Flagship 05.23.2024

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The guided-missile cruiserUSS Leyte Gulf(CG 55) returns to Naval Station Norfolk,May17 2024,marking theirfinal deployment Leyte Gulfdeployed to the 4th

6,470 kilograms ofillicit-drugs,a semi-submersible,and conducted

1987,Leyte Gulfis named afterthe decisive WorldWarII battle in the Philippine

USS Leyte Gulf returns from final deployment

U.S. 2nd Fleet

NAVAL STATION NORFOLK, Va —The guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) returned to Naval Station Norfolk, May 17,2024,markingtheirfinaldeployment.

Leyte Gulf departed Norfolk, Jan. 28 2024 toconductmaritimeinterdictionand theater security operations in the U.S. 4th Fleetareaofoperations.

“The crew of Leyte Gulf is a model for maritime teamwork,” said Vice Adm. Doug Perry, Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet. “They partnered with Navy air assets and Coast Guard interdiction teams, showcasing 2nd Fleet’s ability to extend our presence and maintain homeland defense in other fleets.

Thisisaprofoundfinalchapterforoneofthe Navy’sfinestships,andtheircrewshouldbe proudofalltheyaccomplished.”

During their final deployment, Leyte Gulf embarked the “Valkyries” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 50 and partnered with U.S. Coast Guard Law EnforcementDetachment(LEDET)404

TheLeyteGulfteamperformedmaritime interdictionoperationsanddisrupted4,100 kilograms of cocaine They detected and seized a self-propelled semi-submersible containing 2,370 kilograms of illicit drugs, which was later destroyed during a sinkingexercise TheLEDETboardedandtook positivecontrolofthreevesselsduringinterdictionoperationsandremoved15narcotics traffickersfromthenarcoticstrade



LeyteGulf,”saidPerry “Theircommitment tothemissionintheSouthAtlanticenhances maritime security through sustained naval presence.”

Leyte Gulf operated with regional partners in the 4th Fleet area and conducted theater security cooperation visits. These combinedeffortsaimedtostrengthenmaritime partnerships enhance U.S. maritime posture,anddeterthreatsofillicitdrugtrafficking Named after one of World War II’s largest naval battles, “The Battle of Leyte Gulf was fought in 1944 in the Philippine Sea. It was a decisive battle that pushed back Japanese naval forces The ship, which would be foreverknownasLeyteGulf,wasconstructed in1985andcommissionedin1987 “This ship is full of history Each period

brings its own far-off journeys along with generations of Sailors who have manned the helm,” said Capt Nathan Diaz, the commandingofficerofLeyteGulf “Ourlast deployment was full of Sailors who made their own mark on the story of this great warship Thoughournamesakecomesfrom a battle long ago, the U.S. is still performing withalevelofcombatexpertiseandprofessionalism that we’ve always had as we protectthehomeland.

U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment, develops and employs maritime forces ready to fight across multiple domainsintheAtlanticandArcticinorderto ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S.,allied,andpartnerinterests.

Naval Station Norfolk hosts Annual Education Summit

NORFOLK Va NavalStation(NAVSTA) Norfolkhostedthe1stAnnualNavalStation NorfolkEducationSummitatVistaPointon board NAVSTA Norfolk May 9, 2024 The Education Summit provided information, resources,andconnectionstoinstitutionsof higherlearningforover500Sailorsfrom26 differentcommands,aswellasdependents, tosupporttheeducationalaspirationsofall membersoftheNavyfamily.

ThestoryoftheEducationSummitbegan in January 2024 when Bertram Hardnett from the Navy College Office, and Ltjg Andrew Slattery, the Division Officer for NAVSTA Norfolk’s Public Affairs Office, started planning the brand-new experience The duo started by gathering representatives from institutions of higher education, planning presentations from sources relevant to helping Sailors and their dependents find exciting and applicable opportunities in higher education reserving the spaces needed to host the event, and brainstorming an effective and lively marketing campaign. After months of planning, the Education Summit kicked off on May 9, 2024 at 0830withanintroductionfromCapt.Janet Days,theCommandingOfficerofNAVSTA Norfolk. Days welcomed those in attendance and provided words of encouragement to the Sailors in attendance

“I want you to understand what is available to you as a service member, whether

you stay in two years or twenty you should takeadvantageofwhatisgiventoyou,”said Days “There is more that you can do! It is how you are going to use the services the programsorhowtousetheGIbillforyourself or your family!”

Following Days’ remarks, presenters from the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits Survey, Transition Assistance Program (TAP’s) Educators, U.S. Naval Community College (USNCC), Navy College Program and NAVSTA Norfolk Career Counselors spoke on a variety of topics, touching on subjects such as: professional experiences and opportunities within the Navy higher education opportunities within the Navy, and using the Navy’s resources for educational success after transitioning into the civilian world.

After the presentations, Sailors spoke face-to-face with representatives from over 30 institutions from around the United States The participating institutionsincludedcolleges&universities trade & technical schools as well as scholarship and transitioning organizations From publictoprivateschools,religioustosecularschools,technicaltoliberalartsschools, and west coast to east coast-based schools, theEducationSummitserveduparichand diverse fare of educational opportunities to its guests

“The school I found most interesting was the [United States] Naval Community College,” said Ensign Daniel Haley the Educational Service Officer (ESO) on the USS Gonzalez (DDG-66). “I wanted to

more about the education resource opportunitiesformyownpersonalgrowth

theatersecuritycooperationvisits.Constructed in 1985 and commissioned in
to give to the Junior Sailors from my command. Education is always changing I’m excited for next year to attend the new seminar because of the new resources.” With the huge success of this year’s Education Summit the NAVSTA Norfolk team is excited and looking forward to hosting an even bigger and better Education Summit during its second appearance in 2025
NORFOLK,Virginia (May9,2024) Capt.Janet Days the commanding officerofNaval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk,and Sailors,assigned to NAVSTANorfolk,interactwith representatives from educational institutions and providers at the NAVSTANorfolkEducation Summit held at Vista Point onboard NAVSTANorfolkMay9,2024.The Education Summit provides resources and programs forSailors interested in different opportunities forhighereducations.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYBOATSWAIN’SMATE3RDCLASSJESSICANUNES) VOL.32 NO 19 Norfolk,Va | flagshipnews.comMay 23-May 29 2024 IN THIS ISSUE Commander, Naval Surface Force Atlantic dedicates Mariner Skills Training Center Atlantic MSTCLANTwasnamed“RinnHall,”afterCapt.PaulX.Rinn, anavalofficerwholedheroicactionstosaveUSSSamuel B.Roberts aftertheshipstruckanIranian-laidminewhile escortingAmerican-flaggedmerchantshipsin1988 PAGEA3 THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! 1st Bachelor’s in Veteran StudiesAwarded by Saint Leo University to Navy Vet ForDevonWilson,beingfirstmeanssomething special.Wilson,ofRiverview,FL becamethe“first ofthefirst”onMay11asSaintLeoUniversity’s inauguralBachelorofArtsinVeteranStudies Degreegraduateinthenation’sfirstveteran studiesbachelor’sprogram. PAGEA6 www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday May 23, 2024 1

Valued volunteers: NIWC Pacific employees win DoD STEM prize for RoboSub service

A team of employees at Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific recently won the Department of Defense (DoD) STEM Advocate of the Quarter award for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023 The accolade recognizes outstanding STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education and outreach efforts that furtherthemission of the DoD.

The team, which comprised approximately 100 volunteers received the award for their work planning and executing NIWC Pacific’s hosting of the 26th International Student Robotic Submarine (RoboSub) competition in August 2023


„ Stephanie Luna, strategy implementation manager Corporate Operations

„ Travis Moscicki, project lead, Unmanned Maritime Vehicle Lab

Co-sponsored by NIWC Pacific and the Office of Naval Research (ONR), last year’s RoboSub competition involved 35 teams composed of 350 students from the U.S., Canada, India, Singapore and Bangladesh They built robotic submarines designed to overcome simplified versions of challenges relevant to the autonomous underwater vehicle field.

The NIWC Pacific volunteers working with those from ONR, supported students competing in underwater subject matter areas such as oceanographic exploration and mapping, detecting and manipulation of objects, and pipeline identification and tracking The volunteers provided more than 1,000 hours of support.

“Until 2019 NIWC Pacific had hosted Robosub for 17 or 18 years,” said Moscicki.

“ThenCOVIDhitandthecompetitionhad to go virtual for a few years It was very satisfying to see RoboSub come back to NIWC Pacificin personand see thetalents and enthusiasm of the student engineers.”

The DoD STEM Advocate of the Quarter award is one of several prestigious accolades the Office of the Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Science and Technology locatedwithintheUnderSecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering presents to individuals and teams within the DoD civilian workforce in the fields of research and development, technology transferandtransition,andSTEMadvocacy

According to the award citation for

the NIWC Pacific team, multiple factors resulted in their win, including:

„ Coordinating a visit by Chief of Naval Operations (then Vice Chief of Naval Operations) Adm. Lisa Franchetti.

„ Garnering on-site event support from the U.S. Coast Guard Dive Locker and Naval Information Warfare Systems Command Reserve Program.

„ Securing use of NIWC Pacific’s Transducer Evaluation Center (TRANSDEC) pool The TRANSDEC contains six million gallons of water. Its design eliminates all extraneous man-made or natural biologic noises and permits precise control of surface and underwater conditions

„ Developing a STEM Ambassador Program, which connected RoboSub teams with NIWC Pacific early-career engineers who worked with competitors for short durations to solve key issues

“We congratulate the NIWC Pacific RoboSub competition team for their impressive achievement, said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Kurt Rothenhaus, who also serves as the Naval STEM Executive. “Through passion, hard work and vision, they helped ensure an engaging, inclusive and rigorous RoboSub event for the next generation of scientists and engineers an event that served as a dynamicintroductiontonavalchallenges.”

For Moscicki and Luna, the biggest rewardof participating inRoboSub,which is a RoboNation program, was interacting with the competitors.

“I think about the teams from Arizona State University and Texas A&M, which were all-women teams,” said Moscicki. “They overcame a lot of challenges and obstacles to get to RoboSub and they performed brilliantly.”

Luna said, “I have a 26-year-old daughter who is a computer scientist and works in STEM. Programs like RoboSub really resonate with me You see how hard these competitors work; their tears and laughter; and how they execute tasks, overcome disappointment and cheer each other on. It’s incredibly inspiring and gives me hope for the future and what our country has to offer.”

Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications

Chief of Chaplains of the Navy tours Huntington Hall

Shipbuilding Newport News

NEWPORTNEWS Va Inavisitaimedatstrengtheningmental andspiritualwell-beingalongsidephysicalfitness RearAdm.GregoryTodd,ChiefofChaplainsoftheNavy,touredtheHuntingtonHall NavalBerthingFacilityon14May.

Todd’s visit centered on the Armed Forces Wellness Center (AFWC) located within Huntington Hall. He expressed keen interest in the facility’s current operations and future plans, particularly regarding the integration of mental health and spiritual health servicesalongsidetheexistingphysicalfitnessprograms Thisfocus on holistic wellness reflects the Navy’s growing recognition of the importanceofcomprehensivewell-beingforservicemembers Capt.RandellBuchanan,QualityofServiceDirectorforSupervisor of Shipbuilding Newport News, highlighted the Admiral’s appreciation for the efforts made to improve living conditions for Sailors at Huntington Hall. The Admiral commended the recently updated furniture and expressed strong support for the ongoing Quality of Serviceinitiatives

Opened on January 29th, 2024, the AFWC at Huntington Hall in Newport News Virginia offers valuable resources specifically for SailorsassignedtounitsatNewportNewsShipbuilding.Thecenter providespersonalizedhealthcoachingandaccesstoadvancedfitness testingtechnology TheseservicesempowerSailorstotakechargeof theirphysicalwell-being.

ThevisitalsoservedasanaffirmationoftheNavy’scommitmentto improvingthelivingconditionsofitspersonnel,asevidencedbythe ongoing Quality of Service initiatives The Navy continues to strive forahealthyandsupportiveenvironmentforitspersonnel,recognizingthattheirwell-beingisintegraltothesuccessoftheirmissions

NEWPORTNEWS,Va - In avisit aimed at strengthening mental and spiritualwell-being alongside physical fitness,RearAdm. GregoryTodd,ChiefofChaplains ofthe Navy,spokewith staffat theArmed ForcesWellness Centerlocatedwithin Huntington Hall Naval Berthing Facilityon 14 May.(PHOTOBYCAPT RANDELL BUCHANAN,QUALITYOFSERVICEDIRECTOR)


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DIEGO (Aug 2,2023)The National UniversityofSingapore team prepares to enterthewater at the 2023 RoboSub competition at theTransducerEvaluation Center(TRANSDEC) at Naval InformationWarfare Center(NIWC) Pacific.RoboSub is an international competition inwhich student teams from around theworld design and build robotic submarines,otherwise known as autonomous underwatervehicles (AUVs) (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYALANANTCZAK,RELEASED)
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Commander, Naval Surface Force Atlantic dedicates Mariner Skills Training Center Atlantic


Rear Adm. Joseph F. Cahill commander Naval Surface Force Atlantic, inaugurated theMarinerSkillsTrainingCenterAtlantic (MSTCLANT)duringaribboncuttingceremony,May15,2024

MSTCLANT was named “Rinn Hall,” afterCapt.PaulX.Rinn,anavalofficerwho led heroic actions to save USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) after the ship struck an Iranian-laid mine while escorting American-flagged merchant ships in 1988 during OperationEarnestWill.

“The dedication of MSTCLANT is much more than just the final touches on a buildingandthecelebrationofagreatman,”said Cahill. “It is a symbolic end of an initial investment in vastly improved training and the true beginning of a new era in surface warfareeducationandprofessionalism.”

Cahillcontinuedtospeakonthelegacyof RinnandhisimpactontheSurfaceWarfare community

“[Paul]nevergaveuponanyone,noteven his most problematic Sailor,” said Cahill. “He[wouldtellhisSailors,]‘beonlythebest, not just in your everyday job, but in everything you do.’ He believed in the goodness inpeopleandinhisteammates Theimpacts of[Paul’s]mentorshipandleadershipinour communitywillcontinuetobefeltacrossthe waterfront for years to come I can think of noonebettertorepresenttheofficersweare looking for in the surface warfare community; it would not be the same without his leadership, mentorship, dedication, and bravery Toechotheidealsheinstilledinhis crew:PaulRinnsimplywasthebest.”

The ceremony’s special guest speaker, Bradley Peniston, author of “No Higher Honor: Saving the USS Samuel B. Roberts inthePersianGulf,”said,“Whydowename buildings for people? To honor them, to be sure, but also to remind us of a model to emulate The heroes of the past offer a path tofollow,astandardtomeet,aspurtoexcellence ItisfittingthattheNavynamedsomethingforPaulRinn,wholeadssoferventlyin thepowerofnavalheritage.”

As a result of the Vice Chief of Naval Operation’s Surface Force Comprehensive Review,SurfaceWarfareSchoolsCommand (SWSC) received direction to establish and develop comprehensive mariner training centerstoprovidetheskillsandknowledge

required to correct and improve upon deficienciescitedinthecomprehensivereview

“Thank you, Pam Rinn, and the entire Rinn family for your graciousness and willingness to let us share in Paul’s legacy,” said Capt. Jeffrey Betz, commanding officer, MSTCLANT “Similar to his tenure at the Surface Ship Combat Readiness and Survivability Office in the Pentagon where he championed programs to improve the surface Navy’s combat readiness MSTCLANTworkstirelesslytoready sea-bound warriors for the challenges we knowtheywillfacewhiledeployed.Wefully embrace Paul’s legacy, and it is an honor to nameourfacilityafterhim.”

MSTCLANT established on October 1,

2020 readies sea-bound warriors to serve onsurfacecombatantspossessingtheshiphandling and navigation skills to fulfill the Navy’s mission of maintaining global maritimesuperiority. The state-of-the-art training center houses 10 navigation, seamanship, and shiphandling trainer (NSST-1) simulators, 30 conning officer virtual environment (COVE, or NSST-2) simulators one bridge wing simulator (NSST-3), two full-mission bridge simulators (NSST-4), two full-mission bridge and combat information center simulators(NSST-5)and14electronicclassrooms With support from similar training centers in Newport, Rhode Island and San

Diego the Surface Warfare community increasedjuniorofficershiphandlingsimulatorhoursthreefold.

“We’re proud of MSTCLANT for their amazing work training the fleet,” said Capt. Joseph Baggett, commanding officer, Surface Warfare Schools Command. “I think the impact we make on our Sailors teachingthemtobecomecompetent,lethal watchstandersandwarfighters-thatwould makeCapt.Rinnproud.”

FormoreinformationaboutMSTCLANT visit: https://www.netc.navy.mil/ MSTCLANT/

from right),spouse ofthe late Capt PaulX.Rinn,cuts a ribbonwith herdaughters to dedicate MarinerSkillsTraining Center Atlantic in his honoras (left to right) Captain Betz commanding officer,MarinerSkillsTraining CenterAtlantic,Capt Baggett,commanding officer,SurfaceWarfare Schools Command,and RearAdm.Joseph Cahill,commander,Naval Surface ForceAtlantic observe (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYLT SHARONL.FERRACCI) www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday May 23, 2024 3 757-280-2257 175% offinstall is equal to 15% offthe totalproject price. 2Financingavailabletowellqualified buyersonapproved creditata 0.00% APR for48months,withequal monthlypayments. Youmay prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financingissubjecttocreditrequirementsand satisfactory completion of financedocuments. Any financeterms advertisedare estimatesonly. Normal late charges apply. Seeyour TruthinLending Disclosures formore information. Call 866-697-4033 for financingcosts and terms. 3Free magnetic handheldshower head with thepurchaseofa shower,bath, or full bathremodel.Minimum purchase$12,500 required. Seedesignconsultant fordetails Other restrictions mayapply. Newordersonly. Offernot valid on previous salesorestimates and cannot be combined with other offers.Offer expires6/01/24. BATHROOM REMODELINGDONE RIGHT Employee Installers Easy Maintenance HassleFreeExperience Evening Appointments Licensed &Insured Flexible Payment Plans Subjecttocreditapproval Design Consultation 5-Star Installation RED WHITE &BLUE BATHROOM SavingsEvent 75% OFF INSTALL bathroom remodeling projects1 FREE Magnetic Shower Head Handheld3 48 MONTHS 0% APR2 216,134+ COMPLETED BATHROOM REMODELINGJOBS 4.7/5 4.8/5 (Company reviewsacrossall branches as of 5/01/2024) CALL OR VISIT US ONLINE TO GET STARTED! ASK ABOUT OUR
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1 st Bachelor’s


ST LEO, Florida For Devon Wilson, being first means something special. Wilson, of Riverview FL became the “first of the first” on May 11 as Saint Leo University’s inaugural Bachelor of Arts in Veteran StudiesDegreegraduateinthenation’sfirst veteranstudiesbachelor’sprogram.

“It’s a real honor to be the first for the university,” Wilson said of being the first veteran studies graduate “It’s a great programtounderstandthingsthataveteran encounters and the responsibility of that as aleader Wilson,aNavyveteran,saidthatas an adult learner he at first felt a little overwhelmed at times, but received support alongtheway.

“The challenges were getting back to being a student alongside my younger classmates,andthelonghoursofstudy,and preparing for the next class,” he said. “But the various programs and resources Saint Leo offered including the CAVE [Center for Academic Vision & Excellence] library, and study groups and the dedication of the staffandfacultywhoarewillingtohelp is thebest.” Prior to the commencement ceremony, Dr Karen Hannel, associate professor and department chair of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies & Experiential Learning presented Wilson with a special graduation stole to wear with his cap and gown. A lunch was hosted at the university’sWellnessCentertohonorthegraduating Wilsonaswellastheotherstudentswhoare intheprogram.

Saint Leo offers a bachelor’s degree and a minor in veteran studies and students do not have to be veterans to enroll. Instead, thedegreestudiesthehistoryanddistinctive livesandculturesformedbymilitaryservice, breakingdownstereotypesofveterans InaninterviewwithInsideHigherEducation, Hannel said, “The whole purpose of

this degree is to expand understanding so that workplaces don’t feel they’re doing a veteranafavorbyhiringthem.Thisdegree, likeotheridentitystudies,hasthepossibility of literally making the world a better place

byhelpingustounderstandwhat’sgoingon witheachother.”

Wilson retired from the Navy after 20 years an enlisted surface warfare qualified military police officer “I held many lead-

ership positions on board Navy warships including the USS Oakhill (LSD 51), USS Gary (FFG 5), and USS McCampbell (DDG85) as well as multiple tours in Italy Bahrain, Japan, and GTMO Cuba [Naval StationGuantanamoBay],”hesaid.“Ibring real-lifelessonsandexperiencetotheclassroom to help the younger students understand what has brought us to where we are today.”

Hecreditshisfamilyforprovidingsupport throughout his studies at Saint Leo. “To my parents JackieandEmanuel,andmysister Lisa, and friends abroad, thank you for the encouragement to continue reaching my goals,”Wilsonsaid.

“I’m most proud of what I have become, and the life lessons I’ve learned and those I’ve inspired, for them to achieve their own individualgoals,”headded.

Degree Info:

More information about the degree program is available at: https://www.saintleo.edu/programs/arts-sciences-degrees/ bachelors-degree-veteran-studiesorcontact admissions@saintleo.eduor(855)782-1642

About Saint Leo University:

SaintLeoUniversityisaCatholicBenedictineuniversitydedicatedtohelpinglearners ofallbackgroundsandagesgainthecompetenceandcouragetobemore Offeringmore than60degreeprogramstomorethan14,190 students each year, the nonprofit university is known for providing a values-based education in the liberal arts tradition and a communityofbelongingforthosewhoseek agreaterpurposeinlife.SaintLeoisregionally accredited and offers a campus in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, regional education centers, and several online programs Theuniversityishometomorethan104,000 alumni.Learnmoreatsaintleo.edu.

DevonWilson crosses the stage at Saint Leo University’s commencement at the Florida State Fairgrounds.Wilson,ofRiverview,is the first graduate in the university’s BachelorofArts inVeteran Students Program.(PHOTOSCOURTESYSAINTLEOUNIVERSITY) ABOVE: Dr Karen Hannel,associate professorand associate professorand department chairofUndergraduate InterdisciplinaryStudies & Experiential Learning presents DerekWilsonwith a special graduation stole,indicating his militaryservice and his role as the university’s first graduate in theVeteran Studies Program. LEFT: Dr HeatherParker dean ofthe College ofArts Sciences andAllied Services congratulates DevonWilson on being the first graduate ofSaint Leo University’s Bachelorof Arts inVeteran Students Program. 6 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, May 23, 2024 Mustbe21orolder.Problem Gaming? Call the VirginiaHelp Line at 1-888-532-3500 ROSIE’SSUPPORTS OUR TROOPS 1996 POWER PLANT PKWY,HAMPTON,VA23666 ROSIESGAMING.COM Valid every Tuesdayin2024. Mustcheck in at the Rosie’sRewards Club to be enrolled intothe promotion. MILITARY TUESDAYS FREE PLAY $5 R'BURGER +FRIES $5 POINTS 5X JUST SIGN UP FORAFREEROSIE’S REWARDSCARDAND INSTANTLY RECEIVEBETWEEN $25-$1,000 in free play FORYOUR FIRST VISIT! Valid only fornew members in Hampton. Mustprovide email to receive $25. + +
in Veteran Studies awarded by Saint Leo University – U.S. Navy Veteran says he’s proud of life lessons he’s learned

In his 2023 Executive Rudder, Navy Surgeon General Rear Adm. Darin Via said, “Navy medical personnel remain focused on the mission of warrior readiness Navy medicalpersonnelleadadvancesinfrontline medicalplatforms,technologies,andproceduresthatenablereadiness,sustainmorale, andultimatelywinwars.”

Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command (NMRLC), Williamsburg, VA plays a vital role in providing the materiel solutions of those frontline medical platformsviatheExpeditionaryMedicalFamily of Systems (EXMEDS). NMRLC is responsible for building and sustaining rapidly deployable EXMEDS to support contingency operations humanitarian assistance, andreal-worldeventsandexercisesaround the globe To address emerging requirements more responsively, Navy Medicine transformed the legacy Fleet Hospitals into more agile, flexible, scalable, modular Expeditionary Medical Facility (EMF)s to supportthefullrangeofmilitaryoperations

Further supporting the full range of military operations are both the legacy 150-bed EMF and the new 144-bed modular EMF designs Smaller systems include Expeditionary Resuscitative Surgical Suite (ERSS) and the En Route Care System (ERCS), already proving themselves in fleet use and real-world situations The ERSS provides Role II medical care consisting of 43 cases thatcanfitonone463-literairpalletforease oftransport.Itcanbedeployedinsupportof groundorsea-basedoperations Eachsetcan performfoursurgeriesandresuscitateupto six non-surgical patients holding them on station while awaiting medical evacuation

The ERCS provides personnel, equipment andconsumablesforuninterruptedcontinuationofpatientcareduringmovement,without clinically compromising the patient’s condition.TheERCSprovidesskilledmedical care for up to two critically injured or ill but stabilized patients to maintain clinical stability during transportation for up to an 8-hourtransitviaground,surface orair

The EMF allows medical personnel to address a wide range of health threats through mission execution and flexibility It provides the ability to restore warfighters’ overall health, increasing performance and deployability EXMEDS investments focused on materiel and knowledge-based medical solutions including the delivery of improved combat casualty care enhanced survivability, and reduced impact of injury

and an optimized downrange medical footprintledtosignificantimprovementsin2019 resultinginamodularEMF

“Role III support has additional capabilities, similar to any CONUS-based hospital including specialty clinics, diagnostic resources, specialist surgical, preventive medicine, food inspection, dentistry, physicaltherapyandoperationalstressmanagement teams,” said NMRLC Design Team Director Cmdr Jeremy Schwartz. “We

Indo-Pacific AOR

result of bringing lifesaving capabilities only hours from implementation instead of weeks The team of 30 was made up of NMRLC Active Duty Reserve Component, Civilians,anddeployedSeabeesfromNaval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 4. Bringing this diverse team together from varying geographic locations and different naval commands proved the Seabee motto of“CanDo!”

“The EMF assembly in a warehouse on Camp Foster Okinawa Japan is a light version of the typical EMF platform, said Lt Cassidhe Griffiths, NMRLC’s EMF Activation TeamOfficer “TheNMRLC mission in April 2024 for EMF 150F was to assess all operable components of the EMF core. This assessment included assembly pressurization, and energizing of the shelters to assess the mission capability of each major component, and to giveageneralestimateofthe capability of the EMF core compared to the Required Operating Capabilities after five years of stowage and very limited use. Included in our assessment is a list of deficiencies and a plan for corrective action, repairs, and design improvements tobeincludedinfuturepush blocks.”

Ambulatorycare and triage staging areawhere patientswould be evaluated forfurtherneeds at the Camp Foster Japan, in the 2019 pre-positioned 150-bed ExpeditionaryMedical Facility(EMF).(PHOTOBYJULIUSEVANS,NAVALMEDICAL READINESSLOGISTICSCOMMAND,WILLIAMSBURG,VA)

accomplish this mission by providing the EMF forward deployed platforms with Role III medical and surgical capabilities designed to increase the survivability of those injured in a combat theater, and rapidly return the warfighter to health and backintothefight.”

EMF 150F, the legacy design of the EMF platform, was pre-positioned in 2019 and is currently forward deployed in Okinawa, Japan. In April 2024 a team of 30 NMRLC personnel built-out the platform core and evaluated actual system readiness with a

The April 2024 mission includedabuild-outofdurable clinical capabilities such asadvancedlaboratoryfacilities,combatcasualtyreceiving stations, intensive and acute care services, surgical operating rooms, preventive medicine, orthopedics, OB/GYN and dental care. This 150-bed hospital has a footprint of roughly 85,000 square feet and includes climate control, laundry facilities and 172 units of Civil Engineering Support Equipment including ambulances, buses, forklifts, trucks, A/C units, pumps, and generators

The critical clinical capability provided by the Camp Foster, Okinawa, Japan EMF directly supports the Distributed Maritime Operations of the Indo-Pacific Command’s Area of Responsibility (AOR) and a potential contested near peer conflict. Additionally,thesystemsengineering,andoperability

UniversityofMarylandGlobalCampus(UMGC)isproudtocelebrateNational MilitaryAppreciationMonth,honoringtheentiremilitarycommunityfromcurrent servicememberstoveteransandtheirfamilies. Formorethan75years,UMGChasproudlyprovidedaffordableandcareer-relevant highereducationtoservicemembersandveteransaroundtheworld.Withmore than175locationsworldwideandspecializedmilitarystudentservices,we’rehere tohelpyousucceedagain.

datacollectedwillbeusefulinfurtherrefining the next generation of EXMEDS One of the most critical aspects of the newer design platform, EMF 144, is it requires fewerpeopletoassembleitandcanbedone in stages allowing for patients to be seen beforecompletionoftheentireEMF Morespecifically,consideringtheDistributedMaritimeOperations,USIndo-Pacific Command AOR covers more of the globe of any of the other geographic combatant commands and shares borders with all the other five geographic combatant commands ThecommanderofUSIndo-Pacific Command reports to the President of the United States through the Secretary of Defense and is supported by multiple component and sub-unified commands including U.S. Forces Korea, US Forces Japan, U.S. Special Operations Command Pacific,U.S.PacificFleet,U.S.MarineForces Pacific U.S.PacificAirForcesandU.S.Army Pacific.

NMRLC efforts ensures that Warfighters have a place to go for medical care if and when needed. Anywhere in the world, where Warfighters place boots on the ground, Navy Medicine can provide expeditionarymedicaldeployablesystems These field hospitals deliver definitive healthcare in theater The tent-based facilities are easily adaptable capability-based modules that can be tailored to meet a multitude of missionrequirements That’swheremedical officers,nurses,HospitalCorpsmen,andthe fullcomplementofmedicalstaffandsupport personnel stand at the ready to provide the highest level of world-class, life-saving medical assistance to all in theater military personnel. This evolution added significantly to NMRLC’sabilitytoprovideamaterielsolutiontoenablerapidcareforpatientnumber one, on day one at the EMF, by setting up keyelementsandestablishingallfunctional areas inside the warehouse NMRLC’s efforts ensures the hospital can be functionalindaysorhoursinsteadofweeks,with hurdlesworkedthroughonsiteinOkinawa TheEMFwillserveasaRoleIIIpointofcare to save lives and return the medically ready warfightertooperationalevolutions NMRLC is at the heart of Navy Medicine’senterprise-widefoundationalchange designinganddeliveringagileandintegrated capabilities to the Fleet and Fleet Marine ForcesinDistributedMaritimeOperations Theseuniquecapabilitieswillprovidemedical assets to Combatant Commanders in theatresaroundtheworld.

NMRLC ensures joint warfighter support is ready for action in
www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday May 23, 2024 7 ©2024Uni ityofM yl dGlobalC pu LEARNMORE UMGC.EDU/THANKS UMGCiscertifiedtooperateinVirginiabytheStateCouncilofHigherEducationforVirginia(SCHEV).UniversityofMarylandGlobalCampus,9625BelvoirRoad B denEdu ti Cent ,Building1017,Ro 128,FortBelvoir,VA22060 Th pp fU.S.Dep tm tofDef vi alinfo ationd otimplyo stituteDOD do t. THANKYOUFORYOURCOMMITMENT,DEDICATION ANDSERVICE TODAYANDEVERYDAY.


USS Indianapolis (LCS 17) Gold Crew returns from historic deployment to 5th Fleet PageB8

SECNAV Del Toro touts strategic partnerships and education during visit to Maine


Office of the Secretary of the Navy

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro met with academic leaders of the Maine Community College System, York County Community College (YCCC), and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNSY) to discuss partnership efforts and tour the Center of Excellence for Manufacturing and the Trades(CEMT),May17

SecretaryDelToroalsodeliveredkeynote remarks at YCCC’s commencement ceremony, emphasizing the importance of education as a cornerstone of the DepartmentoftheNavy’senduringprioritytoBuild aCultureofWarfightingExcellence

“Our nation’s vast network of community colleges is vital to providing educational opportunities to Americans from all walks of life, meeting them in the communitieswheretheyworkandresidetodeliver world-class instruction across dozens of concentrations that allow them to realize their career goals,” said Secretary Del Toro, who released the Naval Education Strat-

egy, June 2023, which provides guidance to modernize naval education to meet our Nation’ssecurityneeds

The CEMT at YCCC is an example of successfulpartnershipbetweenalllevelsof government,industry,andacademia.YCCC leaders work closely with industry and government leaders to improve processes develop curricula, and break down barriersforentryintothetradesforgraduatesof their programs YCCC partners with PNSY toconductacceleratedtrainingprogramsfor new and current employees to develop the skills necessary to improve professionally andpersonally InMarch,industry,academic,andgovernmentleadersannouncedtheMaineDefense Industry Alliance (MDIA) on the campus of YCCC a collaborative effort to address workforce needs of Maine’s defense industry As part of MDIA, the Navy awarded a $3.5 million grant to expand the CEMT as part of efforts to reinvigorate the SubmarineIndustrialBase Theincreasedcapacity will support 1,500 qualified individuals to meettheneedsofMaine’sdefenseindustry


During his address, Secretary Del Toro thankedleadershipatYCCCandtheMaine CommunityCollegeSystemfortheirefforts to bolster the region’s shipbuilding workforce Bath Iron Works, Pratt and Whitney, and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard anticipate needing to fill 7,500 positions and upgrade theskillsofalmost10,000incumbentworkers over the next five years to ensure their abilitytosupportthenation’sdefense MDIA will bridge the gap between the public and private sectors, providing a streamlined talent development process tailored for Maine’sdefensesector Secretary Del Toro also reiterated the importance of Maine to the Department of theNavy

“Since the founding of our Navy, Maine has played a crucial role in ensuring we are mission-ready From shipbuilding to hostingbasesacrossthestate,aswellofferingup its sons and daughters to serve our Nation in our naval services, our Sailors, Marines, civilians,andtheirfamiliesareproudtocall

Mainehome,”saidSecretaryDelToro Healsoencouragedgraduatestoconsider answering the National Call to Maritime Service “in support of our nation, whether inoroutofuniform.”

“Service to our nation is more than just a job,itisanhonorableandnobleprofession onewhereyouarepartofsomethinggreater than yourself contributing to the advancement of our Nation, and indeed the world, Secretary Del Toro said “It is incumbent upon all of us to consider how we can best lendourtalents,and,inthecaseofthegraduates,theirnewly-developedskills,tobuild up our great Nation for all Americans, and defend against the threats and challenges oftoday.”

Launched during the inaugural Fleet Week Miami, May 6, the National Call to Maritime Service is an effort to recruit talented individuals to be part of a legacy of honor, courage, and commitment to the Nation.


Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Dr E. Michael Golda received the Harold E. Saunders Award for Lifetime Achievement during the annual American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) Advanced Machinery Technology Symposium (AMTS), this year held at the Delta Hotel Philadelphia Airport, on May 1-2,2024

Each year the ASNE Annual Awards Programrecognizestheaccomplishmentsof individualswhohavedemonstratedexceptional achievement in one or more facets of navalengineering Awardeeshaveincluded government employees, members of the uniformed services and those employed in the defense industry, in academia or elsewhere in the private sector The ASNE Harold E. Saunders Award for Lifetime Achievement, awarded annually since 1977, honors an individual whose reputation in naval engineering spans a long career of notableachievementandinfluence

“Golda has had a lifelong commitment to theU.S.Navy andhisaccomplishmentsand career are essential to NSWCPD all Navy WarfareCenters andthefleet.Asanofficer engineer,andengineeringleader,hecreated acontagiouscultureofinnovation,research, and serving the fleet, influencing the entire NSWCPDfordecades,”NSWCPD’sDeputy Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Dr Steve Mastrosaid.

“In hiring, providing technical requirements and gaps for Research and Development work executing novel science and technology efforts leading large groups throughdirectmanagerialduties,andsignificant engagement in mentoring, education,

NSWCPD’s Dr. E. Michael Golda receives ASNE Harold E. Saunders Award for Lifetime Achievement ViceAdm.David Lewis,USN (Ret.) (left) and ChiefEngineerand DeputyCommanderforShip Design,Integration and Naval Engineering SEA-05, Naval Sea Systems Command RearAdm.Jason Lloyd (right) present the Harold E.Saunders (LifetimeAchievement)Award to Dr E.Michael Golda (middle) forhis dedication and lifetime contributions to the U.S.Navy The event tookplace during the 2024American SocietyofNaval Engineers (ASNE)Advanced MachineryTechnologySymposium (AMTS) held at the Delta Hotel PhiladelphiaAirport in Philadelphia on May1-2, 2024.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJAYBUTTERBAUGH/RELEASED) Secretaryofthe NavyCarlos DelTorovisits theYorkCountyCommunityCollege CenterofExcellence forManufacturing and theTrades (CEMT) fora tourin Sanford,Maine,May17 Secretary DelToro
allAmericans to considera careerofservice-to be part ofsomething bigger and to help restore the comprehensive maritime powerofourNation.(PHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER2ND CLASSJAREDMANCUSO OFFICEOFTHESECRETARYOFTHENAVY)
TurntoDr E.MichaelGolda, Page 2 www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday May 23, 2024 1

NAVSUP WSS Logisticians turn problem into opportunity, clear hundreds of UCOs

When William Leas and Teleshia Baulat of NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support’s Life Support, Damage Control, & Chem Bio department dug into a delivery truck that arrivedunexpectedlyonboardNavalSupport Activity Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, they discovered a truckload of chemical protectivemasks

TheM53A1chemicalmaskrequiresspecial attention and protocols for issuing, because theU.S.ArmysuppliesthemtotheU.S.Navy Leas and Baulat oversee and manage more than20differentitems—NationalItemIdentificationNumbersorNIINs—forallvariants andsizesofchemicalmasks Thismaskseries providesservicemembersprotectionagainst traditional chemical and biological agents certaintoxic,industrialchemicals andparticulatematterincludingradioactivedust.

“Teleshia and I regularly monitor Army systems and coordinate with the U.S. Army Tank and Automotive Command (TACOM) to anticipate when an order is shipped,” said Leas “Wetrytotrackthemallthewaytothe depot and coordinate acceptance into Navy supply system to avoid issues.” The reason theyplacesomuchscrutinyandhandleevery shipmentwithgreatattentiontodetailisthe masks are so similar in characteristics, they caneasilybemisidentified.Additionally,they

andservicetoNSWCPD,Goldahasprovided an invaluable impact on the U.S. Navy,” Mastrosaid. Goldaexpressedhisgratitudetocolleagues and loved ones on receiving the Lifetime AchievementAward.

“I’m truly honored. Thank you for nominating me and thank you, ASNE, for this award. I would be remise if I said that I achieved these accomplishments by myself None of us can accomplish the naval engineering challenges that we face alone. It’s a teameffort,”Goldasaid.

“I have had the pleasure of working with extremelydedicatedscientistsandengineers overtheyears,toaccomplishtasksatthePhiladelphia Division and Carderock Division before that,” he said adding “It is a chain of dedicatedpersonnelworkingfordecades all makingsuchadifference-Iamtrulyhonored tobepartofthatchain.

“Finally,Iwouldthankmyfamily Dadwas gone a lot, doing all these things, while my familyheldittogether Theywouldalwayslet me go off and do what dad does, but after 51 years of involvement with the Navy, it’s time for dad to stay home a bit more It’s been a wonderfulvoyage,”Goldasaid.

Golda entered the United States Naval Academy in 1973, graduating in 1977 with a BachelorofScienceinOceanEngineering.He subsequently earned master’s and doctoral degrees in Materials Science and EngineeringfromtheStevensInstituteofTechnology From 1977 to 1981, Golda served in various Division Officer billets onboard USS Elmer Montgomery (FF 1082) and earned the Surface Warfare Officer designation. Transferring to the Engineering Duty Officercommunity,Golda’snextassignmentwas at the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion,andRepair,Brooklyn,NewYork.Hewas Project Officer for the Regular Overhauls of the USS Nitro (AE 23) and USS Koelsch (FF 1049) Leaving active duty in 1984, Golda affiliated with the Naval Reserve EngineeringDutyprogram,commandingfourReserve Engineering Duty units before retiring in 2007

Golda began his civilian service in 1992 at David Taylor Research Center (DTRC) in Annapolis, Maryland (later Naval Surface

arecritical,life-sustainingdevices “Wecan’t getitwrong,”hesaid.

Leas said when he received a call that a tractortrailerwassittingatawarehousefilled with items he managed, he headed over to seewhathecoulddo WhenLeasarrived,he quickly determined the shipment of chemical mask material should have gone to the Defense Logistics Agency in New Cumberland,Pennsylvania.

“IprovidedthedriverwithmynumbersoI couldbereachedwithanyissues,”saidLeas.

“New Cumberland Depot reached out stating the delivery address was not for them I advised them that it did indeed need to be accepted there and we would help figure it outwiththem.”

AccordingtoLeas,aftersomeresearchthey determinedtherewere12separateshipments forsevendifferentchemicalmaskNIINs,on a single truck, that each required specific handling producers “We then requested urgent assistance from DLA Headquarters and enlisted several different departments for help.” Scott Fernbach and Vickie Edgar helped immensely by providing disposition andtrackingdowntheassetsplacedinArmy stock.

“VickieEdgarisaLogisticsConsultantIII, under N242 for NAVSUP WSS,” said Leas “She works under a Serco Inc. contract and acts as a liaison between NAVSUP WSS and DLA to resolve stock issues.” According to

WarfareCenter,CarderockDivision,Annapolis Detachment). He joined a team focused on the development of large-scale naval machinery applications of superconductivity. His initial assignments included materials engineer, systems engineer, and project manageroftheAdvancedLightweightInfluence Sweep System (ALISS), demonstrating the feasibility of applying low-temperature superconductorstominecountermeasures

According to the nomination package, Golda assumed increasing positions of leadership responsibility at the branch, division, and department levels He was also instrumental in the planning and execution of the part of the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process that moved approximately 200employeesoftheAnnapolisDetachment ElectricalSystemsDepartmentandtheassociated facilities to Philadelphia, merging it with the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station (NAVSSES). The move was successfully undertaken while simultaneously executing the Department’s research and development activities, allowing numerous advances in shipboard electrical systems to transitiontothefleetonschedule

When NAVSSES was designated as NSWCPD in 2015, Golda became the CTO, focusing on the development and transition of new machinery technologies to the fleet aswellasshipyardsupportandothercritical initiatives He established and managed the Naval Innovation Science and Engineering (NISE) program that funded in-house basic and applied research, technology transition, andtherefurbishmentoflaboratoryfacilities HealsomanagedthePhiladelphiaDivision’s patent program, protecting the Division’s intellectualproperty Inadditiontotheseduties Goldaauthored numerous technical papers presentations andtrainingcourses,aswellasareportdocumentingthecentennialhistoryofNAVSSES

A career-long supporter of student engagement, mentoring, and workforce development, Golda was instrumental in the NSWCPD’s involvement in the Navy’s Science, Mathematics, and Research for TransformationProgram(SMART)scholarshipprogramandNavalEngineeringEducation Consortium (NEEC) research grant program, working with university academicsandstudentstoperformresearch,recruiting, and mentoring activities. He supported the professional development of more than

Leas Fernbach is a Logistics Management Specialist with NAVSUP WSS who helps resolve Supply Deficiency Reports whenever there is issue with stock being frustrated such as labeling errors, accounting errors, damaged goods, and any number of otherproblems

“Someitemswereacceptedwithoutissue; twowereacceptedintoArmystock,andtwo were accepted, but placed in a temporary unserviceable condition due to packaging issues,”saidLeas.

“Because of Scott and Vickie’s help, we identified shipment issues and got items placed in serviceable condition in the Navy inventory and used them to fill between 500-600 unfilled customer orders in one day,” said Leas “This was an enormous win forNAVSUPWSSaswellastheNavy.”

NAVSUPWSSisoneof11commandsunder Commander NAVSUP Headquartered in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania, NAVSUP employs a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 22,500 military and civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain, acquisition, operational logistics and Sailor and family care activities with our mission partners to generate readiness and sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent and decisivelywinwars Learnmoreatwww.navsup. navy.mil, www.facebook.com/navsupwss, andwww.twitter.com/NAVSUP

500 newly hired scientists and engineers overthelast10yearsbyteachingtwocourses: “Warships 101”, focused on the U.S. Navy’s battle force and “Naval Architecture for Non-Naval Architects.” He also served as an adjunctprofessoratTheUniversityofPennsylvania from 2001 to 2014 at the Fels InstituteofGovernment.

Golda has been a career-long supporter of ASNE. A lifetime member, he chaired the AnnapolisChapterandtheFlagshipSection, servedontheJournalCommittee,andserved two terms on the National Council. He has authored the Know Brainer history column of the Naval Engineers Journal since 2012. GoldaisalsoanactivememberoftheSurface Navy Association, The Navy League, and is a UnitedStatesNavalInstitutemember

Golda’s accomplishments rest principallyonachievinganextensivereputationin machineryresearchinmaterials systems and power systems, along with his leadership in management and non-management roles in executing hundreds of millions of dollars in sponsor-fundedwork.AsthefoundingdirectoroftheNSWCPD’sNISEinternalresearch and development budget, and as the current head of a research focus area within the budget, Golda has directed the use of $25M overthepast20yearstosupporttheresearch, development and testing of numerous technology advancement and systems that transitionedtoshipboarduse

Inadditiontohisaccomplishmentsinnaval engineering, leadership, education, mentorship, and training, Gold’s military achievements have been formally recognized with theMeritoriousServiceMedal(twoawards), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (three awards), Navy Achievement Medal,SeaServiceDeploymentMedal,Navy andMarineCorpsExpeditionaryMedal.

NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team doestheresearchanddevelopment,testand evaluation, acquisition support, and in-serviceandlogisticsengineeringforthenon-nuclearmachinery,shipmachinerysystems,and related equipment and material for Navy surface ships and submarines NSWCPD is also the lead organization providing cybersecurityforallshipsystems

YOKOSUKA,Japan (March 9,2022)Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuel) 2nd Class Noel Soco,fromWailuku,Hawaii,is fitted fora chemical,biological, and radiological (CBR) protective maskon the mess decks ofthe U.S.Navy’s onlyforward-deployed aircraft carrierUSS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). Ronald Reagan conducts annual maskfit tests to ensure all Sailors have the correct personnel protective equipment in the event ofCBRexposure. Ronald Reagan,the flagship ofCarrierStrike Group 5,provides a combat-readyforce that protects and defends the United States and supports alliances partnerships and collective maritime interests in the Indo-Pacific region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST SEAMANDALLASA.SNIDER) Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832 JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792 Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost. FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling – Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support
2 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 23, 2024
Dr E. Michael Golda from Page 1

Iaskedwhatkind of family Amina wanted. Shesaid, ‘A family like yours.’ That’s when Iknew Ihad to adopt her.

Denise, adopted 17-year-old Amina

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Concrete monolith arrives at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard


Portsmouth Naval Shipyard


Maine The first of 27 concrete monoliths arrived at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNSY) on May 16 marking a milestone in theMulti-MissionDryDock#1Project

The 4,000-ton monolith, roughly equivalent in size to a six-story apartment building, was transported to the shipyard on a specialtybargefromCianbroCorporation’s ModularManufacturingFacilityinBrewer, Maine,wheretheyarebeingconstructed.

“Uponcompletion,themulti-missiondry dockwillsignificantlyexpandPNSY’scapability capacity andflexibility,”saidShipyard CommanderCapt.MichaelOberdorf “This enables the shipyard to continue our vital national security role as America’s leader in attack submarine maintenance, and modernization.”

The Multi-Mission Dry Dock #1 project is part of the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP)—a holistic recapitalization of the Navy’s four public shipyards through a combination of new and existing facilities SIOP integrates investmentsinfacilities,utilities,andindustrial plant equipment to meet nuclear fleet maintenance requirements The program supportsareductioninavailabilityduration andimprovesefficiencybyexpandingshipyardcapacity,optimizingconfiguration,and creating resilient infrastructure—enabling PNSY to meet the Navy’s requirements for decadestocome

“Delivery of this first monolith is a significant milestone both for this project and for the program, said SIOP Program Manager Capt. Luke Greene He added, “It is an impressive feat of engineering and a powerful visual display of the government andcontractorteamingtoprovidetheNavy withthismuch-neededdrydockcapability ItisyetanotherexampleofSIOPdelivering thefoundationoffleetreadiness.”

The monoliths are crucial components of this seven-year project, that will revitalizeandmodernizethehistoricDryDock#1, whichdatesbacktoWorldWarII.Bringing themonolithstolifeisaresultofaninnovativethree-wayjointventurewithindustry.

The dry dock project is overseen by the Officer in Charge of Construction-PNSY Capt. Chad Brooks who provides quality assurance contract administration, and command-level accountability for all SIOP construction.

“Constructingthemulti-missiondrydock using pre-cast concrete monoliths built at an off-yard location enables shipyard operationstocontinueuninterruptedduringthe constructionphase,”explainedBrooks “One ofSIOP’skeyobjectivesistosustainsubmarine maintenance and increase productivity while significantly improving shipyard infrastructure.

Navy chefs shine in Chicago

U.S. Navy chefs from around the world converged at the prestigious Palmer House in Chicago to attend advanced training and receivetheirCaptainEdwardF.Neyawards forpreeminenceinNavyFoodService,17-19 May.

“These annual awards encourage excellence in Navy Food Service programs with theobjectiveofimprovingthequalityoflife for our Navy personnel, said Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy “I commend the Navy Undersea Enterprise, SurfaceWarfareEnterprise,NavalAviation Enterprise,CNIC,andindividualcommands for their hard work and commitment to excellence.”

The Ney awards are significant because theyarethehighesthonoraNavygalleycan receive for excellence in food service. It’s a way to say their hard work is the best of the best The award program itself was created to encourage better food service across the Navy This means tastier, more nutritious food for Sailors, which boosts morale and overall well-being The Ney Awards create a friendly competition between different galleys on ships and shore stations and pusheseveryonetoconstantlyimprovetheir service,sanitation,andfoodquality

During one of the weekend’s workshops hosted by the National Restaurant Education Foundation, Rear Adm. Ken Epps, commander Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) and Chief of Supply Corps sharedanecdotesfromhistimespent as Supply Officer (SUPPO) on an aircraft carrier

“Mycommandingofficersatmedownand said,‘Themostimportantthingthatyouwill do on this carrier is take care of our Sailors, thatstartswithyourfoodservice,SUPPO,’” Eppsrecalledtoapackedroomof103chefs fromacrosstheuniformedservices

For most Sailors, the Ney awards might not be a direct achievement they strive for, but they can still have a positive impact on their daily lives The awards recognize galleysthatprovidehigh-quality,nutritious meals This means tastier food options and a more varied menu for Sailors A well-run galley contributes to a better overall atmosphereonashiporbase Knowingtheirfood service is award-winning can give Sailors a senseofprideintheirsurroundings.

The Ney Awards acknowledge the hard workanddedicationoftheNavy’sCulinary Specialists (CS) Sailors likely appreciate the effort put in by the food service team to providethemwithgoodmeals.WhileSailors themselves might not win the Ney Awards, they can experience the positive effects

SIOP’s multi-decade effort currently has over $6 billion of construction under contract and nearly $600 million of equipmentinprocurement,markingasignificant investmentintheNavy’sinfrastructure. FormoreinformationabouttheShipyard InfrastructureOptimizationProgram,please visit:https://www.navfac.navy.mil/PEO-Industrial-Infrastructure/PMO-555-SIOP/ Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is America’s

leader for attack submarine maintenance, repair, and modernization. The on-time completion of submarine availabilities is criticaltomaintainingtheU.S.Navy’smaritime superiority As a NAVSEA operated fieldactivity,PNSYiscommittedtoexpandingourunderseaadvantageandmaximizing the material readiness of the fleet by safely deliveringfirst-timequality ontime andon budget.

on the quality of their food and the overall moraleontheirshiporbase

“For those of you in this room who cook for your fellow service members, I thank you,” said keynote speaker Chef Opal Poullard, Chef Instructor for Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts “When your military service is done there are many opportunitieswaitingforyou.”

The Ney awards are primarily relevant to the U.S. Navy but civilians might find theminterestingforacoupleofreasons;the awards offer a glimpse into the importance of a seemingly mundane aspect of military life good food Reliable, nutritious meals can contribute to a Sailor’s morale and well-being, which ultimately impacts their abilitytoserveeffectively Theawardsrecognizetop-notchfoodservicepracticeswithin a large organization. This can be interesting to anyone in the food service industry, as it highlights methods for ensuring quality, safety, and efficiency in large-scale food preparation.

Also, Navy Food Service programs play a surprisingly significant role in promoting navalreadiness,andhaveadirectimpacton Sailorperformance,including:

Physical Fitness: Well-nourished Sailors have the stamina and strength needed for demanding physical tasks. Balanced meals with enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats provide the energy needed for long shifts, physical training, and combat situations

Mental Acuity: A Sailor’s diet can affect

their focus alertness and decision-making abilities Food programs that prioritize nutrient-rich options can help Sailors performbettermentally,bothintrainingand duringoperations

Improved Morale: Good food can boost morale and overall well-being When Sailors feel their basic needs are being met withqualitymeals,they’remorelikelytobe contentandmotivated.

NavyCulinarySpecialists theSailorswho are the face of Navy Food Service have an important and direct role in providing for national security. A healthy and well-fed crewisessentialforasuccessfulNavy Navy shipsoftenoperateinremotelocationswith limited access to fresh food. Efficient food service ensures Sailors have the necessary provisionsforextendeddeployments

It all boils down to: a strong Navy means asafernation.Awell-preparedNavydeters aggression and protects national interests By supporting Sailor health, food service programs contribute to a stronger national defense Additionally,astheNavyconstantlyseeks ways to improve its food service programs

The Navy’s innovations in food service can sometimes translate to the civilian sector leading to better food practices in restaurants schools andotherinstitutions

NAVSUPprovidesoperationalandfinancial policy guidance for Navy chefs to efficiently and confidently execute the food servicemission.NavySupplyOfficersalong with senior enlisted CSs assigned to ships

and ashore galleys across the fleet manage thecareersofCSs NAVSUPisastakeholder sponsor and key player in the overall trainingprocess

“FleetleadershipiscontinuouslyencouragedtoreachouttotheNAVSUPteamatany time for assistance with all issues related to the development of Culinary Specialists,” explained CWO5 Harrison Wright III, NAVSUP Food Service operations officer “Personnel assigned to the NAVSUP Food Serviceprogramareequippedwithcontacts andresourcestoimmediatelysolvetraining deficiencies.”

In conclusion, U.S. Navy Food Service programsaremorethanjustcafeterias They playacrucialroleinkeepingSailorshealthy, focused,andreadytodefendthenation.The NeyawardsareakeypartofNAVSUP’sstrategy to promote and permeate Navy Food Service programs with an always improvingmindsetandaconstantstrivingforexcellence NAVSUPisheadquarteredinMechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and employs a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 25,000 military and civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enablesupplychain,acquisition,operational logisticsandSailorandfamilycareactivities withourmissionpartnerstogeneratereadinessandsustainnavalforcesworldwideto preventanddecisivelywinwars

Thewinners ofthe Captain Edward F.Neyawards stand togetheras one united team afterreceiving theirawards at the MilitaryFood Service Awards ceremonyhosted bythe National RestaurantAssociation Education Foundation at the PalmerHouse Chicago,17 May.Standingwith thewinning teams are RearAdm.Ken Epps,CommanderNaval SupplySystems Command and ChiefofSupplyCorps and NAVSUPCommand MasterChiefMarkSchlosser(center).(PHOTOBYRUSSSTEWART,NAVALSUPPLYSYSTEMSCOMMAND) KITTERY,Maine (May16,2024) –The first ofmany4,000-ton concrete monoliths arrived at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNSY) in Kittery, Maine on May16 The monolith arrived on a special barge from Cianbro Corporation ModularManufacturing Facilityin Brewer Maine and are part ofthe Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program’s multi-mission DryDock#1 project,which is modernizing theWorldWarII-era drydockon PNSY.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSCHARLOTTEC.OLIVER/RELEASED) Search jobs. Post your resume.Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING 4 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 23, 2024

Randolph earns Military Excellence Award at Recruit Training Command


Apprentice Vance Randolph graduated as the top Sailor from Recruit Training Command,earningtheMilitaryExcellence Award(MEA)May16,2024

Randolph, from Cassatt, South Carolina, said he enlisted for a variety of reasons, includinghisfamily’sheritage

“I joined the Navy to make my family proud, said Randolph. “My great-grandfatherservedintheMarineCorps,mygrandfather served in the Army, and two of my cousins served in the Navy A big part of my decision was that I wanted to continue that tradition. It’s also been a lifelong goal of mine to go into special operations, and it’s well known that the special operations programsintheNavyareamongstthehardestandmostchallengingtocomplete Iwant to become part of that small percentage of people who were able to finish. It would be ahugeaccomplishmentforme.”

Randolph, 22, graduated from North Central High School where he was a member of the football and track and field teams Additionally, Randolph has raced motocross since the age of 5, competed as anamateurboxer,andisacertifiedpersonal trainer

The Navy Club of the United States Military Excellence Award is the top award presentedtotherecruitthatbestexemplifies thequalitiesofenthusiasm,devotiontoduty,

SeamanApprenticeVance Randolph graduated as the top Sailorfrom Recruit Training Command,earning the Military ExcellenceAward (MEA) May16 2024. (COURTESYPHOTO)

militarybearing,andteamwork.Theaward placeshimatthepinnacleoftoday’snewest Sailors Randolph is awarded a flag letter of commendationaspartofhisrecognition.


“When I was told that I was selected as the top recruit in the training group, and thatI’dwontheaward,Iwassurprised, he said.“ItwasconfirmationthatI’dmadethe right choice and that I was taking the right steps to succeed in my military career The awardmeansalottomepersonallybecause it shows the commitment and hard work that I’ve put into doing my best. A big part ofbootcampiscomingtogetherasoneteam and developing as a person. This award is proofthatI’veaccomplishedthosethings.”

Randolph’s RDCs (Recruit Division Commanders) are Chief Mineman (MNC) JoshuaRoyer,AviationElectronicsTechnician 1st Class (AT1) Melissa Shoulberg, and Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 2nd Class (ABH2) Angel Rojas and they guided himthroughthe10-weekprocess

“My first RDC MNC Royer, had a huge influenceonme,”saidRandolph.“Heisone of the most disciplined Sailors I’ve met. He set the example for everyone and showed us how to hold ourselves to the highest standards He’s the definition of hard work paying off, and all the awards and achievementshehasearnedinsuchashortamount oftimeareanindicatorofthat.”

Additionally Randolph said his family and others in his division helped push him tosuccess

“Most of my motivation came from my closefriendsandmyfamily,”saidRandolph. “WhenItoldmyfamilyIwasgoingintothe

Navy and what my goals were they were very supportive. They had so much faith in me and knew that I would do great things Their support stuck with me and kept me focused during my training I made it my goal to become one percent better each day and move forward when things weren’t goingwell.Myfamilyandfriendswereabig partofthesuccessthatI’vehadhere.” Randolph said his biggest challenge was learninghowtosetasidepersonalambitions “The tough thing for me was learning to work with others more effectively,” Randolph said. “When I first arrived, all I was worried about was making sure all my individualcheckpointsweremet.Afterafew ITE sessions for other people’s mistakes, I realized that without teamwork none of us weregoingtosucceedinbootcamp Ishifted myfocusandtriedtoconcentrateonhelping those around me stay motivated to do their absolute best. Though it wasn’t easy in the endwewereabletocometogetherasateam, and as a result we were recognized as a hall offamedivision.”

After graduation, Randolph will attend Fire Control Technician (FT) “A” School in Groton,Connecticut,wherehewillundergo trainingforbasicsubmarinesystems,which includes electronics mathematics and computertheory

Training at RTC is approximately 10 weeks, and all enlistees in the U.S. Navy begin their careers at the command. More than 40,000 Recruits train annually at the Navy’sonlybootcamp

USS St. Louis (LCS 19) holds change of command ceremony

Commander, Littoral Combat Ship Squadron Two MAYPORTFla. Cmdr TJOrthrelieved Cmdr Jonathan Williams as USS St Louis (LCS 19) Commanding Officer, during a change of command ceremony at Naval StationMayport,May17th.

As St Louis’ 5th Commanding Officer, Cmdr Williams, led the ship through an arduous Basic Phase; preparing St Louis for her inaugural deployment Under his command, the crew was able to succeed through Crew Certification, Bridge Resource Management, Damage Control MaterialAssessment(DCMA),Engineering LightOffAssessment(LOA),andINSURV Amongsttheobstaclesofgettingtheship certifiedandmateriallyreadytosupportthe mission in the 4th Fleet Area of Responsibility, the crew continued to perform above and beyond Fleet average During Cmdr Williams’ time onboard, the crew earned

Battle Excellence Awards for Maritime Warfare, Command and Control, Safety, andMedical;highlightingthehardworkand accomplishmentsthecrewattained.

Honoring and remembering the namesake’s rich history was also very important duringWilliams’timeasCommandingOfficer.Theshipconductedseveralcommunity outreach programs, most notably participatinginSt LouisNavyweek.Theshipalso conductedanAmericanConnectionsMedia Outreach with the Navy Office of CommunityOutreachwhere80percentofthecrew shared their story with their hometowns, helping the Navy with recruitment and futureretention.

Under his command, St Louis entered a new era as the crew merged from the Blue and Gold crew construct into one solidified team November 2023 As one crew, the HELLCATSweremadestrongerasaunified commandunderCmdr Williams

“It’s been my greatest honor to serve and

lead the Sailors of St Louis, we have been challenged at every turn, but nothing has been able to stop this crew from continuing to work hard towards the mission, said Williams.” “I am proud to have been their commanding officer Time and time again, thecrewhasperseveredthroughademandingandarduousschedule.”

Cmdr Williams is a native of Houston, Texas, and previously served as the Executive Officer aboard USS Little Rock (LCS 9) and is a graduate of the University of South Florida, University of Arkansas, and Air Command and Staff College Williams willreporttoCommander,U.S.NavalForces Southern Command, U.S. Fourth Fleet, for hisnextassignment.

“I am humbled and excited to assume command of St Louis and lead the amazing HELLCATS There is no greater honor than being the Commanding Officer of a United States warship, said Orth.” “I have had the privilege of working with the Sail-

orsandfamiliesofSt Louisforthepastyear andahalfastheExecutiveOfficerandIhave nevermetamoreresilientandaccomplished group of men and women. As we prepare to deploy, I know our challenges are soon to come but I look forward to continuing our proud service together as we continue to be the Gateway to Freedom as we serve ournation.

Cmdr Orth is a native of Farmville, Virginia and a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and U.S. Naval War College His most recent assignment was as the ExecutiveOfficerofSt Louis USS St Louis (LCS 19), homeported in Mayport,FL,isassignedtoLittoralCombat ShipSquadron2.

LCS are a fast, agile, mission-focused platform designed to operate in near-shore environments defeat 21st-century coastal threats The LCS is capable of supporting forward presence, maritime security, sea control,anddeterrence

‘Intelligent’ locker expansion at NAS Pensacola opens mail service to barracks residents

An expansion of “intelligent lockers at Naval Air Station Pensacola’s consolidated mail facility has opened personal mail serviceforservicememberswholiveinthe airstation’sstaffbarracks

InApril,NavalSupplySystemsCommand (NAVSUP)FleetLogisticsCenter(FLC)Jacksonville oversaw the installation of an additional90lockers,foratotalof150atthemail center The “intelligent lockers” allow users toretrievetheirmailandpackagesaroundthe clockwithouttheaidofamailclerk.

The additional lockers opened up the capacity to offer personal mail service on base to those living in the barracks Before this, barracks residents often spent their ownmoneytorentaU.S.PostalServicebox forpersonalmail. Currently,morethan350servicemembers receivemailviathesecurelockers

“With accessibility to these lockers 24/7, thisgreatlyhelpsourservicememberswho work on Naval Air Station Pensacola to get theirmailaroundtheclockinasecurelocation,” said Cmdr Matthew Poss, NAVSUP FLCJacksonvillesitedirectoratPensacola.

NavalAviation Schools Command mail orderlies collect official mail at the now-largerinstallation of‘intelligent’lockers at Naval AirStation Pensacola,Florida. (COURTESYPHOTO) Listen to our top news stories for free.

Staying in the know is easy. Each weekday,you’ll get the latest stories curated by our editors on your smart speaker or streaming service. Available on Amazon Echo, Apple Music, Google Home, Spotify and more. Start now at PlayOurNews.com

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PENSACOLA Fla. Naval Education and Training Command’s (NETC) recognized a Pace, Florida native and 2008 graduate of Wewahitchka High School as its 2023 Sailor of the Year (SOY) during a ceremony at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida, May 16, 2024

Boatswain’sMate1stClassBrandonTifft, an instructor at Maritime Skills Training Center Pacific, San Diego, was one of four finalistsacknowledgedfortheirdedication indevelopinganddeliveringcombat-ready warfighters to the fleet.

“This command has put me in front of hundreds of Sailors that have made me a better leader, instructor and mentor,” said Tifft. “Instructing five different courses across all ranks of our community gives metheopportunitytolistentoSailorsfrom different platforms and share my love for being a boatswain’s mate.”

Tifft credits much of his success to the values he gained while growing up in a small, western Florida community

“Growing up in a small town, I learned how important your community is and helping people when they need it,” said Tifft. “When your neighbor needs your help youstopwhatyou’redoingnomatter how important and help them out. I find many similarities throughout my naval career and reflect on the impact it has had on me When a junior Sailor asks for trainingorhelpwithsomething,nomatterhow importantIthinkwhatIamdoingis,nothing is more important than stopping and helping that Sailor I have seen first-hand as a junior Sailor the impact it had on me when I would ask for training and leadershippushedmetothesidefortasksthatare more ‘important’. I treat my division as my communityandeachSailorasmyneighbor; I will always stop to help.”

Like many of those who answered our nation’scalltoservice,TifftjoinedtheNavy to gain a sense of purpose and to continue his family’s legacy of military service

“My grandfather served in the military and it always made me proud seeing how much he loved his country,” said Tifft. “Speaking with my dad one day, I told him that I was struggling to find purpose or value in what I was doing after no longer being able to play college football due to injury We talked about the military, and I thought about my grandpa’s stories from Germany during World War II and the thought of one day telling my grandkids my own stories about serving my country I wanted to be a part of a team again; I wanted to do something that meant some-

thing.Iwantedtomakemygrandpaproud. Iwenttotherecruiterandsoonfoundthat the Navy was the missing piece.

Working as an instructor at a Navy schoolhouse, Tifft sees firsthand the challengesthatyoungSailorsfaceduringtraining,andheoffersapieceofadvicetoanyone considering military service

“I would tell anyone considering the Navythatitcanbethebestdecisionofyour life oritcanbethehardestdecisionofyour life,”saidTifft.“Noeasyjobcomeswithreal fulfillment and respect A Navy career will be challenging and difficult, but you will make everyone you know proud that you served your country and sacrificed for the freedom of everyone you love.”

Sailors serving throughout the MyNavy HRForceDevelopmentdomaincompeted against nearly 11,000 instructors and staff members for this prestigious distinction. Tifft and the other three finalists demon-

strated superior sustained performance in theirroles,excellingasleadersandmentors at their respective commands

“The close competition at this level is a testament to our four finalists and to their professionalism and dedication,” said Rear Adm. Jeffrey Czerewko, NETC’s commander, who provided remarks at the ceremony. “Each of these Sailors has been aninspirationtotheirfriends familiesand shipmates I look forward to hearing of their continued success throughout their naval careers.”

AstheNETCSOY,Tifftwillbepromoted to chief petty officer

Other SOY finalists included:

„ Navy Diver 1st Class Zachary Corrente Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center PanamaCity,Florida „ Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment)

1st Class John M. Pintore, Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, Detachment Lakehurst,NewJersey.

„ Musician 1st Class Colin R. Greggs, Naval School of Music, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

NETCrecruits,trainsanddeliversthose who serve our nation, taking them from “street to fleet,” by transforming civilians into highly skilled, operational, and combat-ready warfighters

FormoreinformationaboutNETC,visit the command’s website at https://www netc.navy.mil/ and follow the command’s social media: Facebook at https://www facebook.com/NETCHQ, Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/netc_hq, X at https://twitter.com/NETC_HQ and LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/

Florida native recognized as Naval
of the Year RearAdm.JeffreyCzerewko left commander,Naval Education andTraining Command (NETC) awards the bronze eagle to Boatswain’s Mate 1st Class BrandonTifft,assigned to Maritime SkillsTraining CenterPacific,NETC’s fiscalyear2023 SailoroftheYear(SOY),during NETC’s SOY announcement and award ceremonyat the National NavalAviation Museum in Pensacola,Florida,May16,2024.NETC’s mission is to recruit, train and deliverthosewho serve ournation,taking them from street-to-fleet bytransforming civilians into highlyskilled,operational and combat readywarfighters.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSZACHARYMELVIN) 6 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 23, 2024 ROOFING • WINDOWS • SIDING • TRIM • GUTTER PROTECTION YOUR TRUSTED ROOFING EXPERTS Join the ranksofsatisfied hom have experienced the Paramount difference! With our exclusive13-Step Roofing System, backed by aGold Pledge Lifetime Warranty, your home is in the hands of the best AWARD-WINNING EXCELLENCE UNLIMITED WIND GUST WARRANTY SUPERIOR VENTILATION ULTIMATE PROTECTION TRUSTED WARRANTY We are1of30companies to proudly receiveGAF’s Prestigious President’s Club Awardfor our commitmentto quality &innovation. Our roofs arebuilt to withstand hurricane winds up to 130mph, giving youpeaceof mind in anyweather Our CobraSnowCountry Advanced Rigid Ridge vent system maximizes airflow, extending the lifeofyour roof and reducing energy costs. From StainguardPlus Pro to DuraGrip Technology,our roofs come with a30-year warranty againstalgae/ stains and arebuilt to resist the elements. Our industry-leading warranty includes aLifetime Warranty 50 years non-pro-rated, and 30 years workmanship guaranteed, stamped and approvedby Good Housekeeping. www.paramountbuilders.com (757)942-4209 “Paramount replaced my roof this past October,theyalso replaced my gutters, trim work and gutter guards, acouple years earlier.Theyare very professional anddoawesome work. Bestproduct foryour moneyinmyopinion” -Michael H., HomeAdvisor Review Schedule Online or Call todayto meet with an Installation Expert! meownerswho t ! 3YEARS NO INTEREST 50%OFF PLUS LABOR
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Education and Training Command’s 2023 Sailor
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USS Indianapolis (LCS 17) Gold Crew returns from historic deployment to 5th Fleet

NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, Florida The Freedom-variant littoralcombatshipUSSIndianapolis(LCS17)GoldCrewreturnedto NavalStationMayport,Florida,May16,followingahistoricsix-month deploymenttotheU.S.5thFleetareaofoperationsforaFreedom-variantLCScrew

Indianapolis Gold Crew, along with the “Dragon Whales” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 28, Detachment 8, deployed on December 18, 2023 This is their second deployment, following theirfirstdeploymentonMarch6,2023toJuly16 2023withthehull completingC4F C6F andC5Ftransits/operations Theseconddeployment encompassed only C5F operations from December 18 2023 to May 15, 2024 They have completed Exchanges of Command in Gulf ofAden,ArabianSea,andArabianGulf

“Our deployment was a triumph for the LCS program, demonstrating the versatility of the ship sustained at sea operations,” said Cmdr MattAppleton,commandingofficerofIndianapolisGoldCrew “Duringdeployment,weescortedmerchantvessels,embarkedaU.S. Coast Guard interdiction team, and partnered with other militaries acrosstheMiddleEast.”

The deployment provided an opportunity for Indianapolis Gold Crew to gain experience as the longest deployed freedom-variant littoralcombatshiptotheU.S.CentralCommandareaofresponsibilitythroughmultipleexercises,maritimesecurityoperations,theater securitycooperationengagements,andfreedomofnavigationpatrols keepingcriticalmaritimecommerceroutesopen,deterringconflict andcoercion,andstrengtheningpartnershipswithothercountries

“Our deployment underscored the advantages that America’s surface Navy provides our country during crisis situations abroad,” saidAppleton “Themenandwomenofthisshipsailedinharm’sway and executed every mission asked of them. We can all be PROUD of theextraordinarywork!”

Indianapolis Gold Crew navigated over 10,000 nautical miles, conducted over 40 sea and anchor details, and port visits to Jebal Ali,UAE,Fujairah,Jubail,KSA,Karachi,Pakistan,andDuqm,Oman. Undertheirwatch,Indianapolisexecuted11StraitofHormuzTransits, hostedtheSecretaryoftheNavyinJanuary2024,followingKarachi, PakistanPVSTinMarch2024,toincludetoursforPAKNavalLeadership PortTrust,andConsulate Indianapolisconductedat-seatraining with PAK Navy frigate PNS Alamgir, PASSEX and PHOTOEX, Flashing Light, Communication Drills, DIVTACS, MOB-A Hull and AviationCertification.ShealsoembarkedUSCGMSRT.Her5thfleet operationsincluded:OperationUnifiedTakedown,OperationPandora Throttle and Operation Sentinel. Indianapolis recently conducted theirexchangeofcommandonMay15,2024

“Good to be back after being gone ten and a half months of the last 16 months,” said Master Chief James Van Patten, command master chiefofIndianapolisGoldCrew “Deploymentwasverysuccessful!We earnedourfirsteverBattleE,toincludemultiplewarfareareascertified,unittacticsawardonceagainandtheretentionexcellenceaward!”

TheinauguraldeploymentofGoldCrewmarksthecontinuationof thelongestservingFREEDOMvariantLCSin5thfleettodate,signifyinganewchapterinourmaritimestrategywherewechallengedthe status quo and enhanced our ability to combat emerging technology while continuing to promote stability and partnerships in a strategicallyimportantregion Especiallyduringtimesofincreasedtensions, the U.S. Navy’s presence deters aggression and fosters safe passage throughtheinternationalsealinesofcommunication.

LCS is a fast agile mission-focused platform designed for operation in near-shore environments yet capable of open-ocean operation. It is designed to defeat asymmetric “anti-access threats and is capable of supporting forward presence, maritime security, sea control, and deterrence

MAYPORT,Fla.– (May16,2024) – Lt Zach Budde,assigned to the Freedom-variant

littoral combat ship USS Indianapolis (LCS 17) Gold Crew,hugs his familyfollowing his returnwith the crewto Naval Station Mayport,Florida,aftera historic six-month deployment to the U.S.5th Fleet area ofoperations,May16 2024.The deployment provided an opportunityforthe crewto gain experience as the longest deployed freedom-variant littoral combat ship to the U.S.Central Command area ofresponsibility. LCS is a fast agile,mission-focused platform designed foroperation in near-shore environmentsyet capable ofopen-ocean operations.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSSTEVENKHOR/RELEASED)

8 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 23 2024
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Hampton Monster Jam® roars into the Hampton Coliseum

Oct. 11-13 Tickets on-sale


HAMPTON, Va Experience big-time familyfunatMonsterJam®.Themostunexpected,unscriptedandunforgettablemotorsports experience for families and fans in the world today returns to Hampton for an adrenaline-charged weekend at Hampton ColiseumonOctober11-13,2024.AtMonster Jam®, world champion athletes and their 12,000-poundmonstertruckstearupthedirt inwide-opencompetitionsofspeedandskill.

Sign up today to become a Monster Jam Preferred Customer at MonsterJam.com to get exclusive early access to the pre-sale offercodetopurchaseadvanceticketsstartingtodaytogetthebestseatsavailablebefore ticketsgoon-saletothegeneralpublicnext weekonTuesday,May21.

The fun begins at the Monster Jam Pit Party held in Hampton on Saturday and Sunday. Fans can see the massive trucks up close,meettheirfavoritedriversandcrews,


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The City of Virginia Beach, Beach Events, and IMGoing are pleased to announce the FREE Oceanfront Concert Series is returning to the Virginia Beach Oceanfront, beginning Wednesday June 5. As part of the Virginia Beach Events program, The Virginia Beach Oceanfront Concert Series, brings national recording artists to perform free concerts in Virginia Beach Oceanfront park stages throughout the summer All shows start at 7:00p.m.ET

Knownfortheirdistinctfamilyharmony, irresistible melodies and radio favorites including Billboard’s Most Played Country Song of 2022, “Take My Name,” Parmalee kicksofftheseriesonWednesday,June5at 17thStreetParkfollowedbyAmericanindie folkbandThe502s(6/12)andJamaicanroots reggaesinger-songwriter,vocalist,andmusicianBurningSpear(6/19)toroundoutJune Indie-rockbandFlipturn(7/10),American eight-piece soul band St Paul & the Broken Bones(7/17),psychedelicfunkgroupPigeons PlayingPingPong(7/24)andclassicrockicons JeffersonStarship(7/31)willcloseoutthefirst halfoftheOceanfrontConcertSeries In August, winner of season 21 of AmericanIdolIamTongi(8/7)andsoftrocksuperstarFiveForFighting(8/14)aresettoperform. The series finishes on a high note with hip hoptrioDigablePlanets(9/18)andAmerican alternativerockband,Guster(925). The Virginia Beach Oceanfront Concert Series is sponsored by Moke America/ Virginia Beach, Coastal Cocktails, Barefoot Wine, Kona Big Wave, the City of Virginia Beach,andisproducedbyIMGoing For more information, visit beacheventsvb.com.

get autographs, and take pictures Activities include the Sand Box play area, inflatable slides, Spin Master remote control truckcourse,coloringandtemporarytattoo station,andphotoops,includingthechance to take a photo with the Series trophy. This fun-filled experience is the only place that allows people to get up close access to the MonsterJamteamsandgetaninsider’slook at how these trucks are built to stand up to thecompetition.

Hampton fans will be on the edge of their seats as the world’s best drivers show off massive stunts, big air, backflips, crazy skills and all-out racing in fierce head-tohead battles for the Event Championship. Engineeredtoperfection the12,000-pound Monster Jam trucks push all limits in Freestyle,SkillsandRacingcompetitions.

Fans are encouraged to get to their seats earlytoexperienceMonsterJamTrackside approximately one hour before the event start time Featured festivities include

competition previews, driver interviews, giveaways, opening ceremonies and power rushtruckintroductions

Monster Jam drivers are trained, worldclass male and female athletes who have mastered not only the physical strength andmentalstaminaneededtocompete but the vital dexterity to control 12,000-pound machines capable of doing backflips verticaltwo-wheelskillsandracingatspeedsup to 70 miles-per-hour to produce jaw-dropping, live motorsports action seen around theworld.MonsterJam.AsBigAsItGets!™

For specific Hampton local event info, pleasevisit:https://www.monsterjam.com/ en-us/events/hampton-va/oct-11-2024oct-13-2024

Follow Monster Jam on our social media channels:Facebook,Twitter,Instagramand TikTok.

Subscribe to the Monster Jam YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/ MonsterJam

SHOWTIMES: „ Friday,Oct.11,2024 7pm „ Saturday,Oct.12,2024 1pm&7pm Pit Party openfrom10:30am-12pm (Sat 1pmEventTicket&PitPassrequired forentry) „ Sunday,Oct.132024 1pm Pit Party openfrom10:30am-12pm (Sun.1pmEventTicket&PitPassrequired forentry)

WHERE: Hampton Coliseum, 1000 ColiseumDrive,Hampton,VA23666

TICKETS:Ticketsareaffordablypricedfor thewholefamily!TicketsandPitPasseswill be available for purchase online at Ticketmaster.com or in-person at the venue box office

*Ticket prices subject to change additional venue/ticketing fees may apply. Exact truck lineup to be determined at a later date

About Virginia Beach Events: Beach Events is the entertainment program presented by the City of Virginia Beach featuring concerts festivals and family activities held at the oceanfront resort area. A full array of events, ranging from the Monsters on the Beach monster truck races to a whole festival with tribute bands in June to a holiday light display along

the boardwalk means there’s truly “something foreveryone!” Beginning in May, through Labor Day Weekend the wildly-popular Live! On Atlantic program thrills audiences right on the sidewalks of Atlantic Avenue with magicians, jugglers, musicians, costumed characters,
more! When
Virginia Beach Oceanfront Concert Series returns June 5 INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
it comes to entertainment,“alltheworld’sastage”most nightsattheVirginiaBeachoceanfront,and mostofitisFREE!
Bored of the basic burger? Try these versions that are sure to thrill your tastebuds! Tropical Island Burgers Jalapeño Popper Burgers CapreseTurkeyBurgers and Spinach and Feta Chicken Burgers PageC4 2024 Season Lineup „ Parmalee Wednesday,June5 17thStreetPark „ The502s Wednesday,June12 24thStreetPark „ BurningSpear Wednesday,June19
„ St Paul&theBroken Bones Wednesday,July17 17thStreetPark „ PigeonsPlaying PingPong Wednesday,July24 24thStreetPark „ JeffersonStarship Wednesday,July31 17thStreetPark „
Wednesday,August14 24thStreetPark „ DigablePlanets Wednesday,September18 17thStreetPark „ Guster Wednesday,September25 24thStreetPark * Please note, concert lineups are subject to change. www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, May 23, 2024 1



The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/

Do’s and don’ts

With our patriotic holidays coming up, American flags will be displayed across the nation. Following a few guidelines can ensurewearedisplayingOldGloryproperly.

In 1923 the U.S. National Flag Code was created and distributed nationwide The codebecamePublicLawin1942andbecame the U.S. Flag Code we know today. The U.S. Flag Code lays out the ways to display and respecttheflagoftheUnitedStates

For example:

„ Theflagshouldnotbeondisplayoutdoors duringbadweather

„ The flag should not be used for advertising purposes, or embroidered on cushions, handkerchiefs,napkinsorboxes.

„ Theflagshouldneverbeusedaswearing apparel,beddingordrapery

„ Itshouldneverbedisplayedupsidedown unless trying to convey a sign of distress or greatdanger

„ The flag should never touch anything beneathit;thisincludeswater,merchandise andeventhefloor

„ When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag’s own right, thatis,totheobserver’sleft.Whendisplayed inawindow,theflagshouldbedisplayedin thesameway,withtheunionorbluefieldto theleftoftheobserverinthestreet.

Other Do’s and Don’ts:

„ Clean and damage-free flags should always be used. Dirty, ripped, wrinkled or frayed flags should not be used. Also, when flagsaredamaged,theyshouldbedestroyed inadignifiedmanner

„ The U.S. flag should flow freely in the wind or in a lobby with a passing breeze as people walk past. Stretching a flag is a lot

for displaying Old Glory

likewalkingaroundwithyourarmsheldout straight.Itisnottobeheldcaptivebymetal armspreadersasiftosay,“Lookatme!” „ Staffsandfinialsshouldalwaysbeupright andnotleaning „ ClampingaU.S.flagtoavehicle’santenna isacceptable ortheflagstaffclampedtothe rightfender aslongastheflagdisplaysinthe properdirection.

„ Service flags are displayed in order of service precedence, not the host service where they are displayed. The order of precedence is Army, Marine Corps, Navy, AirForceandCoastGuard.

„ When displaying the U.S. flag with other flags theU.S.flagcomesfirstandiscentered in the middle of a flag display. In addition, the U.S. flag must be placed higher than the

other flags, unless other national flags are present. In that case the U.S. flag would be thesameheight. „ Buntings are a good way to display the national colors and decorate for Independence Day without discrediting theU.S.flag

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month NHTSA reminds drivers and riders

that motorcyclist’s safety is everyone’s


Maymarksthebeginningofridingseason for many motorcyclists in America. It is also Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA)remindsallmotoriststhat Motorcyclist’s Safety Is Everyone’s Safety. Motorcycle safety is an ongoing responsibility for all road users. By consistently following safe driving and riding practices and sharing them with others, all motorists canhelpreducethenumberofmotorcyclist fatalitiesonAmerica’sroads

Each year motorcyclists are overrepresented in traffic crashes Two leading contributorstothisrealityarespeedingand alcoholimpairment

According to NHTSA data, there were 6,218 motorcyclists killed in traffic crashes in2022,whichrepresents15%oftotalhighwayfatalitiesforthatyearanda1%increase from 2021 (6,143). Per 100 million vehicle milestraveled,motorcyclistswereabout22 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a motor vehicle crash and 4 timesmorelikelytobeinjured.

Speeding, like in all other years, was a major contributing factor to motorcyclist fatalities in 2022. Thirty-five percent of all motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes were speeding, compared to 22% of all passenger car drivers, 15% of all light-truck drivers, and 6% of all large-truck drivers Motorcycleriders21to24yearsoldinvolved in fatal crashes had the highest speeding involvementat51%.

Alcohol impairment also plays a significantroleinmotorcycle-involvedcrashfatalities and2022wasnoexception.Ofthe2,254 motorcycle riders who died in single-vehiclecrashesthatyear,42%werealcohol-impaired. Motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes (killed and survived) had a higher percentage of alcohol impairment than any other type of motor vehicle driver (28% for motorcycle riders, 25% for passenger car drivers 21% for light-truck drivers and 3% for large-truck drivers). Forty-six percent of motorcycle riders killed in single-vehiclecrashesthatoccurredonweekendswere alcohol-impaired. Forty-two percent of all motorcycle riders killed in night-time were alcohol-impaired,comparedto16%ofthose killedindaytimecrashes

Like seat belts, wearing DOT-compliant motorcycle helmets save lives and reduce injuries Afterthreeyearsofdeclines motorcycle helmet use increased among motor-


cycle riders from 64.9% in 2021 to 66.5% in 2022. Similarly among motorcycle riders with passengers helmet use increased: 52.1% in 2021 and 58.3% in 2022. Unfortunately, helmet use among motorcyclists traveling in light traffic decreased significantly from 59% in 2021 to 35.5% in 2022. NHTSA data estimates that helmets saved 1,872 motorcyclists’ lives in 2017 and that 749 more lives could have been saved if all motorcyclistshadworntheirhelmets

Helmet use also continued to be significantly higher in states that require all motorcyclists to be helmeted than in those that do not.

While all motorcycle helmets sold in the United States are required to meet the federal standards and have the DOT certification label, there are retailers who sell noveltyhelmetsthatdonotmeetthesesafety standards False DOT labels are also sold to put on these fake helmets. Novelty helmets

are unsafe and will not protect motorcyclists in the event of a crash. They should not be purchased and should not be worn while operating or riding on a motorcycle

Use of noncompliant motorcycle helmets amongmotorcycliststravelinginslowtraffic increasedsignificantlyfrom5.9%in2021to 16.9% in 2022. Use of noncompliant motorcycle helmets among motorcyclists traveling in light traffic increased significantly from 5.3% in 2021 to 21.1% in 2022. Use of noncompliant motorcycle helmets among motorcyclists traveling in objectively characterizedurbanareasincreasedsignificantly from5.2%in2021to11.5%in2022.

The following are safe driving and riding practices that all road users vehicle drivers and motorcyclists alike should follow to help reduce the number of fatalities and injuriesonAmerica’sroadways: „ Observe all traffic laws and always obey thespeedlimit.


„ Driveandridealcohol-anddrug-free. „ Avoiddistractionswhiledrivingorriding „ Drivers should yield to motorcyclists especiallywhileturningatintersections „ Motorcyclists should wear high-visibility protective gear and DOT-compliant motorcycle helmets Learn how to identify a safe, DOT-compliant helmet at www.nhtsa.gov/motorcycle-safety/ choose-right-motorcycle-helmet

Oneothersignificantstepthatmotorcycle riderscantaketowardpromotingroadsafety forallmotoristsiscompletingaridereducation and training course During Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and every month motorcycle riders should commit toadoptingandpromotingsafedrivingand ridingpractices Everyonecanworktowards asecureenvironmentformotorcycleriders andallothermotorists

For more information on motorcycle safety visitNHTSA.gov/Motorcycles

2 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, May 23, 2024

757 Sober Rides for Memorial Day Holiday (Sunday & Monday) –Memorial Day Weekend is considered the deadliest weekend to drive In Virginia, the 2023 Memorial Day weekend proved deadly for 9 drivers and passengers, including 4 motorcyclists.


HAMPTONROADS Va The14weeks from Memorial Day to Labor Day have earned the grim title of the 100 Deadliest DaysofSummer Whetheryouarejustmeeting a few friends after work or attending a cookoutwithfamily,rememberthatasober driverisonewhohasn’tingestedanyalcohol orsubstances Ifyouplantouse,neverdrive whileimpaired-andneverletafrienddrive iftheyshowsignsofimpairment.It’sessential to arrange a sober ride home Use Drive Safe HR’s 757 Sober Ride powered by Lyft https://www.drivesafehr.org/757soberride Drive Safe Hampton Roads (DSHR) is sponsoring TWO (2) 757 Sober Ride campaigns for the Memorial Day holiday weekend:

„ 5 pm, Sunday, May 26 2 am, Monday, May27

„ 5 pm Monday May 27 2 am Tuesday, May28

During this campaign, area residents age 21 and older celebrating with alcohol may downloadtheLyftapptotheirphones,then enter the 757 Sober Ride code in the app’s “Payment” tab (under the “Add Lyft Pass” option) to receive their no-cost (up to $15) safe transportation home The code will only work if used during the above-stated timeframes for rides originating from or havingadestinationwithinHamptonRoads DSHR’s Memorial Sunday 757 Sober Ride promo code will be posted at 5 pm Sunday withMemorialDay’s757SoberRidepromo code being posted at 5 pm on Monday, at www.DriveSafeHR.org/757-sober-ride Valid while supplies last Subject to Lyft’s TermsofService.

Intotal,43.8milliontravelersareforecast totravel50milesormorefromtheirhomes, accordingtoAAA representinga4percent increase compared to last year Of those, 38.4 million are expected to travel by car, the highest number for the Memorial Day holiday weekend since AAA started tracking data in 2000 According to the Virginia State Police (VSP), the 2023 Memorial Day weekendproveddeadlyforninedriversand passengers includingfourmotorcyclists In an effort to reduce injuries and fatalities in Hampton Roads DSHR partners with Lyft to promote the 757 Sober Ride campaign for rides starting and/or ending in HamptonRoads Supportersofthe2024757Sober Ride campaign include Huffman & HuffmanBrothers-in-Law,theChristopherKing Foundation,andtheVirginiaDMV

“Impaired drivers can face jail time, and the financial impact is devastating On average a DUI can set you back $10,000 in attorney’s fees, fines, court costs, lost time atwork,higherinsurancerates,cartowing, and more. If you are the designated driver, commit to 100% sobriety to keep you and yourfriendssafe Ifyouplantodrink,please don’t drive. Be smart, plan ahead, and use 757 Sober Ride to get home safely The life you save may be your own, or someone you love.”saidJonathanTurner 757SoberRide Chairperson.

Drive Safe Hampton Roads (DSHR) is a non-profitregionalcoalitionwhosemission is to improve highway safety, and reduce injuriesanddeathsfromvehiclecrashes For over 36 years, Drive Safe Hampton Roads has promoted citizen involvement and community awareness as we strive toward zerodeathsonourregion’sroadways.

FREE PUZZLES &GAMES Play online every dayat PlayJumble.com JumbleDaily |Jumble CrosswordDaily |Jumble Sunday Sudoku|Mahjong |Bubble Shooter Pro| Plusmanymore www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday May 23, 2024 3

Jalapeño Popper Burgers

Recipe By Lauren Miyashiro @ Delish.com

There’snothingbetterthanjalapeñopopperdip. ThereforewestuffitinEVERYTHINGwecan pigs inablanket,eggrolls,chicken,andnowburgers You’re welcome

Yields: 4 serving(s)

Prep Time: 15 mins

Total Time: 30 mins


„ 4oz.creamcheese,softened

„ 1/2c.shreddedcheddar

„ 1/2c.shreddedmozzarella

„ 2jalapeños,minced

„ koshersalt

„ freshlygroundblackpepper

„ 6slicesbacon,cookedandchopped

„ 1/2tsp chilipowder

„ 11/2angusgroundbeef

„ 4burgerbuns

Directions Make filling: In a medium bowl, mix together cream cheese,cheddar,mozzarella,andjalapeños Seasonwith saltandpepper thenfoldincookedbacon. Formgroundbeefinto8large,thinrounds(about¼”) Spoonabout¼cupoffillingmixtureontoonepatty then place a second patty on top. Pinch edges to seal burger andre-shapeintoadiscifnecessary Repeatwithremainingpattiesandfillingmixture.

Preheatgrilltomedium-high.Seasonburgersonboth sides with chili powder, salt, and pepper. Place on grill and cook until cooked through to your liking, about 6 minutespersideformedium.


Caprese Turkey Burgers

Recipe By Taylor Ann Spencer @ Delish.com

We’veCaprese-deverythingfrompastasaladto focacciatostuffedpeppers buttheseCapreseturkey burgersaresomethingspecial.Crownedwithmelty mozzarella,freshtomatoes,andbasil,thisfreshtwist onAmerica’sperennialfavoritewillbeasmashhitat everybackyardBBQandcookoutaround.

Yields: 4 serving(s)

Prep Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 35 mins


„ 1/3c.mayonnaise

„ 3Tbsp store-boughtorhomemadepesto

„ 1lb groundturkey(preferably93%or94%lean)

„ 1largeegg,lightlybeaten

„ 1/4c.finelychoppedfreshbasil,plus12largeleaves

„ 1/2oz.Parmesan,finelygrated(about1/4c.)

„ 1tsp garlicpowder

„ 1/2tsp koshersalt,plusmore

„ 1/4tsp freshlygroundblackpepper,plusmore

„ 2Tbsp neutraloil,divided

„ 4(1/2”-thick)slicesfreshmozzarella(about2oz each), divided

„ 4hamburgerbuns,toasted

„ 4largetomatoslices

„ 4tsp balsamicglaze

Directions In a small bowl, stir mayonnaise and pesto until combined.Setaside In a large bowl, using clean hands or a flexible spatula, mix turkey, egg, chopped basil, Parmesan, garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper just untilcombined.Dividemixtureinto4portionsandshape intoroundpattiesabout1/2”thick.

Inalargemetalorcast-ironskilletovermedium-high heat, heat 1 tablespoon oil. Arrange 2 patties in skillet, spacing evenly apart, and cook until a browned crust formsonthebottom,about3minutes.Flipburgers,cover pan, and continue to cook until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center registers 155°, about 2minutesmore.

Uncover pan and place 1 slice mozzarella on top of each burger Cover and continue to cook until cheese is melty and burgers are cooked through (instant-read thermometershouldregister165°),about1minutemore. Transfer burgers to a plate Repeat with remaining 1 tablespoonoil,patties,andmozzarella.

Spread pesto mayo across bottom buns Top with a burger and tomato slice; generously season tomatoes withsaltandpepper Drizzlewithbalsamicglazeandtop withbasilleaves.Closeburgerswithtopbuns

Tropical Island Burgers

Recipe By Jordan Hansen @ SoFabFood.com

IlovethesweetnessoftheseTropicalIslandBurgers I chosetouseahoneyteriyakisauceformyburgersand mixeditstraightintothegroundbeefaswellasusing itasacondiment.Forevenmoresweetness Iaddeda grilledpineapplesliceandascrumptiousmangoand strawberrysalsa.Bitingintooneoftheseburgers,Ican almostfeeltheoceanbreezeonmyface!

Yield: 4


„ 1lbgroundbeef

„ 1/4teaspoondriedginger

„ 1/2teaspoongarlicsalt

„ 1tablespoonteriyakisauce(plusmoretodrizzle)

„ 1mediummangodiced

„ 1/2jalapénopepper,diced

„ 3-4smallstrawberries,diced

„ 1/2tablespoondicedredonion

„ 1/2tablespoonchoppedcilantro

„ 4pineapplerings

„ 4piecesoflettuce

„ 4sweethamburgerbuns

Directions For the burger patties: Combine the ground beef, ginger, garlic, and 1 tablespoon of the teriyaki sauce in a bowl.Mixwellandform4burgerpatties Setaside

For the mango salsa: Combine the mango, jalapéno, strawberry, red onion, and cilantro into another bowl Setaside

Prepareyourgrill. Grill the burger patties and the pineapple rings until welldone(about10minutes).

To assemble the burgers place a piece of lettuce on the bottom bun followed by the patty, pineapple slice, a spoonful of mango salsa, a drizzle of teriyaki sauce, and topwiththeremainingbun.

Note: Ifyoudon’twantthesalsatobetoospicy,make sure to rinse off the jalapéno before dicing it up or just leaveitoutcompletely

Spinach and Feta Chicken Burgers

Recipe By Ree Drummond @ ThePioneerWoman.com Crumbledfetaandtzatzikikeeptheburgersmoistand delicious!

Yields: 6 serving(s)

Prep Time: 30 mins

Total Time: 40 mins

Ingredients „ 2lb groundchicken „ 2c.babyspinach,finelychopped,plusmorefor


„ 1/2c.finelycrumbledfetacheese(about2oz.)

„ 1/2c.panko

„ 1/4c.plainGreekyogurt

„ 2garliccloves,finelychopped

„ 1largeeggyolk

„ 2tsp koshersalt

„ 1tsp drieddill

„ 1tsp driedoregano

„ 1/4tsp blackpepper

„ Vegetableoil,forbrushing

„ 1redonion,cutinto6thickslices

„ 3/4c.tzatziki

„ 6briochebuns,splitandtoasted

„ 1plumtomato,sliced

„ 1/2c.slicedpepperoncini

Directions Combine the ground chicken, chopped spinach, feta, panko, yogurt, garlic, egg yolk, salt, dill, oregano and pepper in a large bowl and mix with your hands until combined.Forminto6pattiesjustshyof1-inchthick. Preheat a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat and brush with vegetable oil. Add the onion slices andcookuntilsoftenedandbrownedonbothsides,3to 4 minutes total (try to keep them from separating into rings) Remove to a plate. (Note: If you dont hae a cast iron skillet, a grill works fine just put down a layer of foilonthegrill) Reduce the heat to medium and brush the pan with morevegetableoil.Workinginbatchesifnecessary,add the patties and cook until nicely browned and cooked through,4to5minutesperside

Spreadtzatzikionthebuns Topthebunbottomswith spinach, the tomato, pepperoncini, and the cooked red onion.Addthepattiesandbuntops

Bored of the basic burger? Try these versions that are sure to thrill your tastebuds! 4 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, May 23, 2024

Group therapy provides mental health support to work through challenges

Editor’s note: This article deals with mental healthissuesandtreatment.Ifyouorsomeone youknowishavingamentalhealthcrisis,call the 988 National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline and press “1”, or text 838255, or chat with a counselor for emotional support for the dedicatedVeteransCrisisLineandMilitaryCrisis Line For Spanish, press “2”.

Mental health is health, and evidencebased group therapy is one effective tool for service members to get treatment for a mentalhealthchallenge

Grouptherapyinvolvesagroupofpatients whomeettodiscusstheirexperiencesunder the supervision of a trained therapist. The AmericanPsychologicalAssociationreports that group therapy can be as effective as one-on-one therapy to help individuals achievetheirtreatmentgoals

“Inthemilitary,teamworkisessential,and group therapy aligns with that principle,” said Shira Max, a licensed clinical psychologist with a psychology doctorate who’s a senior mental health provider at the Naval BranchHealthClinicNavalTrainingCenter,


“Itcanbecommonforservicemembersto thinknooneunderstandswhatthey’regoing through,orthatyoushouldbeabletohandle it on your own, said Ronda Renosky-Vittori, a doctorate in behavioral health, and program area manager for psychological disorders treatment research, Science and Technology Portfolio Management Branch at the Defense Health Agency Research andEngineeringDirectorate SilverSpring, Maryland.

“Group therapy provides a safe environment to practice building trust and openinguptootherpeoplewhohavehadsimilar experiences Itcanreducetheisolationthat you can feel when you are going through a toughtime,”saidRenosky-Vittori,whohasa background in leading group therapy. “The group provides support that comes from a senseofcommunity notobligation.”

In this type of therapy, “you can release pent-up emotions without feeling judged or having someone immediately try to ‘fix theproblem’foryou,”Renosky-Vittorisaid.

“You can hear how others handle similar situations,andtheycansupportyouthrough problemsolving,resolvingconflicts,orchallengingconversations Grouptherapygives

you the chance to support others in that sameway,whichimprovesyourconfidence andcanreduceyourownsymptoms.”

Stigma and Culture Change

Some behavioral health patients may be reluctant to share their feelings and experiences in group therapy or they may fear stigmaattachedtomentalhealthinthemilitaryandcivilianworlds

However, stigma is less of a factor now, according to Renosky-Vittori. “We need to move away from talking about stigma as though it is an absolute reality that holds people back from seeking treatment,” she declared.

“Talking about mental health is mainstream now, not taboo The reality is that weallexperiencesufferingatsomepointor anotherinourlives—itisauniversalexperienceweallhave Therecanbenostigmaina universalexperience,”Renosky-Vittorisaid

“Getting together with a group of people and talking about your problems is very challenging for some because there is a lot of cultural momentum to overcome,” said U.S. Army Maj. Daniel Good, a doctorate in clinical psychology, and installation deputy

director of psychological health at the U.S. Army’s Fort Leonard Wood garrison in Missouri.Becauseofthetimeconstraintsof activeduty,“makingtimetoattendaweekly therapygroupissometimesachallenge, he noted. “It’s completely normal to have reservations about group therapy, especially if you’renewtotheexperience,”Maxsaid.

“A common concern is related to the fear ofspeakinginfrontofothers butespecially aboutsharingdeeplypersonalexperiences It’s natural to feel nervous about opening up in a group setting, but it’s important to remember that everyone in the group is there for the same reason—to receive support and work through challenges together,”sheexplained.

Additional Resources

May is the annual Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year’s DHA theme is “Defend Your Mental Health.” For anyone experiencingamentalhealthcrisis,needing immediate assistance, or simply wanting to talk,confidentialhelpisavailable24/7/365

Health U.S.Marine Corps Lt Gen.David Ottignon,commanding general ofII Marine ExpeditionaryForce (right) greets U.S.Marine Corps GunnerySgt.Biannca Davis,staffnoncommissioned officer
a Suicide PreventionWellness Symposium on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune North Carolina onApril 16 2024.During the
health professionals from Headquarters Marine Corps discussed important mentalwell-being issueswith service members and civilian contractorswith II MEF (U.S.MARINE CORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL JACKLABRADOR)
in charge ofMarine and FamilyPrograms,NewRiver(left),during
www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday May 23, 2024 5
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