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Tomas, Tommy, Luke, Simon, Rick John McAdam, a Scottish engineer born on September 21 1756. The youngest of his ten siblings, but the second son of the baron of waterhead. John Mcadam and family’s name was his traditionally McGregor, but was changed to McAdam due to the claiming of descent of the


Industrial Revolution

Paved Roads

biblical Adam. John then moved to New York in 1770, as a merchant, and prize agent. Then he later moved on working in iron works. Years later, John Mcadam created the first paved road, in history of the industrial revolution. Macadamisation, is a process that John Mcadam used to create the paved roads with, he used it for building a road with a smooth hard process and more durable and less muddy than soil based tracks. The importance of the paved road, was it created opportunities for the industrial revolution for new ideas and expansion on the roads, and easier ways to travel on land with horses and carriages. It might not be an important invention now but will be better later on as people believe in.


Story1:Child labor during the Industrial Revolution There were people in this time period that strongly advocated the use or the abolishment of child labor, or at least the improvement of conditions. Factory owners loved child labor, and they supported their reasoning with ideas that it was good for everything from the economy to the building of the children's characters. Parents of the children who worked were almost forced to at least approve of it because they needed the income. There were, however, some important figures that fought for the regulation, improvement, and/or abolishment of child labor. The first step to improving conditions was in 1833 with the Factory Act passed by Parliament. This limited the amount of hours children of certain ages could work. Specifically, children 9 to 13 years of age were only allowed to work 8 hours a day. Those 14 to 18 years of age could not work more than 12 hours a day. Children under 9 were not allowed to work at all. Also, the children were to attend school for no less than two hours during the day. Perhaps the most important part of this act was the part that said the government would appoint officials to make sure the act was carried out and complied with. Later, in the early 20th century, activists went even further to protect children's rights in labor. Among these figures was Jane Addams, founder of the Hull House. Activists in the U.S. made the government set up the Children's Bureau in 1912. This made it the U.S. government's responsibility to monitor child labor.

In the time of the Industrial Revolution, the children of the families who moved to the crowded cities had their work situation go from bad to worse. In rural areas, children would have worked long hours with hard work for their families farms, but in the cities, the children worked longer hours with harder work for large companies. Harsher treatment, fewer rewards and more sickness and injury came from poorly regulated child labor. Child labor today is still apart of many

economies. 59,600 of the workers in the U.S. are under 14 and many other countries have huge

child labor troubles. Child labor came from the Industrial Revolution and is still around today.

Factory during the Industrial Revolution


Story2:The living condition of


Letters To The Editor

I agree with child labor. First of all need of workers. With a long line of people willing to work, employers it makes the task or could set wages as low as they wanted because people were willing job take way less time to do work as long as they got paid. People worked fourteen to if it were to be just sixteen hours a day for six days a week. However, the majority were adults doing the job. I unskilled workers, who only received about $8-$10 dollars a week, believe that having a working at approximately 10 cents an hour. Skilled workers earned a job teaches the kids to little more, but not significantly more. Women received one-third or be responsible. Child sometimes one-half the pay that men received. Children received laborers made the even less. Owners, who were only concerned with making a profit, production of many were satisfied because labor cost less. goods faster which Factories were not the best places to work. The only light means more money. present was the sunlight that came through the windows. Machines Children also have spit out smoke and in some factories, workers came out covered in black soot by the end of the day. There were a plethora of machines smaller hands, which with not many safety precautions. This resulted in many accidents. can do more precise The workers only received a break for lunch and a break for dinner. tasks that require Children were paid less than 10 cents an hour for fourteen handling smaller hour days of work. They were used for simpler, unskilled jobs. Many things. All in all I agree children had physical deformities because of the lack of exercise and with the use of sunlight. The use of children as labor for such long hours with little pay children as laborers. led to the formation of labor unions. Labor Unions formed because workers finally wanted to put a stop to long hours with little pay. They demanded more pay and fairer treatment. They did not want children to work in factories because of the danger involved. Labor unions organized strikes and protests. However, as more immigrants came to the United States, more workers became available. These workers were willing to work, even if others were not because of unfair treatment. This lessened the effect of the labor unions since businesses had no shortage of workers. This is why most labor unions were unsuccessful. Simply, the working conditions were terrible during the

Industrial Revolution. As factories were being built, businesses were in

I strongly disagree with child labor. Children should have free time to play with their siblings and friends but with them having to work they have little to no free time. An average workday for a child is 16 hours with only a forty-­‐minute break that is much too long fore a child to be working. They were also treated horribly whenever they became tired or sleepy the over seers would whip them so they would wake up. All in all child labor is wrong and should be outlawed.

Editorial Overall it effected everyone’s day because even children would have to go to work now and everyone’s day began at about 5:30 or so. The family would wake up and everyone would be scrambling around to get ready, kind of like some families in the morning today. Then they would all eat their breakfast on the run before the factories opened at about 6:00. Then they would all split off and go to their jobs and they would work for about 6 or 7 hours. Then they would have about a 40 minute break for lunch. Then they would have to go back to work for about 9 hours and they would not eat dinner at the normal time. Instead they would eat at 9 or so when they got off work. Some women took extra jobs in the evening even though they had to be back at work at 6:00 the next day. Those families they used to work near their own house, being partially self-­‐ sufficient and working the land. Now they living crowed conditions in cities , although they work long time they just small wages, also their work conditions are very bad, dirty ,and dangerous. Children had always want to help out as soon as they were old enough. Mothers were used to have a job in around, taking care of their children and home. Now they have to spend their whole time working in factories or mines. During the Industrial Revolution there were m any societal shifts that caused many problems but the benefits that came from the industrial revolution outweigh the problems caused. For example one benefit was that outweighs the problems created is the increase in easier forms of transportation instead of having to travel by horse now you can travel by train. Another benefit that outweighs the problems caused by societal shift is the increase in technology. Instead of weaving a cloth by hand which takes a very long time now machines make the process a lot faster and easier. Another benefit that came from the industrial revolution is many people became wealthy. Although there were many problems caused by societal shifts from the industrial revolution I believe that the 2 benefits far surpass the problems.

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