History template project

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By: Stewart, Eli, Tiger, Josh, and Anthony

October 31, 1881


TO Thomas Edison, a new DA face in todays history? Y

New problems and strengths sought out through parts of the world are hurting and also helping.




YOUR TITLE The Industrial Revolution’s outcome has played a big role in the lives of the people working in it. Some people have moved from their old homes just to move to big cities in hope for new and better jobs. Many poor farmers have lost their lands to rich people and have been forced to move to big cities.

Child Labor In my opinion, child labor is a perfect way for those kids to grow up. First of all, child labor makes those kid come to work in the society earlier, then they make themselves to be maturity, to know more about the rule of the adult society to be easy for them to become a role in the society. Secondly, they can have a better body condition and fitness than the normal young kids from other country, that is a benefit if they grow up to be a soldier, they will have this advantage to be better than them. Thirdly, they will start to work for the country since they were young, that's good for them to be loyal to the country, and they will understand their parents how hard to earn money and support to the family, and they have their own salary, they will have economic independence themselves, that will good for them to grow up to manage themselves and their money. Sincerely,

Family life has significantly been changed and still continues to change because of the Industrial Revolution. Children are sometimes forced to go to work to pay off their family’s food costs. Children have various risks in their jobs especially in factories and mines. Children have the risk of losing a body part in factories and becoming trapped in mines.

Tiger. Han

The work at these factories and mines are gruesome and many come back exhausted from their jobs hoping to be able to rest their aching arms and legs. Overall the Industrial Revolution has proved to be a beneficial factor to Great Britain. The shift in people’s jobs and homes has helped the economy of Great Britain to skyrocket. Many new inventions have been created during this period and has sped up the production of products. These products can now be transported more quickly and easily thanks to the new invention of the locomotive in Great Britain. Even though there remains the complaints of low pay and even filthy working conditions there still remains the future improvement of these unwanted conditions. Living conditions have currently been looked at and have been improved over time. I think it’s safe to say Great Britain has a bright future ahead of itself. -Josh Shubert


Working Conditions By: Anthony

The industrial revolution has completely changed our countries economic system. Mass production has been the key to generating all the new wealth. At the center of this mass production economy is the factory. Factories are large industrial buildings that house all of the businesses operations. This often includes large manufacturing machines and the workers who operate them. On the outside everything seems great people are working in the factories and making more money than ever.

However these factories hide a dark side of labor. In order to maximize the profits of the businesses the factory owners treat workers horribly. First of all these factories have very unsafe working conditions. Often, factories are extremely dark and not well light. Sometimes the only lighting is from windows and most times they are very few windows. This is a big hazard because they are dangerous machines inside the factories. To maximize output the machines are placed very close together. This makes it difficult for workers to walk around them. Workers get tangled in the machinery and hurt themselves. These are serious injuries. People can lose limbs or even die. Furthermore these factories are very dusty and dirty. This seems like a small issue but it’s not. WHEN WORKERS consistently breathe in the dust it causes lung problems. Factory workers work very hard for little pay. For example the average work day is 14 to 16 hours and they work 6 days a week. What’s more is that the workers only get one break for lunch that is one hour long. The long hours can cause bone deformities in children, who make up a big part of the labor force. To keep workers awake during the afternoon slump, factory owners regularly walk the floor and whip those employees who seem sluggish. One would imagine that to work a job ike this someone would have to get paid a huge amount of money, but this is not true. The average wage is $1.25 for unskilled workers and $3.00 a day for skilled workers. Of course, women and children receive only one third of these pay rates. file:///C:/Users/Stewart/Downloads/Scan201410-30-142723%20(2).pdf file:///C:/Users/Stewart/Downlo ads/Scan2014-10-30-142538%20(1).pdf

Health, Sanitation and the Economy By: Anthony

It is no secret that life here in Great Britain is changing. Gone are the days of working at home on mommy and daddys farm and producing all the necessary goods. We are now living in the industrial age. Now that the factory system has taken over people are moving into cities at an alarming rate. Sources report that “Most of Europe’s urban areas at least double in population: some even quadrupled (textbook).” This new age has created an unbelievable amount of economic prosperity. Our nation is becoming very wealthy. Many jobs have been created as a result of this industrial revolution. Factory jobs are the most widespread profession in the new cities. While many working class people are earing more money than ever, the majority of the money is going to the factory owners and merchants. These people are, in some cases, becoming even wealthier than the aristocrats and upper class members of society, though they will never be considered upper class because of their backgrounds. No matter how much money you make, you cannot buy your way into the top of the social pyramid. Another a positive result is that the standard of living for workers is going up. For example people diets are imoroving and they are eating better food. But they are many negative health affects that are resulting from this new urbanization. Families often live in dark and dirty shelters with little or no ventilation. It is common for the entire family to live in one crowded bedroom. This causes sickness to spread. We have seen epidemics of cholera ravage the slums over and over. A local publication stated that “ a British government study showed an average life span to be 17 years for working class people in one large city,compared with 38 years in a nearby rural area.” One of the most hazardous health problems of the industrial revolution is the danger of the factories. Machines often malfunction and can sevre an arm or an leg. They are frecuent explosions which can cause burns or other injuries. An emerging problem in the new cities is sanitation. Because people moved into the cities so quickly the government has not have time to esrtablish proper trash collection or pluming systems. People throw trash into the streets and human wastewater is also dumped into the

Thomas Edison was born on February 11 1847 in Milan Ohio. Thomas Edison didn’t actually invent the light bulb, he perfected it into what he knew of electricity and house appliances. He found a way so the light bulb could turn on and off with just a switch or simple button press. The hardest part of Edison’s light bulb was finding the right filament to use for the bulb. Edison went through over 40,000 pages of notes till he found the right material that could withstand at least 40 hours of electricity. Edison finally found the best material for the filament, which was carbonized bamboo. His invention of the light bulb has changed the future of technology in many ways. It has 2 them into revolutionary inspired many people to create new inventions that use electricity and make creations. Thomas Edison died at West Orange, N.J. on October 18, 1931.

The life-changing Industrial Creation By Stewart Brown

WORLD HISTORY EDITORIAL BY: Eli The industrial revolution made life better. It made work much easier, and new concepts were discovered. There was less work involved, since machines could do the work for them. The benefits outweighed the problems. There were some problems like waste in the city, but that was solved by a sewage system. The industrial revolution also helped transportation. It was easier to travel, and people started doing it for fun. This also made it easier for materials to get transported to construction sites. Therefore, more construction was done, since it could be accomplished more efficiently than before. The industrial revolution made it easier for people to make products, and introduces factories. Factories made production a lot easier. Food was also more plentiful because it took less effort to grow crops.

HISTORY EDITORIAL By: Tiger I think the industrial revolution has a really positive effect to the society with the positive way. It effects our daily life a lot, for the big population in our country, we had enough food to feed our citizen in the country, we start to have the locomotive and the railway to change our life, we can go travel around, it is not a hard thing now to go to other city and place to see the different world with different people, all those positive changes are all from our latest technology skills and our hardworking scientist. Family life adjusted to the changes imposed by the industrial economy. Stable populations resulted from declining birthrates and death rates. Greater value was placed on children. Material conditions generally improved as individuals enjoyed better diets, housing, health, and leisure time. Labor movements formed and provided strength for seeking better wages and working conditions. Peasant protests declined and rural isolation diminished. Peasants learned to use market conditions to improve their lives. They developed cooperatives, specialized in cash crops, and sent children to school to learn better techniques. It also effects the family life a lot too, for example those farmers, they can use those new technology such as seed drill, rotation, then it works as a better effect with those food


and material that they produce, it works better for those people to feed the population and to do more industrialization based on all those material that they made, that is the way they were doing with their revolution. Families that used to work in or near their own homes, working the land, and being partially self-sufficient, now lived in crowded conditions in cities and went to work in factories where they worked long hours for small wages in conditions that were often dirty and dangerous. children had always been expected to help out as soon as they were old enough, child labor did not start in the Industrial Revolution, but now they were working terrible long hours in terrible conditions for sometimes brutal employers. Mothers who used to fit work in around looking after the children and the home, now had to spend their days in factories or mines. Those benefit outweigh the problems generated by these societal shifts, It depends on your point of view. From a worker's prospective, the benefits did not outweigh them. They were treated harshly and put in unfair and unsafe working conditions. However from a factory owner's prospective, the benefits did outweigh those problems. Long hours (16 hour work days) seven days a week under dirty, unsafe, conditions. Lots of workers died because they were so exhausted they fell asleep and leaned

into the unprotected flywheels or leather bands operating huge machinery. Child labor was the norm, and a lot of children died, were horribly injured, or caught lung diseases from breathing in soot, lint, sawdust, or other dust particles. The factories were freezing in the winter and roasting in the summer. The working 'class' were treated just like that, an expendable class of humans made to work in the dingy dangerous factories of lissez faire capitalism.

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