Metropol - 6 October 2016

Page 21


By Majka Kaiser

Timeless, chic, grungy, or simply downright relaxed, styles may come and go, but no matter the cut, denim jeans remain a trusty wardrobe mainstay. Versatility is key and with these top styling tips you can wear jeans day and night, season after season, and never get bored.


Having a ‘fat’ day? A crisp oversized cotton shirt or a tunic over a pair of stretchy skinny jeans will hide a multitude of sins. In the cooler months don an oversized wool sweater and a pair of knee high boots for the ultimate coverage and confidence.

2. 3.

Keep it simple by pairing inky blue denim jeans with a clean-cut neutral top. Use these basics as a blank canvas then add the ‘wow-factor’ with bold accessories like a wildly patterned clutch, scarf, jewellery, or footwear.

Dazzle after dark with a touch of bling. A sequin top or jacket can elevate the most humble pair of jeans to new heights. If you’re not quite so brave to sport sparkling sequins then metallic or shimmery fabrics will create a similar lux look that’s a little more understated.

Workshop Mid Rise Skinny Jeans

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Footwear can make all the difference to not only how you feel and carry yourself, but the statement you intend to make. Transform your entire look by swapping out your cute daytime loafers that are perfect for a weekend brunch date with a polished pair of stilettos for drinks with the girls on a Saturday night.



When the occasion calls for something with a little more panache, but you don’t want to ditch the denim, why not opt for a monochromatic scheme in either black or white? Reach for tops that have luxuriously tactile textures like silk, chiffon, or lace to offset the relaxed nature of denim.



For the classic, casual look you can’t go past a pair of your favourite well-worn jeans with a white T-shirt teamed with a leather motorcycle jacket. Wear with flats, heels or boots depending on your mood.

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For Casual Fridays, or if you’re lucky enough to clock into a workplace that’s laid-back enough, then keep things professional by dressing up a sleek pair of jeans with a tailored blazer or tuxedo-style jacket and a pair of sexy heels or ankle boots.

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