Pinnacle Risk Management Insurance, nestled in the heart of Mooresville, NC, offers tailored insurance solutions for every aspect of your life. Whether safeguarding your home, business, or loved ones, our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized service and comprehensive coverage. With a focus on personal,
and life insurance, we strive to protect what matters most, ensuring peace of mind for you and your community. Trust Pinnacle for
WE INHERIT THE DARNDEST TRAITS FROM OUR parents. My father passed along to my brother crooked pinky ngers. To me, he handed down sweaty palms and rather short, stumpy legs. anks Dad. My mother gave me her face. ough I have no idea what the heck a spitting image is, I’ve heard repeatedly since I was a little girl that I am one of her.
She gave me her hair, too. If I’m being honest, it’s not my favorite of the traits she passed along. Strands of my hair are quite confused about whether they need to go forward, backward, or to the side, choosing instead to sometimes go straight out in tufts that defy the laws of gravity. In fact, I’ve spent nearly my entire life wishing for di erent hair. But then I almost lost her.
As my mom lay in her hospital bed following an emergency surgery, with bedhead causing her locks to defy the laws of physics too, I went to the sink in her room to freshen up. Looking in the mirror, I couldn’t help but chuckle. My mom was not only across the room sleeping o the surgery, she was right there, looking back at me. As I stared at my image in the glass, still reeling from the fear the last 12 hours had held, I saw less of my aws and more of my mom’s beauty. I was even thankful that my mane was just as it was—a re ection of her.
As an ornery teenager, though, I did not enjoy being compared to my mother. As a matter of fact, I didn’t really appreciate anything, other than sleeping until noon. And a good eye roll. I certainly didn’t appreciate her face being on my body. Instead, when nearly everyone I met just had to point it out to me,
Michelle Accola and Michelle Bastianelli (Owners of BODY20/ Special Section Sponsor); Anna Campbell; Dr. Coral Kirscher; Dr. Josie Lake; Lindsay Martell; Starr Miller; Dr. Claire Papp; Michelle Peck; Laura VanSickle
I would execute that oh-so-endearing gesture and grumble, “Yeah, I get that a lot.”
I had a lot of growing up to do before I learned to appreciate the sacri ces my mother made and the love she put into taking care of our family— and that I had her face. But as I came to understand the depths of her devotion to us, seeing so much of her in me became a wonderful reminder that I am indeed my mother’s daughter … and that there’s no one else I would rather be. And though it took almost losing her to do it, I’ve even come to see my hair as an unexpected gift—the gift of being able to carry her with me everywhere and always.
Likewise, my children inherited some things from me that they wish they hadn’t. ey’ve got my sweaty palms. ey’ve got my feet that look like those of Fred Flintstone. And they have my hair. Recently someone dear to me, upon meeting them, commented that he saw my face in theirs too. eir response was an eye roll, so apparently they also inherited my proclivity for that. But maybe one day they’ll look in the mirror and take comfort in seeing my face there and in knowing that they are indeed their mother’s son. At the very least they’ll have the same gift my mom gave me—a wonderful reminder that I’m never further away than a glance in the mirror. w
46 Finding A Workout That Works!
48 Beat The Heat And Get Your Summer On ... Early!
50 EMS Training—The Latest Fad Or Here To Stay?
51 Top 10 Benefits Of EMS Training
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orLife takes practice! And though they don’t always come wrapped in a shiny red bow, the lessons we learn along the way are invaluable gifts that are worth sharing. Here are a few noteworthy examples featured in this issue:
Kathleen O’Day, attorney and the owner of O’Day Law Firm, has a passion for helping families avoid mistakes and heartache when dealing with a loved one’s estate. After an array of issues following the death of her father, Kathleen was motivated to help others navigate the often-muddy waters of wills and trusts. See her full story on PAGE 18.
When Kelly Wodzinski of Wodzinski Homes started out on her real estate journey, little did she know her “Real Estate Dream Team” would not only include three remarkable women, but that they would become her lifelong friends—her sisters, her family! Flip on over to PAGE 34 to read all about this amazing team and Mompreneurs Extraordinaire!
Dr. Michelle Swenson, Doctor of Chiropractic/Applied Clinical Nutritionist at Advanced Spinal Fitness in Mooresville, grew up in the San Franciso Bay area and after selling her business and moving across the country to Lake Norman, she relied on her faith more than ever. See how her faith, family, and gratitude (PAGE 26) got her through some of life’s biggest challenges.
Be sure to check out our special “Gearing Up For Summer” section starting on PAGE 40. Here you will nd a wide assortment of ideas for summer including workout routines for busy moms, summer design trends (indoors and out), travel ideas, fresh recipes, and more!
filled with love, laughter, and countless precious moments. Yet, amidst the joy of raising our children, it’s essential not to forget about the most crucial person in the equation – you. Balancing the demanding role of being a mom while taking care of yourself is a challenging task that often gets relegated to the back burner. However, the well-being of your children is closely tied to your own health, both physically and emotionally. Here are some practical tips to help you strike that delicate balance and become a healthy, balanced mom.
Prioritize your sleep. Establish a routine that encourages good sleep hygiene for both you and your little ones. Encourage independent sleep in your children, enabling you to get adequate rest. Banish screens from the bedroom, keeping it a sacred space for sleep only.
Steer clear of the pitfalls of kids’ leftovers. Just because your little ones might be in a “white food” phase doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. Prioritize your nutrition by ensuring you have three balanced meals, setting an example for your children to follow.
Don’t neglect your health. Regular checkups with your primary care doctor, dentist, eye doctor, and screenings like mammograms and pap smears are crucial for your wellbeing. Prioritize these appointments to stay on top of your health.
Allocate time for yourself each week. Engage in hobbies, exercise, or simply take downtime. Whether it’s sleeping in, practicing yoga, or just staring at the wall, give your mind the rest it needs.
Your relationship with your parenting partner is the emotional steel framework for your children. Invest time in it with at least an hour of alone time daily, a weekly date night without phones, and a quarterly night or weekend away without the kids. Continue doing the activities you love together, reinforcing the foundation of your relationship.
Realize that a perfect home is not the key to raising healthy children. Embrace the lived-in look as a sign of a happy and vibrant household. Outsource tasks when possible, recognizing that it takes a village, not a superwoman, to raise balanced children. w
Minimize exposure to screens (TV/Computer) 1.5 hours before bedtime. Keep the TV off as you drift into sleep.
Maintain a consistent sleep schedule daily.
Steer clear of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol 4 to 6 hours before bedtime.
Avoid intense exercise within 2 hours of bedtime.
Refrain from consuming large meals within 2 hours of bedtime.
Limit naps to no later than 3 pm.
Ensure your sleep environment is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature.
If sleep doesn’t come within 20 minutes, engage in a quiet activity before trying again.
Wind down 30 minutes before bedtime with a relaxing activity.
Dr. Josie Lake is a board-certified internal medicine and pediatrics physician and owner of Lake Internal Medicine & Pediatrics, a membership-based practice in Huntersville. For more information, you may call her office at 704.274.8006 or visit www.yourdoctorlake.com.
Kathleen O’Day, attorney and the owner of O’Day Law Firm, down all the right paths—from graduating magna cum laude with a degree in business, to nabbing a full scholarship to law school.
But the Indianapolis native’s most treasured success? Helping families avoid mistakes and heartache when dealing with a loved one’s estate—a decision that was prompted by the death of her father. As an experienced estate planning attorney, Kathleen has a passion for helping families with wills and trusts.
“After he passed away,” Kathleen shares, “I watched my mom struggle to gure out what she needed to do, legally and nancially, even though she was a very accomplished healthcare executive.”
ose struggles inspired Kathleen to become a SurvivorSupport® attorney and nancial advisor with Goldman Sachs - Ayco.
still alive. “I had made sure she had prepared a comprehensive estate plan,” she explains. “Because of this, my brother and I were able to focus on just loving her and spending time with her in those last months of her life. I will always have those memories and they are sacred to me.”
She credits an incredibly supportive team— her husband, Daniel, and children Delaney (11) and Kieran (12)—with inspiring her to help families every single day. “My husband
We are very lucky to be healthy and thriving because you truly never know when that may change.
She has spent more than 20 years helping folks navigate the tangled path of probate, employee and government bene ts, and helping them create their own estate plan.
When her mom also passed away suddenly at a young age, Kathleen was able to settle her estate from thousands of miles away—while working full-time with a baby on the way! at was due to proper planning while her mother was
is absolutely my biggest cheerleader, support system, and true life partner,” she smiles. “None of this would have been possible without him. And of course my kids cheer me on all the time, too.”
Kathleen and her husband also own two Lake Norman Orangetheory Fitness studios. While her entrepreneurial lifestyle makes free time a little challenging — “Who has time for hobbies?!”—she loves
traveling and has been to many countries in Europe including Greece, Spain, Italy, France, and England. “We love family vacations in Mexico, and we visited Belize last summer.”
ese days, however, her kiddos rule her nonwork hours: “Soccer on the weekends is our travel,” she jokes. Still, she does savor time away from it all, and her ideal day for that includes family, sun, and sand. “Relaxing on a beautiful day at the beach, sitting next to my husband, and watching my kids play in the waves ... that is absolute perfection.”
Having both her parents pass from cancer launched a career and a new perspective for Kathleen ... not only is she eternally grateful for her work and her family, but she understands the fragility of life on a personal level and takes nothing for granted: “Watching both of my parents die before ever reaching retirement taught me to live life to its fullest. We are very lucky to be healthy and thriving because you truly never know when that may change. Focus on the positives in your life and those will grow ... be present, be grateful, be kind, and the rest will fall into place.” w
WOMEN’S LIVES ARE MARKED by a series of transformative stages, each accompanied by unique physical and emotional experiences. From the joy of motherhood to the challenges of perimenopause and menopause, understanding and addressing these stages with proper care is essential for women’s overall well-being.
If proper care during all stages of a woman’s life is essential, why is it that women often find their OB/GYN dismissing their symptoms as “something women just have to deal with”? This is likely because fewer than one in five gynecologists receive formal training in hormones. Unfortunately, women are rarely asked about their symptoms in clinical settings, leading to missed opportunities for help.
These stages are not a simple switch and can last for years with symptoms ranging from manageable to debilitating, extending beyond hot flashes and weight gain and varying from woman to woman.
At Renew Health and Wellness, we offer custom healthcare solutions to help women through important stages in their lives. Our care starts with a consultation with Dr. Coral Kirscher, DNP, FNP-C. Dr. Coral brings to our practice 12 years of expertise in a broad spectrum of both traditional and holistic medicine and has undergone a personal journey of healing from an autoimmune disorder, fatigue, pain, neurological, and microbiome dysfunction, after failed attempts to do so with traditional medicine. Her experiences, including her pregnancy and the birth of her daughter, Harbor, give her particular insight into unraveling the complex challenges that women face
when symptoms become overwhelming and healing feels elusive.
During your consultation, Dr. Coral will discuss your symptoms and health history in detail. Following this, she will conduct thorough lab work and create a personalized plan of action. If necessary, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) may be suggested as part of your treatment plan.
There is a lot of misinformation surrounding BHRT, so it is important to understand that not all hormones are created equally. Different routes of administration (orally, topically, injection, or via pellet) can have varying effects on the body. Additionally, there is a significant difference between artificial hormones and bioidentical hormones.
There is also a common misconception that women cannot use BHRT for extended periods of time. However, under clinical supervision, women can safely use BHRT for extended periods, or even for life. It is crucial to keep in mind that hormone levels can fluctuate, which is why patients must undergo regular lab tests to monitor their hormone levels and overall health. This helps to ensure that any changes in hormone levels are identified and addressed promptly.
Every woman deserves to feel confident, healthy, and empowered. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping women navigate the unique challenges and opportunities that each stage of life presents to ensure that every woman who comes through our doors leaves feeling ready to take on whatever life may bring. w
Hormones are high during pregnancy and drop significantly in a short amount of time after childbirth. Breastfeeding also keeps our hormone levels lower.
Hormone levels decrease
Postpartum Symptoms Can Include: Hot Flashes | Night Sweats Memory Issues | Sleep Disturbances
Anxiety | Vaginal Dryness
Reduced Libido | Hair Loss | Depression
During perimenopause, the levels of testosterone and progesterone in our body start to decrease. Meanwhile, estrogen levels fluctuate during this phase.
Testosterone & Progesterone levels decrease
Estrogen levels fluctuate
Perimenopause Symptoms Can Include: Reduced Libido | Low Energy | Heavier Menstrual Periods | Increased Cramping Mood Swings | Sleep Disturbances Memory Changes | Anxiety | Weight Gain | Vaginal Dryness | Brain Fog
During menopause the levels of Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone all decrease, which can result in chronic inflammation leading to various problems.
Menopause Symptoms Can Include: Joint Pain | Memory Loss | Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Events | Hair Loss | Wrinkles & Fine Lines | Sleep Issues | Anxiety | Mood Swings | Weight Gain | Vaginal Dryness | Brain Fog
Dr. Coral Kirscher, DNP, FNP-C, is the Director of Functional Medicine and co-owner at Renew Health and Wellness (18805 W. Catawba Ave., Suite 100, in Cornelius) and co-founder/ owner of Lake Norman Skin & Laser Medical Spa located at 18805 W. Catawba Ave. Cornelius. Connect with Dr. Kirscher and her entire team at 704.612.0011.
We will always find a way. We create innovative opportunities and deliver solutions. We don’t sit and wait. We take initiative and follow up, follow through and follow back. We are relentless and accountable. We stick to our promises.
We love what we do and we have fun doing it. We stay positive and energetic no matter what comes our way. We have a drive to help others which keeps us motivated to constantly learn and evolve. We believe every person and every interaction matters.
It’s more than just the transaction; it’s about forming lasting relationships. Our clients mean everything to us and we respond to them with honesty, patience and empathy throughout the entire process.
IWAS SITTING IN MY MOM’S CLOSET recently, helping her pack for an upcoming trip, when it came to me. I looked around the room and saw hanging sections packed with clothes I had never seen her wear, stacks of jeans piled so high they were falling over, and her shoes … don’t even get me started on her shoes. Right then it hit me ... this would be a great Mother’s Day gift!
Step one was simple: pull all the clothes out of her closet and divide them into groups. Work clothes went on the bed; weekend clothes on the chair; gym clothes on the bathroom counter.
en came the tough part—Runway Elimination. Some choices were easy. She pulled out an older red skirt and black top I’ve seen her wear with admiration. at was an immediate “Keep,” but that stretched-out sweater she was holding up with the glittery acrylic thread went to the “Donate” pile.
When we were nally nished making the hard choices, it was time to nd a home for our keepers. Grouping things you wear together makes it easier to get dressed in the morning, so we broke the closet up into zones.
A nice hanging section in the corner with adjacent shelves was the perfect place to hang her workout tops and fold her yoga pants. I labeled a bin “Workout Socks” (no holes allowed!) and placed it on a shelf underneath the pants. We continued to move around the closet. A nice double-hang section became her new home for tops and skirts; a drawer divider now separated her socks from stockings.
Finally, we made it to the holy grail of vintage wear: e giant 8’ by 4’ shoe
LAURA VANSICKLE | CLOSETSBYDESIGN-CHARLOTTEcabinet. I peeled open the double doors and set my eyes on every pair of black pumps made since the 1970s. High heels, wedges, pointy toes, square toes, they were all there. It was like a Black Shoe museum. I eagerly reached in and started lling bags with dated shoes, worn-out heels, and faded leather. In the end, there was just a handful of beautiful black shoes just waiting to be worn, plus room for the shoes that had been piled in boxes on the oor. She’d have easy access to them all.
By the time we left the closet, 20-plus shopping bags lled with donated items were sitting outside her door. She smiled and gave me a hug. “Best present ever!” she said. “Let’s go work on my pantry!” w
Laura VanSickle and the VanSickle family celebrate 20 years of creating custom closets, garages, and other organized spaces in the Greater Charlotte area through their company ClosetsbyDesignCharlotte. Visit their showroom at 1108A Continental Blvd. in Charlotte, their website at charlotte. closetsbydesign.com, or call 704.588.7272 for more information.
Dr. Michelle Swenson is a Doctor of Chiropractic/Applied Clinical Nutritionist at Advanced Spinal Fitness in Mooresville. You can reach Dr. Swenson and the entire team at 704.663.5142 or via their website at www.AdvancedSpinalFitness.net.
on MY JOURNEY HERE: I grew up in the suburbs of the San Francisco Bay area and attended college at “Cal Poly” as the locals say. It’s California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, and it is by the beach so I loved it! I went to chiropractic school in the Bay Area and studied functional nutrition through Texas Chiropractic College—earning my ACN title (Advanced Clinical Nutritionist) through their remote program.
on FAITH AND MOTHERHOOD: I have three stepchildren who live in the Midwest—two sons, Grant (14) and Brady (18) and my daughter Brynn who is 21. My 8-year-old daughter, Abbie, lives here with me and my husband. We have always had a strong faith, and I have a daily conversation with God about where I should be going and growing next. I am truly inspired by the many beautiful people He has brought into my life at the right time to show or teach me something.
on SIGNIFICANT LIFE SHIFTS: When I was living in San Francisco, I was working a corporate job for Gap, Inc. and found myself overweight and in a very unhealthy place living on lots of coffee and stress. I was in an office building on the waterfront that had an emergency evacuation on 9/11 ... that day profoundly impacted me as it did many others. I decided I needed to make a personal and professional shift, so I went back to school for my doctorate. I always had a strong desire to help others and felt God used that moment to tug on my heart and pull me into healthcare.
on THE THRESHOLD OF ADVENTURE: Travel is one of my favorite things to do. One of our frequent spots over the years that I just adore is Kauai ... simply paradise! My most memorable trip, however, was going to Paris with my best friend, Dr. Nicole Whitehead, who owns Advanced Spinal Fitness. In 2005 when I graduated chiropractic school, she took us there as a celebratory trip. We had always loved everything French since childhood, so it was a bucket-list item made even more magical by getting to experience it with Nicole.
on THINGS THAT MAKE US STRONGER: In 2020, I sold my business in California and moved across the country to start over. Being the “new kid” has been a humbling journey and has created a lot of growth. Caring for my dad through hospice and his passing from congestive heart failure taught me a lot about why what I do is so important. I learned the hardest lesson with my dad—do not wait to focus on your health. We are not promised tomorrow, and life is not a dress rehearsal so make your health a daily priority ... mind, body, and soul. w
OLD: Infants will usually get their lower bottom two front teeth around 6 months; this varies child-to-child. Around this time, it is common for babies to drool excessively or want to try putting objects in their mouths to relieve discomfort of the teeth erupting through their gums.
From the beginning of pregnancy until your body’s hormone levels return to normal, pregnancy gingivitis is a common condition we see in the mouth. Moderate inflammation and bleeding is normal but it is still recommended that you visit the dentist for routine cleanings to control the gingivitis and ensure that it does not affect your teeth.
FAMILY PLANNING IS AN EXCITING BUT also busy time in a mother’s life. Among doctors’ appointments and setting up the nursery, it is still crucial to routinely visit the dentist before the baby arrives. Cleanings and certain dental procedures can be provided safely during pregnancy and oral issues should be treated as soon as possible to create a healthy body for your developing baby. It is important to inform your dental team that you are pregnant and how far along you may be. Here is some information to help mothers know what to expect:
During the 2nd trimester, some women may grow a red bump on their gums, known as a “pregnancy tumor” –this is a benign overgrowth of gum tissue between the teeth and commonly resolves after the baby is delivered.
While pregnant, dental x-rays are safe for both the mother and child during all trimesters. Dental x-rays are part of the diagnostic process and are commonly recommended if a dental problem arises.
Common antibiotics prescribed in dentistry, such as Penicillin, Amoxicillin, and a few others, are safe for a mother to use while pregnant. Tetracycline is an antibiotic that is strongly advised against due to the toxicity and high risk of teeth discoloration in the developing child. Certain dental anesthetics used to numb patients to keep them comfortable during dental procedures are considered safe for the mother and her unborn baby.
Dr. Claire Papp, DMD, is an associate at White and Haines Advanced Dentistry located at 9725 Caldwell Commons Circle in Cornelius. You can reach the dentistry team at 704.896.9535 or give them a virtual visit at www.drswhiteandhaines.com.
VISIT: The American Association of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that a child’s first dental visit should be at 1 years of age or within 6 months of their first tooth, whichever comes first. It is imperative to expose your child to dental visits to allow them to become accustomed to the appointment, sounds, smells, and dental environment.
OLD: A child’s first adult teeth come in behind the set of baby teeth. This impressionable age is a great time to establish a daily oral hygiene routine at home to create a healthy environment for the rest of the adult teeth that follow. I often suggest sharing the brushing and flossing experience with your child and do these routines alongside them to help influence healthy habits. w
estled in the heart of North Carolina, the Lake Norman region offers a unique blend of picturesque landscapes, vibrant communities, and thriving real estate opportunities. Whether you’re considering buying or selling a property in this dynamic market, understanding the nuances and trends is essential for success.
Before diving into the house-hunting process, clarify your preferences. Whether it’s waterfront property, a family-friendly neighborhood, or a low-maintenance condo, knowing your needs streamlines your search.
In Lake Norman’s competitive market, a pre-approval letter gives you an edge. Work with a reputable lender to secure a mortgage pre-approval.
Lake Norman boasts diverse neighborhoods, each with its own charm. Explore different areas, visit local establishments, and get a feel for the community vibe.
With limited inventory, flexibility is key. Consider properties that need updates and explore alternative financing options to secure your dream home.
Partnering with a knowledgeable real estate agent familiar with Lake Norman can make all the difference. They provide valuable insights and help navigate complex transactions with confidence.
First impressions matter. Invest in landscaping, add fresh touches, and ensure your property’s exterior is well-maintained.
Proper staging showcases your home’s best features. Declutter, depersonalize, and arrange furniture to create a welcoming atmosphere.
Analyze market trends and set a competitive price to attract buyers. Work with your agent to determine the optimal listing price.
Lake Norman offers an array of amenities, from waterfront access to recreational activities. Showcase these features to appeal to buyers seeking a lifestyle upgrade.
* BE FLEXIBLE WITH SHOWINGS: Make your home accessible to potential buyers by offering flexible showing times. Open house events can increase exposure and lead to a faster sale. w
I hear it all the time. However, I also see the brave smiling with glee to see the impact wallpaper and murals can have on their home.
So why the fear? Unlike a coat of paint, which can be easily changed, wallpaper seems permanent and daunting. However, advancements in wallpaper technology have led to the development of removable options, allowing for easy installation and removal without damaging walls. Temporary wallpaper offers a low-risk solution for those hesitant to make a long-term commitment, providing the freedom to experiment with different patterns and styles. Professional installers also make it easy to remove, while making sure the installation is flawless.
Another common fear is the idea that wallpaper will overwhelm a room, making it feel cramped or chaotic. While it's true that bold patterns can be overwhelming if used excessively, strategic placement and thoughtful selection can create balance and harmony within a space. Opting for subtle, understated designs in smaller rooms can prevent them from feeling crowded, while larger spaces can accommodate more intricate patterns without appearing overwhelming.
MY ADVICE, EMBRACE THE possibilities!
Designers love wallpaper because it offers an unparalleled range of patterns, colors, and textures, providing designers with an extensive palette to work from. Whether one seeks a classic floral motif, a bold geometric design, or a subtle textured finish, there exists a wallpaper to suit every taste and style preference. This vast selection empowers designers to curate spaces that are not only visually stunning but also reflective of the clients' personalities and lifestyles. It is important to finish a room and complete the vision. It is like Van Gogh leaving out the swirls in his painting “Starry,
Starry Night.”
I am sure it would be a lovely painting with pretty colors, but it would not have the movement and impact that the swirls bring to the painting.
Wallpaper also offers a level of customization that is unrivaled by other decorative elements. Designers can collaborate with clients to create bespoke designs that speak to their individual tastes and preferences. Whether it's incorporating personal photographs, favorite quotes, Broadway playbills, or unique patterns inspired by nature, the possibilities are virtually endless. This ability to tailor designs to specific visions fosters a sense of ownership and connection to space, making wallpaper a beloved choice among designers and clients alike.
You are most likely only going to re-design your home every 10+ years. Why not enjoy a fi nished composition that brings interest and warmth to your home. Commit to the fi nished look and embrace your own unique masterpiece. w
Our resident home-design expert, Starr Miller, has garnered local and national acclaim with more than 30 industry honors. An alumnus of the prestigious Parsons School of Design in New York, Starr has built a strong following as the principal of her sought-after design rm, located in Cornelius, NC.
She feels the composition of a space must originate with the client’s unique perspective. Along with that perspective she brings together her team’s collaboration, design skills and re ned processes in a way which results in truly captivating homes for her clients.
StarrMiller Interior Design specializes in full-service interior design projects.
WHEN KELLY WODZINSKI OF WODZINSKI HOMES started out on her real estate journey, little did she know her “Real Estate Dream Team” would not only include three remarkable women, but that they would become her lifelong friends—her sisters, her family! A rare connection indeed, the ladies blended beautifully from the get-go and had many commonalities in their lives, their pursuits, their personalities, and their passions. And like many things in life, the timing was right.
WRITER Leslie Ogle
KELLY GREW UP IN Bu alo, New York, and moved to the Lake Norman area in 1998 to pursue a teaching career. She married her college sweetheart and taught for six years before having their three children: Chase (19), Cole (16), and Brooke (12). “I grew up,” she shares, “dreaming to be two things: a teacher and a mom. Gosh I loved teaching. It lled my soul to watch those kids grow and learn under my direction ... to have real impact in their lives. And being a mom has (by far) been my greatest accomplishment, gift, and joy, even when it’s hard!”
Gaining so much inspiration from her own mother, Kelly smiles: “My mom raised four kids while my dad traveled for work, and yet she never complained about how overwhelming motherhood can be. She handled the endless to-do lists, the shuttling of kids, and the very challenging years of raising teenagers with patience, unconditional love, and a smile. “I pray that I’m at least half the mom that she is.”
In 2015, Kelly was looking for a part-time job that had a exible work schedule. “I knew I would love helping people nd a home, but I was amazed (and still am!) at how rewarding it feels to change lives and be a part of something so signi cant.”
SKelly admits that she didn’t really have a big business vision, but that everything just fell into place. e timing for each person she hired on her team was perfect. “I was not out looking for ‘the right people.’ God placed each of them into my life at the exact time I needed them, and it has organically grown from there. We are all committed to our team and to our clients. It’s inspiring to watch them go above and beyond while staying professional, knowledgeable, and having a ton of fun together. We have such a genuine love for each other, both personally and in business, and that’s very rare in this industry.”
tacie Johnson (director of operations/ transaction coordinator) brings her own unique talents to the table—including savvy business and people skills. Starting out her college days majoring in business administration, she switched to hotel/restaurant management. It wasn’t long until Stacie realized it was not a conducive industry for raising a family, so she returned to a business career and started her family. Her daughter, Madison, is now 19, and her son, Cooper, is 16.
“Raising teenagers has been very interesting and humbling,” Stacie says. “I truly believe that they have taught me more than I have ever taught them ... patience, humility, and plenty of grace. Above all things, they have taught me to have fun and to not take everything so seriously. As for my own mother, I don’t have enough words to describe how wonderful she is. I aspire to be more like her every day. She is my best friend, and I am so thankful to call her Mom.”
Stacie met Kelly on the sidelines of a baseball eld back in 2011, long before either one of them had real estate on their radars. eir friendship grew throughout the years, and when Kelly was ready to hire an assistant in 2017, she immediately asked Stacie. With a passion for helping others succeed, she is happiest in a supportive role. “I enjoy making things happen,” Stacie says, “and taking care of all the documentation so the agents can focus on building relationships with their clients. ey are the people work, and I am the paperwork.”
WAith a similar faith and positive approach to life, Brelin Menard (realtor) was born and raised in San Diego and worked there as a cosmetologist for over a decade before moving to North Carolina in 2015 with her husband, Justin. Looking for a career change, Brelin decided on real estate. “I knew I loved helping people,” she says, “and I loved seeing people’s homes, so I jumped into real estate and never looked back. No transaction is the same which makes it exciting as well as challenging.”
Brelin’s two children, Ryder (16) and Rylin (13), keep her busy, blessed, and centered around family. She happily acknowledges that being a mom is full of highs and lows, successes and challenges, adding, “ ere’s a whole new level of worry and concern now that we have a teen driver; however, it has lightened the Mom-Taxi load quite a bit. Like most things in raising children, this new chapter is both bitter and sweet. It requires me to lean into my faith like my mother taught me. My relationship with her has always shaped me and is a huge part of who I am as a mom ... she is loving, supportive, and is a pillar of strength.”
Brelin and Kelly met in late 2017 and connected instantly. eir shared passion for helping others and their similar mindset made Brelin the perfect match for her team. Kelly says, “I just knew I needed her on my team and in my life. She is my other half in real estate, and I’m so thankful for her every single day.”
n Indiana native, Stephanie Belk (who serves as transaction coordinator/ marketing director) moved to the area in 1999. She and her husband, Nick, a Mooresville native, have two children, Emma (10) and Grayson (8). Balancing school life, various sports/activities, and home life is a challenge, but as Stephanie explains, “When it becomes overwhelming, I take a deep breath and try to prioritize what’s the best thing for my family in that particular moment. My kids come rst, and I learned that from my mom. She raised four children, and she modeled how important it was to see what each of her children needed in the moment ... I’m so grateful for her.”
Stephanie and Kelly are neighbors, and with Stephanie’s husband in the home building industry for 20 plus years, they tend to talk a lot of shop. In late 2020, Kelly mentioned she needed someone part-time for marketing. “It was perfect for me,” Stephanie recalls, “so I raised my hand and said, I’m your girl! Our work personalities and drive clicked. My job is rewarding in so many ways. I get to help connect the dots and pull together all the background details. In some ways, it’s like being a real estate detective—which keeps things challenging and interesting.”
is can-do attitude and unshakeable faith are just a couple of the common threads that bind this incredible team together. Kelly proudly gleams, “We are all moms, and we all love helping people. What you see with us is exactly what you get. And it’s hard to describe. We have such a special dynamic that includes love, support, fun, prayer, tons of laughter, and selling a whole lot of real estate….TOGETHER! As a TEAM! (both in life and in business).” w
This year, we’re celebrating 70 years of taking care of you, our community. Thank you for putting your trust in us — we’ll always be here for you.
ALISSA ARMSTRONG of Cornelius recently earned her real estate license, adding to her wellestablished business Alissa Armstrong Designs. As an interior designer, home stager, and now licensed real estate agent, Alissa and her team offer a onestop shop for your dream home transformation.
LISA CRATES, a professional Lake Norman photographer, joins The Welcome Committee as a Greeter for Troutman. For 25 years, The Welcome Committee Newcomer Greeting Service has been connecting new residents with community partners to help them forge relationships in Huntersville, Denver, Cornelius, Davidson, Mooresville, and Troutman.
As the community’s only nonprofit, independent health system, stories are stories. If you have a special memory about Iredell Memorial Hospital, any of our staff, or any of our other locations, we’d love to hear it.
DR. CHERE GREGORY, Senior Vice President and Chief Health Equity Officer at Novant Health, announces a collaboration with Humana. The yearlong initiative will tackle food insecurity and improve access to health resources for North Carolinians. “We are discovering various ways to achieve health equity through unique partnerships such as this one with Humana,” explains Dr. Gregory.
Iredell Health System is pleased to announce JENNIFER HOLMES, MSN, RN, as the Director of Risk Management and Patient Safety. Jennifer has been a nurse for eight years, spending five of those years with Iredell Health System. Since joining Iredell, she has served in various capacities including clinical educator, Assistant Director of 1 North, and Director of Employee Health.
The Iredell Health Foundation is proud to announce that TREVA MILLER is the recipient of the Uplift Woman of the Year Award. Treva, breast cancer survivor and founder of Divas Fighting Like Girls, recently received the award at the Iredell Health Foundation’s International Women’s Day Breakfast in March. The award recognizes a local woman who embodies exceptional qualities of leadership, resilience, and empowerment—making a remarkable impact in our community.
The Welcome Committee recently hired ARLENE ROONEY as a Greeter for the newly opened Troutman area. Arlene is a former records office administrator for the Rockland County Sherriff's Office in New York. She is excited to help her new neighbors make community connections to local businesses as well as civic and professional services in the area.
LINDA WAHLBERG, Site Manager for HIVE and Director of Administrative Operations at the United Way of Iredell County, announces the launch of HIVE, which stands for Helping Iredell Volunteers Engage. Local partners and organizations will be able to promote awareness of their needs and other events through HIVE, allowing residents to find and respond to opportunities on the website –volunteer.uwiredell.org.
Whether you are a woman on the move, new businesses in the area, or are willing to contribute your opinion, follow us on Facebook or e-mail leslie@lakenormanwoman.com. CONNECT WITH US!
After all, there are lots of great things about summer: watermelon, warm weather, barbecues, watermelon, honeysuckle, lightening bugs, watermelon, flip flops, swimming pools…and of course, watermelon. In the following pages, you’ll find a treasure trove of information, resources, and expert advice on how you can make the LKN Summer of 2024 your best one yet!
WITH WARM WEATHER COMES OUTDOOR FUN; we’ve been looking forward to it all winter! But it’s also a time of increased accidents. With water abounding in our area, here are some water safety reminders:
Never leave a child unaended (no matter how good a swimmer).
Invest in Coast Guardapproved life vests (“water wings” and other floatation devices are not suitable substitutes).
Teach your children to swim at an early age (consult your doctor for appropriate age).
Watch for signs of hypothermia even in warm water (when lips are bluish and your child is shivering, it’s time for a break!).
If a chd is missing, check the water first (seconds count!).
Carry extra equipment (spare life vests, rope for throwing, floats, etc.).
Shout, Throw, Ca (If someone is drowning, the Red Cross suggests the following in this order: shout for help, throw a rescue or flotation device, call 911 if needed).
It’s ok to swim after eating (while exercising in general can be uncomfortable on a full stomach, the need to wait 30 minutes is a myth). w
Soda, sports drinks, lemonade, frozen treats, s’mores -- these are all summer standards, but consuming too much can wreak havoc on our teeth! All that sugar makes your mouth a breeding ground for bacteria, which produces acid that erodes your tooth enamel, which is how cavities happen.
Don't worry; you can still enjoy summer treats and keep your teeth healthy! Drinking plenty of water is an excellent way to stay hydrated and prevent cavities. Water also prevents dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath.
As summer approaches, it's a good time to remember to schedule a dental checkup for both you and your child. Scheduling the appointment early will save you from the last-minute rush, and also ensure that your child doesn't miss any school due to dental problems.
With vacations, reunions, social events, and more, it can be easy to fall o routine during the summer. No matter how busy your summer gets, it’s important to keep a routine for yourself and your kids. Make sure to brush and oss thoroughly at the beginning and end of each day to avoid any surprises at your next dental appointment.
Did you know that 40% of all sports-related injuries involve the head and face? Whether you and your child are playing a contact sport or engaging in activities where falls are common, be sure to wear a mouthguard. And don't forget to keep your dentist's phone number handy just in case your child experiences a toothache or damaged tooth.
Meet Dr. Leighton Kennedy, a Lake Norman dentist who discovered her passion for dentistry as a sixth grader at the orthodontist. The impact that a new smile made on her self-esteem was life-changing.
She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Salem College and a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from The University of Louisville School of Dentistry. Dr. Kennedy completed her education at the Kois Center, which provides further education to practicing dentists.
She finds general practice dentistry to be a perfect combination of science and art.
Lake Norman area with her husband and
Dr. Kennedy lives in the three young children.
WITH SAVINGS THAT IS! The long, hot days with kids out of school is just around the corner, and those wonderful months of travel and family time can put a dent in your wallet. Day trips, weekend jaunts, and just eating out are more frequent during the summer months. Here are some Summer-Saving Tips to help you beat the heat and save some bucks!
Check out the local thri stores. In the wake of spring cleaning, stores oen have more selections.
Home goods such as appliances, furniture, and décor are also on sale in the spring.
Check out KidsBowlFree.com where you can get vouchers for free games of bowling.
With everyone spending time outdoors, gym aendance is a bit on the sparse side. Look for gyms to discount memberships and even o er special perks.
Don’t buy ckets to busy amusement parks or waterslides at the entrance. Local grocery stores or discount bulk stores wl have better deals.
Download the free Coupon Sherpa app for savings on kidfriendly stores as we as restaurants and other retaers. w
IF YOU’VE BEEN FOLLOWING fitness news,you have likely seen EMS (Electro-Muscle Stimulation) training pop up on the radar. Several well-known celebrities have incorporated EMS training into their workout routines. But what exactly is it? Is it the latest fitness fad or is it here to stay?
EMS technology has been around since the 1960s, with full-body EMS training being developed in the early 2000s in Europe. Today there are over 13,000 EMS studios worldwide. Many people ask why EMS training is not as prevalent in the United States as it is in the rest of the world. The main reason is that our governmental agencies, specifically the FDA, began regulating EMS devices in 1999 to ensure quality and safety. The FDA has a rather lengthy approval process, and it was only recently that full-body EMS technology was approved for non-medical use, such as personal training. Now that it is approved for use in the United States, EMS studios are opening all over the country.
When Michelle Accola and Michelle Bastianelli decided to become franchise owners of BODY20 Mooresville, they wanted to research things immediately, so they traveled to Texas to the corporate studio and tried the demo—the workout that every new member goes through. “It’s eight minutes of strength and four minutes of cardio,” Michelle A. explains. “While you feel like you’ve been through a lengthy workout, it was actually quick, efficient, and effective ... getting the benefits of a two-hour workout in only 20 minutes.”
In addition to the workout itself, the two Michelles were greatly impacted by the success stories from BODY20’s sister studios. One member is regaining mobility after being wheelchairbound for two decades; another was able to strengthen her pelvic floor and regain lost bladder control.
“The biggest obstacle that most people have when it comes to working out is time,” says Michelle B. “And BODY20 eliminates that obstacle. The workouts change weekly so there is no boring repetition either. It is truly something busy moms can stick to and make work for them.” w
1 2 3 4 5
Each 20-minute session equals hours in the conventional gym.
The lack of heavy weights enables a high-intensity workout that is low-impact on joints, bones, nerves, and muscles.
The sessions prompt a higher level of metabolic activity both during and after workouts, causing the body to burn more fat longer. Both male and female members have seen reduced fat in common problem areas.
The extra stimulation given to muscles leads to a quicker increase in muscle mass. Studies have also shown that EMS training is effective at speeding muscle rebuilding post-surgery.
A typical gym workout recruits anywhere from 30-70 percent of a person’s strength potential depending on fitness level. By improving how muscles work together and increasing muscle contraction intensity, EMS training sessions recruit up to 90 percent.
(EMS) training uses electrical impulses to stimulate muscle contractions. During EMS training, electrodes are placed on the skin, delivering electrical impulses directly to the muscles, causing them to contract. This can enhance muscle strength, endurance, and recovery when combined with exercise. It’s often used in fitness and rehabilitation settings.
The workouts promote circulation of blood throughout the muscles, which can significantly help to release muscular tension and knots.
Sessions can be customized to target selective muscle groups or sides of the body, which can play a vital role in correcting imbalances.
8 9 10
It is particularly effective at improving core strength, fostering good posture and injury prevention.
Through maximizing the capacity and strength of muscles, and correcting posture and other imbalances, it is a proven performance enhancer and the ultimate “body hack.”
Your BODY20 plan, sessions, and settings will be customized and personalized for your body and wellness goals. w
and Michelle Bastianelli, owners of BODY20 Mooresville. They are located at 146 Mooresville Commons Way, Suite F. You can connect with them at 704.644.0723 or via their website at www.body20.com/Mooresville.
IGREW UP IN CHARLOTTE AND NOW call beautiful Lake Norman home. Living in Lake Norman is wonderful. I have a love for water activities like kayaking, paddleboarding, and boating. When I’m not exploring the local waters and towns surrounding Charlotte, my family and I enjoy traveling to new destinations, immersing ourselves in different cultures and trying new foods. Last year I traveled to Rome and Barcelona, and I hope to travel to a new country this year and every year after that.
Although I enjoy my vacations, I always love coming home to Lake Norman. When I am not traveling, I enjoy spending time at home on the lake with my husband and our two fur-babies—two adorable Yorkies who are always by my side. I am fortunate to have a very close and vibrant family who mostly live in Charlotte, including my father and his wife Kwang as well as my brother Mathew and his fiancé Abby. I have a younger brother, Aaron, who is living and working in NYC and a younger sister, Taylor, who is pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams with her family in Whitefish, Montana. When I am not working with my clients, I spend as much of my free time with my family because it is the most important and cherished thing to me!
I believe my parents have helped shape me into the hard working and top performing real estate agent I am today. My mother, Leanne O’Rourke Hurwitz, passed away from ALS in 2013 after a five-year resilient and courageous battle. This brought my father, siblings, family, and friends very close as we cared for and supported her during this difficult journey. My mother inspired hope and resilience to everyone around her by truly living in the present, sharing her spiritual strength, bringing laughter, and never giving up the fight. My mother taught me to be independent, to be true to myself, to be kind, and to keep my mind open to the wonders the world has to offer. Leanne’s legacy inspired me to live my life to the fullest and cherish every moment. My family continues to support the ALS Association.
My father, Jeffrey Hurwitz, is someone I have always seen as my hero. He has pushed me to be the absolute best that I can be in any career, education, and activity I have chosen to pursue throughout my life. My father is my best friend, and no one can make me laugh like he can! Jeffrey is a well-known and a topproducing commercial real estate agent in North Carolina. As a third-generation real estate broker, I have a blend of inherited knowledge, personal experience, and natural talent that has
helped me to continue carrying on my family’s tradition of excellence in the real estate field.
My real estate career is my true passion! Home is my favorite place to be, so helping others find their dream home is an amazing opportunity. I have always enjoyed working with people and I am considered a skilled and charismatic professional real estate agent in our local Charlotte market. I have a diverse client base of luxury home buyers, first-time home buyers, repeat clients, relocation clients, and investor clients. I’ve sold hundreds of homes because I truly have knowledge in every price point, area, and type of home in the market. I do it all, and I love exploring all of the amazing homes and land our beautiful state has available to show! Having a broad understanding of what each of my client’s needs are is important to me and I keep my clients informed and educated during their home buying or selling process with me as their resource. I have a strong work ethic and drive to succeed, which has helped me to achieve high levels of production with my company Berkshire Hathaway Carolina’s Realty, and I have been awarded as one of their top agents in North Carolina. Continuing to serve the wonderful residents and newcomers to our beautiful city of Charlotte has been a dream come true to me. It is extremely rewarding to make my clients feel comfortable and supported during their home buying and selling journeys. The future looks bright in the Charlotte and Lake Norman market, and I am here for it and for you!
Declutter and Depersonalize: Remove unnecessary items and personal belongings to create a neutral space.
Clean and Stage: Thoroughly clean the house and consider hiring a professional stager to showcase your home's potential.
Improve Curb Appeal: Enhance your home's exterior with landscaping, painting, and minor repairs.
Maximize Lighting: Open curtains and consider updating light fixtures to brighten up the space.
Repair and Renovate: Address any necessary repairs and consider minor renovations to increase value.
Neutralize Colors: Paint walls a neutral color to create a blank canvas for potential buyers.
Organize and Optimize Storage: Showcase ample storage space by organizing closets and cabinets.
Hire Me and Get Results: As your qualified and experienced listing agent, I will guide you through the selling process!
• 1 cup sour cream (you can also use plain or vanilla yogurt)
• 1 cup mini marshmallows, fruit flavored
• 1 cup sweetened flaked coconut
• 1 cup canned pineapple tidbits well drained
• 1 cup canned mandarin orange segments well drained
2 Gently fold in mandarin oranges.
1 In a large bowl, combine sour cream, marshmallows, coconut, and pineapple tidbits.
3 Refrigerate for at least four hours or overnight. Serve chilled. Whether you want to make this for Mother’s Day brunch or your next potluck picnic, this fresh spring salad will make everyone smile!
Mike Griffin, President of Leavitt Elite Insurance Advisors is proud to announce that John Caldwell has joined their team as Executive Vice President.
Leavitt Elite is a leading insurance advisor serving both the personal and commercial insurance needs of our local community. They are affiliated with The Leavitt Group, who is one of the largest insurance brokerage outlets in the US. The local Leavitt Elite team has 15 offices throughout North Carolina, employing more than 75 local area professionals, and is roughly a $20 million dollar company. This announcement will look to accelerate the current growth trajectory as the premier insurance advisor in the area.
John joins the team as an investor and co-owner. Having left NYC and Wall Street for a better quality of life 5 years ago, this career opportunity is the perfect match to combine his 20+ years of experience, leading two of the nation’s top insurance brokers to the business that Mike Griffin has built. John and his wife Rachel have a 10-yearold son named Jack. They reside in the Peninsula community of Lake Norman and are very active in the local area. In this season of life, they are
most happy on the ball field coaching and cheering on our local youth sports teams. Says John, “I have the utmost respect and appreciation for Mike and am grateful and excited for the opportunity to join the company he has built and have the opportunity to continue to perpetuate the legacy.”
Mike has established himself as one of the most accomplished insurance professionals in the industry, successfully building several businesses over his nearly 50-year career and is one of
have the utmost respect and appreciation for Mike and am grateful and excited for the opportunity to join the company he has built and have the opportunity to continue to perpetuate the legacy."
only 49 agents countrywide elected to the Hall of Fame of Nationwide Insurance. He and his wife Cindy reside in Cornelius and are both very active in the philanthropic needs of our community. Says Mike, “John and I met through a mutual friend and have spent considerable time discussing the future and a partnership in the agency. We both felt that now is the right time to join Leavitt Elite and pursue the opportunities that are present for the profitable, sustained growth of the agency. The corporate expertise John will bring to the agency is only one of the many positive attributes we will benefit from, as he already embraces in his daily life our agency values of operating with honesty and integrity, putting our clients and policyholders first and serving our community through the support of many local programs and charities.”
Dana Jordan reviews A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty by
Joshilyn JacksonLITERATURE ABOUNDS WITH memorable motherly characters, ones that come in all shapes, sizes, variations, and forms. Some are excellent examples of motherhood and others are poor examples, but wherever they fall on the spectrum, these moms of literature showcase the virtues of motherhood in all its messy, complicated, astounding glory. Two of my very favorite ctional moms are the heroines of A Grown Up Kind of Pretty by Joshilyn Jackson.
is 2010 (don’t worry, it’s still available on Amazon) novel centers around a big family secret and the touching yet very uncertain relationship between Ginny Slocumb, her daughter Liza, and Liza’s
daughter, Mosey. Each chapter is told alternately by each of their points of view, allowing the strength of these spunky gals to come through loud and clear as they face what Ginny believes to be the inevitable curse that Slocumb women face every 15 years.
e “curse” began when Ginny found herself pregnant at age 15, and then history repeated itself when Liza became pregnant at 15 as well, making Ginny a 30-year-old grandma. Ginny is convinced that trouble will come calling again as Mosey approaches her 15th birthday, and it certainly does, although not in the form of a teenage pregnancy this time. (Although Mosey does take multiple pregnancy tests just to be sure, despite the fact she has never been sexually active.)
At its heart, A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty is a drama about what it means to be a family and what a mother will go through to keep one together. e Slocumb women don’t always make the best choices—an a air with a married man, drug addiction, and a really dangerous road trip attest to that. But they do take responsibility for those choices as their own, and even though damaged by the 15-year cycles of hard knocks, they are anything but weak. It is exactly because Jackson reveals their aws that readers will come to love these broken yet brassy moms and cheer wholeheartedly as they nd a way to become whole. w
Words are magic. They actuay change our brain chemistry! As wordsmiths here at LKNW, we are especiay fond of words that wi resonate th our readers, in hopes they will help guide & inspire you.
Cut these out & use whereverinspirationfor you need it!
We know how busy life can get—kids, work, family, friends sometimes just getting dinner on the table is a Herculean feat! So in an effort to save our readers some time, effort, and money here are a few tips, tricks, and hacks that might come in handy in your busy world!
Moms love to see photos of their children especially when collected into a photo book, quilts, clothes, co ee mugs, or any item you can fathom. Check out www.shutter y.com for some great ideas!
e special lady in your life will love a gift that makes her day easier— perhaps a car wash or house cleaning and yard work. Clean out the garage, pantries, attic and give the gift that keeps on giving with tidy, organized spaces.
Your mom, auntie, grandmother, etc. will be thrilled when you plan a special date night with them. Get tickets to a show or attend a painting class. You can get creative outdoors with movie night in the backyard or a picnic by the lake.
Options abound for a special meal for Mom. Try the following for a big hit on Mother’s Day:
Use canned biscuits rolled out and add honey/maple sausage. After you cook and drain sausage, sprinkle with brown sugar and drizzle with honey and maple syrup. Roll them up and bake at 350 until golden brown.
Large tortilla wraps make an easy thinand-crispy crust … add your favorite breakfast toppings (including scrambled eggs), top with cheese, and bake for 5 minutes at 350.
For an easy trick, use frozen Steakumms then top with poached egg and your favorite sauce (hollandaise, bearnaise, cheese) w
By mixing the ingredients of attitude and action, we can change the flavor of our own lives. Learn to nurture your body and soul to lead a more balanced life.
MOTHER KNOWS BEST, RIGHT? The problem is, they can’t always be right beside us when we need them. But if you’re like me, you can close your eyes and hear whispers of your mom’s wisdom whenever you need encouragement, support, and a gentle reminder that “you’ve got this.” So in honor of Mother’s Day, here are some wise mommy moments you’ll want to pass along to your own children some day:
Grief and joy are often intertwined.
MIRACLES HAPPEN. They are rare but they are real and when you get one you will know it.
The loss of an animal companion can be as devastating as the loss of a human.
There is great magic in books.
Adults become children again when it snows.
In your head you FEEL THE SAME AT 50 as you did at 15.
Few things boggle the mind like holding a tiny human who, minutes earlier, was living inside you.
A comprehensive approach to health and beauty for the Denver and surrounding Lake Norman community. Offering yoga practices, massage therapy, and organic skincare services to have you feeling your best inside and out! And for those who need a little retail therapy, we didn't forget about you! Onsite boutique offering your favorite products to extend your bliss at home. YOGA, SPA, & BOUTIQUE
Our commitment is to provide the finest quality products, delivered using the most advanced and effective organic skincare methods to help you safely achieve your health and beauty goals.
Vinyasa Hot Yoga Yoga Fundamentals
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Beginner & Advanced Levels
Does your house need a little sprucing up before listing? Leave the details to me. As your agent, I will recommend improvements, manage repairs, and organize staging services to get your home sold faster - and for top dollar. You simply repay the money at closing with zero interest or fees.
how it works
1. MAKE A PLAN Together, we will determine the merchandising preparation and repairs needed to maximize the sale of your home.
2. COORDINATE & EXECUTE I will coordinate all jobs to completion to get your home merchandised for maximum value.
3. REIMBURSE Reimbursement is made at closing out of your net proceeds.