ILLUMINATE - Edition 9

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Illuminate the title for the newsletter sequence of the MES Rotaract Club for the year 2022-23 aims at presenting to its audience the activities and growth of the club as the year progresses.

Illuminate also has a specific aim at enlightening the audience about the endangered species of animals in its different editions, this edition of the newsletter circles around the Red Panda, an endangered animal.

The eighth edition of Illuminate is a compilation of the projects completed by the club in the month of February and creative content by our Rotaractors, in the conclusion of the newsletter.

These factors combined in creative ways and presented to keep our audience informed about our performance. Happy reading.



Gray wolves (Canis lupus) are the largest wild members of Canidae, or dog family, with adults ranging in weight from 18 to 80 kilograms (40 to 175 pounds), depending on sex and geographic locale Gray wolves have a circumpolar range including North America, Europe and Asia. The wide range of habitats in which wolves can thrive reflects their adaptability as a species and includes temperate forests, mountains, tundra, taiga, grasslands and deserts. Gray wolves, or timber wolves, are canines with long bushy tails that are often black-tipped Their coat color is typically a mix of gray and brown with buffy facial markings and undersides, but the color can vary from solid white to brown or black Gray wolves look somewhat like a large German shepherd. The average size of a wolf's body is three to five feet long and their tails are usually one to two feet long. Females typically weigh 60 to 100 pounds, and males weigh 70 to 145 pounds. Wolves also have keen senses of smell, hearing and vision, which they use to detect prey and one another. Wolves are carnivores they prefer to eat large hoofed mammals such as deer, elk, bison, and moose. They also hunt smaller mammals such as beavers, rodents, and hares. Adults can eat 20 pounds of meat in a single meal Gray wolves have long legs that are well adapted to running, allowing them to move fast and travel far in search of food, and large skulls and jaws that are well suited to catching and feeding on large mammals.

Wolves play a key role in keeping ecosystems healthy They help keep deer and elk populations in check, which can benefit many other plant and animal species. The carcasses of their prey also help to redistribute nutrients and provide food for other wildlife species, like grizzly bears and scavengers. Scientists are just beginning to fully understand the positive ripple effects that wolves have on ecosystems The gray wolf's story is one of the most compelling tales of American wildlife. Once, the wolf was widespread across most of North America, but it was hunted ruthlessly and extirpated over most of its range Today the wolf is making a successful comeback in some of its former habitat due to strong conservation efforts. The gray wolf plays a vital role in the health and proper functioning of ecosystems





Dear members of the MES Rotaract Club,

I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to all of you for your unwavering dedication and hard work towards making our Rotaract Club a success A special thank you goes to our Board of Directors (BOD) members and core team who have been instrumental in driving our club forward and ensuring that our initiatives have a meaningful impact.

As we move on to the last quarter of the year, I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. We have already accomplished so much through our community and other avenues projects, and I am confident that we will continue to make a positive impact in the lives of those around us

Our commitment to service and leadership has never been stronger, and I am honored to be serving alongside such a talented and dedicated group of individuals Let us continue to work together towards our goals, and strive to make a meaningful difference in the world

Thank you all for your hard work, enthusiasm, and commitment to the ideals of Rotaract I look forward to seeing all that we can achieve together in the coming months.

Yours in service,



Greetings everyone,

International Service team mainly focuses on connecting and building a widespread network with various other rotract club.

As members of our Rotaract Club, we have all committed ourselves to serving our community and making a positive impact on the world. The work we do is important, and it is because of each and every one of you that we are able to achieve our goals We may face challenges and obstacles along the way, but it is important that we do not lose sight of why we joined this club in the first place. We are part of a movement that is striving to make the world a better place, and that is a powerful thing So, Let us continue to work together, support each other, and make a difference in the world.

Warm greetings to all the rotaracters !

It is the month of make-it-happen march and hence our club took part in a number of sessions on career and business opportunities , higher education programs abroad that would aid aspiring rotaracters .We also had a wonderful session called Beyond The Bump which provided in depth information of two health conditions that pregnant women encounter . These sessions were very insightful and our members did benefit a lot from it We as a club always aim to provide an opportunity for our memebrs to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the needs of the hour which will make them better human beings Just like this , we hope to achieve greater heights as a team , as a club and as a rotaracter . Happy rotaraction !


Special moments with the specially abled

The Club visited Aruna Chetana, a school for specially abled children on 1st March. The members engaged the children teaching them some origami. The intention of this event was to create awareness and forego the taboo associated with children with special needs.



The Community Service Team of District 3190 in association with Cognition India and Janadhare Trust came up with an initiative to distribute Plum Cakes to the children and thee needy. The clubs were given an opportunity to take up this initiative and donate the cakes around Bangalore. Our club collaborated for this and donated around 25 boxes in Aruna Chetana, a school for specially abled children, a blind school in Sheshadripuram, construction workers in Sadashivnagar and the slums of RT Nagar on 1st March. The club was also able to capture the happy moments of the children receiving the cake. It was also overwhelming to see the smiles on the underprivileged people after the cakes were being donated and this clearly made the initiative a grand success as planned.


A brief lookup into Webinars and Talk sessions attended this month

With the commencement of exams, the club's graph took a brief dip, however, in order to not let the Rotaraction die, we did attend some informative seminars that helped ease our stress out and reward ourselves a break from the strenuous study schedule. We are grateful to all clubs who hosted the sessions and gave us an opportunity to imbibe knowledge with minimum effort. On 6th March, we attended the session, Fireside conversation hosted by RaC Ahmedabad Transvend. The session focused upon acquainting the attendees with information regarding international trade and commerce. Pragathi 2.0, hosted by Swarna Bengaluru gave insight into the various international educational institutions and the courses they offer District 3190's initiative, Project EPIC provided in-depth knowledge about the process of procuring a Voter's ID card. Organised by RaC Mount Carmel College, Digilit 101 created awareness among the viewers regarding the plethora of cyber data threats To commemorate the World Rotaract Week, Swarna Bengaluru hosted a multitude of events that revitalised the spirit of Rotaract and strengthened the basics of the youth run organisation Beyond the Bump, hosted by RaC Mount Carmel College, was an eye opening seminar that spoke about the various health risks faced by pregnant women. Rotaract Club of Koramangala's Presentation Workshop accentuated the editing skills of the members effectively.

We are extremely glad that we got a chance to keep up the spirit of the club even when we were in a situation where much effort couldn't be put into the club activities. The very essence of the club lies in the zeal to keep the mantle high and promote service to the society.



Elections are a funny game. As much important as they are for our democracy, elections sometimes fascinate us, surprise us and even show us that a known enemy is better than an unknown friend. There is no dearth of examples to relate with the title I’ve given for this article

We shall get to know about it in the coming paragraphs. Be it the 1996 general elections, the 2015 Bihar assembly elections, the 2018 Karnataka assembly elections, the voters never knew what they wanted. Maybe it’s a reflection of the past experience of voters, or it is the anti incumbency speaking On the other hand, we have the 2014 and 2019 Lok Elections, also the 2020 West Bengal elections and much more where there was one way traffic. Why are we discussing all this? Because another situation will occur on May 13th, 2023 in Karnataka 5 years back , a fractured verdict led the Indian National Congress and Janata Dal (Secular) to join hands and run a government for 14 months. Obviously the kingmaker has always been HD Kumaraswamy, son of former prime minister HD Deve Gowda who led the United Front Government in 1996

This time, the battle for Karnataka is not an easy one. It will test the ultimate pulse of the voters, the work of the outgoing government which went through a change of portfolios including the Chief Minister, a tough 2 years with covid 19. The BJP doesn’t have a CM face , whereas the INC are in a dilemma. The JD(S) always has had HD Kumaraswamy as the kingmaker and many feel, he will be the kingmaker again. So why do we call this a ‘potential fractured verdict’?. It’s because 5 years ago, it happened once and the BJP formed it’s government because of the rebels 14 months later . This time, the competition is such that the voters know what they want, but the competition is one of the toughest You’ll find party bastions and swing seats as always

That’s another chapter altogether. I’d say, the may month is going to be a test of patience, resilience and the fruit of 5 years of hard work. A fractured verdict will only lead to less work, less public welfare activities and more of politics See you on May 13th, 2023!

The rustle of winds

Or the scent of the sand

The glowing sun

Or the ethereal moon

The depth of the roots

Or the ascent of the fruit

It's all a camaraderie

Of the elements

In perfect symphony

Raising the expect Of mere huma

2nd BSc Z-Psy
J Rao
Rtr. Sushant Shekar Koushik 3rd B.Com B

Club Twitter: @MesRotaract

Unless otherwise noted: All the images, content are either written or taken from internet sources. The sources in the case internet are from public domain and open source

07 Send Inqueries To: MES Rotaract Club Official Mail ID For Collaborations or Sponsorships: Kindly get in touch with President & Treasurer Rtr Siddharth Chhabra - +91 89718 91208 Rtr. Dhruti Prasad - +91 6361 619 595
Follow us on: Instagram: @mesrotaract Facebook: @Mes Rotaract
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