The daily newspaper

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The Daily Newspaper By: Bryan Hustrulid, Patrick Mahoney, Caleb Monticone, and Rhett Cook.

The Cotton Gin The cotton gen is a revolutionary new invention created by Eli Whitney and is changing how efficient the farmers are able to work. Eli Whitney was born in Westborough, Massachusetts on December 8, 1765. When he was a young he worked in his father’s workshop and took things apart and put them back together. In 1789, Whitney started to attend Yale College and graduated in 1792. His main goal was to become a lawyer but when he got a job as a tutor he met a woman named Catherine Greene who was the widow of a Revolutionary War general. He often noticed the trouble the slaves had picking the cottonseeds when he was tutoring the children on the Georgian plantation. With the help of Catherine Greene he worked during the winter to make the cleaning of cotton easier. After coming up with many ideas, he came up with the invention of the cotton gin. The gin in cotton gin was short for engine. The cotton gin is actually a simple machine but made farming a lot easier and created more cotton in an hour than what could have been made by many workers in a whole day. The farmer would first place the cotton bolls onto the top of the machine and the farmer would turn the handle, which turned the cotton through the wire teeth that combs out the seeds, used the cotton gin. The cotton is then pulled out of the wire teeth and out of the cotton gin. Cotton was easy to grow but the laborious cleaning of the cotton made it difficult for farmers to make

money in a sufficient time. When the invention of the cotton gen came around, cotton became a cash crop because clothes were now being made from cotton instead of wool. The farmers also needed more workers to collect more cotton as the cash crop became more in demand. In America this need for workers was filled with the work of slaves because they did not need to pay them. In 1817 Eli married Henrietta Edwards and had several children. Eli Whitney died on January 8, 1825, in New Haven, Connecticut.

Living Conditions The living condition of the average person is very poor. Life expectancy is very low and housing is very over crowded. England had no building codes so houses were extremely dangerous; they were also no sanitation codes in place so one could imagine the disease-ridden filth they were living in. Unpaved streets with no drains and heaps of garbage are very common. As a result of the close quarters sickness was widespread and rampant. All of these factors combined to result in a city life expectancy of just 17 years old. Food was not as scarce as one would think. The problem with food was that it was expensive. The price of grain increased as a result of the Napoleonic wars because of the major crop failures in England The clothing industry boomed as textile mills started to be industrialized. Pollution in the Cities

News Story the Invention of the Cotton Gin Eli Whitney the marvelous inventor created the simple yet amazing device called the cotton gin. The cotton gin is made to make cotton picking easier and faster. Cotton picking use to be slow and take forever until now! The Cotton Gin is a small device that picks the seeds out of the cotton to speed up the process. This device will boost up the economy and make more cotton sales. This invention was made the year 1793. This makes the cotton cheap and profitable. Money, money, and money is the focus of the cotton making industry and the cotton gin will help. This is a revolution! This device will be used throughout the ages.

Letters to the Editor: Pro-child labor Child labor builds character and a mature, energetic and cheap labor force. If a child learns his position in the work world at a young age he will be ahead of the rest of the employed men. Being a factory owner, who wouldn’t want cheap workers? “They eagerly rattled off work-experience benefits, such as a chance to improve math skills, learn new languages, appreciate responsibility and treat others with respect” (Time magazine). These are responses from children when asked about how working helps them from a time article. These children are benefitting while being paid! Child labor is one of the best thing you could do for your child. Of course some may say that it’s too dangerous, but why would a employer expect a 10 year old kid to be able to handle a 20 year olds job? Children have their own place in the workforce. Child labor benefits everybody. Against Child Labor Child labor is the cruelest thing you can ever do to a child. A child deservers a workless and an enjoyable childhood, not a back breaking one. Children work almost 10 to 12 hours a day. Children need to play and have fun instead of sitting in a factory doing straight work. Children also work in the dangerous coalmines. Coal mining is one of the most dangerous jobs that you can ever have. Coal mines can exploded and kill hundreds of workers. Also the scariest thing is that you never know when the mine is going explode. Child labor should be out lawed throughout the world. Just think about it, would you as a child want to work for 10 hours? I think not.

Editorial Daily life changed for mostly everyone during the Industrial Revolution. One major change from the industrial revolution is that most of the population lived in the city and did not work in the farmland. Another major change for daily life is long working hours and 6 days a week. Although there are many major short-term changes there are many long-term changes that happen during this time of the industrial revolution. A change from the industrial revolution is the child labor that was put in the factories even more so than the labor on the farms. They all worked and lived in a small, congested city that had poor living conditions due to the lack of a sewer system and the amount of pollution in the air. Family life changed during the industrial revolution in many different ways. Families didn’t have tons of time with each other due to the extensive work hours in the factories. They were consistently congested in a small, polluted environment. Life for families that worked in factories altered; it suddenly changed in which it depended on the age, gender, and sometimes race of a person to be positioned for jobs or work. After a labor act it restricted the working environment to strictly men over the age of 18 and restricted the work hours to about 10 hours a day. This created the women and children to stay home to do house tasks to keep their home in shipshape. At this time the cities constructed a sewer system and other helpful things to keep the living environment healthy for all. At first the living conditions were absolutely terrible. For example the city had no building codes, so no buildings were safely regulated. There were no sanitation codes so the entire city was basically disease ridden. Theses combined to create deadly living conditions and a life expectancy of just 17. As the industrial revolution started to redirect its self toward health they realized that their ways of living were killing them. Antiseptic was invented which killed deadly germs that ended many people’s lives. A garbage system was developed because garbage was just thrown out onto the streets.

This saved lives from diseases such as dysentery and caused the population increase in Europe. Without theses innovations from the industrial revolution, there would be unnecessary deaths and outbreaks.

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