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Industrial Revolution Times BY NICHOLAS EARL, KYLE DURAN, RYAN, DANIELLA CATURANO Limited Edition

Thursday, October 29 1917

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Beginning of the Modern Era ADVERTISEMENT

The Process of Work With Conditions Working conditions became unhealthy

A Life Changing Inventor: Eli Whitney Eli Whitney is an inventor with a fascinating mind with improving industrial processes in the early ages. Eli has dedicated his life to the productivity that needs to be improved of the American inventions. One of Whitney’s inventions created in 1793 (also likely one of his most famous inventions) was the “cotton gin” (“gin” is short for engine), he came up with a quick solution that is convenient to clean the cotton that’s picked on farms in a more efficient way using: hooks, and wires. The cotton gin is a machine that can easily separate the seeds from the cotton fibers to reduce the amount of time spent working on the manual cotton separation.

because of the rapid acceleration of industrialization that caused the air and water to pollute, and the ills of child labor. This led class tensions mostly between the working class and the middle class. To keep the production going in the work the workers would try there best to keep their machines running as many hours as possible. The average hour of working was 14 hours a day at the jobs of 6 days a week. No matter what the seasons did not effect the working production in the factories as it did on the farm. Machines can be highly dangerous and can harm the workers in the factory. There was no government program to give aid in case injury. You always have to be careful around a boiler that might explode. Frequent accidents, that have damp conditions and breathing of coal made the average miner’s life ten years shorter then other workers. Most women and children are employed in the industry of mining since they were the cheapest source of labor. The working conditions during this time of the industrial revolution were not strict but very fair. This has helped workers in the factories not over due themselves and gets tired, even though 8 or 14 hours can still be a lot of work it still set a limit of how much time is allowed. The woman and children shouldn’t even be working because the mothers need to nurture there children at home while the kids are at home getting the education they need.

Living Conditions Along the port of Liverpool, Manchester there was a forming in the center of Britain ’s bustling cotton industry. The living conditions weren’t the cleanest or the most sanitary, very harsh. The housing was very expensive; so multiple families lived in one house. There was no sewage, and the whole family had to work, the male adult was most depended on during this time period of the Industrial Revolution. In a persons perspectives opinions on this topic are that it’s a terrible time for these families and people, “our living conditions have gotten extremely better since the sewage because now we have clean water.” This shows that most middle class have a high opinion on this topic. They lacked adequate housing, education, and police protection, and these are very important things even in our daily lives because this helps us improve our system. In the 1842 British government study shows the average lifetime is 17 years for the working class citizens of the country. “ You went down one step even from the foul area into the cellar in which a family of human beings lived. It was very dark inside. The window-­‐panes many of them were broken and stuffed with rags… the smell was so fetid 9foul) as almost to knock the two men down… they began to penetrate the thick darkness of the place, and to see three or four little children rolling on the damp, nay wet brick floor, through which the stagnant, filthy moisture of the street oozed up.” –Elizabeth Gaskell. Gaskell speaks with an expression of imagery having in depth description of the living conditions.

Limited Edition

Thursday, October 29 1917

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Beginning of the Modern Era This “labor-saving” device created a huge demand for an increase in slave labor. He also invented interchangeable parts by making it easier part replacements since there made in masses. Some more are Nail making machine (his first invention) he used when working as a blacksmith back in the 1700’s. Then Milling Machine which he doesn’t claim the full credit for because this since a few of the other inventors were working on one as similar to his. And then lastly prototype gun locks which also other multiple men could’ve invented at once. After the cotton gin had been pirated, Whitney battled on this theft and never patented another invention. So he contributed other manufacturing’s since then, and is very much remembered because of his genuine personality about the productivity occurring and this made him very well liked. He helped create thousands of production jobs where the demands are simple then before. Whitney deserves so much credit for the amount of inventions and ideas flowing through his mind, he made a huge impact on the industrial revolution. “ I have always believed that I should have had no difficulty in causing my rights to be respected.” – Eli Whitney

Factories can be very seldom well lit or clean. Class tensions grow in the middle class that’s made up of skilled workers, professionals, business-­‐people, and wealthy farmers. Some of the factory owners and etc. were well more quite wealthy then the aristocrats and landowners. The working class saw the improvments in their living and working conditions. Their lives slowly slip away as they watch the new inventions and machines take over and walk into

She expresses that the smell is terrible and its all dark you cant see anything, its wet and most likely cold. This leaves us with gruesome images of the areas families lived in.

Dear Editor, Hello I am Matthew Dickens, and I am writing to express my concern that many are trying to do away with child labor. I own the match factory where all a child needs to do for work is dip the stick into the phosphorous. I feel it is in the child’s best interest to earn money for their families. The factory work is no harder then agricultural work previously done by children. ( Many rich factory s take in the children and feed and house them, providing very well for them in exchange for their labor. ( have 65 children that were cotton pickers and now have become factory workers because I have given them this wonderful opportunity. I do believe it is in the child’s best interest to learn how to work hard. I even have my own children work all day in the factory as well. Sincerely, Matthew Dickens

Dear Editor, Hello I am Charles Holmes, and I am expressing my huge opposition toward child labor. The dangerous places such as mine and the harsh working conditions are completely unacceptable. Some say that child labor is good for profit, but is health or profit more important? John Charles Spencer opposes the 10 hours’ work days proposed by my peers but he was a man of profit saying if they shorten their work days then there, “must necessarily be a fall in the rate of wages,” this shows that he is a greedy man. Another man, “Michael Sadler discovered that at least six of these workers had been sacked for giving evidence to the parliamentary committee,” because he was in support of doing the children right and limiting their hours to 10. The children are being put under harder working conditions with the same amount of hours as the adults but they get paid a fraction of the wage of adults. The longevity of the children has been shortened by these conditions.

Sincerely, Charles Holmes !

! Urbanization In the Process!

Nicholas Earl, Kyle Duran, Ryan Gutieterez, Daniella Caturano Mrs. Kennedy World History October 23rd, 2014 Newspaper Editorial

The Industrial Revolution changed the ways of the world by how goods were produced. It was an enormous technological leap as well as an industrial up rise in business. It also changed our societies from a mainly agricultural society to one that in which industry and manufacturing was in control. During this time, there were so many different technological advancements such as the steam engine and the railroad. The biggest advancements came from the steam power. This revolutionized many industries such as textiles and manufacturing. The Industrial Revolution changed the world as we knew it. It was a time of dramatic change, from hand tools and homemade items, to products produced by machines in mass quantity. Workers became also more productive, and since more items were manufactured, prices dropped, and making hard to get items available to the poor and not only to the rich and elite. The Industrial Revolution was a huge success and brought many positive contributions to life today. Every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. Average income and population began to exhibit increasing growth. As Robert E, Lucas Jr. explained, “For the first time in human history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth… Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before.” It has greatly affected the Britain’s daily life even today with technology such as the steam engine. Family life also changed The Industrial Revolution helped create opportunities for employment for all members of a family even children. Traditionally, in agricultural society, families worked together as a unit of production. Working and play time for families were flexible. Industrialization changed that. Instead of families working together, they worked separate each served an economic purpose of raising money in the family. Children also worked to earn some income for the family.

The benefits that resulted from these societal shifts definitely outweighed the problems by more jobs and employment opportunity in Britain. It also brought significant social changes for people and families. New technology was a great benefit that outweighed the problems such as the steam engine, transportation, etc. Britain also experienced political unrest because of industrialization and urbanization. There were increasing demands for improved social welfare, education, political rights, and equality. As a result, the slave trade was abolished in 1807 and the Great Reform was passed in 1802. Living conditions vastly improved as technological changes transformed England and the rest of Europe. Lives of people were permanently transformed. Goods and products became more available to the poor and the rich. The mass production of products made the prices decrease which ultimately made it easier for consumers to buy items. The technological advances that were made such as the telegraph made it easier for people to communicate. Before smartphones and telegraphs, the way people used to communicate was through the telegraph, invented by Italian inventor Marconi. The telegraph transmitted messages form one location to another over long distances almost instantaneously. The Industrial Revolution contributed positively to society by new technological advances, social change, and improved living conditions all throughout Europe and Britain.

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