The Revolution Review

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Issue 1 – Date 30/10/14

The Revolution Review

Featur es By:

Maddie Bolokowicz Dustin Angus

News and stories about the Industrial Revolution.

Chase Bailey Zee Wu



INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The later years of technological changes that swept through Europe significantly improved living conditions. In addition to European’s creating a sewage system to prevent citizens from getting sick from dirty water, Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel, and Marie and Pierre Curie helped improve living conditions. Louis Pasteur figured out that heat kills bacteria. Joseph Lister discovered the Antiseptic Principle, which was, if you disinfected yourself, the patient, and tools, the infection rate goes down. Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel were able to pave the way on genetic information. Marie and Pierre Curie were able to discover radioactivity. They found that overexposure to radioactivity causes cancer. Family life was also affected by the industrial revolution. It caused families to work more, and they were separated most of the day due to long work hours. But also resulted in technological advances in society.



URBANIZATION BY: DUSTIN ANGUS Recently Britain has been going through a very impactful change called urbanization. Urbanization has caused: cities to grow, health levels to decrease, and the economy to rise. Due to the farmer’s crops nourishing the population better, the cities have grown in size. Not long after the population of cities grew, many inventors came up with machines that caused the farmers to leave the countryside and get jobs in the factories. As the amounts of workers in the factories increased, it caused pollution in the cities to increase also. The pollution caused the living conditions in the cities to become very bad. Pollution was not the only problem for the many people living in the cities. Although inventors are creating new inventions to help the production of materials, they are unable to create a sewage system. All of the bodily wastes are seeping into the drinking water causing the majority of our cities to become extremely ill. The factories and the inventions are not only hurting our country though, they also give us a better income, resulting in our economy rising. Because our economy is rising, even the poorer citizens of our country are able to make better income than before. Our poorer citizens making more money means that we are able to be a wealthier country as a whole. Now if we could only increase the living rate!

Working Conditions in Factories


FREE NEWSPAPER TEMPLATE DELIVERED BY WWW.EXTRANEWSPAPERS.COM By Maddie Bolokowicz Working conditions in factories were terrible. People worked 14 hour shifts and got two short breaks. They didn’t get enough time to rest or eat, and they didn’t get paid enough for the hours they worked. In most cases, the factories were very dangerous and there were many machine related injuries. When a worker got injured, they would most likely be fired.

Work related injuries were not acceptable to business owners, and unlike current times, they wouldn’t get paid if they were injured. The factories were dirty, unsanitary, and polluted the air. The workers did not have clean water to drink. As a result of these horrific working conditions, workers became sick and died at a younger age than if they lived in urban areas.

Children working in factories

Living Condition in Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution BY: ZI Great Britain was improving in industrial revolution and in the factories. However, the living

condition for the factory worker were

terrible, because workers lived in dark, dirty shelters, with multiple families crowding into one bedroom. The city had no development plans, sanitary codes, or building codes. Also most of the unpaved streets had no drains, and garbage was not collected, leaving the streets dirty and unbearable to even walk in. In 1842, the British government find out the problem for why early deaths among the city people. The people living in rural areas have lived longer lives than the people who worked in the factory. The reason is those people who worked in factory needed to work 13-18hours per day, which is a lot of work on their bodies and effects their health. After they work, they didn’t have enough time to do anything else like spending time with family, relaxing, and didn’t have time to focus on their health. However, for the people who lived in the rural area, they didn’t need to work like long hours, and the place they lived have fresh air and there is no disease and industrial pollution could not affected them.

Political Cartoon By: Wally



The major inventions and their impact on people and society The major inventions and their impact on people and society One of the most important and productive periods of history was the Industrial Revolution. Many of the inventions made during this time make our everyday life possible. Below is a list of some of the most important. The Industrial Revolution was the period of time during the 18 and 19 centuries when the face of industry changed dramatically. These changes had a tremendous and long lasting impact on the economies of the world and the lives of the average person. There were hundreds of inventions during this time period. Below are a few of the most important. Spinning Jenny James Hargreaves developed the spinning jenny in 1764. This machine allowed workers to spin more wool at one time greatly increasing productivity. This invention was necessary for the industrialization of the textile industry. Steam Engine James Watt created the first truly reliable steam engine in 1775. Other, less efficient models had been developed in the 1600s. Watt’s version included a crankshaft and gears and is the foundation for modern steam engines. This invention made locomotives and many of the textile machines possible. Cotton Gin Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin (short for cotton engine) in 1794. Prior to the invention of the cotton gin, cotton seeds had to be removed from the cotton fiber by hand. This invention made cotton a much more profitable crop for farmers. With this invention, many more farmers turned to cotton as their main crop, greatly increasing the amount of cotton plantations in the South. These expanding farms needed cheap labor, which also resulted in an increased use of African slaves.

Pro Child Labor

Anti Child Labor

BY: Chase Bailey

BY: Maddie Bolokowicz


FREE NEWSPAPER TEMPLATE DELIVERED BY WWW.EXTRANEWSPAPERS.COM Dear Editor, In today’s society, there are many mixed opinions over whether to employ more children in the work force, mainly in factories. In this time, only 14% of the total amount of people working in factories are under 14. This is substantially lower than the amount of children that should be working. Nothing can be more supplementary and educational than hands on work. In the factories, they learn essential skills that will stick with them for a lifetime. Unlike the the children of education systems nowadays learn, these working children will learn techniques they will use for the entirety of their lives, and everything they are taught is essential, unlike mathematics or the sciences. Though the danger of working in one of these factories is very real, so is just about everything else in today’s society. The amount of factory casualties is so small; we can almost guarantee your child’s safety. In fact, if a child learns how to work and function in a factory environment at a young age, they will be much better off in life, and could possibly make substantial amounts of money. Though the amount of income is relatively low, it will increase as the child ages, and it also depends on their gender and efficiency at the job they have been given.


Dear Editor, I am writing to express my concern over child labor. Children in factories are subject to horrible working conditions. They work too many hours per day, do not get enough time to rest or eat, and get paid very little. They deserve better working conditions. They should not be exposed to dangerous machinery and should not be put at risk for serious injury or even death. I believe that children need more respect and better working conditions. They are still young; they shouldn’t be spending long hours each day working in factories. Children should not have to work at such a young age. In my opinion, it is not their responsibility to do the work of adults. Laws need to be enacted to protect children and improve the working conditions in factories.

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