Newspaper world history

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Child Labor: Good or bad? Letters from the readers

Dear Editor, Child labor is an integral part of today’s society. Without these young workers, our factories would not be as productive, and our economy will fail. These young children are cheap labor, which is what Great Britain needs to boost our economic standings. Lord John Charles Spencer, the eldest son of the 2nd Earl of Althorp, stated “I am of the opinion that the effect of the measure proposed [10 hour work days for children] by the honourable member must necessarily be a fall in the rate of wages, or, what is more probable, that children would cease to be employed at all in manufactories.” These children are also helping their families survive and make money, which is always positive, and they are helping the economy of Great Britain. He also said, “We have a manufacturing population, and it must be employed.” It is too late to make child labor laws that will not affect everyone. Any change will cause great detriment to the society of Great Britain. Also, they will be very experienced in their specific trades when they get older, so they will make more money for their families later in life. Child labor is very important and very beneficial to the people of Great Britain. Sincerely, Paige Howard http://spartacus-­‐

Dear Editor, Child labor is very detrimental to the health of Great Britain’s youth. They should not be sent to work in factories meant for only the most experienced and trained adults. It is a hazardous occupation for these adults, so putting inexperienced children in this position puts them in extreme peril. The machinery in the factories runs too quickly, and their little limbs and fingers get caught in there way too easily and way too often. The chemicals and toxins in the air created by these machines results in illness, chronic conditions, and disease. Children do not need to be in this environment at such a young age. Not only are they put in danger inside the factories, but they also spend all day in there. “Many children worked 16 hour days under atrocious conditions…” (Cody). 16 hours of work a day is an inadequate amount of time for children who should be in school learning and getting an education, so that our society can become more advanced. Working for 10 to 14 h ours a day with minimal breaks is h azardous to their health and wellbeing as well. Child labor should be outlawed because of its negative effects on children and its tendency to be d angerous. Sincerely, Paige Howard

FREE NEWSPAPER TEMPLATE DELIVERED BY WWW.EXTRANEWSPAPERS.COM The Eli Whitney is the inventor of the new machine called the Cotton Gin, short for cotton engine. Eli owned a plantation in the south and realized that the slaves were having trouble quickly separating the cotton from the seeds. Eli fabricated a machine, which would help the workers complete the task with less effort and made the chore less of a hassle. This invention’s use was This was one of the most well known inventions named the Cotton Gin. Its task was to separate the to multiply the amount of cotton fibers separated from cotton fibers form the seeds. All it took was a pull their seeds. This invention made the chore swift and of a handle and the chore was done. It saved efficient. The cotton was later formed into clothing items plantation workers a ton of time and make the and people are starting to create new clothing items chore easier. because there was so much cotton to work with. Before the machine originated, African American slaves were forced to hand pick apart the cotton fibers and their seeds. This invention is sending the American cotton production threw the roof resulting in 85 million pounds of cotton in 1810. Because the invention is taking off, the demand for clothes is higher because the product was made so well. Since there is a higher demand there is more money invested into the business. The machine is a substantial contributor to the textile production industry. This image shows the horrible working conditions The cotton gin immensely impacting our generation factory workers had to work in 14 hours a day for 6 YOUR because TitITLE is helping the south produce more cotton, and HERE days a week. In the factories, it was very unsanitary raise the demand for many items. The demand for cotton and unsafe. On the daily, there were several machine is extremely high so the need for cotton pickers is also injuries and once they could no longer work they got becoming high. Eli Whitney is becoming a wealthy man fired. Many children and woman worked in factories and is becoming well known in the textile industry. Some as well in the harsh conditions. people are saying that this invention is ruining jobs and slowing down other businesses because the cotton production is so rapid, but I believe this invention is helping the south greatly. Eli Whitney designed a great thing that I believe with help textile production immensely.

Cotton Gin

By McKenna Ulnick


FREE NEWSPAPER TEMPLATE DELIVERED BY WWW.EXTRANEWSPAPERS.COM During the industrialization, there were numerous inventions, which greatly contributed to the rise in modern technology and provided more efficiency in working conditions. The inventions varied from the seed drill, the cotton gin, to paved roads. The first very effective invention was the seed drill in 1701. Farmers were loosing scattered seeds, causing them to loose product, so Jethro Tull created the seed drill, which put seeds in the ground and covered each one. This resulted in row planting. Other inventors started to create successful


contraptions in this era, but one of the most known one is the

cotton gin. In 1793, Eli Whitney created something called the cotton gin. It is used to comb out seeds from the cotton, so one didn’t have to pick them out individually. This helped make new cloth, because most clothes are made out of cotton, even underwear. Finally, John McAdam invented paved, asphalt roads. Back in the 1800’s people drove on dirt roads causing many problems. For example, when it rained the roads turned to mud and it was difficult to drive. With paved roads, that eliminates that problem and driving is easier and more efficient. All these inventions, and many more, helped immensely in the industrialization and started creative thinking that long term benefits the world, even today. Without these inventions we would all still be farmers in the countryside trying to pick out seeds one-­‐by-­‐one from the cotton itself.

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Type of Work and Working Conditions in Factories for Workers

In order to keep the factories running they had to increase their production, which meant that they needed people constantly working in order to operate the machines. The average worker worked 6 days a week 14 hours each time. The average work day began at 4am when they woke up and ended at around 9pm. Children also worked at the factories, their little hands could fit in the machines and untangle the textile. With the amount of work that the workers did they hardly earned any pay, many families struggled to make money and to survive. The work they did stay the same throughout the year, unlike how it changed on the farm.

Working conditions in the factories were horrible; there was hardly any lighting, which caused many accidents and injuries from the machines. Arms would get caught in machines and boilers would explode. Whenever anyone was injured, for example if a workers arm got caught in a machine they would be fired and receive no money. Overall anyone who worked in a factory was treated completely unfair and received hardly enough money for all the work that they did especially under those conditions. 3


Did the Industrial Revolution contribute positively or negatively to Society? The Industrial Revolution ”was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom” (Princeton edu). Daily life, as a result of the industrial revolution, changed greatly. Although the people of the time that lived in the cities suffered, many generations after have benefited greatly from this change. We now have things like cotton shirts, electricity, transportation, etc. The only issues were the lack of sewage, the overcrowded housing, the child labor, and the low wages that lasted for a few decades. The necessary changes were made to make sure that these negative things were abolished, though. Now, the daily life of everyone is much better and much more pleasant than before. The industrial revolution ultimately impacted daily life in a p ositive way. Family life changed in both a positive and negative way as a result of the industrial revolution. Some of the p ositive sides of the revolution were all the new inventions and improved new technology. Textile product increased, transportation became such easier and quicker, and more factories were built which meant more job opportunities. A negative side to the revolution was that d ue to the increase in factories more people moved into the cities, which soon became over populated. Families with up to eight people were forced to live in a single room. The rooms were tiny and disgusting. There were no sewage drains so the streets became flooded and d ieses started spreading. People especially large families no linger wanted to live in the city but if they moved back to the country side there would be less job opportunities which meant no income, and eventually death due to starvation. Depending on your rank in that time d etermined whether the industrial revolution would have a positive or negative effect on your family. (Emely Zimmermann)

The benefits d efinitely outweigh the problems generated b y these societal shifts. Although some people suffered during the industrial revolution, this change contributed positively to society. All the new inventions and developments/reforms h ave had made lives easier and more comfortable and governments more stable. Travel would be made more convenient and regular, transportation would be more efficient, and items would be more reasonably priced because of these new advancements. For example, cotton is very cheap now and a lot more common because of inventions like the cotton gin and the jenny. It is also a lot easier to get from England to the United States now because of the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers. Although the people suffered for a few years during urbanization because of the industrial revolution, the generations after have benefited so much that the b enefits outweigh the problems generated by the shifts in society. (Paige Howard) In the very first years of the industrial revolution, the living conditions were horrendous for the middle and lower classes. The living conditions were so poor because England’s cities grew rapidly and didn’t have many codes about living and sanitation. The middle and lower classes tended to live underneath the higher classes. Down underneath the main level of housing, the sewage would leak and clean water was extremely rare. The housing held to at least 12 people a room and the houses were very unsanitary and there were many sicknesses. The average lifespan of someone who lived the city was about 17 years just because the conditions were so harsh. As the industrial revolution aged, there were many inventions created along the way. The first invention that was a big contributor to improving living conditions was paved roads. Before paved roads, there were no drains on them so the water would see through and create a muddy path. Also, there were large amounts of garbage throw on the sides of the unpaved streets. The inventor Louis Pasteur was the founder of the idea that fermentation was caused by an organism he later called bacteria. Because of his studies of germ theory of disease, Joseph Lister made sure that all surgical wards were spotless and germ free. This theory of cleaning and disinfecting saved the lives of many people in hospitals. It is fair to say that the inventions along the way of industrial revolution did improve the living conditions over time. The areas became more sanitary and there were new and improved roads and transportation devices. Another major invention that changed people lives was the invention of the light bulb. This made houses light and people were able to see things after the sun went down. The industrial revolution inventions progressed over time and helped improve the living conditions drastically threw new technology advances. (McKenna Ulnick)






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