THE Phcenidans built, in a grand and fumptuous Manner,. under. the Ditetl:ion of SANCONIATHON, Grand Year of the Mafler of MAsoNs in that Province, the famous Flood 123 r. ~emple of ~agon, at Gaz~, and artfully fup- Before Chrift ported it by two £lender Columns, not too big to · 1-u 7• ·grafp in the ~rms of !?Z,;t·Wh~. ~plJi~~tp_e~ ~own, the large· R9o(-@l . pon ·3ooo of the Lords an~ :Ladies of the ~e~ and killed them all, himfelf lharing the· fame Fate. IN after Times, Abibal, King of 'Iyre, repaired and beaut.fie& that City, and fo did his Son HIRAM; under Year of the: whom the Kingdom of Tyre was in a very flou- Flood 1292. .ri~ing Condition:. He alfo repaired and improved Before ChrifJ: xos6. feveral Cities in the eafternParts of his Domi..nions ;: and being himfelf a Mafon, he took the Diretl:ion of the~ ~'CKift.:ppoo .filnifelf, and became a .fumptuo~s Grand Majter: He enlarged 'I'yre, and joined it to the Temple Year of the· .of.JUPITER Olympi'us, ftanding in an Ifland: Flood 1302. 'He alfo bu,ilt two Temples, one to HERCULE~, Before Chrifl 1046•. ··~~n~q ~,,f.)~er· ~ A · ~l}?~~ DuRING all this Period, the lfraelites, by their Vicinity to the A.rtifis of 'l'yre and Sidon, ·had great Opportunities of culti.vating the roy~l Art, which they failed not dil~gen,tly to purfue, and at laft.attained to a very high Perfection, as well i~Ofl£tative Majoiiry, as in the Regularity and Difcipljne of their;..l¥;~11 forme~ Lodge.s, vyhi-ch through .all fucceeding Ag~s has hitl\erto fufferect :aa change... . _ .· · _ . ·... · ·


[ 16 ]

C H A P. III. "!'he State qf MASONRY from the FouNDATION ta the CRATION qf the TEMPLE. ·



AVID, King of ffrael, through the long Wars he had with the Canaanz"tes, had not Leifure to employ his own Craft... mm~ or thofe he had obtained from his fteady Friend and Ally, King HIRAM of Tyre; for almoft his whole Reign was one continued Series of Wars, Fatigu'es, and MisfortuneS'; Bnt at:length, having taken the City of ]EBus, and Strong:nold Year of the of ZION from his Enemies, he fet the Craft about Flood 1301. Before Chrifi repairing and embellilhing the Walls ; and public I047• Edifices, efpecially in ZioN, where he fixed his Refidence; and which was from him called the City o.fDavz"d: As alfo by him, or in his Time, the Old Jebus obtained the Name of jERUSALEM. And being denied the Honour of building that Temple therein, on Account of his being a Man of Blood; wqrn down with Years ao.d Infirmities, and timi!tt~~near Year of· the ~is End, he affembled the Chiefs of his People, and Fl. OOCI-" 13~3· Before Chrijf acquainted them with his Defign to have built a 1015 • magni:ficentRepofitoryfortheArk of GOD; having made p~~tm~i&;IIIPtilii'Pill~~ties of rich Materials ; as alto Plans and Models for the \~ t of the StruCture, with many neceifary Regulations for its future Eftablilhment; but found it was the Divine Will, this great Work was to be accomplifhed by his Son SoLOMON. He requefted them to affift in fo laudable a Work. Tin: King .died foon after, in the 7oth Yea-r of his Age, aft~r having reigned feven Years in Hebron, over the Houfe of jt~dab, .and thirty-three over all the Tribes. ·


[ 17 ] UPoN the Death of Davit, andt the Strcceflioo of Sor:.oMol!l', to the Throne, the AffeCl:ionHIRAM had ever main-· Y.e'a·r of the tained foc the Father, prompted him to fend. a gta- F.tbod 1' :n6), tulatory Embaffy to the Son',. expreffing great Joy . Before Chrifl ioii. to find the Regality continued in the Family. When· 'th'efe Ambaffadors retu:nred, SoLOMON embraced the Oecaf110n,. and wrote a Letter to HIRAM in thefe Terms·: ·

. King £9~~~·~~K~ G-!RE E :tl.X'f G. '~'B···· . · ;E'.ft known unto thee, 0 King, that my Father Da'[}id " · had it a long Time in his Mind t6eredi a Temple to the' " Lord, but being perpetually in WaF,- and under a Necet1ity of " clearing his Hands of his Enemies, and make them all his Tri" butaries, before he could :attend this grea.t- an'd holj' Work,. • " he hath left it to me in Time of Pea<!e,. both to begi:rr, and td: "· fini:ffi: it, according t& D1re&iori, as: as the: ~tedidi'orr o'f C ( ' A L MIG:H'I'Y .fp(j JJ1 • Bleffed be h1s gteai! Na:me ~i ffi~t '"' pYefeht'!:Frartt1tii1ii:ty of my Dom.inioils-t a~nd, ~1 hi!J gt~tlds' C( Affiftance; I lhaU now. dedicate. tl~e •heft l'trt'f*ovemenm " this Liberty and' Leifure to his Ehnour :uid Wor~ip·. Wh'e·r~,;... :~ •fore l. m~ke-i~ my Requeft., thatyeu wilf l~t f6me of ytf>ut P~~ ~~- · ~lbftg with r~ ·. · · ,~u~~-'rt5' · . ~;&.Js:lhis Buifcling; u for the Sidoniam underftand it much better than we do.· As . " for, the· W orkmens Reward, or Wages, whatevel" you thinlt ". reafonable·.iliaU, fie;p~nlfu.luUy paid them.'•




hig~i1 pl~ed -with: tbls· L~tte~~ ;a~4 ~fJlrned:·

.. J!.l RAM was the fopowing Anfwer:.

King Hiratn

· ... · tr;



Kt1zg Solomon. .

: N~~~!~~2~i~~=~:~z~:~~;~~t: ..



. .·. .



[ r8J u is devolved, by God's Providence, into theH~mdsof fo excellent,.

"fowife, and fo virtuous a Succeffor :· His.holy Name be praifed! " for it:· That which you write for; 1hall be done with all Care and• "Good-Will: For I willgive Order to·· cut down and export· " fuch <l£antities. of the faireft Cedars., and ·Cyprefs-Trees,. '"'as you fuaii have O.cca:fion. for : My Peop-le·:lhalt bring them to: u the Sea-fide for you, and :&om thence :lhip them away to what: " Port yo'IJ. pleafe, where they may lie ready for your own Men -' to tranfport them to 'Jerzifa!em~ It would. be a great Obligation,. u after all this, toallowus fuch.aProvifio.u ofCornin.Exchange.?. u as may ftand with your Convenience;. for that istheCo~m9d,ity. "' we Ifianders want mo:ll:.u SOLOMONwashighly pleafed with thisAnfwer.ofthe:(yri'an. King, and, in Return for his generous Offers,.ordered, him. a yearly. Prefent of zo,ooo Meafures of Wheat, and.2o,~oo Meafures of. fine Oil for his Houfhold; be.fides the fame Qgantity of Barley,. Wheat,.Wine and Oil, which he engaged to giveH.iram'sMafons,. who· were to· be employed'in.the:intended.Work of t~eTemple•. the Cedars, Fir, and other Woods; upon· Floats. to Joppa; there to be-delivered to whom -Solomon.1houhi .direCt, in. order to be carried' to 'Jerufolem.. He fent him:·alfo a Man of his. own Name,~ 'Ijrian by Birth:; b~tof 1Jrael.iti.Jb Defcent, who was.a fecondBeZti1t.M1,'ttrct"m_,."'.._' WMllt.&ulurB¥~ -ther; and inzChron. ii~,r 3· is calledHIRA'MABB~F, the mo-ft accompliihed Defigner and Operator upon Earth, who in Solomon's. Abfence filled the Chair as _Deputy ~~anil Jllaalltt, and in his Prefence was the Senior c6:a·l_!b·ltflarbtn, or principal~ Surveyor: and Ma.fter of the Work*. THrs~

* In~ Chro#. II. I3· HiRAM King o£ Ty"re (called; there.HURAM) in hi$ Letter· tO King So:LOMON, fays, I ha'Ve font (I Cunning Man; Hura:m Abbie-; 'tvhich is not ~ be tranflated,)ike the Vulgate GreeN.: and Latin, HuRAM '1111 Fatbir; for: his·




[ 19 ] THIS infpiredMafier was, without QQeftion, the 1noft cunning, .fkilful, and curious Workman thatevei: lived, whofe Abilities were not confined to Building only, but extended to aU Kinds of\Vork, whether in Gold, Silver, Brafs, or Iron; whether in Linen, Tapeil:ry, or Embroidery; whether confidered as an ArchiteCt, StaD z tuary, Defcription, verre I ·h refutes it; and the Words import only HuR.AM of my Father's, or the Chief Mqjler Mafon ()f ~y F~thel''A.~I,'~A~vs. Yet . fo?:e t~ink that King HIRAM might call. the !it'rcniteCl: HIRAM his Father, as Ieatiiea and wife Men W¥t~ ~gntto be called by Royal Patrons in old Times: Thus JosEPH was called ABRECH, N the King's Father; and this fame HIRAM the Architect is called SoLOMoN•s Father, 2 Cfmm. iv. ·6.

Did: HIRAM his Father make to King SoLoMoN. But the Difficulty is over at once by allowing theWord ABBIF to be the Surname of HIRAM the ..drtifl, called abolie Hiram .Abhi, and here called Ruram Abbif, as· in the Lodge he is calledUn~:A.M ABBIF, to diRinguifu. him from King HIRAM: ¥:~[this ~eadic1g 1111akes the Senfe plain and compleat, ' that .HIR.AM, King of Tyre, ferit to Ki'ng SoLOMON the cun.ning Workman called H.IRAMABBl.F. He is defcribed ia two Places, I Kings vii. 13~ 14, 15. and 2 Chron. ii. 13, q .•: In the fir{!: he is called o Widow's 'San of the Tribe of Naphtali, and in die.dt.he;r he is called tiM Son .Wa11Uln · · •· Fa:.-

.·Dan, of Naphtali, as her Hufband was a Naphtalite; for he is not called a Tyrian byDefcent, but a Man of Tyre by Habitation, as.Obed Edom the Levite is called a Gittite, and the Apoille Paul a Man ifTa:fus. . ·. . ..·.. _ . l3uttho' H.IR.AM AB.Bit ,had been a Tyrim: .by Blood, that derogates not fro~tihis vafi CapaCity; for tbe Tyrians now were the. heft Artificers, by i:he Encouragement e:.Jf King HIRAM : and thofe .Texts tefiify that God had endued this H;r~AM Allne· with Wifdo111, U nder.ftanding, and mechanical Cunning to perf.qrm •every Thing that SoLoMoN required~ not .only in building the TE.MPLE w.idi all its coftly Magnificence ; but alfo in founding, faihioning, . and framiJJg -all the holy Utel!fils ~her~f, accordi~ to Gem?Zttry, and to find out·cer<Iiry Device that jhall be put to him! a:nd the Scripture '::iffures us, that He fully maintained his CharaCl:er in far l3;~ger l:Vovks than thofe of Aholiab .and,.BeP:.aletl, for which he will be in the l-odges t~ll the End of Time.


[ ~0 tuary, Founder or Defigner, fepar~tely or together, he equaily excelled. Fro~ his Defigns, and u..nder his DireCtion. all the rich and fplendid Furniture of the Temple, and its ieveral Appendages,. were begun, carried oa, and finifhed. s~loman appointed him, in his Abfence.~ to.iiU the Chair, as Deputy-Grand-Mafter:; and, in his Prefence~ Senior Grand-Warden, Mafter of Work, and general Overfeer of .all Artifts, as well thofe whom David had formed y procured from 'I'yre and Sido.n, as thofe Hiram fuould now fend. The Fellow... Crafts were ordered to he partitioned into LoDGEs, of a certain·Nnm'bet, with a.Mafter and Wardens in each, to be duly paid, fed, arid cloathed, and to tak~ Care <>(their Succeffi.on: Thus alaftingFoun~ation was laid ofperfeB:Harmony; Love, and Friendfuip ; each knew his peculiar Bu:finefs and Duty,. and the grand Defign was v:igorootly purfued. The Alliance between thefe wife and learned Princes ended only with their Lives. DlUS, the Hiftorian, tell$ us, that the Lo:ve of Wifdom was the chief Inducement t9 :t~·at Tendernefs of Friendiliip betwixt HIRAM and SoL o¥0'N; that they int~rchanged difficult and myfterious O£eftions, and Points of Art,. to he folV'ed according

to the tl\1~~ a.ll~,~~tur~.(:lf the Ma.tter in Harnd. MeJZaniler, of Ephifu.r, who trcaafta~dth:e ~~Wn~AffitGls. out of the P/,ilift·ine Tongue, into Greek, alfo relates,.thatwhen any-of thefeProp~:fitio~,p;~ffiq.~ wife and learned Princes, Abdrymonu.r~ ·or ~nu.r, t e . · Amor.J, or Hiratn Abbif, anfwered e"Uery Device that was put to him,. 2 Chron. ii. I4; .an~ e.ven challenged Solomon, though the wifeft Prince on Earth, with the Subtlety of the ~eflions he propofed. To carry on this ftupendo~ W o.rk with greater Eafe and Speed, ~n caufed all the Crttftfmen, as well Nartives as Foreigners,: to be n,.umbered, and claifed as follows, .rvz'z. I~ HARODI¥, Princes, Rulers, or Provofts,J': , .10 N um ber, · 3oo . : , C.arried over 3oo


( 2I ) 2.

: _ Bro~ht over MEN.4'l'ZC HI},f, Overfeers and C-o~o.r-}

t.ers -of th~ People in ~orking, -that. were expert ·. ·.. Majer"-Majbn.r; · . · . 3~ GHIBL. IM, Stone-Squarers, au.d) .· Sculptors; and ISH C HO'lZEB, Men of Hew-( . g01000

~ng;able ·.an.d BE!~Ak. S.e. t..·~.· . rs, Layers..or .....·.·B··· ·.·.l·d.• er··.·s. . ~..-.b . ~.and lngel1UOUJ<; ·•~> ~. .;-' V· ) .-·.w·· .


4· T·H·E·Levy~~/



;:>Ia . ; • •

bit-rife'ct~t1~~~e .'

~\~€Month in three, :r-o,ooo every Month, under the Diretl:ion of noble .Adomram, who was the junio·r Graoo.:W'arckn; ,

A~r: the FREE-MAs~Ns6nployed-inthe Wo~ii:}

of:ihe_ T:ernple:, exclnf~o~:~he tv:~.Gr~l~d.:.wm;~:- -_ Jent, were· _ . · ,· · · · ·'· •·


. BESIDES- the'~ Sabbifl~'-rlr'bf.e~ orEa-rtn~i tk~,.~~i-n~ of the :Olli Canaqn#~!, a~~~-t1-~ttr7B~'Oob';wlio4td~:at n~beted 1 -~- ......· '" 1 "!·•.·· 'i '.. . '1 -. a,; ..,::.~ 'MJ(§~Nt'.' .,,,, . .., "' .. . I 'n .. u i :;;:-... · S~L·o~r;N ~K~.rtiti~ned th.eF_dto;;; Chiji;into~c~'1t:troijt~f'WM1a lvfdjer. and Wartkns*; 'rh:if):hey',mig\it'~ttive C~m .. : m.ands .in· a r~gtUar' Mann~t, .m1gh:ttake·Cdre of their T o.olsJiruir ,I


'•' - '_,'



ceffion by .e. . <l);nttttb _ T~ u.s .a folid Foundatioa was laid :of perfeCt Harmony ~cing the .Stotherhopd:. the: .toag{ was ftro~gly _ce.rh~nterr with~L&"'er

anciFfie4n~ip: etefyB~~~W6t~;r~s duly.·~tan_ghfSecreff'an. -~fil? deQte~ '·l\Jqrality"and;gd,b1ft:Fbildw~iip::· ·eacll 'im~W''hrs:1~Ri-' d.

Buhnefs, .and the :Gran~ 'Dr.Jitn wa~ vrgorqn~y purfu¢d~f'ipio~ di iousE . nee. - ·. · · · · · · :. •'C.< ,·-.:·~' .· tf · · · .

gw 11 ~,N ~t~fe ~;a,~!l~~n~~-~~,J,~o·ha<l~~~:


ruit:<Wmg ~~~f.~f~~~l.~~:,tr~~.?f~g~~-:~ll~f~ pr~cw~~ ~r:~;~~ .


,J'':~"·;.~~·~ i!l









'l ~



i ..~



··'t; According to the Traditiom of old Mafons, who talk II\UCh:of th~fe Things.





and other rich Materials to thofe, which Da"Vid had laid up before his Death; put them into,propet Hands, to wrought into ari infinite Variety-of Oriuments. ,. The ·vaft Number of Hand:s' t;mployed, and the Diligence, Skill, and Dexterity oftheMAsTER if the Work, the D'Verfeer-s and Fellow-Ortifts, were fuch, .thathe was abJe to kvel the,F!Iot-Stone,d.this vaft StruGture,in the fourth , Ye~r .Q"f:his Reign, the ·thi.r·d after the Death of Da'Vid; and the 48oth after the Children of ifrael's paB1ng the Red-Sea. This , mttgni.ficent Work was .begtm in Mount Moriah, ·~~~ld ~~ 9 ~:e ,onMonday;,J:hei~GonG.Dayof the MonthZif, '''hich o'ftbe·F.Iood .anfwers ,to .tli.¢ .twenty-fir{}: of.our Aprii, being the .cZ:~ 1~;~:e fecond Month of the f~cred Year; and was car.. --· ,. ... :ried 'Gfl wJth ·fp,chprodigious Speed., that it was .fi·~lifhed ;ip. all;its ;.~arts .iPJi.ttle more :than f~ven Years, which happened on the eighth Day of the Month Bul, which anfwers to the twonty~th~rd ofo_ur-Otluber, b~ng.thefeventh Month of the fac;red Year, ~a.n:rl: ~~e elev_e_rH~ of King Solomon. What i$ il;ill.more afl:oniiliing, is, that every P!.ece of it, whether Timber~Stone> or ¥.,etal_,, framed, and poliih,ed~<>Jenyalem; (o tlt9tt no' other Toqls w.a.nt~~ .or .h:ear~;. tliih' what were · aec.eff.ary;!&)~ *~ ,fev~r~)tartstpg~~her. All .the !DQif.e.of Ax~. I:I~~mer, ,a,nd Saw~ was confined to Lebanon, the ~arries and Plains.of7er.edatha~1 .th.a,t nothing 111,ight be heard -·~mong th.e


Maf0J;)IG,~f-. ~,


Ta:J> Le~gcl;l;of tl,le

· . .



was fixty Cuqits, ..of .the. fl\cred l\1eafure; the. Breadth twenty Cubits, or one thirQ. of ~ts Length; and the Height thirty ,Cubits to ,the.,upper Cieling, diftinCI:from the l'orch·: So that the 'femple was twic.e as Ion~ and .l~rge every Way as the Tabernacle. ThePorchwas I2oCubits·high; itsLength twenty; and.Breadth t~n Cpbits. T.lle Harmony and Symmetry of the th'ree Dimen(ions in theT.eqlp~eareveryremarkable, which are thePropqrtions congruous to the three great Concords in Mufick, which muft be a _.grateful Proportion to the Eye, as that Harmony in Mu[lck is fo . _ex,

[ 2J ] exceedingly raviihing to the Ear. The Oracle, or Moft Holy Place, was a- perfeet·Cnbe of twenty Cubits, thereby ihadowing the PerfeCtion ofHappinefs: ThegreatPhilofopher,Arljlotle,fays, that he who bears the Shocks of Fortune valiantly, an_d demeans himfelf uprightly, is truly good, and of a fquare Pojture without Reproif. Befides_, as the {quare Figure is the moil: firm in Building, fo this Dimehfion of the Oracle w~s to denote the Conftancy, Duration, and Perpetuitjtpf!f~~y-~, .':(Jl;ie'Wf!llQ(the0uterCourt, or that of the, Gen{iles, waS77ooFeetin-Compafs,andaiitheCourts ~ndApartments would contain 3oo.,ooo People:.. The Who~e was adorned with I 4-53 ColumnsofParianl\llarble, twifted,fculptured; andvoluted-, with29o6 Pilaftres,decorated with magnificent Capitals, and. about doublethat.Numbe~ of Windows, beudes thofe in thecuriousPavement. TheOracle andSanCI:uarywaslin-ed with maify Gold,-adorned with all the Em belliibments of Scu1 pture, and fet with numerous, moit- gorgectus, and d~zzlingDeq:>ration.s of Diamonds and . all Kinds of .· orecious Stones •. No Structure was ever to be compared w.~th--the. Terpple,. f.or its exaCtly proportioned and beautiful.Dimenfions, from-the magnificent. Portico on the Eaft, to the glorious and reverend SanClum Stpzelorum on. theW eft; with the •numerQ11S Apartm~nts ~


for fh~~~!(,-i~*S.~.~~¥

· · f~:t.::;P;If~~&~:~~ft~.r;r~Pd.People . of ~itel; a;nd.i rt for the Gen:ttles, it being an Houfe of Prayer for all Nations. The Profpea of it highly tranfcended all that we are now capable to il}lagine, and has ever, been efteemed the tin eft Piece of Mafonry upon Earth, before or un.ce •. THE old Conftitutions aver., that~ fome ihort Time before the Confecration of the Temple, . King HIRAM. came . hty Ed·.c · Flood Year of the £rom cr: :.tyre, to·ta k e a v·.rew.o.f t ha t m1g · · Ince, l 35 6. and- to infpe& the different Parts thereof, in which Before Gbrift 9 92 • he was accompanied by King SoLOMON, and the :DeputyGrttnd-Mafter, HIRAM ABBIF; and after his View there-of~.


.Z+ J

of,. &~hiitd the Temple ~to be the utmo.ft Strekh of .hl:nn:a~ Art.· .ao·r.o.:M!~N" Ifrere~agaiir riae\tttti' the!: League with HrRAM; an·d maXie hiQ.i .t P.refent of the S.~red' Scriptures) tta.ntl;a:ted irtto the Sytiac 'To:t:rglrfe~ which,: it is faW:, is fti:ll eX:fant among the, ~ilid ·other Ea:ftern (:hriftians, under the :Name of the ·old Syruu: Vertion. Tn.n:. 'temple of JEH<OVAH· being BnMhed:, under the Aufpices. of the· wi~' and' glori'ou:s King of IJrael, S-oLoMo-N, the · .Prince of Arcbi!le.lllde,· and tiM· GRAND-MAsTER Mqfon of. his Day,. th~ Fttaiteraky: cele~'rate&: the Cope-:- Ston-e with great Joy; bufl'thdit·.}£i>y,*as-foon interrupted by the fudderi De~thlof their tiw:i-.andw0ttth:y Mafter HiRA:M ABBIP; nor 1efs· w~ the €bni ce~ ~f K:fng Solom()ff-, who, ·a:i~er fume Time allowed· to the &4ft t()l veFlt their Sorrow, ordered his Obfequies to be perf.or.ntedl with great Solemnity and Decency_, and buried him in th~ Lotlge; n~ar the TempJe,. according 'td the aacient Uf'ages among MAsoNS; and leng mourned· for his Lofs~· AFTER HIRAM AB:BIF was· moutned lor, the ~alltrnade ef. ·M:o s~s and i~s 'holy Reliques being· ~OdgM ~ tke?C'mtptt,: S:Q~t:e':«:o~liti<a~~Jjeralt A::lfembly, dediCated, or eonfecrated It by folemn Prayer, and eoftly Sae'rificfS' :pian: Nu:inber, ·with the fineftMuiic, vocal and infrrumental, pniifiogJEHOVAH, upon fi~~·~,~.~~~· · the Chertt-

bims;· when JEH01\fA · of Gl01'j I Bur h:~aving what mull: not, and,

i:t!!ottd ind~ed,

what cannot be committed to Writing, we may certainly affirm, that, however gmbitious and emul~us ~he Gentiles were in· improving. the Royal .Art~ it was never perfeB:ed till the builaing of this ~O~gtOtt~ Youft of Gon, fit for the fpeaial Refulgence of hisGlooy upon Earth, where he dwelt between· the Cherubims, on the MercySeat, above the Ah~, and from thence gave his Peqple frequent oraculous Refponfes. THE

[ 25 ] TaE Fame of this gra~d Edifice foon prompted the Inquifl· _· tive of all Nations to travel, and fpend fome Time at Jer¥falem, and furvey-it's Excellencies, as far as was allowed to the Gentiles> and they foon found., th-at the joint Skill of all the World came infinitely :fhort of the lfr4e!ites, in the Wifdom., Strength., and Beauty of their A R HI T E c T u R E ; . when the w:ft King S 0 L 0 M 6 N was ~:anb Jleaftt~ of all Mafof!s at jiz:Zffo!rm., and the learned King -,if;~~~.(•r:~as -~~1{,'!/f"' -~~·:f(yte, and ~J~fpireei ¥Y~-M'tr~·n·rr ·had been Mafler of WoNt;' "'he~. :true ~pf~'Mq(onry was under the immediate Care 'and Direction -Of Heaven; when the NoBLE and the Wift thought it theit Honour to be the Aff'ociates of the ingenious Craftfmen in theit well.formed Lodges; and. fo the ¢tniplt of JEHOV AI-l:, the one true GOD, becam-e the juft Wonder of all 'Ih;zvelltr:r, by - which, as by the moft perfed Pattern, they ~efol~ed; corre8: the .drchiteliure of their own Countries upon their Retufh.



( ; . . •·, II


, ,

c:·H A P. IV,. ·;


0 q,~l;)- M;Q N. J}e~t ~"'.~,:_ ~d Frate,.rm_·c,_ ill catrying. ~A 0 h1s rother Wor~ :'~)'~R~s _mt<> (p J\LAC~.s at. :jrrrtjillem.

{~,hi'ma(d.f::and his~f!Me~he·fratelf. fi¢lL,.t. o£-:j:~~re, ,



· ,., ~.r'




.. ;·.



i Ct


•· with


~NE ~rqtG~mri~~ that_~n~-~~.~~_114 ~'d !>:~~~t?t~b(q/let: of all Mofinr; \ut wh~ the. TEMP).~ was fimhiai, JII~M "Came, tQ furv.ey It before its Collfe.C'at~) and td 1'~ '-\vitJF6t:n..0M-N a1r~t'W'ifdbm ~nd Art ; and, ~ng •

:tlle Great _A.rchitet"f of the :Univer~ had infpired Sot-o:MQN .above art mortal Men, HIRAM very readily .yielded the Pr-e-emi-nence to SoJi.OMON J£.DmrAH~ IIChe &liYllecl if Goi-, · : .

[ 26.1 with his Ivory Throne, and Golden Lion.r ...:....:....:.MILLo, or ·the Royal Exchange, made by filling up the Great Gulf, between; Mount Moriah and Mount Zion,.. with ftrong Arches,. upon, which many beautiful Piazza.r were erecred~ with lofty CollonaJ... ing on each Side, a11d between the Columns a fpacious Walk. from Zion Ca.ftle to the 'l'emple, where Men of Bufinefs met.The HousE of the Fore) of LelJanon, built upon four Rows of. Cedar-Pillars,. his Summer-Houfe to retire from the Heat of ~u:finefs, with a 1Yatch-'l'orzver that looked to the.Road to Damafcus. Several Cities on the ·Road between Jerzifalem and. ~eb~non. Many Store-Hou:Ces We)J of the 'Jordan, and feveral $tortf-Cities. Eafl of that River, well fortified: And laft 9f aU ~abtn.or; io the Defart toward$ SYRlA, one Day's Journey. from the Euphrates, and. from BABYLoN, called in later Times by the Greeks. PALMYRA, with a lofty Pa1ac:.e in it: The vaft and glorious Ruiris of this ence.great City, in Marble Pil':" Jars, Arches, and other grand Re11;1ains, have been at large de:-fcribed,._ and are feen by Travellers tothis Day ... ALL thefe, and many more coftly Edifices,. were :finiilied in-; the ihort Space of thirte~n Years after' the Year of tlife Flood' 1369. Ctmple, by the· Care of 5 Princes, or Mafter.s Before Ghrifl ofWork: For MAsONRY't>lHhrough ... 9-79· out all' the Kingdom of ifrael, and many LoDGES



were oo~tut.d under . _ . .. . .t:a~,...~~~~~ old Con.ftit!Jtions relate, annriaJiy affembled; the G~AND LoDGE, at Jertifalem, to pre:Cen:e the-· Cem.e-?t ·of the Fraternity; al;ld tranfmit their Affairs to the lateft Pofterity.· AND even dpring his Idol~try ·he built: fome·cutions <r~,/,pk.t to €btm.offi, Jllaolocfl, and 'itfJ)tarot!J, ·the Gods of his Con-cubines, till about three Years before ~ ~~en l:te,;P~:U~ pofed hi's_·penitential Song, the Ecc!¢4Jles'; and fixed. tfte· true. Motto. OXl a11.earthJ,y c;Jlory, Vi;?f. VA.NITY ofYANJTlES, AI,L.


'' .•



[ 21


-ls·VANITY, witiJaut the Fear of G 0 D, and the keeping if his Co_tnmantk, which is the whole Duty of Man ! and A. M. 3029. i · tiled aged 58 Years. · , . ..t. C. 975· S: ·M.AMY of SoLoMoN·s Mafon.s, before he died, began to travel, and. carried with them the High 'I'ajfe. of ArchiteCture, ·with the Secrets of· the Fraternity, into Syria, · 'Lejfor .AJa~ Me.fopotamia, Scythia; AJ/jria, Chaldr:ea, Media, Ba8ria, India, Perjia, ·. Arahia, Egypt, and atbet Pait~. -of great.ASI.A, and· APRicA; · aHb iiit~~Eu:rto'tE:, rib doubt; thong'h ·wcliave rio Hi ... .frory t'<>' affure us yet of the Tranfattions of Greece and Italy ~ But the Tradition is, thatthey travelled to HERCULEs's PILLARs on the WdJ;and to CHINA on the Eafl: ·And the old Conjli... tutions affirm,: that one called N INUS, who had been at the building of Solomon's 'I'emple, brought the refined Knowlekige of the Science, ·and the 4rt into Germany and GtJul• .· IN many ·Pfaces bein-g highly efteemed, ·they <:>btained fpecial Priv!I~ges; and becaufe th~y taught their liberal .Art only to the ~·4[#n, TJrey"were called FREE MasoNs S·conaitu~in~h7~n · in the' Plates where they ~uilt fl:ately Pilesj 1fi:rthe ti:n;~~ge­ ment.of.the Great and Wbtltlly, who fooil requefted t-o be ac.... cepted ·4s _Members of the'Lodge, and Brothers of the Cr'!ft,; till by Merit thofe Free and acce ,tl.J'f'ft.iJ,:& cam~ :tobe-Mttj!en . 1\,1"!<·!:11~"1''~ t"rf·$·: ~'1• ' N A v Kings, Princes; and Potentates became ~raub Jmaller.s, · each in his own Dominion, in Imitation of King ··Solomon, , wh<>fe ~emory, as a Ma.fon, has bee11 duly worihipped, and· will be,·· till Arch·ite&?ure fuaU be confumed in the general eoo.-. :flag-ration; for he ne~er can .be'tivalled; but by .OOe eq.~f in .. fpired frcml aeove. . .. . r!.J 'I'HE Dl.vifion of SoLoMoN's·in'l:e theltingdoms of :{[rae! and J.~. di,d.not _much .. a:ff'e~_the :F'fa-.·~· Year of th~' ttnttty, or di:A:irb tllet,r Lotiges: For Jtrobsam or- Flood x 3 j~-"~ dered .them to. 'bu1la ''hw~t:wo PalaceS, the one )~· f·.9i'.,~i \




[ 28' at




tne other at Penuel;

and alfo to malt•

ana erect:

the two curious Statuuof the GotDEN CAt vEs, with ~mtP~ for. their Worihip, the one in Bethel, and the other in Dan,., which were WOJ;fuipped. by the Jfraefite.;, till they were taken, ~nd carried away by Salmaniftzr <ind.. Tiglath--:filefir. . King~ Eaa.fot~ built 'tirzah .for his Palace;· and King Om# built Sa-. maria. for his Capital; where his Son,. King AHAB, built:a.large and fumptuous ~tlU}llt: for his Idol ~aal~ afterwards de-:!hoyed by King .Je!.Ju, and a, Palace of Ivory, befides l:Ilany Caftles and fenced Citie.s~ ; . SpLoMa~''S Royal Race, th,e Kings·cf j<uti'<!lj,.~d h1m: al{o in the GRAND MASTER's Chntr, or deputed tP.e High Prie:ll. to preferve the Roy41'4rt ~· Their. Car~ of the T~mple with the· ·. many Btlildi.ngs they :roaif.~.d, and itrong Forts, are mentioned in~ holy Writ dowl). to JosiAH the i.afr goOd King of :fudah. SoLoMoN's ~tabdln~ improved the Gentiles beyond Expref~. non. Thus the S)'rt~ans adorned their Da~mifcus witrh. aJofty ~emple · :lifld a Royal Pa_lace.. Tho(e of kfJ/4n 4Jia becam.e·. exceJlent Mafim, parti~ularly flt; Sartli$ in kydifA, -~ ~:~~~~~il:~. in\Jl§il¥J<:i~nt!le Cities,, as a~ q£p,befut;f: , ~~ .1 . .· .. THERi' ·the o1~~9;'~~~~ o( ·~".built by feme :1apheiites. about the D-ays of Mqjes~. be~ag .hurnt dWJ~n abou:t 3-f:"Yea_rs afte1· · Solomon's Death, the Kings of Lejfer A.fta refounded atJ.d .adorned it •.J...·.~€ • 1'16 Wl'r1~~~f'f,JJ~'l~: . . . ~.,;3. :' of them were of the moft aob~. Sc;slptur,., by: .tl:te. · utea:ion of' ~ltfipben and ~ttbip'(Uon; theDifciples of Solofnr;u' sTtayellers ~' but it was Qat finiihed till after .~zo Years in the Jth'Yoor. of Heze .... kirJh ~ing _of Judah, un,der_ the D.ire~9~-.o.t)h.e;;~n~ E:[ib¢a7e: Mdl:ers in this Royal Craft, Demetrius and Pok_~r .11; M:. 3.283~

· ·TiiJ~Tetnple' ofthe·..lonic:Order in Length.4~5 F¢~.,.,4nd in Br~addl ~2.9-Feet, .with a duly prO-EC>rtionectJie~.:fu.maini­ :fic~t,;!~:~r.a~~ a Fabrick, that it. h~me ~e thir,~?~ th~ feven:'drt,.;;the chay~ ~i:fttefs of L_;jir..~Jc?,.,whic~.ever~. -<?>:e.s ,.

[ 29,J Xerxe.r, the avo\ved ;~llt:lqlJ': 0,/mage J1Torfoip 1 left il:andlng, whHe he ·burnt all the other 'temples in his Way to Greece. BuT,. at laft, it. was. bur.t:tt down by a vile Fellow only fot$e Lufr of\>.eing talked of in after Ages ( whofe N :;Lme therefqre ihall not,be: meptionpd;h~r~) on.othte,Birth-Day of Alexander the Great,.. after it lt4d ftood 36.5 1 "¥;~f:.-$,: ~bout A.M. 368o. whenj9CofePeo..;. ·ple faid;,. 'The·GoJdejs was fo deeply eng-aged at the Birth ofher Her() , in f{M~coooni~ll?.~df~i:tf:.~fifut:f,/Ofove 4er_ :fe~ple; . o/:::il,W.ES.J.'f:Sr_.. 4li;,jJ.fif. . .J~~ the ~- ~ighbouring Princes and States.. . . , . 'TH:E :A8SYRIA:NS,·ev€r fmce NJ.M-RoD and NiNus:,. had:cul~ tivated tlie Roy~tlAr.t,. efpeciaYy at~~ir G:~~tNINIVE.H, down~· · to ~jpg[PQ'.L .(towbo!l'li;]lll1W'h·pr~ached) and. his Son Sar:danPztfC(r· SA}t:f>A.~4ftte.4rs.,;~an~ ~l[Q;(o.n.o! Crm~oJer.os, whowasbefiegedby . his 'Br:otJh~r 'I'ig/aJ1.1 Jl~l!r/U ~n4 ·~ ~.n:~ral, :Nifpon,aj[a,r"'. ti~~ h~ burn:t h~m(elf W~tb his Co:~~ubi,~'e.s :~ T.r€a(qre, Ql4·N~¥s. P~ill the .1-ath Y ~~.~~~·~ing;,of yudah, A~ M~--::3 2 s7.~·


wh.e~;E~pU;e~s.partitioned ? ~V:L:~,~ who fu~.d:iri NINIYEH~ and•N1-B·~.~tASf~~.t(Jlq .got:

C: H AI;t.D;~4• · , . : .;· · ~. . . ;( .. , N.A:BONAS·SA-R,.,calJ.ed;,a-lf.oljde.Jjs·or.Baladan,an ...· . ""'-Jl..... ,,.~,,.;..H•"',....


. the :firft Year of the..:

. Lo

Naho'!aJ!fn:t'an~ or fan1ous, A. M. 3 2 57.:


·.. F~c~nCity.B~-~YLo~i~·.RO~·m.entioned by any &:tthor~~~ fureffp.f#!,:~.~~:b.s>W.·I.tsJ!:ife;and.i~s ~~~·~ .....· ..' · , . q:;~x·B#epce·imd_!heJ~~;tibi._nP.~:o~yJ!~~r~:\D!?I~!H · . ·

4fo .to-,;~,fa.t:~~·:B.P.ftJ~.r ~.h:s;t a¥~ q~f~tt:.~~. ·' ·. . · ,' "~.1~eat1 . ~e~4~ t~~ 914:-~J{X~l~~~·-Wdl:ern; Courfe-~ · F(J;t!-·the; ~~iple&'O(~Iaft1~~s ::r~~v. ;. ·, f~,~y the Enco~1::·

~~~nt. of ~~HY~~~~s;J.r(iA~.t~~:49Jriazz ~oun~~··


~~~. ~nd: -~n:~~Si~; a~ ~ber.... ·

.. :, :·;. ~;.i!"' ·


r 30 1

.su cIt as Borifthenes' and Sin ope in pONT us : Nicomedia> Prz!lias~ :and Chalcedon in BIT HYN I A: B~zantium {now Conflantinojle) Ciz'i-· tus aHo and Lampjacu.r in theHELLESPONT: Abdara THRACE: Many Cities in GREECE, 'I'arentum, -Regium, Rome, Ravenna~­ Crotona, Florence, and nianymote in IT AL~: Granada, Malaga, Gades, &c. in SpAIN : Mt!ffilk and others on the Coaft ofGAUL: while BRITAIN was unknown. ~·;· ·.. , . · · ·. · · THE Syrians adorned Dama}cus, by theAffiftahce ofSoLoMoN's MAsoNs, with a lofty TEMPLE, a RoyalPalace; Year of the · Flood 1 6ot. and a public Altarof inofr adinirable W or.Km:aniliip,~Eefore· Chrfft which lift fo dt~ifhed AlHAz, :K.iil.g>~r 'Jridah, that 0 l'4· ' he caufed a Pattern thereof to be taken, and fent it to URIJ AH, the High-Prie{J: of Jer.Ujalem; and upon his Return; having removed . the Altar of the Lord 'oui: of its Place in the ·Ctinplt, ordered this new Altar· to fet up in its Stead. . AFTER godly JosiAH King of Judah fighting for his fuperior Nabopoltfifor, 'was flai~ in the Battle of HadahRimmonby Pharaoh



Necho, A: M. 3394·1 1 h' · · . · · ·. ·B. C. 6ro. S a 1 T mgs went. !Vr<;mg_p~ Judfl~ •. ·· Fo:J.ttheGrandMonarchNEBucHADNEzzAR;llrlthisFather's Partrier'hi~l~g"defea·~ea· Necho~ ~~d~ ;JoJia~'s Sori J~hqiakiin· his Vaifal, and for his revolting He ruiriedhim, and at length captivated all the remaining R~alFamily of Jucja_h with the Flower ofl~·Ndblttt,J~~~~~ tJNr..sin. . . .~.-', ~d wa~e t~e whole ~and !frae!/'butrlt 'and 'demblit.hed' air ·th.~ fine Edifices, and alfo the glo~ious ~nd inimitable ~tmplt of SoL~MoN after It was finiihed at?-d confecrated 416 Years. · ]:1'oR in the :fifth Mon~h, on the fevepth Day c:>f the. Month, .l._e. towards the End of 6ur July~ came .NebuzaraJan, Captain -of the.Guards to the King ofBA~YLON; to JE'ltU.SALEM, .arid· after having taken out all the facred Veffels, and the' Two famous ~latf, that were· in the Temple, and all. the Riches that could b~ found in the King's Pala~e, and the City_: He did, purfuant





( 3I

tatheCommand of his Mafter, on the tenth of the fame Month:, fet both the TEMPLE and CITY onFire, overthrew all the Walls~ Fortre:lfes, and Towers belonging thereto,,yvhoHy rafing and levelling it to the Grouqd,till he had brought all to a·thorough and perfect Defolation. , . . · · NEBUCHADNEZZAR being -now at Reit from all his. Wars, and being in. full Pea.c~ at.home,. he applied himfelfwith.gre~t Indufb:f1:~ ~~q~rqiiLg·on this.· i;:~ 0~ 7~t gra.n~:_:CehgP._~ qruPJing ?fhis BuildzngsatBAB.Y-. B. c. 5 7 o~ . . LON, tilad·e:mp'loyed therein all the -able Artifts of juDEA,_ and other Captives to join his own Chaldean MAsoNs;. who by their joint Labquc made: it 1:\1~ fourth of the feven Wonders Qf Art . The moft.famous Works thereiu were theW ALLS the City,1:,he ~mpltofB:i:Lus,.. in which were placed.tlw BRAZEN SEA, the PrL-~ARs, &c.broughtfrom]ERUSALEM,the . . . . . .f . . Palace and hanging.Gan:lens,' t.}leRiverand the artificial Lake and _Cap,~l~, Il).aQ.e.:fo~ dr~~'~g.tl1fll .. In the Magnificenc~~n4 ~~~~ff"~w~~Wbiks~_he much exc~eded wh~tfo~v:er ~.he~ done by any K1ng befOre hun:. And exc~ptinK the amazipg WAL r:... CHINA, nothing like ithas'been fince.attemptedwhereby any. pneelfe beequ~ll~dto~~· Thisfumptu9U~GR~N.~}Y.L~,ST~Ra ' ' ' . . .. .. . . .. ... •IiVtAGE" . · ·. · · ;: containing 7000 Attic s of Gold, 'according to Diodorus, which 1tmonnts to three Millions and a half of our Money. THE MEDES and P~~SIA:~s ~d~u~l;t improved in the Royal Ar~, . ~nd h~d,l~iva}~ed!the. .A!J:.rz';n_s a~-~ ~~a!dea~s. ip..~).Q~p~ ·-~~ tfBI\IJatt'fl\a; ~l£lrtil)"~.lf; a;_1d•ma:ny more iine·Citt~s-' before They conquered th-arn in War; thel<Phey had nothing fo, lflrg,e as ~inillt~ and ,25abn:f:o~~· rw~ fo ~c~u~e a&fhe. €nnplt;. ~d;the other: Strua:un::s of S.oLoMoN.... r :t · . ·. . .~J:I;Ej~~i,d C~p.trve~:~frer NeiJuchR~ne~r'S.Death, kept-them-

of ~









., .I

_., •

! in REOtfiLA~'bo~e.r, wait.i:n_g the apP.oint~dT:im~ .




t 3~


of their Deliverance; and were thus the more capable, at th~ Re... Jut!io'lll, or Rebuildi~g the Hdly T m:J>Ie ~nd C£ty of Salem upon the dd Foundations; which was ordered by the Dtcree of Cvi us, :according to God's Word that h~d foretold his <Exaltation and that Decree, for, Beljhazzar being flain, CYRus, A.M. 346S. the Perjimr;foon after removed· the imperial Seat to Year of the Flood 18xo. Szfliana,. in Per.fia, and thereby put an End to the B. C. 538. Babylonia:1Z Empire, after it had flood 209 Years; -and promifed the ljraelites, great FavO\!r, and a fpeedy Reftoration to their own Land. · . . . THE Medesand Perjians had much improved in'the Royal .Art, . and had even out-~one the A.lfyrians·tn MAsoNRY Yeu Q[ the at Echatana, which being repaired, beau~ified, and Flood t64I· · .B. c. 7-o7. vaftly enlarged by. Deiocu, King of the Medes, who reigned there with great Wifdom, Honqur, a.nd Profperity for above fifty Years; during which Time he conftantly employed THE'FRATERNITY, and it becoming a great City, he is for this Reafo:h, by'the Gr~eks, thought to. be the Founder of it. Alfo Stfliana and Perjepolis;·· .tJiim!''m.sretme Cities; were bullt before the Perjians had· ovcrcothe 'th~ :AJ/jf'ians a.nd Babylom(ms in War, 'where they! had fuewn admirable Skill; · but yet did not come up to the Accuracy of the t<!t'tJttplt, and other StruCtures of SoLOM()N. ·''"" •. . ' ' ~;:F~~~···IliDI!t,.dl.lllil~-~·;!l'•.j!'\t· CHAP~


<J'he St.ate of MAsONRY from Grllml-Ma)Jw C~JUTS, t(J G1'anJ.. Mt!fter SELE1;'J.CUS NICANOR;. Y~··of.the


whom the ALMIGHTY ARcarTECT had fore-ordained to execute his Decrees for ··, reftoring his chofen People, the FREEBORN Children of Iftael. and for rebuilding the Ho!J 'Iemple at J~R usALEM; h~v­ Flood xiu. l3. c. 536·


'[ 33


ing founded the Perjian Empire, iffued out his ))e¢ree for reftor~7 ing .., the Jews unto their own Land, and for rebuild· of t11e· ingofthe Temple at]ER USAI,.EM: And confi:ituted Flood 1812, ZERUBBABE_L, the Son of Salathiel, his Provincial. .B. c. 53 6: GRA,ND MAsTER in the Land of JUDEA, the lineal Heir ofDAVID'sRoyal Race and Prince of the.Redu8ion, with the High Priefi:· ~cff)uaJ) his Deputy; under the Title ofTIRSHATHA, by im~11ediate Commiffio,n fr:o~tl?,ijrn,.: .: . . Apq J~lJ t.he :V~ffels of Gold ?md Silver brought to Babylon from Jenifalem, tvere, by this De::j;reey, ;ordered to be delivered hy.JYiithredath, the King's Treafurer, to ZERUBBABEL, who. carried them back to jERUSALEM; tJ:?.e Veffels that w~re at th~s Time reftored amount.ed to 5400, the Remainder was brought back byEzra, in the Reigl:} ofArtaxerxe; ~ Longimanus- many· Years af.ter. . :But,. before._ th~ 'l'emple ·was half ~nilhed, CYRus died; which tl}en put a Stop to the Work.!· . ..CAMBYSES the Succdforof Cyrusnegleeted the'I'emple; being 'Y~olly intent upon t}J~J'G9:f!queft of Egypt, that had revoltedun:pei:~~~.s,;rjS, ~h.e }aft of Mitzraim's Race~ alearp.e4.GrandA(djler, for whom the Felfo'UJ Crafts cut, out of a R.9ck, a11}jpufe~~ df one Stone 2 I Cubits long, -~ 2 broad aQd 8 deep, the Labour of zooo Mtifons for three .Years, and brought it fafe to Memphis. _ Hi1h~~~~uilt·man3 1fPlF1 .s;ru4t~qrs~.~~tJ:ikl1~d~JatgeJjr- to ~~9iM<:i9~- _, . · . *nbus ~uizjie·ri«.Delp!Ji in Greece, and died much lamented juft as CambJfe! had r~ached to Egypt, A.M. 3478. CaMBYs;t:s ,conquered.the!,.and, and .d.efi:royed many 'I'emples, J1a./ace.r, Obe!ifks, and other glorious Monuments of the an.ti~nt Egypti(m ,Mijonry, an.d·d.ied onliis Way ho~e~-A. M. i4fi~~. THE falfe ·smerdis, the Magian, taking A~v.autage ~f.thisEv~nt, ufurped theTlirone by theNameofArtaxerxe.r,accordingtoEzra, and fiopt the building of the Temple~· But was fooo d~tl~rpn~d apd . ~car


uq;e~_ded ~



by . . ... .



. .

... :..,:,i ...n ·'f. . . ...........





.... ; ;.;DA· ...


one of the feven Princes that confpirecl to cut him off. Darius married Artifiona the Daughter of CYRus, and confirmed his Decree.路 DARIUS was a Prince路 of Wifdom, Clemency, and Jufi:ice; and hath the Honour to have his Name recorded in Year of the Holy Writ for a Favourer of God's People, aRe .. Flood 1828. fi:orer of his Temple, and a Promoter of his W orB; C. 520. ihip therein; he was blefTed with a numerous Iffue, a long Reign, and great Profperity. IN his 6th Year, jufr.2o Years after the Founding of the 'I'em.. ple, ZERUBBABEL finiihed it*' and celebrated 'Year * .A: M.of 3489. the Cape Stone; and next Year its Confecration or the }'loo<hS32. Dedication was folemnized. B. C. 515. AND' tho' it came far fuort of SoLoMoN's 'I'em ... pie in Extent and Decorations, nor had in it the C/Qud of Glory or D:ivine~J)tciJinaiJ, and the holyReliques ofMofts; yet being reared in the Solomonian Style, it was the fine:ft Building upon E.arth. THE Sidonians were frank and liberal tewards this Work, as in the Days ofHIRAM,. bringing down Ced~:r-Ph&binAbundanee from LiNmus to the Sea-Shore, and from. thence i:r.rto the Pert of 'Joppa, as they had ordered firft by Cyru1, and after him by Darius. Here, alfo, the curious路 Craftfmen held :ftated and regular Lodges~ as in. the Days of Solomon ; affociated with the MafterMafoas~ givtngLec.tates; -MMy'tAelftlt~a~Uf11ges. J IN this Reign 2o:oafttttl flouriihed, the .Archimagus or Grand 1tlafle~ of the Magians (who worihipped the Sun and the Fire made by his Rays) who became famous every-where, called by the Greeks, the Teacher of all human and divine Knowledge,; and his Difciples were great Improvers of Geometry in the liberal Arts, eretl:ingmany PalacesandFireTemple.rthroughouttheEmpire,and long flourifhed in Eaftern .Ajia, even till the Mahometans prevailed; and a Remnant of them are fcattered in thofe Parts to this Pay, who retain many of the old Ufages of the Free Mafons, for which they



[ 35


are here mentioned, and not fot their Religious Rites which are not the Subject of this Book: For we leave every Brother to Liberty of Confcience; but fl:rictly charge him carefully to maintain the Cement f!! the Lodge, and the three Articles .of NGAH. Zoroajlres was flain by .A:rgaj]> the Scythian; A.M. 3-517; and Hyfltifpu died 3518. · · . · XERXES his Son fucceeded, who encouraged the Magian Mafons, and de:ftroyed all the Imege 'l:emples {except that of Diana at Epbefiu} in· hi~ W~ ·ib f}teece; with ~:m AttiPJvf iive Millions; .and~:pS·paft Number. AHA SUER US, called Artaxerxes Longimanus, ha\ling married the beautifulye'lvejs, <l!!.een EsTHER, be- Year of the came a great Favourer of the 'Jews; and, in the FloOd z838. third Year pfhis Reign, he made a great Feaft in B. c. szo. his Palace of SuzA; And the Drinking was occordingto the

Law, NoNE DID coMPEL: Forfo the King had appointed to all t!JI! O.fficers of his Houfl;. that they Jhozdddo accr;rding.t.a roery Man's PNafitt"e; E~.·i. ver~ 8. ·He alfo appointed ~zRA, the }earned Scribe, t<> fucc·eed ZER UBBABEL in the Direfrion'of th~ ~IlAFT; who built many Synagogues, as well in :ftrt!fab:, as in the other Cities of judea: And next to him NEHEMIAH; who built tlie ftrong Wall~ of jerufalem : He for t~at Purpofe y ~ of the · • ~., S:~-::*t~~mpiities, Ffoe1d rS93· more properly Ladges, and ailigned to each of them B. C. 455• the ~arter, where they were to work, and their Places of Re.. frefhment; but referved to himfelf the Reviewal and Direction of the Whole, in which heJaboured fo effectually as to compleat the Work, notwithftanding the utmo:ft Efforts of his J!n:e~ies, both within and without the Walls, to retard his Defigfi. While Part of the CRAFT wer~ carrying on the Building, the othet• ftood to their Atms to defend them· againft any fudden ,Attack.: ,And all had ti}eir Arm's at Hand, even while they worked, to

f z



.. [ 36 ] pe ready,

ae a Signal given, to draw together to any Part, where

the Enemy fhould be diicovered to be coming upon them. . D A Rl US N 0 'I' H US gave Leave to S.anbalfat, the Ho·year of the ·ronitt, · · the Friend and Advocate of the Samaritans, Flood I940· ' to build a :temple upon Mount Geri'zim, near sa. . B. C. +08 • maria, and fo far in:finuated himfelf into the Fa... vour_·of D.ttRrus, as to procure the· Higlr-Priefthood for MA ... NASSEs, his Son-in-Law, and Brother to J ADDU A the High ... Prieft of jERUsALEM. This Temple .flood in Spl_endor till demolifhed by John Hyrcanus, who levell_ed the City and Temple with the Ground;. and compelled all the Idumaans to· conform to the Law of MosEs. After NEHEMIAH, the High-Prieft of Jerifalem, was ufually the Provincial GRAND MASTER of JHd£'a, as well u_nder the Perjians, as the Greeks and Romans. , UNDER DARIUS OcHus, Maufolus King of Garza,. in- L~/Jer Ajia, died, which Accident was rendered famous by the great Grief which Artemija, who was both his Sifter and his Wife, expreifed at his Lofs. Before died, _{he took Care for the Year of the ereCting that famous MoNUMElW:r' for him~ at HaFiood 1995· ticamqfliu, which was reckoned. the fifth the B. c. 353· Jeven WoNDERS of the World, 'and from whence nll JV!:onuments of more than ordinary Magnificence are called J:\1aufcltttutJ1. It was in Length, from North to South, :fixty_three Cuhi~s, itl Circuit .4I ~~I:,~~~4hjl.:t!e~~ I,i:~~~~h£u~·­ rounded w1th 136: Columns of mofl: admn~a'b1e-~U1pture; and the Fronts, Eaft and Weft, had A~:ches feventy-three Feet '\vide, with a Pyramid on the fide \Vall,. ending in a pointed Broach, on which was a Co;tch with four Horf~s of one l\1arblc Ston~. All was performed by the four bell: l\'fAsoNs of the Age, Scapas, Leocl1ares, 'l';inct, and Britt>.:. AFTER the Erection of SoLoMoN's, or, as fome think, the fecond Temple, the RoYAL ART was brought into Greci,~~, where the CRAFT was encouraged to the utmo;l, and GEo:.\IETRY



[ 37 ] every-where cultivated with uncommon Indufiry; many noble Stru&ures were erected, which to this Day ihew their former Magnificence and Grandeur, though many of thofeearly :Performances of the Greeks in Architecture have been loft in the Ruins of Time. ._ . INDEED, w~ read of the old Dedalus~ and his Sons, the Imitators of the Egyptians and Phceniciam, of the little Labyrinth in Crete, and the larger at L~P?nos"' Rf .the fo.rtsalj!.p Scie~ces early ·at Athens and ~ic..von,.. Candia a:nd Sidly before the.'l'rqan War; of the fl'empies of jlupittt Olympius, ~fcahl~iu~, &c. of the 'l'rojan Ho;:fe, and other Things: But we are all in Darknefs, Fable and Uncertainty, till the Olympiads: vVhich began in the 35th Year of Uzziab, King of Judah, whe11 fome of their :rRY

bright 1VIen began to trave.l. SA ... M. . 3228.. tbefo.)·.e t. he. Fou.nd. ing . . Z:B.-C.. 776. S·of F.:ome z8 Years .. So that their moft d.ntient fam6us 'Buildings; as the Citadel of Athens, the Court of Areepagus, the Plzrthmiorz or 'I'empk of ~inttba,. the cfemples bf 'I'hifeus. and ~poUo, tbeit.Portz~os and Forums, ·'J'heatres and Gymiiq/izims,, fta.tdy public lila/Is, :(;urious Bridges, regular Fortifications~ fiout Ships·of Wa.t, :and 'magnifi-cent Ptdaces7 vvith their beft<Statzles and SculjJtzwe, were~ All of them, either at firft erected,. or elfe x:ebuilt .£pe, e":en after the MILESius•, their ·firft .Ph.ilofopher, who 1.vas die brought GEOMETRY, vvith very grea:t ImYe:Jr · of th<! provern.ents, out of EGYPT into GREECE, ekeven Years only before the Decree of L)rus ; THALES

and,· fame Year '3451'"- P·¥TH'AGORAs, his S,c.:hoht:r, .into Egypt; while· I"sTJU's.TU;;, the Tyrant .to collect the ji'rjl: Library in. Greece. P Y T HAG o"R AS lived· tw.enty~two · Y ~a,rs Eg;;j~tia?z Priefie,. till .fent by Camt:yfiF.r·to :Bak,vkJ.z , . 1 t up great I{ now1e;~~:;,; 1 ., 3 o, \Vnerc .h e pte&

[ 38 j ChllfatettfZ Maglans, and yews; and· returned to Greece the Year that Zerubba6le's ~tmpft was finiihed, A. M .. 3489. became, not only the Hea~ of a new .R~ligion of Patch• Work, but lik.ewife ·of an ·Academy, or Lodge olg<:>Od Geometri.. cians, to whom he. c_ommun~cated a Secret*/-viz~· '!'hat amazing HE

Propqjitirm which is the Foundation if all Maflnry, of wbatever Materials ·or Dimenfions, called by Mafons his HE U R E K A; becaufe 'they think It was his own Invention. BuT, after Pythagoras, GEOMETRY was the darlingStudyof. the Gr~ks., and their 4earned.·Mert:reduced the noble Science to the U(e of the ingenious Me~hanics of all Sorts, that p-arform by Geometry, as well as the Operators in Stone or Brick: . ·. AND as MASONRY kept pace··with Geometry, fo many Lodges ·appeated, efpecially in the. Grecian ·Rti!publics, where Liberty, 'J'r.atle, and Learning :flourifhod,; as at Sicyon, Athens, Corinth, and the Cities of Ionia, till They arrived at their 'beautiful DoRic, IoNIC, and CoRINTHIAN Orders. F:&oM this Time we date the frria Union between the FREE and the ACCEPTED MASONS,. which . has fubf:tited ever . .fince ill all --~GULAR LODG:ES. G:RE.~E now abounded with the heft ArchiteC1s7 Sculptors, Statuaries, Painters, and other fine Dlfligners; moft of them educated at the Academies of Athens and Sicyon, who inil:rutted rrumJcA:iQA&,.-..atuh.J!~- '. ~*~· ~~ul'on Earth: So that the-NatiolfS'of · rfia, an tlaght the Greeks, were now taught by them. No Country but Greece could now boa:ft of fuch Men as Mycon, Phidias, Demon, Androcides, Meton, Anaxagoras, Dipccnus, and Scyllis; Glycan, .Aicamenes, Praxitles, 1 P.olyc!e~s, Lyjippub Peneus, · Euphronor, Perfeus, Philqftratus, Zeu:c:is, · .dpollodorus, Parba.fiti$, 'I'i~nthes, Eupompus, Pamphi/us Apelles, Artemones, Socrates, Eudr;xus, Metrodarus (who wrote of Mafonry) and the excellent · 'Iheo.

!' Eu&lid. lib. i. Prop. XLVII.

r 39· 1

']'!Jer;dorus Cyrenteul, who amplifi~ Geometry,- and publifhed the Art Analytic, the Ma;O:er of the divine Pr.A To*, from. whofe. . SchoolcameXenocrates and.Ariftot!e the Preceptor ,A~~;x:~ND:&R. . .the GreQ/. "' THE le~rned Greeks rightly jqdging, that t~ .Rules Qf the beautiful Proportion$ iil A.rchiteCiure ihould be t~ken .from. the Proportions of the Human Body, their fine Painter-s and Statuaries wen~ eftc;emed .dr~l;itf~~t{J,~ &}Jif(f.. t4el1 ,~¢i:p~y: !9: (~yen as by. the Pabit~}·.l nQl"~Q>Qjd They h~~ ~.,rAne·=PIIiiJt~s ' wit~i;Dtdng .Architech.. THEREFORE feveral of thofe exc€llent Pat"nters and Philofiipbers are in the.Lift of an_tient 4rchite81s·: NayTheyall openly taught Geometry, and many .of them praCl:ifed Mtif'anry; and being Gentlemen 9£ good Repute, They were generally at. the Head of the Craft, highly l.lfeiul to the Pellaw Craft.r, by their· Defigns ·and fine Drawings,. and bred them up. 'clever Ar,... tifts : Only by a Law in.Gr&ece, no 'Slave was. allowed to lear.ti the ~n libe~, &oiences, or thofe of the Free=-hors t; ~ tltu


They were ca.ll'fii. FRE~ MAs.oNBr' ·:~d~ in.tbelr' many Lodges, the Noble -aild L¢arn6d: :wea:~·~.A.bc:iiPT:ED .as


Gre'dce alfo

Brothers. · · · . .ALE X ANDER, the Macedonicm,

· Q~.Feeni@ Dllriu.s

..•.~_.I_.A_ei. •M_i,~r·· ~:~~·ii: RE and GAzA, ~na· FiQod 2ol'4. foon over-run all Egypt; poor Darius fled into B. C. 33+· Bag/ria, and was murder~d by one of his own Generals. After a Coritinttanc.e of 2o7Yeats; in hi.m ended.the PERsiAN~ ancfiQ. .Ale~arider began the GR.;ECIAN Empire. Izt one'of4i{~a;tJeYs drunken Frolicks, he bl.lrnt the rich ani! fpien:pi~ CityofPE'isE"" PoLrs; which was truly a City of Palac~s rn the t}eft Style; but all its Beauty arid,$pl~ndor could not -~r¢ferV'e iift6in the in~bri.'


· -- . , ···








· · :. · - · · --



·"" '* Plato. died A.M. 3656. B. C. $48.• ' t According to the old Co'!flitrJtions: ·Tttefean:,~ I. G,·ammar. 2. R.h,tir#,' 3· Logic. 4· Arithmetic. s"GWMETRY. 6. Mufo. 7• Aflronomy. ·

[4q:r ated Fuijir6ft1-Iis:infoletlt D.iftui·ber ru1d common Enel11y-of the huma11 Race; by ho 1\1:e::1ns to be aU owed to rank in the Lifts of true· MAsoNs. · HowEVER, his ArchiteCJ, renowned Dmocrates, before mentioned,·p.rev:.'li1ed With.h1rri tO-perform fome-gr·and Flood- 2016. Defign, and to ·encourage the Fraternity; he pro2 )3. C: 33 • pofed to him to difpofe l\llount A rHos into the Form of that Prince's Statue, with a City in one Hand, and· in the· other a large Lake w:atei· that City; but this ·great Defign never took EffeCt. ,The Ambition of Alexa12der prompted him to the Builcling·of'anew City in Egypt, in a very conveniept Place over.-againfl: the Hland of Pharos, and called it ALEXANDRIA, which then~eforth became the Capital of that Kingdorrf. It is remarkell: by V:ari·o,_that, at the Time of building Ale.¥alldria," the . Ufe of thePapyrus.was firfr found o.ut, and ufed in that City by the. FELLow-CRAFTS to draw out .their Deiigns and Plans upon, for different Parts of their Work, and other Ufes. The Papyrus, in its proper.Significa.tioJ1, is a .Sort of greatJ3.ulrufh, gi·owingin the Madhes of Egypt, near the Nile. It run~.·np into.a triangl1l::l:f. ~tal~:JQ tb~ lleight of abo~1t fifteen Feet, :and is l}fu~lly.a Foot and half in Circumference. Thefe, when flaked and {eparated from t_he Stalk, made the Paper u:Ced by the Antients, and which, from the Name .of the Tree that bore it, they called, aliQ p~r/y,_·us: ..·,The l\1annerhow it was fitted f~· Ufe may be . Year of' ·the·;

1 ·


fee.r:-t~ ~hteiev~~d{ai1d !;v~irtfren$"t!f~w·tW~~h ·B'oo~

Qf Pliny's Natural Hiftory. Dr:~oCRATES was the Architect of Alexandria, having firft dra:wna Pfan of.the City, \Vith its \Valls, Gates,' and Streets: and !f.lexander left him to perfeCt the fajd Work apcor4ing to the Plan; Year of the. · which afFordedampleEmploymentfortheCRAFT. :Flood 2025. But Ale.,:ander dying drunk at Babylon, left _his Em'~' B. c. 3"23· ,Pire to be parcelled out by his Generals. · ~HAP.

[ 41 ]

C H A P.


':!he State ifMASONR Y from Grand-Majler SELE u cu s N IC A NoR _ to the Death of HEROD tbe GREAT.


'E LEU C US Nicanor ·proved an excellent Gr-and Majier,. founded the Great StkiJda· on the £uphrate.r for his Deputy in, the Ea/!, · and {~the JPefi He built his ftately Capital City the fattibus -A~TIOCH in dld Syria, with the great Grove of Daphne, a facred Ajjlum ; in the Middle of which he reared· the 7'emple of APOLLO and DIANA (tho' it proved afterwards the 7'emple of ~CnU!t and ~atciJug) and alfo the Ieifer- Cities of old Syria, as Apamiq, Bertff'a, Sileucia, Laodicea, Ede.Jfo, Pella, &c. . MAsoNRY flourifued moft in Egypt, where the Grecian. AR_CHITECTURE was hi iy admired, and where · Year of· tHe PToLEMY SoTER, an({· .A.lexander'sGener:al~, Flotxl:z.o#. · fi'k~:r&t ~p' 1)1~ Thron~. ·'E~ci.rD,· the famous .QeiJ··.;: •. ·B. C: 3°4· n1eter of 'l'yre, who had inhis"Travels ·ct>lle~ t~~.6ttteted Ele..:. m.ents of GEOM;ETR·v,_c~me-·to,the Court of Ptolemy SrJter, aild was byhimencouraged to re:fl:oreand teach that noo.JlScience,-efpe-cially · · Clliltdf~t:.~~~mdt~~~theRea.Iin; ' ~fl(J· , "' "i' , .rs_ and Decay of the Sciences in former Reigns were reduced to great Neceffities for want·<?f means to get an.honc:>urable and competent Live-lihood. For this ·Purpofe.,' f~ys an old RecordofMAsoN.RY, 'Euclid-having received Cem~.miffion,. he ia~ght fuch as were--committed to his .C~~~ the -~ Science of Geometry in Praetice to-wotk in STONE, ·all Manner of " worthy Work that belongeth to bui1ding of Altar.r,. 'l'e~ples, ' 4 7'owers, and Caflles, and allotherManner o-f Bzlilding.fc, and·gave "".them a Charge in this 'Form : · : ' FIRsT that t~y:f.hould he true to theirKing and to th'e L~rd ~-th~y~rve, and to theFellowlhipwhereofthey are-admitted~- and G 'that 'Jf':~"''·" ... •:"'·'•

;.'tfi' •,









[ 42_] ' that they fhould be true to and love one another : and that they ' ihould call each other his Fellow or Brother; not Senrant,. nor ' Knave, nor any other foul ·Name; and that they ihould truly ' deferve their Pay of .their Lord,. or the. Mailer ~- the Work, ' that they ferve, . . . . ' SEcoNDLY, Thattheyfllouldorctiin thewifeftofthemto be the ' .Maft~rofthe Work, and neither for Love aer Lineage~ Ri~hesoor · 'Favour, to fet another thathathbutlitdeCunning to be M_Elfrerof " the Lord's Work; whereby the· Lord iliould be evil ~rv:ed, and. ' they a!hamed : Arul alf& tb,a.t ~ey !b.O'lllld call the Governor of 'the Work. MASTER, in the-Time tbat they work wiclil him •. ' ' AND many other Charges he gave tla.em that are too loog to ' relate; and to all thefe Charges, fays my Author, he made them. ' fwear a grea~ Oath,. that Men,.ufed a.t that Tim.e. ' AND. he ordained fo.r them a reafonable Pay,. whe~eby they ' mightlive honeftly:. and alfo that they thould comeanda!femble ' together every Year once,"to co~afult:,J\ow they might work heft: ' to ferve the Lord, for. his Preilftt and til,their own Credit;. and. ta< • correCt, within themfelvesl him that had tref~ifed. a.gainft th~ 'CRAFT .. '

thus was the. Craft grounded there: .And that worthy ' Clerk Euclid gave it the N·ame of GEOMETRY,. which now 'is called MasoNRY.' AND he,accordingly di~-~~~llh. ../J~~~r,. improved and demonftrated ·them fo accur~teiy, as to hav.e left. no Room for any ·others to e~ceed him in Geometry;, for which his 1\tlemory will ever be fragrant in the Lodges. According to. the old Conftitutions, PToL.EMY,. GRAND-MAsTER,. with his, Wardens, EucLID the:; Geometrician, andSTR:~TON thePhilofo... phef, built his Palace at Alexandria, and the curious Mufeum at College of the Learned, with the Library of Bf'Uchium, near, the Palace, that was filled with 4oo,ooo Manufcripts, or 'Yaluable Volumes, before i~ was.burnt in the Wars of JuLIUS CJ£SAR. 'AND



[ -+3


PTOLEMY PHILADELPHVS fucceeded his· Father in the Throne and Solomon's Chair·:too : And in his fecond Year he carried on the great 'f()'!JJer of Pba:o, founded by his Father, * the fi~th of the feven Wonders of .Art; la>uilt on an lfland,.as the Light-Houfe for the Harbour qfAle~a¢ria~ (whenceLight-lloufl's i~ theMedi.terranean arecaUedji'q?VM) aPiec~ of.amazing by the . Care of his Grand·Wardens-.tipf}atttS and: ~ant~: the Fath~ built the,~~ ~~iping-.111~ Jj}@ild to the ~'t1n¢}lt~'."\¥~~~ relred t~ Vowfr. 'i · ·,.. . . .. · ~¢~:DELPH US founded the Cjty Myos Horm-,.ts Clti the"]~.e.d St4 for the Edjl-l1zd-ia Trade" built the 'l'emple of the Zephyrian ~tnMI in Crete, Ptolemais in··pa!ifline, an.d r~ln~ilt :olcl.Rabba~ of the 41ft.,. monites, calting it Phi/adelphia,~ Nay he wa,s fo accurate an Architect that for a long Time all fine Ma.fonry was called "bilabdp{Jian, or after the Style .of Ehilatlelphus,

P1'0LEM¥, ·the, S<)q; f;fPbil4de1phus, called ET1ERGETES1 (ucicec;:ded, and 'w¥> the:ltUI g(}!Jd G;&A~D MA.STlEll: in Et.Jv~T ~ JUS:~, If"~,.. ~o . · his

.two learned Librarian§~_,,

;:~ , ERATosTHENEs.; of Cyrene; .and .APo!.J..t>tu~s., ,_.: )F:dir .of' the Rh odes.. Th · " fiuU, Befoi·e Flood 210 ~· . . e L'b 1. ra.ry .of Brttt!J. tum .b·emg.near. Obrifl h~ ereCted another at Serap.!Jiitm, which in Time 46~ . 14~


;ip~,. ,aw!·.;GfJel~m

:..,; ·., · . ·· ·~'uoiri-:the Library ·of P-ergamus, given to her by Mark Antloony: But all this vail: Library was burnt by the ignorant, ftupid, and befotted .Saracens, when they took .the City of AkJ1andria, ~o the irre.parable Lofs Gt·:the Learned. It had,gftin been.tifl-edon the Revolutions . . :alld-Ccm::.. .· G 2 . :. . .. J:Dt>tion s


<l :3QO;oao


·• Some preli:r to This dl.e gr-eat ·Obelijk 1>f Q.yeen Slt\iiltA~t,(rso Feet high and 24- Feet fquare at.Bottom, ~11 of one ~tone Hke a Pyr~, that was brought 'from .!lr..menia to B~'b[.ltm; ~lfo an huge R,ock .c:;~t into the Figure of Semirmitir, · .'With tbe fmaller ttekk:s br,.it mthe Shape o( tributary Kings : If we may .bel~ve '£._t¢a! the Advk:e~'Oi: &rojl/l* For ihe. is .no~,.fo anti'eat-ar is ~nerfl.lly thought, and feems to be only the ~een of NABO_N ASSAJ&

[ 44 ] motions that happened in the Roman Empire, yet it was as often repaired and replenifhed again with its full Number of Books, till this its final Deftruetion by the Saracens. This happenedas follows: Johannes Grammaticus, the famous Ariftotelian Phi..; lofopher, being. then living at Alexandria, and having much ingrati~ted himfeljQvith Amrus- E~nolAs, the. G~neral of t~e Saracen Army, anlf!iy Reafon ofh1:5 great Learmng, made htmfelf acceptaple to him, he begged of him the royal LioFary ; tGJ this Anirus replied, that it was not in his Power, but was wholly at the Difpofal of the Caliph,. or Etnpnor ef the Saracens, to whom he would write about it, who. returned for Anfwer, that if thofe Books contained what was agreeing with the Alcoran, there was no Need of them, --for that alone was fufficient of itfelf for all Xruths; but if they contained whatdifagteed with the Alcoran, they were not to be endured; and therefore he ordered that, whatfoever the Contents of them were;. theyihauld all be deftroyed; whereon being di:ftributed among the路 public Baths, they ferved as Fuel for fix Months .to heat all the Baths of Alexand?'ia; which 1hews how great the Number of them: :was, and what an inefti.mabltr Treafure -of Learning was. wholly deftroyed.. . EuERGETES was 'the lall good Grand Mafler of Egypt; and therefore we ihall fail over to the Hellejpont to view the glorious 'i'emple of Cyzicus, with Threads of beaten Gold in the Joints of the Infides of t'he MarbleS~ ,~~mall ~e Statues and Images : Betides the cnrious Eccho of the feven '1owersat the 'l'hradan Gate of Cyzicus, and a large Bouleutorion-or 路cto'lRJn-Houfl, without one Pin or Nail in the Carpenters Work; fo that the Beams and Rafters could be taken off, and again put on, without Laces or Keys to bind 'em. 路 THE Rhodz"ans employed the famous .ArchiteB, CHAREs, 路of Lz"ndus, to ereCt the great CoLossus, at Rhode_s, Year of the which employed hitn and his CRAFTSMEN for Flood 2048. B. C. 300. twelve Years. . It was efteemed the laft of the feven

[ +7 ] Tuus hitherto th:e abovealr<>ther Artijls, have been the Favourit~s Qftbe Emine&t, who wifel.yjoi~ed t.h~ Lodge.r for the better condud:ing ·of their yarious Undertakings ·in old. Arehiteel:ure : and .!till. great .M~a contintl~d at the l~ead of the· Craft. FRoM

Sicily we.~ pafs into IT AL v,


view the firft


., provements of the RoMANS,. who for. many Ages affeCted nothing but War, till by Degr~j):l:!~J~~mt;i].h.tt8ciqzf! Pqktfrom.

their ,N~&~~r· llat . '. · . 'rHE"~.NE,.~UR.IA.NS, or 'rufcans:, very early ufed. their own.. natural Tu.s~.t}.N ORDER, never ufed· by the Greek:r, and were the firfr in Italy t·hatkamed:ffomthe Greeks the DoRiC;. IONIC,. and CoRINTHIAN Orders; till the Royal Art: was. there con~ 1"p~taous u_nder their :J\.ing P·oRSEN'N A., who built a ftately La.:.

~yrz"ntb, not inferior, to That of Lemna.r~ and, the high~fl Mau.fok'WJZ on Record... ·· · · '"




. l?oRsENNA died::~. tAe Year (!)f ]l.ome 303" .A. M 3·SS8:l the. -l~~ :Yfjiar ofArtaxerxes Longimanus~ while B. C.. 446 the Romans·were only engaged in fuhduir.lg ~e~ Ntighbours in


Italy,.- and their T afle was as yet but low; till TURR.ENUS, the of the Tufcans, bequeathed .his · . th<; . ~r, of »hi~~IH~ while . didd .A. M. ~ 372 5 The 'I'zifcans, had built many fine ft.rong Places ; and now their Difcip~es were invited to Rome, and taught the Romans the Royal .drt, tho'. tl;ill_ their lmpmvep}ents. were n.ot confiderable, till . MARCELL vs~ who ttliumphed in the fplendid Spoib of Sym:. &.ujj,.1_upon the Death of the Q,-efiU A~cHIMEDEs~ becomi.Bgthe: Patron of Arts and Sciences, employed his Fellow-Grtift.r to build at Rome 'M$ f~oP.s CJ)eatrt, with a 'TttPJ'k,J..o ~lttut., and: anoth~r to -tlOttts y.#tt t.h.e Hip 'Tf{!h of. the lttimJmJ' was not ~elltral '



· S£lPIO

[ 4-8 ] SciPio A)iatz'cus led them againft Antiochus Magnus~ King of ·Syria, and took from him all the Country W ejl of Mount ffaurus . .A.M. '3 8'I4·JintheYearofRome In ther sthYear.ofPtol.EptphanesB.C.-rgo . . 559 For then, with Aftoni1hment, They beheld the unfpeakable Beauties of' the -Grecz'an and Ajiatic ArchiteCture, fl:aading in full Splendor, :which Th~y refolved to Imitate. '· AND .fo they went on Improving, ti11 SciPIO Africanus (who had always a .fet of the· Learned attending him as their Patron} ·took in the great Rival of Rowe· the gl~rious CAR THAG~, which he demolilhed again:ft his own In.:. .clination by.Command 0f the Senate; for · Delendaejl Ca'!'thago A.M. 3858}. The Accom1t of its Deftru&ion B. C. ·146 Year of Rome 6~3 · is lamentable ·while Conful MuMMrus the fame Year facked Corinth, the wealthy' Qgeen Gf :Greece: who difcovered 'bl.s Ignorance, when he threatened thofe that carried home, from Corinth, the Inimitable PiCl:ures of ll}trcult~ and ~acciJn~, that if they loft them, They muft make them good with new :On'e6~ ' .BoTH thefe Generals. triumphed .at Rome in the portable Mo.numents of Art, brought from thoU: Cities, that. had been the moil:_opulent and .glorious upon Earth .. But now the RoMANs were fo w.ife as to brilJ~·~~~-·~~:;:St:imce, and Practitioners of Art~ After which we read ·of feverafil::at~ly Edifices at Rome, built in the fineft Grecian Style; as-the famous Palace of PAuLus EMIL Ius of the be:ll: Phrygian Marble,; the Triumphal Arch of MARrvs at Orange in Gaul, the Three fur.. prizing Theatres of ScAuRus at Rome, &c. TH·E one held 8oooo People at Sh0ws .~r ·Plays. It had three Scenes or.Lofts, one above another, with 360 Columns: 7'he .firft Row of Marble, each 38 Feet high; the fecond Row was


[ 49 ] ,of Cryflal, and the third of Cikkti.JYtJOd: betwe.en the Colu!l1ns were 3000 Statues of Brafs~ __ THE other two :theatres-were of.Woo{l, fuftained on great Axles., whereby They .could b,e turned round, and joined in one great Amphitheatre.. . _ . _ .. . . . . ·~ · · THE mighty SYLLA brought the Columns of the 'I'emple of ~upittt Olympius from Greece, to adorn the :temple of Slupittr Capito/mus at Rome, af"t~:r, tbe.~dp-~)J,uil~ by ffarg_uinius Super/Ju-t,. wa~.hlilr,P.t;·j~..WiWfe'~ime'Jup'iiir was.' orilY.:o.f··CJajt, but n~._~af~1tre: Gold. · · .· · ·~ · . · LUcuLL us, t:h.e learned anQ. brave, erected a fine Library) and a fplendid Houfe with Gardens, ill the Ajiatic Style. · PoMPEY the Great built a 'lheatre that held 4-o,ooo People at th~ Shows; n~ar his :fime Paiace, and his 'femple of ~ttlorp. THESE and other gre~t Men, during the Roman Republic, much encouragedArehtte&s,and Maj'onsas their Patrons; and, in _their.Abfenco, the t;ofJiJJ;?.~dmt, the 1Jigb Prie.Jl of Rome, or i~~~J:"'~~~oiloill; Great Mari on the -?pot, thought it his Honour to be the.Pqtt:Qn of Arts and Sciei1ces (what~ nmycall Grtmd ·lvfa.fiet) attende~ duty -b}Ctne moft mgeniotts 'of the .F . - • tili the 11.epJJ!ie was near ifs Exit by the Competi.ai1d for Pre-~minence. , ·, · ·



~n. ..

~· ,



~xpired, and

tf1e .


. y b. - ·s .C1EsAR obtained tl~e Pre-eminence____;,__ A ..M. 3956 C.msAR now perpetualDtCla!orlYearof Rome 7ot.B. C. 48 .~uid Imtfrlztor~: a 1ear;ne~ peome- SB-ef6re the Eirthdf Chrift44;




reformed the Roman


:B. c..OS hefote the- tlrriillan

'lEnt 45·

'-"·. · H-


[ 50 ] HE and his Legions had built much in Gaul, and at Rome he raifed his great Circus or Square, a true Oblong, three Furlongs in. Length, and one in Breadth, that held z6o,ooo People at the Shows: alfo his ftately Palace, and lovely Temple of <:rttm.t~, and ordered Carthage and Corinth to be rebuilt, about I oo Years after They were demolifhed*. BuT CJEsAR, intending.firfl: to quell thePartbians, and then,as Grand Mqfler of the Roman Republic, to encourage the Science and the Art beyond all before him in univerfal Peace, was bafely murdered byhisungratefulBrutusunder Pompry'sStatueSB.C:路 CM. 39 60 44 His Death was foon followed by the Conqueft of Egypt> the Death of Cleopatra, and End of the Grecicm Monarchy ; and the Commencement of the Roman Empire, by the ViCtory A.ttgr.fftus gained over Pompey at Acfittm. ROME became now the Center both of Learning and fupreme Power, under AuGUSTUS, theilluftrious GRAND-MASTER, with Year of the his Deputy AGRIPPA; who ereCted the great ParFlood 2319. tico of the PANTHEON; and his principal Warden, B. C. 2 9路 the learned VITRuvxus, who became the Father of true .Architetlure by his admirable Writings. This mighty Patron :firft employed his Fellorr.v Crafts in repairing all the public Edifices (a moft needful Work after the Wars) and in rebuilding fome of them. Bu路t alfo he lmilt the Bridge.o拢 4'~i?fi~ .; aad at Rome the Temple of MARS the Avenger, the Temple of ~polio, the Rotunda called Galucio, the great and fumptuous Forum, the principal and magnificent Palace of Aucusrus, with fome letTer Palaces; the finei'v!azifoleum, the accurate Statue in the Capitol, the curious Library, the Portico, and theParkfor People to walk in, &c. Nay, he filled the 'Temples of Rome with the moft coftly Statues, and

t . .


See Pliny, who gives a full Account of thefe Things.

~ 5I


and wittily fet up tf'hat of CLEOPATRA.(of maffy Gold brought from Egypt/ in the Temple of VENus.. IN thofe Golden Days 'of AuGl:isTus,. the Eminent following his Example, built above 100 Marble Pala.fes at Rome, fit for the greateft.Kings; and every fub:ll:antial Citizen rebuilt their Houfes too in Marble, all joining in the fame Difpofition of adorning Rome: whereby many Lodges appeared, in City and Suburbs, of the Free and Accepted Mafins:. .fo. that Auau~Tus, when a dying, ju!Hy .£aid, Ifo11nd Rome built if Brick, but'l.lea1Je it built 0(Marbie ! · ' · THEREFORE the prefent Rema,ins of antient Rome in his Time, and of fome following Emperors, are fo accurate, that They are the heft Patterns of true Mtifonry extant, the Epitome of all the old Grecian Architee1ure, commonly expreffed by the AuausT AN STYLE: and we .now wi1h to arriv-e at its glorious Perfe&ion in Wifdom, Strength, and Beau.ty . . BuT, before the Death of AuausTus, we muft ·travel into. Judea., .;The High Priefls of Jerufalem had eeen Provincial Grant! Mafters there, under the :Ki,ngs of Egypt, .~ .~ . _ then Sovereigns :of .the '].ewt,: .·till SELEuc..u-s A.M. 38.24l Philopater King of Syria Jeized Judea, or B. C. 18o}. Pal!fHne.. His Son, viz. .. . . ~ · ·. . . , ·~~~~¥'~~~~Jf€r(~'~eJ~tiU refcued by the ~valiant A.fmonan Priefi 'Judas .Maccaha:us: for long after Zerztbbabel and 'Jojhua the High. Priefi, an ordinary Prieft, called Afmonteus, appeared, not of.the.Houfeof Je.foua, but only of the Courfe of J.oarib, the .G.:reat .Grand Father of Mattatbtil.f, the brav.e Prieft of Modin and Father of MACC:AB.mus. FoR .th~ lineal Sucleffor of 'Jejhua was ON IAS IV"~. {$on -of . Onias Ill. the la:ll: goo4 High Prieji) who, being deprived 0f his Right by the Sy~ian Kings,.went to Egypt, where He got leave to build a ~mtple at Heliopolis, like, That of Jerz(alem, for. tJie. -·










[ 52 ] Jews in Egypt and Cyrene,.· then more numerous and opulent than thofe in Juacea. This 'I'em:ple was foullded· A.· M. 38 .S5l. But the AfmonceanJ or Maccabees fought their B. C. 149 f. WaytoPre-:-eminence~-}It ftoodfplendid till .d. D. 731 gainft the Syrian Kings, · during Years 222 S ·and alfo obtained it as Tilldeftroyed by V~'tftan:theEinperor•. High Prifjis. and Princes of the 1ew,r, duri,ntg about 130 Years,, till Mark Antony and Of!avianus got the Senate of Rome to create· HEROD the Edomite, or Idumean Jew, King of Jitda:a in the Capitol A. M. 3964, and, by the Help of the Romans, ~EROD conquered ANTIGONUS, and mounted the Throne at jerufole• A. M. 3367} Before the Chriftian lEra 37 Before the Birth: of Chrift 3 3 · HE got rid of all the Afmodtillans, made the Sanhednm ufeIefs, and fet up High Pri?Jls at his Pleafure. .But, for all his. great Faults. HEROD became the greate:ft.Builder of-his Day,. the Patron or Grand Majler of many Lodges,. and fent for .the mofr.ex.Rert Ee/JtJw f!raft.r of Greece to affift his own jews: For~ aftet: the.Batt1e of· AC!ium B. C. go~ before. Chtrifo's :Birth 26~ HEROD, being reconciled to Augttftus~ began to thew his mighty Skill in lv!aflnry, by erecting a fplendid Grecian . TH<EA~&·E, at ~~·~.~~·~·C·~~·~ly City SehtJjle, (fo called from SebltjrJS..a~· Auguftu.,) formerly ·samari4~. with a curious little 'l'emple in It like That of JeruJalem. He made the City Ct?farea the heft Harbour in Palefiine, and built a · Temple of white Marble at Paneas-the Cities .Antipatri.r~ Phqjaelis ~nd Cypron, and. the- :rawer of Pbafoel a~ 'Jeru.folem, not lnf,erior to the Pharos of AteWJndria, &c~. · • BvT .his moft amazing Wonk was his Rebuit.ding of the

Cnapla of



[ 53 ] H E.RO D, being in fuU Enjoym;nt of Peace and Plenty, formed a Defign of new building the Temple at yerufalem, whereby he thought he ihould not onlY, reconcile to himfelf the Affections of the Jews, but alfo ereCt a Monument of lafting Honour to his own Name. The TEMPLE.built after the Return of the Jews from the Babylonifo Captivity, though an admirable Building, sao Years being elapfed :fince its Ex:eetion~, was. greatlydecayed,. both by the L~ngt~ (;)f T~me; ~d alfo ?Y. the \Golence: of Enemjes. Herod propofed to build the whole TE.MP'L¥ a-new, ~nd,. ~ a general Affembly of the People, offered to them what he intended. But when he found th~m ftartled at: the Propofal, to deliver them from Fears, he told them that he would not take down the OLD' 'Temple till he had all the Materials ready for ere~ing a NEW one in its Place,; and accordingly Year of the he did: forthwith (et himfelf to make all Manner· Flood 2329. . of Preparations for it; employing therein Ioa.o Before Chrifl I9• W aggons fox: carry~ng .of the Stone and 'Tz'mber; :&p~~,M~o~s~ betides Labourer~, to fit all Things foe, the Building, and marihalled them i~to' Lrtdges under. 1 OQO Priijfs and Le·vites, ikilful in all Parts of ARcHiTECTURE, to fupervife and direct themin.the Work, himfelf aCting asGRAND..J\1:ASTER, VY;i~~~rW~r'¥~~~~n.LEL and$~!-111'i£{i;I,;t,M? te~rn~d Rabbins -~~-~, :·. ~ ~Wa~s .. he, had.· got all Things \J!l._,~-~-,-~1;~ , • • • . "tinm , r·· ready for the Building; and then, and not before, did he pulL down the. OLD 'Temple to the very Foundations. ·· · THE Faot-Stone of the NEW 'I'emple was levelled jufl: forty..,fix; Years before the firft P/Jjfovet f>(CHRisr.'s perfon11l Miniftry.s at which Time the 'Jews toldhimi John ii. 20. Forty andjix .rem·s. /Jat'h TH~s Temple been in· !iuUJing: Fot; although th¢qforty-fix Years hrul. p.a.Ked. &om. the Time it w~ begtlfl;: ,et that Part wbich was. nio1l properly ·the, '1e?J!ple, that is, tha_t which contained. the Ha!J Jt/41:~. the HioL.Y: o:fHoLIEsin the Eafl, and ~lfe .


[ 54- ] PoRCH in the We.fl, through which was the Pafl."age leading to both, were finifued, at an amazing Cofr, in the ihort Space of.<me Year of the Year and fix Months, and the refr defigned by Flood 23 4 x. Herod, in eight Year's more; When the FRA~ B. c. 7· TERNITY celebrated the Cape-Stone, with great Joy and in due Form:; and the KING folemnized its Dedicatz'tm with great Pomp and Expence. And the Day appointed for it, falling in with the Day of the Year, when firft received the Cro\vn,. augmented the Solemnity. A GREAT Number of MAsoNs were continued atWorkforthe . carryingon·the·Out Buildings, all the Time of ourSAVIOUR's being here on Earth, and for{ome Years after, till the Coming ofGESIUS FLoRus to be Governor of Judea; when he caufed r8,ooo Mafons to be difcharged at oneTime, which gave great Offence to the jews, and, perhaps, was oneCaufe of thofe many Mutinies and Seditions., which at lafi drew on the DejlruBion of JER USAI.El\1 and the TEMPLE with it; fo that it feems very unjuft to charge the Mifonswi-th being the Fomenters of thofe Difturbances, forthe \Vant of Employment; when aH the<re-wslooked upon. this Behaviour of the Roman Governor as Ievellod not only againfl: their Temple but ·their W or!hip alfo. JOSEPHUS defcribes theTEMPLE ofHEROD (Lib. 15. Cap. I 4·) as a moil: admirable and magnificent Fabric of l.VIarble, fet off with ·the greateft ProiaiottObf •Wt -~0t~tions, and the :fineft Building upon Earth, find~ the Da}'s of Solomon;: being much larger than the Temple of Zerub/Jabel; ben des the Advantage of the Grecian Style, and the Corinthian Order of AR· CHIT ECTURE,. with all its later Improvements. BuT it was not completely finiihed, in all its Apartments" till about fix Years before it was deftroyed, viz. A. D. 64.


ATlengthAuausTushavingfhutupthe:l'empleofJ.ANUS;for that all the World was at Peace; In the 26th Year of his Empir.e., after tl1e Conqueft of Egypt, the WORD was made FLESH, or


[ 55 ] the LoRD JEsus CHRI.sT IMMANUE~ was born, theGreaArchite8.: or Grand Ma.fter of the ChrijHan Church, • After Solomon's Death 9711lnthe Yearo.fthe Julian Period 4710 In the Year of Rome 7 4 5 In theYear of Mcifonry or ..l.l.M. 4000 In the Y eat of Herod 34 B. C. or Before the Chrift . .!Era 4 KING HEROD died a few Months after the Birth of CHRist, and, notwithfl:anding his vail: Expence in Ma.fonry; 'he·died rich. ·AFTER the Birth of CJJrfjl foarYoo.PS, a~ when CHIHST was. going. in his fourth Year;. The CHRISTIAN lEra begins A~.M. 4004, commonly called ANN-o DoMINI, -r~ DuRING the long Reign of AuGusT-us, the CRAFT was weir cultivated: worthy Craftfmen were every-where employed and encouraged, as well in Europe as in: Ajia, till" his Death, which happened at Nola, in Campania, after a glorious Reign of ibrtyfour Years .. ·

CHAP. ~be


State of MAsONRY from the Birth



ahd'Death f£.J!~~o;~".t,9~ <?!<?~t! i9;·J.~,}tejlot.ation •dj' t/Je 'AuGUS·TAN Stj/e 7ti,lTAi'y.~ '" 'JT :''• ' ··~; f • : •


IBERIUS,. the Collegue of AuGusTus, having attained

to the Imperial Throne, became a Patron and Encouraget of the .Frateq.1ity•. Under ·h~ th~ Lor:d Jesus . · · · ·. . ·Year of th CHRIS1' was crucified without the Walls of Jeru- World 4036,e Jalem, by Pontius Pz1ate, the Roma.JZ Governor of of the Flood Judea, and rofe again the third Day for the Jufti- ~l~ijl 3~ter fication of all that believe in him : TumRtUS ~t~rw.ards banithed. Pila.te for his Injuftice m


[ s6


THE Auc.usT AN Style was much cultivated, and the expert Craft.foze1Z met with greM Encourag~ment; even NERo raifed his own Statue of Brafs, no Feet high, anti :built a moft· glorious gilded Palace. VESJ>ASIAN fent his bra-ve So.n 'I'itus tofabdue tho_Jews, and. take JerujbJem.; when a Solpier in the Sack of the Town, con-trary to the Orders of ~hat generous and noble Conqueror, fet Fire to the TEMPLE: Soon after that the whole City was levelled with the Ground, not o1u Stone heing lift t!po7t another; and the Conqueror ordered..a Plow to ~fs over t!he Ruins thereof, as a Teftimony of it~sin·ecovert¥ble State m1djinal Dyf}latirm, agreeable to the Prophecies that foretold its Deftruetion. VESPAsiAN £hut the 'J'emple of :Jl.:tnU~,iA.D. 7Q and built the <Temple of PEACE. He raifed after Chrift's l . , 6 his famous .dmpitbeatre, when the rich Crucifixion S j . Co~u.osrTE ORDER was fir.ft ufed. He ordered the Je7.vijh Temple in Egypt to be det;noli!hed A. D. 73, and died A. D. 77• UPoN the Return ofTITUS from .the Overthrow of the Je·wijh Nation, he caufed a triumphal Arch, .adorned with fplendid Engra•vings and Sculptures, to be built, and foon after his noble Palace, with the famous Statue of LAocooN of one StfJneDo~IITIAN. built the :temp/eofMINERVA,and rebuiltthatof CAPITOLINUS, which he over-laid with Plates of Gold: and , had allt~ Columns crit e\ltilblfXY,~··.,. .:a~ii~~'tl Palace more ricb and grand than tn~~or Attg'ryiui, :~ith ftattly Galferies in the Portico, befides HaUe, Baths, and beautiful Apartments for his 'Nomen. He died A. D. 63~ fucceeded ·by NERVA, who died - 9 5, after he had ~dopted . · ' TR A 1AN, who by his Warden, the renowned Architetl APoL. LoDoRus,laidawondttfuLBridgeovertheDAJ~UtBJi, After Cbrifl built a noble Circus and Palace, two trittmllhal :r ;Arc!JeJ; and his famous Column, that -exceeds all Admiration, being· I 28 Feet hi,gh, and the Afcent .to the Top of



[ 57·] it by ·r 2 3 Stairs, with fotty~:fnur Windows. The Allie'S t;f this Emperor' were put· into an Urn, and J.-epoiited in the Top of this .fiately Column': It was moreover adorned with. Figures ih Bql/o Reliroo,, ~fcending i~ fpiral Lines from ~e Bafe to the · C11pil:al.. Th6 Rbmdn ·Cqlumns wete :net wont hr be raifed whh~u,t loftie)njflicai Sign!ftcatfon, anci· _in< t~is Refp~O:i they follo~ed the inven.tions. of tlJ.e Soio1nonian. a:n~ ~gyptz,a~.·

MAsoNs; fome l;ieipg ·Jv.ft?iH1P1~rit'S tlf :~tflbftftj· ~nrl J!r'jfinnfft, f< m~; br ~ rim.qli$ ~l}cf11Ql1ni -~A.ti!J~e:Vehe'frt/\ :hn.a· Btll~r~Jdf :cap"7' t?r:'r"·' ·and u ·,r,L.:.,t ·· ew:r~. •r·. ·6izJerihrow.· . .. · · !AnRrA..·.l'i ·who: ' .··Afl was a Iearn·ed Defigner and o:P·r;~Arrvt ~~s<JN, · · · t~3 ;:--~v~· j




repaired. the. public Buildings, ·built •the RoMA_N· . . .. ytaL'!'. in B~.IJ'_A:n~:,. ap. ~p1~zi~g Wo~k,, wh~fe ~erira:ins are

feen ;in. N:ortlfa?kber!zttrd ;, ·a· ·co.rilJI1qdJous Bi-idg~ ~t Robie; · and·· his ·J~rilqus ,M Aifs·qi~~M; 'or'· ?Hdlei ·. A:riR.tAN~~­

yet to


~itli e:fattColotiad.ini~,

·.,- F" ) ; .• • ·) .-_ •. . .!\~J:~~~¥tNi· :P.~.~s · r:1fJl~d his tttrj~us. Coiu~n,· . ~mtl tife-d

Y' .. A.

n·". ., ,..~9•- ). - .. .. -• .,.,


.• •


. -. " . , ..-. ... . ~



. M_;Rcus :AtfRELitrs. coi.u-it~h:aqc~d:.fu-e";~ftifiH tilf.\lnf.'dred


· ·

.. ·~· :.·.·.: ··. \ > · .: CoMJOnus, ·thoug'h -d1u~ated a b)}gAer; turn~ti--v~ti-8trs; apdh~.~ ·.J~~J.Ui~.· l:im.e, l!flin.·ting ;md....§fU. lptu~.!.·.i'egart.·; )~:•::((

i}'#lt,~~a~rJJf!iltMil'r~: 'om';lt1~~4~·.tf'1~-r. · · SEvER us built ·his Corintkian Epizone ·at Ronze~ an~. Murflvei' in Britain. ·He died at Tor:k, A. D. ioi).-. · . . · .,· . ' :. CARACALLA ere~ed ~is~fplendidCircus, apd died A. iJ. zi ..F And thusJiciurillie~{ne Royal. Art down to ·co:.~JTAN1"~~ flft

Great; whci r~aied;· at ·Rof~:i~ .~tiie.Uft ltliimjlliii .·· :~:. · . ··: Arch of th:e )dugu/!a~ 'Stjle ~ .. F ~t ,he re·moxeB' ¥·(. 1100 1ch~!J! · " Tlirorie'f6'~z:A~'l'fu:M, ~hich·ht '11afued (;61/-·: ... ::3° 6 ~-

sT ANTI·N.C5P'LE~~-hl.ra11 ~hev~~le:Mbnuments6!Ar-tfrom1tlzb; beft~rti~, ~ ·etnbetlith nisrrew Metropolis *.f' wpere,'l;te


. * See.Pctrus


,; . ·i


:· .:

,. . ·rJ


<:;:· }' , '

6yllius's Antiquities of Co1!ftantfnoplc, tranflated into Englijh by Mr. Ball, A. D. l729·

[ ss. ] hu,Pt, at_ a vaftRate, many artful Piles, Forums, Hippodromes, Temples or Chu,rches, Porticoes, Fountains, a flately Imperial Palace and Sm{Jte-Hozffe, a Pt'llar of Porphyry of eight Stones, about 87 Feet 4igh above the Pedeftal, and the amazing Serpentine Pillar with l?.i$ own Eque.ftrian Statue, &c ..He died A. D. 336. CoNsTANs brought with.him 1:6 Ronie the famous Architect HoRMISDAs, the King of Petjia's Son, who was juftly afroniilied at the antient Structures and Statues, and declared them inimitaple: For now all the .Arts of DeJigJfing dwindled at Rome, as they'flouriihed, at Cr;rYJ,antinople:· Nay -~he Chr!Jliaiu, in ~eal againft Heathen Idolatry, detnoliihed many curious Things, till. the 'Roman Empire was partitioned bet;Ween, two Brothers, VALENTINIAN an,d V A..LENS. · ' VAI.;ENT;NIAN was Emperor of'the W'!ft at Rome. He died 4~ D~ 374! and this Emp,ire wa·s foon ingroifed by the Eqflern,; VALENs, Emperor of the Eqfl atCoJytani/nople, was diftreifed by the (l;otfl,S, and died without Hfue, A. D.-378. To the Empire of the Eqft fucceeded THEODOSIUS th~ Great, After Chrift · · .who glorie,d in being a Pa~rov.. of all the, J)Yfg1zer1 378. and Operators, the fame as GRAND-MASTER ~.!and loved them fo well, that by a Law he exempted all ihe CRAF'T· from 'l'axtltion. THE Northern Nations of Europe, the Goths, !7audals, Huns,.

Alle~n((W;~ ·:fferzilfs, S'loeve{, ·'Df;iff!U~\' ~~}!rrt.nAs~ ,pejidans,:

Saxons, Angles; Lor1gobard~, and many more, gradually. grown powerful as the Roman Empire decayed, and invaded GreeceJ Ajia, Gaul, Spain, and Afrz'ca; nay Italy Itfelf; overrunning the polite World like a Deluge, with warlike Rage and grofs Ignorance, the Enemies of Arts and Sciences; thus HE fiopped theit· Career, who had over-run the polite World like a. Deluge, with the moft ferocious Rage, and the gro«eft Ignpran<;e,_ defacing and de:ftroying all the noble Monuments of;,f\ntiquity, and all Appearances of the Hbera.l ARTS and SciENCEs,. being the declared Enemies of Literature. "'

L ., ~


, '




[ 59


THEoDosrus became foleEmperor oftheEail: andWeft,but unhappily partitioned it again between his twoOSons~HoNaRrU:s and ARCADIUS, the latter of whom·Jnriched·the City<?~ C~n­ jlantinople with: many JuperbStruB:.ures~ and a lofty Pillar; ·with '.a Flightof Stairs :in the Heartof it, !47· Feet,high: B~t i11Uch inferior to that Pillar. called the Monument in Landon., -defigned by

SirChri.ftopherWren,G&.AND in r674·' · .... ·

MAsrE.·~·ofMasaNsin EN~LA.ND T

~. ·.~ ~~ !·

7.':":. ''

·. ·· : . · ·

.·. 1'HEODOlSI:tl:s.l/:Je rounger, al{o) indc.h,ed;.t~-f~e.City, with 'J.hamy. .Statues;. Colu1nns, and Obelijks; being·the Spoils qf W~r :from .Greece, Egypt, and .Ajia; and employed the CRAFT··in re:·pairing and ereCting foll!e additional \;v;,orks .to the:great Church of St. SoPHIA. , ,. . . ,. ·:· JU S'I'INIJi N the Fitft fupporte.d . th~ Lodges. :of ..driij!s." or :Craft.fmen, .and reftored the whole Rom(fln Empire almoft to its · former Greatnefs· and Glury: For in pure· ZeaJ fbr the AuGu~sTAN:St~~~/e,an.-1. all noble ScienceS, p.qty' After{Jhrfjl :1 u, .~2~. ·ita. the: ~~r.eme£1: Peril. of being loft,. ·11~ fent his; General, the brave and renowned BEiiSARJtrs:,· wi'flh'i p~Y\ver(u:l Army againft 'Iotila, the GoTH, who with a: Multitude. Qf ~a-­ vages had taken old Rome, and fet it on Fire; which continued burning for thirteen Days together.; when about two Thirds. of thatc:li)ft¥,.,citr. was·laid iniAihes, or leve.tled with the Ground; and muft all have undergone the fame Fate, but After Cbr!ft ,that the daftardly Crew were forced to fly on the 547· Approach ofBELISARius. But what they had demoliihed, foon brought on the Deftruetion ·of th.e reft; fo that' at this Period may be fixed the· total Departure of and Learning from Italy and the ..Weft; .the AcrGusT A.N. Style, 'vvith all its noble Improvements, the :w.orthy CRAFT ofMASONRY, and the Harmony of the Lodges being by Got!Jic Ignorance o~erthrown and forgotten.






'[ 6o] ·JTilS"l'ZHMN colleCted the Body of the CivilLa711,. or Codex Jufliniairtu.r,. which. by the. Judgment andlnduitry of 'I!.rebrmirtn, . . and G>otbe11 Comiju:tons., was ,m_§cfttd into the Form .After;fo?fl. . we ·ootW: have it:.. He·~ .expended- thi.rty-fo~r Mililioris o:ff Gold; in rebuilding the. Cliurch of S:t. S.oPH.tA, which he intended ·fuould equal•. if nut:excel, the f!ttttplt of SoL.o.MoN; but in. v:ain... Thi&. Emperor_caufed the Eyes of Belifarius to be put out, and otherwife fo perfe.c.ut:ea ·him, that he was forced. to beg at. the great Gate_ of St. Sbp'hia, .Date obolum &lifar,tO., · .qumi.. w.tu&: ext~,. invi4ia ·de.p.rifjit * : ·Many great and nob\e A&ions. were perfi:wroai ·~ 'J.ufiiv.ian,. but ·.ali' o£'; theJ.'t\ will not wipe· off .,his favag1~ Ingratitmlcm ~· wor:thy a Man, · . - ..,.. · P~oM. this:~eriod: t'lie.'BcrENni:Ji· ~ml 4\,li i's began to: deCline a..pace· in. the Ea)l, as we have already: o.bfer.ved it had. done in After Chrifl

the Wifi~

Bloody Perfec:utions and. War.s. w:ere. ii>r

·fev-6ra.l Ages. ca.r:ried on, and, mo:Cl: of the Emperors ·m:ur.dered' •by· \!h~ic SUcccifors; with Millions of brutalA[Ct:ions that degr.aded.· and:: di£g.mced!;t}:Jl@ .t:lici.ftiap..Name: Their W:iok.edn"efs. dicf not~ how.ev:er, go ui1ch.:iffiftiil; · fua::·tMe · ·jJ}~n~ . now began to be ver;y powerfuh ¥ter6C:hn]i· at':idevem-vv:here tr!umphedlo.ver theii:w.r.etchedand 22. . ..J


wicked Opponents~ and with Fire an.d. Sw.ord oyer.:thr~w all the gW-im»M~~p~.~ ~~.~JJ·· .Ewy Thing. that had the lealb Ap?ea.tance of·El~ga~be:;TO:ftB'laces~ de..., dicated• to learn·ed,. p:fts, were aifuredly doomed to After Chr!fl immediate Defr.ruCtion. So that At:ts and. Sciences 710•.

with the CRAET o£ MAs.oNR Y nmv.: fwff:er.ed~ oo.ore than at ?-ny. Period.of Time: before;. and. the A.agujlmz Style in the Eafl is thereby, in aU Probability,. . buri~~ Oblivion for: ever.

m..Ajia. and. Afrzi:k,

~-Give a Halfpenny to Beliforius, whtm Virtue had raifed, and En'VY depreifed~ THUS

[ 61 ] that noble, juft, and beautiful Manner of Building was .quite loft, anq the very Principles thereof forgotten; for, when t4e 4L5ot!JS and thofe conquered by them. began to affect ftately StruCtures, their Architect?re, which probably they had but at fecond Hand from the .Art~bs and Moor.r, became fo coa~fe and artlefs, that the greate~ of their ArchiteCts knew nothing of juft Defigning; they wanted both Heads and Hands to imitate the Ancients~ nor-could Theydoitf6rmanyAges: yet, notwanting Wealth· and' Ambitiort,. tb.e)r; did· ·their ·heft:' arret f6 the more IngeaieuoS" gr~dually-coalefced- in Societies· or Lodges, in Imitation of the Ancients, accor.dirtg to the remaining Traditions that were· not quite obliterated, and hammered out a. n~w Style of their own,. called tlie GOTH!£. TI:tE· remaining-Monuments of which, loaded· with v~ft:.Jm ... proprietit3s, are Evidences of the Ignorance of theArchitel!s.: Sqfar indeed they from the Ancients in their Proportz"orii and Ornaments;. that it9 Cofttmns. are either too maffy, in .a Form of vaft Pillars,· or- .as ilender as Poles; having Capitals without any certain Dimenfions, carved with the Leaves ofBraridi"-ur:tln,. Thiftle~, Coleworts~ &t:. ·an~ likewife adorned· with expenfive Carvings, and co:A:ly; though lamentable Imagery, without' any THUS

of tnat -~,?.g.·'~.~ !Jt~!Jf.! ~ndJ.~~ f)!'!"!r!~"J:'. w~ic}J the.l!aiJrfct; of the Al;~~$";~~dn ~WI~: ~}'iet' 1t mtrlr be ownecf; that the Endeavours ·ofthe o·oTHIC C:raftfmen to fupply the Wanfof good old Skill; with their numerous and cofl:ly Decorations for that Purpofe, were vb'y laudable~· and manifefi:ed· their great E:fl:eem for the Royal Art;., an~ h:w~ i~ muft.. be. confe,ffed., ~­ dered t Eeir Struflures .very venem~e :. and, .Il)~gp.ificen·t;,: .tli?~gh: bearii1g no Com·par~fon.wiili.the true bii_E'l'a}le of the .QKECIA~· or RoM.A~ Style• · · · ·


[ 62 ] C H A P. . VIII. 7.'be REVIVAL if OLD Arcbitetlure, ot路 the Auausr AN Style. cHAR L EM A IN laboured ftrenuouily to 77x. reftore a;zdmt .Architetlure, kept up fome Lodges, and gave great Encouragement to the Craft. The Ermch made alfo very great Progrefs in the fame grand Delign, under HuGH CAPET. His Son RoBERT vigoroufly profecuted the Deiign of his. Father, and by Degrees OLD Architeelure was run almoft intq as great an Excefs of Delicacy,. as the qpotbit had done before in Mafliveneis. 路 .. TRuE .tJb)a.ront!? began . to revive again in AJ~: ~h~ffl .TuscANY, where .Blflchatto, the Greek, began a . 3 faint _Imitation of the. Ancients in the Church of St. JoHN, at PrsA, and formed a new Lodge there. II BUONO 路 made a farther Progrefs therein at Ravenna.~ and After Chrffl x152. built the Steeple of St. Mark, at Venice. 0LTROMONT ANo and BoNNANo built the Steeple of

After C!Jt路ifl





MARCHIONE of Arezzo raifed the Marble Chapel ()f

Prifepio at St. Mary Majore }AMES the German built the .firft .fine Edifices of Florem:e, whofe Son JAcoBo ARNOLPHo LAPo, with the Painter CrMABOIU s, de~gned th.e Cathedral of

I 2 I6

St. Mary De!fiore



CHARLES of .Anjou, King of Naples, was the Jidt Prince that publicly encouraged the Revival of the .Arts of Difigning, by employing the faid Cimaboius and Nicholas Pifon to build an .dhbyin the Plain of 'Tagli(f Cotzo, where CHARLEs had defeated the Pretender Co1zradin. JoHN PrsAN, Son of Nicholas, built for

[ 63


for the King his new Caftle of Naples. This Royal Patron (the fame as Grand-Majler) of the Revivers, died .A. D. I 2~ 5· And his Succeifors inriched the Kingdom of Naples with learned Ar... chiteCl:s and fplendid Edifices. CIMABoius and the Pffans educated many fine Maflers and Fellow ,Crafts; particularly, GioTTO theArchiteCl:; till the( 1:'. . arnved . . · A1terToTILA'sHavoaks47J F lorentmes at a pretty good years 7 53 lmitation of the Ancients, whic~ was difcovered in all the Parts o.. ) A. D. 1 00 the Church in St. Miniate. 3 GIOTTO and .his Pupils formed an Academy ofDijigners, or a learned Lodge"> at Florence, who, like thofe of old at .Athens and Sicyon, enlightened all Italy, byfending forth excellent Connoif... feurs and dexterous Operators in all the Arts of Dtfi~ning. ANDREW PISAN, one of them, was made a Magiftrate of Florence; and many of tpem afterwards fiourilhed Wealthy at Pifa, Ravenna, Venice, Urbina, Rome, and Naples. ~ . LA UR ENTio GHIBER ro, educated there, conducted forfome Time the Raifing of the faid St~ Mary De!fiore, and framed the 'I'wo -Brazen Gates of S.t. 1ohn's, of which, long afterwards~ Michael Angelo faid in Rapture, that they were worthy of being the Galls OfPara/fft. · ~ : · ~* DoN ATELLo next appeared with Andrea Verrochio, the Mafi:er of Piedro Perrugz"no and Leonardo da Vtnci, prodigious Men t Alfo Dominigo Gbirlanlaio the Mafte.r of _Michael Angelo· and Mai'cmo, and other fubJime and :profound Architects·. ·Bur the ~otbtc Style was not quite left off. at Florence, where a learned Lodge ofDefigners was e~ablithed, ·till BR UNEJ..ESCHI,. having fi:udied at lRotnt the Beauty and Jufl:nefs of the OLD Roman Buildings, there franding ot· · After Chrifl . l-400. proftrate, eftabli!hed: the compleat Ufe of the •




Doric, Ionic., Corinthian, and Compojite Orders ; which Evetn happened 853 Years after the Deva:fl:ation of ToTILA. THIS happy Refroration of the ..A.ugujlan Style was alfo much owing to the Princes of the Hous~ of MEDICI:S; for JoHN d( Medicis, 'Duke of .Florence, became the Patron or GRANDMASTER of the ~forefaid Lodge or Academy; and his Son CosMo I. CosMo I. de Medicis, educated in that fame Academy, fuc-:ceeded his Father as Duke of Florence, and Grmzd-A1q/Jer of the Revi·vers. He erected a fine Libr41!J of the· heft Manufcripts brought !rom Greece and Ajia, and a curiouS" Cabinet Qf the rareft and moft valuable Things that could be gathered. He eftabliihed very ,great,Commerce by Sea and Land, and juftly acquired the Titlct·af Paler Patrice, the Father of his Country, and died A. D; q.64-. ~ PETER I. de Medi'cz"s upheld the Lodge, and died .Duke of Florence A. D. 1472. But he was not fo Eminent as either his Father or .his Son JoHN JuLIAN de Medicis, the moft beautiful Youth and the moft excellent Connoiffeur in true old Architecture . in all Florence. He was alfo an exceUerit Operative l\1afon, and died A. D. I4-98. HIs Grandfon, LA URENzo 'r, inriched the fame at a vaft ·Expenee~ and 'bvilt a gtea. ~"'-~~ ·~ ,{Q&,qducati11g the moft promifing Youth, 'of whcm Mz"chael Angelo was his Favourite. His fecon~ Son JoHN, eleCl:ed Pope LEo the 'l'enth, wasGRAN:O MASTER in rearing the CATHEDRAL of St. PETER at RoME. His Coufin JuLius: afterwards Pope CLEMENT the $e'I.Jenth, alfocarri~d on St. PETER's, as GRAND MASTER: And that whole Family thought it their Honour to encourage ARTs · · and. SciENCES, and to promote the Interefrs of A.f~~6~hrifi the FRATERNITY, -down to Cos~o the Second, · created GRAND DUKE of TuscANY, who was the AuGUSTUs of his Day, as the Patron of true ArchiteBztre. COSMO


( 6s J


CosMo II. de Medicis fucceeded Duke Alexander r537; as abfolute Duke of Florence. HE Infiituted the Knz"ghts of the Order of St. Stephen, I 561, PoPE p·Ius V. and the Emperor Ferdz'nand L gave him the Titie of GREAT. DuKE of'Iz!fcany·A.D; 1569. HE was the chief Patron, or Grand.M4Jer, of all the ltalt~m Defigners and Craftfmen in .ArchiteC!ttre,. Painting;; Sculpture; Statuary, Carving, and? Plajftefi'ng:.: He I·nftitated the famous Academy or Lodge at··Pifa for the ltnprovement'ofDifciples and. Entered·Prentices. He made fuch 'beautifur Alterations in the Bhildings of Florence, that, like Auguflus, when a dying, He faid, I found the City buz'/t of Brzi:k and coarfl Stone, .. but L leave It built of Polfffoed Mtzrb!e.' l-fe ·died aged.- onlY. 55 Years.~~~ A. D.~ I 574.~AFTER tne Revival of the AuGusT AN STYLE in Iialj1. A. D. I400, LEo.N BAPTIST A ALB'ER TI was the firft Modern that·wrote of Architetlure.: and many exceHent Ma.fons fiourifuerl in thk rsth Century. But more were born and educated, who proved the Wonders· of the World in the· next C:entury,. and will be ever me~tioned in the Lodges with the ..greateft Hemour, fo;Impr~~~,:Rt'Vival, as if the .Augujlan Age Itfelf had re~ived, under the, generous Encouragement of the Popes, the Princes~ and States of Italy, the Patrons of the many LoDGES then con ... ftituted. Thus BRA M ANTE; the learned Monk of Urbina; fi:udied MASONRY at MilaR under C::JESA.R.IANO; and, after having narrowly examined all the Remains· of the Ancients throughout 11aly, He was employed by three fucce:ffive Popes to build at Rome the Clo!fler of the Church of Peace, the Palaee of th(t· Cbance-ry, and St. Laurence in-Damafi• He adorned many old.



[ 66 ] Churches . \Vith Frontf!Pieces of his own Defigning, built the pretty little St. Pl'ter's in Mo12t Orio, raifed fame Buildings in the Vatican and in the ·Palace of }3eh;idf!'l'e. · · PoPE JuLIUs II, the learns:;d,Patron or Gn:md MtzJfer of Rome, ~etained. BRA MANTE as his. Arch.iteB: ind Grand Jf/ardm., r 3 ; and ord~red hi~, as Mafter of Work, to draw the Grand Defign of St. PETER's new CATHEDRAL in .Rome, the and mofi accurate 'l'emple no~v in all the Earth~. And . the .faid PoPE with BRAMANTE le( a folcmn Ai1enib1y of Cardinals.., C/,•rgymm, and Crqft.ftJJe?t, to level the Foat-Sto;:ze of Great St. PETER's in due Form, A. D. 1507. BRAMANTE conduCted that Work itwen Years, till he died.; and was buried in It by PoPE LEo X, duly attended by .his Crqftjhzm, A: D. I 5 I 4· R ...tiP El A E L of Urb£7zo, the Pri:rzce if Painters, had learned lJ.1cifonry of his Uncle Brammztc, and :Cucceeded him in furveying St. Peter's till he died, aged only 37 Years, on his own BirthDay, April the 6th, I 520, when he was to be made a Cardi11al hy PoPE LEo X. and with a .univerfallVIp\lrning was burie~ in the Rotundt.z or. PmztlJeOJZ. · . . JOCUNDE of J7eroJZa and ANTONY SAN GALLO fucceeded R.apbad at St. Peter's, till They died .A. D. I 535, when PoP£ PAuL III. preferred to that office '





an~!~~~!Ly~;;~;Lg~:~~e~~~~~I\~:'!~J::~ with SaJZ Gallo's Draughts, made a new Model of St. Peter's according to which .tliat lqfty 'l'emple was finia1ed. . THIS Grand 1Ylqfler, leaving his \Varden PIRRo LIGORio at St. Peter's., ereCted the new .Capitolt'um, the Palace of Farmfl., nnd other accurate StruC!ures. He had before built -the Moztfo.,. leum in St. Peter's a~ Vi1zcu!a, with the curious Statu.e o{ Mofls,, .the F.ront of St. Laurence at Florence, by order of Pqpe



[ 67 ] .LEo X, the Sepulchre of the Hoztfl of Medict's by order of Duke Alexander, and the Apqflolica/ Chamber at Rome. MrcHAEL ANGELO certainly carried on Mtifonry to Its higheft Perfection, till he died at Rr;nze aged 90 Years, on the 17th of February, I 564, highly efteemed by all the Princes of Europe; and CosMo, the Great Duke of 'TZf.f.Cany~.ftole.·his Corpfe from Rome, refolvirig that :fince he could.not.have ANGEL.o, alive, He would have hitn, and ful.em~y burieci him in St·~ C'rqft at: Florence,. at~erided. by the Fraternity; and ordered Vafor-io to defign his Tomb, inriche.d w.ith the three· g!eat.l\latble. Statues o£ Llrchiteelure.:,. Painting,. and Sculpture;. James Bcu~otzi da V IG .l'{OLA'fucceeded iY!i'chael A1zgelo at St. Peter's,,. by order of Pope PAUL v~ but Ligorio the Grand' Warden, for. altering Angelo's Ddign, was turned out by Pope GREGORY XIII. VrGNO~A, befides his accurate Edifices. at Rome. and elfewhere, defigned for Philip II, King of Sp~zin, the &mousEscuRIAI:. and'St.Laurence,. Mafte.r-pieces of Art. He nublli:hed a Boo)\.. of th<; Orders: and the J3eauty of his Profiles. is. much admired .. He defigned the Church ofJifus. at Rome, the €afile of Caprarola and the Side of the Palace.of Farnife that is~ext the Tiber,. and died at Rome, aged 66, A~.D. I 573: · . J14ijl) E1]•. N Ifucceeded Jfi~noliz at,St~ Peter's, and built the ·Hat'lfftFP&Y.I1f/j)t~of:tfJ~t"v~'tr~¥;emple; about. the Time that Pope GREGORY IIL made a Ne··w Calendar, or began-the NEw STYLE called, from him, .the Gregorian,. the firft Year. of which- is A. D,i 1;582. Gregoryr dying 158 5.'·· was fucceeded by Pope Srxrus QQIN'Tus, who emploY.ed · . DoMINICoFoNTANA in many cuciousBuildings, and to move· the Egyptt'an Obeli.fos into public Places er~Ct. After which Fontana was chief Engin€er of Naples,, and. puilt the. magnificent· P.alflce of the Yic~roy•.

[ 68 ] ' endlefs to mention the ingenious Co-temporaries of thofe great Mqflers, the othe~- accurate Re'!.;ivers and Improvers of the Royal Art, Juch as BALDASSARE.PE.n..uzzr, who defigned .and .made the Model the Palac.e of Chighi, and his Difciple Seha}Han Serglio .. - Julio Romano; the chief Difciple of Raphael, built for the.Duke of lvftmtua his Palace of -A Delta,-..Lombar.d,of Mt'lanJtimes Smffl'i..'tno, recommended by Pope Leo X. to .the Yenetians Jt'iWJJ Genga built for Duke Gu-ido Baldo his 路Palaces at Urlino and Pdaro.-Pdlcgrino Tibtddi built the great Church of Milan, and its Dome was made by 'John james de la PortaSir Baccio Bandi'nelli, who was knighted by Pope Clement VII. f-or being a moil: excellent Sczilptor.-J?envenuto Cellini:_ Dmzii:! J,z Voltern1 built pret~ St. Helen's in the great Church of Trinity dell MotJte at R.ome.---::Perrin del Vaga built at Genoa the Grand Pahce of Prince Don:1, and .was an inimitable Plaffterer, a fine Art then .mt"tch in Requefr. AT Vt!~tice alfo the R!v.t-,.val was carried .on,; for .'Jocunde of 1/i:rona, abov..e-men.tioneq, bw1t the Stone Bridge, and erected the ftately Gcztes of l?f.nma. WnEN C.HA R L E S V. befieged Rome I 525, MICHAEL ANGELo retired to Veniu, when the Doge got him to defign the famous Bridge of Rea/to. JAMES SA}~SOVINO con~itute~ a,_Lodge of ArchiteC!s (or l.!aflers} at Venice, artfully fupportedf:t~'Dome ofSt "Mark* I$27 then in Danger*, embelliihed the Palace and 'f'reajitry, and fortified the whole Republic as 6~anil ~afttt of Ma.fons. BuT at Vmice the Augz!ftan Style was alfo well improved by the learned VINCENT ScAMOTZI,DANIELBARBARo,and the great


AND R E A . PAL LAD I 0. PALLADIO's excellent Genius was highly difcovered by the i<lcred Edifices, .the Palaces, and Seats of Pleafure, and the other



:[ 69


d1arming Buildings ofl1is, throughout the State of Veni'ce. ·He wrote alfo with great Judgment of the ORDERS of Old Architecture, and of the 'l'emples of the ,Ancients; which is a noble Monument .of his Merit, ufeful to all Ages. . He died reJlowneci



158o.. THus Italy was again the Mfflr_efi of the World, aot for Imperial Power:, but for the ..drt.s ofDijigni'ng re::vived from,Gothic Rubbijb. BuT, from thejirfl Rev-iva!, the Mafons began to form Ne'W Lodge.s (caJJed by the Painters Academz"es or Schools, as all true Lodges ought to be) read Lectures, communicated their SECRETS. and Hints of K.Jzo'IR;ledge, and performed all other good OLD ,U.fages., that .are preferved among .Mqfons to this Day, and per... ·haps will be to the End of Time. UPoN the perfeCt Re-efta.blifument of ·oLD Archite.c1ure, the Fraternity were not only fuppor.ted in raifin.,g mighty Works, but the Great and Noble encouraged and patronized the Lodge.s, be(;oming Brethren of the ·Crqft.; which prefaged ;them a happy :Profpetl: of quietly enjoying their J:i'reedom down to many Ages.; fo that here it will be very nece.ifary to break,off:tb.eir·S.tory, and purfue the Hiftory of Mafonry into Britain! to the fame happy Period of being patronized by the Good, ·the Great, and Brave, Zr~ ,gf ~(J;~~m .··~ ;Of !&iitain4 ,.down to ou.r owl! 'Times.• ·


.,.. HE

n -E








.R y


-MASONRY. in.. ..





.F R 0


JU ~!US -C./E_S A R' .


· Till the Acceffion -of


.J A :M ~ ~ _tk,e · FirjJ · to

the Crown of -E N -·G L A N: D~ I.


~,~~t~f~trT.:jt.~f() ~ U C T .I,.~ N ..


I. S TOR. fi._·le. nt. how long. the Pofl:eri.ty of }APHE.· T7 ;in the North and Weft_ of EuRoPE, had loft thcir.Ori. . _.gin31 ~ne s·k~l, ·that they e;ought from :the.Piains ef · .. ' · SHINAR; ·or how the Knowledge thereof came fidl: 'into the BRI.TISH -Iiles:; the moft e~rly~Hiftories of our-Country being £0 ~tedardeQ with Fables,· and perplexed with Contra.. t"~eties, that Authors ~gree- not· ·where to. begin, how ·to go on." '




[ 72 ] or ·where to end, that the Parts of it may with any tolerabfe Col~ur of Truth hang together. YET it is certain, that the firft Inhabitants of this Ifiand muft have brought with them no finall Knowledge in GEOMETRY or MAsONRY, as there are the ftrongeft Reafons to believe they were not the meanefl: Proficients in the Art of Navigation. 'FHE;RE are fome Remains ofveryadmirable.SkillinAr:chitec... ture, much earlier than the Romans, but now fo defaced by villainous Hands, and the Ru:ins of Time, that, from the remaininoo rude StruB:ures thereof, it is hard to determine, what might have been their original Ufe, or in what a ikilful Manner they might have been-defigned :·or how far we may pr:efume,to.fix the Name of barbarous and rude, on what at this Day is infinitely beyond. the Contrivance of any modern Invention; as the Means of performing thofe great Works were perhaps loft foon after the Age· of thofe v;ery Barbarians, who performed them.; THE DRums, in BRrTAIN,.hadmany of the Ufes ofMAsoNs amongft them, probably gathered1 from the lV]AniANs; they held. · the Immorttdity of Souls, held their A:lfemblies in Woods and. Gro•ves, or under fome wide fpreading OAK; which was alfo the l'racrice of the Patriarchs: And· what they taught was aommi~­ ted to JY[eJJZ01)'' and not, on any Account, allowed to be writtm •. They determined all Cau[es, ecclefiafi:ical and civil; taught Phi-lofophy, Afrrology, Politics, Ri~es,~n,d~~.~~~Vi~:s~ ~l~:P~etry; and in S:ongs fet forth the herolC needs of. great Men~ to t~ Imitation of Pofrerity.. ' THE TRoJAN Race of BRITONS! built many Towns, amongfi: thofe was EBRANK:, commended for a very great Year of the Builder; from whom we have the Cities of York }'lood I318. and Edinburgh. His· Succe:ffors in the CRAF'l;' B. C. 1·030~ btlilt Canterbury, Jl7inchefler, and Shajtjbury; with .many Temples to Apollo, Diana~ &c •.


[ 73 ] BLADUD is afferted to have been bred at Athem, and from thence, returning a great Mathematician and ArcbiteCI, brought four Philofophers with him, whom he placed at . . Stam+ord, making that Town a Kind of Univerfity. YFieardof the ~.. . 00 144-4· He alfo built Bath, and produced the hot Waters B. C. 904. there, committing the Confervation thereof to Minerva: But,. prefuming tb :fly with artificial 'Vings, he feU, from ..Apollo's Temple in :froynfn;ant, which according to ancient Tradition frood on or near the prefent Site of St. Peter's Church in Wejlminfler, and fo ended his Days.

C H A P.


From JuLIUS CESAR. to the fidl Arrz'valof the $A X 0 N S t"n BRITAIN.

C. 1£

S A R in his Commentaries gives. us t~ :fi.rft .Certain Account of Britain. He landedt on the Shore, betwixt Deal and Dover, A.M. 3949l <>n the 2oth ofAugu.ft; but did not B.C.orChrfjf.JEra 55 S re~~,~ondon.ti1~ pext, Year,. when. he BiforeChrffl'sBirth 51· lanaed a fecond T1me: Nor d1d he even. . then purfue his Conquefts, becaufe his Defign was to be the GRAND MASTER of the Roman Republic. THE Romans did not follow his TraCt, till AuLus PLAUTIUs came from the Emperor Claudius, A. D. 42~ Next Year,,·.:.· CLAUDius came himfelf, and afterwards he fent OsTORius ScAPULA, who was fucceeded by feveral Romatz .Lieutenants, that foon formed 1!obgt,d for building Caftles arid otl1er Forts, to fecure their Conquefts. About the Year .of L . CHRIST

* A. D.


t A. D. l3I•


A. D. 207.

[ 75


EMILI US CRISPINUS, his Mafter of Horfe, a .fine :Arc!Ji.. tee!, built a pretty 'Temple at Cal/rlifle, the Altar-Stone of which was lately found then~, near the. old l'Ylztr Sever. THE South Britons had been long foftened in their Manners by the Romans, and affected their Politenefs, wearing the Roman .Drefs, and [peaking Latin; and abounding alfo in Commerce; they improved in Arts and Sciences, and found the Roman Conqueii: was a great Bleffing to the Conquered;· ~eholding with Pleafure their ~ountry' formerly ~11 grotefque and wi~d., now adorned with venerabfe ¥emples, folemn Courts of Juftice, ftately Palaces and · Man:l.ions, large· and beautiful Ci'tt"es, regular Forts and CajHes~ convenient Bridge.s, &c. THE joint Emperors Dioclrftan «nd Maximili'an employed CA:rtAusx·usas,their Adnii~al againft the·Saxon.Pirate&, who b~ing · at Peace with the. Picfs,' and gaiaing the( Arfuy.,) affun:ied .the Purple, and was recognized and admitted into Partneiihip of the Empme hJ the other. Two~. . .. , .. d;G:~U.SH3$!enco·uraged the Craft, particularly?-t:V ~~.U:+:AM., (-now St~ Albans in · Her!fordjhire} _by ~h~. ·:wor~y. ·~Knight, ALBAN us f. This Albanti.f Wa.$ :rl"ter~ards converted to the C:hrifrian Faith"' by the preaching of AMPHI~AL us, of Cae"rleon, ''fib · • .¢ his worthy~Pe~s an4 gr~p.~.f~e, , Afi Ch iJ1 , .,~ -~dJkd his ConyerfJ,Qn: 03 . rr .St. ALBAN was the firft who fuffered martyrdom in Britain. THE old Confi:itutions affirm, and the old Engljfh Mafons as firmly ~Iieve ;it, that Caraufius .employed St. .Alban to .'' ..En ... ~ viron ~hoc City of Verulam with-a Stone W ~11, and to bpild him '~ a fine P.a,lace; for which 1that Britifo King J; St.)O.,.A.Man the " Steward of his Houfuold, and chief Ruler of the Realm. '. . L 2 " St..


• A. D. 287. t This is alrelte'd by aU the Qtd Copies of the Ce15fli.:m4itMS, and the old Englifh Maforu firmly believed it.

[. 76 ] "' S.t. ALBAN alfo loved Mafons wen, and cherifhed- them " mu~h, ahd he made their Pay right good, viz. two Shillings. " per Week, and three Pence to their Cheer : whereas before. " t!ilat Time, through all the Land, a Mafon had but a Penny " a Day, and his Meat. He alfo obtained of the King a Charter. " for the Free-Mafons, for to hold a general Council, and gave it: " the Name of AssEMBLY, and. was thereat himfelf as GRAND-· " -MAsTER, and helped to make Mafons, and gave them good " Charges and Regulations." St. ALBAN was born at Verulam, of Pagan Parents:. In his Youth he took a Journey to Rome, in Company wi$ AMPHIBALus, of the City of Caf"r-Leon, fuppofed by many to be by. Birth a Roman; and: there. ferved- for feven Years in the .Arp1y of the Emperor Diocle.ftan.. Leland teUs us, that,. at the Time·. St. ALB AN :B.ouriilied,

and the

ARTs, had been lately introduced by the Romans into Br£tai'n; which: LEARNING,


was now become a· Province of the Empire; and that the Youth, of ~ality and Diftincrion ufed. to· travel to Rome for ImprovcH·; ment in Knowledge-and the Sciences,*. Beigg returned !rome~, he lived highly honoured· in· the Town.. of Verulam ;. wherer through. the Example and In:ll:ruB:ions of his Fellow-Traveller,; Amft!Jibalus, he became· a thorough Convert to the Chr!fli'an Re-ligion. In the tenth and -~ ie'!l$jt:.l~: !f ~~, itians, in the Year 303, he was beheaded for the fame'; a Fas-: vour intended him, on· the Acu:ount of his noble· Birth t, at HolmliZiljt, fince called Der.fLVald, where· now the Tow11 of: St. Afbarz :ll:ands, to the lafl:irrg Honour of whofe Name and' Merits King OFF A. in after. Times founded a moft magnificent Monqjlery. THE .

'* Leland, Echard, &c.

Comment de Script•.Brit•. cap. xS.

t Speed's Cht·ol1ic1e,. Stov"e,

( 77 ) ,· TirE

Emperor- <";4AB,A Y: &I'rf s gqve,tp~fl.ttlg~~~"Pf~_-'!'€. l!rfmin, .

with an updght,and.·unftained Reputation-; ~n:d~abo¥eall;was -~ v.ery great .Encourager ,<;>f Le-tJrrting and :learned Jl.fen,, ,and: im::..: proved th~ G:O,untry, i~'if£v;J ;l,r(s•J vy-as a M;:t~,l: ¥~:i!t·t- :and, made. ,a, great· ~oll~~Otl!Qf,W~li:mf<n, anq :~~r ,f\r#~qr~:::·Jro~ . all Parts: The People enjoyed p~rfech Pe~ce:3:~4~Tr~l{l:R_UH!ity: under him, (ot,J~v;~aLYears.~··~·.4-n4--P-~4~u~w;~rsr and qth,er· -Artificers, were employed Hy ~hn in:Y~flt l~ts~·~~<!§· · :1 -- · 1. EV:i.!r~!·lUt~~ -~'!~yridl w~t:ing; (Q:r:~:-~ g(j!ttf:~pq:if!ers ' of MiAISDNtl :had· then :left the. H).a,nd ; . "~yen your,:City1of :Autun,.. f' fays he, mofl::devoted to your. Servicp,, a:qd;in whofe. Name L '-:' am efpecially to congr,atulate: you ; . has. been..welr :ll:ored .with, ~~ Artificers (ARc.~ IT E c T s and-.MA soNs)· (lnce y;our Victory oyer.· '' .the.Br:itoiz.r, .who(e.P,rQ:vinces.,abounded yv~th th~J?:t:.-. and ·n~w,, '' by their W orkmanihip, the fame City:g£ ;4~~!fi~e,~ in.Sphm1 "· dor, by -~the .rehuilding1¢ t~ir.~nci¢nt.Houfes,.:e;retting public · "·W..q~]ts,;~~Qlil: of Temples: . So that th_ean<tient

'" N~·

~~1BR:Q.T.nF;~Hoop,'!V'fl~g)-;thyYJ;!~~P~~~rr­ " joyed,.: is· again.tefror~d;:.l?y;J,l:a.v;ing J.OUf i~i~~IS(.4jp,R:y~·;or ·

"their. feeond·Fopnd,ert'" .,Jfrom,..)lenef!: it is.bey_qnd allDoubt:t.,. that .the Reducti<tt\ of )kitafn., occafi<?-J?:ed.I!lapy e?Ccei~el!:~ ~ti~

rP~'#~Ib~~!aj.n~;,~ to the' ·neautyf Conve~ mence; ·and: MagJ?.ificence .of the Hlani,._that ,Ganfiamius Chlorus ·



chofe to. m,~ke it the Seat of his.• Empire. . · . · · , WHEN Dioci~qrt·.and.,M¥~"'jriian abdicated·t,, ·~· . , _·. . :.. CUN:STAN.l'~p,~_,qfi_tp~usfu~ceeded:J?mpyor .o£ the;![~, a .

LOVle.r ,Qf;4nl~1a-n(f\ Sci.i,J'{cfJ:f. ~, al{9r ·~;n:J-¥c:h· f~Ro~t~-?ged the ~t'\F'r, 'till he d~ill.l\t~T;ork., t!>.~-,·f~IJle Year ..t4~-~- ,#~if~rEmprefs HELENA:girt.LoN.D.-oN with . a. Stone11{.al-4.. _.,



C.ON-·. :


'.~~,l~\. 1".

:··."Guthrie's Hill:. Eng. Vol. I: page 58~


.t ~. D. 303.

I! A•. D. 3?6·

[ 78


~coNSTANTINE -the Great, their Son, borft. a.t. rork, ·in ."Britain, fttcceeded:;: :who partitioned South Britain into four 'fravihces. · During his Reign the Cbrf!Jian Religion flourifhed .thlro_ugM5~t~ ~is Ernpire ; the Britons' eiljoyed Peace and Plenty, inil oM-~R~an·l\tiAsoNRY ftately a.ndcurious Piles; -tilrhe died; :A. j.36'~ >-. . -· . - ·"AFTER whieh, -the Northerm, J<*ningthe Sa~on Pirates,·.in.. vaded :till+ ' the . Soutb, . + ' THEODOSIUS·(Fathet of the Emperor 'I'beodqjius the Great) came from 'th~ Em~erO'r ValmtinJaid.and bravely beat them back,. even ov~r-:Agficdla's Wa/l{which'hefottified with new Cajllet and Fo~is;~and·, ·recovering the Land of the old Me~tte.r betweem: the two Walls, he:ma?e it afiftb Province, calling it VALENTIA.• He\alfo 'beiu1ifine!dr!iondon, repaired all the:Cities and Forts, and left Brttain, A. D~ 374·. , . 1\-iAXIMUS came next from theEmperorGratian. He affumed · the ~Purple, failed into Gaul, but was defeated in Italy by 'I'heodqfius Mttgmu, beheaded§ and numbered. among .the Tyran'ts. . · CoNsTAN.t:rN:E~ a common SoldierJ~:fot th~ Sake,of,hls .fortunate Name, nex:t d10fen by' t:he"S~ut~rltfl.of>tllis 'Jftand· to be their Leader; who alfo affumed the Purple, ·failed into G.aul, and was there defeated and beheaded by the Emperor Honorius. An·d now · ·. HoNo~ru~~'-!rittt ~ing·able ~:~~~~~nft the Northerns, fair~y renouneed hi~· Sovere~hty bver Britoin~ 11he next Year after ALARIC had facked Rome: It yet AE T Ius, the General ofValentiman III, beingviCtotious in Gaul, out of Compa:ffion fent the Briton.r one Legion· under GALLxo. who repelled theNortherns beyondMur Sroer, which he rebuilt of Stone JYork eight Feet ·broad, and twelve Feet high: but being re":' called, he left the South Britons to defend themfelves againft the .Nortberns~ and carried off his Legion, * tho' the Roman Soldiers did






t A.D. 367.



§A.D. 388.

[ 79] did not all depart till A. D. 430. In the vulgar Yea·r of Mafinry, 4430. After Ccefot·'s Ipyafion_) 486]Years After Au/us Pltlutius came, 389 f · . DuRINGwhichTime,theRoMANsh~d propagatedMAsoNRY· in every Garrifon, and had built fine Places pafi Number, even to the North Border, or the Wall of AGRI90LA; near which, at the Forth, they:raifed th~ little tf~inple ~their G,odTERMINus, that: ftands to this Day, now called by the vulgar .Arthur's Oven, a curiousRotundq in Shape of the Panthc::m at Rome, 20 Feet high, ana ·near 20 Feet in Diameter. Nay, in Tlmes ofPeace the Northenis might learn ofthe Romans to ex t::nd t~1e Art to the fartheft North and Wdf, or the ULTIMA THULE~ BuT true OLD Mafl1Zry departed alfo fromBri'taz'n, with the Roman Legions: for tho' many Roman Families had fettled in th~ South., and were blen.ded with the Britons, who had been well educated iiJ. the Scienu and the .Art~ yet the fubfeqt1ent Wars, ConfnfiortS:~ndRevolutions in thisifland,.ruined antient:Ledt.ning, till the fine Artifl:s were dead, without. Succeffion. For the. Northerns; hearing that the Roman Legions were never to return, broke through ¥ur Sever, feized all the Land North of the Hum-· /Jet;,, and r~~8dl; the' &~th· the more· ea(l1y;,thae.the'1ltlutberns were~Cl1~idea'by·~~t~y1tihgs!. till 1f they chote, ' VoRTIGERN their Sovereign or general Mbnarch, who, being unable to retrieve Affairs, got the Confent of his Nobles to invite the SAXONS. of low~r Germany to come over and help him,. ·U:pon which ~~~it::~.tibn..Prin~i HEN GIST with2ood8axon:slltrde'd:

in T!Janet

near the Kentfjh ·shore~ -tl.


U A. ,.D. 449-· -



{ ·8o ]

C H A P.

II .


Fro1n the fitjl ARRIVAL of the SA X 0 N S, to WILLIAM the Conqueror.


HE SAxoNs having affifred Vortigenz to dr-ive the S,cot:J and Piv9s beyond the Humber:, built THONG CASTLE in ILincolnjbt''re; and, b.eing daily recruited from lower Germany, and ·-the River Elb, refolved to fettle in Britain, and after much Blood:::fhed, in many Battles between the Natives, they overpowered them, and founded an HEPT ARCHY, or Seven Kingdoms, viz •. .I . Kingdom of KENT, founded by HENGIST, A. D. 455· ·2. Kingdom of SussEx, by ELLA, 49 I.3· Kingdom .of \V"EssEx, by CHERDICK, 519 .. 4-· Kingdom of EssEX, by ERCHENWYNE, 527. 5· Kingdom ofNoRTHUMBRIA, by IDA the .Angle, 547· ..6. Kingdom of EAsT ANGLES, by :UFF A, , · 57 I~ j. KingdomofMIDDLEANGLEsorMERCI4.,byCRIDA~5fLt.:· As the Anglo-Saxons increafed, the Britons loft Ground ; for .after the Death of AMBROSIUS .Aurelius, and his brave Son -..King ARTHUR, the Britons had. no Grand Mollarch, but only . I \ . ,, . ..a few ,Petty :[ii11gs. Many of the~'.(~~~~ ~J>.A. .(~.s to other Saxon Kings) many .fled. to Cornwol, and by Sea to .Ar~ mariea, (ca,lled frill Br~tagne in France) and many went to North Britain ampng the Scoto· 'wdenfis.;, tho' the greater Part Bet! ,bey~~d the Seve1~n, where .they ~ere cooped in ,between tp~ Mountains and the Irijh Sea·*·. . ·· · -· · · ·. ·· THE Anglo-Saxons, who had always called the Britons GUAL:ISH or Walijhmen, now called their Settlement beyond the Severn WALISHLAND or WALES, called ft~ll by the French GALLES from

[ 8r ] from the GAULS their Progenitors. And here they elected the noble CADW AN their King, -the Progenitor of the Chr!ftian Kings and Princes of WALES. DuRING the horrid Wars, fince the Departure of the Roman Legions, about I 6o Years, Mafonry was extinguiihed : nor have we any Veftige of it, unlefs we reckon that of STONEHENGE, and allow, with fome, that AMBRosius, King of the Britons, -raifed that famous Monument on Salflbury-Plain, by the Art of_ Marvellous MERLIN (whom the Populace counted a Conjurer and Prophet) in Remembrance of the bloody Congrefi, when HEN GIST murdered 300 Bri'tijh Nobles. Others think it an old Celtic 'f'emple built by the Britons long before the Romans came here; and fome have counted it only a Danijh Monument. But the great INIGO JoNES, Grand-Majler of Ma.fons in England, and his Kinfman Mr. JoHN WEB, have learnedly proved it- to be a Roman Temple, the largeft Piece of Antiquity in the I hand*. THEANGLo-SAxoNs wereall.rough,ignorantHeathens; and, defpifing every thing bt;~t War, gave the :finilhing Stroke to all the Remains of ancient Learning that their Brother Savages had by Accident left undemoli!hed; affeCting only their own barba~~s Manner-of Life, till feme pious Teachers from Wales and Scotland conve'tted riiany to;the Chriflian Faith: but none of their Kings, till AuGuSTIN the Monk, with forty more After Chrfj Monks, amongft whom the Sciences at that Time 597路 were prefer,ved, fent by Pope GREGORY, baptized ]~~THELBERT King of KENT, and in 6o-Yearsafter all the-Kings of the HEPT ARCHY were converted. Then Churches, Mona.fte-ries, Palaces, and beautiful Manfions were built. And, although they too late lamented the ignorant and defiruetive Conduct: of their Fore-Fathers, yet they knew not how toconfl:ruel the oLD .drcJ.,iteClure; but~ being- zealous to the utmeft of what they knew;


* See STONE H:ENGE reftored,


[ 82


followed the ,GoTilrc Style in building many Palace.;, Cqftles, fortified Ct'ties, and Cathedral Churches, amongft which were The Cathedral of Canterbury, . . - A. D. 6oo That of Rochefler, ·- - - - . .. - ... - 6oz

St. Paul's, Landolt, .;. .- - _St. Peter'.r, WejiJni;ijler, ·- - - -

6o4 ':" - - 6o 5 And a great many more defcribed in the Mona.flicon Anglicanum. THEY alfo built ·many Palaces and Caflles, and fortified their Cities,. efpecially oit -the Borders of each Kingdom. This required many Maf~m,- who- {Qon formed ~hemfel:ves .into Societies or Lodges, by Diret:l:ion of Foreigners that caroeuver to help them. BuT, where the WELCH dwelt, we find the earlieft Accounts, at leafr, of Sacred ArchiteCture ; at GLAsT 0 NBuRy in De;;onjhire"; Padilo'W in Cornwall;- Cai:'r ... Leon or Chejler, afterwards tranflated to St . .Afoph's in f'lintjhire; .Llmz Twit, or Church of I!tutu;r; Llqn Cadarn Vawr, or Church of Great St. Patern; the Monafteryof Llan CarT.Jan~ Bangor- in Caernarvonjhire; Holyhead _in .Anglefey; Llandajf" in Glamorganjhire; Menevia, or St. .David's in Pembrokejhire; and many ~<Ire Churches, Mo ... nafteries, and Schools of Learning. . THESE many Saxon Lodges continued to improve, till KENRED, King-of Mercia, and genera/Monarch ofENGLAND, {ent to_ CaARLES MARTEL~ the right worfhipful Grand Mujler 9(Fra~~~ F~he¢:&f;.Ki-~~.W").di~~ Afeer l;br!ft ~du~tm by :Br<;>ther. MimuS!Grlecus~ f01" a· Communt7'_I_O_: cati"onQfworihipfuland worthy Brethren to affift the Crtift, now in a flouriihing Condition in his Dominions, and to frrengthen their Lodges~ To which the royal Brother MAR TEL ]Nillingly agreed; ?-nd· fent f~om thence fome ejepert MASQN s ·tQ te~ch ~he SAxoNs thofe Laws and Ufages of the' CRAFT, that had ~~en preferved from the Havock of the Goths, but. not the Augujl(lft_Stjlf; for. tb~t was buried inits own Ruins ip,·.the W¢. THE CLERGY .n:ow ftudied Geometry. and ArchzteCfure, fuch as it was, becaufe theN oble_ and Wealthy, th~ If.ings and ff!..yeens, ·· ''":· ·· thought


[ 83 ] thought it meritorious to build Churches. and other pious Foundations, where many of them led a reclufe Life, and ended their . Days:· Their holy Houfes or Monafi:eries were under the Direction of the Clergy, where the Lodges ufually were held. Yet at fir:ft they built thofe Houfes moftly of Timber only, till BENNET, the, Abbot of Wirral~ introduced the Ufe of Brick and Stone, about A. D. 68o: So that even the Gr;,thic Style was but in its Infancy· during the Heptarcpy, which)af.l:ed, fror.f1J1engfji's · Arrival, · ~ A: D. 44-9l At Iail: during Years 381 S EGBERT, King of Wejfex, by Policy and Con-[.A D 8 quefi:, became Sovereign of the other fix Kingdoms: S : • 3o. and, the .Angles being moft numerous, he called his united Kingdom ENGLAND, and all the People ENGLISHMEN: Though the Welfo, the Irijh, and Scors Highlaitders, call them ftill SAxoNs; after thofe that firft c~me with Hengifl. Thus ·I. EGBERT, .the fitft King of .All England*, fortified his Sea Ports; and died A. D. 836.. ·: 2. ETHEL WOLF employed St. Swithi'n to repair·the Religious Houfes, and died A. D.











g.'~THEL" 14.E-Ta:r:r.. . t·s;ETH~L- 6 .. A:r;FRED the GRIM,, tbe·.ft'IJ ,r.,B\aj~ ~- a'1!~~1. • • .$oo,.Whotbmmeoo"c1Ablt S72,

"' aA-tl>. -

.tdied 86o. · ~ied 886.

died 872. · fubdu'd the Danes, tho" :rlo·t ex-


in w. h.. ofe. Re1gn's t.h.. e Danes fet- pel. led the·m· ;. l:e increafedJ ~is tied· m Eafl-Anglta· and Nor- Na'VJ Royal, fortified and rebtnft tJJum!Jria, pillaging and. demo- ·many Tewns, and founded the lifhing the Rdigf(}us Houfes. · · Univerfity of ()xforl. . . ' KING A.t.FRED had about him the heft .Arcbiteils; ·aftd employed t~~Fello~-Crqfiswholly in-Briclt~ Sft!?*. ~!Jejl KING of England, and •4ied i1Iu1hious, A." D-. 19/:fr!:J~ .~.· ·c~ · . ·

· 7. EDwAR:Q &nz"O:leftMI!(onryto·fheca;e,.h~,ofETHRED;

the Deputy King 6fMercia,the'Hufirand of Et!wartfs S.ift~ E.t ... :fREDA, the glorious Heroine, woo by her·Valml.l' e:7l.fJeU¢d· £he · ·· ' " M z · Danes ~A.

D. 830,

[ 84- ] Do,nes ont. Qf Mercia, and fortified many Towns and Caftles to preven~

their Incurfions. Next theK}ng put his learned Brother ETHELWARD at the Head of the Fraternity, arid founded 'the · Univedity of Cambridge that had been long a Nurfery of the Learned. The King died 924, leaving three Sons and a ~eeri. 8. A THEL sTAN the eldefr Son fucceeded, tho' only the Son of a Concubine,. and at fi.rfr left the Craft to the Care of his· Brother Edwin, called in feme Copies his Son: for in all the old Con.ftitutions It is writt~n to this P~rpofe, viz. " THAT tho' the ancient Records of the Brotherhood in Eng" ltmd were :mofr of them deftroyed or loft in the Wars with the " burnt the Monajleries, wherethe R~cptdswerekept; " yet King Athe!ftan (the Grandfon of King Atfred) the: fir.ft '''anointed King of Eng/ant!, who tranilated the Holy Bible into the "·SAxoN Language, when he had brought the Land into Reft and " Peace., built many great Works, and encouraged mfmy Mafons '~ fromFranceandelfewhere,whomHeappointedOverfeersthere~ " of: they brought with them the C~arges and Regulations of the "foreign Lodges, and prevailed with theK.ingtf?increafethe Wages. " THAT Prince EDwiN, the King's Brc)fhet,' ~in'g f~ught " Geometry and Mafonry, for the I:1ove he had to tlie 'faid Craft, u, and to the honourable Principles whereon it is grounded, pur". chafed a Free Cparter of King Athe!ftan his Brother, f,ortheFree "·MlZ}ms.havingall1ongthemfelvesaCo~RE~TtON',Qfa~o'o/J~rand

'' Freedom to r~mtlate'thernfehr~s~:G ··· ·~ha.ppqq ~' amifs, a~d to hold.a.yearly Gonbnunication ina Gener.al4/Jemb/y; " THAT accordingly Prince EDWIN fummoned all the Free ., and Accepted Mafons in the Realm, to meet him in .a Congre~ "~ga#on at Y 0 R K, who c~me and formed the Grand Lodge ':' )lllder him as. their Grand Mafier, A. D. 926. " THAT they brought with them many old w r~tings as~ " Records :of the Crf!ft:, fome in Greek, foro~ in Latin, (onie in "Frencb,.and oilier Languages; and from the Conten.ts thereof ~~ th~Y. framed t4e ~9!:ISTITUT10NS 9f the Etzglijh Lodgrs,




[ Bs J

and made a Law for Themfelves, to .preferve and obferve the "fame in all Time coming." Bur good Prince EDWIN died before the King [A.. D. 238} without Hfue, to the great Grief of the Fraternity;' though his Memory is fragrant in the Lodges, and honourably mentioned inall the old Co11)litution1. · SoME Englifo Hiftorians fay that, EDWIN being accufed of a Plot,. the King. fet him adrift in· a'B6~t'without _Sail and Oars; that 'EDWIN, protefting·Iiis' Iniloceflte, w-entr aboard 'and. juinpt into the Sea; and that his Efquire was drove into Picardy. · . THE Fact, as commonly received, is this: The King fufpeCl:ing his younger Brother Edwin, of defigning to deprive him of his Crown, caufed him, notwithftanding his Proteftations of Innocency, to be put on board a leaky sh;p, with his Armour-beru:er and Page. The young Prince, unable to bear the Severity of the Weather, and Want ofEood, defperately. drowned himfelf; fame time after, the King's Cup-bearer, who had been the chief Caufer of.this Act ofCrl:ielty, happened, as he was ferving the . Table, to trip with one Foot; but recovering' himtelf with~thb other, See, faid he pleafantly, how Brothers ojjord each otbtr Help; which ftriking the King with the Remembrance of what himfj)lf had done, in taking off.Edwin, wqo might have htlpedhltn:i.ti;hi$ Wamj_ti;e!CiluMd~ ~":00 tieJi96.1i'e .thereuglily.uitminedand, finding his Brother had been faHly accufed, caufed his Cupbearer to be put to a cruel Death, endured himfelf feven Years fharp Penance, and built the two Monafteries of Middleton and MiciJelndf, to atone foi this ba{e and bloody Fa6l:*. IX.Horuie/1, fpeaking of this Story;"treats it as if very indifferently foUnaed, and, on thatAccount, unworthyofCreditt. AbbotBrampto)z'tells us the Story at large :t' and after him mo:A: of the later~ Writers as ufual, that is; wh:h an Addition of various Circ\itnftaaces : ·fu that it cannot be faid this Story is without Foundation. Buchanan hath <c


'* Speecfs Chronicle, Book v.ii. ·Ch.•3'8'..

:t ·Chro~ p. 838.



t Gen. Bifr. P~ iv. c z.§ io.

. [ 86 ] improved it very happily. Thus it runs in his Writings: "They, " that is, the Englijh Writers, make thisAthe!ftan guilty ofParri. n.cide~ in killing his Father· and ·his two Brothers, Edred and '' Edwin,·wb.ofe Righ~it was tofucceed their Father in his King,, dQm.. Fame. incte~fes the Sufpicion, that Ed·ward .was violently "'put to Death, becaufe it attributes to him the Title ofMartyr*.'• Bucbari{ln cites no Authority for thi.s, becaufe indeed there could 'be no Authority cited·: Whatever he did with .Edwzn, moil certainly Athe!Jlan did not murder Edred, fince he not only furvived, but fucceeded him in the Kingdom. for the Murder of his. Father, that is 'the E£fea: of Buchanan's Ign.orance; he miffook Edward the Elder, who was really the Father. of Athe!ftan, for Edward the Marty.,, who began his Reign in.97 5, that is, five al:ad .tlh·irty· ·Years:afner; Ath~!ftan was in his ·Grave. Such is the Accm!l'acy, .fuch the Integrity, of this Writer! In like M'anner Rapin gives us this Story, without the leaft Mark of Doubt or Hefitation i': am.d yet we. prefume, there are (orne ftronger Reafons againft the>Credit.of this. whole Story,.an~ frill ftronger agairift that Part of it; which alledges Ed:win lo~l.t~ve _l[>e,e.a upjuftly put to·Death. Simeon of Durkam, and the·&x61n Ghr.<i>bicle7. fay no more, than that Edwvi.was. drowned by 1?-f.s Brother's Colll!lmand, in. the Year 993i· Br.ttfflt)ton p1"<1.ces it :inthe :6.rff, orat-fartheft in the fecof.!d~ Year ·of his Reign.; and he tells us the Story of the .rat1ieri.: Ship, aad.. ~--~s,~_.<;\lfir,~~a~et ~~' . William of Mabriflnirj; is V¢(y•·ci~~aiJ~at; {q,~li~ tells us what he heard* ~:.l :but Matthew, the Fl'Ower-gatherer ftam ps Truth~ Yet thefe difcor.the whole, down as. an indubitable . dantDa!es are not t~ accounted for. If he was drowned in the fecond, he could not be alive in the tenth year of the King. );'he firft is the more probable pate, becaufe about ~hat tfi,m€:tlaere certainly :was a Confpiracy againft King Athel-














'*' Hill. Scot~ lib. iv. R. 7S·

t Hifl:oire D'Angleterre, Tom. I •. p. 336. Dunelm. p. l$4· Cruon. Saxori. P· xu. R Chl'onicon, p. 82.8.. De Ge£1:., R. A. lib: ii." + Mitth, Florileg. · .




[ 87 ];z, in oi·der to dethrone hin~," and put out his Eyes; yet he did not put the Author of it to Death : is it likely then that he 1houldorder his Brother to be thrown into the Sea upon ba1'e Sufpicion ?.' But the Reader muft remember that we cite the fame Hiftorhps, who have told us this Story, to prove thatAthe!Jl:an was unan!moufty acknowledged K:img~ his Brethren being too young to govern : one would think then they could not be old enough to confpire. If we take the fecc;md Date, the whole 'St{)ry :is deftroyed ; the King could not do {even. Years Penance, for he did not live fo long; a.nd as for the Tale of the Cup-bearer, and his fi:umbling at the King's Table, ~he fame Story is told of Earl Goodwin, who murdered the· Brother _pf Edward the Corifej]or. Lafrly, nothing is dearer from Hiftory,. than that Athe!ftan was remarkably kind to his Brethren and Sifters, for whofe Sakes he lived fingle, and therefore one would think his Brother had lefs Temptation. to confpire againft him. KING ATHELSTAN built many Caftles in Northumbria to bridle the Danes (whom he had fubdued) and the famous Abby of St. John at Be'!Jerley in r~tkjhire, and Melton Abby in Dorfttjhire; . He rebuilt the City of Exeter, and repaired the old Church of the CuLDEES at York. He died withoutlifue, 940.

~~on Ki11gs of England. ., ~nilb J<in,gs o-f~ngla'nd. 9 EDMUND I. ftt~~IOEDREDfttccee'd- TFtY':RA, Daughter of Ed.ceeded Brot?er .d. . ed his B. rother Ed· ward Senior (according to the mund> reb U1"ltGJ.,.r:. a.;- Damijl.:J Hifrorians (was mar.Itles . and Chu rt:h. ctheij!an,repa1redthe . ;...·. . . ried to GoRMo III. King of and died D ~mnark, and t.~h·. e s' and .leaving ·· . - two}tonbu. , - . h ry, . .rr: . VU4 e to 1m Sons, dted A.. D. 946. wxt out Iuue 9 55. , - - A - - - . ,·. __;:__ · _- · · -:"l HAROLD VIII.KiDgof .Dmn EDwi fucceeded!Iz EDGAR built mark. · .,, hisUncleEdred,andtand rebuilt about ,---.:,__~....:_-~ died without Hfue, 48 pious Houfes, Swl!·N 0-rt'o, of Den959· · by the Pireetion mark, who:findingthatEthe/--'---~___;_ of - St. Du,ylan, red negleded his Fleet, al~:tattb l!maatr, ahd fevetai more ex- towed his Danes to invade • 'p¢rtMafters. He alforigged out a good England every Year, ~md they Navy1 left.


[ 88 ] ~a~on..Kings of England.

$attitb Kings of England.

Navy, which prevented the Inva:fions left many Lord ~attt~, to of the Danes, and died 97 5. opprefs the poor Englijh. But,. .. .A. - - - - , hearingoftheMaifacre,SwEN I3EDwARD1umor,I 1 4ETH~LR~DI~. OTTO failed over with great called the Martyr, wasalwaysdlftrei- Force, and drove Ethe!redindied without Iifue fed by th~ DaneJ> to Normandy. And fo, ' . jandcontnvedtheir rs SwEN OTTO was King of 979· MaifacreA.D.woz. England ______ 1013 ETHELRED, upon the Death of Swen but died fuddenly - - IOI40tto, returned, bUt died ingloriOUS r- -A--, Kn f 7111" 6 17 ANUTUSOf U .i.VJ..agnus, 10 1 • after the Death of King EDByhisfirftvVifehehad ByhiszdWife MUND Irof!!ides, was crowned .----A----, Ethelred had King of all England, A. D. ror7. 16 EDMOND II. Iron- r - - A - -1 HebuilttheAbbyofSt.EdfidesreignedintheW~ zo. EDwARD mund's-Bury, and died 1036. tillmurder'd,A.D.IoiJ. the Confi!for, Father of Father of who fucceed- r - - - - - . A . ., r - - ; - - A - -1 edKingHart&, r8 H~ROLJ?l.l 19 HARD_YPnnce Ed71lJard who Knut in the Harejoot,Kmg KNuT,Kmg died at London IOS7· ThroneofEn- o£England,di- of England, .---A ., gland, 1041. ed without thelaftofthe PrinceEd-~ MARGAHe colleCt- fue, A. D. 1039. 1DanijhRace, gar Athe- RET' Wife ed the Saxon died without ling, died of MAL- Laws in a Iffue, A. D. Io4r • . h . If \coLMKm- Body. Wlt out :·"'·· . . tl;li#!~~ct~<;.e,s,J.~ounwe """'-t-'c • .ll . ·~t. d . re' K·I·ng·.· . I.n h'ls R·.. exgn .rir~ • fue. ofScotland. 'ntofdtk, the Wealtby'Earl of Coventry, at --:-'· - the Head of the FreeMafons, built the Aoby of Coventry, and Others built 12 more Religious Houfes. The King rebuilt Wtftminfler Abby, tho' not as it now ftands, and died without Iffue on the sth of Jan. I o6 s-6,_ when the Nobles and People chofe 21. HAROLD II. Son ofEarl Goodwin; who reigned nine Months, tillWILLIAMDukeot Normqndy flew him. in the Battle of Hajlings in S't!!Jex, on the the I 4th of October, A. D . .. - - - - - - 1 o66 In the vulgar Year of Majonry - - - - - - - - - - - - - so66 After Hengift's Arrival - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 17 After the End of the Heptarchy .. - - .. - - - - - - - - 236 c'




[ 8g ] - C fi A P MAsoNRY

m England, froiJt





I L L.I.AM. I. the

IU. the Conquerot to

IV.· .· ·

Conq~eror, ·having fettled

England, ., appomted ~nnilulpb R1i.hPp qf Rocbqier, 1\:ogn. dt MoNtgomery, Ead ofShrewjbury ahd .Arundel, and other'good.Ar:.. chiteCl:s, to be at the Head of the Fellow-Crqfts, firfr in civil and ~n!litary ArchiteCture, building for the King the 'i'ower of London, -and the Caftles of Dover, Extter, Winchtjler, Warrzvick, Her~ford, Stqjjord, York, Durham, Rochejler, and NeWcajle upori 'l'ine; whereby the proud Normans bridled the Englijh. THEN, in focred ArchiteCture, building Battle-Abo/ ::neaf Haflings, in Memory of his Conqueft; St. Saviour's Soutbwark, .and .9 more Religious Houfes : .While others built 42 Monaf':" teries, and 5 Cathedrals. The King brought many expert ~":' fins from France, and died in Normandy., A. D.: I <:>S7. 2. WILLIAM II. Rtifus, fucceeded his Father; and employed «

his ArchiteCts and Craftfmen in building a new Wall round tile Tower, and rebui~ding Lond~n:Bridt,e ;. ~~' by 4avif?~ ~his .Grand LoJge qf,~&><He built the Great, Palace of JfT'!ftmir!fler, with large Wejlmz"nfler-Hall, 270 Feet long, and 74 Feet broad, the largefr one Room upon Earth ; and 4 Religious Houfes .: While others built 28 fuch. He died without Iifue, A. D. I I 09. 3.. H.ENR ¥ I. Beau Clerc, ·born at Selby in Yorkjhire, fucceed~ his Brother William, though the eldeft Brother, Robert D~e of Normandy, yvas yet alive. . ........ · - · Now the J:'forman ;25aron~ perceiving .their great Poifeffions in England depended only on Royal Pleafure; and finding the Laws of the Anglo-Saxonsto be.petter for fecuring Property than "the Laws of Normandy.; the ~llrtnaml began to call[~ves






[ go ] to affert the Saxon Rt"ghts, and prevailed with this

KingtograntthenithefirftJMagna€JJatta,orGREATCiiAR TER and Deed of Rights, in this firft Year of his Reign, A. D. I I oo. THisKINGbuilt the great Palace ofWootijlock,and alittle one at Oxford to converfe with the Learned, and I 4 Religious Houfes ; while others built about I co fuch, befides many fine Manfions. He died A. D. I I 35' and was fucceeded by his Nephew' 4· STEPHE·N, Count of Bulloign, Son of ADELA, Daughter of Wi/Nam the Conqueror, by the Power of the Clergy. During the Civil Wars between him and MAuD the Emprtft, the Nobles and Gentry, being courted by poth, laid hold of the Occafion to build about I I oo Caftles, that proved afterwards very convenient for them in the Barons Wars; fo that the Mafons were as much employed as the Soldiers, under their c0~anb .t!Ralltt Gilbert de Clare, Marquis of 'Pembroke; by whom the King built four Abbies and two Nunneries, with St. Stephen's Chapel in the Palace of Weflminjler; while others built about 90 Religious Houfes. King ... ·Stephen died without I:II'ue Male, the laft of the.£ .A. D. .· I I 54· . , Royal Normans. SAfter the Cfmque.ft 88 Years. ' ·When Stephen died, · The PLAN'fAGENE':rS of Anjou commenced, viz. I. HENRY II. Plantagenet, Count of Anjozt, became King of England, . tLD. I 154~ who fortifi~d;f~~~·stheWekb and Sc~s, built fome little Palaces, and 'X'~ ~:R.~Hgiotis Houfes 3 ·while ~thers built about I oo fuch. The Grand Mqfler of the Knights 'l'emplars eretted their Society, and built their ~entplt in ):?leetjlreet, London. The King died A. D. I 189. 2. RICHARD I, much abroad, died without lffue 1199.; yet in this Reign about 20 Religious Houfes were built. 3~ KING JoHN fucceeded hi:s Brother Richardl and fidt'made his Chaplain ~tnt de Cole-Church ~~anb .fl))alht of the Maflns in rebuilding.tandon"-BridgeofStone, which was :fini!hed by the next Mafter

[ 91 ] Mafter !Vi/Ham A/main, A. D. I 209. Next 'tttt de Rupt'bus Bi£hop of Jrinche(ter was <!15~a:tlb Jit1a1lcr, and under him Gr.ojfrey. Fi'tzPeterwas chief Surveyor or Deputy Grand Mafi:er, who built much for the King; while others built about 4oReiigiousHoufes. The King died A. D. I2I6, and wasfucceeded by his Son, 4· HENRY III. ''-' Minor of nine Years. When l}!)tttr de Ru- pibus, the old Grand Mafler, came to be the King's Guardian, he levelled the Fopijlone of Wdfminfler Abby, in that Part called Solomon's Porch, A. D. I 220. PETER Count of Savoy (Brother of the Q£een's Mother) built the Palace of Savoy in the Strand, LOJzdon: And John Balt'ol~ Lord of BernardCaftle, in the County of Durham (Father of JoHN King of Scotland) founded Baliol College in Oxford. The <.I'emplars built their Domus Dei at Dover, and others built 32 Religious Houfes. The King died A. D. I 272, and was fucceeded by, 5· EDWARD I. whobeingdeeplyengagedin Wars, left the Craft to the Care off"ve:ral fucceffive Grand Majlers, as Walttr ~ilfatb Archb!fhop of Tork, ~ilbttt de Clare Earl of Gloucejler, aml l!ialpiJ Lord of Mount Hermer, the Progenitor of the Montagues: And by thefe the King fortified many· Cqftles, efpecially againft the Welch, till they fubmitted to him, A. D. 1284, when ·Edward the King•s .$on,~,~i·:!J-~~r l¥~Jlorn .at CaeN'I;flrlhe'!, ~ho was the firft B?tg!ljh Prince of Walts. THE King celebrated the Cape-flone of JVdfminfler Abby, A.D. 1285, juft 65 Years after it was founded. But that Abby and · the Palace being burnt down, I 299, the King ordered the Palace to be repaired ; but was diverted from repairing the .A6/;y by his Wars in Scotland. In this Reign Mert(Jn College Olfford, the Cathedral of Norwich, and about .20 more Religio~s Houfes were founded. The King died in his Camp on Solway Sands, the 7th of 'July, 1307, and was fucceeded by, 6: EDWAR.D II. who made malttt: ~aplttoti, Bllhop·of Exeter, Grand Majer, who built Exeter and Oriel Colleges in N z Oxford.;

[ 92 ] Oxford; while others built Clare-Hall in Oambrzage, and 8 Religious Houfes. The King died A~ D. I 327, and was fucceeded by, 7· EnwARD III. who became the Patron of ARTS and SciENCEs. He fet up a Table at Wincffor, 6eo Feet round, for feafting the gallant &ights of all Nations, and rebuilt the Caftle and Palace of Wincffor, as a Royal ~:anb Jmallet, by his feveral Deputies or Ma:fters of Work, 'Vzz. I. ~.obn de Spoulee, called Majler of the Gbiblim, who rebuilt St. George's Chapel; where the King conftituted the Order of the Garter, :A. ·n. I 350. · 2. alillfam of Wick{Jam, at the Head of 400 Free Mafons, :t;ebuilt the Caftle il:rong and fiately, A. D. 1357, and when he · w~~ade Bifhop:of Wincbfjler, A. D. 1367, then next · ·3'· 11\0bttt of Barnbam . fucceeded at the Head of 2 Free Mafons, and :finiihed St. George's Great Hall, with other Works the· Cafl:le, A. D. I 37 5· 4·JPtttcy !tutlt (called at :fi.Tfi, in theold Records, the King's Free Mafon) built for the King the bond,on Charter-houfe, King'sHall Cambridge, ~eenborough Ca.flle, and rebuilt· St. Stephen's Chapel, now the Houf-e of Commons in Parliall).ent • . 5· ~imon 1-~ngbant, Abbot or'Wd]min.fter, who repaired the Body of that Cathedral as it now ftands.


~o~::·~~ng~t~~f~:d:i~~~~:~~~jJ:~r A~: . . '






his laudable Example was well followed ; for the Qgeen endowed f<.!jeen' s College Oxford, while others built many ftately Manfions, and about 30 Religious Houfes: Notwithftanding the expeniive Vf ~rs in this Reign, · THE CoNsTITUTioNs were now meliorated; for an old Record imports, "'!'hat in the glorious Reign ifKing EDWARD III~ 'lf)bm LoJges wer:e-many and frequent, the Grand Mafier with his · Wardeus,.

[ 93 ] Wardens,· at the .Head of the Grand Lodge, with Confint of'tbe Lords qf the Realm, then generally Free Mafons, ordained,

?:hat }or the future, at the Making or Admi!Jion qf a Brother, the Conilitutions and the Charges foal! be read. .

?:hat Mafier Mafons, or Mailers of Work, foal! be examined whether they be able of Cunningtf firve their rd];eCJive Lords, a.s well the Hi'ghijf as the ~o,wJji/ ttl l:he·Hortour anti'IPorfoip of 'tke forefoid Art, an{! to the Profit of theirLords'; for they be th~ir Lords that employ and pay them for their Travel•


That, when the Mailer and Warden·s prdfde in. a Lodge, the Sheriff, if need be, or the Mayor, or the Aldennan (if a Brother) where the Chapter is h.e!d, Jhall be fociate. to the. Mafi:er, in help of him againfi Rebels, andfor upholding the Rights of the R~alm. That Enter'd Prentices attheir.Maldng Jhall be cl1arged not to be Thieves, 1zor Thi:~ves Maintainers. That the. Fellow-Craftsfo..;1// trave/l;onefily for their Pay, andlorve tceir as t6em.fofaes > and, 'Ihat all jhall be true to the King, to the Realm·, and fo the. Lodge. ' 'l'hat if any o.ft'1,>~frll[ert;il1 jJJouY~tftt!fllt~i', muti~ou4rlt:.::J!fo, O'bedient to theGranaMailer's'6rdtrs, and; after properAdmonitioiu, Jhoztld per:fUl in his Rebellion, He foal! forfeit. ali his Claim. to th~ Rights, Benefits, and Privileges of a true andfaitkful Brotber, &c. Concluding w#6 .AMEN~, ~ttUtOtt it bt. EDWARD III. having buried his eldeil Son EDWARD . , A. D. I 376, the Scourge of France, and the Hope of England; commonly called the ~latk Prt"nce; he died 2 I 'June, 1377~ was fucceeded by; · (See the other Sons, with refpect to the Succdfion, · at the End of this Chapter*.] 8. RICF.tARD KING

[ 94.] H. his Grandfon; who employed t:IDilliallt of lf7t'ckham,. Biihop of Winchefier, Grand Majler, to rebuild W efi:minjler-.Hall as it now 'fi:ands; and lWtlliattt, at his own Coft, built New College in OXford, and founded. /Vinchejter Co!!tge: \Vhile others built about I 5 Religious Houfes. AT lafr, while King Richard was in Ireland, his Coufin Henry ·Duke of Lancafler landed in Yorkjhire, raifed a great Army, feized King R-ichard upon his Return, got th~ Parliament to depofe ~im, and fucceededto the Throne, A. D. I399· Next Year Richard was murdered without Hfue. 8.


* The' other Sons of King Enw ARD III. with refpea to the Succeffion. ,...


LIONEL Duke of EDMUND Duke of Clarence, the fecond York, the fourth Son; left only Son, Patriarch of ~ the i1.~1)ite Rofc, PHIL I;~A of Cla- by his Wife !farenee, \·. 1fe of Ed- hdla,fecondDaughmu,zd Mortimer, Earl ! te.r of Pedro Cruof arch,.Mother oftlde!is, King of Ca,..........__,~ )ide. MI.


Roger lvlortzmer, Earl of March, left only


.Ann Mortzmer, the Heirefs of Clarence

and March.






JoHN a Gaunt Duke of Lancqjl•·r, the

third Son, Patriarch of the 1ReillRafr. Wives i. Blanche of Lancqfier, Mother King Henry_ IV. 2. Conjlantza, eldefr Daughter of Pedro Crude/is King of Cajlile, Mother of. Katharine,. ma.rried. to Henry Ili.


KmgofDtYJile. 3· . Katharine · Roet, his Concubine, whom at laft he married and her Children were legitimated' by



Rzchard Earl of Parliament but not to inherit the Cambridge, behead- Crown. Mother of ed I•PS· ,___.,.._....-.,

:Richard Duke of ror~ flain, q.6o. -....,

!;~;~~/not Plantagenet)

King EDWARDlV.f.KingRICHAR:elli.

~Duke of Somerfit.


r---.A.-, Margaret Beaufort, Mother of King






-in England, from HENRY IV. to the Royal TEwDoRs.

J?uke ~f Lancajter, who fupplanted_ and fucceeded Kmg Rtchard II. A. D. 路 I 399, appomted ~JJoma~ Fitz-AJ!en, Earl of Surry, to be Grand Majfer; and, after his famous ViCtory of Shrewsbury, the King found BattleAbby there, and afterwards that of Fotheringay. Others built 6. Religious Houfes, and the Londoners founded their prefent GuildHall, a large and magnificent Fabric. 'tntp !ttttlt, mentioned above, who was FREE MASON to Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV, died A. D. 14oo. 10. HENRY V. fucceeded his Father i_n 1413; and, while triumphing in France, ordered thePalar::e and Abby of Sheen (now called Richmond upon 'I'hames) to be rebuilt by the DireCtion of the Grand Majer, .tnt)! ~fJitJJtltp Archbilhop of Canterbury; while others built 8 ReligiousHoufes. The King died 路./1.. D. I 422. BY his ~een, Katharine of France (afterwards the Wife of 庐l.U~n rqretubot) .he h,ad . . ~I. HBNRY~ VI. a Minor of pine Months, in who{e third Year an ignorant Parliament endeavoured to difturb the Lodges, though in vain, by the following Aft, vt'z. 3 Hen. VI. Cap. I. A. D. 1425. Title. MASONS jhall not conftdt'rate -in Chapters and Cmgregations. WHEREAS, by yearly Congregatibru onJ Co'!ftwacies made by the Mafons in their General A./femblies, the good CoZitft and EjfeCJ - -路 qf the Statutes tif Labourers be openly violated and broken, in Subverj/on of the Law, and to the great Damage of all the Commons; Our Sovereign Lord the King, willi'ng in this Caft to provide o Rmldy, g.



[ 9~


liy the Adviqe and Co1ljmt ajorefoz~1, and at the jjNdal Requcft ql the Commons, Hath Ordained and .Eftabliihed, '!'hat fitch ~hapters' 4nd Cbtig1~egati6ns '}hall not be hcrcqftn· holden:.· 41~t{, fflfnyfu-c/J be.made, 'fthey, that ·qaqfofuch Chapters and Congregations to b~·-4fembled {lnd holdfn, if they thereof be con'vtCl, foal! be judged for Felons : And that ot,ber Mafons ;;_.ho come to fitch Chapters and Congregations be·purtijhed. by Impr!fonment Pj' their Bodifs, and mqke Fine. and Riuifr;m at the. King's }f/il/. · .BuT this ACt i~ . explained inJudgeCoKE's In11itutes; Pa::t UL feL r9. where we:fiodthattheCilufewhy this.Offence was made. Felmry, is for that the good Courfe and EffeCt of the Stat~Jtes of Labourers was thereby violated and broken. Now, fays n1y ~ord Coke, . · ~ All the Statutes tr;nr:~rning Labourers~bifore this AB, and where--: unto tht's Ac1 doth refer, arerepealed.bythe 5 ELiz. Cap. 4· about A. D. I .56 z, whereby the Caufl and End qf making thts AB zs taken away, and corifequently the AB is become qfno Force; for, ceifante ·ratione legis, ceifat ipfa lex: rtnd t~ lnditernent qf Felony· z~von this §tatute mufi contai~, '!'hat tbife'Chapters~~qngregations are tfJ ti.Je viplati1Jg and.breaking ofthe good Courfe anfJrE.ffWi:i]ft~e Stt,frute, ·if Labourers; which·nazu: eannot be fo alledged, becaufe thofe Statutei be repealed. 'I'herefore this jhould be put out of the Charge if Jzijtices 1{/the Peace. . &

. Bu-r ~tA&;,.neY:t:.t::;~c~.~-­ MPJons from holding their C.Qapter.r ana.(;'

'l.(ltir.rlis, leifer Ol," larger; nor did ~ver the. Working ·Majbns defire their Noble and Eminent Brothers to get it repealed, but always laughed at it: For they ever had, and ever will have, their own Wages, while they .coalefce in· due Form, and carefully preferve the Cement under their own ~~ann ,Jllt1alltt; let Cowans do as they pleafe. And that · the King himfelf in Time defi~ed, and was admitted a FREE and AccEPTED MAsON, may fairly be inferred from the following Examination,,r.e~ocded to have been feen in King Henry VI's own ;Hand-writing, jmbliihed by Mr. Locke. · 22Jtejf.

[ 97 ] ~tdf. WHAT mote

ytt be? ( r) .lf.ryw. YTT beeth the Sky!le of Nature, the underitondyng·~ of the myghte that ys hereynne, and its fondrye l.Yerckynges; fonderlyche, the Skylle of Retknyngs, of Waightes, and Metynges, and the ~reu manere of Faconnynge all thynges for; Mannes Ufe, headlye, Dwellynges, and Buyldynges of alle Kindes 1 and ai odher thynges that make Gudde to Manne. ~dl· WHERE

dyd ytt begynne? dyd begynne with the (z) fyrfte menne yn the Eil:e, which were before the (3) ffyrfte Manne of the Wefte, and comynge W efilye, ytt hathe brought herwytb alle Comfortes to the rzvylde and Comfortleife. ffGdL WH·O dyd b1·ynge ytt Wefi:lye? An.fw. THE'(4) Venetians whoo beynge Grate Merchaundes corned ifyrfre :ffromme th~ Efte ynn Venetia, :ffor the commodytye 9f Marchaundyfjnge beitbe Efte and W efte, bey the red de and Myddleyonde Sees.. .· ·



(I) WHAT mote ytt hd That . is, what may this M yftery of MAsON& Y be?-The Anfwer imports; that it confifts in natural, mathematical, and me-

irne~a to Af;o., tnay be called wefiern Countries) were wild and favage, long after Arts and P'Olitenefs of ManQers were in great Perfe8:ion in C~ina, and

clmmw Knowledge." Some P~ of tb.ebJies. E. :a..: w~.~!Jittr.JP.. w. 8. w.. ·

which -(as appearS by what follows) the Mafons pretend to have taught the reft of Mankind, and fome Part they fl:ill conceal. (2) (3) Fyr.fie mtnnt 1n the E.fie, &c. It fhould feem by this, that MAsoNs believe there were Men in the Eqft before ADAM, who is called the ifr.Jie Manne oftbe W¢e; and that Arts and Sciences began in the Eqft. Some Autbors of great Note for Learning have been of the fame Opinion; ·and it is certain, that Europe and Africa (which,


{ 4-) THE Ytmtians, &c. In the Times of Monkifh Ignorance 'tis no Wonder that the Pbtenicians fuould be m'iftaken for the renetians. Or, perhaps, if the People were Hot taken one for the other, Similitude of Sound might .deceive the .Clerk who firR took:· down the Examination. The Pluenidans were the greate'ft Voyagers ~ong the Ancients, and were in Europe tho!lght te be the Inventors of Letters, which per~ haps they brought from the E/!/! :.'w1J.h. . t ~' other Arts; ·, .,.,

[ g8 ]


HowE cmm~de ytt yn Engelonde? Anfw. PETER Gower (5) a Grecian, journeyedde ffor kunny;zgt yn Egypte, and yn Syria, and yn everyche Lond whereas the V enetians hadde plauntedde Ma~onrye, and Wynnage Entraunce yn al Lodges of Maconnes,. he lerned muche, and retournedde, and <z;;onedyn Grecia Magna (6) 'l.vachJYnge, and becommyngea mygh-tye (7) Wyfeacre, and gratelyche renowned, and ber he framed a grate Lodge at Groton (8) and maked manye Maconnes, fome \'l'hereoffe dyd journeye ynFraunce, and maked manyeMaconnes, wherefromme, ynProceffe ofTyme, theArte paffed yn Engelonde. (5) P E'T E R Gower. This mufl: be of his Heart, 'tis fai:d, he facrificed a another TvJiihke of the Writer. I was Hecatomb. He alfo knew the true puzzled at firfl: to guefs, who PETER Syf!:em of the World, lately revived by GowER fuould be, the Name being per- CoPERNICUS; and was certainly a moil: fe8:1y Englijh; or how a Greek fuould come wonderful Man. See his Life by DioN. by fuch a Name: But, as foon as I thought HAL, of PYTHAGORAs, I could fcarce forbear (6) GRECIA Magna. A Part of Italy fmi.ling, to find that PHILOSOFHER. had formerly fo called, in which the Greeks undergone a METEMPSYCHOSIS he never had fettled a large Colony. dreamt of. We need only confider the (7) WYsEACRE. This· Word at French Pronunciation of his NAME. prcfent :fignifies Simpleton, but formerl1 PYTHAGORE, that is, P:e·r AGORE,. to had a qui~e contrary Meaning. Weifager, conceive how ca:!ily fuch a MiHake might in the old SAxoN, is PHILOSOPHER, b:.: made by an unlearned. Clerk That \Vifeman, or Wizard; and,. having been P·Y'l'HAGORAS travelled .fo.r Knowledge ,frequently ufed ironically, at length came

~~:~r~e~~~:~d~~·at ~ek:::i::t!~ i~! ~~~~~ 1tt~~~1~J~ri~ ·~ro~~~

Ji:,venJ dlrrcrent Orders of PRiESTs, famed for the Subtilty and Acutenefs of ·who in tho!'e Days kept all their Learn- his Under!hnding, has, by the fame Meing fccn":t from the V ulgu, is as well I thod of Irony, given a general Name to knov;n. PYTHAGORAS al!o made every i modern Dunces. GEoMETRICAL


Theorem a Secret, and

( 8) GROTON.

only iuch to the Knowledge Name of a Place in

of them, <lS had fufl: undergone a five Ye::rs Silence. He is fuppofed to be the Inventor of :theXI, VII. of the firfl: l!ook cfEucLID 1 for which, in the Joy



the The

'Place here meant is CROTONA, a City GRECIA MAGNA, whi-ch iri the Time of PYTHAGORAS was very populous.



[ 99

ffl.J.Lfj/. DoT HE 1\tiaconnes defcouer here Artes unto Odhers? .Ar!fw. PETER GowER, whenne he journeyedde to lernne, was ffyrfie (9) made, and anonne techedde; evenne foe fhulde all odhers beyn recht. N athelefs ( r o) Maconnes hauethe alweys yn everyche Tyme from Tyme to Tyme communicatedde to Mannkynde foche of herSecrettes as generallyche myghte be ufefqlle; they haueth keped backe foche allein as ihulde be harmfulle yff they coinmed yn euyUe Haufkt~g,. ·~ foche as ne myghte be l»lpynge wythoRten the Techynges to be joynedde herwythe in the Lodge, oder foche as do bynde the Freres more ftrongelycho together, bey the Proffytte, and commodytye comynge to the Cof!.frerie herfromme. ff<!fefl. WHATTE Artes haueth the Maconnes techedde Man... kynde? Ar!fw. THE Arts (r r) AGRICULTURA, ARCHITE~TURA, AsTRONOMIA, GEoMETRIA, NuMEREs, MusrcA, PoESIE, · KYMISTRY'E, GovERNMENTE, and RELYGYONNE. ff<gejl. HowE commethe Maconnes more teachers t.han odher Menne? · Ar!fw. TH:s hemfi!fe haueth allein in ( r 2) Arte of fyndynge neue f~,"'*




(r'1) THE

MAnE I fuppofe has a particular 1Y1ean- &c.



It feems a bo1d Pretence, this, of ing among the MAsoNs, perhaps it fig- the _MAsoNs, that they ha\'e taught: 11ifies initiate·d. Mankind all thefe Arts. They have . ( xo) MAcoN N E s. hattlth communy~ ttieir own Authority for it; and I know £atedd4, &c. This PARAGRA:PH 'bath not how we fuall difprove them. But Jomething remarkable in it. It r:;ontains whit apiM:Ius mofi: o~d is, that th~J;~e~kon a Jufiincation ofthe Secrecy fo much Religion among the Arts. . . boafred of by MASONS, and 10 much ( 12) .Jtte oflfjnding neue Arter, The _:blamed by others; afi"er,ting1 that they Art. of _ip.venting Arts muft oertainly )lave in all Ages &i'coye:red fuch Things be a moft ufeful Art. My LORD Be\~ ;as might be ufeful? "and tl:mt they conj?~al CON'& NovuM 0RGANU:>1. is~~!: ·.Atluch only as would be hurtful either to tempt towards fomewhat _of the Tame · t~ World or themfelves. What thefe Kind. But I much doubt, that, if ever .Secrets are, we fee afterwards. 'I the MAsoNs had it, they have now l~fi: ~ 1t;


(. IOO ]

neue Artes, whyche .Art the ffyrfte Maconnes receaued. from Godde; by the whyche they fyndethe whatte Artes hem plefethe, and the treu Way of techynge the fame. Whatt odher Menne doethe ffynde out, ys onelycbe bey chaunce, and herfore but lytel I tro. ff(gefl. WHATTE dothe the Maconnes concele and hyde? Anf'7.R.'· THEY concelethe the Art of ffyndynge neue Artes, and thatt y.s for here own Proffytte, and (I 3) Preffe: They concelethe the Art of kepynge ( r4) Secrettes, thatt foe the Worlde mayeth nothinge concele fr~m them. They concelethe the Art of Wun.-:tfer'lverckynge, and of.fore Jayinge thynges. f(} comme,,. thatt fo thay fame Artes may not be ufedde of the wyckedde to an euylle En de ; they alfo concelethe the (I 5) Arte of chaunges, the W ey ofWynnygnge the Facultye (I 6) of Abrac, the Skylle of becomJ;nynge gude and parfyghte wythouten the Holpynges of Fere and. Hope;, and the Uni.verfalle (I 7) Lon gage of Maconnes. ~e.ft. jq fince fo few new·Arts have be~n lately People hlppole,.they:lliould have no&cret

invented, and fo many are wanted. The Idea I have .of fuch an Art is, .that it mu!l: be fomethiug proper to be- applied in aTI the Sciences generally, as ALGEBRA is in Numbers, by the Help of which new Rules of Arithmetic are and may be found. ( x3-) Pulu.. ItJeems the; MASON.'$ have great Regard the Reputation as well as, the Profit of their Order;,. :Iince they make it one Reafon for not divulging an Art in common, that it may do Honour to the PoffeJfors of it. I think i:n this Particular they iliew too much Regard for their own· Society, and too little for the ref!: of MANKIND, ( 14) All.TE of kepynge Secrettes. What Kind of an Art this is I can by no Means . imagine. But certainly fuch an Art the MAsoNs mull have: For, though, as fome


at all ; even that muft be a Secret which · being difcovered would expofe them to th'e high eft Ridicule: And thtrefore it requires. the utmoft Caution to concearit. ( 15) AR TE of Chaunges. I know not; what. this means, unlefs it be the Tr~nf.rnu, t.~t_ ~o.0.,9 fr6') f'.. . 'bf''A'Wa~. lfere "I am utterly in the DarK. (I 7) U NIVERSELLE Longage of MtiC()'nnes. ' An univerfai· Language has been much defired by the Learned of many Ages. 'Tis a Thing rather to 1:5e wifl'ied than hoped for. But it {eems. the MASONS pretend to have fach a Thing among them. If it be true; I guefs it mufl: be fomething like the Lan... guage of the PANTOMIMES among the ancient RoMANs, who are faid to be able;




!<.!Je.ft. WYLLE he feche me thay fame Artes1


Y E ihalle be techedde. yff ye be werthye, and. able to

Ierne. ~e.ft.

DoTHE alle Maconnes kunne m0re then odher Menne?·· AnfliJ. NoT [o. Thay onlyche haueth re&ht, and Occajjonne more then odher Menne to kunne, butt many doeth fale yn Capa ... city, and manye more doth w.ant induftrye,_ thatt ys PerneceJforJ'i. for the gaynynge all Kunnynge •._ _ . ~efl. ARE Maconnes gudder Menne then odhers?. Atifw. SoME Maconnes are not fo Vertm~us as [orne other:· Menne: but, yn the mofte Parte, they be more gude then thay w.ould be yf thay war· not· Maconnes •. ff<!l,e.ft· DoTH Maconnes love eidther. od.her·myghtyly as. beeth· fayde? ..dnfw. YEA verylyche, and yt may. not odherwife. be: For gude.: Menne, and true, kennynge eidher odher to be. foche,_ deeth. always love. the_ more as. thay b~e. more . Gude. NAy, even- during~thisKing's·Minority, there was.-a. good-Lodgff, under Grand Mtffler ~f)itiJtlt!,', held at Canterbury, as appears from the_ Latin Reg~fter of William Molart *, Prior of Canterbury,. a&re, by,Signs onlj., tb . exprefS' and· de- and t''\tiili ill7were· eommunioated to air liver any Oration -ibtei!igibly to Men of Mank!ind, fince there is nothing mo::J all Nations and Languagefr. A Man true than the beautiful Sentence conwho has all thefe Arts and Advantages, tained in the lafi:.Anfwer, " That the. is certainly in a C.onditioo to. be envied : better Men are, the more they love one. But. we are told,.. that this is not the another... Virtue having in itfelf fume~ Cafe with all MAsoNs; for though thefe thing fo amiable as to charm the Hearts--. Arts are among them, and all have· a of all that behold it. :Right and an Opportunity to know , [Sa ft~r the lnhrpretmion of tbe, cek,.. them, yet fome want Capacity, and bratt:d Mr.L(>CU·l . others Indufl:ry, to acquire them. How- . Intitled, Liluratio .generalis Domini. s,ver, of all their Arts . and Secrets, that · Gulie!mi I+ioris Eccle)i41 Chrijii · Cm;..' ·which I molt defire to know is~ 'rhe tuarimjis· erga Ffftum Nata/is'" Dtn!tini.. ~lie of becommynge gude ·and parfyghte; If29•



102 ]

- in Manufcript, pap. 88, in which are named 'Ihomas Stapylton the Mafrer, and John Morris Cuftos de la Lodge Lathomorum, . or Warden qf the Lodge of Mafons, with fifteen Fellow-Crqfts, and three Entered Prentices, all named there. And a Record in the Reign ofEDw. IV. fays, the Company if MAsoNs, being otherwife termed FREE MAsoNs, qf amztient Staundz'ng and good Reck'flning, by l.tfeans of affable and kind Meetings dyverfl 'Tymes, and as a loving Brotberbood zife to do, did frequent this mutual AJ!embly in _the Tyme of Henry VI. in the 'Tweffth Tear qf I.Jis moj! gracious Reign-, viz. A. D. 1434, when HENRY was aged thirteen Years. Grand Ma.fter CHICHELEY held alfo a Lodge at ()xfotil, where he built All Souls pollege_, and Bernar-d, now St. John's College# i&c. till he died 1443, when the King appointed U~illia1n twantitett, Biiliop ofWinchefter, to be Gr(tnd JJ!rifter, in building Eton College near Wincjfor, and Kiflg's College in . Cambridge; though; before the Civil Wars in this Reign, the Chapel ,of it was only finiilied, aMafrer-Piece of the rich eft Gotl1ic that can ·hardly be matched. The King alfofounded Cbtjft'sCollege, Cam. bridge (afterwards finilhed by lvfargaret Beax!fort, Countefsof Rich_ptond) and hisQ.!!eenMARG ARE T of Anjou founded~teen'sCollege~ .Cambridge. While ingeniousWANEFLEET,athisown Coil-, built NagdalmCollege, Oxford; and others about I 2 Religious Houfes. Sa that, ~bef~:tbe.King's T~; ~··~ -employed, and in great Efteem.-; for the forefais Record fays farther, '!'hat th/ CHARGES and LAws if the FREE l'v1Aso:Ns .ha've been flen and perlfftd by our late Soveraign King Henry VI.. .and by the Lords if his mofl honourable Council, who have allowed {bem, imd .declared that, 'I'b.ey be right, goad, and reqfonable to h8 holden, as they have been drawn out, and col!e&ed from, theRecords 'of au,ntient T'ymes, &c. &c. · · A-r: lait'..l\.fqfo?Zry 'Yas neglected during the feventeen Years of . the bloody Civil Wars between ~he two Royal Houfes of Lanc.afier and York, or the J!itb and W!Jite Rofl.r: For RICHARD


[ 103 RICHARD PLANT AGENET, Duke ofrork, Son of Richard Earl of Cambridge, and Anne Mortimer, the Heirefs of Clarence (as in the Margin, Page 94·) claimed the Crown in Right of his Mother, A. D. I 4 55. and, after twelve fore Battles, the tfitb Roje loft the Crown ; poor King Henry VI. was murdered; and all the Males of every Branch of Lancafler were cut off; after John a GaUJit's Offspring had reigned 72 Years, A. D. 1471· _ Wgitt . Rou:. Thus Richard Duke of rork, flain in the Baftle of Wakefield,---,. I 46o .. ,-. ,..._


I2.EDwARDIV.crownedr46r,fometimes 14. RICHARD III. a King, and fometimes not a King, till killed and took Pof-

A. D. 1471, wheri EDWARD reigned with- feffion, and . was out a Rival, and employed the Grand Mq/- crowned on July 6, ter tliirf)atb ~taucJ)atnp, Bi!hop of Sa- I 48 3, and reigned rum, to repair the Royal Cafiles and Pa- a wife and valiantlaces after theW ars, and to make the Caftle Prince, till he was and Chapel of Wind.for more magnificent; flain, bravely confor which the Bi.(hop was made Chancellor tending for the ¢the G-tzFteF~ Crown with hi~ RiGreat Men alfo repaired and buiJt apace.; val, HENRY ·'!'ewand now the Londoners rebuilt their Walls dor, Earl of Rich-. and Gates : While others raifed 7 Religious .monel, in the Battle Houfes. · 'f~·-.}$~~~.died.4.2?:i£9, ?-i~3: pf;ff~~!k'"~~fifif-d,

; - 1:6;~. ),• !1"':1. ~·-

o;".,it :·


· ..._.....,. llf1,rot'f, QB tr1e· 22

13.EDWARDV. RICHARD EfizabetbPian- of Aug. 1485, witha Minor, pro- Duke of tagenet, Wifeof out legal IiTue. ·· claimed, but not York. KingHenryVII. So el)ded . the · crowned. below. Wbitt l'loft, or Thefe twoS<#ns werefaid Houfe of Tori.,:· tobemurder'd inthe2"'ower, And alfo the q: Kingi, called Plan.: by Order of their Uncle andlltagmets, of the Hou.fe of Anjf!u, who Guardian, Richard III, on had reigned frotn King Stephen's May 23, 1483. Death, A. D.-rr54} during Years-- 33 I


. .·


till A. Dom.-1485 For


For conneCting the Hi:£lory. The GENEALOGY of the Royal TEwDoRs, They are clearly defcended (though not in Male Iifue) frotn CAD wAN the firft King of Wales, down to RoDERIC Ma'lor, who partitioned his ~ingdom into 3 Princi .. pal~ies among his 3 Sons, and died A. D. 876.

--------------A----------------Prince of NorthPrince of 3· MER1~ AMARA WD·D,

lFales, whofe Male IJiue failed in LLEWELIN ap Daifj·d, the laft Sovereign Prince . of all Jf7ales, flain in Battle, A. D. 1283, when the Welch began to fubmit to the Crown of

2., South~JVales, whole lineal FYN, Prince Male l[ue ended in GRUF- of Powis-· FYD ap Rhyfe, the lafr Land, foo.n Prince of South~ Wales, failed. 1 who died, A. D.


But his Sifter, 'Viz.






the Wife of En. Lord of Brynfting!e.




III. King of England. ---.A JoHN a Gaunt, by his third Wife, Katharine Roet, Page 94•




Earl of Somerfit.



TEWDOR ap Gronw, m,arried MARGARET, Grand Daughter of LLEWELIN ap





ap Ednyfed,




or 'Tewdor ap Gronw.

r--------A-----·-, ap Tewdor.



Duke of Somer{et. · CHARLEs VI. Dajfyd, the lafr Sovereign Prince of !Paler. After all the Males King of Prance. r----A--..-.. of 'John a Gaunt , A-MEREDITH ap Tewdor. were e:xtintl:, left Qyeen KA THAA---------, his only ~hild, RINE, Widow of OwEN TEw;r,oR, flain in the Battle vzz. King Henry V. J of Mortimer's Crofs, q.6r. ,......,__~ ~ ... ·.-"_ < ."<:·.:~_~:~<" _ ,\_·_·..-.<: .-_ ....._,,-,,.,- .· .:. __ ' MARGARET

Beaufort. ·-HENRY

Dulte J'Owen


EnMuNn TRw-,Jajper T"ewdor; D OR, Earl of of Bedford, without


VII. 'Tcwdor, Kmg of England,


T"ewdor, a


-::---1 ====== .




MAs .oN B. Y ·;n. England,, frQn:t. King If E.·l::4 ~Y VII. till thrf UN i 0 N. qf tk~ C.r?~~s~, -~ _!)~ lGO.J• .... ~ .


N King' Rtci.Jard III~ was· 1la:in at Bofworth; · his Cr.c::rwn~was forthwith put ·upon the Head of the Con•

queroJr., H~NRlf TEW'V~,· ~l~~Rt~ .·i~ the Fid~: or J!Ja~Je; tl\e A~rpr.oolhlm@ci 1flki:) ··::~> .. · J · ~ <; '· · · . HENRY VII. King of.Etigland, oli--.ll~g_J_fr2i; r4&s·r:nd! did he ever· affect anoth~r Title and· Claitlh But his Wife ELIZABETH PLANT A GENET, Daughter King E;dwarttL'V', wat> truly the Heirctfi! of ali the KoyafPL-AN:.. T i\:G1!NBTs, •aacl!'~veye~- here~~ry·Right to :Ite_~Offspring .. New,'lfl"(/,..ltli.:·ar6··no'W·difcoverecl, ~· · ' · · · Tlie: eape of €Jood Hope, ~: E>~ I -t:SJ'. . and A1n!rica, .-:-:- 1493~ IN this Rei~~&tJjie Style was .brbught to'.its.4ig~ Perfetnon i"ifBngland, while it had 'beeti whc;Uy :lticf~ari~·:·in Italy· by the; ReVivers O:f>··the-dld Attkz#dti:9fyle~ · · · JoHN~ 1-sLIB, ·A15Bot of Weftmin.fter, finiilied the· Repairs...of


~~a~w~:.~~ _ft; BliP

£\.. . .

. " .,





. .. . •


a h\t


eha.rge; un"def?tJ'Iie_Di?ettton- of Graizd MUjfer WREN. THE Grand· Mafter and Fellows of the Order of St. JoHN. at Rhodes (now at Malta) ~~bled at their Grand'Lodge, cliof-e, Kin ·PI'EN'R'r·rli'etr<Ptotettbi:.:A. D. r· · oo. .· ·



· • :'' · _. : . .· _dr·Deputies, by wbpl,}:ldie'King the forefaa.d:~.H!f l' S _ ~lP, .A;blto~(-r: .. , d. . a L Q. O.t·"r .J.YLtl,f'·'lf's 7t'A'_,fl. . · .1ummone of 'f!d/mlnjl~i.-:4~· · . . ·in the Palaee~ '*it· whom he SlrREGINAL.DBRAY,Kmght~ -.tL d •. · 1e F.orm . to .•we :t.:· · . Wl:aKe m amp

of th~ Garter. . .


" :.. . ..


&!fJ End of Wifim,info"Afl'by,




106 ]

and levelled the Footjione of his famous Chapel, on. june 24, r 502, though it well deferves to ftand clean alone, being juftly called, by our Antiquary Leland, .the eighth Wonder if Art, the fineft Piece of Gotht''c upon. Earth, and the Glory of this Reign. Its' Capeflone waS celebtated A~ D. I 507. THE King employed Grand ·Warden BRAY to raife the middle Chapel of Windfar, and to rebuild the Palace of Sheen up on ?"'hames,_which ~heKingcailed·RICHMOND;. and to enlarge.the old Palace of Greenwich, c~lling it PLACENTIA; where he built. ~he pretty. Bo~ c,alled, the, ~~e~' s Ho.ttfo. HE rebuilt .Baynara-Caflle, London ; fonnded iix Monafteries, and turned the.ol~ Palace of&rvoy into an Hofpital: While others bu~lt Brazen-l'{ofe College, Oxford; ·!fefus~s a,nd. St.Jf)./m's Col-. Ieges,:Cambridge';,and about.:6.x R:e~igfous H,oufes; ti1lthe.King1· aged only 54 Years, died ai: Ne·w Rich17Jond, PII Aprii"'22, I 5q9, leaving his Crown and~~ Care of the Craft to.his Son and Succe:ffor, . cHENRYVIii. *''(ewdor,. .. aged eightete~~Ye~s~ IN this Reign, Cardinal WOLSEY;,\~~~. Grand Mafie~,. who built liamp~on-Court; and next reared Whi;tehaJt,;.theCollege. of Chrfft's. Chur<:h~ Oxford,; and f<?veral IllOre good Edifices; which, upon his Difgrace, were forfeited· to ~he ~rown THoMAS. CROMWELL, Earl of 1!;/ftx, was: the next Patron of the Craft under this J(in~; ~o~ vv,Jta~_~he· gt_S!~,.J~e{s P~-:­ lace,, Chrijs Ho1pit~, LondOn, and~- .. . , ·:·t·~~ri\vhile THE King Parliament threw off the oldyoke of the Pope's Supremacy, and the King was declared the SuPREME HEAD of the .Church :J:;. and Wales was united .to EnglandU·~ · THE Religious Houfes, in Number about 926, · fuppreffed, .A. D. I539· Cromwell, Ead of E.lfex, being unjuftly beheaded, A. D. I54o,. JoaN ToucHET, Lord Audley, be:came


Grand Majer.. ;





..: · , '


. [ 107 ]

BuT the Suppreffion of the Religious Houfes did not hurt MaJonry; nay, ArchiteCture of a finer Style gained Ground: For thofe Religious Houfes and their Lands being fold by. the King, at eafy_ Rates, to the Nobility and Gentry; theybuikofthofeRuins many ftately Manfiorrs : Thus Grand Mafter Aud!eJ built Magdalen College, Cambridge; .and his great"Houfe of .dudley-End. KING Henry VIII; ag.ed near s6 Years, died onz8 Jan. I 5+6-7,· and left !hre~ Childr~·:; ~ ,.J '''/' t:~ :)::· ) : . . , · E·Dw ARD V.J. 'I'ewtlor, born by ~een Yane Seymour, a Minor of 9 Years, under theRegencyofhis Mother's Brother, EDWARD Duke of Somerflt, who eftablifued the. Protdf.ant Religion,; and as GRAND MAsTER, built his Palace in the Strand, called ftili Somerfet-!lo1ffe, though forfeitedto the Crown, A. D. 1552. And, when the Re$ent was ~ehead,ed, JoHN, PoYNET, Biiliop of Wincbe.fter, was the Patron o~ ·the Fru Mtffons, till. the King died without Itfue, A. D. 1553· · MARY 'Iew,4fJ:r~..WDa~ghter of Qgeen Katharine of Arragon, aged. !f~ J~~~:}_fucteeded her Brother E4ward,. as. 9-!!~n ~:... vereign. " ' . . . .· . ' ' ., . !• . SHE reftored the Romijh Religion,! and perfecuted the Prote.ftant.s; married ~hilip II. King of Spain, loft Calais, and,.~ed without Iff~UU' 7\.~~- 1'7~ I •. ,, ' "I •· r .• .. ,.





.i- '""'






.· 'F.i~~~~i.2T:i:l:~~,


Years, fucceeded her Si:ffer Mo:iy, as ~een Sovereign. She reftored. the Protrjfant Religion, and was declared Supreme Head of the . Church. Now Learning of all Sorts revived, and the good aid AvGUSTAN.ST"Y;I;;E)Q.',#:ng((l.nd \ peep f!orn under •

~tJbhifll>: ~~oJ}t ~oulq ~~v~:fqo~· . ~~~fr~~ frogref$~ · it


~een had affected Arch1teCl:ur~ ,; .~.~~ .H~atmg. ~the . "!"' ad .certain C<?Uld not b~ reveale~'·t?,~~; (f& f&·at ilie could not be GrandMajler) .and b~in,gjealo~s.qf.atf (ecret Affem.plies, !he fen~ an ~ll1~9.~ ~orce ·t<?. ~~~M 1~p. ,tfieir annt}al Gra~d Lodge at rork, on St~ 'jo7Jil~ Da:y~'··~7 Dec~ 'i s6 r. ' ' J 'J~






I08 ]

·BuT Si:r THoMA'S SACKVILLE, Grand Majler, too:k Care to make fome of the chief Men fent Free Mafons, who, then join-. ing in that Communicatwn, made a very honourable Report to the ~een; and ihe·never more -attempted to ·diflodge ·or dift.u.rb 'them; but efteemed -them·-a:s-apeeuliar Sort if Men, that. cultivated PEACE ·and 'FRIENDSHIP, ARTS and SCI~NCES, <Withoui 'Jneddli12g ·in the Ajj"at"rs ·of C!Jwch or State. IN this Reign fomc;: Colleges w~re built, a:nd many ftately Man.:.. £ons,: particularly fa.mous.Burleig/J:.:.Hoitfl : For Travellers :had brought hom.e fmriei good Hints of' ~he· p:appy Re'tlzval of the :AuGusTAN 'Style in italy, '\yith :Lome o:f<th~·· fine.Dra<wings and Defigns of the heft Archited:s; wheteby·th-e ~-ng}ijh·begin apace to '4i-ight J;ne '~ntJt(t 'Style~ ard ~~ld 'hbe :ihtirely left 1~ 6'1f, :if th~ :~een had~ ftari;l4y en:ct5utaged the: Crttft. · · . . · · ' fiE.RE it is proper tO' lignify the Sehtitnent -and Pfad:rce the OldMafons, viz. That Kings and ·other Male Sovere!g~s, when made Mafons, ar_e Granif Jl!ttjfers~ ~y Pr~rogdtt"ve; during Life; ·and appoint a Deputy, or approve ofhtsEt~ition; to Jlreflde'o~t the,,Fraternity with the Title and Honours 9f G,raaJ Mo~o ltctt it' ilie:Bovereigri is a Fema!;, or n~ot a·:Sro"~et; ofi{~t;,.:uniler a Regent, nobi'Brolher f or if the MIJ!e Sovereign oi the Regent, !hollgh. a Br?th,er, is negligent. of the Crrift; · then the old Grand ~ffiqer~ ~riiM' ~~e~~~e}J:re ,qran~}qil: e ··.due Form, to elect a ·uia1ZaM~Pier;At1oil};:t;··~n.of:1'iu ·. . . . -·· .·· ·~.;;. ' . 1 ' '1/fi ' ' E;r" ' . . ,..,~; ' • ' "',}?. '" al~y r.echoien ~~1I~'he ana trieytbin _'nt~'' AccoRDINGL~.t, when G:rand Ma}ler SACKVILLE demitted*, ;'RAN CIS RussEL~ Earl of Ee4ford, ~a~ ch.of~~ in the Nortb; and in the' Soutb .Sir Ta:oMAS GRESHJ\,M,,. who· bniJt' the firft RbJal Excbang~ ~t 'LonJoti t~ .~Next, ·· · -~ARLES HowARD, Lord of Ejflngham, was Grttnd Mdjier in -~heS~u(~}t~~! .r ~~~?r! p1.e~ ?E~~GE HAsTIN9s'. Earl ?fHuntin~­ Jon, tiU the ~f~.Q. $li~q~nm.arned, on Mqfl:b 24; :t~'o2:.3, when '







• " '\.,' (o#



• •

• A. D. I'j6J.





t A. D, I570·




109 ]

Crowns of England-and Scotland (though~pot yettheKirlg-. doms) were united in her Succeifor, viz. JAMES VI. Stewart~ King of Scotland, Son ofM;ARY Sterzvart QQeen Sovereign, Daughter of)(ing }AMEs V. So11 of King j.AME:SlV. byhis Q_£e·enMA'RGARETTEwDo:R,eldeftDaughter of HENRY VII. King of Englanq, ~y his ~een ELIZABETH Plantagenet, the Heirefs of England. And he was proclaimed at LondOJt JAMES I. King of. England; France* and Ire/ant!, on 2 5 March, I6?3· THE



MAs<iNRY in Scotland till the UNION qf-the Crowns.


HE Hiftory of the jirjl King·s of the Scots in Albin,· or . the WFflern Partsbeyond the Clyde, and the.middle.Gram~ .pian Hills; ~.and. alfo that of the Pi8s in Caledont'a, alo;g '~er­ nzan Sea Coafi: and towards England; no(epntafuing much to ~UJ;''


Purpofe, we may begin with' the Refroration' of the Kingdon:} of .(1/bin ( acc'?rding to the Scott!/h Chronicle) made by I

;~. ~K.-i~g r);;-~C;U~f f~f.; . !!ftfw~rrt~~y

1i ll!t4gJ''J n~)



A:Nb; efefi .after that l?e£~ the Miftory -efbo&tllme Nations confifts ~oftly ofW ar; only we learn, that tfiePicJ!s:&er~ ..i more mechanical and m~rcantile People than the Scots, had built many C~ties~ ~11cl fit:#t f<mnded gll t}}~ ftroi)g Caitles_jp. th~i[PQ111tiliQ.IH while the Sco'f.s;affetted.~r.a:t:qer to-be a N-atien <~:rfi Soldiers,- tUJ'" . ·KENETHU~ Ma?-Aliin~.~irigi;fSr?ts~dembiHhjed thbrdi&&;m of the cPict.s,:~uirl fo became thefoft King of di ·Scoii-*:D~84~: He repaired the public E-difices after tll.eWa,.is,,,,~nd died, 858. BuT both the Branches ofhiiJ"Roya1Itacewe~moftlyengagm i'n War till King MALCO~M 'It Mac .Kenith't'f+c~eeded.: nis I oo8, as· on the next Page. Cou:fin, King Gr,imus, A. FoR


[· ll.O ]

FoR K.i,n$ M;;dcollP II. firll: compiled the Laws, in, th~ famous called REGIAI\11VIA.JESTATEM; .parti1;ioned ~he L~d_into Baronies,. founded the Bi!h~pric of Aberdeen, in ~emory of his ro~till.g 'the Norwe$ians,· A. D. I~H7.i. cultivate~ :A.rt.rano Sciences, and fortified his Towns arid <;illles till he died,- leaving only two Daughters, viz.

Book of SctOtiand,



BEA TRlx the Eldeft, Wife DocHAthe Younger, WifeofBETH: .of,t\LBANACH Thane o .FINLEG Thane ofAngus. · ·· the .[Jles. ,-------A-------


r. DuNCAN I. fucceeded 2. MACBETH killed and took hisGrandf~ther,.A;D.ro33· Poifeffion, 1040; built the Caftle of murder'dbyMacbeth--IQfO. Dunfinnan and Lumfannan, &c. and But King DuNCAN I~· was much -encouragedthe Crtift,. JiJ.leut the Patriarch·9f ~he follow: off by Macdtdf; A. p. I 057· ing Kings on the next Page. . • x. KENETH II. Mac Alpin, died 858, Father of

3· COJ:lT$-TANTIN:a U. 14· fucceeded Donald

~--~----~~----ETaus fuecee~ CwYitl!lli-lu. U.

V.l .

- . .. .



V. fuc-

ceeded his Brother Kerteth II.

~~.....;....:....__ 7· CoNsTANTINE III. fuc~'

6•. DoN'AJ;.n VI. fue-l · teedecl Gregory. , ---:--

. .. A---.- - 5· Ga EGORY, Son t)~ lNDULPHUS fucceeded Malcolm I. of King Conga/us, 8. MALCOLM. I. fuc•r--(who had reigned ceeded Conjlantine III. i I~ CuLENUS fucceeded Duffus. before Keneth . II.)

---A ·


Donald VI.

----A ·

a~ J:eeclv:ed .Cttmbtr- . . A---.·~.- .llmJ ~ . W~re- ~3· .99~ST,ANTI~~ IV laitrl, frdin~Xtmb """ "'"-*' 't··~'!Wt · . .

1. King· of ENgkmd, '· . :


Father of ~.....


· · : · ·' ·


'------------. ill. fuc;-

~ I2; K:t:N)::TH


xo.Duuus, .who fucceeded lndul-

, ,

futceeded • . . ETHus .

MQGALLUS the Prince.


ceeded Culenus, A. D. r . . phus. · · 976, · the. Year after r 4- G.~u M: us fucceeded Confion~::;:;::;:;=:::::;;;:. f ·Edgar, Kmg of Engtine IV. and died Ioo8. laizr;l, Qied. · KENETH enacted the Crown --:----t hmditary in his Family, and died, ..d. D. 994· BANCHO murdered by Macbeth.

---A .

fs, . .. MAI.t'o:L~ n.. fucceededG;;~ . 1oo8•. .:·~to.n.







King Duncan I. ---------~---------S·DUNCAN 3· MALCOLM III. Keanmore, 4· DoNALD Bane, or II, aBaftard or or HeadGreat, wasreftored when White DoNALD, Mal- King Malcolm, H colm's youngefl: Brother, ufurped, .d. D. · · Mac,beth was fl am_, I o 57· e mounted the Throne, I094o ·builttheoldChurchofDu'!firm- .A.D. 1093; andafterll===::::::::=-/ing, a Royal Sepulchre, and le- the: Ufurper Duncan wa~ . . . velled the Ft20¢oneof the old Ca- flam 109,5· Donald r_e,gn_ed till ~1s Ne-

. h d.· ·1. f D · h ___t.. h h phew Kmg Edgar unpnfoned t e ra ~ , . ur am, -~lF . ·.5 &:!fe1 A.,P.xpgS"' . .

h1m for

. ,; ,

•richlyendaw~.--Hrfottdied·1ll~ · · · · ··.· .· · · · · · . · · Bordet:s, -Caffie& and Sea-Ports,\ as the Royal GRAND MASTER and'Patton of Arts and Scie!lc:es, ~ill he died,_ A. p. ro93· . ·By his -~een MARGARET, Sifter pf Prince Edgar Atbeling, and Grand-Daughter of King EDMUND Ironjides, the Saxon Heirefs of England {by the Scots called St, Margaret) He had r-·_A , ---~ ... 6. E!>GARj 7· ALEXAN- ·8. DAVID I~ :Cue,. M.A u MARy, :CucceededDo-1DER I. fuc-ceeded Brother .A;.. Wife· o Wife of


~tthoutlffu~, t~r, .... .edgar; Abby of Ho.{y 7 RoodKmg. o Coun~~f r i 07. · ·· bt;~jlt the Ab- Houfe, and thp C'!- ~pgianJ.: tJJrllf#gne.


bies of Dun- tbedrals effeqr Br- . : . . ~ fermlin, and St. Calms's !nth, ,th'opnc~ that ·he MAuD, M ~ u D, St.Micbae!satScone,&c.. a:nqeftablifhed. Thelthe Em- ·~tfe of

=~~~;·.· c;~~Y-~.·1~.·.th]:~,~~~L ~!11~he;jq/t till he'g:ti:~a~w1hents·"' . , ....... · .s1 ···~~.. · "' · . . .


·I. 1


to the Church ; and the Mafons worfhipped him as thekbene:ficent GRAND MASTER, till he died, A~ D. I I 53· . By his ~MA UD,.theHeiref~.ofHuting?on, King D.A vr~l h~ j









Prin~e ?~ :St6tlrntf!,, ~ied ~' t~· his; ~ather~.j~·~

leavmg thre~ ~~ns,



9· MALCOLM IV. calle~

. . ·. ~-·



theMaiden,~ucce~d~dG.·~nd- the


.: •

, . 1 :.


, ·"








Wh IAM~AVID,. Earl of

!lfa!z~ ··I· See J/J.Zmtingdon~ See: .

father David, anddj.ed With.:. next Page.. out Hfue, A. D. n6s.. ·

I - .·

ext Page ..





ro. WILLIAM the Lion fuc- DAVID Earl of ·Huntingdon ' c.e~eil Brother· #'t:z/to!M, built a ·_died' . j:n England,_ _·A. n. 12 I 9. :.f~l~-e~ at Aberdeen,.{the J3ut all K.ingWrLLIAM's Race ·"~hole:TqwnofPerthafte.raFire, :failing in the Mt~ideTA·Of Norrzpay, ~-arui wa.s, an- excellen~ GR·AND as on the ne:x:t Page, the lt.ight MAST.~R, by tl).e Affi!l:ance of of Succ£!/lifJn was in the Heirs the Nobility; and Clergy, till he this DAviD ; .and they made _ qieci, ,4. .D .. r_:?I.4· Se~ the next the Competition for the Crown, Page. · · . ,aS, in. the Marg}n ~lpo/. ·


,1 ,

_.:..~_, .. :.• :. . ~ .. ·~ .. .,. ... -~

· JJO.. · WrL.-


, . .



fH:ir &-;, , c_'. · 'i .'Y.:, ~:'MA.R.GA.RET, Wife of


~-...,:.~_,.,_. ~

D~vo-aGtJILLA, Wife o{ · JoHN BALHOL Lord of

:,('-~.,..._.·"" ·•~~·•·$


,. ..

B.Ai:toi: " . ' ···;.


·Fr1ncaDAVJD.E!trl'ofHuntingdonhad;3Daughters: f


. ·. ""'=t .. !r.





· '·'



, ...


2•. IsA~~L~~.)... W'if~. of ... J., AJJ.A~ W:ift:. of T BR.uc~, an E71g- LJ)rd.Hqflings. ·

·ti)h Lord, made I:..ord· of .tf.nandale in Scqt/and. ·

' .BernardCafl:le in.Durham. ,-.-·--.-.-'\.

. .



from GRIMUS King of Scotland· who died

1: ~ISE.R\"'' ~tiE, · We I008. Campetilsr· as'Jt#fiJ ~;..,~_,.-..,..,...~..,,_,_.~,_.;.,. 'frQiPf:>irP~d's. EJ4eft~augh- .frqm Prine~ David; 1{\itlll\ ' ter, ·w.,as p-eclaj~d Kmg CI~im was over-ruled · J>y .




~~mpetitor, -~.s


~Scat/ana, ~y the'Um~; Qt t~~Umpire;~dRobenfoon the Goi!ZMition. Ring, Jf.;o;.vt:.' dted.., ···' . I. of Engkfnd, A. D. I 292~ for 'John's owning him his ;..$iip6Rer; .. . .. . . -. .


.T ·watt!'< banHh'o

. ••_,...., _........~'"' 7;:li.H2tifllapn.lt9


a~4~ ~~UliUU r----'--Ao---....,;;.,. WA~T-Elt

I,· the

YRU:~g, Welchmar;., Car.Jl~

to-' Scotland upon the

R.•l"·,.,•'Y1"'~·tr·r Reftoration

a,f~er the. ~~tle '9f. .it D. 1298'~ at a en~eodpt~rvievy, ·_ ,,


j '

. . · .·

nf- King ,

.Malcolm, l(.qre~ -who

made him heritable Lor4 HIGH STE~ART.



See the next Margt~.


r•... ·WALTER!;'

[ 113 ]



the Lion•

..... . . - - _ . . . . . ; _ - - - - - . . - - A 0







II. rebuiltColdingham,,and. died, .A..D .. I249·


.. ' .


12:ALEXA N :p~Rill. thelaftMa/e ftomDuncani.d(ed~.A.D~ 128 5· ,..------.....;·;.....;...•.....;·-...•...-.·;.;..··_..._·A-·._._

MARGARET, ~eenof Ericu.s,

r - ,,




th~ ·;: Bu~T from tll.~ Ddfol~



,. .

King of Norway.





~~~ f,~~·~Ye!t f.~~9·

e Pi8ifo itmgdqm,?,D.~f2·l theGoTHIC $ry/ewas.well improvedinScot!andduringYears4:{S. till the Maiden of Norway died, and the Competition began.··


King JoHl'l' ]3a]j,l.


3· E,nwARD Baliol, was by King Enw. ·III. of England, fent to ScotlaM, joined his Pllfty,


. ,Houfe of B:s.ucE.•.. .WALLACE conviftC·

ed BaucE of his Error, who never foqg~· more againft the ·Slots, arid aiee ;t:,g:o:s; . . . .

Houfe of STEWART, I. the Stewart.




r- · · '



--"------, I• .the Suwart,


·~~;s( .as dk.:.~i{~T I .. Bruce WALTil:Rt ~~·;. ·tlk g~f;-:;' crowned, A. D. 1332. fled to





Scotland, and d 1 o6

· ·'




·r Jt'Jt... "" ~ •1

'A'J.ilfx! Sir'X<t!n'r~Stewarr,

u~o:~e fay hi/l!~~ ~~d, ~ft;~~~ t:*.ANiai lo't'd Darnliy, Patriare fl:ill in France. . Conffi~ be . totally II. the arch of the STEW· N?Ut~ King EPW ARD Stewart. ARTS of L!NllWX, ,,.,,., ...., A' D l-'I~ ..,..,..~,....,.. frorn · Kl!U.•..•~~ A-~ ..•·.·.. . ....e.· .•.··.'""'. •...• ·.'.':r .... :l,... "".Q.IJ '" .:.~•:. .•.JI) ~H. .Ni.1" -.. • the Stew; !!], ·Father· of King



James VI;"below.

[ J.I4 ) THIS had been more amply and accurately difcovered, if·the Learned of ScfPtlandhad publit:hed a Monaflicon Scotic4Jfum, with an Account of the~· old Palaces . and CafHes, as, fine . as any in Eut'ope; before the Competition of BRucE ap.d BAL:ioL, iri a Chronological D.edll.a:ion; 4 Worf!._ long and much d,ejired! . DuRING the Competition, . M'AsoNRY was neglected;. but, after the Wars,· King RoBERT I. Bruce., having fettled his Kingdom, forthwith _employed the Craft in t~pairing the Caftles, Palaces,· aq.d Religio~s Hot;tfes ; abO. _the Nobility and Clergy followed· his E~~mple, 'tilr he died, A. D. · I 3z9.







KING DAVID II. Bruce, after his Reftoration·, much a:tfetl:ed 'Majonry, ~nd built DaviJ:s 'lower in EdinFitrgh Caffie,· till he dieti~without ~true4 A. D. I37o, leavj.ngthe Crown to his SHier's

Son, .




Royal Stewarts. See the laft Margin. . I. RollER T II. Stewart, who left the Care of Mri.fonry to the

eminent Ciergy,.then very:.aa:~ve~nraig.~g_fin~ Religious Houfes, . ~':: . 2. JtoBER. T III. Stewart, being fickly, Je:ttt-l~m~~to the Care of hi~ Brc:> Ro:sE R T Duke of ..111/Jany, a great. Patron ~f the C!aft, till the K-ing died A. D. J4?6·' · 2. RoBERT

:till hedied A. D. I 390. ·. ·· . ·

:-./q \.· .



tn of his Uncle King DaviJ ART

.· z. RoBERT III. 1"1"----"---,

3· JAMES f. Stewart, though unjuftly captivated, ruled by his Regent, the faid Robert Duke of Albany. · HENRY WARDLAw, Biiliop of St. Andrew's, was now Gr~12d Mafier, and founded the U,nive~fity there, A. D. Iif.II, though it was long before a- Place of Education. Robert Dnk~ of Albany died A. D. 1420, and his Son Duke MuRDOCH wa~

Reg'tbt ·titfthe fttri~ ~§'":Mnfo~.i reftQret\,

and crowned, .A. D. 1424. . KING JAMES I. proved the befi King of Scotland, the Patron of the Learned, and countenanced the Lodges with his Prefence, as the Royal Grand Mqfter *; till he fettled a yearly Revenue of 4 Pounds Scot.r (an Englijh Noble) to be paid by every Mafler Mtijo11. in Scotland to a ~anb Jmafttt, c:hofen by-the Grand Lodge, anct approved bytheCrown; one nobly born, or an eminent Clergyman,• who had 1?-isJ:?er,~~~ ~ C.ities and Counties: And every new Brother,at,En,~~ paid him alfo a Fee. His Office impoweredJWn to regulate theFraternz"ty what ihould not ~otne<!lJ!lder theQ;g- . nizance of Law-Courts: To bJn;l·ap~led both Afajon and Lord, or the Builder and FQunder, when at Variance, order to prevent


in · ~~w ..":rl',~eas; ~,~~.··~.:.·".·h..!s. A ....,b.?.e~ce.~. t~ ..· ~·.·.y . ~.PPP,e.~!.e···d..t.S:~~ D4J¥Jor ur&Jd ·~·t~;~t~~ retmffeS~ "

THIS office remained till the Civz"l Wars, A. D. I64o, but is now obfolete; nor can. it be revived but by a RoYAL Grand MAS,TER,; · And now the Mqfons joyfully toafied


To fbe KI»<3


, t~E(:r,s ·ett~entKing ~~ited·~JRnt eftil·

his other ~5,

fortified aU~,Caftles and Sea..:Po~~:iJutitiBuenc~q ~~~~~ility to follow Ms ~xample in much employingtheCr~:fifl he was bafely murd~~ in the D&mlnicam Abby at::Ptri'-'iby his Uncle Walter Stewtlrt, Earl of Ati.)(H, A. D.1437; and, being juil:Iy 'lamented by All~ his Murderers were feverely punifhed. .·.£~ . . ~~-,





• This is the Tradition recorded by the Scotch Mafon~.




116 ]

BY his Wife JoANBEAUFoRr,eldeft Daughter of John Becmfort, Earl of Somerfet, eldeft Son of John a Gaunt, by his third Wife Katharine Roet, he had r


· 4· }AMES II. Stewart, a Minor offeven Years, under theRegency of Lord Calendar. IN this Reign WILLIAM SINCLAIR, the great Earl of OrklJfJ and Caithmfl, was Grand Mafler, and built Rqflin Chapel near Edinburgh, a Mafter-piece of the beft Gothic, A. D. 1441. Next Biihop TuRNBULL, of Glafgow, who founded the Univerfity there, A. D. 1454· AND the King, when of Age, encouraged the Craftl 6 till he died, -- . - S 14 BY his Wife MARY, Daughter of Arnold Duke of Guelders,




5. JAMES III. Stewart, a l\IIinor of feven Years, fucceeded; and, when of Age, he employed the Craft in more curious Architecture than any King before him; particularly at Stirling, where he ereCted a fpacious Hall, and a fplendid Chapel-Royal in the Cafl:le, by the Direction firft of Sit Ro~ER T CoCKRAN, Grand Mafler, and next of ALEXANDER. L<;>rd.Forbe:s,; who continued in Office till the King died, A. D. 1488: BY his Wife MARGARET, Daughter of Cbr!ftiern I. King of

Denmark, ,~-:·:-.·~"71::

. . ·.




.:· .. ·-11'"'··


6. jAMEs IY. Stewart., 4ged.16"¥;ea~: ~~::: ;~by the Grand Majler WILHAM ELPHINsToN; B~ihop ..of Abf{rdeen, the King found,.ed the Univerfity there, A. D. 1494. Elphin/ion, at his own Coft, ~unded the curious Bridge of J)ee, near .Aberdeen, . finiihed by his.Succeifor, Biiliop GAviN DuNBAR; an excellent . Grand Majler, who built many other :fine StruCtures. THE King deligl1ted mofr in Ship-Building~ and increafed his Navy Royal, a very warlike Prince; till> aHifting the French in a Diver:fio~ of ytar, he was loft Ill Flowden-Field, A. D. I sr'3· BY h1s W1fe MARGARE.T TEwDoR, eldeft Daughter of Henry VII. King of England~ he had




II7 ]


7· jAMES V. Stewart, a Minor of17 Months; and, when of Age, he became the ingenious Patron of the Learned, efpecially of the Mufls. IN this Reign the noble GAviN DowGLAS, Bifhop of Dun.. k.eld, was Grand Mafler, till he died .A. D. I 522. Next GEORGE CREIGHTON, Abbot of Holyrood-Hoztfe, till .A. D. I 527~ And then . . PATRIcK, Earl of Lin4fay (the Progenitor of our late Granil Majler~CRAWFURD) who ·was fucceeded in that Office by Sir DAVID LINDSAY, Lion King at Arms, fiill mentioned among Scottijh Mafons, by the Name of DAVY LINDSAY, the learned Grand Mqfler; till the King died, Dec. I 3:, 1542. BY his Wife MARy, Daughter of Claud of Lorrain, Duke of Gufft, he left only I



8. MARY Stewart, Q.!!een Sovereign of Scotland, a ~inor of 7 Days, who became Qgeen Confort of 'France; and, after the Death ofher firfl: Hu:lband, King Francis II, without Iifue, .ihe returned to Scotland, A. D. I s6 I, an,d brougpt ;with, her :LOme fine Connoiffeurs in the AuGUSTAN. Style. · SHE next married, .A. D. 1565, HENRY STEWART, Lord parnley,. e~4~ ~or1: of MATTHE~E.arl of ~n"nox~ th~·:q~ai

Male dek~a4,eth.fto1ll: SjrJ~o&rt Siewart~. ~ord Darnley. ·of the Old Royal Race, as in the Margin of Page I I 3· · .

SHE fell out with her Nobles, who dethroned her; and, being defeated in Battle, fhe fled for Shelt€r into England, I s68; whete Qgeen ELIZABETH detained her a Prifoner, and at Iaft,. for Reafons of State, beheaded her, on Fe!J. 8;· I s86-7. ' ;~;J;J: . .------~------,


9· JAMES VI. Stewart, born June I g, I s66. Upon his Mother's Abdication he was crowned King of Scutland, aged I 3 Months, under 4 fucceffive ~egents; an~, when aged near I.z Years, he alfumed the Government) A. D. I 578.

[ xiS ] !;IE founded the·Uni1ln:Jity of Edinburgh, A. D. ·rs8o. He failed to Denmark, and married ANN Princefs Royal, A. D. rs8g; when he vifited the noble TYCHO BRAHE, the Prince of A.flronomers, in his Scarlet Jjland. . THE Nobility and Gentry, having divided the Spoil of the , Church's Revenues, built many ftately Manfions of the Ruins of the Religious Houfes, as was done in England; and the Mtifons began to imitate the Auguflan Style, under the DireCtion of feveral fucceffive Grand Majiers. FoR, after the Death of David Li1u!fay, ANDREW STEWART, Lord Ochiltree, was Grand Mqfter; next Sir JAi':rEs SANDILANDS . . ' Knight of Malta: Then CLAUD HAMILTON, LordPa!fley (Progenitorof our late Grand Majler ABERCORN) who made King JAMES a Brother Mqfon, and continued in Office till the Union of .the Crowns, A. D. r6o3. BEFORE this Period, not only the Crown was poffeffed of many fine Palaces and ftrong Caftles, but alfo the Nobles and Chiefs of Clans had fortified themfelves, becaufe of their frequent Feuds or Civil Wars; and the Clergy had built many"~bbies, Churches, Monafteries, and other Religious Houfes, of as fine Goth-ic a-s a.ny in Europe, moft venerable, fumptuous, and magnificent. THE Fraternity of old met in Monqfteries in foul Weather; but, in fair Weather, they met early in the Morning, on the Tops of Hi~ls, ef~Cially on St. Jo:P.m_~-.lf~~'~y ~ •nii from thence walked,in due Form, to the Plll:ce ofOiriher, to the Tradition of the old Scots Mqfons, particularly of thofe jn the antient Lodges of Killwinnz'ng, Sterling, Aberdeen, &c~


( II9 ]


in Ireland till Grand Mafi:er A. D. 1730.




H. E antient R.omans havin.g neve.r.. invaded Ireland, we have no good Vouchers of w~ };Jp.pp~ed.there before St. PATRICK, in the DaysofKing LEoGHAIR, about A.D. 43o*. He founded St. Patrick's at Armagh, and the Priory of St. Avog at . Loch-Derg, near the Cave called St. Patrzi:k's Purgatory: But aftenvards many Religious Houfes appeared tHroughout Ireland. NoR did theAnglo-Saxons invade Ireland: But BE DE and others, in the 8th Century, affirm, that th~n many Britons, Saxons, and Franks, reforted to the Schools of Ireland for Education . . BuT the NorwegiansandDanesconquered themo:llPartofthe Ifland ~ and,. tho~,gh at.£.rLl: they deftroyed the Religious HC)uies, they buil~ tl)apy Gafi:Ies and Forts, with lofty Beacons~ to alarm the whole Country in an Hour; till th~ywere pouverted· to Chriftianity by the Irijh, when the·Danes built many Religious Houfes.; as at Dublin St.Mary'$Abby andChrifl-Church, about A.D.98+ :. 6\:-'~'Je~g~J,l!?J~~ }~OR. PM tl!,th~ ,Gr~n~ Mp11-~'1h,~r~ Irelalld qfc,P·'~ar;te, after· defeating .the Di?nf.t·in ..many Butles, totally routed them, A. D. 1039. So the far greater Part of the Danes were forced to fail home, and carried with them (as the lrijh affirm) the heft old Records of ·.Ire/anti, an i,rreparab~ Damage l But the Learned of other NN:a... tiQns long. to fee the remaining ManufcriP.ts of Ireland p~Jiij}led with good Tranflations, and alfo abett~r MoJUJjlicon Ilikernicum; . that, among otl}.er Antiquities, the Veftiges of their old Celtic Architecture might be traced, if poffible_; for tl,le Augu.flan Style • See Sir Janus H"tttls .dntiq; Hilmo. ·


. t From whom our la.te Granit .JJ4t;fler. I•~HI(lUIN is defcended .~. Male Race.

·· · , ~





120 ]

had never been there, and the Gothic was only introduced by St. Patrick. AFTER the Expul:fion of the Danes, the_ Milqian Kings of Ireland ordered the Palaces, Cafiles, and Religious Houfes, to be repaired, and much employed the Grqft downto RoDERIC 0 CoN- . NOR, the laft Monarch of all Ireland, who built the wonderful Caftle of Tu~m, now demolifbed, A. D. I I 68. . BuT the Royal Branches, made theinfelves petty Sovereigns, were imbroiled in frequent Civil Wars: One of them, ·viz. · DERMOT King of·Leinfler, being defeated by the others, came to HENRY II. King ·of England, and got leave 1:6 coo traCt with Adventurers, viz. RICHARD STRONGBOW, Earl of J!>embroke; RoBERT Fit ... Stephen of Cardigan, and MAUR'ICE Fitz.:.Gerald; who brought over an Army of 'W_elch and Englijh to-D:ERMoT's Affiftance, took in Dub!i'n, Wateiford, and many other Places; which they fortified and furrendered into the Hands of their King. HENRYII,asfoonashehadfollowedthem into Ireland, A.D. r 172. Kings of ENGLAND now·Lords of IRELAND. THE Irifh, not without Reafon, fay; that King HENRY II. did not conqu~r Ireland; only fome of th;ir petty Kings and Priilces,. rather than be farther imbroiled in Civil Wars, chofe to come under his ProteCtion, and of thei~ own Accord received the Laws of England, with the Freedom of a Parliament at Dublin. But, where the Englijh prevailed, Mttfonr!. ·ami.,~- ~~,-~h~en• courage d•. · ·_ · · ·· , ' ;-::~1'>",\'' '· ·., . · ·~ . .,. · ""·o·•,·.~ ·.' ·' "'*··~"~·~~\<tr<:·•jl>~ . · ·: · "·. ,.J, THtrs thefaid.S-:fi:b:NaBow,Lord Warden of Ireland, built the Priory ofKill-Mainham; whileSt.Bar founded*theAbby ofFinbat:. JoHN DECouRcY, Earl of Kingfole, rebuilt the Abby of St. Patrick in Down, the Priories of Nedrum and St. Jo-hn's, with St~ Mary's Abby of Innys, &c. · INtheReignofRrcHARD I. ALURED, anoble.Dane,built St. John's in Dublin; and Archbi!hopComin rebuilt t St. Patric-k's there, all ofStooe, which before was only.ofTixnbcr'2:nd Wattles.




*A.D. II74·

t A. D. II83·

:t: A. D. II90· King



~~, . KING joHN was King f.>t lrel.flnd.(as t~e ldfo affirm) till his · Brother Ricbard died, I I 99; .and. -aft~rw.ards .wept int<? Ireland, and employed HENRY LAUNDERS, Archhiihop of .Duhlin ?-nd Lord Jz4lice, as Grand Mtzfter, ui, b~ilAieg th~·¢.a4I~.~ ofD.ttbffn; w)li~e

Wi·i L I AM Earl of f~mb~e; b!ftq~ the ~;~o!M ~::Kif~"' ..

granted Ir~/.al'jda . .fllaagn-a'¢~tta.:f,,the fame with. that.of .England. F~;.ilt?C 9!Q.!~.I?f~, Arc:hb#l!Gp of . 'Iuam, rebuilt St. Mary's Dublin, and covere4Iit.:tWWt~~J~;; Yf4il.e Hu:a:w:. ·nE ~Acv;~ Ear.l .of ll{j/'er,j.~ <f<p.Wlde,4 C41ffi§~...Perg.t-A a friary in Down, the Priory of Ards, . :an4 famous 'l'ritJJ-(Jtlj/f, &c. as Grand Ma.fter, or Patron of the Crqft. THE Native Princes lived pretty well with ~e Englifb, till th~ Reign of King Enw ARD II, .when Prince ?nw ARD BR uc:e (Brother of Ro/Jert Bruce, King ·of Scotland). headed the confede... rated Irijh, conquered the I~~., :was crp;w,ned of all Ir!land 11, and.reigD;ed three Y.ears; .till Sir Roger Mortimer, Earl qf · KING HEN;ax.I:u.

March~ la,n~d ~~tfl.. ;a ,,t,hvqg Edward ~r,qct:fizr&ttle. -

Englijh .Army, and flew . , .


.this, Mqfonry in the ~?Z$/~ B~~~llf.~~ :f~fWeQ; enli in the North of Ireland too, :~.~V~e #le &ots·.had gradually fettled, and br<l>ugh,t,with them:good -Gothic Ma.fonry •. At laft,. ·.;l:~·~.rog~~.the.~§,9{£~1f~Y.J;.~jl~!ti~ wr.eig~~>(~·~~~~-~~x:NDJ.~.wM; Jz:t Defian<:;e of die ·Pope_; proclaimed himfelf King of Ireland, whiCh was conffrmed in the Parliame11t at Dublin, A. D. I 542. · ; K~.t~of,E·N.G£AND now Kings of ,IRELAND~ H:ENR.Y r&ingbf<lwas :his .Son King·&>"' wt:Ai&b, :aDd h6; bj' h.,m S:ifttu"·Qgeen ·MAil;¥ ff~~:, wh0 7 ~ Pt'lpe FJ.A:.:UullV:..;!tri ~ke her·~een..Mi.lrdand;;~Too¢e6ikUI by her Sifter ~een ELizA:&ET.H1 :'1ew.Jor., /who fomciedldi6 famous Univefjity qfDZil!in, A~D~ .I5~1. · · ··. . AFTER

·~ A.~o. 1~xo: .'


:t'A:.b.- ~210.; ,· ..t.Afiin~tA. ·7J~123<;. · ;















Mtifonry made fome Progrefs in Ireland, in the Reigns


jAMES I. and: CHARLES l. till the' Civil Wars, when all the· Fabric was· out of Joint till t:he R:e.floration, A. D. I 66o. After which, it was· revived by fome of the Difciples of In·jgo Jones, in . the·Reign of CHARLES IF, and· till the Wars of King ]AMES But, after King WILmA:'M had fettled the Country, Arts· and. Sciences were again welL cultivated in the Reigns of QEeen· ANNE' and ]GngGEORGE J.. MANy are die beautifutRemains of the heft Gothic Architecture ·in this fine Hland; of which the Learned oflr,!and can heft givea Chronological DeduCtion. But, fince the &vb!ution; theA u Gus-. TAN·STYllE has been· much- encouraged there, both bytlie Go .. vernment an& the Nobility and Gentry: So that the·Metropoli~ Dublin: is· now adorned;with'a ftately Tho!fel or· Town-houfl, an excellent, a· curious Armory inthe·Ca:file, a fineLt'brary in the Uni'l,erjity, neat and convenient Barracks for the·Garrifon, a Royal Hofpital for old· Soldiers.; Stephen's-Green Square, die largeft in Europe, being an Englijh Mile· round; or· I 76o Yards·;· Stephens'& Hofpital; befidesChurches and~·Edi4ices; raifed·bY. good Architects, parlieuiarly by THoM'AS B'uRGH)Efq;.J:{lte Sur::. ·veyor-General·fif Ireland; and his Succe1for Sir E·DwAin LovET PEARCE, the ArchiteCt of the newmagniflcenfParliament-HfJufl (farbeyondthatofEngland)foundedontho3dofFebruary, 1728-9; When.· l;.m-Q {Ja1il~st,~,~·~fil; · · . · ~'11/J~.s; feveral Peer..r;and Members..of.&rlt · · . 'ent Clergy; witli many Free M'#'ons, the King's 1feomerJ·of Guard,, with a·Detachment ofHo1ft:and Eoot~.made afolemn Proceffion thither •.. And, the Lord·Lieutenant having in'sNa~~ levelled the Foot.flone ·at the Souih-jide, l!> three Knoclts with.: a Mallet, the Tr.ump.ets founded; . the Jolemn Croud made · JpyfulAcclamations,. a,Purfe of Gold·was.laid on. the Stone.for tlie Mafon~.;,who.drank t.o the King and the Craft, &c•. And on the· S.tone. nlaceQ.'.twa_ :Medals. of King_ GEORGE II. an.d,: ~~en1



[ 123 ] ~een CAROLlNE, over which' a Copper-Plate was laid with ihe following Infcription: SERENISSIMUS ET PoTENTISSIMUs REX GE•ORGIUS SECUNDUS







AT laft the a.ntient Fraternity of the Free and accepted MASONi in Irelatu/11 being duly a!fembled in their Grand Latlge at Dlfl;lin~ chofe a Nobk ~~anb Jl»latlet, in Imitation of their Brethren of England, in the third Year of his prefentMajefty King GEoRGE II. A. D. I 7 3o, even ou.r no!Jie Brather · ·l~MES Km,c;.,. ~.d. Vi!count Ki.tzg/Jqn; the ..-cry ne:xt<YC!!fi" after 'his Lordfhip had, with great Reputation, been .the~anb Jlmaflet of England. Who has introduced the fame Conflitutions and ancien~ Ufoge.r, which are recorded in this Book. HE has been amaually fucceeded by noble Brothers in SOLO.;. MON•s Chair., a.11d the Grand Lodge of Ireland are firmly refolved to perfevere in propagating the Knowledge of t'tJ;e }tq!Jfe Science of GEOMETRY and the Royal..drt ofMAsOl!lRY..


·H ,I ·o'.'F

The U N 1 o N of the T w o C R o w N s: to .. the Year "





75 6.




ee~u~***&ihlt****HflllftM"titet:6fitH*$el:*e** . .

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H. .A·· .n ' '


c. .

. r·.. ·...·. ~- ·:.. .


. . >i

· ·· .. ' ' :-.!

"d (,£'11

.. j


-The 1\uG·ds'tAN STYLE i~B~imin;~l:f51;UJ!:.frtm:rf·the.• ~, CRo~Ns 't6o3; tri,tBe It~~-:t&xA.rroN,iri: ·r6~oJ: ·' .






" .: .: l


\ .~

. ' .






".al ,,;

.~·-··,JfJ-iJ;'··· .';)\~-,;!...· '-i~_"t~~,~._· v~ tt11s L,~.-,·~_·,,_~.,~~t~.')u.i~.--·~. renoa, · e Jr-7{(nti~·,n_"'_fi'fN_:>:~!JMlJ emep. o nne~~.-· 1:.. a,t~ r~-

B th;riTPg .fr~m-~tfiei; 1:r;,.vei~'· t~TI o{'1i?di~1~" Eih~ratiori~

. refolved,", if not to excel the Itali'an Re'Viver.s, . at leaft_t~ · imitate th~';ll. iP. pl.<). ~oman1 and •Grecian .MAsoNRY~- .. Bu.t. n~ :R:e;.

c\~i.:f~~:'*~:$~~r~~~~= i!:~:tT:rr~ lu~n~, fom~ cwio~~ Dra~i dgs oftnW lf~lifn:Revz'<tler,i~ aft~~efr I


·Books ofArch'rteffur(; efpecial!y. · -· . ··. '_ ,.. :··"r-~ -~' INIGO JoNES, born near 8~. P~id's, London, A':D .. r·s72 (Son:

of M;r~.Ignati~tf:~r!~i~f,~dfies~:~.·~itifs~ of: ~pndon). bred·_~f. at.: Cam!Jridge, who n~tura~l:Y t~o~ ~iil~~Art ofDfligmng,. a~·iX;




JirJl knownhy his Skill in Lan4fkip-Painting; for which he was the nt.h.ll and leazifled WIL~L·x'~AM HERBERT ;(afterwards Earl of Pemlroke ;) maife the To~r 'of Italy"at his Lora... !hip's Expence; where he -:_~mP.roved in the Royal Art, undec fome of the heft Difciples of the famous . : ANDRE A P, A :t. LAD I o. , .. · IN lGQ· jONES, u'pon his Return, laid afide his Petitti, and took ·up the Square, Leve!,. an~ P_.!u~, and became the VITRU·vrus of Britain7 the Rival ofPalltJdiol and of all" the Italian .Revivers ; as it f()on appe~re~ aft~r ... . ... · ''the UN'x:ON.of. th€ .CR. owN's, :A. D. ·1603.. . . ·'· When the RoY_AL TEwDo~s.,. expi[ed, and the RoYAL • ·$~~WARTs' iiicc&rd&d.r:'


ScoTTISH Kings of all Britai17. 1. JAM E S I. Stewart, now the firjl King of al] Britain, a Royal Brother Mafon, and Royal Grand M(/j!er by Prerogative, wifhi11:g for proper Heads an£\ Handsfor t~abliihing the Auguflan Style here7 was glad to find ftich a Subject ~s lN.I Go JONEs; whom .1w appointed his General Surveyor, and appro~ of ·his b~ing ,chofen Gnmtf ¥a.fler of England, to prefide over the Lpdge.r. TH:e King ordered him to draw the Plan of a new Palace at Whitehall; andfo when the oldBanquetting~ Ho?ffewas pulled down., the King, .with Grand Mafler ]oN~s, and his Grand Wardi!JI.S, (WILl-IAM!JEJ?-Bl!'.RT,E~lofP~~~<fJ¥##fJ!'!f'~~"§M_~ Mafter Mqfon to h,is ~ajefty) atte:nded''by. t:n~ 'Brothers in du-e Form, and niany'~milien"t Perfons~·walked to lP'hiteha!l Gate,.and levelled theFootjfone of the New Banquttfi:ng· Houfl with thre.e great Knocks, loud Hu:z;zas, Sound of Trumpet~, and. a Purfe of' broad .Piece.s of Gold, laid upon the Stone, for the Mty'Qns to qri~k . To THE KING AND T~E CRAFT 1 ..· -· ,("'l''j

A. D. x6o7.


THouG:R~for Want of aParliam.entaryFund, no n;orewas built

J:>ut the {aid

glorious BANQ,!TETTlNo-HousE, the fineft fingle · Room

[ 127 ] Room: of 1:hat large Extent fince the Days of A.uguflus, and the Glory of this Reign. Afterwards the lofty Cieling was adorned by the fine Pen~il of Peter Paul Ru:sENs. THE beft Criftfmen from. all PaR:s reforted to· Grand Mafle~ " JoNEs, who always allowed. good Wages and feafonable Times for Inftruetion in the Lodges, which. he: conftituted with excellent B'y'-Laws, 'and made· them like the· Schools or Academies: of the Defigners in Italy._ ~·· alfo.beld the QJ!arterly C8Rit.rlunz"... €ation *of the GR.AN·D LoDG:E of Mafters and· JITardms, and the Annual General A1fembly and Feafl on St. 'John's Day: When he was annually recliofen, till4~ D. x6x8,. in which Y e~r the forefaid · WILLIAM Barlof Pembroke was chofen Grand Maftet: And• being approved br the King, he appointed INIGO JoNEs his. Deputy Grand Mafter:. Mafonry thus flourifb,ing, many eminent, wealthy, and learned Men,. at their own R.eqtie:ft, were accepted as· Brothers, to the: Honour o£ the Crtift, till the King.f died, Mar€h ~p:t :~~Sj leaving his Crown and Domini<m.s to 2. CHARLES I. StewiJr.t~, ag.ed·:is Ye~rs~ a. Royal Brother~ He alfo Grqnd Majler by Prerogative : And,. being ~ell· :Billled.ia.,~ ~e.,~rt& ~f M,lj/ilq.i. h~. ~qur~~P'h~f~ reign lkzzlptt#s,; Sttna(JI'iM,,Phijkn:..~; &c,. hut ~anted no Foreigners for Architecture,, becaufe none of: them. equalled' his own Inigo· Jones and· his excellent Difciples •. WBENGraml'MIJ}fer PEMBROKE demitted,,..d•.D... x6s.o,, ·

Pamwn; .





_: -



.lit SQ ..faid.Br,otllet'~lCHOLAS~ 1720. .

~ ~ ~ l ... r •


k~E,;~, ~!J~. Uta. M.n~~· '





. .... ' . . .

t From t1& King' iS ~fdended' the-'~ Q,ui(of'·1 ~~· on:· the-~ Britifh Throae,. 'Oi~ His Daqghter EIW4W.· mat.tied ~he t.Dtg of ·Bthmda·~. her. Daughter Huphia' was, married to.t~ Of.Brt~~~..folid:, El~ of. Hmz•wrj'. and brought 'him .~~wq l. · .~ Of; Grlt#l•Britllin,l Father. of hiA, ~;

Jaajsfty. King_.Gt~rgt II~. · '






[ 128 ]

'HENR·:t0'A,N\7E:ts, Earl of Dan/Jy, fucce~ded inSOLOMON'.r C~tif' the 'Kihg'$1\pprobatioill; and, at his own Coft, eretted a fmall, but moft accurate Pied: of the old ArchiteCture, by the Delign. IQ.f JoiNEs;: his.Deputy; H~ven·the·faPlot,ts heautiful Gate· o'fthe Phjjc Garden at fJX.fom, wilth this.Infcription :· GLoRilE DEI 0PTIMI MAXIMI, HdNQ~~ CAROLI REGis~ IN UsuM. AcADEMIJE ET REIPUBI:l.G1E., A. D. I 632. " HE·NR.rtvs .C<?ME~·TI>ANBY.. . )





. THOMAS Ho:w.A~J)) Earl of.:dr-.undel·(the Progenitor our late Grand Ma.fter NoRFOLK) then fucceeded Thmhy, at the Head of the Fraternity,.a moft excellent·Connoiifeur in all the Arts of Dljigning.,, and. tneigreat Reviver oflearned Antiquities, who will be ever famous for his Marmorcz AruJZdeliana: But Deputy JoNES ~as·n~·v.€r ou~ of Office; and JOined Grdnd Mafler ARUNDEL, in perfuading FRANCIS RussEL, Earl of Bec!fbrd, to lay out his Grounds of Covent-Ga11den in an oblong ~quare, Eajf and Wefl: Where he built the regular Temple of St. Paul, with its admi"1: ra:ble-Perlioo, made Parochial, A .. D; 1635; when Grand Mi/jier B~DFORD fucce~ed, and employed his Deputy joNES to build the North· and E#J Sides of that Square with J:a~ and lof~y ~kades {commonly :oalled.P£azza.rJ which, with ffie::~·~ttH'"dWtilt:t~llcl;u~~ ~Ai&tLi>lDi fpeCl: after the J;~::iJtC~MNittJMatirldl1r. · · · I• ~

Im·G:b J~Bk'i~lthxl!B&t.fir'i:in:SOL.e>moN'.rChair ~gain; and, .befo_re t~~ W ~rs, the_King employed him to build the ftately ~fJe·i't GttileY.jof 8bm#:ft#i!uli}e;gfr6h.tiiig/Hj:e:'!rbtlmli .sAna the ~Il& i]ttenqed~tG ,car.tJ'"I ~lJJKhft<ht~f.(, ~cpr;>,rd:fng.~~ J!!n~;{s -:tl~n; but. \Vis ·l'mha:ppily prevented: b.y ,the Civil Wiar.& ·: for t~e JittrW!t.~_'··~t:!.t ~.o~~u·~~~ :h~' _i[/ng and .~Parliam~t too,~ and inurlter~ lfitrH ar·tii's~W!t"thte.; ·'On 'Jaliat:tff $o, '11,648410.' ·. · .· YET, even during the Wars, the Mafons rii~t,tt2Safi6h'ally. fe~Qral :Places. · · · · '





129 ]

THE Great INIGo Jo'NES, aged 79 Years, died at LOJZdon, and was buried in St. Bennet's Church at Paul's Wharf, on the 26th of July I 6 5I, the ~ran.b Jb)afftr of ArcbiteBs, who "brought the .Augujlan Style into England. HE !hewed his great Skill alfo ·in defigning the magnificent Row of great ~teen-.ftreet, and the W df Side of Lincoln's-Inn Fields, with beautiful Lincffey-Holffe, the late Chirurgeons Hall and 'Theatre, (now Barbers ·&Jl Mo%1kwell-jlreet, London) Sliqftfoury-Hoz!fe (now the London Lying-in HofpitalJor married Women) in Aldeifgate-j}reet, Southampton-"-Hozife Bloomfoury (now the Duke of Becfford's), Berkeley-Hozife Piccadilly (now the Duk~ ofDevonjbire's) lately burnt and rebuilt; accurate York Stairs at the 'I'hames, &c. And, in the Country, Gunnerjbury-Houfe near Brentford, Wilton-Hozde in Wiltfoire, Caflle-Abby in .Northamptonjhi're, Stoke-Park, &c. SoME of his be) Dfftiples met privately for their mutual Im ... .Provement till the R.ejioration, who preferved his clean Drawings and accurate Ddigns (preferved in our Days by the ikiJful · Architeel, the noble RrcHA:RD BoYLE, late Earl ofBudington) and, after the Rejloration., they propagated his lofty Style.

C H A P.



From, the REsToRATioN I66o: till the



H A R. L E S II. Ste'liJtt/rt} fucceeded his Father, aJ!.d. w~ · • roagntficeritly reftored, aged 36' Yeats, oM his (i)~Ji ffirthDay, the 29th of May I 66o. In his 'travels be llailt&n made a Free Ma.forz~ and, ha.ving obferved the exa~ Strudttre•s in foreign Countries, be refolv-eci to encouragetheAttgty'}anStyle by revivi.~g the Lodges, as appears moft confpktlotti\y from the foll~g S P.reamble

[ IjO ) Preamble of a Charter to incorporate the Royal Society,. drawn by Dr. Chr!Jlopher Wren.

CHARLES, &c ..


amongft our regal hereditaryTitles(tO'whicfi . by divine Providence, and the Loyalty of our good SubJects, We are now happily reftored) nothing appears to Us more auguft, or more fuitable ·to our pious Difpofition, than that ofFather qf our Country, a Name of Indulgence as' well as·Dominion; wherein. w~ would imitate the Benignity of Heaven, w~ieh in the ·fame Shower yields Thunder and Violets, and no fooner fhakes the Cedars, bat, di:ffolving the Clouds:, drops Fatnefs. We there"" fore, out bfa paternal Care of our People, refolve, together with thofe Laws which tend to the well Adminiftration of Government, and the People's Allegiance to us, infeparably to join the fupreme Law of Salas Populi, that Obedience may be manifeftly not o~ly the public but private Felicity of every Subject, and the great Concern of his Satisfactions and Enjoyments in th~ Life.~The Way to fo happy a Government, we are fenf:rfible, is in no Manner more facilitated than by the Promoting of ufeful Arts an.d Sciences, which, upon mature InfpeCl:ion:, are found to be the Bafis of civil Communities and free Governments, and which 'gathefl\11Ati~~~-~4n Charm, intp Ci~ies, an~l ~ecll,nea, them in Companies; that fo, by laying in a Stock, as it' were~ of feveral Arts and Methods of Induftry, the whole Body ·may· be fupplied by a; mutual· Commerce of each other's peculiar :Faculties; and. confequently that the various Miferies and. Toils of thjs £rail Life may, by as many· va.rious;Expedients ready at Hand, be. remedied or alleviated.; and W e~th apd Plenty diffufed in juft Proportion to eyery one'.s lu.d:uftr.y,, th:~t;is,. to. ~v:ery on e.'s Deferts...


1 JI


there is no 'Q!!efl:ion but the fame Policy that fomids a City, doth noqri:lh and increafe it; fince thefe mentioneaAllurements to a Defire of Cohabitation do not only occafion Popu..: lofity of a Country, but render it more potent and wealthy than a· more populous, but more barbarous Nation ; it being the fame Thing to add mGre Hands~ or by the A:ffiftance of Art to faci-· Etate Labour, and bring it within the Power of the few. WHEREFORE our Reafon hath ws, and our own.· Experience. in our Travels in foreign Kingdoms and States· hath · abundantly cGnfirmed, that we profecute effeCtually the Advanc~­ ment ofNatural Experimental Philofophy, efpecially thofeParts of it which concern the Increafe of Commerce, by the Addition. of ufeful Inventions tending to the Eafe, Profit, or Health of our SubjeCts; which wi1lbeft he acco:tnplilhedby a. Company of ingenious and learned Perfons,. well qualified for this Sott of Knowledge, to make it their principal Care: and Study, an-d to be con.ftituted' a regtdar: Spciety for this Purp6fe, endowed. with aU prQ~ per Privil~ges and Immunities. . ..·. NoT that herein we would withdraw the leaft Ray of out' Influence from the prefent ·eftablilbed Nurferies of good Literature and Educ-ation, founded, by the Piety of our Royal Anceftors., and others, to be the perpetual,F.onntai~ o£·R.eligion aJld ...Laws; that Rcligion, and thofe Laws, whi~h~ as- we are ribliged to defend, fo the holy Blood of our martyr'd Father hath infeparably endeared t() us ; but, that we purpofe to make further Provifion for this Branch of Knowledge likewife, Natural Experimental Philofophy, which comprehends all that is required towards thofe Intentions we have recited.;' taking Care in the iint.Place for Religion, fo next, for the .Riches and Ornaxn~t of our Kino-doms ; as we wear an Imperial Crown, in which Flowers are /:) ' .. alternately intermixed~ with the E'!ftg'ns •of Chr!ftidnity. · A~D whereas we are.-wdl informed, that a competent Numbdt' . of Per.fons of eminent Learning, Ingenuity, and Honour, conS 2 · · cording AND


[ 132


cording in their Inclinations and Studies towards this Employ-• ment, ha"e for fomeTimeaccuftomed themfelvestomeet weekly,. and orderly to confer about the hidden Caufes ofThings ; with a defign to eftablilh certain and correCt uncertain Theories in Philofophy; and~ by their Labours in the Difquifition of Nature, to approve themfelves real BenefaCtors to Mankind : And that they have already made a confiderable Progrefs, by divers. ufeful and remarkable Difcoveries~ Inventions, and Experiments, in the Imprqvement of Mathematics, Mechanics, Aftronomy, Navigation, Phyfic,. and Chemiftry ;. we have determined to grant our Royal Favour, :Patronage, and aU due Encouragement, to this illuftrious .11./femoly, and fo beneficial and laudable an Enterprize. this royal Favour and Protecrion, HENRY JERMYN,. Earl of St. A//;an's,was.chofen ~rattb J)j}alltrofMAsoNs, who· appointed Sir JoHN lilENHAM, Surveyor-General of the Royal. Works. This Sir Johfl; Denham, the only So!? of Sir John Denham, Knt. fometime one of the Barons of the Exchequer; was a: celebrated Poet, and an eminentRoyalift .. :IGngCbtirles l. granted to him the R.ever:fion of the Office of Surveyar...Geoeral of the· Works,. after theJl>eeeafe of the great ArchiteCt ktigo 'Jones;. which Office.he entered upon. at theReftor.ation ofKingCharles II.. Anno I 66o. (for the faid Inigo 'Jones deceafed the ~aft of July> UNDER


t:6,s.i,.~d.ralnmat 1;9. Y~-~,l."~

A.- tM~tlPB of King.

Charles.Il. he was:, ~e· a Knigpt of the ~ti.J,r He .died at hisOffice in .Scatlmut/Etird ·near TJ7hiteball>- at the. Time.. above,... mentioned. ~Ir. C. HRISTO.PHER WREN"~~·G ___ J rr 7Ir J · rartu. araen.s: .... Mr. JoHN WEB, · · ·. ·


* Afterwa-rds Sir Cbrifioplfw Wmz : He; was tpe only. Son of Dr. Chrijiopber Wren, l:>ean of Winc!for, and was born in 1632. · His Genius for tho .Jrts and Sciences appeared early; for at the Age of thirteen. he invenud a newti/lranom.i+(ll Jnjlrummt~ by the Name of Pan-Organum,. and wrote a T.reatife Olll . . . . &he



1 33

according to a Copy of the old Conjlitutions, this Grand Mtljler held a General Aifembly and Feafl on St. JOHN the E"Jangel!fl's Day 27 Dec. 166·3, wh~n.the following Regulations were made. I. 'I'hat no. Per.fon, of 'WIJat Degree foever, be made ·or accepted a· Free Mafon unlefi in a regrt.lar Lodge, whereof one to be a Mafrer o.r a Warden ill that Limit or Divifion wbere·Juch Lr;_dge is kept, and another ttJ:k a.Craftfin~n\~tke. ~<~ lfFree Mafonry:. • 2. ·'I'hat f.trJ Peifon.!JtretifterJI.i.all be atcepteda.F!fe<P ~o,n, f;ut focb as are if able Body,,bontft Parentage., goad Reputation, and aN. Ob.ferver of the Laws of the Land.· 3· 'I'bat no Per.fon hereafter who foal/ be accepted a Free Mafon,. jhall be. admitted into ;any L0dge or .Ajjembly, until he has brought a Cer-· AND;

the Origin of Rivers ; and invented a Prmi1lnlltic Engi~ and a pe<::tdiar Irrftrument ef Ufe in Gnomonics;· to folve thia Ptoblem,. vn;. 'On .a ·known Plane,. in a kriown ~·Elevation, to defcfH)e fuch :&.roes with the expedite tuming of Rundles to-certain :. ~~v~ns, .as by .th6-shadow of the Style may fhew tlae· ~qual. ~



. •, . ' ' ., ' ·'' IN x64fi, Mr. Wrerz,. was admitted ,at the' Ag17~oP tou~ a G'eri~eman Commoner· in Wadham Collegt, Oxo11, ~/bti:·prOlittd greatly under the Inftrue~

tions and FriendfuipofDr.. Jibs WilJ:im and Dr. &tb Ward, who were both,Gerr~~ ofgr~ 1~ng, and a~rwar~ l?romote.d, bJ ~g C~.lfs:.~J!,;;!Otthe ..



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His other j~ Pr-otlullims in· Msthematkr .are highiy worth our Attention~ and fpeak this Grand'W.arden a Scholar of a moft'exalted Geni:us;, but ·ate too many to be here recapitulated. 1 fhall only inform you tliat· his. Studies were not · ClORiMd.• •.J:It ~d Dr. 8VArhrouih in ·the. anatomical Preparations and -Experi,-1: · ments. upOn· tho Mf!lcln of ~e 1Jtmlfl11 ~~ fr<tCn whence are dated ·~he. fi,J:i In- · Dmivtuon e£•gtiJIIIdriC41' ami ·mec~q/Speculttion& iri ~~llfJ; and- witte'·~f­ courfes,.of the ~ngitude; to obferve tbe \J~¥ of the magrteticCf ~le;.: JJe r1. nazdka ~tft:mfs .to- find the swp;a;.,_iliagJ:o:£4:f'::ilhproy.e..· ments of GaiUes; of an Inllrument petpctual1;.· mliing. ~.~fngs in Shal-. .hmr$.; to reco~r Wseck;s,:.. a convenient War of. ~.~.rtiUely on Ship-board J .. tet b11jld-' in .deep Watat s to build a Mole infP· the. Sea, without Puzzolan D~. or" Cifterns ;· of the lmp;ro-.nt. of lti¥~N~io.n., - by the J~inill&, ·" • .



[ 134- ]

,a Ceriifkatl! rf the 'time and Place of his Acceptation from the

Lodge that accepted him, unto the Mafter of tbat Limit or Divf!ion where fuch Lodge is kept: And the Jaid Majler jba!l enrol the fome in a Roll of Parchment to be kept for thpt Pu':pofe, and foal/ give an: Account qf allJuch Acceptations at every General Afiembly. . 4· 'I'hat every Peifon who is now a Free Mafon, jball bring to: th~ Mqjler' a Note of the 'I'ime of his Acceptation, to the End the fame may be enrolled ziz fucb Priority if Place as the Brother de.ferves;. and that the whole Company and Fellows may the htter know each other. . . . . . 5. 'I'hat for the Future the faid Fraternity of Free Mafons jhall be regulated and governedby One GRAND MAs.TER> and a.s many W.ardens at the faidSoci,ety }hall thinkjitto_appt;int at every Annual General Affembly • . , 6. '!'hat no Peifon. accepted,_ unlefs he be twmty-:-one :{ears old or more. . . THOMAS S'AvAGE Eat! Rivers fucceeded St. Alban's as 6~attb -atltr, 24 . june · I 666. ap..: }Mr., John 1Yeb, 1_ Grand · poin.~edSirCHRISTOPHER W;R~N l Mr ..GrinlinGj~bonh SJf'q,rdens, :hii:iJeputy ~ I?ut..~e·Deputy and Wa,rderu rnahaged. ail.~hings~ ·. . THrs·Yeo:r,os ~. Sdpf.~ the Great Et,u:ning ofLondon.happened, and the Free ..M"aflns·became necetfary to rebuild it. . ..


.· . .. .

. . :~cco,r~in.gly~

.. . . .

:·'.:,~,p~J'ft1$';~.rCi£;ff.11}{{1Jlv·~~r.~·.d· ·tf~.~ . up a~finePlaaot;.the.$e.Wq~,~ MlDg~ but; tho' private Ptoperties hindered its· taking n~ble City was 'fodh rebuilt: in

. .. , yet·· that·,

·a far· better- Style ·than before.


AFTER the moft dreadful Conflagration London, in the fatal y ~ar I666,· Dr~ Chrifiopher W:rert was' appoint~ci Sr;trv'eJ.ot:-.1 general and principal Archite8 for rebuilding tb~ whole City,;~ cl,ie: Cathedral Ghurc~ of St. Paul; all the parochial ChurE:hes .(in·

~u~b~rf;~tJ;~?ne~ '~1la~~~··~i-~arlianiertt) in ]jeu "

. . . ' .. . ' .

or. thofe'that.· were.

[ :iss J were burnt and de~i:fued) with otlter public Strochires; and for the Difpofition of the Streets; a Charge fo great and extenfive,: incumbent ob. ·a fingle Perfon, difpofed him to take to his Afiiftance Mr. Ro/Jert·Hook;Profeifor of Geometry in Grejham_ College,. to whom he affigned chi:eflJ'the Bufi:n.efs 'of meafuring, adjuffing,. and fetting out Ground Of the private Streets to the. feveral P roprietor:s;. referving all the. public, WO!k.s w his own peculiar .Care and .Dir€Ct:ion~ · ' · · ., · n ,. . · Tat' Mmfte~ 'of Hiiildftig in the ·ciry of LonJon, ~.praaifed ;iti all fotmer Ages, was G;<Yllltnonly with Timber~ a Material ean'It procured,· at little· Expence, when the Country was overburthened:. with Woods. This often fubjetl:ed the 'Town to great and deftruttiveFires, fometimes to the Ruin of the whole, as happened~ for lnftance, in the Year ro8 3, and Reign of WiJ/iam the Conqueror, the Houfes being then of TiMber ct!>V.eted. with Thatch. Notwithftanding thefe Incidents, thrs·Mo'de continued until the' two fatal Years I 6o 5 and 6; but then the ft.tcceffive rCal~fieg. of Plague and 7:i!ire"' gave all ·People Occafion reriouily wo.sil\tt on the Caufes of the Increafe of bfJth:t(;} ,._;t~vtrfle:ight]: 'Viz. Clofenefs qf Bui!Jings, and cofll8rtjlble Materials; and herice the Wiihes for the neceffary Amendment of both, by widea~gt the ~reet&, a00 huildi~ag w1th St:mte·' and ,.Bf:K:j()N ~ ~··



" ;





SoME intelligent Perfons went farther, and'tnought it highly requifite the City in the Reftoration iliould rife with that Beauty,. lJy the· Sttaightnefs and' Regularity of Buildings; ·and "ConvemJ etice for Cbhlmtrc¢ s hy: tl.tct''vvell d'ifpufi#g o~S!teef-s :lfiit{ !'!~~· Piaces, and thb'Opening"h~hadt:m.ei.J. tua:tion, Wealth, and Grandeur 'of"the ltftib:..opr;l#~·&f ·71 did· juftlydeferve; in Refpetl: alfo of the Rank !be boliwill.:'all"other· k:ading.Citieso£ theiW~di;. ofwhi~th~·lhe~~~bofore:on'e"bf.


• • '.,. "





'136 ]

.:the ,ficheft in Eftate and Dowry, yet unqueftionably the leaft :.beautiful. Informe, ingens; tui lumen ademptum. IN order therefore. to a.proper Reformation, Dr. Wren {purfuan.t ·to the royal Commands).immediately after the Fire, took an ex ... aCt Survey of the wheleAreaand Confines of theBurnz"ng_, having traced over, with great Trouble and Hazard, .:the great Plain of .Allies and.Ruins; and defigned a Plan or Model of a new City~ :in which the -Deformity and Inconveniencies of the old Town ·were remedied, by the enlarging oftheSf;reets and Lanes, and carrying them as near paiiallel another as might be; avoiding, j f compatible with greater Conveniences, all acute .Angles; by Jeating all the parochial Churches confpic~ous and infular.; by forming .the moft p:ublic Places into large Piazza's, the Center& ,of eight Ways; by uniting the Halls 0f the twelve chief Compa.nies into one regular Square annexed to Guildhall; by making a commodious Key on ,the whole Bank of the River, from Blackfriars to the T'c-wer. MoREDVE·R4 in cohtri"Vil'lg the general Pla?Z;, ~the following ,particulars were chie4y confidered and propofed. THE S.treets to be of three Magnitudes; the .three principal leadingfrra~ghtA:h¥ol!gh the Ci~y, and one or ~two Crofs-ftreets~ to be at leaft 90 Feet wide_; others 6o Feet.; and Lanes about 30 Feet, .excluding all narrow .dark Alleys without Thorpugh:fares ~ncL ~ouris ..... ·} . . .. . . ·. .· •·. . . ~ </.i . . . · THFJ· ·E:xJchan, :ftalfld···f~ee .in -nh~;~~·.~··a P~~zza,; and be,. as it were, the,Ji:a.v:e :or Center of the Town, frem whence < . the 6e .Feet Streets, asfo many Rays, ihould proce6d to aU principal Parts of the Cigr: The Building to 'be oontrived after the Form of the Roman Forum, with double Porticos. MANY Streets alfo to radiate upon the Bridge. The Streets uf ~he :fi:~~and fecondMagnitulile-to be ~tried on as ftraight as ,!'offibk, and to center into four or :five Piazzas~ ·

[ 13,7: ] THE

Key or open VV:harf on the Bank of the Thames, to be,

fpacious and convenient, without any Interruptions; with fome large Doclu for Barges deep loaden. THE Canal to be cut up Bridewell, I 20 Feet wide, with Safi"es at Holborn Bridge,, and at the Mouth to cleanfe it of all Filth • and Stores for Coal on. each Side. . · · THE C~urches to be de:figned·9-c.cprding to the heft Foim·sfor Capacity and !tea:ring, adorned· wit~ u{~uf-Po~~·and}ofty ornamental. :Towers and St,~ep1es;. in ·the greater Pariilies.. AJJ (~hutch-yards, Gardens, and unneceffary Vacuities ; and .all .Trades that ufe great Fires:J or yield noifome Smells; to be . placed out of the. Town. THE Model or Plan formed on thefe Principles, delineated by Dr• Wren, wa~ laid before the King ~nd the honourable Houfe tif Commons; and is thus explained : FRoM tha~?ar:t.ofJJket-Jireet whic-h remaip.ed unburnt, about St. J)un)ml~JIP,, a ~aight Street of 90 F~et wide, crq~~. ~ Valley, paffing by the South Side of J1udgt;tt P.rJi<?p., an~,thence in a direct Line ends gracef~ iJfa Piaz~a.~t'l'fiwer-hill; but before it defcends into a Valley where now the great Sewer {Fleet-ditch) ·rn~J.~.:~,ut. WJ! q~~ l\1iddle ofF~et-Jireet, i~ op~s int~ ~,rqund Pias•, ~l!~~.¢ Wftys, .,,q~rl! at· op~ .S,tatioD are thefe. Views :-Firft, fl:raight fbrward quite through the City : Second. obliquely towards the R(ght Hand, to the Beginning of the Key that runs frQ'QJ. Bridewell Dock to the <[ower. Third. obliqu~y on the lef~;tQ Smitijield.. . F;01ae~lh !f:raight on the Right, to')~r !Cfhames• .Fif~. tlPligb~on tbe It£!, W..;JM.:tt•:fJre~t and .(]Iff~'!" ·well. .Sixth, ·&a.ight backwards, towaras t£ ~enth; .obliquely em the right, to the.Walks of Pte:(~!,._ .,Eighth, obliquely on the ~ft. to .Cut;fitt~r's A.llt~~



38 ]

PASSING forward we crofs the Valley, once fullied with an offenfive Sewer, now to be beautified with a ufeful Canal, paffable by as many Bridges as Streets that crofs it.-Leaving Ludgate Prifon on the left Side of the Street, {inftead of which Gate, was defigned a triumphal Arch to the Founder of the new City, King Charles the Second.) This. great Street prefently divides into .another as large,· which carries the Eye and Paifage to the South.:. front of the Exchange~ (which we leave as yet for a fecond Journey) and before thefe two Streets, fpreading at acute· Angles, can be clear of one another, they form· a tr,iangular Piazza, th.e Bafis of which is filled by the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. BuT; leaving St. Paul's on the left, we proc.eed .3;S our firft Way led: us t~wards the. 2"'ower, t~e Way being ai! along ~dorrted wit~ . pa~<;>~h1a~ ',Clitirc?~s.. · . · . · . . . · .· ·· · ~ · ·· . . W:E return again toLudgate, and,le~ving St! Pqufs on the right . Ha11d, pafs the , grea~ Branch to th~ Royal-Exc'hange/fe'ated in the Place .where it wa~ before~ but. free from Buildings,in the Middle 'c)f·a P~azza 1nclu.<fed be_tween two great S-treets; th~ one from .Ludgate)eading to. the South-fr~nt, and ahotherfrom HolDOrf!, overthe Canal to Newgate, arid thence ftrai:ght totheNorth:.. front of the Excharige: . . . . . · .THt Pra:cti~ahll1ty ofthis whole Scheme; without Lofs to any Man, ~r Infringement of any Property, ~a:s at that Time demonft{:ated; ~nd a:lf rD,aterial ObjeCtions fully "Vyei · 'ed·and anfwered': theonJy, and; ~:it·hap~ned-,:-'in&ur~' ~fit "·. ~ttlty'remrun.... ing, was the 6bftinate Averfenefs of great Part of'the Citizens to alt~r their old!Propcities,. and 1!0: recede from' building their Houfes again on the ol~ Ground and Foundations'; ·as alfo;, the Diftruft in many, and Unwilling'nefs to give up their Properties,. thd for a 'time only, irito the Hands of public Truftees, or Commiffio,.. ners, till they might be difpenfed to ~hem. again, with. more Ad.:. vantag,e. to. themfelves) than otherwife was poffible to be. effeCted;


( 139 ] for fuch a Method was propofed, that by an equal Diftribution of Ground into Buildings, leaving out Church-yards, Gardens, &c. {which were to be removed out of the Town) there would have · been fufficient Room both for the Augmentation of the_ Streets; Difpofition of the Churc4es, Halls, and a~l public Buildings; and to have given every Proprietor full Satisfaction; and although few Proprietors fuould happen, to have been feated again, direCtly upon the very fame Ground they bad poffdfe;d.)?eforeth~ Fire, yet no Man would have been thrufr any confiderabl~ Diftan~ from it, but been placed at leaft as conveniently, and fometimes more fo, to their own Trades than before. BY thefe Means, the Opportunity, in a great Degree, was loft, of making the new City the moil: magnificent, as well as commodious for Health and Trade of any upon Earth; and, the Sufveyor being thus confined and cramped in _his De:figns, it required no fmall ·Labour and Skill to model .the City in the Manner it has fmce appeared., . , ' . THE Cufiom-houfi for the Port of London, fituated on theSoutl!fide of 'l'hames:ftreet, was ereCted in I 668, adorned wifh·an upper and lower Order of Archite&nre:: In .the latter are Stone Columns, and Entablement of the .'I'tifcan Order; in the former are Pilaft.ecs, Entablature, and five Ped..iments.ofthe lottie Order. The Weft-end i§ reitvatee.on·.QoluinAs, a Piazza. The Length of this Building is :r 89 Feet, Breadth in the middle Part 27 Feet, at the Weft-end, &c. 6o Feet. THE King .Jwelled ·. the For;tjfonc of the New Royal Exchange in folemn Form~·<m't'he·~d.off09ekr 1667; and it was opened_ the finell in Eu~ope,c byl the Mayor ·and Aldermen on the 2ath of Septem!Jer ·J. ~~- · Upon~ lhelniides ofrl.te 3quare above:~ .Arkades, and between :the Wtnd<.llws,... are the Statttes of the Sove .. reigns of England. Afterwar.ds ·the Merehant .Adventurers employed Grand lflarh~AI)i(lbonS,: t& erect in the. Middle of the T 2 Square



Square the KrNG•s Statue to the Life, in a Cee.farian Habit, of white Marble, with an elegant Infcription, * below. GrLBER T SHELDON Archbifhop of Canterbury, an excellent ArchiteCl:, £hewed his great Skill in defigning his famous 'Theatrum Sbeldom"um at Oxford, and at his Coft it was c~ndueted and finifhed by Deputy WREN and Grand Warden WEB; and, the· CrafiJmen having celebrated the Cape-Stone, it was opened with. an elegant Oration by Dr. South, on the 9th of July r669. D. G. M. WREN built alfo that other Ma.fter-Piece, the pretty Mufceum near the ·'Iheatre, at the Charge of the Uni'vetjity. THIS Theatre, a Work of admirable Co~trivance and Magnificence, was the firft public Performanc~ofBrother WREN, in Ar"chit~Cture; which, however, had been executed in a greater and better Style, 'with a View to the ancient Roman Grandeur difcern, ible in the Theatre of Marcellus at Rome, but that he was obliged to put a Stop to the bolder Strokes of his Pencil, and confine the Expence within the Limits of a private Purfe. What {among





141 ]

other beautiful and diftinguiihed Parts of this Structure has been efteemed very obfervable, .is the geometrical Flat-roof; which Dr. Plot has particularly defcribed, in his Natural Hfftory of Oxfordjh-i're, and writes thus of its Invention : ' IT· was an excellent Device, whoever .firfi: contrived it, of ' making Flat-floors or Roafi of ihort Pieces of 'timber continued ' to a greatBreadth, without either Arch or Pillar to fupport them, ' but fuftained only by the Side.... Walls, and their own '.texture; for ' by this means many times the Defect of long '.timber, or Mif... 'takes of Workmen are fupplied, and reCtified without any Pre... 'judice to the Building. Of this Sort of Work we have an Ex' ample in the Schools, in the Floor of the uppermoft Roam of the ' '.tower.-There is alfo a Diagram of fuch Work in the Architec' ture of Sebajlian Serlio. But Dr. Wallis was the firft that de' monftrated the Reafon of this Work, and has given divers Forms ' of it, befide the fore-mentioned, in his Book De Motu .. · 'BuT ofaU.theFiat1foors having no PiUars to fupport them,. ~ and whofe Main-beams are made of divers Pieces of Tfm!?ete. the ' moft admirable is that of the Theatre qf OxfDr'.tl, fr6m ·Side' wall to Side-wall,. So .Feet6v.etJo~~,Way; and 70 the other.; ' whofe Lockages are fo quite ·different 'from any before-men' tioned, and .in many other Particular1, as.; not m be 1 paralleletiln-thei ~ItA.~~ ;L :::-.n'. ·' . · IN the Year I 671, Deputy WREN began· the bt:lildingof the great fluted Column of Portland Stone," and of the Dor£c Order;· (com.!. monly called the MoJ'Jum.ent of Lr;ndon, in Memory of the burning and ·rebuilding of the City} aM finilhed it ig, I 677· The Arti... :ticers were obliged to ~t.ones ~~prope!.7Scant1ings; which occafloned the(Worl: .,.1\e~gtr·in:&octlti~A than €>therwife it would h::we; beeriJ · ;·J\t ·mui:b'e~ihftaght the Pillars at Rame,.qf the Emperors Trajait a~..dn~a·;. the ftately ~e­ mains of Rot/fltzfl. Grandeur:.· aRd tha.r#'I'beodqjiU.S at Can.flanti:a~Jde~. ln. forming this Colt!fi Column,.1>~f7-WREN. :tOok. the I ,\WitytQr cx.cecdi.

[ 142 ]

exceed the "received Proportion of the Order, one Module, or Semi-diameter. In the Place of the Brafl Urn, (which is not artfully performed; and was fet up contrary to his Opinion) was intended a Colofs Statue Brafs, gilt, of King CHARLES the Second, ·as Founder of the new City, in the Manner of the Roman PILLARs, which terminated with the Statues of their Ct:ijar.f; or elfe a Figure of a Woman crowned with 'I'urrets, holding a Sword and Cap of Maintenance, with other En:figns of the City's Grandeur, and Re-ereetion. The Altitude, from_ the Pavemeht, is 202 Feet; the Diameter of the Shaft (Qr Body) of the Column is I 5 Feet; the Ground bounded by the Plinth, or loweft Part of the Pedeftal, is 28 Feet fquare; and the Pedeftal in Height is 40 Feet. Within, is a large Stair-cafe of black Marble, containing 345Steps, 1~ 1-half Inches broad, and :fix Inch Rifers. Over the Capital is an Iron Balcony encompaffing a Cippus or Meta, 32 Feet high, fupporting a blazin~ Urn of Brafs gilt. Prior to ·this," Deputy WREN (as it appears by an original Drawing) had made a De:fign of a- Pillar of fomewhat lefs Proportion, viz. I 4 Feet in Diameter, and ·after a peculiar Device; for, as the Ro~ns expreffed by Relievo, on the Pedeftals,. at1d round the $h~ts · of the Columns, the Hiftory of fuch ACtions and Incidents as were intended to be thereby commemorated; fo this Monument of the Conflagration and Refurretl:ion of the City of London, was te}i'e!ehte&p~, a Pillar,~- fla.Ill~& & ~4~YJ~~~qs\Qla~~IJg from the Loop}holes:~of.·.~. $Jl~t. (~hifP,(,.~\\~~it}~,~gl?.t•.to the Stairs within} '!er;O, Brafs-work gilt; and on the Top was a Phren~. r.ifing ·from her Alhes, of Brafs gilt like wife.



HE Solidity of the whole Fah~ic, .from. the .. ~Bottom of the loweft Plinth t9,th.e l>lack : Marble under the Urn, the Cylinder of the Stair- 37396 Feet cafe rinly;' dedua~d, ·and th~ Swne for the Carving notallowed~foiJ·:Uv:.::; ....


- ·":" ....... - ... ~

·"I"· ... -



[ I-4-3 ) Feet .The black Marble that covers the Capital -- 287 ---------·----.Lanthorn - - -- 6.t~From this Solidity deduct For 8 great Niches - - - - . .281 For 3 Doors and Paifages - 289 · · For 3 Sides revelled :- 486 For rough - - - v - IfljiJ f''. For Rubble-work- - ... - ·- 7185

In all 9740 The Remainder is 27656 To this add, upon the count of the Carvings in the Front, the 4 great 54° Dragons and Feftoops .



~8"196 Feet of ~oli4 P~~~1Z(i Sf~~e 343 black Marble Steps.. ,. Th.ce .walhFole ~haft_. Jlut~d. after it ... was ~uilt, bein.g J7~4/~~<:,~:; .. nCl .eet. . . · · , · · · 'l • Marbl~JR~ ahe . 6 Feet. '. J' '.. ,.. ' '; 10 ,.;'' r ·~:J u· ~

Marble Pa~ingY, ~d 5other ment*.

fmal{A~ticie~; ~at in· this Meafu~e-


.M/rlfort8 Coltlftz~, .Pr-t!!.!'Jflipo5,. .~~"'!!~"*·· .:c; nr. :. Tota,Cohtmna Imp. Antonini~ Rotrue~J ~mr'¢ Pal~s ·Ro!Jumo!_. C~:tJ~;:.r/)ia• metros Scapi mztinet Polmos XVI. It IV. Polli~e;, . · ·, .~ · · . Cf"ota c;lum~a I~p. Trajani, Romre, a~ e}us ·rifiJNe: a'dSta~l Sl~i' Petri wt':;icem, alfa !fi P11lmos Romanos. CXCIII. cum DimidirJ; ~~~w ejrts prope Bajin &ompletiitur Pa/mrJl'XV I. ftnn BeftJUi.-pllune i-i~ 11t: bi& D,ir;metrn totidem in ft ~ 1;et Pollices, guot Moles t;;ia P~ aim '!/fe5 ~ogfl(c{tur. . . "" N. B. Palmus Romarius architetJonicus continet IX. Pollices Angli~·, Columna, ditla Iiijiorica, Confiantinopoli, five Tmp. Theodofii, foi .A.rcadii) lflli.a !f1 C~LVII. Pedt·s~ Secundum comjutum Petri Gyllii•.


Lot>~ DON

TJ+4- 1

was rebuilding apace; and, the Fire having ruined St. P~izl'::s Gathedral, lhe .KiNG. w.ith Gran/1-Ma.fter RrvERs, his ArchlteB:s -and Craftfmen~ ,No-bility and--GeHtry,-·-Lord Mayor and Aldermen, Billiop~, and ·cietgy, &t: i~: due Form levelled the Footftone of New St. Paufs~ defigned·by n·. Grand Majler WREN, A. D. 1673, and by.him concluded as Mafler if the Work and 3:nd Surveyor, with: his W'l!lrdens -Mr. Edward Strrmg Senior and Junior, upon a Parliamentary ·Fund. · · PREPARATION for the new Stru·C:tnre being made, and feveral Defigns prefented to the King fot the !'orm and Falhion thereof; which was intended to equa1, if not exceed the Splendor and Magnificence of the old Cathedral~ wh~n: it w'as iii·.fts:.l:)eft Eftate; his Majejiy, well approving one of~-~~m, coriiman4ed a:Mode/ to be made thereof in fo large and exaCt a Manner, that might remain as a perpetual and unchangeable Rule and Direction for the Condutl: of the whole Work. And, for the more fpeedy Proce<;lure in this vaft and mighty Building, i!Iued out his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, bearing Date the I 2th Day of November in the 25th Year of his Rei,gn~ 4nno fcil. ~ 67 3, unto feveral Lords fpi~itual and tern poral, and other Perfonsofeminent Rank and <l!!ality, and Chriftopher Wren, Doctor of Laws, Surveyor general of the Royal Works ; authorizing them, or fo m~y of them, a~ are therein appointed and enabled to act, to . proceed in tliat great Undertaking, ~d ~o. e~~avour th~Ji>.~~~ct­ ing thereof, by fuch Ways and Means, and according 'to" fuch Rules arid Orders as are therein mentioned. A Tranfcript of the Preamble of which remarkable Commiffion is here inferted : WHEREAs,:___Since the ifl'uing out of our Commiffion (•mz. Anno 16 6 3, I 5 Car. II.) the late dreadful Fire in London hath deftro:yed and confumed the Cathedral Church of St. Paul to fuch·a Degree,·that no Part of the ancient Walls or StruCtures can with any Safety be'r~lie~ upon, or left ftanding; infomuch that it is now become abfolutely nece1fary totally to demolith and raze to the

( 14_5 ] the Ground all the Relics of the former Building, and in the fame Place, but upon new Foundations, to ereCt a new Church; (which th~ it may be done to the Glory of God, and for th€ prGmoting of his drvine W orfhip and Service therein te be celebrated; and to the End the fame may equal, if not exceed the SplendQt" and Magnificence of the former cathedral Church, when it was in its beft Eftate~ and fo become much m~re, than form8rly .the pr..iu;.. ,, cipal Ornadi~nt of 9Ut T9Yfll~itf;; ., dWtbleu:r of ~.rt­ ment, and of this oar Realm; we have c~uied fever~IJDegg~s for that.Pu-rpofe to be prepared by Dr. Ghrifiopher Wren, Su:r:veyE>r General of all our Works and Buiidings, which we have feen, and one of which we do more efpeciaily approve, and have commanded a Model thereof to be made after fo large and e:xa£t.aMa~t­ ner, that it m,ar r~roain as a perpetual unchangeable Rule and DireCtion for ~heConouCl:ofthewhole Work.) Andwher.eas ourformer Co~n, in which the ,upholding and repairing the ancient cathedral Church is only de:figned and mentioned, doth not fufficitnt~ya.~erifooad.impowerour faidCommifiioner~ the~n •. ~ed to begin and compleat a·newFabr.ic Up0n,~W Bo~ti<ms"•1 KNow ye, &c. '



ft/u myd H(.aNraat u!'.Vkr t:he S:it?J.r-f(J.,~¥!!/..p~,f!'rJ~J-J'I!fll/~ 1'iitng··1'hP RSrwTti .r·,t/J~-·~·:C~4lrltM4l:.'!f .$1~ ·P~~I, _trpfr&f from the 'Original annexed to the Surveyor•s Drau,ing.r.

c·HARLES R. HE_R;E A? We hav;e b.een ipformed that :1 ~~ Jm~~tl,ti~p, ~id.on C~ ~hiGh by· 4,CJ; Qf P~l~-i~


appointed and,feta.part for·~he 4" of St. Pt~ul, in-ou£ capital City of L~ntkW, doth.~t,p.~Y~Afamount to a confid,erable ~S-\lm, whictl, tho• ritQt pr:o~fipnable to the Greatnefs qf ~heW:Q.~.fs, .is ootwi#~ft~nding fufflcient to begin tht;: • fame; and with all th<? Materht1~b and other Affifl:ances, :w:~~ m,ay probably be expeCted, will put a newQ£ire in great Forward:.. U nefs:


Lj.6 )

. nefs: and whereas, among divers Defigns which have been prefen ted to Us, We have particularly pitched upon one, as w,~ll be.caufe We found it very artificial, proper, and ufeful; as becaufe it was fo ordered that it might be built and finifhesi by Parts: We do therefore by thefe,Prefents lignify Our Royal Approbation of the faid Defign, hereunto annexed; and do will and require you .forthwith to proceed according to the faid Defign, . beginning .with the Eaft-end or Q£ire,. and accomplifhing the fame with the prefent Stock of Money,. and fuch Supplies as may probably accrue, according to the., Tenor of the Commi:ffion to you directed; and for fo doing this fhall be you·r Warrant. Given at .Our Court at W!.Jitei.Jall, the 14th Day of May, 167 St. in the .27th Year of 0ur Reign. · To Our Commiffioners for rebuilding the Cathedral of St. Paul, London.

By His M!ljefty's Command, HEMRY CovENTRY.

pulling down the Walls,. being about So Feet high, and :five Feet thick, was a great and troublefozp.e Work; the 1\IIen ftood above, and worke.~ them down with Pickaoces, whilft Labourers below moved away the Materials. that fell, and difperfed ·them into Heaps: the want of Room made this Way flow and ·dangerous, and fome Men loft their Lives; the Heaps grew fteep and large.; and yet this was to· be done before. the Mafons could begin to lay the Foundations: THE City,, having Streets to pave anew, bought, from the Rubbi:lh, moft of the Stone, called Kentijh-rag, which gave fome Room to. dig, and to lay Foundati9ns; which yet was not eafy to perform with any Exaetnefs, but by this Method. Ta:E Surveyor placed Scaffolds hig~ enough to extend his Lines over the Heaps that lay in the Way; and then by Perpendiculars fet out the Places below, from the Lines drawn with Care upon the level. Plaij. of the Scaffold .. THE

[ 147 ] 'Tuus he proceeded, gaining everyDay more Room, till he· came to the middle Tower that bore the Steeple; the Remains of the Tower being near 200 Feet high, the Labourers were afraid to work above ; thereupon he concluded to facilitate this Work by the Ufe of' Gunpowder. HE dug a Hole of about four Feet wide, down by the Side of the North-weft Pillar of the Tower, the four Pillars of which were each. about 14 Fee~ diameter; when he had dug to the Foundation, he then, with Crows and Tools made on purpofe,. wrought a Hoh~ two Feet fquare, level into the Center of the Pillar; there he placed a little Deal-Box, containing eighteen Pounds of Powder, and no more: a Cane was fixed to the Box with aQ!;!,ick-match, (as Gunners call it) within the Cane, which reached from the Box: to the Ground above, and along the Ground was laid a Train of Powder, with a Match: after the Mine was carefully clofed up again with Stone and Mortar to the Top of the Grouna, he then obferved the Effect of the Blow. T:£us little ~antity of Powder not only lifted up the whole Angle of the T~wer, with two great Arches that refted upon it; but alfo two adjoining Arches of the Ailes, and all above them; and this it feemed to do fomewhat leifu.rely, cracking the Walls · to· the Top, lifting vifibly the whole Weight about nine Inches, which, fuddenly jumping down, made. a great Heap of Ruin in the Place without fcattering ; it was half a Minute before the Heap akeady fallen. opened in two or three Places, and emitted fome Smoke. By this Defcr!ption may be obferved the incredible Force of Gunpowder: I 8 Pounds only of which lifted up ~b<w• 3ooo Ton, and faved the Work· of rooo Labourers~ · THE Fall of fo great a Weight, from aa Height;of i6o Feet~ · gave a Concuffion to the Ground, which the Inhahitants round about took for an Earthquake. · ENcouRAGED bythisSuccefs, he thought toproceedthis W but, J;>eing obliged to go out of Town in the K£ng's Service, lW' the Management of another Mine begun to the Care of his next U 2 Officer,

[ 148 ] Officer, who, too wife in his own Conceit, put in a greater <l!!antity of Powder, and neither went low enough, nor fufficiently fortified the Mouth of the Mine ; and, tho' it had the EffeCt, yet one Stone was fuot out to the oppofite Side of the Churah-yard, through an open Window, into a Room of a privateHoufe, where fome Women were fitting at Work, without any Harm done ; this Accident frighted the Neighbours to tl1at Degree, tha,t he was importuned to u{e no more Powder, and was fo dire路cted alfo by his Superiors; tho' with due Caution it might have been executed, without any Ha~ard, and faved much Time and Money. HE then tutned his Thoughts to another Method ; to gain Time> prevent much Expence, and the endangering of Men's Lives; and that was to make an Experiment of an ancient ~ngine in War, called the Battering-ram~ HE took a ilrong Mail: of about 40 Freet long, arming the bigger End with a great Spike of Iron, fortified with Bars along the Mafi:> and Ferrels: This Mafi: in two Places was hung up to one Ring with {l:rong Tackle, and fo JufpetJ.dod. level to a Triangleprop, fuch as they weigh great Guns with,: ~Men:.. fifteen on a Side, vibrated this Machine to and ag.ain, :and .beat in one Place agaiaft the Wall, the whole Day; they belie~ed it was to little Purpofe, not dif:cernipg any immediate .Effetl:; he bid them :flOt defpair, but proceed another. Day: On the fecond Day the W~H was ~~~v6d: ~ott~ ~ ~~ ~~;f!~d,.:~ 4.,f~.w.Hoors it fell. The R~afq!l to .be given for it may be .thiS"; 'tis not by any prefent Violence the Ram is able to overturn a W a.ll of fuch Bulk and CompaCl:ure, but, ince:llantly vibrating by equidifl:ant Pulfes, it makes a fmall inteftine Motion thTo' all the infenfible Parts -ef the vVall, and by D~grees loofens all the Bond of the Mortar, ~nd moves every Stone its Bed; and tho' not the hundredth Part of an Inch at every Blow, yet this Motion once begun hath its路 Effeets ~~e and more, 路tiU路at length it is quite loofe and falls. He made good Ufe of this Machine in beating down all the lofty Ruins; and pleated himfelf. thfrt he had recovered this no~able Engine,

[ 149


Engine, of fo great Service to the .Ancient.t in befieging of Towns; though great Guns have now put them out ofUfe, as more expeditious, and requiring fewer Men to manage. IN •the Progrefs of the Works of the Foundations~ Deputy WilEN met with one unexpeCted Difficulty; he began to lay the Foundations from the Weft-end, and had proceeded fuccefsfully through the Dome to the Eaft.end, where the Brick-earthBottom :was very good; but asP.~ .W~~~"J-o~,~ NortJ1~e~ (;o.rner, ~h~h w~s 1 the laft, and where J?.Othing was.expectecho l,.nt(!r;r;upb he fell, in prorecuting the Defign, upon a Pit, where all the Pot... earth.had been robbed by the Potters of old Time; here were dif.. covered Q.!!antities of Urns, broken Vdiels, and Pottery-ware of divers Sorts and Shapes : how far this Pit extended northward, there was no Occafion to examine; no Q:x Skulls, Horns of Stags, and Tu:fk.s of Boars ·were f~,, ». ~¢rrohorate the Account of Stow, Camden, aad others, nor any Foundations more Eaftward. If ther~ wasJpJ;medy asy Temple to Diana, he fuppofed it might ha.vit :\>~within the Walls of the Colony, and mort: to~..~~tl~~ It was no little Perplexity to faJ~ .inti:> ~i& P,it at 1.a8:; .iJe wanted but fix or feven Feet to co~lea.t th~ Deiign, and this fell in the .. very Angle North-Eafl:; he knew very well, that under the Lf!V_1!t 9£ .P.o~, ~.e ;was n.o ,~er g~04 Qro~ oo ~· f~ut¥1· }ip. he ~ :t~;,AIJt; ~~:wate,rJW..J£; [Q(.~ ,~~~ "J~kafr fo.rty Feet lower : His Artificers propofed to him to pile, which he ~efu!ed; for, tho' Piles may laft for ever, when always in Water,. (otherwife Lon.don-Brzijg~ would fall) yet if they are driven dry.Sand, t~' fome~J;l.l.Oifi,)ney will rot. His End~~rs

a l?it~;.p.l:J(I)ut eighteen F~tfquare, W'ha.rJing,u,p,.~l"l;~.w$ T~ ,~ll he. came forty Feet lower into W :::rter .and ·~clh' .w,here there was a firm Sea 7.bea~, which coufirmecf.t~.Opi1rion of m~m_¥,. that the Sea·had beelilm.Ages.~ wbere now Paul's Chu~mJ~ were

to. build~ Et;erJJity•..~4lfr~~~e .ft.Ulk

H.e bored thro' thisBeach·t+Ll he cam.e to tpe original:Cl~~a~ . then fatisfi;:d, he began from the Beach a fquare Pier of folid good


IjO ]

gOod Ma:fonry~ ten Feet ~uare, till he came within '.fifteen ·Feet of the prefe:htGround; then he turned a lh<?rtArch underGround to the former Foundation, which was broken off by the untoward · Accident of the Pit. Th ~s this North -eafl: Coin of the Qgiroll:ands . v~ry ~rtn,-and no doubt \vill frand·. Thi_s Narrative .may ~e ofUfe tO' MAsoNs notto truft Piles, unlefs always and in all Parts wet; for almoft all Sorts of Timber underWater will proveeverla:ll:ing; but wet and dry will foon perifh. The fame cannot be faid oflron, for that ~ill decay under Water; but this hath been obf~rved, in taking but Cramps frotri'Stohe-workat leaf!: four hundred Years old, which were fo bedded in Mortar, that all Air was perfettly excluded, the Iron appeared as f~efh as from the Forge.· Therefore, in cramping of Stones, no Iron fhould lie within nine Inches of Air; if poffible; for the Air is the Menftruum that confumes all Materials whatever. When there is a Neceffity to ufe Iron, for Want of Stones large enough, Care is to be taken to exclude fuffi.ciently the Air from it. To mention another Caution ofUfe to MAsoNs; fome Cornices of large Projections, tho' the upper Joints are as clofe fitted as good Worktnen can.make them, yet, in 'the melting of Snow, the Water will dribble through, ~nd ftain the Cornice. Deputy G.M. WREN thus avoided this Inconvenience; he caufed the MAsoNs fo to work the Stone next the Joint, as to Jeave half a Q..E.arter of an Inch rifing on each Side, that the Water might fooner fall off, than foak. to the J~mt; and this he ob. ferved in the Paving of the Portico of the :piJnti~ai Front of St. Paul's; befides, that the Joints are run with Lead; and the fame is done, where-ever.he was obliged to cover with Stone only. IN order to fcltisfy fuch Perfons who are charmed with i:he Grandeur of the Vatican Church of St. Peter at Rome; with the ftately Colonades, and fpacious Area in the Front ; and think no Stru&ure of this Sort is to be efl:eemed truly noble and majefl:ic, that does not arife, or nearly approach to that Magnificence; it is ~o be confider~~ that at· St. Pauts the Surveyor wanted Room. THE

( I5I ]

magnificent Portico before the Church of St. Peter is not to be equalled, but yet ~he whole Front of that Strutture, terminating in aftraightLine at the Top, cannot be faid toaffo-rdfo agreeable an AfpeB:, nor that rational Variety as is difcetn,ed by the Ele. vation of the Pediment in the ,Middle, and beautiful <:ampanile Towers at each End of the F'ront of St. P(lul's. A~ery 4as.~en.made, whyall_thePil~~rson the()utfidewere doubl~d?Th~yareofth~f~V.:{eas.I}~~'~fC?~,~t~~~~.£1~efa:r large Window~ betw;een, whicp in our darker W eath~r is tteceiTa-;o ry-; as alfo for the good Regularity within, and the Roof, they will appear proper to thofe who confider well the whole Defign together. AGAIN, why were the Columns of the Weft Portico doubled? This, no doubt, is not according to the ufualMode of the Ancients ,in theirordinaryTemples, which,for tQ.e generalitywasfmall; but was followed in theirColofs,91greaterWor~; forlnfiance,in the Portico pf tbeCJ'empteojPeace, themo:fr magnificent in old Rome, the :Cohuxms W~6c very,_pJ;~perly and neceffarily doub~d to ma~ widelT ;Openings, after the Manner of the middle Ope.ry.i9g~ ~pJ:ij~;f?Qliti~ coes of the Greek Temples, to :fiye po~.rsa.t~jCij_tl~l :Pj{l:a.Jtces; viz . . three near together, which Ic;,ad iq_t9: tqe, middle .Nave, or Body 9f the Temple; and one to each Side-aile, at greater J;>if-: ~ance~~ B,r,.~~~ ,tife,d. c\op'!J:le G9lwn.11s :wjtW.Wt · ~~rpR~-:M:.twl Mickael.dl,g(h wi~in;3tn4 ;')Vithout;the:CupGlt ofSt. Peter's in the Vatican: The like is done in the Portico of the ·church of Sant..t Aftwia Major in Rome; and alfo ir.1 other public and private Edifices by the moft celebrated Architects ; to infranc;e a.... mong others,. i11 the Facade of .tb~ >Palace of SSrs. Cqjjizrtlli:JIIIp J7alle, built by Raphael U~ii.J,~~~¥e~,I9l·5; whic~ ~s 26 duplicated: Columns in Front~ The French Ar~~s have praetifed the fame to a good E.ffec:t, efpecially in the beautiful Facade of the Louvre. It is to be obferv~ intheP()rt~co cf St •. P auls. two Columns are brough~ ;nearer tog~ther, to, make ·greater :IA~'\l' colwnns alternately, to:give a ptopez: Space for three Door~~· ..... THE


. ~(ID.ts,

• Palazzi di Roma. da Pietro Ferr.ark..


IS2 ]

Ancients, particularly the Greeks, in their Temples, generally made tfi€.m.iddlt: Inter-column wider thanthe reft; and as they ihifted the COOltnns of the Portic{).for the bett€1' to one Door; fo at St; ·Paul's ·for the. fa~ Reafon,where th€te'are·threeDoors, {the two S:i~~erors fet daily· Ufe, and the Middle for SGlemnities) the Columns are widened> to make a more .open and commodious Act~fs to each 1 and this falls gracefully, by· plac.\pg the Pillars a\terl!litdy, Ez!ftyle and Pyenojiyle. Her~&genes, who firft contrived the Pjhuiodipteron; by taking away ·a. whole Range of Columns to el\tatge the ·Pertitcr went :farther than his Mafters ·durfr before him, yet is com:me:rHred by P'itruvius for this very Thing, beca:ufe l!lfefuL The Romans, after the Greek Ex:ampi·es~ not O'Illy widened t:t&le 1'niddle Open~ngs in. the ColonAdes before their TemP'.es, but follow-ed the· lik.e Manlier in Arcadets 'alfo : thus in. the Colotfeum, t:lt .AmphitheatteofVifp~mz in Rome, of the eighty Arcl1es, four, which iead' principally to the Arma, were ·made wider than all the teft:. They ~ 1too'k fach Liberties, well know·ing that the 0 R D ER s were to be ada~~ thieir ptoper Ufe, and not the De:fign toofervilely to the 'ORDE'RS; ·of which a:hW~fi E~amples may be gi?en. Thofe who duly examine by Meafure the.~ft Remains of the Greek ".or '':Rvmdft StrnB!ares, whether Temples, ~illars, Arches or Theatres; wlll foon c:lifcern, that even among thefe is no. certain generat Agreement; for it is manifeft the ancient Ar~~sttooltgteatl:iH:Je~iesm thei:rlC~~·u~Members of Cor-

nices, fo ~'theit;owt~qM~~s;: ~~tr ~dign did not oblige thei1l~;~tlt 1 where it did oblige them to a rational Variation, frill keeping a good Symmetty,.they·are furely to be commended, and in like·Cafes to be followed. We now moft efteem the Learning of the AuGusT AN Age, yet, no ~eftion there were t'ken:many difFerent Styles in :oratory, and perhaps fome as good gs ·Cbt:o";s. This .is not faid as any Inducement to Mafonsior every Fellow'f}riaft'that f:afl·draw Lines, to fa:ll into 'crude, Gothic Inventions, fatfrob!l :tliel good Examples of the Ancients, ·.no more than to encourage a barbarous Style in Lati'n; and yet furely we cannot but

[ 15"3 ] but, withErafmus,. laugh at him who durft not ufe one Word.: that he could not find in 'Tully. . . '. To proceed in examining what has been furthb·r dBj~d:ed.;·_pa:r:.. · ticuiarlywhy the Architrave within is cut offl?{th~Arcli. In this . Majler WREN always·in:fifted that he' had the Aheients on: ·his Side; in the 'I'emplum Pacis, and in all the great Halls of the Baths, an~ ih ·~I tne gr~at Struetpres <;i three Aile$, ·t:his,. was done, and f0'rthisR·eafori: !n t~bftH~tdg'lbr~AQ<S!ffrtid~t&~APcfii'.:. "trave is not frtppbl'"ed to li~ tt6m one greatColtim'n to~rtbth~r·, but from the Column to the Wall of the Aile, fo the End of it' will only appear upon the Pillar of the In fide of the great Naves. Vitruvius tells us, that Architecture took.its.Beginn~ng frorr.i. wooden Porticoes; fuppofe therefore aPorticoofthreeAiles inWood,orat Ieail:with the Roof of Timber, the Architrave~ rimftjoin'the ,Pil- . lars of the Ailes, and not be in Range with the' In fide Pillars, but crofs to that Linp; fo n0thing will appe~i upon' the Pillars of the Naves budhe En\1~ of tile Architraves. If it be taid, that ~n) the ' .. ' ) ; ' ,, f, ·Cf'emplztm Pac_is th~ Cornice .is cut off a~,'Y?~l,1s~.t1fe,,A,ffbib:iv~~ the Anfwer 1s plam, there 1s not the .fame Reafon to cut off the Cornice ofthe Arches at.St.Pauis,whichrifenotfo high; for ~'





D. G. MqfterWR,ENTo1lowed the 'templum·Paczs as near as our

1\!Ieafures would admit, having but three Arcades iJ~ each of the Bodies Eafi: and vVeft, as there; but whete there are no Arcades, ·and next the Po me, he has continued the whole Entablature., . ONE .Th~ng h~(eerr1s 't6 h~ve varied. f\~m th~_Antierils? i~~~,t~ he has mcorpotated leffet Pdafters witl:l,·the·greater, d.nd th.a:t 'of the f1me Cori!Jthi'an Order : it is true the ·tmpo~s. ·a,f:Jld' upon \vhich the Arches refted, had a prerticular Capital ofthe Doric Tv'Ianner, and· not of the {ame Capital :vvi'th the Pillar, as is to be

i~enin_the triumph~~.Aryli~~ andT~~itt¢~th~tremain; b.u~~akfy~'' all Thmgs, theywerecaref~l,t~atthiSCapi~ol of theimp~.~~~uld not have more Sally or ProJecbon than to he upon the great P11l-ar

or Pifafter: and this was·eafily done in the Outfide·of Bui1:dings, ·•



[ 154 ] where ther~ was Ro0m enough to advance the Pilail:er till it could receive. the Impoft.Mouidings to .lie againft the Side of the P~l~fter> but:in ~hvlniid.e of St. P<~ufs it wouJ.d' have :£heightened . the great"N ave~ and made the Erea.ks of the Cornice above too heavy •. Whether Bramante was aware this ia St. Peter's, it may be _quefrioned, till after he had laid the. Bafes of .the great P~lafters ; for he has chopped off the Cornie<: Mouldings of the Impofts to give way for the Pilafier to break through them; which is ungraceful, and without Authority, or good Reafon. Whatever Veneration we may have for this great Man, yet furely iri this ~t muft be owned he hath confeil"C(d ai.l Ove.rfight. If , any Man thinks it improper to incqrpora~(( great an.d. fmall Pillars together, as is .done in the, Aik.s at. St. f(lul's, let him CQn:fider the Btjjilica of the Colonia 'Julia, at Fanum; whk:h is the only Piece Vitruvius owns hin:ifelf to be the Author of; he will eafily perceive, that there muft be .fmall Pillars incorporated into the great, to bear th€ Galleries; and he will .find, that the whole Frize is taken up by Yitruvius to give Light. _ ·BRA M A N'I' E makes no Scruple of incorporating Pilafters in his whole Outfide of St. Peter's: D. G. Majier WREN. at St. Paul's chofe to make the li_ttle Pilafrers of the farne~Order with the great in the Ailes, becaufe the oppo:fite Wall is beautifi~d with the fame fmaller Order; fo the Aile of · the whole ~ength ·of the Ch~i-ch is of it(elf a. ~QQ.ij ~p.d .gra~~fu~ Portico, without being*' interrupted by the :tiegs:'Q'(tb~ llome. ·D. G. MaflerWREN in. giving the Entablature to this Order has taken the Liberty to leave out Members, as the Ancients did in the In:fide of Porticoes; the Architrave is e1fential in all Works, but they often ufed in theln:fide to leave out Frize and Cornice alfo, except ' fo~e of the lower Members w:hich they added to the Architrave, that it might not appear too meagre. By this Liberty, (in which he wasauthoti(ed by the ancient Porticoes) he could couch moft of theMembersOft4eE~tablature of the littleOrderwithin the Sally o,f the great P1laftex:, without chopping off fhort the Members of the Impoft •. · If it be faid frill by any, the little Pillars 1hould not





e '55 J 1

have been of the fame Order, let them examine the Templum Pi:lcis, they will ~nd a little Colonade continued thro, every Arch, and that of the Corinthian Order, as Jppears by fome fmall Corinthian Capitals ftill adhering to the great Pile. THIS Temple, being an Example of a three.. ailed Fabrie, is certainly the heft arid moft authentic Pattern of a cathedral Church, whichmu:A lia.vethreeAiles, according to Cu:ftom, and be vaulted t tho' it may rlot be always nee~art to 'f'ttult 'With Diag.onai..oerofs Vaults, ~ the '.templum Pacis and Halls of ihe RamtJtil Baths are: the Romans ufed hemifpherical Vaultings · alfo in fome Place& : D. G. Mafler WREN chofe thofe as being demonftrably much lighter than the other; fo the whole Vault of St. Pauts confifts of 24Cupola;scut offfemicircular with Segments to join to the great Arches one Way, and which are cu~ crofs the other Way with elliptical Cylinders to let in the ~Lights <:Jf the Nave: but in the Ailes the leffer Cupola'sa:f'e hothW~scut in femicircular Sectioos, and akogethermake a gracefu~.teometrical Form, {dHHng.uifued by circular Wreaths which is.the'horizontal Sfia:FoK:of the Cupola ~ for the Hemifphere may. be tit all.Al&:rmer of Ways into circular Setl:ions; and theArcllos and Wreaths being of Stone carved, the Spandrels betwetn are of found Brick invefted with .Stua1 of Coekki'"'AeD Lime~ which as hard, as Ptllftitmd Stone; tn<i :tvhidl; ~having b:rge Plane& bet:Weet! the Stone Rib's, are capable of further Ornaments of Painting, if required. Befides thefe 24Cupola's, there is a half Cupola at theEaft~ and agreatOu... pola of 112 Feet Diameter, in the Mid~le of the Croffing of! fh>e treat Ailes. In this tM D. 0:. Mrtfler has imit4ted tbte P~nt ·or R~tttmJo i.rt Rtifltei exeepti~' only- timi the ~per Ordu.ailhtre but uml!lftQtie', not exta.D~ ::l's at St~;Pttitfs, ~Ut>· ~~ tfre<'Wall, bu:t only diflirtguiilied \!)y different-coloured :Mar~sv Th!e Pantheo?z is no higher Wit!hlin than its Diameter~; Bt.,P.ekr's is two Diamemeters ; thi~ th~ too high, the O!Ulei teo low ; the D. G. Ml(ler at St. Pauls took a: mean Proportion, which ihews its~ every Way; and i:s very lightfome by the Windows·d,trtJ·upper Order~ which. ftrike down· the Light through the gteaf Colonade X 2 that




tha:t ·i:~TcirCles 'the Dome without, .and ferves for the Butment of - therDome, which is Brick of two Bricks thick, but as it rifes every five Feet high, has a Courfe of excellent BriCk of I 8 Inches long, · banding thro' the whole Thicknefs. The Concave was turned · upon a ·centre.; which was judged nece!Iary to ke~p the Work, even and true, tho' a Cupola might be built without a Centre; · but this is obfervable, that the Centre was laid without any _§tandards from below to fupport it; and as it was both Centering and Scaffolding, it remained for the Ufe of the Painter. Every Story of this Sc.a:ffolding being circular, and the· Ends of all the Ledgers meetingas fo many Rings, and truly wrought, it fupported itfelf. This Machine was an Original of the Kind, and will be a ufeful . ProjeCt: for the like Work to an ArchiteCt hereafter; for :fince, he muft have Scaffolds for the Infide Ornaments, the fame thus contrived will alfo ferve for the Builders, a·nd bear all the Weight till the Cupola be turned, and that without any Standards. It was neccffary to give a greater Height than the Cupola would grace. fully allow within, tho' it is confiderably above the Roof of the Church; yet the old Church having had before a very lofty Spire of Timber and Lead, the Work lhould not in this Refped fall lhort of the' old (tho' that was but a Spit, and this a Mountain) He was therefore obliged to comply with the Humour of the ,Age, (tho' not with ancient Example, as neither did Bramante) and .to raife ·~athet StruCture ov¢r th~ ir(ll Cup(:)].,. ~. ..apd this w:a.s a Cone of Brick:j fo built as to fu~port '-~e La!lte-rn of an elegant Figure, atwl, e&ding in Ornaments of Copper gilt. As the whole Church above the Vaults is covered with a fub- :ll:antial oaken Roof and Lead, (for no other. Covering is fo durable in our Climate) fo he covered and hid out of Sight the Brick Cone with another Cupola of Timber and Lead; ·and between this and the Cone are eafy Stairs that afcend to the Lantern. HE took:.nfi> Care to make little luthern Windows in the leaden Cupola, as are~dt.nt~aut of St. Peter's, beca\tfe he had otherwife provided for Light, enough to the Stairs froQl. (he Lantern above., and round the Pedeftal of the fame., which are not feen below; fo


1 57


fo that he only ribb'd the outward Cupola, which he thought .Iefs Gothic, than to frick it full of fuch little Lights in three Stories, one above the other, (as is executed in the Cupola of St. Peter's at Rome) which could not without Difficulty be mended, and, if negleCted, would foon damage the Timbers. THE Infide of the whole Cupola is painted, and richly decorated, by an eminent Englifh Artifr, Sir James 'l'hornhill, containing~ in eight Compartiments, the Hiftories Qf St. Paul. In the Crown of the Vault, as in the Pantheon, is a circular Opening, by which not only the Lantern tranfmits Light, but the Infide Ornaments of the painted and gilded Cone difplay a new and agreeable Scene. ALTHOUGH the Dome wants no Butment, yet, for greater Caution, it is hooped with_Iron in this Manner; a Channel is cut in the Bandage of Portland Stone, in which is laid a double Chain of Iron frrongly linked together at every ten Feet, and the whole Channel :filled up with Lead. AMoNG all the Compofures of the Ancients, we find no Cupe• la's raifed above _the neceifary Loading of the Hemifphere, as is feen particularly in the Pantheon. In after Ages the Dome of Flore;uv, and of the great Church of Venice, was raifed higher. The Sa,.acms. mightily affected it, in Imitation of the firit :moil: eminent Pattern, given by Ju.ftiniaR, in his Temple Sanifa Sophia, at Conjlantinople. Bramante would not fall iliort of thofe Examples; ·nor could D. G. Ma.fter WREN do otherwife than gratify the general Tafi:e of the Age, whkh had been fo ufed to Steeples, that thefe roundDefigns were hardly digefied, u~fg. raifed to a remarkable Height. · Tnus St. Paul's is lofty enough to be difcerned at ge~,Eift­ ward, and at Wint!for Weftw.ard; but our Air,, being. frequently hazy, prevents thofe diftant Views, except when the Sun iliines out, after a Shower of .Rain,has waihed down 'the Clouds of&eaiOii .coal Smoke that hang .over the City from fo many tho:ufand.~tres kindled every Morning, befides Glafs-houfes, Brew-hoti~~., and Founderies, · every one of which emits a black~r Smoke than .· · IN twenty Houfes. ·


[ 158


IN the Beginning of the new Works of St. Pauls, an Incident was taken notice of by fome People as a memorable Omen, when D. G. Mafler W·REN in Perfon had fet out, upon the Place, the Dimenfi.ons of the great Dome, and :fixed· upon the Centre; a common Labourer was ordered to bring a flat Stone from the Heaps or'Rubbiih,. (fuch as iliould .firft come to Hand) to· be laid for a Mark and DireCtion to the MAsoNs; the Stone which was immediately brought and laid down for that Putpofe, happened to be a Piece of a Grave-fl:on:e, with nothing remaining of the Infcription but this fingle Word in large Capitals, RESUR GAM. · T~E City rea:~'d beautiful Moor-Gate, arid rebuiltBedlam-HoJp£tal in the heft Old Style, A.D. I 67 5 ; and where the Fire ftopt at Temple-Bar, the City built a· :fine Roman Gate, with the Statues of ~een ELIZABETH and King JAMES I. on the Eajf Side, and thofe of King CHARLES I. and CHARLES II. on the Wejl Side. THE JW!J~fidan~ difcovered alfo their fine Tafte by their accurate College, a Ma.fler-piece; and the Ua\Uptnt, by the Front of Middle 'temple- Lane*. TH.E Pariih Churches confumed by the great Fire were within the Compafs of a few Years many of them elegantly rebuilt un..der the DireCtion of D. G. Mafler WREN. J. Allhallows Bread-jlreet Church in the Ward of Bread-.flreet; · wi~hin the Walls of London, was rebuilt, and finilhed in 1684, ~Q. ·U»e Steeplle in 1697. It rs. a pkafa~ ~hure~ &! tln.e Tufcan Ordel(i the Length.7~, Brea.4tA'35~·antt 1\:aitwle :JO Feet. The Steeple, '(as the is of Stone~ built fquare, of the Doric ·order, and well adorned; the Key-ftones over the Windows being Carved Heaqs, and between each, a large Feftoon; its Heig;ht is about 86 Feet. · ~.Allhallows the Great, fituated on tlie South-fide of, in .the Ward of Dowgate, wit1lin the Walls of L<Jndon, was r.e-ered:ed,. and fini1hed in 1683, of the Tufcan Order, fupported and • The FrontifPi6Ge 4 the Middle 'Temple, towards F~jireet; was ere8:ed in thcl Year 1684, of Stone and Brick. The BafiS is a Rujlic .Arcade of Stone, fupport. ing four Pilafl:ers, Entablature, and triangular Pediment of,the Ionic Order, and the

rdt of rubbed Brick.


[ 159 ] and adorned with Pillars and Membrettoesof that Order,andftrong built of Stone. Its Length is about 87 Feet, Breadth 6o, Height 33, with a fquare Stone Tower, 86 Feet high. 3. Allhallows Lombard-:ftreet Church, fituated on theNorth-fide of that Street, in theWard of Langbourn, was rebuilt and finiilied in I 694. In the Church is only one Pillar, which, as alfo the Pilafters, are of the 'I'!fi:an Order,; the Length is 84 Feet, Breadth 52, Height about 30,; the Altit.ude of the TAwer is about 85, built fquare. · 4· St. Alban ·Wood-:ftreet Church, fituated on the Eaft-fide of Great Wood-:flreet, in the Ward of Cripple-Gate, was rebuilt and finHhed in 168 5; the Building both of the Out.fide and Infide is Gothic, as the fame was before the Fire, in Length about 66. Breadth 59, Height 33 Feet; the Tower is of Stone, built fquare, with Gothic Pinnacles,; its Altitude is 8 5 Feet I -half, or to the Top of the Pinnacles 92. . 5. The Church .of St•. A!fn and Agnes, .fituated on the Northfide of St. Amz's-lane, within Alder:Jkate, was re-er~tl:ed and fu.. niChed in I 68o, and beautified in 1703, v.ery pleafant ~ncl ornamental, tho' fmall,; 53 Feet {quare, and about 3.5 Feet high; and the Tower to the Top of the Turret about 84. The Roof is fupported l:>y fo~r handfome Corinthi4n Pillars, which are ~d in a. Geom~i.G~ Squa.r¢ from e,ach.other; ; its Ornament eonf:tfts of four Arches of Fret-work, with Flowers, Fruit, Leaves_, Cherubims, &c. At the four Angles the Roof is lower, and confifts of four ~adraDgles, within each of which is a Circle formed by a Circumference of very rich Fret-work. 6. St. Andrew's Wardrobe Church, :lituated on the &fr..fide: of Puddle-dock-hill, in the Warc.l of CaftJ,.,.Baynard, wu te;..edi:fied and finHhed in 1692, built of Brick, but .£i.nilhed or re.m4ered over in Imitation of Stone ~ the Facies and Corners are Stone, and vety good ruftic ~oins. The Roof is fupported by twelve Trifl:(fl} Pillars, and well ornatt~.ented with Fret-work: The ~of . this Church -is about 75,. Breadth 59, Altitude 3~Ll?:erit and . that .of the :[quare Tower about 86. ,.~

7· St.


160 ]

7· .St. Andre'l~/s Holborn Church, fituated on the South-fide of Holborn..,hi/1, in the Ward of Fariizgdon, without the Walls of London, but within the Liberty, was rebuilt and finifhed in x687; beautiful and fpacious; the Columns that fupport the Roof, adorned with Fret-work, are of the Corinthian Order; the Walls of Stone; the-Length is ro 5, Breadth 63, and Height 43 Feet; the Altitude of the Tower, or fquare Steeple, is I I 0 Feet; it has four large Windows fronting E. W ~ N. and S. adorned with Pilafiers, Architrave, Frize, Cornice, Pediments, and of the Dorz'c Ord~r;£hed in I704. 8. St. Anthony's, alias St. Antholin's Church, fituated at the Weft-end of Watling-Street, in Cordwainer-flreet Ward, was reereeted and :finiili.ed in I 682, built of Stone, the Outfide of the ']'ujcan Order, but the Roof within (which is an elliptical Cupola adorned with Fret-work ofFeftoons, with four Port-hole Windows) is fupported by eight Pillars of the Conzpojite Order; the Length is about 66, Breadth 54, and Height within 44 Feet: It has a neat Spire,Steeple, in Altitude about I 54 Feet. 9· St. Augz!)lin's neatlittleChurch, :fituated on.the North-fide of Watling-flreet, near St. Paul's Cathedral, was finiilied in I 68 3, and the Steeple in 1695; the Church ~nd Steeple are ·of Stone, the latter being a Tower with Acroteria, a Cupola, Lantern adorned with Vafes, and a Spire, whofe lower Part is of a paraaolical Form •.. The Roof is camerated, divided into Pannels, adorned with Fr~t-work, :atW.~c fo:pplti~l~WitbJ'P.UlUits, of the Ionic Order; the Length of the Chtircli is about 5I, Breadth 45, and Height 30 Feet; and that of the Steeple I45 Feet. 10. St. Beneditl (vulgarly St. Bennet) Grafs-church fituated on the Eail:- fide of Grafs-church-Jireet, in th~ Ward of Bridge-within, i,e. within the Walls of Londotz, was re-edified and :fini!hed in I68s,: It~ Length within is about 6o, Breadth 30, Height 32; and the·S~~eple. 149 .Feet. I I. St. Ben~et's Paul's WhaifChurch, fituatedonthe Northfide: of '{hames-flree.t, Jn t~e Ward of Caflle~Baynard, was rebuilt jn I 68 3, of Brick and Stone, ornamented- on"'the .Outfide with Feftooos


r t6z·] ·Fe:O:oons carved in Stone round the Fabric; the quadrangular Roof within is fupported by four Pillars and Pilafte1·s of the Corinthian Order~ with their Architrave, Frize, and Cantaliever Cornice; the Length within is 54, Breadth 50, Height 36 Feet; the St~ple_ (which is of Brick and Stone, as the Church) confifts of a Tower, Dome and Turret, the Altitude about r r 8 Feet. 12. St. BtReJia's (vulgo St. Ben1fttf) Fink-chu~ch, fituated on the North-ide· of 'Ibread-medle-.rfod, in :the Ward of }Jroad:.. fireet~ was. built in 1673 of S~one, a:nd is a :tine Piece ofArchi.. tefrare; the Booy of the Church within is a compleat Ellipfis, (a very commodious Form for the Auditory) and the Roof is an elliptical Cupola, (at the Centre of which is a Turret glazed round) environed with a Cantalie'Ver Cornice, and {upported by fix Columns of the Comjtt/itl Order; between each of which is a fpacious Arch, amd iix large light Windows, with :ttrong Munions and Tranfums: The Length (or greater D1a~ter} of the Churchis 63, theBreadth (orlefferDiameter)48, the Altitade49 ;F~t. The Steeple confifb of a fquare Tower, over which is a large Cupola_. and above that a Spire, which are togethcr~bove· I 10 Feet,; and the Tower is adorned with Frifcowork of Feftoons, &c: 13. St. Bartholomew's Exchange (or St. Bartholomew the Lefl) £hwch, Utlllat~ on the Eaft-fide of Bartholomt<llk-laRe, and near .the RfJ.!V~I;..E:rr!Nnge, in the Ward of Bf'gtitf~rett, was rebuilt in I 679 ; it is a {hong Building, the Roof flat, adorned with Fret... work, and fupported with Columns of the'!'zifcan Order, and large -Arch~. H~rearethreefineDoor-cafes, on theN.S. andW. Sides 9f the Church, wh<>fe Pilafters, Entablature, and Pediments are -of the Cwintmian Order, and . adorned with Cherubims, Shields, Feftoons, &c. that towards the South being more particularly fpacious and fine: The Length 'is 78, Breadth 6o,: Height 41.; and that of the (qt,J!:lre Tower; about 90 Feet. 14. 8t. BrUigef._~iraa .St. Bride's Church, fituated on the SOill.tJii.. · /l:<kof F', i~-ih~ WarQ. of Faringdon, without the~Walis ,f;L/;ntfon, but within the Liberty .of the City, was mhttilt with ~uty ~Strength in J 68o, _.and further adorned in 1699 ; Y . the

[ r62 ] the Roof is elevated on Pillars and Arches, with Entablemenfs bf the 'I'ztfi·an Order; the Length is I II, Breadt~ 57, Height. 41: Feet: The Altitude of the Steeple is 234 Feet; it confifl:s of a Tower,. ~nd lofty Spir~· of Stone, adorned with Pilafl:ers, and .Entablature of the Corinthian Order,. arched Pediments, Urns1 &c. and fpiry Arcades, of a moll: elegant Effetl:. · ·r 5· Chrift-ciurch,.:lituatedon.the Notth-fide of Newgate:ftreet, . .was rebuilt in r.687; the Fabric is of Stone, fpacious and beauti-. ful, with the Buttreifes on the Out-fide, and. adorned with AcroteJia, Pine..:apple.s, Pediments, &c. the. Spire was not finilhed till 1704, which is likewifeof Stone,. adorned with Vafes, &c. the Roof of the Nave of the Church is camerated, and thofe of the two Side-ailes are flat; the :firft fupported by ten Pillars of the Compojite Order; the others py as many Pilafl:ers of the fame Order; the Length is I 14 Feet, Breadth 8 r, Height 38; the Altitude of the Steeple (which. confifts of a Tower and Spire). ia . aboup I53 F~et •. · r6. St. Chr:ijlopher's Ohurch, fituate&on· tlie North-weft Cor... n~r of .'l'hreadneedle-jlreet, in the Ward of:iJW;a'd-ftreet, was "not totally deftroyed by the great Fire, (the .Walls partly efcaping the Flames) and had probably fared better, .had it not been filled with Paper.. It was foon after the Fire repaired, in I 67 I ; afterwards beautified in I 69 6 ; all the .old Pa:ct" left by the Fire is GO'thic, but the Pillar.s within ar.e 'I'ujca,n~ the.L~gth is 6o,. Breadth 52, Height 40 Feet; Altitude ofthe'mtimriib'~·:Sd Feet. · I 7. St. Clement''f 'Dane~ Church, fituated on the North;..fide of the Strand, a little Wefrward of 'I'emple-Bar, in the Liberty of We)bni'nfler, "being greatly decayed,.was taken down in the Year " I68o, and rebuilt and finiihed in r682, &c. Sir Chriftopher " Wren, his Majefty's Surveyor, freely andgeneroufly beftowing " his great Care and Skill towards the oontriving· and bJilding u of it, &c.'.~ The Fabric is of Stone, ftrong and beautiiul, <if. the Corinthian Order; with a Tow~r,. and the late'A.dditiok ·thereon of an ornamental Steeple. . The Eaft-ends· both of the Church and Chancel ·are elliptical.. The RoQf is· camerated, fup;..


[ 163


ported with Corinthian Columns_, and inriched with Fret~,,rork. On the South, fronting the Strand, is a circular Portico of fix Ionic Pillars. 'The Length is 96 Feet, Breadth 63, Height 48; Altitude of the Tower about I I 6 Feet. I 8. St. Clement's Eafl-cheap Church, fituated on the Eaft-fide of St. Clement's-lane, near Great E{!ft-cheap, in the VVard of Candle'Zvick-flreet, was rebuilt of Brick and Stone, in I 686, of the Compojite Ordei", having a Towet, flat Roof, and Pilafters round the Infide of the Church. The Cieling is adorned \Vith a fpacious Circle, whofe Periphery is curious Fret-work. The Length is 64, Breadth 40, Height 34; and that of the Tower 88 Feet. I 9· St. Dionis Back Church, fituated on the \Veft·-fide of Limeflreet, in the Ward of Langbourn, was rebuilt in I 674-; and the Steeple, in I 684. The Building is ch~efly of Stone; the Tower and the Pillars within are ihong; but Part of the vValls are of Brick jinijhed-over; the faid Pillars and ·the Pilafl:ers that ihengthen the Walls within, and fupport the Roof, are of the Ion-ic Order; as is alfo theEnd fronting Lime-jlreet. The Length is 66 Feet, Breadth 59, Height 34-; and that of the Tower and Turret 90 Feet. 20. St. Durfilan's in the Eafl, fituated in the Middle-way between Tower:ftreet, North, and 'rhamesflreet, South, in ']"()wrfireet Ward. · The Church was only repaired and new- beautified, but the Steeple was erected, as it now appears, in I 698. The Windows and Steeple are of a modern Goth£c Style, but the Pillars and Arch~s within are :fujcan. The Altitude of the Steeple, confifring of a Stone-tower and Spire, at each Corner of which Tower are four neat {maller Spires, and the .fifth or principal erecred on four Gothic Arches, is7 5 :feet. 2 I. St. Edmuml'sthe King, fituated on the North-fide of Lombardjireet, in LangbourJZ Ward, is built <Jf Stone, and of the '!'tijcan Order; The Roof is flat, and there are no Pillars within to fupport it. The Length is 69 Feet, Breadth 39, Heigh;t33; and -that of the Tower about 90 Feet; the Church was rebuilt


'1 6,90.




[ I6-f. ] • ~2 • .S{.

George's Boto!ph-lane Chur~h~ Iituatecl'<m theWelt·Gde o.f Bo.t9lph-lane, in the Ward of BilNngfgat·e, was rebuilt of StoM, in I 67 4· The Roof over the two Side•ailes _is flat, but that over. the Nave is camerated, and fupported by Cokmms of the Compojite Order. The Out-fide of the Eaft-end is ruJ,orned with a Stone Cornice and Pediment, and intiched with a. Cherub and Feftoons; the Roof with fretted Arches; and an Enta:blement above the Columns. The Length is 54 Feet, Breadth 36,. Height 36; and of the Steeple about 84 Feet. 23. St. James's Garlick-bill Church, :fituated on the Eaft-fide of that Hill, near <ihames-.ftreet, in the Ward of Vintry, wa.s re~ built of Stone 1683, with handfome outer Door-·cafesofthe Corinthian Order. The Roof within is flat,_ and fupported with 1 !l Columns, befides P1lafters, of the Ionic Order. The Length is 75> Breadth 45, Height 40 Feet; and of the Steeple (which is a. Tower, w.:ith Rail and Banifter above the Cornice) about 90 Fe-et._ 24. St. JamdsWejiminfler Church, fltuated on the North-fide of Jertnyn:ftreet, fronting towards St. James.'.s-fquare, within the Liberty of the City of We}tmfnfler was eTectef.i at -~he Charge and: Credit of Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. Alban's, and of the lliha.hi:7· tflnts, Owner-sud. O~pieJ::s of the Houfes and La11.ds in this Pr~inet; and with the Authority of an ACl:·ofParliament pafied 3tio Jacobi zdi. conftituting this Church parochial. The Wails ·~re.ofBrick with Ruftic -'t..uoiz:s, J!acJ~,~ :po?C~-~J~fi~dows of· Stone~ The :Roof is. ~ched, fupported ~~~ ~ tlie CoriitthillZJ Order; and tke l:l"r-cafes ;>f t.he Ionic'Order. The Beauty of this Church coniifrs chiefly, rjf, in its Roof within, divided into. P.annels of Crocket and Fret;-work, and the twelve Columns that. fupport it; and in the Cornice. 2dly, In the Galleries. 3tlly, In tP,e :Ooor-ca{es, efpetially fronting Jermyn-.ftreet. 4th!y., ID.i' the Windows,. efpeciaHy' two ~t the Eaft-end _;. the ttpper Order: a Venetian. Window., adornecl with two Cohtmns ap.d t.WQ Pilafters, of the{Jtt O~i~r~· the lower, of the .~Jn~kilit:. The Length is 84, BreM,tb 6.3,. Height 42; and,.tJ;lat, of the SteepJ.e.lrf. which confifts .of a and. Clock..:f_p1re,' !49 Feet. .


·2s: s1,. ·

[ t6S


2S ~ St. Liwrenc-e J'l"'t'ry Church, fituated on theNorth-fide of Catea.ton-ftreet, and ooath- Weft corner of GuildhaU-yard, in the Ward .of C.latap, was rebuilt in r 677 of Stone, and in the Corinthian Orde_r. The Roof is Bat, adorned with Fret-work; and the Columns, Pilafters.t and Entablement, of the fame Order. The Lengthis 8l,Breadth68, Height 40Feet; andthatoftheSteeple;. (which is a T<nrer-la.nthorn, and finall Spire) about I 30 26.. St. MagfllwtS.?'Cl:\,:iitiSa.ted on the Ea.ft-fide and. Northend of London Bridge, in Bridge-word, wasrehuilt'in. 1676, and the .Steeple in I.''f-o'S-> of Stone~ The Roof over the Nave or· middle Aile is, :and inriched with Arches of Fret .. work; a.Uo an Archituve, Frize, and Cornice, round the Walls. Over the two othe.r Ailes flat, fupported by Columnsof the Irmic Qrder, &.c.. The Steeple coniifis of a Tower, a Lanthorn, a Cupola, and fpiry Turret. The Length is 90;. Ereadth 59, Height 41 F~; and that of the Steeple•. 27 .. St. ~·s Lotl7b•ry Church, :fituated on the North:Me 0f IAt~, in the Ward of Colenztm-.flr4et, was ro.-editied. and finilhed in r690; o.f Stone; with aSteeple, ..oonfliliPlg of a. -fpacious Tower, on which is a fmall Dome, and on that a Spire: The Roof is flat, :fnpported with Columns on the South, and Pila:iersoa&eN~fide,wdl.eCorinlhimzOrder. TheLeng-th-661 . B:readth 54, Height .s' Feet; and that of the Steeple r 40 Feet .. 28. St.Margaret's Ptltte.nsChurch, :fituated on the North-fide· o.f Little Tower-flreet, in the Ward of Billingfgate, was rebuilt ia I68J.. The WaUs at cne Weft-end' are of Stone, hut fronting:: Southward of Brick covered with a Finifhing, and ~oiM d Sto:a:ea The Tower is n3:fo uf Stbl\e, with. Acroteria and Spire,. tiJlf the Doril Ovde.r. The outer Dooc.-caf.e at dle Wefl...end is. Y:uji:~n, and. tbe Pillars and Pi:J.afters. widWl·are G:lldnt'hian. The: Roof is fiat, bawllg a ~adrangle 0fFret-w-0J:k,' and. the 1\rches.adorn.ed w~~h :the ti.k:e •. The l..owgfh is 1>~, Eretld'th 52, ·Hei;ht· j!t·j gftd ~ of t:h,e:Stt~,, which CQJ!lftils of a fpacious r~· and Spire, is 198 Feet 2 l~s... · · . · · .t · • 29~


I lo6] 29. St. Marlin's Ludgate Church, :htuafed on the North:"fide ·-of Ludgate-.flreet,' in the-Ward of Faringdon, was rebuilt and -finifhed, with the Steeple, in 1684. The Walls, and four ·Columns near the four Angles of the Church that.fupport the ·camerated Roof, are of Stone, of the Compojite Orper: The Steeple confifts of a handfome Tower, Cupola, arid Spire of the 'l'zffcan Order. Above which Cupola is a Balcony .. The Length is 57, Breadth 66, Height 59 Feet; and of the Steeple to the Top of the Spire is 168 Feet. . 30. St. Mary .Abchurch, fituated on the Weft-fule of Abchurcblane, in the Ward of Candlewtck-:ftreet, was rebuilt in r686, of Brick, with Stone-<l.!!oins; Windows, and Door-cafes : The Tower alfo is of the like Materials, which . has a .CupQla and ~pire. The Length is 63, Breadth 6o,. Height 51 Feet; and of the Steeple about 140 Feet. 31. St. Mary's-at-ht'/1 Church, .fituated on the Weft of the Street, called St. Mary-.hill, in the Ward of Billing.fgate, was rebuilt in 1672. The Fro~t towards the Hill is Stone; the reft of the Wall Stone; .the In fide of the Roof pver the middle Aile is a little Arching, in the Middle whereof is a handfome Cupola: The Roof of the Cupola is adBrned with Cherubims, Arches, ·and Leaves; and the refi:.of the Church-cielin.g with quadrangular Figures, all of Fret-work;; under which is a Cantaliever. Cornice. The Le.ngth is 96, Br~a<i~h po, . ~ti;~p.g~ to the ·Cieling (i)f the Roof 26.,· aad to ·the6~~er of the Cupola 38 Feet; and that .of the Steeple, confifting of a Tower and Turret~ .about 66 Feet. 32. St. Mary's Aldermary Church, fituated on the Ea(t-fide ·of Bow-lane in the Ward of Cordwainers-.ftreet 1 was rebuilt by p. private BenefaCtion, before the Public Fund was fettled by Parliament on Coals, for rebuilding the Churches demoliilied by, the Fire. The lower Part of the Towe~ was rc;paiJ;€(d by the. Surveyor, and,tP,e u.pper Part new-built in 171 1.•.. The Altitude. to the Verte:x: the Pinnacles ~s i 35 Feet. ·. , , . . :



33· St.;

[ r67


33". St. Mary Magdalen's, 0/d-fijh-.ftreet Church, fituat-ecf om the North-fide of Little Knigh1rider-jlreet, in the Ward of Caflfe._ Bayrzard, was rebuilt in the Year I 685, moftly of Stone; with Rail and Banifter round the Outfide. There are three Ailes~ and a· handfome Stone- ~ower. The" Length is 6o; Breadth 48,, Height 30 Feetr·and··of the Tower. St. ¥ary's Somerfet Church, fituated on the North-fide of t:fhames.:..Street, in the·Wardof §(jeen!.Jytiu?, was rebuilt in I 6gs· of Stone, with the Tower. Here are two Ailes, with a flat Roof, adorned with a- Cornice; and between the Windows with Fretwork of Cherubims, &c. The Length is 83, Breadth 36, Height 30 Feet; and ofthe Tower, to the Top of the highefl: Pinnacles, · · · . . rzo· Feet: '· 35· St. Mary'.rle-!iow, fituated on the South-fide of Cbeapjide;, in the Ward of Cordwainers-}lreet. This Church was rebuilt and finifued)n I 683, upo~ the Wall of a very ancient·Church, about the ·~~ly ·Time df the Roman Colony, which, by the Riling of the Ground in fucceeding Ages, was intirely buried under the Level of the prefent Street of eheapjille-~ It is built of Brick. and Stone ; the Walls covered with a FinHhing : the Roof is arched, and fupported with ten Corinthian Colu:nns; there are three Aile8, 'betides 'the crofs Aile at the Weft-end. The Mode~. i's>after tha(oth.t~e·:templtim Pads; · · BuT the .principal Ornament of' this Church is the Steeple,, ereCted near· the North-Weft Angle; and made contiguous by a . ·a Lobby be~een the 1Church and Steeple, which is founded ~pon an't;/d Roman Cauftway, lying about I 8 Feet below the f..evd bf the Street~. It is accouhted by: the judiCious Artifl:s an· admirab~e Piece o~ Architecture, n?t to be ·paralleled by the Steeple of any parochial Church in Europe; It was defigned-by the incomparable Sir· Chriftopher Wren, begut\ ih i67-r, and finifhed 'in x68·o.: It is hnih· of Partlaml~ene) ·co:Rfifl:ing of a Tower and Sp!re: The Tower is. fquare;; ini the North-fide thereaf~~s ·a 'Door and beautiful Door-cafe; the Peers.and Arch are the·





{ 168 ] Z'ujcan Order, and· adorned with two Columns of -tha Daric Order; the Metops indched with ~herubims; above the Cornice is an elliptical Aperture, on the Key-piece is a Cherub, whence (by way of Compartment) extend two Feftoons of large Fruit~ fuftained lower by two Cupids in a :fitting Pofture, there reftingon the Corni<;e; and the whole farther adorned with Rufticwork, and another Door-cafe of the fame Form,_ on the Weftfide, above which on the faid North-fide, is another Ap~rture and Balcony; and a little higher a Modilion Cornice, above that are four Windows (on ~ac~ Side one) each adorned with four Pilafters, with Entablement of the Ionic Order; over the Cornice a Baluftrade, andat each Angle four Cartouches, eretl:ed tapering,; and, on the Meeting of the upper Ends, a fpaci,ou~ VaJe, which terminates the Tower. _·-THE Spire begins with a circular Mure; and on that, a 'little higher than the Tops of the faid Vafes, is a Range of Columns with Entablature, and Acroteria, of the Corinthian Order. This Balcony is adorned with Bows pr Arches, all which you pafs under in walking round this of the Sp¥:e, whic~ (a littl~ higher) is adorned with Pedeftals, their ColWlD.ns and Entablature of tbe-Campo.ftte Order; fo that here are. all the ji'Ve Order;, regularly executed., On the Order ftand,Cartouche.s, whereon is erected an Obeliik of a confiderable Altitude, and at the Verte~ thereofa. fpacious Ba:\t; ~· a.b€>:V~, t¥~~~:)¥~~,...~£.h:;) is the Figure..o,£ a. Dragon ofBrafs gik;·uftbe~dWings is figured a Crofs, (the fupport of the Enfign armorial of the City of London.) The Dimen:fions of the Church within~ are, Length 65 and an halfFeet, Breadth 63, Altitude 38; and that ofthf .famous Steeple 22 5 Feet. . To give the Sentiments of an Author we have taken Occaiioa fometimes to quote:_ " The Steeple of Ba•w-Church, fays he,. ~ u another Mafter-piece (of Sj.r Crifl@j1her Wre,r,s) ja a peculiar " Kind ofBui,}ding~ which has fixed Rule to ~4! it, nor is i~ ~~ to be reduced _to.euty fett!e~ L,a:ws o.f ~oty.; withou~ doubt if



[ 169 ] " we confider it only a Part ~f fome other Building, it can be " efi:eemed no other than a delightful Abfurdity ~ But if either " confidered in itfelf, or as a Decoration of a whole City in '"' ProfpeCt, not only to be juftified, but admired. That which " we have now mentioned is beyond QE.eftion as perfeCt as hu..:.. " man Imagination can contrive or execute, and 'till we fee it " outdone, we· ihall hardly thin~ it to be equalled/' . . . .· . · 36. St. Mt1ry'iW'oolnoth Church, iitriatell·oh tlle'S&ath-fid"eof Lombard:flrtet, was repaired in I 677. The Sides, die Roof, ·and Part of the End, hating been damnified by the great Fire:· The Steeple was old, and wanted rebuilding, which, together with the whole Church, is now very fubftantially performed by the ingenious and :Lkilful Architect Mr. Nicholas Hawkfmoor; who formerly was, and continued for many Years, .a Fellow-Craft tQ D. G. Majier WREN, and was afterwards. employed under him in the royal; and other public Works. · · 37· St. Mo;ry Aliirmiznbury Church, fituated near the Middle of Aldermanbury, in the Ward.ofCripplegate; was rebuiltih::r6j7;· of Stone, with the Steeple, confifting of a Tower ahcf Turret. The Roof within is camerated, and fupported with twelve Columns of the Compqfite Order: At the Eaft-end is a large Cornice and Pedin1enfJ ~~fcr. rwtrlarge qar1X?uches, ~~n~ Pine-AppMs·'of Stonecarved~f~'ffie IJ'nn'dei·~of·the'Roof is ado!ned'with Arches of Fret-work, and the faid Columns with an E1itablature; the Cornice Canta#ever. The Length 72, Breadth 45, Height 38 Feet, and of the Steeple about 90 Feet. · · 3:8~ St. Matth~ Fritfay-:flrtet Church, :fituated on tho Well"" fide of Friday.7ft1'eet~ near Cheapjide, in the Ward of Ftim/gilon, was rebuilt in r68 s~ The Walls and Tower are of Brick, the Windows and Door-cafes Stone; as is all the Front towards Friday:flreet. .Ttle Le.ngth is 6o, Breadth 3 3, Height 3 I ; and of the Tower '7 4 'Feet. 3cJ· St. Michaelltajfnghall (alias Ba.jlifhaw) Church,.~~ on tlie Weft-fide of Bajinghall-.flreet, m the Ward ofllt!f/ijhaw, 'f.<;J.S reb:uilt and finifhed in I 679. The Walls are Brick ; the Z Tower

'( 170 ]

Tower of Stone; three Ailes, the Apertures of each Sid-e .fimilar to tho.fe of their Oppo:fit~s in Number and Model; Pillars of the ·Corinthian Qrder: The Roof is ~amerated, and divided into Qgadrangular Pannels ~f Crocket-work; alfo a Cantalie<T.1er Cornice, Frize, &c. enriched with Foliage, &c. the Length 7o, Breadth 50, ~eight 42.~~et; and of the Tower 75 Feet. 40. St. Mt'cbael Royal Church, on the E:(lft,...:fide of Collfge-hill~ in the Ward of Vintry, was iri I 694• The Wails are of Stone, ar1d at theEaft-end fome Brick; a flat fquare Roof, adorned with Fret and Crotchet... work. The Length is 86, Breadth 48:~ Height 40; and of the Tower, about 90 Feet. 41. St. Michael ~eenbythe Church,. on the South-weft Angle of ~ittle 'Trinity~lane, in _·'I'bames-Jl.reef_j .in thel_ Ward of ~eef!­ /Jyt!::re2 \Vas rebailt in I 677. The Wails are of Stone; there are three Ailes; the Roof is fquare and flat, with the Ornament of a ~adrangle boundyd with Fret-work. The Length 71, Breadth 40, Height 39.; ;hd that of the Steeple, confifting. of a Tower and Spire, 335 Feet. · . · 42. St. Mzcbael Wootljreet church, Gn the Weft-fide of Great 1Vf!Od-ftreet) in· the Ward of Cripplegate~ ·was rebuilt in I6Js,- ··Of Stone$ the Roof flat, and adorned with Fret and Crocket-work,. the Walls with Arches and Impofts; the Front towards Woodjr;e,et, with Stone Pilafters, Entablature, and pitched Pediment of 11m _{a~.Order. - ~he ~th ~i~!Ji~:!~ ~~~Y>:4:2~ ;~eight 31 Feet~ ofthe·1f~~er 9-o Feet•. ··•*iii' .·:~~L:~;:'l,h~ .,. ·. . 43· St. Micbae!Crooked-}ane Church, -on the Eaft-fide of St. Michael's-lane, .in the Ward of Candlewick-j}reet, was rebuilt in x688,. of Stone. The Length is 78, . Breadth 46, Height 3z feet; and of the ~ower to the Top of the Pinnacles about 100 Feet. 44- &. Michael Cornbi!/Churcb, on the South-:fide qf Cornhill,. in the W.(!.rd of Cornhill, being demoli1hed by the greiJt Fire,. (except the 'tower) was rebuilt in I672, o.( Stone, and with three Ailes-~ the Roof camerated, having Groins and Impofts covered with Lead~ and fupported with Tufca.n Columns ..



:[ I7I


The Length is 87, Breadth 6o., Height 35 F~et; and, ·qf ~he Tower

to the l'qp of the fmall ones at ~he_i}.ngles, :I3oFeet.

45· St. Mildred Bread-:ftreet Ch~rch, Oil theEaft-fide of Brea;lftreet, and in the Ward of Bread-.ftreet, was .rebui~t ~n -r.¢83. The Front·towards Br;ead-flreet is well.built of ·Free-ftone; _tl,1e reft of the W-alls, and Tower_, of Bx;ick ;· the four Sides witb,in the StruCture are.uniform, each having one W~ndow ~nder a fpacious graceful Arch.; ~ ~.B,Qof~;a :P9me, ~hok.~~·s touches the four Arches aforefaid. Here are two Ailes, and the Steeple is placed at the South-Eaft Angle qf tQ.e Church. The Arches and Walls within are ;adorned with great Variety of Fret-work, &c. The Length is 62_, .Breadth 36, Height 40 Feet, and to the Top of the Dome 52 Feet; an,d 9f the Stefiple to the Top of the Spire 140. · 46. St. Mildred ,Poultry ChU<reh, qn the ~orth-f,.de of the Pozdtry, near..Stoclu-market, in-the War-d of Cheap, was rebuilt .iJa .z6ve, of§~~ :wd.bas three fmallAiles, with a flat qu~ran.. gula:r Roof,.. ~rned with Fret-work, &c. The Outfide:n~t~the Poultry has a Cornice, Pedime:t;lt,. ~d .Aqrpt~~ with ED!tkhments of Foliage, &c. all cut ip. :Stope. The Length .is 56, Breadth 42,,Hci,ght 36rFeet; and oftheSt-oneTower7J·

- 47~ St... N~~·;4l~..d/J~ey CP.W'~ht, -op. .thi', S0:1lcf~e.1i>l·Qid Fifo.f/f'W>J~~Ml'~Df,~•"""tk:fW~)reb\ililt;inz6n. The Walls are well built of Stone; the Steeple is a Tower, and aFruftum of a Pyramid.covered with Lead, and Balcony at the upper End.; tl:tere,;a{e ~r~ .:&.iles s .the Roof is flat, adon1ed with Pannds of Qror;lq~t:':f.'V9J~..t . . ~ti:ly.:Wt4U~·with aoritttkian:Pilaikta. .ilie Lengthis63, Breadth43, N~8,htj6;1t'~; -~~ft;beS~I'35· 48. S~.f)!fe71!ry C,h~wh, elli~b:eW~"'.fideof,die!l/JJew,:r, in theW a~d. f:Jf~G()ICf.fltm1J~~~, w.a:s reh\lilt in t67'3" · :Fbe Wails are partly Brick, ~&c:>n.e·Facias, Wj®~w.s, Pder-e~fes; the Out-· fide of the ~1ldti~Hld.orped ~:idhP;ila:!ters, Cornice, and a;fpt... . .~;p~tched~edi~~;J~tl\'!F~''d~artpf tlhe.Walls,.at ~­ . i~~~~ 1beRoof x:muad tlieChurcll,is enriched with ~bims, Fei\~S~p. i-n>l:{::;~tO\lCh~s: .There are two Aile~,.w.d.a Z 2 Chancel.

[ 172 ] 路 Chancel. The Steeple is of Stone, confifting of a handfom:e Tower, with Pinnacles. The Length is 78, Breadth 34, Height 36 Feet; and of the Tower, to the Top of its Pinnacles, about 8 8 Feet. 49路 St. Peter's Church in Cornhi/1, was rebuilt inr68r, of Stone, except Part of the South-fide, and the Tower, which is Brick; the reft of the Steeple, viz~ the Dome and Spire, are Timber covered with Lead; the Roof within is camerated, and fupported with fqnare Pillars, adorned with Pilafl:ers of the Corinthian Order; and there are three Ailes. The Length is 8o, Breadth 47, Height 40 ; and of the Steeple, about I 40 Feet. 50. St. Sepulchre's Church, on theNorth-fideof Snow-hill, in the Ward ofFaringdon 1vithout, being almoft demoli!hed by the gr:eat Fire (except Part of the Wall and Steeple) was rebuilt in I 670. The Walls are of Stone frrengthenea with Buttreffes; the Tower is alfo of Stone, with four fmall Spires, one at each Angle, which, as alia the Windows, are modern Gothic; the Roof over theNave is camerated, but is flat; and lower about 8 Feet over the Sideailes, ft1pported with twelve :{l:rong Stone Columns of the Tufcan Order. The Length is (befides the Pafrage or Ambulatory to the Weft-end) 126 Feet, Breadth (excluding the Chapel on the North-fide) 58, Height of the Roof over the Middle-aile 35; and of the Tower and Spires, about I40 Feet. , 51. St. Stephen's Coleman-.ftreet, was rebuilt in I 676, chiefly of Stone, with two Ailes. . The ~~~~~~!If~~ :f>iMan to f upport it. On the Outiide, the PronilW'tfto-'~11cfis adorned a Cornice and circular Pediment between two Pine-apples, &c. The Length is 7 5, Breadth 35, Height 44; and of the Tower, befides the Turret, 6 5 Feet. 52. St. Stephen's Wallbroak Church, riear Stocks-market, was rebuiltin 1676. TheWallsand TowerareofStone; the Roofwithin:. over the Middle-aile, is arched in the Center of which is a fpacious Cupola, and a Lantern in the Middle of that: Over the reft of the Church the Rootis fiat, fupported by Corinthian Cblumns and Pilafters. Here ::tr.e;thtee Ailes, and a Crofs:..'Mle: The Length is 7 5, Breadth 56, Altitude of the middle Roof 34, of the Cupola and




Lantern 58 Feet; and of the Tower to the Top of the Rail and Banifter, about 70 Feet. "WaUbrookChurch,fo little known amongus, isfamousallover " Europe, and is juftly reputed the Mafter-piece of the celebrated '' SirChriflopher Wren. PerhaP.slta[r itfelf can produce no modern H Building that can vie with this, in Tafte or Proportion: There " is not a Beauty which the Plan would admit of; that is not to be "found here in its greateft PerfeCtion,; and Foreigners very juftly "call our Judgment in quefl:ion for underftanding its Graces no , " better, and allowing it no higher a Degree of Fame." 53路 St. Swithin's Church, on the North-fide of Cannon:ftreet, near London-.flone, in the Ward of Wallbrook, was rebuilt in 1679, of Stone, with the Tower; theRooffupportedwithDemi-columns of the Compojite Order. Here are three Ailes; and the whole is commodious and pleafant, though fmall. The Length 6 I Feet from North to South, from Eaft to Weft 42, Height 40; and of the Tower and Spire 150 Feet. 54路 St. Veda), alias .Fqfter Church, on the Ea.ft-fide of Fqfter~颅 lane, 路in the Ward of Farringdon, was .rebuilt in 1697, of Stone, with three Ailes ; the Roof flat, fu,pported on the South-fide with '['ujt:an Co~umns, and adorned with an eliptical Figure within a P~itrr~lelogram, environed with curious Fret-wotk::~ &c.. The L'ength is~g-Feet, Breadth 51, Altit~de 36; and of the Tower, about go Feet. THE King alfo founded Che!fea-Hqfpt"tal for old Soldiers, and a moft curious New Palace at Greenwich from a Defign oflmg() :JfJtzes, conducted by Grand Wanlen WEB as Majler qf Wgrk.; and another Palar;e. at Win~he.fter, detigned by .Grand . .A('lf/~r WREN, an excellent Pile of the richeft Co:dnthian. Ord"f~ covered in qefore the Kjng's Death, but never :fini!hed, and now in Ruins. It extends to the Weft 32e Feet, to the South zx6 }''eet. ' There ~ was p'lrticularly intended a large Cupola, 3o,Feet above the~~~ 'which would have beenfeen a great Way to the Sea; a~o.a .. regular Street of handfome Houfes, leading in a direct;t,idedown ' the Hill, from the Front of the Palace to the Wdf..gate of the ~ Cathedral.;





' Cttthecl1:al; 'for which, and for the Parks, the Ground was pro' cured.;' and Preparations made for proper Plantations, a necefJaryOrnament for that open Situation. D. G. A1q/fer WREN had ;projecred alfo to have brought from the Downs a River thro' the "Park, which would have formed a.Cafcade of 30 Feet Fall. The whole Difpofition of this Palace was fuch, as made it efteemed by the be:fl: Judges an excellent Model of a Royal-hunting-feat. In this Place, (where probably had been the Roman Prcetorium) ' ftood an ancient Caftle, which had been often beficged, but 'neverfo:fl:raitly3as whenMaudtheEmprefs maintained it againft ' King Stephen. In digging for the new Foundations, were dif' covered divers Roman and Saxon Antiquities, as Coins of Con~ '.ftrmtine the Great, and others; a Brie~ Pavement of the tijfel' latedWork; a round Brafs Seal, with a Head ~ngruved, and this ' Inicription in Saxon Charatl:ers, S I G I L L U OJ S E C R E T I. +. &c. THE King ordered Sir WILLIAM BRUCE, BaroJZet, Grand Mafter of Scotland, to rebuild his Palace of llolyrood-Hozije at Edi1zburgb in the be:fl: Auguflmz Style, and the Sc.ottijh Secretary's Office at Whitehall. G. Mqfler BRucE built alfo his ownpretty Seat at Kinrofs. ·~··· So that the .Fellow Crtifts were never more employed than in this Reign, nor in a more lofty Style; and many Lodges were con.ftituted throughout the Iilands* by Lea;veof t~e ,#:}~eral noble Grand Mafters: •For after·Gr:anJ Mqfle,-.Ri-&ers·;de~itted, A. D. I


GEoRGE VILLARS Duke of Bucks, an old Mafmz, fucceeded as G. Mqfler of England; but being indolent, he left all Bufine(s tohis Deputy WREN and his Wardens.

* For betides many other :fine Struflurcs in and about London, many noble Man_ jions in the Couhtry were built er founded ; as-lVzng-Houft, Bedfordjhir:e:.,... Cbevming in Kent-Ambrofebztty in Wiltjhire-,-Hotha.'lz-Houje and Stainbqrougb, Yorkjhire;!?alace of Hamilton it} Clydejdale-Sterling-Houfi, near the Cafl:Je-Drumlam·ig in Nidfdale, and many more~,·

[ 175 ] BY an Infcription in the Middle of the Church of St. Dunjlan's Fleet-.ftreet, ·near the Chancel, it appears that one Enw ARD MARSHAL, Efq; had been MASTER; MAsoN of ENGLAND~ probabiy under the Protectorate: And that King Charles II. had alfo appointed his Son, JosHuA MARSHAL, Efq; MASTER MAsoN, at a Time when the rebuilding of the City of London required a great Increafe of Ma.fters as well as Fellow-Crafts. HENRY BENNET, Earl of Arlington, fucceeded_GrandMafter · VILLARS; and this to, was too deeply engaged in Affairs of Statt~ to vifite the Lodges: Yet in his Ma.fterjhip the Fraternity was con~ fiderable ftill, and many Gentlemen requefted to be admitted~ BuT many of the Fraternity'sRecordsof this and former Reigns were loft in the next, and at the Revolution; and many of them were too haftily burnt in our Time from a Fear of making Difco. veries, that we have not fo ample an Account as could be wi:lhed; of the Grand Lodge, &c. . . KING C!Jaf'les II. dying on the 6th of February, I 684-.. 5, his Brother fucceeded, viz. 4· jAMEs II. Stewart, aged 51 Years. Amofte:xcelientStatue 'Of him frill ftands in Whitehall. But not being a Brother Mafon, the Art was much neglected, and People o~ all forts were oth¢r~ wife eng,ag~ct in_thi~ ReigA : . Only upon . the Peath Pi G~ Mafter .drlmgt-, r685, the Ltx/ge6 met and eleded Sir CHRISTOPHER WREN c!IS~attb .smrubr~ who appointecl Mr. G.abriel Gibber, d J land while carryin.g.,:m J d Strong, Gran Waraens. St. p aul sJ he annj.@.l "~ t} y Mr. Euwar met thofe Brethren that c()uld attend him, to keep up ~-<>ld Ufoges, till the Revolution, when · , WILLIAM of NqfJau, Prince of O,.ange, 1~~ 00 the sth of November, 1688; and King jAMES lailtld to France on the 2 3d of December following,. ana died there· oo the 6th of S.eptnuber,. 17or. . ~ · · -




C H A P.


From the REvot UTION to ()~an.() l)b'lailtt MoNT AGu, 172 r.


P 0 N King James's going off, the Convention of States entailed the Crown of England upon King James's two Daughters, MARY Princefs of Orange, and ANNE Princefs of Dmmark, and their Iifue. And failing them on WILLIAM Prince of Orange; for, his Mother, Mary Stewart, was King james's eldeft Sifter: But ORANGE was to reign only during Life. Accordingly on the 13th of Februry, I 688-9.

. 'd K'tng 5· KING III. aged 38 Years,( were proc1aim .c . w· WILLIAM. an d h 1s 11e · . . · and ff<Jteen, Jomt 'So6. Q£EEN MARY1I. Stewart, aged z6 . f E 1 d verezgns o ngtan ; Y ears. . dS ' d'" SHE died at KeJyington without I.tlue on anl . codttanh ·lOOn pro. c a1me t em. the z8th of December, I 694· PARTICULAR Lodges were notfo frequent andmo:tl::ly occqjional in the South, except in or near the Places where great Works were carried on. Thus Sir Robert Clayton, Lord Mayor of London, got an Occa)ional Lodge of his Brother Maflers to meet at St. r'homas's Hojpital Southwark, A. D. I 69 3, and to advife the GovernGrs about the heft Deiign of rebuilding that Hoipital, as it now :ftands moft beautiful; near which ajJatedLodge continued long afterwards. BESIDES that and the old Lodge of St. Paul's, as could be remembered by fome Brothers yet living in I 730, there was another in Pti:cadilly, over againft St. James's Church; one near Wejiminfler Abby, another near Covent-Garden, one in Holborn, one on '!'ower-Hill, and fome more that affembled :tl::atedly. THE K£ng was privately made a.Pree-Mafon, approved of their Choice of Grand Majer WREN, and encouraged him in rearing St. Paul's Cathedra!, and the great New Part ofHAMPTON-CouR T



[ 177 ] in the Augfdlan Stile, by far the fineft Royal Haufe in England' after an old Defign ot Inigo Yanes, where a bright Ladge was held during the Building. The Facad¢, or Ki12g's .Apartment, fronting the Privy• garden, and · 'I'hal(les; extHncls 3·2 8 F.eet; the Facade, ff<.geen' s .Apar tmptt~ 'fr.ontihg. t.bc ·Moiife~k; c:xtends 3 3 o :Veet; the Accefs to the J*iri~ipal Stait:"-oafe~ieadirig to the King's-.ftde, is


through a beautliful Portic9 of: aboot·9o'F~er:·Iong, confifiingof a Colon~,gf}; t6 dupliqtJailBJ~l~,~d,;Q;der•. fl. Both " .Hf!Ufo and· P arkfJ>cing:Otmimft!d &il thrl!re ~-~ Ure(litiver '~.~~, ~n~h;onfequentiy enjoying as pleifant a· Sit dation is the '' Prudence of its firfr Fourider CarditJal W!J!fty could felect for it, " was indeed a Piece of Work of great Beauty and Magnificence " for the Age it was built in ..•ButJ,tbe·Addition·made to icby " .King William and.!f!Jem·[ri· far ..exce[ what it'was before·,_

" that. they evidently £lu;:wl :Whfifa·~ft.> Adfabceme!US•Architecture " has received. :fince tbatJ!Jl~Jrn~.:~ :' ·! · . , Sic Pflrle"' :Ule Dtmlilsp~ -vix jmliirir /Etas · · ;· 1 '' · •· ,_12ll!··;..,.J.'·,'MIH1'".f·: . . _'~rn~~-..,.~e.,~oli ~~



.•I !'..,1~

, f.





,l .i

" ,~



" ~~

,t l •.! ·J ~ ~·_,

lf the WQNd had not beeri depriv'.d Wt.i~able

Life of~een Mary, andhad~~~-...,.:i~er::dito;have finiihed his whole De6gn, LilanJ's :De!aHption of Hampton CO'Mrt would have been a truer Refemblance its latter than pr~itive

State. '








! ....,,,.1


·· · · iN'{.





· '''"'' · · · ·

~~~"' .~~:·' ~·


... ·

'' :rrriJ/i~Wi}O/iirn-rem.n ~ .{':NPi!JtJs;~ Alluiturque vaga Tan:iifini jlum'im't .unda, Nomine ab antiquo jam tempore diilus Avona, Hie .rex Willhelmus tales. hi~ :c®rftdit tedts

-M:tignjfo:M,, tjwslailoto~raSl<tr/Je!; , ;: '' ;.: .... !N011l!:'Uh/it.. :' ' b:;:-~u:•!; .; l: (. i•,i,l l_ The Kinf§t.ffo built his:littJe,P~l~<#;ilf»nJit¥t~.:.·+.,_ nnHh'd Cbe!fea Hifpital. .The Indu!h.:y, and Cosl,u~~Iiillt:hrtflcpher, and . Sir Stepbm FoN, .jointly .in .th~.iR~I:l ~~e~ent hereQf) -~6 .worthy Ren~hmrioo.::l.Sili:•fio),:, ~.Lord if' the T'~ · took care for the'Clae,P~Irles,bo£ tht:'!Wctks ;- whilft t~~· A a vijoroufly

[ ~78


vigorouiTy profeeuted hi& Part-in the Buildings ; and fafHy prefcrib'd the Statutes, and· vvhoJ.e,Qeconomy of the Houfe, which for ·clean .. line!S~ H~alth, and Conve.nienc~, is. dcfervedly ~ae:em'd one of


~fit regulated in Eu.r~ ; , wd.bwti,ng; in. every; particular~ the pious Defign, and Munificeo.oc lJf its royal F ounden. He alfo appointed the fse new. Palace of Greenwich (begun by .King Charles H.) to· be an·Hqjpitalfor old Seamen, A. D.· 169,5., and order'd it to. be finilh''d as b~gun after 'Jones's old D..ejign. T~: Sur:veyor. was among ·the. :finfi who :addrefs'd their Majefries King · lJTilliam and·J<yten:M#.ry1 to ~ailvm the;Site aru:l Euildingsof their '&yal Palace t~ this' mcOft charitable Ufe; :which waSt alfo: indufrrioufly promoted by the Lord Sommers~ Mr. Ewiyf'l, Mt-1 Bridgman Secretary of the ..tlJ.mirAI~ mnd.Mr •. Lotv1!lldk Seoret1u:y of the "!'ireafury.. . This.'· ~tet1fin Charity": was,•·not only calculated foi 'the· Relief and Support· of t_he veteran; Seamen, and: fuch as had been wounded or difabled in the Service, btit alfo fur the Reli~f ·and. Maintenance . offuch.Widews; andthc:rEducation of fuch Orphans,, whofe Hu:!bands, and Parents had bee& !lain in the Defence of the Nation at.Sea~ A '~rot feafupib~adjtdi'ed·ior. the Enc6uragement.and.lmprovement of that other niotl ~4>fta.nt llr.alli'Ch of the..·. na~l~ Defeo~,. the naval Arms of f.lnat-BntAin.. Afo:r, the Gra11t had~ J?fitfs!d the ~ea~~&al,. Commiffion ap~ pointed,· with Power~ to con~uct and regulate all Affairs relating· to the Building:t:lf t~. HOjpita{1 .and· the . SUrveyor nominated a. Diretlor, and~ cMtithia'Jt-.H~~:~chear.. fully engag'~.M'*'~\~ti..P) .~d~-lt$tit:&~~ Fabrick; extenfi\(e, dura~l- aftd,;lmagnificent, conformable to the graceful Pavilion,· which had .been ·ered;ed there l?y King Cbarles the Se-cond, and originally in~ended for his own Palace; contributing his . Time, Labour and1 Skill,·, and profecuting the Works for feveral .. . Years; with all the Expeditioo.the ~ircumfra.nces of Af&irs wpuld. f+llow,;;. without. any. Salary;. Emolument or. Reward (which ~ood Exampt~, 7,'tis,~,~ hop11d,.. has£e:follow'd.';). preferring in· .this, as in. ev.'~~r Ha~ge.o£ .his.Li~,, .. the: publia:;Service to


·r rfg] any private Advantage of his own, by the Acque:A: of. Wealth, of which he had always a 'great Contempt. This Year our mofr noble Brother CHARJ.. ES LENNOX Duke of Richmond and Lennox (Fatheti of the late ))uke)".Mty'ler of a Lodge. at Chichefler, c~mrng ro·tb:e annuai,~A!litnihlyand Ji'ea~ at London, was chofen $tad'~fttr; and approv,d by the Klng • • Sir CHRISToiPaERWREN.v:as.IJ!1.har~~rong, ~en.l Grand hts D. G. Mafier, who. a~ ·-tl$~d5'tr-~,·Jl2n.J JYm-Jms. befom~ths:Hemoftbe·(Jntjc~a.llw~~~in·dlMen·~tmdMt¥/'tr,

D. 169ih · . . . ·: ,!·~ · .l·· . IN this Reign NAVAL ArchiteCiwe was wonderfully itrlprov'd; and the King difc6ver1d. his High 'rafie in building his elegant Palace at Loo in Holland, till be:died;a~·JUnjingtan 8 Marth I7'0It..z, A~


· ·


Sttirwtlrt, dle: ot'hac ~er of~ Kigg· James II. aged 3 8 Years, fucceeded as Q_uat11 ~' Wi~of Ota:lGE'Prlnce of ]Jenm~Jrk : He was tile: <rattoa . af :4/Jf'ongmers and Nll1ligtttrlrt., and:.diedia.t ~pn 28 otf.. r.ioS:. ' · · · .: . -· ~enrA~nr enlarg'd St. 'Jamels P~x: aiAdr a~at·dfll~us Battle of Ble11heim, A. D. ~'7;0~ ~Hb!dftli1;1 Ght'lt<iyal Caftle of Wood- Stock in Oxjordjhire, anci built in itS ftead the· Caftle of Blenheim for her General-JoaN CHuRcHiLL Duke of Marlboraugb~ ·. tThe Q_~iUfhe;f sih· Ytir~J u.nitedl.e'~ &mtdOOts. tJt 'Eng-. l411d and Siittlit.ttl:rmco thtt:,ow.Bdun~~ <§tt:Gidt;i:tt-t...:flatr.tuN, which commenced on I May, 17o7. After the UN I ON of the Crbwns 104- Years. The ~een and Parlia'J11t¥JJ ema&cd the Building of ~~ad'.;. diailJJJ'd Parijb C/:JutY;IJNI in: .tf}g: Citielr of: lJoHJ~~ &nd ·llfe)illl!/llt : 7.



Gi'tzild Mi!fler ·W:rt EN) lbdng;cap~med ~nm ot:tt;·~~ '~'one of tl:ie Contmiff:roners for cattyillg onlt~W~ts, .Qr~dd,l!JM€ Service with all the Application his other Offic~·w-aaM permit; and

preparatory ther-eunto;; took dcoa.fionto. impaitt:.Jiis:Thbughts to this EWOOT, in a Leuet:- CQ.a :Friend} ia · ;'t~~





[ I8o ]


INCE. P:ovidence, in g~eat Mercy,. has protraB:ed my Age, to the fin1Dung the cathedral Church of $t. Paul, and the parochial Churches of Lond(JIIJ, 1nlieu .of thofe dqnolifh'd by the ~1:re; (all which. were ·execute!i:d:Uring th.e Fatigues of my, Employment in the Service of·the Crown, from that time to the prefent happy Reign;) and being now conftituted one of the Commiffioners for Building, purfuantto the late ..dfl, Fifty more,Churches in. Londotr and JJ7qhninfter; I lha.ll prefurne to communicate briefly my Sentiments, after long Experience ; and without further ·Cetetilon.y ex·hibit to better Jadgment, what at prefent occurs to: nie;l in a ltanfient View of this whole Affair ; not doubting but' that the Debates of. the worthy Commifficmer&l:m&)!Jhereai~,,gii:e me~occafion to change, or add to thefe· Speculations. ; I• Fitft, l'tonceive the Chnrches ihould be built,' not ·where vacant Ground may be cheapeft purchafed in the. Extremities of the Sub~rbs, but among the thicker Inhabitants, for Convenience of the better fort, although the Site of them !hould coil: more ; the better. Inhabitants contributing mdft to the. futuJre B.~ir.s, and the Minifters .and Officers of the Church, and Charg$ of •Ule Parilh. 2·. I could wilh t~t all Burials in Churches might be difallowed,. which is not dnly unwho1efome, but the Pavements can never be. kept even, nor Pews updgh~: And· if the Church-yard be clofe ~~t thtl ~1\U(Ghl this a~fo is, inconvenient, becaufe the Ground:. being continually r:aifed by th~~'!~·~···~~~:.:Q~-­ by Steps intotbe~®, wbieit'.r~~~~!d~t~~,iPJii tb:e Walls. green, as apptar~·~i6ently in all old Churches. 3· ft will be enquired, where then fhall be the Burials?. I anfwerin Cemeteries feated' in _the Out-!kirts of the Town:. And fince. it is become the Faihion of the Age to fole~nize Funerals by a Train of Coaches1 (even where :the Deceafed are of moderate Condition) thougli the Cemeteries ili.ould be half a Mile, or more, dif.. tant from _the C~u.rch~: .ib.e Charge need be little OJ: than: ufual ; the Service may be firfi: performed il'l the Church : But for



181 ]

the Poor, and filch as muft be interred at the Pi:lrilh Charge, a;. publick Hea:rfe of two Wheels and one Horfe may be kept at fmaU · Expence, the ufual Bearers to lead the Horfe, and take out the Corpfe· at the Grave. A Piece of Ground of two Acres in the Fields will be purchafed for much lefs than two Rods among the Buildings : This being indofed with a fl:rong Brick Wall, and, l1aving aWalk.round, and two crofs Walks, decently planted with Yew- trees~, the four ~arters may ferve.four Pari!hes, where the Dead need not be difturbed at the Pleafure of the Sexton, or piled· four :or .five upon o_ne another, or Bones thrown out to gain Room. · . In theie Places beautiful Monuments may be eretl:ed; but yet the Dimenfions ihould be regulated by an ArchiteCt, and not left to the Fancy of every Mafon ; for thus the Rich, with large Marble Tombs) would ihoulder out the Poor; when a Pyramid, a good Buft, or Statue on a proper Pedeftal, will take up little Room in the Q.!!arters, and be properer tha~ Fi,gures lying on Marble Beds : The Walls will contain,Efcutdaeons and Memorials for the Dead,_ and the Area good Air and Walks for the Living. It may be con·i.the iidered further, that if the Cemeteries be thu~ thrown. Fields, they will bound the Excefflve.Cro_wth-Pf the City with a graceful Border, which is now enciscled with Scavengers Dung... Stalls. 4· As the Sj~uation of the Churches, I,)bould prop6fe they be br:ought as; forward: as :-poffible into .the larger and more open Streets, not in obfcure Lanes, nor where Coaches will be muchobilructed in the Paffage. Nor are we, I think, too nicely to obferve Eaft or Weft in the Pofition, unlefs it falls out properly !. Such F_ronts as fhall happen to lie rnoft open in View tho1.1lQ.,.,b~t. adorned with Porticos, both for Beauty apd_ C~venience; wl\ich together with hanqfome Spires, or Lan~~,liiing in g09d proportion above the neighbouring Houfes, ( e£ "ch I h~ve given feve-. ral Examples in the City of differentF ), . may;be of fnfficient. Ornament to the Tqwn, without a,"eat E;x:pence for enriching~:



eutward Walls of the:Chqrche&, in:whic~:Plainnefs an~ Dur~·





·t82 ]

ought principally, ifnot wholly; to be ftudied. ·when a ParHh is divided, I fuppofe it ·may .be thought .fufficient, if the MotherChurch has a Tower large enough for a good Ring of Bells, and the other Churches fmaller Towers for two or three Bells : becaufe great Towers and lofty·Bteeples, are fometimes. mere than half 'the· Charge of the Church. 5· I.fhall mention fomething of the Materials for publick Fa:bricks. .Jt is tr.ue, the mighty Demand for the hafty Works of thoufands of Houfes at once, after the Fire of London, and the Frauds of thofe who built by the Great, have fo debafed the Value •of Materials., that good Bricks ar~ not to be now had, without ·greater Prices than formerly, and indeed if rightly made, will de... ferve them ; but Brick-m.akers fpoil the Earth in· ·the mixing and hafty burning, till the Bricks will hardly bear Weight; though the Earth about London, rightly managed, will yield as good Bricks as ·Were the Rommz Bricks, (which I have often found in the old Ruins .of the City) and will endure, in our Air, beyond any Stone our Jfland affords ; which unlefs the OEarries lie near the Sea., .are too dear for general Ufe : The heft is Portland, or Roch-ab.bey Stone ; 'but thefe are not without their Faults. The ne:x:t Material is the Lime ; Ch~lk-Lime is the conftant Practice, which.. well mixed with good Sand, is not amifs, though much worfe than hard StoneLime. The Vaulting of St. Pauls is a rendering as hard as Stone; it i& compofed of Cockle-iliell..Lime, well beaten with Sand ; the mor~ LQBO\Y ·in the \)@ating, the better aosi ii~;o~ dne .MoJ,!tar. I ihall fay DQthit:.~g.· of Marble-, (thGugk.~; &ittlflltd; and Ireland, afford. good, and; of beautiful Colours) but this will prove too cofrly for our Purpofe, unlefs for Altar-pieces. In Windows and Doors Portland Stone may be ufed, with good Bricks, and Stone ~oyns. As to Roofs, good Oak is certainly the heft ; becaufe it will bear fome Neglig•e.: The Church;.. wardens Care may be defeetive in fpeedy' mending Drips; they'ufually white-wafu the Church, a;nd fet up their Names, but negleCt to the Roof over their Heads: It mufr be allowed, that the RoGf being more~ out

[ 183 '] aut of Sight, ,is ftill more unminded. Next to Oak, is good yellow Deal,. which is a Timber of Length, and light, and makes excellent Work at firft, but if negleCl:ed will fpeedily periih, efpecially if Gutters (which is a general Fault in Builders) he made to run upon the principal Rafters, .·the Ruin may be fudden. _Our Seafervice for Oak, and the Wars in the North-fea, make Timber at prefent of exceffive Price~ I fuppofe ere long we muft ha~e recourfe to the Wf/1-Indies,. where moft excellent Timber, may be ha.d· for cutting and fetching. Our Tiles are ill made, and our Slate not· gQQd ; Lead "is certainly the heft and lighteft Covering, and being. of our own Growth and Manufacture, and lafting,. if properly laid,. for many hundred Years, is, without queftion, the moft preferable, though I will not deny but an excellent Tile may be made to be very durable: Our Artifans are not yet inftruct:ed in it, and it is not foon done to inform them. 6. The Capacity and· Dimenfioas: of the· new Churches may be determined by a Calculation. It is; as I take it, pr-etty certairo, that: the Number of Inhabitants, for whom thefe <Shurches are provided,, are five times as many as thofe • in the City, who were bnmt rout, . and probably more than 40o,ooo grown Perfons·that fhould cometo Church, for whom thefe fifty Churches are to· be· provided, ( befides fome Chapels already built,. though too fmall to be made }!arochial.) ·Now, if the· Churches could hold each 2ooo,,it would· yet- be very fbort of the nece1fary Supply.. Tho Churches therefore muft be large ; but frill, in our reformed Religion, it fhould feem vain to make a Parijh-church larger than that all who are prefent both hear and fee. The Ramanifls, indeed, may build larger Churches·; it is enough ii they hear· the Murmur of the,Mafs;-. and fee the Elevation of the Hofr, but oms ,are~ to ·be fitted for Auditories. l can hardly think it praa:ioabfe- to make a :finglu ltoom , fo capacious, with-Pews and Galleries, .as to hold abo~t 20oo Perfans, and all to bear the Service, and both to hear diftinetly, and : fee the Preacher. I endeavoured to effect this, in building the p~;; ciih Church of St. James's, Wytminjler, which, I prefume, is tlve: · 4. ' mofr,.



18 4


mo:ll capacious, with thefe Q!_alifications, that hath yet been built ; ~nd yet at a folemn Time, when the Church was much crowded~

I could no~ difcern from a Gallery, that 2 o o o were prefent. In this 路Church I mention, though very broad, and the middle Nave arched up, yet as there are no Walls of a fecond Order, nor Lanterns, nor Buttreffes, but the whole Roof refis upon the Pillars, as do alfo the Galleries ; I think it may be found beautiful and convenient, and as fuch the cheapefr of any Form I could invent. 7. Concerning the Placing of the Pulpit, I !hall obferve-A moderate Voice may be heard 50 Feet diftant before the Preacher, 30 Feet on each Side, and 20 behind the Pulpit; and not this, 路unlefs the Pronunciation be diftinct aad equal, without lofing the Voice at the laft Word of the Sentence, which is commonly emphatical, and if obfcured, fpoils the whole Senfe. A Frenchman is heard further than an Englijb Preacher, becaufe he. raifes his Voice, and not finks his lafl: Words: I mention this as an infufferable Fault in the Pronunciation of fame of our otherwife excellent Preachers; which Schoolmafiers tp.ight correct in the young, as a vicious Pronunciation, and not as the Roman Orators fpoke : For the principal Verb is in Latin ufually the laft Word; and if that be loft, what becomes of the Sentence ? B. By what I have faid, it may be thought reafonable, that the new Church !hould be at leaft 6o Feet broad, and go Feet long, befides a Chancel at one End, and the Bellfrey an.d Portico at the other. Thefe Proportions may be varied;. but to build more Room, than thatevery Perfon may conveniently hear and fee, is to create Noife and Confufion. A Church ilwuld not be fo filled with Pews, but that the Poor may have Room enough to ftand and fit in the Alleys, for to them equally is the Gofpel preached. It were to be wi{hed there were to be no Pews, but Benches ; but there is no the Tide of Profit, and the Advantage of Pew"'keepers; efpecially too,. fince by Pews in the Chapels of Eafe, the

[ 185 ] the Minifter is chiefly fuppo1ted. It is evident, thefe .fifty ChurcheS. are not enoug~ for the prefent Inhabitants, and the Town will continually grow ; but it is to be hoped, that hereafter more may be added, as the Wifdom of the Government ihall think fit ; and therefore the Pari!hes iliould be fo divided, as to leave Room for Sub-divifions, or at leaft for Chapels of Eafe. About the fame Time the excellent MojiJns, under the Direcrion of their Grand Mafter, ihewed .their Skill in Buckingham Haufe and, Marlborough Haufe in St. 'James's Park, Powis Houfe in Ornzand-jlreet, the Opera Haufe in the Haymarket, and many more about Town: And in the Country the Duke of Devonjhz're's fine Cbatfwarth in Derbyfoire, Stourton in lriltjhire, the Earl of Carlijle's Caftle Howard.near York, Helmjley Haufe or Duncomb Park, Mereworth Haufe in 'Kent, Wilbury Haufe in Wiltjhire, &c•. Nay, after the Peace of Utrecht, many rich old Officers in the Army, returning home. good. Connoiffeurs in ArchiteCture, delighted in raiLing ftately Manfions. But the AUGUST AN Stile was mofi: richly difpiayed at Oxford, in the New Chapel of 'I'rinity College by Dr. BA THU :Rs7', in PeckWater-Square of Chri.fl's-Church College by Dr. ALDR IGE, in !zyeen's-College by Dr. LANCASTER, elegantly rebuilt, in Allhallow's Church, the new Printing-Houfe, &c. Grand Mtifkrr WR!f.N, who had defigned St. PAuL's, Landon, A. D. J673; and.) as Mafler of Work, had conduCted it from the Footfione, had the Honour to fini!h that noble Cathedral. The firft Stone of this Bajilica. was laid in the Year 167 5, and th'e Works carried on with fuch Care and Indufiry, that, ·by the Ye~r, 16 8 5, the Walls of the Q£!re and Side-Hles were finiihed, with the circular North and South Porticos ; and the great Pillars of the Dome brought to the fame Height : And it pl~afed God in h~s Mercy to blefs the GR,A.JJr!M.r\sTER with HealtliandLength of Days, and to enable him to compleat the whole StruCture in the Year 1710, to the Glory of his moft holy Name, and Promotion of Bb his

[ x86 ] his divine Wor!hip, the principal Ornament of the Imperial Seat uf this Realm. Majejlas convenit ifla Deo. The higheft or.laft Stone on the Top of the Lantern was laid by the Hands of the GRAND MAsTER's Son, CHRISTOPHER WREN,5 Efq; deputed by his Father inthe Prefence of that excellent Artificer Mr. Strong, and his Son, GRAND WARDENS, and other Free and Accepted Mafons, and the Fellow-Crafts, chiefly employed in the Execution of the Work. · Thus was this mighty Fabrick, the fecond Church for Grandeur in Europe, in the Space of 3 5 Years, begun and :finilhed by one ArchiteCt_, and under one BHhop of London, Dr~ Henry Compton~ the Charge fupported- chiefly by a fmall and eafy Impofition on Sea-coal brought to the Port of London : Whereas the Church of St. Peter in Rome (the only Edifice that can come in Competition with it) continued in the Building the Space of r 4 5 Years, carried on by no lefs than I 2 Architects fucceffively ; affifi:ed by thePolice and Interefts of the Romarz See ; the ready Acquiiition of Marble, and attended by the heft Artifts of the World in Sculpture, Statuary, Painting, and .M.ofaie W ark, during the Reigns of 19 Popes+·


* Ovid's




1 ·'

t Names of the ARCHITEii:TS.. l· Brattlllntet under 2· Julia11us a Sana" G11JirJ, 3· Frater Jucunrius Pertinetffo Dominicanus · +· Raphael Urbino, S· Baltha.urus Peru.ftus, 6. Michael Angelo Bonar~1a, 7· Pyrrhus Lygorius, 8~. Jacobus Barocius, 9· jt~,f~US a Pqrta,

p o· p E s. Juli•s II.,. Anno Chriffi 1,5.03; Leo X..

Ha.tlrian11:s VI. Clemens VII. Paulus Ill. Julius III. Paul11s IV.

q'he Dijfirenct ~etween the Dimen.fions of St. Peter's Church at Rome, and St. Paul's in London. N. B. Y'ht Proportim of the Roman Palm to the EnglHh: Foot is as 132. is 111 :r:ooo. 1000=732. 914=669,048, and fo of tbe re.ft, ut infra. St. Peter's,

Roman Palms,


St. Paul's. 'ExcersofSt. Peter'sabove St. Paul's.

Englilh Feet Ftat!iQnof EngliD!Fcet. Dilferenc:e 'afqot

of Feet'

Long within






Broad at the Entrance






Front without






Broad at the Crofs






Cupola Clear ..







Cupola and Lantern high

59 1



Church high




33° .110







Pillars in the Front xo. Dominieus Fmau, ·

I I.

Carolus MfJiienzus,


Eques Bmtinus,



Pius IV. Pius V. Gregorius XIII. Sixtus V. Urbanus VII. Greg1rius XIV. 1111l0Cmtius IX. Clemms VIII. Pa11l. Y •. Alexander VU. Urbanus VIII.

Innoc,entius X. 1648.




( -·xS8 ]

The grand Cathedral of St. Paul's (fays an. ingenious Writer)' " is undoubtedly one of the moft magnificent modern Buildings in '' Europe; all the Parts of which it is· compofed are fuperlatively " beautiful and noble; the North and South Fronts in parti~p~ar ''_ are very perfect Pieces of ArchiteCture; neither ought the Eafi: " to go without due Applaufe. The· two Spires at the Weft End '" are in a finilhed Tafte; and the Portico with the Afcent, and '' the Dome that rifes in the Center of the Whole, afford a very " augufr and furprizing ProfpeCt." . . __ . . The Age and Infirmities of the. Grand Mfffler, which prevented his Attendance on this folemn Occafion, .obliged him from . this Time forward to great Retireq1ent : So that Lodges fu.ffered greatly for Warnt of his Prefence, as ufual, in vifiting and reguhtting. their Meetings ; and were at laft reduced to the fmall N umbe:1 ai . mentioned on Page 176. ~een ANN died at Kerfington, without Iffue, on .Aug. I, l-JI4· She was the laft of the Race of King Charles I. upon the Throne of Britain; for the others, being Romans, are excluded by th~ ACt of Parliament for fettling the Crown upon the Prot-eflant I:leirs of his Sifter ELIZABETH Stewart, <l!:!een of Bohemia above,~ viz, on her Daughter the Princefs So PH I A Eledrefs Dowager of Bru'!fwic'k-Lunenbourg; aud fhe dying a little before ~en ANN, hef Son GEoRGE, the EkC1or of Hanover, fucceeded on the faid firft: of Aug. 1714-· · u


bton Ki11g~ q~ J!rg.'tti~ King GEoRGE I. entered Lm n m· magnificently on Sept.'. 20, 17~1 4; and, after the Rebellion, A~ D. 17 J 6, the few LodgeJ at L01zdon, wanting an aCtive Grand Ma.fler, by Re.afon of Sir· CHRISTOPHER WREN's Difability, thought fit. to cement under a. new Grand Majier, as the Center of Union and Harmony. Eor: this Purpofe the Lodges; I. At the Goofe and Gr.idiron, in St. Paul's Churcb-yard;· 2. At the CrO'_Wn,. in :Parker's Lane, near Drury-Lane. 3: At:. 1.

[ 189 ] . !'· At the .Apple-tree Tavern, in Cbarles-"Stnet, Covent-Gardett. 4· At the Rummer and Grapes Tavern, in Channel-Row, We.ftmz'nfler. And fome old Brothers met at the faid Apple-'I'ree; and having put into the Chair the oldeft Majler Mafon (being the Mafler of a Lodge) they conftituted themfelves a GRAND LoDGE pro 'l'empot·t• in due Form, and forthwith revived the ~arterly Communicatio1:t of the Officers of Lodges (called the <a§ranb l:obat) refolved to hold the .Annual AssEMBLy and FEAST:. and then to chufe a GRAND MAsTER from among themfelves,' till they .thould. have the Honour of a N-OBLE Brother at their Head. Accordingly On St.JoHN .BAPTIST's Day, in the gd Y.ear of King GEoRGE. I, A. D. 1717, the ASSEMBLY and FEAST of the Free and:" Accepted Mafons was held at. the forefaid Goofe and Gri dz'ron; . now removed to . the· i<!feen'-s-.dt:ms. T.av.ern in St. Paufs Church"{' yard.



Before Dinner, the oldtfft Majler M:afon (being the Mafter of. a. Lodge) in the Chair, propofed a Lift of proper Candidates; an~ the. Brethren by a Majority. of Hands 1 eleded . . MR ANTONY SA-YER>, GeQtleman) $mttb -fte~ of Mafons., . who being .forthwith invefied with the Badges of Office and Power by the faid ·ofdejl Majitr,. and inftalled,. was duly congratul,ated by· the. Atfembl:f,. who paid him the Hdmage. · Mr Jacob pamb~/1, Carpenter, 1Grand Wardens. Capt. 'JdflprJ Ellzot, . J. S'AYE·R, Grand Mqfter, commaneded the Maflet·s and Wardens . of Lodges to meet the Grand Officers every !zyarter in CoM~u~ N-ICA '.r10N •, at the Place that he. lhould apoint in his Summons . fent by the 'Ijkr. · ·' · •·, N. B. It }s (ial\ed the ff<..uarttrly Osmmuni•oti11n, :bec:aufe it ihould meet ~ar- . terly, according . t9 anti«:.ot Ufage. And, When the Grtmd M'!fler is prefent, it is a Lodge ~IJ, in



in ample F,rm; otberwiti:: tkt FPr.m; yet havh:~g.the fame Authority with ·ample_ Farm.



190 ]

The ASSEMBLY and FEAsT was held at the faid Place, .June 2 4, I 7 I 8, where Brother SAYER, having gathered the Votes after Dinner, proclaimed aloud our Brother, · GEoRGE PAYNE, Efq; $ranb £1'}!)allerof Mafons, who being duly inveil:ed, inftalled, congratulated, and homaged, recommended the frriet Obfervance of the ~arterly Communicatz'on ; and defired any Brethren to bring to the Grand Lodge any old Wr-itings and Records, concerning Mafons and Mqfonry, in order to thew the Ufages of ancient Times: And this Year feveral old Copies of the liVotbit: Co'!ftitutions were produced and collated. Mr John Cordwell,. City-Carpenter,}. Gran d. rY r,rr J aruens. Mr 'thomas Morrtce, Stone.Cutter, . By the Fervency and Zeal of Grand Mafler PAYNE, the Freedom of this Society has been fixed upon the· noble and folid Bafis Df thofe Noblemen and Princes, who have done Honour to the Craft, by their conftant Attendance and laudable Example; a Series of fuch noble Perfonages as no Age, Society, or Nation could ever boa:/1: of to have ruled over them; and who, in a continued Succeffion, will, in all Probability, govern them and lift them up

.for ever. ASSEMBLY and FEAST at the faid Place, June 24, 17r9. Brother PAYNE, having gathered the Votes, after Dinner prodaimed aloud the Reverend Brother JoHNTHEOPHitusDEsAGULIERs. LL.D~ and F.R.S. 015ranil ~ttfll!t of Mafons, and being duly invefted, infh1Ued, congratulated, and homage<l, forthwith revived the old regular and peculiar Toafl:s or Healths of the Free Mafons. Mr Antony Sayer fore:faid, G d rir • J · • 11 5 c r:·d ran rrmuem. Mr t:T'T. :t. (.10. J.v.Lorrzce rore~a1 , Now feveral old Brothers, that had negleded the Crajt1 v1fited the Lodges ; fome Noblemen were alfo made Brothers, and more mw Lodges were conftituted.




[ 191 ] ASSEMBLY and FEAST. at the forefaid Place, July ~4, 1720. Brother D.ll:SAGULIERS, having gathered the Votes, after Dinner proclaimed al9Ud · GEoRGE PAYNE, Efq; again $ranb ~allctof Mafons, who being duly invefted, inftalled, congratu,lated, and homaged, began the ufual Demon!h:.ations of Joy, Love, and Harmony. Mr 'I'homas Hobby, Stone.Cutter, ~ a· ~;] nT J · .~.. ,,. .,rr . . . rur~.U. rr araen.t. M r R 1/:{J. are, Mathematlclan,. : ... ;· --. This Year, at. fome pri'Vat~ Lodges, :leveral very:. vaLuable Ma:.. nufcripts (for they had nothing yet in .Print) coticetning the Fra... ternity, their Lodges, Regulations,. Charges, Secrets,. and Ufages,. (particularly one writ by Mr Nicholas Stone, the Warden of Inigo Jones) were too hafi:ily burnt by fome fdrnptllous Brothers, .that thofe Papers might not fall into ftrange Hands. At the ~arterly Communication or Grand L~dge, in ample Form>. Qn StJohn the Evangelifl's Day, 172o, at the faid Place, It was agreed, in order to avoid Difputes on the .Anttua! FeaftDay, that the NEW Grand Majler, for the future, !hall be named· and propofed to the GRAND LoDGE fome Time before the Feaft,. by the prefen t or oLD Grand M'lfiff v and if appri$)Ved, that the Brother propofed, if prefent, lhall be kindly faluted, or even if abfent, his Health !hall be toafted as Grand Mafler Eleel. Alfo ag~; that for the future, .. the New Grand Majler, as foon as he is- inftaUed,, 1hall have the flle Power of appointing both his Grand Wardens and a DEPUTY Grand Mafter (now found as neceffary as formerly) according to ancient Cuftom, when Noble· Brothers were Grand Majfers•. Accordingly, At the~ -.obge in ample Form, on. Ltfdy·DIZJ, J7:2I, at: the faid Place. Grand Majer P A Y:NE propofed for his Succeffor our moft Noble Brother joHN Duke of MoNTAGU, .Mafler of a ~odge; who being, prefent, was fot.thwith faluted Grand Majier E/etl,, and his HeafdJ,



[ 192 ]

'drat1k in due 'Form,; when the whole Brotherhood expreifed great Joy at the happy Profpet.l: of being again patronized by noble Grand Majlers, as in the profperous Times of Free Mafonry. PAYNE, Grand Ma.fter, obferving the Number of Lodges to increafe~ and that the Ge'neral Af!embly required more Room, pro~ pofed the next A.ffimbly and Feajl to be held at Stationers-.Hall, near 'Ludgate-Street,; which w~s agreed to. Then· the Grand Wardens were ordered, as ufuai, to prepare the ·Feaft, and to take fome STEWARDS to their Affiftance, Brothers of Ability and Capacity, and to appoint feme Brethren, as Waiters, to attend the Tables ; for that no Strangers muft be there. But the Grand Officers not finding a proper Number of Stewards, JostAH VI.LLENEAU, Upholder in the Borough of Southwark, generouily undertook the Whole himfelf, attended by Thomas Morrice, Francis Bailey, and other Waiters.

C H A P. From 1!!5ranb

~affct ~allet


the Duke of MoN'tAGu, to iGranb the Duke of RrcHMo:N:D.


SSEMBLY and FEAST being at Sta.Honers Hall, June 24, I 7 2 I, in the 7th of King GEoRGE I, · P.AYNE, Grand Ma.fter, with his .GraruJWardens, the former Gran.d Officers, . and the: Ma)er.s and Wllnleits ·"'f I 2 ·Lad ges, met the Grand Ma.fler Eletl, in a Grand Lr;dge at the fr(geen's-Arms Tavern in St. Paul's Church-yard, in the Morning; and having forthwith recognized their Choice of Brother MoNTAG u, they made fome new Brothers, particularly the noble PHILIP, Lord StiJnhope, now Earl of Chejletjield : And from thence they marched on Foot to the Hall, in properCloathing and.dueForm; where they were joyfully received by.about r true and faithful, all cloathed. After


[ 193 ] After Grace faid, they fat down in the antient Manner of Mafom to a very elegant Feafi~ and dined with Joy and Gladnefs. After Dinner and Grace faid, Brother PAYNE the old Grand Ma.fler made the Jir:fl Procej]ion round the Hall*, and when return'd, he proclaim'd aloud the moft noble Prince ·and our Brother, JoHN MowrAGU Duke of MoNTAGu, <Gr~nb ~atftt of Mafons; and Brother Payne having i:nv¢fted his Grace's WoR.SUIP with the Enjigns and Badges of his Office and Authodty, inftall'd him in SoLoMoN's.'Chair, and fat down on his Right H1md; while the Affembly own'd the Duke's Authority with due Homage and joyful Congratulations, upon this Revival of the Profperity of

Mafonry. MoNTAGU GrandMajler

immediatelycall'd forth (without nam;. ing him before,) as it were carelefly, JoHN BEAL, M. D. as his Deputy Grand-Mafter, whom Brother Pa;'ne inveiled, and inftall'd in Hiram Abbi.ff's Chair on the Grand Mqfter's Left Hand. In like Manner his WOrjhip SMr. Jqjiah l7illeaneau 1 Grand call'd forth and appointed, Mr. :thomas Morrice J Wizrdens, who were invefl:ed and infrall'd by the laft Grand Wardens. Upon yvhich the DEPUTY GRAND MAsTER and GRAND WAR DENs were faluted and congratulated as ufual. T.t.n MoN~AGU :Grand Mtffter, with his Ojjicers and tht· old O.fjicers, having made theflcond Procdfion round the Hall, Brother l)ES.'\OULl RRS made an e1oquent Ora1·ion about MAsoNs and lVIASONRY. After great Harmony, the EffeCt of Brotherly Love; the Grand }.1ajler thank'd Brother rillmt'cu fvr his Care of the FerJjt, and ot~'d him as Senior Grand Jj7m·dt11, to .clofe the· Lodgt


in good Time~ , · · , , . ., :· : · · ,_:'.: ' The l;(j;ranl:J J!obttt in ample Form on 1 -;.9· Sept,;•t7'2l; at the Kings-..111-ms aforefaid,; ·with the former Grand Officers' and thole of fixteen Lorfgis.. : . . · '

"' Sec the Form thereof in Chapter V.



[ 19+ ] His Grac~·s W9'P.SHIP and the LonGE findi1ig Fault W\rth all the Copjes of .the old 0GTHIC Co,ylitutions; order'd Brother James Anderfon, A.M. to digeft the fame in a new and better Method. The .,Ptanb l!pt.g~ in ample Form on St. jQHN's Day, 27 Dec. I 72 I, .· ~t t}he faid Kings~ Arms, with forme~ Grand Office;·s - and thofe of twenty Lodges. MoNT AGU Grtznd.Majler, at the Deilre of the Lodge, appointed fourteen learned Brotbers to examine Brother ANDERSoN's Manuftript, of the Ocmftirutioll Book, and to make R-eport. And this Communication was made very entertaining by the Lechtrcs of fome old M.afans. ~anll jto.bge at the Fountain Tavern in the Strand, in ample Form, 2 5March 1722, with former Grand Officers and thofe of twenty foar L~dges. .The faid Committee ·of fourte~n reported that they had perufed Brother ANDERSON's Manufcript, <'()tZh the Hiflor:y, Charges, Regulatiom, and Mafler·s Song!t- and after fome Amendments, had approv'd of the fame : Upon which the Lodge defir'd the Grand Mafler to· order it to be printed. Mean while,. Ingenious Men of ALL Faculties and 'Stations; being convinc;eW that the.Cement of the Lodge was LovE and FRIENDSHIP, earneftly requefted to be made MASONS,. affecting this amicab-le,f,raternity· more than other Societies, then often difturbed by warm Di'ii'J'ltes. GrandMnjler J\1oNTAGu's good Governmeat inclin'd the better.· Sort to c~n11e him in the ~h• ~ ~Mi;. :Uld tilercfote they: delay'd to prepare~ Pe4ft~ .. · · · ·. : · But PrutiP·Duke of WHARTON, lately made a Brother, thd' not the Mqjler of a Lodge, being. ambitious of the Chair, got a. Number of Brethren to meet him at Station1rs-Hall, 24 June 1722,., who having no Gra1zd Officers prefent,. put in the Chair the alddf Majier Majo11 (who was not the prefent Ma,fl:er of._ a Lodge, alfo irregular) and without the, ufual. decent Ceremonials,. the faid old

Mafon l'roclaim•d aloud,




95 ~

Duke of





Mafons, and Mr. Jojhua CJ'imfon, Blackfmith, l Grand }but his Grace apMr. William Hawkins, Mafon, SWardens. pointed no Deputy1 nor was the ~dge opened and dofed in due Form. Therefore the nq/Jle Brothers, and all thofe that would not couny tenance Irregularities, difown·d WHARToN's Authority, till worthg Brother MoNTAGU healed the Breach of Harmony by SummoninThe •obge to meet 17 January li£2-3; at the King•s ·Arllis aforefaid~ wliere the Duke of WHARToN promiung to be '!'rue and Faithful, Dt:puty Grand Mafler BEAL proclaim'd aloud the moft noble Prince and our Brother, II. PHILIP WHARToN Duke of WHARToN; ~raub ~lle~ of Mafons, whg being duly lnvefted, Inftall'd, Congratulated, Homaged, and having permiUed the ufual Demonftrations of Joy, Love and Harmon~ by. the f~~ GramJ O.Jiiters~ and the Oificers of twen~y five LAtlges, appointed· . ""nl)n O:!sAGULIE:Rs, Deputy Grand Mt!fler2 ·.. afor~faid,} n. '.~.~··u/:.-:.1. · "·~ . . '· ··Jofb'ua J tlffH!S.· 'Timfon, A. J ,.r, A•.. M • vf'iJrll!",,.f. ' .anuetjon, · · · . . tlf'g.~~. .·· . . . .r ' ' Grand Warden AN:QERso» prQueed the N~w Bdok of Om.ftitutions,.in Print; which was again appr<>Y'd, as was alfo the Addition ot\~ iiRUIIIIA~: ef Gn/lituting a Lodge. . ; ' '. Now MAsoNRY flouriili'd in Harmony, Repntatibfiiahd Ndm~ hers 3 many Nobletnen' and Gen.den\en Of t'Abfw/J 1Rank. de fired to be admitted into the Frate1·nity ; befides other Learned Men, MerchiRf:s, Ci.ergr!Xlen «nd Trade:fmea, who found a Lodge to be a iar;t ..a,na ;pl~i'fam: 1\dla~atiot k<Jtnllrltenfe Study, er the Hui-ry of Bufinefs, WITHOUT Politicks or Party. ~here~ore the (J.ra~tiM.:f­ ter 1\ttit o\1~~ to t&nfHtare ihore ~ .Dolges, ~ ·affidu.ous in· 1'#ng the, !Adges e¥ery W«k7 · withi. h%1 Vtp?:tty and Wardens; and his Worfhip well pleas'd WHti·du~ii Mtnd andrefpe8:ful Manner of receiving him, and they with ~is affable and becoming Con,~rfltfbtJ. ·· · · ·' · · ·· . .· . Cc 2 *anb




( rg6


~ranb ~obg-e

in ample Form, 2 5 Apr/! ~ 723, at the JF"hiteL:cn in Conzbi/1, with former Gralld Officers and thofe of thirey Lodges, call'd over by Grand Watdm ANDE.R soN; for no Sc.crctary was yet appointed: When \VH.c"..RTON Grand Majler propofed for his Succ..effor the Earl of DALKEITH (late Duke of BucKLEUGH) Majler of a Lodge, who was unanimouily approv'd, and duly fahited as Grand Majler Elect~ The 'l'ickets for the next Fet!J1 were order'd to be Ten Shillings each, imprefs'd fi·om a curious Copper Plate, and fealed with the Grand Majler's Seal of OHic;e, to be difpofed of by the Grand Wardms and the Stewards. ASSEMBLY and Feafl on Monday 24Jw;e 1723, atMerchtmt 'l'r:zy!ors-Hall, in 'fhreadneedle-Street. The Committee appointed to keep out C9wa!'Zs, ancl the Stewm~ds to receive the '1 ickets and dirett the Servants came early. WHARTON Grand Majler came attended by fome eminent Brothers in their Coaches; and forthwith walking 'with his Deputy and Jtrardens into the Lodge-Room; he fent for the Mqflers and Wardens. of Lodges, who came from the Hall, and form'd the Grand Lodge,. call'd over by Brother William Cowper, Efq; now appointed Secretary •. Some obferving that Brother Dalkeith was now in S~otland, propofed to the Grand Mafier to name another for his Succeffor ; bu~; DALKEl TH's Wardens declat'd that his Lordihip wouldfoon return .. Adjourn'd to Dinner. About 400 Free Maflns,.all duly clothe~#. d~p~d elegantly iQ. due: Forrn. ' After Dinner, Brother WHARToN made the firfl Proctjjion round the Tables, and when return'd proclaimed aloud our noble ~





Ill. FRANCIS. ScOTT Earl of DALKEI'l'R ®raub m~allet of Majom. He had left with the WardqzJ. of ·his private Lodge a Powet· to appoint in his Name,. ~ See the Form of this Proceffion in Chapter V,..

[ :197


Dr. DESAGULI.ERS :his Deputy Grand Maflet,,.who fiU'd ,tfl~ Chair; and having than.ked the Ste<wards, ordered Grand ~~rdet~ Sorrell tu clofe the Lodge in good Time.* , · .· · : · . ·~.. ;- :; Frmitis Sorrell, Efq5 ~ , ,~.G ... J· :.wr" d •• · : ; .. •· .: c.. M h . . .. ran worams. , · 'John Senex, at ematltla.fl,_; ' ' :: ~n.: L,~. "c:'' <$raub :Uob- at the Crown q'avern ·in 't'h7:earlnredl~-fireet, 2 5·No.t\ .• I 7 2 3, in ampie Form with former Grand Officers and tho_(e of thirty Lodges. ~hey agreed< 4>11:~~ Thin~i for the Good of Afajonry, wbiah, with other fDhlngslafierm~ detenn.i:f;l'~ !at' Grand Lodges, are difpers"d in the New· Regulations., .·Cfimmittfe if :Charity, &c. hereafter ; and fpecial Care was taken to prevent Difturbance, and preferve Harmony on ·FeajJ-Days.. ··' ·<!!irattb l!obge in ample Form· at tht! . aforefaid Crown~: l9 Ftl;r~ 1723-4, with former Grand Officers~ and thofe.ofthirty-iix Lo.4ges. \lDranb at®Gt in ample the Crown;afurefaid,: 28 April 1724, with former Grand Ojjicers, 5:nd tbofe o.fthirty~one Lodges. DA!.K.EiT'I!_Gran'd MIZ}ler propofed for his·Su'"ceifor ,the moil: noble Dukt ·ut\Rza.BMioblB and:LtNNo:x (~tid Dukt; J'..dllkigriJP Ma:fier of a Lodge, who J~Vas joyfully :Cal.Uted Gra1f!i_ Mqjl«f~. ,!







From eranb .fftt .the Duke of RICHMOND, to erantr 91f1afte~ · ·.the Duke of NOR FOLK, · •


andFeafibeingatMercha.nt.. .. ·f}rmlt?24• ... t ··DALKEITH GraNd Mofof.,wltlih)S..!lf)~.,and Wardens waited on Brother R~eahfoND in the· MdrnimS.~-'his Houfe ~:Whitehall,. L



. ~\


l '

Stewards that aCt~d at the Feafi: on 24 June · Mr. Henry Prude,· Mr. Giles Glutterbud, . Mr~ john Shefheftl) ·. ·. · · '

. • ·,{

1:7~3, 'abd ~~WPlickly thanked. C=rpt. JJffljmn Hodges, Mr. Edward Lambert, Mr. CIJariiJ. Kent.


[ tg8 ] who with many Brothers duly clothed, proceeded ·in Coaches from .the Wefl to the Eojl~ and were handfomely .received at the Hall by

. a va.fl .A./Jembly. · The GRAN,n.LoDG'E met, and haying canfirmed·theirChoice of Brother RrcHMOND., adjourned fo·Dinner. Dinner ~ing ended ·Grand Majier DAL~.ElTB made thejitjl Proceffion round theTa-

.bies, viz..


Brother Clinch to clear the W~y. . 'The Stewar4s two and two a Breaft with white Rods. ···.secretaf,y Cow:nat with the Bag, and on his Left The Majlcr of .a. Lodge with One Great· Light. 'Two other Great Lights born by two M~rs of Lodges. · FotmerGram/Wardmsp~edingQncbyo.\lJ~;a®~.~ ]twirrJij. Former Gr11i1d MizjJ~s pr<Xi:eedi~g,., aecordiog to Juniority~ · · SoR&ti.. and SENEX the two Grand Wardens. DEsAGtlLIERs

On the Left Hand.

Deputy Grand Mafier alone. . Oil the Right Hand.

'The S.cwordta:.·r.~. )by~t~Mafter/The Bo.?k: .. of C:O'!flitutions on a of the Lodge to . whu::h: the : Cu&10n earned by the Mlljier: Sword belonged.* · · the Senior Lodge prefent. Ricii:M:oNn'Grtinl Maj1er E!eCJ. DA:t.KEI'ttt Grl!flld·Mll}kr - ··c. During the Proce.f!ion t4t'ee Tim~s roun<! .~he ~abies, the Brethren ftood up and faced abou't \with' the 1-eg'Ufat ·Salutations ; and when






. Brother DtLKEI'J:tl.f ~d~!!~ ·: g to the Lljfom~Jiy~ thanked thetn for tlu~Jionour ···heir Gr~nd Majier, and then prod~·~ liM~ ?t'o!Jle :Pi"i.sce and our Brother,, IV. CHARLES LENNox Duke'of Richmond and Lennox :<eranb: SJJ.?Qtl~ M6Zfoi'/s. , The Duke having bowed to the 4/flm~IJ, Brother D4-LK.Er_-r.~, invefted him with t~e proper Erlfigns and Badges. of his Office a~d Authorit~ l 'ioilallcxi _hip1 in SoLdf4o~'s.ClJair, and .w~ib~~ hiin all

he fia





J "" • - .,.. ..





'1, ,_\.,...,·:Net/ by






the G$nd Sword· B~u•.. ,.•.. : . .

· Profperity,

( ItJ9



fat down oa his Right Hand. .Upon which the'. A{. feu1bly joia.ed in due Homage, affectionate Congratulations and.· other Signs of' Joy. . RICHMOND Gnznd Mqfie~ !tanding }lp, caUed forth (as it wer.eby Accident) and appointed ·. MART 1 N F 01;. K ~s, Efq; Deputy Grand Mttfler, who was in veiled. and inf1alled by the lafi: Deputy in the Chair of Hiram Abbij.. G(orge P.ayne, Efq; formerly. G. M.. ·~· r; 1 rr? _,_ · .. D. • " lZ Er. ! G ~- w··m"-ven. .;f .pralfCt$ ~::>QYr(. , rq; at-e , ' rana ,, araens .' • , 1fiJliam CowperJ Efq; was continued Secretary by the Grand MaJ. ter's returning him the Books, and all of them were formaily .con. gratul~ted· bx the .d.flembly.* · RICHMOND Grcmd Mojler made the ficond Procefli'on round the Tables like the Firfl, except that Brother DALKEITH walked firfi: as the youngeft laty Grand MtJjler; clofe after the former Grand Wardens• and RICHMOND walk'd aioue laft of all, with his.DE· immediately before him, and his twoGrand Wartkns before ilie Depti!J ; aad JJefOre them the Sword and Conflitutisns-, , · When return'd, . The Grand Majler began to. taaft ·the regular Hralths, and due Refpecrs to our noble Brothers prefent and abfent, particularly to our laft good Grand Mtifler DALKE IT H. After-whidl, .the ufual Expreffions of Joy, Love and Friendthip. went.toiHil<l;. ·aod,the .Affetn/Jiy r i ml::dl:agreeablj entertained with Orations, Mufick and MafonRSongs, till the Grmzi'Mafler ordered bis fenior Warde1z PAy N .E to clofe the Lodge in good Time. Now ~ASONRY was illuftrious at home and abroad, and L,.,/, PUTV




• Sttwallds that a&d at ~he Feafr on 24 'ft"'J1~ aad we~e publkkl:y tbllnked: Mr. Hmrj Prulk, · · · 'Capt; 8dtlfttii 1'tifltitJI;; Th fi ·fi .fr fi C.~pt. ·Benjamin Hodges Mr. Giks ~1,.,. · ·



aCl:~e a: t~: 'Mr. Gilts Clutterhuclr,

}aft F ll ca • · .2; ~

Mr.J~h.n Sh1ph8rd,

Mr. Edward Lanibert, LMr: ~ l{mt., .

Capt. ~IMPtiel Smith,

Mr. Rfthiztd.Crofts, · Mr. Peter Paul Kemp,. Mr~ Mirth Stainer. .

6aa1l .


2-oo ···J

~tan\ 1!obge in ample Form at the Crown aforefaid, 2 I Nw. I7 24, with former Grand Officers and thofe of forty Lodges. When Our noble Brother DALKEITH ·propofed a Fund. of GENERAL CHARITY for poor Brothers, which was agreed to by all. . ~raub nobge in ample Form at the Bell 'I'avern, Weflmittfter, I 7 March 1724-5, with former Grand Officers and thofe of thirty-fix

Lodges. \$ranb l!obgt in due Form at the Devil, 'I'emple-Bar, zo May I 7 2 5, with former Grand Officers and thofe of thirty-eight Lodges, Deputy Grand Mqfter FoL~Es in the Chair held a moft agreeable Communication. ®ranb l!.obgc in due Form at the Crown aforefaid, on 24 June 1725, when the Grand Officers were defired to continuefix Months longer. ~ranb ;t!obge inampleForm at theBel/aforefaid, 27 Nov. 1725, with former Grand Q!Jicers and thofe of forty-nine Lodges, When RICHMOND Grand Mafter propofed for his Succeffor the Lord P A 1 SL E Y (afterwards Earl of Abercorn) Mczfter of a Lodge, who was gladly faluted as Grand-Mqjler ElcB. No Stewards were appointed. But Grcmd Mqfter RICHMOND defired our Brother John James Heidegg~r to prepare the Feaft in the beft l\1anner. ASSEMBLY and Ft'a.fl atMerchant-'I'aylor's-Rall on St. JoHN's Day, 27 Dec. 1725 . .Lord PAISLEY, being in the Country, .had by Letter made the . Duke .of Ru::~oND his Proxy~ a~d a.11:p1~?s, bein~ regtllarly tr·anfacted as above, :Brother RicHMOND pwcia'iin'<il our noble Brother, V. ]AMEs HAlVIILTON Lord PAISLEY, l(!)ranil mfJtl!'fcr ·of


Mafons. as Pro:x:y> continu~d in .the Chair, and in Grmd lv!qjler PAISLEY's Name appointed Dr. DEsAGUI.lERS "Brother


Deputy Grmzd Mqfter ..

. . Colopel Danid Houghton, } G · ·d rir 1 . . · . ra12 rr araens. S1r 'I'homm Prendergaji, Bart,


[ .·201 ]

In both Precetlions the DuKE wa,lked alone. 'fh~ Secretary was contint.Jed~ Brother Heidegger wa,s thanked for th~ elegant and fuil1ptuous Feaft; and the GraniMajler ordered hisS. Warden.JJoughtQn to · clGfe the Lotlge iri good Time. . -t15ranb !!.obgt, in ample Form, ·at the Bell aforefaid, on Monday 28 Feh. 172.5-6, with former. Grand 0./ftcers, and thofe of thirty-fix Lodges, . 4irattll J!objt, in ample Form, at the Crown aforefaid, on 'Monday I2 Dec. 26•.17'1.6, with former Grand Officers, and thofe of .thirty Lodges. · · · In this long Interval the Deputy Grand MtJjler duly vifited the Lodges till the Principal came to Town, who now propofed for his Succeffor the Earl of 1NCHI(t!HN, Mafter of a LOdge, and he was gladly faluted as Grand Ma)er Eleil. . No Stewards: But Brother Edwartl Lambert undertook to pro~ vide the Pe'!ft in an elegant Manner, according to Cuftom. -ASSEMBLY and Feajl at Mercers-Hall, on Mrmday 27 N. 1726-7. All Things being regularly tranfaeted as above. :Srothet' Paijley proclaimed aloud our.noble,'Bt(')ther . VI. WILLIAM 0 BRIEN, Earl of Inchiquin:~ <Srantt ~atltt

of Mufons. ·



Efq; *his Deptlty Grand Ma.fler. Alexander Choke, Efq;} G d Trr 1 1.rrn· D J Er.1q; ran rraraens. rr ts~zam _.J;)Prurm, Mr EPWARb WILsoN was made Secretary; and Brother Lam~ {Jert was thanked for his Care of the Feafl. 4!Sranb !!.obge, in ample F 9tm, at th~ Crown aforefaid, on JYednefday May 1 o, 1727, with former GrtznJ Ojjicsrs, and thofe of forty Lodges ·in great Harmony. . .· . DuriQg the Ma.fterjhip of Lord.INCHIQ...UIN_, WILLIAM CowPER


Formerly Secretary.


r ....

202 -


King GEORGE I. having reigned near 14- Years, died at Ofi nabrug, where he was born, in his Way to Hanover, where he was buried aged 67 Years, on June u, 1727, when his Son fuc~ · ceeded, 'Viz. King GEORGE II. aged 44 Years, who with his ~een CAROLINE were crowned at Weflmin.fler, on OCI. r r, 1727. ·. In the lail: Reign, fundry of the .fifty new Churches in the Suburbs of London were built in a fine Stile upon the Parliamentary Fund, particularly the beautiful St MARY le Strand, But St MART IN's in the Fields was, at the fole Charge of the Parifhioners. rebuilt il:rong and regular: And it being· a Roy~l Parilli Church, King G:e:oRGE I. fent RICHARD Biihop of Salijhury, his Lord Almoner, as Deputy, and :thomas Hewet, Efq; his Sur'Ve)'Or Genera~, att~nded by Brother Gibbs (the .Archite& of that grand Pile) with many Free Mq(o12s, in a folemn Proceffion from the Palace, to level the Footjlrme of the South-Ea.ft Corner, by giving it three great Knacks with a Mallet, in the King's Name, and laying upon it a Purie of I o o Guineas : When the Trumpets founded, all joined in joyful Acclamations, and the .Craftfmen went ~o the Taver.n to ~rink .. ·2.



The l1!{cription below was cut in the Stone, and Lead put upon it.~

· ''.: .:.S~RJ~1Sll"t!ti-~tt;&,~·~~~~lf§t::: ·. PER




·PosulT MA.RTII 19· AtjNC? DOM;IN~. 1721. ANNOQ!l'E REGNI sui. Oc.tAvo •.



203 In this Reign alfo, the Art was difplayed in the New Buildings in and about Hamver-Square, as in the neat Houfes of the Dukes of Bolton, Montrofe, and Roxborough ; of Sir Robert Sutton and General Wade; of the Earl of Burlingt01z in Picadilly; of the Duke of Chandois at Canons near Edgware'* ; the Court of the Rolls; Wan.flead~Houfe~ on Epping·Forefl, by the Earl of '1'-ilmy; HoughtorzHall in Noifolll, by Sir Robert Walpole t) Knight of. the Garter; Sir Gregory Page's Haufe on B!at:k-,heath ; and many more, either fini.lhed or founded before the King's Death, that iliew a fine Improvement in the Royal Art. In the Fitj/ Year of King GEoRGE II. INcHIQ,.!l'IN, Gra11d Majter~ alfembled the Grand Lodge in fi<!farterly Communication, with former Grand Officers, and thofe of forty Lodges, at the Dev# Tavern~ 'l'emple-Bar, on Saturday June .2 4, 1727. " · ~ttUlb J4:~~~, in due Form, .at the Bell aforefaid, on Satur.. da; z8" OtJ. 1727, with former Grand 0./ficers, and thofe of ~rty.. five Lodges. Deputy Grand Mafter CowPER in the Chair.' · cl!Srattb !Q:obgt, in due Form, at tlie Droit Tavern aforefaid, on 'luefday I 9 Dec. I 7 2 7, with former Grand Officers, and t~ofe of only eighteen Lodges. Deputy Grand Mafler CowPER in the Chair,, eloquently exc~fed the. Qrapd Mafter's Abfence in Ireland, and his fudderi Calling theni together; for that the Feaft drew nigh, and that the Grand Mqfler had, by Letter, impowered him to propofe, for hisSucceifor, the·Lord CoLERANE, Mafter of a Lotlge, who was forthwith faluted as Grand Mafter Elet1. ' ~o Stewards being appointed, Brother Lambert agajn undertook to provide the Feaft. ,~ · · · ASSEMBLY an<il FEAST at Mercers-Hal!, on St.J~HN's Day. Wednefday 27 Dtc. I 727. All Things being regularly tranfatted • Since pulled down •.

t Afterwards Earl Qf Orford.



[ 204] as above, Deputy Grand Majler CowPER proclaimed aloud our noble Brother . · VII. HENRYHARE,LordCoLERANE,$rattb®anerof Mafons. Who appointed ALEXANDER C~oK.E, Efq; Deputy Grand Majler. Nathaniel Blakerby, Efq; G d 73r J ~r. h ri· h . p . ran rr araens. . M r. J0eP ntg more, amter; Mr. WILLIAM REID was made Secretary, and Brother Lam!Jert was thanked for his Care. ~raub ~obge, in ample Form, at the Crown aforefaid, on Wednifday 17 April 1728, with former Grand Ojjicers, and thofe of twenty-feven LDdges. ~raub l".obge, in ample Form, at the. King' s-Arms a~orefaid, on :tuefday 25 June 1728, with former GrandV.Jicers, and thofe of twenty-eight Lodges. $ranb ~obge, in due Form, at the ff<!feen's-Head Tavern in Great ff<.yeen-jireet, on 'luefday 26 Nov. 1728, with the Earl of lNCHIQ..!JIN, and other former Grand Ojjicers,· and thofe of thirty Lodges, Deputy Grand Mafler, C:Hott:E, .in. t?e Chait, excufed the Grand Mqfier's Abfence, and in his Name 'J>mpo(ed, .for Succe:tfor, the Lord KINGSTON, Mafter of a Lodge, Whd was\ We1l tCCo$-:mended alto by Brother INCHIQ..!J i:N, and was forthWith faluted


as Grand Ma.fter Eleei. ·. . : , . Brother Difaguliers moved to revive the Of/ice of Stewards, to 'affift the ~~a~d Wa~~s~ .in. J?i"o~~~. ~ · ,·~~"c) a~~ that theit Number b~ f~v~;,w~1ch was'rea.tlilf ,, ~q i Who Were ac'cordirigly appoi~4 ·.asJn. the Margin below .•. . 1

• Suw ~R.ns tha~ aet~d 61'1 2-7 Du.· 172:8, and -were' p~bli~kly thankl:'d. . 1. ~r

2· · Mr

jopn Revis,

Eawin W'tird; .

l• f.{r &mvel Steqd, -+· Mr 1'heodore Cheriholm, 5. Mr 'fl!i0i4m Benn, o. Mr 'Ger.idd Hatley,


7. Mr Wf/liam ·Wilfm, .3. Mr lritliam i'"nh, 9- ~ WiJI1atn H~k.ittr, :xo. Mt Thomas Reafon, 11. Mr Thomas Alford. Ii~ Mr H. Strvii~.



205 ] A SSE M B L Y ~d FEAST at .Mercers-Hall, on St JOHN's -Day, Friday 27 Dec. 1728. Deputy Grand Majer CHOKE, with his Wardens, feveral noble Brothers, former flrand Officers, and many Brethren, duly clothed, attended the Grand Majer EleCf in Coaches from his Lordfhip,s Houfe in Leicejler-Square, and conduCted him frotn the Weft to the Eaft: And all Things being regularly tranfacred, as on fuch Occafions had been nfual, Deputj Grand Mafler CHoKE proclaimed aloud our noble Brother VIII. jAMEs KING,. Lord KINGSTON, of the Kingdom of Ireland, ~rnnb ~nller of Mafons. ·· · Who appointed

Efq; 1Jeputy Grand Mtifier. Sir 1ames .Cf'hornhill, Tir J ,... . Grand rr aruens. M . r Marttn 0 \,Jon nor, · : The Secretary was continued. . . $tatttr ~otrgt, in ample Form, at the three 7'uns, Switbin's;. .Alley, near th~ Royal Exc!Jange, .on March 27, 1729, with former Gnmd O.fficers, .~ thofe· thirty-one Lodges. ~tanb Jtobge,. in due . Form·, being at the Klng~-:.btns .a£0refaid, an Friday l I July, r Ijft.Z~ ~itbii?rlpCr ~andOificers,. and thofe of twenty-fix Lodges. Deputy Grand Majer BLAKER»Y NATHANIEL BL.AKERBY,




was the Chair. $~ ··~ itl. fllfiPif Form, at·· ~ J)ef;it Tavem,. flmljk· Bar, on Tuiftiay •l Nll'tlo~ 17~9:s wi~ ~Gr~r.(JrtzRtl Qflicets, and thofe of twenty-feven Lodges. KINGSTON, Grand Majler, at his own Coft, provided a curious Pedt.flal aod a rich Cujhion, with golden Knobs and Fringes for the CJ'op of the Pedeflal; a. fin~ Yef:uqt.Bf(g for t~"J.~ f.nd a Badge ~f two golden Pens ~-:£rofs $1 :his'lk~!.t: J!qr ~hich very handfon:m ·Prefentsi the ·Uge returned .healty. t'haaks in a

folemn Maimer..



·•· ' ·~11b


[ 206

~ranb l,(l.bgt, in. due Form, at theaforefaid Tavern, on St. JoHN's Day, ~aturday 27 Dec. I 729, with our noble Brother INCHIQ.Y IN, and other former Grand Officers, and thofe of thirty-two Lodg~.s:

When BLACKERBY, .Deputy. Grand Mafter, -in the Chair, in the GRAND MASTER's Name, and by his Letter, propofed for Succeifor, the Duke of NoRFOLK) Mafter of a Lodge, who was joy.fully faluted .Grand Majler Elect.

C H A P.


From eraub SllE}atlt~ the Duke of NoRFO.LK, to 4!5raull ~1lt~ the Earl of CRAUPURD.

-. A

S S EMBLY. and FEAST at Merchant-CJ'aylor's-Hall, o~ 'r.hurfday, Jirn. 2.9, 1729-30*, in the third Year of King ·GEoRGE U. · · · .. · . l K-INGSTON, Grand Majl~r, with hi~· )Jeputy a1ld · · Warde~s, attended the Grand Mafler ElelJ in the Morning, af hi~ Giice's Haufe in St. james's-Square; where he was met by a vaft Number of Brothers; duly clothed ; and from thence they cwent· from We.ft to Eajl, in the ..followi~g Proc1Jion of ~ttl', .,..; <Y

'. '


'_I.,, ,._, ,:L

, •


' '

• ,

~ "



* Stewards that ~ed O¥ .29 'January 1729-30. r. M.r. John R.evis, . 2. Mr. Samuel Stead, 3• Mr. £dwin Ward, . 4• Mr. Wi/Jiam!IYtlfon, 5· Mr. Thomas Reafon,

6. Mr. Jl'iPiam Te~u,

1 The :fttjt .Six 7· Mr. William Serjeant, laeted at the lq/1 8. 'James Chambers, Efq; Fetifi, and they 9· Mr. - Pread, were a:U pub10. Mr. -Bardo, Senior, 1ickly thanked. r I. Mr.·- Bardo, Junior, for their Care. 12. Mr. Charles Hoar•


• Brother

[ 207 ] · · . Brother Johnfon to clear the Way. SJx STEWARDS with their BADGES and White Rods. Two in each Chariot. . Brothers without Diflinction, duly clothed, in Gentlemen's Coache~. The NOBLE and:EMINENT Bretht:en duly clothed, in their own Chariots. Former GRAN:P OFFICERS not noble, clothed proper, in Gentlemen~s Coaches. · Former NOBLE Gra12d Majlers clothed· proper, in their own Chariots. TheSEcRETARYa/one,withhisB.AooEandBAo~clothed,in~hatibt.

clothed proper; with their Badget, in one Chariot. · ·, The D. G. MASTER a/one, clothed proper,.with hisBadge,;in aChariot.· KINGsToN ®ranb SJll?atltt1 clothed pr.oper with BADGE. in one ,..,Coach. ' . NORFOLK G. M. EleCI, clothed only as ~MASON-. . . . . . , ·· . · · Tne Duke of Nofjolk's· Coach of State empty. · .. . .The .Stewarrls halted at Cbar£ng-Crqft #II. t];le MefTerger ·brought Orders to move on flowly, ~d tiH th~ Refi :f~IIt?~ea ~ And when the Grand Mafl'tr moved from the Square, Brother John Pine, Efq; the Mar.lhal, made hafte to the Hall to qonduCl: the,·:. . . . dJ :;: The Two



hisl .


. ., ·

Proce!Jion of ~nttp at the. Hid!.~ Gate. The. twelve Stewar<ls fianqingt .~ ~Jl.=~~Q, -~~ide . 0£ thf: ,' P~!rage, made a La&e with,their White Rods. , . · Brother 'johnfmz clear'dthe Way. Former Grand Wardens walk'd one b:y: o~e, ..acc'?;ding t.6 Junj~ity. Former D. G,:If'!~ Mto/fer~ walk~~.o~e t6 Jttn'ilrit;•. Fotmet·Grand' Mi}Jers· 'Hy'1urnbrit'y, viz. Lord CoLERAINE, Earl of lNCHIQ..YIN', Lo1·d PAISLEY, Duke of RICHMOND, Earl of DALKEITH, Duke of MoNTAGu, Dr. DE.s.&GULIERs, G:toRGE PAYNE, Efq; and Mr. ANTONY SAY:U. :." · Then the Ste5J.Jards clof«l,~·"1~king ~..wo,a~4 T~-.! , . . · ,Th~,Se~et~t1r~~~q.::£ ,.; : · ;:; · , The twa .~!"IJ!l~ lfardfz.s ¥>ge_t~F·., . · · · The Deputy Grand MaJier. ak>:de.•· ~·.;:r- .1 ·.. On the Left HaneL · ··· · ·on the fiijl/t Band: Tbe SwoRD b~rn by the Mll:fter, -T~~-~oox .of CQNSTITuTroNs. of the Lodge to which 'it be-· · on ·the'flheCztjhio1z carried .by , ~ong>d. . the Mt!fler of the Senior Lr/Jge;. NoRFOLK Grand Ma.fter EleCI. KINGSTON Grand Mfljler. MPrjhal Pine with his 'Irzmcheon Blue1 tipt with Gold.



·208 ]

In this Order they decently walked into the Lodge Room (while the others walked into the Hall) and there the MCffter and Wardens of Lodges received their GRAND MAsTER with Joy and Reve.. renee in due Form. He fat down in his Chair hefore the Pedejlal, covered with the rich Cujhion, upon which were laid the Co'!ftitutiom and the Sword; and the Grand Ma:fler Efe8, on his Right Hand. The Lodge being open, the laft Minutes were read by the Secre .. tary; and the.Eleclion of Brother NoRFOLK was folemnly recog... nized. ' Adjourn,d to Dinner, A Grand Feaft indeed! Dinner -being ended, and the Jir:ft Proceffion made round theTables*, Brother KINGSTON pr.oclaim'a alolld tlte molt: noble Prince the F I Rsi' Duke, Marquis.And Eqrl of Great :(Jritain., and 6Ut Brother IX. THoMAS How .ARD, DUke of Norfolk, ~~ttb •fftr of

-#afo11S. And having invefted him and infrall'd him in Soi.oMoN's Chair" he fat down on his Right Hand. Upon which the Aj[embly joi.ned in their Homage and Cofl@ratulatio&s. · No1tF:OLK Gratitl MajJer.. , NATHANIEL BLACKERBY, Efq; 'DefttfJ QrarzJ M.ajter. Col. Gea. Carpenter, late Lord Carpenter,}G d 7rr . .J cT'f_ B t-r; ·Er1q; c·oun1~ r...:tlor . at Law, . ran rr araens. :L.oa. at.;on, The Secretary was continued. 'And having made thefecoad Procejjion round the Tables, in the uf1atal Form, gr~at H~orl¥ ~·~~iP~~ll!fjier order~ S. G. Warden- :CA~·illTE.R "to daCe tie Loige in good Time. ~ranb Jl.Jlllgt irl·ampJe Form at the Droit Tavern near 'TempleBar, on 'l'uejaay 21 April 1730, with the noble Br?thers, RICHMOND, lNCHIQ.!JIN, KINGSTON, CoLERANE, and other former Grand Ojjicers> with thofe of thirty one Lodges. ~uch Time was fpent in receiving and beftowing Charity• .~ ·~ the Form of this Procdfion in Chapter V,

[ 209 ].

4Drattb ~ol)Je in due Form was again held at the Devil 'tavern, on Friday 28 .dug. 1730, with former Grand 0./ftcers, and thofe of thirty-fotar.Lodges. D. G. Mejier BLAKERBY in the Chair. <!!5ranb 1Jtobgt in due Form. a.t the King'-.Arms cr'avern aforefaid ~ on cr'uefday I 5 Dec. 1730, with our noble Brother.CoLERANE, and other former .Grand Qfficers, and thofe of ferty-one Lodges. Deputy Grand M;gjerMBLAKERBY in the·Chab;,. moved to poftpone the Feafl, the ORAND MAST:ERbeioglat 17mt}:e; wh~:wasagrecd tQ. But that. did not ptevent . A I!IStanb Jl.obge which. was held in due Form at the Droit 'Tavern aforefaid, on 29 jan. 1730-I:. with former Grand Officers, and thofe of thirty-one Lodges.,· Deputy Grand Mtljier BLAKERBY ac:.. quainted the Lodge, that. tho' our.Right Wor£hipful Grand MAs~ TER was now at Venice,, He .wa.s B.9~ unl!ll;iadful of the Br:otherhood, but had fent three kit1d Ptef~nts, 1 natnely, ; J. TWENTY PoUNPS to the Fund,iof Mafon,.s-Charity. 2. A Large F:fllio Book: of· the fineft Writing Paper f<>rthe .B.Eco R.D s. r~f the GrfltJIJ,Lodge, mofi: richly. bound. in 'furky. and gil4ed, and on the Frontifpiece in Vellum, the ARMS of NORFOLK at.npty difplay'd,· with a Latin lnfcriptioo: of his--noble 'Titles. And at the End the ARMS of MAsoN'R v; Iikewife amply difplay'd and illuminated. 3· rhe Okl, 'fr!f!IJ~~wo~pof .G..u:r~A.vusAJJ~~PHUS, King of Sweden, that ms'w<>re rleJtt tij .\li$:3u~orio· War; the brave BERNARD Duke of Sax-Wez'mar, with both their names on the Blade; which the Grand Mafter had order'd Brother George Moody (the King's Sword.Cutler to adorn richly with the Arms of Noifolk in Silver.on :the:Scabbard:·; ·in·o~6et-: tQ he.. the G:aAND MAS"l'B•:s A\hlo~ of State. foc .thtdiltare•. · ··~ .. : .· The L9dgeexeref~'d t·heir grate(ul Accep~ee inthek·~~greeable Manner. ~be Feafl was again po.ftpon~.' . · • . . <65ranb 1Jr.obgt .'in due: Form at the De'Vz'l 'J:q/otrR aforefaid, on Wednefday 17 March 1.730·1, with our Brothers RICHMoND and Ee CoLE..

[ 210 ]

··CoLERAN.E; and other former GrandO.fficers, Lord:Lo:vEiL and the Otil.cers of twenty-nine Lodges,_ when Dtputy Grand Ma)er iLAK E a:s v in the Chait pro~ fed (.tn the 'Grizhd M4jler.s Name f9r 'Sac,ceffor, the LGtd LovF.J..I.·Majkr ofa:.Lo/ge; who. Was :Gtluted Grand Majier Eletl. · ASSEMBJ,.YafidF1i:AsT atMercers~Hall, 27March 173-1.. The Pr«d)iotz of March was veryfplended, many Noblemen and Gentlemen (being Mafins).all dothed.inJf/hiteApro.ns aRd Gloves, pr~ ceeded in Coaches, with Mufic from Lord LPt'J;LL'.s Houfe in. Great Rujfol.Street B/r;¢$folli-y., iri the W!ft; Eaftwo'l'd to ~he Hall:. W.,.hete the Deputj Grand Mafleri ·in the .abfence of the m.Gti: noble THoMAs Duke of N-oRF'ol~-K,, ~aub~lla:, propofed:the :Right Hononrabte Tae;M,A:S oo~.:·~:Lotd Ul'VELJ.~ tc {tttceed 'liia·:Gr&ce .in So:tAiJMoN!s t:hat'r,. fot ~ ¥~ ~tmfui!&g.. · . . But Lord LovELL being ilL of alil Ague; retnrn"d home, and. left LordCoLERANE his Proxy for the D.ay. · AU Things Jxiing regulaily tnrnfacted as .a.bov~,. Deputy G"rllnJ. Mtz.fter -~AKERBV' proclaim•d aloud .our 11oblc Brother, · ;·

· :X. THoMAs Co:K'E Lord Lov:ri:LI. 415tait~ ·~ of Maforl.t•. Lord Co~·~:-~AN.$ p0i'ng .in'~d in ·his Nmle;, ~me.d THoMAS BATSON,

· -~

Efq; Deputy G:rand Majle1:•

George &uglafi. . }'G. ..J:T.Tr :1 . .s, ---M. . -D·. Jllmes GbamlferJ, Jun.. E. fq; rana rr araens. .

.w:JJ/i. R~·iil me :s~"~"~il'·•d~• tii~D1'g~J

ll,f,.-,~•'t!lrM" "~. t · .4 EL-~-;j ln'.:.-~.i(i~""·~':;~:~:i>tl!;'

.L+flifN.u..J. ""~








•. l

i !


, · "· '· \. ,

. · ,, .


• :Stewan!s !fhat :aeted on-zlJ .Mar& r·7g:r,. and all p:uhli:ddy:ettanketl.. r. George Douglas, M.D. . IJL M'C. John.Haines, · · ·., · · ·. 2. JmnesCha~rs,J· 8. Mr. !Pilliam Milkuari4 3· Thomas MQQr, 'Efl _ 9• Mr. :Roger Lacy, · ·• 4• John A~od, · . <{119. . IO. Mr. ,Charles 'l'r~~fWZnd_, "'5; '1Jid11fas Durant, • · ·n. Mr. John Cakdt, • ~• ._;tGllt&er.Pagr, Ji2• Mr• .Jolm:K.itw,..



The F eaft.mnclQde4 ~Wl




M-i.rth~a~. Un~iiAity.

41Jranb ~:obge in ample Form a~ tb_e Rofe Z"avenz in St. Mary-leBonne, on f/liday 1.4 May., 173 I, Prefen,t, .. 'the Right .HQJ,lO_~r~hl~ AA~ ~m ~cvx.~t, .Gra?f.d_Majer.~­ TH~:W4.§ ~ l'.S.OJIJ, ~1)}; fJcJ1¥fJ f;rip2d Majler. ~-~'h·otti'!_fi; ~-0• :1<Jrand Wardens. · ..!1·-""''! '-II am~rs., ~; . .. J . .. . ., His Grace the Duke of NoRFOLK, F or· . · .· · The Ri_ght Hon~ur~ble_ ~-~ Ead of:IN,€_H l~,;rH N, Grand ~~rs. The R1ght Hooourab1e the LorP, ;Co~_ER;ANE, · · TheReverendDoet.or·B·EStA.·Gu~q:Eli.;s.lF ormer1y ·G.ran · d"rtfl· Jna ers. GEORGE PAY,NJh Efq;' ' ' •· . . .







· ·.. r

F.oL.~Es~ ~q·.?..· Prefiden. .··.ly . D epuy t · • .. ·~oftheR · · · .•. S.}F . ormer y

AL:&XANDEJl. CH~~.;l~~.L .• .. ~:. . .NAT.HANIE'it- BJ.A.~~At~V;;,;~ .: ; t. ~.-

1f7i}{iarn B~r.d~n, )Mq;

Grand Ma.flers •

·. '

J :

' ,.



~rmerly :Grand War(ien.

~nd-dle..M'ij/lt.¥"t.~d)':Parde~s of thir.ty--feven L~nG.£S~ ·.Lo 'ViELL, ,GraTJr:l Majler, moved that.· ~e Lcxlge. (14p;¥p RPYl fl; .. turn Thanks to .kind :B~oth~~ N Pl)~R~~~ .Sifi~ttoble· l:fJ:f®.Vs ~o the Fratern£ty; which J1.f~.~r~ :.dAn~;in,Jole~n Form, 'itnd r~..ceiv'd by -the D.ttk with. a~:p~herly AffeG~;ion. · The 'l'reaf~.~r~, Brother N A T~AN ~&~ ,"aLAK~~.BY>JUq,; ,~-p~ed

his Accot~Jlt& .vri~ ge1ueral Sa\itif~. Several Motions were made by. the ,Brethteh·in.telation ·to the£enenJ!(lh,ar;ity, which promifed great Relief to di£l:reffe.d Brethren .. ,A.~~ in o~der to coll)e at .a m911e certain.'!(no.wledge .Qf ,the :N;ece$;ties and Merit of fuch p9Qr1Bre.thren, ·as.ihouldapN1~·(lte~iq1Chi-rq, jt w:~s re(olv.ed, ~t,Jl .Rer.i>ns ~ho :bad~!cl)wtA-~ ~·:~t6'~ ~If, -911 fl4f,:/1efPl/J Grt~sd.Mtifter~.woold alway~:.~U~~Q:/1'/Vl1t~fl;;arity.

1t was a~ re.folved, that ~Jaid•C<lPl~itt4~~-£h~A~irefrrain'4 from giving:more.than five· Pounds to ~yoll$~$itioper for Charity. To eafe the Grand Secretar,'flf We·tpetraordinary and almoffi:* impracticable Labour of Writing the Minutes of the Icyarterly CommuEe 2 nica#ons,

[ 2!2 ] · m'cations, to be fent to every Lodge;. it was propofed to have the faid Minutes for the future etch' d •. After thefe Regulations were fettled, a-ColleBion was made fro~1 the feveral Lodges then prefent, for the general Charity. His RoJal Highnefs FRANCIS Duke of Lorrain, (now Grand Duke of :fujcany and EMPEROR of Germany, at the Hague, was made an Enter' d Prentice and Fe!lo'W Craft, by Virtue of a Deputation for a Lodge there, confifl:ing of the Rev. Dr. DESAGULI ERS,

Mtf!ler, John Stanhope,. Efq; } nTITaraens J · Jn. Holtzendorff, Efq; ' and the other Brethren, viz. PHILIP STANHOPE Earl of Chefler· field, Lord 1\.mbaifador, Jeremiah Strickland, Efq; Nephew to. the ·then Bifuop of Namur, Mr. Be,Yamin Hadley, and a Dutch Brother, Our faid Royal Brother LORRAIN coming to England this Year, GrandMafler LovELL formed an Occafional Lodge at HoughtonHalf:.,. Sir Robert Walpole's Houfe in Noifolk, and made Brother LOR. RAIN and Brother THoMAS PELHAM, Duke of Newca.ftle; MAs ... TER MAsoNs. And ever fince, both in the Grand Lodge and in particular Lodges, the Fraternity joyfully remember His Imperial ·Majljly that now reigns, in the proper Manner. ®ranb l!obge in ample Form at the HalfMoon Tavern in Cheap.... . fide, on 'Iburfday 24 June 17 3 r. · Prefent, The Right Honourablethe LordLov ELL~ Grand Mafler, and his Grand Officers, and the Maflers and War~i6f:twenty....nine Lodges. The minutes of the laft §(garterly Communication and CtJmm£tre of Charity being read and confirmed, the Treafurer pafs'd his Accounts, and feveral Petitions for Chart'ty were read and fpoke to, when the Grand Lodge order'd fifteen Pounds for the Payment of the Deht>S of O[le Brother, and for releafing him from Prifon: As alfo feveral. other Sums for the further Relief of difl:refs'd Brethren. A Collettion was then made for the genertll Charity.

[ 213 ] $ranb Uo~gt in dzte Form at the Devil '!'tWern within 'temple• Bar, on Friday 3, Dec. J 73 I. Prefent, The Deputy Grand Majler and Grand Wardens, as alfo the Right Honourable the Lord Co!:.ERANE and GEORGE PAYNE, Efq; formerly Grand Majlers, Nathaniel Blackerby, formerly Deputy Gram! M'ajler, Dr. James .Anderfon, and Mr. Joflph Highmore, formerly Grand Wardens, Captain. Ralph Farwinter,, Grand Majler·of EAsT lNDI A, aad· the Maj!ers and Wardens of fo.rty-fix:

Lodges. The Minutes of the laft ff<garterly Communication and Committee of Charity, being read and confirm'd ; the 'trea.forer's Accounts were audited, and a ColleEfion made for the Public Charity. eranb :1-obge in due Form at the Devil Ta'IJern within TempleBar, 'I'hurfday March ·2, 1V3 t-2,



· THoMAS BATSON, Efq; Deputy Grand Majler •. Dr.,, lih"'~~· Douglas, Seniqr. Grand Warden. Dr. Mifaubitz, Junior Grand Warden, P.1Yl tempore.

'· ,.

His Grace the Duke of Rt.<:,liMQN».I. ,,Dr; PEs;AGULIE~,. and. GEoRGE PAYNE, Efq; formerly Grand Maflers. MARTIN FoLKEs, F.R.S. WILLIAM CowPER, Efq; and NA,.... THANIEL.BZ.ACKE&:SY, Efq; formedy Deputy Grand Majlers. The Right HoPmrrable the Lord~ Viffiaunt MGui'r .A: CUTE, Gr.and

MaJler EleB. The lv.lajlers and Wardens of thirty-feven LoDGES. The Minutes and 'freafurer's Accounts being read, audited and confirmed,... a Coiletiion_, W/d.fl: mad.e lor. the. Fund of puhl£c .Cb4f"iil' The twelve BFetl:u:en w,Pq accepted of the Office of STE~AR.Ds for the enfuing Fe.a/1, gave ih a" Lift of thei,r Names.; allrl being. confirmed bythe Grand Mt!}ler, Brother PITT, oo• bf the faid Ster;.vards moved; that for the future the Board•ofS'te'lbttr.ds~ acting: at the Grand Feafl for the Ele.Ci:ion of a GRAND MAsTER,.. tbould. each of them annually, after Dinner, nominate and prefent: his. $N(t;effor to the Grand Mafter for his Approbation: which"..was. ~arried in the affirmative. · · Deputy:


[ 2i4 Depuiy Utctfid Mafter BA~soN in the Chair, ·pto~f6d ln the 'Grand Mafter's Name, for Succeifor., th,e Lord Vifcount MlQNTACUTE, Majler of a Lodge, who was .immediately faluted as Grand 'Ma}ler Eleif. · . . · ' . · . '" · · . . · ~rttnb :lr:Obg:e in due :Farm ;at ·the Devil. 'l'a1Jtrlt. 3:fQ:refaid, on Thuifdily 1 3 April :r7 3~, With former Gra11d Ojjicirs and thofe of twenty Xev·en Lodges. . · . . ASSEMBLY and Feafl at ·Merchant-1'aylors-Hall, on Wednefday. .19 .April :1732> DepmyGrand MCffter .BArsoN with his Wardens .attended the Grand Mafier E!eef at his Houfe in Bloomjbury-Square _, and with feme. nbb'l~ Brothers, 'the :Dukes df M€>NTAGu and RHYHMON:b, th'e Lor~ 'CoLERANE, the Lord CI/!1:R.\PE.NTER, the Earlof BT~Ar'nMbtu, and bar.d TEY,NH·AM;' arnd ma:ny others, ·~lt mily clotlled, 'ahiil 'in·Goachts~ lfi~: the :Pr~t:(ffion ·~art~ Eafiward to the 1Iall. Where aU Things being regularly tranfaC:ted as above, Deputy Grand Mqfter BATSON proclaim'd aloud our noble Brother. XI. t. . NToN.Y ':BR-owN Lord Vifc:ount MoNTAC'UTE, $raub ~after of Mafons. Who app0inted THOMAS BA:rso'N Deputy Gr.and"Majltr. George R{)ok, Efq; •·} · , ··~ ~.~. ·!I·A'···· .,£, ., ·nr 8 1 'JameS i:Y:J.()(}T m IJ, ·ll.:uq; GrandWardens.



The SecretaryandSword-Bea'rerwere CO'ntinued *· ·~artb l[obgt ·in due.Fortn at the Caflle in Drury~ Lane, on :r'hurfday 8 'June 1732, with tl;:1'e·~rr~f:l~fii~9JllN and other former Grand tJjfoers, a·ml;ihofe . df ~it~:...nitm:~s.

* Stewar,Js'.that aeled adhe Feaft 19 April 1732, who were all pub1;cklJ thank'd. · George Rook,

JameS'Modr Smyth, John Bridges, Wy1·riot Ormond, J!.rthur Moor,

: l'i1zal Tawthfr.,





Colonel John Pitt, Claud Crefpigny, William Blunt, qrs. Mr. Henry 'iatan, 'Mr. 'Thomas Grijfith, Mr. £MI)mon Mcmlez.



_[ .1%1.5 ] QDtantr Jlotrtt in he Form at the Devil :farqer~ aforefaid, on · 'I'uefday 21 Nf!)f!l}. 1732, withLordCoLERANE, ,4QrdSouTwE:q:., and other fqrmer Grand Officers, apd thof~ of Lodges. $ranb :Uobge. in due Form at the D.~il if.IIJverrJ ~fqr~fa,id,. qn ·:l'uif/iay 29 May 1733, with i..ord SptlTUWii;tL~ forw.~r Gr~n<l Officers, and thofe of forty,..two Lodges. Deputy Grand ~afler B4 TSON il) th~ Chair, propof~d,. in ~qe. Grand Mlljiw'4 Name, for Stu:ce&r~.tfAt £~l ilf .SWA,A 'fH:t.fQ~~, M11jJer ef a ~Jg1; wlw. being in ~:ePtl4tld, ,QUf ij_ohk·~JqtA~ .:fHo. MAS Lord SoutHWELL, undertook to be l?ro~J .at the ~e~t FptY/, and was fa-luted now as ST:R.ATaMOR.i; GrtmdMafler :EfeC1. ASSEMBLY and Fea)J at Mercen-~11, on 'I'hurf44y 7 Jzme 1733, Deputy Brand Majler BaTsom with his Grand Wartjens .~ttended Lord SouTHWELL at his Hou(e in Grifeu~!2Qr-$treet, and w,ith feme Ne/;Je Btothus, ana many, ~1 d1,1iy dothed) in Coaches, made ~~ Proc4fi'on · of • • :~jJJMri !lQ the lit;IJ.

And ·au Things lleing ,re~ularly. ~iaaed as Jbg!Vc, De}llty. Gt~pntf.. Maj'IM:·B:A'i!·S&N·proclaim'd aloud ou.r Noble :S~ot}ler XU. JAME~ LY.oN Earlof .STR.f\.TJl~.O.R~.~~ ~g..P..f' Mafons. ' , -· . . . . . .J · • • • His Proxy, Lord Sou'!":&WlU•£,.. ·inv~d. ~d i~f4ll'si:tl


appointed . . . · THGM~~ BA,-soN, Efq;, DtpJJlJ Gra,yf/J4a.Jitfi, Ja11N ..'S S.myth, Efq; l Grtmd Wardens. john WfJrd, Efq; 5 . The Secretary and Sword-bearer were continued. "

1 ·; . . .

I ~tilttb l.obgt



in ample Form at the Devil 'l'avtrn aforefaid,


· J 3 Dec. 1733, with Sir Edtzvard Mar!fele, Bart. Prordincial Grand Mafler of South Wales, former Grand Ojjicers, the Earl of 'Oraufurd, and the Officers of fifty ..three Lodges. STRATHMORE Grand Mafler moved, that Bufinefs greatly en·creafing, the Grand Lodge do refer what they .cannot overtake a:t ·one Time, to the Committee of Charity, who can make Report td . the next Grand Lodge: Which was.unanimoufly agreed to. Deputy Grand Majler BATSON recommended- the New Colony of Georgia in North America to the Benevolence of the particular Lodges. · Brother 'I'homas Edwards, Efq; Warden of the Duke of R 1cH:MOND'sLodge at the Horn 'l'a·vern Weflminjler, acquainted this Grand Lodge,. that our Brother Capt. Ralph Far'Winter, PRoVINCIA,L - GrandMafler of EAsT INDIA, had feat from his Lodge at BENGAL a Cheft of the heft Arrack, for the U fe of the Grand Lodge, and 'fen Guineas for the Mafons Charity; which the Lodge gratefully receiv'd, ·and ordered folemn Thanks to be returned to the Lodge at BENGAL. <!Staub l'.obge in due Form at the Devt"l 'l'a'Vern aforefaid, on Monday i 8 March, 1733-4,. with former Grand Ojjicers, the Earl of Craufurd, Sir George Mackenzie, Bart. and the Officers of fortyfeven Lodges ; when Deputy Grand Mqfter BATSON in the C~air, propofed, in the Grand Mafier's Name, for Succeifor, the Earl of CRAUFURD, Ma.fter ofaLqdge) who was gladly faluted as Grand Mafler EleCJ. 1),


C H 'A P. From

~tanb ~affer



·", :rJi).,~~tr' ;;trlf:.



the Earl of CRA UFqRD, to eranb


· the Marquis of CARN A RvAN.,


SSEMBLY and Feafl at Mercers-Hall, on Saturday 3o March 1734, Deputy GrandMafler BATSON with ;his Grand Wardens attended the Grand Majler EleCI,_at his Houfe in Great Marlborough-,


21 7


borough-Street, with noble Brothers, arid many others, all duly clothed and_ in Coaches, made the Procf!jion of !eareD Ea/lward to the Hall, with a Band of Mujick, viz. 7'rumpets, Hautboys, Kettle-Drums and French-Horns, to lead the Van and play at the Gate till all arrive·: All Things being regularly tranfac:ted as. ufual on this folemn Occafion, · ·· Deputy GraNIMq/ltr BATSON proclaitn'd aloud, the FIRST Earl of ScoTLAND,· and our noble Brother ·XIII. joHN LIND.SA Y Earl of CitAUFURD Clkanll ~a ·of

Mafons. Who appointed Sir CECIL WRAY, Baronet, DeputyGrandMajlcr, John Ward, Efq; . }· · J. d B t Grand Wardens. . E awar, 71 ,. . • r;,l'l S1r , ar . Brother John Revis was rnade Grdnd Secretary, and Brother Moody was continued Sword-bearer. After die fecond Proaelfion *round the Tables, much Harmony abounded.**' 4!5rattti 1:~ in a11tjle Form at the Devil <:tavern, on Monday 24 Feb. 1734-s, the Dukes ofRl-<=HMOND_and BuccL:EUGH, and other fGrmer Grand Ojjicers, the. Ea&t fllfi BALCARRAs, the Vifcount WEYMOUTH, and the Ojjicers offorty-feven Lodges. CR. A UFURD Grand Majler, made a very handfome Speech, excu~ liis na~~Hng them together foQJI~r; oo ;acc.ount of his being taken up foc &e;~ <:>f ¥a~:t¥·$~~iEI~om'for Parliament Men, and in other publick Bnfinefs. He then propofed fQt: • See the Form of this Proce:Bion in Chapter V • .. s~~ards tliat. aaed at the Fealt: :30 Marc!;. I.7* who were a!l ~ublic~Iy ~4J • 'Srr. Ellwdrd Manfill, Ba~o9e~ · ·i. 7~ RiiharJ Rtrwlilljf!J, Lt.IJ. andF;l.s. 2.

Cliaflis HqltzeruJorf,'

3• lfoac Mture,

4.• Prefcat Pepper, .·. 5• Chrifiopher Ne<Otle, .6. Richard Matthew!~'



.·8• .F~,~;~:"

9• Samuel/}Jdrrington,l·

ro. John.·Pitt, . ·· .· .i(qw, n. William P"ar.e!Jl, · 12.

11enry Hutlhit/foii. ·


[ 218 ] his Succeft"dr, the Lord Vifcount WEYMOUTH, Majkr'Of. .a Lodge, wbo was forthwith f~ted as Gnmd Mttfler Elec1. Brother AND'E~sON, Author of the .Book,of CoNSTITUTHYNs., 'reprefenting .th~t :a :-new ~dltion was beC'ome ~, and that had prepa.tedMatetials for it;iheGRAND .M:A:sT:ER and the LonGE ordered him to lay the fame before the prefent andformer GRAND 'OFF r:c~Elfs ·; tbat ·they might repo1·t their Opinion to the Grand Lodge. At the fame Time a Book call'd the Free Mafons J7ade Mecum, Wa6 coodelb'tled by the Grand Ltidge,:as a and filly Thing, done without Leave ; and the Brethren were warned not to ufe it, nor encourage the Sale thereof. ®ranb .~ lib ample Form. at -.rhe .])nil 'tf'amrn, on Monday 31 March I 7 3 5, with f<mJ;ler Qrand Officer~ •:and ·theie nf•fortyone Lodges. ·. · · ·· ' . ·· ·· : . · . ·CB.-Ku ~·.uiin {fJrarrd·Mafler:,. in a judicious ·SpeeCh, pr~pofed feveral Things.for·.rhe Good ofthe.Frater.nitJ, ·which were approv'd, as may be read in the RegUlations and ·Committee of Charity. . ..Brother·AND'£Rso.N·-was :order-ed infert in the New Edition of the CoNsTtT.uTroNs, ~· P!AtrlroiN>~'·rdfi.antient ·•tonrp..that roUeCted:ft:om the Beginning .of ~e,;·~itb:the,GRAND MAsT:r..R.s_.!~ :W:NK.p gNs·; Jantient an:d mod~m,. ,;lOilil ~ of the:S1'~W:A~:'lif1.C\fGI<4n~fi~~·MoNTA..G'u .' r:Naver more Lov~. and Hatt:m.Gny ·


· .ASSEMBLY :aaU.Ftklft;at Mtrcer.s-Hall, on·alurfday 17 April, •HR.. .. ,., ,;iJ ,,''!. "t· · ·. · . ... ill'.,;,;,i\lf,.,·"'· ··.:· •.. .a L:..l.3. '~yT~-"'"' '"" t1f~. ~"V~'!tt'i ,", ~ CRAUFURD Grand Mafier,. ·.·· . Prardefts, and the noble Brot}ief'Slli:~ niJnrkes ot Rrc'a'MoND and A,THoL, the M~rquis·of BEAUMONT, •;the ~arls ·of WtNCHELSEA, WE.MYS» LounouN and BAL.CARRAs,. the Lord·CAT·HCAR.T, and,;\..<?¢ VERE BERTIE~witb·lJ.'4any,(;)the,.,Brothers\all duly clothed,.ar..-dcd the GrandMajler Eletf., 'm)\i'k01n his:Ho-qfe in Grofvmor 'Sgzt'ftre·m the We.ft, made the."PrN!/Jiim of :WJartiJ ~ith the.Jiland Of ·.'MuJi'k leading the Van,· Eijiwaril. to t~~ HaJJ. And ·. .I;JroJ'h!l









[ t·J9 ] All Things being regularly tranfatl:ed a$ ~hove, l.3rother CltAll• J'URD proclaim'd aloud our noble Brother* . -_ . XIV. THoMAs THYNNE, Lord Vifcount W~YMouTn, !ll'St\1nb ~aaer of Mofons. Who appointed, JoHN WARD, Efq; Deputy GrtJnd Mafler. Sir EtiwtJI!'d } Grafl.U __,~ ,u?araens. J . - MarifeU, , Bart. Martm Clare, A.M•.and F.. R. S. The &cr~tary and Sward-:betirer continuj:)4.. . cGrantr Jtobge in due Form at the De'Vil 'l'avern, op Thurfday ~4June 1735, with former Grand Ojjicers, and thofe of thkty one



Deputy Grand Majier WARD in the Chair, iq a1.1 e;¥:cel} Speech recommended 'Iemper and Decency. The Brothers that {qved the Offit:e of StWJt~rth pv(}r 6-nce f.}r(Jnd Mafter the Duke of MoNTAGU, ad&~ifeci ~ rJr4ttd krlge for certain Privileges, which were granted, as apPea,rs jn ~he Rtgu-_ ~~~~;





J!olqJ'e in due Form at the Devil 'i'a'lltrtl on './llut:fiaJ ,, J

Dec. 17 3 5, with former Grand, ~0./lictt'J- ;.Ud, .tb~, of ..fjfty-feven Lodges. ,. ., , . , , GBGRGE PA \"ME, Efq; formerly Grand Mafter, in du; ~h~ir,; Mi#tiwa-•~ ~L}rapd Warden aCting aii Dtput§/Jr:4M ~~

/ ~=~~;l\.tt!ts}?8~pe~ . Brother Rigby from Bengali, who brought from thence twenty

Guintas for. the Cha:ifJ.

'• Stewards that aaed at the F'!/1 !)fl. J'i t. Sir.. A~;r.;,. Z>J.-. L-.Ju..- ·. .,._.~~-~Jot 2.

3· ~ 4· 5· 6.

· ··

;+;I Jf

if'diM#GrA!flPt,l!f.t>,-'f\J,.S.. Martm~,.A •.M..•Qel.F.;R,S. ']ohn1h · M.-D.. Charln . Thomas ~,.

who ·

were all publickly ~d.

,~~ ,.11. G.~ M. ,f'l'!'t~~~:11'ff'"'• ~~T l:¥:wiM; - .· · '

8. Ji,erS~:ftth~· 9· R~ W~~ .10.

n. 12.

F f

,J4r. ~ ~l;ur, ~. f.t~~tt~s Npfo,

Mr. William Hogarth. 2.



[ 220 ]

Sir Robert Lawley, Mafter of the Stewards Lodge, with ~is Wardens and nine more, with·· their ·new Badges, appeared full . Twelve.the firft Time. The Lodge ordered a Letter of Thanks to be· fent to the Lodgeat Bengal!, for their very generous and kind Prefents. ~ranb ~obge in due Form, at the Devil Tavern, OJ.l :I'uifday Apri/6, I7J6, with the Duke of RICHMOND, the Earl of CRAu~ :FURD, and other former Grand Officers, the Earl of LouDouN, the Stewards Lodge and five prefent Stewards, with the Officers of fixty- one Lodges. . Deputy Grand Mafter \V ARD, in the Chair, propofed fome Rules of Communication that were approved, and now make Part of the GENERAL REGULATIONS. ,. ' Then he propofed in the Grand Mllfler~s Name, for Succe:lfor, the Earl of LouDOUN, Ma:fier of a Lodge, who was forthwith faluted, as Grand Majler Ele£1. ASSEMBLY. and FEAST at Fijhmongers-Hall, on 'I'huifday April Is, 1736, Deputy Grand Mafler WARD, w!th his Wardens and the noble Brotners,: the Duke of: R.Ic!lMbND, the Earls of ·CR.AUFUR.D and ALBEMARLE, Vifcount H4~.c~URT,. Lord ERsKINE, Lord SouTHWELL, Mr. ANsTis ~arttt King at4rPJ~:;Mr• . BRo!)y ~,On·IGn:g at ..dfitls, 'with.many ot]ler·Br.6thet:~r alfduly clothed, attended · the' Grand Majler Ele8, and from his Houfe in the We.ft at Whitehall~ made the .Procifjion of 9f)atffJ in Coaches, with the Band of Muftc, EajJW(Z{d to the . · : · .\1,~~1ngs being ·regularly tranfaeted ~,. ·~ : · · : . ~::y:· · ·


S:r,E'\Y,AR:ps that a~ed at th~ Feqjl, on Ap~t1 ~s~ 1736, w~o · · . · · . · ... ;. ' : ·publickly thanked. · .· ; · :r. Edward Hotly; M.D. and. F\ R~ S. 7. Mr. Benjamin GP.floyne, 2. James Ru.·k, jun. Efq-; · 8. JameiStjles, Efq; 3· Mr. Charles Champion; · 9· Mr. Walter Weldon:, + Mr. 'Joh~ Gouland, • · · 11· 10. Mr. Richard S4Wle., · · ' '. · • ' 5· JtJhn 'Jeffi, Efq; , · ·: ~ ·: n. Mr: James' Pringli;. t· '. 6. lfoa& &~~~~;; :ja~.~· ~: u. Mr. Fratlds ~

• • • 'Jil

· ·




.... ·••• ' . • . .


:'[' 22i ] Dep!tty Grand J{after WARD proclaimed aloud our nohle Brother XV. jc::>HN C.l,t~PIJ.EJ;.L, Earl of Lou nouN, ~tanb ~ante of



< .·

Who appqinted Efq; Deputy Grand Mafler.

W A ltD, Sir• Robert Law/e.J, ·'Baronet, G d rr Trr J · '.1 · · . ran araetzs. Wzllam Grame, M. D. and F. R. S:: · , · .. Th~ $~cr.lfrtlrj. and Swatd,;bep:rer: .were :eGhtintJC<L ' , · .l . ewth Udbge, in ~p/l! Form, at 'tlle JJroii'Tavem; · oo '!t/Jurfday· june 17, 1736; with the Earl of CRAUFURD, and other' former Grand Officers, the Stewards Lodge, the_ new Stewards,.. and the .Officers of thirty~fix LOOges: · 1. · . • J. G. Warden DRJEM'.E aaea as D. G. Mafier:pro tempore~ JoHN



· ' :'Lcorat' Ek.fl:f~e:.r. ~. 1arand Wa' terripore .. . ap ,,.........._.... .LtJtmg, S · • .1 '. : •• ~ranb itobge, in due Form, at the 'Dt"iiil Tavern~ on St. JoH& the·EVangek}f?s·Day, Moildlry 27 liJefl~; ~"736,<rw1th: fdrmer Gf'arrd :G#Hte~;s; the 6~~ds Lodge, the pfejent Stewards, arul ihe (!)jicers of :fifty-two Lodges. . .. ,· · ·. . . ·; , ..?~ . , .. , · ., ?t-j Sir RoBERT LAWLEf,. ~ftltitt;(f;jliHtJ Warden, in the Chair, as Grand Mqfler pro tempore:·~' \_ '' <~· ·

. ,·,.'.'_Y!tiE.~E, J.~nior Gran1 !("arden~· was peP_uty Grand MaW~.,er~J!\~~-~.r.a . pro· .tem.t"-:-r ·nn ..·'·'' l~ • ·':!~L~;~:P: ra;~~YW:/a~~~;~tTt~;po~e. J.



\1\ .



The curious By-Laws, of tJ:e. :(...odge at Exeler were*publickly read and ~.pP,la~e~, .~n~· ~-· 'Le'tt~r· of Thank~ wa~~. ordered to. be fen.t to .them,. ·£~. · ~hCit~~P~~dibme ~ep~ ·tq "ilie'tf<!ial!ral c!Jarit . · '· '··"' ~1 i Ji~,; Jl~~t,,\·},-,,.\.;.>~oiO . •$;




· ·': ·'"











,.,\ "'~~'G,


<tl:Sranb l'.obg:.e~ in ample- Forni, at.,the Divz'l. T.aver~· ~ ~uriJay April t'3?·~!737~· .wid:{ ~he Earl of CR&l:f. . .D;~~nd .other former' Grand Olicers;·theEai:lsof:Wims.c~;·~m~k;'~ndDAiN- . . . ..... ·--··- . --····-~



~t:· '"""' ·.

I LEY; . tli~ Stewards


Lodge, the preftnt Stewards, and the. Oj}icers

ef: Thventy.. flve LQdges. After the Affair. of Charity was. over, . LouDouN, Grand Mafler, propofed for his Succeffor thct Earl of DARNLEY, Mafier of. a'LMge, who was forthwith faluted as Orand Majler Elet1. ~. ASS EM :B L Y and FEAST at Pijhmongers-Hall, on 'I'hurfday Apri/28, 1737, when LouDouN, Grttnd Majie1\ with his Deputy and Wardens, the noble Brothers, the Duke of RICIIMOND, the Earls of CRAUFURD and WEM:Ys, Lord GttEY of GroD!Jy, the Stewards, and many other Brothers, all duly clothed, attended the Grand Majer Ektl at his Houfe in Pall-Mall, in the Weft, _and. made the Procejjion of ~att{J E~marrl ·iG, 'the Ball, itt a .Wl'f. ·lfotemn 'Manne!\· in Coaches, h~ving'three ~ands of J.\.!ufic, Kettle-Drums, ·Trumpets, and French Horns, properly difpofed in the MfJrcb. All. Things being regularly trahfaeted *, · · 'The Earl'ofLou(DOtr'N proclaimed aloud pur noble Brother, :XVI. ·E'DWA!RD Aar.;tG:H~ .. EaTl.anp Yj.fcount.DAkNLEY, Lord CLIFToN, ~raub ~aller of Mafons. Who appointe~ ..· __ ·

Efq, Deputy Grand Majkr~


. ~/[/;a:erd~~~d F. R~

sJ fJtafldWarJe?J;.

The Secretary and S1Dord;.bearer were alfo ·continued. e

·. ·

I ., ..,





•.6~-~~s-~~- a,t.'tlle.·_FiJC~4 .\



, ;

,u'Wi~kly thanked.

, •

..r. Si-r· Bout:hitr Wray, Baronet, · Ge()rge Bothomley, Efq; 3• Charles Murray, Efq; :L

. ~ Cavt. ']'dhlz lJDJd, · · ~' C~ CQ.rries SCfltt, .

6. Ur.l'dlr Ma&-fklh&l!, Surpn, ~

,. ' •






7· Lewis 1'beooald, M.D. S. Mr. Thomas Jeffreys, Merchant. 9· Mr. Peter Leige, :r&. Mr. ?:""-mas ~oebm, · ·l:i. Mr,.. BenjM!lin Da 4fl1z~. ·x~ M11. Natbnn;,l_ &iRs.~ . ~·




~rattb ~obge~ in t~mple. ForJn, at .t:.b$ J)evJ:I T1;1.vern, on Wednefday June 29, f•737, with th~ E~d .of Lotr.J,><:>UI)l, and other former Grand Qffi.cers, lbe Stewards Lodge, the new ~tewards, and the Ojjicers of forty-nine ·Lodges• .oa the Fifth of N~mber., 1737~ an. QQqa.fional Loige wa.s held at the Prince of· WALis~s P.alace at J{c'ltJ, -near.Richmon4, .by : The Rew. Dr. lib: sAG ULI :E.R·s, ( forfi!}f·Grand M4}1e.F) ~~ of this~·· . ·-'• . : · , M4'~ ll'filli11tn Goftim; ie,p. Attorue_ .Law~ G . .1:tl··•wr. · . ·1 . u: · M h . . .. . rprJ ., araen1. , M r. E r12.1mus .n.:Jng, JUD. · at ematlCJag, ; . · · '· . "'l1le :Right ~on. :CaAIRLES Q..ALV~'lt ~• L.Qrd BA.L!I'.llMO~j:, ~the Hon. Colonel jAMES Lu<MLEY, ~tln.eHoo .. Major MaddeQ, Mr J)e.,. Noyer, Mr. J7raden; and when formed and tiled, His Royal Highnefs FREDERIC, late P.rince of W .ALE.s, WB.S 1 in the ufud Manner iritrciduoqd; ~floP· B)ade an &ur~d Pr.e.ntice .and :Pel/o'iJJ.l(Jra't. . ...,· ' ; •; ·~ ·r· 'i ."' :: .• , . .,". · ,., · . Our faid Royal Brother FRED.E,RIC :was made a ~u .~Qafi)n 'b.y . tbJ'i~e:. Dadg:r, ·:that :affetnbled there again for .. that


7 {;



And ever after both in the {ir(llfd ~~ .~. ~a.·~­ cuiar Lodges~ the :Fr,zter,nity"jo.yfuUI_~bar~~.l\oYAL ·HioHN~ ss and .his SON, .oar iJrpicm!t:B<t:v..creign., .io~:the pr,Qper. Manner. · ' ' 4&raldl ~oble,. in ample Form, . .at:the De.'Vil T~vern, op.~d,. ,..,~~~;:;~f197~8:r.with~e Earlo.f·L~l1DOU;N, f~v~i '•·~... ~~~~-&tfo~,.Efqrs; -Dr• .Ander.fott, ·and ~~her .. former Gra~d OjficiJis, Lord GEoRGE GRAHAM, the Stewards Lodge, .ilie prifent :SteVI{ards, and the.Qj. jicers of fix.ty-fix Lodges; (the Affair of (Jharity being over) They ~proved-of the~N~ i?4dilafof the &<lk of Cfil!j)i.Jutirms, an4 ~red th~~, JhGithp.t.~Giii-•iprint·:tht~ .With the Adtiitien·of··a-~~&"'•"Iatiotl. ·) -~.,.j·'•., : , ; :. •m; · . .• 'f5UIH4





$r.anir~ ample·&~ ,at.tbeJ.Dn!iJI~p.

Jay April 6, 1738,


.on i'hurf.


224- ]

r DA.RNitv, Grand Majler, in the:Cha:it. ' · .\ , ,JoHN-WA:R:D, Efq; Deputy Grand Mafler. William Grceme, fen. {G. ·d· 7:rr ; . '¥ A J ~r; . •. ran rr araens pro tempore. James .n.nae0on, JUn. . . The-Earl of INcHIQ.YIN, Dr. Defaguliers, GeorgePajne, late Grand Majiers,; ~]ohn · Hctmmt_rton, . Efq; Provincial Grand Mafler of ROLIN A ; 'thomd-s Batfon,. ,late Deputy Grand Majler ; Natha. niel Blackerby, Treafurer; the Marquis of CARN..:\RVAN * ;. th~ Stewards Lodge, the prefent Stewards, · and ·the Ojjicers of fixty .Lodges; (t~e· Affair Qf Charity being over) . . NATHANlEL':BLAKERBY, Efq; the :freafot"Cr, :havipg juftlycleared his Accounts, demitted or ·laid down his :Office. . Upon which the Grand M'!fter and the LoJge:appointed th¢· ·Sepretary


,·_ ~.:: . .. • ·DARNLEY, Grand Ma.fler, propofed for his Succeifor, the Marquis of CARNARVAN, Mafrer of a Lodge, who was forthwith REvis to·be. CJ'reafurer,

fainted as Grand Majlir Eletl. · ·· ASSEMBLY. and. FEAST being at Pi.fomongers-Ha/1, on Tbur:fday .April 2 7-, 173 S. .. . . . DARNLEY, Grand'Majler with hi~ DefrJIIJI: and lfardens, the noble:.Bt.athe~s, RtcMoN,.n, lN:cHu~yiN, Loun~'t{, a~,~~;£.,~:-· ~ANE, late ~rtinli.MJflers; · .E{url of KINTOJ{E.; Lo~d GREY of

-Grooby, the Sttwards,, and a great many·other Br~thers, all duly clqthed, .attended the Grand Mqjler Eletl., at his Haufe in Grcfve-

'1Jorr.$~rti!t,. in. ~.·_Wi .. yi,.·: ~d. ~a~_":th~ Pro' Bam! ~f Mu~~~ _Ettflwar_d f.o. 'ifi!41/fll!l!: th.·



~ft~a.:~~-.~~~~~, _wit:P.

15 pg J;egu:-

larly tranfadecr as Ufual; ·. . The Earl of DARNLE y proclaimed aloud our noble Brother XVII. HENRY BRIDGEs, Marquis of CARNARVAN, Son and Heir apparent to the Duke of CHANnois, Knight of the Bath, a!!d ooe of the Bed-ch'amber to. our. Brother FREDERIC Prince of 'f?ales 4l5ranb ~affer of Mafons. ,·

• Now Duke of CHANn·cus•



2·2 5


Who appointed · .. , · JoHN WARD, Efq; Deputy Grtmd Mqfter.. I:ord George G.raham, } · . . ..n.IJure'l.V LI~ .J. Rob.t"!fon; ,,r, Gra;zd. Wardem. Capt; . The Secretary and Sword-oearer oontinued •. * Brother REVIs, t.he Grand Secretary, declined the Office of'l'reaJurer; becaufe he faid that one Perfon 1hould not take upon him borh.O.ffifes;; 'for that the one'1hould be a Ch~ck upon the ot})er. $ranb ;J!obgt, in due Form, at fhe De--Jil Tavern, ·on Wed-

nefday June 28:, 173&. Lord GEoRGE GRAHAM, .Smior Grmrd Warden, in the Chair as Grand Majler. WILLIAMGRJEME,M.D •.asDeputyGrandMa.flerpr.otempore.

Capt •. Andrew Rohinfon, as Sen. } G d Trr .1 ~ ran nrarams. . • a-.rM r B en;amm tZ.Jcoyne, as Jun. · With fonner .Grafid Ojfieeri, the · Stewards Lodge, the 'jrtflnt Stewards, and. the Officers of Jixty-one. Lodges. ':t'he Minute~~of· the laft ~arterly Communicatir;n and of the Committee of Charity, were read and approved. Mc4i of the Time was ipent in r.eceiving the Charity•• Lottt's;~arid:in Telieving poor Brothers. ' Brother REvis, the Grand Secretary, having declined the Otlic~ of cr"r,111lf«r«"~· ..., LJilge defired hiD?-· to ,aa aS" fooh~ · till one ·~ their Mini ~·::'•,,.·


that aCl:ed at the Feqft, on April 27, 1738,

and were

publickly thanked. 1• Bt6phtn Be~~t~tMIZt, M. D.. ·1. Capt. Amlr.ew Ribinfon,. 2 • .RrJberi. FtJy, Efq;. . . ~Mr.~~~ ~BaSt lv 3• ·Jtmt~s Colquhrnm, · Efql 9~ Hdpj''Higden, Efq; 4· lPilliam Chapma~ Efq; 10. Mr. Chrijtipher 'itiJIIf'~ 5· Mr. Mofes.Mendez., n. Mr. 8i11141l t~t··C~Ktt11iu, 6. Mr. Gm;gelJ(~, u. H4rry Leigh)Efq;



eranb l.otJgt

[ 226 ] held at the Droil Tavern·; on Wednefday Jan~

Prefent, GranJ.Mafler. • WILLIAM GRJEME, Efq; as Deputy GtWtld Mafler~._ Lord George Graham, Senior Grand Warden.· Andrew RriJinfon, ]u11t"or Grand IYarden. GeorgePayne, Efq; John 'Iheoph. Defoguliers, LL. D~ F. R'. S. late Grand Mofiers~ Earl of Loudoun, and Earl of Darnley, 'Ihomas Batfon, Efq; late Deputy GraRJ Majler. Mr. Jacob Lainball, Mart~n 0 ~onnor, Efq; ·. late G~~~ ~rdem. Martm Clare, A. M. F .. R. S.. .:. . ... . . . Robert 'l'omlinjon, Efq; Prrruindal Grlmd Majer of New.;. · England. John Hammerton) Efq; Provincial Grand Majkr of Caroliluz. And the Mafters.and Wardens of ninet,...tWQ Lodges. The Mimetrs Of :the hft. Cb'MIJ'JIIJZication being read and con:lirmed, and a ColleCtion ~c for! tb.e general Fund of ~harity ;by a M.otion.from Dr. DifagUlierf, it wai tl~a.Gimoufiy .left to the GRAND MASTER, to nominate and appoint a Grant:f::'*T~; who .accardingl.y.m~rid...BrQthe.t. '!folm. 'Jejfo, Efq; Comptroller of the P6/i-ojftte_,, and .Ja.e .was approved of by the Communication. A Scheme was propofed for the placing-out M4fons Sons Ap-. prentices ; but after long Debates th ~· w~ ~d, as it 31 > 1738-9; The Marquis of



1. .

wmdd too m~ laff.a'-tfie Pu.n~


'· · ' ·

1:'he Right Worfuipful Gli'A~D MASTER prefented the Society with a l-arge Jewei ()f Gt>ld fur the Ufe of theirG;S~tretary) being two crofs Pens in a .Knot; the Kriot and Ppiats of the Pens being· moft curiouflr enamelled. _ . . ·: : ". · .'.. , .:· ·. $tanb 3!&1\l:t held . at the Cr.own Tavern behind the ·Rt;yal Ext;hange, on· Friittj .llprif I 3,- 17 3 9. Prefmt;, tbe GRAND MASTER. and all his Grand Ojjicers; the Earl of Loudoun, the Earl 3 of


, (

fZJ )

of Darnley, and feverallate Grand O.fficeri, and the Ma£\:ers and: Wardens of Jixty-five Lodges. A ColleCtion being made for the general Fund of Charity, . The Right Worfhipful GRAND MAsTElt, having affured the Fraternity of his future P,r:otedioo, propofed the Right Honourable RoBERT RAYMOND, Lord RAYMOND,. Baron of Abbots-Langley, for his Succdfor.;. which Declaration V(a& :received with gr~at ApP.laufe: Aftd· his Lordlhip's: Heal~/•a~ dJ:aok. wKh Ceremony as Grand Majler Eleti. ' ; · · It was by this Lodge ordained, That every Lodge that fhould remove from one Houfe to another, ihould pay 2 s. 6 d. to the Engraver appointed by the Society; and by every Lodge, that fhould change the Times of their Meetings, 1 s. for the Trouble and Expence in making the neceifary Alterations in the engraved Lift.




ASSEMBLY and FEAST at ~&II, Mt;tJ g, 1739· The Procdfion of ~ttfl was made in Coacnes and Chariots, from the ~Btad Tavern in New Borul-Street, in the &if/. by the Marquis of CARN ARVAN, Grand M;¢er,.:with ·his ~; the Earls of LouDouN andD..t.u.Mi~~'~ tGrmtd. Mafiers; the Duke of GoRDON, and Ill:itny. other noble and eminent Brethren, attended by .the Grand Majie'r EleCI, in a regular Manner, to Fijhmmger~,J~dio:lff!/1, '!ith a Band of ·Mu6£k· before them; ~~:~, .b~ .A~t...~· ' . p·1 . w here evaiy ··.c~~~:;~s-~ ,~~~rn.nd· . eafure and Satisfaction appeared throughout all that numerous Aff'embly. The Grand Ma.fter and his Officers being withdrawn into a convenieot,Room,-, the Mafters,and Wardens of the feveral Lodges were calltd in, wheh the GranJ ;Ml!fler rene~ his Propofal of the Right Hon. 1\oBB"R T Lord :Q.A~~~!H~6aub.-au for the Year enfuing ; which met with univerfal Approbaf.ioo. Adjourned to Dinner ; w·hich being ended, Gr,m/ilMa.fler CA R• NARVAN ·mad• t'b&jtjJ Proceffion round the.Haii, ·in due Form; and very affe.CtionatelJ ,:took .Leaver..of the Brethren; and ~g




[ 228 ] returned, and feated in the Chair, proclaimed aloud our noble Brother XVIII. RoBERT Lord RAYMOND, Baron of Abbots-Langley, ®ranb ~aller of Mafons; placed him in Soi.oMoN's Chair, and mvefted him with the proper Jewel of his high Office. Who appointed the following Brethren his Officers,



S. Deputy Grand Mtifler. John Harvey 'l'hurjby, Efq;} Senior Grand Warden, Robert Foy, Efq; Junior Grand Wardm. Mr. John Revis, Grand Secrerary. . Mr. George Moody, Sword-bearer. The Stewards * being called in, were puhlickly thanked fortheir elegant and well-conduCted F ea.ft, and.. w~e directed to chufe. their. Succelfors t· . 4!5ranb 1[obge held on ']itne3o, 1739, at the Devil Tavern,. 'l'emple-Bar, in due Form.; the (Jrand M.a.fter and all the Grand OjficePs, and: the Officers ofjifty}even Lodges;· having read;. ap ... proved, and confirmed the M.i1zutes. of the· laft Grand Feajt, and' laft Cr;mmittee of Charity; contribut~d hanMomelyto the Fund of the: general Charity.; and ptoceeded to examine ~:Cq.r;nplaint exhibited~ · WILLIAM GRiEME,

againil: certain Brethren,. fufpected of being concern~ in aa irrc..,

* STEWAROS. Brother Edward Maflers:, Samuel Lowman, Jifeph Harris, 'Jolm Cbtch~er-. Ef'li

t SuccEssoRs. Brother James Bernard, Bryan,


·· ··.~ Gi~ Dmt; Efq;·

fJI/!ts F:4/ur., ···

Richard.~o!Jinfon, •··,


Michael C;mbrune, Paul Henry Robinfon, David Dumonchel, Ifooc Barret, George Mafon,_ N-atbaniel <Jidham, John Saint; Alexander Pollocl; JfJ/m SQIWdonf.. 'Thomas Adamfon,. lPilliam Rzljl,. Thomas Parrj, Efquire Carey, · . George Amytrong. William Ruck, E{q; ' · N. B. RrGtb~t~s 'lhomas Parry and· J;:t;iflrof!g· ferwl in. the .R.oom of

.Urother .Jr;kn Cliff and Charles Fit7-r.oy,. ;Efq; who declined,

[ 229


gular Making of Mfl:fons: but did not go through with this Inquiry~ it being poftponed to fome other Opportunity. <!I:Sranb !Jtobgt, at the laft mentioned Tavern, was held December 12, IJ~9, in due Form; the GRAND MA.STER and other Grand Ojjicers, with the Mafiers and Wardens of fe'VenfJ Lodges-, having gone t~rough the neceffary and ufual F'Orms obferved at the !?.!Jarterly Comm11nications, and made a handfome Collettion fer the ge:.. seral Fund·of ChtNity, ordePed '2ol: to bd pakffot~ the Relief of aBrother, who had· beeti cr·aellytreaied· btrbe Inquifiti'on at Florence, on the fole Account: of his being a Mqfon: and having nnilhed their InquirY' into the Irregularities complained of at the laft Communication, and pardoned the Tranfgreffors; upon their · Submiffion, and Promifes of future good Behaviour, it wa& ORDERED-:; that the Law4 be ftritl:ly put in Execution againft all fuch Bretlit:en, ' a$ £hall for, tlle future.countenance, connive, or·· -affifl: at any irregular Makzngs. · : ' · 1 ' <!I:Srattb •DbJt, at the laft mtntidned TavJtn, held March 2Sa 1740,: id ampWform. · ~ · · · · ·


· ·

· Pre(ent. · . . . . ·· f : '. .: ··. WILLIAM GRlEME', M.D. F.<I(!~f l!J~tl.M. a&Gr.and'Majler•. . Joh7z 'I'heophilus l)ifagu!iers, LL.D. F.R.S. asDeputyGrandMafler.. R~be~t FoyJ Ef9.; l ~s Se~i~r_ Grand W'!r~m., , . SiN'nu'd 1JeF)~1 -tGent. i as· o/ilri()r tlr~tn.tJ W'o~~ . .

GEOK~·ur~k,:Bfq/;'~~~lfa:mlof!'J!m~~ aild DARNI.EY.~ late Grmzd Maflers. . Earl of KI NT ORE, Grand Majler Elea. james:N.eitb, ·Efq; 'Lieuteriarit. Oeneral-in. the Service of l?.uffot~ · . And the· Mailers .and Ward<iPis :&f·JiftyDeigl:/tl;odg€~. ·1 The flmtffary and ufual Forms being obferved, and ·a handfome Co11«tion•· made for the general Fund of C'bttrity; , · ·. ·. ·. ' Brother GR.abv.tE, in the Name· of the Rignt.WorOlipful Grandi Majler, pr0pofed.. the Right Hon •.' JoHN Kl!l:t~B, Earl of Kn~­ TOllE, for ii.I;~~ntr ~Utt for the.~ear enfuing; whicl1 Prqpgf~

.. .

" .

... '





230 ]

was received with great Applaufe, and his Health drank as Grand Majhr Elefl. ASSEMBLY and FEAST at Haberdafoer:s-Hall路in Maiden.. Lane, London, April2r z, I 7 40. The Procej}ion of wzarcf) was made at the Requeft of the Orand Mqfter Elefl, from the Braund's-Head Tavern in New Bond-Street, in the Wefl, by the Lord RAYMO}.l'D, Grand Mqfter; ~f/'i!liatn

Grceme, M. D. F. R, S. Deputy Grand Maflt!r; Robert Foy, Efq; as Senior. Grand Warden;路 Lord George Graham, as Junior Crand Warden; George Payne, Efqi Dr. Defaguliers, the Earls of LouDoN and DARNLEY, late Gran,d Majlers; Martin Folks, rfhomas Eatfon,. and 'JGhn Ward,. E(qrs$c late Dept;ttj Grand Maflers: Twelve Stewards, and a: grc;atNumbc;r of former Grand Officers, and other Brethren, properly clothed, in Coaches, and preceded by a Band of Mufick to Haberdajhers-Hall in the Ea.ft. Being arrived at the Hall,. the Grand Lodge aifemhled in a convenient Apartment, and called in the Mafters and Wardens of the feveral Lodges: To whom Grand M.a.fler RAYMOND. propofed the Right Hon. JoHN KEITH, Earl of KrNTORE,.: l!tSnutb ~ll,tt for the Year enfuing; who was thereupon duly and unanimoufly eleCted. ~djourned to Dinner; which being over, the Grand Ma.fler tl}a~ the jirjt Procejjion round the Hall with great Affability; and, being returned to his Chair, declared XIX. The Rig~tHon, JoHN Earl ofKtHT$ilE, Lord KEITH of !wverary and Keith-Hall, $tanb WJallet of Mafons; placed him in SoLoMoN's Chair, and invefred him with the proper Jewel of his high Station. Who having been homaged, and duly congratulated, according , to the Forms and Solemnity of Mafonry, appointed WILLIAM GR;JEME, M.D. F.R.S. Deputy Grand M!filer.

~~.~~s ~kl Ebfq;

E,r. l Grand Wardens. , tHtam r aug an, 路 1q; S



.[ '2ji ]

· . 'Brother john Revis; Grand Secretary; and Brot~er George Mooily. Sword-eearer. . . The Stewards were then ·called up, received the Thanks of the Society with the ufual Ceremony, a.nd were direCted to chufe their Succejfors. t · · The Lodge .was then clofed with great Uarmony. . ~tanb ~~at the Devil Tavern, 'temple-Bar,· was held on July 23, ·1740, in ample Form,; :firtJ-'ft'1lm Lodges att.en<fing; who confirmed the Minutes ·of the ·laft Gpa1ld Feaft, appieved of the l'y1inutes of the laft Committee of Charity, :tnd contributt#;i handfomdy 'to the generalFuttd of Cbarity. This Lodge put in Force the Regulation, which requires every Petitioner for Cb>arity to have been a Member of fame regular Lodge 'Within the Space of foe Tears: And three of the late Stewards were complained of, for being prefenf a:nd a:filfr4Jg' at irFegolar. MakiAgs~ E5ranb l:obge, 'atjthe Ta~em arorefaid, ·W'aS held on 'JamtarJ 7, I74o-J, in ample Form,jifty-mne Lodges attending. The necdfary and rifual Fbtms being performed, and a large Coll~on made for the general Fund of Charity,b;rtheAdditionq£ I21.''·(zs. fent by the Brethren of St. Michaels Lodge, in the Iiland of Ba1!- .





. . . , Elfuir, tAr!, . . !fjmftl B~, .""'.

yrfi/iam~Titigftrn; ~lq;

John Faher, · Jlbn Saint, J1lm &uti<Jn, James•&rnarl,

D4vid Dt(mondur;

J.Jrytm D(J'{Df.dn, · ... · ~ R.Jull.,

Mithllf# Combru111~ George Mafon.



Brother $dm11nti BrJI, i:fq; ·.. , ·. ' •· , P.biJit,r~,, . . . . • natiirii~fi"~

.. ·

Ethoard Rudge, IYtlliam Salt, lfoac Strutt, . · Wrlliam Jlrttoltl, RMiard Shug.oJa, ·~ &m, io-Tge <imat, .~·

71J/Jn SprtJ!!JtV, ' .LeP.>is ~111.:. N •. B. Brothe~ Y~ and Btanfh fenred in the of Br()ther Ro.O~rt t;i/:.. . Jert Dmt,. Efq; gone a'hroal, ·and Brether 'lntlia111 Ruji deceafed.. . · :~:.:, .'


. 8tr··


232 ]

!Jado~s. The Sum of 20 l. was ordered for 1the Relief efa 'Cliftreifed

Brother, that had ferved the Office of St~~ard: And. the feveral Sums of 1.5 .f. 1_5:s. and I 2l. 12 s. for th~ fepa~ate Relief of two _oth~r Brethren, -according ~o t4yi~ Circul?ifan.c~s.· ._ . _ ~ranb notrge at the Tavern aforefaid, was heldFeb. 24, 174o_-z. :by - ; ; - ' -WILLIAM G·RlE-ME, M.D. F.R~.S. D. G.M. as Grand ~fa{ter. -Martin Clare, A.M. F.R.S. L. J.,G. W. as Deputy Grand Majttr. · _ _ Be,Yamt?z Gajcoy12e,.7._as ~e~ior Gr~md.1!7arden~ . Samuel Ber-ri12gtoJ1, J as 'Junior Grand Warden. . ..•. -· .Attended by GEa~.E PAYNE,Efq~ ?ar.I of.Lounou~ 9 LordRAYMON:D, late Grtmd Majler.s.; Lord .. WA;RD, Jate .Q,eputf Gt~mul "Mafter..; the Earls of MaRToN and HYNDF~RD ~ his Excellency Maj~~-9ep~r~l Qq~~-J":~ouc~Es. D,E WAL~B:URG, ·Mini~er Plenipotentiary from the King of PRussiA; and the Mafters_and Wardens of forty-one Lodges. And after the uf.ual_and neceffary Forms, and the ColleCtion was made for the general Fund ,of Charity, the faid.Lodge appointed a Committee to examine the Proceedings-of the Lodge _at Calcutta iLl the _Eaji .. JtJdies, tranfmitted to the Grand Lodge for their Advice and DireB:io~1s ~ and. tq anfwer the Letter, .in which the faid Proceedings were inclofed. .. . . . It was ordered that a Comm#tee of Nine Brethren :thould be .appointed, confifring of Grand 0./ficers; Captain Ralph Far'l.vinteor, Provindal Grand Mafter for the Eaft Indies,· and the Mafrer of the Stewards Lodge, to.. examine and anfwer the Premifes, and to report their Proceedings to the!-nex~ ~llt'erlj ~msnication. Brother GRJ.S-ME~ in the Name of the Earf of KIN TORE, the :prefent Grand Majer, then propofed the Right Hon. ]AMEs DouGLAs, Earl of MoRToN, Knight of the moil: noble an~ antient Order of the-'l'hijlle~ to be ®rallb ~after for the Year enfuing; to the great SatisfaCtion of the Brethren, who drank his Health with ·Ceremony as Grand Mafler Eleel. · All Bu1inefs. being, the Lodge was dofed with the ufual •-!~-''-



· ASS EM-:

[ 2'33 ] ASSEM13LY and FEAsT at Haberdll.ffidl's-HaJZ, inLondon. on March 19, 1740-1. KrN'toRE, Lord KEITH, Grand Majler, being in the North• his Deputy WILuiAM GRJ.EME, M.D. F~R.S. ~trended by Martin. Clare, A.M. F.R.S. and Brother Benjamin Gafc"}nt, Efq~ aCl:ing as Grand 1Yardms pro Tempore: George Payne, ·Efq;. Or. Defaguliers, the Bar'ls of LounouN and DARNLBY, the Marq~is of CAR-NA'RVAN, late.GrattdMa.Jers,; . Martin Polh.s. Ef<p. ~cl W A. • :D, late Dlputy Grdnd Majfers ; Sir Robert Lt~iwlej; Bart. late SenigrGrand Warden; the Earls of PERTH and CLA~UUCKARD; his Excellency Major General Count TttotrcHsEs DE WALDB URG, Minifter Plenipotentiary from the King. of PR USStA .; Monf. AN• DRIEt Envoy fro~ the King of PRussiA; Baron WASSENBERG, Envoy from ~h~ King of SwEDEN 7 Monf. Bieljield, Secretary to the Prujjian Ainbalfy; ~aunt .H:'RiRA~~;II', Count. Q J)ANIEI:.; the twelve Stewards, md a great llumbdt of O'J!kr Brethren, in their proper Cloathing, waited. on ,the '.Rrght Hon .. the Earl of MoKTOM,_ UnmJ.. Majler Eletl, at his Houfe in New. !3~ru!-:.8freet in the Eaji; after being there ~i~;~~~ined .at .J;ireakfaft, made the Procdfion of ~tt(}, ;i~~tC~ti~·a~'Charioes, and three Sets of Mufick, properly difp6fed, pl~ying before them to Haber.. dlljhers-H.all ~foref9;id; in the Weft. • · , At the Hall-Gate, the Stewards received the ..Cavalcade, ·and conduCted the Grand OjJk11rs tl:H-oogla ,_the Hail into an inner Chamber (the Deputy Grand Mafler carrying in his Hand the Grand Mnjler's Jewel) and the Deputy Grand Ma.fter having fummoned the Mafters and Wardens of all the regular Lodges. prefent to at• tend him in the f,ai,lf ~~~.e~'Chamber: He there pr91?o.f~d the flight Hon.jAMEs Earl.Qt 'MORToN, to betheit·emm· ~~Jot the Year eaf~ing i. who was mmediately ~d unanill;\oH:£!x_,.ppi-oved of and eleCted. And at the Requeft of the Deji'RIJI:'<;rand Majler, fupported by the general Voice of the Brethrefi;, Lord LouDoUN . was prevailed upon to accept of the Grand Ma.fter's ]EWtL ~ CHAIR, and to act as Grand Majier pro Tempore.




[ 234 ] The Earl of LouDouN in the Chair, and Dinner being· over, his Lordlhip made the ProcdJi'on round the Hall, and in the N arne of the prefent Grand Majler, took Leave of the Brethren in due Form; and, being returned to the Cbaz~r'.. the Grand Secretary proclaimed XX. The Right Hon. jAMEs DouGLAs, Earl of MoRTON, Knight of the moft noble and antient Order of the ?:hiftle, ®ranb Sllf?aller of Mqfom for the Year enfuing: Whereupon his Lordl11ip was placed with Ceremony in SoLoMoN's Chair, and invefred with the proper Jewel of his high Office by the aCting Grand Majler1 and received the Homage of all the-Brethren. MoRTON, Grand Mafter,_appointed MARTIN CLARE, M.A. F.R.S. Deputy Grand Mqjler, William Vaughan, Efq; } Cl . d 7rr J ,r; E"1q; VFran rr aruens. . . G· q;coyne, B en;amm John Re'vis, Gent. Grand Secretary. Brother George Moody,· Sword~bearer.

This Fefrival was conduCted, as ufual, with great Harmony and Joy; and havingparticularlyreturned Thanks to Brother VAUGHAN, the Senior Grand Warden, for his Prefent of a fine large Corneliatz Seal, engraved with the Arms of Mafonry, fet in. Gold, and properly embelliihedl to the Society ; the Stewards * were called,

* s T E w A R. D s. Bro. Count Edw. ·Fretlm't Cf'aubc, t Daniel Carne, James Wallace, t John Gordan, II Peter Hemet, ** George Caton, tt


t In ~nd

the Room of Brothers G9rr:et,

tt Bull,

who declined.

· William S.all, W"illiam Arneld, Lewis Devaux, Edward Rudge, Richard Shergald, John Spranger.

* <J'hqmpfon, t Younge,



'** Stnm,



[ 235 ] highly applauded for their elegat?t Entertainment," and defired to After which, the Grand Mqfler defcendname their Succejfors ing from his Chair, and. attended by the late and prefent Grand Officers, &c. made the flcond Procij}io1z round the Hall ; and, at his Return to .the Chair, clofed the Lodge. ~raub )l!.obge, in ample Form, held at the Devil Tavern, CJ:emple-Bar, on Wednefday June 24, 174 r. Prefertt, the Deputy Grand M'!fter and the Grand Wardens, Stewards, and the Mafter and Wardens of thirty LC!dges; who contributed handfomely to the general Fund of Charity: And after .the ufual Forms, It was refolved, That the :lreafurer of this Society be eleCtive at the Communication after the Grand Feafi annually, and only by the Brethren affernbled in ff<.yarterly Communication ; and that the 'l'reafurer, Secretary, and· Sword-bearer, be th.enceforward Members of every ff<...uarterly Communication or Grand Lodge. Brother John Jejft Efq; was·then put in Nomination for Grand 'freaforer, 2nd was elected unanimoufly. On a Motion lllade by a late worthy Grand Warden; it wa~ now ordered, ·that the . Procdflon in the Hall, at all future. Ghnd Feafis, be made by the following Brethren,. and in the following · Manner, viz.

.. '·



john Setlfion, Stephen Boym, Talhot Waterhoufo, 7'homas Pownall,

Brother Henry Lyell, Efq; Jqhn Douglafi, Efq; James Btaler, JofePh Lycett, · Robdt lJalemanlrtaj, 1Pillf11m JTqJ, '. · · ·





-[ 236 ] '!yl(r t? clear the Way before the Mufick,. . The Mufick, . . The Ste-Wards. two· and two, The firfl LiGHT carried by the Mafterof the. 4th Lodge~ The Wardem of the Stewards Lodge, The Majter of the St~ards Lodge, The Gr:and. Secretary with the Bag, The Grand CJ:reafurer with the Staff, The Pro'l:Jinr:ial Grand Mt!fters, jum(;rs to walk :firft,. All paft Junior Grand Wardens, Juniors to walk :firft,. All paft Senior Grand Wardens, juniors to walk :firft, The ftcond LIGHT carried by the Ma.fter of the 3d Lodge, All former Deputy.. Grand Mr:ifiers, jWJJiOF:s to walk fidt, All Majers~. ·'Jm#ors to walk firft, . ·The third LIGHT carried by the( Mafler of the zd Lodge,. The junlor Grand Warden, The &nior Grand Warden, The Deputy Grand Majler, The Mqfter of the Senior L!JJge with·· the ~imtion~ on a ' Cujhion,. The Grand lt1ajler BleB, The Swora-hearer carrying the_ Sword of State,. The GR.~.N~.·M.t\S':fER. Brother Fother!ey Baker.propofed~ far· a Law or Order . of the Grand Lodge., no.. B·· rother do .pre.fum.e·:i/pat. ~, Ot:·~~feto be printed, the Pr~~~ ··c# any l-Odge; of:''• • . · '~&if}· or the Names of t~~rt~.~~ent at fuch Lodge,. but ~y ~he ~ireCl:ion of the Grand~~~'· ·ot'his Deputy, under P:u.n of .beu~g difowned for a Brother,and ~lot 'to be admitted into any ff<Ear-terlj'Caf!Zmuni-. cation or Grand Lodge, or any Lodge whatfoever '; and of being rendered in.capable of bearing any Office in the Cr~ft. It was unanimoufly agreed to,. and ordered to be entered as a Law of the G~Lodge.


[, 237


It was alfo ordered, That before any Lodge fhall be firuck out (!)f the Lodge-Book· for Non-appearance, a Summons !hall be left at the Houfe where fuch Lodge is held, for the Officers to appear at the next ~arterly Communication, to !hew Caufe for their Nonattendance ; and upon Appearance of fuch Lodge, the faid Officers. fhall pay 2 s. 6 d. for the Summons. It was alfo ordered, that no new Lodge, for the future, fhould be conftituted within the Bills of Mortality, without the Confent. (If the B;ethren, aff'embled in !f<.yartuly Communication, firft obtained for that Purpofe. But thi~ Order afterwards appearing to be an Infringement on the Prerogative of the Grand Mafler, and to· be attended with many Inconveniencies,. and with Damage to the' Craft, was repealed. This Lodge, having ordered Io !. Ios. to be paid for the Relief of a Brother confined at St Stbqflian's in Spain, was clofed in due Form. ~rattb nobge, at the Devil Tavern, <J'emple-Bar, was held on January 12, I 7 4-1-2. Prefent, the Grand Majler and his Ojjicers; the Earl of LouDOUN" late Grand Majler, and the Earl of HuME; the Stewards, and Mafters and Wardens oijffty~nine Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through, and a handfome Collecrion made for the general Fund of Charity, the GRAND MasTER prefented a Staff, painted blue and tipped with Gold, for the Ufe of the 'rrrafu.rer t:tl tbe:E~C!tf~i(e of his Office, ,on all :fuira,qle Occafions. ~ranb i!obgt, at the Devil Ta:vern, 'l'emple-Bar~ was held on March 23, 1741-2. Prefent, the Gra11d Mafier and his Ojjicers,. the Earls of LouDOUN and DARN .LEY, late Grand Mqflers; Lord WAR);); other l{'i.t~ Grand . Offict'/'1$; the Stewards, and the Mafters .awi Wa:rdens of tbt'rt~rfive Lodges. The .tlfualForms·hg,ving been obferved, and a handfome Colletti{)n for the general Fund of Charity made, a Motion was made to repeal the Law, made at . the ~arterly Communication on 24 ·June lafr,. for Reftraining the Con)litution of Lodges within .the Bills of M0r-·tality; when after a fmall Debate, it being found detrimental to the Craft, was ordered to be repealed. And infiead thereof,,



[ 2;J8 ] It was ordered, That every Brother do conform to the Law, made· at the ~arterly Communication; held February 19, 1723, CJ'hat no Brother belong to more· than ONE L'odge within the Bills of Mortal-ity. The right Wodhipful GRAND MAsTEl( then informed the Brethren of his Intention to fix the Grand Feafl on the 27th of April following; and propofed the RightHon. JoHN Lord WARD, Baron of BIRMINGHAM, for his Succeifor: Which Nomination · was received with the higheft SatisfaCtion by all the Brethren, an4 accepted, with great Regard for the Craft, by that noble Lord, who had in every Capacity diftingui1hed himfelf for ~is· Freedom, .Fervency, and Zeal, as a MAsoN. . · All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofeq in due Form. ASSEMBLY and FEAST at Haberdajbers-Ha/1 aforefaid, on Apri/27, 1742. MoRTON Grand Majler, attended by his Grand Ojjicers; the Earls of LounouN and D.t..RNLEY, and the Marquis of CANAR. VAN late Grand Ma}lers; the Earl of ANGLESEA; former Grand Ojjicers ; the Stewards, and a great Number of other Brethren, properly clothed, waited on the Right 'Hon. the Lord WARD, at his Haufe in Upper Brook~Street, in the Eajl; and. after a kind Entertainment at Breakfafi:, made the ProcdJion of ~ttb from thence in Coaches and Chariots, and with three Sets of Mufick, properly difpofed, and playing before them, to the Hall aforefaid Jn the We.ft. . The .Stewards received the. Cavalcade at .tile ;I:;Jall~Gate, and condutted the Gr~d Ojjicers through the Hall to an inner Chamber; · where· the GRAND MAsTER, having fummoned into his Prefence, the Mafters and Wardens of the Regular Lodges attending without, propofed the Right Hon. JoHN Lord WARD, Baron .of BIRMINGHAM in the County of War.wick, for ~ranb ~alltt: for the Year enfuing; who being unanimouily approved of, was elected in .due Form. Dinner

. I :z:;g ] Dinner being over,. Grand Mt!fler.MoRT.oN made the.firfl Pro:. cdJion * mund the Hall> and took his Leave i? a graceful and af~ fetl:ionate Manner. And being returned to his Chair, his Lord:!hip,· after a very handfome Speech, caufed ·the Grarid.Secretary to proclaim . ·. . XXI. TheRightHon.JoHN LordW.aliti,BaronofBIRMINGHAM in the County of Warwick, <Granll ~dllet . of,Ma.fons. · Who being placed in SoLoMON~S Chair;. inv:ei~d :with, ~pro.­ per Jewel, and recognized. by the Homage and' every Tolte!l of Joy by the Brethren, appointed ·· Sir RoBERT LAWLEY, Bart. Deputy Grand Ma.fltr.' Edward Hody, 1r; .1 . M. D F.R.S. G.ran d YY araetzs. Samuel Berrzngto11, . . 'And continued the Grand Seeretary and Sword-bearer t~ All Things perfoilmed·with.Decency,.Order, and Harmony, the Lodge was clofed in due Form. $ranb ¥obge, at the D,e'Uil Tavern, 'l'emple-Bar, was held on Yune 24, I 742. Prefent, LoRD W ARJ;), Grand Majer"~ alLhls: Grand Ojjicers, feveral late Grand Ofoo:s, SttWfJII'tis, ·.apd the




•. ,

• See the Form thereof on Page 236.

t STRW AltDS thanked, and nominated thefe SuccEsso:a:s. Bro, JJa.d,ard T,.l'iJOr•,' ·' . .Bro. ·~sG,;,iitiN, Talli()t Wattrhouft,. : 'John Dapper, 1 . Robert Batetnan !Pray, Henry Benlace, Efq; .Anthony Benn, John C~gs1 Stephen Rogers~ Luke Alder, Peter It Maijlrt t, Charles D11buy, John 'Traile, A," M. t ' 1oi!'P Cttrn,~; ~(<¥ ·. ··, Lt •: · l Henry Liel, EiCJi . ~.P.rin, ,Efq; •. . · . Edmund BrJdgu,. Peter. G~rdon, M. ~'. . ' 1Vtlliam POl; Pettr Lahertouch, · · 'Thomas Poronal, 11/iiliam Mou11tamt-, Jojeph Lycett. · John Torr•. • N.FJ. • ferved inftead of .Brother.Butltr, ·t. Seddon, :t D9ugltu,. who: declined..



[ 24-0 ]

Mafters ltna Wardens of twintj.:.ftx Lodges; who ctmtributed handfamely to the general Fund of Charity ; and after the ufual Forms,. Proceeded to the Eled:ioo of a Grand'lrea.foi:er~ andunanimO'lJilY .rechofe Brother JoHN jESSE, Efq; · The Mafter of the 'lurk's..Head Lodge in GrC'ek-Street; Soho, .acquainted the G&ANJ:i MAsTER, that, as- ·the .faid Lodge wa.S greatly declined, he and the Members had joined the King's-Arms Lodge, No 3 8, held at the Cannon, Charing.Crofi ; and that by the Confent of the faid 'l'urk' s-Head Lodge, he· did· furrend~r ~he . Co1!fiitutt'on thereof tf? his 'Worlhip. For which they were much .applauded by the GRANJ>.MAsTER,.asworthyofExample, where · · · '· Lodges wete in· a declining irretrievable State. . . · , Ordered,. ·that the Lodge,. •· . .. • ·. . . N° 7, at the .Atzgtl and Crown, in IPhitecbajel~ . No 6o, at the Yi12e, in L011g-Acre:, · N • ·l '6 i ~ at the Swnn, on Fijh-Street-Hill:J. be · erazed. out of the Lift, and be . no longer efteemed Regular Lodges., for not attending .tile G.RA.Nn::MA!intt~in lfl!far~erlj Gml.munication, purfuant to feveral Notices fent them refpec.tively. All Bufinefs bemgover, the Lodge wa-8 do!ed in due Form. ~ranb J!ObJe,_ at the De'l)i/ Tavern,_ 'I'emple-Bar, was held on February 8, 1742-3"• Prefent, the GRAND M.A.STER and all his Officers; feverallate Grand 0../Jicers; Stewards, and the MaiteJ"s and Wardens of .fo<ty LodgeSL; · ~ho ij&ving. con~~ett g~neronfly to the general Fund of ,Charity, and gone through the ufual Forms, Ordered I sl. :t 5 s. for the Relief of a diftreffed worthy Brother; 4-nd were highly fatisfied with the Conduct of the Lodge, No 47, held at the Rofe in Cbeapjide, · who :finding their State in gre'l1t Decline, had joined- themfelves to the Swan and Rummer in Bartholomew-Lane, near the R()]al Exchange, and furrendered their Conjlitution to the GRAND MASTER at the Communication .. All Btslmefs.being ~ver, this Lodge was d-Gfed.





e.ranb 11!.o~gt, ~t the DeviiT:J.vern, fl'.f!!Jple~Ba.r, was h·e1d: on . April 9, 1743· Prefent, the GRAND MAsTER, and all his Officers ; . feveral late Grand Officers ; .the Stewards, and the Maftex:s and W~rdens of ~birty-two Lodges; wlio, after the ufual Forms,. contributed generou1ly to the general ~und of Cbari'ty. .. . . ·."riie Kiog· ;~~>-§One abroad,.:and fev.eral. of the ·Brethren, as well N obletJJctn as others, wi~h his Majefty; and feveral others haying .. retirecl to t,heir Countty Seats; it. was ..propofed by Brother p.A,·'tt:ll.·:Ji:, ;ll:).tQ, Grand Mafter, to d~fer the1 As~;:E,M:J'!LY _and FMJI,; an):~ to requ~ tl;u; Right W odhipful and Right f.ton~ Lord V/ARD; Q'Dranb ~atler ·in ·ttl~ Cbt~ir, to ~ontinue theit G~AND MASTER for fome Time Jon gel!•. ,. . The Brethren approved of this .l\1otiG,niJ and upon alledging a Pr~cei:le.nt of the lfk~ So~t.(Rxc;a:M:o~JD, Grand Mafler) his Lordthip ~ondefcended ·tQ c~l)~~ jq. t.he Ctlair ~~ill · ~ ·xnore proper Opportunity for chufing a Succe1for. · . . ·· '. . The G.RAND.M.A.STER. then .pr9.}1Qfed.., a,s· there.:was. to be na Fetifl in Town, to meet the Brethr~n at Brother Vipo1it's in H~Rnp..


th~e ··to

dine on

t~~ 1 :614. of .May~,

··, ·:


Ol.idered, Th~t the :LoPg~g t -: 't : 1r:~t ·, ·,N• 40, at t}J.e ·GJWJe,~ · irn Fket-S!rtet, 4 5, at the Globe, .in the Strand, ., -5G> at the C~kJ; in St.• Gikls, ·. 8o, at the Three Tuns, itJ~JG1ifl/<JJffi.Qr:..Street, . 145;. 'at tbe 'rh!'e~'Iztn:s afi.d~Ha!f-.Moon, on Snow-Flill, . I s6, at the Red Lion, in Red Lz.'on-Stred, I 6 5, a~ the.J!!/o~er-:P:ot, in Bijbop.fgate Street~ '.

lh0ui:d be

in!liJ>.eqla\~ ~ft®£\.~t~::E>£ ~he

Lift of ReguJat Lodges,

for not attending the GRAi-TD MAs~~~,~J~tt.rterlJ.fJom»>llf'JkatioJz, purfuant to fevenii·NPt:~s·11t&tt d\~ ;re,~Clively.: ' ,_ All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. ~Granb t:obgc, at- the Devii•Tavern, 'Iemple-Bar, was held on . .April 4, 1744· Prefent, the GRAND MASTER" Lord WARD;






.all hi~ Officers; Lord L~U·DOUN, late Grand Ma.fter; rev.eral fate Grand :officers ; the Earl of STRATHMoRE; the Slerzoards, ·and the Mafters and Wardens t'lf fifty-four-Lodges; who, after the afual Forms, aQd a iar'ge· CoUection; for the. 'general Fund of. Charity, · · ' ' · Con'fidered the Petitio~1 of Brother FRAN BY AM; D. D. Mafter of the Court-l!oufl Lodge;. in Behalf of the Brethren of -the _. faid Lodge, on the Ifiand of Antigua, fetting forth, That they had. built' a Lodge Room; 'fixty 'Feet long~ artd thirty wide:. with a. fma·lier· Room adjoining ; : and praying that ·the faid new ::built Lodge, where they intended 't<lmeet·fot:tne future,· on the feooi}d' and fourth Wednifday of every Month, might be entered in. tlio Boo_k of Lodges, by the Name of '!'he Great Lodge if St. 'John's ;. which was granted with· this· Alteration, that, infl:~ad or. being calle~~ St.-JoHN~s, they might be named :floe great LoDGE at St. JoHN's z'n Antz'gua. · H'~ving granted 2 I /. for the Relief of fwo worthy Brethren in D.iftrefs, · · The Right Worfl1ipful dR:.A:~n MASTER propofed the Right:' Hon. THoMAs LYoN, Earl of STRATHMORE,.:for his Sucaeifor; which was received with great Applaufe ; and. ··his.. Health waS: drank with Ceremony, as Grand Majler Eletl;. when his Lordlhip ordered the Grand Feafl to be on :the S.econd of May next. ·ordered, That the Lodg~s; ' · No 7, at the K:ing's~Arms,- 'I'tmple-Bar~ 39, at tbe Mitr't/'in '~g~&reet$ Wtflmi-.fler, ihould be immediately ~rated' out of the-Lift of regular Lodges~ for not obeying the Summons of the GRAND MASTER, to attend him in §(uarterly Communz'cation All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was ~lofed.


(:~43 ] ASSEMBLY ·and on May

2, WARD,


at Haberdajhers-Hall aforefaid,



attended by. his Grand Officers; ·late Grand MtYfers; and feveral more lat¢ :GrlhZii Officers ; the Stewards., and many other Brethren, proper)y.clothed, waited on the Earl of STRATHMORE, the. GRAND

the ~ads of





and were entertained at Breakfaft by his Lord!hip, at the Braund'sHead Tavern il\' New: Bond~ Street, in. the. W'!ft : Fcom whence t~ern;mde t'lJe Proctf!lion pf ~artb, irt Coaches and Chariots;: ,pre:~ped by tlu~ ,Set.s,pf Mufick, properly difpofed,· and p~ying, to

.the Hall, in the Eafi. The Stewards received. the. Cavalcade at the Hall-Gate, and con,dutl:ed the Grand Officers through the Hall to an inner Chamber ; whe,re, 4aving fummoned the Mafiep and Wardens of the feveral Lodges without, to attend, the GRAND MAsTER, propofed the Right Hon. THoMAs LVQN, Earl of STRATHMORE, for ~raub ~after for the Year enfuing: Who was thereupon unani- . moufly eleCted. ' . .. ' · . :Pinner being over~ the GRAND M~s;r·J~R. made the .firfl Pro. ceffion ab_ou~ the Hall ; , .an~t in a .mofi affable, courteous; and affectionate Manner, took his Leave of the Brethren. And being returned to the Chair, after a {eafonable and pathetic Speech, and Congratulation'· ort' t~F·'f~oice a Grand MaJler:~ .his, Lordihip caufed the Grand.&critarf:to pro,;laim . XXII. 'the RightHon. THoMAs LYoN, Earl of STRATHMORE and KINGHoRN, Vifcount LYoN, Lord GLAMis, &c. qJ!5raulJ



of Mtifons. . . WHo, bein~ placed ··with Ciremony· in Soto¥oN'~ Cl!air,

mvefied with the ·proper Jewel, homaged and recognized with all Tokens of Joy and Gladnefs by tl1e Brethren, ·appointed WIL,~IAM VAUGHAN, E~q;

Deputy Grand Majie1·. Williahi, M,· D.· F.R.S ..' 1-.:rrand. rr J 7¥ 7 ·' • · · arut!lS Fotherley Baker,)j,fq; . . . · . .• · ' · , r And-continued the Grand Secretary and Sword-bearer. Ii 2 The


['244] The fecond Procefiion being made round the Hall, · tne·Lodge was dofed in due Form.* (t;raub )l!obge, at the De::uil Tavern, 'temple;..fJar,: on Sept. 2 6, 1744, was held in ample Form.· Prefent~ the·JYiafhks;a-ncl V\(arderis of twenty-two Lodges; •Wh{:}, after the ufualF.Orms;.--eo:n&ibuted .handfomely to the general Fund ofChar.t'ty; and re-eleCted Bro~her Jtjje into the Office of Grund 1reqfurer. . · All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofe-d: ~ranb l[obgt, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid; was held (jh Feb, 2 6, 1 7 44-5, in ample Form; PFe~nt, '~he· 'Maft~rs ~rid Wardens of twent;'-nine Lodges ; who, after the: ufu~l F:?El:ns, contributed generouily to the' Fund of Charity. ·. . .· . · The M:allers and Wardens of the Lbdge~ N~ ~'S 5!" lately l~la at the 'fhree .'Tuns, in Houghton-Stre&t,'Glare-Mairket; furrendered ·their Cozyrit:uti011 to the Grand Mafler .: 'the:Brethren having agreed to join the Lodge No Ioz,· at the Magpye and Horfe-Jl}oe in liollis· Street., near Clare-Market. . · · ·· All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. ·· · · ' ·. · 4!Sranb ;l!obge, at.· the Devil Tavetn af<Pr'efaid, :~as: :held on 11J.arch 2 5' 1?+ S·· Prefent, Lo:rd wARD, GR'A~·~· MAs'! E Rt


~ The STEWA:\tDS tli~ked, Su.ccRS$!>R,S nominated~ Bro. John Goggs~ · Bro. Francis .']acktm:m, ''Thomas Cli,vpertrm, a . • . John Crijp, . . Thoma; Leddiard, Efq; ~ "l:[e-nry S.trudFf'*'· E:(~ •Charles Duhuy, <john B.iJloffley:O: · •· · · ; • Luke Alder, : Willian1 R:Ogm, Robert Mitchell,~ Matthew Mitcbell, Efq;,. Hon. and Rev. Godfrey Dawnay, d Thom(ls lJ/alker,.

1111/iam Mountaim,


James lf!Zlsjord,.

"..J;omas Grfjjiths, Ephraim Bell, Thomas Smith, Efq; • Daniel 0/i..;iu,. John r'orr, David Lijle,. Peter· Gordon. George Pyle, M. D. · N. B a ferved infl:ead of Brother Dappe~, b ·of Delabertaucb, ~ of .Price, cle· ceafecl, ~ of Btnlace, and ~of B~other Carnes, who declined. · WILLI}..M

..[ t'~-45 .] Depzky Grand Mtijlet';

Wt L L lAM VAuGHAN, and feveral' htte Grand OfficerS, the Earl of LouDouN;·Lord CRANSTOUN, the Stewards, and the .Mafiers and War-dens of nineteen Lodges: The particular: Farms being g0ne through, and the Charity collected, It: was ordered,. That ~e following Lodges, not ·~ttending according to the SnmiD<>ns fent by Ord¢r of the lafr ~artkly Communication~ r.hoold be erazed oof of the· BOok of Lodges,· rvi~•. .No:3,· t~e Crown{ behind ths Royal Exchange. · · ·g, the·K.fflg"-s-.A:rm$, in· NewBrmd-Street• .1 7, the Sun,. in Hr;lltor'n. 'I g, ··the Vine, in 'L~ng--:Acre.

Forr'ejPs Coffee.:.houfe, Charing.crojs. 1 46,. the Kt~ng's-Htad,. in the 0/J 1ewry. 1 59, the Gloucifter Lodge, ~t the Cmmon, Chan·ng-crofi. · · 17j; the Britijb Co:Wee-houfe,. Chm·ing-crefs. LoRD WARD, in t~ Chair, propofed the Right Hon. the Lord CRANSTouN, for ~Granb~alltr for the enfuing Yea-r; which. 2 6·,

was greatly


the Satisfaction of the Brethren, who drank his

Health· witw Ceremony

as Grand Majler Elet1. ·

Lord ~RANS'XOUN appoi.ated the· Grand Feafl tt'Jfbe held at Drapers-Hall, on the 18th of April following, and invited the

Brethren to brea.kfaft with him on the Morning of the fame Day~ at the Brauntfs-Het;(ii,_ /l.,(Nzd-St~eet. , .· · ASSEMB~Y

an,d>.F$AST ~t Drapers-Hal/ in T'/f.rock.mortonStrcct, London, April z8, 1745·.. Lord WARD, as G~.I}-ND MASTER, attended by the Deputy· Grand Majler, the Graiz4 "Warckns; the Earl of Lo~DOPN, late Grand M":fter;. othedate:.~rand ~.fficers; the E~dPfEG(..UHl:ToN, the Stewards, and m~ny o~her Brqthren,, break(aftctt·wit!t the_Right Hon. Lord CRANsroyN-, ~t th~ Br.aund's-Head ',ra.v~.·aforefaid, in the Wift,. a.n.d made th~·tf'roce!Jion of ~art.IJ?.. i{l.;Coaches and. Chariots, . precediit .by thJ:.e¥ ~~s of Mpfipk,, to Drt~pers-Hall,. ill· the Eajl.. ·· · · ".

·Tfie .

[ 246] · The Ste·wards received the Cavalcade at the Hall-:Gate, and con-ducted the Grand Officers through the Hall into an inner Chamber; whither alfo the GRAND MAsT~R pro tempore fumq10ned the Mafters and Wardens of the regular Lodges in Waiting to attend him, and propofed to them Lord CRANSTOUN for their GRAND l\1AsTER, who was thereupon eleCted with great Unanimity. Dinner ended, Lord W A R.D made the jirft Proceffion round the Hall; and, in the Name of the abfent GRAND MAsTER, took Leave of the Brethren. Being returned to the Chair, he caufed the Grand Secretary to pro~l.aim XXIII. The Right Hon. JAMES CRANSTOUN, Lord CRANs~ To u N, ~raub Wlaffee of Mafom ; who, being placed with Ceremony in SoLoMoN's Cha£r, invefted with the proper Jewell and having rece,ived the Homage of the Bre'thren, appointed EDWARD HoDY, M.D. F.R.S. Deputy Grand Mqfler. Potherly Efq;} Gran d rr 7r7 · ·Baker, . ardens.

'Ihomas Smtth, Efq; . . John Revis, Gent. Grand Secretary. 'Jhomas Slaughter, the Sword-bearer.* Brother George Moody .having declined the Acceptanc.e of that Office on Account of the


The STEWARDS thanked,

.Bro. Francis Jackman,

SuccEssoRs nominated•

Bro.; Matthew Creyghton,

Gerge Pile, M. D. John Fcury, John J?illmeau, '* George Farmer, Georgt Powlltt, Efq; b RQ)Ilrt Shir/ty~ 1ames Whitworth, • f1 '.Coleman He}itr,. 'tFilliam R.ogtrs, <~ William Rogers, Johtz Stene, Efq; h John Kettle, Efq; ~faiiw Bemut, Efq; Thomas Williams, James Wilsford, · . · John Sauret, Thoma; Chaddocke, 1 John Tapjcot, Robert Chteh, • George Clarke, Fleming Pinkfla11', ll Peter Lrwis Perrin. 1 N. B. Thefe marked a, h, "', ", \ , r, \ ferved _in£l:ead of Brothers Crijp, Strudwick, Bo/lgmey, Walker, 0/i':Jitr, Btll, and Lijli, who declined; and Brother ./Uitc~J!, who went abroad.





bad State of his Health, and prefented the Grand Lodge with a Jewel he had ufually WQrn, for the Ufe of the future SWJ)rd-bearer~ The ficond Procdfion being made round the Hall, the Lodge: was_ <;lofed ·in due Eorni. , .~Pa.Jtb 9!obne, at tlae ·D.evil~ Tavera aferefaid, was. held on· N()1)ember 21, 1745. · Prefent, Lord CRANSTOUN, the.GRA!iD MAsT E.R.; .all his Grand Officers,; feveral late Grand Officers ;. the Stewards, and th.e Mafters and Wardens of thirty-:ft'L'e


_, , .


Who after the ufual Forms, and a handfome Cblledion for the general Fund of Chari!J', re-eleCted Brother 'Jdfe their GratJd



· • Ordered the Twelve follewing Loqges to be erazed out of the Book of Lodges, they not having attended the Grand Mafler at the General Meetings of t.he Society,. nor regularly met fo as to. be funm10ned· for fome Years, viz. No IS, the BedfoPd-Arms; in Covent-Garden. 16, ·the Bear and Rummer in Gerrard- Street, S~ho,. zs, the Dog, in St. James's Afarket.. 48', ~he R~yal Oak, in Earl-Street, Se-uen Dials.. 54, the George, in StMary ,A,.·~. 7 g,_ the King•s-Head, in St. Paul's Cburch-)'ard. 107, the Fountain,. .on Sno~w-Hill. , 11~,. ·the ,Horn- and Dolphin; in Crutched-Friars•. 142, the White:.Hor:fe in. Picadilly. 1 6o,_ the Horn and Feathers., in Doelors-Commons. 171,_ the Sta11dard, in Leicd1er-Fields. 15 s, ·the M'4'!fom·lb~tft, near the Steel-yard, in Tba1Jtes~Stt:ett•. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. .. ~raub: •otase·, a:t .the Devil Tavern ~forefaid, was h~ld ·April 14,. 1746, in ~ue Form> with the,.Mafter, Wardens, and nine A(liftants of the Stewards Lodge, and the Mafters a~d Wardens o( thirty-one Lodges..


[ 24ft ] .

'tho ufua:l Forms beirig gon-e through, and a handfome CoHee• tl~n for the. general Fund of Charity .made ; it was upon· a Motion from Brother PAYNE, late GaiZd Mfljler, agreed to pofrpone the ·Grand Feafl, and to requeft the GRAND MAST-ER<t-a c6ntinue in his Office .fome 'Time longer. And,. at their b.ullible Suit; :the ·GR~ND MAsT:gR promifed to contin~e in the Chair; and deiired their Company .to Dine at Brother JTipGnt's, on the. 3d of May next• . Ordered, That the four folllowing Lodges be e,ra~ed out of the Book of Lodges for Non-Attendance, according to the Order of the !'aft ~arterly Communication, ·vi~•. · ; .· · · N° 33, the Sajh and Cocoa-7:ree, in Mootjields. : .· 88, the ~op and Griffin, in Leadenhall-Street. 140, the Kirigs-Arf!IS 1 in Cdlt~atoit &rett1. T · 1 53, tbe~Poutztain, it'f Bartholomew-Lane. All Bufinefs being over, the. Lodge was clofed. ~rattb ~obgt, at the Devil Tavem . aforefaid, ·was held in due Form, on Apri/3, 1747.- Ptefent~ ·rhe Ma''lters and Wardens, and nine Affillants of the Stewards Lodge, and the Mailers and · :'· Wardens of forty-one Lodges. The ufual Forms ·being g·one throtigh:, anO.:.-~ larg€ ColleCl:ion made for the general Fund of Charity; the GRAND MASTER informed the Brethren, tha't the Grand .Feajl would be held at Drapers· Hall, on the 3oth Day of .April. · . A Motion ·was then made to diitontinue for the· future the Pro. cdfion of ~nrcb ; which was carried~ t!e1m'ne··~. ~ ·. Then the 'GR. ANn MAs''l'Elt pt<l'PUfcli tlhe:l~s~ H'<ln. the Lord BYRoN for his Succeffor, tothe great &itisfattkm of the,Btethren, who drank his Lordfhip's Health wit-h .C' Grand Majler Elect. Ordered, That the Lodge,' N• 2, at. tbeJH()rJ{ itn' 1Jr?/lmin/ler, ooHlttending a~-cord!ng to the Order of the lan ~arterry Cqmmunkatitm~- be erazed out of the Boo'k.. of Lodges. · · All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed•. , ·.· . 2 ASSEMBLY ! ••




[ 249 ]


ASSEMBLY and FEAST atDrapers-Hall, on.dpri/30)



The Lord CRANSTOUN, erattb ~a:ner. EDWARD HoDY, M. D. F.R.S. Deputy Grand Mtifler.


Fotherley Baker, Efq; G d Tr, ..1 ct •.,.h Er. ran rr araens. oomas ~Jmt~. , 1q; GEORGE PAYNE, Efq; Lord WARD, late Grand Mt!fters; Martin Clare, A.M. Sir RoberiLawley, Bart~ lateDeputyGrandMi!flers; Martin 0 Connor, Benjamin Gafloyne, Efqrs; and Col. Samuel Berington, late Grand Wtzrdms ; John Je.Jfe, Efq; cfreofurer; Lord BYRON, Grand Mt!fter Elect; his ExcellencyMonf. ANDRIE, n->J_ :1.

Minifter from the King of PRussiA; his Excellency Monf. HoFF. MAN, Minifter from the King of PoLAND; Baron REYDESEL; the twelve Stewards, and many other Brethren properly clothed. The Stewards, on the GRAND MAsTER•s Arrival at the Hall, conducted him and the. Gtand Ojjicers into an inner Chamber; whither the Mail:ers and Wardens of the feveral Lodges · prefent were fummoned to attend. To whom his Lord1hip propofed the Right Hon. the Lord BYRON for his · Succeifor; who was thereon immediately elected. Dinner being ended, the GRAND MAsTER made the jirft Pre= tdJion round the Hall, took Leave of his Brethren ; and, being returned to his Chair~ .ordered the Grand Secretary to procl~im XXIV. The Right Hon. WILLIAM Bv:&oN, Lord BYitoN, Baron of RocHDALE in the County of LANCASTER, ~~anb ~artcr of Mafons. · Who being placed with Cer~mony in SoLoMoN's Chair, invefied with the proper Jewel of his ·high Office i and having received the Homage of the Brethren, appointed · FoTHERLEY B.Ag:ER, E;fq; Deputy Grand Mttjier. The Hon. Robert Shirle;·, Efq; } G d Wi. d Capt. :thomas Jrffi·eys, ran ar ms.




250 )

john Re"Jis, Gent. Gratzd Secreta?)'· Mr. Daniel Carne, the Sw(}f'd-bearer. The Stewards * wer~ . then called up, . w_ete: thanked for their Care a·ncl. :rrol:l'ble, aad defired to IDame their ,Succ4Jors t· The fecond Procejji01i bdng made rotlfld the Hall, tbeLodge was clofed in due FoFm. ~rau.tJ 1!obgt, a.t the Dervil Tavern +tforefaidJ was hdd Dec. 16, 1747> in ample Form; the Mafl:er and Wardens and nine Affifrants of the Stewards Lodg~, and the Mafters and Wardens of tbirty:five Regular Lodges attending; the ufual Fonns being gone through, and a nandfome ColleCtion made for the general Fund of Charity, It was ordered, That the LQd:ge, called the third Lodgf! at Calcutta in the Eafl-Indies, at their Requefr~ be enrolled in the Lift of Regular Lodges, agreeable to the Date of their Corifiitution. The Brethren unanimoufly rechofe .Brother J~!fe Grand Treafurer; and aU Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed.

* STEW ARns. Bro. Matthew Chreyghton,

. t SuccEssoRs. Bro. Robert Marcellus~

'John Peary, Jofhua Fletcher, bt£r Clerh., Bernard Joachim BQtttjQ;U!f"~ Robert Shirle.y, . E(q; William Bromfield, Robert YOung, a Thomas Sledge, 1!7illiam Rogers, JJ/i!liaw Walker, JOJtph Licett b' Stephen Yonge, JQhn ~pranger," Gm:ge; &tkle4 'Thomas Manningham, M.D.~ John Delaval,. S'Cc{'~ Pheafant ~tley, • Samuel Severn, George Clarke, f John Richardfin, Col. Samuel Berington, g Richard Lane. N. B. Tho!e marked •, ~>, c, a, ", 1, g' ferved inftead of Brothers Htjler and Kettle deceafed, and Brothers Farmer, Jf7illiam, Sauret, Tapfiot, and Perrin, who de.dined. ·

.( 251 ) l$ranb :U:obgc, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid, was held lvlarch 7, 1747, in ample Form; the Stewards Lodge, and t4e Mailers and W!lrdens ~f thirty-two Lodges attending. The Minutes being ~ead, approved of, and con:fir~ed, and ~other Maf!ters of Form being gon~ through, there was made a handfome ColleCtion for the genetal Fund of Charity. Ordered, That· the· Lodge, No 9, at the Killg's-'Arms Tavern in New Bond-Street, ·be reftored and entered into its former Place in the Lift of Lodges; .it ~ppearing, that their Non-Attendance was occafioned by Miftake. ·. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. ®ra.nb ~obge:, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid, was held on Dec. !22, 1748, in ample Form; the Stewards Lodge, and the Mafters and Wardens of fifty Regular Lodges attending. The Minu~es being,, approved of, and confirmed, and other Matters of Form gone ithrongh,' there was made a handfome ColleCtion for the general Fund of Charity • . Ordered, that I I 5 s. fhould be _given for the Relief of a wort:hy difti-effed Brother. · · · · . :Orderea; That the Lo~ges, . No 4- r, at Mount's Coffee-Houfe, in Grofvenor~Street, 70, at the Salutation, in Newgatf!t.Street, 83, at the B_un, in Ludgate-Street, , I 2 5, at Ajhley's :London Punch-houfe, : I 4 3, at the Swan, in South,wark, be erazed out of the Book of Lodges for Non-Attendance, when fummoned by Order of the Gra12d Majler, to meet him in f!.garterlJ


Cemmunication. The Lodge held at the ·White Bear, in Old Broad-Street, having declined,. the ML!fter, by the Confent of the ot~er Members, furrendered the Conftitutia'll into the Hands of the Grand Mojler. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed.



252 ] .nraub lobgt, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid, was held on May 2 6, 1 7 49, in_ ampl~ Form; the Stewards Lodge, and the Mafters and Wardens of thirty-nine Lodges attending. The Minutes being read, approved of, and confi.rmed, and the other Matters of Form being gone through, ·ther~ was made a generous Collection for the general Fund of Charity. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to infpeCl: the Laws relating to the General Charity; and to caufe Copies of fuch of them to be printed, as they lhould think proper ; and that the Grand Secretary lhould fend one of the faid printed Copies to each Lodge, to be paid for by the Treafurer. Bufinefs being ov~r, the Lodge was clofecl. ~ranb J!.obge, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid, was. held on yune 2 5, 1750, in ample Form; the Mafters and Wardens of , forty-nine Lodges attending. The Minutes 'f?eing read, approved of, and confirmed, a very handfome ColleCl:ion was made for the general Fund of Charity •. ®raub ![otlge, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid, was held Sept .. 4, 17 5 r, in ample Form; attended by the .Mafters and Wardens o£ jixty Lodges, who, after the .ufuat Forms,. contributed a very large Sum towards the general Fund of Charity. . . ·Upon the Petition, of feveral wprthy Brothers1• aftet: a long Debate, it was ordered,. that in Refpea: to Brother PAYNE, late Grand Mojler, the Lodge No 2, lately held at the Horn in Palace-yard,. Wefimin.fter, ihould. be reftored, and have its former Rank and Place in the Lift of Lodges. And the fam~ Fa~oqr was likewife· granted to the Brethren of the Lodge held at the George in St. Mary Axe; it'appearing, that their not meeting regularly,_ had been occafioned by unavoidable Accidents. All Things being over, the Lodge. was clofed.. . ~ranb :J!obgt,. at the Devil Tavern aforefaid; was held on. 24,_ 17 51, in ample Form; the. Mafters and Wardens. of thirty-three Lodges attending 1 who, after. the ufual Forms,. paid' a bandfome Sum to, the gene~~! ¥u~d- of Char-ity.




'[ 253 ] Ordered, That twenty Pounds be paid for the Relief of a worthy Brother in Difirefs, to put him in a Way of Bufinefs. All Bufinefs being over the Lodge was clofed. ~ralll'l i:obgt, at the De~il Tavern aforefaid, was held on March 1 6, 17 52. Prefent, Lord BYRoN, <l!;rnnb ~alltr ; his Grand Officers; Lprd W AR:D, late Grand Mt:tfler; and other late Grand Officers; Lord CARYSFORT; the twelve Stewards; the Stewards Lodge, and the Mafiers and WardensofJiJtJ:fix Lodges. The u.fual Forms peing gone through, and the Brethren having, with great Demonfirations of Joy, expreifed th€ir Pleafure at the Sight of their GR.l.ND MAsTER, who had been abroad for feveral Years, and lately returned in Health and Safety; contributed hand;. fomely to the general Fund of Charity.. The GRAND MASTER then expreifed his Regard for the Craft, and propofed the Right Hon. the Lord CARYSFOR·T for his Succeffor, to the great Liking and Satisfaction of the whole Society. ASSEMBLY and FEAST, kept at Drapers-Hall in 1Drockmorton-Street, London, on March 20, 17 52 •. Prefent, Lord BYRoN, Grand Mojier, and many Grand Officers; amongft whom wtre the Earl of LounouN and Lord WARD, attended by the twelve Stewards., and· a· great Number of other Brethren. The GRAND MAsTER and his Officers,' beingaffembled in ~n inner Chamber, ordered the Mafters and Wardens of all Regular· Lodges. to attend. him in the Grand Lodge, and propofed to them; the Right Hon. the Lord CARYSFOR T. for his Sucoeifor; and hisLordlhip was unanimoufly eleCted. Dinner being over) the GRAND MAsTER: made the firft Pro~;tjjion round the Hall; and having taken Lea've of the Brethren, in a polite and affeCtionate Manner, returned to his C~air, and ordered: the Grand Secretary to proclaim XXV. The Right Han. JoHN PRO BY., Baron of CARYSP.ORT in. the County of WxcKLow,. in. the Kingdom. of IRttLA.Nn., ~ranb::

Sl}aftec of Maflms.





Chair, inve:O:ed with the pmper Jewel of his high Office, and having received the Harnage of ail the Brethren in due F01·m, and the Surrender of the Enfigns of Dffi.ce from the feveral Officers of the ·nte Grand M4fer, he ,;a.ppointed THoMAS MANN INGHAM, M.D. Deputy Grand Majler. The Carmichael, Efq; . I· Gran d rr -r:~:r J . Han. . dJames ofT art.~ens. S1r Rzchar fJ7rofff'yey, Bart. Brother John Re'Vis Grand Secretary. Brother Daniel Carne, $word-bearer.* Much Harmony, the old Cement of the Fraternity, abounded throughout the whole large AssEMBLY; and all expreffing the ·greatefr Joy at the happy Occafion of their Meeting, after a longer Recefs than had been uftial, .occafioned chiefly b.y the.Attention of ali Perfons, and efpecially the MAsoNs, beirig fixed on the Re-e:ft:ablilhment of the public Peace, which ever brought Bleffings in Abundance, and all defirable Honour and Efreem with the Good and Great, to the antient and peaceable Fraternity. However high the Hopes of all that wiilied well to the Caufe might be, their .moft Who being placed in SoLoMoN's



STEWARDS thanked,

Brq. The Hon. 'James Carmichael, ·Efq; Sir Richard"rF'rr;ttejley, ~, Bernhard Joachim Bottefeur~ · Robert Marcellus, George .Steidel, Stephen 'Younge, Richard Lane, "l'homas 'laylor, c. Charles If'"ale, 4 John Jourdan, • Jofeph Breuitt, f

Sm:cEssoRs nominated.

Bro. Henry Smith, Peter Leigh, Buckle Banfon, Bon. Capt. lYilliam Jl;fontagu, Richard Savage, Efq; Cailt• Edward.Eyrc, Francis Blake De/aval, Efq; 'James Shruder, John Price, Mark A?!Jlon, Cf'homas Aprem, Efq; George Forbes. g ll"illiam Bizet. 4 · N. B. Thofe figned , u, e, u, e, f, c, ferved in the Room of Brother Fletcher• aee~afed, and of Brothers Bromfield, Skdge, lYalker, Newton, Severn, and Richardb

fin, who declined.


.[ ,zss 'l] 'mgeine· Willles were: t'oQn outdone by the . Il!ldtaftry, VigUance; and unwearied L~w:s of their· GRAND MAs . 1' :!R. ; for. his. Lord:.. fhip had· no Cooner elllte!led upon. the Exel:cif~ of his. h~gh Ofo, than the Iatluence o.f lis Appij:catioti to ·~ r.eal.Inter~ib, of tho Croft became to· alti M.d! their p:Wliek Fund ma very flnart Time gready imex:~. · " The feconrrJ. Pr.KdJio.n: heing made,. the Lodge was clofed in due '



erattb l:obge>, at the· DIJ'Uil Tavera aforefaid, ·lidd. on Jitne 18, 1752,in ampl'e Form; THOMAS MANNINGRAM, M.D. as Grand 1.\tiafler, attended by many Grand OJ!icers ; the Stewards Lodge and the Mafrers and Wardens of thir~y-two Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through,. the Brethren contributed handfomely to the general Fund of Charity. Brother 'Jejfe was re .. ehofen Tret(u1r-er, and gave Bond accordingly. Ordered twentj Pounds to be paid for the Relief of a worthy Brother in Diftrefs. The Deputy Grand Majler read a Letter from the GRANJ> MAsTER, who was obliged to be Abfent on Account of his bad State of Health; in which his Lordlhip earnefrly requefted and commanded, that the Laws and Regulations might be be punctually a~· faithfully e:x'ecuted; and recommended to the Officers, without any Exceptions, that good Decor~ peaceabl~ and prudent Behaviour be inculcated by them, and frriC:I:ly ohferved in their Lodges, the Craft may not fuffer by the Negligence, Imprudence, or Want of Skill, in thofe who.ought continually to watch for itS: Weliare ;. and that. he ·was..ttady, whecever called upon, to Perfw~•. and fee that tbtfed~is Injunmons w..ere·fiery where exe... cuted according to the Letter, All wbi1::h was· r¢eeived by the Brethren with univerfal Applaufe and Approbation.. What added to the joy Occafion, was. a Letter from the Provincial Grtznd Mlifler.' of the :Htaad of MIN ORCA; whic~ . amongft other Things, infarmed the Grand L"\)dge, That t~ Crafl·, ·· · fl.ouriJhed

T 2 s6 l fiourHhed in that I11and in full Vigour : That the Brethren· there ~dhered to their Rules, to Decency, to Regularity, fa ftrictly and inviolably, that neither the En~ious, Malicious, nor Inquifitive, could find the leaft Ground to exercife their Talents : And that fame excellent Difcourfes of a worthy Clergyman there preached on their Feftivals, and the Decency and Solemnity of their Proceffions at thofe Times, had forced Applaufe even from thofe, who .had made it their Study to traduce the Craft. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. ~ranb :Jrobge, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid, was held on Nov. 30, r7 52, iri due Form. Prefent, the Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge, and the Mafters and Wardens of jixty-two Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through, and a very large Collection made for the general Fund of Charity, It was ordered, That the Lodges, N.o 8g, at the Angel and Crown, near St. Agnes-le-G/are in Hoxton, go, at the Royal Vineyard, in St. James's Park, 1 o6, at Forreft's Coffee-houfe, Cban"ng-crofi, .~e erazed out of the Book of Lodges, they not having attended the §(garterly Commun~cations, or othe.r Meetings of· the Society, or paid any Charity for upwards of five Years paft. ~ . It was. then moved, that, in order to render the Mafans Charity as extenfive as poffible, all-foreign Brethren, of what Nation or Pro(e&cm.foever they migh~ be,.llioulq, after ,proper Examination, be relieved with. a certain Stith iinmediitely ; which, after ·a ihort Debate, was unanimoufiy approved of. Several Sums being ordered for.the Relief of diil:refied Brethren, whofe .Peti6ons had been referred from the Committee of Charit,y, :md all Bufinefs being over, the Lodge wu clofed. · $tanb 9!obge, at the Devil Tavern· aforefaid, was held·· on March. 6, 17 53, in due Form. Prefent, the twelve Stewards; the Malter, Wardens,· and Afflftants of the Stewards Lodge, and the ~afters a,nd Wardens of forty-1Jine Lodges. The

E ~57 ] The ufual Forms being gone through, and .a very large Collection made for the general Fund of Cbttrity, The GRAND MASTER informed the Brethren, that the Time drew near for them to chufe.a Grand Mqjler for the etlfuing Year; and- that he propo_fed.~l¥; rrurd of ·April for that Purpofe: But the whole Fraternity; truly fenfi.ble of the great Obligations they lay · under to his Lordfi1ip for their prefent .fiouriihing Condition, mo!l: earn~ftly ~efought his Lordili~p to continue in. the Chair for Yeaa-. . To which his Lord!hip confented in· .a r;noft obliging Manner, provi4ed it fhould appear,. on the· Feafl Day, . to be the unanimous De:fire of the whol~ Body of Majo11s. The GRAN.P MasTER having then informed the I3rethren, that in Regard the Stt'lvards, mig~t have Time to make a fuitable Provi~on for fuch of them as intended to dine wit~ him, he had given DireCtions, that no Tickets 1hould be delivered after Twelve of the Clock on Saturday the '3 1ft Inftant,; and coocladed with firongly recommending the fi:ricte!LRegard to the Name and Dignity of a FREE and AccEPTED MAsoN; and tbatftJch·ade~entand regular Ufe might be made of t~eir being FREE, as would always intitle THEM to be AccEPTED. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. ASSEMBLY and FEAST at Leatherfellers-Ha/1 ih Little St.. Hellen's, Bifoopfg;ate.,Str;eet, Lo~don, was kept on .//pru ~ , 1 7 53. The GRAND MASTE.R and his Officers, being affembled in an inner Chamber, ordered the Stewards to fummon the Mafiers and vVardens of ~11 the Regular Lopges attending without, to appear before him ; and inf~~·~em~ that they were called i~ woceed to the Eledion of a G.randtMqjfer for the Ye~..cnfuiag.. . When the Sentiments of then) ALL concurring with the R.equetl: of the Brethren at the lafi ~arterly CommzmicatiM~ his Lot'dfl1ip was again intreated to continue Grand Majler, at leaft fop the next Year ; and his LonHhip, giving his Confent, was unanimoully





( 258 ] Dinner being over, the GRAND MASTER made the ProcdJt'on: about the Hall; . and, being returned to SoLoMoN's Chair, ap-pointed THOMAS MANNINGltAM, M.D. Deputy Grand M'!fler, \:Vho had difiinguiihed his Abilities for that·· Office, and his Affec. tion and Zeal for Mqfonr)', by vifiting the Lodges in the remotefi: Parts of the Town, or wherever hrs Prefencc: was thought necef.:. fary, redreffing what was amifs in the Execution of the Laws, and giving them the moft prudent Advice for their future Obfervance and lafting Advantage: The Whole of his Proceedings being condueled with fuch Can dour and Affability, as muft endear that diligent and active Officer to all the Brethren. And James Car:micbael, Efq; late yunior Grand Warden, defiring Permiffion to. decline that Office, on Account of his ill State of Health, the Right W orfhipful appointed Sir Richard Wrotttjley, Bart. d. ..-r J . ran . n7 arums. Francts Blake Delaval, Efq; Brother John Re•vis Grand SecretarY.; Brother Daniel Carne, Sword-bearer; The Stewards '*· were then calied, and received the Thank'S of: the Society for their elegant Entertainment, and foon after namOO:.< their Succr:Jjors t.




. .:Bro~ Peter Leigh, Efq; John Priu,

Thomas .Apreect, Efq,; Hon. Capt. lf/il!iam Montagu, Francis Blake Delaval, Efq;Capt. Edward Eyr-e, James Shruder, William Bize.t, Mark .AJjlon, Henry Smith, Buclle Banfan> . Richard Savage, Efq;

t SUCCESS 0 Bro. Samuel Spenur,

R S•

Somrrel Markham, • Robert Tracy, Efq;' .Arthur Beardmore; James Dupree, Efq; . Hon. Capt. Charles Prohyf. Cf'hamas Douglajs, Godft'ey Springa/1, John Atkinfon, David Humphrys> Ma'lttin Caprrm,. James Dickfon.

[ 259 ] ~raub :i!Obgt, at ·the Devil Tave~n aforefaid, was held on june 14, 1753, in ample Form. Prefent, the Mafier, Wardens, and Affifiants of the Strwards Lodge, ahd the Mafters and Wardens of thi'rty.nine Regular Lodges.

The ufual F orm.s being gone through, and a handfome Collection made for the ·general Fund of Charity, the Deputj Grand M'!Jler informed the Lodge of the Death of Brother John 14ft, Efq; the late :freafurer of this Society ; and recommended to their Contideratio~ the Choice of fame: proper Perfon for that Office and Place ·.. .of Truft . .·Previous to this Election, it being moved whether it was the Opinion of the Grand Lodge, whether the TREASURER of this , Society be a GRAND O.fficer by virtue of his Office). and as fuch to be elected frmn amongft the Brethren who had ferveci the Stewardihip; it was after a long I;>el:pate, carried in the Affirmative almofi: unanimoufly; and Brother Gx.oRGE Cr.ARKE, a late .Steward, propofed and recommended by the GRA~D MAsTER, was unanimoufly eleCted; inveiled with the ..Staff of Office, and impowered ~o receive the Ca!h, &.c. then tendered from the Executor of the ; late deceafed, Treafurer. All Bu:finefs being ov:Cr, the Lodge was dofed. ~raub ~obge, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid, was held on NiJv,., 'fo,J, J 7 53, In due. Form. Prefent, Sir Robert de Cornewall, Batt. PrtYVi~ialGPant/Mtifler.; the. Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge, and the Mafters and W ardeos of jixtv Lodg~s. .· Th~ Form~ being go~e through, and a very large ColleCtion niade for the general Fund of Charity, . .Se:ver:a.l wholefome Laws _for tJae better Regnhition ,of Ma.fonry were then. propofed by tQ.e Deputy.Grand Mojler, rela~ing to the Making of Mqfons, .&c. which will be inferted .in the Book of Re... .vlatiqns, under their proper Title. ~



r 2·6o


~trutl·.?tobgt; at' the DecJil Tavern aforefaid,' wa{ held on March· S, 175 4, in due Form •. Prefent the Duke of C:aA:NJ>os •.

Grand Majier; Marquts·of CARNAR:V.&N, GrandMqfter EleEI'; Sir RICHARD GLYN, Knt. and Alderman of Ldntlbn: The twelve .Stewards; the Mafter, ·Wardens,. and Affifl:ants of the Stewards I:..opge, andtlie Mafiers and Ward~ns of fifty-jive Lodges ; who c.ontl'ibuted generouily t<:dhe general Fund of Cbarity. .· . 'the ufLial Forms being gone through, and the C<;>lleetion made,. The GRAND MAsTER, having :6gnified his g-reat SatisfaCtion with the Conduct and dutiful Behaviour of the Brethren· towards h!mfelf, during his Grand .Ma.flerjbip, and recomm~~ded· to them the Continuance thereof to his SU:cce£ror, was pleafed tQ ptopofe. the moA:. oo~l~ tber.~~r~~ia of ·<?.AiN~~tAN; for ~~·•n~ for the Year ehfmtrg:; and figm:fied h1s Pleafute; that the Day for the Ormirl F'ea.fl and· EleCtion !hould be 'the ,25th. ~f. March Infiant, and kept at DRAPERs•HALL~ · ·· : · · · · All Bufinefs being ovef,·. the Lodge wa~·el'ofed. - ASS EM B L;_Y -ar\d Fn~s', Drap!rs. .Ha!l in 'Ihrockmorto1i. . .Str:eet, .£r;ndun, w·as 'kept ;en-:the' ~st:h ~!1aPch, 1.754~. Prefent, Lord CARYSFORT, GRAND MAsT£:!; Tti6MA.S·MAN""NINGHA~1, M. o~· Deputy Gr~tzd .Ma.J!er;.:Sit Ri~~r4!::~ttif/ey,. Bart. Semor. Grand ·Warden 1 · 'themtts -Apr'f?ece, as tyUnzrJr Grand Warden; Duke of · CHttN:D6s:. and· L6t·d .·. W'AR.'D:, late Grand. Ma}lets;. Sir Robert ~11J!_ty, ~ Ba:rt.: and· !Jotherly· Baker, :E~q; ·late Deputj Gr'(JnJ Mafiers'; ~reilier-· :fieofgf C~rh, ·Grand :~eifur~ ;· .Marquis of CARNA.RVAN, Grand Ma.fler· EieBI\ ·:t'fie twelve.· Stewards,- a.nd; neat< t~e-· hundtoo·: other Brethr-en, properly.late

Day ·?f



· The GRAN·I> MAsTER and his Officers affembled in an. inner: ehamher, hiving funimoned· tbe Mafters- and Wardens·of· 'the Re· . guhu: _Lodges attending ·~itboot, . to appear before him in. the: GRAND LonGE, propofed the moft: noble the Marquis of CAR .. NARY .AN, for


his .Succe.tfot, who was.. unanimou!ly eleeted. ·- ··

· ··



261 ]

Dinner being over; the. G:RA. N n MAs-TER ·m~de the .fofl Proeejjion round tbe.Hall, took Leave of the Brethren. in am~ affable and affettionate Manner; and being r.eturned ·to his ChM.i, com· ---·, manded the Grand Secretary to proclaim

XXVI. The. moft noble }.AMES





Son aa4 H6ir apparent to his Grace HEN:RY of· C'HANnos, late "Grand Majer, <Granb ~allrr of Ma.fom~ ." '\Vho, being placed . jn SoLOMON)S Chair with. the ufua.l Cere ... mony, invefted with the proper Jewel of that high Offi~e; an'd(eoog'niztd: witth the Homage· OJagrattalatibns 'of.: all the Brethren, appointed ' NARVAN,


M.D. Dtpuf)! Grtmd lvfq_.Ht:·, . The lion, Capt.·Cbarles J>rGby, } G.- d 7:r7 J , •. _h _v 1 an r~< arue;,s, • . p. r,g.

_-THOMAS ·-MANNINGH:AM) 1 Brot: er .C'tttm'lfg





· Brothtr·'Jobn-Revi~- Grand Set)Fetary. · · Brother. D'ttniel-Cd#M, :;S.Wtird~arer.. _ The Stewards were cal-led up, and thimked with Ceremony. their -elegant Entertaic.xi1ent, &nd defired tQ name .thdr Sue.


cejfors t!· :






Bro. · ·

· · :: 1

G'lorge Diemar," ·. David Humpbrys, Martin CtiproTt, Hon. Capt. Chtirlis Pro!Jy;. .. · William Singleton,'. · Jbbn .AtlmfM, .: Godfrey Syingalt. , Thomas Doug!ofi.

. N. :p.:


;. ~

Bro. Al'tbur Btardmor~,. ... J~ttllts Dickfon, . , 8amt~e1'Spen&er,




Samt~,~l Maileham~




Jac~b Valk)

Albert-_ Paldeveltk1 <fhpmas Shepheard, ,

:fames ·Gi,ff6rJ,


~1 ·



Hon;Horlltio 'fttWiijl!fJd,. Efq;; , Rev. 'Jamc; Dejprez. Benja.min Biaith1P4ite, Capt. Shouidham, · 'thomas Singletrm,

... ·" Lc~ iharruJT • ··


lf'illiMB <f'o~, . . , , -L,rl,llf;e/Dt B.ur~on Jatlrfin•

• and~ ferved;in the Room or'BtPibers.Tr-a•IJ'-~ml Dtftr.te1 who declined..




·etaftb .i'obgt, _·at the -DI:!vil.. 'ravenJ. :-afor;efaid; : was · h([ld. on .'Jime 2}·; 17 54, in due Fbrm. Prefent, ·the· Malter, Wardens, .and Aff":Ul:ants of the Stewards-Lodge, ·aod the Mafters and Wardens of forty-eight Lodges. ; .' . .·The ,.ufual F ¢rms being, t-gone th~ough,; and,: a,· :v~ry, generous .ColleCtion made for the general Fund of Cka,rity; Jhe_ Gr<}nd Lodge proceeqed to the EleCtion of. a Grand :I're:afurer, ·and unanimoufly .rechofe ·Brother :"George ·.C/arlu, drinking his Health with Ceremony~ · -. . . Then •they: took ·into Confid~rat!on the State; of the Coun,try 'Lodges ; and it was 'Refolved, >that each Broth~r lhoulp, ace,onling to.Ms Oppor'tunity, make th~ utmo!f E1,1quiry touchil)g tll.e Me~~~ngs and !Condcttl: of· the Taid Lodges, and give proper lntimatiQns. thereof ·•to the next ff<garterly Comm.unz'cation.. And. _that fuch of thofe •Lodges, of which no fatisfac:tory ~ccount cqulq .. ~e then :given~ .fhould be erazed from the Book of Lpdges • .. A Memorial prefented by Brother jrmat~an. .Scott to· th~ lfift Committee of Charity, being' referred to this §(,garterly c;ommunication, ihewing the. Neceffity of a new Edifion of the BQoK of CoNSTITUTIONs, with neceffary Correaions. and Addz'tions·:, and propofing that the fame might be henceforward· printed by the Subfcriptions of {uch Lodges as it fuited, and the Profits thereof applied to the ufe of the GENERAL CHARITY;, and that a Committee, ~ight be appointed ~o re'View the faip BAok.:of Conflitutions, formerly prepared for: the Prefs by ~the ·Rev. Brother_ . Andeifon, ·and· make ~e neceffary Alterations and Additions, . it was ·· . : · · · .' Refolved, That the faid Book of Cotytitutions lhould be revifed, anq the necelfaty Alterations and Additions made con'fiftent ·,with the Laws and Rules of Mafonry. · And, . · · · ..· · · '··: · · That the Right Worlhipful GRAND MASTER, the otherprefent Grand Ojjicers; GEOitG'£ PAYNE, Efq; the Earl of LounouN, ·•. 2Duke


T .263 J ])uke of CHANDos, Lbrd WARD, and Lord CARYSFORT; late· Grand Ma/lers; Sir Robert Lawley, Bart. Ed•ward Hody, IVI. D. late: Depttty Grand.Ma.flers ; .Tbomas Smith, Efq} late Junior Grand ·warden ;· together . with :the Rev. 1ahrt Entick, M .. A~ ..llrtl:Jztr Beardmore, and Edward &J@nuzn, Gent. be the ·faid Cam!hittee. And that the Grand: Mafter, ·or Deputy Grand Majfer, wi,th. any three others .of the ·faid Go11'l111ittee, ·hal!e. Power· :to: proceed to Bufinefs, and to call in to ·theirA:ffiilance ariy other:Btethrc;n; they might from Time.think ,proper. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was dofed~ lt!:Sranb 1!obgt, at the Devil Tavern aforefaid, was held on, Nov. 29, 1754, in dueFosm. Prefent, the Mafier, Wardens,. and AHiil:ants of the Stewards Lodge, .and the Mafters and Wardens . of fivmf)•~one Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone··through, :aad:i. very large.Collec-. tion made for the general .F.und of Charit)',. The GR.AND MAsTER having informed clu~ Breth'rel);· .That· the Hon. Capt. Charles P.r..o/;y, Set'ziar Grand Warckn; beiog or-. dered on Duty abroad, had refigned, his faid.• Office, ,H& dit:b.aow. appoint · .· . ·.·\ . Brother Flemi11g Pinkfian, Senidr .Grmid Wanlm;; ·· : Brother. Arthur Beardmore1 to be Junior Ora!Jd Wardm.. : Or.dered J 5 1.. 1 5 s. .for. the Relief of .a . w.orthy ~ d;fl:Fefied . :Brother. :' · ·· · .:. · .: . Several new Regulations concerning the Removal of Lodges, . Funeral Proceffions, and Tylers, which had been recommended by the laft Committee of Cbarity, for Laws of .the. Grand, Lodge, . were taken intti> ·."G"onfidlera~on;.r and ·unanimotifiy:.:agreed ·~to; afld: •.!ordered t<),be·.a.drled:>~:t1lis·_,'1l<M :Editiott'l1Pif~fha'B00k of

Ccn.ftitutions.. ' . ·· ., . , : . ,. . . The Committee. appoint~d by 'the ·laft §!garteriy. Q;tm~~um~ation:, to revife, and to make the .neceffa.ry :Altetatli<¥tis!: and·. Additmils iQ the Eook of. C~nflituticnsl reported thei.r Proceedings, and de~.







· £1;ed farther Tune to fini!h their ,Work, which was ·ordered Ct.ccordingly. \. Ordered, ·that the following twenfy.. one Lo<,lges, having neither ·contributed ,to ,the .general· Fund of Charity, .nor :atherwife had .any Communication with the Grand Lodge, noreyen; :n'iet for feveral .Years; according to the ~fr Informacion that could be .obtained,. .be erazed out of the Book o( Regular Lodges, viz. . · :Ng: 32, f!angl-eton., in Chejhire. 42, King's- Head at Sa!ford, .near Manchd}er4 46, Woolpacl:. at.Warwick; . 52, 'I'hree . :l"ons-at Scarborough~ · 57, S~ Rook's Hill near Chichrfier. · · : . .5.8, Red Li~n itt Glmta!Jt~try: . 64, George at Northampton • .'7''», J?leece at Bury ·St. Edmonds•. · ·. 77, Bell and Do·ve at Wolverhampton•. :8 6, New.lnn at Exeter. · . ; . 9,6., Seven Stah :at B'ID'y St~ J!,d(I'Jtmds.. ll'9, Mafop;s ..drms, it Qfw¢"!>·. l ' . 12 r, Lord Weymouth's Arms at Warmin.fter. · I 2 S, ·. 'Pountain at Shrewjhufy, I 3-o;. 'Ihree·Cro!!ims a:t.lfeyJnoath~ ·,..· 14.1'~. If.(}.rn at Braintree. I 5 1, Angel above Hill, in the Bailiwick of Lz'ncoln. ,:: -~~ Sw4&1Z :and JJ~t: a.t..Bmf.l)f(d,. : ·1"6'g;~:,fklm at ~ewi.foury;.,· ·-' ,"' Iilli: , ··J;'f 5; :Blabk)Bull:at111pdii'!Jl[f~ , : .: All Banne(s.'beimg. ·over, . the Lodge Was. dofed. ·.. "' IGtatttl.Uobge; -at: the ·lJrevil Tavern. af.orefaid,. • held on March 2 o, I 755, in due Form. .Pre fen~, the _Mafter, Wardens, ..m·d Affiftants' of . the· &k4rds' Lodge, the twelve &crwnrds, ·and


uw_1Mal\ers ~d ~W•deni~~:#~:Lodges . ... .. J



If. ',; •'










[ 265 ] The ufual Forms being gone through) and a large Collection tnade for the general Fund of Charity, The Deputy Grand Mafler, to the great Satisfaction of the Brethren, informed them of the fiourifhing ~ondition of the Foreign -Lodges, who hold Communication, from all Parts of the World, with the $ranb ~lltr of ENGLAND;· from whom the Right W orfhipful had received feveral Letters. , The GRAND LonGE then tooki.ato Confideration, a Complaint :againft certain Brethren for Formmg and A1fembling urider the Denomination of a Lodge of ancient Mafons, who, as fuch, confider themfelves as independent of this Society, and not fubjeCl: to our Laws, or_ to the Authority of our GiAND MAsTER. When the Deputy Grand MqfJt:r took Notice of the great Neceffity there was to difcourage all fuch Meetings, not only as the fame were contrary to our Laws, and agreatJnfult on fhe GRAND MASTER, and the whole Body of FRE.E a~d AccEPTED MAsoNs: But as they likewife tended to 'int~oduce into the- CR.AFT the Novelties and Conceits of opinionative Perfons, ~nd to cr~~te a B~li~f, that there have been other_ Societies, of: Mi:tforis mdre -anCient- than that of this ancient and honoura~l~ Society.: And- · ~ The ~efrion being put, That the Meeting· of any Brethren of this Society, as, or . un~er any Denomination of Mofons, other dum :a& Bretfiren ·ef 'this cli.-r· ·ancient arid~ 'honou'ra~le Society of FREE and AccEPTED MAsoNs, is inconfiil:ent with the Honour and Interefi: of th~ CRAFT,- and a high lnfult on our GRAND MAsTE~, and the whole Body of Mlo\soNs: It was carried in the A;ffirmativtn oNE · ~f · the . ~reth,ren, eornpl~ine~ ~f, only· C:if.. Jenting:: ,·: • ' ' : ; . '· -- :" · · - . -:• . -- . ·· , TneDipaty Grtinl:Mdfler,··ih hi~ great Cle-mency; 'then moved, That the Confideration of the irregular. Proceeding~ 'Of the faid Brethren; might be poftpone~ tit\ ·H_ex't·.~uizy!"/f.Gifn_mi:tnicat£on, hoping that a thoreug4 ·Senfe of their Mifcoriduct, and a ·DeterMm mination

"[ 266 ] minaticn riot to be guilty of the l_ike for the futur~ w<>u~d then appear, and reconcile th,em,t~·.the·vRAN:n.LoDG.E; and ag,eecy to. The GRAND M.tsTER hay1ng ~nfo~:m,ed tJ:le.~~,9d,ge of his Intention t<:> ·hold .t~e Grand Feafl 0n tp~ lOt~ •.~f 4Pt:fl. ne,;:~~ . . The QRAND LonGE unanimoufly r~quefr~ and prevaile~ with . his Lordihip to continue in the Chair .for another Ye~ at le~. All Bufinefs being over2 the Loqge was yJpfed.. ~ SS E 1\!.J _B L Y and, FEA~ -~ at f)rapers~Halla · Wa$ kept- on the 1oth of .April, I755· . Prefen!,. The Marqui_s of

CAR;NARVAN, <Gra~ll ~al'fer.

T:HOMAS 1\;f.A~.NlNGHAM, M._D~-

[)epu_ty.,Gr4nl.!J.1afler. · · ·Grand Wqrdens~ · · , . . .. -

·1 . . · ' ,. ·


Fleminu Pinkfl-4n . "J·~ L ./!lrthur Beurdmor,e, Th~ Earl of LovnouN)l . Lord W A~D-, ... Jate Grand Ma.ft.ers. Lord CARYSFORT, ·. . . William Yaughan, E(q; la.t~ _L)eputy_ Grand-Mafler• .jAMEs DAwsoN, Efq; late Pr_,a"',Ji,n~~al Grand !vfajle_r- for . · ·~ ·o


DAVID JoNEs GwYNNE, Efq; Pr~vinci(Ji:Grand Majler · fer.:SG-UTH- WA.LES. The twelve Ste:Wa;di,. and ne~r tb~e~ hundred -~ore B~ethren,.

.:! . . .. ;

J?roperly cloathed. . The GR.A..N-D M.&sTB:&_ ~nd, his Offic:er~: '!?eill,g ~pn~ua:ed into an inner Chamber by th~ $tewar.ds,, the .~wick playing, affembled. themfelves- in .due Form, and fummoned the Mafters and. Wardensof the RegJ.·llar Lodges to.attend.. When his Lordfhip~ ~t thei_r~ repeated Intreaty,. was. pleafed, to ~ontinue in. the Chair for the. .Year enfuing. . Dinner being over-,. the ~mntt ~al'ftt made tlie Procifjion. taunci the Hall,.. w~th 1\1u£ck, . and in the midft of the ·· · J9Y.ful.

[ 267 ] ·joyful Acclamations of:the Brethren, being returned to SoLoMoN's Chair, appointed' ~ ·

M.D. Deputy Granl Mqfler. The Hon. Horatio 'l'ownjhend, Efq;} G nd Trr ..1. ~ D.zc~on,. M:. E£,.... · . . · · ra ,, aracns. James . ""1; . Brother Jolm :R~is., Grand Secretary. Brother Daniel Carne, Sword-bearer. The Stewards * were then·called. to the Chair, and thanked in THOMIA.s MANNINGHAM,

Form. for their elegant.Entertainment, and defired to name their Succ~orst .

. · :$ranb lJ!obge, at the -Devil Tavern, aforefaid, was held on July 24; 17 55,· in ample Forni.· Prefent, the Mafter, Warden~ and Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge, and the Mafters and Wardens of fifty-two Regular Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through, and a very large Collection made for the· generai.,Funtl· ~f .(f!Ja?:ity, BrOther· Gtotge .C/arke:JlWai!/ re'.JchOfen Grand Vreafi.wer; and. thanked :with :Ceremony .f?r his great Care.

. . , ·*

~'I"E."tw ARDS.

t ·SuccBssou. Bro. The Hon.lforatio TowJJfoeiu/, Efq; Bro; 'Thqmas' Haward, . . Rev. John E~:~tick, lL , . Martin Klincke, ' Rev. Martin Difprez, · · William Andrews, J~nus Shep~Har.d, Charles Hoyle, Jarmr GprJ,....,..' ,1 ·'i:Jmf!Ps C11b!J, Albert Vanaenve!de, . James 'Pollard, Chriflian Heinekm, b Gtifpar Schombart, c: Freilltic MiJturer, 4 . '~F~$.i11gleton, '[Pillit~m T4W1lfi;ent4 ·"Pht!r!~s J'eorce. ~·




, ,



, . ••


Henry Gunter, Henry Hubert, Mark Goo1flejh, Joflph Axtell, Ga!Jrie/Rifoldre, Charles MaJJey. .

· N. B. ·a, J>, c:, ·JI, ferved in .the Room..' of BrotherS ?allr, lJrpithv.,raite, and Shouldbam, :who .dedined, and Brother J.atifon, deceafed. -


T~268 ] . "


·. Th~_,(]~·ANJi> MAs 'I' :g R, ~hen delivered· to.: him, a.1uge: Sil_ver· Jewel gilt, being Crofs-Keys in a Knot enamelled with Bl~-e; his _Worthip's ~refent to "the· So<:iety, w ·be-~ worn. by ·the Grand :lrea-Jurer, on ~ll publick Occafions"' · · ·' ordered, That every Certificate .gr:anted' to. .-:a Brotll~r of his~ being a MAsoN, f1JaJ1, . for.· the fQ.Jur.~; be:fealed ,.with~ the Sea/. of Mafonry, and figned, hy th~ :Gra11d S(cretizry, :for which five .Shillings lh:dl be.·pai(l.tG.the Ufe ofth~ general Fund of Cha,-t'tj. Ordered,, Tha!!tP,e. Brethren ·complained of af the laft ff(garterly Commzmicatcon, perfifting in their Difobedience. ·to. the Determination of the G)t;A,ND Lo.DQ.,Ei~. ~heir Lodgy) N°. 94, held at . .('fle Be11·J.ohnforl:s !:le.a4 in P;elhanrStteet, Spit41-Fields, qe. erazed from.t~ Book of Lodges; apd that (uch .Of· the Brethren. thereof; who fhall continue thofe i~regular Meetings, be_ not admitted as Vifitors in any Lodge.; All Bufinefs being over, the 'Lodge was. ~l;ofech. . .-~rani:l l!ObJC', i~ due. :For111, at \i;he ·i)'e'Utl- Tavern;· CJ:emple~ Bar,_.·on December 4, 17 5.5 .. Prefent~ Dr. MANNINGHAM, Deputy Grand lv!a.fter, as GRAND· MAsTER; John-Harvey 'l'hurjby, Efq;. Deputy G.rand Majler ,;· .Arthur Beardmore, Senior Grand Warden ; james Dickfon, Efq; ]uriior Grand Warden; the';l\1afl:er, Wardens,_. and nine Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge: ~he' Mahers.ana War-. dens.of froenty-cne Lodges. 'The ufual Forms being gone through, .. and a large ColleCl:ien foc the general Fund of Chariy made:. All Bufinefs being over,. the ~odge was cl?fed; . , .. ·... c$ranb ltobge, in ample Form, at the De't/ilT:;.V.ero,:'lemple...~ Bm·, 8th of AP,r:il 1156. Prefent the Marquis of CARNAR•· VAN, Gr.and Mofler; THOMAS MAN.NX..NGHAM, M.D. Deputy· Grand Majier; .Arthur Beardmore, Senior. Grand Warden;,,Jtzmes\ Dixon, Junior Grand Warden; Lord CA.R. YSFOR>T, late ·Grand·: Majier: ;.. George C/(Jrke, 'I'renfurer; the twelve Stewards; the Mafier,. Wardens, and nine Affifi:ants of the Stewards Lodge; .. the Mafters and. :yV-ardens ?f .ftxtx:fix 1:-odges.. The. ufual Formsl> · ~ beingt

[ 269 ] Tieing gone· through,. a, large ColleCtion for the general Charity was made. . . · The.. ~reafurer delivered his Accounts, which were examined and approved of, the Balance in his Hands being J-21. us. 1 od, and three Ea.fllndia B~n~ for I eo/. each, exclu:live.of 63/. 8s. 6d. received. tha~ Night. · The GR ..iND MAsTER appointed Brother Mark At!Jlon, Sword.,. Bearer, in the Place of Brother Da1ziel Carne deceafed;. and he was invefted with the praper Jewel. . At this ~arterly Communication,. Jacob Lambe!/, a· former· Grand·: Qjjicer., was relieved with the SJ.Im qf ten Guineas.. The Deputy.· Gr:'tmd Mafler informed the Brethren that the GR.AND.· FEAsT would be held fome Day the fecond Week in Ma;•,. of which ... timely Notice would be given in the publick Papers. . T¥e 4J;ran1J. !(lli.tgt. req\l'efted a!ld prevailed. on, his Lord.ihip to ~vntinue in the Chair. anQthet Year~ · AU B.ufinefs being over,; the Lodge was clofed. ASSEM.BL.Y and ·F~Asrr at Leathe!fellers-Hall,. Little St.:. Hellen,s,. May. Io, If\SP..·

l'reflnt, The Ma~quis:of CA:~N A:RiVAN, ®rilnb ®atl~r. M.D. Deputy Gr.and.Jylajler, ..


Arthur Beardmore, Senior Grand Warden•. jtz1'11fs.. Dixon, jttnib~ Gra11d Warden;

.· · His Grace . tl:ie Duke of CHANDo.s, }''L · ate· Gran·d ·M.,ff fl:;{;ers~·

The R1ght Hon. Lord WARD, · · . ~·· . WILLIAM. ,VAUGHAN,. Efq; late Deput-y Grand Majl~r.

David Jones 6W)!Jne, Ef~ Provincial Grtmd. Ma}ler~ forr Bottth Wales. . . · The Rig~.t Hon. Earl TrLNEY, and Germge aJarke,. <J'reafurer;, the Stewards and a .great many Brethren properly cli>rhed. The GRAND. MasTER and his Ojjicers beiog arrived at the Hall, were conduB:ed by the Stewards .(Mufick playing before .t~tn): intQ a convenient Room, where.the.Maft.erJ. and War.deflf flf the: · ~eg_~lar :·


270 ] Regular Lodges were fummohed to attend, when his Lordiliip, at their Requeft, was pleafed to continue Grand Majler anotherYear. Dinner being over, the GRAND MAsTER made the Procdfion round the Hall, and being returned to the ·chair,. the Grand Ojft.:. urs furrendered their Enfigns of Office; when his Lordiliip. was pleafed to appoint and inveft the following Brethren Granc9fficeri. THoMAS MANNING HAM,

M.D. Deputy Grand Ma)ler.

James Najh, Efq; Senior Grand Warden. Barnhard Joachim Boetifeur, Junior Grand Warden. · .John Re'Vis, Grand Secretary.· . Mark Adjion, ~Sword Bearer. · The Stewards * were then called up to the Chair, and· had Thanks returned them for their elegant Entertainment, and were defired to name their .Succejfors ·The €iranb.9!obge, at the DevilTavern ?:emple-Bar, in due


For~, Auguft I 3' I7 s6. Prefer:it, Ttro'MAsMANNINGHAM, M.D; Deputy Grand Mcifter, as Gtand Mafler;· James Najh, Efq; Senior Grand Warden, as Deputy Grand Mafter;"Arthur Beardmore, as Senior Grmzd Warden; Bernhard Joachim Boetefeur, Junior Gr,and Warden; Fleming Pinijlan, late Senior Grand ·warden; George Clarke, 'Treafurer ; the :Mafter, Wardens, , and nine Affifta.i1ts, of the Stewards Looge ; the Mafters and W atden:s of forty-four Lodges.



t SuccEssoRs nominated. Bro . .James Butcher,


Bro. Thomas Haward,

Charles Hoyle, 'john roung,_.' Martin Klinchc; Richard· Hill,~ : WilliamA1fdra7f}.1) . Thomas Glegg, 'I'homas Cobb, John Wildfmith, .James Pollard, Fredtrick Van Gehren, Henry Gunter, Humphrey Jackfan, "f{baJnas Marriot "Perkins, Langford Millington, Mark -Goodjlejh, l{(nricb Peck, Jofeph .ilxtel!, Robert Loy, · <Jdhriel J:?.ifo!terc, Pattl.Berthon, CIJarks Maffiy. , :Jo!:m'Darby. ·. · ... · .. ·... . . I ·. . . . . . : . . . N. B. Thomas ··Marri'nt Ptrlins ferved in>'thi Room of Brl:lther' ;l:lenry Hubert. I



( 2JI


. The ·:treaj'urer h,a~ng delivered his AccGunts, which were examined and' approved of, the Balance in his Hand 'being:9 3/. 1 Is. I od. and three'Eq/t. Jndia Bonds for 1 0ol. each, exclufive of· 3 2./. 6s, received this Night. · .Brotlier·W'aiker ~!Jm;neing recommended from the Committee of Char.ity'for the Sum· qf Twenty Pcunds, it was ordered that the 'Irell:fzJ.r.ei :pay the a£orefaid Sum to the :Petitioner for his Relief.. This being the Election Night~for a CJ:reaforer, Broth~r Clarke furrendered his Staff of Office to the Grand Ma.fter in the.Chair) who propofed him again; and he was unanimoully eleCted·. Ordered, that a Copper :elate· be engrav:&l 1\:>r. ·printing• the Cer-. tificate to be granted to a Brother of his being a Mafon,. and that a Dye be cut, and an Engine made,. wherewith to feal the fame;. in Confequence of the Order of the f(garter:ly CommunicatioJZ the _24th of July 1755, fo that the wholeExpepce thereof do not exceed twelve Guineas ; :::md t·hat 'the *eafurer do pay the fame. · All Bufinefs ·b~i:ng over; the Lodge was clofed in due Form .. The· ..Sqtub Uobge, at.the Devi(Taverb, Jtmutrry 14; i 7 57 1 . ip ample' Form. · Prefent th~ Marqu~s of CARNARVAN, Grand' Majer;. THoMAs MANN INGH4M' M.D. Dej;uty Graizd Mqfler ;. Arthur Beardmore, as Senior Grand Warden ; Bernhard Joachim Boeteftur, Junior Grand :Warden; George Clarke, 'freafurer; the Matter, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge ; and. the Mafrers and Wal!dens.of jift'P-tFWo Lodges. The Grand Lodge received Information that the fourteen following Perfons (among others) who are not Mafons, meet the nrfl: and third 'l'uefdays in eury Month, at the Marlborough Head, in :Felham-Stre¢, Spital-folds, and hold what they call a LOdge ; . viz. Jacob Pitru, Brewer ; William Dupree, Weaver; James Dupree, Weaver; Peter Landy, Dyer; William Caj/or, Weaver;. 'John Gill, ditto;:. 'Ihomas Warrington,. Cooper; .'['honias Malawfon, Dyer; 'I'homas Swain, Weaver ; Michael Bantf.y, ditto ;, .Mich~el·

Reids, Dyer; Daniel Marchant,.Weaver; Rowland'taj,for, Co9~r;. and Matthew Nicole,; · L;· 1· • • · <i>rder.ed;,




.'Ordered, that a Lift of their Names be printed, and fent to ~m their Guard in their refpect.ive Lodges, left any of thofe Impoftors lhould gain Admittance amongft them. · :Ordered, that the 'Grand Secretary fend Notice to the feven fol-' lowing Lodges, to attend at the next §(garterly Communication, and :1hew ·Caufe why they have not attended the General Meetings of the Society for fome Time paft, vtz. :1\~ .6J, .Red .Crofs, Barbt'can. . i62., Putney Bowling-Green.

every Lodge,, that they may be

'7 5, Kings-Arms, St. Margaret' s-Hill. '129, Rijing Sun, Fajhion-:Street. , ·

'144, 'I'hree 'I'uns, Spital-Fields. · .230, ~een's-Head, Grea~ §<.ye~-Street. :246, Crown, at Cripplegate. All Bufinefs being over the Lodge was dofed. <!l;rantr ~obgc, in due Form,at the Devi/Tavern, Temple-Bar, May 5, 17 57· Prefent, THo~ AS MANN INGHAM, M.D. Deputy Grand !.!after, as Grand Majier; James Nqfh, E(q; Smior Grand Warden," as Deputy Grand Majler ; Flemt'ng, .as Senior Grand Warden;. Bernhard Joachim Boetefeur., Junior Grand Warden ; ~William · .Vaughan, Efq; late Deputy Granq Ma.fler.; .Arthur BeardmOf'e, late. JunJor Grand Warden; George Clarke, 'Treajurer; the twelve Stewards; theMafrer, Wardens, and nine Affifi:ants of the Stew-: ards Lodge; Mafi:ers and W~rdens of fifty:fix Lodges.~~. The ufual Forms being gone thr6ugh,, and,,a.GoUOCtion made for Charity, it was ordered. that tbe three follbwing Lodges, not having attended to the .Summons of the laft f!(garterly Communication, be erazed out of the Lift o.f Lodges.

No 37• JGng's-.Arms, St. J..fargant's-Hi/1. I 29, Rijing Sun, in Fajhion-Street, Spital Fie{ds. 239•· ~11-een's Head, Great ~een:.Street, Lincoln's-Inn~Fields. The other four Lodges fummoned by Order ·of t.he laft ~ar­ ~terly Communication attended, and were exc:ufed. The

[ 273 ] The i:freafurer delivered his Accounts, which were examined and approved of, the Balance in his Hands apppearing to be 71/. 17s. 4d. and three Eajl India Bonds for roo/. each, exclufive of 76/. 13s. received this Night. The Deputy Grand Majler •propofed the Right Hon. Lord ABERDOUR, ~ranb Sllf}alltr for the Year enfuing, wh!ch was unanimoufly approved of, and his Lordlhip's Health was drank with the ufual Ceremony, as Grand Majler EleCI. Whereupon l1is Lordlhip was pleafed to exprefs his Acceptance of the Dignity intended him, and affured the Brethren of his Endeavours to promote the Intereft of the Craft. The Deputy Grand Ma.fler informed the Brethren,. that the GRAND FEAST would he held on the 18th Inll:ant, at LeatherSeller.r-HaJl, Little St. Helen's, and defired fuch as it fuited to attend the GR.AND MASTER. · A Letter to the GRAND MAsTER Eletl, dated the 22d of .Ajri!,; I 7 57, from Brother N. De Court, late Commander of the Frencb ·Merchant Ship St. james, taken the 29th of October laft by his ·Majefty's Ship the Windfor, and now a Prifoner of War, on ·his Parole, at Launceflon in Cornwall; wilbing his Lord £hip could procure his Liberty to return to Bourdeaux, and .Promifing a!t good .Offices to Brethren Prifoners ~a ft·am'f-> and praying Relief, was read, and fpoke to. \When it being dbfet<Ved, · ifhat as Cartel was as yet fettled with the French King;· it' might' not be poHible to relieve our Erother otherwife than by Money. Ordered, that the Treaf';lrer ,do pay Twenty Guineas to the ()rder of Brother w.tiliarn -Pyt; ·Efq; Procvincial Gra~d Majler for Cornwall, to be apptied -for· the 'Relief .of Brother' ·::Pe f:ourt, m .,cafe, on Enquiry,. he thall nnd him worthy of Affiftance. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. · · ASSEMBLY and FEAST at- Leathn·..-Sellt'rs-Hall, Little


:St. Helen's, May 18_, 17 57·



J' . .P~eflnt, f.274 "' "

. . . . . . · The Marquis of CARNARVAN)· ~r~ttb S!l!)~ff:c.r~. . . · . _ THo.~.A:s MAN:NINGH.J\.!-4, M. I)! l)eputJ Gra'ltt/ Majler;.. James Najh, Efq; ·Senior ~ran.,d Wardm;i Ber1£hard Jvachim i!J'()etefiur, J.u?#or Grl,ln.d IJittt.r,@•. . The.Earlof MoRToN, 1· . ·.· . . "fh.e Duke of CHAN·DOS:i Jate GrandMtY.J~rs~And Lord WARD, . . . Lord ABERbou,R, Grand Mtyler Elet1: . . WII.LIAMYAUGHA~, Efq; .late l)eputy Gra~dMajler·.: Together with the Ste'l.vards, and many other Brethren .. The GRAND J\1AITERi and h~s Oj}icers, being the Hall, . were eondutl:ed by the $teward~ (Mufick. playipg before them) into a convenient R.oom, where the Maffer-s and Warqens of the .Regular Lodges were fiimmoned to attend, when his Lordihip propofed the Right Hon. Lqrd ABERDou.R, 0RtA.ND· MASTER. ior the enfuing Year, and he was thereupon unanimoufiy elected .. Dinrier being over,, the GRAND M.~tSTElt walked round the Hall in ProcdJion (Mufick playing) and affectionately took. leave of the Brethren; when returned to the ~hair, he caufed the Secretarj.. · to proclaim XXVII. The Right Hon. SHoLTo DouGLAs, ~ord ABER~· l'JOUR, ~ranb 1ltf}aller:-for the Year enfuing ;. and he .was thereupon feated in the Chair, and· invefted with t.~e Enfigns of his Ojjjce ; . and the late Grand Ojficer.£ furr.endered theit JeweLs to. the (YRA.NDo MAsTER, when his Lordiliip was p,leafe({ to'~ppq~Qd inveft the. following Brethren Grand 0./ficers, JoH'N REVI·s, Deputy Grand Majlert.; William f?hapman, Senior Grand Warden ... .Albert Vandevelde, .Junior Grand Warden•. Samuel Spencer, .Grand Secretary•. Mark .d4fton,. Sw.ord•bearer..

[ !275 ] The Stewards ·• were· then called to the ·Chair, and had thanks · :returned for their elegant Entertainment, and defired to name their .succdfors t. · d5~tlttb m:otrge, at the Devil Tavern, Temple-Bar, 31ft of OC'Iober 17 57, in due Form. ·Prefint, JeHN REvis, Deputy Grand Majler, as Grand Mafter ; 'l'homas, Manningham, M. D. as Deputy Grand Ma}lfr; Fleming Pinkflon, as 'Senior Grand Warden~ Albert Vandevelde, Juniw Grand Wa,.-den ; .James Dixon, and .Arthur Beardmore, late Gr-and Wardens ; the Mailer and Wardens, .and nine Afliftants of the Stewards Lodge.; the Mafters · .. and Wardens of fifty-·nine regular Lodges. The ufual Form being .gone through, and a. •C91lection made for the .Fund of Charity,. the 'l'reafurer de!ivered his Accounts, which w-ere ·r~ad and approved of, the :Balance in his Hands being 134'1. Ss. 1·od•. an# three Eaft-lndia .Bonds for lool. each, •exclufive of s61. I g.r. ~.Wed this.Night; andat·the fame Time reijgoed his ·Staff, and was J.!echofe ·Grand· V'reafurer for the ¥ear "enfuing. Th~ Petition of Richard Hugi:Ms, referred ~rom the laft Cr;m~

·mittee of Charity,



* S T E' W A Jt; ])o'S.


:i&ro, HUfli/lbry Jackfin, . Ri(~ Q.JU, ·,

·· ·:Ft:fke~i:l'tan·'iJ~'!Jri-~~t; ~~'Paul Bihtho'll,. . john .Young~ 1&bert L~r· , .•.Ktt!Hc1·P{&i, •. :fjo/Jn.J:Iariij;· !0 tL 4

~r.rj Mill111~~

~'i'ho1tKf1. ~gg.,

,John Wt1ilfmith, Jdam. Nuttall. a


S'~tt C C· E S S 0 B. $,

· Bro. Thomas· Williams, : ' , Jo1Ztltbtm Scm, .Anthony ~-n, Alm:zham Hart, Obadiah Wright, Philip Scri'IJen, John Rowley, ' '' · &!ph 'Batts, Efq; · Gttir.g, ·Lt/d;'· • •

Capt., Jdllltt ~ky,

Capt. Cbarlei Tlfifoall, Anthony Marlon.

N. B, Brother • .4dam Nuttall, .ferved in the rQom of Jam's Butchlt"•. . :~ ·n. ~: . Ordered,

[ 276


, -Ordered, that th• :Trea.fur-er do- pay him ten Guinta's for his; Rdie(. . Ordere.d, that tlie tliree Lodges l~tely held at the Kil;gs-Arms;·. St.- Jy!P, f:lill; the. Rijing S~n;in: ·Ffijbion Stf(tet;' Spital-Fields,·. and_.the ~n~{ H.ead,.in Gr.e-at.~een Street, and eiazar:icotn the Lifi!" of L~Jg?s; J?y: order o~ the ~arterly Gpmmunication, held the sth.. of May .r7 57, having paid two Guineas' each, ba, at-th€ir- Defire,. refrored a~d entered again in the faid.Lift.. . . · ~Il ·Bi!finefs being over, the. Lodg6. was clofed ia due Form~ ... l$ranb itOb,JfC, at. the. Devii:Tav6rn., 'I'empk-Bar.,· ~n ample'· Form, the qth "of PebUlJt"J 17 s8. Prefent, .Lord AB·E:RDOUR; Grand !J.of!er: ;: :}9~·<Rtvxs, Deputy· Grand.-Mafier. ;·: ~homa~ J.!anningbqm1'. M. J? .. late-,l)e;uty.~ Gr,an4 .Mrifltr ;d!fkming ~P:i'!~l~ jlon,.:- ~ ~'fJi~r:. CJ!:antl~}f)mdt!(l.; :]affl#t: Dl.ckfon, Juttior Grand' War:~n '; .llrthur Beardmore and .Edwa:r:d Joachim Boetifeur, late-· Grand .Wardens; George. Clarke, .'I' ;. the Mafler;·.W~rde~s; and nine. Afliftan,ts. of.. the:.Ste~atds L9dge.~ .the. l\1afler ·and' War-dens of Jixty- one regular Loqges. .. . · . The'. l)eputy. Gr_anrl. Mt!)Jfr, .delivered·:. int<Y~. the H~t>i&'J of 'the · Grand Majier,.the Jewel of our late Brot):ler P."ill.nli~k:M,·''.de"tea:fedi:; whereupon the Grand Majler called up to the Chair our Brother.. the Rev ..Mr~.. JIJbrt- Entick, and iqvefted him with tlie fai~ J~yrel,, 1\lld appointed him Junior Gf.afJil Warden. · . · ·. . The Deputy Grand Majler· infqrmed the· Bretp~ey~.. tf.\A~.;~>":an ·0rder of a form~r ~!JtJrt~r/1., ... · · · · · printed five hunqred BOQks;;•tif · COJB!IiM~,~~ fmall,., and 2 5o on. l«rge ~r, produced Bills arid ................ u·~;:, for Pape.r and Printing,, amounting to the Sum of I o'~J.. ~.3s.. ·I o_d. of Sum S4/. ios. 6d. was received by S,ale,of. tlie ~oks, and I 5/•. 13s.. 4J. was ordered to be p~d by the ':frefi./!frer, ·_to., make good that ·Defideney. • · · . , : .·. · : I~ alfo appeared· that there·remained,- unfold, one l1u9.d~~;i.Rd:~ fiftr.-fQs:.Co.pies OJl ~ ~arg~,, a!l? thi-e(i hundr~~ ~nd' tixty-eight. ·'"'




on the fmall





·arifing from the Sale. of whiCh,·. was ordered to be paig intp·the'p~blick E\md 'of C!Jarity. . .. The ~efl:ion ffi,r ·allowin:g. the ahdve Accpunt being. put., it·. paffed unanimoufly i'ntt1e ,Affihriiit.i*~· . . ., , . ' . · It was lil{ewife ortlered~ that· thanks- be gi\reh to the~ Grand Ojjicers, and t~e reft _of the Br~~?r~.Z: of_ the_.Committe~, fo;- . .tlieir Care· in reviling)t~e Book·of Cdnjlittztitl!t~. · . ; . .. ·. , ·. :· • . . . . ·, · · . . Ortiered, that No Io6 at KinfMltlkin'J He~(lar?:artjfrftp1¢li~ ~nd: N~: 11 tid the Bla~kniori'' $! 'H?a£at [1iitinghtpm, •'be· e~~z<;i:Lfr6rh' t~e ·· Lilt of' Lodges,· no Eodge having nfet at either of thpfe Places · for a con:fiderable Time.. · · ' AH·Bufinefs being over, t!:ie Lodge· was clofed. . . ... . ~ranb j[obge, at t~e Devil Tavern, 'l'emple~Bar., the,,' April 17.58, in ample.Form~ .


· · · Prif'ent;

The Right Honourable LordABERDOUR, Grand M#fer.-' JoHN REVI~, Deputy~Ortfnc/·Mgfler.. • Wfllibtm;:e;iafona~, Senior ·Grand·Jf'ardi!n. · . ·. ; · · The Rev. Jo~n Entick; Jtinlur Grottd 'tt1n·Ne·i,., ~ Fleming ~inkflo":~ .' ··1·' ' . ·: · · _ .. ..·,. · · · ·. James Najh · · · · · ' · · · · · . .' ate Gr:a.nd Wit,rde?lS;.I· D ,. · · · · · ·· · ';ames txon 1.



":&r'Jbu~'" B~J~:~J,on:B'J· ' . . . ,,·o:, . ''·" ........ "1 George Clarke, Trqa.forer~-








. The twelve Stewards~ the Mailer, Wardens, .and nine Affift.... ants of the- Steward$. Lodge ; . the Ma~ers ·an:d \Ya~d~ns of fortynine regular Lodges. .. . . . . .. . · · .· . · , - · •· .~ . ·.. • . ·. ·.· ~ ,.. T.·he·l~.~~.:.·Feirm_·.··.-~~_·_·';~.:~6He'lfilrb~;.;,~ . an.d ·a.·c6t1&rion_·· ffiaae ~ ~~ "?,1.4.1~ ,.._b·:~ "' \ r-~ ~ "'j f.,d,~~~~4 ~ fOF·the-: genem1 P:uoo ·of ObarltJ~.· ' ',, » •• . · ·, • •· • , .. ·. . The ·Y~'~fwer · delivered his 'i'!ccoun~s; wliich. wer~ e~arnirled and ._approved, Lof, ; ·t~e · ~alance ~n ·his, ~~~s ·al?J?~~iing. tO. ,be, .· · 162/~· lOS~ iJe(f.':a)M! three ]noia J3on'€fs for fo'o/~ each~ exdufi've;.,;.· qf 52!~ us. 6d. received this Night.. ,·iw.H . . This··' .


- -. .,








.r ~~ 9 rl ' . .

' .. .


D'hiner·· being over,· the Grand Mdjler made the Pro~e/JifJn · round the Hall, Mufick playing~ in the midft of the joyful Acclamations of ·the· Brethren. Being returned to SoLoMoN's Chair, the Gran<;l Ojjicers furrendered th~ Jewels of their refpettive 'Offices, ~hen his L6r_dl.biR 'Yas £¥ea~ed'.to :~ppoi!J~:an~ inveft the.:: following B!etllreP,· :Or.anlt0ffice?7.S, .i • · • · .· ... . · ·

:John Rerois, D~puty Grand Mafler.· · · James Dixon, Senior Gram:liParden,,. · 'Phomas Singleton, 'Junior'Grand WarJen. ~amuel Spmcer ,... Grand Secretor-;'•.· Mark Azljltm, Sword-Bearer. The Stewards *·· were then · called to the Chair, . and ' Thanks . returned them for their Entertainment, . and were defired to nominate their Succejfors f:. $ranb :lo~ge, at the Devil T2.vern, . 'l'emple-Bitr, the 14th of · September, I 7 s8. Prefent, John Revis;., })iputy Grand Mtifier,., as Grand M4fer ; <rhomas Manningham, · M. D. as Deputy Grand Majler; 'Jtrmes Dixon, Senior Grand .Warden; ?:homos Singleton, Junior Grand ·Warden ; Fleming Pinkj!fJ!Z ; Arthur Beardmore,.. Bernhard Joachim. Boetifeur,. late Grand Wardens; ·and George, €Iarke, 9:reafurer i the ·MaAer, Wardens>· and nine. Afiiftants *·The ~hEw ARDS·• .

t SuccEssoRS,· Bote-. H!iNiam Smltb) .

Bto•. Atlam Nuttal, ADrahom H~~rt; . Jonathan Scott, · Frederick Kohu~ Ralph Bates, Efq;. J'ob'lli/fg'lllily .


~P-hilip ~ii/Jfll;-.r.! \.,

. .q~rg~ ~udd):

Robm Hurtling, ~mas

: '1

·ca,pt; Cha{l~'ruifndl,. · Thomas· Wflli'alilf, Ohadrah Wright~ € Whnley..


1 •


! .

• · 'l



·· ·


Smith, Robert 'Jonu, G.eorge Rijdale,. Thomru Coatis, r;n,11Ja1,FI/I:dJ'e, . i' . ' ~;IJ.~tl; ;; · Mtlrgan Herb~~!:.;~f~>· James Ramfay, WilhainJ>~~tut, '

• RowkRid !hrhk.y. · N~ Bi · .fmtd in the rooxn:of. .d»lhon:y lfl'b.arlo~At-

{ 28o] .' ~f the,..Stewards Lodge; , the- M;~fter.s-;and Wardens of thirty-fix :'Lodges:~-. ~

. · - · ·_ ·:· .: . · .··. ' · ·· · . '·The ufual Forms being :gone;' through, a. Collection; was ~ade ·for the public~ Fund of ·~Cbai#y. . . The 'lreafurer delivered .his Accounts, .which were read and ··approved of;.:the'Balaftce.iii"hisH~nds being J 22/. os. 3d. exclufive f>f 4oo/. three per Cent. ·Bank Annuities Confolidated, exclufive cf 27/. z6s. received ·this :Night; 11nd at. the fame ·Time refigned his Stafr~ and was rechofe Grand 'l"reuforer for the Year ·enfuing. . . . The Petition of Richard 'fay lor, referred from the· Jaft Committee ef Charity .for Ten Guineas, was read~ ·· 'Ordered, that the 'Ireafurer do pay the Sum of Ten Guineas into the Hands of 'Brother Deans for the Petitioner•s Relief. . All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. · ·.. .~tdnti'1f.o~ll'C, at the Dev£1 Tavern, in due Form, on the sth t)£ Feb: i759· Prefent, JoHN REvis, Dtputy Grand M_afler, as Grand ·Ma)ler ; 'I'homas Manningham, M. D. as Deput;• Grand Mafler; .James Dixon, Senior Grand Warden; .Arthur Bear.dmore, :as junior Grand Warden; and George Clarke, Grand :frea[u{er; the 1\~~ftet/ Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge; .the Mafters and Wardens of )ixty-jix Lodges. · The ufual Forms b~ing gone through,, and a very large Col'leCl:ion made for the General Fund of Charit;•, The 'treafurer, delivered his Accounts, and itappears.that the. Balance of Calli in his ~ands, is 6!1. u. 94. ~xclufiv~·· 1 6'8/. 7s. being the Money colleCted tMs Night, befides 400/. 'Ban~ Annuities Confolidated, purcnafed in the Names of T'homas Manning ham and :George Clarke, on the sth of May, and accepted by them, in the ·Books of the Bank A11nuities Confolidated; for the Security of which CJ'homas Manningham, M; D. late Deputy Grand Mqfler, George Clarke, Grand 'l'reafurer, and George Goodwin, have executed a Joint. Bond to the Right Hon.· Lord ABERDouR, Grand Mijler, ·John R.e!ois,. J?e.pmy Grand Mqfier, James Dixon a~-:~omas






Singleton, Efqrs; Grand Wardens; which faid Bond is depofited in the Hands of Brother Revis, Deputy Grand Ma.fler. The Lodge No 3 2. at the George, in St. Mary-Ax, having reprefented, that they had not a fufficient Number of Members to hold· a Lodge : · · Ordered, that for ·the future, they be omitted in the Lift of Lodges. . . . All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. 1' ~ranll trobgt, at the Devil Tavern, 'Iemple-Bar, was Iield the 24th of May, 17 59, in due Form. Preferit JoHN REvis, Efq; Deputy Grand Majler, as Grand Mo.fler; Cf'homas Manning ham, M.D. as Deputy Grand Maj!er ; James Dixon, Senior Grand Warden ; Arthur Beardmore, as Junior Gra11d Warden; the Rev. John Entick, and James Najh, Efq; late Grand Ojjicefs; and George Clarke, Grand 'l'reafurer; the Mafter, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge; the Mafters and Wardens offor~y-~wr; Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through, and a ColleB:ion made for the general Clmrity~ · The Treofurer delivered his Accounts, which 'Were read and approved of, the Balance in his Hand being 132/. 6s. exclufive of 4oo/. Three per Cent. ·Bank Ann'!Jities; Confolidated, befides the Sum of 54/. Ios. colleB:ed this Night•. The Petitions. of Frl.ll'Jfi& E;jii~ne, and· Jqfi#~HJ!tnt!IN, recommended' tb this l<!f'tirie:Jijfei:MimJnica"·tJiJ~fo't}F~erit.y Pounds each, were read ; and alfo the Petition of Richard Wallace, referred, for Ten Guineas.


.9fderetl ... :, th. at. the 21.'r:e~.,U!Iff.·n: d~ .pa·y·· ·.to. ·.·B·rothers 'EfHerine and H•n·Twenty ~sc:~i!!~~~n<l to ::&~her· JJJF'ritiiJa1 ten· Guineas . '4, ~~ -#h -~.:·. ~~ ·• ' '""J"•

', .'










lK ':

· · ·' ' · · :::~:tt!B?, • All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge ·was clofed.: ~tanb ·:rob«e, at the Crown and Anchor TaV'etn;'1n the Strand, was held on the 24th of Jan• .17~0. · Prefef.ltP!~it'N REvts, Efq;'

for their<•Rehef.

Deputy Grand Mafter, ras Graml MJfter ;' V'homas. Manning bam,~;· as Deputy Grand Mt!fter ; James Dixon, Senior Grand Jffdrten; 0 o ·, · :"''homas

[ 282 ]

:<!'homos , Singleton~ Junior Grand Warden ; .Arthur Beardmore, John Entick~ M. A. _late Grand Wardem ; and George Clar!u, 'Treaforer ;~ t,he Mafier, Wardens, an§! ~ine Affifrants of the Stewards· Lodge;. the Mafl~rs and Wardens of fixry-two Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through, and a very: large ColJe~ion ·made for th~ General Fund of Charity, The 'I'reafurer delivered his Accounts, which were read . and approved of, th~ ~alance in his Hands being 8 s-1. 7S· 6d. exclu£ve of 4oo/. Three Pfr_ Cent. Bank Annuities Ceniolidated, befides the Sum of I 28/..8s. 6d. received this Night,. and fifteen golden Mohurs fent from Calcutta in the Eqfl-Indies. A Motion was made and feconded, that the Sum of Fifty Poundsbe fent to German}, to. be diftribute.d amongil:'the Soldiers that are M,afans. Prince:Ferdinand'~ Army, whether. Englijh, Hanoveria1z 1 or Hdftam. The Deputy Grand iW.afler acquainted the Brethlien, that Major General_Kingfl-ey, now. in Prince Ferdinmu!s Army,. was a Mafon ;. and that if it was agreeable he would write to lfim, and defire he wpuld diftribute the aforefaid Sum amongit the Mafons; which: pa1fed unanimoufiy. Ordered, that the Treafurer do pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds. into the Hand of the DepU,y Grand Majler,.. to mmit to Genera~.


Kingjley for the aforefaid Purpofes~ _ . Orde~ed, that the 'I'reafurer do ,pay Fifteeen Guineas to Pder · Mello,n.,:he be~ng r~ferted,~-~cr~t~~~.ofl§lr<!r#J.<t:l:i proper.

: :-'~7~,~: ,;.,_ :::.~- ' In September, ,1:7 58, J;Jrother 'tayl()r,. a Prifoncr in the King's. Bench, had the Sum of Ten Guineas paid into the Hands of Bro.. ther Deane, to allow him a certain Sum per: Week for his Relief. Brother 'I'f~!lor dying before the Money was difpafed: of, Brother. Deane paid into the.publick Fund,. the Sum of 3/. being the· Object. ·



,::~ ..


Money remaining in his Hands when Brother <J';aylo" 4y~tL, Ail J;l,Q~~ being over) the Lqdge was alofed,.

{ ,283 ]

cmranb nobge,

at the Devil Tavern, T'empJe.-Bar, · 14th of May

REvi's, Efq; Deputy Grand Mafter, as Grand Majler; '1homas Manningham, M. D. as Deputy 1 76o,

in due Foirp.



Grand lYiajler ; James Dickfon, Senior Grand Warden ; Arthur Beardmore, as Junior Grand Warden; the Rev. Mr. Entick, late Grand Warden; and George Clarke, 'Ireafurer; the twelve Stewards, the Mafter, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge ; the Mafters and Wardens of jixty Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through, and ala,rge CoHeetio-n made for the general Charity', . The 'I'reaforer delivered his Accounts~ which were read and approved of, the Balance in his Hands being 1 3 zl. u. 9d. exclufive of 4ool. Bank Annuities Confolidated, befides the Sum of 90/. IS. 6d. colied:ed.this Night. The Deputy· GriHid MajitJr produced a 'Letter from Major General Kingjley, with a Lift of the Mafom in Prince Perdinamfs Army, alfo a Receipt for the Bill of Exchange, for the Fifty l'ounds ordered to be fent to Germany at the lafi. ~ua1·terly Commu-

nication. Brother Perci·val had Five Pounds ordered by the lafi: Committee of Charit)', to be paid Brother Beardmorls Hands, which he returned to the 'Ireafurtr, ~rother Percival being dead. The Deputy tlrand Afajler ~qaainted the! that Lord ABE1!::tiotiR being il~ '&~11111i, attending lhe ;Ilvttres <>f his Country, he had appointed the 2d of june next for the Grand Feajl. Ordered, that the 'l'reafurer do purcha:Ce I ool. Bank Annuities . Confolidated. ,

All Bufinefs beid{~~;·'?r&e L~ge was dofed .. ASSEMBLY and .F-EAST at Haber.tlafoers-Hiill) of 'June 1760. •

oo ~he sth

Prefl!tlzt, JoaN R'&V!f:S,. Efq; ·Deputy Orand M4W,,:.dGtand M~fler. THoMAS MANNJNGKAM, M. D. asl)eputy Grand M~... '· 0 o 2 ...."fnmes




James Diekfon, Senior Grand Warden. 'I'homas Singleton, yunior Grand Warden• .Arthur.Beardmore, } d J .. k, . late Gran War,aens._ .T.h e R ev. ·Mr,.. E nttc And George Clarke, :r'reafurer. The twelve Stewards, and zoo Brethren. The Grand Ojjicers, being arrived at the ·Hall, were conducted into.a convenient Room, where the Mafters and Wardens of the feveral Lodges were ordered to attend. Lord ABERDOUR, our prefent Grand Mafler, attending the Duty of the King in North-Britain, was unanim~uily re-eleCted Grand Mtifler, foc the enfuing Year. Dinner being over, the Grand Ojjicers walked round the Hall in Procdfion, · Mufick playing before them:; when returning to the Chair, the feveral Enfigns of the late Grand Ojjicers were furrendered to THC?MAS-MANNINGHAM, M.D.· late-· Deputy Grand Majer, who took the Chair~ and in the Name of Lord ARERDOUk appointed, ]oH~ REvis, Efq; Deputy Grand Ma.fler.

Cafper Schombart, Senior Grand Wardenr. Charles MaJey, Junior Grand Warden .. Samuel Spencer~ Grand Secretary. Mark At!fton, Sword~bearer.. 'rhe Stewards * were called t0. the Chair,. and had Thanks $

. Bro. William Smith, William Potier, Rohert Harding, John Fryday, Rowland Berkley, George RdJell,


E"W A ll. D S•

Bro. William BarlJer; John Burrell, John Ajk, Efq;, James· Ramfey, Thomas Smith, . Robert Jones.

Brp~r Fryday ferved in the room of Morgan Herbert, Efq; deceafed, Brothers Barber, and Jfo .in ~.Rooln of Brothers Coutts and FfJf'dyu.


[ 285 ] . returned them for their elegant Entertainment, when they were refpetlively defired to prefent their SucCPjjors ~ranb :lobge, at the Crown and Anchor, in the Strand, the 17th .of Nov. 176o. Prefent, JoHN REvrs, Efq; Deputy Grand Ma.Jler, as Grand Mafler; . THoMAs MANN INGHAM,. as Deputy Grand Mtifler ; · .Arthur Beardmore, as Senior Grqnd Warden ; Charles Majfoy, 'Junior Grand Warden; 'James .Najh, and 'James Dickfon, late Grand Wardens; William Maclutt, Efq; Provincial - Grand Mafler, of Calcutta in the E4f-Indies, ~ Franklyn,· Efq; Provincial Grand Mafler, of Ph£ladelphia; Fnmk!y?z, Efq; Provindal Grand Secretary of Philadelphia ; and George Clarke, Grand q'reafurer ; the Mafter, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the Stewards Lodges, the-Mafters and Wardens of forty Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through, and a large Collection made for the Fund of Charity, · The q'reafurer· delivered his Account, :and it appears that the Balance of Caih in his Hands is I o2/. 5s.. 9d• . exclufive of 50ol. Bank Annuities Confolidated, be:fides the Money collected this Night, amounting to 7ol. 1 os. and at the fame Time he refigned his Staff, and was rechofe for the Year enfuing. Notice being fent to the following Lodges, to thew Caufe for their Non-Attendance at the §(garter!J Communkatio11,_ Dog Tavern, Gariick-Hill, Crown, in Smithfield,


St. Paul's Speights 'fown, Barbado~&, Swan, Weflminfler Bridge, Hoop atld Grapes, St. Martin's Lane,., Oatejhead, in the county of Durham7 Saracen's Head, at Lincoln, ·Bro. Ri;hard Ripley, Efq,;, R~hert R~hert

Groat,. Laurie, Henry Jaffra!, William Buxto~

Stephen· Day,.

t s·u c c E s s o R s. Bro. lYtl/iam Chapman; Francis


William Murr~y.,

Philip Luckc~mbe., · John Benfon., Bryan Trough/on.

[ 286


no Brother appearing for them, they were ordered· to be erazed out of the Lift of Lodges. All Bufinefs being over, the :Lodge was clofed. 4!)ranb ~obgt, at the Cro.wn and 4nchor Tavern, in the Strand, the sth of:June I76r, in due·Form. Prefent, JoHHREVIS, Efq; Deputy Grand Majler, as Grand Mafler; ~homas Manningham, M.D. Deputy Grand Mafter ; Cafper Schombart, Senior Grand Warden; .dtthur Beardmore, as Junior Grand Warden; George Clarke, ~rea­ furer ; the Mafter., Wardens, and nine. Affi.ftants of the Stewart/s Lodge; Ma.fter .and Wardens ofjixty:fixLodges. The ufual Forms being. gone thrcmgh, and a large ColleCl:ion ·made fot the ·General Fund of Charity, The Treaforer delivered in hi$ Accounts, and it appears that ·the Balance of Caili in his Hands, is 'i 17/. Is. 3d. exclu.five -of BankAnnuities..Confolidated, befides the Money received ;this Night, amounting to I o4l. 8s. · Refolved, that the Grand Officers l1ave a Power to difpofe of 'the Conftitution Books· remaining unfold in Brother Scott's. Hanas, .and that they be fold to the beft Advantage before the next ~ar.terly Communicatz'on. . A ·Brother prefent acquainted the Gratzd Lodge, that at the (Glaziers-Arms in Water-Lane, Fleet·Street, feveral Perfons meet there, who, for fmall and unwqrthy Confiderations> make Mafons in a clandeftine Manner. Ordered, that as foqn as the ~ames of the Perfons fo meeting ,can be obtained, they !hall be pi~ end fent. to ali the regular Lodges in London; and whoever appeats to be the aCting Mafter .and Wardens, be expelled all Lodg~s, and the others not admitted into any regular Lodge. · All Bufinefs being over,. the Lodge was clofed. ®ranb i!obge, .at the Devil Ta v:~rn, if'emple-B61.r, Mitreb 2 9, . 17 6 2, ·in ample Form. Prefent the right Hon. Lord CARYSFDRT,. late <lrandMqfler, as~GrandMqfter; John Revis, Efq; Deputy.GrandMaf.ter"~ Cafper Schomoqrt, Sen-ior Grand Warden ; Charles .M4ffey, Junior ' ·. · Grant!



[ 287 ] Orand Wardm; Arthur Beardmore, Bernhard Joachim Boetifeur, late Grand Wardens; George Bacon, Efq; Provhzcial Grand Mqfler for ]\Torwich and the County of Norfolk; and George Clarke, Treajitrer; the twelve Stewards; the_Mafl:er, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge; the Mafter and Wardens of jixty Lodges. The ufual Forms being gone through, and a ColleCtion be-ing -made> amounting to 19 8/. I,4s. 3d. for the 9eneral Fund of


· ·

The 'lreafitrer delivered in his Account; and it appeared that the Balance of Calh in his Hand.s, is I o 3l 16 s. 6d.· exclufive of sool. Bank Annuities Confolidated, betides the Money received· this Night, amounting to 198/. 14s. 3d. The 'I'reafurer wastherefore ordered to purchafe 3 oo/. Bank Annuities Confolidated. The Petitions of Robert Holiday, for Ten Guineas, and yohn Paterfon for Twelve Guineas) were referred from the Iaft ComJqittee gf Charity to this !J(garterly Communication for their Appr_?bation.' . Ordered, that the Treafurer .do pay the faid Sums. ' · It was- agreed that Brother Scott lhould have all the Conj!itutiort · Books that are unfold,. both Large and Small Paper,. at 2s. 6d. e~ch •. It was reported that agree~ble to the Order of the laft ~ar­ terly Commum'cation. the Names of thofe Perfons who meet at the· Glaziers Arms in Water Lane, Fleet-Street, had been fent to alL the.Lod~ .. · This being Eletlion-Night for a Grand Mqjler for the enfuing Year, the Right Hon. Lord CAR YsFoR T propofed to the fJrand Lodge; the Rjght Hon. Earl Ferrers,. Vifcount :fam7.Vorth, who is a. Mafon, and Mafter of the Horn Lodge in Wejlminjler,., to be Gr:and Mtzfler for the enfuing Year, which was ·received with the higheft Satisfaetiotl, '· · · · The Deputy Grand Maflet· acquainted the Brethren,. that his Lordfhip was willing to, accept of the Honour of being GRANl). MA-STER, and that he would do every Thing in his Power to make Mafonry :fl.ouri!h, and appointed the GRAND.. FEAST to be· held on feme. Day in the.firft Week in MaJ.~~


[ 288 J .The following Lodges not having attended for a confiderable Time at any ~uarterly Communication, it was ordered that Letters be fent to them, .defiring them to 1hew Caufe at the next ff{garterly Communication for their former Non-Attendance ; otherwife they 1hould be erazed out of the Lift of Lodges, viz. Grapes, at Chatham ; Horn, Fleet-Street; Salutation, Nicholas

Lant; c::three 'funs, Spital-Fields; '1hree 'Iuns, Aldgate; Swan, Grafton-Street, Soho; Bear, Lemon-Street, Goodmans Fields; Horn, Dot1ors Commons; King's .Arms, ff<.!Jeenhythe. The Lodges in the Eafl-Indies, having no Provincial Grand Majler, fent a Petition to the GR.AND MASTER, praying his Worihip wo~ld grarit them one, and recommending Culling Smith, Efq; of Calcutta, to be Pro<Vincial GrandMa.fler for lndz"a, and fent the Sum of Fifty Guineas to be paid into the publick Fund of Charity. Ordered, that a Deputation be made out in the neateft Manner, appointing Culling Smith, Efq; to be Provincial Grand Mafler for India, and the Expence be defrayed out of the Fund of the GRAND LoDGE. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed .. ASSEMBLY and FEAST at Yintners-Hall, Thames-Street, the 3d of May, 1762.


. The Right Hon. Lord WARD, as $ranb >~allcr. JoHN REvis, Efq; Deputy Grand Majler. Cajper Scbombart, Sen-ior Grand Warden . .Arthur Beardmore, as 1unior Grand Warden • .Kenwick Peck, as Grand 'Ireafurer, in the abfence of Brother George Clarke. Samuel Spencer, Gra11d Secretary. Mark Adflon, Sword-Bearer. 'James Dickfon, Efq; Willia. Iate Grand rr Trr 1 · . m Chapman, . Efq; araens. Bernhard Joacbtm Boetefeur, Rev, Mr. Entick, Right Hon. SHIRLEY, Earl FERRERs, Vifcount TAMWORTH, Grand Ma.fter Elet!.




[ 289


The twelve Stewards, and near three hundred ·Brethre~ properly The GRAND MASTER and his O.Jlicers, being arrived at the Hall, were conducted (Mufick playing before them) by the Stewards into a convenient Room, where the Mafters and Wardens of the Lodges were ordered to attend, when the Right Hon .. Lord WARD, in the Name of Lord ABERDouR, propofed the Right Hon. WAsHINGToN SHIRLEY, Earl FERRERS, VifcountTAM• woRTH, QPr~nb ®allet of Mtifons for the enfuing Year; and he was thereupon unanimoufly eleCted. Dinner being over, the G:RAN D MASTER walked round the Hall in Proceflion, and affectionately took leave of the Brethren ; and returning to the Chair, invefted the Grand Mafier with the Badge of his Ojjice, and caufed the Secretary to proclaim XXVIII. The Right Hon. WASHINGTON SHIRLEY, Earl FERRERs, Vifcount TAMWORTH, <tt;ranb ~ller for the enfuing Year; and the Grand Officers furrendered the Enfigns of their reo: fpeetive Ojjices to the new Grand Mafter, who appointed, JoHN REvis, Deputy Grand Mtffter. Col. John Salter, Senior Grand Warden. cl~~-

Robert Groat, Junior Grand Warden. Samuel Spencer," Grand Secretary. Mark .Atfjlon, Sword-bearer. The Stewards * were then called to the Chair, and Than~~ • ST.EW ARDJ.

Bro. Col. 'J1lm Balter, Ro!Hrt Grm,

.Robert Laurie, Henry ']affray, Sir Richard Gly11, · Stephen Day,

.Bro. William Chapman, Fratu:is Bickerton, Y1mMs Dynt,

Dwt, John Bmfo~ Bryant 'iroughton. N. B. Brother John Salter fcrved in the room of Richard Ripley, Sir Riebard Glyn in· the room of William Bu~m deceafed, 'Thomas Dyne in the room of Jnl-

lialll" Murr(J], -

Dun in the: room of Philip Luc!ccomk.


· returned

[ zgq ] returned them for their eieg~nt E.ntertaimnent, and were defired to nominat!e their Succejfors .· <!!§raub :!obge. at the Crow?Z apd Anchor, in the Strand~ 27 of July 1762, in due Form. Prefent, Jo:a;N REVIS, .Deputy_ Grand Majler, as Grand Mafler; Colonel Salter, Senior Grand Wardm, as Deputy. Grand ·Mqfter ; Robert Groat, 'Junior Grand Warden, as Senior Grand Wardm; .Arthur Beardmore, as Junior Grand Warden; Cafper Schombart, late Grand Warden; and George Clarke, lfreaflt.rer; the Mafter, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the Ste'lvards Lodge ; the Mafters and Wardens of forty-four Lodges. 'The ufual Forms being gone. through, and a Collection made :for the .Fund . of Charity, .· :. The 'I'rerl:furer delivered ,his :Acem1nt$ ;. ~n9 it appears that the Balance of .Cafl1 in his Hal!lds is 4,ol•. 9d. exclufive of 9oo/. Bank .Anm.lities ~onfolidate.d, bdide$ 7 2l. I ?S. colleCted this Night. . . This being E.leC:\:ion-Night fP.r a 'tteaforer1 Brother George Clarke furrendered his Staff to th~ Deputy Grand Mafier, who propofed him again for that Office ; and· he. w~s tbeveupon unani:. moufly re.eleeted. · · · Notice having been fent to the following Lodges, t-Q ~.w Caufe for their Non-Attendance. ~t the: !i.JiiN'terly Cormnuni~.tJtian.9~ no Brother appearing for them, ·th~)!' wetre o~4~.r,eq to l?e· e.raz;ed out of


fhe . Liil'aLLo¢ges~


; : ..

The Honz Tavern, Fleet-Street. Bear, ,Lemon Stre~' :G.orati.ma1fls Fields. The Petition' of, Rrern«r 'Willir:zm Robinfon, r~fer:r.ecl. from the Commz'ttee of Clfarity; ·fbr the Approbation of the ~arlerly Com-. :Bro. Thomas Edmands, Efq;


·t'"SuccEhoRs. . 'ro. Charles Cburch~t


·.;,.,:,;,-•.''8ol(; . :~rJJkn~


· ''

; .·

·• ·

': ,: '..'.. ·,..·. · ' .h ·

Hon. 'Thomas Harle;~- ' · , , . • _£kiJii. Colr, , .·

~ Pot,t~!e,_

·. ~'fl{l;lk.fll!it.• &iPha1'1i.lf.e,ar-nt~

Captain Muller,

. •, 1 ;: ,,,:, 1

··· 1




[ 2.9!·· municdtion, for the Sutn of Ten Guineas, was read. Ordered, that .the 'l'reafurer do pay· the above Sum into. the Hands of Brother Spencer., for the Petitioner's Relief• .A.ll.Bufinefs being~ over~ the Lodge was .clofed. $raub l!.obgt, at the .D~ilTaverr:, '9:'tmple-Bar, 14th of Fe.bruary. r763, iQ due .:Form. Prefe~t,. Col.· 'John· Salter~ Senior .Grand Warden, as Grand Mafler; Robert. Groat, Junior Grand, . as . D~puty Grand Majlu ; Tboinas . Singleton, as Senior GrtiJlfl~H::arden; RowlapilBerldey, Mqjler bf the. Stewards Lodge, as J,u12ior G1·and Ward~n ;~ Charles Ma!fey, .Arthur Bei1rdmore, late

Grand· IVardms ; and George C{arke,. Trea.Jurt:r; . the M-afl:er, Wardens, and nine Affifl:aots of the Stewards Lodge; the Maftets and Wardens of Jixty-two Lodges. The u.fual For~s being gone through,. and a large Collection made,- amoontiag to ~ J 7· J.u/•. for the FUJld of Charity, ·.·The Minutes: of .the: laft.. Cammittli of Cbrkity. were. telld) ~nd Recommendation of the Committee to relieve, the BrethreQ .wjtJtt Jh~f~ll~ing Sums.approved of, · · David Gibbons, . ...,..... . [,. 20 o o .Hmryj3urgh, .~ ·. ~· IJ.; o· o Richard Owen, I o ro o Daniel fry, 2o o o 'I'bomas Wilbraham, 15 o. o Brother John Bowm~•;,,atJa il.!farterly Commt.Jni4tztion, ~-February


1 7 4 2 J received Fifteen Guineas. Being deceafed, he left in his Will that the Sum of 2 ol. be paid by his . Executors into the publick



Charity, which w~s this Night paid by his Executor,s, Brother Mafan and Beardmore. . The 'I'reafurer delivered his·Aecodett;,·:'anctit .app¢ats that th= Balance of Caih in his Hands, is 8r.J. 4s. 3d. etclufive ,of 9ool. Bank Annuities Confolidated, befides ~I o/. 17s~ :1 J.d. received this Night ...

All Bufinefs being over, the L()dge was clofed. .,'




[ 292 ] ~tanb ~ob!lc,

at the Cro1!}n and Anchor, in· the Strand, 29th .of April 1763, in due Form. Prefent, Earl FERRERs, Grand Ma.fler;, JoHN REvis, Efq; Deputy Grand Ma.fler; Col. Jol:m Salter, Senior Grand Warden; Robert Groat, Junior Grand Warden; the Hon. Robert Shirley, Efq; Charles MaJ!ey, Arthur Beardmore, late Grand Wardens; and George Clarke, :freafurer; the twelve Stewards, the Mafter, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the.. ·Stewards Lodge, the Mafters and Wardens of forty Lodges. · The ufual Forms being gone through, and a large ColleCtion made for the Fund of Charity, The Minutes of the laft Committee of Charity were read, and the Recommendation of the ~mmittee to relieve the Erethren widi. the following Sums approved of, viz. William.Stephens, with .£. ·zo o o Richard Bulkley-, 2o o o The . 'l'reafurer· delivered his Accounts ; amd It appears that the· BalanG€: of Calh in h_is ~ds is 96t. cp.. 8d. exclufive of I oooA. Bank Annuities Confolidated, beflP,es 5sl. ss. collected this Night~. All Buiinefs being over, th~ l:,odge was dofed. ASSEMBLY and- FBAST at J!intners-Hall, 'I'hames Street» the 3d of May 1:763. · · · ·· · .

. Prefent, · <Gt.ant:J. £lf}allee. JoliN REVISt Deputy G.r.and Majler·; ~ol. John Salter., Senior Grand Warden. Robert Groat; junior Grand Warden~ K<mwicl:e Puk, as 'treaforer.,. in. the abfence gf Brotheti· George Clarke. Mark Adjlon, Sword.bearer. Samuel Spmttr Secretary.· Jf'i'lliam Chapman, James Dickjo11, r•z 1 Jl:r .rr. ~tHfrtes .J.vJ.a_ ey, . · · · .late· Grand · lYardtm:.· Earl




.drthu·r· Beardmore, -~· ·'fbe twelve Sterrv.ards, asro Qear three. hundred Brethren·•.

( Z93 j The GRAND· MASTER. and his Officers on their Arrival. at the:

Hall, were conducted by the Stewards into a convenient Room, Cwith Mufick playing) where the Mafiers and, Wardens.of the Lodg.~s were ordered to atter~ ;, when EarlFERRERS was unanimouily re-elected ~ranb ~aCfer, for the enfuing Year~ . . . ·Dinner being. over, the GRAND MASTER walked round the

Hall in Procejjion: and bei'n g ·returned to the· Chair, the Grand Ojjicers furrendered their Enftgns: of Offi~ ,; whe.n .his -Lordiliip. wa8 pleafeGb to appoint and lnvefr,. · . . ~ . ..

Cot .JoHN s~r. T E R:, Deputy Grand Mafltr •. Robert Groat, Seni?Jr Grand Warden. · CJ'bomas Edmonds., · Junior Grand Warden •. Samuel Spencer, Grand Secretary .. Mark Adfion»· Sword-bearer.: The SlewPPdi *" w~re the~ .€ailed t<». tl1eChair,. and ,had Thanksreturned: them for their elegan~ Enter~a~nment, .and were defired tto name their SucceJ!ors <eranb ~Obll't. in. due }i'or.m at th(l Crown and Anchor in the Strand, OC1ober the. 24th,. 17¢3. · .;Pre(ent, Col. JoHN SA~TER~ Deputy Grand Majier,. as Gran4 M(tjltr.; ,}PHN _R.Evi.s,, as De-



puty Gra1zd Majler; Robert Groat, Senior Grand Warden; 'John, Smith, Provincial Grand M:ajler for Lancajhire, as junior Gra'!Zdi

* STEW AR.D.s.. Bro. Jofeph P.irt»61"-y '

t Succ.E&soas-.



fo. ~dliafll. .tfj};burner, Elq; ·

The Hon. Thomas Shir!ty, Philip Shumaker, jonathan Michie, Efq, Ji:llnes Allen, . '' Z'bunas T'rejlo'l.Je,. ,......,.....,.. Hqt/gfon., ·£Jwq,;JW:Jjs. Thomas Edmonds, Sen. T'htimas Ed1116nds, Jun •. €harles Churchman,. John Co/liB, (i;eorge Carnaby, T'homas JJI'olfey; Richard· Hearne, 1Piliiam Wray,.. lib~ Thotrras Harley• ]'()hn Nix. · N .. ~ . .Br~tber. Carna/J; fenv.ed in the. room of. Brother Portio&'• . Thomas dl!eyne, Chrifiian Poppe, Capt. Moller, Richard Wrigh't, Philip C'o.le, ·





lf?ar.J.m t

r Z94 J

J.Parde11; Arthur Beardmore, late 'Jzmior Grand Wa.rden; George C!arke,-'freafitrer; 'thomas Dyne of the Stewards Lodge, as SrwordBearer ; Samuel Spencer, Secretary ; the Mafter, Wardens, and nine Affi:frants of the StewardS'.Lodge ; d1e Mafiers and Warden$ ofjJty-jive·Lbdges. · · · · ·, · , . ') ' The ufual• Forms being gone: through, a latge Co1lettion was mad~forthe'Fund 'Of Charit-v; -The Tr;tifurer delivered :his Accounts; and it appears thatth~ Balance in his Hands, is I 04/. 16. zd: excH.ttive; of I oool. Bank Annuities Confoiidated, I 0 sl/4s· 6d. received this Night; and refigned his StafF of Office to tlie Deputy Graizd Majier, who propofed him again, and· he was thereupon· unanhnbufly reelecred. . The. following Lodges not ha.viag: ~ttended·. for a confiderable Time at ~ny f?{garttrly Communz'caiion ; it was ordered, that Letters be fent to them, defiring them to thew Caufe at the nextff{qarterij Communication, for their former Non-Attendance, other wife they flH.:mld be erazed out of the Lift of Lodges, "viz. Ki:Pzg's~Arms, New;;.lJond-Ztr~et., · .Golden Anchor, :Greenwio.h. Fountain, Shored/tch. ··Blue Pofls, Southampt'tin-Bui!dings. Angel, Piceadilly. White~Iiart, Manifield-Street, GoodmaJzs~Fz'elds. The Petitions of Broth~r 'Ibof!JaS Harris, for the Sum of. Ten Guin~as, a\ld thofe of John Gimbert and 1ofeph ·Barrbw, ·for th~ Sum of Fifteen Guineas each, referred from the Committee of Charz'ty, for the Approbation of the GRAND LoDGE, were read. Ordered, that the 'l'recifurer pay the refpecth'e Sums iaw their Hands.




All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. ~ranb :Eotrge, in due Form, at the Crown and Anchor in the Strand, the 23d of~Januaty, Ij64. Prefent, JoHN ·S.&LTER, Deputy Grana M#}f.r, as GrtiJftd Mq/ler; Robert: C!rritit, Senior


[ 295


Grtind Warden, as Deputy Grand Majler; James Dixo1z, as Senior Grand Warden; Bernhard Joachim Boetefeur, as Junior Grand Warden ; Wi'llt'am Vaughan and John Revis, Efqrs; late· Grand Ojficers ; and George Clarke, :Freafurer; the Mafrers, Wardens'" and nine Affiflant9 of the Stewards Lodge ; the Mafters and Warden$ of fifty-fix Lodges. · The ufual Forms being gone through, and a ve{y large Collection made for the Fund of Charity, · The Treo:.furer delivered in his Accounts, which were read -and approved of; the Balance in his Hands being 57/. 1 o. Sd. exclufive of I 1 ool. Bank. . Annuities Confolidated, and Io2l. I2. 6d. received this Night. The ~arterly Communication ordered the following Lodges to be erazed aut of the Lift . of Lodges for their ,Non-Attendance at

the !(yarterly Coi'll11zU1iicaliom; vi~ ' , · ., King' s-Anns, New Bontl-Street. Fountain;, Sboreditch. · White Hart, Manifield-Street, Goodmans-Fields. 'I'wo Blue ·pafts,. ·Southampton-Buildings, . . The !f(_t~arterly Cowmunzf:ati~n, ,a.g.ieeahle .to the Recommendation of the Committee of Charity, ordered, that Brother: James Sympfon 1hoald haYe 1 ol. and Brothers James Landon and 'John Smitb, to have 15l. each; which was accordingly paid to them by t~ t:freafurer. · r r . • Air Bufinefs beirig over) the Lodg(t was clqfed. llOtillltr m:.otrge at the Crown and Anchor .in the Strand, the 2 3-d Elf April J764. Prefent, Cpl. Jo:aN ·SALTER, Deputy Grand Mqfler, as Grand Majler ;. ·· ~t r.'(;trtJIJ't, ~ert~Of.' ()rand Warden, as 'Deputy ·Grqnd Mqfoe?f ; J4~ ij)ie,l(fJit', and ·. :t'~!naJ ~iugleton, as Grand IYardens ; Jobl{J. ·Rt•vis,. Efq; late D?jluty Grand. Majler ; Charles Ma/fe)', la.te J·uniar Granti Warden.; anci, GeOF~ Clarke, 'IreajiJrer; the twelve Sttrr.vaxds ;: the Mafter, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the .. Lodge-~ (hQ M:a.fters ~lld Wardens of ~

fwty.~.eigbi Lodges.·




, .. .




[ 2g6 ] The ufual Forms being gone ·through, and a very. large Colle&icm made for the General Charity, The Right Worfhipful GRAND MAsTER in the Chair propofed the Right Hon. Lord BLANEY, to be Grand Majler for the eniuing Year, which met with univerfal Applaufe; whereupon he was declared duly eleCted Grand Majler. The 'l'reafurer delivered his .Accounts; and it appears that the Balance in his Hands is 96/. 1 zs. 8d. exclufive of IIoo/. Bank Annpities Confolidated, and I o 8/. I 1 s. collected this Night. The Petitions o{ feveral Brethren, late Members· of the Kz'ng'sArms Lodge in New-Bond-Street, praying to be reinfi:ated, was read: The ff<garterh' Communication ordered, upon their paying Two Guineas, they'fhould frand in the fame Rank in .the Lift of Lodges as before. Twenty Guineas being received from the Mother Lodge at Jamaica, it was ordered, that the Secretary write a Letter, fignifying the Approbation of the GRAND MASTER and GRAND LoDGE, and acknowledging the Receipt of the above Sum. · The !J(garterly Communication ordered, in purfuan~e.of the Recommendation of the lafi: Committee of Charity, that Brother john . Chilto1z ihould have the Sum of Fifteen Pounds, and Brother Charles Mills Twenty Pounds, which was paid to them by the

Trtajurfr,. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. ASSEMBLY and FEAST at Vintners-Hall, Thames-Strtet, the 8th of May, 1764. 'A Prefent, Earl FERRERs, ~rattb mf)affer. Col. JoHN SALT:Il:R, Deputy Grand Ma.fter. Robert Groot, Scnt"or Grand Warden.· Charles Mo:ffey, as Junior Grand Warden. , JoHN REvis, Efq; late Deputy Grand Mqfter. james Dt"ckfon, late Sent"or, Grand Warden.· · Col. Melvil, Prvvincial Grand Majler of the Grmadaa. Samuel

[ :297 ] Samuel Spencer, Grand Secretary. Mark Ad.flon, Sword-Bearer. Rowland .Berkley, Grand Treafurer, in the Abfence of Brother Clarke. · The twelve Stewards, and near Three' Hundred Brethren, pro.. perly clothed. . . The Grand Majler and his Ojjicers, being arrived at the Hall, were conduCted by the Stewards into a convenient Room, Mufick playing before thetn ; where the Mafiers and Wardens of· the feveral Lodges were orderctl to attend the Grand ¥4fler, wh~n. they unanimoufly eleCted CADWALLADER, Lord BLAYNEY, Baron BLAYNEY of MoNAGHAN, Lord Lieutenant and Cuftos Rotulorum of the faid. County, in the Kingdom of Ireland, and Major General in his Majefiy's Forces; Grand Majler for the enfuing Year. Dinner being over, the Grand Majler made the Procrfjion round the Hall, with Muuck playing, and being returned to the Chair, the Right Hon. Earl FERRERS took an affeCtionate Leave of the Brethren, and invefted joHN REvis, Efq; late Deputy Grand Mqfter, Proxy for Lord BLAYNEY. Col. JOHN SALTER, Deputy Grand Mqfter. The Hon. 'I"homas Shirley, Efq; Senior Grand Warden. 'Ihomas Alleyne, Efq; 'Junz"or Gra11d Warden.

Samuel Spencer, Grand S~cret;ry•. Mark .Atfllon, $wor:d-bearer. · The Stewards * were called to the Chair, and .had Thanks Bro. 'l"homas Trtjlove,

':'STEWARDs. Bro. J•natbtn~ Mi&bie,

John Nix, james A/leynt, 'Thomas Shirley, Efq; Edward Hoare, • William Ajhburner, N. B. Brother Hoare ~rv.ed in ~he room the room of Brother Philip Shumakir.

Jolin Colkcl. Jamts Burgifr, Thomas Edmrmtls, 'Thomas WoDlfey, lli'illiam W'ray. of B,rother Wells, Brother Bur$tfi iA · ·



.[ 298 ] ·t'eturned them for their. elegant · Entertainment, and prefented · their Succejfors t. · .· 'C0tanb i:obge, iR dUe Form, .:at the Crow12 and Anchor, in the Strmzd, the Jift of Ofiober 1764. Prefent, Co1. JoHN SALTER, Deputy Grand Mafler; as Grand Mafler; JoHN REVIS, Efq; as Deputy Grand Majler ; the Hon. Thomas Shirley, Efri; Senior ·Grand Warden; 'lbomas Alleyne, Efq; 'Junior Grand W4rden; Arthur Beardmore, late 'Junior Grand Ward~, and George Clarke, 'l'reaforer; the Mafter, ·Wardeas, and nine Affiftants of. the Stewatds Lodge ; the Mafters and W am ens of ji:;cty-frnJr regular Lodges. ;: The ufual Fot·ms being gone ·through} and a very large ColleCtion made fur t:he 'General Fund Gf. Charity, . . Tile ·~arterly Commzmicdtittt,. is ·1*1t!fua:m;e ;of the Referetooe from tire :b:lt -Grmtmittee of ·Cbatity, -ot:dered that Brother John l'l?) thould rha:ve the Sum of Fifteen ·Pounds, and Brot.lo« John Marfotil Twenty Ponnds ; · which· wlls paid -them· by the Gnmd Treafurer. . . "rhe lfr-ea.forer delivered hfS·'Acc6utits; and .it -appears that the: Balance in his Hands, is u81. 18s, 2·il•.. ex.cht.b.~e-Gf noo/. Bank Annuities Confolidated, and 162/. ~gs. 1 1-ti. ··rec;eived isis Night~·· who) refigning 'his 'Staff, was ·unanimouily re-eled.ed ~nafurer, and defired to buy·a roo/. Batik'S'tock. : All Bufinefs being over, the ·Lodge ·was·dafed.• . (l§~autt j[obge, in due Form1 ·at ·the Grown'a\ld ~, in the

ftrrtll}: ~~30th cOf jatt~ ~76~.-•.:.pref~t,"IC\)k <f~~A'b~ER,. Deputy Grand Mafter, as. Grand Mqjler; JoHN REVIs, Efq~ as.· .. . . .. t ·s u·t: c .1! s s o R s.

Bro. Anthony Keck, Efq; . 'John Jeni[on, . · .. Thomas l?hitc,'· .. Richard Riple:h ·~r<i.;.. · . : J.offl!h D)x~n, .·


jBro. George Forbes,.


.. · · :

· :p;ur ~flw~rtsi ·



·. 'jojepb Lloyd, . · .. Roger Barnhard, Efq;:: Capt. Horatio. Rtpi~F , 'JalJ1e! Kitfon; , . : .'Chtf/i:r~J~rf. Gitttrtll;




.~ty: Grant/ Mafter·; :fhowuts Alleyne, Efq;· 'Junior Grand lf'ar.den, as Senfw Gr:afld Warden; Charles Majjey, . Efq; as Junior Gra~ Wat;t/mi .. ']arl!fS Dickfon, late juniiJr Grand Warden, and

George Clarke, T'reafurw;. ~he Matter, Wardens, and nine Affiil:ants ··of the Sterwatds Lodge"· the Mafters and Wardens of fiftyeight Lodge!!. '.. .. . The uf~ai J<'otnl~· heing. gon~ thn~ugh~ and a very large Col~ lecti~a made for the fqnd, 'ff Charity, · . T»e 'I'reafurer deliv~¢ in his. Accounts, and Jt appears that tbe Balance in his Han~, is 1 1 o/. 8s~ 7d, exclufive of 12ool. Bank Annuities Confolidated, . and I 2 4S· received this Night. The Committee of Cht!rity referred the following Brethren to be relieved with the following Surns, · . William Shaw, !- ro o o



Jobt(on, ·- 1 o ·I o a John Broolls, l5 o ..9 Rahert Dobbs, 2 I o · o . MtJrtin Capron,. 2 I <:t a Ordered, that the 'l'reafurer do pay the fai.d Sums•. A Motion was made, and ~ed, that the Grand Lodge hav.. ing no Furniture,. a CQmmitiee fuould be appoi11ted, confifting of Grand Officers, and the Mafte~ of Lodges, to the Number of 'rwenty~one,

to receive I?efigns of Candlefticks and Chairs for the Ufeof the Grand Lodge, and report their Opinion at the next ~ar-.

terly Coinmunication. · All Bufinefs being OYer, the Lodge was clofed. ~titllb ll.obg~, in due Form,., at the Crown and Anchor, in .the St,.(lfl.d, 23d of .1/pril •16s. Prefent, Col. joHN SALTER,

Deputy Grand Mafier> as Grand l.1qfler; Sir Robert Lawley, Bart. as Deputy Gr(md Nlajie'r; JoHN REVIS, Efq; late Deputy Grand. Mafler; 'I'homas Alleyze, Efq; junior Grand Warden, as Senior Gra11d Warden; Henry 'Jt.iffray, Mafier of the Stewards Lodge, as Junior Grand Warden; Arthur Beardmore, late junior Grand Warden; and George Clarke~ 'Ireafurer; the twelve Stewards,




[ 300 ]

the Malter, Wardens, and nine Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge ~ the Mafters and Wardens of jixty:Jive regular Lodges. . The ufual Forms being gone through; and a very large ColleCtion made for the general Fund of Charity, The '.freafurer delivered his Accounts; and it appears ·that the· Balance in his Hands is 130/. 2s. xd. excluuve of 12ool. Bank ~nnuities Confolidated, and nsf. 1 8s. 6d. received this Night. The Committee of Charity referred the following Brethren to be relieved with the following Sums, which was approved of, AlexanderMait!ftpne 201. john jordan I Ordered, that the 'Ireafurtr do pay the fame. The Committee, appointed ·at the laft ~uarterly Communication; reported that they had feen feveral Defigns, and approved of 6ne,~ foJ.f a Set of Silver Candie-fricks, valued at 2 I 6/~ or thereabouts, and. one Defign for three Chairs, valued at J 2 ol. or thereabouts, which: they thought proper for the Ufe of the Grand Lodge~ On this .Report, it was refolved that a voluntary Subfcription f.hould be immediately opened at the Grand Secretar/s, and continue open till Michaelmas next, in order to raife the Sum fu:fficient to carry the Defigns above-mentioned into Exeeution ,; and' that a circular Letter ihould be fent to each Lodge, acquainting them therewith; and to defire they would fend their Names tothe Grand SecretaPy, with a,n Aceount of what Sum they would. choofe to fubfcribe. . ·· The Right Wor!hipful GRAND MAsTER, in the Chair, propofed, that as ou~:: Right Worlhip£ul 1!15ranlt ~atler Lord BL.A: Y'NEY had been out of England fine,e his being GRAND MasTER,. and being expeCted to arrive every Day, he might be re-eleCled· Grand Mafler, for the enfuing Year, it met with univerfal Applaufe; and he was thereupon declax:ed duly elected ~ranh ~atlc~ for the enfuing Year. · All Bafl11efs being· over, the Lodge was dofoo ..



A.S.S.E M~-

r·sot] * ASSEMBLY and FEAST needle Street, the 21ft of May. ! ·

at Merchant-T'aylws~Hall; ~hreac/1-.

1765. Prefent,




· FJis Grace the Duke. of ·C:aAliD·os, a& ~raub ~tler.

Col. SALTER. Deputy Grand Majkr. Hon. :thomas Shirley, Efq; Senior Grand Warden .. . 'Iho.mas Alleyne,· Efti;. Junior Grand ;/~"arden •. Lord VifconritDU»L:&Y, · · · · ·1··1· t. /IN · .r ?ts>.tl' .Lr.l.lfJ•ers;.' . of C A&Nf\RVAN, •. a e u-ranu And .t h e M· arqws · James Di~n, Efq; · Charles Mafley,. , .. 1 late Grand Waraens B ernhard B oet"t::. ~ 't!Ur,. . . •. And Arthur Beardmore., · George Clarke, 'I'reaforer. Samuel Spencer, Grand· Sec.rettrzry.. Mark Adjfon, Sword Bearer. The twelve Stewards, and· near fo-ur hu.ndred Bretbren~ .. The Grriml 0./ftcers, OI;l their Arrival at the Hall, w~te &ondu~ed;


into a convenient Room, wb(fte. the Mait.ers and; WaF~~ns of, t~: feveral regular Lodges were ordered- to attend; when his Grace· the Dllke·<:>f CHAND OS propofed our prefent GRANP• MASTER Lord BLAYNEY, Baron of CAs:TLE-BLAYNE'Y;c to··:be rechofeGrand Majier for the Year. ~nfuiqg ;. and he w~s. ~~reupon .W1ani.. moufly re-eletl:ed. ~ · ·. i · . · . · ·· Dinner being over, the Grand Officers. walked round the Hall in. Procejjian; and his Grace the ·Duke of CHAN nos took the Chair, and ordered the &,cretary to proclaim Lord· BLAY,N.EY,. Baron of CAS'li·L'E~A"i!NEY,_ :~ub Sllt}ntler fo~~. the enfaing. Year. · : The late Grand Ojjii:ers: furre~deretl the Enfigns .of their· refp~ctive Offices tGl the Grand Majler, who appoin~ed ·

Col.. ]O'J!LN SA.LTE R~J. ·Dep~ty G~a?l{i .lvf.'lfier.•. Richard Ripley, Efq; Senior. Grtmd'Wartfen.. Capt. Charles. Ttiffna!, 'Junior Grand Wardm. l


[ 302::1. ~l Sptjti'd, Grttttd Secretary. Mark .ddjlon, ·_ ;. ·,·, 'The Stewards* were then call~ up, and had Thanks returned them for their t~ elegautEnta-tainmdi:t,: amd~wue ~defired to :name their Succe.ffors (5rantlt£Ekb!J't>- at- the Crown: and .linciir, oin :the fifi'and, the 29th of 0Cfo!Yer;··i'f6S~·:,pre·fmij.: q6l Jon~- SAr;T.E.R; Deputy Gran?l:M4Jer~ -as .Grand Mafler; RichlzrdRipky,.Efii; Semor Grand Warden,· as bepuij Grand Mafter; Captain_<fujfnal,: Jrai9r Grand Warden, as Senior Grand Warden ; Hettry ·yqffray, as Junior Grand Wartlen ; 'l'homas Dine, as Grand 'l'reafurir iii the Abfence of Brother George Clarke ; tl;tc; ~fters,. Wa~.tir,.. arrd 'nine Afftftants of the Stewards Ladge ~ ,· :rbt Marten> atidr !Wardens of Jixty-eight Lodges. . ·. "• · ··· The u(ual.Forms being gone through, a large ColleCtion was made for the General Charity.

+·· ·

At the::la:B COmNritit~

o£-:Cb11rity, the following Brethren were r-tfftrM• :t0 'this· ~arterlj C:Otfmittticathr, for .their _Approbatioa to he::rclitved wit:b the fotlt).wrog :Sums,..· · · . . .:. :. ·



S'll:WA:a:n~ thank~.. ~o..,&tbonjl ,{(e~1 E~;-;

:,. 1


t SuccEssoRs; nt>ritisated~ : Pye, ECqJ

. Ri~hard ~ipley, Efq; . . -~ . UJllt'am Czitbhertfi'!, .Anthony '1'en Brocke, Wfltiam Prljlon, John Forbes, Pirrkfion Blackw,~,. ·'P1:t1r ErJwtmis, E(q; Paulet, St. John; G#rJrge Kitfon, 1filli~t1tf C1ilins, Cbr!ftoplur Cotterfll, . . Anthony Diveyer, . ' john Nix, · · · · Peter Lamilier, Jofeph Dixon, Richard Dixon, Rice Williams, Anthony Girardot, Efq; Horatio Ripley~ Efq; Gel)rge Paterjon, Efq; · George Forbes. · john Michie, Efq; N. B~ Brother john N;x ferved in the room of Brother Jeniftn, Brother R/y JPilliams ferved in the room of·.Bwth~r &;rw Btmrt1rl, · Efq; aad Brother AnthoTJf 'Te~t Bro<ke in the mo:n· of'· Bllad!el l/~ · · · · 2



[. 3.03 J ·y«m Lifier, r sl. WiNi~~m 'Rand,, I)1 :yobn :Phiilip's, IO:l. jojhua Hill, xoi. B#Jl Demz,. tol. Geurge Sweetman, 'tel. John Sher-. wood, rot. and R.t'thard Weft Iol. Ordereq·, that the '.f.r.eafurer £41Y tpe.Sums above-mentioned to• each Brother for their ~ief~ The "tr:ettjttrer tllel'i:veted in his· Aocounts ; an:d i: appears, ..that the Ba.laooe itt bi£ Hands,. is· s.zl. 1gs. td. ,exclufive of 13ool. Bank .Annuities Coofoli<dated,.·and 1o4l. .p. 6d. received th~s Night;: and. at the tame T~me r.e1igood ·his .Staff,. and was· unanimoully reelected 'l'rMfor-er for t'he Year enfuing• . The Memorial of feveral Brethren,. late a:t" the JlountaFn· iri Shoredich,. praying t0 be reftOO'ed, was read;. and upon.paying two,· Guineas the public Fund of Charity,were orderedto be reinflated~.


All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed •. 4l5rann· JrobJt in ample Form at the.CroWJZ and Anchor in tl1e· Strand,. the 2 9ih · ~f Janz:uiry,." l ~6 6. · Prefentr Right: ·:eon~

Lord BLA'YNl!:.Y~ $tautt ~aGe~; Cot John $alter, DeputyGr~nd Mafler ;. RichardRipley,'Efq; Senior Grand Warden; Peter Edwards>- · Mailer of the Stewards Lodge, as 1unior Orantl.W'atrden'; .Arthur Beardmore, and 'I'homas Edrnmtk,. !ate' Grand Wmrdbls ; john' Smithr Efq; · PrO'Vinc·ial Grtmd Maj}er for Lancajhire ; 'l:homas . Dyne, in the Abfence.of ·Drether George Clarke; as Grand 'Ireafurer ;. the Maft~r; Wa:rrdens, and nine ALlifta~s Of .the Stewards: Lodge ; the Mafiers and :Wa~oos of fevent:J Wges•. The ufual Forms being ·gone· t'luoug'b,: a large Collection was·

General. Charity. .. ·

. ·· ; The 'i"Feq[urtr delivered his Accounts r and it appears, that.the· .&tef4oe .in. Bi$. .fta~, :s7A 'I 3· ,1J. excluii:ve of 13oo/. Bank. Annuities Confolidated ,. and 1 3 o 1.. 1 8 .1:~ 6d. received this. Night. The.·c~mmitiee of. Char#y;rdfe~exLtle'f.oUowing'8rethren to be pelieved with the.fBllowing Sums,. wh!ch~was approwed of,. 'thomas. $c1'atchley, IJl. ·lsS.. 'John: ll!dght, J s.J. . l SS· Ro/Jert··KingbtJrtz;, . . ' I • . '" •· . . . .. J. Sl. I .Ss . . '. . • . made fo'r -the


. .






''>rdered,, that the ff'N.o.£111~ do \paY. tbe. ·fame. aeool'dirigly.:.. ,· ·· '


- ·· ·



A Lette.n

[ 3~4] A Letter was received from. Brother. George·· Clar!u, Grand ctreafurer~, defiring to be excufed ferving that Office any longer t Whereupon the Grand Lodge declared the fame to be vacant, .:and Brother Rowland Berkley was at the fame time.propofed to be Grand Treajitrer; and he was duly elected as fuch. · · A Brother informed the Grand Lodge, that Brother. Jonathan :Scott had, for fmall and unworthy Confiderations, made William Morgan, Carpenter and Undertaker, near Clare Market, and William Bailey, at the 'I'hree Tuns, Brook-Street Clare Market, Mafonr. Ordered, that a N. B. be put at ~he Bottom of each Summons, for the· next Committee of Charity, and ff<._uarterly Communication, defiring the Lodges not to admit them as Vifitors. . The Right Wodhipful GRAND MAsTER appointed Brother William Cole, Engraver and Printer in Newgate Street, to be Printer of the Liftof Lodges. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. On the 16th of Febuary 1766, an occafional Lodge was held at the Horn Tavern, in New Palace rard, by The Right Hon. Lord BLAYNEY, ~rantr ~at'ter. ~ Col. JoHN SALTER, Deputy Grand Majler.

Richard Ripley, ECq; Senior Grand Warden•. Charles 'I'uffnal, Efq; Junior Grand Warden. Horatio Ripley, Efq; as Grand Treafurer. Cf'homas Dyne, as Sword-Bearer. Samuel Spencer, Grand Secretary. His Royal Highnefs WILLIAM H~~RY:.~ Puke9fO~PCBSTER~ was, in the ufual Manner introduced and made an entered Apprentic,e, paffed a Fellow Crqft, and raifed to the D~gree of a Mafter Mafon. \iDranb jtobgt, in ample Form, at the Crown and Anchor, in the Strand, the 9th of April, 17 6 6. Prefent, the Right Hon. Lord BLAYNEY, $rantr ~a.lltt ;·,Col.. JoHN SALTER, Deputy Grand Majler ; Richard Ripley, Efq; Senior Grand Warden; tfthomos .Einglcton, late Se:tior.,Grand Warden,. as 'Jutzior G(pnd lfl'arden; . · ·· · Thomas

T 3°·5 .J 'l'homas Dyne, a.s Grand 'freafurer; Samuel Spencer, GJ7Jnd Secretary ; Peter Edwards, as Grand Sword-Bearer; the twelve Ste•wards; the Mafrer, Wardens, and nine Affifiants of the Stewards Lodge; the Mafrers and Wardens of jixty:fix Regular Lodges. The ufual Forms being· gone through, a Collection was made · for the Fund of Charity. The 'Treaforer delivered in his Accounts; and it appears that ·the Balance in his Hands is 1 1 61. gs. I I d. exclufive of 1 3 ool. "Bank Annuities Confolidated, and 83/. 6s. 6d. received this Night, befides 30 Gold Mohurs, from the Brethren at Calcutta, the


Eafi-Indt'es. Brother Rowland B-erkley, in Confequence of his being eleCted Grand 'I'reafurer, at the laft ff<.!Jarterly Communication, and his Securities approved of, was infl:alled as fuch,. and invefl:ed with the Enfigns of his Office; and it was thereupon ordered, that the Deputy Grand Majler give Notice, figned by him, to Brother George Clarke, late Grand 'Ireafurer, and Dr. Manningham, late DeputJ Grand Mafter, that on their transferring the Stock fianding in their Names, and alfo paying fuch Sum or Sums of Money, vefl:ed in their, or each of their Hands, the Property of this Society, to Brother Rowland Berkley, and his Securities, the Secretary thall be ordered to deliver up to them, the faid George Clarke, and Dr. Manningham-, their Bond to be cancelled ; and fuch Notice ihall be their fuffi.cient Authority for fo doing. The Committee of Charity referred the following Brethren to b~ relieved with the following Sums, which was appt=o:ved of; Robert Dudley, 1 ol. Hendrick Jv.!uller, Jol. Philip .Battle, to/. John JenkinJ l o/. I os. ?:'homas Swift, xsl. Stephen $argant, 2 o/. lfzlliam Charrbt, 2lh



Ordered, that the 'Ireafurer, do pay the faid Sums accordingly. Brother jonatbmJ Scott, in obedience to the Order of the laft Committee of Charity, appeared, and aiked ·publick Pardon for the lndifcretion he had been guilty of in making Mafons irregularly, and for unworthy Confiderations; and he producing a Certllicate of Rr fuch

( jo6 ] fuch Mafons being fince .re-.tnade, and ,promifing never to ·be guilty of the like again, was tl).ereupop reil:ored to -Grace; a.nd at :the fame Time likewife promifed to pay by Inftalments, all Money due, and owing, from him to this Society, fqr, and on Account of, the Confiitution Books, .the firft of which Payments to be made Qn or before the !i<garterly Communication,, in O,Ciober next. This being the Night for eleCting a GRAND MASTER, Col. SALTER, Deputy Gratzd Majler, propofed the Right Hon. LorP. BLAYNEY, Baron of MoNAGHAN, &c. to be re,.elected GRAN:P MASTER for the Year enfuing, which met with the unanimous Confent of all the Brethren ; and his Lord!hip returned Thanks, and expre1fed himfelf ,extremely happy, to have it in his Power to .ferve the Craft. . .A Motion being· made, by the Deputy Grand Mqfler, that ~t was neceifary to print a new Edition of the Conftitutions, with fuch Alterations and Additiops as iliall be thought nece:ffary; th~ fame was approved of; and it was unanimoufly refolved, that the Deputy Grand Mqfler be empowered to appoint fuch Brethren as .he ihall think proper to revife and alter the .fame ; and afterwards to appoint a Committee, confiil:ing of the Grand Ojjicers, and .twenty-one Mailers of Lodges, feven of whom iliall be dctemed a Committee, to whom fuch Alterations and Additions fhall be fubmitted, and, if approved of, the fame fhall be .lignified to the GRAND LoDGE, at their fidl: ff<..uarterly Communication following •. All Bufinefs being over, the Lodge was clofed. . ~ranb. ji[obge, at Me,.-chant,..'faylors.H-all, Thr:eadneedle Street,. 14th of May 176-6. Prefent, Right Han. CADWALLADER,. Lord BLAYNEY,. eranb illf]allcr; CoL JoHN SALTER, Deputy Grand Majler ; Ricbard Ripley, Efq; Senior Grand Warden ;, Charles 'lufjrwl, Efq; Junior. Gra11d Wardm; · the· Right Hon. Lord Vifcount DunLEY~ late Grand Mafler; William faughanl, Efq; late Deputy Grand Mafler; James Dixo11, Efq; Edward Jouc4inz Boetifeur,..Cbarks ,M.afJ.fJ., Arthur Beardmore, th~ Han. ·




[ 3<i7 ]

tfhomasShirley, Efq; late Gratrd Wardens;. Roland Berkley, Efq; Gntnli ~reafurer ; Mark At/fton, Sword-bearer ; Samuel Spencet:, Gra71d Secretary; the twelve Stewards, together with near five hundred BFethren. ·

The Grand Ojjicers, 'i>n their Arrival at the Hall, were condua'etl a convenient Room, where the Mafters and .Wardens of the feveral Regular 'Lodges were defired to attend; when Col. Ja!iN· SAE.TER propofed our prefent GRAND MAsT l!lR~ the Righ.t> Hon. CAln'ifAI:.LADBR, Lord BLAYNEY, to be re;..chofe11 G~AND MAsi':E·R.,. for the Year enfuing.; and he was thereupoa. · · unanimoufly re;..eleCled. Pinner being over, the .Grand Ojjicers walked round_tho· Hall in Procejjion; and the· Hon. CADWALLADER, Lord BLAYNEY, <Giran;,· ·.mf}illler, took the Chair 7 and he was proclaimed GRAND M·~STlUt for the enfuing; Year•. The Grand Ofjicers fW'reodercd· the En:figns of ~heir refpeeiive: . Offices to the G.RAND M·AsTER, who appointed· Col. joHN SALTER, Deputy Grand Majter. Petti- Edwards, · Efq; Senior Grand Wtift:kn. Horatio Ripley, Efq; Junior Grlmd Wnrdm.

Samuel- Spe7icer, Grmtd Se-Gretary. Mark Ad.flon,· Sword-bearer. The StewtJrds :* were t:B.en called up, and liad Thanks· returned


S·nw ARns. Bro. Anthony Deveyer,

Bro. - - Pye, Efq;

Peter Laimilier, Richard Dixon, Anthony GirarMt; Efq; George Pattrfon,· E'l'q;; Johtz Micbie;,.JUq;.

l-1/iiliam Cuthbertfon, Roberl Jamu, Pinkjlon Blackwfi!Hi; Dot!1or St. Johtz, , TYilliam Collins, ''



N. B. Brother Robert James ferved in the room of Brother IP'iiliam Prdfr;n, and Brother Henry Jajfray in the room of1 Pye, Efq; Rr~


[ 308 ] 'them for· their very elegant Entertainment, and were defired to appoint their Sztccejjors t• ~ranb ~obge, in due Form, at the Cro'Wn and Anchor in the Strand, the 17th of OCJober 1766. Prefent, Col. JoHN SALTER, Deputy Grand Majler, as Grand. Majier; Peter· Edwards, Efq;

·Senior Grand Warden, as Deputy Grand Ma..fter ; ·Henry Jaffray-, as Senior Grand Warden ; 'William Smith, as Junior Grand Warden;'thomas SitJgleton, Efq; late · Grand Warden; · Rowland Berkley'> '{reafurer ; Samuel Sperz,cer., Grand Secretary; Mark Adjlon, Grand .Sword-Bearer; the MaO:~r, Wardens~ and oine ·Affiftants of the Stewards Lodge; the Mafters and Wardens of fe'Umty::ftve Lodges• . . The ufual Forms being gone through, a ver.y large Colleaion was made for the Fand of Charity, . The 'freafurer. delivered hls Accounts; and it appear.s, that·the Balance in his Hands is Ioil. 6s. 7d•. excluiive of IJI1. colleCted• this Ni.ght, be£des P3oo/. Bank Annuities Confolidated. The 'treafurer furrender.ed his Staff of Office, and· was unani:.. · moufly re.eled:ed. The following Brethren,.havingbeem..referced from tl:ie f:ommittee., of Charity, were Qrdered. to be relieved with the follow'iag Sums,,

'Ihomas Antezel, james Bagwell, -. Cf'homas Le Cozint,. -· 'Jrfeph Mafon, 'James Blackmore1 -·

[,. -

o O· 1o o o


1 o.

o o. Io o o.


1 o.



t SuccES-SORS • Bro. Shepard, Efq; Francis T wijleton, Efq; htrman Yatuler Oudermeulier,. __...:_ Broo1u, Samuel 1fl'aye, Sargant,

.Bro. Jamu Hejlinti:U.Henry Newton, -French, crbomas T wijletrm, Efq; · Alexander Gampbell; Efq;:; Charles Taylor<•.



( JlO W'iilz~m Henry Trent, alfo referred' for r-sl: died before· the Iv.tinutes o£ the lafi:· Committee of Char£ty were confirmed ;. but it having been reprefented to t~e Brethren prefent, that he had left a: Wife -and Children~. in very diftreff.::d Circumftances, it was r.efolv.ed that 1 o/. be given to, them for their Relief. The Minut\:s of the lafi: Commit-tee for revifing the Laws and Regulations contained in the Book of Confiitutions, were read; as were alfo the feveral Alterations and Additions"' by them propofed · to be made to the .fame ; and were unanimou!ly approved of. Ordered,. that Five Hundred Books be immediately Printed under· the DireCtion of the Deputy Grand Mqfter ; · and that the 'I'reafitrerdo pay the Expenees attending the Printing thereof, out of the Publick Fund of the Society: that the fame when Printed be lodged in the· Hands of the Grand Secretary,. to he by him difpofed of at fuch a J?rice as fhall be fixed on for each of them, who is to account tQ the Grand Tretljil.rer every ~arterly Com;mzmication, for fuch Money as he ihall have received on that · Account, and pay the fame. into· his Hands. All Bufinefs being over,. the Lodge clofed; iq due Eorm. On the 9th of February 1767, an· occafional Lodge was held. at the 'l'batched-Houfe Tavern, in St. James.• s Street, by · Col. JoHN 8lA.LTER., Deputy Grand Majler,asGrand-Mafier. Horatio Ripley, Efq; as Deputy Grand Mqfter; ..

Peter Edwards, Efq; Senigr Grand, Richard Ripley, Efq; as Junior Grand Warden. Rowland Berkley., 'Jlfq; Grand 'rr.eajurer.. · George Patefjon, Efq;. as Grand Sword·Bearer• Samuel Spencer, Grand Secretary •. His Royal Highnefs HENRY FREDER:ICK, Duke of CuM-~E:R­ was. in the ufual. Manner introduced, and made an entere~ Apprentice, paffed a Fellow Craft, and raifed to the Degree. of a


Maile: Mafon..



c H

A R ··G·· E OF


and of



Collecred from their old th~




at the Command

Grand Ma.fter,. APPR.OVED

am}. or,dered to 0. printed in the firlt Edition, of the Book .of Co'!flitutions, on March 2 5, 17 2 z.

:By the

<G~anb 1!ob~,

I. Concerning Go D and R E L I G I o N.


Mafon is obliged, by his Tenure, to obey the moral Law; and if he rigbdy "under:thnds .the Art, be will never .be a. iupid Wt·{Jtift, nor an irreligious •ibtetint. But though in ari€ient Times Mafons were charged in every Country to be of the Religion of .that Country or Nation, whatever it was, yet it is now thought .more expedient only to oblige them to that Religion in. which ·au Men agree, leaving their ·'P'l,1iaular Qpini~ns. to.themfelves; , that is, tQ be good Men and tt"'JJ.(-,. .G:>r: Men .of ·Honour .and Honeily, by .whatever Denominations ·or Pe:rfuafions they may be· diftin guifued ;..whereby Mafonry becoQ1eS the Center of Urtion, and the Means of conciliating.trueFrieridih,ip among Perfo.ns, that mlilih lia.v.~ remained at a perpetual Difta.nce•.


Of the C

cv·1 L

M A.&I s T RATE, Supreme and Subordinate. '·

A Mafln is a peaceable S!lbJe~ tp t,he Civil Powers, wherever ;he refides or. works, and is riever to be concerned in Plots and Con· · fpirac:ies againft the Peace and Welfare of the Nation,. por to 'beha:ve :himfelf undutifully to ·inferior Magifirates ; for as Mafonry hath been'always injured by ·War, Bloodihed, and Confufion, fo •ancient KiHgs. and Princes have been· much difpofed to encourage the Craftimen, becaufe of their Peaceable~efs and Loyalty, whereby they praCtically. anfwered the Cavi1s of their Adverfaries, and pro~moted the Honour of the Fraternity, who ever flourHhed in Times of :Peace. So that if a Brother lhould be a Rebel againft ~he ·State, he· is· not to be countenanced in his Rebellion, however he may be p.itied as an unhappy Man ; and, if convicted of no other 'Crime.,. though the loyal Brotherhood muft and ought to difown his Rebellion, and give no Umbrage or Ground of political Jealoufy to the Government for the Time being; they cannot expel him from the Lodge, and his Relation toit remains indefeafible.


Pf L 0 D G E s.

A LoDGE is a place where Mafons affemble and work: Hence ~hat Affembly, or duly organized Society of Mafons,. is calleq a LoDGE :. and every Brother ought to belong to one, and to be fubjett to 'its By-Laws and the GENERAL REGULATIONS, ·It is· either particular or general, and will be beft underftood by attending it, and by the Regulations of the General or Grand Lodge hereunto annexed. In ancien.t Times, no Majler or Pellow could be abfent from it, efpecially when warned to appear at it, without incurring a fevere Cenfure, until it appeared to the Mafler and Wardens, ~at pure N eceffity hindered him. The Perfons admitted Members of a. Lodge, muft be good. and true Men, free-born, and of mature and difcreet Age, no · Bondmen)

[. JI3 ] B<i>ndmen, no Women, no immoral, good Report.


fcandaiou$ Men, but of

IV. Of MAsTERs, WARDENS, Fellows and Apprentices. All Preferment among Ma.fons is grounded upon real Worth and perfonal Merit· 1only; that fo the Lords maybe weB fyrved, the Brethren not put to Shame, nor the Royal Craft defpifed : Therefore no Mqfter dr Warden is chofen by Seniority, but for his Merit.:,.. It is impoffible to deftribe thefe Things in Writing;- and every Brother mufl: attend his Place, and learn them in a Way peculiar to this Fraternity : . Only Candidates may know. that no Mafler fhould take ari Apprentice, unlefs he has fufficient Employment for , him, and unlefs he be a perfeCt Youth, having no Maim or Defect in his Body, that may render him incapable of learning the Art, of ferving his's LoRD, and of being made a Brother, and then· a Fellow-C'II'qfi in .due 'time, even· after he has ferved fuch a Term of Years, as the Cuftom of the Country directs; and that he lhould be defcended. of hondf 'Parents; that fo, when· wi(e qualified, he 'may arriveto the Honourof being the WARDEN, and then the MAsTER of the Lodge, the GRAND WARDEN, and at length the GRAND _MAsTER o'f all the Lodges7 ·according to his Merit. · No. Brother can ·be a WARDEN, until he has paKed the Degree of a }.(aj!er·Mafon; nor a M"AsTER,un~il he qa~ a~ed as aWarden, rior GRAND WARDEN~ until he has been Mafler a Lodge, and ferv~9 the Office of Steward at a Grand· Feafl ; nor Deputy Grand Majfer; until he has ferved the Office of Grand Warden; nor ~ratt~ ~atlet, u,nl~fs ~e _,h_as .been a Majfer 9f a reg~lar Lodge before his EleC:l:ion,· who is alfc; to b¢ nobly' bOrn, or a "Gen; tleman of the heft Faihion, on fo~,~inent Scholar, or fame curious Architect, or other .Artifl, defcended :of honeft Parents, and who is· of fin gular great Merit in the .·Opinion of the Lodges, And: for the better, and eafier, and more honour(!.ble' Difcharge of his·· Office, the· Grand. Ma.fler has a Power tq ,cl}ufe · Sf · his



[ 314


his own DEPUTY GRAND MAsTER, who muft be then, or muft ·have been formerly, the Mafier of a particular Lodge ; and has the Priv_ilege of aCl:ing whatever the GRAND MASTER, ~is Principal, ihould aCt, unlefs the faid Prz'ndpal be prefent, or interpofe his Authority by a Letter. Thefe Rulers and Governors, fupreme and fubordinate, of the ancient Lodge, . are to he obeyed .in their refpetlive Stations by all the Brethren, according to the old Charges and Regu!atiom, with all Humility, Reverence, Love, and Alacrity.


V. Qj the Mmzagement of the CRAP T' in working•

All J:;Jqfom fhall work honefily on working Days, that they may live creditably on holy Days;. an~ the Time appointed by the La:w of the Land, or confirmed by Cufi:om, ·111all. be obferved. The mofi: expert of the Fellow CrqftfmeJZ {ball be cho1en or appointed the Majler or Overfeer of the Lord's Work; who is to be, called MAsTER by th6fe that work under him. The f;raft.fmen are to avoid all ill Language; and to call each other by· no·di& obliging Name, but Brother or Fellow; ~nd to· behave themfelves courteoufly within and withbut tlfe LoJge~ . The Majler, knowing. himfelf to be able ?f Cunning, fhall under-take the Lord's Work as 'reafonably as poffib!e, and. truly difpend l1is·Goods asif they were his own'?. nor to give more ·Wages to any Brother or Apprentz'ce, than he really may d~ferve. . .' , . ' · Both the ~after. and the Mafims ~eceiving their Wages juJUy; fl1all be faithful to 'the· Lord; and ·honeftly finilh their Work, whether :Taft or Journey ; nor put the Work to 'I'ajk that hath been accufiomed to Journey. · None fhall difcover Envy at the Profperity of a Brother-, norfupplant him, or put him out of his Work, if-he be capable to £niih the fame; for no Man can finilh another's Work fo much to the Lord's Profit, unlefs he be thoroughly acquainted with the Defigns and Draughts of him that began it. , ,


[. "3 1 5 ·] When a Fellaw-Oraftfinan ·is chofen Wardm of the \Vorkunder the Majler, he fhall be true to both Majler and Fellows, and £hall carefully overfee the Work in the Mqfler's Abfence, to the Lord's Profit r and his Brethren 1hall obey ·him. . All Mafom employed, . lhall.meekly re€eive their Wages without . Murmuring or Mlltiny, and. not defert the Majler till the Work is finilhed.. ' · ·.A )'O!tnger Brother 1hall be infl:rueted in Working:,. to ~prevent fppiling the -l\'Iaterials for :Want of Judgment, -and for inctea.fing and continuiog of Brotherly Love. All the Tools ufed in Working 1haU be approved by the Grand Lodge. No Labourer 1h~ll be employed in the proper Work of Maflmry; nor fhall fr~e ~afon~ work with thofe that are not' Free, without an urgent ·Neceffity ; nor fhall they teach Labourers and unaccepted Mafons1 as they 1hould teach a Brother or Fellow.

VI. Of B E H A v ~- o u R, viz. I..

In the nobg~, while contlitltttb. 1





You are not to hold private Committees, or feparate Conver-· fation, without Leave from the Mafter, nor to talk of any Thing impertinent or unfeemly, nor interrupt the Majler or Wardens, or any Brother fpeakihg -to the_.Mafier :. Nor behave yourfelf ludicrou!ly or jefl:ingly while the Lodge is·engaged in.what is ferious and folemn ; nor ufe any unbecoming Language upon any Pretence ·. wh~tfoever; but to pay due Reverence to your Mafier, Wardens, ~nd Fellows, ·and.put them to worthip. . :. If any_ Complaint be brought, the Brother found guilty fhall frand to the Award and Determination of the Lodge, who are the proper anq competent Judges of all fuch Controverfies, (unlefs you c;arry it by Appeal to the GRAND LoDGE) and: to whom they ought to be referred, unlefs a Lord's Work . be hindered the mean while, . in. which Cafe a particular Reference may .be made J but Sf 2 you

(·3i~] yori muft never go to Law about what eoncerneth MafonrJ, without an abfolute Neceffity apparent to the Lodge. 24

~.efiabtottt after

the L'9'DGE is over,

a~d the

· ~rerbren ·not gone• . You may enjoy yourfelves with innocent Mirth, treating one · anothef according to Ability~ but avoiding all Excefs, or forcing any Brother to eat or drin.!~. beyond .his Inclination, or hindering him .from going when his Occafions .call him, or doing or faying any thing offenfive, o~ that may ·forbid an eafy and free Converfation; for that would blaft our Harmany, and defeat our lau.dable Purpoks. . Therefore no i -pt:iv~e Piques or . ~arrels muft "be hro11ght within the Door tJJf Hit Lodge, far lefs any ~arrels. :about Religio1z, or Nations, or State-Policy, we being only, as Mafons, of the Catholic Religion above-mentioned ; we are .alfu, Of all Nat£ons, 'l'ongues, Kindreds, and Languages, and are refolved againft alll&olitit~,. as what never yet conduced to the· "\Velfare of the Lodge, nor e:ver will... TQ.isCharge has been always ftridly enjoined and 0bferved ;. but efpedally ever :fince the· R,iformr;tir;n in- !l:R r T A.t N, or the Di!fent and. Se.~:.'e.ffion of tbefe. ~atiqns f~om the ConzmYrm'on of R.oM~. .



.whm. Brethren ·meet without Strangers-, hut nat. iii a lnbgt fomiab ..

YoQ arc to Jalute one another in a courteous Manner, as you~ will be inftruCl:ed,. calling each other Brother, freely giving mutual. lnfh:netion as !hall be thought expedient, without being overfeen er t>verheard, and withont encroaching upon each other, or dero... gating from that Refpe8: which is due to any Brother,. wer~ henot~ Mafon: For though· all Mqfom are as Brethren upon the !ame .Le'Del, yet Mafonry takes no Honour from a Man that he had' qefore; 'aay, . rather it adds to. his Honour1 efpecially if he has deferved

f JI7] d:eferved' well of the BrotherhOod,. who inuft give Honour to whom it is due,, and avoid ill Manners.. · ~

4· ~ebabiout· in Preftnce if


not Sllf}afottl.

You fuall be cautious in your Words and Carriage,. that the. moft penetrating· Stranger thall not be able to difcover or find outwhat is· not' p~oper to be intimated; and fometimes- you lhail di~ert a Difcourfe,. ·;tnd manage it prudently for the Hono~ of~

'U,Jorjhipful Fraf(trnity.. ·


5· ;$e{Jatti\'J!llt at HoME:, and ilz your Neighbourhood •. You are to aCl: as becom~ a moral and wife .Man; particularly, not to let your Fa1nily, Friends, and Neighbours know the Concerns if the' ~dge, &c. but wifely to. confult your own Honour, and that of the .ancient Brotherhood, for Reafons not to be mentioned here. Y au muft alfo confult your Health, by .not continuing together too late,. or tao long fro~ home, after Lodge Hours are paft;: and. by avoiding of Gluttony and Drunkennefs., that your Families be not negleCted or injured, nor you difabled, from Working.. .

6 •. ~.e!Ja,linue .towards a ftrallge Brother;.. You are cautioufly to examine him, in fuch a Method as Prudence :£hall direCt you,.. that you. may not be impofed upon by an, ignorant falfe Pretmdet", whom you are to reject with Contempt ana Deritioo,~ \~d ~= ofgivmg hi~ any Hints of\edge. J3ut if you difcover him to. be ·a- true"~nd ~nuine B,:other, you· are to 1efpeet: him accordinglt; and·if he is. in want you muft r-elieve hint if you can, or elfe direCt him how he may be relieved:. You mu:ll: employ him fame Days,. or elfe recommend him to be: emp~oyed.

But you are -~t ~Ohlrged to : ~- beyond your Ability,,



[ 318 ] .only to prefer a poor Brother, any ·other poor People in the F~N.AI.LY,

All thefe

th~tis a good Man and true, fam~ Circumftances. ·



you are· to obferve, and alfo thofe that !hall be communicated to you in another Way; cultivating BRoTHERLY LovE, the Foundation and Cape-ftone, the Cement and Glory of this ·ancient F_rttternity, avoiding all Wrat~g·-Iing _and_ ~arrelling, all Slander and Backbiting, not permitting 'others to flander any honeft Brother ; but defending his Character and doing him all good Offices, as far as is confiflent with your HoJZour and Safety, and no farther. And if any of them do you Injury, you mufi: apply to your own or his Lodge; a_nd from thetfce :YOU may appeal. to the GRAN,P LoDGE at the fi<!:.tarterly Cr;mmunication, and from thence· to the annual GRAND LoDGE, as has been the antient laudable Conduct of. our Forefathers in every Nation; never taking a legal Courfe, but when the Cafe cannot be otherwife decided; and patiently liftening to the honeft and fi·iendly Advice of Majler and Fellows, when they would !rrevent your going to Law wit~ Strangers, .or would excite you . to put a fpeedy Period to all Law-Suits, that fo you may mind -th~ Affair of MAsoNRY with the more Alacrity and Succefs; but with Refpetl: to Brothers or, Fellows at Law, the Mqfter and Brethre!l iliall kindly offer their Mediation,. which ought to be thankfully fubmitted to by the contending Brethren ; and if that Su~miffion is itnpraeticable, they mufi however carry on their Procefs, or Law-Suit, with_out Wrath and Rancour; (not in the common Way) faying or doing nothing which may hinder Bro. therly Love; and good Offices to be renew~d and continued; that all may fee the benig1z Inj!umce of MAspNRY, as all -true Mtlfons have done from the Beginning of the World,· al)d will .do to the End of 'Iime. ·

'hnen, · Co inott it lie. THE


~mttal ~tgulatton~ 0 F THE


and A c c





s· o



Reyifed,. Appr~ved of, and Ordered to be Publiilied '






LoDGE, yanuar:y 28~ B L A Y N E Y, Grand ·lVla.fter.


:!h11 REGuLA T x;o N s of the




1 767 ..

L o D·G E.

HE GRAND LODGE confifts of, and is·formed by; the Majlers and Wardens of all the particular Lodges upon Record, with the GRAND M~sTER at their Head~ the D~PUTY on his Right Hand, and the GRAND WARD·ENS irr their proper Pl"a€es. · .· · · · · · · · · ·. All who are, or have tleen Grand Officers, lhaU be lVI-embers: of, and vote in all Grand Lodges. . . . ART. II. A Brother Mqfler Mqflm lhould be appointed the'fyler, to 1ook ·after tlie·noor··;'':bat muft be no Member·of the Grand Lodge. :._. ~· · · ART. III. No Brothers fhall' be admitted into the GRAND' LonG·~ but thofe that are the known Members thereof, viz. The four pre.J8nt and all formet· GRAND OFFICERs, the T'retljurer,. Secretary, and, the Mafter, ·War-dens, and·nt"ne Affiftants of1 the Stewards Lodge1 and the. Ma.fter.s and Wardens of all regular · Lodges; ART.




320 Looge:s; · exc~pt a Er:other, who is a Petitioner, or a ~itnefs in fome Cafe, ·or one- c:aHed' itl by a Motion. Ax T. IV.· Thefe tnuft. have three ~arterly Commumcations l>efore the Grand Fea.fl, in fome convenient Place, as the Grand Majer {hall appoint; where none are to be prefent but its own proper Members, without Leave aiked and given: And while fuch a. Stranger (though a Brother} frays, he is not allowed to vote, nor ev~n to fpeak to any ~efl:ion, without Leave of the Grand Lodge-;~ ·or unlds he is defired to give his Opinipn •.. ART. V. I( at any Grand Lodge, Stated or 6ccafional, ~ar­ terly or Annual, the Grand Mafler and :Deputy lhould both be .abfent, then the prefent Senior Grand Warden lhall take the C~air, and prefide as Grtmd Ma/ler pro :tempore,. and lhall. be vefted. with all his Ho.nour and Power for the Time being ; and, in his Abfen-ce, tne prefent Junior Grand Warden ; and in his Abfence, the oldefi former Grand Warden in Company; provided, no pafi Grand Ma)ler or paft Deputy Grand Mqfler be prefeilt ; and if no former Grand Oificer be found, then the" Mafier of the Stewards Lodge; or; ·in his Abfence, the Mafter of the Senior Lodge then prefent. . ART. VI. On March 171 1730-r, the Grand Lodge, (to cure fame Irregularities) .ordered, That none but the Grand Ma.fter, his; Deputy,. Wart/ms, 'Ireaf1frer1 Secretary, and Sword-Bearer, (who . are the only Grand O.Jlicers) lhall wear their Jewels in Gold, p~wiant to blue Ribbon-s; .t&eir "Necks> and Whitr: Let;lther Aprons. with blue Silk; which Sort: of .AjrMlt ma~ ·be alfo worn by former Grand O.lftcers. . A& T. VII. That the Grand qtJicers prefent and former, ea~h of them, who !hall attend the Grand Lodge in Commumcation (except on the Pe~1· Day) fual~ pay Ha!f a Crown, tawat.Ps the Charge Qf fuch Cainmzmication when he attends. A~.1:. V~II. Mafters and Wardens of Lodges iliall never attend

the G~f!nd Lodge wit~out their: 'Jewels and Cloath,ing.


[ 321 ] · If any Officer cannot attend, he may fend Brother of that Lodge (provided he is a Mafter Mafon, and has :been fuch for twelve Months) with his Jewel, to fupply his Room, and fupport the Honour of his Lodge. ART. IX. All Differences, or Complaints, that cannot be made up, or accommodated privately, nor by a particular Lodge, fhall be reduced into Writing, and delivered to the Grand Secretary, who ihall fummon all Parties concerned to attend at the next Committee ·of Charity, where the fame ihall be ftrioufly con.fidered, and . finally decided. ART. X. They fuall alfo appoint a TRASURER, a Brother of good worldly Subfi:ance, who fuall be a Member of the Grand Lodge by virtue of his Office, and £hall be always pre(ent, and have a Power to move to the Grand Lodge any Thing that concerns his Office. ART. XI. The GRAND MAsTER, or DEPUTY, have Autho· rity always to command the 'l'reafurer and Secreta_ry to attend him, w:i(h ·their Clerks and Books; in order to fee how Matters go oo; and to 'know what is expedient to be done upoa any Emergency. ART.• XI~. That the G:ttAND LoDGE, in ample Form, affembled, has a P9wer 1;0 amend or explain any of the printed Regulations in the ·Book of Conftitutions, while they deviate not. fro-m the antient Rules of th.e Fraternity. For On the 24th of June 172 3., at the Feafl, the GRAND LoDGE· before Dinner made :this Refolution, :that it is not in the Power of


.any Man, or Body of Mm, to make any Alteration or Innovation in -the ,1;1ody .of :Mafonry, without the Confint ji!ft cbtainedqf the GRAND

LoDGE. · · ...,,. . :No ·Motion for a ne'U{ Regulation, or for· the Alteration of an old one, lhall be made, till it is firfl: handed up in Writing to the Chair: And after it has been perufed by the GRAND MASTER, at'leafl: about ten Minutes, the Thing may be moved pnblickly ~ .and then ·it fhal.l be audibly read by the Setret.ary : And .if it be f~conded and thirded, it muft be immediately committed to the T t .confide"·


[ 3~2


~()f)fig¢rarl¢tlo~. tPe whole Affembly, that their Senfe may be fully heard ~bput it: After which the GRAND MAsTER ihall put the ~ftiop pro and Cf/IZ, _ . ART. XIII. All Matters in the Grand. Lodge are to . be deter.. . tpined _by a Majo~ity qf Votes ; each Member having o?uJ7ote, and the GRAND MAsTER t'l.vo J7otes; unlefs the Lodge leave any particular Thing to the Determination of the GRAND MASTER for d1e. Sake of Expedition. . The Opinions or Votes of the Members are always to be fignified hy each holding up one of his Hands: Which uplifted. Hands the. Grand Wardens are to c_ount; unlef.s the Number of Hands be fo · unequal as to render the counting ufelefs. Nor fhould any other: Kind of Divifion be ever admitted on fuch Occafions. · ART. XIV. At the tbi;J Stroke of the GRAND' MAsTER's: Hammer (always to be repeated by the Grand Wardens) there :lball: be a general Silence; and he who breaks Silence, without Leave.: from the Chair,. ihall be publ~ckly·r.eprimanded. · Under the fa~e Penalty every Brother !halL take his Seat, and. keepH:riCtSilence, whenever the GRAND'MAsTER or De>putyilia!L think fit to rife from the Chair, and caH to Order. In the Grand Lodge; ·every Member fhall keep. in his Seat, and, not move about from Place to Place, during the Commum·catio1z ; . except the Grand Wardens,. as having:more immediately. the Care_ of the Lodge. . According to the ·Order of .the; Grm~d Lodge,. no .Brother is to_• fpeak bt1t once. to the fame Affair,~ unlifs' ~o ·explahl· himfeif, or~· when called by the Chair to fpeak. · ' Every one that fpeaks fhall rife and keep fl:anding,, add:refling · hirnfdf to the Chair: Nor fhail any prcfume to interrupt him,, under the f?refaid Penalty ;, unlefs th;e GRAN n, M~'I..ST E R, finding,. hitn wandering from the Point in Hand, . !hall think fit to reduce.: him ·to Order; for then the faid Speaker :lball fit down :. But after: he has bee;n fet right, he may again proceed)_.if he pl~afes.

'-[ 323] If, in ti1e Gtand Lodge, any Member is twice called to Order,"' at one Aifembly, ·for thefe Rules, and is guilty of a third Offence of the fame Nature, the Chair·ihall peremptorily command him to quit the Lodge. Room for that Night. Whoever fuall be fo rnde as to hifs at a Brother, or at what another fays, or has faid, he fuall be forthwith folemnly excluded the Communi.cation, and declared incapable of ever being ·a Member of, any Grm~d Lodge f~r the Future, till another Time he publickly ow'ns his Fa_ult~ and his Grace be granted. ~-.·ART, XV. There iliall be a Book kept by the GRAND MAsTER, or Deputy, or rather by fome Brother appointed Secretary of the ·Grand Lodge ; wherein fuall be recorded· all· the Lodges; with the ufual. Times and Places of their Formi12g, and the Names of all the Members of each Lodge; alfo all the Affairs of the Grand Lodge, that are ,proper to be w~itten. · ART. XVI. That no Brother, for the F.ature, 1hall fmoak . Tobacco in the Grand Lodge, at the !f{_uarterly Communication, or Committee of Charit)', t~ll the Lodge·fhall be clofed. _

:Of the



ART. I. The .New GRAND MASTER fuall bythe prifent be ~propqfed. to .the Grand Lodge.:~ at their Communicat£on fome time '·before the Day of the Ai:mual Feajl; and if approved {)f then, and no ObjeCtion made, he ihall be forthwith faluted GRAND 'MASTER BleB, if there; or if Abfent, his Health ihall be toa-fted .as fuch, and he is tp the .Feajl on the .prefent GRAN.B MAsTER's left H~nd. '· ~ ·' . , . : .. ART. 11. If the "GRAND MAsT-E-R rof laft ¥ ea~\ upon Application made to him, by a Penon· deputed from th~ Grtmd'.Lodge · for that Purpofe, confents to continue for the Y~r enfuing, then fuch Perfon- fo deputed ~all reprefent to all the Brethren, ~ Wor£hip's good Government, ·&c. ~nd if·they agre~~by ~ Maj~ ;~o,continue the prefent GRAND MAsTR, his Wor£hip thall, in the





[ 324


.Name of the Grand Lodge, be humbly requefted ·to do the Fra.:. tfrnity the Honour of continuing to be their GRAND MA~TElt for t4e.Y~ar enfuing; and his Wodhipdeclaring his Confent in fuch Manner as he pleafes, the faid deputed Member of the Grand Lodge !hall drink to him as

EleEI of MAsONs. All the Members fhall fa lute him as fuch in due Form, and declare GRAND MASTER

·their Satisfaction, Pleafure, and Congratulation. ART. III. If the GRAND MAsTER dies du.ring his Ma)lerjhziJ,. or by Sicknefs, or by being beyond Seas, or any other Way, fhould: be rendered incapable of difcharging his Office, the Deputy, or in: his Abfence the Senior Grand Warden, or in his Ahfence the J,unz"or Grand Warden, or in his ~bfence fome other pail Grand Officer,. according to his Right. of Seniqrity, £hall affemble the Grand Lodgt im~ediately, in order to advife together upon that EmergencY,,, and fend two of their Number to in.vite the lafi GRAND MASTER. to refume his Office, which now of Courfe reverts to him : Ani! if he refufe to a8, then. the next lail:,. and fo. backward;. but if no former G~AND MASTER be found, the prefent Deputy ihall atl: as Principar, till a new GRAND .MAsTER is chofen, or if there· be no Deputy, then the prefent Senz"or Grand· Warde~, or in· his . .Abf~nce.the Junior Grand Warden, or in his Abfence f.ome ather.· .paft Gran~ Officer; according to his ~ight of· Seniority.. . . AR.T. IV. No Grand Mqjler, Deputy Grand Majler,. _Grand

Jf?arA 1r-eaforer, Secretary., Sword-Beartr,.. or whoev~r. a:a:s.for them, QF~ ip their Stead pro·. temjot"e:. ~n, .~t the (all;le .Tim~~. :act 'as Warden ()f a .par~ic~:Jlar Lodge;. b~t as foon as any of diem has difcharged his pub lick Office, he returns to that Poft .or. Station .in

his particular Lodge; from which he was called to·officirte • . A~ T. Y. The GRAND MAs.TER may, if he .pleafes, y.:ith hisr, Deftuty, Grand Wardens, '': Sword-B~arer,. and· S,icr'etarJ>, . .go.r~u~.~~q vifit all. the Lodges abolit Town, during. his Mq#er.:. foijr,;,~%D;<lihjs.9ra'!4 Ojftcers to yitit them. . · · ..


~) ,,

~ f

; f •. (\.

. ·,

;' )



[ 325. ] .

The GRANn. MASTER, or Deputy~ has full Authority and' 'Right, not only to be prefent, but alfo to prefide in every Lodge, .with the Mafler of the Lodge on his left Hand ; and to order his Grand Wardens to attend him, where they are to aCt as Wardens of that particular Lodge during his Prefence; for the GRAN·D MASTER cannot deprive them of their Office, without !hewing Caufe fairly appearing to the Grand Lodge : But if the Grand: lVardens are abfent, the GRAND M:f.t.STER, while in a particular 'Lodge, may command the Wardens of that Lodge, or any other.Majler Mafons, to aCt there as. his Wardem pro tempore •. ART. Vl. The GRAND MAsTER fhould not receive any· private Intimations of Bufinefs concerning Mafons and Mafonry,.. but from his Deputy firfi ; except in fuch Cafes as his W or!hipt:an eafily judge of: And if the Application to the Grand },:fajler ·be itregular, hisWorfhip can .order the. Grand Wardens, or any ether fo applying,. to wait upon the Deputy1 who is immediately ·to prepare the Bufinefs,. and to lay it orderly before his Wor!hip. ART. VlJ:. If the GRAND· MAsT;ER abufe his great Power., and render himfelf unworthy of the Obed.ience and S1.:1bjetl:ion of the Lodges, he !hall be .trea~ed in a·Way apd Manner, to be r.greed upon in a new Regulation, becaufe hitherto the antient Fraternity. have had·. no Occafion for it, and firmly .hope they never

ilialh. ..


. ) ' Of t:6e' th:-'P~ T Y .-G R,A ~ D

M'AsT E R.

ART.·I. The Perfon nominated DEPUTY GR·A.ND MASTER,. and alfo the Grand Wardms, cannot be difcharged, unlefs for fome Caufe dea"rly. appeamn~ td ·the. Grand Lodge; for the G~~ANB MASTER,· if he: .is tli1fatisfie9 with the Qondud of his Gra'{2d Qfficers, or either of them, m.ay call. a, Gxand Lodgf on furpofe, and lay the Caufe before them, for their Advice and Concurrence;. and if it fhalJ. appear· to·the M-ajority.:of the Brethren prefent~ -t~~3;t:t:tb~? ~~nnpl~int is -:wel~ Jo.t;t£!~9,,-:lfe ihal~ ,hav; Pow,~~ tO'. d1fPJaG~ f.u~h ·Graf!d0Jl!ccr.),. ~r Officers> ·and fprth~Nlth'.iion'llfHlt~ . ·


·· ·


·· · ~ ...

· h.





::r ~3-26 ··J

·~nether. ~r .o-i'het·~~ ·in his or th~ir ·Stead fo difpiaced, · t1Htt fo Har'mony a11d ·:Peace may be preferved. . ti. If At any . GrandLodge, Stated·or Occafional, ~r ... · ter1y or Annual; the DEPU'!Y ·{hall be ab(ent, then the prefent Btinior Grand warden fhaH ?-ct a-s D:s p u :-:r: y P?"O te:>,"Jpore ; and in :his Abfence the 'Juni.or . Ormzd}rarden, and in his Abfence the -oldeft former. Grand l.f7arden in Company (provided no paft 'DEPUTY be prefent) a:nd if no former Grand O.fficer be found, 'then the Mafter of the Stewards Lodge, or in his Abfence the ·Mafter of the Se1zior Lodge_ prefent. ART.

· 'Of the G :R

A N D·




AR. T·. I • ..In the; Grand Lodge, none ca'n aa:' 'as Wardens, but lthe prefmt GRAND WARDENs,_ if _jn Compan:r; and, if abfent, i~he

oldeft former Grand Wardens ihall fupply their Places pro tempore ; or if no pa:O: Grand Wardens ·are prefent, then the ~GRAND MAsTER, or .he that ·prefides, calls forth whom he plea{es to aCt as~Grand Wardens protempore. ART. II. The Grand Wardens, or any others, are fidl: to ad vife with the Deputy about the Affairs of the Lodges, or of private ,:M,ngle ;Broth~rs ; .and· are not to apply to the Grand Mafler_, without· the Knowledge of the Deputy, unlefs he refufe his Concurrence. 'Ibis is intentf,ed for the Eafe of the GRAND MASTER, and for .the Honour of the DEPUTY. · In which Cafe, or jn Cafe 'of any Di&rence of Sentiment be.. tween the Deputy and Grand Wardens, or other Brothers, both ·Parties are to go to the Grand JYiafler by Corifent; who, by virtue .of his great Authority and Power, can eafily decide the Centro,.. verfy, and make up the Difference.

Of the G RAN D T REA s u R E R.'


I. The Grand 'I'nafurer is ch~fen anriu~il,Iy ~he G;.and at the fir~ ~dr_terly Commu"!.i~a~io~~ ~fter each Ghmd Fe-a.fl ;





r 327 J at whiCh Time he 1hall give a joint Bond, with two other Brethren; who {hall be approved of by the Grand Lodge, to the GRAND MAsTER, Deputy Grand Ma)ler, and Grand Wardens for the time being, in the Penalty and with fuch Condition as !hall be approved of by the Grand Lodge,. for the due Performance of his Truft. ART. II. To him ihall be committed all Money raifed for the General Charity, or for any other Ufe o( ·the Grand Lodge; which. he iball keep an Account in a Book,. fpecifying the refpetl:ive Ends and Ufes for which the feveral Sums are intended; and ihall. expend or difuurfe the fame in fuch Manner as the Grand Lodge ihall d~reet; and produce his Account of R1::ceipts and Difuurfements; fair, and lay them before the Grand Lodge, at every. f!0arterly Communication, with ·the Vouchers for the Difuurfe-· ments; the Items of the Account to be then publickly read over;. and if any Difpute or Difficulty !hall ar1fe U_l)on any o~ them, the· Matter to be referred to five Brethroo nomiuat:cd by the GRAND.· MASTER:,- and approved of by the Grand Lodge, to examine into' the Merits of the fame, againfi: the next ffi.!:Jarterly Communicatz'on.; where they are to Report their Proceedjngs, with the State of the Cafe; for the final Judgment an,ci DireCtion 'of. the Grand Lodge. ART. III. That the 'l're/ifurer•s Accounts be approved and allowed from time to time by the Grand Lodge, and figned by the· ~4~ ¥~STllR, or. Deputy Grand Na.Jler ;. ap.d the Account· fo :··figJJec1 to ,be e£J.tered. ~·· tb~ Gr;an/J S~&rciary,.": in ·the GRAN n


· · · Ak T. IV. If it lhould ~be found necefi:1ry ·for the :freqfzwer to . em~y' under him an Affifiant or C/,;rk, he may be at Liberty fo · to,,dP; fucb :Gkrk or. Affi~a.Dt, a Brother and a Mqfit'r M'!fo?z,. and to. have fuch Allowance, from ··time te>' time, as the GJ:and· Lodge iJ1all think fit out of the Money pafilng through .t~~ :ftwzfurer's Hands, not exceeding one Shilling in the Pound; -and this· to be be charged and allowed in· the 'I'reaforfr's Accounts : Bu~ · fu~. Affiftant or- Cl~·rk is . not to be confidered as a. Member ofi' . . ' the.: MASTE R;s

Book .. ·

[ 328 ] the ·Grmzd LOdge 1 nor ·is he to ofpeak therein, without 'being allowed or commanded fo to ·do.

OJ ibe



n S E c R P:



ART. I. The Grand Secretary is 11ominated yearly at the Grand Fea.fl, by the GRAND M.A STER ;.. and is by his Office a Mem:ber of the Grpzd Lodge, arid may have a Clerk or Affiil:ant, if he thinks fit, who mull: be a Brother and a Majter Mafon; but is not, during fuch time, to be con·fidered as a Member of the Grand Lot/ge; nor 'is he to fpeak therein, without being allowed or com-· .manded fo·to do. Of~PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTERS.

ART. I. The Office of PRoviNCIAL GRAND MAsTER was found particularly neceff:-try in the Year 1726; when the extraordinary Increafe of the Craftfmen, and their travelling into diftant Parts, and convening themfelves in LoDGES, required an immediate HEAD, to whom they might apply in all Cafes, where it was not poffible to wait the Decifion or Opinion of the GRAND LoDGE. ART, II. The Appointment of tbt's Grand Officer is a Prerogative of.the GRAND MASTER; from whom, or in his Abfence from his DEPUTY, a Deputation may be granted to fuch Brother of Eminence and Ability in the C,rajt, as he or either of ~hem fuall think proper ; not for Life,:' but <d.uring Pleafure. · ·. ·ART. III. The PRoVINCIAL GRA:r.J D MASTER thus deputed, .is invefted with the Power and Honour of a Grand Majier in his , particular Diftritt; and is in titled .to wear the Cloathing of a GRAND 0FFic;:ER, to conftitute Lodges within his own Province, and· in all publick Affemblies to walk immediately after the Grand Treafurer. He is alfo empowered to appoint a Deput;•, Wt:~rdms, 1'r.eaforer~ SecretarJ, and $1.(/r;rd-b.ecm•r,. who are er.:~titled t0 wea-r :~-h~

[ 329


the Cloathing of Grand 0./ficers,. while they officiate as fuch;" within that particular Diftriet; but at other Time or Place. ART. _IV. He is enjoined to correfpond with the Grand Lodge, and to tranfmit a circumftantial Account of his Proceedings, at leafl: once in ever-y Year. At which Times, he is required to fend a Lift of thofe Lodges he has confl:ituted; their Contributions for the general Fund of Charity ; and the ufual Demand, as fpecified in his Deputation, for every Lodge he has conftituted •. See the Lift of PRoviNCIALs, after the Lift of !Granll ~atlerp.


Of the G 0




By the original Order and Conftitution of Nature, Men are fo made and framed, that they of Neceffity want one anothees Affifl:ance for their· mutual Support and Prefervation in the World : Being fitted by an implanted Difpofition to live in Societies; and efl:ablilh themfelves into difl:inC:t Bodies, for the more .effetl:ual Promulging and Propagating a Communication of Arts, Labour, and Induftry, of which, CHARITYandmutualFRIENDSBIP· is the common Bond. It is in this RefpeC:t only, that aU the human Race fl:and upon a Level, having all the fame Wants and Defires, and are all in the fame Need of each other's Affifl:ance; as bythis common Cement, every one is bound to look upon himfelf as a Member of this univerfal Community, and efpecially the Rich and Great; for the truly noble Difpofition never lhines fo bright, as when engaged in the noble Purpofes of focial Love, Charity, arid Bmevolence. Influenced by thefe great and good Principles, · · ART. I. The Grand Lod~e came to a Refolution to confider of the moft ,prudent and effeCtual Method of colleCl:ing and difpofing of what Money lhould be lodged with them in Charity, toward& the RELIEF only of a true Brother, fallen into Poverty and Decay; but of none elfe. When it was refolved, That each particular Lodge might difpok of their own Charity for poor Brothers, according to their own



[ 33° ] ~y-La'lPJ;

nntil it ihould be agreed by all the Lodge~ (in. a neru•. RegttltJti.rm) to carry in the Charity, collected by them·, to the GPand ~dge, at the fflgarteriy or .Annual_C~mmunicatif!11; in order to make a ~flnuvon ·St_qck for the more hand[Qme Reli~f of pQor Brethren. ART. ll. In conf~quence o( which Regulation at the ~ranii ~bgf, on Nov. •. 21, 1724, CHARLES LENNox, Duke of . Rt'chmond, Lenna~ and Aubt'gny, being 4nranb illf}alltr ; ·Broth~r FRANCIS ScoTT, Earl of Dalluith (afterwards Duke ()f Bucc!eugh) the laft Grand Ma.fter,. propofed, That in order to promote the Charitable Dijpojition (lj FREE MAS 0 N S, and to render it more exterifive!y beneficial' to the Society,· each Lodge NlaJ n1cd:P .a: CJ:rtain ColkCiiUfl;, arc~rding tQ Abilit)f~ tQ he put into a Jnzii':r...S.Te>£::st,. I~Jgtd tze li'e H • if a TRJiASU R.ER, at ervery. ~rterly Comlinu.oication, for the Relief of dijlrejjed Brethren that jha{l be ieCOJ!Zmended by the Contributing LoDGES to the Grand Qf.. .ficers mom :time to :r'i'!Jle. The Motion being readily agre~d t~, Rze.e:M;aND, Gr4nd Mafltr~ ckiired all pr~fent to come prepared. to give thtir. Opinit>~ oi it. at next ($rattl5 3Iobgt; . which. was held ia ample F(lrm, on Ma'lfch 17, I 7 2 4-5. When · A:aT. UI. At ~ LPdge's Defire, Grand Mafor R:rcHMOND mamed a Colitmittte for oonfidering of the beft Methods to regulate . b:faid Mafom general Charity: They met" and chofe for Chair.. manj Wu.iiAM CowP-E~,. Efqi Q¢rk: pf tlile Padiag;,.ent, who drew _up the. Rtp:~l.. -. , But the reql1iring Deliberation, the Report was not made till the $ra..ub ~obgt met in ample Form,. on Nw. 27, I 7 2 5,. ymen1 RuatM.ONDs Grand Majler,. ordered the Repprt to be read .. h was. well ·approved, and Jtet:orded in the Book of' the Grand .Lr~~e ;. for which that Cf:JmtJJ.itt~ reeeived publick Thanks ~ and. Copies of it were ordered to be fent to the particular Lodgfs.,. in $is. Fcilnn::-



( 331: ] The Committee, to whorn it was referred to cqnuder of proper Methods to regulate the general Charity, after feveral Meetings for that P1.1rpofe, came to the following Refolutions, which they fub-

mit to the Judgment of the Grand Lodge, as conducive to .the End propofed by the Reference. . · I. That it ili the Opinion of the Committee, th~t the Contribu.tions from the feveral Lodges be paid quarterly .and voluntarily. 2, That no Brother be rocorn.rnended by any Lodge, as an Object of this Chanty, but who was a Member .of fame :Regular Lodge, which ih.all contribute to the fame Charity, on or before the 21ft Da.y of Nri'lJemher, 1724, ,when the general Ch.arity was firft propofed in the Grand Lodge. 3· That no Brother, who has been admitted a Member of an}• fuch Lodge, fince that Time, or ihall hereafter be fo admitted, be reoommendcd.till:~Y.wu:a a:88r4Be&~; And as to .the Methods or Rules' be obferved by: the Grn1Jti Lfilgt, in re;. iieving fuch Brethren, who ihall he qualified as aforefaid, whom they ihall think fit upon Application to themfelves, to relieve, 'Viz. Thofe concerning the Circumfta.nce:s of the Pcrfons to ·be re. lieved, the Sums to be ·paid, the Times m- Terms gf Payment, the Continuance, fufpending, o.r taking off' fuch Allowance, with. the Re~fons thereof, whether .arifing from the Circumftances of the affifted Brother be~g bettered, or his Behaviour, in any Refpeet, rendering him unfit. to it COlltmued ; .and, im general~ all other Circumftances atteading the regular and ordinary Diftribut.ion of the Charity, where the Grand Lodge think fitto put any one upon· it, the Committee are of Opinion, they are tt10ft decently and fecurely left to the WifdCOl, Care, and Difctetion of the Gr.and Lodge, to .aCt .therein, frotn .Time. to Time,. as cafes thafl happen in a.Manner moft agreeable to the Exigencies of them; which, as the Committee catmOt forfee with any Certainty, fo th6y are tmable to lay down llllY fixed .Propofals concerning· them ; but as it may fall out that a J3toth~r, who .is ia R.efpe& qualified for ,R,ctil( and in. Need of it, may by the rreffttr~ .of his Circum~s l9e lJ u 2 forced



[ 33 2


· force_d to apply, perhaps, a good while before a f?<garterly Commu'lzication may be had, or the Grand Lodge aiTembled, for a prefent Relief or Subfiflance, .till he can make his Cafe known to the Grand Lodge, for their further Favour : The Committee took that Cafe into their particular Confideration; and as to. that,. are humbly of Opinion, 4.• That three Pounds, and no more,. may be given to any pmr.ticular ditl:re1fed Brother, who ihall be reE:ommended b.y any Lodge as an .Object of this Charity., without the Confent of the Gra1Z'd Lodge. . 5· That the abovefaid ca.fual Charity of three Pounds or unde1•, be difpofed of as there ihall be Occafion, by a ftanding Committee of Five, to cotifill ofthe,G,.anJ Mafter, Deput)', and Senior Grand Warden for.the Time being, and. twoother.Members of the Grand Lodge, t(l) be named by the Grand MajJer, of which Committee three alway,s be. to a ff<!forum.. And 1t being abfE>lutely necefFary that,. for collecting and diibur£1:ng the Sums which ihaU be giveA for fo charitable a Pnrpofe, there ihould be a Receiver or Treafurer p.ublickly entrufte.d and known, · 6. The Committee think it necetfary,. that every 'f'peafurer,. upoN. his. Appointment, bedefired to· give the earlieft general Notice he can, where he may be applied to, from Time to Time, for the Purpofes of this Charity,. as Need 1ha.ll require. .All which they fubmit to your Judgment and Direction~ · · ALEXA.N.DER: HAR:D,INE'..








IV. Yet no TREASURER was. found,. till at the GranJ Lodge; in ample Form, on June 24, 172q,. lNCHIQ.YIN,. Gt:and ·Mafler, requefied Brother Nathaniel Blakerby, Efq; to. accept o£ that Oiice,. which. he very kindly undertook..

(. 3'33 ] Then alfo it was refolved, that the fou·r Graud Officers, for theTime being, together with Brother Martin Folkes, Francis Sorell-, and George .Pa;•1u, Efqrs; as a Committee of Seven, fhould~ upon· .€lue Recommendations,. difpofe of the intended Cha'!!ity ;- and fre!h .Copies of the Report were fept t<;>- the Lodges. ART. V. At laft this good Work of CHARITY was begun at the Grand Lodge, on NrnJ. 25, 1729, KINGSTON being Grand Mafler, and, in his Abfence, Deputy Gra'lld Ma.fler BLAKER:S.Y, the 'l'reafurer, in. the Chair;- ·who, after a waim Exhortation, .ordered the Lodges to. be ealled over a fecond Time,. when fame QY.ftcers gave in the Benevolence of their refpective Lodges, for which they were thanked ; and their Charity, being forth with recorded, was put into the Hands o.f the 'I'reafurer, a.$-· an hopeful Beginning :_ And other Lodges following the good Example,_ ' . . .ART. VI. At' the ~anb ~obge, in due Form, on Dec. 2 7' 1729, Deputy Grand .Majler BLAX:ERB-Y, the Cf'reafort!r, in the Chair, had the Honour to thank many Officers of Lodges, for :bringing _their liberal Charity; When by .a .Motion of Brother 'I'homas Batfon, Counfellor at Law, the Grand ~dge ordained~ .'I'bnt t#()ery, new Lodge" for their Co.tifiitution ,: )ballpaj two .Gu;;zear. -!(}!Wards tloi'S general CbaFity of Mafm~s. · ·· And ever fmce, the Lodges, accordimg to their Ability, have, by their Ojficers, fent their Benevolence to every Grand Lodge, ex:.,. ·dpt en the Grand Feajl Da,¥~: And'fetrm.l diftrefied llici"th(frs have been handfomely relieved. , ART. VII. But the Committee of Seven being thought too few for this good Work, the ~ranb ~obgc, in due Form, on. Aug. 28, 1730,!rNe>RFOLK ~eing Grand Mr:!ftert- a~d, in· his.Albfence, Deputy Grand Mtifler BLAKERBY, t_he CJ:reafurer, in the Chair, re1olved, '!'hat the Committee of Charity foal! have added to them twelve Mafters of contributing Lodges·; that the fir.fl'I'welve* -in the printed Lift,. foall 6e focceeded by the next 'fwelve,. andJo on: And that foi: Difp4tch,. any Fi'!Je of them jhallbe a ~orum, pra:vided of:re if the Five is a prefent Grand Officer.. Accordingly,, The:

[ 334 ]


The Committee of Charity met the 'l'reaforer BLAKlRBY the firft Time, in the Maflerjhip of NORFoLK On November I 3, t 7 3o : When They confidered the Petitions of fome poor Brethren, whona they relieved, not exc:;eeding three Pound.1 to each Petitioner: And -adjourned, from Time to Time, for fupplying the Diftreffed according to their Powers; or elfe recommended them to the greater Favour of the Grand Lodge. . A..R T. VIII. . This Committee had not all thdr Powers at .once: For1- at the Qi)ranb J!.obge on Dec. 15, I73o, NoRFOLK .being Grand Mafler, and, in his Abfence, the Deputy BLAKERBY in the .Chair, it was ordained. 'I'haijor Dijpatch, all Complaints and Informations about Charity jhall be riftrred, Jo.r the Fut~.~re; . to tbe Committee of Charity i and that tbsyjhait4~p.tli.nt a Day for hoJr.,. ing the Jafflfe, jhall enter their· Proet~rtiing; in their own Book,· .and jhallreport their Opinion to the Grand Lodge. From this Time, the Minutes of the Committee of CiJarity have been·· rea:d and confidered at Grand Lodge, ex~pt the ,Grand Feafi Day. . · . · '> ART. IX •. At the Committee of Charz'ty, March J6,_ 173:0.. 1, it was agreed, 'That 110 Petition jhafl he read, if the Petiiia12er. do 1Wt ¢tezid thi Cti.mmittee in PerfoR; in_ the Cafes if Sic~fs, Ltune· · · · · nefi,. or lmjtrifo1.1JJ'Jent. ART. X:. At the ~b l.ob.Je.op. May 14, 1731,. upcm the Motion of LoVELL, GrandMafier, it was re~lved, ~all.for;.,. ~mer Grand .Mafters and Deputies.fiJii:l iJe ~i.of the Committee ifCharity. r:fhat-the Committee jholl have a Power togt've five Poi.mds, as ca.foai Charity, to a poor Brother, brlt .no mare, till the Gra:n.d Lodge



a.Jfemble. ART. XI. At the Ccm.mittee o.f Charity, on 1une 18, 1731, it was agraed, '!'hat no pbor Brother that has !Jeen once '!fli}ied, jbltil; a fecond 'tifr!e, prefent a Petition, without fo1114 new Alkgati9h 'CJell t1tt~etf.

· ART.

( 335 ]


At the aDra.nh 9!Gb)Jt :June 8, 1732, Vi(coun! MoNT AGU being Grand Mqfler, and, ip his Abfen<;e, Deputy Grand Majler ·BATsoN in the Chair, having lignified, TAat not- withftanding the general Charity, fome poor Brothers had molell:ed Noblemen and others (being Mafons) with private Applications fot= Charity,. to the. Scandal of the Craft; it was fefolved, '!'hat any


Brother who makes fuch private Applications for "the Future, foal/ k fir ever debarnd from any Reiiiffrom the' Committee ·¢Charity, the Grand Lodge, or any Ajfemblies if M.asoNs.ART. XIII. At the Con1mittee of Chariry, on Ju~ 5, 1732, it was agreed, 'I'hat no Brother foal/ be relieved, unlefi his Petition be attejled by three Brothers if the Lodge to which be does, · or did once, belong. . ART. XIV. At the <Gran~ 9lobgt, on Nov. 2 r, 173 ~, Vifcount MoNT AGU being 'Gr~Nkl Majler, . and, in his Abfence, Deputy BATSON in the Chair, it was refolveq, That all former and preflnt· Grand OflJers, viz. Grand Mafters, Deputies, and Wardens, witb twenty Mafters of contributing Lodges z"n a Rotatz'on, accordz"ng to· the printed Lift, jhrlli be Member; ofthe Committee if Charity. Aad, l\RT. XV. At the $MatJJ!Oitft;. on Dec. 13, 1733, upon. the ·Motion of STRATHMORE, Grand Majer, in the Chair, it was refolved, :that ALL.Mafters if regular Lodges that ha'IJe contributed to ·the Charity, within twelve Months pafl, jhall be Members of the Committee, . together with allfirmer and preflnt Grand .Officers. ART. XVI. 1Dat co1!fidering the ufual Bujinefl of a Q.!!arterly Communication was too much for one 'I'z"me; whatever Bz!ftnefs can:.. not /;e·dij)atched bert!', jhall k re.fe'J"red to the Committee of Charity, and their Of;t'mon rf!{J6rted tflthe ~~GRAND LoDGE. AR 1'. XVII.· 'Tha~ all ~fjiions, Je1ftlted at the foid Committee, · .{hall be deCided liy a Majority if thqft prefmt. . . · ART .. XV:lii. 'That all Petitions for Charity, prejlmttd to the Grand Lodge, foal/ be riferred t1 the foid Committee,· who tl'l"e ti' report their Ophrt~t;n to'· tbe nl?xt Grand Lodge, <viz. ·Whether or :not .the

[ 336 ] the Cafe of any diftreffed Brother deferves more Relief than is in the Power of the Committee to give ? ART. XIX. :that the foid Committe~ jhall twice give puhlick Natice, inJome publick News-Paper,· of the Time and Place qftheir Meetings. · , . ART. XX. At the. $ranb il!obge, on Feb. 24, 1734-5, CRAUFURD, Grand Majfer, in the Chair, it was recommended by the Committee, and now refolved her~e, That no Mafter of a Lodge foal/ be a Member qf the faid Committee, whofl Lodge has not contributed to the general Charity, during twelve Months pt!ft. . ART. XXI. 'Ihat one of the Brethren, jigning and certifjing a poor Brother's Petitio1z, foall attend the Committee to attejl it. ART. XXII. At the !Granb l.obge, on March 3 1, 1735, upon the Motion of CRAUFUR.D, Grand Mqfler, in the Chair, it was refolved, That no extraneous Brothers> that is> not regularly made, but clanddfinely, or only with a View to partake of the Charity; nor any ajjifiing at fuch irrtgular Makings, jl:all be ever qua- ' lifted to partake of the Mafons general Charity. · ART. XXIII. '!'hat the Brothers, attfjling a Petition for Charity, foal! be able to certify, that the Petitioner has been formerly in reputable, at leajt, in tolerable Circum.flances. ART. XXIV. That every Petition received, foal! bejgned or certified by the Majority of the Lodge, to 'l.vhich the Petitioner does, or did belong. ART. XXV. That the N all.le. and Calling of the ·p~titioner be exprej}ly mentioned. ART. XXVI. At the ~rattb :U.obge, on .April 6, 1 7 3 6, WEYMOUTH being Grand Majler, and, in his Abfence, Deputy Grand Majier WARD in the Chair; upon the Motion of the Com .. mittee of Charity, it was refolved~ '!'hat no Petition for Charity {hall /;e received~ which has not been offeredfitjl to the Secretary, and laid in his Hands ten Days at leu)!, before the Meeting if the Committee of Charity, that he may have 'Iime to be informed of it~ Al~ega­ ti.ons, if they are dttbious. ART.

[ 337.] XXVII. · .At the tGranb ;J!obgt, on March to; 1739, RAYMOND, Grand Mqfter, it was refolved, '!'hat a Brother's being z'ntitled to, and receiving Relz'ef out of, the Charity of a particular Lodge, in Purfuance of the Laws thererf, jhall be n·o Oijet1ion to his being relieved out qf th.e general Charity, in cafe fuch Lodge ./hall -contribute to the faid general Charity, according to the Laws of the Society. ART. XXVIII. At the ®"raub llobge, on December 3, 1741, MoRTON, Gra11d Majler, it was reiolved, That before the Bre· thren proceed to Bufinefs in any Committee of Charity, all the Laws relating to the Difpofal of the general Charity of this Society be firft read; and that, for the Future, no Petiti<?n £hall be received, unlefs every Brother !hall, at the Time of his figning the fame, be a Member of feme regular Lodge, and the Name of fuch his Lodg~ be always fpecified. · · ART. XXIX. At the ll,'l;tattb i'.obgc, on June r 8, I 7 52, CARYSFORT, Graud Majler, it was ordered, That the Sum of three G.uineas b_e paid to the Grmzd Secretary, at every Communicatio1z .and Annual A./fombly, for his ow.n inci~ental Charges, and that of an Affifrant Secretary, o.ut of the public Fund. · Ordered, That any foreign Brother, after due Examination, thall 'be relieved by this Commi'ttee, with any Sum not exceeding five Pounds, any Law to the contrary notwithfl:anding. ART. XXX. At the eranb~bge, on fjuly 24; 'i755~· CARNARV.f...N, Grand Majler, it was ordered, ~hat~ for theFuPure, every Certificate grant.ed to a Brother of ~1is rbei~g a M~foN, ·fhall be ~al.ed with the Seal of Mafonry, and £gned· by the Gtand ·Secretary.; for whic-h 1ive Sh.i~lings t!nll be paid to .the Uie. of the general Fund of Charity. . ' " · ·1 .ART.



Thus the CoMMITTEE of CHARITY ·has' heeri efiabllthed ' . m:ong the FREE and Acc'EPT·ED MASO·NS of:·E~GLAND, who ·have very gener,qufly.contr,ibuted to their gmerdl1Ftint4 and do ftiU le~feve;re i9 t4at.~qod Wot~., 1 • • • • ··t· ·~ .. · : ..•. ·.• :·'. ·.:; ~




" ' ,J . . . . .


1:8:· ....



,.j.,. ·:• ·•·'


' . t:;··i~Jl'F.

[. $38 J AT~:t .. :XXXI. The Com1'11#ttet regular~y


·a.ecordisg to · the ~w~tnon!S . of the. GRA~ND MA:STE·R:, or his IJeputy, and has relieved many_diftreffed .Brothers .with Jmall.Sums, not exceeding sJ. 'to each: :Buuhe ®.taltb ltobgtl\as order.ed the :Ir:eafurer to pay to fome Petitioners,· ten, or :fifteen, or twentyPounds, as they thoqghtthe-.Cafe requ.ired. So that the Difireffed have found far greater Relief from this general Charity, than can be expeCted from :particular Lodges; and the~Cont-ributions, being paid by· the Lodges, .at Times, have not been .burdenfome.. ARX. XXXI-I. The TREASURER~s Accounts ha\'e been au. rlited .and balanced-.atev.ery Grand Lodge; whereby .all know ·the . . Stock in Hand~ and how every.Particular of the Charity has been. difpofed of; every Thing being du!y recordedin the Grand LodgeBoo-~, .andjn that ru,the Commi~tee,.Of which. every Mqfler of a con;~.· tr.iJJu.ting Lodge is a Member.

. Of tbe

s· T E w A R D~ S·•.

It having been ·formerly-the Cuftom, .£or the twn Gr.and War• ·lens·to take upon themfelves·the Trouble of regulating· and con. clucri-a.g th~ AimNal.Gr.and Fea.ft, :it has iinc.e ~een thought _pro-· per, in or:d~r to relieve·them.frcn;: .that extraordinary Trouble, . and: that all Matters.might·b.e e.~F-editiou[y and :Properly managed~ that the. (lra~d Mqfier, .or his Df.Puty; iliould hav:e a Power to nominate -~nP~~P.poiflt .a~ertain -~_ump~r Qf Stewar~~' to·. whom;: tl,l~ Condtatt a.nd~a~ft~~f<lmF.ilio~d:~e.cwp~t'4· ;;tp~~pi~ ,n!Thi,11i,S r~­ .l~tive to the: Fjeaft :ihould he :d~eided a~ong them by~ Majority· •of ;votes; :exc,ept the .GPand MQjler,. or his Deput)',_ !110uld inter-· fere ; and, in confequence thereof; the fol.lowio,g Regulations have:· ,\}e~~ ~n:tered into, viz. . , · ·: .• · 1 ··~A'P:'T· I. Tha~ at.the Feaii, the.;Ste.wards ·iha111 open ~o Wfur till PiJJ._ner be laid on the Tables; ,thatthe M~mhers ofeach ~o,~· 1hall £t together, as much as poflible ; thatafter Eigh.t of t,h~.~l?cl\: .3t::.Night, the Stewar._ds !halL. not be obliged to furnilh any Wine or

·- ·

- --- ·· ..._

· ··




'[ 339 ] other Liquors ; and that either the Money or 'tickets ihall be return.; ed to the Stewards. · . · · ART. II.' On Nov. 26, 172,8, the Office of Stewqrds, that had been difufed · «t three preceding Feafts, was revived by the Gf('ond Lodg-e,\ and their Number fettled to be atways Twelve. ART. lii. 'The Stewards for the Year are. allowed to have Jewels of Silver (though no.t gilded) penct'ant to red Ribbons, about th~ir Necks, to ·bear white R.ods, and to line their white Leathet Aprons with red S~lk. Former Stewards are alfo allowed' to wear the fame Sort of AJrons, white and t~ed. ART. IV. · Each of the aCting Stewa1f'ds, is allowed, for ti1e Fu..: ture, at the Peqfl, ·the Privilege naming; his Succeifor in that Offi.~e, 'for the enfuing Ye~. · ART. V. OnJune 24; i735, upon a:n Adai:efs From. thofe that have been Ste7.vards, the Grand Lodge,. in confider.ation of their,pafi: Servic·e and future Ufefulnefs, oraained~ " That they iliould be conftit:ut:ed a Lodge of Maflers., Jo .be called theS~EWAR:Ds LoDGE; to i;>e,regiftered as 1uch in the Grand Lodge Book and pri11ted Lifls, w!lJl t~e Tirnes and Place· of their Meet.. mgs. · ~~ T •. VI. 'that the Stewards -Lodge. !hall have tqe Privilege of fen~ing a Deputation o( 'tw~lve .to every Grand LOdge, fhe·· Ma!ler1 twa >wardens, and -ntne more~· and each of the Twelve ihall vote there; and each ·of them that attends fhall 'pay Haifa Crown,. towar:ds the Expence 'Of the Grand Lodge. ' ART •. VI~... ,,_.:-;th,at nq~~\¥h~~ ;w,ho ~as not been a St~rtl; 'lhall wear tp.e fftn;>.e Sort ,of Apron~ and Rt~vons. . . ART. VIIl. That each of the twelVe Deputies from tne Stew• .ards Lodge 1ball, in the Grand Lodge,.. wear a peculiar :Jewil [u{-. P.ended in the ,red Ribbon.; the Patrerri of which. was then. -a~ '~~ved,. , ! , . . ·






.a·X 2•



Of C 0 N S T

I T U T I 0 N s.



·'fhe Ancient Manner.ojCoNsTiTUTING a Lodge~ '


A new Lodge, for avoiding many Irregularities, lhould be fa:;. 1emnly.conflituted by the GRAND l\1ASTER, with· his Deputy and Tf/ardens; .or, in the Grand Ma.fter's Abfence, the DEPUTY acts for his W or!hip, the Senior Grand JfTarden as Deputy, tpe Junior Grand Warden as. the Smior, and 2. prefent Mt!fter of a L()dge as the JutJior. Or if the Deputy is alfo abfent, the GRAND MASTER. may de.;; pute either of his Grand. Ward'ens,. who can appoint others to be~ Grand Qfficers pro Tempore; . · The Lodge being opened, and the Candidates, or die new Majler· and Wardens being yet among the Fellow-Crafts, the GRAND.·· MAsTER fl'lnll afk his. Dl!put)', if he has examined them, and fipds the Candidate Mafler: well :lkilled ~nth~ Noble Science and the R6yat Mj.fleries, &c; · · .tfrt,. and duly infrrutted in The DEPUTY, anfwering in the Affirmative, ffiall; by tlie: Grand Majler's Order, take the Cimdidate from among his Fet:.. lo'f'Js, and pre(ent. him to the Grand Ma.fler) faying, Right Wor.:.. flipfulGR AND M'ASTE It, the Brethren here ·dejire·to beformed into a Lodge; and I prefmt l71J worthy Brother Pl. B. to be their Mafter;, whom I know to be of good· Morals and·great Skill, true anJ.trzgly;. and a Lover of the whole Frate~ity 'riJJ/derefoever·.difperfid over tht· Fa~e oftbe Earth. ·· ··· Then the GRAND MAsTER, placing the Candi~ate on· his left: Hand, having a:/ked and obtained the unanimous Confent of the Brethren, iliall fay, l c01if1itute andjorm tbefe good .Erethren into a1 N.ew Lodge, and appoint you; Brother A. B. ~!Je Mafter of it, nat" tlotibting of your Capacity and C::are to:prefir'Ve the Om~ent of the. Lodge, &c. With fame other Expreffions that are proper· and ufua~ on that Occafion, but not proper to be written,



( 34-I


Upon this, tpe Deputythall rehearfe the Charges of a Mafler-;·. md the GRAND MAsTER iliall. aik the Candidate, faying,. Do you fubmit to theft. Charges, a_s ~after~ have dane in ~~~ Ages ; :And the•. New Mafl:er fignifying his cordial Su}?miflion -~ereunto~ .. · . The GR.AND M4sTER lhall;_ by certain fig~ificant ~eremcmies and ancient Ufages,. iQ.fral him,. ~n4 pref~nt_ hi111 with_ the Boo-k of Conjlz'tutions, the .Lodge-Book, and ,t~e· I'!ftruments of .his Office; not altogether, but one after anotl?eq· ~~d after ~ach of them the:_ Gr.and Mqjler o~ :his Deput:;. thall. rehearfe the. 1hort. and , P.ithy; Charge that is fuitable to the Thing_ prefented~ .. . . Next, the Members of this New Lodge.. bowing all together to the Grand Mojler, ihall. return his Wodhip their Thanks; and. 1hall immediately do Ho~age to their New MaO:er;. and fignifr ~eir P.romife of SubjeCtion and. Obe~ence to him by. the ufual: , , _ . . ; C.ongratulation. ...· . · , The Deputy and Graf!d Wardens~ and any other Bre~hren pre..". fent1 that are not Members of this New Lodge, !hall next. con-gratu1at~ the NEo/ MAsT~~;; and he. ilia~l r~urn ~·his. beco,min~ Acknowledgements to the G'RAND MASTER.firft, and.~o-~he reft 1 in their Or.der.. ,~. .. . , . :. Then the GRAND' MAsTER orders the New. .Maflu·.to enter.. immediately upon the. Exerci(e of his Office,. viz. in .chu~ng his Wa.rdem,: and,~ cafling fi;>f;th ~wo, ~Ji)llo'fl;C;afts·_(Ajlaj}~r iifr;J:a7Jf)! prefent~ them to the. Gr~tl:Mq/Wr f,or: h;s ;Approbatipn,. ~qd to the~ Ne'!P Lodge for their Confent. · Upon which . · !1. .· '; The Senior: or Junior Grand. IJ?"ardm, fome Brother for him~ fl1all rehearfe the Charges _of each. !i't.Jrdm of. a p~ivate _Lgdg~_:; AJ:l~ they, fi~flifyio,g the~(F9f!H~-~at>~~IJ.l~ . t.J~;reu!l!o,:. i. ~. 1 s; _._ ."Ehe NEw MAS·T ER·. !h~t Rrdent tl;lem.Ji~g~, w!tqJ ~be.~ever~l~ Infl:ruments of their Office, and in due Form inftal them in their, proper. Places.: And the Brethren of this New· Ledge i:hall.fig~-· nify their.Obedience· to thofe NEw WAR:PENS by. the ufual Con::"i · aratulatio~f • . .. •· ' ' " ' ': . , ;; , I; • ,. •:j



,.. ·; .• ·· ·; ~r:iic'D::

···~·~ .•

[ 3~~


~ ·1-~n 1~fqt-'lzhid;4fitfler: gi,tieS:all the' B'r.ethren J~y ®f ,.tbeir New

.-'Mf:i~· ~a; Frzrle?t!~·:a:nd :r:ec~me:nds·Harrri-ony; oopiog -~be1r

·cm\y !co:&tefi~&t·"~~ •B& :~ _\la~a~or~·:EMu4'a_tioo;..:in- · e_uttivating·· the ··Royal Art antiHtfi~:Sbei',HJ-:P'ir!ul.r. :1 1· .. · ·:-; · ··· · _r;:;i~p~-:~U'Fi/?4«:. :ilk; _Ntib YL'vafe· ~S.o\-vi ··t:ng~eher :ia·· r~tarning Th<fu'k~ foi the Hbrti:tur of 'tbis• CoNs'l"I·TtJ'T ION.. · · · ··• · ... • ·· ~ '_ne;~~~p M'i:~f~tt~alfd 'o~{:Jet·s, tFl~ Si'crttitry to regi-!ler this Ne'tti L6ag~rn1 the- Gr?ih:f!lJo~tt-~1Jopp:~n.&-~8 'nocl·Fy the fame to' the O.fher: partkoiar Eotlgfs-; :.~ilei' aft~r.: tiie Mqjfer's ·s~:nigt·:he orders the Gra11d Warden to· cFofe the- Lddge! . . ·' ' · ·· . ·This· is ~th_~· Sum, bt!l! not the whole Cetemoni'tlJ by far; which ·the· Grand :oj}icers ca:ill •extenH ,or abridge a~ Pleafute ;_ expl~~~~ '1-'hi.ggs th11t. ar~ :nofi~t~ t~· ~~.~itt"en:. fh~\1gli rt&r1~ ··Biif 1_tlt0fe7 :dil3f•brte ~ed•~ Orilnil'·(Jjfhh-,' 1can:·.acenrtt-t:dy gd 'thr6ugh all' ·the feveral Parts and Ufages of. a tztw_ Conjlitution, in- the juft -~8-&f-einnity.

". "



..... ' " .

l·.Ordered, That' ~v.ery New Lo~gt, · for the Future, ill~lFpay t'liJrJ Gui#iti~ their Conjlititiirm, to the general Fund


of JJha~z"ty. · ·· ·

· · · : · · " · $: ·.. :. • ART. II. The Precedency of Lodges is_ grounded on the Se-iiiorz"ty vf theit Cbnfiitution. , · •'. ART. nr. No· New Lodge' is owried) . nor their Officers admitted i'nto- tbe Granil_ L_odge, u~lefs:. it be h;;gulaHy confiituted and re• giitered:~ · -and uporr tht· Diffolution· of a Eodge fo conftit'uted, the Con.flitution !hall be deli\rered · up- ~o "th~· Grand Ml!}ler, Or. ·his JJeputJ';. for "a: Confiitutiinf !kaU· upmt~no' Necet:mt· be fold, or other.. wife difpofed of. .


' .. ' :





IV. The Jewel'S' imd Fu'rniture of every Lodge fhall, ~e-" lting to,· and~·be the Property of,. the Majfer, ·wardens,· and ·Ere-. t!Jrm of ftich' Lodge ; and the Mailer of the Haufe where fuch Lotlgeis held. fhaU have· no other Property therein;. than as apper~ tairreth to him as. a priv~re Member, and no Ma:fter of' any prw~: lick Houfe thall be fuffered to own, or purchafe, fuch Je~~ and Funiture, for the Purpofe of _having a Lodge conftituted or held ART,




[· 343'


a:this Houfe, under ~he Penalty ~(if .qKcpvered~ of forfeiting f11cli.






ART; V. ·If any Set or Number of Mqfons lhall take upon th~mfelves to form a Loqge, withouJ the G.RAN·]). MAsTE~'s

Warrant, the regular Lodges are not to countenance them, JlQr own them as f.air :Srethren, dul,y formed, nor approve of their .ACts and Deeds ; but mufl: treat them as Rebelr, until t~ey humble thelXlfelves., ,a,s the Grand Mafler dh~ll in ,his Prudence d~r~:tt, a~d' u~ti!I ~h~

appro.v.e. qf :them .by his Wa-rr~nt · ~gnined tp ~be othc;r Lodges.; as the C~ftorn is,. W~ll a New ,Loc!ge is ~o be t<:gift~ed. in the. Gra?Jd Lodge ;Book~ Of MA

~I N·GS.

ART. J .. No ~eAh~J ·~\ ~te ~l:la1;1· fo'Uf 7Zt1W .;&()~hers at one and the farp.e Time, .whhput ~n urgent Neqetf:rty ,;. 'nor any !\.-ian p.nder the Age of twenty-one ¥ears (who mqft be 'alfo his 0wn Mafier) unlefs by a Difpenfation from the GRAN·D lVi.A,pT;E~ @f his .DEPUT~Y. . . ART. 11. 'That no Lpqge $aJl. ever make a Mafin without due Enquiry into· his CharaCter; n~ith~r !hall any Lpdge he pelrmitt~d ~Q:makeapd,_r~if¢.·~he J~e :Brother, ~t one and the fame Meeting, w.i~h.?.!ilit :.A P.i(p~nfi4~ictn. fr9-W..;:-;t;he iG'qm(j MqAer 19r: c~ lJeJ!IIfi.Y.J· . w.}lich;. :;Oft ::v.e~;y: panh::t1liir·.~~APR!S rP*'W, .,gl~Jibe . ~;e.q~ilt;~. N. B. This Article is not tq'i{~t'»~ ;to. F,p,;~~ex:s, qr .N$'Sifs· @.f thefe K;ingdoms, ·whofe particular Bufinefs it £hall :Cl~arly · appe~r t.o~the .Mq/tfr pQltg¢s·themimmediately to go Aproad_;- pU,t~ if the. M~~P)~ke&-t .4lJ1drr~~ P,yfq~·N?A'' ~e,~i~h~, h~umuft ' N~ee:~P.: ~~araml r1'4fjler:,Rf. Deputy Grand Majler of his having (o done. . .· ' . AR 'if· III. :That no lJodge fhall ever make a Mafon,for a·lefs .Sum than 011e}GT~i?lfa:J ~nd th~t f:;.uinecrto be applied either thy·\v~t,e, Fund ..~( t~~ ,Lc;>dg~, .or t.Q the,Publick. C~arity, wi,thout: deduding froiri fucn Depofit; ariy Moriey towards the


':.. the:


'th~ ·'E~p~~c~ of the ;'t-~r/ &c. ;under .the Forfeiture of their

Cor!flitu#on. But this not to ~xtend to the Making of Waiters, or m~nial Servants, .:who ~afbe inilituted by the Lodge ··they are to 'ferve·; provided fuch Making or Inftitution be done ~ . ·-without ree or Reward. ; •·: . . · . . · · ,. . ART. I:V. Every 11ew :Brot~er, at his· :Entry,- is decently tQ :iloaththe 'Lodge, thatj_s, all the ·Breth~en prefent; and to depofit :fu"mething for the Relief of indigent ~nd decayed Brethren, as the · Candidate fhall think fit to ·•beftow, dver and above the fmall Al:lowance that ·may .be ·ftated 'in the By-La<t.rJS o( that particular .Lodge: Which Charity :Lball be kept by the Calhier *· Alfo the Candidate !hall folemnly promife to fubmit to the Con.fiutions, and other good Ufages, that fhall be intimated to him in Time and Place convenie.nt. ·· :Ai T. V. EVery Brother concerne.d in making Mafims clan·deftinely., .fhall not be allowed to vifit any Lodge till he has ·made due Submiffion, even though the Brothers fo made may be ·allowed. ~ · · . ART. VI. None, who form a Stated Lodge without the Grand · Majler's ·Leave, ihall be admitted into regular Lodges, "till they make Submiffion and obtain Grace. ·" ·ART. VII. If any Brethren form a Lodge_without Leave, and 1hall itregularly make 12ew Brothers, they ihall not be admitted in~o -any regular Lodge, no hot as Vijitors, till they render a .good leeafon, ·or make due Submiffion. · · · .. · ART. VIII. Seeing that fome; elitraneous Brothers have been :made lately in a clandefiine Manner, that is, in no regular Lodge, nor by any Authority or Difpenfation from the Grand Majler, -and upon fmali and unworthy Coniiderations, to the Difi1onour of the Craft; . - . The Gra11d Lodge _decreed, that no Perfon fo made,. bot' any concerned in making. him, ihall be a Grand 'Ofjice'r, --n0r an ·:Ser·dtor~,


Only Pfirtj,u/ffr Lodges



~re not Iimlt~d,' but

m,ay ta,ke ~b~ir own 1

.Me~h'o9 •

fer •

Djie:e!' ...~





. Ojficet'· of a particular Lodge; nor .thall· any fuch partake.of the general Charity, if they lhould come to want it• . Of the M

and yi/ A R LonG E·s.

A S T E R S '

D E N S.

pj particular :

I. If a Mafter of a particular Lodge is depofed or demits, t~e .Smior.. Warden lhall forthwi,~h fill the M4Jer's Chair, till the ART.

next Time of chufing; and he ever does, in the Majlet;'s Abfence, .fill the Chair, even though a· fCLmer. Ma.fler. be pr~fent. · The. M.ASTER of .a;particular Lodge has the Right and Autho• rity of congregating. the...Members of his Lodge .into a Chapter., i upon any Emergency or Occurrence ; · as well as to appoint the l\ Time and Place of their .ufual Forming. ART •. 'II. Mafo'J.,.ilF'i~PJeNsl ,and; the. MeQ.lbe~. pf particularLodges, if theychoofe to line: their white Leather Aprons, are. to -do it with white Silk; and the Officers are to wear their Jewels pendant to .white.only. ART. III. The MAsTER of .eftch·.particula.r Lo4gh .or one o ( the Wardens,. or fome .other ·Brotf'rer, ·by Appointmentpf the Majer, ihall keep a Book, containing their Br-Laws, the Names of their Members, and a Lift of all the Lodges in Town, with ·the ufual r,(i$~ 1\0d.Places of their Forming ; and alfo all the Tratlfactions of theit QWR; Lodge, tha_t'are proper to be·written.

. ART~


Of tbe D u



if M E M :s E ~ s.

a_ M~J::Qbec.Qf JJ. .particular ' Loqge, oWithpu( previous Not~ce~.· on,e .M~f.tlfi?. Wor~Lgi~~~ ;tO the Lodge; in order to make· due Enquiry into the Reputatiom an.d Capacity 'of the Candid-ale, unlefs 'by a .Difp!<_nfation,, . . 1 . • ART: II.. But'lan can be entered~ Brcither in .any. par#• tu1ar: Lodge,. or admitted. a Member.thereof, withput the unanitnmsa Conf<;nt of ~ll .t~ _,Mem-ber~ pf ·.~hat Lodge then ·prefent,.. :w~n Y y the

I. ·No··Min:."®l


[ .346 ] tne CtmiJ;'ht~~i~ prepo~d, and~when their Confent is fcr.ntail)lafkeQl b.y the Mafler. The1 are .to give thoir Confett:t in th~ir owa pruden;.t, Way, either virtually or in Form, but with Unanimity. Nor is. this inherent· Privilege: fuhje~ to. a J?ifpenfa?an -~ be~~~ the _Mef\1bers of a particular Lodge_~r~ the beG Judges of' it; and becaufe if a turbulmt Member iliould be impofed upon them, it might fpoil .eir Harmooy,. hinder the Freedom Of their Commun1t:afi(J/!l.; ore~en break and difperfe the Lodge, which ought to be aroided h;r 4Ji f'PUe an-d Faithful~ But it was foMd inconveaietlU&.infi~ f)polil Unanit11t':tJ ia ieEeral Cafes : And- thorefore the GAAillD MAsTERS have all~wed the. LWgi:s ·to admit a Member, if not abo:ve three BQ}Jol$ are agai,nft Wm J thPPg\1. i'Mno Lfliges de6re no. fuah ·A/Jpwtrf5n. . A. aT. JII. The Majority Gi· o¥Vj:t~r ·Lodge-, when eon.~ted,. not elfo,." iha.U ha~e the P£ivilege of giving In.ftrutl:ions totlleir Mafter aAd lf!'ardms, 'before the Meeting of tqe GrarJd. C/xlptex· or f<_uQrltF/y Ommtmicatinn; becaufe tke fai;d: O:JictPJ are their R.e.prefentatlves1 and are fuppofed to fpeak the s~ntimen1!s oi their Brethrem at the laid, Grand I.;r;dg1. · .. Upon a fudden Emergency,::·the Grand- b;Jge ha$ allowed: *· prwate Bremer t:o bo pre:Cent, and: with Leave a:tked and, to, ipi.fy his Mind;. if it was. aB60t what £on£erud MaJim?A:& T. IV. AU partkular Lorige&· are to ol>ferve the fame f(fogl$: as much as poffible; in order to which, and a,lfo. for £ultwating_ a good Und-erftanding among Fffee-Mafons, fome Members of every Lodge iliall be· d~~~ ~· vj$ ~!t'f~lttdg~ ~!Qften as 1ball be· thought COllvenient. - · 'l:Jfoges, for Suh&.nc€, arc actually ohfervcd in eVeryLoJge; which. is much owing tQ 'llf/itirng Brothers, who cQ~_pat4·


ilw Ufages~ V. If any LQdge, .wiihm tile Rills of M{}rtalit-y;. ~ -~);fo .meet regular)y, during twelve Months· fttcceffive, il$l;lmJie and ~& be eraz~d or blotted out ;of the Grtmd. -~ &ok:: ~d (!np~ if4J :_. Aod if they petition to be :again inf«t~d, and + · · · .owned ART.

a regular

r 347 J LoJg4,

-lliall on paying. two Guznias for ~ Conil:itution, and two Guinelfls to the puhlick Charity, be admitted intt> their former Place and Rank of Precedency. ART. VI. But if any Brother fo far mifbehave hlmfelf ~s to· render his Lodge \Hleafy, he £hall be thrice duly admooi1hed by the

owned as

Mtifter and IVM'iens in a LOJge.fwmed:: And if he will not refrain


his Imprud,efiCe, nor obediently fubmit. the Advice of his Brethren, he ilia~ be dealt with .accordiag to the By..~aws of that particulfJr Lotig"e; or elfe in fooh a Manner as the i{aarterly Go111111N1li~.Jnitm lhaU in their great Pmde.nce think :fit.



1 SI T 0 R


No /Tijitor, however lkillecl in Mafonry. iliali be admitted into a ~~,·~IS he .i$, ·J.Uf004lll;r, kttown to, or wdl vouciled for and t"et:-ominerideQ by ~ of~ tbat Lodge }k'<:font. Nor lha-ij 4Slf Perfon. made a Ma.fon in England, under any other Coriftimtioo -~ · this, be admitted as a J7ijitor.




ART .. l. If a fJtlrtt'tular Lodge remove to a New Place for their .ll;ated Meeting. the Ojjicers lhall iannooiatel y fignify the fame m

the Seq-etary.




Thtl ~-~·~ :tJlt f~WiflgftEGULATION; ART. II. Whereas DiCputes have arifen abont the Rema!Val of'

Lodg~s from one Houfe to anoth~, and it has been queftio~ed 1a w.bdmdaLPI:)~,illtbioS~J: 1U:js: ber¢by declared, . . .··; · That wb ·W8e' fualt ~~. ~rNVith~;~ lvlafor"§ ~o~ ledge; that no Motion 'be madp f~ .~~·"1! io.~he M_efter's A b.. fence:; and tbat if the. Motion \l.e ftcontkd: ot t.hirikd, th~: J.fajll!l" ll1a.ll order Summons to every individn~l Merpba,. fpedf:¥ing tht; Bufinefs; and appointing a Day for Hearing and Determin~ng··-~ Mair~ at leaft Ten Days~before·: And that the ¥ y 2 . be

[ 348


be made· by the Majority, provided the Mtijfer be one of that !\.-1ajority : But if he be of the Minority againft Removing, the Lodge ihall not be removed, unlefs the Majority confifts of full Two (tf"hirds of the I\1embers prefent. · ~ But if the lv!after. ihaU refu{e to direCt fuch Sumtp.Ol}S, either of the Wardem may do it: . And if the Mttjler negleCts to attend ,my 'the.Da.y fixed, the Wardens may prefide in deterrninjng the ·.A,ffair j11 the Manner preftribed; but they ihall not in the Majler's \Abfence enter upon any other Caufe but what is particul.;1rly mentioned in the Summons: And if the Lodge is thus regularly ordered to be removed_, the Mafter or Warden fhaJl fend Notice thereof to the Secretary of the Grand Lodge for publi!hing the fame at the.

next f<!farterly Communication. AR:r. III. That no Lodge ili.allfor the fe1ture be deemed; r~gu ... larly removed, until the Removal thereof fhall be approved and allowed by the GRAND. MAsTER, or his Deputy for the Time being.· ·

Of the G R AN


s T~

I. The Brethren. of all Regular hodges fhall meet annually,· in fome convenient Place. . THey fhall affemble either on St. JoHN Evangelifi's Day,. or St•. Jbi!ttt Bapti}Ps Day,· or en fuch Day. as. the GR.A:ND_ MJ\:sTE:st ihall appoint. That no ·particular· Lodge £hall have ·a feparate'Fit¢ on the Day of the General Pet':ft. · · A R. T~ It Thatthe StpwarJs lh<lU h¢ eady· at ·the Place of the Feaft, to receive every Penon vt·ho orings . a Ticket,. and ihaUJ)aV:e Powet" to examine him, if they think frt,. in order to· admit-Or, G.ebar him, as they.fhall fee Caufe; provided :they fend no. Man away before they have acquainted all the Brethren with the Reafons .there.. of,:" that. fo no t'fue Brother" be debarred, . nor a mittecl, · ·- · · - · · ART.

f[ ,:349 ]

Al?.. T. III.. . T,h~ Stttwprds ihaU .appoint two or more trufiy Brethren to be Porters ~n~ Door.,.Keepers, who are alfo to be early at the Place for fome good .Reafops/ .and are to be at the Command · of the Stewards. . "' 1 . • . .T~e Pjlerl;~~}th~ ~r.v:~nt,~:wi\hin:_and without -Doors, thaH be appointed by the Stewardf. ..'. ART. IV. A}l tJ;e·Mempers. ·.of the Grand Lodge mufi be at the Place of the Feafr.longr.befm-e))in~e.r, ·with the. Grand lvfajtr:1· or his Deputy at their.:Mead, ;W~ fhal! re~i\e and form themfelves •. .That· there ihall•b5lno J?etiti()ns or. Appeals on the Day of the General A.Jlembly and Feqft, fuch being improper with the Intention. of a Day of Mirth. • • 1. .. · ART. V. The: Gran+~: Lodge m!-!ft: be before DiRO'er .. ART, VI. The Ma.fter and Warden~ of the feveralLoa'ges:prefq;(lt,. a~l~ :]?t; ·c::a,lle4 ;t:tp, Stairs, ~ ~~n ~]le ,ly.];inutes of the laft · ~ar­ terly Commun£catian £hall he read· and con:firmed1 and. the- Grand Mafler eleCt :recognized;. from. whence th.~y lha!l pr9cee.d to Dinner;,in ufqftL E;orm.. . . . . . ART,. VJl. Dinner beiiJK()Ver, ~he Gr.a-n(i k[tiJlfr in the Chait: !hall make the Proceffion round the Hall in Form following;.!. 1j·ler t()dear the.. W,ay: befor~ the.M~fick,. 'Phe: Mufick·' . .. . .. ; . : . : , T~e St~'U)ards, two and .t~o, . :·a T~-fitft. ~~~P:.T;.ca.rri~.bJ-otz~.~~ef of t.he.4J~:Lo9g~; .. .; .· The War.dens of the Stewardnuodge; · . The Ma.fter· of the Stewards Lppgc,. The Grand :Secretary with tpe Bag, . . . ': 'l·.·c 1Jl~.i~rflt1d. rr:!d1tr;r . ;~~ ~~e f$~ajj.;. . . ..... :. The PrO'Vincial Grand /Ji)rr.!,.:{/zp:li9fii: t<(,yv~lk:!ir.ft;, AH paft Juniar,Gr_and Wardens, Juniors ~O"~lk fitft~ · . All paft Senior Grand. Wardens) -Juniors t_o· walk :firft, . .. 'fheftfpn4LrGHT ·carrie~ by the.J4ajler o( Fl)e.Jd 4odge~. , Ali former Deputy Grand Mujlers,: 1 :Jpvfor~·tq:walkrf~f~,.' • ~; All former Grand Majlers, Jum'ors to yralk. firfr, , .



[ :s·so ]

'The r!iir;J Lt'GaT carried by th~ Mtifier-oft.he 2d Lodge, The Jti1J~·or Grtmd W'tirden:, ' - The 'S-enior Grt$1tz>J'.TifflrtRn'i . . The Deputy Grand Maj!er, . · ~ · · · · · 'The Majer Gf +he Settif)r Loilge with the 4tontfttation- on a Cu{hion, · The Grand M,ti)t!r Bkt/1 T.he-Sw·ord-bearer carryiog -the StzutJrd if Stat~, The GRAND MAsTE-R.· Al'fd being retarnea to the Chair, ·the Grand .SKf'etary !hall pro· ttlaim theGrandMojler EleCI . · G R A N D M A S T E· R of. M A s o N. s l for the -enfuing Year-, who iliall, by .the late Grand Majltr; be placed .. with Gerem& in 8olrmturlt'r:/Joir; ·-finci by him in-Tefted j.

with thle pr<>pe'r Jewel of all the Brethren.

of hi's high Office,

and receive the Homage

The Grand Mafler, thus:i111lalted, 1hailne:xt B'G 1 minate and appoint his Deputy Grand M'!fter, .either· the lait or a rrew,o.Be, who iliall be-alfo proclaimed. falured, 'a:nd eoogratulttted, ·ART.


indueForm. · The new GraHd Majer llialllikewife nominat~ and appoint his new Grand Wardens, and they ihaU alfo be forthwith proclaimed,

faluted, and congrattib.ted in dae Pcim; a1fif.-:£hall at the fame Time nomina~te his Grtm-11 Secretary ~rid S'u:W<d-:&arer. But if the Brother elecred Grand MafiiY fhaH, 'tly Sickne~s, or other necetfary Occafioo, be abfent, ia "~~~ ~ -<;l~ '·'Or fome pajl Grand Mafler pt~fent, lbe:ll-a.C\.as>¥t'~ty:;:·~ ··1\\ bis Name nominate the Deputy Grand ·Mafter, GtYtnd Wardens., ·Gra12d S~cretary, and Swerd-Bearer" and receive the 'tlfuar f.Ionours11 Homage, and Congratulations. ~·But in cafe no pa.ft G'raml M-ofttr is. then prefent, then the pafl Deputy Granif M'tflkr, Ut, in his Abfetree,_ fo~e!ft_ Grand Ojjicer:, accord!n.g, t~ .his Right of Sen,~it~,~. (hall ad: as ~ on that Occa.iio~ . .. · · · . · 1~ -• . . . B~t


(, !.51


But the new Deputy Grand Mqfter and Grand W'arJtns are· not all.o.w~d P..tQ~ie.s.. whe.n. appointed. T y



A:R T. ·I. 'lf'~ny 'I'jler 11ial1, Withotit the fpecial ~icence of the Grand Ma.fter or his Deptft'" i?r the Tim(t bci-ng, _attend as fuch at any Funeral or other Proceffion, he !hall be rendered incapable of em atrendmg a11lf tOdg~ ~~;·alb excluded ~hi:BctgeGt Gr tile Ge11:fral Charity. ART. II. . I£ any '[ykr. (b.ql{ at~~d~ tyle, or aalils as Tyler, at· any Meetings ot p!:etellfkJ LO.dges of Pcrfons calll!tg themfelves. Mafons, not _being a regular c~.Dftituted Lodg~. either acknowledging the Authority Qf our :Right Worfhipful Grand Mqjler, or . €onforming to tbcLaw~of tQe~;·~.;he iltall be rendered> incapable of ever being a ~y/hr f>D .Atoo~dam: 0n a~,. or par-: taking of the Gene1ral Chat4ty. ·


N. E. R A. I.

s, &c:.

If any Mafon 1hal1,. wit~~~ t~(} q,e_dal Licence of the Gr:an& ~after or h~s Deputy for the Ti~ bf:~ 1 . ~tt~~d as a ~'Q.fon clothed: 1n any of the Jewels or ~t/ge.s o(~ C1;aft-t at an.y Fune4al or other Proceffion~ fhall be renderC!ilr~\1}p. of: tlYctr be~g an Officer of any Lo~ge, and alfo exc4QeddlM Bene&: of thtt Gtrztrral Charity. ·

Some of .the ..ufual F..R. E E .M.A soNs SONGS •. ,

'·, w•.

I.· :

; ',• e


!, ,I

: '



.:' •



An . 0 D E .

, f

,'.'-. .:


on 'M


; .,

• :.

A 8 0 N R Y.

fl'.hc Wor.ds by 13rother JAGF:..SON, a,nd Jet to.Mufic/c by :Brother GILDING.· . .. ~-.

. I.



the Lute and qui~'ringStrings, · ,. · . · _Myftic Truths Urania brings; · · · · i. Friendly Vifrtant, to Thee . · .., _ ·W.e owe the• Dept& ~f Mit41~'Ut!t" :( • , : · · . ::iFaireft of the Virgin Choir, . · •. . . Warbling .to.the gold_~n Lyre, Welcome, here thy ART prevail : Hail! divine Urant'a, hail ! . ·:··W·· · . AKE

JI.. Here in Friendfhip's facred' Bower; . , .. The downy wing~cl, and.fmiliqg Hour, ··Mirth invites, arid focial Song, N amelefs Myfteries a~ong ; Crown. the Bowl and fill the Glafs, · T<n!v'ry:Virtue, e:v'ry •Grace, , .... . ·, .To th{BRo'I'R.ERHOOO rdbund;! .' HealthJ and let it thrice go -~~nd, · III.·.··· ..,. :i;;,'f:~~· We reflore the Times of Old, The blooming glorious Age of Gold.; As the new Creation free, · Bleft with gay Euphrofine; We with Godlike Science talk, ·And with fair A.ftrea walk ; · Innocence adorns the Day, Brighter than the Smiles of M.ay. Pour

( 3SI ] IV~


Pour the rofy . Win~ again,. · Wake a louder, louder Stram ; . Rapid Zephyrs, as_yefly,. . Waft our Voices tQ the Sky; While we celebrate• the NiNE, And the Wonders of.the Trine:;; While the ANG,ELS 1ing above, As we beJ<?w, o{PE4CE.and LoVE; 'j)









. I.-

E 1ing .of MasoNs. anciept ~arne! Lo, Eighty CJ'hotij(l.izd Ctaftfinen rife Under the M~sTERS of great Name, . More than ~ flhJt:!{((/Jfi: jaPJ; apfi.r'Wife. Employ'd·by ··SOLO MON,~:8tR.E, .A:nd Gen'ral: MAst-ER Mafon too, As Hx:RAl\1 was in ftatelyTyre, Lik~B4lef1S.built by Mqfons true. · ·. ·' .

; ·~ • .



. ., ·

The Royal Art was. ~il I)ivine, , The Cr.t~ftfm,en CO\J.Jlfelrd,, frem above, The 'l'emple was tbe,G.~t,AN.p D¥-.SIGN, . . . . The w.ood'ritlg. W.Qr,ld slifl ~IJ, app~.e. · Ingenioq~Men;(l'()m~vfJZf:l?la~e: . Came to mrv.ertbe g¥lrious Pile,;_ . · · And-when return'd, oegan to trace And imitate its lrfty St£/e. ' ' ,,\'\,~~ ~~l ' : ·~ : ' ' ·~ ".1 -_.;:. . ,· At length ther~rfiian~f came to:lnmrO: ' (!l;etnnl'ttrp,. and learn'd the Art: ~-' PYTHAGci.R~s was.rais'd to.!how, And glorious EucLID to impart: Great AltcHIMEDEs: too appear:d, :. And Carthaginian Mafters bright ; Tjll ~oman Citizen~ uprear'd The ~rt with ¥/iiCiom and Delight. -Z4; '


{ 3.5 2



But when proud Ajia they had queU'd, And Greece and Egypt ov~komef · ·' In ArchiteCture they e;xcelrd, •· ' . · ··. . And brought th~ Learning aU to IXome : vVhere wife Vr'fR.~.V.IUs, lPa~ttpr1me Of Architects~., the :Art impro~ed · :rn great AUGUS'!US>

peaceful Ti~e,.


.When Arts and Arti)s wer~beluv'u~; ·

. v.


Theyj)rbogtit the'knowledge from.theEa.fl, And as they made the Nations yield,

They fpr~adit thro'the Nortb and W~fl~ And taught th~ \V-Grtd :the ArLto build. Witnefs t~it··C'it~1:t• a!Arl; ~aatn,~ · . To fortify their Legions fine, Their :temples, Palaces, and Baw'rs, . That fpoke the Mafoos GRAND DESIGN-. VI. . . Thus mighty Eijtern Kin:gs, and fome Of ABRAM's Race, ahd Monarchs good Of Egypt, Syria, Greece, and R0cme, . True A'Rcflt<ITIE CTlHlE underftood. No woncler thea if M,'!{O!tsjt;/ia . . To·cdebrate lhofe MASON-KIN~;. With folemn Note and ftowirng Wine,. Whilfr ev'ry Brother.jointly. fiD'gs. ~~~'

Who can unfold the Royal Art, Or fhew its Secrets. in aSong? _ · . They're fafely kept in Mqjon's Heart;., And to the ancient Lodge belong ! To the


and tb:e



[ $54

Tbt WARDEN's SONG. henceforth ever fin~· F ~OM The &aftf1ffan ·and the ·King~ ·

. With Pdett;z abd:Mofickfweet · . Refound their Har~y cotnpleat; And with Geomqtry il), fkilftil Hand · Due Homage pay,. . ·. · Without Delay,· · ' · '


·. · · · · . · ~


To great CARNARVAN now our MAsTER GRAND. He .ttll~$ t~ F~epc;>rn So~s of 4it , · ;By Loy~ ~nq lf~lendlhip 1 H11nd and Heart. 4tbow' of the ~atbtn~s SoNG. Who can reheatie the Praife In foft Poetic~ L~ys,. . · Or folid Pro~_jW ~ ~e.. -~-... · . ~-~ . . Whofe'•Art t~•nf~nds th~ CQ.r;llmA)n V~c;w r '. Their Secrets ne'er' to Stn1rigers yet expos'Cl~ ~ Preferv'd iliall be By Mafons Free, . · ·· , And only to the rmtimt udg;difcws~d; Beca~fe· they're kept in Mtifi;n's Heart

By Brethren of the Royal Art.


To the GRAN':o MAsTER. ,,.•, "\ \.

M •,




7he F·E 11 L.o~ ,;C~t A FT.'s. .SONG~

.. H










A.lL<. MMI.N.lo:··:J. 7'~. Crtift, Q4~irie! Glory ·of B.aPth 1 fri>P) rfk'w.eFJ r~v-eal'd !

Which dbth.with 1~~/s preciou~ thine, From all but 'Mafo'l!~. ~y~ conceal'd. I

...• 4!bQrtUt•.

crhy Praifes due who- ,;tJ~ ;,f~ifl~ ... In ner~ous ~ro1e foing'Vetfe·?' · ·· ·


·ZZ2 '


J u.

[ 354

As Men from Brutes dilHnguiili'd are, A 'Ma.fon: other Men excels; For what' Knowledge choice· and rare:., But in his Breaft. fecurely dwells? ·



His ji!ent Breaft andja/thfu!Heart · · Preferve the Secrets qf the Art.. .

nr.· From fcorching Heat. and piercing Cold, From Beafts whofe Roar· the Fore£! rends:, From. the Affaults of Warriors bold,. The Mafon,s. ~I{.T ~~nki~4--?1f~ng~1

·. ·


Bt to this Art due Honour paid, Prom which Mankind receives fucb Aid.

IV. Enfigns of State that feed eu.r Pride,_ Diftinetions troublefome and vain,. By Mafom true are laid·afide, A.rts FreebQrn Sons fuch Toys difdain.





Ennobled by t~e N arne they bear, Dijiinguijh'd by tr,he Badge. t~ey-'wear.

v. . Swe.etFeJlqwjhipJro}:n Envy free, · Friendly Converfe of Brotherhood, The Lodge's lafting CEMENT be, Which has for Ages firmly- il:Qod •. ~~om~.

thus IJUilt for Ages pqft ... Bas lafled -and .foqll ever lajl.




VI.. Then in <:>ur. ~ongs ~~-}.u~~~ done To tbofe who h~~e,~Iirtch'd the Art, From AP~rf. tO ~A~~~~avl~N qdVvn, And (et eaco:fi tftofuef ll:)ear··a ·Part•

.~ .:c¢:J)oru,--~ ·~ Let mble Mafons HearitJft>UJ. r.D:U1f!/f: :· .• · '!heir Praife in Loftir Lodge refound. To the Deputy GRAND ~Astr'EJJ. ;n~:t<?RAND , I


[ a~o J .





·.~Pr~~t KincS~~:·~~JtM~P,~·;.I:ord,s?· . ·

.fl~ve l*iB.,t?tdJeir:S,wc>~d.s;. · · .· 'Our ~j{i'~ft9~ 1pti:t)(g90d:Gractt on,·. 'Ana ne~erbeert' a:iham'd· · .· To hear themref\l:es'nam'd With Free:aq_da:i.T..Jtcceptid'Majon.:


. '·.

·...... :'> . . ~-v-:~. ~

.... '·

. ·..: · :

· : :Antijul'tfs Prid.e ·: ·: ~- ·· .. : We have on our Side, · ·· · And it maketh Men j uft in their Station ; . Tll~re'~ n?ught but what's good . ·


..,··· ,,.\), .....


By a Free and ari~AGtepttd"Jiajo~. -. ·... VI •. We're true and· fi~f~, . ·






They'll tr~:usil)tJ; ll-n}":·Q~ya:fte>a: 1 . ••

No Mortal'~ Jjt}tf~ ~ :: ' ~, ' The Ladies a~~' · · "' Than a Free apd an, Acaeft.ed Mafon.

:VII. . Then joim Hand iniH3nd, .: . · By each BrP'tberJirm~ami.~ Let's be merry:ab:d .puta·h'eig~ ;Faccr,qt?-.; What~·~·~-./


i. •


.rJ{llan: . ; : . · . :: ·

As aFhC' and an·.Accepted Mr:zfo..n.?

, ,.


· No Mortalian hoaft


. . & nobJe.a 'fottjf' · : · .As a ·FREE -and aR.AocsPTE1). MA~a.N. · Thrice repei:ftt;Q<: in ·due Form. · · To all the FT:i?ltlln#ty>round: the '(1/Qk. . 1

, .... t

1be Deputy G a A N D M A s T E R' s S 0 N G,.

of each Verfe

N. B. Every two laft Lines


is the Chorus.


N, on> my dear. Brethr~n, pUrfu.e y,our.· greatL~Bure,

And refine onthe Rules of old Architdfure: High Honour to Majbns the Craft daily brings, To thofe Brothers of Princes and Fellows of Kings.

II. We drove the rude ~anltabt.and ®otf)~ off the Stage,. Reviving the Art of AuGtisTus's fam'd Age: And Vtjpajian defiroy' d the 'Vq/i TEMPLE in vain, Sinc.e fo many now rife in CARNARVAN's mild Reign.

,, '"' llL, The noble five Orders compers'd with fuch Art, vVill amaze the fixt Eye, and engage the whol~ Heart:.. Proportion's fweet Harmony gracing the Whole, Gives our Jf7ork, like the glorious Creation, a Soul. IV; · Then Mqjler and Bretbr.en, preferve your great Name,, This LoDGE fo majefiic will purchafe you Fame; Rever'd it !hall ftand till all Nature expire, And its Glories ne'er fade till the World is on fire.

v. See, fee, behold here,. ,¥hat rewards all our Toil, · lnfpires our Cf:¢(!!~!'~,,. a~sl . bids. L;abour fmile: To our noblt;G~ANtl.NiAS:;t':&N. t~t a~umper be: crown'd;,

To all St?ilfan~' a Bum,per, 1iQ)efitlgt>. tomia; \f .


yt ·~


Again, my 1ov'd'l3rethren~ again let it pafs: . . Our antient firm Union cements with ~he GlaiS ; · . And all the Contention ',rnnn~, Mi{~.r,ihaill b~ . W.ho better can work,, or who' better agree~·

t ·:sss :J 7'he

t' ~ "' '


-s o·N G.. 'By· Brother~ Oates. I ..

T. . E T Majonry be now. my Theme, L Throughout die Globe to fpread its Fame, And eternize each worthy Brother'_s Name : . Your Praife ihall to the Skies refound, Inlailing Happinefs abound, . :. . ,.· . . . And with fweet Union All your noble Deeds be crown'd. And with fweet Union, &c. . ¢botu$. · · ·Sing then, my Mtge, to Mafon's Glory, . ..Tour Names are Jo rever' d in Stor;•, . · . 'Ihat.all th' admirit~g Worfd do now adore )'e I ,





II. Let Harmony divine infpire Your Souls with Love and gen'rous Fire, To copy well wife SoLOMON yourSIRE: Knowledge fu blime fhall fill eaeh Heart, · · The Rules of G'ometry to impart; W:bile W:i.Jiloni, Strength, and Beauty, ·crown the glorious Art. While W)fdom, &c. . .. 'itboru~. · ~i11g tben, my M~JA ~· , ·,. .



lii. . . All. C#t}f'&Jfl· ~·, , 1 , , . . , •. tet.Great:CAR~Rvcili~A.fiel~Micga.rouno~

In fweUiog Cups all Cares be drown'd, . And .Be~rts united ··mongft the. Craft be found. May everlafting Scenes of Joy ·· · ·· · . His peaceful.l:JoursofBlifs employ, · Which Time's all-conquering Hand !hall ne'er, £hall~ ne'er deftroy. WhiCh T~me's all-conquering Hand; &c. dtJ)ont~~

. then my' Mufe, ·&c. , .





My Brethr~n, thus,~ ~a,~ r~f~~ · ..... ·, .: Your Hearts J~t.,g.lp}v·: ~t;Ll. ~p~u.~~-~~w~ '. ...

;l,nd Venerati~~.~~\¥~'?t~oo:;o.MoN~~*.,· · · ·, · i Our annual Tribute th¥• we· pt)fJI . . ·.: '}·, : The.t·l~e· Pof\erity ~ rq,_ . . , .: T All Sing~


We've crown~dwith Joy ~i' 81-'»"~ ·F/PJ:. ~/wiNY·~·/ Cbont~. Sing then, my Mufe,. fo ~a[()ns Glor~ Tour Nar~Jei•l#ej~ fif!+JeYi!ifJ)Si'wy;l · :!hat all th' admiring World do now adore ye I ·



To all t,be noiJ/e LG-R.DS tbadha•'beell GR.ittn MAS~Ei.$. I*

.. •








Tl;e T'R.EAs~·R·E:R;~·


.:·.:· ~.

~/:! ~.J!! 111

s··o N





.l N. B. The t~~~~ .cf cach,,\fe~j~: ~~·


' ~ '. . J.'


. •




,~' ~

m~ ki#d Heu'n, wnat:lreqU:tCfi:;. M~ry.h:t:me)~~.~ '~: . ... :" Direct ~.ttr ~b.~t :l~pp)Jt:9~i l.. F> .1.:'-''r~H . Where Frienjfoip· (mi}R$ dm ~iy :F~ :·... · ;',• f

Where Freedom and fweet Innocence Enlarge t~ 1'4ind ~nd cheer the ~~n(e.

. Where

fcepter'~ :R~~;}~9W .J¥ ·.: ~

Surveys the Lo:pqE ~p.d' Jnak~ us one ;. And HarmonJ(s odigQ,~ftil Sway ,... For ever !heds ambrofial Day; . .


t. '·-,'

· .

•· ·· 'Wber~ we cleft 'Eden's··Pleafure i:a.lle; .WhilA:J>¥~rJ~ a1te ew.. ll4p~: ... ; :.::, .· t . JII. Our LoDGE the faCial Virtues ~race, And Wifdom's Rules we fondly trace; Whole Nature, open to our View,

Ppints out the Paths we lhould purfue. Let us fubfitl: in lafting Peace, And may our Happinefs increat¢., 4 A aa


[ s6<r ] IV.


No prying Ey4 can view here ; ·, No F()ol or KJZave difturb o1k Cheer; ·Our weU-forin'd Laws fetl\4ailkind:free, And give Relief to Miftry : _· .. · . ·. . · The Poo1;t, epp~efs' d with Woe and Grief, 1 · . Gain .from o~r bqunteous<Hands Rtliej. To -~11 Charila!Jie MAso~s •

. An .- 0 DE_ to the .F R E E-M As oN s. N. B. The t\!o.laft Lines of eac~ Verfe is the •boru,._






Art, th' afpiring Domes, By InMAsoNs Stately .Columns fhall arife;

All,Climates are thek native. HOOles, Their learned Aetions reach the Skies. Her6es. and Kings ~ere their; While Poets :fing their lafting Fame•. . II. Great, 'Noble,· Gen,rous, Good, and Brave; . Are Titles they moftjufily·claim: Their Deeds lhalllive beyond theGrave, , Which thofe· unborn !hall loud proclaim: · Ti~e 1hall their glori~~s ~~s ~~.rol, While Love and. FriamtEip·t!harm the ·Soui.

To the lafting Honour of the F&EE MAsoNs.

[ 361 ]

A LisT of the GRAND MASTERS or PATRoNs of the frtt ~afott$ in England, mentioned in this Book, from the Coming in of the .Anglo-Saxons to the Year of our LoRD, 1767.


USTIN the Monk, the lirfi: Arch· bijhop of Conterbury, appeared at th. e Head of the Craft in founding ·t.he old Cathedral, under Ethelbert King · of Kent Page 8r BENNET Abbot of JJ?irra/1 under Kenretl King of Mercia, who wrote to Charles Martel 83 ST. SwxTHIN under the Saxan King Ethelwolph . . .. .. . ihid. King ALFRlm the Great · /bill.

WALTER GIFFARD ArchbiPlopl of l'Drk GIL B. E R T DE CLARE Earl of t

ETHRED the·Deputy King ofl





RALPH Lord of Mount-Hermer, all under King Edward I. W A L T E R S TAP L E T oN Bifhop of Exeter under KingEdwartlii. 91· King Edward III. and under him JoHN de SPOULEE Mafter of the1








Prince ETHELWARD the Learned, ROBERT of BARNHAM, .. )loth under King.Qdw~rd, fenior. . HENRY YEVELE the King's Fre.ePnnce· EnWIN under hts Brother Kmg Mafon, · Athe!flan . 84 SI~ON LANGHAM Abbot of W!f!-, St. DuNSTAN Archbifhop of CanterbUry~ mit!fier, alfo under K. Richard 94 under King Edgar 87 THO.MAS FITZ-ALLAN Earl of Surrey King Eow ARD the (lotzjej[t11·, and ! 88 under King Henry IV. 95 . LEOFRICK Earl of Coventry S HENRY CHICHELEY Archbiihop of R G E R de Montgomery Earl Canterbury under King Henry V, and Arundel, and · .· VI. i6id. GuNDULl'll Bi~?P of. Roch!fler~· 8 WI L :L I AM WAN! L E l T Bifhopof · bGth under Kmg Wtlltam I. th.e . 9 Winch¢~r under Kmg Henry VI. 102 Conqueror, and alfo under • RICHARD BEAUCHAMP Bithop of King William II. Rufus Sarum under King Edward IV. 103 King Henry I. Benckrk . ibid. J.Gng HENRY ana under himJ GIL B,. R T DE CLARE Marquis of JoaN IsLIP Abbot of IP'!flmilifltr, Pembroke under King Stephen 90 and · xo; The GR.AN'D MASTERS of the Knights Sir RtGINALD BRAY Knight of atemp(ar~ under. King H~nry II. ibid. the Garter · · PETER de' Cole-Church, -!Cartl!nai WoLSEY, ' 'VlLLIAM; ALMAII'l.·, under 90, .. 91 THOMAS ~R-oM WELL Earl of . . King John . Ejfex, 106 PETER de Rutrbus, and . JoHN ToucHET Lord Awlley, . GEo_FFREY :FtTz.~~Tu, qn~er 91. . all under King R~my VIJI. • K111g Henrflii. ·· ' · · · · · ·· · ·· ·: .. · 1 · · A aa 2 EDWARD










[ :g6~ ]

l. . -_ Pagel

~-&tiiu-:fot '¥1'_41lR.p ;S-~yMou~. P.~e-_.o~ ' . 'to~·P,QvNE'l' Bithep: CJf /Jf"'nt·

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"L07 . ..t.. Jo<NN MoNTA.QU

Duke of MlhltrJgu '/. mflr~·bothund'erK. Eikci.VI. _ 19'3. Sir THOMAS SACK. VILLE, l. 2. PHILI-P WHARTON Duke of lfl'hartrm i"-RA.NCJs.Rus&ELKf.rlofBed.ftm:l;j' _ · , . . 195 Sir 1'HoMAS GR'Esli.~M, . · . · 3~ FRANCtsScoT p, of Bucc[eugb . 196 CHAU~ H01V:A.~D-Eairl-of lif- ~ 4-• CHARL-ES LENNOX J?uke, Gi Richi!t1ff¥i7rf1. _ · . .. . _. ._ • m~Jnd• L~ox, and Aubzgny _ I 98-tJEoitGE ftASTINGS. Earl of Huns.J AMES HAMILTON Earl of dhercorn 200 tingrJo-n,. all under Qseen Eliza- . Tnefe Wefe under King G£arge I. &th , J i And the fiollowing_ N;;ble i0tanil ~ aft~t~ -King J AM.E s- I. and under him · have a6led under his late Majeily King bnlGO joNEs, ' · · .· } ' George 11. viz. · WtLLIAJVI Hc.RB.ER-T Earl of. . 126 • 6. WILLIAMO'BRlEN Earl of lnchifjuin Pembroke • 201.•. King CHARLES I. and under him · 7· HBNR.Y HARE Lord Cole.rane 2o.}. fiENR'Y DANVERS Earl of Danhy.} &. JAMES KING Lord King/ion 205 HowARD ~afl.of ».r1111- . i~ ~ ,!9.- ';I'S,£~.,s :I;lPW~P Duke of No'{~·



FR.II.NCis.RussEL E. of Bulftrd INxh.n JONES again . ·:lpng·CHARl.BS II. and under, him

1· .134

10. THOMAS CoKE Lord Love/ 2IO· u • .ANTONY B&ow.N Lord Vifcount-




132· ·I--2·--}A.M£-s LYoN ;E. o-f Strathmore 215_, 13. JoHN LINDSAY E. of Gr:aufurd ').!7~ 14· THoMAs THYN,NE Lord Vifcounp: Bucls .. 174 · Weymouth· . 219; HENRY BENNET Earl of .Arling·-' · · 15, JoaNCAMP;BiLL E. of Loudoun 221 . ton . . ' . . J 75 r6. Enw ·-BLIGH E; of l)arnley_ . . 222;. Aild under King JAMEs II. · ·. HENRY. BRY.DGE.s Marquis of CarSir-CH-Ms'l"OPHER'Wlt.EN175 · ttarvr.m 224. King WILLIAM and under him . I8; RoBU·'I' Lord RAYMOND 22S.. Sir Caiusta'PHl!R WREN again} 19~ JoaN KEITH Earl of Kintore 230. C:a:A~,LEsLENNoxi;>uk.eofRich· • 179 20.](!-MES klo.UGL.t\S E.of Morton 23-4--:. 'Tip;ria _ .. · _ -· z_x. Io:aN-:Lord WA~P. . 239, .,. · :And und-er ~een ANNE 22~ 't:ariMAJ LY.pN Eail of. Slrotlm;ore · HE. N:R. Y]F.RMYNEarlof,St;:1..'lbans 'l"'HOMAS SAVAG:E _Earl Rivers GEoRGE V.xLLARS D-uke of



~ir C!iRts:tol'M:Ell W~N ~~,gain, till he

tnd Ki~hll!:lL., ,~. _, 1 \, , _ 243; :finifhed St Pi1111'4. 'Cathedral; J1• D. 23. JAMEs tora"e:RAiJsT<;)tJN 2.¢ · IJIO · -· • 18::5' 24~ Wn.LIAM Lord BYRON 249,., After which, no ~tallb Jl!n!f£~ till the 25.]0HN P:ROBY Lor9 Caryffort 253, · Lodges m~t, and c~ofe one (rom among 26. J4}\1ES BR. YDGEs-Marctuis ?f Carnarthenifelves, vlz. · . . van · 26r· . .ANTONY SAYER in th~ Third Year of .The following undell-.his prefent Majeft:y. Kipg Geprgel. A1 D~ IJI7. 189. Georg,Ill. · · GEollC::Io: P~:YNE, Efq; · · . r.go 2z.S:a:o~ToDouot-.AsLordAbu-dour 274:

Rev, Dr.


GE0\1-GEPA;Y,NE, Efq; again

ibid. . 191.

After whom th'e'Fmtefflit; cime to be go~ ·



r;rs. ·

, . _·



Earl Fer"'

. ·;.~9:.

:2.9,CADW ALLADERLordBLAYNE'!'.~97 . A I.;r~T

· A L ·z· s -r

10f i ~hitttial




n M. A s 1'

acd. under the ProteffioA of th.e ~mtb

s d;eputed by, ~atftt:of E!JgkmJ•. ~


E R.


l '



DEP.U't A TI0NS for Provin&iai Grand M":fler; were grant~d,. In 1726, by Lord P Al$UY Gr!fnd M,ijter, To Sir EDWARD MANSELL, Bart. for S~JuthtPales; HuGH.W ARBURToN, Eft}; fer North Walts.


In 1728, by Lord KINGSTON Grand Mqfter,



tfor .Bengal im the Eqft lllldils....

In 1729; by the Duke of NeRi'O.LK ·Grand M.yler, To Captain RAIIH FA~ W~N'£BR.' the. Erif11ndies, Monfieur TMUANUI> for the CiJtCle of Low6r8a;r8?1J, Mr. DANIEL Cox for New Jerfey,in America.


lh 17"3r, 'by ~~J4~e'WE~.~ »~-~dSl. €tfhE~E~:J::E_'-,1 Grqllfl.!Jtfr:fll(~' · To Captain JoHN PHILLIPS 'fur all the tl.ujJias, Captain JAM!I!.'S CoMMERFORD for the Province -of .dndalufia in Spaittp... Sir EDwARD MATTHEWS for Shropfoire. Io 1734, by the E.arlofCRAUF·URD Grand Majler; T'o Enw AR:t> ENTWIZLE, Efq;. for Lancajh:ire, JosEPH LAYcocK, Efq; for Durham, · .MATT.itEW jl.j[>4.gz~, !JtlfJt. for :JlgrJbfindir/ani/;. i . . In 1736, by the Earl of LotlDoUN Grand Majler.,: To RoBERTo ToMLINSON~. Efq~ for N~W Englflnd, . '


JoHN HAMMER TON, Efci; fur 81Jtttb C<Zrolina, DAVlD CREIGHToN', D~<M" of.Phyfic,. for



Cof!fl in Africa,;.

In 173.7, hythe EarlofD.A.iR·fiUVI.G.t'Ond:Mafter, ].AMIES W ATSoM, Efq; fur the ilflarid ·0f 'JI.1oniforrat, GEoRGE HAMILTON, Efq; for the State ofGenwa, H.EN:&Y WILLIAM MARSHALCH, Efq; Hereditary Mal!efchal



~J:·bngf.a,Jor,UpperSilxrmy, . . . , . , WitLiAM DouG~s, Ef~ ~or the Cpafis 9( :;fJriC(Z. .•abd IfiiCld9· of America, where no particular,Pet>,&~ti<m blfd bt;en granted,. RrcHA:RD RIGGs~ Efq; for Nnv.Y"Mfr;, . . · ;'


lh 1738, ~¥the Marquis ofCA.RNAtt'V*N~'n&wDtriceof CH1'1;~:no~~·-(J}raNJMafo,. '


To WnLI:AM HoRTON, Efq;for the w~ RidingoftheCountyOfYork,.. . His E~cellency Governor MAT,T~E~ forth~. ~~1/W(Jrd .fj'{lj~fs.

In 17~91 by L01;d RA11~~ (Jr~,Ma}itt"' .•. To·ih~,.~rqtpa:.Q&·~ai~~f~,,s~;31ld.P.atlmMd..~ , .. 1t

••· •.•.

•;.r:d ~..


• ~~·

[ 364 ] . .. . .

In 174-0, by the Earl of K.INTORE Grand MafleY,

To his Excellet~cy ]AMES KEITH for all the RujJias,

. .M.ATTHI.A.s AL:BER.T .LVTCfMAN, Efq; for Ramburgh and the Circle of LOW4r Saxony, · E.owARD RooKE, Efq; for the W4f-Riding of the County of .York, i~ the · room of Barton, deceafed, "THOMAS BAXTER, Efq; His Majefty's Attorney-General, for the Ifland of Bar· badoes, and of all the lflands'to the Windward of Guadaloupe. · · In IJfi, Earl MoRTON Grand Mqfter, To WILLIAM VAUGHAN, Efq; for North Wales. · . Iri 174.2, by Lord WARD Granll Mqfter, ToMr WILLIAM RATCHDALE, for the County of Lancqfter, BALLARD BEckFORD, .GEoRGE 'HYNDE, and ALEXANDER CaA w;'FORD, Efqrs. for·the Hland of Jamaica, THOMAS OxNARD, Efq; f()r North America, In 174~ by the Earl of STRATHMORE Grand Ma.fter, To ALUMD:PoPPLE, Efq; for Bermui/a:t• !ri I746, b)tiAM Ci.\~6·N GranlMa.fter. To captain RoBERT COMMINS for Cape-Br~ton and Louifourg. In 174:7, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, by Lord BvR.oN Grand Majler,. To WM ALLEN, E(q; Recorder of Philadelphia, for Penjilvania in America, Count DENNESIUOLD LAURWIG for Denmark and Norway, Lieut. Colonei jAMEs ADOLPHUS OuGHTON for the Ifland -ofMinoroa, FRANCIS GoELET, Efq; for the Province of New York. · In 1752, 'I7S3' byLor.d CARYS!"ORT ,Gra~ M'!fler., To WILLIAM Pv£, Efq; for the CotJnty of Cur-Rwall, jAMES MoNTRISOR., Efq; for Gtbraltar, His .Excellency Governor TINKER, for the Babama Inands, -Sir RoBERT de CoRNWALL, Bart. for the Counties of Worc!fler, Glouc!fler, SalDp, Monmouth, and Hereford, · .GEORGEHAUISON, Efq; for the Pro'Oi'llC4 of.Newurk, THOMAs DoBREE, ..Efq; for .G.uernfey, Jerfey., .Airkrney, Sark, and .Arme, ia the 'Britijh ChanneL ·. · · Int7.S·h 1755,. lly~eJ.I4,arqu'i;dre.liwAltt'AN''Gra1zd M'!.fler, To PETER LEIGH, Efq; Chief JufHce of South Carolina, for South Carolina, DAVID J-oNEs GwYNNE of 'Ia/!iazies, Efq; for South 11/a!ts, in the room . of Sit' -Edward Manfi!l, The Reverend and Honourable FRANCIS .BYAM, D. D. for Antigua, The .Jio~ouuble Ro.GER DRAKE, Efq; at Bengal, for Ea.ft India, ~ Jilin~IAH GRIDLEY, Efq; for all North America, wher-e :no Provincial · .. . .is appointed. Wti£ MA irN AaD, Efq-; for Barbadm, and all other his Majefty's Inands to the Windward of Guadalo11pe, · EDWARnGALIUAR.D~ ~fq; fui~SI.liujifltius, :Sal;a, ane St~ ~;,, Dut~h .: . Carib6te Iaands in ilmericq, ]oHll

JcmN He:AD, Qent.: Colleltor' of the Culoms at SciHf, fot 8dl~aad the · . adjacent Itlands; ·

· ··

· ·

]OliSl'. A!iT.BoNY HxN UB'ER.,: fur: all his ¥ajefty's Dominions in G11"ml112)'1

with a Power to choofe, thdr Sutceffors~ · . , of ,Hawthsrn Efq;- for the County ·Palatine .of ~bd~Jt:, and the City and:Cot:mty.$1: Ch#fao.: . · '


In 1758, I1S9, 1760, 17612 1762,: by I:.6td' AiniR.nou},. . WILLIA114: JAans, Erq~ Antigua ancl the Lei'UJ./Ud Car#llm lnands~ in the: room of Dr. Byam dece~fed, . . . . , . . EDWARD BAcoN, Efq; .Re~~r·Gir . JY.p:~r~ Jf()r .~r~, ,a.nd the· . · . ·C!)J.mty Gf Norfo/4. ~ ... : , , ... , , ·· . ·. 'JAMES BRADFORD, Efq; one of theCoun_cil.intbe:$a~maillands, for the· · f~une, in. the room.of Governor. 7%1!1-kl' dec;eafed, . GoTTFRIED ]Aco:s ]ENISC.!f, M.D. f<?r EamJJurgl~t'andLotiJerSoxtJny, in the room of Albe;t L!Jn,man,. refigned, The Hon. RoB. ERT ~EL:V. ILL, lt. fq;. :--L.ieu.;e.oa.nt.. Go_verJ;lor. of Fort ..Royal,. · in the Illfnd of. <l;IIFif/alPllpl, and Lieutenant Colonel of his. Majeay•s 38th Regiment of Foot~ J~~ SMITH, Gent. of .Mam:hljler;,: for t,he Co.unty.of Lanc4Je::, .. inftead of Ratcbdale d~ .. '' · . . GREY ELLIOT, for the Province Gorgta~. • . . TbeHon. Col. SIMON FRAZER,. of Canada, JOHN LEWIS, Efq; for .Andalujia and Places adjace&t, .in the room of Jamn· . Montrifor., Efq; gone to earolina, . WILLIAM PoPPLE, Efq;. for Bermuda, BEI::~J AMIN SMITH, Efq;. Speaker of the Houfe :at Carolinaf Co~ Carolina, · THoMAS MARRIOT PERKINs, f0r the Mufqueto.Shore.,.. CuLLING SMx:rs, Efq; for Et¢-lndia. ·


· In 1762, 1764, Earl FERRER~, G_,rand Majier; THOMAS MARRI61' P.ERKINSt·for Jama;;a,.~as well as th~ Mufqueta Sht~re,., JoHN Bl.UVIT, ~om:;nandere(l-~e .AtJrn.i,tJIIVatfon Ind1aman, for Eajl.. lndil;· where no other!f.rotlmc*ltls to ·be found, GEoRGE BELL, Efq; his Majefiy's Agent for the Pacquets at Falmouth-~.. for Conrwall, · Dr. DIONYSIUS MANASS:E, fOt all .Armema in the Eajl~lndier,. GEoRGE AuGUSTus, llaron of Ratllmerjlein, for Wiflphalia, jAMlS TooD, for Bombay,'· · ERNE.ST SIEGMOND DE LEs.wwz, for the Dukedom of Brun(witk, His Excellen~ RoBERT M:tt"-tVILE, Captain General and Governor in, Chief of his Majefi:y's Caribbee Ifiands, the Greater and Lefrer' Granamnu, St. Yincent, Domini,o, Tohogs, &c. Brig~ier General.~ , of his M~efi:y's Forces in .America, MtLBORNE WE"sT, Efq; of all Can'!da • .

In 176..J., 1765, 1766, 1767, Lord BLANJi:Y Grand Majler, JoHN S'l'oNE, E~; his Majetf:y's Solicit~r General fOI the Ifland of: . Barhadqe~,

for Bar/JadQts, JoHN


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