Missouri Freemason Magazine - v59n01 - 2013 Winter

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Volume 59 No. 1

Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M.


Making A Greater Difference It is a distinct honor to be elected to serve as Grand Master of this noble and illustrious fraternity. Every decision and action of every Grand Lodge officer is governed by one ideal: Do what is best for Freemasonry. Over the last two years we have been listening to you, the membership, as to the direction for the fraternity, the programs that are introduced, and how Freemasonry should participate in the community and world. The #1 rated topic of last year’s survey was “Act more like Masons.” While as desirable as that goal is, it would obviously be a complicated and difficult program to create to achieve that goal. Instead, we have analyzed several steps that are necessary to get to that goal, and ways to deliver such a program to the membership. Given these necessary steps, my goals for this year are: • Excellence in Communication • Excellence in Education • Excellence in Planning Excellence is important in each. Good can be the enemy of Great. Sometimes good isn’t good enough. Being great or excellent can make the difference between an average event or a vision defining activity for your Lodge. If it’s worth doing, its worth doing to the best of your ability. Good communication is essential for all members to know what is happening in their Lodges, their districts, and the state. Participation will benefit. The Lodges will be given tools to better communicate and techniques to make better communications. Education of new members was one of the common themes in the listening sessions at both years’ area meetings. Excellent educational materials have been provided continuously by the Education Committee but have limited

use in Lodges, as we lack a course outline or curriculum to direct the use of the materials. The members will have a tool to present to them educational opportunities in a wide variety of topics such as explaining the degrees, leadership, Lodge operation, as well as many more specialized training. Planning is critical to the success of any organization. But a good plan has to be more than one individual or Master, it must involve all the officers and be accepted by the membership. It has to take into account all the aspects of operating the Lodge, directed by its vision and defined by its mission. The Lodges will be given an outline to walk them through this process to develop their plans and ideas on how to execute them. These objectives will help build the infrastructure to build stronger Lodges and involved membership. It will take CHANGE… a word the Masons tend to hate… but we also all desire to improve ourselves. Improvement can only happen with change. Let’s all work in our Lodge to make a difference, not just what we’ve been doing, but more... MAKE A GREATER DIFFERENCE! Fraternally yours,

Jon Broyles 2013-14 Grand Master

Committee on Masonic Publications David W. Haywood, Senior Grand Warden C. Brent Stewart , Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman

day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November.

Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 • Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-558-0436 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org

Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. Please do not submit materials in PDF format. office of publicationS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO

The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be e-mailed to editor@momason.org, not later than the first

2 Winter 2013

Submit articles to:


65202-6535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. postmaster: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. subscriptions: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $12.00 annually. permission to reprint: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. please, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change at 573-474-8561

the missouri freemason

the missouri freemason


vol. 59 no. 1

Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications

contents 4 Jon Broyles Elected Grand Master for 2013‑2014 5 Ty G. Treutelaar Appointed Senior Grand Marshal

Winter 2013

From The Editor’s Keyboard I just can't get out of Grand Lodge. WAIT … as they say on my wife's soap opera … it's not what you think! I don't mean I'd like to get out of going to Grand Lodge but can't. What I

5 The Real "First Thanksgiving"

mean is, when the whole event is wrapping up, there are still so many people to

6 Most Worshipful Brother Fielding Ashley Poe, Jr.

see, so many hands to shake, so much business remaining and so many friends

7 Connectivity

to tell goodbye, I simply can't get out the door. You may have experienced the same thing. The Grand Lodge communication

8 The Importance of Initiation

is the one time many of us get together in one place during the year. Sometimes

9 Robert L.D. Cooper Highlights Lodge of Research Activities at Grand Lodge

it's our only opportunity to see great friends and Brothers during the entire year.

10 The Story of Euclid 11 LeRoy Salmon Receives the Truman Award 12 Growing Good Tomatoes 12 Missouri Freemason Deadlines 13 Letter to the Editor

You and I want to make the most of that time, see as many friends as we can and get as much done as we can and it's just not possible in the two or three short days we have together. For me, it's the same drill every year. I don't go from the auditorium straight out to the parking lot. Instead, I walk back though the hotel lobby. It never fails. Walking down that long corridor outside the meeting room, it just takes a few steps and I see a familiar face. I stop. We talk. We say goodbye. I take a few more steps and the process repeats itself. When I reach the lobby, I stop at the

13 Statement of Ownership

booths. Sometimes I have conversations with people I don't know because, face

14 Rainbow Girls

it, a Brother you don't know is just a friend you haven't met.

15 Missouri DeMolay

I slowly work my way through the lobby and the closer I get to the exit door,

16 Job's Daughters

the harder I look for familiar faces. I peek into the registration room to see if

17 Joseph S. Russell Named Masonic Home of Missouri Representative of the Year

there is any activity in there. Usually I recognize someone cleaning up a table or

18 Masonic Home of Missouri Representative Luncheon

it's over. Sure, there will be other opportunities during the year to see friends

18 Masonic Home Offers Financial Counseling Programs

fleeting once-a-year thing.

19 If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

something and spend a few minutes there. Finally, though... inevitably, I reach the exit and come to the realization that and Brothers; many opportunities, in fact, but Grand Lodge is special and it's a This year I hit that final exit door and I did something I hadn't done before. I turned around and walked clear back to the auditorium, seeing more people,

20 Welcoming a New Face to the Masonic Home of Missouri

shaking more hands, making the moment last.

20 A New Magazine Feature — The Service Honor Roll

again next year.

20 Missouri Freemason Online 21 The Work of our Craft the missouri freemason

I simply did not want to leave; God willing, however, we'll all get to do it

A Brother you don't know is just a friend you haven't met.

Steve Harrison, Editor Winter 2013 3

Jon Broyles Elected Grand Master for 2013-2014 Jon Blake Broyles was born February 29, 1960 in Kirksville, Missouri where he attended school, graduating from Kirksville RIII High School in 1978. He graduated from Northeast Missouri State University (Truman State University) in 1982 with a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science. He is a member of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Kirksville. He has served the church as a Deacon and parent in the LOGOS youth program. He is now a resident of Ballwin (St. Louis area). He works in the information technology field, specializing in IT management and networking. MWB Broyles married Anna Spalding of Kirksville in 1981. They have three children; Maria, Alexa, and Sara. MWB Broyles’ Masonic career began with his initiation in Adair Lodge #366, Kirksville. He was initiated on October 9, 1990, passed on November 27, 1990 and raised on December 26, 1990. He held positions in the advancing line for four years and was Senior Warden when he relocated to St. Louis in 1995. He took dual membership in Rose Hill Lodge #550 (now Polar Star-Rose Hill #79), where he served as Worshipful Master in 1996-1997 and his Lodge received the Grand Lodge Achievement award. MWB Broyles became an Endowed Life Member in 1998. MWB Broyles is a member of the Rose Hill Masonic Temple Association Board of Directors and served as President and as Treasurer. He was a founding member of Cornerstones – Active Masons Club where he served on the Executive Committee and as Assistant Treasurer. He is a member of the Wardens and Masters Clubs and served as Secretary/Treasurer 1999-2006. MWB Broyles has held Ritual Proficiency Cards, Subdivisions I and III. He created the first Grand Lodge Internet website and served as its Webmaster from its inception in 1996 to 1999. He served on the Committee on Masonic Education, Associate member 1994-1997, Regular member (filling Ronald D. Miller’s position) 1997-1999, and Chairman 1998-1999. He served as District Deputy Grand Master of the 61st District, Division B 1997-98 and as Chairman, District Lodge of Instruction 1997-98, on the Committee on College Lodges 2004-2005, and also on the Masonic Youth Committee. He has served on the Missouri Grand Master's Annual Breakfast Committee since 2002. He was Conference Planning Chairman for the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education in 1998. He is a member of the Missouri Lodge of Research, joining in 1993, was appointed to the advancing line in 1998 by Zelwin Eaton, and was its Master in 2007. He has been a member of St. Louis Chapter #22 of the National Sojourners since 2005. Jon has served in several capacities on the Masonic Home Board of Directors, was President in 2013 and is currently the Board's Chairman. 4 Winter 2013

MWB Broyles is a member of the Kirksville York Rite Bodies: Caldwell Chapter #53, RAM, Kirksville Council #44, Cryptic Masons and Ely Commandery #22, K.T. He has been a member of the Valley of St. Louis, Orient of Missouri Scottish Rite since 1996, was appointed to the Consistory line in 1998 and was elected to serve as Venerable Master in 2006. He has served as the 29th Degree Captain since 2003, on the Library committee since 1998, IT coordinator since 2004 and received the Knight Commander Court of Honor in 2005. He was a member of Knights of St. Andrew, Valley of St. Louis and was organizing officer and Chairman in 2004 and Privy Council member in 2005. He has been a member of Moila Temple, St. Joseph, Missouri, AAONMS since 1991. He was a member of the El Kadir Shrine Association and Club 1991-1995, and served on the board as Secretary and Treasurer. He has been a member of Moolah Temple, St. Louis, Missouri, AAONMS since 2001. He has been a member of the Highlanders (Bagpipe & Drum) Unit since 2001 and was President 2004. He became a member of the DeMolay Youth Committee in 2005. MWB Jon has served as the Associate Bethel Guardian Bethel #44, International Order of Job's Daughters of Ballwin; Finance Committee and Fraternal Relations of Bethel #4, IOJD of Creve Coeur; and currently serves as Associate Bethel Guardian of Bethel #32, IOJD of Bridgeton; and was Associate Grand Bethel Guardian in 2003-2004 for the Grand Bethel of Missouri, IOJD. MWB Broyles is a chapter adviser and co-chairman for Perfection Chapter DeMolay, serves on the DeMolay Eastern Region Athletics committee, an Area Governor for Missouri DeMolay and received the Legion of Honor – Honorary in 2005 from the International Order of DeMolay He has been a member of Rose Hill Chapter #120, Order of the Eastern Star since 2002 and served as Worthy Patron in 2004. MWB Broyles’ family is also active in Masonic organizations, where all three of his daughters have served as Honored Queen of Bethel #4 of Job’s Daughters and his wife Anna has served as the Bethel Guardian there. Anna and daughter Maria are also members of Rose Hill Chapter #120, Order of the Eastern Star. Anna is also a member of Sydyk Temple #107, Daughters of the Nile. At the 184th Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri held in Columbia, Missouri on September 26 and 27, 2005, MWB Broyles was appointed to the position of Senior Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge advancing officer line by MWB John M. Nations, and has now progressed through the line to become our Grand Master.

the missouri freemason

Ty G. Treutelaar Appointed Senior Grand Marshal Most Worshipful Brother Jon B. Broyles has appointed Dr. Ty G. Treutelaar to the advancing line of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, as Senior Grand Marshal. A native of Wisconsin from a family of Masonic tradition, RWB Treutelaar has lived in Missouri for 31 years and has been married to his wife Cecily for 29 years. They live in Clayton, Missouri with their two sons Max (17) and Adam (15). Ty retired from practice and spent over 20 years in the oil industry serving most of that time on the advisory board of directors and as the chairman for various committees of a major oil company. He now uses his health care background and his extensive regulatory experience to consult with physicians and attorneys as to medical regulations and regulatory defense. History, travel, and writing are favorite topics of Ty, and he is a regular contributor to the Missouri Freemason Magazine. You might also find Ty involved in charity and fundraising for various organizations, and assisting the local school district with a project or two. (Editor’s Note: to settle an ongoing question, this is the best way to attempt to say his last name: ­“Troit-Lar”). Raised in 1984 and a Past Master of Saint Louis Missouri Lodge #1, RWB Treutelaar has been active in the long range planning and strategic direction of the Lodge, including the inclusion of the Past Masters and newly made Master Masons within the structure of the organization. The officers of the Lodge are combined in a vision of the strategic plan to allow for continued growth and harmony.

The discovery and research of Masonic Relics is a particular interest to RWB Treutelaar, and as member of the Lodge of Research he really enjoys working with the Lodge of Research Library and the Grand Lodge Archives. He has served on the Miles and per Diem Committee and Masonic Education Committee, and some ad hoc committees for special projects. He is particularly fond of the results and efforts of so many people in the application and use of the bar-codes on our dues cards, and for the posting of educational materials on the Grand Lodge website that the Lodges can use during their meetings. In Saint Louis, RWB Treutelaar serves on the Preservation Board for the Scottish Rite Building, and in the line for the Council of Kadosh. Ty’s enjoyment of planning and coordination of events also serves him well as a member of the breakfast committee that plans the annual Saint Louis area Grand Master’s Consecration Breakfast. Beyond Saint Louis, Ty can be found traveling to attend meetings of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis and the Royal Order of Scotland. Traveling throughout the state as a Grand Chaplain with the Grand Lodge of Missouri and his continuing service as a Chance to Advance Moderator, has allowed RWB Treutelaar to work closely with Brethren throughout our jurisdiction. The perspective gained from all these experiences contribute to what might best describe RWB Treutelaar, that he is a Missouri Master Mason.

The Real "First Thanksgiving" We all know the story of the "Pilgrims and Indians" celebrating the "First Thanksgiving." First in the "New World" it may have been, but it was not the first United States Thanksgiving. Brother George Washington proclaimed that first official Thanksgiving celebration in 1789, when he ­declared November 26 to be set aside not to be thankful for the nation's bounty but to give thanks for the newly adopted Constitution. Washington also enjoined people to "...unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications... ­beseeching [God] to pardon our national and other transgressions.” Although celebrated off-andon, usually unofficially, from that time forward, Thanksgiving did not become a permanent official US holiday until Brother Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed it so in 1939.

the missouri freemason

Winter 2013 5

Most Worshipful Brother Fielding Ashley Poe, Jr. Senior Past Grand Master of "The Truman Line" Most Worshipful Brother Poe, who led the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1976-1977, was familiarly known to many of his fraternal colleagues as "F. A-.:" but the informality did not lessen the strength or decisiveness of his leadership. His dedication to the principles of Freemasonry and loyalty to the Masonic Home were hallmarks of his administration. Even in his retirement he worked for a time in development for the Home. He initiated the "Beat Seven" campaign, i.e., to have more than seven percent of the Grand Lodge membership contributing annually to that important charity. In after years the results of his labors came in charitable gifts and bequests. F. A., who passed away September 6, 2013, was a descendant of a pioneer Southeast Missouri family; however, he was born in St. Louis, Missouri, the oldest child of Dr. and Mrs. Fielding A. Poe, Sr., of Paragould, Arkansas. His early education was in the Normandy schools and continued in the public schools of Paragould. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Education at Arkansas State Teachers College in 1944. Following this he served as a Seaman 2nd Class in the United States Navy from 1944 to 1946 aboard the escort aircraft carrier USS Takanis Bay (CVE-89). Following service the future Grand Master went on to earn his Master's Degree in Education from the University of Missouri, Columbia, and later had graduate studies at Peabody College of Education, Nashville, TN. In 1949, he began his teaching and administrative career as teacher and principal of the Airport School, Sikeston, Missouri. Five years later he transferred to similar positions in the Airport and Springdale schools of the Berkeley District, then becoming principal of the Frostfield school. His career culminated as an elementary principal in the Ferguson-Florissant District of St. Louis County, Fielding is survived by his wife of fifty-eight years, Fran, the former Frances L. Cartwright. The couple were the parents of Judith (James) Harding and Fielding A. (Cheryl) Poe III; grandparents of Frances, Alexandra and Fielding IV. A brother, Glenn (Sue) Poe also survives. F. A., who made his home in Florissant, Missouri, was active in many civic and professional organizations, including the American Legion, Kiwanis, and a number of educational associations, being officer and president of some. He 6Â Â Winter 2013

was an active church worker and teacher, serving as a youth leader in the Sikeston Methodist Church just before this author became pastor there. He was a former member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, Phi Alpha Zeta social fraternity, and other organizations. Most Worshipful Brother Poe began his Masonic journey in Berkeley Lodge #667, being raised to The Sublime Degree of Master Mason March 29, 1956. His first office was as Chaplain, and in 1962 he was installed as Master of that Lodge. In 1967, he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master. The following year Grand Master Elvis A. Mooney appointed Fielding as Junior Grand Marshal. He advanced through the chairs, becoming Deputy Grand Master in 1975 and also President of the Masonic Home Board. The next year he was elected and served as 131st Grand Master of Missouri. As such, he was a member of "The Truman Line," Grand Masters who were successive appointees of former President and Past Grand Master Harry S. Truman. Grand Master Poe was a member of the Scottish Rite (with honors); Chapter, Council and Commandery of the York Rite; and Missouri Lodge of Research. He also worked with Job's Daughters and DeMolay, having the Honorary Legion of Honor membership. One of Fielding's "passions" was a life-long love of golf. He felt that many of life's lessons were learned on that course. In later retirement even as his health lessened he enjoyed working as a starter at Bogey Country Club, St. Charles, where he had played many a round. A memorial visitation was held September 9, with interment in the family plot in West Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Stoddard County. Fielding had often been the speaker at the annual reunion service held at the historic church/cemetery. He was a lover of some of Robert Burns' poetry, especially "The Cotter's Saturday Night" and "A Man's a Man for A' That." Surely it is fitting to quote another of Burns' verses for Past Grand Master Poe: "Green be the grass above thee, Friend of my better days; None knew thee but to love thee, Nor met thee but to praise." ~ by Dr. J.C. Montgomery, Jr., PGM the missouri freemason

Connectivity By Sam L. Land, 32°, KT, LEO Jefferson Lodge #43 There are many individuals about us who have lost the ability to use their God given ability of the senses. Some lose the ability to see; some to hear; others to taste, smell or touch. The loss of any ability or sense has a very profound effect upon the person who loses it. Each handles it differently according to his particular coping mechanisms. Some say other senses become more acute to offset the loss of a sense; an attempt of the body to maintain the status quo. Have you ever thought what it would be like to lose all of your senses at once? Let's pretend that you are in some type of vessel and still have the ability to breathe and, therefore, sustain life in the short term. It would be a terrific shock to our mind to find that, all of a sudden, there was absolutely no input. We could not hear any sound, even our own heartbeat. No sloshing liquid or other substance to indicate what it is we are floating in. We would not even have the feeling of floating. We could see nothing; just absolute darkness all around us. There would be no faint light at the end of the tunnel. We would not be able to feel our hands or feet or feel the side of any container we were in. No smell would indicate anything to us nor any taste remind us of anything. We would be absolutely alone in a place we could not understand. Our life on Earth would be at a temporary end. At least we would hope it was temporary. In the First Degree we are taught to stop running the rat race of our civilization and smell, taste, touch, hear, and see ourselves as we really are in the present instant. We know we are not totally alone because, when asked, we share our belief in our God in whom we put our trust. We are told to go, follow our conductor and fear no danger. That is very important because we will need that reassurance many times on our road to be the person we want to be. We are given some basic tools to use to evaluate and improve ourselves and to get into the proper state to pass on to the next level. In the Second Degree we are given a road map of where we should be going and the means to get us there. We begin to study the fact that we have a basis of strength in our foundation, the means to build the proper structure of our future be it lean and clean or fancy and beautiful. We are also given the means to build the knowledge base we will need through the seven areas of learning. This shift is away from the materialism of the First Degree and the dependence on the five senses. It is a movement to the inside of our head; to our brain and soul. For this we learn to use reason and emotion to do our work. We are still under the protection of Deity as we see and learn of the Letter G. The Third Degree takes us a giant leap forward. It directs us to the completion of the work on this Earth and our entry the missouri freemason

into the work of the next. We are reminded that we are still under the protection and guidance of God. We are told that the work we have done in the past is what makes it possible for us to enter the work of the next life. We are now working in the area of the spiritual, and that brings us right back to where we were in the beginning. We are in that place where we cannot use our senses. Would we go crazy by no input? Would our minds just plain freak out? No. We would still not be alone. WE would have as our resource the ability to work and think in our mind without the input of senses. Senses are only necessary to do the work of this world. We have now been taught to use our mind and soul to make other contact and do other work. We are connected with a conscious presence that allows us to work much more efficiently than ever before. We are connected to the Universal Mind of God that joins us with every other soul in existence. All the physical laws that constricted us on Earth are now gone and we can exist at our very best, connected with each other, with God and all one in a network of being and existing that we could not even contemplate before. Sound like science fiction? It is not. Let me provide you with an exercise that will help you begin to understand. At night, just before sleep, when all is quiet and you are stretched out on your back, do this. Think about yourself and how you are laying. Ask just in your mind for the Holy Spirit to fill you with itself. You will feel a slight pressure at the bottom of your feet, and thin a warm wave of something like air beginning to fill your feet and ankles; then rising up your legs, though your knees, into your torso and filling every nook and cranny with that same warm wave of something. It will continue down your arms and up your neck, filling your head and brain. As you just lay there doing absolutely nothing, you will feel the spirit of God and the strength and joy of the presence. Amazingly, you will also begin to slightly feel the connection of yourself with the others who are also connected. It is a great feeling of strength and safety, comfort and enlightenment. As you continue to practice this you will feel greater and greater amounts of connectivity and will be astounded at the thoughts you will have. All we have been learning and doing since the first time we entered the Lodge and took the first step as an Entered Apprentice has pushed us toward this connectivity. This is just the very beginning of the work we will do in the next existence when we have once again been connected with God and our fellow man.

Winter 2013Â Â 7

The Importance of Initiation By James E. Frey My Brethren, since the dawn of its existence the Individual Man has understood God and the earthly world through the Individual psyche or perception. This perception is limited, trapped by its own narrative and sense of its being. The inner thoughts of the mind are shaped and molded by every experience both exterior and interior to the individual consciousness. This causes man to reach out and understand himself through connections made with other beings and experiences of the senses. Man must therefore define his identity through the connection of ideas and beliefs shared with his fellowman. But ultimately this attempt is in vain because the individual mind is trapped by consciousness. Man is never truly able to understand the experiences of another, limited by his own perception of the world. Primitive man sought to come together and form clans and tribes, which caused a single group experience that would bond them through collected ideas and culture. These tribes would often have their young men experience an intense social and religious ritual that would bond them to the tribe as they were fully accepted as equal members of the group. Throughout the ancient times initiation rituals were used to help culture define their morals, beliefs, and perceptions. The ancients used initiation, as a rite of passage that would often encompass a challenge. Through this challenge they earned their place in the group defining their identity as they transitioned from childhood into adulthood. This system installed the virtues of the culture within the initiate bonding them through a similar experience both mentally and physically to the rest of the tribe. As civilization advanced so did the systems of initiation and belief. Throughout the ancient world the grandeur of the mystery schools grace their presence in legend and philosophy, the rites of Osiris and Isis in Egypt, the Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece, the Chaldean rites in Babylon, the Mithraic Rites of Persia and Judeo-Christian traditions of a bar mitzvah and baptism. "Those who aspired to the initiation of the Sun and into the Mysteries of Mithras in Persia, underwent many trials. It began with easy tests and arrived by degrees to those that were most cruel, in which the life of the candidate was often endangered … The trials of the Eleusinian initiations were not terrible but they were severe; the aspirant was kept for several years between admission to the inferior and initiation in the great Mysteries as a species of torture to the curiosity, which it was desired to excite. The Egyptian Priests tried Pythagoras before admitting him. He succeeded by his incredible patience and the courage he surmounted for all obstacles. Among the Jews, the Essenes admitted none among 8 Winter 2013

them, until they had passed the tests or several Degrees." (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, pg. 386) It appears that as cultures progressed so did its way to perceive and understand itself through the systems of initiation. So as mankind progressed through the dark ages into the great enlightenment we see the process of Initiation take new forms to reflect cultural ideals. This long progression of initiation has taken new forms over the ages to re-evaluate how man perceives himself, the world, and God. "The object of the ancient initiations was to ameliorate and perfect the intellectual part of mankind, the nature of the human soul, its origin, destination, and relations to the body and universal nature. It was believed that initiation tended to perfection, preventing the soul, overloaded with earthly matter, from being plunged into gloom, and impeding its return to the Deity. The soul was not a mere abstraction; but itself life and thought whose essence it was to live and think." (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, pg. 397) It was during the age of enlightenment when the speculative Masons reinvented the concept of initiation installing it with the virtues of the past, and the morality found universally in the human experience. This Masonic initiation is the bridge to where an individual identity may find his place in society. The Masonic initiation inspires timeless virtues sculpting the morality of the individual conscious and shaping a man's perception of the world. Initiation is a powerful agent, which links us to shadows antiquity and allows us to dwell in the light of self-actualization. But often we forget the true purpose of initiation. Initiation marks the acceptance of an individual into a group or society. As Masons we recognize initiation as a progression from the darkness of ignorance and egoism toward the light of enlightenment and self-discovery. Thus the journey in search of light leads to a new acceptance of the self and a new perception of the self as accepted in the ranks of our ancient brotherhood. In sociological terms the Masonic initiation can fit under a variety of usages. For the DeMolay seeking to enter into manhood the Masonic degrees can act as a puberty rite to transition from childhood to manhood. As the child is instructed in the morality of being a just man, he also receives the responsibility of manhood in his family. To the mature member seeking light the Masonic initiation can act as a mystical rite where the select are chosen to participate in a more intense religious experience than is accessible to the rest of the community. In this they receive secret teachings to differentiate themselves from the folly they have found See Initiation, next page … the missouri freemason

Robert L. D. Cooper Highlights Lodge of Research Activities at Grand Lodge The annual Lodge of Research breakfast is one of the most popular events at the Grand Lode communication. At this year's event, Brother Robert L. D. Cooper spoke to a standing-room-only crowd about Scottish influences in American Freemasonry. Brother Cooper, a recognized expert on Scottish Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and the Sinclair family, also addressed the Lodge of Research officers' meeting about the significance of an 18th century Masonic Ritual. In that address, he compared and contrasted the ancient ritual with today's version. During the entire Grand Lodge conference he was available to sign autographs for his acclaimed book, Cracking the Freemason's Code. Aaron Shoemaker, Lodge of Research Editor, recognized Brother Cooper's efforts as the fall event's Truman Lecturer by awarding him a membership in the Lodge of Research. In other business, Lodge of Research members gathered on Monday afternoon for the Lodge's semi-annual meeting. There they heard announcements about the accomplishments of the Lodge during the past year, an update on Library activities from librarian John Hess and elected officers

for the 2013-14 term. Steve Harrison, the new Lodge of Research Master, thanked outgoing Master Nick Cichielo for his service during the past year and announced his officers and committee members for the new term, including his appointment to the advancing line, Doug Reece, as Tyler. Jon Broyles served as Installing Master.

Initiation, from previous page … in society and become accepted into something greater than themselves to improve the condition of mankind. According to Aronson, E., and Mills, J. (1959) initiation experiences have a very specific psychological effect of cognitive dissonance on the initiate. Cognitive dissonance produces feelings of strong group appeal among initiates after the experience, because they want to justify their efforts to become accepted amongst the Brethren. Spiritually an initiation marks a rebirth into a new understanding of the nature of God or the universe. In the Masonic experience the understanding of its symbolic language and the morality for spiritual enlightenment contained therein marks this rebirth in the candidate. This allows for the individual consciousness to project itself on the symbols and abstract concepts of the craft to gain a perceived understanding from the contemplation of the self. Initiation is the strongest tool a Mason has to spread the philosophy of the craft. The Masonic philosophy is not to be understood through reading the mountains of books on the topic, nor can any amount of lectures suffice for that true understanding found within the self. The Masonic philosophy can only be experienced; it is a right and privilege to be earned. We must never loose sight of its importance to the development of the Masonic character and the nature of the enlightenment of the craft. "It is not easy to speak of these things, for we can speak only in words, and the truth lies in a mystery of experience. Believing is not enough. Man must have within himself a quiet and gentle faith by which he is receptive to that voice

which he hears only within the sanctuary of his own soul. By ritual also something is conveyed — a subtle impression, a feeling, a mood, a sense of sovereign realities; and these together call man out of the world… When the candidate for initiation becomes aware of a larger life locked within the smaller one, he cannot resist the implications, which attend this realization… It leads him on until he accomplishes through perfect and unselfish love, liberation from his pact with the prince of this world." (Manly P. Hall, The Psychology of Religious Ritual, pg. 30)

the missouri freemason

Lodge of Research officers for the 2013-14 term are shown after their installation at the semi-annual meeting. Shown (left to right) first row: Aaron Shoemaker, Editor; Scott Houge, Senior Deacon; Ron Jones, Junior Steward; Harvey Soule, Senior Warden; Steve Harrison, Master; Bill Snyder, Attorney; Ron Miller, Secretary/Treasurer. Second row: John Hess, Junior Deacon; Brent Stewart, Marshal; Gail Turner, Junior Warden; Randy Davis, Senior Steward/Newsletter Editor; Dale Roller, Chaplain; Doug Reece, Tyler.

References Aronson, E., and Mills, J. (1959). The Effect of Severity of Initiation on Liking for a Group. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59(2), 177–181. Pike, A. (1872). Morals and Dogma of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. 386-397. Hall, M. P. (1955). The Psychology of Religious Ritual. 29‑30. James E Frey, 32° is a Past Sovereign Prince and current librarian of Valley of Danville AASR. Founder of the R.E.B.I.S Research Society he sits on two Blue Lodge Education committees as well as a guest lecturer on Occultism and Esoteric studies in masonry. He is also a Member of the Oak Lawn York Rite, Medinah Shriners, and Golden Dawn Collegium Spiritu Sancti. He also works as a counselor with emotionally and behaviorally challenged children.

Winter 2013 9

The Story of Euclid By Robert Wheeler The ancient Greek mathematician Euclid holds a role in he is taught the importance of learning about the arts and Freemasonry that has become legendary. It is legend because sciences. The first and noblest of sciences is geometry on historical information has been augmented with elaboration which Freemasonry was built. And later when the new Freeand supposition in order to represent important philosophies mason is being instructed about Masonic emblems, the 47th and moral teachings. This involves the letter "G" that for Problem of Euclid is explained as being discovered by "our Freemasons in the United States is centered in the Masonic ancient friend and brother, the great Pythagoras." So, the story of Euclid is really the story about Pythagoras and his emblem and displayed in Lodge halls. The letter "G" is given two meanings. As the first letter of famous theorem. Pythagoras lived around the word "God," it represents 500 BCE in Greece, but travthe Supreme Architect of the eled extensively in the Miduniverse that is given promidle East. It is reported that he nent recognition in Freemastayed 22 years in Egypt and sonry. But also, as the first while there learned about the letter in the word "geometry," "Egyptian String Trick." This it represents "the first and nowas a procedure the Egypblest of sciences" that has entians were using to plot surabled development of the arveys of farm lands flooded chitecture and technology of by the Nile River and to lay our modern world. Geometry out plans for pyramids. A is the foundation of operative long string was divided in masonry, and for speculative three sections with measures Masonry it relates science of 3,4,5 respectively. When to the mathematical order the two ends are joined and of divine truth. It fuses the the joints staked out on the material world with the spiritual world revealing "unerr- An old Past Master’s jewel depicting the 47th Problem of Euclid. ground so that each section is straight, the joint between the ing laws of nature." Euclid is considered the father of geometry and therefore, given 3 and 4 sides is a right angle, and these sides can be extended to form a square or rectangular plot. This can be proved prominence along with the letter "G." There are several versions of the Euclid Legend. The old- mathematically by showing that the sum of the square of est available writing about Masonry (referred to as the Hal- the two shorter sides equals the square of the longer side liwell Poem or the Requis Manuscript originally written in (hypotenuse). When Pythagoras discovered this he famously the latter part of the 14th century) references Euclid found- declared "eureka" and built from it the relationships of triing geometry in Egypt and teaching it in diverse lands thus angles and circles that enabled masons to design and build starting the craft of Masonry. The date of this founding is elaborate structures. He started a school in Italy that attractnot given, but it must have been before the time of Moses ed many followers and expanded mathematics into philosowhen Egyptian construction was in full bloom. The next phy about divine order and moral teachings. It is reported oldest Masonic document (referred to as the Cooke Manu- that the social structure of his school formed the basis of script originating in the latter part of the 15th century) goes structure later used in Lodges of the Masonic crafts. Thus, further by stating that Abraham and his "faithful clerk, Eu- Freemason legend can justify calling Pythagoras a "brother" clid," taught geometry to the Egyptians at a time that can be and trace Masonry back to the 6th century BCE. The 3,4,5 right triangle has come to have many meandated as around 2000 BCE. More recent referrals to Euclid bring the story more in line with established history. Euclid ings in Freemasonry. It represents the original science upon actually lived around 300 BCE in Greece when the Greek which civilization was built. It reveals a divine order that reconqueror Ptolemy had occupied Egypt and established a li- lates material science with spiritual faith. It signifies an adbrary and center of learning in Alexandria. Euclid traveled vance from the chaos of ignorance to the useful organization to Alexandria to study mathematics and while there wrote of knowledge. And, it provides a philosophy of moral effi13 books. In the first book he presented a series of "prob- ciency. The traditional emblem of a Lodge Master is a square lems" that were elements of plane geometry, including the using the 3 and 4 sides of a 3,4,5 triangle. In some traditions Pythagorean Theorem that became known as the 47th Prob- the emblem of a Past Master is the figure of a 3,4,5 triangle with each side squared. Since the emblem of a Lodge Maslem of Euclid. Geometry is now introduced to a new Freemason when See Euclid, next page … 10 Winter 2013

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LeRoy Salmon Receives the Truman Award Most Worshipful Brother David Ramsey recently said, "The Grand Master has two very important decisions to make for his term. The first is to decide whom to move into the advancing line and the second is to designate a Brother to receive the Truman Award." This year, for the first time, the appointee and Truman Award recipient were one in the same: Right Worshipful Brother LeRoy Salmon, who served under MWB Ramsey as Senior Grand Marshall. The Truman award honors a single Brother in Missouri Freemasonry for his distinguished service to the Fraternity. Brother LeRoy's extensive accomplishments ensured his selection. Raised in Zeredatha Lodge #189 (now Charity-Zeredatha), LeRoy was also Lodge Secretary for the 2013 term. He was a DDGM in 2012 and the 2013 Junior Warden of the Missouri Lodge of Research. At the same time, LeRoy was 1st Vice President of the Missouri High Twelve Association. He held many positions with the St. Joseph Valley of the Scottish Rite where he was 2013 Venerable Master of Lodge of Perfection and also was a recipient of the 33rd Degree. Active in the York Rite, he was the current year's Grand Standard Bearer for the Grand Commandery of Missouri, and Governor of Edwin C. Carpenter York Rite College #181. In what may be a first for the state, these duties made him a member of no less than four statewide advancing, executive lines: High Twelve, the Grand Commandery, the Missouri Lodge of Research and the advancing grand line of the Grand Lodge of Missouri.

So many of them too numerous to mention, his additional Masonic accomplishments included service as Master of Charity-Zeredatha and Cosby Lodges as well as an affiliation with Brotherhood Lodge #269 where he served in a number of capacities. In 2011 he was appointed as the District Deputy Grand Master of the Seventh Masonic District. He also served as a Board Member of the Masonic Children's Foundation. In 2008, Ill. Robert Cockerham, Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Missouri Scottish Rite, awarded Brother Salmon the Eagle Award for service, inspiration, commitment and honor. Sadly, the Fraternity lost Brother LeRoy on September 5, 2013. At his memorial service, in a moving and unprecedented gesture, Most Worshipful Brother Ramsey posthumously presented Brother Salmon with the coveted Truman Award. Worshipful Brother Emmett Bryson, Past Master of Brotherhood Lodge, made this observation that reflected the thoughts of so many, "From the time I became a Master Mason there was rarely an occasion when LeRoy's name was not mentioned. No matter what the situation, either good or bad, the common remarks were, 'You had better ask LeRoy... I'm sure LeRoy will know... Has anyone told LeRoy about that?' It will take time to mourn the loss of our friend and Brother; and it will be hard not to utter those words again. Eventually these will be memories, but we will always know that he will be with us in spirit and encouraging us to succeed."

Euclid, from previous page … ter is a 3,4 two sided square, the emblem for a Past Master is formed by adding an hypotenuse that completes the two sided square making it a right triangle. This represents the successful completion of a Lodge Master's duties. Additional significance is given to a right triangle whose sides have a length ratio of 1, 1, sqrt 2 (square root of 2). This represents the achievement of equality and harmony between the two sides of the square. More significance is given to the equilateral triangle whose sides are all of equal length and interior angles are all the same (no right angle). This was known as a "delta," and represented the divine word of the Grand Master Mason that is used in some advanced Masonic degrees. Sending people to the Moon and spacecraft to Mars is enabled by use of sophisticated mathematics that seem far removed from the plane geometry of triangles; however, their foundation was established by Pythagoras and Euclid. In ancient days when science was young, the newly found

capabilities of mathematics stimulated a sense of awe and reverence that continues today. Recent findings in the fields of physics and cosmology are revealing a relationship between mathematics and ultimate or divine reality that supports relationships perpetuated by the story of Euclid as used in Freemasonry for many years.

the missouri freemason

Selected References: Hall, M. (2006). The Lost Keys of Freemasonry. NY: Tarcher/Penguin. Hodapp, C. (2007). Solomon's Builders. Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press. Lovewell, H. Geometry and Masonry: Sacred Geometry. Pietre-Stones: http://Freemasons-Freemasonry.com/ geometry_masonry.html Mackey, A. (1921). Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Revised). NY: Masonic History.

Winter 2013 11

Growing Good Tomatoes By Sam L. Land, SS, 32°, KT When spring arrives each year I appreciate the warming weather, the brighter days, and the increasing hours of daylight; but most of all I appreciate the start of the new growing season. Farmers and gardeners are out early tilling and turning the soil, adding needed nutrients and breaking the clods for a good growing field. Care has already been taken to plan where each plant will go so as to increase the potential of the garden or field. Spring rains have provided the needed water to start the plants on the way to maturity. The sun continues to give warmth and , before you know it, it is time to sow the seeds, bulbs, plants, and grasses for this new year. I can already taste the ear of corn, the asparagus, the beets, the onions, and the lettuce before they are well settled. It is with a watering mouth and great anticipation that I await the first fruit to arrive on the tomato plants. I check every day to see the green turn yellow and then that wonderful color of red that tells you the taste will jump all over your mouth with flavor. Put it on a salad, with bacon and lettuce for a sandwich, or just eat it plain, it is a treat that continues until the very last tomato has vanished for the year. It was mental work but the waiting and the anticipation was well worth it. I'll do it again next year and can hardly wait for the time to get here. It's best to move our crops around a bit to help the soil do its best next year, too. We'll add a bit of nutrient to help, rain and sunshine and be back in business again. Growing good tomatoes takes a bit of time, good planning, soil preparation, water, sunshine, and a loving gardener; fortunately, so it is with good Freemasons, too. We start each new year with a new gardener, elected for his proven skills to date. Others are elected to help him perform management functions and the new gardener chooses a few fellows he know works well in the garden and will help him achieve his plan. Teams are formed, duties are accepted, and actions

to bring the new gardener's plan to fruition are commenced. As in growing good tomatoes it is first necessary to assure that the ground is prepared to accept the new plants and support them until they blossom and provide fruit. We Freemasons do this by insuring that we know our rituals, have the education system fully in action and are prepared for the new candidates; each will know who will do what and when they will do it. This means that the teachers have learned how to teach and the mentors know how to mentor. From the day the new candidate is put into the fresh ground of the NE corner of the Lodge, he must be carefully planted firmly in the Masonic soil of ritual. He must be watered with brotherly love often and without lapse. He must be fed the nutrients of the prepared educational program. He must be given constant and tender care by his mentor. All of this is quite necessary and still the effort may fail. The most important qualification has not yet been considered. It is the nature of the plant, itself. There are very many varieties of tomatoes, each with special qualities that make them a bit different from each other. They don't even all turn red when they are mature. Each has been cultivated for growth and those special qualities. Each of us must make the choice among all the varieties as to which ones best serve our purpose. Of course, we know what our purpose is: Take good men and make them better. For that reason we can not necessarily choose our social friends, our church friends, our golfing friends, our sporting friends, nor our relatives unless they meet the qualification of being a good man who is capable of being made better. We must look closely at their actions as they do what they normally do. If we select the best qualified men, plant them in the fertile soil of our ritual, water them with brotherly love, feed them on the best education possible, and tenderly care for them every step of the way, we will grow us some good Brothers.

Freemasonry, from back page …

help children, prompted by the Moral Precepts inculcated by the respective organizations. The retiring Master of this same Lodge and the immediate Past Master have chosen to donate the money budgeted for a Past Master’s Jewel (ring or pin) to set up a scholarship fund for local students. They were prompted by a Past Grand Master’s motto: “Show Me Freemasonry” by taking Freemasonry out of the Lodges and into the community. Freemasonry does make a difference.

by Freemasons are never publicized. A Masonic Lodge and an Eastern Star Chapter joined in an anonymous act of kindness in their community. They collected over 200 toys for distribution to needy children in their city through the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys-For-Tots program. The children who received these toys will not know who gave them, and probably would not recognize the names Mason and Eastern Star. That is unimportant. The toys were given to

✮ Missouri Freemason Deadlines ✮ Spring, 2014 January 3, 2014 Summer, 2014 April 1, 2014

Fall, 2014 July 1, 2014 Winter, 2014 October 1, 2014

Email all articles and pictures!

12 Winter 2013

the missouri freemason

Letter to the Editor Editor: August 24, 2013 I very much enjoyed reading my Missouri Freemason for Fall 2013. I did have one article give me a little heartburn. I can't get it out of my head so I felt compelled to write a "Letter to the Editor." RWB Alan E. DeWoskin wrote a sincere article, "What Does Your Appearance Say About You." I understand the romantic desire to hearken back where Lodge dress was more formal. But I have to disagree with him about the value he seems to put on dress. I recently re-read, Henry David Thoreau's Walden. In Walden, Thoreau speaks about appearance and raises the question of when dress becomes material indulgence for the purpose of raising ourselves above our fellow man. He asks whether or not doing so more likely reflects on us who would judge. Thoreau specifically asserts that if the garment is serviceable and clean save for honest dirt, though it might bear a proper patch, is it not good enough for society? He begs the question what right do we have to subordinate a man because of the manner of his dress when it is the actions of his character that make him truly valuable? He underscores his point by asking; "if my coat was acceptable enough for God to hear my morning prayer why shouldn't it be good enough for my fellow members of society?"

the missouri freemason

I have known very well dressed "professionals" I would not trust with my lunch money. I also know hard working people in service uniforms or overalls I would trust with the keys to my house. Hard work and honest dirt and sweat are no more less likely the sign of a good man, than the popular logo embroidered onto the cuff of another's dress shirt. I'd rather respect a man for his actions than for his clothing. I know of more than one of our younger Brothers that work later than they'd like to on Lodge night. You know them too. They are the ones chomping down on a fast food burger while sitting in their cars right before Lodge because they didn't have time to go home and change or eat dinner with their families. They come in in their work clothes. They may well be a little dirty or have a splatter of grease on their jeans but they are my Brothers and they are welcome to sit with me. Fraternally Yours, WB David Hinkley - Past Master Raytown Lodge #391 AF&AM Views expressed in letters to the editor as well as individually authored articles are exclusively those of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Grand Lodge of Missouri or the Missouri Freemason magazine.

Winter 2013Â Â 13

“Making Gowns and Crowns Fashionable since 1922” Hello Missouri Masons! First, thank you to those who attended Grand Assembly 2013. As you can see, we have a wonderful time while providing much excitement mixed in with our ritual work. We absolutely LOVE having Masons present and hope you have as much fun as we do! Soon after Grand Assembly, we left our crowns and gowns at home and prepared for Masonic Youth Day. We are very thankful for all you do to host this event for the DeMolay, Job’s Daughters and Rainbow Girls. We look forward to it every year and can’t wait to see what new and exciting pieces will be added. By the way, who won that shaving cream battle?? My first Grand Worthy Advisor visit was held a week after MYD. I met up with my Rainbow Sisters and their helpful adults in Branson, Missouri. Taneycomo Assembly was the hosting Assembly for District 3 and I excitedly watched some fine ritual work including our Opening Ceremony, Initiation and Closing Ceremony. Assisting Taneycomo were FaithSarcoxie, Friendship and Lamar Assemblies. Introductions were great and, being a lover of pictures, I have some great ones of almost everyone who attended. Taneycomo had just recently moved to this location and I appreciate the time and energy so many people gave to make certain Rainbow’s

first major event in this Masonic Lodge was an outstanding success. Grand Lodge was next on my agenda. Unfortunately, though, I was ill and a substitute had to be called. Thank you, so much, to Miss Erin McCann, Grand Hope, for taking over at the very last minute. I’m sure you enjoyed her smiles and speech on behalf of Missouri Rainbow. I missed seeing so many wonderful Masons that I have become friends with and hope you will be able to make it to one of my visits this year. My second Grand Worthy Advisor visit was the first Saturday in October and was held in Ashland, Missouri. This was for District 2 with Columbia and Leadership (in Centralia) Assemblies coming to help. Once again I was impressed by our Opening, Initiation and Closing Ceremonies and the plans for the afternoon. Shortly after that visit, I attended Grand Chapter. These ladies and gentlemen are always welcoming and I enjoyed this event. Our Missouri website is under a bit of construction, so our calendar isn’t up-to-date (our International website is still available for your exploration). If you find you have a free evening or weekend, please email our Supreme Inspector, Mrs. Catherine Dent, to see what might be going on in Missouri Rainbow. She would be glad to let you know which Assemblies may be having meetings or other events … or if a special occasion is being held. Of course, please watch for our new website — I’ll let you know in the coming months when it premieres. I’m keeping this report short as I know much happened at Grand Lodge that needs to be shared. Please let your most local Assembly members know if they can assist you; I know they’d like to get to know you. Miss Rachel DeLashmit 2013-2014 Grand Worthy Advisor State of Missouri International Order of the Rainbow for Girls www.gorainbow.org

14 Winter 2013

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As this year draws to a close, so comes the new term for the next line of State Officers for Missouri DeMolay. Being a State Officer for many years, and this past year especially, has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I feel extremely fortunate to serve in State that has such amazing support from the Masons.

of DeMolays that join Lodge, and I am positive that they are the future leaders of our Lodges and Communities. Being around DeMolay for many years now I can speak about the profound effect it can have, and how many members are grateful and proud to be DeMolays. I truly believe that Masons make the best advisors for a DeMolay chapter, and DeMolays make the best members for Lodge. By working together as this Masonic Family I know we can build all of Missouri to new heights. Further I am truly excited for the young men preparing to assume a Leadership role in Missouri DeMolay. Every year Missouri DeMolay continues to produce youth leaders that step up and provide for the organization. This is an assured asset for me due to the premier Leadership programs of Missouri, and the number of outstanding role models present in Masonry. DeMolay truly gives every young man the opportunity to find his leadership abilities, and build a solid foundation for the future. Again I would like to thank everyone for the support throughout the year, and I am confident it will continue this next term.

The theme for Missouri DeMolay this term has been "Purpose." In DeMolay we want all of our members to strive to find their purpose; not only in this organization but in all aspects of their life. I can honestly say that DeMolay has helped in more ways than I will ever know, and has helped me find my own Purpose in Masonry. Because of my experiences in DeMolay, I am confident that I will continue to serve DeMolay as an Advisor and I hope I can extend the same opportunities to the next generation of DeMolays. Having the opportunity to attend Grand Lodge, it was remarkable to see the support for all of theYouth Organizations in Missouri. As a Master Mason, I am proud of the number

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Winter 2013Â Â 15

Hey there Missouri Masons! I first and foremost would like to thank you for your wonderful reception, attention and hospitality I received at Grand Lodge. I sincerely enjoyed representing Missouri Job’s Daughters at our table, as well as having the opportunity to meet and greet you, and answer your questions about our organization. I want to thank you for all of your support throughout the years and especially for your future support. Our Bethels and Grand Bethel appreciate the Grand Lodge and Lodges of Missouri more than you know. The following weekend we had a joint official visit for Bethels #1 and #29 in Kansas City. The ladies did a fantastic job during the meeting with their ritual work and they demonstrated to their visitors the wonderful work and community they have in their Bethels. The first weekend of October was action packed with our Miss Missouri Pageant, Grand Bethel French Toast Breakfast, and Statewide Worship Service. The Miss Missouri Pageant was splendid with an Alice in Wonderland theme, throughout Saturday, October 5, the contestants competed in various competitions and made some great memories and even better friendships. Our 2012-2013 Miss Missouri Trio of Brianna Hall (Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter), Brooklyn Childs (Junior Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter) and Molly Gibbs (Miss Missouri Congeniality) retired after an excellent year of representing Missouri Job’s Daughters. The pageant was wonderful and was held at the Scottish Rite in Kansas City. Congratulations to our 2013-2014 Miss Missouri Trio: Caitlyn Washington, Stephanie Bube, and Katie Tevebaugh! Sunday morning started with a delicious French toast fundraiser breakfast hosted by the Grand Bethel. It was followed by a worship service where Honored Queens or Bethel representatives gave their interpretation of the golden rule, which is special to our Grand Guardian, Mom Julia Wallace. On October 13, I had the pleasure to attend and address my Sisters and Brothers at Grand Chapter. It was nice having the opportunity to talk to some of the members about their own Job’s Daughter careers and experiences, in addition to answering any questions about our organization. I had an amazing time at the Grand Bethel Officers and Representatives Retreat held on November 2-3, 2013 at Camp Mo-Val in Union, Missouri. This was a new idea to strengthen the roles, bonds and friendships of the Grand Bethel members. Daughters participated in workshops about leadership, scholarship, term planning, crafts, tie dying, teamwork and more. I would say the weekend was a success and the ladies had a great time. The following weekend we honored our very own Miss International Brianna Hall at the Scottish Rite in St. Louis. She competed and was crowned in July at our Supreme Session. The reception was a wonderful evening with a dinner, dance, and lots of fun. This year Brianna’s theme is “find 16 Winter 2013

Our 2013-2014 leaders (left to right): Brianna Hall (Grand Bethel Junior Princess), Kaarin Hoogstraten (Grand Bethel Senior Princess), Amy Bush (Grand Bethel Honored Queen), Mom Julia Wallace (Grand Guardian), Dad Gary Dryer (Associate Grand Guardian), Caitlyn Washington (Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter), Stephanie Bube (Junior Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter), and Katie Tevebaugh (Miss Missouri Congeniality).

your gift and share it,” and she is doing so as she travels the world representing Job’s Daughters International. Saturday, November 30, the Kansas City Job’s Daughter (KCJD) Line Officer’s club will host a Thanksgiving Ball at the Scottish Rite in Kansas City. The group looks forward to a marvelous evening when members will crown their new Thanksgiving Ball trio and will conclude the evening with a KCJD Line midnight meeting. As winter begins, I invite you to attend Bethel installations around the state. We always appreciate your support and attendance at our events. I also hope that you have a fabulous holiday season, filled with faith, family and friends, and yummy food. Lastly, our members truly appreciate everything you do for our Masonic community but especially the youth groups. Please remember you are always welcome and encouraged to attend our events. And we would be as proud as a peacock to have you, as you are our heritage! As always, for more information please check out our websites at www.missouriiojd.org and www.jobsdaughtersinternational.org, or just ask. Sincerely, Amy Bush, PHQ Grand Bethel Honored Queen

the missouri freemason

Corporate Offices 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A • Columbia, Missouri 65202 1-800-434-9804 ~ 573-814-4663 ~ 573-814-4660 (fax) www.mohome.org

Joseph S. Russell Named Masonic Home of Missouri Representative of the Year During the year, many Masonic Home of Missouri Rep- Twain Forest #202, Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North Ameriresentatives throughout the State assist us by referring, edu- ca (Columbia, Missouri), Shriner, member of the Director's cating, and supporting our Outreach Programs. They take Staff, and Amateur Radio Club of Ararat Shrine, Member of the time to educate themselves on our Outreach Programs, the Lodge of Research, and proud member of the Truman submit a widows list, use our resource guides, work the Cre- Club. His Lodge sends out birthday and Christmas cards to ating-A-Partnership Program, and maintain contact with our the widows, and Brother Russell spends time each month staff on a regular basis. This important link with the Masonic updating his widows list, making sure the Masonic Home of Home enables us to continue to assist Masons, wives, wid- Missouri also receives the list. To further add to his willingness to make sure others are taken care of, Brother Russell ows, Order of the Eastern Star members and children. requested that the Lodge Each year, the Masonic install a whiteboard/bulleHome of Missouri recogtin board for the Masonic nizes a representative who Home of Missouri, so all has gone above and beyond could see the Thank You's in his dedication to his dufrom Widows and what ties. This year's honoree for events the Home was holdRepresentative of the Year ing in the area. is Brother Joseph S. Russell Joseph has worked as a from Rising Sun Lodge #13. Custodial Supervisor for Joseph received a plaque the past eight and a half from the Masonic Home in years for Clay County, honor of his dedication to Missouri. In 2012, he starthis duties as a Home Repreed his own side business sentative. When asked what performing maintenance he thought about receiving and repairing lawn mowthe award, Brother Russell ers and other small engine stated, "I was surprised. I equipment. have been a Home RepreJoseph enjoys attending sentative for the past two as many Masonic events years and enjoy staying in as time allows and is a licontact with our widows and censed ham radio operator. helping others in my Lodge. Shown left to right: Jon Broyles, Joseph Russell, Dave Ramsey. He enjoys communicating I feel it is my duty to do so, but I'm honored to accept this award. By visiting with the with people over the airwaves and is a volunteer member of widows and talking to them, I learn a lot about their needs. the KC Northland ARES group. He is a trained storm spotI was always taught to help those in need and I truly enjoy ter and assists the local and county Emergency Management Departments during times of crisis. being the Masonic Home Representative." Brother Joseph is also an honored member of the Truman Brother Russell became a Mason in March, 2011. He is an endowed member and Senior Deacon of Rising Sun Lodge Club and donates to the Masonic Home of Missouri, "be#13, Junior Warden of Barry Daylight Lodge, UD, Treasurer cause it is my way of saying thank you to those Masonic men of Liberty York Rite Chapter #3, Council #50, Command- and women that paved the way for my own Masonic journey. ery #6, Liberty, Missouri, Senior Deputy Grand Tall Cedar I also want to do my part to help bring Brotherly Love and of Harry S. Truman Forest #212, Tall Cedars of Lebanon Relief to those men, women, and children of the Fraternity of North America (Kansas City, Missouri), Scribe of Mark during their times of need". the missouri freemason

Winter 2013 17

Masonic Home of Missouri Representative Luncheon The Masonic Home of Missouri held its Annual Representative luncheon on Monday, September 23, 2013, during Annual Communication at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri. Over 170 Masonic Brethren attended the luncheon and received training material including a FY 2013 Annual Report and several reference items for referring and making applications for those in need. A presentation on the packet and introduction of the Outreach Programs was given by staff of the Masonic Home of Missouri. Grand Master David L. Ramsey and President Jon B. Broyles were on hand to present the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Creating-A-Partnership Program and Representative of the Year awards. The Creating-A-Partnership Program is a matching funds program that allows the Masonic Home of Missouri to partner with Missouri Lodges and Chapters

to help children in need throughout the state. The Masonic Home of Missouri may match up to $2,500 per Lodge or Chapter each fiscal year. This year, five Lodges received awards for their participation in the Creating-A-Partnership Program. Congratulations to Crestwood-Anchor Lodge #443 (Top Lodge), O’Sullivan #7, Mountain View Lodge #637, Willard Lodge #620 and Texas Lodge #177 for their support of this program. The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Representative of the Year award went to Joseph S. Russell from Rising Sun Lodge #13. The Masonic Home of Missouri would like to thank our Representatives for their dedication and support of the Home. If you have questions or if any Representative was unable to attend and wishes to obtain the training packet, please contact the Masonic Home of Missouri at 1-800-4349804 and ask for Rhonda Stone Lightfoot.

Masonic Home Offers Financial Counseling Programs For All! The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Financial Counseling Program is able to assist Masonic affiliated members and their loved loves through difficult financial situations. Unlike the financial assistance programs offered by the Home, there is no Age & Length of Membership requirement for the services offered through Financial Counseling. Many of the participants of the program are referred from the Short-Term Financial Assistance program, but Masonic members can receive this free service by contacting the Home and requesting a Financial Counseling consultation. Financial Counseling staff assists participants in organizing their finances, creating a budget, prioritizing their expenses and debt, lowering or eliminating variable expenses, determining solvency, net worth, and basic liquidity, assisting in creating financial goals and a plan to obtain those goals, guidance through foreclosure or Deed In Lieu, and referral to other financial services that the Home cannot provide (such as debt consolidation and bankruptcy). The Financial Counseling Program is also beneficial for applicants applying for Long-Term Financial Assistance. These clients are elderly Master Masons, Masonic widows, and elderly female OES members. Financial Counseling helps them in budgeting, understanding Missouri HealthNet (Medicaid) eligibility rules, identifying other services and income sources they might qualify for (such as Missouri HealthNet, VA benefits, etc.) and referral to other financial services the Home cannot provide (such as investment services, estate planning, retirement strategies, etc.). This program is most helpful for older couples, widows, Master 18 Winter 2013

Masons, and female OES members who are planning to make major changes to their lifestyles, such as moving to an Assisted Living Facility. Financial Counseling assists them in determining if their income and assets are adequate for the move, how the move will change their expenses and monthly budget, and assist them in identifying additional potential income sources. For the Kids! The Financial Counseling Program has recently introduced an educational program for the Masonic youth organizations (DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, and Rainbow Girls) and other youth groups that are sponsored by a local Masonic Lodge or OES Chapter. Financial Counseling staff will be giving presentations to participating Lodges, Chapters, Bethels, and Assemblies across the state starting fall, 2013. The presentation focuses on basic financial information that all young people should know. Topics covered include how to generate an income, explanation of income and federal taxes, prioritizing spending and savings, tracking and budgeting money, investments, explanation of credit and interest, credit reports and scores, and types of student loans. Carly Dibben is the Home’s Financial Counseling Caseworker and is an Accredited Financial Counselor through AFCPE. She has been an employee of the Home since April of 2006. If you are interested in a Financial Counseling consultation or would like to arrange for a presentation for a local youth group, please contact her at cdibben@mohome.org or (800) 434-9804.

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If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It On March 16, 2013, Jackson Lodge #82, Brookfield raised to present to Sarah Dunham, Principal at Walt Disney Lodge #86 and Marceline Lodge #481 hosted a Ladies Lun- Elementary School. "So many children have food insecurities on the weekcheon in Marceline, Missouri. Members from all the Lodgends and during holidays. Having this generous donation es, several wives and widows and Order of the Eastern Star were present for the soup and salad meal. During the presen- from the Marceline Lodge will help our Buddy Backpack tation offered by the Masonic Home staff, Marceline Lodge Program immensely. We provide over 50 backpacks to chillearned about the Creating-A-Partnership program and how dren during a typical week and knowing that the children Lodge members could double their monetary gift back to the will have nutritious food helps us concentrate on furthering their education", states Ms. Dunham. community. The Master of the Lodge, WB John W. Carver, Jr., knew Walt Disney's boyhood hometown is Marceline, Missouri and one of his quotes, "All our dreams can come true, if we about the "Buddy Backpack" program in the elementary have the courage to pursue them," describes the effort the school and how it made a difference to the children in the Lodge put forth to accomplish a wonderful Creating-A-Part- community, "Watching the Lodge pull together and decide nership (CAP) Program project that benefited Walt Disney how we were going to have a community event was incredible. Everyone was enthusiastic and the community support Elementary School. The Masonic Home of Missouri established the Creating- was outstanding." In 2013, the Masonic Home and 61 Lodges and Chapters A-Partnership Program (CAP) in 2003. The CAP Program is a matching funds program that allows the Masonic Home of partnered together to provide $109,535 to children in need throughout the state. Missouri to partner with Through this partnerMissouri Lodges and Orship, Lodges and Chapder of the Eastern Star ters made a difference Chapters in a community in the lives of thousands to help children in need. of children statewide The Masonic Home of by providing clothing, Missouri may match up glasses, and school supto $2,500 per Lodge or plies. Last year, the CAP Chapter each fiscal year Program was expanded (July 1 - June 30). Lodges to allow for a partnerand Chapters can identify ship to fund projects, in child/children or projects addition to assistance for within their communities an individual child or through public charitable children. There were 33 organizations or public Lodges and Chapters that entities, such as school utilized the Project asdistricts. pect of the program. The The Brethren of MarShown left to right are Steve Burns (Treasurer), Fred Lewis (Secretary), Sarah celine Lodge held a Dunham (Walt Disney Elementary Principal), Mike Sportsman (Senior Warden), primary project Lodges and chapters funded were "Back to School" Picnic RWB Loren Carriker (Chaplain), John W Carver Jr. (Worshipful Master). and partnered with the community and Walt Disney Elemen- the "Buddy Backpack" food programs. This program makes a difference in the life of a child that tary School staff to provide a fun event for everyone to enjoy. Teachers from the school provided dessert and a local meat would otherwise go without the things that so many of us company contributed the side dishes and gave a discount on take for granted, like a warm winter coat or food to eat durthe meat to the Lodge brothers. There was a small fee for ing the weekend. Since the program began 9 years ago, over the food but at the end of the event, the brothers realized a 25,400 children have directly benefited from the partnership profit of $1,350. Excitement about what they could do with created between the Home and the local Lodges and Chapthis money and the matching funds that the Home would as- ters. Congratulations to Marceline Lodge #481 for its hard sist with became even greater when a local businessman ap- work and for helping so many children in the community; as proached them with a $1,000 donation and another $500 was Walt Disney said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." You may find more information about the program and given to the Lodge through an anonymous donor. Brother Steven Burns submitted the Creating-A-Partnership (CAP) applications on our website at www.mohome.org or by callapplication and a check for $2,500. The Masonic Home ap- ing the Masonic Home of Missouri at 1-800-434-9804 and proved the application and a check for $5,000 was sent to the speaking to Tisha Woodard, Outreach Caseworker. Lodge. They wrote another check for the remainder that was the missouri freemason

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Welcoming a New Face to the Masonic Home of Missouri Sometimes it seems like everything that can go bad … will, especially when you are trying to move your family from west Texas to Columbia, Missouri and start a new job. You might even find yourself in the hospital, having your appendix removed. Such was the luck for Todd Bennett, the Masonic Home of Missouri's Major Gifts Officer. After a couple of days in the hospital recuperating from surgery, Todd is on the mend and has settled into the Columbia, Missouri area. As the Major Gifts Officer for the Masonic Home of Missouri, Todd is coming on board to build lasting relationships with major donors and to foster the ability for donors to remember the Home in their estate planning and trusts and provide a living legacy of their support for the Home. One of the cornerstones of Planned Giving is to allow the members of the estate to keep more of their money through tax breaks that are designed for donations to charitable organizations. Todd will be working with individuals to build the endowment fund of the Masonic Home through major gifts and estate planning. This will ensure that the Masonic Home of Missouri can continue to support the Outreach Programs for many future generations. Todd has spent the past 18 years working for the Boy Scouts of America as the Chief Operating Officer for the Buffalo Trail Council which serves west Texas. He has extensive knowledge of fundraising, financial operations and donor relations. Service is a huge part of Todd's life, as a Captain in the National Guard; he is currently serving as Provost Marshall in the Military Police Corp and completing

his 19th year of service. In his tenure, he has served both at home and abroad. This has helped him see the world from a different viewpoint. As a 4th generation Mason, his belief in making an impact in his community by helping others and making a difference is something that he takes to heart. As a graduate of Auburn University, Todd majored in communications and then obtained his Master's in Business from Georgia Southwestern State. Todd is married to the former Miss Beth Whipkey of Darlington Indiana. They have two daughters, Nova and Wren. During his spare time, Todd enjoys mountain biking, collecting Native American artifacts and being outdoors. "I'm excited for this opportunity to be part of a 125-year old Masonic charitable organization. Establishing major gifts that can fund important programs, continue to grow our existing ones, and solidify our financial base are crucial to continuing our years of service to Master Masons, their wives, widows, female members of the Order of the Eastern Star and children throughout Missouri," explains Todd. "I look forward to meeting with individuals who are interested in learning more about building a legacy through planned giving and visiting with Lodges throughout the State." Please join the Masonic Home of Missouri's Board of Directors and staff in welcoming Todd Bennett as our Major Gifts Officer. If you have questions about major gift giving or want to welcome Todd to our organization, he can be reached by email at tbennett@mohome.org or by calling (800)434-9804.

A New Magazine Feature — The Service Honor Roll For many years, the Missouri Freemason magazine has included pictures of Brothers earning service awards in the "Service" section at the end of the magazine. Although popular, pictures in a magazine take up a lot of space and limit the possibility of honoring all Brothers who have earned this distinctive achievement. In combination with the pictures in the magazine's "Lodge and Craft" section, Brothers send dozens of pictures for consideration for each edition. In the past, the magazine has made every effort to publish all service pictures, but it sometimes takes months to get them in due to the volume. Now, at the Grand Master's request, the magazine has replaced the "Service" section with a service honor roll, which you will find on the interior of the back cover in this edition. This section lists all Brothers receiving a 50-year award since the last edition. You may still continue to submit your service award pictures. Those items will be posted on the Grand Lodge website on a page which is currently under development. The next edition of the magazine will provide full details on the new service section of the website.

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Missouri Freemason Online The Missouri Freemason magazine is available online at http://momason.org/mfmm. asp. If you would prefer to receive your magazine via email instead of receiving the physical magazine through the US mail, let us know by emailing grlodge@momason. org (please put "ELECTRONIC E ­ DITION" in the subject line). Please allow at least one edition for us to make the change.

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Lodge Notes • Branson Masonic Lodge conducted a MoCHIP program on Saturday, September 14, 2013. Thirty-six volunteers processed 70 children under the direction of Herb Terrill, program chairman. WB Terrill extended his thanks to all volunteers as well as Krispy Kreme Donuts and Pappa John's Pizza for providing food and refreshments. The area Boys and Girls Club hosted the program.

• Steelville scholar and willing volunteer, Jake Howdeshell, received the Lebanon Lodge #77 scholarship from PM Kem Schwieder and Jake’s grandfather, Brother Larry Howdeshell, Sr. Jake is a 2013 homeschool graduate and is attending the College of the Ozarks this fall to pursue a degree in Agriculture.

Twenty-six Master Masons, representing five Masonic Lodges, assembled at the Gainesville Lodge on Saturday, August 31, to participate in the installation of Officers from Robert Burns Lodge #496, (Gainesville), and Sampson Lodge #298, (Theodosia). RWB Wayne Calhoun, District Deputy Grand Master of the 42nd Masonic District of Missouri, served as Installing Master. RWB Craig Carter, Past Grand Chaplain, served as Installing Marshal. WB Wayne Krause, Master of Bayou Lodge #365 in Bakersfield, served as Installing Chaplain. Many family members and friends were also on hand to witness the dual installation ceremony. Pictured from left to right: Shawn Gilbert, J.R. Ketchum, Elmer Roberson, Art Stone (Master of Robert Burns Lodge), Steve Covington, Lewis Nauss, Dale Cutbirth, Al Tharp, Bobby Grisham, Ed Kapelski, Jim McConnauhy, Dan Hollaman, Wayne Krause, Darrin Reed, Craig Carter, Wes Frazer, Al Coon, Lee Burnett, David Manley, Ray Coahran, Todd Lowrance, David James, Wayne Calhoun, Frank Fusco, Len Modlinski (Master of Sampson Lodge), James Anderson.

On September 10, 2013, Washington Lodge #87 installed its newly elected Officers for the 2013-2014 term. Lodge members thanked the outgoing officers for their labor during the previous year and expressed confidence the new officers will be diligent in keeping all the traditions of Freemasonry alive and well. Pictured, front row from left to right are the installing officers: WB Larry D. Hilburn, Chaplin; RWB Chris C. McLemore III, Master and WB Billy L. Cooper, Marshall. Middle row: Chris J. Adams, Senior Warden; WB Perry Ellis, Worshipful Master; WB Homer G. Ellis, Chaplain; Jeff W. Davis, Junior Warden; Jeff H. Riehm, Treasurer. Back row: Zach M. Adams, Junior Deacon; Scott D. Holman, Senior Deacon; WB John W. Shoemaker, Secretary; Paul A. Evermon, III, Marshall. Not in picture were WB Harold G. Simmons, Tyler; WB G. Tim Black, Senior Steward and James W. Van Kam, Junior Warden.

RWB Todd Hill, Master of Cooper Lodge #36, presents his son, Brock Hill, newly made Master Mason, with the family Bible. Todd's father, RWB Wayne Hill, presented it to Todd when he became a Master Mason.

California Lodge #183 held its open installation of 2013-2014 officers in conjunction with an awards night which included the 50-year Award for Dahlman J. Davis, five 45 Year awards, thirteen 35 Year Awards, and fourteen 25-year Awards. Pictured are the officers and Brother Davis.

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On Tuesday, September 17, Bonhomme Lodge #45 held an Order of the Rusty Nail to encourage Lodge participation. Pictured from left to right: Harry Goodwin, RWB Ray Vollmar, Matt Pipoly, Scott Burcham, David Libby, RWB Mike Apple, WB James Goddard, WB Doug Anderson, Travis Popp, Chris McPherson, RWB Jeff Parrotte.

Forsyth Lodge #453 Installed its officers for 2013-14 on September 15, 2013. Front row (left to right): Senior Warden Ronnie Combs, Senior Deacon G.T. Bracy, Worshipful Master Rick Davidson, Junior Warden Clarence Sims, Junior Steward Michael Niner, Installing Master Bill Cox. Back row: Tyler Lynn Brehends, Chaplain Rick Treese, Distinguished guest Tim Thomas, Installing Chaplain Bob Alexander and Installing Marshall Knial Iorg.

Hope Lodge #251, Washington, Missouri, installed its officers for the 2013-14 term on August 24, 2013. Front Row: Senior Warden Mitch Martin, Worshipful Master Kyle Triplett, Junior Warden Joseph OBryant. Back Row: Terry Coppotelli, Harold Lindauer, David Whittaker, John Erfurdt Jr., Charles Coy, Dan Lucas, Roger Fleer.

Bill Snyder, right, presented the Missouri Lodge of Research with two rare framed photographs of Harry Truman on Saturday, August 17. One was a picture of MWB Truman in a group which includes Bess and Margaret. The other was taken outside the Jackson County Courthouse, where both pictures had previously been displayed. Nick Cichielo, left, accepted the pictures on behalf of the Lodge of Research, which will keep them on display in the Masonic Library.

Table Rock Lodge held its annual installation of officers Tuesday August 27, 2013, with 65 people in attendance. Kenny Adkins was installed as Worshipful Master for the coming year. RWB Bill Cox was the Installing Worshipful Master, RWB Tom Williams was the Installing Marshall and RWB Chuck Pittman was the Installing Chaplain. A ham and fried chicken dinner was served after the installation.

Table Rock Lodge held a MoCHIP on September 28, 2013 at the Lodge hall and processed over 14 kids with 26 volunteers. There was a lot of fun and fellowship among all the Brethren, who served pizza for lunch and gave cookies to the participating children. Worshipful Master Kenny Adkins said he was pleased with the program.

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Swope Park Lodge installed its 2013-2014 officers in October. Officers shown are, first row (left to right): Senior Warden Jim O'Shea, Worshipful Master Jeff Engle, Junior Warden Jim Lowman, Marshall Jody Hale. Second row: Chaplin Clayton Stiff, Treasurer Gary Dryer, Tyler Ed Culver, Senior Steward Mark Schmidt. Third row: Junior Deacon Kevin Sykes, Senior Steward Larry Alvis, Secretary Kenny Best, Junior Steward Thomas Schmidt.

At its annual installation of officers ceremony in October, Swope Park Lodge honored Connie Best for her service at the Lodge. She received the recognition as thanks for her support of all the groups who meet at Swope Park. Worshipful Master Jeff Engle (left) and RWB Gary Dryer are shown presenting Connie with a tiara and sash designating her as "Mrs. Swope Park."

Billings Masonic Lodge held its installation of officers on Saturday September 7, 2013. Fifty-five people attended as Brother Dan Elmore was installed as Worshipful Master. RWB Randy Jones served as Installing Master, with RWB Tom Williams as Installing Marshall and RWB Dale Roller as Installing Chaplain.

Branson Lodge hosted a charity breakfast on Saturday, October 12, under the direction of WB Don McGuirt. Several members and their families assisted with the event in addition to a local radio station and the Branson Daily Independent newspaper. The Lodge uses proceeds from the event to fund its annual distribution of Christmas baskets.

Platte City Lodge #504 installed its officers for the 2013-14 term on September 9, 2013 as follows: Front row (left to right): WB Steve Hanchette, JW; RWB R.L. Tichenor, Treasurer; WB Lance Foster, Secretary. Back row: David Connell, JD; Jerry Blain, WM; Brother Larry Potts, SD.

Sheffield Lodge has installed its officers line for 2013-2014. Shown are, first row (left to right): SW Bruce Olds, WM Bill Shipman, JW Cary Marshall, Chaplain Ed Suhbert, Treasurer Richard Wright. Second row: JD Ben Mullins, Secretary Cecil Wages. JS Joe Sawn. SD Aaron Rose and SS Zack Rose.

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Hannibal #188 cooked pork burgers at New London Park Days and made a $1,000 donation to the James E. Cary Cancer Center. WM Chris Dennis (left) is shown presenting the check.

Swope Park Lodge #617 assisted TempleGate Lodge #299 with courtesy work for a Master Mason degree in September. Pictured are Brother Cody Ridgeway and his grandfather, RWB Lyman Ridgeway.v

Branson Masonic Lodge held an open meeting on Saturday, August 17, 2013. Over 40 people attended to hear about the history of the Masonic Fraternity and the activities of various appendant bodies. Lodge members thanked their four largest sponsors, KRZK radio station, the Branson Daily Independent newspaper, Papa John's Pizza and Krispy Kreme Donuts. Brother John Grisham is pictured giving his presentation about the Shrine.

Forsyth Lodge #453 Installed its officers for 2013-14 on September 15, 2013. Front row (left to right): Senior Warden Ronnie Combs, Senior Deacon G.T. Bracy, Worshipful Master Rick Davidson, Junior Warden Clarence Sims, Junior Steward Michael Niner, Installing Master Bill Cox. Back row: Tyler Lynn Brehends, Chaplain Rick Treese, Distinguished guest Tim Thomas, Installing Chaplain Bob Alexander and Installing Marshall Knial Iorg.

Over 40 people attended Branson Lodge's open meeting on Saturday, August 17, 2013. The audience received information about the Masonic Fraternity and various appendant bodies. Several parents attended with their children and heard presentations about the Masonic Fraternity's involvement in the community. Radio station KRZK, the Branson Daily Independent newspaper, Papa Johns Pizza and Krispy Kreme Cream Donuts supported the program with refreshments and promotion. Four petitions were given out, including one for the Eastern Star and three for the Rainbow Girls. WM Rick Hutcheson extended his thanks to Mel Pulliam and the women of the Eastern Star for preparing the refreshments. Pictured: a representative of radio station KRZK receives an award of appreciation from the Lodge..

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Cooper Lodge #36 in Boonville was awarded the Grand Lodge of Missouri Service Award for its Bikes-4-Books program. Brother Roy Cary started the Bikes-4-Books program in Missouri at Cooper Lodge #36 in 2008 and now Lodges all over the state are giving bikes to schools for their reading programs. Shown presenting the award (left to right): MWB David L. Ramsey, Grand Master, Brothers Roy Cary and John Holtzclaw, co-chairs. Boonville Lodge gives 40 bikes, helmets, and six MP3 players each semester at eight schools.

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Sparta Masonic Lodge held its annual installation of officers on Saturday September 7, 2013. Thirty-six people attended. Brother Mike Nelson was installed Worshipful Master. The installing officers were: RWB Randy Jones as Installing Worshipful Master, RWB Don Hagan as Chaplain and WB Kenny Roller as Installing Marshall. Light refreshments of cake and punch were served after the installation.

Hermann Masonic Lodge #123 held its annual installation on August 22, 2013, with the following slate of officers: first row: Installing Marshall Louis Sieg, Jason Grosse, Ben Grosse, Dan Mariano, Sr., Installing Master Norm Harrison; second row: Glen Ocheskey, Ken Gerloff, Charles Brown; third row: Charles Kelsey II, Leo Hindrichs, Ray Ham.

Galena Lodge held its installation of offices for the coming year on Sunday October 13, 2013. WB James Gross was installed as Worshipful Master, RWB Bill Cox was the Installing Master, RWB Bob Alexander was the Installing Chaplain and RWB Knial Iorg was the Installing Marshal. Approximately 25 people attended. WM James Gross thanked the Ladies from the Eastern Star for preparing the meal. The Lodge installed RWB Carnell Cutbirth as secretary. This will be his 39th year in that position.

Swope Park Lodge #617 assisted Temple Gate Lodge #299 with courtesy work. Shown (left to right): Jeff Engle who performed the Third Degree Lecture and Charge; new Master Mason Gregory Wisner; RWB Gene Wisner, his grandfather; and RWB Larry Cameron who gave the obligation. Members of the Eastgate Travelers Club also assisted in the second section.

Butler Lodge has installed its officers for the 2013-14 term. Pictured, front row (left to right): WB Bernie Meister, SW; WB Don Winchell, Installing Master; Don Moore, WM; RWB George Barrios, Installing Marshall; David Payne, JW. Middle Row: Robert Peveto, Chaplain; James Coy, Marshall; Robert Dixon, JD. Back Row: Mike Lee, SD; Dwain Russell, Tyler; RWB Alvin Griffin, Treasurer; WB Richard Gaylord, SS; RWB Stephen Dixon, JS; WB Rick Hurshman, Secretary.

McDonald Lodge #324 held its open installation of officers on September 14, 2013. Pictured are Frank Roberts (Worshipful Master), Justin McDaniel (Senior Warden), William Warren (Junior Warden), RWB Miguel Madrigal Jr. (Treasurer), WB Kenneth Fitzgerel (Secretary), WB Warren Tyler (Chaplain), WB Dave Krevitz (Marshall), William Schwartz (Senior Deacon), Christopher Gray (Junior Deacon), Robert Sauls (Senior Steward), WB Frank Dyer (Junior Steward), WB Bryan Stark (Past Master 2012-13), RWB Rex Stark (Ritualist).

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Hermitage Lodge #288 has installed its officers for the 2014 Term as follows: Front row: Treasurer John Donohue, Chaplin Henry Garcia, Worshipful Master Dave Bridges, Installing Master Kenneth Brundage, JS Larry Logan. Second Row: Installing Chaplain Cleo Fields, JD Dennis Heckadon, SD Larry Lightfoot, Secretary Conrad Pitz, SS James Hackett. Last Row: Installing Marshall David Turner, JW Mackie Snyder, Marshall Rick Nelson, SW Mark Houser. Not shown: Tyler Brent Oestrich.

Richmond Lodge #57 installed its officers for the 2013-14 term on September 8, 2013. Pictured are, first row (left to right): Treasurer Dowell Carter, JW Jarrell Foreman, JD Terry Tharp, Marshall Steve Cox, SS Randy Day, Secretary Ron White. Second row: SW Jim Carter, SD Ron Peterson, WM Don Lake, JS Scott Reed. Top row: Installing Master Bill Siegfried, Installing Chaplain Stan Massey, Installing Marshall Bob Hayes. Not pictured Tiler Brandon White.

Higginsville Lodge #364 has installed its officers for the 2013-2014 term. Pictured (front row, left to right): WB Norris Waller (JS), WB W.N. Gray (Treasurer), Dru Felkin (SW), WB Doug Harvey (WM), Scott Siegfried (JW), WB Bernie Miller (Secretary); Back row: RWB Jack Padley (Tyler), RWB Bill Siegfried (SD and also Installing Master), RWB Bruce McWilliams (Installing Chaplain), Bob Siegfried (Chaplain), RWB Ron Elling (SS), Jon Edwards (JD), RWB Steve Walden (Installing Marshall), WB Tim Rechterman (Marshall - not pictured).

On Saturday, October 26, 2013, Sampson Lodge #298 in Theodosia, became a satellite collection point for Ozark County's "Drug Take Back Program." Members of the Lodge were on hand to greet the local residents who came in to drop off their expired or unneeded prescription medications. Sheriff's Deputies accepted and secured the old prescription drugs which were then turned over to the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration for disposal by incineration. Ozark County Sheriff Darrin Reed, (pictured at far left), also serves as Senior Steward of Sampson Lodge.

Branson Lodge installed its officers for the 2013-14 term on October 19, 2013, with over 60 people in attendance. MWB Jon Broyles presided as Installing Master assisted by RWB Bill Cox as Installing Chaplain and RWB Webb Edwards as Installing Marshal. The local Rainbow Girls Chapter assisted with dinner and cleanup as well as participating in the ceremony. Past Grand Masters Larry Reynolds and David Ramsey also attended. Pictured (left to right) are: Senior Deacon Kenny Goodman, Secretary Herb Terrill, Junior Warden Bob Huels, Worshipful Master Kevin Weibe, Senior Warden John Bahler, Chaplain Bob Alexander and Tyler Mel Pulliam. Officers installed but not in the picture were Treasurer Bob Stapleton, Junior Deacon John Tate and Junior Steward Jeremiah Briggs

Members of Bernie Lodge installed officers for the 2013-14 term at their regular meeting on September 10, 2013. RWB Robert Floyd, Grand Lecturer, served as Installing Master with RWB Gary Kitchen, DDGM as Installing Marshall and WB Ken Swearingen, Master of Dexter Lodge #532, as Installing Chaplain. Ms. Iona Parks prepared the meal which was served before the ceremonies. RWB Floyd shared a humorous slide show and the Lodge awarded retiring Master Chris Nelson with a gift certificate in appreciation for his service. WB Nelson served one year as Master of Dexter Lodge #532 before serving two years as Master of Bernie Lodge #573.

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Service honor roll

50–Year Date

Anderson, Lyle J. 10/8/2013 Ashe, Lloyd 9/2/2013 Austin, James A. 9/27/2013 Austin, James A. Sr. 9/26/2013 Bargman, Glenn 8/26/2013 Barnes, Tommie J. 9/10/2013 Becker, William H. Jr. 10/16/2013 Birch, Jimmy S. 10/13/2013 Birtley, Norman E. Sr. 9/11/2013 Blinn, Marland L. 10/2/2013 Boatman, Bill 10/20/2013 Bohne, Jack D. 9/2/2013 Bonner, Charles A. 10/31/2013 Boyd, Jimmie D. 9/13/2013 8/29/2013 Braswell, Leroy Bricker, Robert S. 10/7/2013 Brooks, Alfred R. 9/27/2013 9/27/2013 Brooks, Fred L. 10/9/2013 Bugg, James B. Butler, Thomas L. 9/4/2013 10/22/2013 Butts, John W. Carter, Rex D. MD 8/20/2013 8/23/2013 Cloud, Lowell D. 9/17/2013 Cooper, Carlos E. 9/17/2013 Courtney, Billy L. Sr. Craft, B. H. Jr. 9/16/2013 Crawford, Cleo C. 9/1/2013 Cupp, Bobbie D. 9/6/2013 10/25/2013 Dameron, Howard L. Davis, Kenneth J. 8/19/2013 9/20/2013 Day, Leroy E. Dugan, Stanley F. 9/11/2013 Duncan, William L. 10/10/2013 England, Jack Jr. 10/3/2013 10/23/2013 Essary, Lawrence J. Evans, Wendell L. Jr. 9/10/2013 Eveloff, Philip 8/5/2013 Flood, Bruce A. 8/22/2013 Fuller, Kenneth A. 9/17/2013 Gawf, Dorman L. 8/19/2013 Goetz, Edward J. Jr. 9/12/2013 10/23/2013 Grantham, Joe R. 10/21/2013 Hager, James L. Harry, James B. Jr. 10/25/2013 8/26/2013 Hartley, Glenn E. Jr. 9/19/2013 Helms, Carl D. Hendrickson, Donald E. 10/21/2013 Hipes, Vergil E. 9/26/2013 Howell, Richard D. 8/7/2013 8/13/2013 Hunt, Ronald G. 8/18/2013 Jenkins, Nathan C. Jr. Jessup, Goble 9/3/2013 Johnson, Larian A. 8/21/2013 Jones, Jimmie R. 8/19/2013 Jordan, Harold E. 8/27/2013 Kaiser, Denzel L. 8/3/2013 Kiehn, Charles A. Jr. 10/12/2013 Koehler, W. Lee 8/12/2013 Krawiecki, Samuel W. 10/11/2013 8/20/2013 LaPlant, James M. Lowderman, Homer D. 8/28/2013



50–Year Date

Fellowship #345 Savannah #71 St Mark’s #93 Meramec #313 Fairfax #483 Cecile Daylight #305 Bridgeton #80 Ash Grove #100 Pride of the West #179/ Algabil-Freedom #636 Raytown #391 Pleasant Hope #467 Raytown #391 Ivanhoe #446 Saline #226 Marcus #110 Belton #450 Grandin #579 Grandin #579 Solomon #271 St Louis MIssouri #1 Laclede #83 Vandalia #491 Carthage #197 Branson #587 East Gate #630 Huntsville #30 Puxico #596 Marceline #481 Huntsville #30 Fairfax #483 East Gate #630 De Soto #119 Ivanhoe #446 Pythagoras #383 Strafford #608 Laclede #83 St Joseph #78 Gate of the Temple #422 Index #54 Compass #120 Algabil-Freedom #636 Temple Gate #299 Kirkwood #484 Bridgeton #80 Charity Zeredatha #189 Appleton City #412 Grandview #618 Robert Burns #496 Montgomery #246 Mercer #35 Charity Zeredatha #189 Wentzville #46 Wakanda #52 Independence #76 Hopewell #239 Alpha #659 King Solomon #95 Rushville #238 St James #230 Elvins-Ionic #154 Buckner #501

Luke, Gary N. 9/16/2013 Lumpkins, George E. 9/14/2013 Main, Gerald A. 10/22/2013 May, Chester F. 8/4/2013 May, William G. 10/10/2013 Mc Laughlin, Ronald P. 8/8/2013 Mercer, Charles E. 8/7/2013 Meyer, Leon H. 8/11/2013 Miller, James A. 10/1/2013 Milster, William D. 9/11/2013 Montgomery, James J. 10/23/2013 Moreland, Jimmie L. 9/18/2013 Morse, Ronald I. 8/1/2013 Nelson, William M. 10/30/2013 Nikolaisen, Marvin A. 9/6/2013 Oetting, Charles G. 9/22/2013 Oliver, Larry L. 9/19/2013 Pagel, Ben F. 10/9/2013 Peters, Larry R. 10/7/2013 Pettit, Walter S. Jr. 9/2/2013 Redhage, Johnnie L. 10/17/2013 Reece, Harley E. 8/10/2013 Reed, James M. 10/31/2013 Reynolds, Donald L. 10/18/2013 Richardson, Morris D. 9/13/2013 Riney, Charles W. 8/25/2013 Robinson, Fred Jr. 9/25/2013 Ross, Charles W. 9/15/2013 Ruppert, Paul J. 8/23/2013 Scammahorn, Robert L. 10/14/2013 Schaffer, James B. 10/14/2013 Scowden, Dwane C. 8/4/2013 Shepherd, James T. 8/9/2013 Shields, Jack E. 10/22/2013 Sklenar, Donald E. 8/22/2013 Sly, Harry A. Jr. 9/16/2013 Smith, Donald L. 9/18/2013 Smith, Robert L. 8/31/2013 Smith, Roy E. 8/25/2013 Smith, Steven A. 8/8/2013 Statler, Merlin V. 9/11/2013 Stoddard, Arthur G. 8/27/2013 Stone, Darrel J. 9/1/2013 Stoner, Leland K. 9/18/2013 Strodtman, Fritz L. 9/25/2013 Suess, Richard 10/4/2013 Summers, Boyd Jr. 9/18/2013 Summers, Robert R. 8/10/2013 Swan, Ray G. 10/7/2013 Sweezy, Max D. 9/21/2013 Todd, Gary L. 8/20/2013 Trauernicht, Ray A. 8/19/2013 Walker, James K. 9/18/2013 Wallace, Arthur R. 9/27/2013 Warner, James R. 9/16/2013 Wells, Johnie 10/18/2013 Weman, Virgil C. 8/6/2013 Whisler, A. Dale 9/18/2013 Whitney, Larry E. 10/7/2013 Wyatt, Pat 9/8/2013 Yates, Arthur D. Jr. 10/11/2013

Lodge Temple Gate #299 Wentzville #46 Brookfield #86 Callao #38 Fenton #281 Sheffield #625 Temple Gate #299 Gate of the Temple #422 Censer #172 Samaritan #424 Neosho #247 Neosho #247 Clay #207 Herculaneum #338 Craftsmen #717 Spirit of St. Louis #27 Linn #326 Temple Gate #299 / Ivanhoe #446 Warren #74 Canopy #284 Union #593 Unionville #210 Columbia #534 Meramec #313 Wayne #526 Hannibal #188 De Soto #119 Unionville #210 Independence #76 Grand River #276 Monticello #58 Puxico #596 Carthage #197 Belton #450 King Hill #376 Fairfax #483 Jefferson #43 Mizpah Mt. Moriah #40 Hopewell #239 Saxton #508 Excelsior #441 Mc Donald #324 Memphis #16 Bethany #97 Fayette-Howard #4 Nodaway #470 Chaffee #615 Huntsville #30 Meridian #2 Carthage #197 Sikeston #310 Fairfax #483 Overland-Occidental #623 Mizpah Mt. Moriah #40 St Joseph #78 Belgrade #632 Overland-Occidental #623 Bethany #97 Adair #366 Montgomery #246 Independence #76

The Grand Lodge of Missouri Congratulates these Brethren for their achievement and thanks them for their years of devoted service.

the missouri freemason

Winter 2013 27

POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, Missouri 65202-6535.

Freemasonry Makes a Difference Dr. E. Otha Wingo, PDDGL 38, FMLR “An avid reader” writes that the famous men mentioned in a previous article would have accomplished the same things even if they had not been Freemasons. The question then arises, What difference does Freemasonry make in the lives of famous persons? The eight famous men listed were examples of men who excelled in various areas of accomplishment and were also Freemasons. They all may not be prominent in the Fraternity, but some are. Harry S Truman was Grand Master of Missouri and signed the charter for the Missouri Lodge of Research, while serving as a U.S. Senator, and was its Master when he was President of the United States. Mozart’s musical genius was profoundly influenced by Freemasonry. His last and greatest opera, The Magic Flute, is virtually a Masonic opera, since it incorporates the tenets and symbols of Freemasonry. He actively participated in Masonic degree work and wrote many compositions for Masonic rituals and ceremonies. Reference to the life stories of these

otha.wingo@gmail.com great men will reveal traits of character which epitomize the tenets of Freemasonry: Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth, Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, Justice, Integrity, Fidelity, and Belief in a Higher Power. In the excellent biography of the great American naval hero, John Paul Jones, the eminent historian, Samuel Eliot Morison, who won the Pulitzer Prize for it in 1960, clearly demonstrates the importance of Freemasonry in the life of John Paul Jones. He discusses the famous letter to Benjamin Franklin in which John Paul explains the addition of Jones to his name. Morison writes of Jones’ initiation into the Lodge of the Nine Sisters, the most famous Lodge in France, whose membership included Benjamin Franklin, Voltaire, and Jean Antoine Houdon, the imperial sculptor, who was commissioned by the

Lodge to do a portrait bust of John Paul Jones. The intellectual level of the Lodge was high in all areas, literary, scientific, poetic, and artistic, and petitioners were required to show some special talents. Morison concluded that John Paul Jones was “a good Masonic Brother.” Such references, in an important biography of an important man, are noteworthy inasmuch as too many times the Masonic connections of public figures are left unnoticed. The Missouri Lodge of Research has published several volumes which give short biographical sketches of Freemasons who excelled in many professions: 10,000 Famous Freemasons (4 vols.) by William R. Denslow, Masonic Portraits and Freemasonry and the Presidency, U.S.A. by Ray V. Denslow, Biographies of Masonic Notables (2 vols.) by James Royal Case. Other volumes highlight men who have made a name for themselves in the Fraternity, but that is another topic. I conclude with an account of community service done by a group of Missouri Freemasons and their families. The organizations deserve the credit, but I leave them unnamed to illustrate the point that most charitable events See Freemasonry, page 12

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