London times Newspaper (Updated)

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London Times Special Edition: Industrial Revolution

October 29, 1835

Witten by: Peyton Hansen

Impact of Industrial Revolution: Throughout the past few weeks, the Industrial Revolution has really shown an overall impact in most urban cities in Europe. In major cities, like London, the numbers of people are starting to rapidly increase, causing an overflow of people. Unlike the upper class, people are living in disgusting, foul conditions: “You went down one step even from the foul area into the cellar in which a family of human beings lived in… the smell was so fetid as almost to knock the two men down...” (Elizabeth Gaskell). In her novels, Gaskell explains how these conditions are unlivable not only because of the revolting smell coming from human waste, but also because of the overpopulation. The revolting state the lower class is living is starting to take a toll on the people by causing diseases and making very not sanitary conditions. This overpopulation is taking a toll on the under classes, by stuffing families in attics and basements thus causing lamentable conditions. Though the lower class isn’t benefitting from the Industrial Revolution, the middle class is doing better than they have before. People are describing the middle class as well treated and growing. As the Industrial Revolution has been growing, so has the middle class. The middle class definitely has advanced from the lower class by being able to be live comfortably and enjoy themselves. The living conditions of the middle class are much more desirable by not living in disgusting basements and living in better, more suitable and sanitary settings. The more sanitary their situation is, the less likely they have a risk of getting diseases. On the other hand, the upper class are not having any problems with the Industrial Revolution and have a different outlook on the whole situation. Instead of living in basements and attics, the wealthier are living large with enormous houses and enormous budgets (pictured below). People in the upper classes are getting wealthier and wealthier, since the majority of the upper class is owners of major businesses and factories. They are also benefitting by living in better and healthier lifestyle then those in the middle and lower class. In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution has had many effects on the urban cities and classes.

Many upper class people are spending big bucks on things like houses. (Pictured to th4e left.

11 Year Dream: Steam Engine The steam engine has been one of the greatest inventions of the Industrial Revolution. Invented in 1775, the steam engine has been one of the most useful inventions of the century, and has shaped the way people are looking at the Industrial Revolution. James Watt, the mastermind for the new improvements and inventions, took over eleven years to eventually get the steam engine to work more efficiently. Watt was born on January 30th, 1736 in Scotland. Watt had began to become interested in steam engines while he was working at the University of Glasgow, where he had gotten the task to improve the steam engine. The improvements of this invention had paid off and led him to invent the Watt steam engine. Watt had improved the steam engine in many different ways. The major difference between the Watt steam engine and others, like the Newcomen, is that Watt’s engine conserved more energy and worked more efficiently. This new steam engine had made work much easier for people in the coalmines and shaped the way people are seeing the Industrial Revolution. Watt had worked hard to measure how much steam, what materials worked best, and at which temperature the engine needs to function. These factors play a major role in how well the steam engine works and definitely was worth working eleven years to improve. The steam engine eventually made its way out of factories and helped benefit much more a few years later. After many years in factories and coalmines, the steam engine eventually made its way into a bigger, brighter future. The invention had made its way to grow itself into things like trains and boats. This had made traveling and shipping goods to farther places affordable, easier, and quicker. This is very important because the ability to ship more products faster can later result in more money and a better economy. Watt has definitely improved not only the steam engine, but also the way people think and feel about the Industrial Revolution. Thus, the steam engine is a legendary invention that has improved society and has caused Industrial Revolution to advance.

Issue Special #: [Date] Edition: Industrial Revolution

October 29, 1835

Witten by: PeytonSit Hansen Dolor Amet

Letter to Editor: Dear Editor,

To the left: children working in factories

I have wanted to discuss how inhuman child labor is. Recently, people have been allowing little kids, which not only prevented the children from being paid as much as adults are, but also is forcing them to work in dangerous situations. I personally think that children should not be allowed to work in these factories for these reasons. Normally these children are also paid smaller amounts of money for the same amount of time as older men and woman, which definitely isn’t right because everyone should be treated equally and should be safe as well. I truly believe that unfair payment and working in factories that are dangerous, making it truly unjust. Even though most children are forced to work since their families need the money, children are being paid much less than adults. This isn’t just since the children work just as hard and long. Considering most kids work up to fourteen hours a day, I think they should definitely be treated almost as well as adults. As Irwin Yellowitz says in his article, “…children were easier to manage and control and perhaps most importantly, children could be paid less than adults.” Yellowitz is showing how innocent the children are and how they are being hired more because of their little pay. Children not being paid as much as the adults, is almost as obnoxious and unjust as how dangerous the factories are for the children.


The working conditions are already risky and loathe, but for the children is unpredictable and life threatening. With factories giving children jobs that can cause major injuries, its no surprise that it causes, "severe and permanent physical, psychological, intellectual, and social damage" (Greene 10).” The minors are usually working six days a week for very long periods of times, with little breaks. Knowing children, this lack of rest can lead to exhaustion. Allowing this to happen to children is unacceptable and really needs to change. In conclusion, child labor is sickening by treating children unjustly and putting them in dangerous situations. Though it does improve the amount of products being made and help families be able to get enough money, it is not an excuse to not recognize how hazardous the jobs are. I think we need to change this problem and prevent at least kids under ten from working in these factories. Therefore, child labor needs to be recognized and changed in order to keep children safe.

Thank you for your time, Peyton Hansen Peyton Hansen


Issue Special #: [Date] Edition: Industrial Revolution

October 29, 1835

Witten by: PeytonSit Hansen Dolor Amet

Editorial Overall, the Industrial Revolution is a very positive event that is changing the way people are living and thinking. People are starting to evolve into more of a technological based life, which is very different compared to before the important revolution. Becoming a more advanced society was vital since people were dying for things that are now resolved because it the changes. Examples of these can be the sewage systems and factory machines which both make life more productive. These advances have improved the way people are living and making cities more enjoyable place to live in. Though it may not seem like society is changing, so far during the Industrial Revolution, technology has already changed so much which is proving that there is so much more to come out of this phase in time.

Cartoon of the Week:

Other than improvements in a regular day basis, family life has changed much because of this event. After the agricultural revolution, many people had moved to cities to find new jobs and support their families. Since factories are so convenient in the fact that they produce mass products, more work was needed in order to make the factories happen. Since so many people has come to the city to work, London has become overpopulated and the housing supply does not fill the needs of everyone in the middle and lower cases. The lower classes are eventually stuck in a position of living in terrible housing conditions and are forced to live in basements. Unlike the lower and middle classes, the highest class has been enjoying the ability to buy more goods since the Revolution created a bigger social status gap. Though there are many flaws in the system, the end result is what counts, and it is definitely worth it. Flaws in the system, such as the living conditions and child labor, are outweighed by the positives coming out of the Industrial Revolution. Many people do believe that the social gaps occurring in the economy are a negative effect, but it has been proven that it is actually better so that the poorer keep working and the richer keep buying. More problems can include child labor, which is helping produce more products quickly. These overall problems are very minor and are proven to be benefitting London, and other countries, in unexpected and more convenient ways.

“Upper and Lower Class of the Industrial Revolution� Created by: Peyton Hansen

In conclusion, these changes are unquestionably changing the world in an amazing way. The Industrial Revolution is hands down an awe-inspiring transformation from having almost nothing to advancing into so much more than anyone would have ever thought. The technology has made progress within these past few years which has been helping London involve into a whole new city by making it cleaner, more productive, and popular. London is without a doubt making history and proving that anything is possible. London has gone from being a city filled with trash to a city filled with inspiration, hope, and dreams. Therefore, I can truly say that the Industrial Revolution is one of the most beneficial time periods to society.


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