Flagship 09.09.2021

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Military members help teachers More than 425 military members across various commands volunteered during Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads’ two-day Servicing Our Schools Initiative Aug. 30 and Sept. 1. PAGE A5

VOL. 28, NO. 36, Norfolk, VA | flagshipnews.com

September 9-September 15, 2021



America’s Darkest Day Strengthens Employees’ Patriotism, Resolve By Beth Reece

Defense Logistics Agency Public Affairs

United Airlines Flight 93 was soaring over Pennsylvania en route to Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11, 2001, when then-Defense Logistics Agency Director Navy Vice Adm. Keith Lippert ordered an announcement for all McNamara Headquarters Complex employees to shelter in the auditorium. Planes had already crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the

Pentagon, and where the fourth plane was headed only God knew. “The size of our building was a concern to me. It could’ve been a target,” Lippert said two months shy of the attack’s 20th anniversary. Fear flooded the building’s basement as workers crowded together, some openly sobbing with worry that loved ones working at the Pentagon or on temporary duty at the World Trade Center had been caught in the horror. Others gazed in shock at over-

head TVs, wondering how such tragedy and blood could spill over American soil. John Morris, the former supervisor of the Document Automation Printing Service at the Pentagon, was watching news anchors report on the devastation in New York City when he and his staff heard what sounded like heavy furniture moving on the floor above. Stepping outside the office, Morris saw employees running, one warning of a bomb explosion. It was the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 slamming into the

National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial Renovations Complete By Terri Moon Cronk The renovations at the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial are complete, correcting light-system failures in the pools under the memorial benches and replacing the entire electrical system. Since 2008, the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial has been a solemn, quiet escape for mourners to pay their respects to those who died at the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m., Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the west side of the building, killing 184 people onboard and employees inside the U.S. military headquarters. The physical damage to the Pentagon was rebuilt in less than a year. The memorial was closed Sept. 9, 2019, for renovations, and was scheduled to reopen in May 2020, but because of COVID-19 restrictions on the Pentagon Reservation and other factors, it is not yet open to the public, Sue Gough, DOD spokeswoman, said. The renovations, now complete, remedied recurring light-system failures in the pools under the memorial benches, where water seeped into the fixtures. The entire electrical


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building’s southwest corridor. Back at DLA Headquarters, Shirley Bergman, then a contract specialist for alternative fuels, agonized and wept knowing her husband was at a Marriott between the two 110-story World Trade Center towers interviewing senior economists for the U.S. Census Bureau. And Matthew Woodruff, now a general supply specialist at DLA Distribution San Joaquin, California, was Turn to Remembrance, Page 7

Austin Calls on Service Members to Stop Stigmatizing Mental Health Help By DOD Public Affairs

Pentagon 9/11 Memorial pictured above. (LISA FERDINANDO)

system also was replaced, including all bench lighting and the electrical conduit that feeds power to the light fixtures.

The memorial comprises hallowed grounds Turn to Memorial, Page 7

After a briefing from leaders about the spike in suicides among service members in Alaska, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said today he’s concerned about the number of suicides there and across the force. “I’m deeply concerned about the suicide rates, not only here but across the force,” he said during a press conference at Eielson Air Force Turn to Mental Health, Page 7

Vaccination center

Suicide Prevention


Rear Adm. Darin Via, Naval Medical Forces Atlantic commander and the senior market manager for the Tidewater Market, visited McCormick gym to tour the site of Hampton Roads’ mass vaccination center, Sept. 1. PAGE A3

September has been designated as Suicide Prevention Month in order to raise our consciousness about those who suffer from suicidal ideations and to give us the emotional tools for helping someone who stands at death’s door. PAGE A4

Between recreational and commercial vessels, there are well over 100,000 movements annually on the Elizabeth River which runs along NNSY. PAGE 6

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Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Lead Systems Engineer Dave Griffiths. (RACHEL O’DONNELL)

A Constant Evolvement: Lead Systems Engineer Recalls Steps Leading to His Start at NSWCDD By Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Public Affairs DAHLGREN, Va. — There is a famous saying that goes, “When one door closes, somewhere a window opens.” The saying rings true for Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Lead Systems Engineer Dave Griffiths, who joined the workforce at Dahlgren in 2009. “I’ve been through many jobs. A lot of times, things just happened and turned out the way they did. It was a lot of happenstance,” said Griffiths. “There were only a couple times where I forced a change, and it wound up not being in my best interest. It seems like fate led me down the right path, and I am willing to follow.” After receiving his master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Notre

Dame, the New York native took a job in Austin, Tx., but his heart still longed to be in the Northeast United States. After three years in Texas, Griffiths made the big move to Poughkeepsie, Ny. He was there for 18 months before the company transferred their work in New York to Richmond, Va. For nearly ten years, Griffiths worked as a failure analysis and test engineer at a chip manufacturing company. At the height of the 2008 recession, the plant shut down. “I was laid off for ten and a half months,” said Griffiths. “One of the people I worked with at the plant worked at Dahlgren. I applied for a job, and he got me an interview.” Those ten and a half months played a pivotal role in his life. At the time, Griffiths and his wife had children aged 10, seven, and a year-and-a-half. “Getting to spend ten months with my

little one completely changed my perspective on life,” he recalled. Griffiths lives in Mechanicsville and made the hour-anda-half commute to work every day to NSWCDD until the start of maximum telework in March 2020. “While it is important to excel in your job and career, remember the people standing behind you. Being able to be home and have that extra three hours a day to spend with my family has nudged me. The first time when I was laid off was a kick — this time, it’s more of a nudge… It’s not just about work. Family is extremely important.” Since joining the NSWCDD workforce in December 2009, Griffiths’ responsibilities shifted and grew: from lead test engineer to AEGIS project lead with involvement on nearly every project in the Digital Combat Systems Branch.

“I don’t really have any regrets on anything I’ve done or where I’ve ended up. One of the most important things that has lead me to where I am is being flexible,” said Griffiths. If he could tell his 15-year-old self anything, it would be to “be flexible and don’t pigeonhole yourself into a job description. Always search for more. Constantly learn. The minute you stop learning, it impacts you. Just constantly dig into material.” Griffiths considers one of the key lessons in his career the application of hard work in areas he struggled, rather than just accepting defeat. “When I talk about ‘never stop learning,’ I learned so many different areas — and this is a guy who came into Dahlgren doing semiconductor work,” said Griffiths. During his time at NSWCDD, Griffiths worked on several different technologies including celestial navigation and north finding, laser target designators, laser range finders, ocular interrupters and laser weapon systems before landing in his current role working with computer hardware and software teams to carry out weapon system virtualization. It’s a total change in technologies and the ability to learn things. I do not know of anywhere else that you can learn so much and still work in the same town — let alone for the same company or organization.”

“This certification represents our company’s commitment to the veteran workforce and we look forward to our partnership with the V3 team in assisting us in the successful, ongoing

commitment to recruiting, hiring, training and retaining these most valued members of the community.” said Jenny Leigh, Vice President, Human Resources.

Virginia Department of Veterans Affairs Awards S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co. Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certification By Susan Childress

Nusbaum Realty Public Affairs

NORFOLK, Va. — S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co. is pleased to announce they have become the newest V3-Certified company in the Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Program, by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Veterans Affairs. The Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Program is a Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Veterans Services Program whose mission is to educate and train employers throughout the


Commonwealth on the value of Virginia’s Veterans, and to help employers connect with these personnel assets to maximize the productivity of their workforce.

Editorial Staff Military Editor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm, maddelin.hamm@navy.mil Managing Editor | Ensign James Caliva, james.caliva@navy.mil Graphic Designer | Trisha Irving, trisha.irving@virginiamedia.com

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Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA): Rear Adm Charles W.“Chip”Rock Regional program manager for Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (NRMA): Public Affairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy, under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose mailing address is located at PO Box 282501, Norfolk, Va. 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved

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Rear Adm. Darin Via, Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (MEDLANT) commander and senior market manager for the Tidewater Market, speaks with a Sailor about volunteering to assist during a visit to a mass vaccination site at Naval Station Norfolk Sept. 1. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Naval Medical Forces Atlantic visits Hampton Roads mass vaccination center By Tia Nichole Mcmillen

Naval Medical Forces Atlantic Public Affairs

NORFOLK, Va. — Rear Adm. Darin Via, Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (MEDLANT) commander and the senior market manager for the Tidewater Market, visited McCormick gym on Naval Station Norfolk to tour the site of Hampton Roads’ mass vaccination center, Sept. 1. The center is managed by Commander, N a v a l S u r f a c e F o r c e s At l a n t i c (SURFLANT), and is executed by personnel from Commander, Naval Air Forces Atlantic (AIRLANT), SURFLANT, and Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC) Portsmouth, with support from Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC). Via commended the volunteers on their willingness to step up and fulfill the duties

given to them as medical professionals. “We have a saying in the medical field which is, ‘One Navy Medicine,’ and that is because Navy medicine is spread across multiple organizations, commands, and platforms. It is magnificent to see Sailors from all over the region coming out to help keep their shipmates healthy and make this as expeditious as possible,” said Via. The visit allowed Via, along with MEDLANT’s acting Command Master Chief Tanya Jones, Capt. Kevin Brown, USFFC fleet surgeon, Capt. Laurence Kuhn, AIRLANT fleet surgeon, and Capt. Bettina Sauter, SURFLANT fleet surgeon, to share insight and information on the role of the mass vaccination center, and the process for inoculating active, Reserve, and National Guard members of the Armed Forces in accordance with the Secretary of Defense’s (SECDEF) mandate, issued Aug. 24.

Via and Jones were escorted by SURFLANT’s Cmdr. Jon Levenson, who manages the mass vaccination center. “We aren’t new to mass vaccinations,” said Levenson. “We are bringing Navy medicine directly to Sailors, and making it as convenient as possible for them to get vaccinated.” Levenson explained the site location was chosen due its proximity to the larger concentration of Sailors still in need of vaccination. “We know not everyone has a vehicle or a way to get to some of our more remote vaccination sites, so we are here to facilitate a smoother process. It’s easier for commands to get Sailors over to the gym, so being here will directly contribute to getting Sailors ready for the fight,” said Levenson. The site at McCormick gym is organized and structured to ensure the maximum number of service members enabled to get

their COVID-19 vaccine while minimizing time away from work. “The whole intent of this scheduling system is to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible with the least amount of inconvenience,” said Levenson. During his visit, Via reiterated the importance of getting vaccinated and how sites such as McCormick gym are playing an important role in keeping Navy Sailors ready and safe from the pandemic. “Upon the FDA’s full licensure, the Secretary of Defense has mandated the vaccination of all service members, and, based on that guidance, our Sailors are here to get vaccinated so we can ensure our fleet is operationally ready,” said Via. This visit comes on the heels of NAVADMIN 190⁄21, 2021-2022 Navy Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination and Reporting policy, released Aug. 31, stating that vaccination against COVID-19 for all service members is now mandatory. For more information regarding scheduling appointment times, please coordinate through your command. Alternatively, walk in appointments are also available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.



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4 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 9, 2021

Every life counts: September is Suicide Prevention Month

By Cmdr. Edward Erwin, CHC, USN CREDO Region Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs

Every life counts. Each human being is a brilliant microcosm of an awe-inspiring universe. Sociologists tell us that the celebrated rites of passage such as graduation, marriage, job promotion, home ownership, and retirement mark our existence with a sense of personal gratification and individual achievement. Yet for all the glowing superlatives that may describe life at its high points, we have all known the sorrow, the disappointments, and the tragedies of life that can make us susceptible to prolonged discouragement, if not despair. It is when active duty military and veterans face divorce, bankruptcy, the untimely death of a loved one, and professional failure that even the best and brightest among us may contemplate suicide. Life can be fragile and therefore all the more precious in those precarious times when friends, colleagues, and family members may entertain thoughts of suicide. For that reason, September has been designated as Suicide Prevention Month in order to raise our consciousness about those who suffer from suicidal ideations and to give us the emotional tools for helping someone who stands at death’s door. Stephen Losey in an article (military.com, June 21, 2021) heightens public awareness to the alarming surge in suicide among active duty military and veterans. According to a Brown University study, Losey points out that four times as many troops and veterans have died by suicide than were actually killed in combat since 9/11. USA Today indicates that in spite of troop withdrawals, suicides have increased substantially. Specifically, 326 active-duty troops died by suicide in 2018, 348 in 2019, and 377 in 2020, according to figures released by the Pentagon. While the overwhelming numbers may numb some to the pain of suicide as an unavoidable social reality, those of us who have served in the military especially know the first-hand anguish of suicide. In my own personal experience, I will never forget a suicide that occurred during a deployment in Afghanistan. The individual was a friend and a colleague. His death was emotionally devastating to morale and mission readiness for our Command. Courageous warriors were without words, and the senseless death caused many to grieve for months, if not longer. I grieve the loss of this incredible young man who had so much to live for and yet in a desperate moment chose death. What can be done to prevent even the loss of one life?

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. (YOGI PRAMADHIKA)

Every year all branches of the military conduct annual suicide prevention training. These annual briefs are supported by Suicide Prevention Coordinators, Chaplains, Mental Health, Medical, Fleet and Family Support Center, etc. The simple yet powerful acronym ACT is often used as a talking point. When conversing with someone who is depressed and making questionable statements, A-Ask the question: are you thinking of taking your life? C-Care! Regardless of your busy schedule, care enough to listen to the suicidal person’s story. T-Treat! Escort the individual in question to medical, a Chaplain, or Mental Health and inform the Chain of Command. Professional treatment reinforced by a trusted circle of friends and family who care is absolutely vital. In addition to the annual GMT, the highly acclaimed LivingWorks organization has developed outstanding suicide prevention/intervention programs that will empower service members to know what to do in the face of a

potential suicide situation. SafeTALK is a three hour workshop that gives practical knowledge on how to intervene and prevent a suicide from occurring. NAVADMIN 329⁄20 names safeTALK as a best practice for Command INDOC. Another excellent program formulated by LivingWorks is ASIST. A two day course that also incorporates real life applications, ASIST is undeniably one of the best suicide intervention programs in the world. Those two days represent life-altering experiences and can help bystanders in understanding how to rescue those who are ready to pull the trigger, swallow the pill, or jump from a bridge. Both suicide prevention/ intervention workshops are taught monthly by CNRMA CREDO at the First Landing Chapel at Ft. Story. A number of certified and qualified Chaplains are engaged in life-saving training every month to help prepare the Fleet for the daunting stresses facing the Fighter and the Family. If you are interested in attending a safeTALK

or an ASIST workshop with CREDO, please visit https://www.facebook.com/credomidatlantic/in order to learn more and register for upcoming programs.* If you need immediate assistance and you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. If you would like to speak with a Chaplain about an urgent crisis situation, the Duty Chaplain number for the Hampton Roads Area is 1-757-438-3822. For those who struggle with suicidal thoughts and behaviors, consider what Hayley Williams, an American singer and songwriter, said: “When you feel like giving up, just remember why you held on for so long.” Don’t give up hope. Help is available. There are those who care more than you realize. Life is worth living even in difficult and demanding times. Thomas Fuller, a theologian of great faith, reminds us in our adversities, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” However dark your night, take heart and be encouraged that your sun will soon rise!


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Military members help lighten teachers’ loads during Servicing Our Schools Initiative By Katisha Draughn-Fraguada

Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads Public Affairs Office

More than 425 military members across various commands volunteered during Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads’ two-day Servicing Our Schools Initiative Aug. 30 and Sept. 1. These military members lightened the teachers’ loads by helping them set up their classrooms for the upcoming academic year. This effort allowed the teachers to focus on other responsibilities related to planning, developing and organizing student instructional activities and preparing for upcoming meet and greet events. “It is an honor for our military members to give back to the local schools and show support to the teachers during this fantastic initiative,” said Capt. Matthew Frauenzimmer, commanding officer of NSA Hampton Roads. “We have a great partnership with the local community and strive to continue to collaborate and sustain those relationships through service.” Military members volunteered at 25 different elementary, middle and high schools in the city of Chesapeake during the initiative. Some of the tasks the volunteers helped with included preparing bulletin boards, sharpening pencils, sorting books, painting school doors, putting mulch in the garden, assembling student furniture, cutting out letters, organizing books for classroom libraries, and arranging furniture within the classrooms. “We have a huge military community here at the school, so it was really nice to have all of the military members here helping the teachers with their classrooms,” said Emily Townsend, first grade teacher at Butts Road Primary School. “It makes my heart so happy to see them here.” Military members representing different commands in the Hampton Roads area were spread out at multiple schools in Chesapeake to provide those helping hands to the teach-

A Sailor cuts classroom decorations while volunteering during the Servicing our Schools Initiative, Sept. 1. (COURTESY PHOTO)

ers. Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Launching & Recovery) Airman Erick Boburg from USS George Washington (CVN 73) spent most of the morning sharpening pencils at Butts Road Primary School. “It is important for us to give back to the community and help the teachers,” he said. “They help us while we are out at sea with educating the children, so we are happy to provide that support to them.” This two-day effort is completely voluntary and the military members enjoyed getting out to the schools. “I wanted to give back and help the teachers so they would have a little less to worry about,” said Information Systems Technician 3rd Class Arriel Fort from Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic. Over at Southeastern Elementary School,

Religious Program Specialist 2nd Class Robin Moss from NSA Hampton Roads, helped move tables and chairs and assembled Back to School packets. “I had a great time volunteering and I was happy to be able to help out in any way that was needed so the teachers could work on other tasks before the students arrive,” she said. For the military members, serving is something that extends beyond their place of duty and goes into the local neighborhoods. “This was a big part of the reason that I joined the Navy — to serve my country, and I really enjoy serving my community as well,” said Hospital Corpsman Tod Torres from USS Oak Hill (LSD 51). Within the 45 public schools in Chesapeake, there are approximately 8,200 military connected students. “This mutually beneficial initiative is a

shining example of the healthy and vibrant partnership between the excellent schools in Chesapeake and the military community,” said Dr. Jeff McGee, NSA Hampton Roads’ School Liaison Officer, who coordinated and planned this year’s event. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, military members were unable to participate in this initiative last year, but were enthusiastic to step up and help this year. “The assistance the service men and women provided will continue to strengthen and enhance the relationship between the military and the schools and help reduce the number of tasks the staff members need to complete prior to the start of the new school year,” said Frauenzimmer. “These fantastic teachers already have a tough job going into a very challenging school year, so if we can help take a little bit off their plate, then we are happy to do that.”



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Master-at-Arms Second Class Brandon Spears and Master-at-Arms Third Class Evan Shankle maneuver a security boat. (TROY MILLER)

Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s Harbor Patrol Units Keep the Waterways Safe By Troy Miller

Norfolk Naval Shipyard Public Affairs

NORFOLK, Va. — On October 12, 2000, suicide terrorists exploded a small boat alongside the USS Cole (DDG 67) as it was refueling in the Yemeni port of Aden. The blast ripped a 40-foot-wide hole on Cole, killing 17 Sailors and injuring many more. Steps have been taken since then to ensure something like this doesn’t happen again both overseas and in the United States, including America’s Shipyard. “Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s (NNSY) Harbor Patrol Unit (HPU) stands watch 24/7 365 days of the year to keep all of NNSY’s assets,

including employees, safe from potential threats,” said HPU’s (Code 800) Master-atArms Seaman Lauren McCarty. Between recreational and commercial vessels, there are well over 100,000 movements annually on the Elizabeth River which runs along NNSY. Some boaters transiting the Intercoastal Waterway are not familiar with the naval restricted areas along the southern branch of the Elizabeth River and tend to come into HPU’s area of operation. “We are the first line of defense on the waterfront,” said Master-at-Arms Third Class David Lanfranco. “Therefore we have to be confident not only in ourselves, but

also with the people we work with.” “We are a family,” said HPU’s Leading Petty Officer Master-at-Arms First Class Adam Walton. “We cannot afford to be anything less. We have to trust each other completely in order to be on the same page. The coxswain has to know what the crewman is thinking and the crewman needs to know what the coxswain is thinking.” The coxswain is the Petty Officer in charge of the craft and the primary boat operator. The individual is charged with steering the correct course, controlling the throttles and engine speed, and maneuvering the boat safely in the close quarters of the shipyard’s area of responsibility. All

crew members and passengers must follow the coxswain’s instruction. “Age and rank doesn’t matter,” said HPU’s Acting Division Officer Chief Master-at-Arms John Hicks. “If the coxswain is a 19 year old seaman and I being a chief petty officer is his crewman, I have to follow his instruction when it pertains to the operation of the boat.” While on patrol, the crewman is constantly scanning the area for any suspicious activity. If the situation warrants it, they man a M240 machine gun to deter any potential threats. “This is what we signed up for,” said Master-at-Arms Second Class Brandon Spears. “It’s our job to put our lives out there and protect Norfolk Naval Shipyard.” NNSY’s HPU will continue to stand watch to protect NNSY. “I love my job. It’s an adventure,” said Master-at-Arms Third Class Evan Shankle. “There’s no prouder moment, knowing that my presence on the waterway keeps America’s Shipyard safe. It’s my job and I am proud of it.”


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from Page 1

just a sophomore in high school. All but one of his teachers halted class as students watched the horrific story unfold via news broadcasts. “I still remember how vivid it was. There was a lot of stuff my parents wouldn’t even let me watch on TV because of the nature of the event,” he said, admitting that, like most Americans, he’d never even heard the word al-Qaida until that day. Lippert made another announcement that employees should go home soon after Flight 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Most were eager to return the next day even as the nation mourned and despite delays from increased security. “We always talked about warfighters first, but this really brought it home,” he said. “The whole country responded more patriotically than we’d seen in the past, and I think everyone felt the importance of what they were doing.” Homeland Response The Customer Interaction Center, where agents help callers place orders and find details like supply availability and delivery status, went to 24/7 operations on 9/11. Shamon Pratt, a customer service specialist who was then an agent, remembers the phone lines being eerily quiet for a couple of days before they rang off the hook, forcing management to hire more agents to handle the influx of calls. Employees across the agency scrambled to assist first responders. James Burke, a driver at DLA Distribution Norfolk volunteered to drive cots to the Pentagon for rescue crews working around the clock. Workers at DLA Distribution San Joaquin, California, and DLA Distribution Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, immediately began supplying items like boots, first aid kits and tents. And DLA Disposition Services staff provided gear including flashlights, shirts and sleeping mats requested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for recovery teams in New York and Washington. When the U.S. launched airstrikes Oct. 7 at al-Qaida and Taliban training camps in Afghanistan, acquisition specialists were already working with manufacturers to meet anticipated needs for aircraft parts, food and other items. DLA’s business doubled from $16 to $32 million within a year of the attack, then $40 million a year later. On the Front Lines The agency took logistics to the battlefield by deploying DLA Support Teams to work alongside uniformed customers. By the height of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2008, more than 40 employees worked on DSTs in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait to provide fuel, contract management, disposal services and asset visibility while fielding the latest body armor. Marian Hunter, a weapons systems support manager for DLA Aviation, deployed nine times before retiring in 2017. Being able to attend unit maintenance meetings and talk face-to-face with troops helped her better solve issues.

“The end result is what we all want — well-equipped, well-protected warfighters,” she said then. Woodruff is another of the hundreds of DLA employees who’ve since left home to support forces in harm’s way. He deployed for eight months in April 2011 to DLA Distribution’s theater consolidating shipping point at Forward Operating Base Deh Dadi II, where he helped distribute the material to units on the ground. The nation celebrated a victory during Woodruff ’s time in the warzone, and again, he saw it unfold via television. At breakfast in the chow hall On May 2, he watched President Barack Obama announce that U.S. Navy Seals had killed Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of 9/11. “I could have helped deliver the helicopter part that was used to transport those who found him. It was the littlest things — screws, washers, o-rings — that had the biggest impact there,” he said. “When you realize the part you help provide means there’s one less helicopter down, it becomes more than just a job.” The Human Toll Twenty years after the tragedy that tested DLA’s ability to support simultaneous wars, Lippert still remembers stepping into the Pentagon one day after the attack. He was there to meet with senior officials on the amount of money DLA would have for the next year, a meeting he was originally scheduled to attend the afternoon of 9/11. “You could hear a pin drop. You could still smell the smoke, and there were armed guards all over the place with rifles and machine guns, something I never thought I’d see,” he said. DLA employees who’ve been in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past 20 years say their pre-deployment training left no doubt their lives would be at risk. They deployed anyway, and all but two came home alive. Stephen Byus and Krissie Davis were both killed while serving in Afghanistan for DLA Disposition Services. The Promise: Never Forget The vicious, unprovoked attacks that ripped apart Americans’ sense of security 20 years ago resulted in the death of almost 3,000 people, 125 of them service members or Defense Department civilians and contractors. Those attacks remain the deadliest terrorist act in America’s history, and aftershocks of the atrocity ripple through lives even today. Like Lippert, current DLA Director Navy Vice Adm. Michelle Skubic points to employees’ courage, patriotism and resilience. “Just like the workforce of today, they understood that on America’s worst day, DLA must be at its best,” she said this week in a message to the agency. The sharp memories of 9/11 urge employees like Woodruff to continually rededicate themselves to DLA’s mission. American pride is alive and strong among DLA’s members. “9/11 taught us that we need to be resilient and not become complacent,” Woodruff said. “It’s like a game of chess. We need to be steps ahead of our adversaries.”

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III visits Fort Wainwright, Alaska, July 24, 2021. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Mental Health from Page 1

Base, Alaska. “One loss by suicide is too many. While we’re working hard on this problem, we have a lot more to do.” Addressing the problem must start with reducing the stigma associated with seeking help for mental health issues, he said. “Mental health is health, period,” Austin said. The secretary said the Defense Department must approach the suicide issue with the same energy applied to any other health issue. Getting help to those suffering from mental health issues

must be done with compassion and professionalism, not stigma, he said. “So, if you’re hurting, there are resources available,” Austin said. “And I know that our leaders here are committed to making those resources even more accessible and available.” From Day 1 in his tenure at the helm of the DOD, Austin has said that his first priority is to defend the nation. “But key to achieving it is taking care of our people,” he said. “One of my messages to the men and women that I spoke with today is we need to look out for one another, and I promised I would be looking out after them.”

Memorial from Page 1

sheltered from the hubbub of surrounding Washington, D.C. Each of the victims is honored with a memorial unit — a cantilevered bench, a lighted pool of flowing water and a permanent tribute by name. Each memorial bench is made of stainless steel, inlaid with granite. Described as elegant and simple, the Pentagon Memorial displays a timeline of the victims’ ages, spanning from the youngest victim, 3-yearold Dana Falkenberg, who was onboard Flight 77, to the eldest, John D. Yamnicky, 71, a Navy veteran, also on the flight that morning. The memorial units are situated to distinguish those who were inside the Pentagon from those who were onboard Flight 77. At the 125 memorials honoring the victims inside the Pentagon, visitors see the victim’s name and the Pentagon in the same view. At the memorials honoring the 59 lives lost on the flight, visitors see the victim’s name and the direction of the plane’s approach in the same view. The 184 memorial units are situated on the age line according to the year the victim was born. Shown by stainless steel strips that cross the memorial, the age lines begin at the zero line, which spans from the Pentagon Memorial Gateway to the memorial entrance. Etched into

The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial is seen on the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks, Washington, D.C., Sept. 11, 2020. (LISA FERDINANDO)

the granite zero line is the date and time of the attack: “September 11, 2001 9:37 a.m.”

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8 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 9, 2021

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Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Bailey J. Tucker, 21, from St. Louis, Missouri. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Change of command Cmdr. Thomas J. Niebel turned command of the future Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarine USS Hyman G. Rickover over to Cmdr. Matthew H. Beach on Aug. 27. Page B6

Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Sarah F. Burns, 31, from Severna Park, Maryland. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Naval Air Crewman 2nd Class James P. Buriak, 31, from Salem, Virginia, with wife Megan, and son Caulder. (COURTESY PHOTO)

U.S. Navy Identifies 5 Sailors Killed in Helicopter Crash By U.S. Navy Public Affairs SAN DIEGO—On Sept. 5, the U.S. Navy released the names of the five Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8 crewmembers who died, Aug. 31, when their helicopter crashed

into the sea. Names of the deceased are: Lt. Bradley A. Foster, 29, a pilot from Oakhurst, California Lt. Paul R. Fridley, 28, a pilot from Annandale, Virginia Naval Air Crewman (Helicopter)

2nd Class James P. Buriak, 31, from Salem, Virginia Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Sarah F. Burns, 31, from Severna Park, Maryland Hospital Corpsman 3rdClass Bailey J. Tucker, 21, from St. Louis, Missouri

Lt. Paul R. Fridley, 28, a pilot from Annandale, Virginia. (COURTESY

Lt. Bradley A. Foster, 29, a pilot from Oakhurst, California. (COURTESY



Carl Vinson and U.K. Carrier Strike Groups Conduct 5th and 4th Generation Fighter Joint Interoperability Flights By Lt. Cmdr. Miranda Williams USS Carl Vinson Public Affairs

Fifth and fourth generation aircraft assigned to Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group (VINCSG), with embarked Carrier Air Wing Two (CVW-2), and U.K. Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 21 conducted joint interoperability flights in the U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet, Aug. 26. During the joint interoperability flights, the aircraft conducted missions to validate joint integration techniques, tactics, and procedures; including mid-air refueling. This is the first time that VINCSG and CSG-21 have operated together. “In a very short amount of time, we were able to seamlessly combine the collective 5th generation capabilities of joint strike fighter aircraft from two services and a partner nation together with the rest of the advanced capabilities of our entire air wing,” said Capt. Tommy Locke, commander, CVW-2. “Our strike group and air wing arrived in the Indo-Pacific ready to demonstrate the value of having agile 5th generation maritime power in the region — and make no doubt, we are ready to win.” Participating aircraft from CVW-2 include: four F-35C Lightning IIs from Strike Fight Squadron (VFA) 147; five F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, assigned to Strike Fighter Squadrons (VFA) 2 and 192; two EA-18G Growlers, from Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 136; and one E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, from Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 113. Participating CSG-21 aircraft include: two U.S. F-35Bs from Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 211; and two F-35Bs from United Kingdom’s No. 617 Squadron. This was the first training opportunity CSG-21 had to engage with the F-35 “C” model, assigned to CVW-2. The two F-35B squadrons have been deployed together aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth for her inaugural, global deployment, demonstrating the interoperability the F-35 provides.

U.S., Italian Leaders Discuss Plethora of Issues During Pentagon Meeting By Jim Garamone DOD Public Affairs

An EA-18G Growler, assigned to the“Gauntlets”of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 136, awaits clearance on the flight deck aboard Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), August 26, 2021. (MCSN ISAIAH WILLIAMS)

“Integrating United Kingdom and U.S. Marine Corps F-35Bs into a flight with U.S. Navy F-35Cs continues to reinforce the tactical flexibility and interoperability of the F-35,” said Col. Simon Doran, U.S. Senior National Representative to the UK CSG. “Additionally, the mission further demonstrates the F-35s ability to support distributed maritime operations.”

VINCSG provides a combat-ready force to protect and defends the collective maritime interests of the U.S. and its regional allies and partners. Collectively, the VINCSG consists of more than 7,000 Sailors, capable of carrying out a wide variety of missions around the globe. For more news from VINCSG, visit www. dvidshub.net/unit/CSG1

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. III Austin thanked Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini for his country’s help in the evacuation effort from Afghanistan. The two men held discussions at the Pentagon that also included threats from Russia, increased cooperation on the issues presented by China and strategies for the Middle East and Africa. Italy has sent thousands of service members and Carabinieri to serve in Afghanistan over the past 20 years. A total of 53 died in service in the country. Italy is still supporting the effort, housing at-risk Afghans at Naval Air Station Sigonella. “It is a testament to the value of our longterm partnership,” Austin said. Turn to Discussion, Page 7


The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 9, 2021

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Redressing our wound, 20 years later

By Lisa Smith Molinari

Like a broken bone that never healed properly, it still aches. Painful national reminders are to be appreciated, because often the distorted priorities of politics, culture, society, and technology distract us from the importance of catastrophes that happened many years ago. Lest we forget, ruthless terrorists hijacked four jumbo jets on September 11, 2001 and used them as weapons of mass destruction against the United States, murdering nearly 3,000 people on U.S. soil, including 72 law enforcement officers, 343 firefighters, and 55 military personnel. Furthermore, the attacks forever damaged Americans’ trust and faith in the inherent goodness of fellow humans, leaving a collective gaping wound on our national psyche which still festers to this day. For those with a connection to people who died in the terror attacks, the wound of 9/11 remains raw, and the yearly anniversary continues to be a day of deep sadness and reflection. For others like me who witnessed the horrific event live on television as it happened (in my living room, one hand clasped over my gaping mouth, the other holding my one-year old daughter, feeling the sting of tears and wondering if more attacks were on the way) but have no personal connection to the victims, a protective scab has formed allowing us to treat September the 11th as a

day interspersed with moments of remembrance, when we bow our heads in silence and shudder thinking of the images that shocked us two decades ago. But for many, the trauma, the historic toll, and the graphic images have become hazy, clouded by two decades of desensitizing war, political wrangling, racial protests, cultural controversy, overexposure to violent viral images, and the endless ebb and flow of every day life. Complacent adults and the younger generation who have no personal recollection of the terror attacks might be wondering, “The anniversary of 9/11 is just like Pearl Harbor, right? Over 660,000 Americans have died of COVID-19, but we’re supposed to remember one day twenty years ago when our country got attacked by 19 terrorists? What’s the big deal?” September 11th must always stand out as a pivotal moment in U.S. history, when Americans were slapped hard in the face with the frightening truth that terrorists will stop at nothing to accomplish their hateful goals unless we stand united against them. Less than 3,000 innocent men, women and children may have died in the attacks on September 11, 2001, but the event launched the U.S.-led Global War on Terror, which has to date killed 7,057 American military service personnel and resulted in the suicide deaths of 30,177 men and women who fought in post 9/11 war operations. Furthermore, of the 3,764,000 post-9/11 veterans, 53,249

were wounded in action, 413,858 sustained traumatic brain injuries, and approximately 752,800 suffered from PTSD or major depression. All in all, 1.5 million service persons were left with a mental or physical disability connected to their post-9/11 military service. And to those devastating figures we must add the recent tragic deaths of thirteen heroic patriots who answered the call of duty that less than 1% of brave Americans receive. Eleven marines, one soldier and a Navy medic died at the hands of a terrorist suicide bomber at the Abbey Gate in Kabul Airport in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021, the last U.S. service personnel to die in Operation Freedom’s Sentinel which ended with the abrupt pullout of U.S. troops and the immediate take-over of the Taliban last week. Yes, 9/11 was, and is, a very big deal. This weekend, every American at home and abroad needs to take a moment to study what happened twenty years ago. If we are ever to successfully combat terrorism, we cannot bury our outrage under the minutia of every day life. We must put aside the dirty, infectious, poisonous political, cultural and racial conflicts in which we’ve embroiled ourselves in recent years, and unite around the uniquely American principles of democracy, freedom and individuality. Every September 11th, Americans must remove the dressing, rip the scab from our collective wound, and together as a nation, feel the raw pain, anew.

Emergency Family Assistance

By Military Onesource

All military installations are required to create and maintain an emergency family assistance plan, which helps protect military families and other Department of Defense personnel. This plan helps ensure that your environment is safe and mission-ready after a disaster. Find out about your installation’s plan so you can be ready if disaster strikes. At each new duty station, become familiar with the disasters that could occur in that area. Ask about the emergency procedures in place on your installation or in the community you live in. Make sure to sign up for installation and community alerts. Each military installation must conduct a yearly emergency preparedness test as part of its installation emergency management plan. Your installation’s plan usually includes: Locations for an emergency family assistance center Procedures for providing services and training Drilling exercises to prepare for an emergency An emergency family assistance center offers guidance, services and information on: Medical triage and medical services Religious services Counseling Housing or temporary lodging Legal services Transportation Child and youth services Financial services Personnel location services During an emergency or disaster, the assis-


tance centers must be: Safe Secure Large enough to hold families Large enough to provide important services Your local Red Cross also provides assis-

tance for military members and their families after an emergency or disaster. After a disaster, please ensure to account for yourself and your family through your service’s Personnel Accountability and Assessment System.

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4 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 9, 2021


Naval Sea Systems Command Warfare Centers Honor Women of the Past in One-of-a-Kind Virtual Observance By Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Public Affairs DAHLGREN, Va. — Women are foundational. When you look back on your life, how many women have impacted you in some way, shape or form? Throughout history, women have taken the troubles of others and shared the burden, hoping to ease some of the weight of each battle others have fought. Women are strong. Decades before women received the right to vote in the United States, they fought to keep the movement alive. The Women’s Suffrage Movement, which spanned from 1848 to 1920, endured three U.S. wars including the Civil War, Spanish

American War and World War One. The suffrage movement formally came to an end in Aug. 1920, when then-President Woodrow Wilson signed the 19th Amendment. In remembrance of the anniversary of the ratification, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) and eight other warfare centers under the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) umbrella hosted a virtual collaborative observance event for National Women’s Equality Day, Aug. 26, hosted by Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Keyport. During the hour-and-a-half video presentation, participants took a journey through time, pausing to learn about the women who made the amendment’s pass-

ing possible. Women from across NAVSEA commands voiced the featured historical figures, bringing a literal voice to the featured icons. The presentation celebrated numerous suffragettes from Abigail Adams, who advocated for the right for women to vote 150 years before the amendment passed, to Susan B. Anthony, Ida B. Wells and many others who set the tone for the 82-year uphill battle. As the observance continued, participants learned about first ladies and women in naval history who played a role in the betterment of the women’s equality movement including first ladies Michelle Obama and Eleanor Roosevelt. In addition, participants learned

about female naval leaders like Loretta Walsh, the first woman to enlist in the U.S. Navy and Capt. Dianna Wolfson, the 110th Commander of Norfolk Naval Shipyard. In the comments section, viewers shared and honored other female leaders, including Admiral Michelle Howard, the first female African American four-star general and Lenah Higbee. “The story of Lenah Higbee is another amazing story,” wrote one participant. “She came into the Navy in 1908 as part of the Sacred Twenty, and became the Superintendent of the Nurse Corps in 1911, holding that position through WWI. She was also one of the first four women to earn the Navy Cross, and was the first woman who had a warship named after her (DD-806) after serving in the Navy. Amazing!” The observance ended with a Q&A session with members of NAVSEA Observance Committee, which focused on topics like managing the continuing fight for equality, supporting others and the gender pay gap. One participant drew parallels to current racial tensions in the country, “One of the featured women talked about ‘how to affect change without hurting other people.’ This is very salient to today’s racial tensions... We need to do a better job of alleviating people’s fears.” The landmark amendment recognizing women’s right to vote was a massive step in the push for gender equality, but the fight continues in the U.S. and across the world.

www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 9, 2021 5

Crewmembers assigned to the French submarine FNS Amethyste (S605), their host ship USS Cheyenne (SSN 773) and other submarine commands play a friendly soccer match onboard Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, Conn., Sept. 2. (MCC JOSHUA KARSTEN)

French, American submariners play soccer during FNS Améthyste port visit in Groton By Submarine Readiness Squadron Public Affairs GROTON, Connecticut — Submariners from the French submarine FNS Améthyste (S605) played a friendly soccer match against American submariners assigned to the host ship USS Cheyenne (SSN 773) and other Groton-based units on Thursday morning, Sept. 2. “It’s great to get service members from different nations together, especially such close allies, and experience something that we might never be able to again,” said Lt.

Dylan Thompson-Sevcik, who played for the American team and is assigned to the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Hartford (SSN 768). Améthyste arrived at Naval Submarine Base New London for a scheduled port visit on Wednesday. “There are two different values to having a game like this,” said Cmdr. Aymeric Schaeffer, commanding officer of Améthyste. “First, onboard a submarine, it’s tactically and mentally demanding, but it’s also important to stay physically strong, and this allows us to exert ourselves phys-

ically. “The second is to play against the great United States of America, and we did our best,” he continued. After the game, Cmdr. Samuel Bell, commanding officer of Cheyenne, gave Schaeffer a trophy of appreciation and players from the two teams traded jerseys in a traditional show of sportsmanship seen in soccer worldwide. “Games like this provide a great opportunity to share some goodwill and camaraderie, learn a little more about each other and build some personal relationships,”

said Bell, “all while trying not to lose.” FNS Améthyste was commissioned in 1992 as the fifth in the Rubis class of nuclear-powered fast attack submarines. The last international submarine to visit Naval Submarine Base New London was the British submarine HMS Trenchant (S91) in April of 2018. “It’s very nice to get some fresh air after being underway for several weeks and expend some energy,” said Second Maitre Thomas Abraham, a submariner from Améthyste. “It’s not often a French submarine comes to America, so it’s great to spend time with members of the American Navy.” Fast-attack submarines like those based in Groton are multi-mission platforms enabling five of the six Navy maritime strategy core capabilities — sea control, power projection, forward presence, maritime security, and deterrence. They are designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare.

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6 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 9, 2021

Cmdr. Matthew Beach, incoming commanding officer for the future USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795), delivers remarks at a change-of-command ceremony onboard the historic ship Nautilus in Groton, Conn., Aug. 27. Cmdr. Matthew Beach relieved Cmdr. Thomas Niebel as commanding officer of the Los Angeles-class submarine, which operates under Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) FOUR. (MCC JOSHUA KARSTEN)

Future USS Hyman G. Rickover holds change of command By Submarine Readiness Squadron 32

GROTON, Connecticut — Cmdr. Thomas J. Niebel turned command of the future Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarine USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795) over to Cmdr. Matthew H. Beach in a traditional change of command ceremony held Friday, Aug. 27, at the historic USS Nautilus (SSN 571) on the Groton waterfront. “It has been an honor to work with this crew and the shipbuilders as we built not only the future USS Hyman G. Rickover, but the crew to take her to sea as the newest and most advanced attack submarine in the world,” said Niebel. “This was a once-in-alifetime experience that I will never forget. I will deeply miss the Rickover crew, and I know that they will successfully deliver a ship that is ready to support the Submarine Force’s missions under the capable and

inspiring leadership of Cmdr. Beach.” The future USS Hyman G. Rickover was christened at the General Dynamics Corp.’s Electric Boat shipyard in Groton on July 31. The Rickover is part of Submarine Squadron 4, whose commanding officer, Capt. John Stafford, presided over Friday’s ceremony. Capt. Jason M. Deichler, director of training at the Naval Submarine School and a longtime friend of Niebel, lauded Niebel’s efforts to provide crew members opportunities to pursue professional development and enrichment opportunities while working in the shipyard, including deployments on operational submarines nearby. That care for his sailors’ advancements led to two consecutive Retention Excellence Awards for his Rickover crew, he said. “I am confident we will speak of the crew of the Hyman G. Rickover for years to come,” Deichler said.

“Cmdr. Niebel has done an incredible job preparing his crew and this state-ofthe-art submarine to join America’s Navy,” said Beach. “His team has proudly carried on the legacy of Adm. Rickover through their relentless pursuit of excellence, and I am honored to embark on this journey to protect our great nation.” The site of the ceremony was particularly significant for this command. USS Nautilus, commissioned in 1954 as the first nuclear-powered submarine, was designed and constructed by Hyman G. Rickover’s team of engineers. Rickover’s advocacy for nuclear propulsion and work on the Nautilus project earned him the nickname “Father of the Nuclear Navy.” Rickover served on active duty in the Navy for 63 years and retired in 1982 at the rank of admiral. Nautilus was decommissioned in 1980 and has served as a museum

ship at Groton’s Submarine Force Library and Museum since 1986. The Virginia-class submarine is the second submarine to bear the name of Rickover. The first Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 709) was a Los Angeles-class attack submarine commissioned on July 21, 1984. SSN 709 and its crew deployed 12 times until its decommissioning in December 2007. Over the years, its decorations included the Atlantic Fleet Golden Anchor Award, Submarine Squadron Eight’s anti-submarine warfare white “A” and engineering red “E” awards and the prestigious Sixth Fleet “Hook ‘Em” award for anti-submarine warfare excellence. Fast-attack submarines are multi-mission platforms enabling five of the six Navy maritime strategy core capabilities — sea control, power projection, forward presence, maritime security and deterrence. They are designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare. Fast-attack submarines project power ashore with special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles in the prevention or preparation of regional crises.

NAVFAC Officer in Charge of Construction China Lake Hosts Groundbreaking of First FY21 Earthquake Recovery Program Project By Edward Cartagena

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific

RIDGECREST, Calif. — Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Officer in Charge of Construction (OICC) China Lake hosted their sixth ceremonial groundbreaking on August 30, as part of the $2.7 billion Earthquake Recovery Program consisting of both Military Construction (MILCON) and Restoration and Modernization (RM) projects at Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake. The existing two-story training building, which was the first permanent headquarters building for the Naval Air Warfare Center, was severely damaged during July 2019 earthquakes. Replacing the damaged structure will be the $19 million, 16,000 square foot Academic Training Building that will include a state of the art applied technology laboratory, conference rooms, computer labs and administrative spaces, that will fully restore Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) training capabilities and enhances the collaboration and innovation environment for more than 6,000 civilian and military personnel. OICC China Lake Executive Officer Cmdr. Timothy Kaber served as the master of ceremonies for the event and provided welcoming remarks before introducing Barnhart-Reese Construction Inc. - Chairman Doug Barnhart, NAWCWD - Director of Research and Development Harlan Kooima and OICC China Lake - Commanding Officer Capt. Laurie Scott. “Today is significant on many levels as it marks a new season of major construction ground breaking events with the Academic Training Facility being the first for projects awarded in FY21,” said OICC China Lake

Ceremonial shovel and rendering of the $19 million Academic Training Building on August 30, a part of the $2.7B MILCON and RM Earthquake Recovery Program aboard Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake. (EDWARD CARTAGENA)

Commanding Officer Capt. Laurie Scott. “We are indeed fortunate to have a proven performer in Barnhart Reese, whose diverse portfolio of projects throughout the Southwest will be invaluable in constructing this modern facility.” “Our mission is to develop and test the boundaries of new technologies and weapon systems with the focus of creating the most lethal fighting force the world knows,“ said Harlan Kooima, NAWCWD Director of Research and Development. “When completed, this Academic Training Building will complement our state-of-the-art and one-of-a-kind laboratories by exponentially increasing our people’s technical capabilities.”

“We are proud to partner with NAVFAC to design and construct a new Academic Training Building at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake. The original building was heavily damaged due to the July 2019 earthquakes and we are anxious to rebuild this critical piece of infrastructure which will provide training, technology labs and meeting space for the Government to continue its critical missions,” said West Reese, CEO Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. When constructed, the Academic Training Center will become integral in enhancing NAWCWD as a center of excellence, for bringing critical mission systems integration to the fleet.

NAWS China Lake is located in the Western Mojave Desert region of California, approximately 150 miles north of Los Angeles. China Lake’s mission is to support the Navy’s RDT&E missions to provide cutting-edge weapons systems to the warfighter. The installation is the Navy’s largest single landholding. In total, its two ranges and main site cover more than 1.1 million acres, an area larger than the state of Rhode Island. OICC China Lake was established in August 2020 to provide engineering, acquisition, and execution oversight for military construction and repair projects caused by the devastating damage from the 6.4 and 7.1 magnitude earthquakes that occurred on July 4 and 5, 2019.

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French submarine FNS Amethyste (S605) transits the Thames River in preparation to arrive at Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, Conn., Sept. 1. Amethyste’s scheduled good will port visit is the first international submarine visit to Groton since 2018 and allows the crew to experience cultural exchanges with their American counterparts. (MCC JOSHUA KARSTEN)

French submarine FNS Améthyste visits U.S. Navy in Groton By Submarine Readiness Squadron 32 Public Affairs GROTON, Connecticut — The nuclear-powered French submarine FNS Améthyste (S605) arrived Wednesday at Naval Submarine Base New London, where her crew is being hosted for a scheduled port visit. “Groton submariners understand the value of a good port visit to rest, replenish and recuperate,” said Capt. John Stafford, commodore of the Groton-based Submarine Squadron 4. “They also value the strategic message delivered by such a demonstration of solidarity with our French shipmates. We are privileged to host the crew of the Améthyste, share sea stories on our common experiences, and reaffirm to our adversaries the indomitable strength of our alliances.” The Améthyste is expected to remain at the Navy submarine base for multiple days, during which time the Groton-based USS Cheyenne (SSN 773) will serve as her host boat. Cmdr. Samuel Bell, commanding officer of Cheyenne, visited France four years ago during a port visit while the executive officer of USS Hartford (SSN 768). “The crew of USS Cheyenne is excited to welcome the crew of the FNS Améthyste to Groton,” he said. “We looking forward to sharing sea stories and building friendships based on the camaraderie that binds submarine sailors worldwide. I am personally excited to repay the warm reception I received in Brest, France on USS Hartford in July 2017.”

Fast-attack submarines like those based in Groton are multi-mission platforms enabling five of the six Navy maritime strategy core capabilities — sea control, power projection, forward presence, maritime security, and deterrence. They are designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare. Fast-attack submarines project power ashore with special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles in the prevention or preparation of regional crises. “We’re incredibly honored to welcome the Améthyste to our waterfront and build new, personal relationships in this storied alliance that dates back to the very founding of our nation,” said U.S. Navy Capt. Matthew Boland, commodore of the Groton-based Submarine Squadron 12. “This experience will undoubtedly enrich both French and American Sailors alike, and remind us of our shared resolve for peace and stability across the Atlantic.” The arrival of the French submarine is the latest noteworthy event in a busy August for the base waterfront, which just two days earlier hosted a commissioning commemoration ceremony for the USS Vermont (SSN 792) and on Aug. 24 saw the homecoming of USS San Juan (SSN 751) after a seven-month deployment. The last international submarine to visit Naval Submarine Base New London was the British submarine HMS Trenchant (S91) in April of 2018.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, speaks with Commander of U.S. Strategic Command Adm. Charles Richard and Deputy Director of Global Operations Maj. Gen. John Nichols, during a visit to USSTRATCOM, at Offut Air Force Base, Nebraska, May 2, 2021. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Discussion from Page 1

“And we will continue to consult with Italy, our other NATO allies, our partners, and the broader international community on a way forward in Afghanistan.” Italy is home to thousands of U.S. service members from Naples to Vicenza to Aviano to Sigonella. Italy is one of America’s closest allies and security partners, the secretary said. “You’ve been a gracious host to our forces in Europe and I’ve had the pleasure of serving alongside the Italian military over the course of my career in uniform,” Austin told Guerini. “And I greatly respect the contributions and capabilities that Italy brings to our joint efforts.” The United States and Italy consult often on issues in the Middle East and Africa, and Austin said he wanted to get the Italian position on issues in those key areas. “We’re grateful for Italy’s contribution to peace and security there,” he said. Overall, Austin wants to deepen the

already deep relationship between the two militaries. Some of that will be in carrying out decisions made at the NATO Summit in June, while others will be just between allies. Guerini expressed his personal sorrow and the sorrow of all Italians for the deaths of U.S. service members at the hands of the Islamic State in the Khorasan in August. He said the evacuation was only a success because of the American service members securing Hamid Karzai International Airport. “I want to express my gratitude for the work done by the American armed forces to secure Kabul airfield, making it possible to implement the airlift for the evacuation of allied forces, and tens of thousands of Afghan cooperators,” the minister said through a translator. “Thank you again for the great cooperation of the American Armed Forces, which was absolutely decisive, and for the logistics support you offer to the evacuation of so many Afghan citizens. This would have been impossible without the cooperation of the United States.”

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Something Big is Coming to the Virginia Zoo By the Virginia Zoo NORFOLK, VA — This November the Virginia Zoo will welcome 28 new animals — the inflatable kind - in an exciting winter exhibition called “ZooLumination”. During the day, visitors can look up at a trio of towering 30-foot-tall giraffes and stare into the open mouth of a five-foottall crocodile. At night, guests will journey on Zoo grounds by car for the first-ever Zoo drive-thru. Watch the inflatable animal sculptures come to life with light in a spectacular visual experience and hear their compelling conservation audio story in this magical display. “This will be a captivating experience that furthers our mission by educating people about saving wildlife in a new and fascinating way,” said Greg Bockheim, Executive Director of the Virginia Zoo. “Zoolumination also compliments the other tremendous winter attractions the area has to offer, bringing even more attention to our great region,” Bockheim added. In its debut year, the route will be divided into themes that mimic the Zoo’s largest exhibits — Africa, Asia and World


Quick, Nutritious Dishes Dinnertime dishes loaded with nutrients help keep loved ones connected while refueling after busy days spent at work and school. PAGE C4

of Reptiles. There will also be a special section that highlights local wildlife, like the monarch butterfly, seahorses and blue crabs that can be found in the Lafayette River and borders the Virginia Zoo. The inflatable sculptures are being customed designed for the Virginia Zoo by Landmark Creations, an award-winning Minnesota-based manufacturer of event displays and stage productions for top performers in the nation. Zoolumination opens November 19, 2021 and concludes January 9, 2022. Daytime hours will be 10 am to 4 pm, the nighttime drive-thru will be open daily at 5 pm. Tickets go on sale October 8 to the public. Or become a Virginia Zoo member for early bird tickets and special discounts. Interested in sponsoring this event? Visit zoolumination.com for more information. About the Virginia Zoo The Virginia Zoo, located in Norfolk, Virginia, is home to more than 700 exceptional animals representing over 150 fascinating species. Founded in 1901 and residing on 53 beautifully landscaped acres, the Virginia Zoo has demonstrated a commitment to saving and protecting the world’s wildlife by inspiring a passion for nature and taking conservation action at home and around the world. The Virginia Zoo is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and is recognized as a global leader in education, recreation, science, wildlife conservation, and animal care and welfare. For more than a century, the Zoo has connected adults, families and school children with the natural world and its wildlife. To learn more, visit www.virginiazoo.org.

ODU Women’s Soccer Player Organizes Events for People with Disabilities By Harry Minium It wasn’t a requirement of her internship, but that didn’t matter to Morgan Hall. The Old Dominion University women’s soccer player is studying to become a certified therapeutic recreation specialist. While interning with the Norfolk Therapeutic Recreation Center this summer, the senior realized that many adults with disabilities lost social contact with their friends during the pandemic. The Norfolk Therapeutic Center, which serves adults and kids with disabilities, was shut down for nearly a year and has only partially reopened. So, Hall formed the Super Strikers Soccer League. During July, she and her ODU soccer teammates held weekly clinics for people with disabilities, each followed by a game. “This was not something that she was required to do, but she went ahead and designed this as a special interactive project,” said Catherine Orletsky, a senior recreation supervisor for the city. “And when they played a game, they had such a blast.” Then on the last day of July, Hall took it one step further. She worked with ODU officials to hold a field day at the L.R. Hill Sports Complex field hockey and lacrosse stadium where dozens of people, including many with autism, got the chance to kick balls into a net, play corn hole, paint, do arts and crafts and throw a football. Nearly all of the ODU freshman athletes then on campus took part. That was intentional, said Amy Lynch, an athletics academic adviser who

helped organize the event. It was a chance for freshmen to learn early on that beyond playing, practicing hard and excelling in the classroom, part of being an athlete at ODU means giving time to help people in need, Lynch said. Hall said most of the women’s soccer team rallied to help with the Strikers program. Nearly a dozen members of the Strikers attended ODU’s opener, a 2-1 overtime victory over East Carolina, and were recognized on the field before the game. Most people in the program are adults, but the Norfolk Therapeutic Center works with all age groups. “It touches my heart seeing them do all kinds of things” that some people don’t think they can do, Hall said. “They can do almost everything anyone else can do. “And they’re all so happy.” Among the happiest at the L.R. Hill Sports Complex was Kyle Owens, a 27-year-old lifelong ODU fan with autism. He inherited the love of ODU athletics from his father, Gary Owens, who has been a scorekeeper for the Monarch men’s basketball team for 45 seasons. Gary and his wife, Becky, have thrown themselves into helping those with disabilities. More than 22 years ago, they formed the first Challenger Baseball team for Norfolk’s Ocean View Little League. When Kyle turned 22 and was ineligible to play for the regular Challenger team, his parents formed a Senior Challenger team. “Now that there’s no age limit, Kyle can play forever,” Becky Owens said.


League play begins in September, and the team has 35 players. Taking care of their son is a full-time job. When Kyle graduated from high school, Becky retired from the Virginia Beach School System after 30 years to be at home with him. Becky Owens said that the Strikers and the field day at ODU filled a huge need coming so soon after the easing of pandemic restrictions. “They lost touch with their friends,” she said. “Some of them go to school, but Kyle doesn’t go. He missed his friends, the physical activity and the socialization.” Orletsky is an ODU graduate who said she was inspired by Betsy Kennedy, a master lecturer at ODU, to enter the therapeutic recreation field. Hall said Kennedy has also inspired her. “She has a true passion for the therapeutic recreation field that rubs off on her students and it definitely rubbed off on me,” Hall said.

“She also genuinely cares for her students and wants to see them succeed by going out of her way to help them. She’s part of the reason I love this field so much because of the passion she has; it made me very eager to learn.” Hall said she knew growing up she wanted to find a profession that would allow her to help people. “I wanted to be a physical therapist at first,” she said. “But then my sister told me about recreational therapy and so I changed majors. “Being able to help people overcome their barriers and to be able to help them get out and doing things they love to do, that’s just awesome.” Orletsky said it was also awesome for the participants. “The interaction between the soccer players and our participants was priceless,” she said. “And I believe it was a true life lesson in disability awareness and empowerment for everyone involved.”

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New Memberships Now Available for Virginia Stage Company’s Season 43 By Virginia Stage Company Norfolk, Va — Virginia Stage Company is thrilled to return to live theatrical performances starting this October through June 2022. New memberships start in October with Ken Ludwig’s heart-warming comedy Dear Jack, Dear Louise and Jeanne Sakata’s gripping drama Hold These Truths. Both plays will be directed by Seema Sueko, who had this to say about the rotating repertory: “These two real-life American narratives begin in exactly the same year, 1942, demonstrating that the American experience is multi-faceted. Love and victory live side by side with the painful, important, and on-going pursuit of liberty and justice for all. Placing these two stories side by side widens the lens so we can see and embrace more of America, this beautifully complex and unique country.” Current subscribers see their 43rd season officially kick off this December with a new production of the holiday classic: A Merry Little Christmas Carol by Mark Shanahan, and will end in June, 2022 with Duncan MacMillan’s Every Brilliant Thing: an immersive storytelling experience that blends comedy, improv, and audience interaction to tell the story of an adult growing up in the shadow of mental illness, and learning to grapple with their own experiences with love, loss, and depression. The season closer will be a culmination of a season-wide celebration of life and healing, which is why Season 43 is billed as This Brilliant Life. To learn more about this season, watch a video message from Producing Artistic Director, Tom Quaintance: https://vimeo.com/576014235⁄22db6a04a6 Season 43: This Brilliant Life will provide a diverse array of entertainment with the hopes of bringing the community back together after a year and a half of shut down. After December’s uplifting holiday tale of A Merry Little Christmas Carol, the season continues with a much needed comedy in Larissa Fasthorse’s witty satire The Thanksgiving Play. Tennessee

Williams’ Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, previously scheduled for April 2020, returns to the Wells Stage this spring. Following this American classic, the season continues with the powerhouse musical, Dreamgirls, a co-production with Norfolk State University Theatre Company. Starting this October, patrons will be pleasantly surprised to find a station in the lobby with post-it notes, prompting everyone to write down one brilliant thing about life. The goal is to cover the interior windows of the Wells by the end of season with this community’s brilliant things. “After the year and a half we’ve all been through, one thing that is crystal clear is the absolute need we have, as a community, to come together. I long to share a space with my community and laugh, cry and FEEL - together. Our box office manager talked to a long-time patron today about the upcoming season and her comment says it all: ‘I am so ready for Christmas Carol it hurts!’ ” — Tom Quaintance, Producing Artistic Director Season Memberships are available now starting at $99 and single tickets for Dear Jack, Dear Louise, Hold These Truths, and A Merry Little Christmas Carol are currently on sale. Single tickets for the rest of Season 43 will go on sale in late September. Get the best seats in the house, by becoming a member today at vastage.org. New members will receive a voucher to see one or both of the fall rep shows. Interviews can be arranged by contacting Director of Marketing, Maris Smith, at msmith@vastage.org. SEASON 42 DEAR JACK, DEAR LOUISE BY KEN LUDWIG October 17 - November, 7, 2021 When two strangers meet by letter during World War II, a love story begins. Tony Award-winning playwright Ken Ludwig tells the joyous, heartwarming story of his parents’ courtship and the results are anything but expected. After a triumphant staged reading

aboard the deck of The USS Wisconsin in May, 2021, the full production returns to the Wells stage this fall. HOLD THESE TRUTHS BY JEANNE SAKATA October 19 - November 7, 2021 As the U.S. joins World War II, University of Washington student, Gordon Hirabayashi, agonizes over government orders to forcibly remove and mass incarcerate all people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast. Inspired by a true story, starring film, television, and Broadway star, Greg Watanabe. SEASON 43 A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS CAROL BY MARK SHANAHAN, ADAPTED FROM THE NOVELLA BY CHARLES DICKENS December 1 - 24, 2021 You’ll love this re-imagining of Dickens’ timeless classic as it brings to life the Spirits of Christmas on the historic Wells Theatre stage. Watch Ebenezer Scrooge’s haunting journey unfold with inventive theatricality incorporating traditional holiday music harmonizing to produce a tour de force of laughter, hope, and the magic of the season. Don’t miss this heartwarming tale that reminds us that it is never too late to become our best selves. THE THANKSGIVING PLAY BY LARISSA FASTHORSE January 19 - February 6, 2022 How does one celebrate Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Month at the same time? In Larissa FastHorse’s biting satire, this is the question facing three “woke” white thespians tasked with devising an elementary school pageant about the first Thanksgiving while avoiding any culturally appropriative missteps. A roast of the politics of entertainment and well-meaning political correctness alike, The Thanksgiving Play puts the American origin story itself in the comedy-crosshairs. CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF BY TENNESSEE WILLIAMS March 2 - 20, 2022

The playwright of Pulitzer Prize-winning A Streetcar Named Desire paints a portrait of a steamy Mississippi south. At Big Daddy’s birthday, family ties and undercover lies come to surface as Maggie the Cat, infiltrates her husband Brick’s homeplace. The two dance around the sultry secrets seeping through the cracks of their marriage. Between love, death, lies, and sexual tensions, will the truth ever be revealed? Originally scheduled to perform in April, 2020, this production returns to the Wells after being halted mid-rehearsal due to the pandemic. DREAMGIRLS BOOK AND LYRICS BY TOM EYEN, MUSIC BY HENRY KRIEGER A CO-PRODUCTION WITH NSU THEATRE COMPANY April 13 - May 1, 2022 A sweeping and inspirational journey through 20th century American pop music, Dreamgirls chronicles one Motown group’s rise from obscurity to superstardom. Through gospel, R&B, smooth pop, disco and more, Dreamgirls explores themes of ambition, hope and betrayal, all set in the glamorous and competitive world of the entertainment industry. This powerhouse musical will grace the Wells Stage around its 40th anniversary of its six Tony ® Award wins. EVERY BRILLIANT THING BY DUNCAN MACMILLAN AND JONNY DONAHOE March 4 to March 22, 2020 An immersive storytelling experience blends comedy, improv, and audience interaction to tell the story of an adult growing up in the shadow of mental illness, and learning to grapple with his own experiences with love, loss and depression. Every Brilliant Thing provides a life-affirming jolt of humanism, reminding us that hope comes from the miracles of life’s minutiae. More information at: vastage.org/season43. Virginia Stage Company is Southeastern Virginia’s leading theatre destination, serving an audience of over 58,000 annually, both at the Wells Theatre and throughout the community. Virginia Stage Company’s mission is to “enrich, educate, and entertain the region by creating and producing theatrical art of the highest quality.” Facebook:/vastage | Twitter: vastage | Instagram: vastage

“NIGHT AT THE AQUARIUM” AUCTION RAISES LARGEST FUNDS SINCE INCEPTION FOR EXCEPTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND CONSERVATION WORK By The Virginia Aquarium VIRGINIA BEACH, Va — The Virginia Aquarium’s annual Night at the Aquarium fundraising event raised more than $143,000 this year through event sponsorships and auction proceeds, netting approximately $113,000 after expenses. The net exceeds the Aquarium’s prior record of $105,000, which occurred amid the pandemic last year. Sponsored by Capital Group, the online auction took place August 16-28 and featured Aquarium and local attraction experiences, artwork, one-of-a-kind items, exotic travel opportunities, and more! Over 400 supporters registered to participate in the virtual auction, placing 732 bids on approximately 100 items. The winning bids ranged from $75 for a painting of a Mahi on Live Edge Wood to $925 to Experience Sea Turtle physicals firsthand, to more than $3,000 for a weeklong trip through Diamond Resorts. The online auction allowed the annual event to safely

Virginia Beach, Virginia, The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center, an aquarium and marine science museum, which also houses an theater. (COURTESY PHOTO)

reach a vastly broader audience this year with supporters participating from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin, all the way to California. Additionally, generous corporate partners, including Capital Group, Checkered Flag, MEB, Optima Health, TowneBank, Virginia Natural Gas, and many others sponsored the event.

All proceeds will be used to care for thousands of animals, provide educational offerings to visitors, offer outreach programs to local schools, conduct research and conservation activities, and operate our nationally recognized Stranding Response Program. “Thank you to everyone who participated and

contributed to this year’s event. You helped us reach our biggest fundraising milestone which will contribute to advancing our on-site care and conservation efforts as well as enhance our guest experiences,” said Cynthia Spanoulis, the Virginia Aquarium’s Executive Director.

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Quick, Nutritious Dishes to Enjoy Dairy Without the Discomfort By Family Features Dinnertime dishes loaded with nutrients help keep loved ones connected while refueling after busy days spent at work and school. Dairy foods — key ingredients in many at-home meals — provide nutrients for people of all ages to grow and maintain stronger bodies and minds. However, some bodies are unable to break down the sugar found in milk, known as lactose, which causes an upset stomach and a heavy, bloated feeling. Rather than avoiding dairy and missing out on beneficial nutrients, people with lactose intolerance can enjoy real dairy products that are naturally low in or don’t contain lactose without the stomachache with foods like: • Lactose-free milk, which is real milk with the same 13 essential nutrients as regular milk • Hard and aged cheeses, such as cheddar, colby, Monterey Jack, Parmesan and Swiss • Yogurt with live and active cultures, which help break down lactose, making it easier to digest These easy-to-make meals offer lactose intolerance-friendly options for families seeking to keep milk on the menu. Because they all require an hour or less in the kitchen, they provide quick solutions for those hectic schedules without sacrificing taste or nutrition. Visit MilkMeansMore.org to find more delicious dishes that fit a lactose intolerant meal plan. Chicken Cordon Bleu Kebabs Recipe courtesy of Rachel Gurk of “Rachel Cooks” on behalf of Milk Means More Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 3 Skewers: Nonstick cooking spray 2 chicken breasts (6 ounces each), cubed 1 ham steak (6 ounces), cubed 6 bamboo skewers (8 inches) 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon pure maple syrup ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper ¼ teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil Sauce: 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup lactose-free 2% milk 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese salt, to taste (optional) pepper, to taste (optional) To make skewers: Preheat broiler to 500 F. Line broiler pan with foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Thread cubed chicken pieces and cubed ham pieces onto skewers. In small bowl, combine Dijon mustard, maple

Chicken Cordon Bleu Kebabs. (COURTESY PHOTO)

syrup, black pepper, paprika and oil. Brush mustard mixture on skewers. Broil about 5 minutes, flip and cook 5 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. To make sauce: In small saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Whisk in flour and cook 1 minute, whisking constantly. Gradually add milk, whisking constantly. Add Dijon mustard. Continue cooking 5 minutes, or until thick. Reduce heat to low and stir in cheese, whisking until melted. Add salt and pepper, to taste, if desired. Serve chicken and ham kebabs with sauce. Chicken, Spinach and Feta Casserole Recipe courtesy of Marcia Stanley, MS, RDN, on behalf of Milk Means More Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 45 minutes Servings: 4 1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed 3 eggs, slightly beaten 2 cups cottage cheese 1 ½ cups chopped cooked chicken ¾ cup crumbled feta cheese 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons butter, melted 2 teaspoons dried minced onion 1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper Preheat oven to 350 F. Place spinach in colander. Use back of large spoon or rubber spatula to press moisture from spinach. In large bowl, combine spinach, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, feta cheese, flour, butter, onion, oregano, salt and pepper. Spoon into greased 1 ½-quart casserole dish. Bake, uncovered, 45-50 minutes, or until set near center (160 F). Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Chicken, Spinach and Feta Casserole. (COURTESY PHOTO)

A Simple Snack Without the Discomfort By Family Features Once everyone in the family arrives home from work and school, there just might be a mad dash to the kitchen for a satisfying snack. This Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie provides a sweet way to refuel after long days on the job or in the classroom. Blending family-favorite ingredients like frozen strawberries, yogurt, chocolate syrup and vanilla makes this a simple treat that allows you to avoid spending an entire evening in the kitchen. Plus, it calls for lactose-free milk, allowing those with lactose intolerance to get in on the fun and flavor. Some bodies are unable to break down the sugar found in milk, known as lactose, which causes an upset stomach and a heavy, bloated feeling. Rather than avoiding dairy and missing out on beneficial nutrients, people with lactose intolerance can enjoy real dairy products that are naturally low in or don’t contain lactose without the stomachache. Find more lactose intolerance-friendly recipes at MilkMeansMore.org. Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie Recipe courtesy of Marcia Stanley, MS, RDN, on behalf of Milk Means More Prep time: 5 minutes Servings: 1 1 cup frozen unsweetened strawberries 1 container (5.3 ounces) strawberry Greek yogurt ½ cup lactose-free milk (skim, 2% or whole) 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup ¼ teaspoon vanilla fresh strawberries (optional) In blender, blend frozen strawberries, yogurt, lactose-free milk, chocolate syrup and vanilla until nearly smooth. Pour into 16-18-ounce glass. Garnish with fresh strawberries, if desired.

Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie. (COURTESY PHOTO)

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The DOD theme for this year’s National Suicide Prevention Month is“Connect to Protect: Support is Within Reach,” emphasizing connectedness even during a pandemic.

Suicide Prevention and Connectedness with Others are Intertwined By Janet A. Aker

MHS Communications

Successful suicide prevention efforts are linked to fostering connectedness - the vital relationships and interpersonal connections that individuals forge with family, friends, and their community. As the Department of Defense begins to observe National Suicide Prevention Month, health officials aim to highlight the importance of those relationships and the risks that come when they are diminished, causing feelings of social isolation and loneliness. This year’s theme - “Connect to Protect: Support is Within Reach” - “emphasizes connections with others and the community, as well as with suicide prevention resources,” said Dr. Karin Orvis, the director of the Defense Suicide Prevention Office. “During Suicide Prevention Month, the department is collectively reaching out to bring more awareness to suicide prevention and available resources, change the conversation around mental health and well-being, and turn awareness into action,” she said. Suicide caused the deaths of 498 service members in 2019, the most recent year for which complete DOD data are available. That’s a rate comparable to the U.S. civilian adult population. The deaths in the military were primarily among enlisted men younger than 30. COVID Stressors The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges, Orvis acknowledged.

“Research indicates that connectedness is a factor that can reduce the likelihood someone will consider or attempt suicide,” she said. “As the country deals with the ongoing stress and uncertainty around the COVID19 pandemic, we, as leaders of the prevention community, have a responsibility to demonstrate what it means to make every connection count for each other,” Orvis said. Our role in this challenge “is to identify multifaceted approaches that ensure access to care, enhance connectedness, reduce isolation, and promote a sense of belonging in a virtually connected community.” “We know service members often look to virtual and social media platforms to connect with their families, friends, peers, and communities,” Orvis said. “This year, we can use and promote DOD online resources and services to spread the message of hope and show that support is within reach.” Leaders’ Messages For leaders, a supportive command environment can help service members feel more comfortable reaching out or seeking help. The top reasons that service members cite for not getting help include concerns about privacy and confidentiality, fear of being perceived as “broken,” fear of a negative impact to their career, and not knowing whom to contact. Leaders are encouraged to remind all service members that challenges from military life (as well as everyday life challenges, such as relationships and financial problems) are common, and that they are not alone.

“Share success stories,” Orvis suggested. Messages DSPO suggests leaders should convey include: Provide accurate information and resources. Facts can help to break down common misconceptions about seeking care, such as impacts to security clearances or deployment. Resources show where service members and their families can turn to for support. Reach out for help. Seeking help not only ensures mission readiness, but also benefits the service member’s personal well-being, family, unit, service branch, and community. Seek care early. Promote getting help for life’s challenges or mental health concerns as soon as they arise, such as marriage or financial counseling. Suicide is preventable. Show and tell that proactive self-care, coping skills, support, and treatment work for most people who have thoughts about suicide. Be proactive. Take the steps to reach out for help, ask how others are doing, share resources, and stay connected. Resources Resources include the new Leaders Suicide Prevention Safe Messaging Guide, and the Psychological Health Center of Excellence (PHCoE) and its Real Warriors Campaign, which show how to safely and effectively communicate about suicide and how to foster open dialogue within a command. The Defense Health Agency’s Real Warriors Campaign promotes a culture of support for psychological health by encouraging the military community to reach out for help whether

coping with the daily stresses of military life, or concerns like depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress. A free, confidential program called inTransition offers specialized telephone coaching and assistance for active duty service members, National Guard, reservists, veterans, and retirees who need access to a new mental health provider or wish to initiate mental health care for the first time when: Relocating to another assignment Returning from deployment Transitioning between an active duty and a reserve status Preparing to leave military service The inTransition services are available to all military members regardless of length of service or discharge status, by calling 800-424-7877. Service members and veterans who are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, and those who know a service member or veteran in crisis, can also call the Veterans/Military Crisis Line for confidential support anytime; it’s available 24 hours a day. Call 1-800-2738255 and Press 1. You can also text to 838255 or chat online at VeteransCrisisLine.net/Chat. In July 2022, a new crisis number, “988,” will be rolled out that will connect directly to the Veterans/Military Crisis Line. DSPO has been working with the National Action Alliance on Suicide Prevention and the Department of Veterans Affairs on preparing for implementation of the “988” crisis line. Service members, veterans, and their families will still be able to press 1 to get connected immediately to trained responders from the Veterans and Military Crisis Line. Other sources for assistance include Military OneSource and Military and Family Life Counseling. “Our military community’s health, safety, and well-being are essential to the readiness of the total force - and to the health of our nation,” Orvis said. “Our departments are dedicated to preventing suicide in our military community - every death by suicide is a tragedy.” “We take this charge very seriously and in conjunction with our partners across the federal government, non-profit, private and academic sectors, we will not relent in our efforts to end suicide,” she added.

As fitness tests resume, troops seek post-COVID exercise routines By Janet A. Aker

MHS Communications

Last year, as the global pandemic forced abrupt lifestyle changes across the country, many service members saw their exercise routines disrupted and their everyday physical activities reduced. That’s when Army Col. Patrick Donahue decided to find new ways to stay in shape. “I was concerned about losing my physical fitness,” Donahue, the brigade commander at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland, recalled in a recent interview. “I enjoy my food and drink, and in order to maintain my physical fitness levels and caloric intake, I had to add a [stationary bike] and yoga to my regimen.” Donahue is among many service members who’ve reassessed their physical fitness needs in light of shifting lifestyles and COVID-era restrictions. Making weight and passing semi-annual fitness tests have always been a challenge for some service members. It can prompt them to do a lot of unusual things: Think Saran Wrap and saunas (to sweat off a few pounds), or hemorrhoid cream (to shrink waistlines temporarily). Passing the physical fitness exam - which includes meeting weight and body fat composition standards - can have a major impact on promotions and career advancements. It can even result in the premature end to a military career. After the COVID-19 pandemic began last year, all military branches suspended their physical fitness testing requirements.

The services have all resumed those tests this year - and for some service members, getting back into shape was not easy. COVID’s Impact on Total Force Fitness What impact did COVID-19 have on physical fitness and Total Force Fitness? The answer is not simple. Some people used the time to redouble their fitness efforts as a way to cope with stress, said Army Col. (Dr.) Catherine Kimball-Eayrs, the commandant of the USUHS F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine. Others, however, could not focus on their physical fitness for a variety of reasons, and some just had a hard time of it, she said. For example, some service members were suddenly working from home where they sought out comfort food, or just lost the routine activity that they would normally do during a commute. “A lack of everyday activity negatively affected people,” she said. Some of that has changed in the last six months, Donahue suggested, with gyms, yoga studios and other fitness centers reopening as people use masks and get the COVID-19 vaccines. “This is a good thing, especially for the younger generation, such as USU students, because their spiritual, psychological and social wellness was negatively affected by the COVID social distancing requirements and the necessity for online learning,” he said. “They felt like their world was collapsing.” Getting Back in Shape To get back in the game, Kimball-Eayrs suggested first having a discussion with a primary care provider. “Start a discussion

Soldiers assigned to the 1-125 Field Artillery perform the maximum deadlift event during their Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) diagnostic on Aug. 20, 2021, at Camp Ripley, Minnesota. Designed with the latest exercise science and physical training insights, the ACFT empowers soldiers to complete a variety of combat tasks and will go into effect in the spring of 2022. ( NATIONAL GUARD SGT MAHSIMA ALKAMOONEH)

first before you make any changes,” she said. “This is a marathon. You can’t fix it overnight. You need to have patience; you need to take the long view about ramping up to full physical fitness,” she said. A great source for fitness information is USU’s Consortium for Health and Military Performance (CHAMP) Human Performance Resources program, Kimball-Eayrs said. She pointed to the CHAMP Rehab, Refit, Return to Duty RX3 website and to the Go for Green nutrition website as good places to start for those who feel their physical and nutritional fitness have suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Or go to the outpatient nutrition clinic at your military medical treatment facility or

wellness center on post, she suggested. She speaks from experience. As she has aged into her military career and after three pregnancies, she said passing the fitness test has become tougher. “I had to make changes to stay fit for the exam,” Kimball-Eayrs said. “I had to get a feel for adjusting my activity or adjusting my calories.” For example, she now does planks rather than knee tucks as part of her physical fitness program. “Physical fitness is more than your body mass index, PT run time, or how many pushups you can do,” Total Force Fitness materials state. “To optimize your physical fitness you need strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance all working together.”

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Trucks and SUVs


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