Our vision, mission and values are at the core of our KTJ identity and provide direction for all of our endeavours.
To be the school of choice in South East Asia, empowering students to become responsible leaders of a sustainable, global community.
Mi ion Values
To nurture our diverse learning community, providing holistic, British-style day and boarding school education in a Malaysian setting.
Mutual Respect
Welcome to Forms 1 to 3
Chinese as a First Language
Chinese as a Foreign Language
Chinese as a Second Language
Design and Technology
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Food Technology
Information and Communication Technology
Islamic Studies
Welcome to Forms 1 to 3
Forms1to3areanimportantperiodinyoungpeople’seducationastheyundergotransitionfromprimarytosecondaryschooling.AtKolej TuankuJa’afar,werecognisethisbyprovidingstudentswithexcellentopportunitiestoenhancetheirdevelopment,bothacademicallyand educationally.ForstudentswhocomefromourPrimarySchool,weliaisecloselywithstaff theretoensurethetransitionissmooth,bothin theprecedingmonthsandthemonthsafter.Wehaveaclearfocusonacademicexcellence,butwealsoharnesstheindividual’sabilityto learn outside the traditional classroom environment. We constantly look for the latest classroom innovations to enhance students’ learning.
SupportiscrucialatthisperiodandthisisreadilyavailableatKTJ.OurStudentSupportServicesteamworkshardtosupportstudentswith languageneedsaswellaseducationalneeds.OurCounselloriswell-trainedtoassiststudentswithtransitiondifficultiesaswellasother growingteenagematters.One-to-onesupportisalsomadeavailableforstudentswhoneedit.Similarly,ourteachersareencouragedto innovateandcaterforindividualstudent’sneeds.Studentsmayworktogethertoachievethisgoalbutthereisanequalemphasison development as independent learners.
Acommoncurriculumisonofferwithabroadrangeofsubjectstochoosefrom,rangingfromsciencestoarts,fromcomputingtoliving skills.Thefollowingpagesgivedetailsofeachsubject.Theoveralldevelopmentofastudentisalsogivenemphasis.Ourpersonal,social andhealtheducation(PSHE)isdevisedtoprovidestudentswithstrategiesandtechniquestocopewiththedemandsthatyoungpeopleface today.Theholisticeducationofeachstudentiskeytoensuringacademicsuccessismatchedwithequalsuccessinotheraspectsof student life.
Curriculum: IGCSE preparation course
Lessons per week: Two
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
Students will:
Students will:
Students will:
● Have opportunities to develop sensory awareness and imagination.
● Develop visual inquiry skills to discover and explore their surroundings.
● Drawing: dot, line, shape, form, texture.
● Painting: colour scheme, tone, perspective.
● Crafts: clay, batik, carving, weaving, paper crafts.
● Graphic design: design principle and elements, poster logo, collage, card design.
● Printing: string.
● Modelling: simple modelling.
● Acquire skills enabling them to describe and interpret artworks.
● Create artworks sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings.
● Cultivate a spirit of innovation and experimentation.
● Drawing: dot, shape, form, tone, texture, perspective.
● Painting: intensity, rhythm.
● Crafts: clay, plaster work, batik, carving, weaving, paper crafts.
● Graphic design: design principle and elements, poster, logo, packaging, product design, collage.
● Printing: lino.
● Modelling: simple modelling.
● Be able to understand and value art from a variety of cultures and contexts.
● Learn to develop self-confidence and a sense of achievement.
● Drawing: dot, line, shape, form, tone, texture, space, perspective and proportion.
● Painting: colour scheme, intensity, rhythm.
● Crafts: clay, plaster work, batik, carving, paper crafts.
● Graphic design: design principle and elements, poster, packaging, product design, sign, collage.
● Printing: wood, string.
● Sculpture: simple sculpture.
To be able to:
● Apply all basic elements and develop their ideas.
● Represent their ideas through drawing, colouring, craft, graphic, and computer design.
● Apply their knowledge to develop, refine, record and present their own ideas through experimenting.
● To select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes to represent their ideas.
● Sample of works from previous students
● Art and Design website (Internet)
● Art and Design books
● Weekly assignments
● Projects
Curriculum: IGCSE Preparation Course
Lessons per week: Four
Form 1
Chinese as a First Language
Form 2
Form 3
First Language Chinese course is designed for students whose mother tongue is Chinese. Students are encouraged to read widely, both for their own enjoyment and to further their awareness of the ways in which the language can be used. At the end of the course, students gain lifelong skills including the ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively in writing and the ability to use a wide range of vocabulary and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
● Selfless (Novel)
● Teamwork ( classical text)
● Good habits
● Environmental protection
● Life
● Homesickness (Tang Poetry )
● My teacher
● Kind (classical text)
● Times
● Friendship (Tang Poetry)
● Practice
● Patriotic (Song Poetry)
● Keep oneself away from evil influence ( classical text)
● Animal caring
● Life
● Good learning attitude
● Caring
● Good habits
● Grow towards maturity
● Strategies of study
● Practice in different types of reading: reading for gist, reading for detail, reading for specific information, reading to expand their vocabulary.
● Identify and respond to the main ideas of a text.
● Collate explicit meanings on comprehension reading.
● Create an opinion in essay writing.
● Use a range of appropriate vocabulary in essay writing.
● Employ and control a variety of grammatical structures in essay writing.
● Explores examples of good narrative and discursive writing and encourages students to analyse text.
Selecting and analysing:
● Practice in selecting, analysing and using reading material in different forms of writing.
● Select the key points from the text to give a complete answer.
● Convey information and express opinions effectively.
● Textbook (Bahasa Cina Kelas Peralihan, Tingkatan 1, 2, 3 Buku Teks)
● Blogs and websites
● Extension worksheets
● Formative assessment takes place throughout the course. (Comprehension reading, idiom spelling, class project presentation)
● End of year examinations
Curriculum: IGCSE Preparation Course
Lessons per week: Four
Chinese as a Foreign Language
Form 1
Students learn to build up the basic foundation of Hanyu Pinyin and strokes of Chinese characters. The students are encouraged to build up their confidence and interest in the process of learning the Chinese language.
Form 2 Form 3
Students learn Chinese characters by reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Students continue to build their interest and confidence by comprehension, essay writing and communication in Chinese.
Pinyin and basic strokes, numbers, greetings, date, month and days, age, telephone numbers, family members, self- introduction, occupations, time, daily routine, means of transportation, colours, clothing, parts of body, countries and languages, subjects of study, making telephone calls.
Greetings, family members, personal identification, parts of body, colours and clothing, food and drinks, daily routines, schooling, hobbies, life at home, means of transport, daily articles.
Greetings, family members, personal introduction, numbers and dates, countries and languages, occupation and work places, mode of transportation, time, weather and holidays, hobbies, student's daily routine.
● Read the Hanyu Pinyin and recognise tonal marks.
● Recognise, process, and understand Chinese characters and words with greater degrees of complexity.
● Comprehend texts - simple to more complex and integrated
● Write Chinese characters using correct strokes and stroke order.
● Place correct tonal marks on the Hanyu Pinyin.
● Write sentences using correct grammar and sentence structures.
● Essay writing with essential content, grammar and paragraphing structures.
Speaking, Listening and Communication
● Recognise, process, and understand Chinese words and sentences orally.
● Understand questions asked and respond with appropriate sentence structure and pronunciation.
● Easy Steps to Chinese - Book 1 and Book 2.
● Chinese Made Easy Book 1 and Book 2.
● CD, Websites, Extension worksheets, picture card
● Formative assessment takes place throughout the course
● End of topic test, end of year examinations and spelling tests
Chinese as a Second Language
Curriculum: IGCSE Preparation Course
Lessons per week: Four
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
The Chinese as a Second Language course is designed for students who have a basic foundation of Chinese language. Students are encouraged to develop their interest and confidence in Chinese learning. Students learn Chinese characters by reading, writing, listening and speaking. At the same time, students will be exposed to some cultural knowledge focusing on various Chinese festivals.
● House and room
● Articles in the room
● Food and drinks
● Illness
● Pets
● School facilities
● School subjects
● Hobbies
● My school life
● Buying stationeries
● My relatives
● The Mid-Autumn festival
● Celebrating Chinese New Year
● My holidays
Students continue to build their interest and confidence by exposing them to new words, comprehensions, and sentences. Students will develop their essay writing skills in Form 3.
● About My School
● Buying Stationeries and Shopping
● About My Relatives
● Household Chores
● Keeping Pets
● Birthday Celebration and others events
● Directions
● Travelling to China
● Read different types of text, understand and respond to information presented in a variety of forms.
● Translation of texts.
● Using correct strokes and order.
● Writing accurate sentences.
● Writing sentences to form an essay.
● Develop punctuation and spelling.
● Develop use of idioms.
Speaking, listening and communication
● Use of idioms.
● Listen and respond to the contributions of others.
● Textbook (Chinese Made Easy book 2: 3rd edition, 3:3rd Edition, and 3 are used for Form 1,2,and 3 respectively)
● Workbook Chinese Made Easy book 2: 3rd edition, 3: 3rd edition, and 3 are used for Form 1,2, and 3 respectively
● CD, Websites, Extension worksheets, flash card
● Formative assessment takes place throughout the course. (Spelling)
● End of topic tests and End of year examinations.
Curriculum: IGCSE Preparation Course
Lessons per week: Two
Design and Technology
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
Students are introduced to a range of skills to produce a number of graphical design ideas, this will include research, making skills and evaluation techniques.
Students design, produce and evaluate a number of individual projects, using different graphical media and software.
A range of resources and equipment are used to make a final outcome. Safe and responsible use of materials, tools and techniques by students is essential in the technology course.
● Processes used in graphical design.
● Factors that influence design.
● Gathers and uses information
Students research, design and produce a practical artefact of their choice. The project is made from a range of softwood, hardwood manufactured board and locally sourced resources
This year pupils will draw on their experience and skills gained in years 7 and 8 and develop these further through the design and construction of a small table with a ceramic top.
Students explore a range of ideas and solutions and produce an artefact that can be developed into a final outcome. A working diagram and plan to follow is also produced.
A range of tools and resources are used in constructing the final outcome. Health and safety in the workshop is a key part of this course.
● processes used in design.
● factors that influence design.
● processes used in design.
● design to set criteria
● Uses a variety of techniques to communicate ideas .
● Selects appropriate resources and materials.
● Demonstrates safe practices.
● Evaluates the success of completed design projects.
● Use Graphical software
● Use a camera.
● Hardware - digital cameras, scanners and software such as word-processing, Photoshop.
● A variety of tools and equipment for the making of the product.
● Gathers and uses information
● Uses a variety of techniques to communicate ideas .
● Selects appropriate tools, equipment, materials and use them to construct an artefact.
● Demonstrates safe practices.
● Evaluates the success of completed design projects.
● Hardwood, softwood, manufactured board,
● Workshop tools and equipment
● Computers
● Drawing equipment
● Workshop tools and equipment
● Hardwood, softwood, manufactured board, Ceramics
Project planning (work schedule), Process observation, Work habits evaluation through discussion, and Topical tests
Curriculum: IGCSE Preparation Course
Lessons per week: Two
● In Years 1 to 3 our focus is on both learning about Drama, and learning through Drama. Students will be introduced to an increasing range of Drama skills and techniques, and revisit them throughout the course as they explore increasingly sophisticated ways in which to apply them.
● They will have frequent opportunities to practise real-world life skills, as they work in groups of various sizes, using problem-solving techniques and creativity to complete practical projects.
● Over the course of each year, students can expect to work on topics covering a range of social issues, theatre styles and play texts. These topics will vary from year to year as teachers select units in response to the unique skills, progress and interests of each group of students.
The first year begins with an introduction to the fundamental skills of drama which will be developed over the rest of the year in units exploring topics which in the past have included "The Green Children of Wolfpit"; "Mummers Plays and Medieval Theatre"; "Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky".
Topics explored may include "The Missing Rockstar" which explores creative problem-solving and story structure; "Greek Tragedy and Oedipus Rex"; "The Elephant Man and the Phantom of the Opera" which focuses on attitudes towards disability; "Superstition" and "Urban Legends", both of which explore the nature of belief.
Topics explored may include "Child Labour During the Industrial Revolution and in Asia in the 21st Century"; Shakespeare; "Lilliput" which uses Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" as a stimulus for exploration of issues of civil war and the rebuilding of society after conflict; The year culminates with the creation of an extended piece of devised Drama as a taster for the IGCSE program.
● Work within a group to create a dramatic performance.
● Use a range of dramatic techniques in performance.
● Write a simple dramatic script.
● Explain how meaning is created within their work.
● Use an increased range of dramatic techniques.
● Sustain and develop a role over a sustained period of time.
● Begin to create work for a specific dramatic effect.
● Evaluate the effectiveness of their work.
● Use technical resources to enhance the effectiveness of their work.
● Produce work using increasingly complex narrative structures.
● Evaluate and explain the effectiveness of their work.
● Utilise a further increased range of dramatic techniques to explore more complex issues.
● Work with a group over a sustained period of time to create an extended piece of devised theatre.
Stimuli and background resources for the work are drawn from a range of sources, including historical documents; literature (play texts, novels, poems); cultural traditions, myths and legends
Students are assessed on an on-going basis in three broad areas:
● Making: Their ability to contribute to the creation and rehearsal of a performance
● Performing: Their control of the skills and techniques of performance.
● Responding: Their ability to critique and analyse their work, orally and in writing
English as an Additional English (EAL)
Lessons per week: Four to ten (depending on provision needed)
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
National Curriculum; Objectives of the Framework for Teaching English Years 7-9
Key English Test (KET, Cambridge ESOL)
Preliminary English Test (PET, Cambridge ESOL)
Pre-First Certificate in English (Pre-FCE Cambridge ESOL)
Making use of a wide variety of meaning-making systems to activate students, EAL teaching and learning cycles provide a solid basis for effective language learning through a rigorous focus on critical thinking, grammar, vocabulary, coherence and intercultural communication. All EAL courses aim to help students both gain control of the academic genres they explore in their subject classrooms, and employ the English language to affect others positively.
Extreme sports, heroes and dreams, happiness, science fiction, culture shock, good intentions, the music I like.
Sports, explorers, journalism, breaking Records, energy around the World, computer technology, good or bad luck.
Sports, explorers, our fragile planet, part-time jobs, journeys, famous people, intercultural communication.
Students are also provided with language support for topics covered in Geography and History.
● Write and read short stories, emails, mini-sagas and short essays, showing control of simple sentence structures linked with common connecting words.
● Create and deliver presentations, showing competence in describing events and activities, explaining likes and dislikes, and comparing different objects or basic concepts.
● Paraphrase
● Summarise, report and express opinions.
● Take notes as a list of key points during a lesson, with a lot of guidance from the teacher.
● Give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions.
● Paraphrase and summarise.
● Apply simple debating techniques.
● Use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
● Take notes as a list of key points during a lesson, provided the topic is familiar.
● Write and read short stories, mini-sagas, poems, newspaper articles and formal essays. These essays set out arguments for and against, while selecting and combining information from different sources, and using a range of connecting words.
● Identify main conclusions in argumentative texts.
● Weigh up different viewpoints and develop a balanced position.
● Use simple sentence structures accurately and a range of complex structures.
● Investigate familiar themes in texts from different cultures.
● Debate different viewpoints and intervene in a discussion on a familiar topic, using a suitable phrase to take the floor.
Curriculum: IGCSE Preparation Course
Lessons per week: Five
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
● Students will understand that English is vital for communicating with others in school and in the wider world, and is fundamental to learning in all curriculum subjects.
● Students will understand that in studying English, they develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing that they will need to participate in society and employment.
● Students will understand that literature reflects the experiences of people from many countries and times and contributes to our sense of cultural identity.
● Reading fiction: short stories, poetry, novels
● Reading non-fiction: magazines, leaflets, articles
● Writing: narrative, summaries, articles, descriptive, persuasive, informative and discursive essays
● Speaking and listening: presentations, discussions, debates, role play
● Use of complex expressions to add clarity, depth, fluency and variation to their use of language.
● Use a wider range of punctuation marks, vocabulary and literary devices correctly and effectively to convey shades of meaning.
● How to use complex vocabulary.
● How and when to extract information from a text.
● Use of evidence from a text to support ideas and opinions.
● How to identify subtext and look for implied meanings.
● How to provide a personal
● To know how to use a variety of sentence types to add clarity, depth, fluency and variation to their use of language.
● How to effectively plan, structure
● How to add variation to their written work by using different sentence types.
● How to create coherence in texts and speech.
● How to plan and structure their
● That different texts have different degrees of formality and how to apply these.
● That meaning can be conveyed and emphasised through the use of gestures and movement.
● Novels, short stories, poetry
● Online resources
● Checkpoint books
● Peer / self-assessment
● Projects
● Test / Exam
● Discussions / Debates
and edit their work for various purposes.
● When and how to use the appropriate register.
● How to be sensitive to turn-taking in group discussions and debates.
work to convey meaning and/or to create a particular effect.
Curriculum: Form 1 and 2 only
Lessons per week: Two
Food Technology
Form 1 Form 2
The subject provides students with a broad knowledge and understanding of food properties, processing, preparation and their interrelationship, nutritional considerations and consumption patterns. It addresses the importance of hygiene and safe working practices and legislation in the production of food.
Students will learn about food in a variety of settings, enabling them to evaluate the relationships between food, technology, nutritional status and the quality of life.
The subject helps students in acquiring the necessary knowledge and life skills to make informed choices for themselves. It engages students in a fun and interactive manner while infusing food nutrition and consumer education.
Enables students to understand and apply the principles of nutrition and health to become competent in a range of cooking techniques. For example, selecting and preparing ingredients; using utensils and electrical equipment; applying heat in different ways; using awareness of taste, texture and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine ingredients; adapting and using their own recipes.
Explore food-related issues through a range of practical experiences, allowing each student to make informed and appropriate choices with regard to food.
Students will be able to cook a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet.
A variety of reference materials from the internet and some external reference books from Singapore and the UK; a variety of ingredients, utensils and equipment (manual and electrical) for the making of the food products.
● Sensory-analysis worksheet
● Food preparation – tried and tested recipes
● Practical observation
Formative assessment; evaluation through discussion; peer evaluation and self-evaluation; topical test
Curriculum: KTJ IGCSE Preparation Course
Lessons per week: Four (except for Muslim Malaysian students who have only three lessons a week to attend Islamic studies classes)
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
Learning a new language develops children’s critical and creative thinking skills. It also increases their problem-solving skills and improves their memory, self discipline, and self-esteem; it furthermore develops their diversity awareness. Being proficient in a foreign language also provides children with greater skills and therefore greater opportunities both professionally and personally.
But why French? French is an official working language in dozens of international organisations, such as the United Nations, International Olympic Committee, and International Red Cross. It is also the language of culture, including art, cuisine, dance, and fashion. France has won more Nobel Prizes for literature than any other country in the world and is one of the top producers of international films. French is furthermore the second most frequently used language on the internet and it is ranked the 2nd most influential language in the world. Last but not least, it is fun to learn!
Topics covered for the 3 years are the same; talking about oneself, school, describing one’s town, food, hobbies and holidays. The range of grammatical structures and vocabulary learned will increase in terms of quantity and complexity from one year to another one.
● Understand the meaning of, recognise and read individual written and spoken short and simple sentences learnt in class.
● Label images.
● Answer simple and basic questions related to the topics covered.
● Complete gaps in short and simple sentences related to the topics covered.
● Understand and respond to a range of different basic spoken and written phrases in relation to the topics studied.
● Initiate and develop basic conversations using simple phrases studied in classes.
● Identify structures that convey past, future and present meaning in their written sentences.
● Understand the main points of written and spoken short passages containing familiar and unfamiliar language.
● Take part in basic conversations and express their opinion in a simple manner.
● Write short compositions
● Use accurate structures that convey past, future and present meaning.
● Use and manipulate a variety of grammatical structures and patterns.
● Encore tricolore 1, 2 et 3 nouvelle édition for Forms 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
● Encore Tricolore 1 nouvelle édition for beginner set in Form 3
● Worksheets and Online resources
● Tests (end of units and topical) and End of term exam
● Peer assessment, Self-evaluation,
● Projects
Curriculum: Broadly based on the British Curriculum and adapted for KTJ.
Lessons per week: Four General
Form 1
Students are given an overview of the many branches of Geography and the interaction between the physical and human environments.
● What is Geography?
● Maps and Map Skills
● Settlement
● Geographical Enquiry and Fieldwork
● Volcanoes and Earthquakes
● Map skills
● Enquiry skills
● Graphical skills
● Photograph and textual analysis
● Interpretation of information
● Textbooks and atlases
Form 2
Students begin to investigate the impacts people make on the landscape and how the landscape impacts on people. The idea of sustainability is a consistent theme throughout Form 2
● Rivers and flooding
● Types of Industry
● Sustainable Decision Making
● Geographical Enquiry and Fieldwork
● Population and Migration
Form 3
Students, begin to appreciate the complex interactions between global systems; cause and effect and the synopticity of Geography and other subjects, be they the Natural Sciences, History or Economics
● Ecosystems
● Tsunamis
● Geographical Enquiry and Fieldwork
● Trade
● Economic Development
● Energy
● Online resources such as EdPuzzle, GooseChase and websites such as Sporcle and Gapminder
● Self-assessment
● Peer assessment
● Tests
● Exams
● Group discussions/debate
● Research and presentations
Curriculum: Based on the British Curriculum and adapted for KTJ.
Lessons per week: Four
Form 1
Form 2 Form 3
History encourages students to develop their sense of identity as well as an understanding of the different periods of the past, recognising how and why they have evolved and changed.
Students will:
● Understand the importance of using different types of evidence to help shape their comprehension of the past and begin to evaluate its reliability and utility.
● Understand and be to explain and evaluate the significance of important people and events and the impact that they have had on History.
● Begin to appreciate that aspects of History can have different interpretations.
● What is History?
● What Impact did the Roman Empire have on Britain?
● Who won the Battle of Hastings?
● How did William keep control?
● What was life like in Medieval England?
● Establishment, monarchs and impact of the Tudor Dynasty.
● Why did England have a Civil Wars and what were the consequences?
● Why was there an Industrial Revolution in Europe? What was the impact?
● Why did countries start empire building?
● First World War causes, recruitment, trench warfare,
● How did the victors try to make peace?
● Why did forms of dictatorship emerge post World War One?
● What impact did these dictatorships have?
● Why did another World War emerge?
● What were the significant events of World War Two?
● Identify and describe events and people of the past in a coherent manner using specialist vocabulary.
● Begin to use historical evidence to help shape judgements.
● Describe and explain key events and people of the past.
● Begin to evaluate the significance of people or events through their correct historical context.
● Use historical evidence to support judgements, and begin to analyse whether the evidence is reliable and explain how it is useful.
● Explain the significance of historical events by placing them in their correct historical context.
● Use relevant and accurate evidence to support judgements considering sources' reliability and utility.
● Explain why interpretations of the past have differed
● Re-discovering History Mediaeval Realms: Britain 1066-1500.
● History in Progress.
● Re-discovering History: The Making of the UK 1500-1750.
● Re-discovering History: Britain 1750-1900.
● History in Progress: Pupil book 2: 1603-1901.
● Skill specific tests throughout the term
● End of term knowledge tests and end of year examinations
● Re-discovering History: The Twentieth-Century World.
Curriculum: KTJ
Lessons per week: Two
Information and Communication Technology
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
● Students learn to use ICT equipment and software confidently and purposefully to communicate ideas and information in a variety of forms incorporating text, graphs, pictures, animations and sound that are suitable for their purpose and to the needs of their audience. Students also explore the use of computer systems and control technology in everyday life and discuss their experiences of ICT and look at the use of ICT in the outside world.
● Students will learn to become critical and independent users of ICT. They will develop their awareness of how ICT tools and information can help them in their work. They will appreciate the limitations of such tools and their results, and use the concepts associated with ICT systems and technical vocabulary.
● Locating the Home keys and other important keys.
● Hardware components of the computer.
● Software applications of the computer.
● Social Networking
● Home Blueprints and Home Design
● Developing proper keyboarding techniques.
● Knowing the main components of a computer system and understanding how data is transformed into information.
● Designing and planning home, office or hotel in 3D
● Developing structured website and
● Designing 3D animations
● Interactive Scratch Programming
● Modelling with advanced spreadsheet skills.
● Creating Formulas and Functions.
● Representing data in charts and graphs.
● Drawing Graphics
● Designing and creating animated graphics using Frames and motions
● Writing Scripts using Variables and IF Statements
● Enter data and formulas in spreadsheet application.
● Merging and Linking Worksheets
● Relational Database System.
● Programming using Visual Basic.
● Spreadsheet Modelling
● Mobile App development
● Importing and manipulating data to solve problems.
● Developing simple computer program using coding.
● Creating spreadsheet models using Vlookup and What-if Analysis.
hyperlinks using Website Builder
● Creating Charts
● Online Keyboarding Tutorial and typing test
● Computer systems- Hardware
● Computer Systems- Software
● Social Networking
● Home Design 3D
● Audio Podcast and Video
● Adobe Flash CS6
● Interactive Scratch Programming
● Excel Application for Beginners
● Creating Scenarios and break even analysis.
● Designing and creating a mobile app.
● Spreadsheet Modelling in Excel
● Database Development in Access
● Programming using Visual Basic 6
● App Development in AppShed
● Peer and Teacher’s feedback on Individuals work
● Project/Assignments
● Group Work
Curriculum: KTJ
Lessons per week: One
Islamic Studies
Form 1 to 3
Islamic studies is a broad subject area which covers Islamic history, Tawheed, Ibadah, prayer, Quran and Hadith. These topics have been sectioned into different lessons for ease of teaching and to allow for full understanding by the students.
● Story of the Prophet
● The 5 Pillars of Islam
● The 6 Faiths of Islam
● Adab in Islam
● Prayer
● Quranic Recitation
● Correct performance of prayer
● Al Quran
● Al Hadith
● Practical assessment of skills
Curriculum: KTJ IGCSE Preparation Course
Lessons per week: Four
Learning Malay will:
Form 1 to 3
● Form a sound base of skills, language and attitudes required for further study, work and leisure.
● Offer insights into the culture and civilisation of the countries where the language is spoken.
● Encourage fuller integration into the local community and provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation.
● Complement other areas of study by encouraging skills of a more general application (e.g. analysis, memorising, drawing of references).
● All work in Form 1 and 2 is completed in preparation for the students to sit their IGCSE Malay exam which all students will take in the summer of their final year in Middle school (Form 3). The assessment criteria and structure for IGCSE Malay is given below:
● Extended Curriculum – Grades: A* to E
● Reading and comprehension - health, being environmentally friendly, pollution, culture, civic, history, geography, hygiene.
● Grammar - syntax, morphology, idiom, prepositions, classifiers, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, gender.
● Directed writing - postcard writing, letter writing, Memo, personal information, reporting.
● Continuous Writing - express thoughts, feelings and opinions.
● Speaking - role playing tasks, express opinions on a topic given.
● Listening - formal public announcements, interviews, conversations.
● Reading and comprehension - show comprehension of a wider range of texts, including magazines and newspapers likely to be read by young people.
● Directed writing - carry out basic writing tasks (such as brochures, guides, letters and forms of imaginative writing considered likely to be within the experience of and reflecting the interests of young people.
● Continuous writing - express thoughts, feelings and opinions in order to interest, inform or convince and demonstrate adequate control of vocabulary, syntax and grammar, punctuation and spelling.
● Speaking - perform role playing tasks which involve both taking the initiative and responding to questions, with both strangers and friends.
● Listening - draw conclusions from, and identify the relationships between ideas within the material.
● Magazines and newspapers, Online resources, Workbook, Literature books
● Projects, Self-evaluation, and Tests and examinations
Curriculum: Cambridge Secondary 1 Mathematics
Lessons per week: Five
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
The curriculum framework explores six content areas: number, algebra, geometry, measure, handling data and problem solving. The first five content areas are all underpinned by problem solving, which provides a structure for the application of mathematical skills. Mental strategies are also an important part of the number content. The curriculum focuses on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships, so that learners apply their mathematical knowledge and develop a holistic understanding of the subject.
Numbers and Calculation, Expressions, Shapes and constructions, Length, mass and capacity, Representing information, Fractions, decimals and percentages,, Equations and Formulae, Geometry, Time and rates of change, Presenting data and interpreting results, Sequences, functions and graphs, Symmetry and transformations, Ratio and proportion, Area, perimeter and volume, Probability, Sets and Venn diagrams.
Number and calculation, Expressions, equations and formulae, Shapes and mathematical drawings, Length, mass and capacity, Planning, collecting and processing data, Fractions, decimals and percentages, Geometry, Time and rates of change, Presenting data and interpreting results, Sequences, functions and graphs, Transformations, Ratio and proportion, Area, perimeter and volume, Probability, Vectors and matrices.
Indices, Expressions and formulae, Shapes and mathematical drawings, Number, Measures, Rounding, multiplying and dividing, Equations and inequalities, Geometry, Mental strategies, Compound measures, Ratio and proportion, Sequences, functions and graphs, Transformations, Fractions, decimals and percentages, Area, perimeter and volume, Quadratics.
● Understand number, number notation, number operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – and make use of appropriate methods of calculation.
● Recognise and use patterns, relationships and sequences and make generalisations.
● Recognise and use functions, formulae, equations and inequalities, and represent algebraic functions graphically.
● Recognise and use the properties of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.
● Recognise locations and use transformations in the study of space.
● Collect, record, process, represent and interpret data. Understand, estimate and calculate probabilities.
● Develop mathematical processes through practical tasks, real-life problems and investigations within mathematics itself.
● Oxford International Mathematics for Cambridge Secondary 1 (Books 1, 2 and 3)
● Homework Book 1, 2 and 3 Maths
● Websites for revision
● Topical/sub-topical assessments, end of term exam
● Quizzes
● Self and peer assessments
● Maths projects/research/presentation
Curriculum: KTJ Curriculum
Lessons per week: Two
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
Students will develop practical, creative and listening skills through varied and diverse group and individual activities using a range of music styles and genres. Students will have opportunities to learn basic skills on common instruments and take part in live performances in front of an audience.
Elements of Music; Basic notation; Instruments of the Orchestra; Listening and Appraising for key works; Musical Theatre; whole year group performance.
By the end of Form 1, students will be able to identify and wide range of musical styles by listening. They will also be able to identify several of the orchestral instruments and their families. Students will also be expected to take part in a whole year group performance in Term 2. In Term 3 students will develop their practical skills by learning a number of chords on ukuleles.
School Musical, Whole tones, semitones, chords and scales, Baroque textures and styles, Blues Music.
By the end of Form 2, students will be able to take part in group performances confidently. All Form 2 students will be expected to take part in the school musical in Term 1. In Term 2, students will develop their basic music theory skills by studying tones, semitones and major / minor chords. They will also look at the historical, cultural and musical features of Blues and Baroque music.
Rock Band, Samba band, Junk percussion styles, Working in an ensemble, rhythm notation.
By the end of Form 3, students will be able to play a variety of songs using chords and riffs. In Term 1, students will focus on performing pop/rock songs as a whole class band. They will then develop their rhythm skills by performing Samba style pieces. In Term 3, all students are expected to take part in a whole year group performance.
● Internet
● Videos
● Audio recordings
● Musical instruments
● Recording equipment
● Internet
● Videos
● Audio recordings
● Musical instruments
● Recording equipment
● Internet
● Videos
● Audio recordings
● Musical instruments
● Recording equipment
● Teacher, peer and self assessment of performing and creative activities.
Physical Education
Curriculum: International based on the core elements of the English National Curriculum. Lessons per week: Two
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3
Students will experience both the practical and theoretical aspects of physical education through the KTJ Middle school Physical Education course. It is designed to encourage enjoyment in physical activity and sport by providing learners with an opportunity to take part in a range of units to develop an understanding of effective performance. This helps learners to develop an appreciation of the fundamental principles, practices, skills, and training that underpin many aspects of sports including improved performance, better health and wellbeing, and sports leadership.
Practical and Theory; Students undertake ten units: Health and Fitness Optimised Physical Education, Athletics, Football, Netball, Climbing, Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Rugby, International Sports and Games, Elective Physical Education, Aquatics (Swimming, Water Safety and Water Sports).
● Demonstrate basic techniques and skills in a variety of different units.
● Demonstrate basic and some complex techniques and skills in a variety of different units.
● Apply and perform the learnt techniques and skills in game situations.
● Use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games.
● Apply and perform the learnt techniques and skills in specific units with a greater degree of success and competence in direct competition through team and individual games.
● Analyse their performance
● Demonstrate and be able to explain the teaching points some complex techniques and skills in a variety of units.
● Apply and perform the learnt techniques and skills in game situations with a greater degree of success and competence whilst demonstrating good teamwork and leadership skills.
● Use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct
● Analyse their performance and demonstrate improvement based on observations.
compared and demonstrate improved performance based on the observations.
competition through team and individual games.
● Analyse their own and others performances and give feedback that will enable improvements to be made.
● Have an understanding of basic anatomy in terms of sport.
● Mi PE, Google Classrooms, Apps e.g. Coach’s Eye, Information Technology e.g. iPads, smartphones, sporting equipment and purpose built areas e.g. Main Purpose Hall.
● Peer Assessment, Self Assessment, Project and Group Assessment
● Internally assessed / Internally moderated / A*- U
● Use of iPads / smartphones to record and evaluate performance
Curriculum: Cambridge checkpoint
Lessons per week: Five
Form 1
Form 2
Form 3
Students following this three year course will learn to think like a scientist. They will collect information and do investigations to try to find out how things work. Scientific skills of planning, executing, recording, and drawing conclusions will be developed at multiple points throughout the course. Working scientifically skills are the focus during these years of study, enkindling the curiosity, imagination, creativity, and perseverance as important characteristics of a successful Scientist. All activities are carried out in science laboratories which helps develop a sense of awe and wonder in our curriculum, for example observing magnesium burning with a dazzling white flame or microorganisms swimming into view under a microscope.
Living Things, Microorganisms and Disease, Habitats and Environment, Solids, Liquids and Gases, The Earth and Beyond, Acids and Bases, Energy Transformations, classification and Forces.
Obtaining Food, Respiration and Circulation, Reproduction and Growth, Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, Metals, Non-metals and Corrosion, Chemical Reactions, Light, Sound, Forces and Magnets.
Photosynthesis and Plant Growth, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Ecology, The Periodic Table and Preparing Salts, Chemicals and Thermal Energy, Reactivity and Rates of Reaction, Electrostatics and Electric current, Movements, Pressure and Density, The Energy Crisis and Human Influences.
Carefully observe and describe living things, record information in a variety of ways e.g. drawing and using tabular forms, communicate their ideas supported by evidence, making and presenting conclusions.
● Cambridge Checkpoint Science
● Course book 7 (Mary Jones, Diane David Sang)
● Class Assessments
● Topical assessments
● Quizzes
● Projects
Make predictions using scientific knowledge, discuss and control risks to themselves and others, identify important variables, take accurate measurements, identify trends and patterns, interpret data.
● Cambridge Checkpoint Science
● Course book 8 (Mary Jones, Diane and David Sang)
Decide on which and how to use evidence, use appropriate sampling techniques, look critically at sources of secondary data and compare results and methods used by others.
● Cambridge Checkpoint Science
● Course book 9 (Mary Jones, Diane and David Sang)
T: +606-850-5555
E: Enquiries@ktj.edu.my
Address: Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar 71700 Mantin Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia