Local Community Heroes Issue 35

Page 5

Necesita Trabajo Dental? A Licensed Insurance Agency

$49.95 Individual por mes $99.95 Por mes para Todo Su Familia

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Pero tiene dificultades con el costo para usted o su familia? ¡No busque más!

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(408) 832-0074

O Visita www.47913.awisdental.com Carecteristísticas Plan Dental + No Hay limitaciones en Condiciones + Sin Deducible + No hay límite de beneficios mensual, anual o de por vida + No hay limites de edad

Ejemplos De Co-Pagos Del Plan Dental HMO + Visita de Oficina = $5.00 + Examen Oral = SIN COSTO + Rayos X = SIN COSTO + Limpieza Dental = $5.00 + Rellenos = $8.00

El plan de seguro Dental Preferido y más usado en AMERICA

Disponible por la Compañía de Segura Dental que provee los planes dentales a militares, agencias gubernamentales y grandes corporaciones!

Elizabeth Morales

Mohinder Mann Mohinder Mann read 30 some Scholarship applications and it was Elizabeth Morales that he ended up choosing. So, what influenced his decision? In Mr. Mann’s own words: “Elizabeth is determined to succeed. She will overcome life’s challenges. I am certain she will succeed in college. I see her developing as a leader and caring person in our community. She will make us all proud. My younger brother graduated from Mt. Pleasant High School long ago. I am Yerba Buena graduate class of 74’. We grew up on Ocala Ave and Cunningham Street near the High School. I will be happy to guide and mentor Elizabeth.”

Event photos Available at http://bit.ly/2lK8Djs


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