Flagship 03.07.2024

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Breaking barriers: The inspiring journey of Navy Region

Mid-Atlantic’s First 18-year-old federal police officer


Public Affairs Specialist, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic &MaxLonzanida, Public Affairs Officer Naval Weapons Station Yorktown

Ayoungwomanhasshatteredagebarriers tobecomethefirst18-year-oldfederalpolice officer for Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Meet theresilientanddeterminedKurstenClark, a recent high school graduate hailing from Hampton, Virginia. Her journey from the halls of New Horizon Educational Center to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco Georgia, is not only a testament to her tenacity, Clark is alsoabeaconofinspirationforaspiringlaw enforcementprofessionals

Discovering the Dream

Clark’sjourneybeganwhensheattended apresentationatNewHorizonEducational Center,whereshelearnedabouttheopportunity to join the federal police force The decision to embark on this path is a testament to her courage, also a reflection of her commitment to serving her country The seed of aspiration planted in those educational halls would soon blossom into a groundbreaking career as a Department of Defense uniformed police officer assigned toNavalWeaponsStationYorktown.

“I knew from when I was a kid, and even



my parents told me I wanted to become a police officer,” said Clark. “I never knew where exactly, but I knew I wanted to do it, IlovehelpingothersoutandonceIsawand heardthepresentation,itsealedthedeal.”

Nervous Beginnings

The transition from high school to a federal law enforcement career was not without its challenges As Clark set foot in FLETCinGlynco,Georgia,forhertraining, she faced the daunting prospect of being away from home for the first time The nerves were palpable but Clark’s determinationandresilienceprovedtobeherguidinglights

“Iwaskindofnervousleavinghome,butI wasalsoexcitedtoexperiencenewthings,” said Clark “It was my first time on a plane, anditwashonestlyoneofthecoolestthings I’vedone.”

A Crucible of Learning

FLETC is renowned for shaping future lawenforcementprofessionalsinthecountry Clark embraced the rigorous training with enthusiasm, demonstrating her commitmenttomasteringtheskillsrequired for her new role From physical fitness to tactical training, she met each challenge head-on.

“Being at FLETC is surprisingly cool.

Shootinggunswasfun.ThePTstuffisokay, but I liked when we learned how to use handcuffs,”saidClark.“Ireallylikethatthe programishandson,Ilearnbetterthatway.” Clark also mentioned that her favorite part was learning to drive the vehicles and that shewassurprisehowwellshedid.

Homegrown Talent

Clarks’ story is not just one of personal triumph but also a celebration of homegrowntalentbreakingbarriers Hailingfrom Hampton, Virginia,shebringsalocaltouch to the federal police force embodying the spirit of service and dedication that characterizes her community Clark is the first tobehiredattheageof18,butalsoafemale “I never thought I would be a trailblazer foranythinginmylife,Iamhonoredtopath the road for future young females,” said Clark. “I do have to add, it is always nice to see people’s reaction when they hear my age,”Clarkadded.

Ready for Duty

AsClarkcompleteshertrainingatFLETC, shestandsattheprecipiceofagroundbreaking career Her journey from a high school graduate to a federal police officer is an inspiration to those who dare to dream big andpursuetheirpassionswithunwavering determination.

“Iwanttotellothergirls,‘Keepyourhead high, no matter what anyone tells you, you knowyourtruth,andyouknowwhatyou’re capable of If you have goals and dreams, chasethem,don’tgiveuponyourself,you’re capable of anything and everything’,” said Clark.

NWSYorktown’sSecurityOfficer,Ensign Patrick Moore echoed her enthusiasm and commendedhergroundbreakingroleatthe youngest civilian police officer within the installation’ssecuritydepartment.

“Officer Clarke is an integral part of our NavySecurityForce.Hermotivationtojoin one of the finest and uniquely capable law enforcement agencies in the region always impresses me She has done superbly in every respect, and we are proud and fortunate to have her on the force here, said EnsignMoore.

In the annals of Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s history, Clark’s story will be etched as a milestone—a testament to the power of dreams and the resilience of youth. As she takes her place among the federal police officers we celebrate not just an individual achievement,butalsoasymbolofpotential, breaking barriers, and embracing opportunities Clark’s journey reminds us that with courageanddetermination,anyonecanrise to new heights The future of law enforcement is bright, thanks to trailblazers like KurstenClark,whopavedthewayforothers tofollowinherfootsteps

than 10,000 employees across our waterfront, each one playing a vital role in the servicetoourNation’sFleet Fromwelding, to pipefitting, to engineering, and so much more ourshipyardfamilyhasanimmense talent and is always ready to meet the missionnomatterwhat In2024 wewanted to find new ways to highlight the amazing work being done by our teammates and this culminated in two new video series, FocusForwardandC.O.R.E Moments “These series are all about our most vital assetsofourshipyard ourworkforcewho putinthetimeandefforttorepair,modernize and inactivate our Nation’s fleet,” said Shipyard Commander Capt. Jip Mosman. “We have such a diverse workforce filled with talent and knowledge working daily to maintain our Nation’s Fleet and we want to highlight the amazing work everyone is doing and share some important topics of discussionthatbenefitourteammates.” Focus Forward is aimed at spotlighting the individuals, shops, codes, or even project teams getting the job done, celebrating their hard work and dedication as well as shedding light on how what they do is integral to the Navy’s mission. Our first episode featured Code 990’s Temporary ServiceDepartmentinShop 99 whereone of the consumable hubs has been stood up to aid our workforce in ensuring our teammates have the material and tools they need at the ready
shipyard in ACTION Norfolk Naval Shipyard launches
video series to highlight workforce NorfolkNaval Shipyard Commander Capt.Jip Mosman speakswith Inventory Management Specialist Michael Cornette during the filming ofFocus Forward Episode One - Consumable Hubswhilevideographer Ryan Hill captures the moment (PHOTOBY SHELBYWEST NORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD) VOL.32 NO 9,Norfolk,Va | flagshipnews.comMarch 7-March 13,2024 IN THIS ISSUE Navy pins first Robotics Warfare Specialist TheChiefofNavalPersonnel,ViceAdm.RickCheeseman, andtheNavy’sPersonnelPlansandPolicyDivision(N13) Director,RearAdm.JimWaters,pinnedMasterChief ChristopherRambertastheNavy’sfirstRoboticsWarfare SpecialistduringanofficecallatNavalSupportFacility Arlington,Virginia,Feb.27 2024. PAGEA4 THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! MOD Pizza opens first military location at Norfolk Navy Exchange With the cutting ofa ribbon,the Norfolk NavyExchangewelcomed its newest food partnerand made historybybeing the first militaryinstallation to open a MOD Pizza, Feb.27 PAGEA2 TurntoNNSYVideoSeries, Page 2 Hampton,Va (March 4,2024) OfficerKursten Clarke,a Department ofNavyCivilian Police Officerassigned to the Security Department at NavalWeapons StationYorktown speaks to students enrolled at the NewHorizons CenterforApprenticeship &AdultTraining in Hampton,Virginia.OfficerClarke recentlygraduated from the Federal LawEnforcementTraining Center (FLETC) in South Carolina,and holds the distinction ofbeing theyoungest female FLETC graduate thus far.She also graduated in 2023 as part ofthe CriminalJustice cohort at the NewHorizons CenterforApprenticeship &AdultTraining in Hampton, Virginia.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMAXLONZANIDA/RELEASED) ABOVE: Glynco,Ga.(left to right) Sonia Liverpool,Kursten Clark,andTeddySmith Kursten holding hercertificate at FLETC’s graduation. BELOW: Glynco,Ga.Kursten Clarkgoing through tactical training at FLETC.(PHOTOSBYDAVIDTUCKER, FLETCVISUALINFORMATIONSPECIALIST) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 1

NORFOLK,Va (NNS) Withthecutting of a ribbon, the Norfolk Navy Exchange welcomeditsnewestfoodpartnerandmade historybybeingthefirstmilitaryinstallation toopenaMODPizza,Feb.27

Those in attendance to mark the celebration were leaders from Norfolk Navy Exchange, Navy Exchange Command (NEXCOM), MOD Corporate, franchise operator, ONE Enterprise Group and NAVSTA Norfolk. With the opening of its inaugural military base location, MOD extendsitsreachtomorethan82,000activeduty military personnel, 112,000 family membersandadditionalpatrons.

“This has been an amazing journey, one filled with grit and gratitude If you read anythingaboutMOD,youknowthatiswhat wearemadeof Wechosethisbrandbecause it resonates with who we are as people,” said Cassandra Bozeman, ONE Enterprise Group “The model of our company is ‘we exist to serve those who serve.’ We are so grateful to serve our military personnel, their families, veterans and all Navy Exchangepatrons.”

The new location reflects MOD Pizza’s ongoinginitiativetoexpandintouniqueand non-traditional settings, fostering a sense ofcommunityandaccessibilityforcustomers This endeavor aligns with the company’s forward-looking vision emphasizing the exploration of distinctive locations for futuregrowth.

“We are thrilled to open our very first militarylocationright hereatNavalStation Norfolk,” said Steve Blum, Chief Development Officer at MOD “We offer nutritional ingredients,fullycustomizable,donesuperfastwhichresonatesreallywellwithservice members.”

NNSY Video Series

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hard since the initial launch of consumable hubs and have already seen more than 50 stoodupacrossourshipyard Thesegreatly benefit our workforce and this provides anotheravenueforustoshowhowthehubs work, how our teammates can request or checkoutmaterial,andwhat’snextforus.”

C.O.R.E. Moments is set up similar to a talkshowbetweenasmallnumberofguests, aimed as a discussion to highlight important topics for the shipyard workforce Our

firstepisodefeaturedCapt.Mosmanalongside African American Employee Resource Group (AA-ERG) Chairperson Michael Taylor, the two conversing about Black History Month, ERGs, and diversity and cultureintheworkplace.

“I thank Capt Mosman and the team for taking the time to sit down with me ask questions andbeabletolisten, saidTaylor “Beingabletosharemyperspectiveonsuch important topics is wonderful and I think this will bring more important discussions

to the forefront from a variety of our teammates ready to share their stories I’m lookingforwardtoseeingwhat’snext.”

These episodes and all future episodes willbeavailableacrossNNSY’ssocialmedia platformsaswellasDefenseVisualInformationDistributionService(DVIDS)athttps:// www.dvidshub.net/unit/NNSY If you’d like to be featured in an upcoming episode or have ideas about what we should focus on next, please reach out to NNSY_PAO@ us.navy.mil.

Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner 757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil AssistantEditor | MC2 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes, Kaitlyn Hewett, Elizabeth Reisen 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com FreeClassifiedAdvertising 757-622-1455 | Distribution&HomeDelivery 757-446-9000 distribution@pilotonline.com Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm.Wesley McCall RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker PublicAffairs Deputy Director | Leon Moore The Flagship® is published by Flagship, LLC., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, LLC. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, LLC., whose offices are located at 223E. City Hall Ave, Suite 400A, Norfolk, VA 23510. © 2021 Flagship, LLC. All rights reserved “I think being able to showcase the work being done here on the waterfront is great it allows others to see what’s going on around the shipyard that they might not get a chance to see during their day-to-day work, saidInventoryManagementSpecialist Michael Cornette “Being able to share theworkwe’vebeendoingformaterialand toolingisgreatbecausewe’vebeenworking
during the ribbon cutting, ONE Enterprise GroupandMODdonated$1,000fromtheir previousdaysalestoNorfolk’sNavy-Marine CorpsReliefSociety. “It is extremely exciting to have another foodoptionattheNavyExchange andeven betterthatitisaMODPizza,”saidtheirvery first customer, Boatswains Mate 1st Class Lakeisha Taylor “I have no doubt this is goingtobesuperpopular.” MOD Pizza is located at the Main Navy Exchange Food Court. Hours are Monday toFriday:9:00amto7:00pm;Saturday:9:00 amto6:00pm;Sunday:9:00amto5:00pm MOD Pizza opens first military location at Norfolk Navy Exchange NEXNorfolk,Virginia,held the grand opening forMOD Pizza,located in the store’s food court.Attending the ribbon cutting ceremonyon Feb.27 2024 was Kelvin Oliver Operations Manager NEX Norfolk;Joel Carmona,Regional Food Service Operations Manager,NavyExchange Service Command (NEXCOM)TidewaterDistrict; Cassandra Bozeman,Owner,MOD Pizza; Capt.Janet H.Days, Commanding Officer,Naval Station Norfolk; andTonyBozeman,Owner,MOD Pizza.This is the first MOD Pizza openedwithin the NEXCOM enterprise.NEXCOM enableswarfighterreadiness and strengthens the Navy’s qualityoflife mission.Providing essential products services hospitalityand outfitting Navycommunities around the globe,NEXCOM is continuouslyevolving to meet the demands oftoday’s militaryoperational environment (U.S.NAVYPHOTO) Patrons line up to trythe newMOD Pizza that opened on Feb.27 2024,at the NEXNorfolkfood court.This is the first MOD Pizza openedwithin the NavyExchange Service Command (NEXCOM) Enterprise. (U.S.NAVYPHOTO) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 7, 2024

From mechanics to supervisors, connecting the dots

Having grown up on a farm in Guntersville Alabama, Capt. Jonathan Gandy recountedhow,asateenager hewasanxious to leave and do something different. That desiretoleavehometookhimtoAnnapolis, Maryland,andtheNavalAcademy,wherehe startedhisnavaljourney Now,aftermultiple duty stations and becoming Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s (NNSY) newest Production ResourcesOfficer,Gandyreflectedonsome ofthedutystationsthathaveimpactedboth hiscareerandhispersonallife Theonethat stands out the most, and that he considers home is Hawaii, where he spent ten years atvariouscommands,methiswife,andwas birthplacetotwoofhisfourchildren.

Another tour that stands out is his time as the Repair Officer aboard the submarine tender, USS Frank Cable (AS 40), in Guam.

“The sense of purpose and mission for me and my team was pretty top-notch,” Gandy recalled “We were working on submarines thatwerealreadydeployed,andjustadayor twoawayfrombeingonmission,whichwas prettyspectacular.”

Gandyspentaportionofhiscareerattwo of the U.S. Navy’s public shipyards before adding NNSY to his list in January 2024 Now that he has arrived at NNSY, Gandy is diving in with clear goals and a desire to completethemissionwithexcellence

“In Code 900 we need to focus on two things, he stated “Primary is to train, develop and coach the best mechanics, and second,todevelop,qualifyandcoachthebest supervisors I think if we get those things right,andwe’redoingitearnestly,andwe’re spendingourtimeteaching,supervising,and providingoversightattherighttimes,everythingelsefallsintolineafterthat.”

During his time at Amazon on a Secretary of the Navy initiative called Tours with Industry, Gandy added additional words

to an attitude and mindset he had already developed throughout his military career Oneofthoseconceptswas,“abiasforaction.” Thisideaencouragesasenseofdirectionand purpose in people’s everyday activities “I thinkalotoftimesit’seasyforustosay,‘well wecanwaituntilMondayornextweek, but that won’t get our ships out on time, that won’t get the Fleet ready to respond when thenationneedstheNavy SoIwouldsay,we needtohaveabiasforaction.“

“We need to see ourselves as leaders all the way down to the mechanic,” Gandy added. “We are the best at what we do We need to make sure that what I mentioned earlier about that training developing, coaching process is happening all the time to make sure that our people are the best at what they do and are leaders [in their area ofinfluence].”

When asked what he hopes to accomplish in his time at NNSY, Gandy replied, “I’ve tried to build relationships where my teammemberscancometomesaying ‘Hey Captain,thisiswhatweintendtodo’rather than the team that comes to me and says ‘HeyCaptain,whatdoyouwanttodo?’

He added, “I want to build that team that is already proactive, that is already problem-solving, that is already thinking out into the future. The goal is to have a team thatisbiasedforaction-theyaregoingout, andtheyarebuildingtheirownbestattempt at problem resolution. Very often the team that is fully entrenched in that problem is theteamthatisbestequippedtoauthorand implementasolutiontothatproblem.”

WhilehistouratNNSYwillbeabusyone, Gandy plans to explore the local area with his family during his offhours.Asthisis his first tour on the East Coast, they intend to make the most of the natural and historical sites that are in abundance along the coast. NNSY extends a warm welcome to Capt Gandyandhisfamilyandwisheshimallthe bestasheassumesthedutiesofCode900


with NNSY’s new Production Resources Officer Capt. Jonathan Gandy NorfolkNaval Shipyard’s (NNSY) newest Production Resources Officer,Capt.Jonathan Gandy (PHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER2NDCLASSMEGANBRANNON) Listen to our top news stories for free. Tribune Publishing Company
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IWTC Virginia Beach holds U.S. territory display ceremony

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Virginia Beach’s Virginia Beach Multi-Cultural Committee hosted a United States territory display ceremony that included American Samoa Guam, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands on Mar. 1, 2024.

AmericanSamoawasrepresentedduring the ceremony by IWTC Virginia Beach’s ownSeamanLoluaLeomiti,whotakespride inhercultureandheritage.

Prior to the ceremony Leomiti spoke about her upbringing in American Samoa, her ultimate goal after serving in the military,andwhatshevaluesthemostabouther culture.

Leomiti was born Sep 7, 2001, on Tutuila,anislandofAmericanSamoa,whereshe livedupuntilreportingtobootcampinMay of2023.ShethenreportedtoIWTCVirginia Beach and has been at the command since graduatingbootcamp.SheiscurrentlywaitingtobeginherschoolingasanIntelligence Specialist, which begins with Intelligence Specialist A-School, the basic accession courseforherfuturerating. Leomitisaidherfatherisasourceofgreat inspiration for her. He spent 22 years in the U.S.NavyasaMachinist’sMatebeforeretiring Aftercompletinghistimeintheservice, he went back to American Samoa to reap the benefits of his military service with his family a path that Leomiti hopes to follow asherultimategoalafterservinginthenavy

Leomiti’s insight about Samoan culture provedtobeinterestingandenlightening.

After moving to the states, Leomiti said that she found that speaking to her fellow Samoans in their native tongue helps to brings her closer to them because they can greet each other in their language and feel a sense of togetherness in that respect Samoan culture has a profound saying that “youcantakeapersonoutoftheisland,but you can’t take the island out of a person” andthatshewillalwayscherishherculture whilesheisintheNavy

Leomiti spoke about her culture’s love of song and dance, how elders are greatly respected, how the community comes togetherforlargeevents,andhowherfamily andotherscanbeself-sustainingonTutuila.

Samoan culture did not develop a writtenlanguageuntilthe19thcentury;because of that, their culture is dependent on orally passing down its history from one generation to the next through song. Leomiti also spoke exuberantly about her culture’s love of dancing, specifically the Siva, a graceful, fluid storytelling dance that is a major part ofSamoanculture.

She said she appreciates her culture’s great respect for its elders and sense of community When a wedding or funeral is held, the community comes together with people from across the island to attend the event,includingothervillagechiefsandeven others from the opposite side of the island. Whetherincelebration,mourning,orboth, Samoan culture relies heavily on a sense of community Leomiti concluded by explaining about how a many Samoan families are self-sustainingontheisland,alifestylethatshetakes pridein Whilegrowingupontheisland,her family grew, harvested, sold, and ate their

own crops and also built their own homes onlandthattheyown.Whensheleavesthe service, Leomiti said she greatly desires to rejoin her family on Tutuila and own a portionofherfamily’slandherself IWTC Virginia Beach currently offers 74 courses of instruction in information technology cryptology, and intelligence with an instructor and support staff of over 300 military,civilian,andcontractmemberswho trainover7,000studentsyearlyatfivetraining sites It is one of four schoolhouses for the Center for Information Warfare Training(CIWT)andalsooverseeslearningsites atFortHuachuca,Arizona;Jacksonvilleand

Mayport, Florida; Kings Bay, Georgia; and Groton,Connecticut With four schoolhouse commands, two detachments, and training sites throughout the United States and Japan, Center for Information Warfare Training trains over 26,000 students every year delivering trained information warfare professionals to the Navy and joint services Center for Information Warfare Training also offers morethan200coursesforcryptologictechnicians,intelligencespecialists,information systemstechnicians,electronicstechnicians, and officers in the information warfare community

Navy pins first Robotics Warfare Specialist

Chief of Naval Personnel

ARLINGTON, Va The Chief of Naval Personnel, Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman,andtheNavy’sPersonnelPlansandPolicyDivision (N13) Director, Rear Adm. Jim Waters, pinned Master Chief Christopher Rambert as the Navy’s first Robotics WarfareSpecialistduringan office call at Naval Support Facility Arlington, Virginia, Feb.27,2024.

Theratinginsigniareveal followed the U.S. Navy’s announcement in NAVADMIN 036⁄24 establishing the branch’senlistedcareerfield for operators maintainers andmanagersofroboticand autonomoussystems.

The establishment of the RW rating underpins the Chief of Naval Operations Adm.LisaFranchetti’splans for building and developing “a team who has the reps and sets in sensors platformautonomy,andmission autonomy programs, and can provide input in machine-learning feedback processes,” a priority she discussed in her keynote address at the WEST 2024 navalconference.

Although Rambert is the first Sailor to don the new RW uniform rating badge, thedevelopmentoftheNavy roboticswarfarecommunity representsyearsofeffort.

“It’s a proud moment to see all the hard work that’s gone into developing this badge, and just seeing it finally get codified and brought to life tome itsignifiesthehardworkofthe peoplearoundme,”Rambertsaid.

From research and analysis to organizing working groups and designating individual subject matter experts, Sailors and Navycivilianemployeeshavebeenworking behind the scenes on creating the Robotics WarfareSpecialistcareerfieldformorethan threeyears

Its founding has distinguished the Navy as the first Department of Defense branch to establish a dedicated enlisted workforce specialized in unmanned and autonomous technology

“The RW rating is a major milestone in our Navy’s relentless march to achieve a truly hybrid Fleet,” Cheeseman penned in NAVADMIN036⁄24

According to Rambert the DoD’s hybrid forceframeworkisaforcemultiplier allowing Sailors to develop seasoned experience across the rating’s multiple domains subsurface, surface, air, and ground platforms With a background as an aviation elec-

trician’s mate, Rambert spoke to the tactical advantages that will come with the new rating’s initial cadre and the growing opportunityforfutureRWSailors

“Yougettheopportunitytogotosomany differentplaces, Rambertsaid.“Ifyoulook across the spectrum of the entire Navy, you’ve got Sailors that have the potential to really touch every single domain out there andthat’sveryrare.”

Rambert has served as the Navy’s sole Robotics Enlisted Community Manager at the Bureau of Naval Personnel since October2023.

“It’s really an awesome feeling to be the first one to represent the rating,” Rambert said. “And to see this rating finally come to fruition,youcanseethelevelofexcitement, and passion from the other Sailors that are outthere.”

Eligibility and Application

The initial selection of Sailors for RW conversionswillconsistprimarilyofactiveduty Sailors currently holding robotics-related Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) codes Sailors currently or previously

assignedtobilletsinunmannedvehicledivisionsareprimedforselection Active-duty E-4 to E-9 Sailors who meet theabovecriteriacanapplybysubmittinga NAVPERS1306⁄7ElectronicPersonnelAction Request (EPAR) form to BUPERS-328 or BUPERS-352(SELRES).

The Navy’s Fact Sheet focused on RW Conversion Opportunity provides further details on the specific NECs, ASVAB scores, and background requirements for applicants: https://www.mynavyhr.navy mil/Portals/55/Messages/NAVADMIN/ FACT_SHEETS/Fact_Sheet_NAV_036_24_ Conversion.pdf Rambertdescribedthesought-aftercharacteristicsofRWcandidatesasbeingdriven, adaptable,andmotivatedtobecomemasters ofthecraft.

“They have to have [the] drive to want to be a part of something that might not be entirely defined by policy,” Rambert said. “Theyneedtobepassionateaboutwhatthey do because what they’re learning now and thelessonslearnedthatwetaketothetable latercanhavehugeeffectsonthesuccessof theratingasweprogressintothefuture.”

Rating Symbol Design

Originally designed by Chief Aviation Electrician’s Mate McLean Monaghan the RW rating symbol comprises an airplane propeller and lightning bolt crossed over a treaded wheel, all layered over a single wave Each element represents a domain that U.S. Navy Robotics Warfare Specialists are expected to operate in to support the


„ Airplane Propeller - Aerial Systems

„ Lightning Bolt - The Electromagnetic

Spectrum „ Treaded Wheel - Ground Systems

„ Wave - Surface and Subsurface Systems

For information regarding the application process, visit the RW enlisted community management page on the MyNavy HR websiteat:https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/ Career-Management/Community-Management/Enlisted/Robotics-Warfare/

For more news from the Chief of Naval Personnel,followMyNavyHRonFacebook, Instagram,X(Twitter),andYouTube,orvisit https://www.navy.mil/cnp

Seaman Lolua Leomiti (right) spoke about the historyofAmerican Samoa during IWTCVirginia Beach United States territorydisplayceremony, which featuredAmerican Samoa,Guam,Puerto Rico,and the Northern Mariana Islands,on Mar 1,2024.(COURTESYPHOTO)
ARLINGTON,Va (Feb 27 2024) -The ChiefofNaval Personnel,ViceAdm.RickCheeseman,right and the Navy’s Personnel Plans and PolicyDivision (N13) Director,RearAdm.JimWaters present the newRoboticsWarfare Specialist (RW) rating insignia,worn byMasterChiefRoboticsWarfare Specialist Christopher Rambert,at Naval Support FacilityArlington,Feb.27 2024.Rambert the Navy’s Robotics Enlisted CommunityManager is the first Sailortowearthe RWuniform rating badge.The RWratingwas announced in NAVADMIN 036/24 establishing an enlisted careerfield forthe Navy’s operators maintainers,and managers of robotic and autonomous systems.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJEANETTEMULLINAX) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 7, 2024

NAVFAC MIDLANT Awards its 2024 Project

Manager, Architect/Landscape Architect/ Interior Designer of the Year selectees

FromNavalFacilitiesEngineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic PublicAffairs

NORFOLK, Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded its 2024 ProjectManager,andArchitect/Landscape Architect/Interior Designer of the Year selectees during a brief ceremony at the command’s headquarters, onboard Naval Station(NAVSTA)Norfolk,Feb.22

“It brings great pleasure to award our 2024 Project Manager of the Year, Chris Ceniccola, and our 2024 Architect/Landscape Architect/Interior Designer of the Year Virginia(Ann)Perry,”saidCommanding Officer for NAVFAC MIDLANT Capt. MattRiethmiller “Nomineeswereevaluated in the areas of achievements in their field, civic and humanitarian activities, professional registration, continuing education, awards/honors, and professional/technicalsocietyinvolvement Congratulationsto eachofthesededicatedandtalentedprofessionals on their selection for these awards their achievements and professionalism reflectgreatcreditonNAVFACMIDLANT.”

Ceniccola, a Virginia Beach, Virginia native, is a Senior Project Manager for NAVFAC MIDLANT He managed several uniquehigh-visibility,large-scaleconstructionprojectsinvolvingmajorimprovements to Navy-owned property by the Virginia DepartmentofTransportationandDominion Energy, and he led multi-disciplinary teams on some of the largest third-party construction projects in the history of both NAVSTA Norfolk and Naval Air Station Oceana.

Workingwithmultiplestakeholdersatthe state and federal levels, Ceniccola ensured projects met or exceeded aggressive timelineswithoutincurringadditionalcosts He alsoperformedexceptionallyasaNavyProjectManagerforthelargesthighwayproject in Virginia history the Hampton Roads BridgeTunnelExpansionProject.This$3.8 billion project will help to increase tunnel and interstate capacity along 10 miles of Interstate (I) 64 between Hampton and Norfolk,reducecongestion,andeaseaccess tothePortofVirginiaandNAVSTANorfolk. Other transportation projects included: I564 Intermodal ($270 million project that providedNAVSTANorfolkanewfour-lane gatewithdirecthighwayaccess);AirTerminal Interchange ($120 million project that provided direct highway access to Naval Support Activity [NSA] Hampton Roads);

andHamptonRoadsExtensionLane1Alpha ($180 million project to provide additional lanesforI64toeasecongestionatNAVSTA NorfolkandNSAHamptonRoads).

“I’vehadtheprivilegeofsupportingsome critical projects and working with great team members throughout my time here at NAVFAC,” said Ceniccola. “It’s exciting to seetheprojectsprogressingandtobeapart ofthisimportanttimefortheNavy.”

Ceniccola is a Project Management Professional who holds a Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from Penn State University (Centre County, Pennsylvania).

Perry, a Virginia Beach, Virginia native, is a Senior Interior Designer for NAVFAC MIDLANT Her professionalism, dedication,andsuperiorcustomerservicehasbeen an asset to NAVFAC MIDLANT for more than a decade. She ensures facilities within theMid-AtlanticregionmeetUnifiedFacilities Criteria (UFC) requirements, building

codes regional/national life safety codes andtheArchitecturalBarriersAct. She was also an instrumental member in developinginteriorsworkflowforAutodesk Revit® projects, which is a 4-D building informationmodelingsoftwareapplication, and she was a leader for developing a digital furniture library used when integrating furnitureintoconstructiondocumentfloorplans,amongmanyothers.

“Our entire group works to provide the warfighter with safe and functional spaces in which to live and work, said Perry. “It takesateamtomakethishappen everyone bringstheirownknowledgeandtalentsthat allowseachprojecttobesuccessful.”

PerryisaCertifiedInteriorDesignerwho holdsaBachelorofFineArtswithaconcentrationinInteriorDesignfromJamesMadisonUniversity(Harrisonburg Virginia).

“This is an incredible honor it really validatestheworkIdoeachday,andittruly inspiresmetogoaboveandbeyondforeach

and every project, she continued. “It has truly been a rewarding experience to work atNAVFACMIDLANT.

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine, as far west as Illinois, and down to Indiana As an integral member of theCommander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadershipthroughtheRegionalEngineerorganizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilitiesand infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively For additional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic.

NORFOLK,Va (Feb 22 2024) Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded its 2024 Project Manager andArchitect/LandscapeArchitect/InteriorDesigneroftheYearselectees,Feb.22 (Left) Chris Ceniccola,a Project Management Professional,was selected as the Project ManageroftheYear; and (Right)Virginia (Ann) Perry a Certified InteriorDesigner was selected as theArchitect/LandscapeArchitect/InteriorDesigneroftheYear Nomineeswere evaluated in the areas ofachievements in theirfield,civic and humanitarian activities,professional registration,continuing education,awards/honors,and professional/technical societyinvolvement (U.S.NAVYPHOTOILLUSTRATION/RELEASED) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 5 YOUKNOW WHAT YOU’RE MADE OF. WE DO TOO. ©2024 UniversityofMaryland Global Campus SUCCEED AGAIN Earn up to 90 creditstowardabachelor’s forprior militaryexperience and coursework or transfer up to 12 credits towardamaster’s •125+degrees &certificates from an accredited state university •Online &hybridcourses •No-cost digital materialsinplace of most textbooks •Affordable tuition CLASSES START SOON UMGC.EDU | 301-985-7530 UMGC is certified to operate in Virginia by the State Council of Higher Educationfor Virginia (SCHEV). University of Maryland Global Campus, 9625 Belvoir Road, Barden Education Center,Building1017,Room 128, Fort Belvoir,VA22060 Theappearance of U.S. Department of Defense visual information does not imply or constitute DODendorsement.

U.S. Marine Corps aircraft arrive in Norway for Exercise Nordic Response 24

2nd Marine Aircraft Wing

U.S.MarineCorpsaircraftandpersonnel from three flying squadrons with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW), II Marine ExpeditionaryForce,arrivedinNorway,Feb. 16-25, in preparation for Exercise Nordic Response24.

The2ndMAWdeployedF-35BLightning IIJointStrikeFighterswithMarineFighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 542, F/A-18 Hornets with VMFA-312, and KC-130J Super Hercules with Marine Aerial RefuelerTransportSquadron(VMGR)252 Both VMFA-542 and VMGR-252 deployed from theirhomebaseofMarineCorpsAirStation (MCAS) Cherry Point, North Carolina, and VMFA-312 deployed from their home base ofMCASBeaufort,SouthCarolina.

“IamextremelyproudoftheMarinesand Sailors of Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 14 forward deployed,” said Col James Bardo, commanding officer of MAG-14 and over-

seeingtheflyingsquadronsduringtheexercise. “They have executed this deployment toNorwayexceptionallywellandareready tobegintheexercise.”

Exercise Nordic Response 24 is VMFA542’s first overseas exercise as an F-35B Lightning II jet squadron and first exercise since achieving initial operational capability on Feb. 5. Initial operational capability means that VMFA-542 has enough operational F-35B Lightning II aircraft, trained pilots,maintainers,andsupportequipment to self-sustain its mission essential tasks (METs)

DuringtheexerciseinMarch,VMFA-542 will employ its fifth-generation assets in a near-peeradversarytrainingexercisewhile advancing and sustaining the squadron in core METs of anti-air warfare, active air defense,suppression-of-enemyairdefense, and strike capabilities while progressing the squadron toward full operational capability The squadron will integrate with NATO allies across Northern Europe and

with United Kingdom and Norwegian F-35 aircraft, showcasing the breadth and diversityoftheJointStrikeFighterprogram.

VMFA-312 will employ its F/A-18C and F/A-18DHornetstosupportcombinedmilitary air operations and unit-level training duringtheexercise,furtherincreasingtheir cold-weather capabilities and proficiency aircrewqualifications andrefiningconcepts ofdistributedaviationoperations Throughoutthedeployment,VMGR-252 will employ its KC-130J Super Hercules aircrafttosupportMarineAir-GroundTask Forceobjectivessuchasprovidingtransportation of cargo, combat-assault transport, aerial refueling, and aviation-delivered groundrefueling.Theywillconductaviation operationsfromexpeditionaryshore-based sitesandcold-weatherconditionstoachieve trainingobjectivesandincreaseaircrewand loadmasterproficiencies.

“Marines fight in every clime and place, andoursquadronsarewellpreparedforthe challengesofoperatinginthisenvironment,”

saidBardo.“Thelessonslearnedinthisexercise will further strengthen the close partnership we have with our NATO allies and partnersinthehighnorth.”

Exercise Nordic Response 24 is a two-week exercise that brings together NATO allies and partners for a comprehensive demonstration of military prowess acrossland,maritime andaviationdomains Against the backdrop of challenging arctic and mountainous conditions, participating military forces will engage in realistic force-on-force scenarios, showcasing their capabilities in both offensive and defensive operations.

“We are extremely grateful for the very gracious welcome from our Norwegian hosts,” said Bardo. “Our Marines and Sailors are excited for the opportunity to train alongside our NATO allies and partners duringNordicResponse24.”

ExerciseNordicResponse24isacontinuationoftherecord-breakingNATOexercise SteadfastDefender.

AU.S.Marine Corps F/A-18C Hornet aircraft,assigned to Marine FighterAttackSquadron (VMFA) 312 2nd MarineAircraftWing taxis on a runwayafterlanding in preparation forExercise Nordic Response 24 inAndenes,Norway Feb.21 2024 Exercise Nordic Response,formerlyknown as Cold Response,is a NATO training event conducted everytwoyears to promote militarycompetency in arctic environments and to fosterinteroperabilitybetween the U.S.Marine Corps and allied nations.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBY2NDLT DUNCANSTONER) CourtesyStory Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic NORFOLK, Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded Whitman Requardt & Associates LLP Baltimore, Maryland, a maximum-value $90 million firm-fixed-price,indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantityarchitect-engineeringcontract for services in support of large projects primarilyinMaine,NewYork,NewHampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey,Pennsylvania,Indiana,andIllinois An initial task order is being awarded for $5,000 to satisfy the minimum guarantee Work will be performed in the NAVFAC MIDLANT area of responsibility and is expectedtobecompletedbyFebruary2029 Fiscal year (FY) 2024 operation and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of$5,000willbeobligatedattimeofaward, which will expire at the end of the current FY Thiscontractwascompetitivelyprocured via the SAM.gov website, with nine offers received. NAVFAC MIDLANT is the contracting activity(N40085-24-D-0009). NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine, as far west as Illinois, and down to Indiana As an integral member of theCommander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadershipthroughtheRegionalEngineerorganizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilitiesand infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively For additional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic. NAVFAC MIDLANT awards $90M architect-engineering contract in support of large projects, primarily in northern AOR AU.S.Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II jetwith Marine Fighter AttackSquadron (VMFA) 542,2nd MarineAircraft Wing lands in preparation for Exercise Nordic Response 24 in Norway Feb.16 2024.Exercise Nordic Response, formerlyknown as Cold Response, is a NATO training event conducted everytwoyears to promote military competency in arctic environments and to foster interoperability between the U.S. Marine Corps and allied nations. Exercise Nordic Response 24 isVMFA-542’s first overseas operational exercise as an F-35B Lightning II jet squadron.(U.S. MARINECORPS PHOTOBYLANCE CPL ORLANYSDIAZ FIGUEROA) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 7, 2024

Exercise Nordic Response 24: II MEF Exercises Command as a Multi-National Force Headquarters

II Marine Expeditionary Force

BARDUFOSS, Norway Ahead of next month’s Nordic Response 24 exercise, a key transfer of authority took place yesterday as U.S. Marines assumed the role as commander of a multi-national force in support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizationexercise.

During the formal ceremony II Marine Expeditionary Force assumed authority as the Land Component Command (LCC) headquarters comprising of Norwegian,

Swedish and Finnish division headquarters. The force will exercise under II MEF by,withandthroughourNorwegianhosts.

The multi-national force is comprised of NORDIV, a Norwegian army division, and 3rd Div, a combined division consisting of SwedishandFinnishbrigades

“This transfer highlights the close relationships and trust shared between our forces,” said Brig Gen. Andrew T. Priddy, Deputy Commanding General, II MEF “It reflectsthestrengthofourpartnershipsand ourabilitytoexerciseasacombinedforcein ruggedandchallengingarcticconditions.”

ExerciseNordicResponsewilltakeplace from March 5 -15 in Norway and surrounding waters It will include approximately 20,000 participants from NATO allies and Nordicpartnernations The exercise is designed to enhance the ability of forces to operate together in response to a crisis scenario in northern Europe Itfocusesonissuesliketransporting forces,receivingreinforcementsandmanagingcasualties. Troops will train in a cold weather environment across various topographies, conducting drills, live fire exercises and

simulatedcombatoperations.Maritime,air andspecialoperationforceswillalsoparticipate II MEF will lead the multi-national LCC insupportofourNorwegianalliestoexecute trainingobjectives.Commandingthisforce prepares II MEF to deploy as a joint task forceinaccordancewithU.S.MarineCorps ForceDesigngoals

“OuralliancewithNorwayhasneverbeen stronger, and training side-by-side during Nordic Response reflects the depth of our strategicpartnership,”saidPriddy

Norwegian Maj.Gen JukkaJokinen (center),ChiefofStaffofthe FinnishArmy,speaks to the participants ofthe Rehearsal ofConcept forexercise Nordic Response 24 at Bardufoss,Norway,Feb. 29 2024.Exercise Nordic Response 24 is a Norwegian national readiness and defense exercise designed to enhance militarycapabilities and allied cooperation.This exercisewill test military activities ranging from the reception ofallied and partnerreinforcements and command and control interoperabilityto combined joint operations,maritime prepositioning force logistics, integration underchallengingArctic conditions,in high-intensitywarfighting including rugged terrain and extreme coldweatherwith NATO militaries,and reacting against an adversaryforce during a dynamic training environment (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYCHIEFWARRANTOFFICER4IZZELSANCHEZ) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 7 Navy Federal is insured by NCUA. *Membership required. Loanssubject to approval. Equity Lines of Credit arevariable-ratelines. Ratesare as low as 7.750% APR and arebased on an evaluation of credit history,CLTV (combined loan-to-value)ratio,line amount and occupancy, so your rate maydiffer.This rate is current as of 2/10/2023and is subject to change.The plan has amaximum APR of 18%, and the minimum APR thatcan apply during the Home Equity Line of Credit Plan is 3.99%. Forloan amounts of up to $250,000,closing coststhatmembers mustpay typicallyrange between $300 and $2,000.Closing costsare costspaidtothirdparties rather than an application or origination feeretained by Navy Federal. Theclosing costsdependonthe location of the property,property type,and the amount of the Equity Line.Rates aresubject to change—information provided does not constitutealoan commitment. Youmustcarry homeowners insuranceonthe property thatsecures this plan. Home Equity Lines of Credit arenot available in Texas. ©2023NavyFederal NFCU 14215 (2-23) Nail Down Your Home Upgrade navyfederal.org/equity • AHome Equity Line of Credit gives youconvenient access to funds when youneedthem at avariable rate. • Afixed-rateloan allows youtoset monthly payments for big purchases. See which loan is right foryou. Whether you'rerenovating akitchen or building a newone,NavyFederal Credit Union has home equity loans with no application or origination fees.*
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 7, 2024

All in the family: Couple shares rare promotion

David EverlyandCol NaTashaEverly Thepairareadual-activemilitary couplewhojoinasmall,intimatenumberoffamilieswhodevote theirprofessionsandfamilytoservice NaTashaEverly,aDepartmentofStatefellow,waspromotedto the rank of colonel by Brig Gen. Ahmed Williamson, director of operations for U.S. Cyber Command, before her husband, David Everly, director of Manpower Plans and Policy was promoted to the rank of brigadier general by Lt Gen. James Glynn deputy commandantforManpowerandReserveAffairs

In the brief moments proceeding Brig Gen. Everly’s promotion, the couple shared a photo as colonels Laughter filled the room at the sight of two Marines who, according to 2022 demographic data, are included in the 3.6 percent of the total Marine Corps population who are in dual-military marriages. They are among1.2percentoftheMarineCorpswhoareinadual-military marriagewithchildren.

“Serviceequalssacrifice butspecificallyitmeanswe’recommittedtobeingrolemodelstoourchildren, NaTashaEverlysaid,prior totheceremony.“[Adual-militarymarriage]isajourneythatcan benavigatedtogether Neverthinkaspecificjobismoreimportant thankeepingyourfamilytogether ‘Bloomwhereyouareplanted’ mayseemlikeacliché,butithasworkedforourfamily.”

With a combined total of more than 50 years of service and 14 years of marriage, the Everlys thanked the family, friends, and mentors who helped make their shared success possible—many ofwhomsupportedtheirfourchildren

“Ourpledgetoyouall—whatwecanensureyou’llgetfromus—isprayer thebestwehave,anopendoor,anopenear,andeverysingleopportunity tochangesomebody’slifeinapositivemanner,”DavidEverlysaid


hosted onboard military installations or DoD leasedfacilities Henotedthatthere is alwaysaneed,andthatasinglewholeblood

donated during a blood drive or at a

center can potentially save three

Blood must also be available to militaryhospitalsforscheduledandemergency procedures Lastly, Peters noted that we are in constant need of whole blood at federal installationsintheHamptonRoadsRegion,” andtheyarealwaysseekingopportunitiesto visit commands in the region to host blood drives like this one. Interested commands can contact him directly at Ralph.K.Peters Civ@health.milortheycancallhimat(757) 953-1686 Additionalinformation,including scheduling appointments for blood donations can be found by visiting wwwhealth. mil/militaryblood.

ByMaxLonzanida Naval Weapons Station Yorktown YORKTOWN Va Scores of Marines assignedtotheMarineCorpsSecurityForce Regiment (MCSFR) onboard NWS Yorktown took time out of their training day to donate life saving blood. They were joined bySailorsandCiviliansaspartofanArmed ServicesBloodProgram(ASBP)blooddrive hostedbytheMCSFR. Thedonationprocessstartedwithaqueue of Marines and Sailors in line outside one of the MCSFR’s Fleet Anti-Terror Security Team (FAST) Company training building Onceinside SailorsandCiviliansfromNaval Medical Center Portsmouth and the Navy MedicineReadinessandTrainingCommand Portsmouth quickly checked donors in and completed donor registration. From there, donors cycled through a station that was setup to conduct health screenings before transitioning donors to reclining to collect whole blood. The entire process, from start tofinish,tooklessthan45minutesformost wellhydrateddonors Thattimeperiodalso accounted for recovery and observation time, where many indulged in the snacks and drinks that were provided to donors before resuming their training and various roles onboard NWS Yorktown and nearby CheathamAnnex The Department of Defense (DOD) established the ArmedForcesBloodDonor Program in 1952, during the height of the KoreanWar.Itlaterevolvedtotoday’sASBP, which encompasses a joint operation that brings together Army, Navy, Air Force and combatant command blood programs The ASBP has over 20 blood donation centers worldwide including one at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. This particular blood drive was the first of several planned blood drives hosted by the MCSFR in the coming months Additionally, this blood drive onboard NWS Yorktown is one of several planned drives across all of the military installations on the Virginia Peninsula with the goal of maintaining adequate supplies ofblood. Ralph Peters Blood Donor Recruiter and Public Affairs Point of Contact for the ASBP noted that “there is alwaysa needfor bloodandbloodproductsasfreshbloodlasts approximately 45 days. We especially need type O blood, because more people who need life saving donations can accept type O blood products.” Peters also noted that the ASBP is the Department of Defense’s Blood Donor Program, and is responsible for providing blood and blood products for all active duty, family members and dependentsworldwide The program ships blood products weekly for deployed forces in uniform, and also works diligently to replenish the supply of adequate blood products for the nation’s Rapid Deployment Forces Peters also noted the multiple options for donatingblood;whichspannedthegauntletfrom their main donor center located at Naval MedicalCenterPortsmouthtoblooddrives
NWS Yorktown host ASBP
Yorktown,Va (February27 2024) Marines assigned to the Marine Corps SecurityForce Regiment (MCSFR) onboard NavalWeapons Station (NWS)Yorktown donate blood as part ofanArmed Services Blood Program (ASBP) blood drive.The blood drive occurred at the Fleet Anti-Terrorism SecurityTeam (FAST) classroom,locatedwithin the MCSFRcompound.The Armed Services Blood Program is the official militaryproviderofblood products forthe nation’s armed services (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMAXLONZANIDA/RELEASED). U.S.Marine Corps Col.NaTasha M.Everly a Department ofState fellow,is promoted to the rankofcolonel during a ceremonyin Quantico,VA March 1,2024.Marine Corps officers are boardselected forpromotion based on time in service,time in grade and performance.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL ANTHONYRAMSEY)
Marine Corps Security Force Regiment onboard
blood drive
and Reserve Affairs
HQMC Manpower
Basic School aboard Camp
Marine Corps
an uncommon
QUANTICO Va In a ceremony today at The
Barrett, the
celebration in the
promotion of both
uarterdeck Assistance available to help transitioning service members, families The DOD’s Military-CivilianTransition Office offers transition and reintegration programs to eligible militarymembers,families.PageB3 U.S.Marine Corps Brig Gen.David R.Everly directorofManpowerand Col.NaTasha M.Everly a Department ofState fellow,pose fora picture in Quantico,VA March 1,2024.Brig Gen.David R.Everlyand Col.NaTasha M.Everlyare a dual-militarycouplewho have been married for14years.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBY LANCECPL ANTHONYRAMSEY) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 1

authorities,floodingintheenginecompartment wasstoppedandstabilizedquickly,leavingCard settled48feetbelowthewaterlevel SalvageoperationsbeganimmediatelyandonMay19 onlya coupleofweeksaftertheattack

Manila,Philippines,andwaspreparingtoreturn to the United States when Viet Cong frogmen plantedanexplosivechargebelowthewaterline neartheengineroomthatblewaholeinthehull ofthe9,800-tonshipkillingfivecrewmen.

Due to rapid response from the crew and

ByTRICARECommunications FALLS CHURCH, Va Are you making themostofyourprescriptiondrugcoverage? Haveyouheardaboutchangestotheprocess forgettingspecialtydrugs?Joinusforawebinar,“UsingYourTRICAREPharmacyBenefits,” on Thursday, March 14, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET.Toattend,join viaMicrosoftTeamsLive afewminutesbeforestarttime This webinar will give you an overview of the TRICARE Pharmacy Program You’ll learn about your options for getting and managing prescriptions You’ll also learn about changes to your options for filling specialtydrugprescriptions StartingMarch 1, Accredo will provide specialty drugs and servicesifyoufillcertainTRICARE-defined specialty drug prescriptions with TRICARE Home Delivery Accredo is an accredited specialtypharmacythatservespatientswith complexandchronichealthconditions AQ&Asessionwillfollowthepresentation “The TRICARE Pharmacy Program offers several ways to get the prescriptions you need,” said U.S. Public Health Service Cmdr Teisha A. Robertson, Deputy Chief of the Purchased Care Branch at the Defense HealthAgency “Understandingyouroptions canhelpyoupaylessout-of-pocket.” This webinar applies to most TRICARE beneficiaries As noted in the TRICARE Pharmacy Program Overview Fact Sheet, all TRICARE beneficiaries have the same prescription drug coverage regardless of theirhealthplan.ButifyouusetheUSFamily Health Plan, you have separate pharmacy coverage Check out these resources to learn more aboutyourpharmacybenefits: Review pharmacy costs to see how much you’llpayforyourprescription. Search the TRICARE Formulary to see if thedrugyouneediscovered.StartingMarch 1, you can search the TRICARE Formulary to see you where your specialty drugs may beavailable. Learn about TRICARE pharmacy benefits at March 14 webinar ByHendrickDickson USN Military Sealift Command Thisyearmarksthe75thAnniversaryofMilitary Sealift Command. In our MSC75 Blast from the Past series, we honor MSC’s significant impact on the maritime environment and 75yearsofmaritimeexcellencebylookingback atsomeofthevesselsthatlaidtheframeworkfor theMSCfleetasweknowittoday. On May 2, 1964, USNS Card (T-AKV 40) became the first major U.S. vessel to be sunken byenemyactionduringtheVietnamWar. USSCard(ACV-11)wasanAmericanBogueclassescortcarriercommissionedin1942.Itwas reclassified as a Cargo-Ship and Aircraft Ferry, re-designated as (T-AKV 40) and activated for theMilitarySeaTransportationService(MSTS), later known as Military Sealift Command, in 1959 Crewed by a civilian crew Card had made several ships to Saigon, Vietnam, carrying helicopters,planesandvehicles.Ithadjustunloaded acargoofhelicoptersandfighter-bombersfrom
nearly50feetandtowedtoSubicBayinthePhilippines and then Yokosuka, Japan, to undergo repairs. Card
service Dec. 11
inVietnamthroughouttherestofthedecade On March10,1970,CardenteredthePacificReserve
at Olympia. She was withdrawn from the fleetJune 9,1971.
40) USNS Card.(PHOTOBYHENDRICKDICKSON) Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832 JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792 Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost. FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling – Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 7, 2024
MSC75 blast from the past USNS

Significant biological events can take different shapes and sizes, from disease to intentional poisons and anywhere in between. COVID-19 taught the world firsthand that we likely will not know what the next threat is, but that any biological event can cause great harm to society and the world To meet this reality, Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEOCBRND) Joint Project Lead for CBRND EnablingBiotechnologies(JPLEB)submitted concepts and was ultimately funded by the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP) to launchtheGenerativeUnconstrainedIntelligentDrugEngineering(GUIDE)program TheDefenseDepartment(DOD)ChemicalandBiologicalDefenseProgram(CBDP) is adapting to this new reality by developing capabilities that could rapidly produce medicalcountermeasures(MCM)andother solutions to address and combat the threat regardless of the specific threat source and creating MCMs that are less risky altogether The National Biodefense Strategy outlinedtheimportanceofstayingreadyfor anybiologicalincidentthroughinvestingin capabilities such as manufacturing developing prototypes, analyzing existing data that could be useful in developing future countermeasures and standardizing clinical trials The new way forward is to invest in capabilities that can prepare the nation

to tackle any challenge rather than workingtowardsaspecificthreat Whilethishas always been an important principle of the ChemicalandBiologicaldefenseenterprise it is easier to achieve now due to advances in computational and biological technologies,whichhavemadeartificialintelligence andmachinelearningcapabilities“smarter,” fasterandmoreaccessible.

JPLEBisresponsibleforacceleratingthe medical development timeline by creating enablersthatallowthemedicalcommunity togetMCMstotheWarfighterquickly JPL EB was established in 2019 with a strategic framework that allows for this type of investmentintoacapabilities-basedportfolio.JPLEBcontinuestoinvestinnewtechnologies within the Advanced Technology Platforms and Clinical Studies Directorate whichfocusonrapidsolutions,resiliencyto withstand iterative improvements to solutions andsupportingoperationallyrelevant delivery of medical countermeasures that areapplicabletoeachscenarioorevent One of its current programs that reflect a capabilities-forward strategy is the Generative UnconstrainedIntelligentDrugEngineering (GUIDE)program.

GUIDE* is an interagency program betweenJPLEB,theDepartmentofEnergy, other interagency, academic, and industry partners GUIDE’smissionistoleverageits integratedcomputationalandexperimental capabilitiestoacceleratedrugdevelopment for the warfighter by harnessing the power ofadvancedsimulationandmachinelearning Ultimately GUIDE will yield reduced developmental risk, time, and cost. Tradi-

tionaldrugdevelopmentrequiresa“tryand fail”processtoevaluateeffectiveness,safety, and ultimately manufacturing at scale Using robust integration of computational andexperimentaldesign GUIDEevaluates these variabilities and potential liabilities upfront, prior to extensive (and expensive) product development Within the systemsof-systemsinwhichGUIDEfalls,themoonshot goal of GUIDE is to do this evaluation (up to Phase 1 clinical trials) in 100 days or less:aseismicdeparturefromthetraditional timelineandcostwhichisusuallyestimated tobe~$1.5Band10yearsofproductdevelopmentperdrugcandidate GUIDEultimately reduces timelines and cost while providing anincreasedchanceofeffectiveness,safety, andscale

In the current wave of advancement in artificial intelligence and machine learning the computational prowess of GUIDE’s high-performance computing (HPC) capabilitiesmayseemliketheprogram’sstandout capability,howevertherealpowerofGUIDE is the tight integration with experimental design and validation. GUIDE’s integration ofHPCcapabilitieswithexperimentalvalidationallowsforaniterativecycleofcomputational design-to-experimental validation to quickly generate a plethora of highly effective drug candidate designs under an aggressivetimeline “The difference with GUIDE and other programsthatutilizecomputationaldesign is the purposeful integration of computationaldesignwithrapidexperimentalmethods so that the system can be operationally relevant to Warfighter needs,” said Chris

Earnhart, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer for JPL EB “Computational drugs can be produced and tested in a dedicated rapid response lab and then manufactured in a facility that gives the government priority access This program is incredibly robust and enables us to move fast and honor our commitmenttorapidresponse.”

Thatintegrationismadepossiblethrough the many partnerships formed between interagency, academia, DOD and the DOE. Eachentitybringsacriticalassettothetable tocreateaprocessthatchallengesthenorm of drug development to create better solutionsfaster.

“GUIDEtakestheapproachofinnovation driven through collaboration,” said Rachel CampbelldeBautista,M.S ProgramOfficer for JPL EB GUIDE “That is the real power of this program: is its partners and collaborators The world-renown capabilities and infrastructure our National Laboratories bring are an unquestionable asset but our peopleareitscore.

GUIDEisjustoneelementofalargerstrategicplantodeveloprapidresponsecapabilities within EB and accelerate the medical development timeline Other projects in that strategic plan include the Accelerated AntibodiesprogramandtheRapidAccessto ProductsinDevelopment(RAPID)program. While GUIDE is just in its second year as a program, it’s demonstrating promising impact to the future of MCM development andCBRNdefense.

Joint Program Executive Office For Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense
unknown The Generative Unconstrained Intelligent Drug Engineering (GUIDE) program is managed bytheJoint Program Executive Office forChemical,Biological,Radiological and NuclearDefense’s (JPEO-CBRND)Joint Project Lead forCBRND Enabling Biotechnologies (JPLEB).GUIDE is an interagencyprogram betweenJPLEB the Department ofEnergy(DOE),otherinteragency, academic,and industrypartners.GUIDE’s mission is to leverage its integrated computational and experimental capabilities to accelerate drug development forthewarfighterbyharnessing the powerofadvanced simulation and machine learning (PHOTOBYMATTHEWGUNTHER)
GUIDE program prepares DOD to defend against the
DOD News The Defense Department’s Military-Civilian Transition Office is responsible for designing, overseeing and evaluating DOD transition and reintegration programs, which are available to all eligible military members including National Guard and Reserve andtheirfamilies Taking care of people is a top priority for DOD, said Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III He noted that service members receiveda4.6%payraisethisyear—thelargest in two decades The department is also workingtomakechildcaremoreaffordable, make moves easier, help military spouses pursue their own careers and assist service memberswithtransitioningoutofthemilitary. Threekeyprogramsareavailablethrough theMilitary-CivilianTransitionOffice Transition Assistance Program
Transition Assistance Program, also known as TAP, provides individual initial counseling, pre-separation counseling, and aself-assessmentforservicemembersprior to365daysoftheirseparation,or24months priortoretirement.Within365daysoftransition, members also receive additional mandatedtouchpointstoinclude: „ Labor Department information on employmentfundamentals „ Information on Department of Veterans Affairsbenefitsandservices „ Financialplanningfortransition. „ Military occupational specialty counselingforequivalentcivilianjobs. „ Resiliencyformanagingtransition „ Four 2-day elected tracks based on a member’spost-transitiongoals education, employment, vocational career credentials orentrepreneurship. For more information on TAP, visit DODTAP.milandTAPevents.mil. DOD SkillBridge The SkillBridge Program bridges industry on-the-job training, apprenticeships or internship opportunities with employer partners during the last 180 days of service, connecting service members with real-world civilian work experience and employment opportunities before their transition to civilian life For more information on SkillBridge opportunities, programs, or organizations, visit skillbridge.osd.mil. Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program promotes the well-being of National Guard and Reserve members and their families by connecting them with local resources through YRRP events and activities For more information on upcoming YRRPeventsinyourlocalarea,visityellowribbon.mil. Follow the DoD Military-Civilian Office on LinkedIn for weekly highlights showcasingavailableresourcesandkeyprogram updates Assistance available to help transitioning service members, families With the Military Spouse Career AcceleratorPilot program,military families are getting help from the Defense Department to connect spouses with prospective employers (PHOTO BYMARINECORPS CPL ALEXFAIRCHILD) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 3

Flag Officer Assignments

CourtesyStory U.S. Department of Defense

The secretary of the Navy and chief of naval operations announced the following assignments:

Rear Adm. Anthony C. Carullo will be assignedasdirector,WarfareDevelopment, N72, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations,Washington,D.C.Carulloiscurrently serving as director, Plans and Policy, U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.

Rear Adm. Carl A. Lahti will be assigned as commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, Norfolk Virginia. Lahti is currently serving ascommander,U.S.NavalForces,Japan:and commander,NavyRegionJapan,Yokosuka, Japan.

Rear Adm. Daniel P. Martin will be assigned as commander, Naval Safety Command, Norfolk, Virginia. Martin is currently serving as director Maritime Operations U.S.PacificFleet PearlHarbor, Hawaii.

RearAdm.MiltonJ.Sandswillbeassigned as commander, Naval Special Warfare Command, San Diego, California Sands is currentlyservingaschiefofstaff,U.S.Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base,Florida

Rear Adm. Christopher J. Sweeney will beassignedasdirector,WarfareIntegration N9I OfficeoftheChiefofNavalOperations Washington D.C.Sweeneyiscurrentlyserving as director, Warfare Development, N72, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,D.C.

Rear Adm. James P. Waters III will be assigned as commander, Navy Recruiting Command, Millington, Tennessee Waters is currently serving as director Military Personnel Plans and Policy Division, N13 Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Arlington,Virginia.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Susan BryerJoyner,selectedforpromotiontorearadmiral, will be assigned as director, Warfare Integration Directorate, N2/N6I, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C. BryerJoyner is currently serving as deputy director Command, Control, Communications, and Computers/Cyber J-6,JointStaff Washington D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Thomas R. Buchanan, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as director, Plans and Policy, J5, U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska Buchanan iscurrentlyservingascommander,SubmarineGroupTen,KingsBay,Georgia.

Rear Adm. (lower half ) Jennifer S. Couture selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as director, Military Personnel Plans and Policy Division, N13,OfficeoftheChiefofNavalOperations, Arlington, Virginia. Couture is currently servingascommander,CarrierStrikeGroup Eleven,Everett,Washington

Rear Adm. (lower half) William R. Daly, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as director Surface Warfare Division N96 Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C. Daly is currently serving as commander, Carrier StrikeGroupFifteen,SanDiego,California.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Erik J. Eslich, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as director, Maritime Operations, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Eslich is currently serving as commander Carrier Strike Group Twelve, Norfolk,Virginia.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Patrick J. Hannifin, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as director of operations, J3,U.S.Indo-PacificCommand,CampH.M. Smith, Hawaii Hannifin is currently serving as commander, Task Force Seven Zero; andcommander CarrierStrikeGroupFive Yokosuka Japan

Rear Adm. (lower half) Gregory C. Huffman, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as commander, Joint Task Force-Micronesia, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Apra, Guam. Huffman

is currently serving as U.S. Indo-Pacific CommandRepresentative,Guam,Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, FederatedStatesofMicronesia,Republicof Palau;commander U.S.NavalForces Marianas; and commander Joint Region Marianas,Apra,Guam.

Rear Adm. (lower half ) Elizabeth S. Okano,selectedforpromotiontorearadmiral, will be assigned as commander, Naval Information Warfare Systems Command, San Diego, California. Okano is currently serving as program executive officer for Integrated Warfare Systems Washington NavyYard Washington D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Carlos A. Sardiello, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Southern Command; and commander, U.S. Fourth Fleet, Jacksonville, Florida. Sardiello is currently serving as commander, Carrier Strike Group One, SanDiego California.

RearAdm.(lowerhalf)EricJ.Anduzewill be assigned as director, Joint/Fleet Operations, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk, Virginia. Anduze is currently serving as deputy commander, Combined Joint Task Force,HornofAfrica,Djibouti,Africa.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Brian H. Bennett will be assigned as deputy director, Special Operations and Counter Terrorism, J-3, Joint Staff Washington, D.C. Bennett is currently serving as assistant commander-Operations Joint Special Operations Command, U.S. Special Operations Command,FortLiberty,NorthCarolina.

Rear Adm. (lower half) George Bresnihanwillbeassignedascommander,Defense Logistics Agency Energy, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Bresnihan is currently serving as director Logistics Directorate J-4 U.S. Africa Command, Stuttgart,Germany.

RearAdm.(lowerhalf)MaximilianClark will be assigned as commander, Carrier Strike Group Eleven, Everett, Washington. Clark is currently serving as assistant chief ofstaff,J-3,JointForcesCommand,Naples, Naples,Italy.

RearAdm.(lowerhalf)AdanG.Cruzwill be assigned as commander, Carrier Strike GroupThree Bremerton,Washington.Cruz is currently serving as deputy director for Politico-Military Affairs (Middle East), J-5, JointStaff,Washington,D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Thomas J. Dickinson will be assigned as program executiveofficerforIntegratedWarfareSystems, Washington, D.C. Dickinson is currently serving as commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center; and commander Naval UnderseaWarfareCenter,Washington D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Kavon Hakimzadehwillbeassignedascommander,Carrier Strike Group Two, Norfolk, Virginia. Hakimzadeh is currently serving as director,Joint/FleetOperations,U.S.FleetForces Command,Norfolk,Virginia.

Rear Adm. (lower half ) Ian L. Johnson will be assigned as commander U.S. NavalForces Japan,andcommander,Navy Region Japan, Yokosuka, Japan. Johnson is currently serving as commander, Navy RegionSoutheast,Jacksonville,Florida.

RearAdm.(lowerhalf)KevinM.Kennedy will be assigned as commander, Carrier Strike Group Fifteen, San Diego, California Kennedy is currently serving as assistant commander for Career Management, PERS-4 Navy Personnel Command Millington,Tennessee.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Christopher A. Kijek will be assigned as director, Learning to Action Board, Washington, D.C. Kijek is currentlyservingascommander,Patroland ReconnaissanceGroup,Norfolk,Virginia.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Brett W. Mietus will be assigned as commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group Norfolk, Virginia Mietusiscurrentlyservingasdirector Navy CultureandResilienceOffice N17,Officeof the Chief of Naval Operations, Arlington, Virginia.

RearAdm.(lowerhalf)AndrewT.Miller willbeassignedasdirector,PlansandOper-

ations, U.S. Naval Forces Europe Sixth Fleet; deputy commander, Sixth Fleet: and commander, Submarine Group Eight, Naples, Italy Miller is currently serving as commander Undersea Warfighting DevelopmentCenter Groton,Connecticut.

RearAdm.(lowerhalf)ThomasMoninger will be assigned as commander, Carrier Strike Group Twelve, Norfolk, Virginia. Moninger is currently serving as director, Plans, Policy and Integration, N5, Office of theChiefofNavalOperations,Washington, D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Gregory D. Newkirk will be assigned as commander Task Force Seven Zero; and commander CarrierStrikeGroupFive,Yokosuka,Japan. Newkirk is currently serving as deputy directorforOperations,NationalJointOperationsIntelligenceCenter,OperationsTeam Two,J-3,JointStaff,Washington,D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Chase D. Patrick will be assigned as commandant, National War College National Defense University Fort McNair Washington, D.C. Patrick is currently serving as director of Maritime Headquarters, U.S. Naval Forces Europe/ Africa/SixthFleet,Naples,Italy.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Frank A. Rhodes IVisassignedasdeputydirectorforOperations,NationalJointOperationsIntelligence Center, Operations Team Two, J-3, Joint Staff Washington, D.C. Rhodes recently served as executive assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of NavalOperations,Washington,D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Mark A. Schafer will be assigned as commander, Special OperationsCommandSouth,U.S.Southern Command, Homestead Air Reserve Base, Florida. Schafer is currently serving as commander, Special Operations Joint Task Force Central,Doha,Qatar

Rear Adm. (lower half) Alexis T. Walker will be assigned as commander, Carrier StrikeGroupTen,Norfolk,Virginia.Walker is currently serving as commander, Navy Recruiting Command, Millington, Tennessee RearAdm.(lowerhalf)DavidP.Waltwill be assigned as commander, Expeditionary StrikeGroupTwo,VirginiaBeach,Virginia. Waltiscurrentlyservingasdeputydirector for Resources and Acquisitions J-8, Joint Staff,Washington,D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Todd S. Weeks will be assigned as program executive officer,StrategicSubmarines,Washington,D.C. Weeksiscurrentlyservingasprogramexecutive officer, Undersea Warfare Systems, Washington,D.C.

Rear Adm. (lower half) Robert E. Wirth will be assigned as commander Submarine Group Ten, Kings Bay, Georgia. Wirth is currentlyservingasdeputydirector,StrategicTargetingandNuclearMissionPlanning, J-5N, U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt Air ForceBase,Nebraska.

RearAdm.(lowerhalf)MichaelS.Wosje will be assigned as commander, Carrier Strike Group One San Diego California. Wosje is currently serving as chief of staff StrikeForceNATO,Lisbon Portugal

Capt.FrankieJ.Clark,selectedforpromotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assignedasdirector,NavyCultureandForce Resilience Office, N17, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C. Clark is currently serving as executive assistant to the commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor,Hawaii Capt David G. Duff selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as director, Plans, Policy and Integration,N5,OfficeoftheChiefofNavalOperations, Washington, D.C. Duff is currently serving as commanding officer, USS Harry S.Truman(CVN75),Norfolk,Virginia.

Capt. Brian A. Harding, selected for promotiontorearadmiral(lowerhalf) will be assigned as commander Naval Information Warfighting Development Center Norfolk,Virginia Hardingiscurrentlyserving as information warfare commander, CarrierStrikeGroupThree,Bremerton, Washington

Capt. Jeffrey L. Heames, selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as assistant commander for Career Management, PERS-4 Navy Personnel Command, Millington, Tennessee Heamesiscurrentlyservingasdirector Surface Warfare Officer Career Management and Distribution Division (PERS41), NavyPersonnelCommand,Millington, Tennessee.

Capt.JohnW.Hewitt,selectedforpromotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as commander, Navy Region Southeast, Jacksonville Florida. Hewitt is currently serving as chief of staff Navy InstallationsCommand Washington D.C.

Capt. Marcos A. Jasso, selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as commander, Logistics Group, Western Pacific: and commander, Task Force Seven Three, Singapore. Jasso is currently serving as director, Maritime Operations Center, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor,Hawaii

Capt. Matthew J. Kawas, selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), willbeassignedasdeputycommander,U.S. NavalForces,U.S.CentralCommand:deputy commander,FifthFleet Kawasiscurrently servingasprincipalmilitaryassistanttothe deputy secretary of defense, Washington, D.C.

Capt.JustinA.Kubu,selectedforpromotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as deputy commander, Joint Task Force,HornofAfrica,U.S.AfricaCommand. Kubu is currently serving as commander, Amphibious Squadron Seven, San Diego, California.

Capt.RobertE.LoughranJr.,selectedfor promotiontorearadmiral(lowerhalf),will beassignedasdeputydirectorforResources and Acquisitions J-8, Joint Staff Washington, D.C. Loughran is currently serving as branch head, Carrier Strike Aircraft and Weapons, N98, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations,Washington,D.C.

Capt.PhilipS.Miller,selectedforpromotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assignedasdirectorofMaritimeHeadquarters,U.S.NavalForcesEurope/Africa/Sixth Fleet Naples Italy.Miller is currently serving as branch head, Carriers N98 Office of theChiefofNavalOperations,Washington, D.C.

Capt.ErinP.Osborne,selectedforpromotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as deputy director, J-5, Political-Military Affairs, (Middle East), Joint Staff,Washington,D.C.Osborneiscurrently serving as executive assistant to the vice chiefofnavaloperations,Washington,D.C.

Capt. Bartley A. Randall, selected for promotiontorearadmiral(lowerhalf),will beassignedasassistantcommander-operations, Joint Special Operations Command, U.S. Special Operations Command, Fort Liberty,NorthCarolina.Randalliscurrently serving as assistant deputy director for GlobalOperations,JointStaff,Washington, D.C.

Capt. Melvin R. Smith Jr selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), willbeassignedasdeputydirector,Nuclear Operations,U.S.StrategicCommand.Smith is currently serving as executive assistant to the commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command,CampH.M.Smith,Hawaii

Capt. Vincent S. Tionquiao, selected for promotiontorearadmiral(lowerhalf),will be assigned as deputy director C4/Cyber Systems, J-6, Joint Staff Washington, D.C. Tionquiao is currently serving as director, Maritime Operations Center, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S Tenth Fleet, Fort Meade,Maryland.

Capt. Michael York, selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as commander, Defense Logistics Agency Distribution, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania York is currently serving as director, Fleet Supply Readiness and Operations, N412, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk,Virginia.

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DOD continues work with Congress to get appropriation

The Defense Department has operated underacontinuingresolutionfornearly150 days OnMarch9,thecontinuingresolution now funding the department will expire, opening the possibility of a partial or full governmentshutdown.

During a media briefing today, PentagonPressSecretaryAirForceMaj.Gen.Pat Ryderagainstressedtheimportancehaving on-time, full-year appropriations and the damage a continuing resolution does to the department’sabilitytoplanandmodernize theforce

“I’d like to underscore the urgent need for Congress to pass the department’s request for a fiscal year 2024 base budget,” Ryder said “Continuing to operate under continuingresolutionsisunsustainableand detrimentaltoournation’snationalsecurity interests.”

DOD, like other government entities, operates with funds budgeted for the fiscal yearthatmustbeapprovedbybothhousesof Congressandsignedbythepresident.Fiscal year 2024 runs Oct. 1, 2023 through Sept. 30, 2024 For departments like DOD to be most effective, the budget for a fiscal year should be signed into law before the fiscal yearactuallybegins

Congress has not yet passed the FY24 budget. Instead, the department has been fundedthroughastop-gapfundingmeasure calledacontinuingresolution orCR.While operationscancontinueunderacontinuing resolution, wider planning and modernizationeffortscannot.

“The absence of an appropriation bill for thefiscalyearseverelyhampersthedepartment’sabilitytoplaneffectively,”Rydersaid “We are already well into the fiscal year nowinourfifthmonth and,unfortunately, findourselvesagainunderathirdcontinuing resolution. The fact is that this uncertainty underminesourmilitaryreadinessandjeopardizescriticalmodernizationefforts.

Since Oct 1, Congress has passed three separate CRs to fund the DOD and other

partsofthegovernment Thelatestofthose continuing resolutions expires in 11 days. If by then Congress fails to pass an additional continuingresolutionortopassafullappropriation for FY 2024, the government will shutdown.

In the 14 fiscal years since fiscal year 2011 the DOD has had only one, on-time fullappropriation.For13ofthoseyears,the department operated at least part of the time underaCR

“The cumulativeeffectofspendingyears under CRs, dating back to 2011, is deeply concerning,” he said. “It amounts to nearly five years of constrained funding levels, impeding the DOD’s capacity to adapt to evolving threats and innovate to maintain ourcompetitiveedge.”

Rydersaidthefailuretopassabasebudget for DOD puts national security at risk and alsomeansthedepartmentisunabletomake investments in new technology, equipment


“In light of these pressing concerns, the department will continue to work closely with Congress and urge them to act now to pass a base budget for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2024,” Ryder said.

“Thebottomlineisthatafull-yearappropriationiscrucialforsafeguardingournation’s security and ensuring our military remains prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century.”

Eating Disorders: Military youth are not immune

the International Journal ofEatingDisorders,childrenofU.S.military membersmaybeatincreasedriskforeating disorders.

Data indicated that military children and adolescents experience significantly more eatingdisordersymptomscomparedtotheir civilian peers Nearly a quarter of adolescent female dependents screen above clinical cut-offs for significant eating disorder symptoms, about three times the rate in civilianpopulations

“Our Adolescent and Young Adult Clinic sees patients with eating disorders regularly,” said Air Force Lt Col. (Dr.) Michelle Lawson, Adolescent Medicine physician. “Our military population active duty and dependents are not immune to eating disorders and arguably, our fitness culture may promote the development of eating disorders.”

Lawson encourages families to bring up concerns if they notice any changes in eating behaviors or negative image-related mentality including skipping meals, secretiveeating,fixationoncertaintypesoffoods, foodrules,distortedbodyimage,significant increases in exercise related activities or purging.

“Changes in eating behaviors may or may not correlate with changes in weight or appearance but often can start to affect mood, Lawson said. “Increased irritability and emotional lability, difficulties with concentration or increasing fatigue along with changes in eating behaviors are concerningandwarrantfurtherevaluation.”

“It is vitally important to recognize that eating disorders can affect all ages, races, ethnicities, genders and social/economic status,”sheadded.“Eatingdisordersarealso presentacrossallshapesandbodysizes.”

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa,bingeeating,andavoidant/restrictivefoodintakedisorder

Anorexia nervosa is a condition where people avoid food, severely restrict food, or eat very small quantities of only certain foods They also may weigh themselves repeatedly. Even when dangerously underweight, they may see themselves as overweight

Bulimia nervosa is a condition where peoplehaverecurrentandfrequentepisodes of eating unusually large amounts of food and feeling a lack of control over these episodes This binge-eating is followed by behavior that compensates for the overeat-

ingsuchasforcedvomiting,excessiveuseof laxativesordiuretics,fasting,excessiveexercise,oracombinationofthesebehaviors

Binge-eating disorder is a condition where people lose control over their eating and have reoccurring episodes of eating unusually large amounts of food. Unlike bulimianervosa,periodsofbinge-eatingare notfollowedbypurging,excessiveexercise, orfasting.Binge-eatingdisorderisthemost commoneatingdisorderintheU.S.

ARFID, also known as selective eating disorder, is a condition where people limit the amount or type of food eaten. Unlike anorexianervosa,peoplewithARFIDdonot haveadistortedbodyimageorextremefear ofgainingweight.ARFIDismostcommonin middlechildhoodandusuallyhasanearlier onsetthanothereatingdisorders Manychildrengothroughphasesofpickyeating,buta childwithARFIDdoesnoteatenoughcalories to grow and develop properly, and an adultwithARFIDdoesnoteatenoughcaloriestomaintainbasicbodyfunction

“Most subject matter experts would still agree that the adolescent and young adult

population has the highest incidence, or newdiagnosis,ofeatingdisorders,”Lawson said “However, there is concern that the incidence of eating disorders in children younger than age 12 is increasing in developedcountriesincludingtheUnitedStates.” Overall thegoalistocreatehome school andworkenvironmentsthatfosterwell-being,suchassupportingbuildingself-esteem, bodyacceptance,andahealthyrelationship with the body, eating, and physical activity, sheadvised.


„ Avoid unhelpful words describing body appearance such as fat, big-boned or other potentiallytriggeringwordsuniquetoeach patient.

„ Similarly,aimtocreateanon-dietculture withminimaltonocommentsordiscussions aboutdieting „ Avoid calorie counting, frequent weight checking at home Instead, focus on balanced, regular meals in a supportive environment.

„ Encourage opportunities to engage in physicalactivityinnon-weightfocused/safe

environments „ Avoid unhelpful food labelling (‘good’ or ‘bad’)asthislabelingmaythenbeassociated with guilt and frustration. Instead, encourageintuitiveeatingpracticeswithincreased awareness of hunger cues and control of moodandsubsequenteatingbehaviors.

„ Reachouttohealthcareprofessionalsfor furtherrecommendationsbasedonunique, individualcircumstances

“Depending on the severity of the eating disorder, full remission can take anywhere from 1-20 years,” Lawson said. “Healthcare professionals are encouraged to regularly screen patients for eating disorders along withmoodandbehavioralhealthconcerns.”

“We are fortunate at BAMC to have professionalresourcesavailableforpatients who have eating disorders,” she said. “Our Departments of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Behavioral Health/Psychiatry andNutritionalMedicineregularlycarefor activedutyanddependentpatients,oftenin partnership with each other and with local civilianprograms.”

Pentagon Press SecretaryU.S.AirForce Maj.Gen Pat Ryderconducts a media briefing at the Pentagon,Feb.27 2024.(PHOTOBY AIRFORCETECH.SGT.JACKSANDERS)
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas According to recent articles in
Studies have shown that militaryservice members mayface a higherriskofeating disorders.Children ofservice members mayalso be at increased riskaccording to a recent article in the InternationalJournal ofEating Disorders.(DODPHOTOILLUSTRATIONBYJASONW.EDWARDS) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume. Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 7, 2024


Defense Health Agency

Manyworking-ageadultsintheU.S.have jobsthatrequireeighthoursperdayormore workingatacomputer Thisisinadditionto theirrecreationalscreentimewatchingTV, using a computer, or their phone Sitting at adeskinfrontofascreencanbeharmfulto yourhealthbecauseitreducestimespenton physicalaerobicactivityandincreasesbody andeyestrain.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, holding poor postures for long periods and performing the same or similar tasks repetitively are amongtheleadingreasonsformusculoskeletal conditions such as neck, shoulder, and backpain,aswellascarpaltunnelsyndrome Leg pain and swelling have also been identified in a study of prolonged sitting among adults, as published in the Journal of ClinicalMedicine

Work-relatedconditionssuchastheseare amongthemostfrequentlyreportedcauses of lost or restricted work time As noted by theCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention, the hazards of prolonged work associatedwithsedentaryseatedworkcontribute to various chronic diseases musculoskeletal pain, orthopedic conditions, metabolic syndrome diabetes, and ultimately, prematuremortality

Military Public Health

Experts Agree

“Work-related musculoskeletal injuries accountforsomeofthelargestcostsininjury claimsandlostworktimeintheDepartment ofDefense,”saysDr JohnPentikis,the ergonomics branch manager at the Defense Health Agency Public Health in Aberdeen, Maryland, “In addition to finding solutions to reduce injuries related to jobs that require high repetition, lifting heavy objects or vibrating equipment, we routinely are asked to assist with health concernsassociatedwithpoorposturesand static seated positions commonly found at computerworkstations.”

Eye strain injuries are also a concern.

“Becauseoureyesaredesignedtofocuson distance,theneedtoadapttoworkenvironments with everything close up can strain eyes,” says U.S. Army Maj. William Garrison anoptometristworkingforDHAPublic Health. Garrison explains that spending long hours staring at a computer screen daily canresultinvisionblurriness,dryeyes,and headaches

What can you do?

Theremaybenoavoidingcomputerwork for your job; however, simple changes can makeyourtimeatthecomputerworkstation less stressful on your body and eyes These changescannotonlyimproveyourcomfort but also help to reduce the risk of musculoskeletaldisordersorvisionproblems

Pentikis and Garrison agree that that the position of your monitor is an especially importantfactorforreducingtheserisks.

“The best monitor position for you will dependoneyeheight monitorsize,viewing distance and viewing angle, says Pentikis. “WhileservicemembersandDODemployeescancontactusforprofessionalergonomics advice, we recommend some general steps that anyone can take to help improve postureandreduceeyestrain.”

Here are some tips from various DHA Public Health factsheets:

„ Align your monitor screen above your keyboard. Ensure your keyboard, mouse andmonitorareplacedinfrontofyousoyou don’thavetotwistyourbodyorneck.

„ Placethetopofthemonitoratseatedeye height to allow you to gaze slightly downward to view the center of the screen. Tilt thescreenslightlytoaccommodateyourline ofsightandtopreventglare.

„ If the monitor is too low, place it on a monitor stand or, if necessary, a stable box. Manyflatscreenmonitorstandsareadjustable in height. Or use books or folders to raise the monitor so the top of the monitor iseyelevel.

Use the desk height as a starting point and adjust your chair height so that your forearmsandwristsareparalleltothefloor Adjustyourarmreststosupportyourupper arms Check your posture is comfortable, includingthatyour:

• Shoulders are relaxed. Upper arms are close to your body. Forearms and wrists are paralleltothefloor.

„ Don’t let your feet dangle Add a footrest if the chair height doesn’t allow your feet to rest comfortably on the floor. Make sure your ankle and knee joints are at 90-degree angles „ Reduceeyestrainandheadaches:

• Keep your monitor screen at approximatelyarm’slength.

• Use the “20-20-20 Rule.” Every 20 minutes take a break for 20 seconds and lookatthingsatleast20feetaway Get glasses for near reading, such as computerbifocalsorprogressivelenses

• Blink frequently to help keep the eyes moisturized.

• Increase font size and use a more readablefontstyle •Cleanthescreen.

• Adjust brightness and contrast Reduce sources of glare and light reflecting off the screen.


• Consider adding an anti-glare coating on your glasses to reduce reflections off the front of the lenses. If you wear bifocals, you might want to position your monitor lower to allow you to view it through the lower section of your glasses Prescription computer glasses are set for the distance from your eyes to the monitor This eliminatestiltingyourheadbacktoseethescreen throughthelowerhalfofyourbifocals

Additional Recommendations

Getadequateaerobicandweight-bearingexercise Adultsarealsoencouragedto reducetheamountoftheirsedentaryvoluntary or recreational time The CDC recommends adults achieve at least 150 to 300 minutesofmoderate-intensityaerobicactivity,likebriskwalkingorwateraerobics,each week. Adults also need muscle-strengthening activity, like lifting weights or doing push-ups, at least two days each week. In

addition to making you feel better functionbetter,andsleepbetter,followingthese activity guidelines can reduce risk of many health problems, including obesity, Type 2 diabetesandheartdisease

Be mindful of gaming/leisure-time useofcomputers.Sometimespeoplehave a good setup for their work computer and monitor,butwhentheyswitchtotheleisure activityofplayingvideogamesorusingtheir smartphone allofthegoodcomputerwork posturesandpositioninggooutthewindow Rememberyourposture,assessyourscreen distance, and be aware of the duration you are sitting during these recreational activities Otherrecommendationsinclude:

„ Using a stable and supportive seating surface „ Trying to hold the controller or phone in aneutralwristposition „ Standingup,stretchingandtakingregular breakstochangepositionandrestyoureyes For more information, visit these resources:


„ Ergonomics: https://ph.health.mil/topics/workplacehealth/ergo/Pages/default.aspx https://ph.health.mil/topics/workplacehealth/ergo/Pages/Ergonomics-Publications.aspx

„ Military Vision Readiness: https://ph.health.mil/topics/workplacehealth/vcr/Pages/default.aspx


Prevention: „ NIOSH Ergonomics: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/ergonomics/default.html

„ Physical Activity Guidelines: https://health.gov/our-work/ nutrition-physical-activity/physical-activity-guidelines/about-physical-activity-guidelines

OccupationalSafetyandHealth Administration: https://www.osha.gov/ergonomics

NationalLibraryofMedicine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5618737/

DHA Public Health experts offer tips to reduce body pains, eye strain caused by working at your computer Manyadults in the U.S.must spend eight hours ormore using a computerforworkin addition to the recreational screen time theyspendwatchingTVand using theirphone and personal computer The Defense HealthAgencyPublic Health shares tips on howto include regularphysical exercise inyourweeklyschedule and adjustyourmonitorto reduce the chance ofneck, shoulder orbackpain,carpal tunnel syndrome,orvision problems.(PHOTOBYROBYNMINCHER) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com Stop wasting time searching forjobs. Find the right jobs with tribune publishing recruitment services. We work hardtomakeyour job search easy. With our expansivenetwork of distinguished employers from coasttocoastand advanced job matching technology,you’ll find opportunities thatmatch your skills, your personality and your life. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 7
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 7, 2024

Beyond Monet: The Immersive Experience opens at Virginia Beach Convention Center Friday, July 5


NORFOLK,Va ProducerPaquinEntertainment Group announced today that

BeyondMonet:TheImmersiveExperience will open on Friday July 5 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center Beyond Monet: TheImmersiveExperienceisfullofinfinite potential for wonder and sheds new light on what the world thought it knew about Claude Monet. The experience showcases morethan400ofMonet’smosticonicworks ofimpressionism,includingtheWaterLilies series,Impression:Sunrise andPoppies An exclusiveencorepresentationofBeyondVan Gogh: The Immersive Experience which has sold over 7 million tickets worldwide, will be available at select dates and times Tickets are on sale beginning Thursday, March7at10:00amatmonetvirginiabeach. com

“Through cutting-edge technology, BeyondMonet:TheImmersiveExperience is redefining what art means to people,” says Paquin Entertainment Group’s President of Exhibitions and Theatrical, Justin Paquin.“Ithaselevatedartworktothenext level,allowingustoformnewrelationships withnotablemasterpiecesthatwerejustnot possibleinpreviousyears.”

Beyond Monet: The Immersive Experiencegivesguestsaglimpseintotheemotions and perspectives of the leading figure of Impressionism:ClaudeMonet.Takinginspiration from Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris, the designated home of Monet’s masterpieces, guests can freely roam the Infinity Room to absorb the artist’s bright and colorful paintings. Monet’s stunning imageryencompasseseverysurfaceoftheroom, transporting guests inside the paintings

themselves It is a haven for awakening the senses as the ebb and flow of the artwork is accompanied by the rhythm of an original score “When you stand inside Beyond Monet, you truly feel like you are part of Monet’s passionate quest for the effervescent beauty of the world,” says Beyond Monet Art Historian Fanny Curtat. “Experiences likethesecreatefreshandoriginalperspectives allowingustoformnewrelationships with notable masterpieces in dynamic and fascinating ways.”

„ WHEN:Friday,July5,2024 Thursday, September5,2024

„ HOURSOFOPERATION:Wednesday& Thursday:11AM-7PM(LastEntry:6PM)

„ Friday&Saturday:11AM-9PM(Last Entry:8PM) „ Sunday:11AM-6PM(LastEntry:6PM) „ WHERE:VirginiaBeachConvention Center,100019thSt,VirginiaBeach,VA 23451 „ TICKETS:monetvirginiabeach.com

About Virginia Arts Festival: The Virginia ArtsFestivalcelebratesits27thAnniversary in 2024. The largest performing arts organization in southeastern Virginia, Virginia Arts Festival has transformed the region’s cultural scene, presenting great performers from around the world and making this historic region a cultural destination for visitors from across the United States

and around the world In 2019 the Festival welcomed visitors from 47 states, the District of Columbia, and 12 foreign countries Each season, the Festival presents over 250 performances, free community events, student matinees, and workshops, with an annual attendance of over 110,000 Millionsmorearereachedthroughinternational broadcasts of Festival performances on American Public Media’s Performance Today, nationally on PBS TV and regionally on WHRO TV Over 32% of ticket sales comefromoutsidetheregion,bringingtens of thousands of visitors to local museums and attractions and filling regional hotels andrestaurants Estimatedannualeconomic impactoftheFestivalexceeds$25million.

dian Larry David to create what was to become the most successful comedy series in the history of television: “Seinfeld.” The showranonNBCfornineseasons,winning numerous Emmy, Golden Globe, and People’sChoiceawards andwasnamedthe greatest television show of all time in 2009 by TV Guide, and in 2012 was identified as

thebestsitcomeverina60Minutes/Vanity Fairpoll.

HislatestEmmynominatedNetflixprojects include “Jerry Before Seinfeld” and

PressRelease NORFOLK, Va SevenVenues, and JS Touring, announced today that America’s premier comedian, Jerry Seinfeld, will perform at 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 18 at Chrysler Hall Tickets go on sale to the generalpublicat10a.m.onFriday March8. America’spremiercomedian,JerrySeinfeld, takes the stage of Chrysler Hall to perform his newest stand-up routine at 7 p.m.onSaturday,May18 Ticketsgoonsale at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 8 at the Scope Arena box office and Ticketmaster.com. Seinfeld has been hailed for his uncanny ability to joke about the little things in life thatrelatetoaudienceseverywhere. Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy career took off after his first appearance on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in 1981. Eight yearslater,heteamedupwithfellowcome-
“23 Hours to Kill” along with the highly acclaimed web series, “Comedians in Cars GettingCoffee.” Seinfeld has also starred in, written, and produced movies
“Bee Movie”), directed and produced a Broadway hit (“Colin Quinn Long Story Short”), and wrote three best-selling books (Is this Anything?,Seinlanguage,andTheComediansinCarsGettingCoffeeBook)andachildren’s book (Halloween) Seinfeld recently announcedhisupcomingfilmUnfrostedand continues to perform both nationally and internationally Tickets start at $55 and go on sale to the general public at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 8. at the Scope Arena Box Office and Ticketmaster.com The Scope Arena box office islocatedintheScopeparkinggarageat201 E. Brambleton Ave, Norfolk, VA 23510 It is currently open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information visit sevenvenues.com/events or call 757.664.6464 SevenVenues announces Jerry Seinfeld coming Saturday, May 18 to Chrysler Hall ComedianJerrySeinfeld performing at Clusterfest in San Francisco,California. (SHUTTERSTOCKPHOTO) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with traditional Irish dishes Celebrate St Patrick’s Daywith thesewarm, filling dishes that harken backto Irish heritage: Irish Sláinte Stew Irish Potato Bread,and Irish Apple Cake.PageC4 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 1



The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/


VIRGINIABEACH,Va Distinctearthy tones flavors of dark chocolate and vanilla, and notes of black pepper and cedar. This is what to expect from the new Fathom CoffeeKomodoDragonblend,incollaboration with the Virginia Aquarium & Marine ScienceCenter Thisblendcontainssustainably sourced and packaged beans from the volcanic slopes of Flores, Indonesia, home oftheendangeredKomododragon.

FathomCoffeeandtheVirginiaAquarium havecombinedtheirenthusiasmforconservation to create a cup that coffee drinkers can feel good about. With reusable packaging, 100 percent solar-powered roasted coffee, and the use of electric roasters; the Komodo coffee blend awakens drinkers withoutdisturbingtheenvironment

The beans originate from Flores Island and are sourced from family-owned farms surrounding the town of Bajawa Savor the taste of Flores while supporting the care of the Komodo dragons at the Virginia Aquarium.10percentoftheprofitsfromthiscoffee blend go directly to the Aquarium’s Foundation.

“Fathom Coffee supports a number of local non-profits that are aligned with our valuesandinterests,andwe’realwayslooking for opportunities to collaborate and have some fun,” said Jeff Werby, Fathom Coffee owner and founder “When we fell in love with the Indonesia Flores Komodo Dragon coffee, we immediately thought of theVirginiaAquarium!It’saVirginiaBeach icon that we love to visit, and we thought this would be a unique way to support the Aquarium’smissiontoeducateandconnect thepublictotheseendangeredanimals.”

The Virginia Aquarium cares for three Komodo dragons Teman (21), Bejo (7), and Kado (7). Teman arrived at the Virginia Aquarium at 3 years old from Denver; Bejo and Kado were born at the Virginia Aquarium as part of the greater Species Survival Planprogram(SSP)withtheAssociationof Zoos&Aquariums(AZA).

“Komodo dragons are one of the world’s most charismatic reptiles They are intelligent,curious andcreative,”saidtheVirginia Aquarium’s assistant curator of fish, herps and invertebrates, Colin Walker “As a dragon caretaker, we have the opportunity to appreciate thefullscopeof their individuality as well as learn about their behaviors andinnatesurvivalstrategies.”

Komodo dragons currently have a stable population density but are highly fragmented in their home range due to geography.Thismakesthemvulnerabletoshifting environmental conditions such as sea level rise and food depletion, which is a direct result of the health of the environment in which they live. Due to these factors and theiroverallpopulationsize,Komododragons are listed as endangered according to the 2021 IUCN assessment. This animal is highly valued, and several organizations have established conservation programs to protectandpreservethespecies

“As the world’s largest lizard, they are the apex predator in their native environment and ensure the ecological health of the islands, encompassed by Indonesia’s Komodo National Park, and have great cultural significance to the people there,” saidWalker

One of the major threats to most megafauna is the loss of contiguous habitat due to commercial and residential land development, timber harvesting, and agricultural activities. Coffee beans can be grown through a regenerative process rather than depreciating a habitat. Coffee beans prefer partial shade and thrive when planted within old-growth forest rather than opentilled fields, so there is little incentive to

deforest an area to grow it. The shoots, leaves, flowers, and fruiting body serve as a food source to enhance insect, mammal, andbirddiversity Coffee whengrownwith specific methods, can serve to enhance the overallecologicalhealthoftheisland.

TheKomodoDragonblendismorethana morning pick-me-up but a message to keep

plastic and waste out of the local waterways and landfills In addition to supporting the Aquarium’s animals and exhibits, educational programs and the Stranding Response program, the Foundation specifically provides financial support for the KomodoSpeciesSurvivalPlan,acquisitions andtransfersofdragonscontributingtothe

SSP,andtoolsandenrichmentitemsforthe Komododragoncareteam. Purchase the Komodo Dragon blend at Fathom Coffee or purchase a jar of beans at the Virginia Aquarium’s North Building store.ReturnyourglassbottletoFathomfor adiscountonyournextcoffeepurchase Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center: The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center’s mission is to connect people to the marine environment, inspiringamoresustainablefuture.TheAquarium aspirestobeadriverinconservation education tourism,andsustainability leadingthe charge to save wildlife and their ecosystems. Owned by the City of Virginia Beach, theAquariumoperatesasacitydepartment in partnership with the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation. The Aquarium is proud to be an accreditedmemberoftheAssociationofZoosand Aquariums,theAllianceofMarineMammal ParksandAquarium,andtheWorldAssociationofZoosandAquariums

The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports the work of the Virginia Aquarium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits, including the animals and habitats It is also responsible for annual and capital fundraising administration and funding for the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, conservation and scientific research efforts, and the Aquarium’s mission-related education programs. You can be a part of our mission by making a tax-deductible donation to support our programming.

Fathom Coffee & Roastery: Fathom Coffee,aveteran-ownedcraftcoffeeroaster established in 2016 by Bob Werby, Jeff Werby, and Lisa DeNoia, radiates a deeper love for coffee Their dedication to sustainabilityisevidentintheirsolar-roastedbeans andtheirsupportforenvironmentalconservation and military families From source to sip, they delve into the realm of quality, nurturing community through engaging conversations. Whether you seek your perfect cup in person seven days a week from0700to1500orprefertoexploretheir wide range of beans, products and values onlineatfathomcoffee.com,FathomCoffee invitesyoutofindyourfix.

The Virginia Aquarium and veteran-owned, Fathom Coffee, partners on new blend with a mission PressRelease NORFOLK, Va The Norfolk Tides are the Triple-A affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles and a member of the International League In 2023, Norfolk won the International League Championship and Triple-A NationalChampionshipasthetopaffiliateof theBaltimoreOrioles.TheTideshavebeen affiliated with the Orioles since 2007 and have been a member of the International League since 1969 The Tides served as a New York Mets affiliate from 1969 - 2006 beforealigningwiththeOriolesin2007. Fans can now purchase a ticket to any of the Tides’ home games, with Opening Day comingtoHarborParkonFriday,March29 vs theDurhamBulls Seasonticketsarealsoavailablebycalling 757-622-2222. To learn more about Norfolk Tides season ticket plans online at https:// www.milb.com/norfolk/tickets/. Viewthecompletegamescheduleonline at https://www.milb.com/norfolk/schedule/2024-03 Norfolk Tides 2024 season begins March 29 at Harbor Park! Single game tickets on sale now 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, March 7, 2024
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 3

IfSt.Patrick’sDayinspiresfeelingsofhearthandhome ratherthanleprechaunsandgreenbeer,youcancelebrate tradition with warm, filling meals that harken back to Irishheritage.Soupsandstewsarecertaintoconjureup somenostalgiawhilesoft,deliciouscakeisaperfectway tohonortraditionregardlessofyourancestry

ThisIrishSláinteStewoffersawarmwelcometoguests withyourown wayoftoasting to theholiday-Sláinte is “cheers”inGaelic.Thisheartymealisperfectforacrowd withtraditionalstewmeatslow-cookedinaDutchoven withbeef broth, spices,carrots,potatoes, herbsand an Irishdraughtbeer.ServealongsidethiscrustyIrishPotato Breadthat’sidealforsoakingupeachdeliciousdrop.

Shareasweet waytocomplete themealinstyle with IrishAppleCake,aclassicdesserttotopoffafillingcelebration. This version is easy enough to preparewith a handful of everyday ingredients for thecake, acrumbly toppingandhomemadecustardforthefinishingtouch

If you’relooking foradditional ways to honor traditionthisSt.Patrick’sDay,considerafewothercozyIrish dishes:

„ Boxty(potatopancakes,similartolatkes)

„ Boiledcabbage

„ Irishsodabread

„ Shepherd’spie

„ Cornedbeefandcabbage

„ Potatosoup

„ Irishcoffee

„ Colcannon(mashedpotatoesandgreens)

„ Coddle(typicallyincluding porksausage,potatoes andonions)

„ Seafoodchowder

To findmoredelicious ways to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day,visitCulinary.net.

Irish Sláinte Stew


„ Oil,fordrizzling

„ 1poundstewmeat

„ 3tablespoonsflour

„ 48ouncesbeefbroth

„ 1cupcarrots,diced

„ 1cupcelery,diced

„ 3cupspotatoes,diced

„ ½ onion,diced „ 2tablespoonsgarlicpepper „ 1tabespoondriedthyme

„ ½ tablespoondriedrosemary „ 1tablespoondriedchives „ 1-2pinchespepper „ 1-2pinchessalt,plusadditionaltotaste,divided „ 1bottleIrishdraughtbeerofchoice „ crustybread,forserving


InDutchovenovermediumheat,drizzleoilandbrown stewmeatwithsaltandpepper.Sprinkleflourovermeat Addbeefbroth,carrots,celery,potatoes,onion, garlic pepper, thyme,rosemary and chives.Add Irish draught beer

Bringtoboil,stirring,5minutes.Simmer2hours,stirringoccasionally. Servewithcrustybread.

Irish Potato Bread

Ingredients: „ 2mediumorlargerussetpotatoes „ 1egg „ 1eggwhite „ ⅓cupcanolaoil „ ¾cupmilk „ 2tablespoonsgreenonion,minced „ ½teaspooncarawayseeds „ 3¼cupsall-purposeflour,plusadditionalfor dustingandkneading „ 1½tablespoonsbakingpowder „ 1teaspoonsalt



Peelpotatoes.Sliceonepotatoandboil insaucepan15 minutes,oruntil tender. Remove potato fromsaucepan intolargebowl.Mashpotatothensetaside Gratesecondpotatoontocloth.Wringpotatoinclothto removeexcesswater.Addgratedpotatotomashedpotato inlargebowl.Addegg,eggwhite,oil,milk,onion,caraway seeds,3 ¼ cupsflour,baking powder and salt. Stir with woodenspoonuntilmixtureissoftandsticky

Turn dough onto floured surface.Adding flour as needed, kneaddough to form 8-inchroundshape with slight dome.Place dough ontobakingsheet lined with

CelebrateSt.Patrick’sDay withtraditionalIrishdishes withtraditionalIrishdishe

parchmentpaper.Cut large “X” on topofdough about ½inchdeep. Bake55minutesuntilgoldenbrown.Coolonwirerack 1hourbeforeserving

Irish Apple Cake

Cake: „ 3cupsself-risingflour

„ ½tablespooncinnamon

„ ¼teaspooncloves

„ ¼teaspoonnutmeg

„ ¼teaspoonginger „ 1stickbutter,cubed

„ ¾cupsugar „ 4applesofchoice,peeledandcubed

„ 2eggs „ 1cuphalf-and-half


„ ½stickbutter

„ ¾cupflour „ 1cupbrownsugar

Custard: „ 6largeeggyolks

„ 6tablespoonssugar

„ 1½cupshalf-and-half „ 2teaspoonsvanilla

Directions: Preheat oven to 375F.Grease and flour 9-inch round springformpan. To makecake:Inlargebowl,siftflourwithcinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and ginger.Usingfork,cut butteruntil mixture resembles crumbs.Add sugar and apples;mix well.Stirineggsandhalf-and-halfuntilmixturereaches thick,dough-likebatter.Pourbatterintopreparedpan.

Tomaketopping:Inbowl,mixbutter,flourandsugarto createcrumbledmixture.Sprinkleontopofbatterinpan. Bake 1hour.Checkwith toothpicktomakesuremiddle is completely done. If not, bake 5-10 minutes. Let cool onrack.

Tomakecustard:Whiskeggyolksandsugar.Insaucepan,bring half-and-halftoboil. Addone spoonfulhalfand-halfatatimetoeggmixture,whiskingwhileadding. Once whiskedtogether,returntosaucepanandstir over mediumheat until thickened, about 4minutes. Remove fromheatandwhiskinvanilla.


4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 3| Thursday, March 7, 2024

Enjoy the benefits of dog walking


Hawaii Didyouknowthatspendingtime withyourpoochisagreatwaytoworkonthe eight pillars of Total Force Fitness? While National Walk Your Dog Month is over, the healthbenefitscanlastallyearlong!

So get up, get moving, and don’t let those frigid winter temperatures slow you down. Walkingisagreatwaytokeepyouandyour dogphysically,psychologically,andsocially fitthiswinter.

“Don’t think of it as a chore,” explained Maj. Tselane Ware, director of Public Health Command-Pacific Veterinary Health Services Directorate “Going for a walk is a good bonding time between you andyourdog Ithelpswithsocialandphysical health, so you and your dog are not couch potatoes.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure,


MeetthevitaminBteam.Thesevitamins are the key players that help convert your food and drink into energy to keep your brainandbodygoing

“All your B vitamins equal energy,” said U.S.NavyLt MichaelKantar,adietitianwho heads the Nutrition Management Department at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton in California.

“It’snotasifyoutakethevitaminandyou haveenergy,”headded.“Rather yourBvitaminsaretheassistanttoyourmetabolismto breakdownenergyfromthefoodsyoueat.

Your metabolism is the process of chemicalchangestomakeenergycellsneededto grow, reproduce, repair, and stay healthy The metabolic process also helps get rid of toxins

How essential are B vitamins? It’s the biggestreasonever

“ThemostimportantbenefitoftheBvitaminsislife—theyareessentialtoallpersons, andanydeficiencycancauseserioushealth problems,”saidPatriciaDeuster,whoholds a doctorate in nutritional sciences and is acting executive director of the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences’ ConsortiumforHealthandMilitaryPerformance

What are B Vitamins and How Can You Get Them?

Consisting of eight different essential nutrients, each B vitamin has specific functions as explained by the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health:

„ thiamin(B-1)

„ riboflavin(B-2)

„ niacin(B-3)

„ pantothenicacid(B-5)

„ pyridoxine/pyridoxal(B-6)

„ biotin(B-7)

„ folate(B-9)

„ cobalamin(B-12)

Your body cannot produce B vitamins on its own to support proper metabolism, so it isimportantyoueatawell-balanceddiet NoonefoodprovidesalloftheBvitamins. TomaximizeyourintakeofBvitaminswithout taking dietary supplements, you should selectavarietyofnon-processedfoods.

anddepressionbyprovidingcompanionship “Dogwalkingnotonlyencouragespeople to get out of their homes and socialize, but petsalsobenefit.Ownerscanseeiftheirdog has any health or behavioral issues,” Ware explained.

Many pet owners are often unaware of bowel or urinary issues when a pet is only letoutinayard

“When you walk your dog you can actually see if they are having a hard time going tothebathroom,orhaveissueslikeworms,” Ware continued. “Often owners don’t even know there is an issue until they take their petforawalk.”

Even a short walk around the block on a colddaycanmakeabigdifference.

“Certain types of dog breeds really do require multiple walks throughout the day, explained Maj. Jean Rubanick, chief ofAnimalHealthatthePHC-PVHSDirectorate

According to the American Kennel Club, many dog breeds have been selectively developedforherding,sporting,orworking, whichmeanstheyneedtostayactive.These typesofbreedscangetboredorrestlessand


“Often pets are cooped up in a home or apartment. So going for a walk provides themneededstimulation,”continuedRubanick.

Rubanick warns that not every dog is the same owners should consider the age and physical needs of the dog before going for awalk

“Often, older dogs suffer from arthritis,” said Rubanick. “While exercise is good, owners should avoid walking arthritic pets on hard surfaces like cement and concrete, andterrainwithhillsorloosesand.”

Instead, she recommends that arthritic petswalkonsoftersurfaceslikegrass

Rubanick also recommends that owners pay attention to winter weather conditions andmakespecialconsiderationswhenwalkingtheirpetsinthecold.

“If it’s something that can affect us it can certainlyaffectthepet,”Rubanickexplained. “If the ground is extremely cold dogs can get frostbite on their toes or pads Owners should avoid walking their dogs in freezing rainoronice Somepetsmayevenneedlittle

Currentnutritionsciencesaysyoushould aim for a varied diet that consists of whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and leanproteins(beef,pork,poultry,andfish) Eggsanddairyproductsareagoodsource of at least four B vitamins Many types of cereals and baked goods are enriched so although processed they provide many of theBvitamins

One super B vitamin food is perhaps somethingyourparentsmayhavetriedtoget youtoeatasachild—withvaryingsuccess

“Believe it or not, one food high in many oftheBvitaminsisbeefliver,”Deustersaid

For Meatless Eaters

If you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, you should be able to get your B vitamins easily inthefoodanddrinkyouconsume,provided you are choosing a variety of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains,beans,nuts,andseeds

The exception is vitamin B-12, which is naturallyfoundinanimalfoods For those strictly meatless eaters who are pregnant or breastfeeding, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has cautioned that their babies might not get enough vitamin B-12 and the mothers should be counseled about taking a B-12 supplement.

Vitamin B-12 a Key Player

Vitamin B-12 is needed to form red blood cells and DNA. It is also crucial in the function and development of brain and nerve cells.

To ensure you’re getting enough vitamin B-12—even if you eat meat or animal-based foods—try consuming fortified plant-based foods such as plant-based milks, including soy and almond milks, said USU assistant professorJonathanScott,aregistereddietitian who holds a doctorate in health and

boots or jackets to protect them from the cold. Owners just really need to watch for signsofwhentheirpetisreadytogoinside.” But before you and your pup head out on awalk,thePHC-PVHSDirectoraterecommendsthesetipstomakeyourtimetogether amuchmoreenjoyableexperience:

„ Incorporate obedience training into the walk.

„ Superviseyourdogaroundotherdogsand people „ Knowyourrouteaheadoftime.

„ Considerusingaheadcollarversusaneck collarorharness.

„ Keep walks shorter in extreme cold or heat.

„ Avoid going for walks in heavy snow or atnight.

“The biggest take away that I want military members and their Families to know is that even though it’s cold outside, and you may not want to leave your house, walking yourdoghasreallygreathealthbenefitsfor bothofyou,”saidRubanick So,putdownyourphone,grabthatleash, and begin this year with a pledge better healthforyouandyourdog!


Other non-animal-based foods rich in vitaminB-12include:

„ Nutritionalyeastandyeastspreads „ Tempeh,afermentedsoy-beancake „ Tofu

„ Creminimushrooms

„ Plant-based“meats”

„ Noriseaweed Additionally, as you age, you are able to absorb less B-12 from your diet. You should consider adding a vitamin supplement, Deustersuggested

Vitamin B-6 on Defense

VitaminB-6alsoservesmanykeyrolesin keepingyourbodyhealthyandwouldbenefitfrommoreresearch,Scottsaid.

“It is involved in over 160 biochemical reactionsrelatedtocarbohydrate fat amino acid,andnucleicacidmetabolism.Thevitamin also serves as a signal for cells acts as anantioxidant,participatesinthefunctioning of the immune system, and more, he explained.


„ Organmeats,suchasbeefliver

„ Chickpeas

„ Tuna

„ Salmon

„ Poultry

„ Potatoes „ Fortifiedcereals


Check how well you are feeding your


„ The CHAMP Human Performance Resources’ Warfighter Nutrition Guide helps warfighters learn to fuel their daily performance nutrition needs (online at https://www.hprc-online.org/nutrition/ warfighter-nutrition-guide)

„ U.S.DepartmentofAgriculture’sMyPlate program discusses how to build a healthy plateandapatternofhealthyeating.(online athttps://www.myplate.gov/)

„ The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 edition, provides nutrition information for all age groups. (online at https://www dietaryguidelines.gov/)

Health Spending timewithyourdog is a greatwaytoworkon the eight pillars ofTotal Force Fitness.According to the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention,regularwalking orplayingwith pets can decrease blood pressure,cholesterol levels,and triglyceride levels.Pets can also help manage loneliness and depression byproviding companionship (SHUTTERSTOCKPHOTO)
cholesterol levels, and
levels Pets can also help manage loneliness
Bvitamins are essential to brain function,cell metabolism,and energylevel.To maximizeyour intake ofBvitamins,add avarietyofnon-processed foods toyourdiet,such aswhole grains, beans,nuts,fruits,vegetables,and lean proteins. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 7, 2024 5
does vitamin B
Much more than you think
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