HCM Issue 2 2022

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Stepping up


he global community of democratic nations has responded with revulsion to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the atrocities that are occurring. At a time of such universal sorrow and anger, the day-to-day can seem frivolous and irrelevant – how can we find meaning in our work when babies undergoing cancer treatment are being pounded by missiles? I believe we must do three things. Firstly, take action to give whatever resources and support we’re able – whether that be financial, through a charity, such as those being flagged by UK Active at www.hcmmag.com/giving, or by offering temporary accommodation and practical support via schemes, such as that being organised by Airbnb. Go to www.airbnb.org/help-ukraine and you can sign up to host refugees in your home or business on a short-term basis. People are also ‘hacking’ Airbnb’s 300 locations in Ukraine to send money by booking accommodation they can’t use. The West buys US$500m of oil and gas from Russia every day, so you can turn off the lights and turn down the heating at work and at home to reduce the flow of money funding the war, while also helping the environment. As a business, you may have medical supplies, clothing or other useful items you can donate to people who have lost everything. Be creative and take action now. The second thing is for the global fitness industry to stand up and be united in responding to what’s going on, with statements of solidarity for the people of Ukraine – especially those who work in the fitness industry there. We hope all the associations in the sector around the world will take action and make statements soon – ideally on a united basis. Some may think this is tokenism, but when the whole world speaks out – each of us from our own vantage point – these cries of support merge to form a roar and this is what the people of Ukraine need to hear right now, as they face such frightening odds. The final priority is for us to remember that Ukrainians are fighting for the right to live in a democracy and lead a free and empowered life and that we can help them by keeping our own economies strong, +4 4 (0)1462 431385



The democratic world has been shaken by the pounding of Ukraine by invading armies, but the united response from the community of democratic nations has been resolute

A gym in Kyiv following shelling on 3 March 2022

We must take action to give whatever resources and support we’re able, while fighting to keep our own economies strong creative and dynamic and our own democracies stable and free from corruption, so we’re in the very best shape to support those who need it. The situation of Ukraine must also drive us to raise our own game to ensure we rebuild dynamically from the pandemic with an even greater appreciation of our own freedom and the opportunities it brings. Our industries represent positivity, health and selfdetermination and in addition to supporting refugees now, we will have much to offer the people of Ukraine in the months and years ahead, whatever comes to pass. Liz Terry, editor lizterry@leisuremedia.com


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