Loyalty Pawn's Three Balls Chronicle Volume 4 Issue 7

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Letter from the President

Letter from the General Manager

Loyalty Pawn Family

Store Manager Updates

Golden 1 Center Events

Upcoming Sales

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries and New Hires

Top Performers in June

Loyalty Pawn’s Core Goals, Values and Visions

Employee Services Corner

Team Loyalty!!

Happy July Everyone! We are half way through 2021 and it has gone by so fast! Thank you again to everyone for all of your hard work that everyone puts in everyday, you guys are still doing an amazing job even with everything that has gone on in the past year and we are slowly getting back to normal which is exciting. We thank you and hope that everything dies down soon! The 4th of July is Sunday July 4th and we hope that everyone has a 4th with family and friends! Don’t forget to check out the monthly newsletters electronically, on the Issuu app so that you can share your hard work to your friends and family! Be sure to also check out our new political page and lastly, keep doing an amazing job Team Loyalty and let’s make the rest of 2021 amazing!!

Letter from the President

Hello Team Loyalty,

June was a really good month for Team Loyalty. We have seen two straight months of great loan growth and our sales were strong in June. Pawn Service Charges should start to help with our revenue in July and definitely in August, so we are in great shape as a company. This is something that every one of you has built. America is reopening and our clients will start coming in more frequently, Yay!!

I have been to see our legislatures this past month and our association is moving bills through our Capitol. I have met with the Senate Pro Tom Atkins, and senators Roth and Portantino, that were great conversations about our industry, and we are working on moving our industry in a positive direction. The National Pawnbrokers Association’s Expo is this month and Loyalty Pawn will represent California at their board meeting. I am excited about that and looking forward to learning what is going on at the national level.

We have a lot going on in our industry, but we are working closely with all the parties that are included at a local, state and national level. We are pawnbrokers and I am proud to be a pawnbroker and hope you are as well.


A Letter from the General Manager

Hello Everyone,

Well, it seems like something is trending in the world of loans. As the summertime temperatures rise, so does the loans that we write. This is excellent news! In the month of June we increased our loans company wide by 1475 physical transactions w/ increase of $273,000.00. This is a significant increase. Since the beginning of May, we have increased our loans by 3,100 and our loan dollars by $575,000.00. This is certainly trending in the right direction. We predict that this will stay course and we will have gradual to moderate loan increase through the fall of this year.

The top salesmen for the month of June was Dominic T. who sold $43,720.62, 2 nd place was Kirby Erlanger who sold $29,844.68 and 3rd was Juanita Gutierrez who sold $19,825.04. Great job team! This is the first time that both Kirby and Juanita ranked top 3! Huge congratulations to both of you!

To conclude, I would like to sincerely thank Travis for his time within the Loyalty pawn family. Travis has been a dedicated team member since the end of summer in 2015. Travis has worked diligently at both El Camino and Broadway in that time. Travis did progress over the years from an SLA to a leadership position in wh ich he fulfilled at both locations. We are lucky to have had him help direct and lead our teams. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.


“The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you”. -Joel Osteen

Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Family,

Wow, another month is gone, and the heat is definitely here. I have notice that when it typically gets this hot people tend to stay on edge. It is great to see our loan balances finally start to grow and same thing with our buys. I want to thank everyone who contributed to our testimonial for our hiring ad campaign it came out really good everyone. Like always we strive to set the tone on what a pawnshop is in California and finding out new and creative ways to stay relevant. Hopefully, this generates great traction for us and brings in some new talent. We at the El Camino store are going to miss Ricardo who will be going to join the Broadway team. We wish him well and we are all excited for him and their team I know he’s going to make us proud. This month we are going to get to know our newest team member to the El Camino team Elsa Palazuelos. She has 10 years pawn experience and brings great kn owledge of luxury goods to the team. We are very excited to have here and we’ll be picking her brain on some tips and tricks we can utilized on our luxury department.

1. Who is your hero and why? My hero is my mom, she raised my siblings and I on her own and showed me that I can accomplish anything I want as long as I put my heart to it.

2. What is your favorite family vacation? My favorite family vacation is taking my kids to Disneyland’s 50th and 60th Anniversary celebration.

3. What did you want to be when you were small? When I was younger, I wanted to be an Astronaut.

4. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? My favorite sport to play is Volleyball and to watch, it’s Soccer & Baseball.

5. What would you sing at karaoke night? I don’t do karaoke, but if I did it would be a Banda song.

6. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? My nickname is Checha since I was born.

7. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Win the Lottery, who wouldn’t? I can make my dream job from my lottery earnings.

8. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? I would like to be stranded with my best friend.

9. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to and why? I would travel back to my junior year in high school, most fun, no stress or worries of life.

10. How would your friends describe you? They would describe caring, loyal, and always there for them.

11. What is the worst gift you have ever received? Worse gift? I guess none since I can’t think of it.

12. What are some of your hobbies? I like to go hiking, tanning and shopping.

13. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? I would want the superpower to pause time or fly.

14. What would you do if you won the lottery? I would provide the world for my mom then spoil myself with homes and invest.

15. What is the tallest building you have been to the top of? Tallest building…a few but hiking has the better and taller views, Angels Landing is my Fav, in Zion.

16. What is your favorite holiday and why? My favorite holiday is Christmas, I love all the family being together.

17. What is your favorite sports team? In teams I have favorites for each sport, Raiders, Spurs, Giants, A’s, Real Madrid, Mexico’s Soccer team

18. What is one of your favorite movies? Favorite movie, well one of them, Die Hard.

19. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? Knife, food, matches.

20. What was your favorite subject in school? Fav subject, Geography

21. What are the most unusual things you’ve ever eaten? I’m Mexican, so unusual, fried crickets.

22. Do you collect anything? Not big on collecting

23. What three things do you think of the most each day? I think of a lot.

24. On a scale from 1-10 how funny would you say you are? I’m about a 7.

25. Where do you see yourself in 6 months? In 6 months…. ending 2021 with the pandemic well behind us, the world back to normal!


Shop Talk Manager Updates

El Camino

Team Loyalty,

Special thanks to Wayne and Stan for letting me be part of the Pawn focus group trip. It’s always interesting seeing how other Pawn Shops operate. From inventory to P&L and seeing what they need help in. We are all in the same predicament as far as understaffed, but we are doing our best to reach out to new candidates. As far as shop talk a special thanks to Javier as well for leading team ELCO and pushing them to bring in 73k being number 1 again. As I come back from father bonding time I get awful new, Tito is leaving us to graduate at Broadway. I can’t thank Ricardo enough for his time here and a big help we are all wishing him the best! As we get close to wrapping up the second quarter we are going to push sales and set up layaways for the up coming holidays. We are a little behind from hitting that million mark so were are pushing it. Also big congrats to Juanita hitting a career high at 7.5k she’s motivated and loves hitting her incentive. Hope everyone does well with our new promotion and 4th of July sale. Also everyone have a safe and fun 4th . "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." ELMER DAVIS

Tony Mora

Florin Mall

Hello Loyalty Pawn Family,

I hope everyone is doing well. Wow I can’t believe half of 2021 is over. Time sure does fly. First, I wanted to say great job to Team Elco for taking first place in sales again, and awesome job Broadway for keeping the lead for almost the whole month. Unfortunately, Team Florin placed fourth in sales. That hasn’t stopped us from shooting for first place this month. Team Florin is still on track for $1.1 million in sales for the year with an average of a little over $94k in sales per month. For the year Team Florin is sitting at $564k in sales. I am super excited that everything is going back to what we use to call normal. The great news is that we are seeing a great number of loans coming in June. Even though we didn’t take first place in sales Team florin did grow over $100k in loan balance for the month of June and we have a goal to hit $1.5 by the end of the month. With the new child tax credit rolling, we hope to capitalize on sales and rolling over loans. Well, the Fourth of July is here and I hope everyone will enjoy it and have a great time with your families. Stay safe. Let’s go 3rd quarter.

Mark Xiong


Hello Team Loyalty,

I hope everyone is having a great Summer and is keeping cool as the world gets back to normal. The Roseville team is very excited to see loans coming back and the number of new customer counts growing. We are not quite back to precovid levels but I feel the tide is changing and we are starting to see it. So, if you know any friends or family members looking for a job make sure they go online to WWW.LOYALTYPAWN.COM and fill out an application. We are going to need to be creative on how we find new ways to get new team members to join the Loyalty Family. We need to become New Employee Hunters, let's go out into the field and find the epic employees we are looking for and not wait for them to find us! Fun Fact: During the first 20 years, Independence Day was not celebrated on July 4, the date was officially declared a holiday only in 1870, almost a hundred years after the Declaration was written and signed.



Hello Everyone,

Broadway fans! I'm just going to say it, it's been hotter than the devil's kitchen lately!

With that being said we all know that heat waves AKA summer brings out the best in people. If you can't tell, that was sarcasm. Somethings to remember when that oh so lovely and not annoyed customer walks in:

1) as the employee I should wear gloves-sweaty boob money is a real thing.

2) everyone will want to tell you it's hot, like you were not already sweating yourself.

3) not everyone understands the concept of deodorant. (I have never been more thankful for my mask than I am during this heat wave)

4) emotions are higher, people get a little weird... Stay clam... Remind them there is AC in the building and that everything will be ok.

5) finally this too shall pass and our friend winter will be back. But on a serious note, we appreciate every customer that walks in, the weird, the strange, the smelly, the sweaty, and the out of this world bizarre. The heat will do many things to people... Broadway is always up for a challenge!

West Sacramento

Hello Team,

Wow, this year is going fast, I cannot believe we are in the third quarter already?!?! Here at West Sac, we are not letting time take advantage of us. We are getting ahead by planning our next project. This month we were able to add a section to our shelves and just waiting for lumber to go down in price to add the floor to them. Can you believe how expensive lumber has gotten? We should have invested in lumber instead of Bitcoin....lol. The other project is done as well, we have a new break room and we even got a $5 coach from Goodwill what a bargain. The next project is to clean out and organize our "broken room" and our guitar cases area as well. Golden one arena is open now, please request your tickets as soon as possible and check the guidelines for COVID-19. One of our goals is to break the magic 500k in loan balance as well as to break the 100k layaway balance. As for now, we continue to wear a facemask and sanitize as frequently as possible. Please stay safe and healthy. We look forward to new challenges and overcoming old ones.


Political Page

This is out new political page for the newsletter. Below is each of your state and federal representatives along with their contact information. I would love to set up appointments with your representative so we can teach them about our industry. This is one way our state association (CAPA) has suggested for us to help positively promote our industry. Please take a moment to reach out to your representatives to be able to inform them about our industry!

Store number Employee Assembly Senate Federal Barragan, Marcos Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 1 Becerra, Javier Ken Cooley Dr. Richard Pan Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein D Bobadilla, Norma Kevin McCarty Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 4 Bonton, Joshua Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D Contreras, Joseph Kevin Kiley Jim Neilsen Tom McClintok Rep Diane Fienstein Rep 5 Davis, Brandy A Kevin McCarty Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 4 Dozier, George Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 4 Erlanger, Kirby J Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D Gutierrez, Juanita G Ken Cooley Jim Neilsen Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein Rep 2 Iqbal, Zabiyah Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 1 Lewis, Ramsey N Ken Cooley Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 4 Lukowicz, Lauren Ken Cooley Dr. Richard Pan Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein D 4 Lukowicz, Stanley J Ken Cooley Dr. Richard Pan Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein D 4 Mark, John James Gallagher Jim Neilsen John Garamendi Rep Diane Fienstein Rep 3 Martinez, Justin Ken Cooley Jim Neilsen Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein Rep McCracken, Orry S Kevin McCarty Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D Molina, Paul E Ken Cooley Dr. Richard Pan Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein D Molina, Ricardo Ken Cooley Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D

Assembly Member

Jim Cooper Democrat https://a09.asmdc.org/

Ken Cooley Democrat https://a08.asmdc.org/

Kevin McCarty Democrat https://a07.asmdc.org/

Kevin Kiley Republican https://ad06.asmrc.org/

James Gallagher Republican https://ad03.asmrc.org/

State Senate

Dr. Richard Pan Democrat https://sd06.senate.ca.gov/

Jim Neilsen Republican https://nielsen.cssrc.us/

Federal Representative

Doris Matsui Democrat https://matsui.house.gov/

Diane Fienstein Democrat https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/

Ami Bera Democrat https://bera.house.gov/

Tom McClintok Republican https://mcclintock.house.gov/contact

John Garamendi Democrat https://garamendi.house.gov/

8 1 Mora, Tony Kevin McCarty Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 2 Palomares, David Ken Cooley Dr. Richard Pan Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein D Rodriguez, Jennifer M Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 3 Silliman, Wayne Kevin Kiley Jim Neilsen Tom McClintok Rep Diane Fienstein Rep 4 Tobin, Travis Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein D 3 Tognolini, Dominic Kevin Kiley Jim Neilsen Tom McClintok Rep Diane Fienstein Rep Torres, Michael A Kevin McCarty Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 5 Velazquez, Jose Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D Wagner, Jason Ken Cooley Dr. Richard Pan Ami Bera D Diane Fienstein D 3 Walker, Brittany Ken Cooley Jim Neilsen Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein Rep 2 Xiong, Ah Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 2 Xiong, Mark Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D 2 Xiong, Mike Jim Cooper Dr. Richard Pan Doris Matsui D Diane Fienstein D

July Monthly Sales


Golden 1 Center Upcoming Events

We have some exciting news!! The Golden 1 Center is finally opening back up to have events as far as we know right now. Below are the list of events that are posted as of right now and we will be adding events to this list each month as they get posted! Same thing as usual if you would like to request tickets send you ticket request forms to lauren.l@loyaltypawn.com so that I can get your requests in and if you need a request form email lauren.l@loyaltypawn.com and I can send you a copy! Even though the Golden 1 Center is opening back up there is a limited amount of tickets available which we do not know how many as of right now but we will keep you all updated as soon as we know!

Event Day Date Time Harry Styles: Love on Tour 2020 August 21, 2021 Saturday 8:00 PM Celine Dion September 1, 2021 Wednesday 7:00 PM Maluma: Papi Juancho Tour September 2, 2021 Thursday TBA Joe Rogan September 10, 2021 Friday 8:00 PM Alejandro Fernandez: Hecho En Mexico Tour September 11, 2021 Saturday TBA Gold Over America Tour September 29, 2021 Wednesday 7:30 PM Kane Brown: Bless & Free Tour October 1, 2021 Friday TBA Jo Koy: Just Kidding World Tour October 2, 2021 Saturday 8:00 PM Jo Koy: Just Kidding World Tour October 3, 2021 Sunday 7:00 PM Phish October 15, 2021 Friday TBA Dan + Shay October 21, 2021 Thursday 7:00 PM Andrea Bocelli October 23, 2021 Saturday TBA Enrique Iglasias and Ricky Martin November 13, 2021 Saturday 7:30 PM Gabrial Iglesias November 26, 2021 Friday 8:00 PM V101 Heart of Hip Hop December 11, 2021 Saturday 7:30 PM Nickelodeon's JoJo Siwa DREAM tour January 18, 2022 Tuesday 7:00 PM Justin Bieber March 4, 2022 Friday 7:00 PM The Weekend: After Hours Tour March 6, 2022 Sunday 7:00 PM Eric Church May 11, 2022 Wednesday TBA Roger Waters September 20, 2022 Tuesday TBA

Monthly Birthstone Guide

This will help educate you about some of the more popular semi and precious stones we come across and it will also help you close some more sales. The idea is to educate you on each month’s birthstone as you can arrange your cases properly and make suggest ions to our clients that may be browsing or even looking for a gift. Let’s think outside the box when utilizing this information.

JANUARY – Garnet

MARCH – Aquamarine


MAY – Emerald

JULY – Ruby & Tourmaline


Anniversaries, Birthdays and New Hires

July Anniversaries

Tito Molina 5 years

July Birthdays

Marcos Barragan July 27th

June New Hires

We don’t have any new hires this past month!




Loan/Buy/Layaway End of Month Balances

Sales in Dollars Productivity in Dollars Phys. Transactions Done
1st Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) Brittany Walker (Roseville #3) David Palomares (Florin #2)
2nd Kirby Erlanger (Broadway #4) Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) Paul Molina (Florin #2)
Juanita Guiterez (Broadway #4) Paul Molina (Florin #2) Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3)
4th Josh Bonton (Broadway #4) David Palomares (Florin #2) Brittany Walker (Roseville #3)
5th Norma Bobadilla (West Sac #5) Ricardo Molina (El Camino #1) Elsa Palazuelos (El Camino #1)
Loan Balance Buys Balance Layaway Balance Loyalty Pawn #1 El Camino $1,080,229.00 $9,228.00 $94,145.16 Loyalty Pawn #2 Florin Mall $1,378,029.00 $4,727.50 $101,939.22 Loyalty Pawn #3 Roseville $962,840.00 $6,548.00 $76,422.05 Loyalty Pawn #4 Broadway $802,467.00 $4,021.00 $123,150.41 Loyalty Pawn #5 West Sacramento $425,439.00 $2,997.50 $85,664.14

Loyalty Pawn’s Goals, Values, and Visions

“The Leader in Local Lending”

Company Wide Goals

• To Offer Immediate Relief with a Short-Term Loan.

• To Develop, Recruit and Inspire an Elite Work Force, Driven by Loyal Business Practices.

• To Provide the Highest Standard of Quality, Commitment and Value to Every Customer in Our Loyalty Pawn Family!

Core Values

• Loyalty

• Dedication

• Creativity

Company Vision

• Loyal People Committed to Everyday Satisfaction

Loyalty Pawn Employee Services Corner

July 3 brings the start of the hot and sultry Dog Days of Summer!

July is named after Roman dictator Julius Caesar (100 B.C.–44 B.C.). Caesar developed the precursor to the Gregorian calendar we use today.

July’s birthstone is the RUBY- considered the king of gems, the ruby symbolizes love, passion, energy, and success.

The July birth flowers are the larkspur and water lily.

July’s zodiac signs are Cancer (June 21 to July 22) and Leo (July 23 to August 22).

Just for fun July Days…

July is National Watermelon Month—yum! Have fun with these strange celebrations:

• July 7–13: National Farriers Week

• July 8: International Town Criers Day

• July 17: World Emoji Day

• Jul 20–28: National Moth Week

• July 22: Spooner’s Day

• July 25: National Day of the Cowboy

• July 27: Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day

Traditional July Calendar

• July 1 is Canada Day, a Canadian federal holiday that celebrates the creation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867.

• July 4 is Independence Day (U.S.). On the fourth of July, we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Don’t forget to raise the flag!

• July 14 is Bastille Day, which commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the start of the French Revolution.



The Buck Moon

July’s full Moon, the full Buck Moon, occurs on Friday, July 23. It reaches peak illumination at 10:37 P.M. (EDT) that evening, rising above the horizon just after sunset

July’s Moon Phases

Last Quarter: July 1, 5:12 P.M. EDT

New Moon: July 9, 9:17 P.M. EDT

First Quarter: July 17, 6:11 A.M. EDT

Full Buck Moon: July 23, 10:37 P.M. EDT

Last Quarter: July 31, 9:18 A.M. EDT

July 5 is the time of aphelion, when Earth is the farthest it will get from the Sun for the entire year specifically, we’ll be 94,510,886 miles away from our bright star! Another highlight of the July sky is the “Summer Triangle.

401K-Loyalty Pawn Retirement $avings Program

Are you saving for retirement? Why not start today?

If you have completed 12 months of service with Loyalty Pawn, you’re eligible to participate and start putting away those pretax (or post tax Roth) dollars into your very own 401k account. To enroll, send me an email and I’ll help you get started. Also, for your “loyalty” “dedication” and “perseverance”, Loyalty Pawn contribute 3% of your gross wages into your 401k account an employer contribution weekly this is whether you defer pre/post tax dollars or not. Just another way of saying, “Thank YOU! We appreciate YOU”

Contact Employee Services at employeeservices@loyaltypawn.com Start saving for retirement’s tomorrow, today!


As of June 15, 2021, Loyalty Pawn is no longer requiring guests to wear a mask to enter the store. In keeping with CDC guidelines and County Health Department requirements, we ask that all unvaccinated guests continue to wear masks in our stores. As of June 18, 2021, all of our associates who are fully vaccinated now have the option of wearing masks per Cal/OSHA requirements.

Remember, if you need HR, Payroll, Benefits, or Family support, Loyalty Pawn’s Employee Services is only a phone call, text message, or email away, on demand, anytime! 916-752-2255 employeeservices@loyaltypawn.com


Loyalty Pawn

Corporate Office: 1708 Broadway

Sacramento, Ca 95818

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