4 5 TH A N N I V E R S A R Y 2 0 2 3
A letter from the HIA-LI President & CEO, Terri Alessi-Miceli
Advertising Agencies, Marketing & PR Firms
News, Updates, Events, and Promotions from our member companies!
HIA-LIheISHIA-LI ONE isOFone THEofRECOGNIZED FORlong BUSINESS ON LONG A POWERFUL the recognizedVOICES voices for island business andISLAND; a powerful force in regional FORCE AND ECONOMIC ENGINE FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT. OUR MEMBER COMPANIES and economic development. HIA-LI’S priorities include important initiatives and projects we will REPRESENT TENS THOUSANDS OFisland BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS. advocateHIA-LI for onOF of THE the long business We are to collaborating ISbehalf ONE OF RECOGNIZED VOICEScommunity. FOR BUSINESS ONcommitted LONG ISLAND; A POWERFUL
to build FORCE supportAND for these priorities as we FOR help REGIONAL restore the DEVELOPMENT. LI economy. OUR MEMBER COMPANIES ECONOMIC ENGINE MANUFACTURING REVITILIZATION REPRESENT TENS OF THOUSANDS OF BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS. MANUFACTURING REVITILIZATION opportunities for a skilled manufacturing workforce. opportunities for a skilled manufacturing WORKFORCEworkforce. DEVELOPMENT Develop solutions to attract, blend and retain employees and keep youth on LI. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
Develop solutions to attract, blend and retain employees and keep youth on LI. HEALTHCARE Explore existing and emerging strategies for containing HEALTHCARE healthcare costs. LONG ISLAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESTORE AND GROWand MEMBERSHIP Explore existing emerging strategies for containing healthcare Support and advocate for efforts to improve infrastructure Articulate our deepened valuecosts. proposition to restore and and promote economic development on long island. INFRASTRUCTURE attract new members. • Long Island Innovation Park At Hauppauge membership create a forum Identify•andCEO develop plans –tocontinue addresstocritical Advocate For The Growth And Sustainability Of Theinfrastructure forneeds CEO’s and business owners toIndustrial collaborate and INFRASTRUCTURE of the Hauppauge LIIPH, The Largest In The Northeast. brainstorm grow their businesses. Identify plans to address Park that will fosterand thetodevelop continued growth of critical • LI Macarthur Airport - Build Support And Awareness • infrastructure Premium Onlineneeds Marketplace - Help Our Members of the Hauppauge Industrial business. For Town Of Islip Projects And The Expansion Of Showcase And Connect Their Companygrowth Brand of Park that will foster the continued Long Island Macarthur Airport. Virtually To The LongSUCCESS Island Business Community. business. ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS • Major Projects On LI – Identify And Highlight Create forums to educate and connect business Additional Long Island Transformational Projects. OF BUSINESS BUSINESS growthSMALL andENVIRONMENT survival. Promote the HIA-LISUCCESS Annual Create forums to educate andfor connect business Trade Show and conference as a forum Creategrowth an environment of business success by branding, GOVERNMENT RELATIONS andand survival. Promote HIA-LI Annual important connection discussion on the economic, educating, and advocating for long island small business. Trade Show and conference as a forum for business, and workforce development issues. Work with business to identify challenges and government important connection and discussion on economic, leaders to explore existing and emerging strategies to WOMEN’S COLLABORATIVE business, and workforce development issues. support long island business and quality of life. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY “GO GREEN”
Support, educate and advocate for women business leaders to affect positive change growth. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY “GOandGREEN”
members. Educate and showcase environmental services. Connect business needs and institutions to better attractand energymembers. Educate REBRANDING HIALI and showcase environmental Long Island’s future workforce. Develop strategies to and energy services. Re - launch HIA-LI’s brand to communicate our unique attract, train and retain employees for Long Island VIRTUAL HIA-LI and solidify our position within the LI market. business. Enablevalue our VIRTUAL members to collaborate, connect and our HIA-LI logo showing that we are evolving to reach • Job portal - create a hub where businesses, job deliverModernize added value by sharing knowledge with Enable next norm.our members to collaborate, connect and seekers, universities and partners can align on jobcurrentthe anddeliver futureadded members global world. with valueand by the sharing knowledge creation and hiring. current and future members and the global world.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 2
29 31-44
Identify and develop plans to addres infrastructure of the Hauppaug HIA-LI HIA-LIOFFICERS OFFICERS&needs &DIRECTORS DIRECTORS Park HIA-LI that OFFICERS will foster the continued gr & DIRECTORS business.
DIRECTORS Arthur Sanders Kevin OʼConnor Bridgehampton OmniJ.Funding Jim Coughlan President & CEO Jim Coughlan Paule T. Pachter Thomas Fallarino President Bank (631) CPA (516) 697 - 3900 Tritec Real Real Estate Estate Co., Co Terri Alessi-Miceli Tritec LongNational Island Cares Terri Alessi-Miceli (631) 537-8826 (631) 543-5355 Inc. 582-3663 (631) 706 -DIRECTORS 4113 Kevin OʼConnor Richard S.Arthur Feldman, Sanders LIFETIME BOARD (631) 543 - 5355 (631) 706-4113 Robert Bridgehampton Quarte Esq. Funding OFFICERS MEMBERSOmni EMERITUS Jim Coughlan Dominick Pernice Robert Desmond President AVZ &Health’s Company National Robert Desmond St. Bank Rivkin Radler (516)LLP 697 - 3900 RealCorp. Estate CoCatholic RealTritec Estate Terri Alessi-MiceliAIRECO OFFICERS Chairperson Industry One Catherine of Siena (631) 434 - 9500 Fred Eisenbud (631) 537-8826 (631) 706 4113 (631) 273 4255 Susan H. Gubing (631) 543 - 5355 Realty Corp Carol Allen Hospital LIFETIME BOARD Campolo, Middleton & Smarts Robert Quarte Career People’s Alliance (631) 273-4255 (631) 862-3107 MEMBERS EMERITUS Robert Desmond Chairperson of the Rita DiStefano McCormick LLP Ann-Marie Scheidt AVZ & Company Federal Credit Union AIRECO Real Estate Corp. Portnoy, Messinger, E. Hoffman Stony Brook(631) University OFFICERS (631) Board 434-3500 Rita DiStefano Mary Rogers 434 - 9500 Ernest Fred Eisenbud (631) 273 (631) 216 - 7605 Joe Campolo W & H Stampings Pearl, Associates, Inc.- 4255 Brookhaven Rimon&Law National Thomas J. Fallarino. CPA & Campolo, Middleton (Posthumously) First Vice Chairperson 921-3400 Laboratory Campolo, Middleton & of the (516) (516) 921Rita - 3400 Chairperson McCormick LLP Ann-Marie Scheidt DiStefano Anthony Manetta (631) 334-4747 McCormick LLPBoard Richard Feldman, Esq. HowardS.Kipnes Stony Brook University Portnoy, Messinger,Anne Shybunko-Moore Standard Advisors Group Greg Galdi Joseph Garofalo (631) 738 9100 Knolls Inc. LLP (631) 216 - 7605 Cedar Joe Campolo Custom Pearl, Rivkin Radler &Church Associates, Inc. Thomas J. Fallarino. CPA GSE Dynamics (516) 373-6200 Computer Michael Sabatini Island Christian Campolo, Middleton &Specialists Cooperman & (516) 921 - 3400 Citrin Jack Kulka (631) 231-1044 (631) 822 3000 First Vice Chairperson Second Vice Company, LLP McCormick LLP (631) 786-9956 Kulka Ernest E.Group Hoffman Richard S. Feldman, Esq. Anne Shybunko-MooreThe Garofalo (631) 930-5000 Chairperson John Bauer (Posthumously) (631) 738 - 9100 Susan H.Joseph W & HRivkin Stampings Radler LLP Gubing GSE Dynamics Kevin O’Connor JosephIsland Garofalo Christian Church Michael Voltz Littler Mendelson, P.C. Career Smarts DIME Community Bank Huntington Baptist Ann-Marie Scheidt Nicholas M. Lacetera (631) 231-1044 PSEG Long Island (631) 822 3000 First- 4525 Vice ChairpersonChurch - (631) 822-3000 Stony Brook University (631)537-8826 293 Ernest E. Hoffman (631) Peoples Alliance Howard Kipnes (631) 979 - 6452 (631) 844-3819 John Bauer WKnolls & HUnion Stampings Federal CedarCredit Inc. Susan H. Gubing (631) 216-7605 Michael Voltz Mendelson, P.C.RichBob Recording Secretary Humann, P.E. Isaksen Second ViceLittler Chairperson Career Smarts PSEG Long Island Dr. Elana Zolfo Michael Voltz Architects & Shybunko-Moore Anthony Leteri (631) 293 - 4525 H2M Bank of(631) America Howard Kipnes 979 - 6452 Anne Nicholas M. Lacetera Berkeley College Carol Allen (631) 844-3819 USA PSEG Long Island Engineers GSE Dynamics Waste Reduction Cedar (631) 547 7450 Peoples Alliance Federal Peopleʼs Alliance (631) 844-3819 (631) 434-5000 (631) 231-1044 & Recycling Co.,Knolls Inc. Inc. (631) 338-8633 Bob Isaksen Second Vice Chairperson Federal Dr. Elana Zolfo Credit Union of America Chris Valsamos Christopher Kent Treasurer IsaacBank Carol Allen Rich Nicholas M. Lacetera Berkeley College Ed Pruitt Credit Union Farrell Fritz (631) 547 7450 Alan Sasserath Sandler Training MBA, MS, LSSB (Posthumously) Alliance Federal (631) 434Peopleʼs - 3500 Alliance (631) 231-3538 338-8633 CEO Peoples Ed Pruitt LIFETIME(631) BOARD Sasserath & Co Federal Centaurus Group (631) 367 - 0710 Credit Union (Posthumously) MEMBERS (631) 368-3110 P: 631-760-1072 Christopher Kent Credit Union Isaksen Farrell Fritz M: 631-897-0217 CEO John Rebecchi Corporate Secretary (631) 434 - 3500 Bob David Manning Ed Pruitt DIRECTORS Bank of America JackLIFETIME Kulka BOARD (631) 367 - 0710 Brookhaven National Rich Humann, P.E. (Posthumously) (631) 547-7450 LIFETIME MEMBERS Marci Tublisky John Rebecchi Kulka Construction Corp. H2M architects + CEO John Bauer BOARD MEMBERS Laboratory Corporate Secretary Disc Weingart Graphics David Manning (631) 231 - 0900 engineers Littler Mendelson, P.C. Christopher Norman (631) 344 -Kent 4747 Jack Kulka Rich Humann, P.E. Brookhaven National (631) Farrell Fritz, P.C. Allan Lippolis Communications (631)293-4525 756H2M - 8000 Rebecchi Kulka Construction Corp. architects + (631) 367-0710 Allan Lippolis Marci John Tublisky Laboratory Superior Washer & Specialist Disc Graphics (631) 231 0900 Scott Maskin engineers Superior Washer & Edward T. Bonahue (631) 344 - 4747 Gasket Corp. SUNation Treasurer Suffolk Community Kulka Solar (631)Gasket 273-8282 Winchester (631) 756 - 8000 Devin Corp.Lippolis David Norman Weingart Allan (631) 750 - 9454 College The Kulka Group CleanTech Marci RocksTublisky Anthony Manetta (631) 273 8282 Communications Scott Maskin Superior Washer & (631) 451-4110 (631) 231-0900 Arthur Sanders Specialist HB Solutions SUNation Solar Treasurer Gasket Corp. Dr. Elana Funding Norman Zolfo Weingart Isaac 750 - 9454 Omni Leteri (631) (516) 762-7523 Joe Campolo Maskin (516)Anthony 697-3900 & Anthony Manetta Scott Rich (631) 273 - 8282 Colonial Sales Communications SandlerEnergy Training Leteri Waste Services Campolo, Middleton & Sunation Marketing David Winchester Specialist HB Solutions McCormick LLP 750-9454 BOARD (631) 231- 3538 (631) 368 - 5533 Leteri CleanTech Rocks Rich Isaac LIFETIME Anthony (516) 762-7523 (631) (631) 738-9100 MEMBERS EMERITUS Sandler Training Leteri Waste Services David Winchester Kelly Murphy (631) 231- 3538 Fred Eisenbud (631) 368 - 5533 CleanTech Rocks Suffolk County IDA
ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS SUCCESS Create forums to educate and connec growth and survival. Promote the HIA Trade Show and conference as a foru important connection and discussion business, and workforce developmen ALTERNATIVE ENERGY “GO GREEN”
members. Educate and showcase env HIA-LI COMMITTEES AND CHAIRPEOPLE COMMITTEES AND CHAIRPEOPLE andHIA-LI energy services. (631) 853-4802
Campolo, Middleton & McCormick LLP
BUSINESS SALES & MARKETING ENVIRONMENTAL/GREEN HUMAN RESOURCES INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS & MARKETING ENVIRONMENTAL/GREEN HUMAN RESOURCES JoySALES Graceffo Mary Locascio DEVELOPMENT Lilia FactorINDUSTRIES L.I. Essential Software Pierre Lespinasse Esq. Joy Graceffo All Island Media and Training Stony Brook Univerisity Factor Law Mary Locascio L.I.427 Essential Pierre Lespinasse Lilia Factor Esq. (631) 750 1226 (631) - 1083Software (516) 659-9523 (631) 632-1984 All Island Media and Training Stony Brook Univerisity Factor Law (631) 750 - 1226 427 - 1083 (516) 659-9523 (631) 632-1984 Miriam(631) Hubbard Tony Borelli Aoifa OʼDonnell Suzanne Mayo BUSINESS GOLF/SPORTS MEMBERSHIP PBI Payroll Tom Fox Mass Mutual Financial National EAP, Inc. H2M architects ACCELERATION Miriam Hubbard Tony Borelli Robert (516) 338 - 5454 Aoifa+ OʼDonnell Mark D & BDesmond Engineers Businski Group (FORMERLY KNOWN engineers (631) 588-8102 PBI Payroll Tom Fox Mass Mutual Financial National EAP, Inc. Audacy, Inc. Realty Corp AS BUILDING andOne Architects 391 - 0300Group x396 Insutry (516) (516) 338 - 5454 D & B Engineers (631) 392-5024 SECURITY (631) 273-4255 (631) 588-8102 (212) 315-7083 BUSINESS) (516) 364 9890 and Architects H.Y.P.E. (516) 391 - 0300 x396 MANUFACTURING/ Vincent Nello Lisa Mitnick SECURITY Vincent Accardi AllanAlliance Lippolis (516) 364 - 9890INTERNATIONAL TRADE EDUCATION/ Hamptons Carpet One Federal MANUFACTURING/ People’s Angela Perrone Island Federal Superior Washer & Floor & Home Credit Union WORKFORCE Allan Lippolis Angela’s House INTERNATIONAL TRADE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS (631) 851-1100EDUCATION/ (631) 287-1070 (631)Gasket 434-3500 Robert Lippolis Corp. (631) 979-2620 Superior Washer & CONNECTION WORKFORCE GOVERNMENT Jack Kulka RELATIONSSuperiorRobert Washer Alison Keppel Lippolis SOCIAL Gasket Corp. (631) 273 - 8282 HEALTH & CONNECTION Connor Robertson Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Gasket Corp. Inc. RESPONSIBILITY Kulka Construction Superior WELLNESS Jack Kulka Techworks (631) 273 - 8282 ConsultingWasher TECHNOLOGY FOR Kelly Imperial & Breitstone, LLP (631) 273-8282 Group & Gasket Corp. Kulka Construction(516) 859-0809 (516) 470-0185 Pernice Meredith Michaels BUSINESS NYITKelly Imperial Dominick TECHNOLOGY Group (631) 231 - 0900 (631) 273-8282 Big Brothers and Big FOR St. Charles Hospital MANUFACTURING/ BUSINESS NYIT (631) 348-3121 MEMBERSHIP (631) 231 0900 EDUCATION/ Sisters of Long Island (631) 474-6000 INTERNATIONAL David Pinkowitz (631) 348-3121www.chsli.org WORKFORCE MEMBERSHIP mmichaels@bbbsli.org TRADE Chris Kent David Pinkowitz DCP Marketing Services CONNECTION Rich Isaac PauleDCP Pachter Farrell Fritz,Chris P.C. Kent Kursad LLC Sarah Weber Marketing Services Devecioglu ENERGY/UTILITIES/ Rich Isaac Sandler Training Long island Cares The Kathleen Ehrhard Farrell Fritz, P.C. Bimser International CPR & Safety Consulting (631) 367-0710 LLCBank ENERGY/UTILITIES/ (631) 491 Food - 5343 Sandler Training Harry INFRASTRUCTURE (631) 231 - 3538 Chapin Suffolk County and Training, LLC.367-0710 DBA Corporation (631) (631) 491 - 5343 INFRASTRUCTURE Community College (631) 231 - 3538 (631) 582-3663 Compliance Training (646) 722-3890 Chris Coluccio StonyJack BrookKulka University (631) 882-1808 Raffelina Cipriano Chris Coluccio TECHNOLOGY (631) 851-6876 Jack Kulka HEALTHCARE TechWorks Consulting, Inc. Raffelina Cipriano Ron Loveland, Primerica Kulka Construction TechWorks Consulting, Inc. FOR BUSINESS HUMAN RESOURCES HEALTHCARE BSE, MBA Primerica Kulka Construction Group (631) 285 1527 Linda Furey (917)Safety 440 -&1925 Summit (631) 285 - 1527 Group Junior (917) 440 - 1925 Neil Abbruzzese Nicole Craveiro (631)Achievement 231 - 0900 Efficiency Solutions Christine Ippolito MENTORING, of New York(631) 231 - 0900Crave HRO EDI Options, Inc (631) 642-7239 Christine MENTORING, (516) 625-9028 Compass WorkforceIppolito NETWORKING (516) 741-2032 (631) 829-7793 AND Compass Workforce(Posthumously) NETWORKING AND AnthonyYOUNG Solutions YOUNG P Lucidi Jr. COMMUNICATIONS ENERGY/UTILITIES/ Solutions PROFESSIONALS (631) 794-7400 COMMUNICATIONS Lucidi Technical Solutions INFRASTRUCTURE PROFESSIONALS (631) 794-7400 ENTERTAINMENT/ Betsy Jacob (631) 487-5120 Michael Capaldo ENTERTAINMENT/ Betsy Jacob MichaelSPORTS Voltz Michael Capaldo Sage Solutions SPORTS Sage Solutions Melissa Negrin-Wiener PSEG Long Island Melissa Negrin-Wiener (516) (516) 396 - 396 9329- 9329 Genser, Dubow, Genser (631)Carmella 844-3819Fazio - 5388 Carmella Fazio Genser, Dubow, Genser (516) 984 (516) 984 - 5388 All IslandAll Media Island Media & Cona LLP & Cona LLP RobertRobert DooleyDooley Ann Morrison (516) 297(516) - 9011 Morrison McGiff Halverson, 297 - 9011(631) 390-5000 LLP LLP (631) 390-5000The AmericanAnn Foundation McGiff Halverson, The American Foundation (631) 730 8686 For Suicide Prevention (631) 730 - 8686 For Suicide Prevention (516) 869 (516)- 4215 869 - 4215
VIRTUAL HIA-LI Enable our members to collaborate, deliver added value by sharing know current and future members and the
631-543-5355 • WWW.HIA-LI.ORG 631-543-5355 • WWW.HIA-LI.ORG The Hauppauge ReporterThe Official Newspaper the HIA-ll - (USPS 017-655) The Hauppauge ReporterThe Official Newspaper of theofHIA-ll - (USPS 017-655) - is - is published monthly by the by HIA-LI 225 Wireless Blvd., Blvd., Suite Suite 101. Hauppauge, NY 11788. published monthly the HIA-LI 225 Wireless 101. Hauppauge, NY 11788. The Hauppauge - TheatOfficial Newspaper the HIA-LI - (USPS - is NY published Application Periodical Postage is accepted at 017-655) Smithtown, 11787. Application toReporter mailto at mail Periodical Postage RateofisRate accepted at Smithtown, NY 11787. monthly byPOSTMASTER: the HIA-LI 225 Wireless Blvd., Suite 101, 11788. Application totomail Send change of address notices to HIA-LI ataddress the address noted above to POSTMASTER: Send-change of address notices to Hauppauge, HIA-LI at theNY noted above at Periodical Postage Rate is accepted at Smithtown, NY 11787.The POSTMASTER: change HIA-LI, Editor, Phone (631) 5.43-5355, info@hio-li.org. HIA-ll does notSend endorse the HIA-LI, Editor, Phone (631) 5.43-5355, info@hio-li.org. The HIA-ll does not endorse the of classifieds/display addressclassifieds/display notices to advertisements HIA-LIadvertisements at the address noted above to agree HIA-LI, Editor, Phone: (631) 543or neccessarily with the opinions expressed or neccessarily agree with the opinions expressed 5355, marketing@hia-li.org. The HIA-LI does not endorse the classifieds/display advertisements in the articles written for this newspaper. Total number of copies (net press run 3,301, the articles written this newspaper. Total number of copies (net press run 3,301, orinnecessarily agree with for the opinions expressed in the Outside articles written for this newspaper. Total Paid-In-County Subscriptions Paid - County Subscriptions Paid-In-County Subscriptions 2,163, 2,163, Paid Outside - County Subscriptions 638, 638, number of Distribution copies (Net Press Run:the 3,301 | Paid-In-County Subscriptions: 2,163Total | Paid Outside-County Outside Mail 200r Copies not Distributed 300, 3,301. Distribution638 Outside the Mail 200r Copies Total 3,301. Subscriptions: | Distribution Outside the Mail:not 200Distributed | Copies Not300, Distributed: 300 | Total: 3,301).
January 2024 HIA-LI UPCOMING EVENTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3RD, 8:30AM-10:00AM Technology for Business Committee Meeting THURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Business Acceleration Committee Meeting MONDAY, JANUARY 9TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Health & Wellness Committee Meeting THURSDAY, JANUARY 11TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Human Resources Committee Meeting FRIDAY, JANUARY 12TH, 8:00AM-10:30AM HIA-LI 46th Annual Meeting & Legislative Program TUESDAY, JANUARY 16H, 8:30AM-10:00AM HYPE Committee Meeting
TUESDAY, JANUARY 16TH, 9:00AM-10:30AM Social Responsibility Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 8:30 AM-10:00AM Education/Workforce Connection Committee Meeting THURSDAY, JANUARY 18TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Manufacturing/International Trade Committee Meeting FRIDAY, JANUARY 19TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Energy Utility & Infrastructure Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24TH, 5:00PM-7:00PM Member Appreciation Networking THURSDAY, JANUARY 25TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Trade Show Committee Meeting FRIDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 8:00AM-10:00AM New & Prospective Member Information Meeting
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keepingcurrent Fire Sprinklers: Inspect, Test and Maintain to Keep Systems Safe components to make sure they’re functioning properly and will proactively repair or replace as needed. Inspections and tests can fit around your schedule to avoid any disruption to your business, and won’t leave a mess behind. W&M Fire Protection Services 630 Broadway, Unit 1 Holbrook, NY | 11741 Office: 631.472.4500 If you have a building with a fire sprinkler system, a monthly, quarterly or yearly inspection is required to make sure the system is up to code, functioning properly, and will spring into action if a fire breaks out in your building. These inspections should be conducted by a fire safety professional who is certified, knowledgeable, and up to date on all codes and requirements. How often your system needs to be inspected depends on the type of system you have installed, and local or state fire code and building code regulations. The company that installed your sprinkler system, or another reputable installation and maintenance company in your area, can help you determine the right inspection and testing schedule for your system. When the fire professionals come in for inspection, they will carefully look at things like alarm devices, control valves, pipes, and fittings. They’ll test key
Fire Sprinkler Inspection Tags When the inspectors are finished, they will leave tags on each riser of your sprinkler system, and on each fire extinguisher. Inspection tags are 7×3.5” in size and coded by colors: green, yellow, orange, or red. The color of the tag indicates the health of the system and is specific to the area in which it’s attached. Here’s what they mean: • Green tag: System is fully operational • Yellow tag: Non-critical deficiency, owner notified, 30 days to correct • Orange tag: Critical deficiency, owner notified, 30 days to correct • Red tag: Impairment, fire department and owner notified, immediate correction required A yellow, orange or red tag should have a written description of the problem that repeats the verbal notification given to the building owner. If you have a single sprinkler system in a standalone building with a single occupant, fire code allows for a single tag on the sprinkler main, instead of tagging each riser (all floors still need to be inspected). If the building has several occupants with risers that
provide water to different occupants, each individual riser must be tagged. To ensure the legitimacy of the tags you receive, make sure they include the following: • “DO NOT REMOVE BY THE ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHAL” • Licensed firm or contractors name, address, phone number, and Fire Marshal license number • Printed name and Certificate of Fitness number of service person/contractor • Signature of service person/technician • Day, month, and year (to be punched) • Name and address of owner/occupants • Building address • Type of Inspection, testing and maintenance (monthly, quarterly, annual or five year) • Static and flowing pressure of the main drain test taken at the time of inspection, testing and maintenance service that was performed Quality Fire Sprinkler Inspection and Maintenance A licensed fire sprinkler inspection and maintenance company can help you resolve any issues discovered during your inspection, and make sure your building is in compliance with the notification tags. If your system is marked with red or yellow tags, they can provide service to resolve the issue. Once the problem is resolved, the inspector will replace your tags with current tags that are good for one year.
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Astoria offers the widest range of audio visual presentation products and services. Astoria incorporates your visionary ideas with our technical expertise into each and every production, no matter the size.
Call: (631) 694-3334 www.astoria.productions
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 7
Astoria will provide you and your guests the most spectacular results, offering cutting edge technology, and the highest quality of service, leading to your ovation.
BECOME A MEMBER Brand your company through Sponsorship, Advertising and Speaking opportunities. Educate yourself and your team with Strategic Committees and Events that will allow you to get on the right side of the table with decision makers Advocate for your business by making the right connections to Local, State and Federal Government Research Target prospective clients by industry, size, job title etc.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 8
Get involved in Community Outreach Contribute to scholarships, food drives and much more!
To inquire about membership please reach out to Jim Geier at Jgeier@hia-li.org
We see your vision through
From power players to power lines. We tackle projects that power New York. Grounded in innovative solutions, we use our legacy of creativity, knowledge, skills, and resources toward transforming the state’s energy grid for a carbon-free future.
HARRISBEACH.COM Energy Team Leader
William M. Flynn
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Long Island Office Managing Partner
Thomas J. Garry
tgarry@harrisbeach.com | 516.880.8484 333 Earle Ovington Blvd, Suite 901, Uniondale, NY 11553 Images used are stock photography.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 9
Our Mission. Our Solutions. Your Success. Our professionals are full participants in our client’s businesses and goals, measuring our success by theirs, and our ability to drive significant impact on their vision.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 10
MICHAEL SABATINI Managing Partner | Long Island Office msabatini@citrincooperman.com
"Citrin Cooperman" is the brand under which Citrin Cooperman & Company, LLP, a licensed independent CPA firm, and Citrin Cooperman Advisors LLC serve clients’ business needs. The two firms operate as separate legal entities in an alternative practice structure. Citrin Cooperman is an independent member of Moore North America, which is itself a regional member of Moore Global Network Limited (MGNL).
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 11
Connect. Collaborate. Celebrate! RichnerLIVE’s 2024 Event Calendar: RichnerLIVE produces top-level business and community events celebrating members of the vibrant and diverse communities in which we live. MAY
The Crest Hollow Country Club
MAR Premier Business Women of LI Awards
Excellence in Healthcare Awards
The Heritage Club at Bethpage
Top Lawyers of LI Awards
Senior Health & Beyond Expo*
The Heritage Club at Bethpage
East Meadow Jewish Center
Senior Health & Beyond Expo*
GreenBIZ Awards
RVC Recreation Center
The Heritage Club at Bethpage
Women’s Executive (WE) Summit
Top Chief Officers of LI Awards
The Crescent Beach Club
The Heritage Club at Bethpage
16 APR
24 MAY
The Heritage Club at Bethpage
Dates to be announced: Leadership Conference Small Business Expo Women’s Expo Non-for-Profit Conference
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 12
Long Island Choice Awards Gala
FEB Real Estate Achievers & Leaders Awards
The Heritage Club at Bethpage
*Stay tuned for a full list of dates and locations for our Senior Health & Beyond Expos at RichnerLIVE.com or contact Amanda Marte at 516.569.4000 x219 or amarte@liherald.com
Stay up to date on additional events and webinars by visiting www.RichnerLIVE.com!
RichnerLIVE Events
For more information or to become a sponsor contact Amy Amato at 516.569.4000 ext 224 or email aamato@richnerlive.com
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 13
We partner with your business during tax season and all year round.
Sasserath & Co. is a boutique firm that focuses on sophisticated and technical tax and accounting for closely-held businesses, private equity services, mergers and acquisitions, and international tax services. We also offer private client services to
manage high-net-worth clients’ needs, including tax, estate, and financial planning. We work with clients on Long Island, across the country,
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 14
and around the world.
631-368-3110 | SassCPAs.com
ACCELERATE INNOVATION IMPACT THROUGH ACADEMIC-INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP Stony Brook University Economic Development collaborates with regional innovators, supports
startups, and encourages early-stage
enterprise by leveraging the resources of a SUNY Flagship University
and its close partner Brookhaven
National Laboratory. The alignment of Economic Development with the university’s research enterprise
leverages the world-class expertise of university researchers, unique state-
of-the-art facilities and an unmatched history of collaboration to create
an environment of possibilities and
excitement about the future of Long
Island’s economy, and the opportunity for industry to get the best cutting-
edge ideas by tapping into the brains of the brightest minds.
Economic Development Centers, Programs and Areas include: Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC): Focused on innovative energy research, education and technology deployment.
Center of Excellence of Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT): Conducts first-class interdisciplinary research and development in wireless and information technology. Center for Integrated Electric Energy Systems (CIEES): Enhances the development and integration of cutting-edge technologies into electric energy systems.
Intellectual Property Partners (IPP): Licensing of intellectual property developed at Stony Brook University to industry.
Manufacturing and Technology Resource Consortium (MTRC): Assists small to medium-sized manufacturing companies develop business growth and increase competitiveness. Small Business Development Center (SBDC): Brings together the resources of the University, the private sector and government to assist entrepreneurs, business and industry Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR): Providing technically advanced multidisciplinary assistance to local industry.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 15
Stony Brook University/SUNY is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
keepingcurrent Tips on Year-End Tax Planning for Small Businesses By Christian Crocker Accounting/Tax Associate Sasserath & Co. 4175 Veterans Highway, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone: (631) 368-3110 x144 Fax: (631) 389-2581 Web: Sasscpas.com With tax season quickly approaching, the time for many businesses to begin their annual tax planning strategies before the end of the tax year has begun. While many businesses may overlook tax planning as a valuable resource to their business, the potential missed savings from failing to plan for upcoming income tax liabilities can be massive. Often, year-end tax planning strategies prove to be one of the most important cost-saving initiatives that a business can engage in each year. There are many different strategies that businesses can use to plan for tax season and ultimately improve their bottom line, which are discussed below. Perform a Year-end Projection of Taxable Income One of the most effective ways that a business can plan for upcoming taxes is to have a year-end projection of their taxable income completed before the end of the current tax year. To have a greater understanding of the potential tax liabilities that lie ahead, a business must understand what their approximate taxable income will be by the end of the year. Year-end projections are one of the most critical planning procedures because they allow the business owner to have time before the end of the current tax year to adjust their operating strategy in a way that best suits them for tax purposes. Use Forward Thinking – Forecast Taxable Income in Future Years
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Once a year-end projection of taxable income has been completed for the current tax year, business owners should try their best to forecast their projected income in future tax years. This will help the business owner decide whether to try to take advantage of tax planning strategies to lower taxable income in the current year, or to plan to take advantage of tax planning benefits in future tax years. For example, if the business owner projects their income will grow
exponentially in the future, the business owner may want to defer expenses to future years or try to accelerate income to be made in the current year to mitigate future increases in tax liability. There are many strategies a business owner can use to accelerate income or expenses and defer income or expenses to effectively manage their tax liability (more on this below). Prepaying for Products and Services For tax purposes, many businesses file under the cash basis of accounting, which is an accounting method in which taxable income is recognized when received, and all expenses (tax deductions) are recognized once they have been paid for. One tax planning advantage offered by filing the corporate income tax return under the cash basis of accounting is that business owners can strategize when to pay for their outstanding bills from vendors and suppliers shortly before the end of the tax year to manage their upcoming tax liabilities most effectively. For example, if a company has more taxable income than they prefer in the current tax year, and the business has upcoming services or products that they know they will need at some point in the future, the business might opt to pay in advance for those products and services to take advantage of the tax deductions in the current tax year rather than in a future year. Purchasing Useful Equipment that is Eligible for Accelerated Depreciation Another tax planning initiative that businesses can take advantage of is the purchase of equipment or other fixed assets that qualify for an accelerated depreciation methods for tax purposes. Certain methods of tax depreciation such as bonus depreciation and Section 179 depreciation allow a business to deduct more of a fixed asset’s depreciable value earlier than would be allowed under the standard straight-line method of depreciation for financial reporting purposes. If a business has taxable income and would like to lower their current income tax liability, a business may find it beneficial to purchase new equipment before the end of the tax year to take advantage of accelerated depreciation methods. While this strategy is a method that will immediately help the tax liability in current tax years, the depreciation allowed under accelerated depreciation methods will be lower than standard straight-line depreciation later on in the assets useful life, so the accelerated method is most advantageous for businesses with only an immediate need to lower their tax liability.
Paying Year-end Bonuses to Employees Alternatively, aside from purchasing products, services and equipment, business owners can also use the tax planning strategy to of paying out a year-end bonus to employees as a method to lower taxable income before the end of the tax year. Paying out year-end bonuses to employees may also motivate staff and provide improved operating efficiency from staff and management alike. The most effective way to offer a bonus to employees is to have the business contribute to employees’ retirement plans so the employee receives pre-tax income to invest in their retirement plans. Setting up a Retirement Account Setting up a small business retirement account can provide many advantages when it comes to tax planning. Contributions from the employer to the small business retirement account and contributions from employees are not taxable until distributed to the employee (other than Roth contributions). Contributions to small business retirement plans grow tax-free and distributions from small business retirement plans may be eligible for tax-favorable rollover options and/or transfers into other types of retirement programs. Deferring or Accelerating Income While accelerating or deferring expenses can be good ways of managing income tax liability, the business owner can also accelerate or defer income to lower their tax liability as well. For example, if a business owner desires to lower their tax liability in the current year, the business owner might prefer to wait before they charge their customers or clients for the products and services provided, or offer a longer payment period to their customers to allow for income to be collected in future tax years. Alternatively, if a business owner would prefer to increase their taxable income in the current year to better position themselves in the future, they may want to bill and collect income sooner rather than later by improving the collection of receivables. Professional Guidance Should you have any questions regarding year-end tax planning and potential tax saving options, Sasserath & Co. LLP are here to help. Please contact us at (631)368-3110.
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS CARD » AFFORDABLE RATES & FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS » MAILED & EMAILED TO LONG ISLAND BUSINESSES Promote your products and sevices to over 8,500 HIA-LI members in digital. For more information on advertising opportunities, contact HIA-LI at 631-543-5355
keepingcurrent Demystifying Equity Options The second big consideration is sending the expiration date, because options lose a litle value each day. This time decay sometimes leads to a preference Many people consider trading options to for three months or less when they be too risky, and there is good reason expire worthless. The longer the term to for that, depending on how your strategy expiration the more expensive the option. is structured. However, options are also used by some of the most risk averse Another strategy which tends to increase investors in the stock market. Buying a put yield may help to offset some of the cost option on an index fund can try to limit a of buying protective puts. It is called correction on a broad market por�olio, as selling covered calls and involves writing long as the underlying portfolio correlates options for round lots in your portfolio. to the exchange traded fund chosen as a In this case you are transferring the right, but not the obligation, to deliver a hedge. particular stock at a particular price within Depending on how much of a correction a particular time period if the option gets you can tolerate is a key consideration assigned. Of course, if the option you even for very experienced investors. If sold expires worthless, then you keep the you decide to set the strike price 10% out premium the buyer paid. And if the option of the money (less than the market price is exercised and you have to deliver the for SPY or QQQ). It is somewhat similar stock held long in your account, you will to sending your deductible on your auto be forced to take a gain. The amount of insurance. Some people do not want to the gain depends on the strike price you expose themselves to any more than a selected. Of course ,you can buy the stock back without waiting 30 days if you 5% decline, but that is more expensive. still believe in your conviction thesis. By Larry Just American Capital Partners Hauppauge, NY
This last strategy is considered safe enough even for retirement accounts. But it will take some time to learn how the derivative markets work and you should probably rely on some expert advice before you are comfortable doing it yourself. The above strategies are very different from buying calls and selling puts, let alone spreads and more advanced approaches. Never stop learning, but do not risk more than you plan and are able to handle. And try to avoid earnings releases or things that can move the entire market. Options are a speculative investment and the customer must always review their investment objectives and risk. You may lose all your investment or more. h t p s : / / w w w. t h e o c c . c o m / c o m p a n y informa�on/documents-and-archives/ op�ons-disclosure-document
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keepingcurrent What A Good Pre-Employment Screening Does For Your Company By Stephen P. Larsen, MA, CFCE Chief Executive Officer Mobile: 718-496-8511 Office: 631-225-1578 Fax: 631-225-1580 Email: SLarsen@ countywidegroup.com Website: www.countywidegroup.com Address: 145 Pinelawn Road, Ste. 245N, Melville, NY 11747
“You get what you pay for.” This should not be the proverb that applies to your company’s preemployment screenings. In business, we all understand the value of our resources, be it time, finances, or human. Human resources can be the most important resource a company can have. Inadequately vetted employees can cost a company a lot of its other important resources such as time and money. A quality pre-employment screening has many benefits for employers, employees, and our economies as a whole. Some of the main reasons why quality pre-employment screening is necessary: • It reduces hiring risks. Hiring the wrong
person can have serious consequences for an organization, such as legal liabilities, financial losses, reputational damage, and security breaches. A properly conducted pre-employment screening can help prevent these risks by filtering out candidates who have criminal records, falsified credentials, poor work performance, or incompatible personality traits. By conducting thorough and accurate checks, employers can ensure that they are hiring trustworthy, qualified, and reliable candidates who will contribute positively to the organization.
• It improves hiring quality. Hiring the right person can have significant benefits for an organization, such as increased productivity, innovation, customer satisfaction, and retention. A good preemployment screening can help improve hiring quality by identifying candidates who have the relevant skills, knowledge, and abilities for the job. By selecting the best candidates for the job, employers can optimize their human capital and achieve their organizational goals. • It enhances hiring fairness. Hiring decisions should be based on merit and not on bias or discrimination. Quality pre-employment screening can help enhance hiring fairness by providing a consistent and standardized process for evaluating
candidates. By using objective and job-related criteria, employers can avoid unfair or illegal practices that could harm candidates or expose the organization to lawsuits. • It protects the organization and possibly public safety. Hiring the wrong person can also have negative impacts on the organization’s stakeholders and the society at large. For example, hiring someone who is dishonest, violent, or incompetent can endanger the safety and wellbeing of customers, co-workers, and the public. Quality pre- employment screening can help protect the organization and society by preventing such harmful outcomes and promoting ethical and responsible behavior among employees. Quality pre-employment screening is not only a good practice but also a necessity for an organization that wants to hire the best talent and avoid the worst. By implementing a comprehensive and effective pre-employment screening program, employers can reap the benefits of quality hiring and avoid the pitfalls of poor hiring. Be wary of the companies that offer a “fast and cheap background screening” – it could cost you more in the long run, whereas a quality pre-employment screening is an asset that offers benefits which will boost your company’s resources for the better
keepingcurrent Driving Prosperity: The Transformative Influence of Long Island’s Latino Community on Economic Growth
Underscoring the Importance of Low-Wage Occupations: In low-wage occupations, immigrants play pivotal roles in service and production jobs, such as building cleaners, cooks, meat processors, and sewing machine operators. The pandemic underscored the significance of these roles in daily life.
By Liz Gutierrez International Media Consulting, Hauppauge, NY
Before delving into the details, let’s take a moment to examine some significant numbers. As my grandmother used to say, “Numbers and money first.” Here are the main highlights of immigrants’ significant contributions to Long Island’s economic output, accounting for an impressive 21 percent, surpassing their 19 percent share of the population.
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Concentration in Working Age Boosts Output: Immigrants on Long Island, comprising 23 percent of the workingage population (ages 16 to 64), play a pivotal role in the labor force, contributing to a higher share of economic output. Diverse Economic Engagement: Dispelling stereotypes, immigrants are actively engaged across the economic spectrum, with 60 percent of all immigrant workers— documented and undocumented—earning middle- or upper-wage, equating to at least $48,000 annually. Empowering Middle- and Upper-Wage Workers: Challenging misconceptions, many immigrants hold middle- or upperwage jobs, countering the notion that immigrant labor is predominantly low-wage. This challenges the narrative, showcasing their economic prowess. Diversity in Middle-Wage Occupations: Immigrants in middle-wage occupations contribute to diverse sectors, including nursing, computer programming, education, architecture, logistics, and emergency services, demonstrating their versatility and positive impact on various fields. High Concentration in Key Upper-Wage Fields: Immigrants comprise a significant portion of upper-wage occupations, with 60 percent concentrated in computer occupations and management/ finance roles. Their contributions as software developers and CEOs highlight their crucial roles in driving economic growth.
Overcoming Challenges: Despite challenges related to race and gender, immigrants continue to make substantial contributions. Efforts to bridge wage gaps are essential, but the positive impact of immigrant workers in various occupations is undeniable.
Ahora sí! It is truly remarkable to witness the significant contributions the Latino community has made to the U.S. economy. Their influence has profoundly shaped the state’s economic growth and prosperity. It is inspiring to observe their resilience and impact, continually making positive contributions to the community. Recognizing and celebrating the purchasing power of Latinos is crucial, highlighting their pivotal role in propelling the economy forward. The Latino population in New York has experienced substantial growth over the years, solidifying its status as one of the largest Latino communities in the United States. This community’s diversity and cultural vibrancy in the city’s neighborhoods are undeniable. The amalgamation of people from different backgrounds and nationalities has resulted in a robust and influential presence in New York. The purchasing power of any community reflects its economic strength and ability to contribute to the local economy. Latinos in New York have proven to be a dynamic force in this regard, with their purchasing power reaching remarkable heights. This economic prowess extends beyond mere consumption; it fuels the growth of local businesses, generates employment opportunities, and fortifies the overall economic ecosystem. The entrepreneurial spirit within the Latino community has led to a surge in small business ownership. From corner bodegas and restaurants to boutique shops and service providers, Latino-owned businesses have become integral parts of New York’s economic fabric. These establishments address the community’s needs and attract customers from all walks of life, significantly contributing to the city’s revenue and vitality. As Latino-owned businesses flourish, they create a ripple effect of job opportunities, fostering economic empowerment, reducing unemployment rates, and strengthening the city’s workforce diversity. The demand for housing and real estate in neighborhoods with a significant Latino presence has surged. This demand drives property values, stimulates construction projects, and contributes to urban development, shaping the physical landscape of the city. The purchasing
preferences of Latinos influence the market, driving demand for various products and services. Businesses adapt their offerings to cater to these preferences, resulting in a diverse range of goods and services that cater to a multicultural consumer base. Long Island’s economic success owes its growth and vitality to the affluent Latino population. The purchasing power of Latinos on Long Island has become a powerful force that shapes industries, fosters entrepreneurship and contributes to the region’s economic resilience. It is evident that the Latino community is an integral part of Long Island’s economic success, and their contributions are highly valued. Long Island’s Latino population has experienced remarkable growth over the years, becoming an integral part of the fabric that weaves together the region’s cultural mosaic. Representing many nationalities and backgrounds, Latinos on Long Island contribute to the richness and diversity that defines the area. The purchasing power of a community is a measure of its economic strength and ability to stimulate economic growth. Latinos on Long Island have harnessed their purchasing power to uplift communities, bolster businesses, and shape the region’s economic landscape. Entrepreneurial endeavors spearheaded by Latinos have resulted in a surge of small businesses that span various sectors, from restaurants and retail to services and professional firms. These enterprises are more than just places of commerce; they are sources of community engagement, employment opportunities, and neighborhood revitalization. Latinoowned businesses on Long Island have been instrumental in creating jobs that cater to a diverse workforce. This diversity enriches the job market and helps bridge gaps in employment, ensuring a robust and resilient economy. Collaboration between the public and private sectors is essential to harness the full potential of Latinos’ purchasing power on Long Island and ensure long-term economic growth. Initiatives aimed at enhancing financial literacy, fostering entrepreneurship, and facilitating access to capital can empower Latinos to become successful business owners, consumers, and contributors to the local economy. Moreover, promoting cultural inclusivity and understanding fosters an environment where economic benefits are shared equitably among all community members. The story of Latinos on Long Island is one of determination, ambition, and a resolute commitment to economic prosperity. Their robust purchasing power has positioned them as a transformative force, shaping the region’s economic growth trajectory and cultural landscape. As we celebrate the interwoven tapestry of cultures and communities that characterize Long Island, recognizing and harnessing the significance of Latinos’ purchasing power is essential to ensure a future marked by shared success, opportunity, and inclusivity for all. ###
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HIA-LI’s latest Gold Event was held where we heard from Kiki Orski, President of Peak Performance Consulting & Author of Smash the Silos. Kiki spoke about how companies can enhance collaboration within their organization to boost productivity. Thank you to Joe Campolo, Managing Partner at Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP & HIA-LI Board Member for hosting our latest event!
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HIA-LI held its latest Technology for Business Committee Meetings for both November and December to finish off the year strong. November’s Meeting met and facilitated a mock board meeting discussing AI and its growing utilization across the Long Island Business Community. December’s meeting discussed the latest news in future technology! We thank committee co-chairs Anthony Lucidi of Lucidi Technical Solutions L.L.C. and Neil Abbruzzese of EDI Options, Inc. for hosting our last meetings of 2023. Thank you to all who attended and see you all next year!
HIA-LI would like to thank all who attended our latest Social Responsibility Committee Meeting as Jennifer Porti, Vice President & Community Relations Manager of Bank of America discussed about her organization’s opportunity for non-profits. Thank you to Long Island Cares for hosting our latest meeting!
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HIA-LI held its latest H.Y.P.E. Committee Meeting focusing on “Highlighting HYPEsters.” This new series focuses on young professionals and entrepreneurs presenting their own experiences on how they achieved where they are today. Thank you to Ryan Reilly of Sandler Training for speaking at this latest series as well as Benjamin Kitzen of USI Insurance Services for moderating. A special thank you to People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union for hosting!
HIA-LI’s latest episode of Going Local TV went live in order to hear from HIA-LI President & CEO Terri AlessiMiceli as she discussed the objectives of the 13th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference that took place November 15th along with panelist Kristen Reynolds, President & CEO of Discover Long Island!
keepingcurrent 2023 Smithtown IAB STEM Trade Show Provides Students with Career Insights and Honors a True Inspiration, Ron Loveland. 2023 Smithtown Industry Advisory Board STEM Career Trade Show Success! After months of planning and collaboration with the STEM/ Robotics Committee of the Smithtown IAB, our Smithtown Industry Partners and our Smithtown IAB Student Ambassadors, our trade show was a huge success!
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This year’s STEM Trade Show began with a heartfelt dedication to the memory/inspiration of Ron Loveland who was a trailblazer in promoting technology companies to invest and participate in education. His wife Vicky Loveland was present to accept the dedication and to speak on behalf of her husband and the passion he had. The Smithtown Industry Advisory Boards main mission is to create working partnerships between education and industry to meet the growing and changing Long Island workforce needs. This STEM Trade Show helped to promote the growing need for a stronger Long Island workforce in all STEM areas which included;Technology/ Engineering/Manufacturing and Healthcare STEM careers. Over 30 STEM industry partners set up trade booths for students to experience and learn from. Our STEM Trade Show theme for this year was, “Emerging STEM Careers in Renewable Energy.” Our Renewable Energy panelists consisted of Spencer Teplin and Brian Gilman from Evolve Hydrogen, Jamie Latinsky from Apricot Solar and Brian Tymann from Sunrise Wind. These panelists focused their discussion on the career opportunities in truly unique STEM areas on Long Island.
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800.598.8989 | security@customonline.com Mention this ad for a complimentary vulnerability assessment!
keepingcurrent New York State Moves to Ban Employee Non-Compete Agreements By The Harris Beach Labor and Employment Law Group Contact: Thomas M. McNally Partner, Harris Beach PLLC (516) 880-8484 www.harrisbeach.com
New York inched closer to fully banning non-compete agreements on June 20, 2023, with the Legislature approving a bill banning their use in the future. The bill will soon be sent to Governor Kathy Hochul, who is expected to sign the measure into law. New Section in Labor Law Will Prohibit Non-Compete Agreements The bill, Bill 3100, creates a new section in the New York State Labor Law (Section 191-d) prohibiting employers and employees from entering into noncompete agreements after the bill is signed and goes into effect. Critically, the measure does not impact existing noncompete agreements. The amendment goes into effect 30 days after Governor Hochul signs the measure; at that point, employers and workers will be prohibited from entering non-compete agreements. The new law will give employees bound by a noncompete the right to sue in state court. In turn, the
law empowers courts to:
• void any contractual clause that functions as a noncompete, • award damages for lost compensation, • award liquidated damages of up to $10,000, and • award employee’s attorneys’ fees. Law Limited to “Non-Compete” Agreements The law is ostensibly limited to pure “non-compete agreements,” which are defined as any agreement or contractual clause between an employer and worker that “prohibits or restricts” the worker “from obtaining employment after the conclusion of [their] employment with the employer.” Notably, the law does not limit its scope to “employees,” and instead expands its reach to any “covered individual” that is “in a position of economic dependence on” their “employer.” In other words, the law’s prohibition on noncompete agreements is not limited to the traditional employee-employer framework, and could theoretically apply to other working arrangements. Other Clauses Are Still Permissible Further, the amendment clarifies it is not intended to prohibit several other clauses commonly found in employment agreements. The law states it does not prohibit:
• contracts or agreements for a “fixed term” of service; • contracts or agreements prohibiting disclosure of “trade secrets,” confidential information, or “proprietary client” information; and • contracts or agreements that prohibit solicitation of the employer’s clients and customers, if the worker learned of the clients through their employment. Importantly however: the new law cautions that the above clauses can still be deemed unlawful if they would “otherwise restrict competition” in violation of the new law. Next Steps As mentioned above, Governor Kathy Hochul is expected to sign Bill 3100. If signed, the law will go into effect 30 days later and will invalidate employers’ ability to enter into new non-compete agreements at that point. The amendment constitutes a momentous change in New York’s labor, employment, and commercial law. The law is rife with opportunity for disagreement and interpretation, and will almost certainly trigger litigation. Businesses utilizing non-compete agreements should review their practices with experienced Labor & Employment counsel. Even if non-compete agreements are invalidated, other strategies can help protect businesses’ proprietary information and their investment in talent.
World-Class Luxury for Long Island Sands New York is aiming to redefine Long Island hospitality. Through a proposed flagship resort and entertainment venue featuring a state-of-the-art Canyon Ranch spa and fitness center, indoor and outdoor pools, celebrity chef establishments such as Rao’s and Estiatorio Milos, as well as favorite Long Island restaurants, plus a world-class performance venue, luxury hotel rooms, meeting and conference facilities, casino gaming, public attraction spaces and so much more.
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Sands New York is poised to create thousands of career opportunities, unparalleled recreational enjoyment, and billions of investment dollars for Long Island and its residents.
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Dime Community Bank’s hassle-free online account opening helps you get down to business fast - complete with comprehensive digital tools and a team committed to your success.
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TELL US ABOUT HOW YOU/ YOUR COMPANY STARTED, WHAT YEAR ANNIVERSARY ARE YOU CELEBRATING? In 2024 my company will be celebrating 47 years serving Long Island and beyond. Our founder, Walter F. Cameron was one the fabled NY City Madmen during the heyday of the advertising era. He decided to take the skills and tenacity he acquired there and open up shop on Long Island. I am presently the third owner of the agency. I took the torch in 2020 from my predecessor Joe Cameron.
WHAT WAS A TURNING POINT FOR YOU/YOUR COMPANY? In 2005 I was tasked to help modernize the agency and expand our social and digital marketing divisions. Anchored by the agency’s long history of media prowess and enhanced by the truly remarkable creative team, we were able to provide clients with a whole new era of solutions.
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There will always be a need for These truths must never diminish in We have a strong presence in the facilitation and staying ahead of the our vision for the future. Regardless of consumer retail and automotive technology will be essential. the level of adversity, there is always industry. Other verticals include Health a solution to every obstacle. There & Wellness, Legal services, Home HOW HAS YOUR BUSINESS is always light in the darkness. True improvement, Education & Municipalities. PIVOTED SINCE THE PANDEMIC? leadership requires only a moral compass and a steady helm. WHAT IS YOUR COMPANY’S We have never abandoned our core principles of building strong relationships PHILOSOPHY? and fostering strategic alliances. The Evolve. ability to communicate and collaborate Consistently stay cutting edge and effectively has been a differentiator. The proactive on emerging technologies. environment that we must endure should Always be at least one step ahead never dictate how we react to it. Staying of your competition and take every true to form and believing in yourself and opportunity to over-deliver on objectives your team are essential ingredients for for clients and partners. success.
The world of A.I. will be changing how everyone interacts and communicates. Stability. Dependability. Resourcefulness.
keepingcurrent OSHA Changes To Accident E-Filing For High Hazard Industries By Robert P. Firmbach, CSP, CSC, CSS, ARM RPF Associates 20 Leroy Street Dix Hills, NY 11746 (631) 586-0778 rpfassociates@optonline.net
Employees who are required to complete Injury and Illness Log 300’s and the Annual Summary 300A may now be required to file additional information from the Log 300 and Form 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report according to a news release issued by OSHA on July 17, 2023. The U.S. Department of Labor announced that High Hazard Industries will be required to report additional injury and illness data obtained from the Log 300 and Form 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report. The final rule takes effect on January 1, 2024, and all establishments that have 100 or more employees in certain high hazard industries will be required to submit answers from the Log 300 and Form 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report by March 2nd of the following year. This will require employers to complete the Form 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report on all reportable cases each year so they will be able to answer whatever OSHA asks regarding how, what, and where the accidents in the year occurred.
Although the final rule was announced by the U.S. Department of Labor on July 17, 2023, it still needs the approval of the Office of Management and Budget for compliance with the Paper Reduction Act of 1995. Without OMB’s approval this final rule will not take effect on January 1, 2024.
High Hazard Industries are determined by OSHA and are listed by NAICS Codes (North American Industry Classification Systems) that can be found in OSHA Regulations 29 CFR 1904 Appendix A Subpart E. If your NAICS Code is on this list and if you have at least 100 employees, including full-time, part-time, temporary, or seasonal employees you may be required to E-File information requested by OSHA from the Log 300 and Form 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report in addition to the Log 300A’s Annual Summary of Injury and Illness Report. If the OMB rejects the OSHA Final Rule due to causing excessive additional paperwork under the Paper Reduction Act of 1995, then all nonexempt establishments that have more than 20 employees and less than 250 employees must continue to E-File the contents on the OSHA Log 300A Summary of Injury and Illness Report by no later than March 2nd of next year.
If you are on the exempt list of NAICS Codes, you are not required to keep OSHA Log 300’s or the 300A’s. To check if your industry is on the exempt list you can go to www.osha.gov, click on regulations, find 29 CFR 1904 and go to Appendix A Subpart B to see if your establishment is on the list. If you are unclear whether you are exempt or if you are required to keep OSHA Logs and need assistance in completing logs or reporting to OSHA electronically, we are experts in OSHA Reporting, and you can contact our office at: (631) 586-0778 Robert P. Firmbach, CSP, CSC, CSS, ARM is the President of RPF Associates, OSHA, DOT and Fire Prevention Consultants. The company has been in business for 39 years and Bob has been in the Safety Profession for more than 50 years having achieved his CSP designation 47 years ago by examination. As a fellow member of the HIA-LI we offer other members the opportunity to contact our office to ask us questions regarding any safety subject without charge.
keepingcurrent Bridging Skill Gaps: A Call for Innovation in the Modern Workforce Dr. Subrina D. Oliver CEO, O-High Technologies LLC 445 Broad Hollow Road #25 Melville, NY 11747 888.758.8980 info@o-hightech.com www.o-hightech.com
In the dynamic journey from job application to employment, challenges loom large. The recent data from the New York State Department of Labor unveils a narrative of skill gaps among job applicants and new employees, not just as numbers but as hurdles faced in the professional realm. Join us on this journey, not as passive observers of statistics, but as advocates for innovative solutions shaping the talent pipeline. Consider Ash, a recent computer science graduate seeking a tech position on Long Island. Armed with technical skills, she grapples with communication challenges during interviews. Ash’s story mirrors the broader skills landscape outlined by the 2023 Business Workforce Survey.
Communication Skills: Recognizing the fluctuation in communication skills, employers must invest in training programs. For Ash, actively participating in communication workshops becomes a proactive step in refining her skills. Problem-Solving/Critical Thinking: The uptick in 2023 underscores the growing recognition of these skills. Employers should foster innovation, encouraging employees to think critically. Ash can actively seek challenges within her role to enhance problem-solving abilities. Timeliness/Attendance: Acknowledging the marginal decrease, employers should explore flexible work arrangements. Simultaneously, employees can optimize schedules using time management tools. Attention to Detail: The decline calls for clear expectations and ongoing training from employers. Employees, including Ash, must actively work on precision and participate in quality assurance programs.
Ability to Take Criticism: Fostering a positive feedback culture is paramount for employers. Employees, like Ash, can view criticism as an opportunity for personal growth. Personal Awareness: Employers can offer self-assessment tools, and employees can actively participate in mentorship programs for selfawareness. Teamwork: Employers should foster a collaborative culture, and employees can engage in team-building activities. English Skills/Grammar: Employers can invest in language training, and employees can explore language courses. Customer Service: Employers should implement customer service training, and employees can seek feedback for improvement. Conflict Management: Employers can implement conflict resolution workshops, and employees can participate in conflict resolution programs. Basic Math Skills: Employers should provide math skills workshops, and employees can explore online courses for basic math skills. Technical Skills: Navigating the Digital Landscape Basic Computer Use/Computer Literacy: Employers must offer digital literacy resources, and employees can explore online courses. Software Proficiency in Excel: Employers should invest in specialized training, and employees can seek Excel training opportunities online. Email: Employers can offer workshops on professional email etiquette, and employees can enhance email etiquette through online resources. Mechanical Technical/Engineering: Employers should support technical training programs, and employees can explore vocational schools and online courses. Software Proficiency in Word: Employers must encourage proficiency in Word, and employees can enhance their Word processing skills through online courses. Data Analysis: Employers should promote data analysis training, and employees can invest in courses for interpreting and leveraging data. Typing: Employers can facilitate typing proficiency, and employees can optimize their typing skills through regular practice and online courses. Career-Prep Programs: Fusing Soft and Technical Skills Integrating Self-Reflection: Employers can incorporate regular self-
reflection sessions, empowering individuals to set personalized goals. Employees can participate in goal-setting workshops for self-efficacy. Mentorship Programs: Establishing mentorship initiatives is vital, providing guidance and enhancing self-confidence. Employers can strengthen programs with self-assessment tools and peer-to-peer learning forums. On-the-job Immersion and Inclusive Onboarding: Nurturing Seamless Transitions Personal Development Plans: Encouraging employees to create personal development plans is key. Employers can facilitate peer-to-peer learning forums. Invest in Skill Exchange Platforms: Employers can develop self-paced learning modules, and individuals can use learning journals for recognition in self-directed learning. Inclusive Language Training Employees are educated on the importance of using inclusive language in the workplace. The training addresses common pitfalls and offers guidance on creating an environment where all individuals feel respected and valued. Intergenerational Collaboration: Bridging Experience and Innovation Self-Directed Learning Opportunities: Creating platforms for self-directed learning is essential, and employers can allocate personal learning budgets. Goal-Centric Teams: Forming teams based on shared goals fosters collaboration. Employers can facilitate goal review sessions. Measure and Adjust: Employee Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing regular feedback mechanisms allows employees to reflect on experiences. Promote a Culture of Innovation: Introduce innovation challenges and establish forums for employees to share reflections on innovative projects. A Holistic Workforce Development Model: Aligning these approaches creates a comprehensive workforce development model, ensuring a seamless transition from education to the workplace. Organizations embracing this model unlock the full potential of their workforce, fostering a dynamic, adaptive, and skill-rich environment poised for success. This investment serves as more than a strategic move for Long Island; it is a blueprint for innovative employers necessary for New York State to lead in the evolving landscape of the modern workforce. As we navigate this transformative journey, let’s not merely adapt to change; let’s drive it, ensuring a future where the workforce is not just skilled but empowered, resilient, and ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.
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Non-Technical Skills: A Path of Personal Growth Self-Motivation: Employers can champion personal achievements through recognition programs, fostering a culture of celebration. Simultaneously, individuals like Ash can actively align workplace initiatives with personal and professional goals.
Time Management: Employers should offer workshops, and employees can explore tools for effective time optimization.
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LETTER FROM THE HIA-LI PRESIDENT & CEO Celebrating Leadership and Excellence on Long Island HIA-LI’s 45th Anniversary As we celebrate 45 years in business, it’s appropriate to reflect and show appreciation for those who were instrumental in the success of the HIA-LI. I want to thank you for your outstanding commitment and support. Because of businesspeople like you, we have stayed true to our purpose of being member-driven with a personal touch! Our dedicated staff and volunteers have put together a great gala on December 14th, 2023, to celebrate HIA-LI’s 45th Anniversary and our well-deserved honorees. We are excited to be recognizing these business leaders for their leadership and commitment to Long Island. Our honorees are: Dennis Carroll of AHRC Suffolk, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone, and we will also be honoring the late Ron Loveland of Summit Safety & Solutions. Over the last 45 years, HIA-LI has grown tremendously since the handful of organizations it had initially began with. Our community outreach has fed the hungry, supported businesses during the pandemic, provided scholarships for Long Island college students, and strengthened businesses throughout the region. By working closely with government agencies, local businesses, educational institutions and many others, HIA-LI has improved the safety, infrastructure and overall business climate in the Hauppauge Innovation Park, the largest innovation park in the Northeast with over 55,000 employees, 1,300 companies and an economic output of over $13 Billion. The HIA-LI also hosts the largest Business to Business Trade Show and Conference on Long Island, helping organizations do business and educate on best practices – serving as a major economic engine within the region. Please join us in celebrating our 45th Anniversary…because HIA-LI still means business – especially in these competitive times! With much admiration,
Terri Alessi-Miceli HIA-LI President & CEO
George Franco
Tele Signal
Thomas Huber
Muller Martini
Jerry Loveless
Jacknob Corp.
Ron Wikso
The Suffolk Corp.
Bernard Nathan
Nathan & Silver
Arthur Glassman
Advanced Alloys Inc
A N N I V E R Jack S AKulka R Y 2 0 2 3 Kulka Construction Mgmt. Corp
Arthur Sanders
Israeloff, Trattner & Co., CPA’s
Jacqueline Stiles
Nestegg Associates
Bill Holtz
Holtz Rubenstein & Co.
John Rebecchi
Disc Graphics
Joe Garofalo
Island Metro Publication
Arthur Sanders
Israeloff, Trattner & Co., CPA’s
Howard Kipnes
Multimatic Products
Norman Weingart
Communications Specialties
Ed Pruitt
Nicholas Lacetera
HIA-LI ROSTER OF CHAIRPEOPLE George Franco Tele Signal George Franco Tele Signal 1979 Thomas Huber
Muller1981 Martini
The Suffolk Corp.
Jacknob Corp. 1983-84
Arthur Glassman
Ron Wikso Jack Kulka
Advanced Alloys Inc
Bruce Germano The Suffolk Corp. Kulka Construction Mgmt. Corp 1986-87
Arthur Sanders
Israeloff, Trattner & Co., CPA’s
Portnoy, Messinger, Pearl & Assoc.
Thomas Huber Jacknob Corp.
Ron Wikso
Jerry LovelessNathan & Silver
Bernard Nathan
Elana Zolfo
Bernard Nathan Jacqueline Stiles Nestegg Associates
DiStefano Nathan1990& Silver Rita Robert Quarte
Bill Holtz
Arthur Glassman
Holtz Rubenstein & Co.
John Rebecchi
Disc Graphics
Advanced Alloys Rich IncHumann
Jack Kulka
Kulka Construction Mgmt. Corp
Joe Garofalo
Island Metro Publication
Arthur Sanders
Israeloff, Trattner & Co., CPA’s
Multimatic Products Arthur Sanders
Howard Kipnes
Norman Weingart
Communications Specialties
Ed Pruitt
Joe Campolo Carol Allen
1999-00 Israeloff, Trattner & Co., CPA’s 2001-02
Berkeley College
1980 1981
1999-00 2001-02 2003-05 2005-08 2009-11 2012-14
1983-84 Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co.
Campolo, Middleton & McCormick LLP
H2M architects + engineers
People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union
1986-87 1988-89
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Muller Martini
Jerry Loveless
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 34
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45 TH
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T E S T I M ON I A L S “It was 2003, and our then President/CEO, Nick Lacetera was the HIA’s Golf Honoree. I recently told my co-workers that I was expecting my first baby in the spring. Nick drove me around with him in a golf cart the entire day as he announced to everyone we came in contact with that I was pregnant. He was driving around like a proud grandpa. This memory embodies the sense of community and support that HIA-LI has always fostered. It’s a reminder of the warm relationships and genuine connections that make this organization a true beacon for the Long Island business community.” - Lisa Mitnick, Senior Manager of Business Development of People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union “By far one of the proudest days of my life was looking into my mom’s face as I accepted the HIA-LI large business award. It signified a goal accomplished and fueled me for my next surge in growth. Being part of the Board of Directors has been transformative in my career. Looking forward to the next 45 years.”
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-Scott Maskin, Founder & CEO of SUNation Energy “Thanks to belonging to the HIA LI we have successfully networked and partnered with many fellow members. These partnerships have been influential in enriching the lives of hundreds of the adults who are in our care. We could not have done this without all that the HIA LI has to offer its members. Thank you HIA LI.” - Dennis W. Carroll, Manager of Strategic Partnerships of AHRC Suffolk
People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union We Put People First, Even In Our Name!
s Congratulation
to the HIA-LI for an impressive 45-year legacy of outstanding achievements within the long island innovation park at hauppauge!
and congratulations to their worthy honorees!
Our Bank@Work program offers virtual or on-site visits to your company to open new accounts and service existing accounts for all your employees. Contact us today at partner@pafcu.org to become a Bank@Work Partner!
www.pafcu.org • (631) 434-3500
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 39
PAFCU is a Great No-Cost Employee Benefit!
225 Wireless Blvd. Suite 101, Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: (631) 543-5355 · info@hia-li.org · www.hia-li.org
GOLD MEMBERSHIP Programs Hosted & Moderated By: Joe Campolo Managing Partner Campolo, Middleton & McCormick
John Miller President & CEO Guide Dog Foundation
An exclusive, invite-only forum open ONLY to CEOs/Presidents of organizations with 10 + employees - NOT just another networking group A comfortable environment for decision-makers to discuss issues only CEOs can understand - without being pressured for business Collaborate with fellow elite business leaders and directly interact with elected officials and other influencers on policy issues
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 40
Partial List of 2021 Speakers:
Kathy Hochul NYS Governor
Eugene Sayan Founder & CEO of Softheon
Dr. Patrick O'Shaughnessy President of Catholic Health
Andrew Garbarino NYS Congressman
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Allianz Trade Allied Risk Management Allmark Door ALTA Material Handling Alufoil Products Co Alure Home Improvements Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center Amazing Mid-Life and Beyond American Capital Partners LLC American Diagnostic Corporation (ADC) American Heart Association American Physical Society American Red Cross on Long Island Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Amity Education Group Amneal Pharmaceuticals Amplitech AmRus Consulting LTD Anago Cleaning Systems Angela Renfro Apparel Boss Applied Technologies of New York, Inc (ATI) Applied Visions, Inc Aresco Management Ltd Arma Container Corp.
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Arnold Shak - Talent Transition Art League of Long Island ASCM NYC LI Forum Association for Facilities Engineering Association for Mental Health & Wellness Assured Drug Testing Services Astoria Communications Asure Software Atlantic Group Plans LLC Atlantis Banquets & Events / Hyatt Place Long Island East End Audacy Audio Workstations/ MediaStations Auntie Anne’s Pretzels Autronic Plastics, Inc AXE Creatives Axis Construction Corporation Aztec Energy Group Inc B2B Marketing Strategies, LLC Babylon Dental Care Bank of America Bank United Barrett, Bonacci and Van Weele, P.C. (BBV) Bay Shore Moving & Storage Inc.
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Beauchamp Team Growth Solutions, LLC Bennington Brookstone Inc. Benny Migs Photo Berdon LLP BH Aircraft Co., Inc. Bi-County Scale & Equipment Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Long Island Big Step Coaching Bimser Software International Corp Bio-Botanica, Inc. Blessings in a BackpackLongwood Chapter Blue Ocean Wealth Solutions - Paul S Feignbaum Bob Giglione Photography Bohler Bond, Schoeneck & King BoomZeal Enterprises, Inc. Borg & Borg Inc BOSS Facility Services, Inc. Boy Scouts of Suffolk County Brainstorm Studio Brentwood Union Free School District Brookhaven National
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2M Technologies, Inc. 511NY Rideshare 71 Visuals A & Z Pharmaceutical Inc. A. B. Computer Systems, Inc. A+ Technology and Security Solutions Aboff’s Paints Accu Data Workforce Solutions ACE Strategies LLC Acrisure LLC Active Web Group Inc. Adelphi University/ Willumstad School of Business ADP Adults and Children with Learning and Developmental Disabilities (ACLD) Aflac - Garden City Aflac Regional Office AHF Vitamins AHRC Suffolk AI Strategy Corporation Airweld Inc. Aline Wealth Management All Aces Corp. All County Tax Resolution All Hands Transformation Group All In One Marketing
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Laboratory Brown Altman & DiLeo, LLP Bruzzone Shipping, Inc. BSB Consultants BusPatrol America LLC Button Down Solutions C.O.P.E. Foundation Call Me Electric Callaghan LLP Calming Knots Cameron Engineering Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP Capicu Restaurant Capital One Bank Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop Hauppauge Career & Employment Options (CEO) CareerSmarts Carter, DeLuca and Farrell, LLP Cataldo Grasso Architects, PC Catholic Health CBIZ Marks Paneth CBMS Consulting Services CCI Voice, Inc. CEA Energy LLC. Cedar Knolls, Inc. Centaurus Group Central Business Systems Central Semiconductor Corp. Century Direct, LLC Cerini & Associates, LLP Certified Business Intermediary, CBI Certilman Balin Adler Hyman, LLP CFGI CGT Marketing LLC Charles Leonard Inc. Cheyenne Electric Corp Chick-Fil-A Commack Chick-Fil-A Hicksville Chiddy’s Cheese Steaks, Inc Circuit Transit Inc Citizens Bank - Melville Office Citrin Cooperman City National Bank (CNB) City Publications of Long Island City Wide Facility Solutions ClearVision Optical Clear-Vu Lighting Clearwater International, Inc CN Guidance and Counseling Services Cobbleridge Realty Corp. CohnReznick LLP
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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Community Mainstreaming Associates Comp Matters Inc. Complex Machining Corporation Comprehensive Financial Cona Elder Law ConnectOne Bank Connetquot Central School District of Islip Contract Pharmacal Corp. Converged Technology Group COPE Foundation Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk Corporate Citizens LLC Corporate Fuel Corporate Performance Consultants County Energy Controls, Inc. County Wide Group Coverage’s Unlimited Inc. CPR & Safety Consulting and Training, LLC. DBA Compliance Training CraveHRO LLC Creative Plan Designs, Ltd. Crowe LLP Crown Castle Custom Computer Specialists D’Addario & Co., Inc. Dale Carnegie Training of Long Island Damianos Realty Group Dandelion Energy Darby Dental Supply, LLC DAVIDOFF HUTCHER & CITRON LLP Designatronics, INC. Developmental Disabilities Institute (HQ) Didit Dime Community Bank Disaster Cleanup Services, Inc. Discenza Business Continuity Solutions Discover Long Island Dominican Village EAC Network Eagle Group Planning East Wind Long Island East/West Industries, Inc. Eastern Suffolk BOCES Ecommerce Maven LLC Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk EDI Options
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EGC Group Electrical Training Center, Inc Electronix Systems Central Station Alarms, Inc. Elegant Petals Floral Design LLC Emerald Document Imaging EMTEC Consulting Engineers Engel Burman Group Engelmann Construction Enviroscience Consultants, LLC EPIC Long Island Event Kings Evolution Tax Pro Network Evolve Hydrogen Executive Alliance Expressive Connections Mental Health Counseling Family Residences & Essential Enterprises Family Service League Farmingdale State College Small Business Development Center Farrell Fritz, P.C. Festo Corporation Finish Line Technologies Fiorini Landscape, Inc. First National Bank of Long Island (FNBLI) First Onsite Property Restoration Flagstar Bank, NA Flexible Business Systems FlexStaff Staffing Services Flower Turbines Flushing Bank Fogo de Chão Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP Frank Lowe Rubber & Gasket Co., Inc. Fuller Lowenberg & Co., CPAs Fuoco Group G.S. Garritano & Associates, CPAs, LLC Gallagher Garnett DePasquale Projects GBM Services Inc. Geodis Gibson Engineering Co. Gina Motisi Photography Girl Scouts of Suffolk County, Inc. GKN Aerospace Monitor, Inc. Global Calibration LLC Gotham Electric Inc. Grassi & Co.
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Greater Gordon Heights Chamber of Commerce Group Planners, Inc GSE Dynamics, Inc. Guide Dog Foundation & America’s VetDogs Gurwin Healthcare System H&M IT Soultions DBA TeamLogic IT West Babylon H2M architects + engineers Habitat for Humanity of Long Island Hamptons Carpet One Floor & Home Harris Beach PLLC Hauppauge Public Library Hauppauge Public Schools Hawkins Webb Head Injury Association Heartland Executive Park Helberg Electric Supply LLC Hempstead Works Heritage Deli Herman Katz Cangemi Wilkes & Clyne, LLP High Tide Media HKM Associates Hofstra University Horan, Martello, Morrone, P.C. (HMM, CPAs LLP) Hotel Indigo HSBC Hub International Northeast HumanHire Hunter Business School Huntington Baptist Church Huntington High School Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce ICC Logistics Services Inc iFranchise Group Ignite IPA IHOP Imperial Coverage Services Imperity Advisors Industry One Realty Corp InfinIAM Analytical Service Innovative Transformations, LLC. Instinct Robotics Intellectulaw- The Law Offices of PB Tufariello PC Intelligent CloudCare a Division of IPS Inter-County Mechanical International Empire Electric Corp. INTERNATIONAL MEDIA MARKETING INVAGEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Irwin Contracting Inc.
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Live Smart Ai LLC Lizardos Engineering and Architecture Consultants P.C. LMN Printing Co., Inc. LNK International Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc. Long Island Board of Realtors, Inc. (LIBOR) Long Island Builders Institute (LIBI) Long Island Business News Long Island Cares, Inc.-The Harry Chapin Food Bank Long Island Contractors’ Association, Inc. (LICA) Long Island Egress Pros Long Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Long Island Metro Business Action (LIMBA) Long Island Nets Lourdes Industries, Inc. Lucidi Technical Solutions L.L.C M and M Social Media LLC M&T Bank Maloya Manufacturing Tax Recovery Services (MTRS) Marcum LLP Mark Grossman Public Relations MassMutual Financial Group Maui Chop House Food Truck Maxxima – A Division of Panor Corp Mazars USA LLP Mazzola Lindstrom LLP McBride Consulting & Business Development Group Media Mechanix Mejeticks Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, LLP Melville Chamber of Commerce Men on The Move - Moving & Self Storage Merch & Swag Mercy Haven, Inc. Merola Tile Merrill Lynch Merritt Environmental Consulting Metro-Rep Mezza Luna MGXW Consulting Michelle DeMott Independent Wine
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Consultant Mid-Island Party Plus Midoke Environmental LLC Miller Business Center MOXXIE Network MPP Associates, Inc Muir Sustainability Solutions Muller Martini Corp. Nassau BOCES Nassau Suffolk Hospital Council Nassau Suffolk Law Services Committee, Inc National Business Capital & Services, Inc National EAP, Inc. National Electrical Contractors Association National Grid Nationwide Instruction for Cardiovascular Education (NICE) Native Ceuticals Long Island, LLC Nawrocki Smith, LLP Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC Netrex Capital Markets New Ground Inc. New York Cancer & Blood Specialists New York Commercial Real Estate New York Energy & Environmental New York Institute of Technology New York Life New York Life - Rachna Patel New York Life Insurance Company New York Physical Therapy And Wellness Newsday Media Group Nexxis, Inc. Nissequogue Golf Club North Atlantic Industries, Inc. Northeast Financial Network Northwell Health – Occupational & Environmental Medicine of Long Island (OEMLI) NRGUSA Nu-Creations Awards Nu-Tek Roof Systems Inc NY Label & Box NY Party Works NYBB Group Off Main Marketing O-High Technologies, LLC Oliver Inc. Omni Business Intelligence
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Solutions (“OBIS”) Omni Funding Corp. of America Onshore Funding Orbit International Corp. Ozkar Services P.W. Grosser Consulting PAC Consulting Corp Pal-O-Mine Equestrian, Inc. Park East Construction Corp Park Strategies LLC Parker Hannifin Corp./ Electronic Systems Division Patalan 650 Mechanical Corp Patrizia’s of Hauppauge Paychex Paycor PB Lighting Design & Sales Inc Peak Performance Consulting Pennylane Productions People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union Pickleball Hall Piping Rock Health Products, LLC PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP. (PKFOD) Plethora Technologies Porco IP – Law Office of Michael J. Porco Precipart Premier Benefit Plans, Inc Premier Care Industries PriMedia, Inc. Prince Public Relations & Products Professional Group Plans, Inc. 2696 Pronto of Long Island, Inc. Protegrity Advisors, LLC PSEG Long Island PSP Turnkey Solutions Pupfish Sustainability Solutions Pure Mammography Qosina Corp. Quatela Chimeri PLLC Racanelli Realty Services Inc. Radisson Hotel Hauppauge Long Island Randstad Real Estate Agent Realty Connect USA Jessica Tenney Rechler Equity Partners LLC Recipes 4 Learning Reliance Communications, LLC Relocators Movers
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Island Components Group Island Drafting & Technical Institute Island Federal Credit Union Island Harvest, A Food Bank for Long Island It’s My Bag IVCi, LLC J.A.T.C. Jackson Lewis P.C. Jake’s 58 Hotel & Casino Janiking Janover LLC Jeannie Byrne - Talent Transition Jefferson’s Ferry Life Plan Community Jersey Mike’s Subs JGM Construction Development JJM Roofing and Waterproofing JLL JM2 Architecture P.C. Joseph Gunnar & Co Jovia Financial Credit Union JP Morgan Chase Long Island Headquarters-Melville Junior Achievement of New York Just Salad Kassoy LLC Kevin Wood Media Kilfinane Energy Consultants KMO Strategy LLC Kulka Group L.I.T. Labs, Inc Lamb & Barnosky, LLP Land O’Lakes Landmark Payroll Latin Food US Law Office of Scott R. Schneider, P.C. Lehigh Technical and Professional (NESCO Resource) Len Marks Photography Lessing’s Hospitality Group Lety Algeri Coaching Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP LGBT Network - Hauppauge Center LI Tech Advisors Liberty Coca-Cola Beverages Liberty Moving & Storage Life’s Worc Lighthouse Mission Lillian Sabatino Little Angels Center Little Saint Nick Foundation Littler Mendelson, P.C.
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Restoration 1 of Suffolk County Rimon Law Rintell Technologies LLC Rise Life Services Risk Strategies Company Rivkin Radler LLP Robert Half Rock Busto Fleet/ Chevrolet of Smithtown Roxy’s Ice Cream Catering Truck Royal Products/Div. of Curran Mfg. Corp. RPF Associates Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C. Safety & Environmental Professionals INC Safety-N-Compliance Services, Inc. / Snack Time Services, Inc. Sage Solutions Sales Tax Defense, LLC Sandler Training Sandwire Santander Bank Sara Miller Photo Studio Sasserath & Co Scents 4 My Soul Schroder and Strom, LLP Schulman Insurance Brokerage, LLC SCORE - Long Island Chapter Scotto & Melchiorre Group LLC Seacliff Environmental, Inc. Secondmuse/Scale for ClimateTech Select Exterminating Senior Health Plan Specialists, Inc. Sentinel Group Sheralven Enterprises Inc. Sherwood Lumber ShiftNova Siemens Industry, Inc. Smart Infrastructure Signwave Simply Credit Card Processing, LLC Sipola Advisory Services LLC Sir Speedy Smithtown Central School District SMM Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) Long Island
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Chapter, Inc. Society of St. Vincent dePaul Sold By Tina J Sorell Lenna & Schmidt Sourcepass Sourcepass South Bay Paddlewheel Cruises/L.I. Maritime Museum Stalco Construction Inc. Standard Advisors Group Standard Fire Protection LLC Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. ; Stantec Architecture, Inc. Stellar Capital Solutions Inc. Sterling Floor Designs, LTD. Stetson Cybergroup Stone Soupe at the Pavilion Stony Brook Medicine Stony Brook University, Economic Development STRATCO Property Solutions Strike Force Maintenance Corporation / Blue Dot Janitorial Supply Suffolk Bus Corp. Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning Suffolk County IDA Suffolk Family therapy LCSW PC Summit People Partners LLC Summit Safety & Efficiency Solutions SUNation Energy Sunrise Day Camps Association Sunrise Medical Laboratories Superior Washer & Gasket Corp. Target Temporaries, Inc. Taylor Rental Center/Party Plus Teachers Federal Credit Union Hauppauge Techworks Consulting, Inc. Telecom Infrastructure Corp Telephonics Corporation TeleStory Pictures, LLC Tell All Digital
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The Alternative Board Long Island The Alternative Board New York The Arbors Assisted Living The Bartholomew Company The Board Room Café and Eatery The Corporate Source The Garage Eatery The Little Balloon Cottage The Marty Lyons Foundation The McCord Agency Inc The Meadow Club The New York Power Authority The Office Worx The Resolver Group The Retreat The Sexy Salad The Suffolk Y Jewish Community Center, Inc. The Tiffen Company The Ward Melville Heritage Organzation The Wealth Alliance Thermo Fisher Scientific This is Long Island Media Thunderbird Maintenance Corporation Ticketbash TJ Tana Illusionist (VIP Illusions) Tobacco Action Coalition of LI/American Lung Association Tong Alster Tong & Assoc Total Fire Protection Total Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Town of Islip Economic Development Transit Solutions TRC Companies Trellus Tri-Lift Inc. Tri-Link, Inc. TRITEC Real Estate Co., Inc. Trophy Hut Tully Law Group TunedUp Media Turnpoint Media Twinco Manufacturing Co., Inc. UCP of Long Island Unishippers United Financial Alliance United Financial Planning Group LLC
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United States Luggage dba Solo and Briggs and Riley Travelware United Veterans Beacon House United Way of Long Island United-Guardian, Inc. Unparalleled Performance Urtasker USI Insurance Services Valley National Bank Value Eyecare Network Vertical Transportation Experts Virtual Enterprise International Visiting Nurse Service & Hospice of Suffolk, INC. (VNSHS) VoIPX International Voxx International Corporation W & M Fire Protection Services W Services Group W.J. Northridge Construction Corporation Walkers Shortbread, Inc. Walter F. Cameron Advertising Wampum First LLC. Wan Law Group PLLC WATCH GUARD 24/7, LLC Well Balanced Kitchen Wells Fargo Commercial Banking - Long Island Western Suffolk BOCES Whoggga Winters Bros. Waste Systems Women’s Diversity Network Wonder Integrated Group WTG Carpentry Inc. XCL Business Technologies X-Golf Commack Young Equipment Solutions, Inc. Zo-Air Company Zoot Shoot Photographers Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology Group
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 45
NEW MEMBER PROFILES Our approach isn’t just about acquiring new customers; it’s about empowering you to do more business with your existing ones while expanding your customer base. We understand the significance of customer retention and the potential it holds for revenue growth. Through data-driven strategies, we help you build stronger relationships with your current clientele, enhancing their loyalty and increasing their lifetime value. A. B. Computer Systems, Inc. Ed Avizur President www.abcsi.com 800-440-4082, Ext. 5022
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 46
Simultaneously, we harness the power of digital marketing to reach new audiences. Our methods focus on attracting potential customers who align with your business’s values and offerings. We don’t just stop at attracting leads; we guide them through a well-crafted conversion journey, turning them into satisfied, long-term customers. This dual-pronged approach ensures that your business not only flourishes in the present but also lays a A. B. Computer Systems is a Melville based leading provider of robust foundation for sustained growth. turn-key business management software solutions and related services. The ability to help our customers reduce costs and Contact us for all of your digital marketing needs! increase productivity, sales, and profits by implementing stateof-the-art business software is demonstrated by the many customer testimonials that we have received over the years, such as: “The project was completed on time and within our budget; Experience, dedication and commitment to customer service; We are extremely happy with our new system; We look forward to continue working with your team in the future; Always provided excellent support; Your company did an excellent job; Your experienced team exceeded our expectations”. Executive Alliance We provide Implementation Services and Ongoing Support of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Power BI, NAV (Navision), NetSuite, SQL Server, Teams, Microsoft 365 Why Choose Executive Alliance (Office), EDI, SharePoint, Azure Cloud, Dynamics CRM, Power Executive Alliance is a national executive search firm in business Automate, and Power Apps. since 1997 and best known for our dynamic leadership, continuous training, and a staff of recruiters with an average of Our very experienced and knowledgeable local consultants 20+ years of experience. and software developers provide companies with top-notch implementation and support services at competitive rates. Executive Alliance is Long Island’s largest stand-alone executive Services include project management, setups, training, recruitment firm. Led by Gary Zelamsky, a nationally recognized consulting, analysis, configuration, software development, expert and the best Executive Search Manager/Trainer in the testing, data conversion, upgrades, and customer support. business, we have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, a 4.7 Google Rating, our own job board and we have pioneered the use of broadcast radio to attract candidates nationwide. What Sets Executive Alliance Apart Protecting Your Investment
Ecommerce Maven Digital Agency Ecommerce Maven Digital Agency is a Long Island Digital Marketing Agency, offering a suite of services to boost your online presence. From SEO and web design to reputation management, advertising, ecommerce and more, we’ve got you covered. Our goal is to help your business thrive online
• No upfront costs • Flexible payment terms • All placements guaranteed • Multiple service levels including contingency and retainer models • No offshoring or outsourcing of any recruiting activities Fast Results • Largest team of recruiters • Only one week to build a talent pool • Superior resources • Dedicated recruiters with an average of 22 “industry specific”
NEW MEMBER PROFILES years of experience Stellar Reputation • In business over 26 years • 4.8 Google rating • National presence with 70,000 LinkedIn followers Thought leadership articles • garnering 100,000 impressions per year on LinkedIn • A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau Enormous Candidate Reach • State of the art tools for candidate outreach • Pioneered broadcast radio to increase the size of talent pools • Popular thought leadership blog to attract more candidates • Proprietary database nearing 200,000 candidates • Job search board built into our website
money lost through bad debt replaced quickly - Peace of mind: optimize the recovery rate of your unpaid invoices and release yourself from the collection of your invoices - Funding: reassure your financial partners to facilitate access to funding For more information, contact Mike Catherwood at 516-3889502 or michael.catherwood@allianz-trade.com.
The Ward Melville Heritage Organization (WMHO)
The Ward Melville Heritage Organization (WMHO), founded in 1939, is a privately funded not-for-profit corporation that protects and preserves historic and environmentally sensitive properties deeded to it by businessman and philanthropist Ward Melville. As the President of the Melville Shoe Corporate, Ward Melville owned and operated many national brands including Thom Allianz Trade is the global leader in Trade Credit Insurance. We McAn, CVS Pharmacy, Marshalls, Linens ‘n Things, This End Up and KB Toys to name a few. give companies the confidence to trade, and be paid. Allianz Trade Michael Catherwood michael.catherwood@allianz-trade.com 516-388-9502
Trade Credit Insurance covers your receivables against unexpected commercial and political risks (customer bankruptcy, changes to import and export regulations, etc.) so that your cash flow is safeguarded and you avoid bad debt. If your customers become insolvent or fall into protracted default, you are indemnified for the value of goods or services you have delivered. Whenever we provide Trade Credit Insurance, our priority is predictive protection. And when the unexpected arrives, our AA credit rating means we have the resources to provide compensation to maintain your business.
Melville’s dream was to create a colonial Williamsburg, but one that would be a living, working version. In 1941, he created a new Main Street in Stony Brook by building from the ground up a set of federalist-style buildings to house small shops, arranged in a crescent. At the center was a Post Office, complete with Doric columns and a wooden eagle that has flapped its wings on the hour for 84 years. His dream also encompassed preserving the area’s natural environment and many historic structures in Stony Brook, Setauket, and Head of the Harbor.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 47
Today the WMHO is committed to providing the public with community events, educational programs, and insightful information that celebrate the heritage and history of Ward Why use Credit Insurance? Melville and its surrounding areas. WMHO’s mission aims to - Profitability: improve profitability by safely increasing your bring people together and foster a sense of unity and belonging. From festivals and concerts to educational programs and exposure to more customers - Information: benefit from regular updates on the financial walking tours, there is always something happening at the Ward Melville Heritage Organization that creates a vibrant and health of your customers and prospects - Credit control: enhance your existing credit control procedures engaging community atmosphere. and manage customer payments more confidently - Competitiveness: remain competitive by offering open credit Please visit wmho.org to learn more. terms when your competitors can’t - Growth: facilitate your expansion by dealing confidently with new clients and increasing credit lines to existing ones - Protection: protect your outstanding invoices and get your
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 48
LIVE SMART AI LLC Kevin Kelly | 5167499284
ABOFF’S PAINTS Shayna Bowles | 6314272008
ALL ACES CORP. Miguel Perez | 6315695955
MEROLA TILE Seth Selesnow | seth.s@merolatile.us
ALLMARK DOOR Greg Mallon | 9735189338
NETREX CAPITAL MARKETS Edward Rivadeneira | 631-815-5710
BANK UNITED Alyssa Weigert | 6314544741
NORTHEAST FINANCIAL NETWORK Nicholas Limongelli | 5162737601
CALL ME ELECTRIC Salvatore Grimaldi | (631) 321-4461
NU-TEK ROOF SYSTEMS INC Keith Haynes | (973) 479-5425
CALMING KNOTS Mary Marrazzo | (646) 651-5355
REAL ESTATE AGENT Jordan DeStefano | 516-639-5270
CBIZ MARKS PANETH Erica Bernhard | mark.cuccia@cbiz.com
CORPORATE FUEL Gary B Kane | gary@corporatefuel.com
RISE LIFE SERVICES Amanda Belz | 631-727-6220
DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC Liz Meyers | (516) 688-6410
ROXY’S ICE CREAM CATERING TRUCK Elaine Piotrowski (Certified WOSB) | (631) 445-1565
DAVIDOFF HUTCHER & CITRON LLP Joe Benty | 212-557-7200
SANDWIRE Adam Schwam | adam.schwam@sandwire.com
EXECUTIVE ALLIANCE Gary Zelamsky | (631) 493-0517
TRC COMPANIES Scott Swezey | jfranceschina@trccompanies.com
UNITED VETERANS BEACON HOUSE Tina Sferrazza | 16316651571
IGNITE IPA Mark Shivers | 8446483472
WELL BALANCED KITCHEN Daniel Forman | (917) 887-5499
IT’S MY BAG Tonia Torrellas | shopitsmybag@gmail.com
WHOGGGA Adam Holtzer | 8449464442
KMO STRATEGY LLC Kevin O’Connor | (516) 659-2347
LITTLE SAINT NICK FOUNDATION Zack Anderson | zackandersen@littlestnick.org
To advertise in this section contact Anthony Forgione at aforgione@hia-li.org
• DIVERSITY • EQUITY • INCLUSION • ACCESS We fight hunger at it’s source to raise up those who are struggling in our community and help them become selfsufficient.
Long Island Cares’ network provides food assistance, educational programs and advocacy - regardless of race, religion, gender, or background.
www.licares.org | 631.582.FOOD (3663)
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 49
Let’s work together to better our communities, because during good times and bad times, Long Island Cares.
Business Power Money Market
For balances of $25,000 or more
Committed to Building Rewarding Relationships Flushing Bank’s Business Power Money Market account is perfect for business customers who want to keep their funds liquid while earning a 4.50% APY on balances of $25,000 or more.*,1,2 To qualify for the Business Power Money Market account you must also have or open a Flushing Bank Complete Business Checking account.1,2,3 With Complete Business Checking, you have access to over 55,000 ATMs, business mobile banking, mobile check deposit, and more. Plus, new Complete Business Checking customers can qualify for additional bonuses.1,4 This special offer is available for a limited time only at the following and select* Flushing Bank location:
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 50
160 Adams Avenue Hauppauge, NY 11788 631.246.0410
Small enough to know you. Large enough to help you.® *Offer available only at the Bensonhurst, Chinatown, Elmhurst, Jamaica, and Hauppauge branches. 1)New money only. New money is defined as money not currently on deposit with Flushing Bank. 2) To qualify for this offer you must maintain a Complete Business Checking account with a minimum monthly balance of $5,000. Existing Business money market account customers are not eligible. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is effective October 4, 2023. Annual percentage yield assumes principal and interest remain on deposit for a full year at current rate. For daily balances of $24,999 or less, the interest rate is 1.98% with an APY of 2.00%; for daily balances of $25,000 to $249,999 the interest rate is 4.40% with an APY of 4.50%; and for daily balances of $250,000 or more the interest rate is 4.40% with an APY of 4.50%. Fees may reduce earnings. The rate may change after the account is opened. You must maintain the required daily balance for the statement cycle to receive the respective disclosed yield. You must deposit a minimum of $100 to open this account. A low balance service charge of $10.00 will be imposed every month if the balance in the Business Power Money Market account falls below $5,000 any day of the month. The rate and offer are subject to change and early termination without prior notice at any time. 3) A Flushing Bank Complete Business Checking account with a minimum monthly balance of $5,000 is required to receive the advertised rate. Certain fees, minimum balance requirements, and restrictions may apply. Fees may reduce earnings on these accounts. 4) The Complete Cash Rewards Program (CCRP) bonus is limited to one (1) account credit per new Complete Business Checking customer. Existing checking account customers are not eligible. A new checking account is defined as any new checking account that does not have any authorized signatures in common with any other existing Flushing Bank checking account(s). An existing checking customer is defined as anyone who currently has or has had a Flushing Bank checking account within the last 24 months. Please speak with a Flushing Bank representative for additional information and program specific details including balance requirements.
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Craig Geiger | (631) 532-6146 craig@71visuals.com
ACTIVE WEB GROUP INC. F Corrao | (800) 978-3417 mgray@activewebgroup.com
Mark Businski | (212) 315-7083 mark.businski@audacy.com
BENNINGTON BROOKSTONE INC. Michael Zakrzewski | 631.805.2247 mzak@bbrookstone.com
BOB GIGLIONE PHOTOGRAPHY Bob Giglione | (516) 848-9600 bobgiglionephotography@outlook.com
John McHugh | 631-367-1000 X1001 john@brainstormstudio.com
CITY PUBLICATIONS OF LONG ISLAND Travis Jackson | (631) 933-0502 travis@citypubli.com
Todd Matises | (516) 629-3354 TODD.MATISES@DIDIT.COM
ECOMMERCE MAVEN LLC Sean McAuliffe | (516) 247-9058 sean@ecommercemaven.com
Ernie Canadeo | (516) 935-4944 ernie@egcgroup.com
INTERNATIONAL MEDIA MARKETING LIZ GUTIERREZ | (631) 355-5961 lizgg@internationalmediany.com
M AND M SOCIAL MEDIA LLC Jason Martello | (631) 265-6289 sbreit@horanmm.com
MARK GROSSMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS Mark Grossman | (631) 786-0404 mark@markgrossmanpr.com
PENNYLANE PRODUCTIONS Adam Forgione | (631) 486-2881 adam@plvisuals.com
Richard Rutigliano | (516) 222-2041 rrutigliano@primediany.com
TELESTORY PICTURES, LLC Michael Mills | (888) 759-6096 mmills@telestorypictures.com
Through a unique partnership with the Miller Business Center, HIA-LI members receive access to extensive and specialized business resources as well as personalized business research and reference assistance. For more information, please contact Anthony Forgione at aforgione@hia-li.org.
August 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 51
Jonathan Dolan | (516) 712-9902 offmainmarketing@gmail.com
Michael Rudes | (646) 236-7136 info@tunedupmedia.com
Jonathan Schlackman | (917) 597-2387 jon@turnpointmedia.com
WALTER F. CAMERON ADVERTISING John Frame | (631) 232-3033 jframe@cameronadvertising.com
WONDER INTEGRATED GROUP Charlotte White | (646) 236-1571 charlotte@wonderingroup.com
ADVERTISE YOUR INDUSTRY! To advertise in this section contact Anthony Forgione at aforgione@hia-li.org
HEARD AROUND THE ISLAND APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, HONORS & OTHER HAPPENINGS The Suffolk County Industrial Development Agency (SCIDA) has preliminarily approved a transaction to assist B9 Oser Owner, LLC in constructing a new warehouse and distribution building at 45 Oser Avenue in Hauppauge for its tenant, Max Finkelstein Inc,. a subsidiary of U.S. Autoforce, which is a division of U.S. Ventures, Inc. With the SCIDA’s support, the project applicants will invest $9 million to construct and customize a 132,515 square-foot headquarters, allowing Max Finkelstein, Inc.—a family-owned business—to expand their facilities on Long Island with a larger, more modern warehouse. This action will create six additional jobs within the first two years and retain their existing 45 full-time employees, which amasses to a total payroll of more than $3.2 million.
On November 4, the Village of Islandia held its annual Veterans Day ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Triangle. Mayor Allan M. Dorman, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, was joined by village board members, local war veterans, and members of the Col Francis S. Midura Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post #12144, the Lakeland and Central Islip Fire Departments and the A. B. Computer Systems announced today that Central Islip-Hauppauge Ambulance Corps to honor they have been selected by Ammo International, an those who served and continue to serve in the armed electrical equipment manufacturer and distributor, to forces. provide the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central software and all implementation services. On November 15, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Ammo International caters to the wholesale/ (CSHL) held its 18th annual Double Helix Medals distributor market and is able to develop and produce dinner (DHMD) at the American Museum of Natural innovative products by utilizing their global resources. History in New York City. CBS journalist Lesley Stahl Headquartered in New York City, with a distribution returned to emcee the awards dinner, which honored center in New Jersey, the company’s forty-seven Neri Oxman & William Ackman and 2018 Nobel Business Central users are located in three countries laureate Jim Allison. Thanks to the event chairs and and will access the cloud-based system in various donors, the event raised more than $10 million. After receiving the Double Helix Medal, Oxman and languages. Ackman announced an extraordinary gift, further Kenneth Hoffmann (resident of East breaking the event’s fundraising record to support Northport), Partner in the Banking and scientific research and education at CSHL.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 53
Commercial Lending Practice Groups Harris Beach is excited to welcome at Certilman Balin Adler & Hyman, our newest Senior Counsel, Ian LLP, is currently serving on the 2024 Connett, who joins our Corporate American Heart Association’s Go Red Practice Group. Ian has worked across for Women Executive Leadership several cutting-edge verticals during Team. He said, “I’m supporting Go Red for Women his legal career, including Artificial for my mother and all the women in my life.” The Intelligence, Machine Learning and American Heart Association will celebrate its 100th anniversary and the 20th anniversary of its Go Red Biotechnology. As a former general counsel to high profile pre-IPO companies in the fast-paced for Women Campaign in 2024. technology sector, Ian brings a wealth of experience and positive industry reputation to the firm.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 54
Samuel Turvey, Chairperson, ReThink Penn Station NYC, will be the guest speaker at LIMBA (Long Island Metro Business Action). This event will take place at the Candlelight Diner, located at 56 Veterans Memorial Highway in Commack, starting at 8:30 a.m. The topic will be “Remake Penn Station To Improve Its usability: Connecting Long Island to New Jersey.”Mr. Turvey is a longtime community activist and Board Member in the not-for-profit community. He recently retired from TIAA (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association), where he served as a Managing Director in the firm’s legal department, but continues to provide consulting services to the financial services industry. On November 10, James P. Lentini, D.M.A., President, Molloy University, will be the guest speaker at LIMBA (Long Island Metro Business Action). This event will take place at the Candlelight Diner, located at 56 Veterans Memorial Highway in Commack, starting at 8:30 a.m. The topic will be “The Future of Higher Education.” Dr. Lentini began his tenure as Molloy University’s seventh president in June 2020. Under his leadership, he established goals such as expanding enrollment and developing new academic programs to meet the needs of students and the greater New York metropolitan area. In 2022, Molloy achieved status as a university. Dr. Lentini led the development of a new Strategic Plan 2028 that sets a path for Molloy to expand its impact and reach as a comprehensive university that offers top-tier professional and academic programs rooted in the liberal arts.
The Winter holidays are upon us once again. This is also a time when food pantries, food banks, and community organizations that provide food assistance to families in need experience an increase in the number of people requesting food for their holiday tables. Several of the food pantries supported by Long Island Cares, The Harry Chapin Regional Food Bank have reported increases in the number of people seeking assistance of between 35-70% depending upon the communities that they’re located in. While we know that there are 230,000 people on Long Island considered to be food insecure, it’s conceivable that this number could potentially grow to between 310,000 to 390,000 as we enter a New Year. Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP warmly congratulates our partner, Kathleen Deegan Dickson, on being selected as a Long Island Business News “2023 Long Island Business Hall of Fame” inductee. Launched in 2015, the Long Island Business Hall of Fame includes the most distinguished leaders in our business community. Induction into the Hall of Fame is the highest honor for those who demonstrate a commitment to excellence. Ms. Dickson, a Glen Cove, NY resident, earned her J.D. from St. John’s University School of Law and her B.A. from Providence College. For more information on submitting press releases to appear in the HIA-LI Reporter Newspaper, contact us at 631-543-5355
Here for our community Partnering with government and local businesses Building a better future
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 55
Valley’s Women in Business Program is proud to support the 13th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference and the Hauppauge Industrial Association of Long Island. Valley’s Women in Business Program is an essential resource for women looking to expand their network, connect with others in or out of their industry, and take advantage of unique program perks. We understand the value in connecting with other hard-working women, which is why we’ve created this free program that fosters collaboration and connection.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 56
Learn more at valley.com/WIB
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Sunshine, Fresh Air, and Safety December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 57
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631-543-5355 or visit our website www.hia-li.org
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December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 61
A MULTI-TALENTED WORKFORCE IS DRIVING BUSINESS SUCCESS IN SUFFOLK COUNTY Rapidly changing technology, competitive innovations, and consumer preferences are demanding an increasingly skilled and diverse workforce. A company may now ask a single employee to be skilled in manufacturing systems and also coding. Another might need to conduct risk assessment analysis while also being adept at marketing. A biotechnician might also need to be skilled at running robotic machinery.
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 62
What we do know today is that workforce development is the new lifeblood of business. From renowned research institutions and universities to state and local agencies, Suffolk County businesses have access to top-tier workforce training resources through the Suffolk IDA. With the financial incentives and the state, regional and local assets the Suffolk IDA can deliver, Suffolk County is the perfect place to grow your business—and be ready for the ever-changing workplace and workforce.
Call or email us today. 631-853-4802 INFO@SUFFOLKIDA.ORG
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Contact our private client group to learn more Tamra Postiglione Group Director & SVP tamra.postiglione@flagstar.com
December 2023 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 63
flagstar.com | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender
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