Jazzercise Nicholasville February Newsletter

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2/2 Micheal Stephens 2/4 Margo Landis 2/4 Jennifer Drug 2/5 Mary Brown 2/6 Geri Cadle 2/9 Kathleen Lockridge 2/13 Annette Schnur 2/15 KD Ingram 2/16 Kathy Cobb 2/23 Sarah Spryison 2/26 Bridgette Thornbury 2/26 Rebecca Turner 2/27 Pam Aldridge

• To Kim Butler who gave birth to Jon Mason on January 5th. He was 8lbs 13 oz and 21 inches long. Welcome to our newest jazzerbaby and congrats to the Butler family.

WELCOME TO NEW & RETURNING CUSTOMERS! Pam Seamonds, Kelly Bussell, Christi Altobello, Rachel Taylor, Patty Hazelett, Amanda Cooke, Melissa Heady, Bridget Lock, Angie Martin, Jalie Halcomb, Brenda Walter, Norma Squires, Kate McGuigan, Kymber Arvin, Sarah Mallory, Beverly Freeman, Whitney Shouse

*We are happy to take a song request or two on or near your birthday. Just talk to the instructor whose class you plan to attend and request your song!

February New & Returning Customer Special: 50% Off the Joining Fee! The year is still young and now is the time to start getting back into shape for the summer. New and returning students get 1/2 off their one time joining fee when they sign up in February. This is a great deal to get into Jazzercise just in time for our Jazz It Off challenge which runs March 1st - May 31st. When you invite a friend to Jazzercise in 2011 you get $10 cash in your pocket that day as a thank you! Spread the word!

Jazzercise Mat & Tube Order If you would like to order your own black foam Jazzercise mat and/or a green extube, I will be placing an order on February 18th. Mats are $25 and tubes are $10 which includes tax and shipping. Jazzercise mats are the best around and provide comfort and safety when doing floor work and you don't have to share sweat with you fellow classmates. Having your own tubes saves the integrity of the tube and allows it to last longer. Please make checks payable to Sarah Painter.

10 Year Anniversary Class Don't miss any of our 10 year anniversary classes as we count down to our big celebration on October 16th. The 2001 class was a serious blast from the past. Don't miss Michele's 2002 class on Sunday, February 27th at 4:30 p.m. full of songs from the year she was certified. CLASS TIMES 5:45 am: Tuesday & Thursday • 8:15 am: Monday, Wednesday & Saturday • 9:30 am: Monday thru Saturday 4:30 pm: Sunday thru Thursday • 5:45 pm: Friday & Sunday 6 pm: Monday thru Thursday • 7:15 pm: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday


Childcare at all 9:30 am, 4:30 pm & 6 pm weekday classs! No childcare on the weekends.




DATES TO REMEMBER Super Sundays in February: • February 6th 4:30 p.m. Super Bowl Class w/prizes! • February 13th 4:30 p.m. Annual Sweetheart Class. Bring your sweetie to class with you. Childcare will be available. There will be No Body Sculpt Class on the 13th. • February 20th 3:15 p.m. Free Technique Class. We will break down the steps and help improve your technique to maximize the results of your work out. • February 27th 4:30 p.m. 10 Year Anniversary Class highlighting routines from 2002 with Michele.

March 1 Spring Attendance game begins March 1 Jazz It Off Challenge begins Coming this Spring: Ballet Body Specialty Class Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. and Sundays at 3:15 p.m. Details TBA!

Jazz It Off Challenge: March 1–May 31 Join Instructor Heidi Klug who has lost 88bs and over 60 inches since joining Jazzercise in January 2008, in the 2011 Jazz it Off Challenge. Participants will get body assessments at the beginning and the end of the 12 weeks which include weight, body composition, and measurements. They will participate in weekly challenges to win prizes based on attendance, weight loss an other milestones. Heidi will plan several get togethers for members of the challenge to share ideas on dieting, cooking, exercising and to support each other as they work towards their fitness and weight loss goals. This challenge is for anyone who wants accountability in coming to class regularly, losing weight, toning up or just eating healthier. Whatever your goals, Heidi and this group of women will help you achieve them. Great prizes will be awarded at the end of the challenge. Sign up for Jazz It Off for only $30 and schedule your 1st body assessment with Heidi at the end of this month. Jazz It Off participants will receive the Jazzercise water bottle FREE when they sign up. (And won't have to earn it in the March Attendance game. They will be earning other great prizes.) Jazz it Off Participants will also receive $20 off the spring specialty class Ballet Body. If you have any questions about Jazz It Off, feel free to contact Heidi in class, by phone or by email. (Heidi Klug 859-536-9214 enjoyinghomehk@yahoo.com)

Jazzercise Testimony: Krista Cawood I have always struggled with weight loss. I lose weight and then gain it back plus some. I finally decided that something needed to change, so I started jazzercising at the Nicholasville location and have been doing so since January 2009. With the encouragement and inspiration of my fellow jazzercisers, I have lost 63lbs, gone from a pant size 26/28 to buying my first pair of size 18's (wooohooo), which I have not been able to fit into in years. I have no intentions of stopping there. I love Jazzercise because it has allowed me to become healthier, and on top of that, I have made some great friends who have pushed me to reach my goals. My energy and self-confidence have sky rocketed. Thanks so much for the support that everyone has given me, and stay tuned for the next chapter.

March Speciality Class: Ballet Body Grace, Balance, Strength. All marks of a beautiful healthy woman. Join us this March for Ballet Body, our spring specialty class. Strengthen and lengthen your muscles for proper posture and grace for life with these full-body basic ballet movements. (Pilates based.) No ballet experience needed, no tutus required! Ballet Body will be a great addition to your regular Jazzercise workout schedule giving you variety in your workout and enhancing your results. We will offer Ballet Body on Sundays at 3:45 p.m. and Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. for 4 weeks in March. You may come to as many sessions as you like for only $60 or pay $15 per class. (Jazz it Off Participants get $20 off Ballet Body.) Ballet Body session are only 30 minutes. Registration will begin at the end of February and classes start Sunday, March 6th and end Wednesday, March 30th.

Jazzercise Nicholasville • 800 South Main Street • Nicholasville, KY 40356 • 859-224-9300

Lockers Available for Rent!


We do a have a couple of lockers in the back room still available for rent. Leave your personal mats, weights, tube, shoes and extra diapers, wipes and change for clothes for your kids at the center and come and go hands free! Rental Fee is only $5/month pre-paid for at least 6 months. Let the desk know if you are interested. !

Yard Signs Thanks to all of you who put out yard signs and passed out fliers during the month of January to spread the word about Jazzercise Nicholasville. We appreciate it so much. Congrats to the 5 winners of the Orange Leaf gift cards! If you still have a yard sign, either yellow or red, please bring it back to the center so we can use them again in the future.

Spring Attendance Game We will kick off our 1st attendance game of the year on March 1st. All you have to do is attend 15 classes between March 1st and March 31st and you win a Jazzercise water bottle. (While supplies last. One class per day per person counts towards the game.) Attendance tracking sheets will be available towards the end of the month. These cute water bottles will motivate to you come to class and be looking great for spring!

Childcare Room Sick Policy Just wanted to remind moms about our childcare room sick policy. It is the same as prescribed by the school system. Please do not bring your child to Jazzercise until he/she has been fever free for 24 hrs WITHOUT medication. Please keep them away for 24 hours after throwing up or until they have been on a prescribed antibiotic for a full 24 hours. The room is small, there are lots of children, and sickness is spread easily especially this time of year. If the babysitter feels that your child is not well, she may choose to retrieve you from class both for the child's benefit and for the benefit of others who may be exposed. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Jr. Jazzercise Save the Dates for 2011 Saturday, May 7th 9:30 a.m. will be our annual Mother/Daughter class. Plan to come with your daughter for this fun class and register early for our Jr. Jazzercise Camp. Save $5 on your camp registration when you register at the class! Jr. Jazzercise Camp 2011 will be Monday, June 13th -Friday June 17th from 1:00 -4:00 p.m. This camp is for boys and girls ages 4 -10 yrs. The cost is $80 per child with a $10 sibling discount. Kids will play games, jump rope, learn fun routines to great music, do crafts, have a snack and be exhausted when the day is over. It's what summer is all about. There will be a performance on the last day of camp for family, friends and the morning Jazzercise class.

Jr. Jazzercise Birthday Parties Looking for a fun and affordable place to hold your child's birthday party right here in Nicholasville? Ask about a Jr. Jazzercise birthday party designed for your child. Games, obstacle courses, dancing. Whatever your child likes, our Jr. Jazzercise coordinator Crystal Kunglal will put together a perfect party. Best of all, we do all the set up and clean up. Talk to Crystal or Sarah for details.

Nutrition Myths Busted (CARLSBAD, CA) – Everybody is giving nutrition advice these days. The clerk at your local drugstore, the radio DJ, and your friends on Facebook all have their favorite tips when it comes to healthy eating. The problem is that much of the nutrition advice we get from those around us is inaccurate. Jazzercise Founder and CEO Judi Sheppard Missett busts five of the most common nutrition myths. Take a look at these myths to help you separate fact from fiction.

Jazzercise Nicholasville • 800 South Main Street • Nicholasville, KY 40356 • 859-224-9300


Myth #1 – Calories consumed at night are worse than those consumed during the day. While it’s beneficial to spread out your calories throughout the day, calories consumed in the evening are no different than those ingested earlier in the day. A calorie is a calorie. Whether you eat it in the morning, afternoon, or evening, the calorie content of a food doesn’t change. What’s really important is how many calories you consume overall throughout each day. Myth #2 – Carbs make you fat. Sure, refined carbs such as doughnuts, sweetened cereal, and white bread are bad for you. But when you cut carbs from your diet, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Good carbs, including whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals. And don’t forget that carbs are a vital fuel for your workout as well. Myth #3 – All fats are bad. Your body needs fat to help you absorb nutrients. “Good fats” are even known for decreasing cholesterol levels and fighting off heart disease. So, avoiding fats altogether is counterproductive to your health. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (aka “good fats”) are found in olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Just stay away from saturated and trans fats, which are linked to obesity, heart disease, and other health maladies. Myth #4 – Steer clear of eggs. Eggs have received a bad rap in recent years. Egg yolks do have cholesterol, but an occasional egg is not going to single-handedly clog your arteries. In fact, the Harvard School of Public Health found no significant link between eating eggs and heart disease. The real culprits for increasing your blood cholesterol are saturated and trans fats, not eggs. Most dietitians agree that eating several eggs per week is perfectly safe. Additionally, one study at Saint Louis University reports that individuals who included eggs with their breakfast consumed 160 fewer calories throughout the remainder of the day than their egg-less counterparts. Myth #5 – An occasional fast cleanses your body of toxins. Your body already has a filtering system. It’s called your liver and kidneys. These organs work efficiently to weed-out toxins from your body on a regular basis. Juice fasts – or all types of fasts, for that matter – are unnecessary and potentially harmful. The Mayo Clinic warns that detox diets can lead to dehydration, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea.

Just For Fun This year has 4 interesting and rare dates: 1.1.11 1.11.11 11.1.11 11.11.11 Wait! It gets better! Now take the last 2 digits of the year of your birth, add the age you will turn this year and it equals 111. Try it! Too weird!

Join us on Facebook! If you haven't become a fan of Jazzercise Nicholasville on Facebook, be sure to look for our page and join us. This is a great way for us to keep you informed of things happening in class and for you to connect with instructors and other Jazzercisers. Feel free to post questions or comments on the wall! Check out the link to an article about the benefits about exercising before breakfast. You 5:45 a.m.ers will love this! See you on Facebook!

Jazzercise Nicholasville • 800 South Main Street • Nicholasville, KY 40356 • 859-224-9300

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