Flagship 04.04.2024

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BALTIMORE TheChesapeake,a1000ton lift capacity derrick barge, the Ferrell, a 200-ton lift capacity revolving crane barge, and the Oyster Bay, a 150-ton lift capacity crane barge have arrived to Baltimore Harbor. An additional 400-ton lift capacity barge is on track to arrive early next week. The barges contracted through Naval Sea SystemsCommand(NAVSEA)willsupport theU.S.CoastGuardledUnifiedCommand initsefforttoclearandre-openthechannel

willbeliftedontobarges whichwillthenbe transportedaway

Navy has assumed command and control of the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility,” SecretaryofDefenseLloydJ.AustinIIIsaid in a statement yesterday. Navy Rear Adm. Stephen Barnett, commander of Navy Region Hawaii and commander of Navy Closure Task Force, willhaveoverallresponsibilityforthefinal steps to ensure the continued safe closure of Red Hill, Austin said. “I’m grateful to [Navy] Vice Adm. John F.G. Wade, commander of the joint task force, for

The barges will be used by the Navy’s Supervisor of Salvage and Diving (SUPSALV)to remove submergedportions of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. SUPSALV willaccomplishtheworkinphases.Following an overall assessment, work will focus on disassembling and removing the bridge sectionbysection.Thedisassembledpieces

Anadditional12craneandsupportvessels toincludetugs,survey,diveandcrewboats, are in the mobilization process and will arrive to Baltimore in the coming days SUPSALV will manage the operation and useofallassetstoprovidecentralizedoversightofallsalvageoperations

SUPSALV is a world leader in the ocean engineering discipline of marine salvage towing pollution control and abatement, diving and diving system safety salvage equipment procurement and underwater shiphusbandry For Navy-specific questions,

led Unified Command
Navy resources arrive
Bridge efforts PATAPSCO RIVER(March,29 2024)The Chesapeake,a 1000-ton lift capacityderrickbarge,the Ferrell,a 200-ton lift capacityrevolving crane barge,and the OysterBay,a 150-ton lift capacity crane barge are in Baltimore Harbor The bargeswill be used bythe Navy’s SupervisorofSalvage and Diving (SUPSALV) to remove submerged portions ofthe Francis Scott KeyBridge.The barges contracted through Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)will support the U.S.Coast Guard led Unified Command in its effort to clearand re-open the channel.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSHANNAHMOHR) ByDavidVergun DOD News The Defense Department announced yesterday that Joint Task Force-Red Hill has completed its defueling mission at the RedHillBulkFuelStorageFacilityonOahu, Hawaii, and shifted command and control of the facility to the Navy to complete the task of its safe closure Defueling involves removing fuel from the facility’s fuel pipelines, an operation known as unpacking. In November 2021, residents of Oahu, Hawaii, faced a crisis when fuel spills at RedHillBulkFuelStorageFacilitycontaminated the Navy’s drinking water system. “TodayIampleasedtoannouncethatthe
his leadership and his work with the Hawaii Department of Health, the EnvironmentalProtectionAgencyandour communitypartnersinHawaiitocomplete thedepartment’spromptandsafedefueling of Red Hill earlier this month “The Department of Defense and the UnitedStatesNavyremaindeeplycommitted to protecting the public’s health and preserving the environment. [Navy] Rear Adm. Barnett is determined to close Red Hillsafely,andI’vedirectedhimtocontinue tocommunicatewithourpersonnelandthe people of Hawaii candidly, frequently and transparently,” Austin said. Wade provided remarks regarding the transferoftheRedHillfuelstoragefacility totheNavyduringaceremonyattheBattleshipMissouriMemorialinOahuyesterday. The removal of the majority of fuel 104 million gallons, from above the aquifer, occurred on an accelerated timeline and took a whole-of-government team approach, Wade said. “Adm. Barnett and his closure task force understand the enormity and importance oftheirmissiontosafelyandexpeditiously closeanddecommissionthefacility ensure clean water and conduct the necessary long-term environmental remediation, Pentagon transfers authority of Red Hill to Navy to ensure its safe closure AIEA,Hawaii (April 11,2022) Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command contractors perform a routine inspection on awaterpipe that connects to a granularactivated carbon system at awell ofthe Red Hill BulkFuel Storage Facilityon Oahu,Hawaii,April 11,2022 The Navycontinues toworkwith federal,state and local organizations to support families and residents,conduct long-term monitoring ofthe Navywatersystem,andworktoward remediating the Red Hill facilityand the surrounding area (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMAR’QUEONA.D.TRAMBLE) VOL.32 NO 12 Norfolk,Va | flagshipnews.comApril 4-April 10 2024 IN THIS ISSUE NAS Oceana announces its 2024 Air Show Get ready forthe sound offreedom at the 2024 NAS OceanaAirShow,which will take place Sept 21 -22 The showwill feature the Navy’s flight demonstration team,the BlueAngels,the F-35C Lightning DemonstrationTeam,the F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team and more! PAGEA3 THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! VFA-213 Pilots and a Weapons Systems Officer participate in FAA Virtual Women’s History Month Celebration Throughout the month ofMarch,the FAAhas been sharing aviation-centric stories honoring female pilots aircrewand maintenance professionals.Women assigned to Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 213 participated in theirannual celebration March 26 PAGEA5 TurntoRedHill, Page 2 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 1
please contact the CHINFO Newsdesk at CHINFONewsDesk@us.navy.mil. For general questions related to Key Bridge support efforts, please contact the U.S. Coast Guard
to support Key

Residents can help protect our local waterways


Have you ever wondered what you can do to help protect the rivers, streams, and waterways near your home? In addition to serving as our drinking water supplies these water bodies also provide us with various recreational activities and beautiful scenery This article is the first of a four-part series to provide you with more information on the common sources of pollution from our everyday activities and, more importantly, habits that you can adopt to prevent this pollution.

Stormwaterrunoffresults when rain cannot soak into the ground because of impervious surfaces such as roads and rooftops Stormwater pollution results when stormwater picks up, carries, and discharges various pollutants into storm drains or ditches, and ultimately into the downstream waterways. Pollutants include items such as pesticides fertilizers,constructionsitesediments,petwaste, litter,andotheritems Preventionofstormwater pollution is important to:

„ Preserve the natural beauty of our landscape

„ Preventcontaminationofdrinkingwater sources

„ Protect our precious water resources for recreational activities such as fishing swimming and boating

„ Protect plant and animal habitats

Red Hill from Page 1

First, it is important to understand the differencebetweenthesanitarysystemand the storm drain system. The illustration shows how water from our sinks showers and bathtubs clothes washing machines and dish washers all enter the sanitary system via pipes that are connected to a wastewatertreatmentplant Pollutantsfrom thesewatersarethenremovedbythe treatmentplantprocessesbefore beingdischarged. By contrast, stormwater which runs off our rooftops driveways, roads and lawns enters into the storm drain system and discharges directly to nearby streams, lakes or bays without receivinganytreatment. You may have noticed decals nearstormdrainsindicatingthatthe stormdrainsflowdirectlytoanearbywaterway. NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic installs these decalstoeducateresidentsandemployeesof theNavyinstallationsonstormwaterpollutionprevention Commonsourcesofstormwaterpollution fromourlawnsincludepetwaste,fertilizers, pesticides, lawn clippings and leaves, and other substances which may be left uncovered(suchasdirtpiles,saltpiles,paints,oils, etc.). In addition, car maintenance activitiessuchasoilchangesandcarwashingcan contributetostormwaterpollutionwhenoil

“My sincere hope is that the removal of the majority offuelfromabovetheaquiferhelpsusallcollectivelyto moveforwardandcontinuethehealingprocess, hesaid.

Some of the milestones include:

„ OnMarch7,2022,Austin,aftercloseconsultationwith seniorcivilianandmilitaryleaders,directedthedefueling and permanent closure of the Red Hill facility as well as thestandupofthejointtaskforce

„ Lastfall,thesecretarydirectedaconditions-basedtransition of command and control from the joint task force to the Navy Closure Task Force, with the Navy assuming responsibility for Red Hill upon completion of the defuelingmission.

„ OnMarch4,theJointTaskForcecompleteditsgravity defuelingmission,andasignificantnumberofitspersonnel have been reassigned to serve on the Navy Closure TaskForcetoretaininstitutionalknowledgeandtoensure continuity of mission for safety, security and community engagement. The Navy has provided the remaining personnel.

TheOfficeoftheUndersecretaryofDefenseforAcquisition and Sustainment will maintain a senior steering grouponRedHilltoprovideoversightandoffersupport to the Navy

anddetergentrunintothegutter Remember to collect all used oil and dispose of it properly.Whenwashingacar,it’sbettertowash on grass which helps to filter the contaminants ortouseacommercialcarwash Thanksforreadingandbesuretopickup

thenextissueofTheFlagshiptoreadArticle2inthisserieswhichwillprovidesome specific examples of everyday activities to prevent stormwater pollution from automotive, home pool, and lawn care maintenance activities.

Wade said.
AIEA,Hawaii (April 18 2022)ANaval Facilities Engineering Systems Command contractoradjusts the flowofa granularactivated carbon filteras part ofreal-time monitoring at Red Hill BulkFuel Storage Facilityon Oahu,Hawaii,April 18 2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMAR’QUEONA.D.TRAMBLE) Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner 757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil AssistantEditor | MC2 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes, Kaitlyn Hewett, Elizabeth Reisen 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com FreeClassifiedAdvertising 757-622-1455 | Distribution&HomeDelivery 757-446-9000 distribution@pilotonline.com Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm.Wesley McCall RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker PublicAffairs Deputy Director | Leon Moore The Flagship® is published by Flagship, LLC., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, LLC. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, LLC., whose offices are located at 223E. City Hall Ave, Suite 400A, Norfolk, VA 23510. © 2021 Flagship, LLC. All rights reserved Listen to our topnews stories for free. Tribune Publishing Company Staying in the know is easy. Each weekday,you’ll get the latest stories curated by our editors on your smart speaker or streaming service. Available on Amazon Echo, Apple Music, Google Home, Spotify and more. Start now at PlayOurNews.com 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 4, 2024

Air Station Oceana

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Get ready for the sound of freedom at the 2024 NAS OceanaAirShow,whichwilltakeplaceSept. 21and22!

Leaders from Naval Air Station (NAS)

Oceana gathered today with officials from the City of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake Public Schools, and Virginia Beach City Public Schools, to announce the 2024 NAS OceanaAirShow.Theshow’sthrilling militaryjet-heavylineupwillfeaturetheNavy’s flightdemonstrationteam,theBlueAngels, the F-35C Lightning Demonstration Team, andtheF-22RaptorDemonstrationTeam

The 2024 NAS Oceana Air Show is open

tothepublic,andadmissionandparkingare free The performance schedule is under development and will be announced as the event nears The theme for this year’s air showisInspire.Educate.Soar!

“Our theme celebrates the young minds we hope to inspire through unparalleled flightdemonstrationsandhundredsofinteractiveSTEMeducationengagementsavailableforalltoenjoyduringtheairshow,”said NAS Oceana executive officer, Capt Josh Appezzato Inspire. Educate Soar! also highlights the thousands of local 5th graders who will attend the air show’s practice day during their STEM Education Field Trip on Friday, Sept. 20 Recognizing the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics, NAS Oceana partners with Virginia Beach City Public Schools and Chesapeake Public Schools to create a one-of-a-kind,hands-onSTEMLaboratory “The NAS Oceana Air Show is a way for ustoencouragethenextgenerationofleaders, because you never know who will walk away from that special weekend believing that they, too, can dream big and Fly Navy,” saidNASOceanacommandingofficer,Capt. SteveDjunaedi.


case the teamwork and professionalism of the United States Navy and Marine Corps throughflightdemonstrationsandcommunity outreach, while inspiring a culture of excellence and service to country Since 1946, the Blue Angels have performed for morethan450millionfansworldwide Additional information about the 2024 NASOceanaAirShowwillbereleasedonthe airshow’swebsiteandsocialmediapageas it becomes available: www.oceanaairshow. com and www.facebook.com/oceanaairshow.NAS Oceana Air Showperformances aresubjecttochange. Unmanned aerial systems, commonly known as drones, are not permitted at NAS Oceana. The unauthorized use of drones can threaten the safety of aircraft, military personnel, and nearby civilians. Flying a drone within five miles of NAS Oceana includingtheOceanfrontresortarea,isalso prohibited NAS Oceana announces its 2024 Air Show Virginia Beach,Va (March 26 2024) NavalAirStation Oceana Executive OfficerCapt.JoshAppezzato speaks at the 2024 NAS OceanaAirShowannouncement The theme ofthisyear’s airshow is“Inspire.Educate.Soar!”(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMEGANWOLLAM) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 3 757-280-2257 1Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. 2Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures, and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. Youmay also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subjecttocredit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges applyonce the promotional period has ended. Call 866-697-4033 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions mayapply New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 4/07/24. Design Consultation Before 5-Star Installation After FREE INSTALL bathroom remodeling projects1 12 MONTHS no payments &nointerest 2 BATHROOM REMODELING DONE RIGHT Employee Installers Easy Maintenance Hassle Free Experience EveningAppointments Licensed &Insured Flexible Payment Plans Subject to credit approval. 4.7/5 4.8/5 (Company reviews across all branches as of 2/01/2024) 207,134+ COMPLETED BATHROOM REMODELING JOBS NOW IS THE TIME... UPGRADE YOUR BATHROOM TODAY!


Thisyear,MilitarySealiftCommandiscelebratingits75th anniversary For75years,MSChas providedagilelogistics, strategic sealift and specialized mission capabilities to the DepartmentofDefense AttheheartoftheMSC’slongevity arethousandsofdedicatedcivilservicemarinersandcivilian employeeswhoworkatseaandashoretoensurethemission isaccomplished The “We Are MSC75,” series focuses on some of MSC’s teammemberswhohaveworkedrelentlesslyovertheyears to make MSC what it is today the nation’s premier maritime logistics provider All of them have their own unique path and story, but the one thing they have in common is prideinworkingwithMSC.

MSC Procurement Analyst Michael Peroha has worked with MSC as both a mariner and civilian employee. Herecentlyreceivedacitationfor25yearsofservice 16ofthoseyearshavebeenwithMSC

“I’ve left the command and come back to it three times,”saidPeroha.“It’sreallyaboutthemission Itis notwellrecognizedjusthowimportantthemission of MSC is in the overall national defense Without thatlogisticsupport,wecan’tsustainourforcesoverseasthatdefendthisnation.”

Peroha,aBallstonSpa,NewYorknative enrolled in the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College after a four-year tour in the Army He graduatedandpassedthethird’smateexamwiththe CoastGuardin1994,buthewasuncertainabouthis futureasamariner.

In the fall of 1993, he met Achille Broennimann who was on a recruiting tour of the state maritime collegesandtheFederalMerchantMarineAcademy at Kings Point, New York, for MSC and looking for acquisitioninternsthathadamaritimebackground. “IbeganasanacquisitioninternattheWashington Navy Yard when the headquarters was still there in Marchof1994 Themerchantmarinershadlimited billets and opportunities to sail. Achille Broennimann, who is currently the MSC Director of Vessel Charter Contracts, recruited me for the internship andIthoughtitwasagreatopportunity,”hesaid.

Americancontinentonamountainbike,hemightbeableto match the perseverance and the commitment MSC’s civil servicemarinersdisplaydayinanddayoutduringtheoften grindingtempoofMSCoperationsatsea.Whenhereturned from his trip, he got in touch with an MSC recruiter and by February 1998, he was in the pool awaiting his first assignment Hewouldgoontosailfornearlyfouryears.Hisfirstship was USNS Kilauea (AE-26) where although he had a third mate’s license, he started out as an Able Bodied SeamanWatchStander Hehonedhismarinerskillsforninemonths, andwhenitwastimeforhimtoleadawatchteam,hedidn’t hesitate

the bike I stowed onboard in places I probably would have neverseenhadInotbeenanMSCCIVMAR.”

A life changing moment came for Peroha May 5, 1999 when he met his wife, Chinara, while in Dubai. He spent the next few years occasionally visiting her in her home in Kyrgyzstan. Following his tour aboard the Navajo, he decideditwastimetobeginthenextphaseofhislife

“I was on the Navajo when 9/11 occurred,” he said. “I got off the Navajo in November and on December 31st I was in Kyrgyzstan My fiancé and I got married in the capital Bishkek where we lived the next five and a half years and whereourtwodaughters,JasmineandLily,wereborn.We returnedin2007.”

Peroha completed his internship in March 1997 andwashireddirectlybyMSC.However,hestillwantedto beamarinerandresignedafewmonthslater.

“I had put in a lot of effort in getting my third mate’s licenseandIwantedtosail.AftertalkingwithpeopleinN1 (Total Workforce Management), I was pretty confident I could.MSCisalwayslookingformariners SoIresignedmy position,”saidPeroha

But before he joined the fleet, Peroha took on a more personal challenge. Something he’d wanted to do for many years across-countrybiketripfromtheEasttoWestCoast. “IstartedinBath,Maine,Augustof1997,ocean-to-ocean, IcycledallthewaytoLosAngeles-SantaMonicapier-and thenupthescenicPacificCoastHighwaytoSanFrancisco, finishingupinDecemberaweekbeforeChristmas,ajourney of 5,000 miles. I went northeast to southwest, crossing the Continental Divide in New Mexico, where the Rockies are at their lowest point in October, visiting the Grand Canyon (the only snow he encountered) and the Mojave Desert in November Thatjourneywasanincredibleexperience.”

Perohasaidhewantedtomakethenearlysix-monthtrek to test himself, figuring if he was successful in crossing the

“The third officer at the time was overdue for relief The captain came to me and said ‘if you’ll do another tour, we’ll letyourelieveMr Talbert,’andIsaidOK SoIwasontheship anothersevenmonths thistimeasthethirdofficerandwhile standingwatcheighthoursaday,waschargedwiththesafe

of from San Diego and sailed to Pearl Harbor to pickupaWorldWarII-eradestroyer Astheship’snavigator, I put the entire voyage plan together and laid down on the chartsthecourseswewouldfollow,”hesaid. Wetowedthat ship from Pearl Harbor all the way to Newcastle, Australia, stopping at the French protectorate of New Caledonia for supplies on the way. The ship we towed was a target ship for the Cobra Gold Exercise and was destined to be sunk. ThatshowsoneaspectofMSC’scapability towingaship DownUndertoparticipateinamulti-nationalexerciseinthe Pacific Oncewefinishedourdelivery wewenttoSidneyand on our way back to San Diego we stopped in Bora Bora and Tahiti It was my most memorable time at sea. I got to ride

When he returned however, the country was about to enter the Great Recession of 2008 It was difficult initially, butheeventuallyfoundajobworkingincontractinginFort Drum New York, home of the Army’s 10th Mountain Division. A few years later his MSC journey came full circle “While I was attending training, I met Lorrie Leedy,whowasacontractingofficeratMSCatthat time,andsheworkedfor‘guesswho’…AchilleBroennimann,” said Peroha. “The command was moving from the Navy Yard to down here at that time and they was experiencing a lot of attrition They were lookingtofillalotofopenings,and‘loandbehold’in August2015IwasbackatMSCasacontractspecialisthiredbytheverypersonwhorecruitedmenearly 30yearsearlier.”

Since returning to MSC, Peroha’s professional careerhasprogressed.Hewaspromotedtocontractingofficer.Hewasalsopromotedtoassistantbranch headofN103B InMay2022,hetransferredtoBusiness Operations (N101) where he is now a procurement analyst in the E-Business Branch and plays a criticalroleinERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning). It has been a unique journey at MSC indeed. Whether at sea or on shore, Peroha has committed himselftoMSC’smission HisdedicationisareflectionofhisownthoughtsaboutMSC’slongevityand itsabilitytoevolvetomeetthenation’sneeds

“Seventy-fiveyearsofmaritimeexcellencemeans adapting, and innovating in order to perfect how MSC carries out its logistics mission,” said Peroha. “MSC’smissionatitsessenceisgettingtoourwarfighterswhattheyneed,wheretheyneedit whentheyneed it. And we’ve been engaged in perfecting that process over 75years.”

WhetheritisdeliveringatargetshiptoU.S.andalliesfor military exercises in the South Pacific, or logistics to Navy combatantshipsatsea,Peroha’stimeasaCIVMARprovides acoupleofexamplesoftheextentofMSCoperationsWorldwideasitcarriesoutitstimelessmissionofdeliveringwhat DoDneedsforthenationaldefense whereitneedsit,when itneedsit. MSC directs and supports operations for approximately 140 civilian-crewed ships that replenish U.S. Navy ships at sea, conduct specialized missions, preposition combat cargoatseaaroundtheworld,performavarietyofsupport services, and move military equipment and supplies to deployed U.S.

WASHINGTON Director, Navy Staff (DNS) Andrew Haeuptle retired after a distinguished career of service in theU.S.NavyataceremonyheldonWashingtonNavyYard, Friday,March29 Family members, friends, and shipmates attended the ceremony to honor and bid fair winds and following seas to Haeuptle,

“You truly made a difference and lived up to our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment, every single day,” said Franchetti. “Bravo Zulu, and congratulations to you and your family for such an amazing career and a

sowelldone. In his remarks, Haeuptle expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve, and attributed his success to those whoheservedalongside “I’ve been very fortunate to have a career of incredible experiences,” he said “I have been inspired and motivated to serve by the great men and women with whom I have had the privilege to serve When properly led, they will do incrediblethingseachandeveryday.”

As DNS, Haeuptle led a staff of more than 1,100 personnel executingthebusinessoftheOfficeoftheChiefofNaval Operations (OPNAV). During his time as DNS, he directed the

tour aboard Kilauea, Peroha
sail aboard USNS Yukon (T-AO
and USNS
navigationoftheship,andthesafetyofitscrewandcargo.” After
initial 16-month
Navajo(T-ATF169) HesaysservingastheseniorthirdofficerandnavigatorontheNavajowasthepinnacleofhissail-
“In 2001, we did a
where we departed from our home
forces Celebrating its 75th anniversary in
full spectrum of military operations, with a workforce that includes approximately 6,000 Civil Service Mariners and 1,100contractmariners,supportedby1,500shorestaff and 1,400activedutyandreservemilitarypersonnel. We are MSC75: Procurement Analyst Michael Peroha reflects on his career at Military Sealift Command MilitarySealift Command Executive DirectorSteven Cade (right) presents ProcurementAnalyst Michael Peroha a citation for25years ofservice.Peroha hasworkedwith MSC for16years as an employee and Civil Service Mariner (PHOTOBYRYANCARTER USNMILITARYSEALIFTCOMMAND)
who served 26 years in the Marine Corps and another18yearsasacivilservant. ChiefofNavalOperationsAdm.LisaFranchettipresided overtheceremonyandpraisedHaeuptleforhisdedication andleadership.
staff through historical events to include the stand-up of the Learning to Action Drive Team, Navy Problem Solving Office, Disruptive Capabilities Office, trilateral security partnership Australia, United Kingdom, and United States (AUKUS) and the management of delayed Senate confirmationsofNavyFlagOfficers. Haeuptle served in various leadership roles throughout his tenure, including SpecialAssistant to thePresident and theSeniorDirectoroftheWhiteHouseSituationRoom,the National Security Council’s Chief Information Officer, and astheChiefofStafffortheUnderSecretaryoftheNavy His Marine Corps career was spent predominantly in operationalanddeployedunitsandincludedsenior-levelpositions within the Department of the Navy Headquarters Marine Corps Office of the Secretary of Defense and the National SecurityCouncil His retirement marks the end of a remarkable chapter, leaving a legacy of excellence and professionalism within theNavy Director Navy Staff retires after 44 years of service MilitarySealift Command ProcurementAnalyst has beenwith MSC for16 years.When hewas a Civil Service Mariner,he served as the navigatoraboard USNS Navajo (T-ATF169) (PHOTOBYHENDRICKDICKSON,USNMILITARY SEALIFTCOMMAND) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 4, 2024

In honor of Women’s History Month, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) invited women serving in naval aviation, assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron(VFA)213,toparticipateintheirannualcelebration on March 26

Throughout the month of March,theFAAhasbeensharing aviation-centric stories honoringfemalepilots aircrew and maintenance professionals The FAA wanted to extend the appreciation to naval aviationandofferedVFA-213pilots and a Weapons Systems Officer (WSO) to participate in a virtualdiscussionwithwomen and girls across the country

This year’s theme is “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

“Theyaretheperfectpeople to focus on because their life story and background defines intersectionality,” said Gioia Albi,FederalWomen’sProgram Manager,OfficeofCivilRights Federal Aviation Administration. “We know that they will inspire and empower women and young children to overcome their doubts and move on to fulfilling their dreams.” Bridget Turner, an FAA employee and president of the Technical Women’s Organization guided the engagement withtheaudienceandVFA-213 during this 60-minute virtual event.

Lt Cmdr Amber Somma, originally from Nashville, Tennessee graduated from Walla Walla University in Walla Walla, Washington, with a Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management. She received her commissioning in September 2012 and has qualified to fly both the E-2C Hawkeye and the F/A-18F Super Hornet. “Female aviators have been making history for decades, thanks to their efforts, we have the opportunity to carry on their legacy and continue to provide pave the way for future generations,” Somma said.

Lt Rebecca Ryan, originally from Star Valley, Wyoming graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Science in 2017 and also participated in the panel discussion “Intheexpansiverealmofnavalaviation, it’s not solely the aircraft that defines our journey Rather,itistheremarkablecontributions of women that lend a transformative depth to our endeavors,” Ryan said. Ryan earned her Wings of Gold in October 2020 and began training as an F/A-18F Super Hornet pilot.

Lt AntoniaKing,originallyfromAtlanta, Georgia, followed in her father’s footsteps andjoinedtheNavy SheiscurrentlyaWSO with VFA-213 “I encourage any woman who dreams of flying to go for it! Every day the number of women in fighter aviation increases and it’s exciting to be a part of history making it the norm. I recognize how lucky I am to be in a squadron with multiple women and supportive men I have seen firsthand howworkingtogethermakesusastronger Navy,” King said.

KinggraduatedfromPennsylvaniaState University in 2016 acquiring a Bachelor of Science in Risk

Management. Today, there are approximately 160,000 women serving in the Department of the Navy’s(DON)totalforce,with53%ofthem onactiveduty,10%reserve,and37%United States appropriated fund civilian personnel.TheDONisstrengthenedbythecourageouswomenwhohavesharedtheirstories and paved the way for future generations VFA-213 Pilots and a Weapons Systems Officer participate in FAA Virtual Women’s History Month Celebration VFA-213 Pilots and aWeapons Systems Officerparticipate in FederalAviationAdministration (FAA)VirtualWomen’s HistoryMonth Celebration.In honorof Women’s HistoryMonth,the FederalAviationAdministration (FAA) invitedwomen serving in naval aviation,assigned to Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 213,to participate in theirannual celebration on March 26,2024.(COURTESYPHOTO) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 5 TICKETS: VAFEST.ORG OR CALL 757-282-2822 GROUPS 10+SAVE! CALL757-282-2819FOR INFORMATION. *Subject to changes and additions 2024 PLATINUM SPONSORS 4/18 Sponsor 4/20 Sponsor SignatureEducational Sponsor 4/19 Sponsor AUSTRALIA 51 ACUSwanRegimentDrums&Pipes ScotsCollege Old Boys Pipesand Drums ScotsCollege Pipesand Drums FRANCE XV du PacifiqueArmyRugbyTeam GERMANY Musikkorpsder Bundeswehr MULTINATIONAL Virginia International Tattoo Highland DanceCompany NETHERLANDS MarineBand of theRoyal Netherlands Navy SWITZERLAND TopSecret Drum Corps UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Camden County EmeraldSociety Pipes and Drums OldDominion UniversityConcertChoir Tidewater Pipes andDrums U.S. Air Force Heritage of America Band U.S. Air ForceHonor Guard Drill Team U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Herald Trumpets U.S. MarineCorps FAST Company U.S. Navy FleetForcesBand VirginiaChildren’s Chorus Virginia SymphonyOrchestra Chorus 2024 CAST ACELEBRATION OF FREEDOM! GERMANYSWITZERLAND NETHERLANDS AUSTRALIA UNITED STATES OFAMERICA A CELEBRATION VIRGINIAARTSFESTIVAL and THEHIXON FAMILY present APRIL 18 -21, 2024 •SCOPE ARENA, NORFOLK, VA VIRGINIAINTERNATIONALTATTOO

Are you like so many men and women in the world looking for the secret to weight loss? Well, join the club Losing weight and keeping it off is no easy feat and requires a few lifestylechangesthatincludeeatingahealthywell-balanced diet and participating in regular physical activities all of whichiseasiersaidthandone,saidCapt.PatrickT.Christian, shipmasterofMilitarySealiftCommand’s(MSC)fleet

replenishmentoilerUSNSJoshuaHumphreys(T-AO 188) “It is indeed challenging to remain consistent in any diet plan because food cravings mood swings hormonalimbalances,stress,andfatigueareinevitable andoftensabotageone’sefforts.”

Havingtriedagreatnumberofunsuccessfulfaddiets inyearspast,Christiansaid,heunderstoodalltoowell the difficulties of losingweightandkeepingitoff Not wanting to give up on his own weight loss journey, in November 2023 after struggling with his weight for severalyears the60—year-olddecidedtotryhishand atanewprogramcalledKETO alsoknownastheketogenic diet, used, first, in the 19th century to control diabetes Christian regretfully admitted that he had been on and off KETO for the last two years but was nowallin

His new KETO diet was a strict one that consisted ofasugar-free,low-carbohydrate,highproteineating plan.Aplanthatwouldnotbeeasytoendureunlesshe made a conscious decision to make a shift he said in hismindsettoeatonlyforhealthandnottosatisfyhis taste buds not just to lose weight but also to regain his health back, which was plagued with both high blood pressure and high cholesterol. “I, basically, eat meat, vegetables and a small amount of fruit. While fruitcontainsbothfructoseandglucose,italsocontains fiber,whichoutweighsthenegativeeffectsthenatural sugars in fruit would presumably bring about.” Over thenextfourmonths hestayedthecourse andbegan seeing some remarkable changes in both his physical appearance and his medical health, which has had a positive impact on his mental well-being In just 121 days,hisstrongsix-foot-four-inchframewentfrom322 poundsdowntoamuchslenderweightof260,just20 poundsshyofhisidealweightof240pounds Christian’s62-poundweightlosscamewithseveral unexpected health benefits, he said. First, with his blood sugar levels now regulated, he is now off all medications bloodpressure,cholesterol acidreflux, allergy, gout and skin medications His cholesterol level today is 116; before KETO it was 300 Second, because he, daily, consumed more healthy fats, his mentalconcentrationandfocusimprovedimmensely “Today,IhavemoreenergyandstaminathanI’vehad sinceCOVID-19 Inordertomaintainhissignificantweight loss, he walks a minimum of 10,000 steps a day in rain or shine “Ihavenotmissedachievingthisgoalonesingleday. While the journey hasn’t been easy, I could not be prouder of my weight loss success.” In addition he said, it is vital to stayhydrated,asithas“helpedtokeepmeregular mycore temperature normal, my joints lubricated, which means I have less aches and pains, and my skin now maintains its naturalglow.”

First KETO Program aboard an MSC Ship

These remarkable health changes in his own life gave Christian a great idea to begin the first KETO program aboardanMSCship USNSJoshuaHumphreys Themotivatingfactortostarttheprogram,inDecember2023,wasthe healthandwelfareofhiscivilservicemariners(CIVMARS), he said “As a general rule, MSC is a workforce that has an ageddemographic.Inordertomaintainshipboardemploy-

She was so excited about the new program that she took it uponherself withnopromptingfromChristian,topurchase KETOrecipebooksandthenappliedhermanyyearsofculinary experience to create magical, tasty meals, Christian said. “The meals Glenda produces are absolutely delicious and100%KETO Youreallydonotfeellikeyouaremissing whatyouusedtoviewasatraditionaldiet Someofmyfavorites are: Almond Flower Biscuits and Keto Gravy, Scallops and Shrimp atop Cauliflower Rice, Beef and Keto Mushroom Gravy atop Mashed Cauliflower, Chicken atop CauliflowerRice SlowcookedBeans;andthelistgoes onandon.” Seeing the countless improvements in Christian’s health, Harris said, she was thrilled to be responsible for creating the hearty low carb meals for Christian andthecrew DespitehavingnevereatenaKETOmeal norpreparedone,shewashappytobeapartofthefirst KETO program aboard an MSC ship, she said. “I’ve never tried KETO but I know it works because l can visibly see Christian’s success and it is wonderful to behold.” Additionally, in an effort to raise diet and exercise awarenessamongtheship’screw,JoshuaHumphreys has recently begun collaborating with MSC’s Health Promotion Coordinators Ms. Stephanie Rusnak and Meghan Sullivan and MSC’s Chief Workforce Development Officer Ms. Lea Barbour After enjoying one of Harris’s mouthwatering KETO meals, the group decidedthatJoshuaHumphreysistherightshiptobe apartofMSC’snewpilotprogram onethatencourageshealthandawarenessamongtheCIVMARcrews Christiansaid Intheverynearfuture,MSCwilloutfit the vessel with its very own, “In Body”, an advanced smart body composition machine that analyzes one’s fitnesslevel.Theship’sMedicalServicesOfficer(MSO) will be responsible for maintaining the machine and assistingthemarinerswhenusingit.“Iamsurethenew equipment will not only encourage more mariners to exercise but will also make a positive contribution to crew moral. Mariners, who are light on their feet and observeagoodexerciseregimen

ment, we must remain, wisely, physically fit. Following a KETO diet and incorporating an exercise routine would helpmyCIVMARSstayfitandthuslyremaininthemaritime industry Workinginashipboardenvironmentisphysically difficult and demanding; so it is imperative that mariners maintainareasonableweightandlevelofphysicalfitnessto beproductiveintheircapacityaboardtheship.

Cook-BakerGlendaHarrishasplayedahugeroleinstarting the KETO program aboard USNS Joshua Humphreys.

tendtobeemployees thataremoreproductive.Thecommandmakingthese aforementionedtoolsavailable,alongwithdietconsultation is a win for both the individual CIVMARS and theMSCorganizationasawhole.” Are you still interested in the secret to weight loss? Eatingahighprotein,low-carbohydratedietwithvegetables and fruits for fiber, drinking plenty of water, and adding exercise to your daily regimen can have a profoundeffectonyoureachingyourweightlossgoals A Combat Logistics Force (CLF) vessel, USNS Joshua Humphreys is the second ship of the Henry J. Kaiser-classfleetreplenishmentoiler Specifically,she wasbuiltfortheU.S.NavyMilitarySealiftCommand HeadquarteredinNorfolk,Virginia,MSCoperatesafleet of more than 135 civilian-crewed ships that replenish U.S. Navyshipsatsea,conductspecializedmissions,preposition combat cargo at sea around the world, perform a variety of supportservices andmovemilitaryequipmentandsupplies todeployedU.S.forces For75years,MSChasbeentheleadingmaritimelogistics providerfortheDepartmentofDefense Tolearnmorevisit https://www.dividshub.net/MSC75thAnniversary Ship Master drops 62 LBS, begins 1st KETO program aboard an MSC ship Capt.PatrickT.Christian,shipmasterofMilitarySealift Command’s (MSC) fleet replenishment oilerUSNSJoshua Humphreys (T-AO 188) loses 62 pounds,in fourmonths,on KETO diet.Afterhisweight loss success,he developed a KETO program aboard thevessel to support the health andwellness ofhis crew (PHOTOBYLASHAWNSYKES,USN MILITARYSEALIFTCOMMAND) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 Spring Savings Virginia’sPreferred Kohler Luxstone Dealer ENJOY EASY, BUDGETFRIENDLY PAYMENTS INCREASE YOUR WELLBEING & INCREASE YOUR HOME’S VALUE www.paramountbuilders.com (757)349-1926 3YEARS NO INTEREST 50%OFF PLUS LABOR Showers • Tubs • Walk-In Baths BEFORE AFTER

NAVFAC Southeast employee named Architect, Landscape Architect, and Interior Designer of the Year 2024

Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) announced Laura Lake, R.A as the distinguished recipient of the NAVFAC Architect Landscape Architect, and Interior Designer (ALAID) of the YearAwardfor2024

“I am pleased to announce that Laura LakefromNAVFACSoutheastwasselected as the 2024 NAVFAC Architect, Landscape Architect & Interior Designer of the Year,” saidNAVFACCommanderRearAdm.Dean VanderLey “Her leadership, expertise and dedication has had a direct and positive impact on NAVFAC and its Architect, Landscape Architect & Interior Designer Community.” Lake, a senior architect within NAVFAC Southeast’s Planning, Design & Construction directorate, serves predominantly as the design manager for several significant militaryconstructionprojects.Throughout the year she has developed eight comprehensive Design Manager (DM) training modules, delivered training sessions at DM forums,andprovidedmentorshipandguidancetojuniorarchitectsandmembersofthe designteam.

“Laura epitomizes the finest qualities of our community of technical professionals,” said Capt. Miguel Dieguez NAVFAC Southeastcommandingofficer.“Herinnate abilitytothinkcritically,remainagile build productiverelationships,andcommunicate a common vision of the desired outcome is what make her so special and an invaluable member of our team. But beyond her impressiveprojectportfolio,Lauraisadedicated mentor and consummate teammate who is helping to make NAVFAC a better organizationeachandeveryday.”

Lake led the management of the Air Force’s Weapons Generation Facility project at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, involving nuclear certification, high-risk cost/schedulefactors,andintricatephasing

This project, crucial for restoring nuclear capabilitytothebase,receivedaperfect30⁄30 complexity rating on the NAVFAC Project Complexity Matrix. Through an innovative construction award package Lake successfully accelerated the project schedule, transforming it from eight months behindscheduletosixmonthsaheadofthe mission’srequiredcompletiondate

“The entire NAVFAC enterprise is saturated with tremendous talent, so being selected as 2024 ALAID of the Year is an incredible achievement,” said Lake. “I have always felt great gratification in being able to play a part in the support of our military, so for my contributions to be recognized as commendableisquiterewarding.” Lake also serves as the senior architect/ design manager for the Navy’s Nuclear Power Training Unit (NPTU) simulator andtrainingfacilityexpansionatJointBase Charleston,SouthCarolina.TheNPTUproject involves wetlands, endangered species, in-water construction, multiple buildings, roadway improvements affecting on-base housing, and risk category (five) buildings

inhighlyseismicareaspronetoliquefaction. This project requires close coordination with the Air Force’s 628th Civil Engineering Squadron, on a very high priority Navy project.

“I’vehaduniqueexperiencesfromworking with three different DoD branches of services(AirForce,Army,andNavy)during my 16 years here at NAVFAC Southeast,” saidLake “I’velearnedquiteabitfromeach one, but am most excited to be working my current mega military construction project forNPTUinCharleston,valuedatmorethan


Lake,daughterofaretiredCivilEngineer Corps officer, initially pursued a career in educationafterhighschoolbutlaterfulfilled herchildhooddreamofbecominganarchitect.Despiteinitialchallenges,shereturned to school and graduated at the top of her class,reflectingonherjourneyas“themost rewarding, and at the same time, the most terrifying thing I ever did. During her master’s program, she was the sole woman in all her classes (for three straight semesters), highlighting her determination and resilience Lake earned a Bachelor’s degree inSecondaryEducationfromtheUniversity of Maryland and a Master’s in Architecture fromtheUniversityofSouthFlorida.

“Life lessons I’ve learned over the years were mostly developed prior to me becoming an architect,” said Lake. “I truly believe that critical thinking, perseverance and a good work ethic will translate to anything youdo Ifyoudowhatyoulike,anddoitwell, thereisrewardjustinthedoing.”

In December 2023 she was honored as the NAVFAC Southeast (Echelon IV) ALAID of the Year for 2024, progressing to compete for this prestigious accolade after beingselected.Nomineesfrom12NAVFAC commands underwent evaluation based on their accomplishments in their field, civic engagement,professionalregistration,ongoing education, awards, professional society involvement andtechnicalexpertise

Born in Port Lyautey (now Kenitra), Morocco Lake currently calls Jacksonville Florida, home Her interests span from artworkpaintingandDIYhomerenovations to Formula 1 racing and enjoying blues and classicrockmusic

NAVFAC Southeast oversees the planning and design of facility projects, offering essential services in contracting, construction, leasing environmental management, maintenance and contingency support, all of which are crucial for meeting the needs of the Navy and the Department of Defense within the Southeast Area of Responsibility. Operating from its Jacksonville office, NAVFAC Southeast is responsible for managing operations across Navy installations spanning from Charleston, South Carolina to Corpus Christi, Texas, and extending southward to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. NAVFAC professionals are also engagedintheacquisitionanddispositionof real estate, facility management, and maintenance on all Navy bases in the Southeast (SE)region,whileconcurrentlysupervising public-private venture (PPV) housing for militaryfamilies

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic NORFOLK, Va The Naval Facilities EngineeringSystemsCommand(NAVFAC) Atlantic has announced the award of a $35,000,000 contract to the National Institute of Building Sciences, based in Washington, D.C. This firm-fixed price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract focuses on architect-engineering (A-E) services supporting the Department of Defense (DoD) criteria management of the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) throughout the NAVFAC Atlantic area of operations The contract, bearing the potential to include work worldwide, is slated for completion

by March 2029 Under this substantial agreement, the National Institute of Building Sciences will provideawiderangeoftechnicalandarchitect-engineering facilities criteria for planning,design,construction,andmaintenance, which are essential components published ontheWBDG Thecontract’svalueincludes thebaseperiodalongsidefouroptionyears, summing up to the total of $35,000,000 At the time of award, NAVFAC Atlantic has obligated $10,000 from Fiscal 2024 operation and maintenance (Navy) funds for the minimum guarantee, which will expire at theendofthecurrentfiscalyear This significant procurement was executed as a sole source acquisition under the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 6.302-5, which is authorized or required by statute. NAVFAC Atlantic, located in Norfolk Virginia, is recognized as the contractingactivity(N62470-24-D-0015) Nancy Wroten, Specification and Standards Criteria Manager at NAVFAC Atlantic, provided insight into the importance

JACKSONVILLE,Fla.- Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) announced Laura Lake R.A.,as the distinguished recipient ofthe NAVFACArchitect,LandscapeArchitect, and InteriorDesigner(ALAID) oftheYearAward for2024 (OFFICIALU.S.NAVYPHOTOBYYAN KENNON/RELEASED)
of this contract. “The Indefinite Delivery/ Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) for Multi-Discipline Architect-Engineer Services in support of DoD Criteria Management is pivotalforthetechnicalarchitect-engineering and facilities criteria essential for planning design, construction, or maintenance requirements,” Wroten stated. She further emphasized the IDIQ’s role in supporting incidentalresearch,development,management, and publication of technical facility criteria “ThisIDIQisinstrumentalinmaintaining and enhancing the WBDG’s functionality, accessibility, and security, crucial for supporting the DoD criteria program,” addedWroten. The comprehensive services provided under this contract are expected to leveragecommerciallyavailablestandards,technicalprovisions,modelbuildingcodes,DoD standards,andtheevaluationandintroduction of new, cost-effective technology The overarching goal is to sustain and improve the Whole Building Design Guide’s role in facilitatingthedistributionandpublication of critical DoD documents criteria, tools andinformationalandtutorialcontent. FormorenewsfromNavalFacilitiesEngineering Systems Command, visit https:// www.navy.milorhttps://www.dvidshub.net NAVFAC Atlantic awards $35 million contract to National Institute of Building Sciences for architect-engineering services Start now at PlayOurNews.com Listen to our top news stories for free. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 7
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ClappertonreceivedanoverviewofIT“A” and “C” School training from Information SystemsTechnicianChiefBrianTromburg, anIT“A”instructoratIWTCCorryStation

Clapperton discussed numerous ideas and levers to address IT manning deficiencies and incentivize retention across the IT ratingatalllevels

3D® trainers, as well as the increase in “sets and reps” on the equipment each Sailor receiveswhileworkingontheirownvirtual system

Clapperton concluded his visit with an All Hands Call,

The focus of the visit was for CIWT and IWTC Corry Station leadership and staff to provide Clapperton an overview of both commands operations with a particular focus on Information Systems Technician (IT)training


U.S. 7th Fleet Public Affairs

YOKOSUKA, Japan Sailors assigned to Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) hosted members from the Japan Self-Defense Force aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS McCampbell (DDG 85) and Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka, to conduct tomahawk land attack missile training, March 25-28.

The training provided Japan Maritime Self-DefenseForce(JMSDF)andJapanAir Self-Defense Force (JASDF) officers with theknowledgerequiredtocoordinateshipboard cruise missile operations in route to Full Operational Capability.

TheUnitedStatesAmbassadortoJapan, Rahm Emanuel, visited McCampbell to observetheshipboardportionofthetraining March 28

“We are ahead of schedule, and that’s exactly what we have to do to keep up deterrenceandmaintainoperationswithin thisareaofoperations,”saidEmanuel.“We will give our partners, our allies, the JapaneseNavy,thecapacitythattheirinvesting in. This is not a one and done, this is going to happen again.”

Thetrainingincludedclassroominstruction,followedbyashipboardwalkthrough anddemonstration,alignedtotheU.S.Navy cruise missile command curriculum.

“It was a privilege to conduct Cruise MissileCommandtrainingwithourJapan Self-Defense Force counterparts over the pastfewdays,”saidCmdr MichaelArnold, Officer in Charge of SCSTC WESTPAC “This training marks a significant milestoneinJapan’sstrategicacquisitionofthe Tomahawk Weapon Control System and ourcollaborativefirststepinmasteringthis newcapability Together,wefortifyouralli-

Clapperton was also given a demonstration of the Multipurpose Reconfigurable Training System 3-Dimensional (MRTS 3D®).DuringthedemonstrationCryptologic Technician Technical 1st Class Marshall Matters, a Cryptologic Technician Technical“A”SchoolinstructorwhousestheMRTS 3D® heavily in his curriculum, emphasized thecost-savingscreatedbyusingtheMRTS

ance, demonstrating our united commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific and upholding the principles that ensure regional peace, stability, and a rules-based international order.” Theweek-longtrainingprovidedparticipants with a hands-on

Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control
consoles and associated equipment,andparticipantswereabletoexecute asimulatedgenericstrikemissionscenario U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest forward-deployedfleetintheworld,andwiththehelp ofanetworkofalliancesandpartnersfrom 35 other maritime-nations, the U.S. Navy has operated in the Indo-Pacific region for more than 70 years, providing credible, ready forces to help preserve peace and prevent conflict. U.S. Navy and JSDF conduct tomahawk land attack missile training (COURTESYPHOTO) ViceAdm.CraigA.Clapperton,commander U.S.Fleet CyberCommand / NavySpace Command /Joint Force Headquarters – Cyber(Navy) / U.S.10th Fleet spoke during anAll Hands Callwith CenterforInformationWarfareTraining and InformationWarfareTraining Command CorryStation leadership and staffduring avisit to CIWT at CorryStation,Mar 27 2024.(PHOTOBYPETTY OFFICER2NDCLASSLINDSAYLAIR)
overview of the
Information Warfare Training PENSACOLA, Fla. Vice
Craig A. Clapperton, commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / Navy Space Command
Joint Force Headquarters Cyber
U.S. 10th Fleet,
ByKurtVanSlooten Center For
(Navy) /
visited the Center for InformationWarfareTraining(CIWT)andInformationWarfareTrainingCenter(IWTC)Corry StationonMar.27 2024
an opportunity to address CIWT and IWTC Corry Station leadership and staff, to impart guidance and answer questions While there he underscored the three main warfighting capabilities that Information Warfare Sailors bring to the fleet: Assured Command and Control (AC2); battlespace awareness; and non-kineticeffects Clapperton told the instructors and staff, “You have to help us make sure your Sailors understand their value…because what we do is greatly valued by every combatant commander out there, and every fleet commander out there, and the capabilities that we bring to that fight are absolutely foundationalandcritical.” With four schoolhouse commands, two detachments,andtrainingsitesthroughout the United States and Japan, CIWT trains more than 26,000 students every year, delivering trained information warfare professionalstotheNavyandjointservices CIWT also offers more than 200 courses for cryptologic technicians cyber warfare technicians, intelligence specialists, information systems technicians, electronics technicians,andofficersintheinformation warfare community
Fleet Cyber Commander visits CIWT uarterdeck RTC updates basic military training phone policy RTC has refined its Recruit cell phone Standard Operating Plan to allowRecruits to use theirpersonal cell phones to connect with familyand friends during theirscheduled phone call periods. PageB2 YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING careers.tribpub.com www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 1

From battle to hit shows: This

Actor Dennis Franz is best known for portraying a TV detective and starring in numerous blockbuster films in the 1970s throughthe1990s.

Lessknown,isthatFranzwasasoldierwho served in combat during the height of the Vietnam War. Franz was born in Maywood, Illinois,onOct.28,1944

His parents were German immigrants Franz’s mother Eleanor, was of Jewish descent and was a postal worker His father Franz Ferdinand Schlachta, was a postal worker as well as a baker Schlachta was of GermanandPolishdescent.

DuringFranz’shighschoolyears,heparticipatedinbaseball,footballandswimming He attended Wilbur Wright College and Southern Illinois University Carbondale, graduating from the latter in 1968 with a bachelor’s degreeinspeechandtheater.

In 1968, he was drafted into the Army and served11monthswithtwodivisionsinSouth Vietnam:the82ndAirborneDivisionandthe 101stAirborneDivision.

When Franz learned he was being sent to Vietnam, he said he had mixed feelings He said he was curious about military life, but he was also scared of being killed or injured intheVietnamWar.

The year 1968 was the height of the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive marked a major escalation and the largest military campaign ofthewar;itoccurredduringFranz’sservice For a short time, he said he entertained thoughtsofgoingAWOL.“Idon’tthinkitwas a serious thought in my head. I don’t think I would have been able to live with myself had I done something like that It was just a temporary temptation, he said during a 1997 interview with Tom Snyder on “The LateLateShow.” Franz said combat was a traumatic, life-changingexperience,particularlylosing close friends He recalled being in multiple firefightsandsometimesnotknowingwhere thebulletswerecomingfrom.

“You just want to be out of the situation. And involuntarily yourbodyjuststartsdoing things that you don’t have control over, just out of fear and nerves and, you know, you just wish you could be any other place in the worldexceptwhereyouareatthatmoment And the only way to get out of it is to shoot backandmakesomebodystopandletmeget outofit,”hesaid

“Having gone through it, having lived through it, it changed my outlook on life having gone a young man a boy, if you will [and] coming back a young man. It altered my life. It made me take things a lot more seriously. I was very frivolous and irresponsibleupuntilthepointthatIwentthere,and it made me look at life a lot more seriously than before,” he told Snyder, adding that he would“nottradehiswartimeexperiencefor anything.”

When Franz returned stateside he said landingattheairportintheUnitedStateswas thehappiestdayofhislife.“Iliterallydidone ofthe bendoverandkisstheground’things, hesaid “Ithought,‘I’mhome.I’msafe,andI gotthroughit.’”

However, “there was the feeling in this country that you guys who went over there andfoughtweremoronsforgoingoverthere.”

Afterthe war, Franz gained fame asa televisionactor.HeportrayeddetectiveSalBenedetto from 1982-1983 and, later, Lt Norman Buntz in the TV series “Hill Street Blues.” FranzisbestknownforhisroleasNewYork City police detective Andy Sipowicz, in the TVseries“NYPDBlue.”

Later, Franz would honor other veterans andtheirserviceandsacrifice In 1998 he chaired the Department of




Council on Recruit Basic Trainingpartners(CORBT),wedecided it is time for Recruits to connect with their loved ones in a more modern way. Simply, I used a payphone and phone card calling home from overseas in 1994. We can dobetterin2024.” RTC typically experiences the bulk of Recruitattritionduringthefirsttwotothree weeks of basic military training “We are hopefulthatallowingRecruitscontinuedbut limitedaccesstotheircellphonesanddigital identitiesmayhelpreducethisattrition,”said Lt ErenRoubal,RecruitTrainingCommand’s ClinicalPsychologist. “Asdigitalnatives,newRecruitscanpotentially experience psychological stress from beingabruptlydisconnectedfromtheirdigi-

talidentities, addedRoubal. TheplanforRTCistocreateaphasedtransitionfromdigitalresiliencetoaphysicalone though RTCs proven Warrior Toughness principles “It is still important that we train Sailors to be resilient,” added Froberg “We have to do better in this space to prepare our Sailors foradigitallyaustereoperatingenvironment atsea. ThischangeisoneofseveralRTCisimplementing to invest in our Sailors’ quality of servicefromtheverybeginningoftheirNavy career

VeteransAffairs’NationalSalutetoHospitalizedVeterans Theprogramhonorshospitalized veterans for their service and sacrifices and is held at VA medical centers, nursing homes and state veterans’ homes many of whichFranzvisited In 2001, Franz received the Veteran of the Year award at the 7th annual American VeteranAwardsinBeverlyHills,California.
War ByLt NicholasLingo U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command NAVAL STATION GREAT LAKES Ill Starting March 29, Recruit TrainingCommand(RTC)isupdatingitsbasic military training phone call policy for Recruitsattendingtraininghere This follows a successful test phase implementedbyRTCtotesttheviability of using thismethod in a future campuswide employment. Over the past few months RTC has refined its Recruit cell phone Standard Operating Plan to allow Recruitstousetheirpersonalcellphones toconnectwithfamilyandfriendsduring theirscheduledphonecallperiods Recruits are typically allowed five standard phone calls during their training These calls will still take place, but now Recruits will utilize their personal devicestocontacttheirfamilyorfriends “Inthispost-COVIDpandemicculture digitalidentitieshaveprovenincreasingly critical in helping to deal with day-today stress,” said Capt. Ken
commanding officer, Recruit Training Command.“Whenwesurveyedpsycho-
actor served in the Vietnam
in this
with our
Boot camp is approximately 10 weeks and all enlistees into the U.S. Navy begin their careers here. Training includes five warfightingcompetenciesoffirefighting,damage control, seamanship, watchstanding, and small arms handling and marksmanship as well as physical fitness and lessons in Navy heritageandcorevalues WarriorToughness, Life Skills teamwork and discipline More than 40,000 Recruits train annually at the Navy’sonlybootcamp For more news from Recruit Training Command,visitwww.navy.mil/local/rtc RTC updates basic military training phone policy Recruits call home during theirscheduled divisional phone calls at RecruitTraining Command. Boot camp is approximately10weeks and all enlistees into the U.S.Navybegin theircareers at the command.More than 40,000 recruits train annuallyat the Navy’s onlyboot camp (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYMASSCOMMUNICATION2NDCLASSSTUARTPOSADA) Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832 JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792 Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost. FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling – Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support Apromotional photo ofthe cast forthe television series“NYPD Blue. Dennis Franzis in the second from left (PHOTOCOURTESYOF20THCENTURYFOXTELEVISION) ABOVE: Dennis Franzin South Vietnam in 1968 (PHOTOCOURTESY OFDENNISFRANZ) RIGHT:ActorDennis Franzat a rehearsal forthe 1994 EmmyAwards in LosAngeles.(PHOTOBYALAN LIGHT) BELOW:Apromotional photo for cast ofthe television series“Hill Street Blues.”Dennis Franzis in the second row,third from right (PHOTO COURTESYOFMTMENTERPRISES) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 4, 2024

“I’ve been a nerd my whole life,” said TracyArnold-Berrioswithasoft,confident smileasshesatdownattheconferencetable for a mid-day interview in her office at the WashingtonNavyYard

Director of Integrated Nuclear Weapons Safety & Security at the U.S. Navy’s StrategicSystemsPrograms(SSP),Arnold-Berrios exhibits the qualities of a poised leader—a womanwhohassuccessfullytranslatedthe ‘nerd’ of her adolescence into a storied and rewardingcareer

She is one of the approximately 53,000 womenwhoserveintheDepartmentofthe Navy’s civilian workforce Twenty-eight percent of the Navy’s civilian leadership in the Senior Executive Service (SES) are women In 2019 Arnold-Berrios was competitively selected for her SES position—a standing equivalent to a general or flagofficerwiththeDOD. SSP’s mission is to provide credible and affordable strategic solutions that equip America’s Warfighting Navy to deter strategic attack and underwrite the security of our nation and our allies. Arnold-Berrios’s work at SSP encompasses a critical duty withinthatmission:overseeingtheNuclear Weapons (NW) security policy program management,complianceandcoordination acrosstheenterprisetosupportthenuclear mission Though she was well-suited to math and science, an engineering career wasn’t the original plan for Arnold-Berrios—and it certainlywasn’therfirstpickforcollege “Ialwayswantedtogotomedschooland myoriginaldegreewasgoingtobeChemistry,”shesaid She and her friends—who attended an all-girls catholic high school in the greater Washington, D.C. area—weren’t afraid of shootingforthestars

Theywereacompetitiveanddetermined group of youngwomenwhotookadvanced math and science classes at an all-boys schoolbecausetherewasnoavailablefundingforclassesatthegirlsschool. “We were the girls against the world, shethoughtaloud—butArnold-Berrioswas alsoapragmaticthinker,sowhenshegotto collegeshedecidedtoslightlyalterherplan “MyfirstweekatNorthwestern,Idecided I wanted to be an engineer—something that gave me more flexibility if I didn’t, for instance,getacceptedintomedschool.”

And in 1982 Arnold-Berrios graduated with a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from Northwestern University Her entryintogovernmentworkwassomething of a family tradition. Her father had served intheNavyandworkedattheNavalSurface Warfare Center (NSWC) White Oak where he retired Her mother worked in Human Resources at NSWC White Oak and later retired from the National Institutes of Health(NIH). “Workingingovernmentwaskindoflike thefamilybusiness,”shesaid.

In similar fashion, Arnold-Berrios began her career with a job at the NSWC-Indian Head as a manufacturing engineer She

conspicuouslyadvancedthroughtheorganization,holdingseveralleadershippositions and worked on the development, production,andtestingofEnergeticMaterials Atthetime,sheandherpeersrepresented a growing number of women in Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematicsfields “AtIndianhead,Igottodorealwork,”she said.

“When you work with the government team of engineers and operators, you get experience early on and exposure to hands-on projects You also get a lot more responsibility.” Nearly 20 years later when Arnold-BerriosbeganatSSP,shesaidtheworkwasjust as thrilling and interesting She explained thatoneofherfirstbigprojectswasfocused on the Ohio-Class Guided Missile Subma-

rine (SSGN) Attack Weapons System Program. The job was to manage concurrentdesignandproductionactivitiesincludingtheDemonstrationValidationofthefirst successful launch of Tomahawk missiles fromanOhio-classSSGN

“The SSGN demonstration validations was an amazing learning experience, said Arnold-Berriosassherecalledtheproject’s successintheearly2000s

“We had to figure out how to get this system ready to launch within 9 months howdoyoudothat!?”shepondered

“SSP has afforded me the opportunity to learn a myriad of different things and you can’tbuythatexperience.” But being a female in the STEM career fieldisn’talwayseasy Oftentimes,work-life balance wasn’t afforded in the career path, andwomencertainlydidn’ttalkabouttheir

families or the balancing-act it was to raise children and work sometimes 60+ hours weekly Arnold-Berriosexplained.Thefield was difficult to get into but pioneers like Arnold-Berrios haven’t let gender barriers standinherway.

According to a study published by the NIH’sNationalLibraryofMedicine,women in1980wereawarded37.2%ofallbachelor’s degrees in the fields of science and engineering But the community of women—as Arnold-Berriosdescribesthem—weredetermined to continue defying the norms and surpassingglassceilings

“We all started—so many of us—we were moredeterminedtosucceedanddidnotlet anybodyputusinabox,”shesaid.

Arnold-Berrios noted the barriers in her earlycareerweren’treallyaboutherbeinga minoritywomanintheSTEMfieldasmuch astheywereplainlyaboutbeingafemalein the job She described how the energy in a room would change when she walked in Even though she didn’t feel her gender was anobstacleinthejob,attimes,thetreatment shereceivedindicatedotherwise

“I think I got my first shock during my first job in a production environment,” she recalled “You [women] were just treated worse thanyourpeers.”

Arnold-Berriossharedthatinherexperiences, women on the job had to prove they wouldputinthetimebyworkinglateshifts or weekends, if necessary She highlighted how she and her female colleagues worked hardertoensuretheyweren’ttheperceived as the weakest link on the team and were alwayspreparedtotakeonmoretasks

“You always had to ensure you were not the ‘note-taker’ in meetings and I made a promise to myself to never take minutes or writeonthewhite-board, sheshared.

“Often times, my male colleagues would say‘yourhandwritingisbetter’,butIwould not fall into the trap because I knew that anyone on the team was capable of keeping minutes—notjustme.”

as equal
the job After all she demonstrated she was just as
same long
be a
“Where I believe sometimes women create barriers for themselves is that they convince themselves everything must be perfect, shesaidassheruminatedontimes in the past where she had to sacrifice traditional gender expectations with her family towork—orviceversa “You’re human and you might not get it right 100% of the time, so you just have to giveyourselfgraceandliveforanotherday.” Arnold-Berrios’s advice is in sync with what leaders at the highest echelons of the Navy are conveying Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti recently shared some wise counsel she was given about taking a seat and exercising your voice at Pioneering four decades of STEM: SSP’s Tracy Arnold-Berrios challenges barriers, creates pathways for future generations INDIAN HEAD,Md.(circa 1997) –TracyArnold-Berrios (left) explains the facets ofherjob as a Manager,Analytical Laboratoryto U.S.House Representative from Maryland StenyHoyer(right) and then Secretaryofthe NavyJohn Dalton (middle) during a tourofthe Naval SpecialWarfare Center-Indian Head.She conspicuouslyadvanced through herearlycareerat NSWC-Indian Head, holding several leadership positions andworked on the development production,and testing ofEnergetic Materials.Nowthe DirectorofIntegrated NuclearWeapons Safety& Securityat the U.S.Navy’s Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) and a memberofthe DOD’s SeniorExecutive Service,Arnold-Berrios has more than 40years ofexperience in the Science,Technology,Engineering and Math field.SSP’s mission is to provide credible and affordable strategic solutions that equipAmerica’sWarfighting Navyto deterstrategic attackand underwrite the securityofournation and ourallies.(PHOTOCOURTESY:TRACYARNOLD-BERRIOS/RELEASED) INDIAN HEAD Md.(Feb 2,1997) –TracyArnold-Berrios (left) poses fora photowith her husband,Juan Berrios (right) afterreceiving theJoe L.BrowningAward forManagerial Excellence,1997.(PHOTOCOURTESY:TRACYARNOLD-BERRIOS/RELEASED) TurntoTracyArnold-Berrios, Page 4 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 3
she rose above and refused to accept inferiority—she demanded to be seen and treated
to any males on
competitive, working the
hours andprovinghighlyproficientattechnically difficult work. To
woman in the
she notes—sometimes you have to accept thingswon’tbeflawless

Naval Medical Research Unit San Antonio


HOUSTON Capt. Jennifer Buechel, of Woodhaven,Mich.,commandingofficer,Naval MedicalResearchUnit(NAMRU)SanAntonio, served as the keynote speaker for the U.S. CitizenshipNaturalizationOathCeremonyheldat theMilitaryandFamilyReadinessCenter

FifteenservicemembersfromtheU.S.Army, Navy, and Air Force became U.S. citizens from the countries of China, Kenya, Jamaica, Nigeria,Vietnam,Venezuela,andThePhilippines Prior to delivering her remarks, Buechel, assisted by Immigration Service Officer Yoli Fleming, presented certificates of citizenship toeachservicemember

“Each one of you, in uniform, has taken an oath to defend the principles of freedom, democracy,andequalitywithyourlife,ifnecessary,” said Buechel, a Navy nurse “You have demonstrated unwavering courage in the face ofadversity,selflessnessinservicetoothers,and an unyielding commitment to the ideals upon whichthisnationwasfounded.”

“Today, as you took the oath of allegiance as naturalized citizens of the United States you notonlyaffirmyourcommitmenttothisnation but you also reaffirm the principles that bind us together as Americans,” said Buechel, who assumed command of NAMRU San Antonio in August 2023. “You stood as individuals representingcountriesaroundtheworld,youarenow

standingasAmericancitizens! AccordingtoNavySeamanWeiqiangMa,40, of China, he is his happy to be called a U.S. citizenafterbeingintheUnitedStatessincehewas 14yearsold “Being an American citizen will provide me with more opportunities for growth,” said Ma, who is a hospital corpsman student assigned to Navy Medicine Training Support Center “Joining the Navy provided me with a chance to better my education, and to be able to serve onedayasanofficer.”


“Serving in the Navy is providing me with numerous opportunities,” said Elamparo, who alsoisattendingHospitalCorpsman“A”School Basic “NotonlydidtheNavyprovidemewitha pathwayforcitizenshipbutwill alsoprovidemewiththeopportunitytoattain mydegreeinnursingorpsychology.”

NAMRU San Antonio’s mission is to conduct gap driven combat casualty care, craniofacial, anddirectedenergyresearchtoimprovesurvival, operationalreadiness,andsafetyofDepartment ofDefense(DoD)personnelengagedinroutine andexpeditionaryoperations

Itisoneoftheleadingresearchanddevelopment laboratories for the U.S. Navy under the DoD and is one of eight subordinate research commandsintheglobalnetworkoflaboratories operating under the Naval Medical Research CommandinSilverSpring,Md

“As someone told me at a leadership courseearlyinmycareer ‘Youbelong Don’t subtractyourselffromtheequation.’” This champion-like attitude is shared by anotherflagofficerwhositsinanofficejust downthehallfromArnold-Berrios—someone she says has had a tremendous impact onhercareeratSSP

“He has always made me stretch and do something different,” she said of Vice Adm. Johnny Wolfe Jr, the director of Strategic SystemsPrograms “‘Get out of your comfort zone,’ she recalledwithasmile—amindsetViceAdm. Wolfe consistently verbalizes to the SSP workforce

“He always had another job for me to do, just as I was getting comfortable in my current position… but I would not be here todayifhedidn’tdothosethings.Hisvision wasadvancedandfocusedonthefuture.”

This is the same type of sharp guidance a trusted and respected mentor like Arnold-Berrios communicates daily to her peers and subordinates To no surprise, Arnold-Berrios is an active mentor at SSP andholdsone-on-onementoringsessionsas wellasgroupgatheringstoimpartwhatshe’s learned—towomenandmenalike

“I’veconsideredTracyapersonalmentor of mine for almost 10 years,” said Megan Donnelly who heads SSP’s Infrastructure RequirementsIntegrationsection. “Sheislikeamasterorchestrator,guiding andleading,whileempoweringindividuals tostepintomuchlargerroles.”

Donnelly describes her experience at

SSP as “very supported” and says there is a growing community for women supporting women and encouraging women at all ages and career stages to take on additional leadership roles. While working at SSP, she has had the opportunity to move through various positions while taking on various responsibilitiesandbeingdelegatedauthorities to execute the job—something that Arnold-Berrios also said during our interview “The admirals at SSP have allowed me to ownmytriangleineveryjobIhavehadhere: responsibility,accountability,andauthority,” Arnold-Berriossaid.

“This type of leadership philosophy allowed me to be able to succeed or fail on my own because I owned it from start to finish.”

Donnelly’sexperienceisthesameandshe highlighted the culture as one of the best facetsofworkingatSSP

“The command invests in the individual bothpersonallyandprofessionallythrough additionaltraining,rotations,andleadership developmentopportunities,”Donnellysaid, addingthatsheseesArnold-Berriosleading thewayinbothtechnicalexpertiseandstrategicthinkingacrosstheenterprise

Donnelly’s colleague, Regan Hinman, shares the same assessment of Arnold-Berrios. Hinman works as the Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant Program Manager forSSP’sbranchthathandlesstrategicweapons system Enterprise Infrastructure and Capabilities. “I have personally benefitted from Ms. Arnold-Berrios’s mentoring by gaining an understanding of the nuances and importance of being strategic and deliberate in my communication style and decisions to help further my objectives and visions as a

womaninSTEM, saidHinman.

ShereflectedonhowArnold-Berriostakes a “tailored” approach to mentoring which givesthementeeauniquewaytounderstand their strengths as assets and their weaknessesasopportunitiesforgrowth Donnelly noted the women in STEM are still consideredaminority “[The]levelsofrepresentationcansometimes be intimidating when you walk into a briefingroomandfeelliketheoddoneout, shesaid.

“Ibelievethatitisimportanttobeableto build a community in all aspects of life, and I also believe there is very strong sense of communitysharedamongwomeninSTEM, especiallyatSSP.”

HinmanaddedthatArnold-Berriostakes adeliberateapproachtounderstandpeople at an individual level—taking into account theirvalues,motivations,andexperiences.

“One basic principle all people share is thatwewanttofeelconnectedtothepeople weworkwithandthemissionwesupport,” shesaid,notingthatSSPhasgivenheravery strong sense of shared community among womeninSTEM.

Back at the conference table I asked Arnold-Berrios about the future of SSP giventhechallengingstrategicenvironment the United States faces around the globe andshesaidshebelievesthecommandisat apivotalpoint

“We are at this moonshot moment, and there is so much possibility in the future— andit’sgoingtoprosperforalongtime.”

“We must empower our workforce to innovatively solve complex technical challenges—todayandinthefuture—whichultimatelystrengthensourabilitytosecureour Nation,”shecontinued.


retaintalentatacommandlikeSSP,andsaid theNavyshouldseekwaystobetterconnect today’syouthtoSTEMprograms

“Atthehigh-schoollevel,kidsdon’toften understand how doing the math might one day translate to developing a missile that fliesintospace.”

She pointed out that today’s young generations aren’t as exposed to STEM fields—especially in underrepresented communities—andthat’swherethedisconnect comes in recruiting before the collegiatelevel.

Finally, she discussed how important it is for women in STEM to be their greatest advocates and said,

NAMRU San Antonio welcomes America’s newest citizens JOINTBASE SANANTONIO-FORTSAM HOUSTON – (March 27 2024) – Immigration Service OfficerYoli Fleming administers the Oath ofAllegiance to 15 service members from the U.S. Army,Navy andAirForcewho became U.S.citizens from the countries ofChina,Kenya,Jamaica,Nigeria,Vietnam,Venezuela,andThe Philippines during a U.S.Citizenship Naturalization Oath Ceremonyheld at the Militaryand FamilyReadiness Center The keynote addresswas delivered byNavyNurse Capt.JenniferBuechel,ofWoodhaven,Mich.,commanding officer,Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) SanAntonio NAMRU SanAntonio’s mission is to conduct gap driven combat casualtycare,craniofacial,and directed energyresearch to improve survival,operational readiness,and safetyofDepartment ofDefense (DoD) personnel engaged in routine and expeditionaryoperations.It is one ofthe leading research and development laboratories forthe U.S.Navy underthe DoD and is one ofeight subordinate research commands in the global networkoflaboratories operating underthe Naval Medical Research Command in SilverSpring Md.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYBURRELLPARMER NAMRUSANANTONIOPUBLICAFFAIRS/RELEASED)
SSP’s missionfarintothefuture, Arnold-Berrios
successfully contribute
relationship building; hard work and dedication to mission;stayingtruetoyourself;andtaking care of
people—at every career level— areworththeirweightingold
more broadly, that SSP must do the same in order to adequately meetitsvitalcharge. “EverydollarthatisinvestedinSSPbrings nothingbutvaluefortheDoDandourcountry.” Equally as significant is building trusted and long-lasting relationships and partnerships, which is high-value currency at a commandlikeSSP “We all must be well-positioned to represent our command and the military contractor and industry partnerships we build today will successfully mature
said ArnoldBerriostypifiestheexcellentqualities leaders of all
to the
She is living proof that
JOINTBASE SANANTONIO-FORTSAM HOUSTON – (March 27 2024) – Capt.Jennifer Buechel,commanding officer,Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) SanAntonio joined byImmigration Service OfficerYoli Fleming with 15 service members from the U.S.Army,Navy andAirForcewho became U.S.citizens from the countries of China,Kenya,Jamaica,Nigeria,Vietnam,Venezuela,andThe Philippines during a U.S. Citizenship Naturalization Oath Ceremonyheld at the Militaryand FamilyReadiness Center (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBURRELLPARMER,NAMRUSANANTONIOPUBLICAFFAIRS/ RELEASED) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 4, 2024
Tracy Arnold-Berrios from Page 3
Finish your high school diploma, foryou andfor them. Find free,flexibleand supportive adult education centersnearyou at FinishYourDiploma.org. When you graduate, they graduate. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 5
NSMRL team is dedicated to women’s health research

GROTON Conn ThroughoutWomen’s HistoryMonth,theNavalMedicalResearch &Developmententerprisehighlightsefforts to enhance the experience of women in the Navy—efforts such as Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory (NSMRL)’s Undersea Health Epidemiology Research Program (UHERP), the only research team intheNavythatstudiesthehealthofwomen diversandsubmariners.

Women were not always allowed in the submarine environment. It was in 2010 that the U.S. Navy integrated women into the Submarine Force, and the decision was controversial—it had been argued that women could not fit into the submarine environment (Boyle, 1999). However, as we look back over a decade later, this decision didnotleadtoanylastingnegativeimpacts, andhasonlycontinuedtoincreasetheavailable pool of talent within the Submarine force(Stoner,2021)

As women started to integrate into the Submarine Force, concerns arose regarding how the submarine environment might affect the health of these new submariners NSMRL received a tasker directly from the Secretary of the Navy, requesting research onhowthepsychologicalandepidemiological aspects of the submarine environment affect women. Out of this request, UHERP was established, and has since grown to study not only the health of women, but to providecriticaldataanalysisthatcouldidentifyandcharacterizeemergingandongoing heath threats among all Navy submariners anddivers “Ourgoal, saidDr BrianMaguire,senior epidemiologist on the UHERP team, “is to create actionable knowledge that can directly support Navy operations, training, andpolicydevelopment.”

“You have to understand a population before you can make changes,” said Linda Hughes UHERP’s program manager, statistician, and founding member of the team, “Wehavetoidentifywhoisatrisk,andwhat

they’reatriskfor,andthenwecancomeup with methods to mitigate, whether that’s through changes to medical guidance, onboardequipment,orscreenings.”

Born and raised in Cocoa Beach, Fla., WernerhasbeenservinginAmerica’sNavy for 15 years with the active-duty force, first beingcommissionedintheNavyReserveas anensignin2005.

Before attending dental school at the University of Missouri at Kansas City WernerwasrecruitedforserviceintheNavy Dental Corps through the Health ProfessionsScholarshipProgram(HPSP).

“My father was part of the first class of HPSP scholarship recipients attending medicalschool,”saidWerner,whohasbeen a board-certified pathologist for 10 years, and a molecular biologist for two years “I wantedtofollowinhisfootsteps,andsubsequently applied for and was awarded an HPSPscholarshiptoattenddentalschool.

As the principal scientific advisor to the commanding officer, Werner oversees all scientific endeavors and programs of NAMRUSanAntoniotoincluderepresenting the command in scientific matters with other military organizations, civilian agencies,andacademia.

According to Werner, the Navy has been incredibly supportive in her professional training “The Navy has been my family since I commissioned, said Werner. “I have been afforded incredible opportunities to travel, expand my horizons, and achieve my goals asapathologist,scientist,andasaleader.” Werner recalled receiving her first researchgrantandbeingamentor “I was able to set up a small molecular biologylabtostudythemoleculareffectsof directedenergy-associatedinjuriesonskin/ connective tissues,” said Werner “I’ve also hadtheopportunitytomentorseveralNaval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) interns and dental residents in

NSMRL, part of Navy Medicine’s Research & Development enterprise, and based out of Groton, Connecticut, sustains the readiness and superiority of undersea warfighters through innovative health and performanceresearch.

Boyle R. (Dec 1999) Women Should Not Serve on Submarines U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, 125/12/1,162 [Digital copy available:https://www.usni.org/magazines/ proceedings/1999/december/womenshould-not-serve-submarines]

Stoner,C.(June2021).WomeninSubmarines: 10 Years Later Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic News Stories. https:// www.sublant.usff.navy.mil/Press-Room/ News-Stories/Article/2671319/women-insubmarines-10-years-later/

To understand how the undersea environmentcanaffectwomen’shealth,UHERP scientistsmuststudythefemalepopulation ofdiversandsubmariners,arelativelysmall demographic However small the population,thepositiveeffectsofUHERPresearch has echoed throughout the Submarine Force.In2022,UHERPwon“BestInShow” at the Military Health Systems Research Symposium for their presentation on the health of female divers, which concluded that the risks associated with diving differ betweenmenandwomen.Theresultsofthis one study show the importance of targeted understanding. “Thebestmedicineisprevention,”saidDr Ben Lawson, NSMRL’s technical director, “Andit’simportanttoknowwhatiscausing adverse health outcomes before those risks canbereduced. We don’t know the long-term effects of our work,” says Dr. Maguire, “It’s our job to find the risks and share that information, which can assist decision-makers who are creating policy or guidelines and it is our hope that the work we do can inform those decisions.

managerofthe Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory(NSMRL)’s Undersea Health EpidemiologyResearch Program (UHERP),presents a UHERPposterduring the MilitaryHealth System Research Symposium (MHSRS) NSMRL part ofNavyMedicine’s Research & Development enterprise,and based out of Groton,Connecticut sustains the readiness and superiorityofunderseawarfighters through innovative health and performance research.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYEMILYSWEDLUND/RELEASED).
KISSIMMEE,Fla.(Aug.15,2023) Ms.Linda Hughes,program
Naval Medical Research Unit San Antonio JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON Approximately 50 percent of Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) San Antonio’s military and support personnel is comprised of women. Therefore,itisfittingthatthe2024themeof Women’s History Month be “Women Who HaveMadeGreatAchievements.”
of the highly
women within Navy
Cmdr Rachel Werner, Dental Corps, NAMRU San Antonio’sactingchiefsciencedirector
pursuingtheirresearchinterests.” Routinelyovercomingchallenges,Werner believesinthemissionofNAMRUSanAntonio and the importance of the research beingconductedforwarfightersurvival. “The best part of being at NAMRU San Antonio is our brilliant and talented family that gets the mission done each and every day,” said Werner “Our group comprises military, civilians, and contractors within our finance, administration, and science directorates;weallworktogethertogetthe jobdone.” NAMRU San Antonio’s mission is to conduct gap driven combat casualty care, craniofacial, and directed energy research to improve survival, operational readiness, andsafetyofDepartmentofDefense(DoD) personnel engaged in routine and expeditionaryoperations ItisoneoftheleadingresearchanddevelopmentlaboratoriesfortheU.S.Navyunder the DoD and is one of eight subordinate research commands in the global network of laboratories operating under the Naval Medical Research Command in Silver Spring,Md NAMRU San Antonio spotlights Navy Dentist during Women’s History Month JOINTBASE SANANTONIO-FORTSAM HOUSTON – (March 27 2024) – One ofthe highlyprofessionalwomenwithin NavyMedicine is Cmdr RachelWerner,Dental Corps,Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) SanAntonio’s acting chiefscience director.Born and raised in Cocoa Beach, Fla.,Wernerhas been serving inAmerica’s Navyfor15yearswith the active-dutyforce,first being commissioned in the NavyReserve as an ensign in 2005.Before attending dental school at the UniversityofMissouri at Kansas City,Wernerwas recruited forservice in the NavyDental Corps through the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP).Approximately50 percent ofNAMRU SanAntonio’s militaryand support personnel is comprised ofwomen.Therefore,it is fitting that the 2024 theme ofWomen’s HistoryMonth be“WomenWho Have Made Great Achievements. NAMRU SanAntonio’s mission is to conduct gap driven combat casualtycare craniofacial,and directed energyresearch to improve survival operational readiness,and safetyofDepartment ofDefense (DoD) personnel engaged in routine and expeditionaryoperations. It is one ofthe leading research and development laboratories forthe U.S.Navyunderthe DoD and is one ofeight subordinate research commands in the global networkoflaboratories operating underthe Naval Medical Research Command in SilverSpring Md.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYBURRELLPARMER,NAMRUSANANTONIOPUBLICAFFAIRS/RELEASED) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 4, 2024

USS Curtis Wilbur

ByENSAndieMartinez Commander Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet

SAN DIEGO The Arleigh Burke-class guidedmissiledestroyerUSSCurtisWilbur (DDG 54) responded to a distress call from two boaters stranded off the coast of San Diego,March4.

Uponreceivingamaydaydistresscall,the shipmaneuveredtothedistressedvesselto assist Uponarrivingatthescene,theCurtis Wilbur crew found the vessel sinking with onepersoninthewaterandanotherpartially atopthesubmergedvessel.

The Curtis Wilbur rapidly deployed its Rigid Inflatable Boat (RHIB) and Seach and Rescue (SAR) swimmer to recover the distressedmariners. Following recovery, the crew provided the mariners with medical examinations anddryclothingbeforetheirtransfertoSan Diego by a Coast Guard Search and Rescue helicopter.

“I could not be more proud of the Sailors on Curtis Wilbur for their quick response and display of professionalism, said Cmdr Joseph Foster, commanding officer of USS Curtis Wilbur. “Each Sailor involved showcasedtheirtraining,andexpertlysavedtwo menatseatoday.”

USS Curtis Wilbur is homeported in San Diego and part of the U.S. 3rd Fleet, which leads naval forces in the Indo-Pacific and provides the realistic, relevant training necessary for an effective global Navy U.S. 3rd Fleet works in close coordination with othernumberedfleetstoprovidecommanders with capable, ready forces to deploy forwardandwininday-to-daycompetition, crisis,andconflict.

(DDG 54) rescues two men at sea
Localbusiness news at your fingertips 24/7. Insidebiz.com GetSmart about business www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 7
SANDIEGO–TheArleighBurke-classguidedmissiledestroyerUSSCurtisWilbur(DDG54)respondedtoadistresscallfromtwoboatersstrandedoffthe coastofSanDiego,March4.(COURTESYPHOTO)
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 4, 2024


OnMonday,April8,mostofNorthAmericawillhavethechancetoseetheMoonpass in front of the Sun during a solar eclipse. NASA is inviting the public to participate with in-person events, opportunities to do NASA science, and multiple ways to watch online Millionsofpeoplealongthepathoftotality which stretches from Texas to Maine in the United States will see a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the Sun. Outside the path of totality, people across the contiguous United States will have a chance to see a partial solar eclipse, whentheMooncoverspartoftheSun.Learn howtosafelyviewthiscelestialevent.

coverage will include live views of the eclipse from across North America, special appearances by NASA experts, astronauts aboardthespacestation,andaninsidelook at NASA’s eclipse science experiments and watch parties across the country NASA’s broadcastwilllastthreehours,andfeatures livelocationsfromacrossthenationincluding the agency’s only center in the path of totality, NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Ohio,aswellas:

„ Carbondale,Illinois

„ Dallas

„ Houlton,Maine

„ Indianapolis

„ Kerrville,Texas

„ NiagaraFalls,NewYork

„ Russellville Arkansas


NASA also will host a watch party of the eclipse in Spanish starting at 1:30 p.m. on YouTube

NASA will provide a no-commentary, telescope-only feed of the eclipse on NASA Television’s media channel and YouTube, starting at 1 p.m. and running for three hours The telescope feed will incorporate views from multiple locations and will be switched based on weather, the eclipse’s progress, and feed availability Locations mayinclude:

„ Carbondale,Illinois

„ Cleveland

„ Dallas

„ Houlton,Maine

„ Indianapolis

„ Torreón Mexico „ TupperLake,NewYork

NASA’sWallopsFlightFacilityinVirginia will provide a commentated livestream of three sounding rocket launches for the Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path mission The livestream will begin at 2:30p.m.onNASAWallops’YouTubechannel and conclude after the last of the three soundingrocketlaunches.

NASA’sinteractiveEclipseExplorerMap willallowuserstotrackthetotalsolareclipse in real time on April 8 as it moves across NorthAmerica.Usethetoolaheadoftimeto searchbyzipcodeorcityforeclipsetiming, get real-time weather updates, percent of eclipse coverage and even a corona predictionforlocationsinthepathoftotality How

Watch through eyes of NASA NASAwillhostlivecoverageoftheeclipse starting at 1 p.m. EDT The agency’s eclipse

The NASA broadcast will stream on NASA+, air on NASA TV, and the agency’s website Learn how to stream NASA TV through a variety of platforms including


„ Junction,Texas

„ Kerrville Texas

„ Mazatlán,Mexico

„ NiagaraFalls,NewYork

„ Russellville,Arkansas

day. Nauticus recommends reserving tickets online

TheApril 8,2024,solareclipsewill bevisible in the entire contiguous United States,weatherpermitting People along the path oftotalitystretching fromTexas to Mainewill have the chance to see a total solareclipse; outside this path,a partial solareclipsewill bevisible.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFNASA)
to watch upcoming total solar eclipse with NASA from anywhere PressRelease NORFOLK Va To celebrate the Battleship Wisconsin’s 80th Commissioning
Nauticus will be offering complimentary admission to
and the battleship for active duty and veteran services members throughout the entire month of
April thanks to the generous supportofWorldofWarships.
Battleship Wisconsin is the last battleship built by the Navy and it’s a privilegetocelebratebyopeningourdoorstothe men and women who serve this country,” said Nauticus executive director, Stephen Kirkland. “At Wargaming, we’re passionate about preserving naval history and honoring the legacyoftheseincrediblevessels Supporting naval ship museums is our way of ensuring thatthesacrificesandachievementsofpast generationsareneverforgotten,”saidArtur Plociennik, Regional Publishing Director at World of Warships “We are honored to be a part of the USS Wisconsin’s 80th anniversary celebration and we look forward to continuingourpartnershipwithNauticusto educateandinspirefuturegenerationsabout thesignificanceofnavalheritage.” Thismilitaryadmissionofferisoneofthe many happenings Nauticus will be hosting throughout the month of April in honor of thishistoricanniversary Tolearnaboutthe other events and happenings in honor of BattleshipWisconsin,pleaseclickhere. Complimentarymilitaryticketavailability is limited each
in advance Additionally
on general admission tick-
to all military service
dependents, after
About Nauticus: Nauticus is a maritime discovery center located along the waterfront in downtown, Norfolk, VA offering a unique form of experiential learning for all ages. Through interactive exhibits and STEM to STERN programming, Nauticus uses the museum, Battleship Wisconsin, sailing center, and Schooner Virginiato tell the story of the maritime environment industry,andthemilitary NauticusFoundationisthenonprofit,501©3thatsupportsthe missionandactivitiesofNauticus Nauticus missionistobenefitthecommunitythrough education,impactfulexperiences,andsharing access to maritime resources. For more information,visitwwwnauticus.org About World of Warships: World of Warshipsisafree,historical,onlinecombat PCgamefromWargaming Withitsmassive fleet of most iconic war vessels including five different ship classes and strategically designed environment, World of Warships providestheultimatenavalwarfaregaming experience,suitableforeveryone.Thanksto itslargestcollectionofhistoricallyaccurate ships available to play, World of Warships prides itself as a digital ship museum and a focal point for naval history enthusiasts Newthematiccontentandinnovativegame modes are being added on a regular basis providing a diverse and exciting gameplay toitsbroadplayerbase. Onefranchise multipleplatforms After the successful launch of World of Warships on PC, its unique gameplay and design has been adapted to bring free massive naval battles to other platforms with World of Warships: Legends available on PlayStation and Xbox and World of Warships Blitz on iOS and Android mobile devices. Official website: http://www worldofwarships.com FREE military admission to Nauticus in April in honor of Battleship Wisconsin’s 80th anniversary INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Simple, convenient salads to celebrate Spring Letting in a little fresh airwith an open windowora screen dooris a sure sign of spring!Take that open-airfreshness to new heights bypairing itwithyourown signature spins on salad season. PageC4 The BattleshipWisconsin at Nauticus.(PHOTOCOURTESYNAUTICUS) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 1
$3 off
ets will
reserving your ticket.ClickheretoreserveaFREEmilitary ticket!

AAFMAA joins DoD-led military spouse employment partnership

Joining the partnership allows AAFMAA to become an integral part of the initiative to connect military spouses with meaningful employment opportunities.

ByAmericanArmedForces MutualAidAssociation

FT MYER, Va The American Armed ForcesMutualAidAssociation(AAFMAA), the nation’s longest-standing nonprofit financialsolutionsproviderforthemilitary community todayannouncesapartnership withtheMilitarySpouseEmploymentPartnership (MSEP), a Department of Defense (DoD) led initiative that connects military spouses with hundreds of partner employers who have committed to recruit, hire, promoteandretainmilitaryspouses. MSEPservestoincreasecareeropportunitiesformilitaryspousesbypartneringwith like-minded organizations that offer career optionsandcompetitivesalariesequivalent totheirciviliancounterparts

“With the unemployment rate for military spouses roughly at 21%, we want to do what we can to decrease that number,” said

MichaelMeese,PresidentofAAFMAA “We arethrilledtojoinMSEPandarecommitted toincreasingemploymentopportunitiesfor military spouses who have long struggled to maintain steady employment due to the challengesassociatedwithmilitarylife.”

AAFMAAjoinsover700MSEPpartners, whohavecontributedtohiringover275,000 military spouses As the DoD website explains, “MSEP, a targeted recruitment

workenvironment.Currently,AAFMAAhas officesinVirginiaandNorthCarolina,with military spouses working remotely from locationsincludingPoland,Texas,andJoint

and employment solution, creates employment connections that provide companies with direct access to military spouses seeking career opportunities and spouses with direct access to employers who are actively recruiting.”AAFMAAisproudtobeleading theefforttoenhancespouseemployment

AAFMAAiscommittedtoprovidingmilitary spouses with employment opportunities, in addition to a supportive and flexible

Community SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS, NEWS AND PHOTOS The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/ PressRelease TheVirginiaAquarium&MarineScience Center is excited to announce the addition of a new boat tour experience starting on April 20, called Owls Creek Marsh Cruise! Searchforosprey,eagles,herons,andother wildlifeduringthis45-minutecreekcruise forages6andupontheAtlanticScout Join the Aquarium educators and boat captain as we slowly cruise and explore the native habitat and fauna that makes Owls Creek and Lake Rudee one of Virginia Beach’s most valuable natural resources The tour will be on the Atlantic Scout, our low-riding rigid inflatable boat (RIB) whichcanseat40passengerswithacanvas awning for shade This tour is perfect for those looking for a more controlled and smoother ride or someone looking for a unique marsh scenery What to Expect on Atlantic Scout Tours „ Guestsages6anduparewelcome „ Guestcapacityis38 „ Restrooms are available for urgent use only „ Guestsmustbeabletonavigatestairs „ Please leave backpacks or large bags lockedinyourcar „ Alcoholandlargecoolersarenotpermittedaboardtheboat. „ Advancedonlinereservationsarestrongly encouraged. „ Tickets are non-refundable unless the touriscanceledbythecaptain „ Passengers should report to the AquariumBoatDock(neartheoutdoorSeal Exhibit) at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled tour Tickets are $19.95 and on sale now. The Owls Creek Marsh Cruise will be available until May 31, before the start of the Scout’s Dolphin tour season. Tickets can be purchased online at VirginiaAquarium. com. The Virginia Aquarium is located at 717 General Booth Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23451. Call (757) 385-3474 for more information. Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center announces new boat tour of Owls Creek Marsh - Tickets on sale now! Search forosprey eagles,herons and otherwildlife during the Owls CreekMarsh Cruise aboard theAtlantic Scout (PHOTOCOURTESYVIRGINIAAQUARIUM&MARINESCIENCECENTER)
BaseLewis-McCordinWashingtonState. AAFMAArecentlyjoinedBlueStarFamilies and the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s
4+1 Commitment to help combat military spouseunemployment AboutAAFMAA TheAmericanArmedForcesMutualAid Association(AAFMAA)isthelongest-standing nonprofit
solutions provider thatempowersthemilitarycommunitywith affordable financial solutions including always-affordable life insurance expert investment management, and customized residentialmortgages.Followtheorganiza-
Hiring Our Heroes Program
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, April 4, 2024
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, April 4, 2024 3

Simple,convenient salads to celebrate Spring

Letting in alittle fresh air withanopenwindowora screen doorisasuresignofspring,allowing the natural sightsandsmellsoftheoutdoorstoaccompanyyouatthe dinnertable.Takethatopen-airfreshnesstonewheights thisspringbypairingitwithyourownsignaturespinson saladseason.

Forexample,thisTunaandRiceNicoiseSaladoffersa newtakeontunasaladwitholivetapenade,capers,tomatoes,green beans and cherry tomatoes.Its calling card: swapping out potatoes in favorofMinute YellowRice Cups,which cookupfastasaconvenient and flavorful alternativethatsaves the choreofwashing,peelingand boilingpotatoes.FullycookedandpackagedinBPA-free cups, it features whiterice lightly seasoned withonion powder,garlicpowderandturmericforadelightfultaste readyinjust1minute

Asaperfectrecipeforthosewholoveveggies,thisdish combinesclassicsaladfreshnesswitholivetapenadefor abrinybiteinevery mouthful. Canned tunamixes with burstsofcapers,hard-boiled egg,crisp green beans and sweet cherry tomatoescappedoff with tart balsamic dressingtoroundoutthedish.

If youlove thetaste of crisp,peppery arugula,this Pomegranate and Arugula Rice Salad is practically perfect. Your favorite green shines alongside adelicious mixofsweetpomegranateseeds,crispalmondsandtart balsamic dressingthat’sidealfor astarter or side,oryou can add apreferred protein to turn it into asatisfying maincourse.

Incrediblycolorful withalively taste,brightflavors minglewithfluffygrainsofMinuteInstantJasmineRice, ready in just 5minutestokeep your dinnerscheduleon track. Aromatic white rice provides adistinct scent, perfecttextureand delicious taste that’sfast, fragrant,

flavorfulandfluffy.It’ssimplyprecookedthendriedwith nothing added but convenience to help youget tasty mealsonthetablequickly.

Requiringjust15minutestoprepare,thissaladisready in an instantand serves up to eight people,makingita solution for anything from family gatherings to meal preppingforabusyweekahead.

Findmorespringsaladsandotherflavorful,convenient recipesbyvisitingMinuteRice.com.

Tuna &RiceNicoise Salad

Prep time: 4minutes

Cook time:1minute



„ 1cupMinuteYellowRiceCups

„ 2tablespoonsbalsamicdressing

„ 2tablespoonsolivetapenade

„ 1teaspooncapers,drainedwell

„ ½cuphalvedcherrytomatoes

„ ½cupfrozengreenbeans,thawed

„ 1can(3ounces)tuna,drainedandflaked

„ 1hard-boiledegg,cutintowedges


Heatriceaccordingtopackagedirections Inmediumbowl,combinerice,balsamicdressing,tapenadeandcapers.Mixwell


Tip: Servesaladoverbedofmixedgreens,ifdesired.

Pomegranate &Arugula Rice Salad

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 5minutes

Servings: 8


„ 2cupsMinuteInstantJasmineRice



„ 3tablespoonsbalsamicvinegar

„ 2tablespoonsmincedredonion

„ 1tablespoonDijonmustard

„ 1teaspoonhoney

„ ½teaspoonsalt

„ ¼teaspoonblackpepper

„ 1bag(5ounces)arugula

„ 1cuppomegranateseeds



Directions: Preparerice according to package directions.Cool completely,about10minutes In large bowl, whisk oil,vinegar,red onion, mustard, honey,saltandpepper

Addrice,arugulaandpomegranateseedstobowl;toss tocoatthoroughly.Sprinklewithalmonds

Tips: „ Foraddedflavor,topsaladwithcrumbledgoatorblue cheese „ To cool rice quickly,spread evenly on parchment paper-linedbakingsheet

Pomegranate &Arugula

Tuna &Rice Nicoise Salad
4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 3| Thursday, April 4, 2024
Rice Salad


You may know someone who uses a wheelchair or walker to help increase their mobility Butdidyouknowthattheseitems are just a few of many that TRICARE may coverasdurablemedicalequipment(DME)? “TRICAREcoversarangeofDME,soyou and your family can make the most of this equipment if you need it,” said Elan Green chief MedicalBenefitsandReimbursement Branch for the TRICARE Health Plan. “If youhaveTRICAREForLife,it’salsoimportanttoknowhowMedicarecoversDME.

Read below to learn more about how TRICAREcoversDME


A: TRICARE defines DME as an item that can withstand repeated use serves a medicalpurpose andgenerallyisn’tuseful to someone who isn’t sick or injured. Common examples of DME include, but aren’t limited to: „ Mobility aids, such as walkers and wheelchairs

„ Glucosemonitors

„ Infusionpumps

„ Breastpumpsandbreastfeedingsupplies


A: TRICARE covers DME only when prescribedbyaprovider TheDMEmust: „ Improve, restore, or maintain the function of a body part, or help prevent your

conditionfromgettingworse „ Maximizeyourabilitytofunction(consistentwithyourmedicalneeds)

„ Providetherightlevelofperformanceand qualityforyourcondition

TRICARE covers breast pumps and breastfeeding supplies as DME at no cost fornewandexpectingparents

TRICARE also covers DME customizationorattachments ifyourproviderdecides thesearemedicallynecessaryorappropriate foryourcondition Forexample TRICARE maycoveracarliftforawheelchairuser Your regional contractor will decide to rent or purchase your DME based on the equipment’scostandyourcondition.

Q: Does TRICARE cover DME repairs, replacements,andmaintenance?

A: If you own DME that needs repairs TRICAREmaycovertherepairs TRICARE covers DME replacement in thefollowingcases: „ There’s a change to your physical condition.

„ TheDMEisdamaged „ The DME no longer works and can’t be fixed. „ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration saysitnolongermeetssafetystandards IfyouneedreplacementDME,you’llneed anewprescriptionfromyourTRICARE-authorized provider You may also need supportingdocumentation.

TRICARE only covers regular main-

tenance such as testing or cleaning the machine when the manufacturer requires an authorized technician to service the DME.

Q: How does TRICARE For Life cover DME?

A:If you have TRICARE For Life coverage, youmustfollowMedicare’srulesforgetting DME.Thisdoesn’tapplyifyouliveoverseas (notincludingU.S.territories). As outlined in the TRICARE For Life Handbook,MedicarePartB(medicalinsurance)coversDME.MedicarecoversDMEif yourMedicare-enrolledproviderprescribes it for use at home. Be sure to ask your DME supplier if they participate in Medicare, as you’llpaylessiftheydo

Check out Medicare.gov for more information about DME coverage including where to find DME equipment and suppliers

Q: What kind of equipment doesn’t TRICAREcover?

A:TRICAREdoesn’tcoverequipmentif: „ It has deluxe, unnecessary features that increaseitscost „ It doesn’t serve a solely medical purpose likehumidifiersorsmartwatches. „ Youcouldgetthesameequipmentfroma militaryhospitalorclinic,ifyou’reenrolled atone. „ You’re a patient in a facility that provides the equipment as part of its typical services

atnoextracost. „ It’s an exact duplicate of an item you alreadyownandwillonlyserveasabackup

Note: TRICARE may cover items that aren’t exact duplicates For example, TRICARE may cover a portable oxygen machineasabackupforastationaryoxygen machine

Q: What will I pay for DME under TRICARE?

A: Copayments and cost-shares for DME vary depending on your TRICARE plan and sponsor’s status Typically, network providers and suppliers will cost you

Defense Health Agency launches new digital health care tools at five military hospitals inlcuding Naval Medical Center Portsmouth

technologies that strengthenourdigitalplatformandprovide a comprehensive blend of self-guided care, real-time and flexible virtual care, and upgraded direct patient care—a model of care that fundamentally changes the experienceforpatients.” The five hospitals, referred to as venture sites,are: „ Martin Army Community Hospital, Fort Moore,Georgia „ NavalHospitalJacksonville Jacksonville, Florida „ Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Virginia „ 96thMedicalGroup,EglinAirForceBase, Florida „ 88thMedicalGroup,WrightPattersonAir ForceBase Ohio Crosland noted that the initial innovations will be targeted to primary care and behavioral health services “We’re focused ontestingnewapproachesatthesesitesand notjustthetechnology,”Croslandsaid.“We willstartwiththepatientfirst We’vegotto makehealthcarebetterandeasiertoaccess forourpatients.Fullstop.”

ofmonitoringandenteringdataforprovidersandpatientsisoffloadedondevices,and servicesareconnected.”

“We need to have less friction and allow patients to get in the door—and the door doesnotneedtobeaphysicalone Weneed an incentive system that makes it easy for medicalstafftoaccommodatepatients,”she said. “We need partnerships with industry to adapt to the most current technology andwhowillhelpuswithourinclinationto thinkvirtualfirst.”

“Last year, I outlined a vision where patients can better manage their own care and not face a dozen obstacles to get care when they need it, said Crosland. “On the provider side, a vision of the future is one where physicians, nurses, and medics are liberated by technology rather than burdened by it A future where the burden

“Thisisjustthebeginning,”saidCrosland. “Wearebuildingsomethingnew.We’renot going to be perfect but we’re going to get better Andthenwe’regoingtokeepgetting better.”

TRICARE covers avarietyofdurable medical equipmentwhen prescribed bya provider Ifyou haveTRICARE ForLife,you should followMedicare’s rules forgetting durable medical equipment (COURTESYPHOTO)
less out of pocket than non-network providers and suppliers Use the TRICARE Compare Costs Tool (online at https://tricare.mil/ costs/compare) to check your potential DMEcosts. Q:WherecanIfindmoreinformation? A: If you have questions about DME coverage, check the TRICARE Covered Services tool This list of covered services and suppliesisn’tallinclusive.Ifyouhavequestions about coverage and costs or you need helpfindinganetworkproviderorsupplier, callyourTRICAREregionalcontractor Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news, andmore Q&A: How TRICARE covers durable medical equipment ByKenCornwell MHS Communications TheDefenseHealthAgencyhaslaunched asuiteofnewdigitalhealthcaretoolsatfive militaryhospitals. Called “My Military Health, the tools will offer care that is individualized, accessible, and convenient. My Military Health will be accessible 24/7 by computer and mobiledevices,willallowpatientstoschedule appointments, engage with automated clinicalsupportformedicalconditions and useself-helpwellnessprograms DHA Director U.S. Army Lt Gen. Telita Crosland announced the strategic effort at last month’s 2024 annual meeting of AMSUS, The Society of Federal Health Professionals. “This helps us move beyond traditional modelsofcarethatrelyprimarilyonin-person visits,” Crosland said. “The tools will include cutting-edge
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