Kouga Express 25.08.2011

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Tel: 042 293 2973; Faks: 042 293 3957 E-pos: kougaexp@media24.com

Petition against Ocean View development MONIQUE VERMEULEN ALMOST 600 irate residents are prepared to fight the Kouga Municipality tooth and nail as they take a firm stand against the expansion of Ocean View into a double density residential area. The Aston Bay Neighbourhood Watch has submitted an objection on behalf of the community of Aston Bay against the current proposal for the expansion of Ocean View. As to date they had 590 signatures in support of this objection. According to the Neighbourhood Watch, they simply wish to make all parties concerned aware that they do not think the expansion of Ocean View is in the best interests of the entire Jeffreys Bay area. If the proposal for the expansion of Ocean View succeeds, residents will be faced with an additional 1 500 RDP houses during phase one and 1 033 RDP houses during phase 2 - this is on top of the 360 RDP houses that were completed at the end of 2009 and the 490 RDP houses built in March last year in the same area - as well as 371 low-cost housing units. Construction of phase 1 has already commenced earlier this year. The objection document of the Aston Bay Neighbourhood states: “We have no objections to the building of low-cost housing and the improvement of the community in Ocean View. However, there are many points to consider and what is being proposed may not necessary be an improvement. The original application to extend Ocean View would have provided homes of the same size as those already there, instead the

new proposal will have the whole infrastructure disintegrating, both for the existing community and for those around them.” Major concerns include: schools for the children, proper medical care, an increase in crime, an increase in unemployment, inadequate sewerage works, an increase in stone throwing and attacks on motorists travelling past Ocean View, an in-

crease on service delivery and the devaluation of properties in the neighbouring areas such as C-Place, Aston Bay, Paradise Beach and Marina Martinique. “If there really is a need for an additional 2 500 homes, perhaps an area more suited for this development should be considered,” states the document. Municipal spokesperson, Mfundo

Sobele, however, gave the assurance that residents have nothing to fear from the planned construction of additional houses in Ocean View. “Both the RDP and low-cost housing projects will be an asset to the municipality. It will assist the institution in dealing with the housing backlog that is confronting the area.” .The RDP housing development

forms part of the municipality’s biggest housing initiative to date - officially launched over two years ago called Siyaqala Manje, which means “we are beginning now”. The project will see a total of 8 613 RDP houses build across Kouga. The low-cost housing development is a joint initiative by the municipality and the Department of Human Settlements in the province.

The ‘circus’ is in town TAKE a step into a world of clowns, show horses, poodles and a world of darkness with a ray of light in little angels. A Ringmaster to lead the show and Jesters to make a way through the manifestation of the evil joker. Taken back to old trinket boxes with pale faced ballerina dolls and music from the 1920s you are sure to be entertained from the moment you enter the ‘theatre’ of Circus Circus. The show opens today at 7pm and tickets are available at the door, or from Robyn D’Arcy at 0 084 764 5706. The show runs till September 3 with a 3pm performance on Friday, September 2. Tickets are R60 for adults and R40 for scholars. The students are classically trained, but show-casing the fact that ballerinas can dance almost any dance style due to correct, rigorous ballet training. The students range in ages from 3 to 16 years and come from Jeffreys Bay to St Francis Bay.

Be entertained from the moment you enter the ‘theatre’ of Circus Circus.




Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011


Kouga Express: Thursday, August 25, 2011


Paartjie kan bates inboet VERA SCHOEMAN DIE batebeslagleggingseenheid het ’n voorlopige bevel bekom om beslag te lê op die besittings van die Duitse paartjie van Thornhill wat van moord en bedrog aangekla word. Waarnemende regter Phillip Zilwa het in die Baaise hooggeregshof gelas Kristina Adler en Jens Leunberg moet voor 27 September 2011 redes indien waarom die beslagleggingsbevel nie permanent gemaak moet word nie. Die paartjie, wat in 2007 na Suid-Afrika gekom het, staan tereg op die moord op die Jeffreysbaaise sakeman Claus Schroeder en bedrog van meer as R62 miljoen. Adler is tans op borgtog van R20 000 en Leunberg is in die St. Albans-gevangenis waar hy wag om formeel om borgtog aansoek te doen. Luidens ’n verklaring deur die batebeslag-

leggingseenheid het Schroeder die paartjie reeds aan die begin van 2008 toegelaat om op sy plaas, Owvanuk, in te trek terwyl die koopkontrak afgehandel word. Die staat voer aan hulle was in werklikheid nooit in staat om die plaas te koop nie. “Elke keer wanneer betaaldag aanbreek, het hulle met nuwe verskonings vorendag gekom oor waarom hulle nie kon betaal nie.” Hulle het meer as twee jaar lank op die plaas gebly sonder om die huur van sowat R468 000 te betaal. Adler het met ’n tydelike sakepermit SuidAfrika toe gekom nadat sy die owerhede met ’n fiktiewe bankstaat van Deutsche Bank onder die indruk gebring het sy het R2,5 miljoen om in ’n toerismeonderneming in die land te belê, het die hof gehoor. Schroeder is die laaste keer op 14 Augustus 2009 lewend gesien toe hy in sy Hummer na sy plaas is om die paartjie te konfronteer. Luidens die polisieverklaring het Leunberg later

dié middag alleen met dieselfde Hummer Uitenhage toe gery. “Leunberg het voorgegee hy sou kontrakte uit Duitsland kry vir toerisme en dat sy ‘miljoene Euro’s’ in Duitsland vassit, maar binnekort beskikbaar gemaak sou word.” Volgens Freda Hack, senior staatsadvokaat, is die paartjie se bates nie van veel waarde nie. Die batestaat wat gister by die hooggeregshof ingedien is, toon ’n Pajero, elf perde, ’n perdewa, sleepwa, meubels en huishoudelike gereedskap. Dié bates sal onder die beheer van ’n kurator bly tot die strafsaak afgehandel is.

Skakel enige van ons advertensie verteenwoordigers om in die Kouga Express te adverteer by 0 042 293 2973 of faks 0 042 293 3957.


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‘Rower’ vas na jaagtog ’n Vermeende gewapende rower is in hegtenis geneem ná ’n polisiejaagtog waartydens verskeie skote Vrydagaand in Hankey gevuur is. Volgens ao. Gerda Swart, polisiewoordvoerder, is ’n 49-jarige winkeleienaar omstreeks 7.20nm. in sy winkel in Stuurmanstraat, Ramaphosa Village, deur vyf gewapende mans van kontant, selfone, selfoonlugtyd en sigarette beroof. Die verdagtes het in ’n voertuig op die vlug geslaan. Volgens Swart is die polisie op Patensie van die voorval verwittig. Die slagoffer het ’n beskrywing van die voertuig gegee, wat aan omliggende polisiekantore uitgereik is. Die voer-

tuig is opgemerk terwyl dit in die rigting van Hankey gery het. “Die polisie het op die inligting gereageer en ’n jaagtog het gevolg. Die voertuig het in Hankey gestop, waarna die verdagtes uitgespring, skote op die polisie gevuur en in verskeie rigtings op die vlug geslaan het,” het Swart gesê. ’n Man (25) is in hegtenis geneem en daar is op die voertuig beslag gelê. Die meeste van die gesteelde items is in die voertuig gevind. Die ander vier verdagtes het daarin geslaag om weg te kom. Die verdagte sal vandag in die hof op Patensie op ’n klag van gewapende roof verskyn. Nog inhegtenisnemings word binnekort verwag.

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Kouga Express - 0 042 293 2973

Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011


www. kougaexpress.co.za


KLEINHANDEL ADVERTENSIES Estoretha Strydom Hoof: Verkope 082 544 6124 estoretha.strydom@media24.com Adri Olivier Advertensieverteenwoordiger 084 402 5010 adri.olivier@media24.com Jacques Oosthuizen Advertensieverteenwoordiger 079 080 8470 jacques.oosthuizen@opkoerante.co.za NETADS & CLASSIFIED Elbie Sciocatti 042 293 2973 elbie.sciocatti@opkoerante.co.za REDAKSIE Redakteur Monique Vermeulen 042 293 2973 LW. Alle nuus moet na kougaexp@media24.com gestuur word. KOUGA EXPRESS

Tel: 042 293 2973 | Faks: 042 293 3957 No 2 Corporate Park, 75 Da Gama Road, Jeffreys Bay

The Jeffreys Police have confiscated 10kg of dagga on 18 August in Ocean View. It is alleged that members of the Jeffreys Bay Crime Prevention unit raided an address in Ocean View. A 31­year­old man, Namonde Mnqama, was arrested for the possession of nearly 10kg dagga, as well as Mandrax. The suspect appeared in the Humansdorp court on Monday.The Crime Prevention team responsible for the arrest and seizure are (front ) Sergeant Richard Tulumani, (middle from left) W/O Chris Sibengile, Cst Moses Mange, Cst Minnique Simon, W/O Craig Saile and (back) W/O Vumile Konzani from the Dog Unit. Photo: SUPPLIED

No more funds for SPCA MONIQUE VERMEULEN THE SPCA in Humansdorp will run out of money in less than two months, leaving 60 dogs and 15 cats to be euthanased if nothing short but a miracle occurs. According to Zhan Kritzinger from the SPCA, they used to receive a grant from the Kouga Municipality, but about three months ago they were informed that they will no longer be receiving any financial assistance for the 2011/2012 financial year. “This is unacceptable as we rely almost solely on this income in order to cover our operating expenses on a monthly basis. We do not ask for a ‘grant’ as such, we are asking for reimbursement for services rendered to the municipality,” said Kritzinger. According to municipal spokesperson, Mfundo Sobele, the grant to the SPCA was not budgeted for. “In addition to that, it was no longer affordable considering our current financial condition. In the past, we used to source some of the funds from dog licenses, but we do not charge for this anymore. “Executive mayor, Booi Koerat, did explain to the SPCA chairperson our financial challenges and our inability to continue giving grants to them at this stage. We appreciate the role played by the organisation and it is very unfortunate that we are unable to continue providing them with the same assistance as we have always done. Our situation may change and we may review this position.” According to Kritzinger, apart from the animals, 5 full-time staff members will also lose their jobs, as well as a family living on the premises who will have to be evacuated when the SPCA close down. “One of our staff members, Desmond Dous, have been with the SPCA for close to 13 years. He is well-known and loved in the community.”


Liesl Barnard het ’n Patio Verwarmer tydens die Sedgwick’s Old Brown Sherry kompeti­ sie gewn. Gerhard Kriek van Tops oorhandig die prys Photo: VERSKAF


Kouga Express: Thursday, August 25, 2011

Victory Christian School soon to be parallel medium MONIQUE VERMEULEN VICTORY Christian School in Jeffreys Bay will be a parallel medium school from next year January. After thorough research since the end of last year, the decision with regard to the school’s language policy was announced at a Governing Body meeting on May 11. “This decision was not taking lightly,” said school principal Fanie Vermaak. “We have liaised with all affected parties and the feedback from current parents at the school was only positive.” As from January 2012 the school will be an English school with parallel medium streams

functioning separately in both Afrikaans and English languages from Grade 0 to 7. The existing Afrikaans stream - currently running until grade 3 - will therefore be able to continue with Afrikaans as medium of teaching from Grade 4 - 7. However, the current Grade 4 - 7 students will complete their senior phase in English. According to Vermaak, three new teachers will be appointed for next year to ensure the highest quality of education and to serve to community to a greater degree. “As an English school the school’s main communication language will remain English. All marketing material - website, media articles, corporate material, etc. - communication and other documents, and corporate events will remain in English,” said Vermaak.


Hananja Akademie het ‘n kultuurtoer voorver­ lede naweek onder­ neem. Die besoek aan veral die Vrouemonu­ ment het die kinders diep geraak. Tydens die toer het die skool­ hoof, Meryl van Niekerk, saam met sewe hoërskoolleer­ ders en een laerskool­ leerder aan ‘n 20­uur Volkspele­maraton op Kimberley deelge­ neem. Hulle het alte­ saam agt goue en een silwer medaljes vero­ wer. Hier is (agter van links) Jacques Gerber, JP Harvey, Alicea Sny­ der, Edward Pienaar, (middel van links) Ischké van der Watt, Marco van Emmenis, Bianca Gerber, en (voor) Monique Del­ port. Foto: VERSKAF




Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011


Bye Ma, Jaypee met Chris van Niekerk is om 6nm. vir 8nm. op 25 Augustus by Potter’s Place te sien. Jaypee het in 2002 begin om elke jaar ‘n brief aan sy Ma op haar ver­ jaarsdag in Die Burger se doodsbe­ rigte te plaas. Die vertoning is ’n menslike verhaal met lewens­ getroue humoristiese oomblike wat jou sal laat huil van die lag, net om kort daarna weer ’n hartseer traan weg te pik. Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Nianell tree op 26 Augustus by Potter’s op. Kaartjies kos R120 per person. Om kaartjies na Bye Ma, Jaypee te wen, SMS JAYPEE gevolg deur jou naam na 0 082 324 3888 voor 4nm. vandag. Om kaartjies na Ni­ anell se vertoning te wen, SMS NI­ ANELL na 0 082 324 3888 voor 12nm. more. Vir kaartjies of meer inligting, kontak Potter’s by 0 042 293 2500. Foto: VERSKAF

ANNET DOEN DIT WEER A young woman, her uptight step sister and her best friend use their savings for a long anticipated dream trip to Paris, which turns out to be a big disappointment. When they decide to take a break from their lousy tour and duck into the lobby of a luxury hotel, one of them is mistaken for a spoiled British heiress. Be­ fore they get the chance to reveal their true identities they are wrapped up in misadventures during a vacation to Monte Carlo instead. Photo: SUPPLIED

Global Leadership Academy spog al die afgelope twee jaar met besondere prestasies in rede­ naars. Hierdie jaar was geen uit­ sondering nie . Annet Zevenber­ gen van graad 9 het tweede in Suid­Afrika geëindig by die na­ sionale ronde van die ATKV Rede­ naarskompetisie in die kategorie vir Junior Afrikaans Eerste Addi­ sionele Taal Hoërskoolleerders. Annet was die enigste leerder uit die Oos­Kaap wat ’n prys op na­ sionale vlak ontvang het uit alle kategorieë en ouderdoms­ groepe. Benewens die nasionale tweede plek, het sy ook die prys verwerf vir die beste taalgebruik­ er. Foto: Lize­Marie Smit


Kouga Express: Thursday, August 25, 2011


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Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011

Rubbish at municipality dealt with MONIQUE VERMEULEN THEY may not be municipal workers or even responsible for the cleanliness of the streets, but these men took it upon themselves to pick up tons of rubbish after streets were littered by strikers.

Members of the Jeffreys Bay Ratepayers Association (RA) made it their task to clean up the streets of Jeffreys Bay after it was trashed by Samvu­members during the strike last week. Hard at work are (front from left) Dr Gustav Barnard (RA vice chairman), Trevor Watkins (RA chairman), (back from left) Ludwig Vorster (RA mem­ ber) and Dave Webster (RA committee member). Photo: Monique Vermeulen

Rubbish piled up in the streets especially in Da Gama Road and St Francis Street - of Jeffreys Bay from last week Monday when members of the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu) down tools in demand for an 18% or R2 000 wage increase as oppose to the 6.08% offer by the SA Local Government Association (Salga).

These municipal strikers burnt tyres in front of the municipality and threw refuse in the streets. They even intimidated co-workers who did not want to join the strike. Four members of the Jeffreys Bay Ratepayers Association - Dr Gustav Barnard (RA vice chairman), Trevor Watkins (RA chairman), Ludwig Vorster (RA member) and Dave Webster (RA committee member) - decided to tackle the rubbish hands on and dug in with spades, brooms and black bags on Wednesday afternoon. They continued the clean-up the following day and said they will keep doing this for as long as necessary. Residents and visitors passing them by were so inspired by their actions that they joined them in their

effort to get rid of all the litter. Dr Barnard said: “We want to take back our town. If four men, all over 35, can accomplish such a great deal in less than an hour, imagine what we are capable of doing if all the residents stand together. Together we can make the strikers look redundant.” According to Watkins, the strikers do not own the dialogue of the town. “They are not the only people deciding what will happen. We also have a say and with our actions we can evoke a spirit of great change.” The RA is in the process of opening a trust account for residents, of which the money will be used in incidents of future disruptions. For more information on the Jeffreys Bay RA, visit www.jbayra.com.


The aftermath of the mu­ nicipal strike left the streets of Jeffreys Bay in a devastating condition. On Friday August 19, stu­ dents and teachers of Glo­ bal Leadership Academy along with the staff of Glo­ bal Challenge Expeditions took time out of their weekly schedule and filled the streets in front of the Equinox Mall in an effort to beautify the streets of Jeffreys Bay once more. Bag upon bag of rubbish was picked up from the streets and side­walks and taken back to the gar­ bage disposal area behind the mall. Photo: LIZE­ MARIE SMITH

Kouga Express: Thursday, August 25, 2011





Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011

Skryf nou in vir Woman on the Move 2011 MONIQUE VERMEULEN NA ’n jaar van woeker en harde werk, is dit tyd vir een van die Kouga se top besigheidsvroue om haar kroon as die “Woman on the Move 2010” aan ’n waardige opvolger oor te handig.

restaurant genomineer as Weg-tydskrif se Top 15 Padstalle. “Ek sal enige vrou aanbeveel om aan die Woman on the Move-kompetisie deel te neem. Nie net is dit ’n groot eer om as die algehele wenner gekroon te word nie, maar mens kry ook die geleentheid om met ander vroue van groot kaliber skouer te skuur,” het Heide gesê. Die wenner van die Kouga Express Superspar Woman on the Move 2011-

Die inskrywing wat Heidi Muller, eienares van Padlangs-restaurant in Patensie, in aanmerking vir die gesogte titel geplaas het, lui soos volg: “Heidi se hart lê in die Gamtoosvallei. Enige persoon word hiervan verseker wanneer mens die liefde en aandag merk wat in haar immergewilde besigheid, die Padlangs-restaurant op Patensie, jou reeds met die eerste tree na binne welkom heet. Sy doen ook haar bes om Patensie op die padkaart te kry en sy het behoorlik met die Kwêla Rapport Dorp van die jaar-kompetisie gewoeker om stemme vir haar geliefde dorp in te win. Kinders en bejaarde mense speel ook ’n groot rol in Heidi se lewe en sy is nou betrokke by fondsinsamelingsprojekte van die ATKV Patensie, soos bv Aksie Oudoring. Sy is ook die stigter van die ATKV Patensie-tak en is ’n lid van die plaaslike Toerisme-vereniging.” Sedertdien, het die ma van twee dogters - tans swanger met hulle derde kind - omtrent ge-“move”. Heidi het onlangs ’n nuwe lokaal - The Grand - waar verskillende funksies, groot of klein, aangebied kan word, ongeveer 400m van Padlangs-restaurant af begin. Die restaurant self doen ook goed besigheid. Verder is Padlangs- Woman on the Move 2010: Heidi Muller

kompetisie sal tydens ’n skemerkelkie op 21 Oktober by Dio Del Amore aangewys word. Die publiek is welkom om die funksie by te woon teen ’n koste van R50 per persoon, wat ligte verversings insluit. Die drag is semi-formeel. Om in te skryf of ’n waardige vrou te nomineer, stuur inskrywings vergesel met ’n foto na kougaexp@media24.com. Vir meer besonderhede of kaartjies, kontak die Kouga Express by 042 293 2973.




Sanet is die eienaar van Miracle Comfrey wat een van vyf nasionale ABSA kategoriewenners vir 2011 is. ABSA het 'n film van hierdie 5 besighede gemaak. Hierdie film is landwyd in Ster Kinekor teaters gewys, asook by ander geleenthede. Dit is ook op Donderdag 11 Augustus by 'n Kaapstadse besigheidskool gewys, waar Sanet gevra is om entrepeneurs te inspireer en motiveer met haar getuienis. Miracle Comfrey is een van 15 besighede in Suid-Afrika wat in 'n koffietafelboek (2011) opgeneem is om ander besighede en entrepeneurs te motiveer en inspireer. 'n Tiende van die maatskappy se inkomste word gebruik vir opheffingswerk. Verskeie instantsies, projekte en organisasies word finansiël ondersteun.Sanet is `n wenner van die "Businesswomen's Association of South Africa, Regional Achiever Awards", 2011. Sy bied gratis vrouekampe aan waar vroue geinspireer en gemotiveer word. Sanet is ook genomineer vir "Top women in Business & Government, SouthAfrica's Gender Empowerment Event", 2011.

Selina is al vir die afgelope 20 jaar by die Kouga Kanker Vereniging betrokke en in die tydperk het sy alles in die stryd gegooi om die Vereniging bekend te stel, om meer mense betrokke te kry, asook om vir diegene wat hulle dienste mag nodig kry te wys hulle is daar om te help. Die Vereniging se pasiente wissel van baie klein kinders tot bejaardes en die hele komitee bestaan uit vrywilligers. Die dankbaarheid in haar pasiente se oë is vir Selina vergoeding genoeg. Sy is nie net by die pasiente betrokke nie, maar ook by die familie indien hulle berading nodig het. Verder verskaf die Vereniging kospakkies, mediese hulpmiddels, besoeke, vervoer, gratis voorsorgsondersoeke, reël PSA toetse, verskaf boeke wat handel oor kanker en besoek skole en ander instansies om oor borsondersoeke en kanker te praat. Selina is ook nou betrokke by die jaarlikse Relay for Life. Selina droom daarvan om `n kantoor op Jeffreysbaai te kan hê - alles word op die oomblik van haar huis gedoen.



Renette, eienares van The B Studio in Jeffreysbaai, hou elke jaar `n "Common Tea" ten bate van Cansa omdat so baie mense deur kanker beïnvloed word en sy voel dat hulle baie spesiale mense in God se oë is. Haar passie in die lewe is om mense goed oor hulself te laat voel en om `n verskil in mense se lewens te maak. In die toekoms hoop Renette om nog meer vir liefdadigheid te doen, asook om die DBV na die beste van haar vermoë by te staan. B Studio groei van krag tot krag en is `n plek van rustigheid en ontspanning - `n plek waar mens net jouself kan wees. B Studio gee terug aan die gemeenskap deur die 1ste week van elke maand pensionarisse te bederf deur afslag op `n pedikeur, manikeur en gesig-behandelings. B Studio streef daarna om die beste raad aan die kliënte oor skoonheidsprodukte en behandelings te gee. Kliënte word ook gehelp om gewig te verloor deur middel van Sureslim.

In November 2010 het Suzette, eienaar van De Viswijf Restaurant in Jeffreysbaai, met `n houtwerkprogram begin waar brood- en kaasborde en skinkborde van inheemse hout gemaak word. In April 2010 het sy by die bemarking van die veltwerk betrokke geraak nadat `n paartjie by die winkel begin het om sybokhaar te weef en te kleur. Suzette het van die geleentheid gebruik gemaak om`n werkskeppingsprojek met `n winkel by De Viswijf Restaurant te begin, waar goedere op `n Sondag tussen 11:00 en 13:00 verkoop word. Mense wat klere maak, laat byvoorbeeld die blommetjies of versierings deur werkloses maak. Verder is hulle ook betrokke by `n kerk in Pellsrus waar werklose vroue geleer word om produkte van velt te maak.. Al die betrokke vroue is enkelouers en het geen ander inkomste nie... Jong mense wat `n afsetgebied vir hulle handgemaakte produkte soek, is ook welkom om by die winkel uit te stal. Die restaurant het so pas `n prys gewen met hulle wynlys by Diners Club en het verlede jaar ook die toekenning vir die beste restaurant in die Oos-Kaap gekry. Verder wil sy graag in die toekoms mense leer om kerse te maak, kuns te doen, te brei en te weef.

To cast your vote: SMS Kouga followed by the name of the woman you want to nominate to 45527 before noon on August 31. Each SMS cost R1,50 Rules: 1. Any woman in the Kouga district can enter and need not necessarily be the owner of the business. 2. No employee of Media 24 or their immediate family may enter the competition. 3. The winner will be determined by votes tallied via a SMS-voting line and a panel of judges. 5. By entering, the Kouga Express has the right to publish photographs and details of the entrant. 6. Readers have a week following date of publication to vote for their favourite, whereafter the SMS line will be closed. Each SMS costs R1,50. This week’s competition lines close on Wednesday 31 August at noon. How to enter: Nominate your Kouga Express SuperSpar Woman on the Move by submitting a motivation (not exceeding 500 words) along with a photograph of the nominee and contact details to kougaexp@media24.com. Entry is FREE of charge. 1AYFVXV73-250811-KG-hun-woman

Kouga Express: Thursday, August 25, 2011

The singer and TV presen­ ter, Pieter Koen, is all set for Casual Day on Friday, September 2.

Rock the Kouga this Casual Day MONIQUE VERMEULEN GRAB your microphone, put on your blue suede shoes and unleash your inner rock star on September 2 and stand a chance to have your photo published in the Kouga Express of September 8 - all in aid of Casual Day. It is as easy as one, two three. One: buy a casual day sticker at a cost of R10 each. Casual Day stickers are available from APD-Kouga at 18 Uys Street in Jeffreys Bay at a cost of R10. Two: dress up as your favourite musician, rock star or music groupie on September 2. Three: contact Monique Vermeulen or Hein Smith from the Kouga Express at 0042 293 2973 before 4pm. on August 29 to book a time for your photo to be taken. This is in support of APD-Kouga office, that was launched last year in Jeffreys Bay. During their first Casual Day experience they sold just over 1 100 stickers in a very short period. This year their target is to sell at least 5 000 stickers and are appealing to all businesses and residents to

support them in this endeavour. Each year Casual Day chooses a wild and wacky theme – and 2011 is no exception. Participants are encouraged to unleash their inner rock star and dress up as musicians, rock stars or music groupies. Annelise de Jager, Casual Day coordinator, is upbeat about 2011, “We have had an extremely positive reaction to this year’s theme announcement. In addition to our usual efforts through corporate South Africa, we have also had great interest from schools in this year’s project and we encourage each and every citizen to get on board and make the world rock!” Casual Day, South Africa’s foremost fundraising event for persons with disabilities, raised a record amount of R18 026 000 through the 2010 campaign, representing a respectable increase on the 2009 tally. For more information, contact Lawrence or Mickey from APD-Kouga at 0 042 293 4242 or 0 083 353 0433. Casual Day stickers at a cost of R10 each are also available at the Kouga Express office at 75 Da Gama Street, Jeffreys Bay.



Battle for the best boerewors MONIQUE VERMEULEN THIS Saturday will see the clash of the braai-tongs as 13 local contestants will battle it out to be one step closer to winning the Checkers Championship Boerewors crown for 2011. Contestans will fire up their braai’s on August 27 at Checkers Jeffreys Bay Mall in Francis Street at 9.30am. They will be judged on the texture and taste of their boerewors, as well as the appearance and the combination of their spices. For the 18th year running, 1 063 boerewors-fundis, of which 8 hail from the Eastern Cape, are getting

down to the serious business of making their special traditional boerewors for the regional rounds of one of South Africa’s fiercest culinary battles - the 2011 Shoprite Checkers Championship Boerewors Competition. Regional round participants need to go all out to impress the judges with their boerewors-making and -cooking skills as only the first place winners of each of the 88 regional rounds will go on to battle it out against their provincial counterparts in ten provincial rounds that take place on Saturday, September 17. To add a bit of spice to the regional round in Jeffreys Bay, well-known

Peter Bornham of Big Boyz will be the MC at the event and local entertainers, Elsabe Rademeyer and Bethany Joy, who were recently selected as winners in the Bay FM talent competition, will entertain the crowd with lively upbeat sounds for the morning. Members of the public will, furthermore, be able to take part in various lucky-draws throughout the course of the event and Simba the Lion, face-painting and a jumping castle will keep the little ones entertained. Coca Cola, Simba and All Gold, co-sponsors of the Shoprite Checkers Championship Boerewors Competition, will offer promotional activities and sampling of their products.


Chantelle van Niekerk is die ge­ lukkige wenner van ’n Finmed Fitness geskenkpak. Inge Krause (Finmed) oorhandig die prys aan haar. Foto: VERSKAF



Search on for the fairest mutt MONIQUE VERMEULEN PURE-BRED or just pure love your dog could be what the judges are looking for at the Red Carpet Dog Show hosted by the Humansdorp SPCA and Save-a-Pet in Greenbushes on August 27 at InFood in Jeffreys Bay.

which amazing prizes can be won. PROGRAMME 10h00-11h00: 10 categories of exciting prizes to be won. 11h00-12h00: Wine tasting and auction of donated prizes. One being a 10 day accommodation holiday in

RESIDENTS who would like for their marriage to grow deeper can now do so by attending a marriage enrichment course, called “Laugh your Way to a Better Marriage” in September. Presented by marriage expert and funny guy Mark Gungor, “Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage” is a 4-week audio visual seminar filled with hilarious, practical and noholds-barred take on marriage that will certainly see the dynamics of your marriage change. Mark explores underlying dynamics of male and female relationships, bringing clarity and practical solutions to common relationship challenges. Topics to be discussed include: The tale of two brains, The #1 key to incredible sex, How to stay married and not kill anybody, inter alia. The seminar will run on consecutive Tuesdays (September 6, 13, 20 and 27) from 7pm to 8.30pm at the Jeffreys Bay Primary Clubhouse. The cost is R20 per couple. Contact Murray or Michelle at 0 042 296 2373 or 0 082 353 5776.


Mozambique valued at R9 000. 12h00-12h30: Raffle ticket draw. One prize being a weekend away, including dinner voucher, game drive and breakfast to the value of R3 000. 14h00-16h00 Eric and the Boys Band will play at Infood and band fees will be donated to SPCA and Save-a-Pet. The Humansdorp SPCA and Save­a­Pet in Greenbushes will have a Red Carpet Dog Show on August 27 at InFood in Jeffreys Bay. Photo: MONIQUE VERMEULEN

Proud pet owners can show off their dogs in various categories: best dressed dog, owner look-alike dog, smartest dog, ugliest dog, most challenged dog, best tricks dog, most obedient dog, most vocal and misbehaved dog, most prissy pampered dog, most scruffy dog, inter alia. Entry fee is something for the dogs at the SPCA and Save-a-Pet. Buffed and puffed these dogs will be hitting the red carpet from 9am to 12pm, during which the road will be closed for all traffic. Volunteers from local schools will assist with toilet matters and fresh water under the trees. Following the dog show will be a band playing from 1pm to 5pm to help raise funds for the two non-profit organisations. There will, furthermore, be an auction and raffle during

Laugh your way to a better marriage

Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011

The SPCA in Humansdorp has started a charity shop on their premises and are in urgent need of old clothes or unwanted items. They also de­ sperately need dog food, blankets, toys and loving homes for their ani­ mals. At the container that will serve as the charity shop is Coenraad and Jana Smit and Sokkies the dog. Photo: MONIQUE VERMEULEN

Smul aan die beste roosterkoek in die Baviaans MONIQUE VERMEULEN VERONICA se roosterkoek is so lekker - meer korrek, die beste in die Baviaans - dat sy nie anders kon as om haar eie klein restaurant te begin nie. Geleë op die T1 in die hartjie van die Baviaanskloof, is Vero’s Restaurant en wegneem-etes, ’n toeriste-juweel wat jaarliks honderde besoekers lok. En as mens eers rustig op die houtbankies stelling ingeneem het en jou tande diep in die heerlikste roosterkoek weggeslaan het met die heuning wat sommer so by jou mondhoeke uitloop, verstaan jy presies waarom die eenvoudige plekkie so gewild is. Terwyl mens aan die eenvoudige maaltyd smul, omvou die stilte en kalmte jou soos ’n sagte warm kombers waarin jy jou vir so lank as moontlik wil toewikkel - vir ewig as moontlik. Die enigste geluide wat so af en toe die stilte verbreek is die klanke van die trekker wat die lande omploeg of die herder wat sy bokke na die kraal jaag. Hoe het alles begin? Volgens Ve-

ronica Maganie, eienaar van Vero’s, het soveel toeriste by hulle huis gestop vir iets om te eet of te drink en sy kon die mense nooit as te nimmer met ’n leë maag of ’n droë keel wegstuur nie. “Ek en my familie het toe besluit om ons eie restaurant te begin”. Dit was sewe jaar terug en seder-dien lok haar onweerstaanbare roosterkoek en heerlike drinkgoed toeriste van heinde en verre. “Die restaurant het al ons verwagtinge oortref en ’n groot sukses uitgedraai,” het Veronica vertel. “Veral gedurende Desember-vakansietye word ons omtrent deur besoekers oorval.” Veronica-hulle het verlede jaar Oktober hulle entrepreneur-vaardighede een stap verder geneem en het die Baviaans Craft Shop oorkant hulle restaurant oopgemaak. Die winkel verkoop handgemaakte ware verskaf deur mense van die Baviaanskloof, Willowmore en Steytlerville. “Ons het verlede Desember oor die R22 000 se ware verkoop,” spog ’n trotse Veronica. Vero’s kan gekontak word by 0 044 923 1918.

Veronica Maganie se klein restaurant, Vero’s, verkoop die lekkerste roosterkoek in die Baviaanskloof. Foto: MONIQUE VERMEULEN

Please note that all opinions and views expressed in articles, letters and columns published in the Kouga Express are not those of its staff, publisher, printer, advertisers or distributors. Rig enige afleweringsklagtes rakende die Kouga Express aan Elbie Sciocatti by 0 042 293 2973.

Kouga Express: Donderdag, Augustus 25, 2011


Langklooffees die naweek “HIER waar die peer en appel groei, waar suikerbos teen die rante bloei, hier staan die skool wat ons ere dra, wat met reg ons trou kan vra……aan ons leuse trou, sal ons steeds voort bou, ons plig sal bly ons lus!.....” So word daar elke Maandagoggend met trots in die skoolsaal ge-sing deur die leerders van Hoërskool McLachlan. Die skoolleuse het nou al vir baie jare ook die leuse geword van die organiseerders en ondersteuners van die grootste gebeurtenis op die sosiale kalen-der van die Langkloof, die jaarlikse Bloeiselfees. Die afgelope jaar is daar met lus gewerk aan die organisering van die fees. Die fees skop Vrydagoggend af met ’n uitgebreide boeredag, waar sprekers uit die landbou-industrie die boeregemeenskap gaan inlig oor landboukwessies en nuwe tendense in die landbou. Intussen gaan die kinders vermaak word deur die immergewilde en bekende kulkunstenaar en buikspreker, Jannie de Bruin. Die middag behoort aan die kinders. “McLachlan’s-got-talent”- sal seker Oumeneer McLachlan in sy graf laat omdraai, maar soos dit ’n toonaangewende skool betaam, pas ons ook aan by die tye en kan die kinders hul talent wys met hip-hop, rap, sang, voordrag of watter talent hulle ookal het. Vrydagaand kom wys die gewilde SNOTKOP sy talent en na die vertoning kan daar tot laatnag gekuier word in die biertent saam met Pieter Mitchell. Saterdagoggend vroeg vertrek ’n groep entoesiastiese veldmotorfietsryers en vierwielmotorfietsryers op ’n roete wat weer heelwat opwinding en pret gaan besorg aan die deelnemers en toeskouers. Intussen gaan die rugbymanne van die skool hulle slag op die veld wys, terwyl daar ‘n babakompetisie in die feessaal gehou word. Teen 11.30vm. begin die uitdunne vir Mej. McLachlan en teen 1nm. sal die nuwe Mej. McLachlan met die kroon wegstap. Besoekers sal ook vermaak word deur ’n sterkman-vertoning. Saterdagaand word die seile gespan deur die bekende en groot vermaaklikheidskunstenaar, Kurt Darren. Na sy vertoning is daar nog vermaak in die kroegarea met o.a. Brink Botha se dansorkes. Daar sal deurlopend stalletjies wees om te besigtig met interessante en verskeidenheid uitstallings en genoeg kosstalletjies om die fynproewers tevrede te stel. Vir die kleingoed is daar reuse springkastele en glybane waar honderde voetjies lekker kan speel, terwyl die groter kinders hulle vernuf op die “paintball”-bane kan toets. Sondagoggend word die fees soos gebruiklik afgesluit met ‘n feesdiens in die plaaslike NG Kerk om 9.30vm.




Desist from giving gifts or money Margaret Crouse writes: I am appealing to all ratepayers to desist from giving gifts or money to municipal workers at Chritsmas till they learn discipline when on strike. No one denies them the right to strike as inshrined in our constitution, but they must also respect my right to go about my business without having to drive my car through a maize of broken glass and litter on our streets and other workers right to go to work without threats to their person.

Madiba in die skottelgoedwater Theresa Roux skryf: Ek kyk nog na die ou koerantartikels oor “67 Minutes for Madiba” en kry ‘n glimlag vir die positiewe houdings van die mense. Klein kindertjies met swartsakke wat vullis bymekaarmaak en mense is flluks aan die skoonmaak. Dan sien ek in die strate asblikke omgegooi en vullis wat verstrooi is oor die strate en wonder maar net.

Geen order meer by munisipaliteit Bekommerde belastingbetaler skryf: Die afgelope twee weke gaan ek gereeld na die Kouga-munisipaliteit en dit is ooglopend dat daar nie meer orde in daardie plek is nie, almal kom en gaan soos hulle wil, etenstye word sommer verleng na ’n hele uur, mense is nooit beskikbaar om kliente te help nie want hull is nie by die werk nie of eenvoudig net nie beskikbaar nie. Dit gaan nie lank wees

voor alle chaos losbars nie.

Paradys is nie meer ’n Paradys Joan Marais van Astonbaai skryf: Na aanleiding van Mariska Spoormaker se artikels oor die Departement van Omgewingsake wat beswaar maak teen die wegpomp van water, wonder ek maar net. Waar was die departement toe erwe uitgesit is in die vleilande? Wie moet nou pa staan vir al die skade? Ek sou nie sê my huis in Astonbaai staan in ’n vleiland nie (tans staan hy in ’n moeras) maar die water kan nie wegloop nie, want daar is geen voorsiening vir stormwater gemaak nie. Ek wonder maar net, het die Department van Omgewingsake toestemming verleen vir die bou van Marina Martinique en hoekom? Dit was die oorspronklike loop van die water en vleiland volgens vroeë inwoners. Hoekom is geen alternatiewe voorsiening gemaak vir die water om te kan wegloop nie. Ek wonder maar net. Ek wonder ook hoe ek gaan betaal vir al my skade.

Tired of service delivery Fed up from Paradise Beach writes: Paradise Beach citizens pay the same taxes as the rest of the Jeffreys Bay area. Why then must we be satisfied with substandard services! Every couple of weeks electricity outages lasting at least 1 -2 hours, and every time another one an half an hour or hour later this last between 1 to 3 hours. As we are not at home every day our neighbour tells us about the morning outages which also happens often! Our roads have

been reduced to patches of tar; this was years before the rain. Now potholes – no that is the wrong word, it’s definitely not the size of a pot but more of a petrol drum is noticeable in every street we drive from home. Either we pay less tax or you come and give us service. To unscrupulous land developers: Stop interfering with nature, if plots were not sold in a vlei, the water in Johan Muller Boulevard would not be there.

Dogs disturbing nature Pierre Nel from Tzaneen writes: I am a regular visitor to Jeffrey’s Bay and specifically the Kablejauws area, as I enjoy the nature and scenery of the place and bird watching. On a recent visit there, my wife and I went early one morning for a walk to the lagoon and really enjoyed watching the eight Spoon-billed Storks searching in the shallow water for food and a Black winged Stilt wading at the edge. 12 White-faced Ducks were swimming further in and off to the far side we could see a group of African Oyster Catchers waiting for the sun. There were also a little group of Flamingos standing together close by. Suddenly from the houses four big dogs came across the picnic area and charged in to the lagoon straight at the nearest birds and tried to catch them, barking as they chased the birds, splashing water, they chased group after group of birds deeper and deeper into the lagoon. They even went over to the far side after the Oyster Catchers! This carried on for 45 minutes at least. In two weeks time we saw this happen almost every day.

Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011

I am a retired farmer and was, for many years, involved in running the Melmoth Conservancy in Kwa-Zulu/ Natal and dogs not accompanied by their owner, even if the dogs were known, had to be shot immediately on the spot. These dogs at Kabeljauws should be kept in yards of houses and the owners should be severely fined at least if they are let loose in this nature area. They are a great danger to the rare and beautiful bird species in the area and also take away the enjoyment of people when they attack children and harass adults and mess in the sand. Dogs should be prohibited at the beach especially the environmentally sensitive area of Kabeljauws Beach and lagoon so that all people can enjoy the area now in an undisturbed way and for the sake of our legacy to future generations

Police not doing their work James Ndzelani from Humansdorp writes: I want to say to all that the police of Humansdorp are allowing the thugs to rob the people in our community. If we call the police they tell us that there is no vehicle available. What kind of service are they providing to our people? Recently an owner of a tavern in Kwanomzamo was shot in the stomach. We are now going to take the law in our own hands.

Show some respect! Nicolene Gush writes: I am writing to you about the selfish nature of a lot of humans. The beautiful beach and nature is there for all humans to

DESPTACH OUD-SKOLIERENAWEEK Hoërskool Despatch hou vanaf 26 - 28 Augustus ’n oud-skolierenaweek by die skool. Die program sluit in netbal, rugby, hokkie, tennis, krieket pretloop, skattejag, ’n reüniedans, ’n steakaand en nog vele meer. Daar sal ook grootskerm rugby en ’n biertent vir volwassenes wees. Kontak Mariette Strümpher by 0 041 933 5104. NIFTY FIFTY CLUB The Nifty Fifty Club will meet at 9.45am on August 26 at the Methodist Hall. The speaker will be Stuart Zietsman for Jagerhof Game Farm. Phone 0 083 325 4695. VLV GESONDHEIDSVERGADERING Die VLV Gesondheidsvergadering vind plaas op 1 September om 2.30nm. in die Newtonsaal. Die gasspreker is die voorsitter van die Vereniging vir Fisies Gestremdes in die OosKaap, Jakkie Pieters, wat na sy ongeluk in ’n rystoel is. Kontak Una by 0 042 293 2215. FETE The Methodist Church will have their annual fête on September 3, doors open at 8am. There will also be a tea garden. SPRING DANCE The Presbyterian Church Spring Dance will take place at 7pm on October 7 at the JBay Primary School Hall. Dress code is smart casual and tickets are R35 per person. Bring own refreshments. There will be security. For info, contact Evans at 0 042 296 2545. LENTE DANS ’n Lente Dans met DJ PJ’s vind plaas op 3 September om 6nm. vir 7nm. by the Newtonsaal op die hoek van St Francisstraat en Goede Hoopstraat. Bring eie eet- en drinkgoed. Koste is R100 per paartjie en R60 per persoon. Vir kaartjies, kontak Petro by 0 082 376 5905. DANCE AND CRAFT DAY A dance and craft day fundraiser for Humansdorp dancers at Klein Begin Pre-school will take place on September 3. Make crafts and dance all morning, prizes and stalls. Contact Carrie at 0 083 419 8398. HAPPY HIPPO MARK Die Happy Hippo Mark vind plaas op 27 Augustus vanaf 9vm. tot 1vm. Daar is ’n groot onderdak area en ’n heerlike uitstappie vir die hele gesin. Indien u belangstel om iets by

enjoy. Unfortunately there are humans that cannot control their dogs, but it’s not fair that everybody is judged the same way. I am also the owner of dogs, and take them on their leads to the beach and control them. The beach was made by God for all of us to enjoy. Unfortunately, not everyone is a dog-lover, but it is not necessary to take the enjoyment away of those who love their dogs on the beach. However, I do agree that the owners who take their dogs to the beach should control them properly. I peope would just treat other people the way they want to be treated, and show a little more respect to one another, the beach and the world would be a much better place!

Pluimpie aan petroljoggies Karien Bezuidenhout skryf: Ek gooi al die afgelope 10 jaar hoofsaaklik brandstof by Caltex in. Ek het op Woensdag, 6 Augustus 2011 weer so gemaak en op die ingewing hierdie petroljoggies afgeneem by Caltex. Toe ek stop vir brandstof, was ek omring deur die manne wat wil help met elke diens moontlik - 1 was vensters, 1 gooi brandstof in, nog een pomp die bande, kyk na die olie ens ens., maar die opvallendste is dat hulle gelukkig is in wat hulle doen en heeltyd vriendelik is en glimlag!! Ons as publiek is so geneig om altyd te kla altyd oor alles, maar is daar mense wat dink aan hierdie mense wat regdeur die koue winter werk en ALTYD vriendelik en professioneel is. Baie dankie aan al die petroljoggies by Caltex, julle gaan altyd uit julle pad om kliënte te help en dit word raakgesien!! Dankie ouens, julle is my “favourites”

die mark uit te stal of te verkoop, skakel EsteMari by 0 083 287 4378. LOERIE NARTJIEFEES Die Loerie Nartjiefees vind op Saterdag 24 September plaas. Kunstenaars wat optree is Steve Hofmeyr, Lance James, Nedine Blom, Sarah Theron, Robert Gillmer, Elsabe Rademeyer en Anton Crouse. 120 Kos- en Kunsmarkstalletjies. Mej. Nartjiefeeskompetisie Algemene navrae: Amanda 0042 2870 634 www.nartjiefees.co.za. JEFREYS TECOMA KUNSMARK Die Jeffrysbaay Tecoma Kunsmark vind plaas op 27 Augustus vanaf 9vm. op die hoek van Da Gamaweg en Tekomastraat in Jeffreysbaai. Kontak Neil by 0 042 296 2791. VKG-HUMANSDORP Op 8 Mei 2011 het ds. A.J. Bruintjies sy demissie ontvang vanaf die Ring van Uitenhage en is ds. Andrew Bruintjies nie meer predikant van die VGK-Humansdorp gemeente nie. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Weather permitting, the Friends of the Library will be selling second-hand books and magazines at the Spar Centre on the morning of August 27. Proceeds of the sale will be used to buy new books for the Jeffreys Bay Library. Contact Alet Terblanche at 0 073 197 7420. MAGNIFICENT 7 Laerskool Jeffreysbaai bied aan: Centrestage The New Magnificent 7 op 2 September om 7nm. by die NG Kerk kompleks. Koste is R100 vir bespreekte kaartjies, R80 vir onbespreekte kaartjies en R50 vir kinders. Vir kaartjies, kontak Sharon by 0 042 293 1343. C-WIND TUINBOUKLUB Die C-wind Tuinbouklub se September vergadering vind plaas op Dinsdag 6 September in die NG Kerksaal, Da Gamaweg om 3nm. Op hierdie vergadering sal die aksent val op “Voëls en vlinders in die tuin”. Kontak Corrie van Heerden by 0 042 293 255. SILWERSKULPIES Vrydag 26 Augustus om 9.30vm. in die Da Gama Kerksaal. Hannetjie van Oudshoorn (Fisioterapeut) kom ons toerus met waardevolle motivering i.v.m. ligaamlike soepelheid vir persone bo 60 jaar, en hoe om beenbreuke te voorkom. Koste is R10 per persoon vir nielede. Kontak Delene Bosch by 0 042 296 1078.

Kouga Express: Donderdag, Augustus 25, 2011





Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011


Kouga Express: Thursday, August 25, 2011

141 Motortoebehore/Onderdele Betrekkings vakant 89


Kerke AGS BETÉSDA HELENDE WATERS HUMANSDORP (Laerskool Stulting­saal, Piet Uysstraat) Sondae: Oggenddiens: 09:00 Kinderkerk: 09:00 Jeugdiens: 18:30 Pastoor Danny Boyens Tel. 042 295 1615


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Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011


Parental use and abuse PROPERTY POSER: ASK THE EXPERTS THIS week our experts help a reader sort out a rather complex and emotional legal problem involving her parents and their right of use on part of her property. Wanda Hayes

Herman Pieterse

The reader’s situation did not begin as a usufruct-related issue. She had initially invited her parents to come and live on her property and build a cottage there. After the building was completed, her parents suggested that they enter into a usufruct arrangement to protect their rights to the property and/ or their dwelling. The reader confesses that she did not quite understand all the implications of granting a usufruct to her parents, beyond the obvious aspect that it gave them the right to live on her property. Unfortunately, after some time and ostensibly due to a souring of their relationship, her parents no longer wished to stay in the cottage and wanted to buy a property elsewhere.


Louwrens seun van Alfonso en Bettie Hattingh en Juanita dogter van Johan en Estelle Kok het op 30 April by Lombar­ dini Wildsplaas getrou.

The reader’s solution was to try to obtain a bond on her property to assist her parents in financing another property. They, however, insisted on a rather large amount of money, disproportionate to the valuation of her whole property, as compensation for “cancelling” the usufruct. She has approached our panel with her concerns about the situation and the demands made by her parents. When the cottage was built, it became part of the reader’s land, says Wanda Hayes from Huizemark Jeffreys Bay. “No mention is made as to who paid for the building, although we can probably assume it was her parents.” Nevertheless, says Hayes, any improvements to fixed property are considered part of that property. “However, creating a usufruct is one way in which the owner of the property can provide certain rights to another party.” Hayes says property ownership

can be viewed as an accumulation of rights, which includes the use and enjoyment thereof. “In the case of a usufruct, the owner surrenders this right – either on the property as a whole or a portion of it – to another.” There is, of course, a monetary value that can be attached to this right, says Hayes. “What could have happened, from a legal perspective, is that our reader’s parents funded the building of the cottage and received the usufruct in exchange.” Herman Pieterse from Jan Visser Attorneys in Jeffreys Bay says the usufruct holder certainly has a say with regard to a portion of the landowner’s property rights. “Aside from the use and enjoyment of a portion of the land, the holder is, for example, entitled to lease out the area over which he or she has the usufruct and receive the income generated by it.” Pieterse says the original agreement between the reader and her par-

ents should stipulate what rights were created with regard to terminating the usufruct. “If the usufruct was granted for a specific period, then it will automatically terminate once that period has lapsed.” The more likely scenario, says Pieterse, is that the usufruct was granted for the remainder of her parents’ lives, in which case it will only terminate upon the last one’s death. “The usufruct can, however, be cancelled by way of a notarial agreement.” According to Pieterse, the value of a usufruct is calculated according to a formula contained in the Estate Duty Act. “The reader should obtain an expert opinion as to the valuation of the property, and by using this formula, she will be able to determine the value of the usufruct to which her parents are entitled.” Send your property-related questions to pr@fullstopcom.com or join Property Poser on Facebook.


Nataniel is deur die ATKV Gamtoosvallei tak na Patensie genooi en dit was ‘n heerlike oggend wat bygewoon is deur besoekers regoor die hele Kouga area. Die ATKV op Patensie woeker met kultuur en is trots om die fondse wat uit hierdie vertoning gemaak is aan Laerskool Gamtoosvallei en Dink en Doen Kleuterskool op Patensie te skenk. Hier is (van links) Carol du Preez, Melanie Nel, Estee van Jaarsveld, Karina le Roux, NATAN­ IEL, Mariet Nel, Danika Scheepers, Koekoes Bezuidenhout en Heidi Muller. Foto: VERSKAF

INWONER WEN DROSTDY HOF SAK Mr and Mrs An­ drew (Poena) and Vanessa Strydom who got married in August in Jeffreys­ bay in the Catholic Church in Jeffreys Bay. Photos: SUP­ PLIED

Morné Krause (regs) is die ge­ lukkige wenner van ’n spogger­ ige Drostdy Hof sak wat hy tydens die Drostdy Hof kompeti­ sie losgeslaan het. Hier oorhandig Gerhard Kriek van Tops die prys aan hom.Foto: VERSKAF

Kouga Express: Thursday, August 25, 2011



Toyota SA Motors goes mobile FINDING the ideal Toyota has become even easier thanks to the introduction of a comprehensive mobile website at www.toyotasa.mobi. The new mobile website is the next step in a comprehensive online strategy by Toyota South Africa Motors (TSAM). As part of the strategy, TSAM has a portfolio which includes a powerful website (www.toyota.co.za) and a stand-alone website for the Toyota’s used vehicle division Automark (www.automark.co.za). The Automark website, which is already available in cell phone friendly format at mobi.au-

tomark.co.za, lists vehicles of many different makes. The new mobi-site has been designed and developed to offer many of the benefits of the fully fledged Toyota South Africa website. This includes access to all the vehicles in the South African Toyota range, including information on pricing and specifications for each vehicle on offer. Other features of the new mobile site includes an active list of Toyota dealers throughout Southern Africa, with Toyota still offering the largest and most comprehensive dealership coverage of SA and neighbouring countries “We have designed the new mo-

bi-site to allow the addition of several new features as they are being developed,” says Pieter Klerck, Senior Manager: Marketing Communications Planning and Advertising at TSAM. According to Klerck the range of future benefits are vast and the team at Toyota are already testing several value added features and special smart phone-specific applications. Klerck points to several mobile specific benefits to the new toyotasa.mobi site. This includes special ring tones, picture downloads and video clips of, amongst other things, recent Toyota advertisements featuring Buddy the boxer.

“Despite the more compact nature of a mobi-site we approached the development of the new toyotasa.mobi site in a no-compromise way. This means that customers will experience the full line up of vehicles on offer and even means that they can schedule a test drive of their favourite new Toyota on their mobile phone,” says Klerck. The new Toyota mobile website is already live at www.toyotasa.mobi, but customers can also type www.toyota.co.za and the digital platform will recognise the fact that a customer is on a mobile device and will reroute him to the new mobi-site.

Gamtoos Avontuurrit om die draai MONIQUE VERMEULEN TREK nader jou motor, bakkie, 4x4, motorfiets, trekker of enige ander vervoermiddel met wiele en vat die pad na die Gamtoosvallei in Patensie. Ja, dit is weer tyd vir die vierde jaarlikse Gamtoos Toerisme Avontuurrit wat pret vir oud en jonk belowe. “Dié avontuurrit is ’n pret geleentheid vir die hele gesin. Dit vind plaas op gewone paaie en deelnemers kan in enige tipe vervoermiddel deelneem,” sê Nichola Uys van Gamtoos Toerisme. “Elke voertuig ontvang ’n lêer wat roete-aanwysings, inligting-

stukke, brosjures, vrae ens. bevat by die vertrekpunt. Daar is 8 stoppunte waar punte ingesamel moet word om te kwalifiseer vir die wen- en naaswenner pryse. Die vrae leer deelnemers meer van die Gamtoosvallei en Patensie sodat hule Gamtoos Toerisme se opsies beter kan benut.” Groot pryse kan ook gewen word. Die avontuurrit begin om 9vm. op 1 Oktober en vind plaas by Nikalandershoek in Patensie, Gamtoosvallei. Eet- en drinkgoed om die grondpad en stof meer draaglik te maak, is beskikbaar by die kiosk te Nikalandershoek. Verversings sluit onder andere in spek- en eierrolletjies, worsrolletjies, sosatie rol-

letjies, koeldranke en nog vele meer. Middagete is beskikbaar teen R50 per persoon.

Kaartjies kos R100 per deelnemer. Vir kaartjies of inligting, kontak Nichola Uys by 083 556 3206

Vierde Gamtoos Toerimse Avontuurrit om die draai.


Tiger Wheel & Tyre span saam met Discovery VitalityDrive MET hul aanhoudende ywer om veiligheid op die paaie aan te moedig, het die voorste wiel en band ketting groep, Tiger Wheel & Tyre, saamgespan met Discovery VitalityDrive om deelnemende kliënte, wat ‘n jaarlikse Multipunt voertuig veiligheidstoets ondergaan, te beloon. Discovery VitalityDrive lede kan tot 250 VitalityDrive punte verdien (ook na verwys as Bestuurder Kwotiënt punte of DQ punte) wanneer hulle, hul naaste Tiger Wheel & Tyre besoek om hul voertuie te ondersoek vir alle padveiligheids

noodsaaklikhede. Dit sluit in padwaardige bande, wiele, windskerm veeërs, ligte, flikkerligte, sitplekgordels, stuurstange, toeters en skokbreker inspeksies. Die Multipunt voertuig veiligheidstoets dien as ‘n groot voordeel vir alle bestuurders en is net nog ‘n pro-aktiewe benadering deur Tiger Wheel & Tyre en Discovery VitalityDrive om veilige bestuur op ons plaaslike en nasionale paaie te bevorder. Afhangende van ‘n lid se VitalityDrive status, kan hy/sy munt slaan uit ekstra voordele wat kon-

tant-terug voordele van tussen 8% en 15% insluit, wanneer nuwe bande en wiele met hul Discovery Kaart aangekoop word. Tiger Wheel & Tyre se Uitvoerende Bemarkingsbeampte, Joe du Plooy is opgewonde oor hierdie nuwe onderneming en voeg by, “Ons onderneming met VitalityDrive is ‘n wenresep vir albei handelsname asook vir alle motoreienaars daar buite. Saam kan ons meer doen om gemoedsrus op die paaie te bevorder en om bestuurders daar buite vir hul padveiligheidsmoeite te beloon.”

Discovery VitalityDrive lede wat van hierdie voordelige aanbod gebruik wil maak, word herinner om hul Discovery Versekeringsledekaart saam te neem wanneer hul enige Tiger Wheel & Tyre landswyd besoek om die Multipunt voertuig veiligheidstoets te voltooi. Om meer uit te vind oor hoe om ‘n VitalityDrive lid te word, besoek www.discovery.co.za. Vir verdere inligting oor die MultiPunt voertuig veiligheidstoets, besoek www.twt.to of doen navraag by enige Tiger Wheel & Tyre.

Rig enige afleweringsklagtes rakende die Kouga Express aan Elbie Sciocatti by 0 042 293 2973.



Kouga Express: Donderdag, 25 Augustus 2011


Die SA Skolespan wat Saterdag teen Frankryk uitgedraf het, het vir die week by Mentorskraal in Jeffreysbaai oorge­ bly. Die span het in die voor­wedstryd tydens die Bokke vs New Zealand se groot stryd in Port Elizabeth gespeel. Foto: MONIQUE VERMEU­ LEN




Cnr R102 & Drakenstein Road (Behind Fountains Mall)

042 293-5000


TWT/1126/01/ADS24 Copyright © 2011


Maruska Mertsch, links (Nico Malan Hoërskool) en Marné Botha, (regs) ­ Laerskool Jef­ freysbaai ­ van die Aqua Ritmiese Gimnastiek klub het aan die Zest kompetisie, gehou op 8 Augustus in Riversdal, deelgeneem. Die twee gimnaste het skoonskip gemaak en al die goud huis toe gebring. Marné is ook aangewys as die beste senior gimnas in haar afdeling met die hoogste punte. By hulle op die foto is afrigter Nokkie Joubert. Foto: Foto: VERSKAD

Skakel enige van ons bekwame advertensie verteenwoordigers om in die Kouga Express te adverteer by 0 042 293 2973 of faks 0 042 293 3957.

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