Sant Jordi 2008. El sospir del meu nom murmurat tota la nit

Page 105

Guillem Castany Crivillers 2n A ESO

Primer de Batxillerat | 2n Premi en llengua anglesa


Certamen Literari Sant Jordi 2008 - Col.legi Sant Miquel dels Sants

His look went to the sky, maybe asking for some help. There he saw how the clouds were moving faster and faster. He tripped over something soft but slippery that had the dreadful smell of the putrid seawater. It was the body of a drowned man. With what was left of the man he had been, he looked directly at his face. The eyes of the drowned man were closed but he could perfectly guess that they were icy blue. He tried to shout for the last time and then all the lights went off.

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