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Business survey highlights local trading challenges


Week 8 • 23th February 2024





vol 51 • 8th Edition • Issue 24663 • Established March 1973 • • 064 6632215 •

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© All images, design and content in the Killarney Advertiser is protected by copyright © for the benefit of the Killarney Advertiser or third parties. No part, image or design may be reproduced in any other publication without the prior appropriate written consent of the copyright holder.













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24 years of false promises for the Killarney bypass The much-needed by-pass road from Killarney to Farranfore will not be included in this year’s National Development Plan. Local TD Danny Healy Rae raised the issue at an Oireachtas Committee on Transport last week. He got the opportunity to ask Peter Walsh of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) about the progress of the Killarney bypass from Farranfore to Lissivigeen and Lissivigeen to Castle Lough on the Muckross Road. “I am very disappointed with the reply I received when I asked would this scheme be included in the 2024 investment programme, he replied that it is not on this year’s and had no idea whether it would be included in the 2025 programme either,” Healy Rae told the Killarney Advertiser. “This is very disappointing in many regards, not least road safety and the inconvenience being caused to many motorists because of increased volume of traffic on our roads as well as the impact it is having on our economy. I am appealing to the Government again to include the Killarney bypass on this year’s programme.”


The Killarney bypass has been on the table since 2000. A route was selected in 2004 and was presented to the public in the Great Southern Hotel in that year. It was dropped because of the economic downturn in 2008. Because of the delay, TII decided that it should go out for public consultation

again, identifying four new possible routes in 2021, one of which was to be selected in April 2022. So far the preferred route has not been selected despite several promises and much to the annoyance of landowners and residents along the route who cannot sell property, or apply for planning permission as their lands may be subject to a compulsory land purchase in the future. As a result of his disappointing answer the Kerry TD decided to bring to the issue into the Dail and put the much-needed road on the national agenda.


“To give back the unwanted three routes to landowners who have had their land effectively sterilised for many years [is not good enough], I am appealing to the two Kerry Government TDs, Deputy Griffin and the Minister, Deputy Foley, to use their influence at this critical and crucial time. This is their time; this is our time,” Healy Rae told the Dail this week. “To say the least, the people of Kerry are very disappointed with this utterance from this man. It is in this context that I am raising this issue with the Minister of State again. Many people are disappointed, including Kerry County Council and the TII officials locally in Kerry who have been trying to progress this scheme for many years.”


Councillor Maura Healy-Rae raised this issue on Monday with Kerry County Council and the reply given by the council was that the N22 Farranfore to Killarney scheme was at phase 2, options, selection stage. In addition, Kerry County Council have procured consultants to prepare an area-based transport assessment for Killarney and work is underway. “Some €500 million to €800 million is required to allow this project to go ahead, to allow for the planning and development of our county and to assist our tourism, industry, commercial transport and, indeed, farming,” added Healy Rae.


“Our town of Killarney has been clogged for the past number of summers, evening after evening. Above all, this is for the safety of all who use this road. There are 24,000 vehicular movements daily, six dangerous junctions intersecting on this current N22 primary road, and many lives have been lost here,” he said.


Deputy Josepha Madigan took the question on behalf of Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan. She replied: “The allocations for 2024, as mentioned by the Deputy, are due to be announced soon and will provide a full list of projects in Kerry that are receiving allocations. It is not possible to provide an allocation to every project in the National Development Plan for 2024. However, it is important to point out that the N22

Killarney to Farranfore project remains part of the NDP and I can assure the Deputy that sufficient funding is in place to ensure that the route options phase will be concluded in 2024, with a preferred route selected. As with all national road projects in the NDP, the delivery programme for the N22 Killarney to Farranfore project will be kept under review in future years and considered in terms of the overall funding envelope available to TII.


Deputy Healy-Rae was not convinced given the direct response he got from TII earlier in the week. “We have waited long enough and people have lost their lives. The Government is talking about road safety and how it is going to do drastic things to try to curb the number of accidents, many of which are not real or will have no effect. I am appealing to the Minister of State and my colleagues from Kerry who have a say in the Government's ear and on whom the Government is depending,” he added. “The Minister of State mentioned that it is up to TII. It is up to that body and I am sure it will perform once the Government gives it the funding. No money, no fun. That is where we are now. So many people have done so much work over a long number of years. The local TII office, formerly the National Roads Authority, initiated the project back in 2004 and Kerry County Council's senior management have put, and are putting, a lot of resources and effort into ensuring this worthy project goes ahead.” Deputy Madigan insisted the funding was in place. “As I said, there is sufficient funding in place to ensure the route options phase will be concluded in 2024 with a preferred route selected. I note the Deputy's comments around road safety and he makes a valid point,” she said.






















































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Business survey highlights 1 in 3 local trading challenges A recent anonymous survey of small local businesses conducted by the Killarney Advertiser has found that more than one in three (35%) small local businesses in Killarney are either not profitable or are close to breaking even. | By Chris Davies A similar percentage said that they may have to let go of staff if the current situation doesn’t improve, while 19% of respondents said they will either have to explore rent/rate reductions or consider closing all together. Responses to the survey also highlighted parking issues, footfall, and rising costs of operation as real challenges to our small business community. Over the past number of weeks the Killarney Advertiser has liaised with the Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce and the Killarney Town Retail Association to collect responses from thirty-eight small town businesses that are selling a wide variety of products and services.

58% of respondents cied parking difficulties as a significant deterrent for customers with further feedback from the businesses saying that it is affecting footfall and revenue. Highlighting the specific parking challenges in Killarney a number of retailers responded to the issue: “Killarney retail is in trouble…town parking issues have been known for a long time yet nothing is done”. When asking local business owners what can be done to address the issues they suggested better parking schemes by Kerry County Council such as free parking for short lay-overs and reduce the pedestrianisation of town centre streets to allow for on street parking for the elderly and disabled. In other findings, 63% of businesses reported customer footfall/sales as a key business challenge with one business commenting, “too much tourist accommodation taken out of the system leading to footfall reduction and spend reduction”. Two separate respondents reported a 40% and 50% reduction in shop footfall last year”. 50% of businesses expressed concern about energy and rent & rate costs with one business owner saying that the “increase in minimum wage, VAT rates, and

energy costs are not sustainable for small businesses. Something drastically needs to be done by government locally and nationally” Another businesses added, “the asking price for rents in our town is unrealistic, probably leading to more units than necessary being unoccupied. A reduction in rates and VAT should be looked at to counterbalance the demands of increased minimum wage, higher sick pay commitments and the upcoming pension contribution.” A number of local businesses highlighted an increase in anti-social behaviour and a lack of a Garda presence on our streets as another major challenge. One business said that “begging and anti-social behaviour has increased dramatically” while another business said they have seen a “shocking increase in shoplifting and theft and little or no support from the authorities” Other responses called for a more diverse range of shops and for a retail strategy to be introduced, “Encourage a more diverse variety of shops to encourage people to come to Killarney for a family retail experience! More parking is essential! It has turned into a town for drinking only! Not family friendly at all.”

KERRY COUNTY COUNCIL STATEMENT Kerry County Council continues to work with all stakeholders and local businesses to foster a strong commercial and retail environment in Killarney. Kerry County Council has delivered a broad suite of supports to local businesses in the past number of years based on national policy and grant schemes, such as rate waiver schemes, the Restart Scheme, the Small Business Assistance Scheme, and business continuity supports. The Local Enterprise Office also provides a range of supports to small and medium businesses. The Increased Cost of Business Grant (ICOB) was also announced as part of Budget 2024 and will be targeted at small and medium-sized businesses which operate from a rateable premises. This scheme will be a once-off grant aid provision, and the final details of the scheme are currently being developed. Also, as part of the development of the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP), there will be scope to work with the Kerry Economic Stakeholder Forum to conduct further analysis through Local Chamber Alliances and to develop appropriate policies responses to the challenges faced by local businesses through the Economic, Enterprise and Community SPC.

small local businesses in Killarney are either not profitable or are close to breaking even.

35% said that they may have to let go of staff if the current situation doesn’t improve.

19% of respondents said they will either have to explore rent/rate reductions or consider closing all together.

58% of respondents cited parking difficulties as a significant deterrent for customers

63% of businesses reported customer footfall/ sales as a key business challenge

50% of businesses expressed concern about energy and the same number are concerned about rent & rate costs.



Traffic and Parking is the most significant issue that needs to be resolved within the town of Killarney. A multi-storey carpark needs to be built. Ironically such a plan was rejected over two decades ago, where would Killarney be if it now had a multi-storey car park. Government supports for such small business are planned and will no doubt be welcome as requested by business. Inflation and energy prices are steadying and this will be of relief to the bottom line. I welcome the incentive to promote people shopping local. As a local postmaster I see the investment by businesses in online shopping, which is getting extremely popular.

Cllr. Brendan CRONIN One of the main elements that can be taken from these findings is the absolute necessity for the construction of 500/600 space multi storey car park in a suitable location in Killarney town, which I have been calling for for at least 10 years. I have long maintained that people, locals or visitors, cannot spend their money in local shops while stuck in their cars in traffic jams on streets and roads around the town. It is imperative now that a multi-storey car park is provided. Another key factor influencing the gridlock is the failure by successive Governments to progress the New Farranfore N22 to Lissivigeen to Muckross relief road which is forcing all traffic through Killarney and chocking all access roads daily. There must also be a review of the Council policy of giving up the use of the town centre Fairhill carpark for 6/7 weeks in peak season. With the difficulties encountered by small business in recovery after Covid and now where we have over 1.1 million visitors to Killarney recorded last year, the importance to small business of customer footfall is critical. The maintaining of safe pedestrian-friendly areas free of traffic, to cater for large numbers of people in peak season is imperative, particularly for young families, people with disabilities or mobility issues. It is important to recognise that provision of footpath build-outs to accommodate on-street dining during and after Covid meant that many businesses didn't close down and were able to continue trading plus it also gave a positive atmosphere to those locations. Any business facing genuine rates difficulties can present their accounts to KCC's revenue department and request a review of charges. Large increases in rents has affected some businesses, property rents are controlled by the owners of these outlets.

Cllr. John O'DONOGHUE Some very interesting, and unfortunately stark figures there. Small businesses are what gives towns like Killarney their character and it is troubling to think so many are not at all, or just barely, surviving. I would support any reductions in VAT being given to one sector being extended to the retail sector. Parking in the town is a colossal issue. We are currently pushing hard for increased parking, particularly the possibility of a multi-storey car park, and while we will continue to do so. It is proving a difficult task to get the necessary green light for funding. I believe it is imperative for us as a Council going forward to implement a strategy to ensure diversity in the range of businesses opening up in the town. Our town, like many others around the country, is facing very difficult challenges at the moment, something highlighted by the responses to the survey carried out by the Killarney Advertiser. It is vital we listen to the voices of the smaller retailers and work with them to see how we can solve some of these issues. I think that going forward it would be a good idea to set up regular meetings between the Council management and retailers in the town to discuss their issues. There is also an onus on us all to do what we can to support these businesses by giving them our custom instead of going online or into the major retail chains.

Cllr. Niall ‘Botty’ O’CALLAGHAN From the findings of the survey I am worried on a number of fronts and will highlight these issues, such as parking, traffic flow, footfall and the struggles there currently is in being in business. We should try and have a plan to revitalise retail and hospitality in our town centre and bring life to our shopping malls such as the Innisfallen, which is in the town centre. This can only happen if we have an open friendly environment that will entice people to want to drive to town without traffic and know there is parking there. The town streets like College Street, Upper High Street and Lower New Street need help filling units and generating footfall. Yes, there is more the council can do, and I will try harder to highlight and try and solve these issues.

Cllr. Martin O’GRADY Smaller business are struggling in certain areas of the town. People avoid town due to traffic congestion and I believe a traffic management system is badly needed. We have a lack of parking and the widening of footpaths to facilitate outdoor dining certainly had a huge impact on this. I've a motion lodged for the March KMD meeting to revert any areas not being used for this to be put back to car parking spaces. The new public realm is great but it is pulling the majority of the coffee shop trade to that area, making it more difficult for the rest of those in the trade. Killarney needs a better balance of retail and hospitality, especially when online shopping is making it more difficult for those in retail.

Cllr. Marie MOLONEY From the survey I can see that the shortfall in parking in the town centre is a big issue for the retail sector and this is why my colleagues and I have been pushing hard for a multi -storey car park in the town. The lack of adequate parking is a huge deterrent to shopping in the town centre. This reduces the footfall on the streets where window shopping can draw customers into the shops and cafes. The reduction in car space during Covid does not help and as restaurants and cafes give up their outdoor dining space as charges now apply, then I will be pushing to have the car spaces in front of these premises reinstated. The reduction in holiday accommodation in the town has also resulted in reduced footfall. I will also be asking the Council to continue the Christmas trend of a number of hours free parking to continue into Jan and Feb when the town is quieter. It is imperative that we do all we can to help the retailers, 30% of which say they are struggling. There are some small changes which can be made locally which could make a huge difference to the retail sector which is why I have tabled a motion for the March meeting of Killarney Municipal District..

Anthony WALSH - KILLARNEY CHAMBER, RETAIL CHAIRPERSON Reviewing the results of this retail pulse survey it is imperative the voices of retailers in Killarney are represented and a meeting with the Killarney Municipal Council is scheduled to discuss some of these issues we are facing. The Killarney Chamber is here to promote and support this important retail campaign. With a few businesses closing in the town centre, we need a strategy that attracts some independent small businesses to join the many others that are the lifeblood of retail in Killarney.

William SHEAHAN - KILLARNEY TOWN RETAIL ASSOCIATION CHAIRPERSON It’s very worrying that one in three retail businesses in our town centre are not profitable or close to breaking even, especially when almost 90% of these businesses are trading for over 10 years. What makes Killarney unique is its shops with long histories and more importantly the people that work in them. There is no question that certain streets and areas are under pressure due to lack of footfall. No business should be put out of business because of rates or lack of parking. Killarney retailers want to see visible support from Kerry County Council Management and Government to get through these times.



The Killarney Advertiser, in conjunction with the Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce and the Killarney Town Retail Association, have just launched a new campaign to create awareness and support for small local businesses that are dealing with a challenging trading environment. Speaking at the launch this week, Killarney Advertiser's Chris Davies said: “We are not going to be able to solve all of the different challenges our local businesses are facing but as consumers we can make a difference by making a conscious effort to shop locally when we can. We know that when we spend locally, we are keeping money circulating within the community, supporting local jobs, strengthening the local economy and protecting the character of our town”. When discussing challenges posed by


'Shop local' awareness campaign launched big discounters and the lure of online Chris added: "Of course, you might find lower prices online sometimes but consider the hidden costs of neglecting the small independent retailer. Those savings often come at the expense of local jobs, unique offerings, and a vibrant community. When you shop local, your money stays local, supporting your neighbours, friends, and families”. Over the coming weeks and months the Killarney Advertiser will be highlighting some of the many great small businesses in town with a business spotlight feature. We are encouraging our readers to get to know the faces behind these businesses and to remember them when doing their weekly shop, buying gifts or shopping for clothes.

As one business owner said in response to our survey, "Talk to the business owner, tell them what you’re paying online and ask if can they match it? It might be that small little boost they need" “More than just shopping outlets, these businesses are never found wanting when it comes to sponsoring local events, supporting charity fundraisers, and backing sports clubs and projects. When they thrive, so does our town”, Chris added. William Sheahan represents members of the Killarney Town Retail Associaton in his role as chairperson. Speaking about the new shop local campaign this week he said “Killarney Town Retailers Association (KTRA) welcomes the initiative shown by Killarney Advertiser

in creating a Shop Local Campaign for our town. Hopefully, through this campaign we can remind people of all that is good about our town centre shops from butchers to footwear, fashion to fragrances - our town centre has a huge amount to offer both locals & tourists alike. We hope to roll out a number of initiatives this year to drive more people to our town centre”. Bridget O’ Keefe, Senior Executive with the Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce, also welcomed the campaign adding, “The Chamber is delighted to be a part of the new campaign which will shed a light on Killarney's fantastic retail offering".

Killarney has some fantastic, long-standing small businesses in town, many of which we have built up great relationships with down through the years. The success of the Killarney Advertiser was built on the support of local businesses so we are delighted to launch this campaign to raise awareness around the importance of supporting the local economy. Cormac Casey

Owner of Killarney Advertiser





small business

big DEAL!

support local businesses, save jobs and preserve the unique identity of our town

shop local initiative in partnership with




Timmy McCarthy celebrates half a century on the road for Dero’s Timmy McCarthy celebrated 50 years of service with Dero's Tours with a special gathering at the Grand Hotel.

Leahy denied backto-back national titles in photo finish

Timmy started working with Dero’s in 1973. Dero’s have specialised in coach charter for years, providing quality passenger transportation for private and corporate clients. It is one of the most iconic and wellknown Killarney-based businesses. “His first task of his long career was the driver of the wedding car for a local couple. He passed with flying colours and worked his way up from 14 seater to the larger coaches as the business grew over the years. He loved meeting tourists and

his local knowledge, found many returning and requesting the young good looking, tall driver as their guide. He loved the Ring of Kerry Route but was no easy task as the roads were very daunting and rugged along the way,” said company founder Michael ‘Dero' O’Sullivan. Catherine and Michael Dero along with Denis Spillane presented Timmy with a Waterford Crystal trophy to mark his distinguished career in the tourism business. Timmy said he has no intention of retiring from Dero’s any day soon. “With all the roads that I travelled over the decades, one of my favourite places is West Kerry, Dingle. This destination is beautiful with breathtaking views along The Wild Atlantic Way,” he said.

Killarney athlete Sarah Leahy missed out on back-to-back 60m national titles by just six hundredths of a second. Leahy was competing in the National Indoor Athletics Championships at the National Indoor Arena in Dublin over the weekend. The defending champion lost out to Carlow’s Mollie Scott in a photo finish. A total of nine Killarney Valley Athletic Club members took part in the National Indoor Athletics Championships last weekend. The club achieved two silver and one bronze medal. “Sarah, who is a member of the Irish 4x100m relay squad, now focuses on the outdoor season and in her individual

100,” said club official Jer Griffin. “The weekend started with a first success for [high jumper] Ciara Kennelly who claimed the bronze in a height of 1.76m. Project 1.80m and the outdoor championships in the summer are now Ciara's focus.” The final event of the championships saw the Killarney Valley AC junior squad compete against the senior men in the 4x400m relay. The team included Jason O'Reilly, Oisin O'Regan, Cian O'Brien and Jack O'Leary who anchored the team home to the finish, claiming the silver medal.

Deros staff Michael ‘Dero’ O’Sullivan, Murt O’Shea Timmy McCarthy, Tony Keenan, Paddy Hayde, Batt O’Sullivan, Wlodzimierz Filip, Brian Hanrahan, Denis Spillane, Tom O’Connor and Padraig Blake at the 50th anniversary celebration. Photo: Anne Holland

Mothers and Others Legion heading to France Killarney Mothers and Others Legion have been invited to take part in a football blitz in France in April. The Killarney-based group, a division of the Legion GAA club play Gaelic Football for fun – no scores are recorded in matches – is made up of mothers, wives, girlfriends and other relations of the main club teams. The year they are heading to Rennes in Brittany for a Gaelic Mothers and Meg Dalton (Killarney Golf Club) pictured with Alice Thompson (The Brehon Hotel) at the Network Ireland Kerry February event 'Elevate 2024 - Create and Integrate Your Online Communities for Success’ in The Brehon Hotel last Wednesday. Photo: Michelle Breen Crean Photography

Others blitz under the Ladies Gaelic Football Association. “It comes with an expense and we are at present fundraising with raffles, cake sales and table quiz,” explained the club’s Patricia Quigley. A Table Quiz is organised for this Friday (February 23) at the International Hotel at 8 pm to raise funds for the trip. A table of four costs €40.














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Killarney in solidarity with Palestine A group of Killarney residents are to stage a weekly vigil in the town centre to raise awareness of the plight facing Palestinian people. Several vigils take place weekly in Kenmare Listowel, Killorglin, Cahersiveen, Tralee and Dingle. Three different Killarney vigils took place last year – and Killarney hosted two in-

formation evenings, one at The Great Southern Hotel in November and an additional film in at Mary’s Church in January – but unlike the other Kerry towns, vigils not been a regular feature locally.

This about to change on Sunday when will Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign meet at the Market Cross between 2 and 3 pm to raise awareness of the ongoing conflict in Palestine. Organisers say the vigil will be: “continuing for …who knows [how long].” “It’s aim is to draw attention to the situation and encourage people to get involved,” local organiser Lisa O’Sullivan, of

the Kerry branch of the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, told the Killarney Advertiser. “At the moment there are weekly vigils all over Kerry [but none in Killarney].” Updates will be published on Killarney branch of the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign Instagram page: @killarneyforpalestine

Members of the Kerry branch of the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign will hold regular vigils in Killarney starting this Sunday.

Irish Girl Guides revival in Killarney A Killarney branch of the Irish Girl Guides is to be relaunched for the first time since before the pandemic. Girl Guides is starting afresh in Killarney, and will kick things off the Ladybirds – an entry level membership for girls aged 5-7. “It’s been a while since we’ve gathered, and we’ve missed the laughter, learning, and adventures that light up the faces of our young members. But the wait is over! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of

our brand-new Ladybirds Unit for Killarney,” local organiser Erika Dick told the Killarney Advertiser. “This is more than just an activity group. It is the first step in a journey of growth, friendship, and discovery. Ladybirds is all about fun, friendship, and learning the value of teamwork and community in a supportive environment.” Killarney Girl Guides is hosting a registration night for the new Ladybirds Unit at the Old Monastery School on New Road, on February 26.

“This is the perfect opportunity to meet the team, learn about our program, and see how your daughter can benefit from joining the Irish Girl Guides,” added Erika.

For more information contact Erika on (086) 1715549, Jennifer on (087) 7918130, or visit the website



FEB 28TH - MAR 3RD 2024










Up for the Cup as project is deemed a winner Killarney’s innovative single use coffee cup initiative has won a major national award. The first project of its kind in the country scooped the Best Environmental/ Ecological category prize at the Local Authority Members’ Association (LAMA) All-Ireland Community and Council Awards at the weekend. The awards were presented at a black tie gala in Dublin on Saturday night and Killarney was represented at the ceremony by Deputy Mayor Cllr Marie Moloney and Juliette Kelly of the Killarney Tidy Towns/Killarney Looking Good Committee. Also in attendance were Mayor of Kerry Cllr Jim Finucane and Kerry County Council’s Director of Economic and Community Development, Niamh O’Sullivan. The awards celebrate communities and councils working together, highlighting the great work done and recognising the phenomenal contribution made. The adjudication commentary noted that Kerry County Council has supported the establishment and promotion of the Killarney project, making it the first town in Ireland to be declared single use coffee cup free.

At the awards presentation in Dublin were, from left, Mayor of Kerry Cllr Jim Finucane, Deputy Mayor of Killarney Cllr Marie Moloney, Juliette Kelly, Killarney Tidy Towns and Niamh O'Sullivan, Kerry County Council.

The judges noted that the removal of over 1,000,000 single use cups on an annual basis was the equivalent of 18.5 tonnes of waste. “It has seen the core objectives of the circular economy and sustainable tourism principles brought centre stage to the benefit of all in Killarney,” they said. The Killarney coffee cup project had already won the overall prize at the annual Pakman Awards and it clearly illustrates

that the town is certainly winning the struggle against disposable cups. Mayor of Killarney Cllr Niall Kelleher, said as a member of LAMA, he was delighted to propose that the Killarney coffee cup project be put forward for the national award given the tremendous coming together of people to ensure the project worked. “To remove over one million single use cups from the environment, including

23.02.2024 the national park and the amenities, is an achievement that Killarney can be very proud of,” the mayor said. Killarney Tidy Towns Committee Chairman Michael Gleeson congratulated all involved in the project, the business owners who are backing the plan and the public for supporting it. “This project aims to progressively reduce the number of disposable coffee cups which had, for too long, littered our footpaths and roadsides. “A cleaner town and litter-free approach roads are better for local people and for visitors,” he said. Local coffee shops and hotels continue their collective effort to eradicate single-use coffee and tea cups having switched to the reusable system in July of last year. Since becoming Ireland’s first town to become single-use coffee cup free, the local businesses have witnessed a very positive reaction from locals and tourists. The ground-breaking project – also the winner of the sustainability award in the 2023 Killarney Looking Good Competition – has been promoted and supported by local partners including Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce, Kerry County Council, Killarney Credit Union, Kerry Convention Bureau and AIB. The decision to ban single-use cups was underpinned by complaints that some of Killarney's most visited beauty spots were being polluted and studies of clean-ups in the national park revealed that one of the most common forms of waste recovered was single-use coffee cups.

Killarney sport and culture to be celebrated Several well-known Killarney people from the world of sport and culture are set to receive awards in annual Killarney Municipal District Award on Friday night. The Killarney ceremony will take place at 7pm on Friday evening at the Anam Centre, East Avenue Road. The elected members of the Killarney Municipal District nominate the award winners. Cllr Maura Healy-Rae and Cllr Niall Kelleher both nominated the Rathmore Football Team for winning the All-Ireland Intermediate Club Championship. The same two councillors have named All-Ireland Junior Football Championship winners Fossa as award recipients. Cllr Brendan Cronin has nominated Tom O'Sullivan who won the World Sheepdog Trials last year. World Irish dancing champion Caoimhe O'Halloran has been nominated by Cllr John O’Donoghue “She beat 210 competitors in the final to be crowned World Champion. This is an

extraordinary achievement as she competes in An Coimisiún Le Rincí Gaelacha (CLRG) World Championships. CLRG is the oldest and largest world governing body for competitive Irish Step Dancing. competitive Irish step dancing. This organisation would be recognised as the most elite level of Irish Dancing,” said O’Donoghue. O'Donoghue also named his local Glenflesk GAA Ballad Group as winners of the All Ireland Scór competition. He also named the two teams from Spa GAA Set Dancing Club who won gold at Scor Sinsir and Paddy O'Sullivan who is a performance analyst with the South African Rugby Team. Cllr Marie Moloney nominated Oscar Nominee actress Jessie Buckley for an award. Although Cllr Michael Cahill is elected in the Kenmare Municipal District he nominations were transferred to Killarney as he named Olympic walker David Kenny and Paralympics high-jumper Jordan Lee for awards.

David Kenny of Farranfore / Maine Valley, will be one of the award winners on Friday night. Photo by Sam Barnes/ Sportsfile







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Killarney has just the ticket for a great celebration

Spectacular stag will be festival focal point A giant artistic stag, brilliantly representing Killarney’s historic past, has been created as the signature mascot for this year’s St Patrick’s Day parade in the town. It has been painstakingly created by local artist Sophie Lodge whose spectacular work is very loyal and true to the magnificent animal that has freely roamed Killarney National Park for generations. The imaginative artist behind the striking feature piece honed her skills at the world famous Notting Hill Carnival in London. With a background in visual effects, Sophie has always had a passion for working on community art projects that bring

people together and she was the artist responsible for the giant sunflower and colourful butterflies that adorned the bell-tower at St Mary’s Church of the Sloes for previous St Patrick’s Festival celebrations. This year’s parade will dazzle the public when the custom-made stag, generously sponsored by the trustees of Muckross House and Gardens, is unveiled and paraded through the streets with the assistance of three operators.

With its stomping ground in the UNESCO biosphere reserve of Killarney National Park, home to the deer herd, this historic animal will take centre stage in celebration of the town's rich natural heritage. The striking artwork really embodies this year's festival theme, which delves into echoes of Killarney's historical past, and the stag is poised to evolve in the coming years when the focus in 2025 will shift towards echoes of Killarney's present, followed by a gaze into the future in 2026. Jason Clifford, Chair of the St Patrick's Day Festival, said the stag will be a key addition to this year's parade, capturing the imagination of both young and old. “We are thrilled to have the support of the Muckross House Trustees in bringing this magnificent creation to life, given the integral role that the stag, Muckross House and the national park play in the fabric of our town,” he said.

When it comes to planning an occasion to remember, joining in the St Patrick’s Festival celebrations in Killarney is just the ticket – quite literally. And that’s exactly why those intending to enjoy many of the festivities lined up are being urged to book their tickets in advance if they want to avoid disappointment as attendances at a number of events will be limited.

PROGRAMME OF TICKETED EVENTS: • IRISH CLASSICS BY CANDLELIGHT Saturday, March 16 at 6.00pm in St Mary’s Church of Ireland. Tickets from €30 Immerse yourself in the soul-stirring melodies and dance routines of Ireland at Irish classics by candlelight. Featuring renowned performers Megan Ruby Walsh, Anne Phelan, Tomás Ó Sé and Frank McNamara, this event will be a celebration of Ireland's musical heritage. • CHOPIN BY CANDLELIGHT Saturday, March 16 at 8.00pm in St Mary’s Church of Ireland. Tickets from €30 Transport yourself to a bygone era of musical grandeur with the church aglow in candlelight, this concert with the brilliant Frank McNamara, promises to awaken the senses. • DUCK DASH Monday March 18 at 12 noon at the playground off Port Road. Tickets from €5 Experience great quack with the whole family at the charity Duck Dash while supporting St Francis Special School in Beaufort. •M YTHS AND LEGENDS FOR FAMILIES Monday, March 18 at 2.30pm at the Anam Cultural Centre. Tickets €12 Treat your family to an evening of traditional Irish storytelling by the renowned seanchaí Ray O'Sullivan.

A giant artistic stag, brilliantly representing Killarney’s historic past, has been created as the signature mascot for this year’s St Patrick’s Day parade in the town. Photo: Valerie O'Sullivan

National Park’s Dan Kelleher is the Grand Marshal Dan Kelleher has been named as the Grand Marshal for the Killarney St Patrick’s Day Parade.

Adding a touch of local pride to the official unveiling was the 2024 parade Grand Marshal, Dan Kelleher, who spent an incredible 58 years working in the park. Photo: Valerie O'Sullivan

Muckross man Dan is intricately linked to the success of Muckross House and Gardens, as well as the national park, solidifying their status as key attractions for those exploring the town. He spent an incredible 58 years working in the park, rising to the esteemed rank of Park Superintendent.

"It promises to be a splendid St Patrick's Festival,” said Marcus Treacy, Chairman of the Trustees of Muckross House. “We anticipate drawing visitors not only to the parade but also to the town and attractions like Muckross House and Gardens." The Killarney St Patrick’s Festival is organised by Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce, in partnership with Kerry County Council and with great support from Fáilte Ireland.

• ECHOES OF KILLARNEY PAST Monday, March 18 at 5.00pm at the Anam Cultural Centre. Tickets €15 Join Ray O'Sullivan, an award-winning traditional storyteller and Sheila O'Donoghue, a traditional Irish musician and singer, for a journey down memory lane. Tickets for all events can be booked on the official festival website




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Influence of Asian interior design on the



In our first Home & Living feature of the year we are focusing on the influence of Asian interior design concepts which a far-reaching and long-standing, dating back centuries to trade routes and cultural exchange. Today, its impact continues to evolve, enriching modern homes with elements of serenity, minimalism, and a deep connection to nature. The concepts of mindfulness and simplicity inherent in Zen Buddhism have significantly influenced contemporary Western design. Clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and the use of natural materials like wood and stone are hallmarks of modern minimalist interiors,

often drawing inspiration from Japanese and Chinese design principles. The influence of Asian design on the Western world is likely to continue evolving. As cultural exchange and global awareness increase, we can expect to see even more innovation and creativity as designers integrate Asian elements into modern living spaces, fostering a sense of calm, connection, and well-being.

The Rise of


JAPANDI DESIGN Imagine stepping into a haven of tranquillity, where clean lines meet warm minimalism, and nature whispers through every detail.

This is the essence of Japandi, a 2024 design trend captivating the world with its harmonious blend of Japanese wabi-sabi and Scandinavian hygge. Gone are the days of ostentatious displays and cluttered spaces; Japandi embraces simplicity, functionality, and a deep connection to the natural world. Japandi is a philosophy rooted in mindfulness and living intentionally. Imagine the serenity of a Japanese tea ceremony translated into your living room, or the cozy functionality of a Scandinavian cabin reimagined with a touch of Zen. This is the essence of Japandi – creating spaces that foster well-being, inspire self-reflection, and evoke a sense of calm amidst the chaos of modern life. BRINGING JAPANDI HOME: Transforming your space into a Japandi




For centuries, the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui has intrigued and influenced cultures around the world. More than just an interior design aesthetic, it's a philosophy that emphasizes creating harmonious living spaces by balancing the flow of energy, or "chi," within them. If you're curious about harnessing the power of Feng Shui in your own home, here's a beginner's guide to this fascinating art: • THE BASICS Five Elements: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire are the foundational elements of Feng Shui. Each element corresponds to specific colours, materials, and shapes. Understanding their interactions helps create balance and positive energy flow. Bagua Map: This eight-trigram map represents different aspects of life, like career, health, and relationships. Overlaying it on your floor plan helps identify zones needing attention. Commanding Position: Feeling empowered and secure in your space is crucial.

Arrange furniture to provide a clear view of the entrance without feeling exposed. • FIVE SIMPLE STEPS TO PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE Declutter and Cleanse: Stagnant energy is believed to reside in clutter. Let go of unused items and regularly cleanse your space with natural elements like water and sunlight. Embrace Natural Light and Air: Good ventilation and natural light are essential for healthy chi flow. Open windows frequently and use mirrors to amplify sunlight. Mindful Furniture Placement: Avoid sharp corners and ensure smooth traffic flow. Use furniture to define areas without creating blockages. Inviting Entrance: Your home's entryway sets the tone. Ensure its well-lit, welcoming, and free of clutter. Balance the Elements: Use colour, materials, and shapes thoughtfully. Too much fire (red) can feel overwhelming, while too much water (blue) can evoke coldness.

haven doesn't require a complete overhaul. Here are some steps to get you started: • Declutter with intention: Let go of unnecessary items and create clean surfaces for a sense of calm. • Embrace natural light: Maximize sunlight and consider mirrors to amplify its effect. • Invest in versatile furniture: Opt for pieces that serve multiple functions and avoid cluttering your space. • Introduce natural elements: Wood, stone, and bamboo add warmth and texture, while plants bring life and purify the air. • Accessorize mindfully: Keep decorations minimal and choose items that reflect your personal style while maintaining the clean aesthetic.


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A guide to choosing the perfect

DINING TABLE for your home When it comes to furnishing your dining space, few pieces are as essential and impactful as the dining table. It’s not just a functional piece; it’s the centrepiece of family gatherings, dinner parties, children's homework and everyday meals. Choosing the perfect dining table requires careful consideration of various factors, from size and shape to materials and style. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make the right choice for your home.


Before anything else, assess the size and layout of your dining area. Measure the space to determine how much room you have for a dining table. Consider the flow of traffic around the table and leave enough space for chairs to be pulled out comfortably. A good rule of thumb is to allow at least 90cm between the table and walls or other furniture.


The size of your dining table should be


susceptibility to scratches or stains when choosing the material.


Your dining table should complement the overall style and aesthetic of your home. Whether your taste is traditional, modern, rustic, or eclectic, there’s a dining table to match. Pay attention to details like the table’s legs, finish, and decorative accents to ensure it fits seamlessly with your decor.


Think about how you’ll use your dining table on a day-to-day basis. If you frequently entertain guests, consider a table with extendable leaves to accommodate larger gatherings. Storage options like drawers or shelves can be useful for keeping table linens, ware, or other dining essentials close at hand.


Set a realistic budget for your dining table purchase, taking into account factors like material, size, and craftsmanship. While it’s tempting to splurge on a statement piece, remember that quality construction and durability are important for a piece of furniture that will see regular use.


proportional to the size of your dining area and the number of people you typically expect to seat. As a general guideline, allow 60cm of width per person, although this can vary depending on the shape of the table and the size of the chairs.


Dining tables come in various shapes, each with its own advantages. Rectangular tables are classic and versatile, ideal for larger dining rooms and seating more people. Square tables are great for smaller spaces or intimate gatherings. Round tables promote conversation and are perfect for smaller groups.


The material of your dining table will affect its durability, appearance, and maintenance requirements. Common options include wood, glass, metal, and composite materials. • Wood is timeless and adds warmth to a space, offering a natural look that can complement various interior styles. • Glass can make a room feel more open and airy. • Ceramic tables are resistant to scratches, stains and heat making them highly durable and easy to clean. Consider factors like ease of cleaning and

Whenever possible, visit McElligotts stores to see dining tables in person. Sit at the table, envision how it will look in your space, and consider how comfortable it is for dining. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about materials, construction, and customization options. In conclusion, choosing the perfect dining table requires thoughtful consideration of factors like size, shape, material, style, functionality, and budget. By taking the time to assess your needs and preferences, you can find a dining table that not only fits your space but also enhances your dining experience for years to come. Happy dining!



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Here are 7 quick tips to help you make the best choice: 1. Understand Your Sleep Position: Your sleeping position determines the support you need. Side sleepers often benefit from a softer mattress, back sleepers from medium firmness, and stomach sleepers from a firmer mattress to keep the spine aligned. 2. Consider Mattress Type: Innerspring mattresses offer traditional bounce and strong support. Memory foam mattresses are known for pressure relief and contouring to the body. Hybrids provide a combination of both. Your preference for firmness, bounce, and cooling features should guide your choice. 3. Check for Support: Regardless of mattress type, look for one that supports the natural curve of your spine. A good mattress will support you in a way that

maintains proper alignment while being comfortable. 4. Don’t Overlook Firmness: Firmness levels are subjective and depend on your weight, height, and comfort preferences. Testing mattresses in-store or considering online reviews from users of a similar profile can help. 5. Size Matters: Ensure the mattress fits your space and offers enough room for comfortable movement, especially if sharing the bed. Consider upgrading to a larger size if your current mattress feels cramped. 6. Consider Temperature Regulation: If you sleep hot, look for cooling technologies in mattresses, such as gel-infused foams or breathable covers.


7. Test It Out: If possible, lie on the mattress for at least 10-15 minutes in-store. When buying online, check the return policy and warranty to ensure you have protection if the mattress doesn’t meet your expectations. Remember, a good mattress is an investment in your health and well-being. Take your time to choose wisely. Upgrade

your sleep with Corcoran's Furniture and Carpets' exclusive mattress promotion, now available both in-store and online. Invest in your health and well-being with our top-quality selection at unbeatable prices. Don't miss this opportunity – visit us online or in store and find the perfect mattress for you.



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Flesk Upholstery


YOUR HOME Window treatments are the unsung heroes of interior design. They add personality, control light, and enhance privacy, all the while framing the outside world in a way that complements your home's style. But with so many blind options available, choosing the perfect pair can feel like a daunting task. Fear not, intrepid homeowner, Blinds by Flesk Upholstery are here to help you uncover the ideal blinds for your space. Before diving into styles, consider the room's function and needs. Is it a sundrenched living room craving shade? A cozy bedroom demanding privacy? A moisture-prone bathroom needing durability? Identifying the room's elements (sun glare, prying eyes, humidity)

will guide your decision. Once you have identified the function, you are ready to choose a style: ROLLER BLINDS: These smooth operators come in various materials, including blackout options for light-sensitive rooms. They're sleek, easy to clean, and perfect for modern spaces.

be more expensive.

VENETIAN BLINDS: These classic options offer excellent light control and privacy with adjustable slats. Available in wood, faux wood, metal, and even fabric, they suit various styles.

VERTICAL BLINDS: Ideal for large windows or sliding doors, these blinds offer excellent privacy and light control with their vertical vanes. Available in various materials and patterns, they suit modern and traditional styles.

ROMAN BLINDS: These sophisticated blinds elevate any room with their elegant folds. Offered in luxurious fabrics and textures, they provide good light control and privacy. However, they can

Finally we would adise you to consider durability, moisture resistance, and cleaning ease. Faux wood offers durability without warping, while metal is perfect for moisture-prone areas. Fabric blinds

add warmth but might require special care. Motorisation offers convenience, especially for hard-to-reach windows. Consider cordless options for child safety, and blackout linings for light-sensitive rooms. If you are still not sure, call the experts By analysing your room's needs we can help you choose the perfect blind. Remember, there's no single "right" answer; the best blinds are the ones that solve your room's specific need while complementing your style.

Call to our showroom or contact John McCarthy: Te:l 064 6635395 | Mobile: 086 8122672 Email: | Milll Road, Killarney, V93 FR8 Home & Living | FEBRUARY 2024




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Orion and the Dark- 10 percent happierit really is possible! A Must Watch Orion and the Dark is one of Dreamworks newest releases, based on the book “Orion and the Dark” by Emma Yarlett. The story is centered around a young boy named Orion who is plagued by a fear of almost everything, from getting the answers wrong in class, murderous clowns hiding in sewers, being publicly embarrassed, letting his team down in sports and that's before we mention Richie Panichi, the school bully. Alas, his biggest fear of all is his fear of the dark, which he is forced to face every night without fail. One night darkness personified as a friendly giant named Dark, comes to visit him, and takes him on a journey of a lifetime - showing him that the dark is nothing to be afraid of. Along the way he meets Dark’s fellow Night Entities; Sleep, Quiet, Insomnia, Unexplained Noises and

Sweet Dreams. These aspects that make up our nights add a comedic appeal to the movie. On their adventure Orion must decide if he wants to allow fear to continue controlling his life or to overcome his fears and enjoy the many wonders life has to offer. These relatable and entertaining characters are brought to life by Jacob Tremblay who plays young Orion and has previously starred in “Luca” a popular Walt Disney and Pixar movie. Paul Walter Hauser who does the voice of the character Dark is recognisable from the hugely successful ongoing “Cobra Kai” series and the 2021 “Cruella” movie. It connects with the audience on a personal level as everyone can relate to dealing with personal fears and has had to find a way to overcome them. It is available to stream on Netflix now. This is the perfect movie for the whole family to watch together.

‘10 Percent Happier’ is an idea Dan Harris, a former ABC news anchor, came up with after he had a panic attack live on America national television in 2004. This promoted him to find a way to help him deal with the anxious voice in his head and to become happier in life. The idea resulted in him producing a book, an app, and a podcast, called ‘10 Percent Happier’. One of the ways he found to help him become happier and less anxious was meditation, an ancient practice that began in 1500BCE in India. This book is ideal for those who are looking to balance mindfulness with their career, are new to meditation or are skeptical about it, self-help, and their benefits. He once said, “There's no point in being unhappy about things you can’t change, and no point being unhappy about things you can.” His app assists with this by providing you with a selection of guided meditations on a range of topics, including a sleep selection to help

you fall asleep and quick meditations to suit your busy life. On his podcast, he talks with meditation teachers, scientists and even a few celebrities such as the Dalai Lama. They discuss science-based techniques for dealing with relationships, anxiety and productivity and other topics such as enlightenment.

Are AI glasses our future? Brilliant Labs have joined in all the hype of AI powered glasses and have produced a model of their own- Frame. AI glasses are computing devices that are worn on the body, much like smartwatches and VR headsets and are equipped to offer many useful features to its wearer. Brilliant Labs “Frame” AI glasses, offers the ability to translate and project what you see and hear onto the lens-

es. They are voice activated and can act as a research assistant- answering any questions and providing a visual analysis on your surroundings. The search capabilities of the new wearable technology is said to rival Google. These AI glasses will be powered by your smartphone and connected through an app called “Noa.” Shipping will begin on the 15th of April 2024 with a price of $349, not including prescription lenses.




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NOW TAKING BOOKINGS CONTACT CHRIS ON THE DETAILS BELOW: Email: Phone: 064-6632215 We Are Killarney Tourism Magazine is back again for 2024. Where history whispers from ancient ruins, nature’s grandeur unfolds before your eyes, and the warmth of local hospitality embraces you with a welcome hug. Whether your guests are seeking adrenaline-pumping activities, serene escapes or a cultural immersion our pages are brimming with inspiration for visitors. Dive into the stories of local heritage and uncover the hidden gems that only the most discerning explorers will find.



Let’s go wild as nature festival expands Wander Wild Festival, Ireland's great outdoors festival, has announced a host of exciting new events to an already jam-packed line-up. Taking place in the stunning surroundings of the UNESCO Killarney National Park and the MacGillycuddy’s Reeks from March 22to 24, this year's adventure and wellness festival promises to be bigger and better than ever before. The newly added events include activities that cater to a wide range of interests, whether you are looking for a challenge or ways to unwind. Festival goers can now sign up for Stand-up Paddleboarding, The Nature Valley Hike with Roz Purcell, the 53 Degrees North Hike with Jen Healy, Ridge Climbs, Outdoor Photography Workshops, Guided Night Walks, Rock Climbing, a Cold Water Talk. Additional evening events include Fireside Chats and an intimate concert with Bressie and guests in St Mary’s Church of Ireland. This is in addition to the already over 100 programmed events over the Festival weekend that will cater for all ages and abilities. Sponsored by Nature Valley, Wander Wild Festival is the perfect opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in the great

outdoors! Experienced climbers will have the chance to embark on the rarely hiked MacGillicuddy's Reeks Cummeenapeasta Ridge Walk and the Coomloughra Horseshoe (taking in Ireland's three highest peaks, Carrauntoohil being one of them) - two challenging and adrenaline-pumping adventures on tricky terrain. The Fireside Chats offer a unique opportunity to chat with like-minded adventurers and local celebrities such as nominee for Outsider Man of the Year Ian O’ Brien, who climbed 28 peaks in 28 days last year to raise awareness of Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease, Killarney man Kevin Leahy who just won the Montane Arctic Spine Race, as well as other local adventurers who will offer advice to anyone planning an expedition. Bressie will be joined by special guests, including Meadbh Walsh, for some exclusive performances in the stunning St. Mary's Church of Ireland. The beautiful natural acoustics and the spectacular backdrop that the intimate church venue offers will provide the perfect setting for a fantastic night of entertainment.




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Massive increase in numbers using local bus services Passenger numbers on local link buses across Kerry have increased by 1727% from 2020 to 2023 according to local Green Party Candidate for Killarney Diarmaid Griffin. This is the highest increase nationally and is due to the investment by the Department of Transport during this government term. “This service was lacking in former times, especially in rural areas and is a welcome addition to the countryside and villages of Kerry.' says Green Party Candidate for

Killarney,” said Griffin. “While in the past, a taxi was the only option for those not cycling or driving. Now a service to Killarney is available every Friday morning from my townland of Barleymount. This is just one example of the network of bus routes criss-crossing the county thanks to local link.” “This project is a notable success as the figures show. Investment in public transport helps alleviate congestion, increases community cohesion and reduces rural isolation. This is all welcome news for the locality,”

GAA players of the year and top footballers of the Country, David Clifford and Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh teamed up to launch a charity duck race which will form part of this year’s St Patrick’s Festival. The Big Duck Dash takes place at the River Deenagh, Killarney National Park at 12 noon, on Monday, March 18. Also on hand to launch the Big Duck Dash were Festival Committee member Derek O'Leary and Festival Chairman, Jason Clifford (right). All proceeds from the event with go to St Francis Special School in Beaufort, which provides specialist education for young people with learning disabilities. Photo: Valerie O'Sullivan

Players of the year don’t duck a challenge

Local Link Kerry links with services operated by Bus Éireann

They never duck when faced with a big challenge on the field so it was safe to assume that GAA players of the year David Clifford and Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh weren’t going to shy away from the latest task on their home patch. The two top footballers in the country teamed up to launch a charity duck race which will form part of this year’s St Patrick’s Festival in Killarney, where they both live. When the working day was done, busy secondary school teachers David and Louise had some great quack and they got caught up in the spirit of the occasion along the scenic River Deenagh in Killarney National Park. The reigning Player of the Year and Ladies Player of the Year award winner demonstrated their competitive streak when they expressed confidence that their own ducks will win The Deenagh Duck Dash on the same river at noon on Monday, March 18. But, luckily, festival chairman Jason Clifford was there to keep the peace and he even threatened to cry fowl and brandish a card at the star players – with duck yellow deemed the most appropriate colour. Considered by many to be the greatest

players of all time in their respective codes, between them Fossa hotshot David and Corca Dhuibhne star Louise have an incredible nine All-Star awards. But they might be tempted to swap one if their duck wins the fun-filled race on the day after St Patrick’s Day. All proceeds from the event will go to St Francis Special School in Beaufort, Killarney which provides specialist education for young people with learning disabilities. Festival chairman Jason remarked: “This isn’t just a race – it's great fun for the whole family. “Picture the scene with a flotilla of vibrant rubber ducks racing down a winding river, their owners cheering them on and all in the name of a fantastic cause”. Super prizes await the winners, the cost of a rubber duck to participate in the race is just €5 and they can be bought online at

The Kerry County Women’s Darts Team that competed at the INDO Darts Inter-Counties Championship last weekend in Trim, County Meath. The generations of the one family: Clodagh McCormick Moriarty, Maureen McCormick and Tanya McCormick were on the team. The full team were: Back Rachel Coughlan, Maura Clifford, Rosa O’Shea, Maureen McCormick, Marie Donnelly, Tanya McCormick,Sally Reeves, Mary Donnelly and Shauna Sweeney. Front - Damien Moriarty, Emer Moran and Clodagh McCormick Moriarty.




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Tour De France-inspired L’Etape coming to Kilarney The Tour de France will bring it’s iconic L’Etape event to Killarney this September giving up to 3,000 cyclists the chance to sample the unique thrills and challenge of a Tour de France stage in Ireland for the first time. Designed and vetted by the team behind the Tour de France, two routes, starting in Killarney, will take in some of the country’s most breathtaking scenery and epic climbs where cyclists can experience the Tour De France on their own terms. L’Etape Ireland is the 32nd race to be

added to the global calendar and takes place on September 7. The event was announced this week with race ambassadors and Irish cyclists Imogen Cotter and Dan Martin. Riders can choose from two routes with different elevation and distance profiles; a 100km route or a more challeng-

At the launch of L'Étape Ireland in Killarney town on Tuesday morning were: Mhairi Baird (Elite Event Management), Umberto Manchini (Tour De France), Oliver Kirwan (Elite Event Management) and Cian Murphy (Elite Event Management).

ing 135km route. Inspired by the Tour De France, both routes will have three timed Mountain stages taking in iconic climbs across Molls Gap, Ballaghbearna Pass and Caragh Lake to compete for the title of King and Queen on the mountain and a coveted polka dot jersey. There will also be a sprint section where participants can battle it out for a Tour De France green jersey. Beyond the race, participants can look forward to exhibitors, shows, a pop-up Tour de France Museum, athlete meet

23.02.2024 and greets and more on the day. Both routes will be on closed or partially closed roads and the race and its participants will be monitored by safety officials throughout. “To bring L’Etape to Ireland and Killarney is incredibly exciting for us and anyone interested in experiencing the thrills of the Tour De France,” said Race director, Oliver Kirwan from Elite Events Management. “Ireland is steeped in cycling history and has some of the best cycling anywhere in the world with Kerry being up there with the best on offer. “L’Etape is special in that you don’t need years of training to participate and live your dream of taking on a Tour de France stage. If you enjoy cycling, a bit of a challenge, and some spectacular views, then L’Etape Ireland is a perfect goal to work towards this summer.”

Pictured at the launch of L'Étape Ireland in Killarney town on Tuesday morning were: Umberto Manchini (Tour De France), Dan O’Connor (Killarney Cycling Club), Kevin Murphy (Killarney Cycling Club), Cllr Niall Kelleher (Cathaoirleach of the Killarney Municipal District), Oliver Kirwan (Elite Event Management), Shane Spellman (Killarney Cycling Club), Andy Buckley (Killarney Cycling Club) and Siobhan Donaldson (Killarney Cycling Club).

Rotary celebrates as €25k raised at Wine & Art Night Killarney Rotary Club made a presentation of €25,000 to several local worth causes as result of its Christmas Wine & Art Night. The beneficiaries included Anabla National School, Castleisland Daycare Centre, Coolick National School, Faha National School, Gaelscoil Faithleann, the Irish Pilgrimage Trust, Kerry Stars, Killarney Athletic Football Club, Killarney Cardiac Response, Killarney Cougars Basketball Club, Knockanes National School, Loughquittane National School, Scoil Bhride (Loreto) National School and Tiernaboul National School. Rotary Club President Barry Murphy announced the funding at a special lunch in the Great Southern Hotel on Wednesday. “I hope the money will help them to

Members of Killarney Rotary Club and Wine & Art Night sponsors made a presentation to 14 beneficiaries following the club’s successful pre-Christmas fundraiser. Photo: Sean Moriarty

complete the projects that this funding was raised for, and Rotary looks forward to seeing some of these when they are completed, he said at the lunch.

“I thank everybody involved in ensuring the evening was a huge success. A huge amount of voluntary work is involved in the organising of this event, before,

during and after, by all. I thank the event sponsors and the 50-plus artists and craftspeople that exhibited and sold on the night. “A special mention to all the patrons for attending year-in, year-out and the many new faces this year, for coming along to exhibit their art or craft pieces or to enjoy themselves tasting a selection of wines and locally brewed beers on offer, in the knowledge that they were supporting so many local groups by being there and to my fellow Rotarians for their ongoing enthusiasm and energy. They look forward to hosting this event again later this year. Now in its 20th it’s the year Wine & Art Night is supported by Daly’s SuperValu Killarney, Killarney Brewing & Distilling Company and new last year the Killarney Credit Union.




Home away 36




Tributes to Michael O'Regan

Tributes have been pouring in for journalist Michael O’Regan who passed way suddenly on Sunday. The Tralee man, a long-time political reporter with the Irish Times, was best known for his ‘Call from the Dail’ segment on Radio Kerry. “It is with great sadness I learned of the passing of Michael O’Regan,” said minister for Education Norma Foley. “His razor sharp wit and humour made his exchanges with Jerry O’Sullivan compel-

ling, informative and enlightening. Kerry politicians and the local community waited with bated breath every Friday to hear his pronouncements for they were delivered with absolute authority and conviction and accepted without question by the public at large. Prior to becoming an Oireachtas reporter, Michael made a significant contribution in his coverage of the Kerry Babies Tribunal, both during the tribunal itself and in his book on that tragic event and its handling. In recent years, Michael wrote about his cancer treatment with great dignity. In writing with such clarity and honesty of his treatment, he provided a great service to others in helping provide a sense of understanding and how they may seek to face their own treatments. “Michael O’Regan’s journalistic career coincided very closely with my own time in Leinster House and he was a journalist for whom I, together with so many others, had the utmost respect,” said President Michael D Higgins. “Throughout the many years in which we met, Michael was always warm and engaging in conversation on the many

topics which were for discussion. He was incredibly courteous, and a perfect judge of when an injection of the humour, upon which he drew from his proud Kerry background, was needed.” Danny Healy Rae and the Healy Rae Family paid tribute also. “I have been following and listening to his view and opinions since early March 1997 when he gave my father a real possible chance of winning a Dail seat the following June 1997 General Election, his vast knowledge of politics both local and national acquired over his lifetime in political journalism ensured that the view he came out with was always right, as a Kerry political representative it has always been important to me to listen or hear what his view was on the latest or any topic, his voice will never be forgotten,” said Danny. Councillor, Michael Cahill has also expressed his sadness at his passing. “Michael was a gentleman in the true sense of the word and will be sorely missed by all who knew him. He had a brilliant radio voice and his newspaper columns and radio broadcasts were eagerly awaited by all those with an interest in Irish politics, both local and national,” he said.

Kremlin hits back after Biden calls Putin “Crazy SOB” during fundraiser

A collection of personal items from the pop singer’s recently-sold Atlanta home went under the hammer at Christie’s auction house in New York. Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, sold the property on Peachtree Road for $7.2 million in 2023 after the singer reached the end of his ‘Farewell Yellow Brick Road’ tour in the US. The acclaimed musician is best known for his songs Tiny Dancer, Your Song and Rocket Man as well as his unique blend of pop and rock styles. Among the collection put up for sale was artworks by Banksy and Andy Warhol. Banksy’s ’The Flower Thrower Triptych’ fetched $1.9 million including fees, while other items like a grand piano sold for $200,000 and John’s iconic sunglasses were bought for $22,680 by collectors and fans.

CSI Kerry – one of state’s big drug heists

US president Joe Biden was quoted at an event on Wednesday saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a "crazy SOB". He made the remark during a fundraiser at a private home in San Francisco where he also said that “we always have to worry about nuclear conflict” because of Putin. Senior officials at The Kremlin hit back at the comments, saying that it was a poor attempt to sound like a “Hollywood cowboy” and that his remarks “debase” America. US-Russian relations have deteriorated of late following the killing of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny while serving a long-term jail sentence at a Russian penal colony in the Arctic Circle last week, and the persecution of US citizens in Russia over the last few years. As well as diplomatic relations with Russia, Biden has a domestic election coming up in November to worry

Elton John’s personal items sell for $8 million at New York auction

The synthetic drugs seized in Cork Port last Friday have been certified as crystal meth.

about. His likely opponent, Donald Trump, recently compared Alexei Navalny’s death to his own legal issues. Biden responded to these accusations saying, “Some of the things that this fellow’s been saying, like he’s comparing himself

to Navalny and saying that – because our country’s become a communist country, he was persecuted, just like Navalny was persecuted. I don’t know where the hell this comes from”. “[Trump’s remarks] astound me,” he also added.

Gardaí have confirmed that the 546 kilograms of the drug seized in Ringaskiddy last week as part of a multi-agency investigation have a street value of €32.8 million. They were concealed in machinery which had been loaded in to a shipping container bound for Australia. Premises in Tralee, Castleisland and Waterford were raided as part of the investigation. Two Kerry men in their 40s were arrested in connection with the seizure. After two sperate court cases, including one in Killarney District Court, to extend the period of detention, Gardai now have until approximately 1030am today (Friday) to either charge or release the men.



Dingle will host the first big cycle of 2024 Demand is increasing for Ride Dingle’s popular 55km route or the more challenging 120km route.

Private Texan company aims to land on moon Texas firm Intuitive Machines are aiming to become the first non-government agency to complete a soft landing on the moon. Their spacecraft Odysseus (nicknamed “Odie”) is aiming to accomplish the feat at 10:30pm Irish time on February 22.

Successful moon landings have been carried out by the government space agencies of the US, Soviet Union, China, India and Japan, but private companies Astrobotic, SpaceIL and ispace have tried

and failed to land on the moon in the past. The Nova-C Odysseus lander blasted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida last week on a Falcon 9 rocket which was build by SpaceX. It carries 12 payloads of which 6 belong to NASA which paid $118 million for the ride to the moon. Intuitive Machines aim to land on the rim of a crater named Malapert A, located 300km from the South Pole of the Moon, which is thought to have water ice, a crucial resource for future exploration. You can watch coverage of the landing live on NASA’s website,

Scheduled to run on April 27 and set against the backdrop of the Slea Head coastline and Conor Pass, it's a ticket to Ireland's most scenic coastal cycle. Electric bikes are welcome at Ride Dingle, making it accessible for friends and family of all fitness levels. Picture pedaling together along stunning coastal roads, from Dingle town across Slea Head, along the majestic Conor Pass, and through the picturesque villages of Anascaul and Camp, taking in breathtaking and unspoilt views of the Atlantic, before circling back for a fabulous finale at Dingle Marina. “Dingle is the perfect place to linger longer with cycling and non-cycling friends, and make a weekend of exploring its rich culture and tradition, as you unwind from your tough day on the saddle,” said Rebecca Kemp of Elite Event Management. “Immerse yourself in cosy pubs and eateries, ancient historical sites, sea safaris, and explorations of the Blasket and Skellig Islands, with their unprecedented natural beauty and protected wildlife.” Ride Dingle is also a chance to make a

difference. Every year Ride Dingle proudly supports local charities, and in 2023 made a generous donation of €32,000 to local groups and organisations, including Kerry Hospice, Kerry Cancer Support Group and the Camp Hill Community. “By taking part in Ride Dingle you are not only part of a cycling event; but also part of a community making a real difference to worthwhile causes,” added Rebecca. Organised by Kerry company Elite Event Management in collaboration with Dingle Cycling Club, Ride Dingle is the ideal event for cycling enthusiasts and lovers of the great outdoors. “We invite everyone with a passion for cycling and the outdoors to join us in Dingle on 27th April 2024. Ride Dingle brings together cyclists of all levels from Ireland and abroad to explore one of the country’s most stunning coastal routes. Dingle’s vibrant atmosphere with its colourful and traditional bars and restaurants offers the perfect backdrop to extend your stay and discover more of this uniquely traditional Irish coastline,” said Oliver Kirwan from Elite Event Management. Registrations are open on the Ride Dingle website:

Grand Marshal announced for Dublin St. Patrick’s Day Parade Late Late Show host Patrick Kielty was unveiled on Thursday as the Grand Marshal for the national St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Dublin. Comedian turned chat show host Kielty said, “It’s such an honour to be asked and I was genuinely gobsmacked when the call came in.” He also added, “When you’re lucky enough to be called Patrick, St Patrick’s Day always feels like an extra birthday and I can’t wait to get the world’s biggest party started on 17 March”. ‘Spark’, or ‘Spréach’ as Gaeilge is the theme for this year’s festival. The promoters of the festival say the word “represents the unique essence of Ireland and of Irish People”. The parade will feature over 4,000 participants this year and starts at Parnell Square North, working its way down through the city and passing 17 grandstands to Kevin Street.

Voters need to “treat every day like it’s April Fools" says Art O’Leary The chairman of Ireland’s Electoral Commission, Art O’ Leary, has said that voters should “treat every day like it’s April Fools’” ahead of the upcoming referendums on International Women’s Day, the March 8. Mr O’ Leary also mentioned that 92% of international elections are subject to misinformation and there is “no reason to think that Ireland would be uniquely exempt from such activity”. Prospective voters should get their information about the referendums from reputable sources and should not take information on social media to be necessarily true. A constitu-

tional referendum allows Irish citizens to decide whether or not to change the wording of the Irish Constitution. In this case the proposal by the government is to change the wording of Article 41 of the Constitution. The first referendum concerns the concept of family in the Constitution while the second referendum proposes to delete an existing part of the Constitution and insert new text providing recognition for care provided by family members to each other. The Labour Party, Social Democrats and People before Profit are supporting a Yes vote, with Sinn Féin expected to follow suit despite doubts about the wording.



F.A.I-lure to find next Irish manager The next manager of the Irish National Football Team has been a contentious issue since Stephen Kenny left the role in November after a lacklustre Euro 2024 qualifying campaign that had six losses and just two wins, both coming against a dreadful Gibraltar team. The rumour mill has been spinning for months now and a whole host of names have been linked with the job. At the start of this saga, current England under-21 manager Lee Carsley appeared to be the main contender for the job and there was rumours circulating that he was offered the role with a €700,000 a year salary but turned it down. He reportedly wanted a greater budget for assistant managers and a goalkeeping coach. The bookies still give odds of 2/1 for him to become the next permanent Irish manager and there is the possibility that an interim manager could be installed for friendlies against Belgium and Switzerland in March and that Carsley could come in before Ireland’s first Nations League game against England on September 7th. Carsley recently led his England under-21 team to glory in the under-21 European Championships and is a young and up and coming manager with a reputation of nurturing youth. Given the age profile of the team many believe he would be the ideal choice. Pundits Shay Given and Brian Kerr believe that Lee Carsley will not take the job. Given has been quoted saying “It's my understanding that it is not going to be Lee Carsley." with Kerr adding “What I know of him is that he’s a very loyal and principled fella. I believe he wouldn't break the current deal he has with the English FA at the moment, because that's the sort of fella he is.” Since it has emerged that Lee Carsley is less likely to take the job, former Wales manager Chris Coleman had emerged as the frontrunner for the job on Sunday but by Monday evening it was revealed by BBC Wales that he was not interested in the position. He led a young Welsh side to the semi-finals of Euro 2016 but this tremendous achievement is overshadowed by a poor club record. He most recently managed in China and Greece after being sacked by Sunderland almost 6 years ago. This makes him less appealing to the FAI but getting Wales to the semi-finals of

Euro 2016 still gives him a lot of credibility. Coleman holds Irish citizenship, his father is from Dublin and his godson Ronan Curtis was an Irish international under Martin O’ Neill so there is certainly an Irish connection with the former Fulham and Real Sociedad manager. Overlooking his club record, his time at Wales was impressive and his tournament experience could help Ireland in doing well in the Nations League which has implications for European Championship and World Cup Qualifying. Another name being tossed about is Neil Lennon. The 5 time Scottish League champion with Glasgow Celtic is currently out of work and has been quoted saying in the past that the Ireland managerial position “is a dream job”. Despite his public interest it was reported on Monday 19th February that his application for the job has been unsuccessful. The other realistic name be floated for the job is Anthony Barry. He is currently working as an assistant coach under big-name managers Thomas Tuchel at Bayern Munich and Roberto Martinez at the Portuguese National Team. Having previously only worked in assistant managerial roles some are questioning if he is the right fit but with great coaching credentials and having previously worked in the FAI under Stephen Kenny, he is seen as a good alternative to some of the other names mentioned. Irish soccer legend and Shelbourne FC manager Damien Duff has best described how the nation is feeling calling the situation “embarrassing” and revealed that he was approached about the position calling it “a box ticking exercise”. It has been 3 months since Stephen Kenny left the job and Duff’s evaluation of the recruitment process is accurate, it has been an embarrassment for the FAI and it’s hard to see where they are going to find a manager that can turn this Irish team around.

Hello readers my name is Cormac Purcell. I am 16 years old and I am from Kilcummin. I like anything to do with sports, watching movies and reading. I am currently in Transition Year in St. Brendans College. This week I did work experience in Killarney Advertiser and it was an enjoyable and informative experience. I was greeted with open arms and got see how the magazine is made from design to production and I was happy to contribute with my own piece. I hope you enjoy it.



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Launch of Killarney Musical Society’s ‘Michael Collins - A Musical Drama’ There is less than two weeks to show time for the cast of Killarney Musical Society’s production of ‘Michael Collins - A Musical Drama.’ Killarney Musical Society held its official launch on Sunday where cast members appeared in full costume ahead of the March 5 - 7 performance at the INEC Arena. The launch was followed by a full rehearsal and director Oliver Hurley was also there to lend a hand. “We were delighted to introduce our lead characters to you. We had Abbey Theatre players Brigid Delia and Michael, who are the narrators throughout the musical drama. Éamon de Valera , Harry Boland, Joe Emmett, Arthur Griffith, Cathal Brugha, volunteers and of course the beautiful Kitty Kiernan were

in full costume,” said KMS PRO Linda O’Donoghue. “Mother Ireland and her five graceful dancers were fabulous. Our director and choreographer Oliver, our musical director Michael Young and the full cast of 64 were there. The singing was powerful. The music in ‘Michael Collins - A Musical Drama’ is distinctly Irish. People will definitely enjoy it.”


Get your tickets in the INEC box office, online at or at the pop-up ticket office in the Laurel’s Pub, Market Cross from 12 pm to 4 pm between February 29 and March 2.

Elaine Kearney (Mother Ireland) and dancers Abby Cronin, Caoimhe Burke, Bronagh Murphy, Caroline Drummey and Katrina Galvin.

Taking rehearsals outdoors at the Killarney Heights Hotel for Killarney Musical Society's upcoming show 'Michael Collins' which will take place at the INEC on March 5th, 6th & 7th, were (L-R) Eamonn Kelly (Cathal Brugha), Tim Moran (de Valera), Lloyd Fitzgibbon (Harry Boland), Elaine Kearney (Mother Ireland), Pat O'Neill (Volunteer), Aaron McLarnon (Joe Emmett), & Derry Healy (Arthur Griffith). Picture Marie Carroll-O'Sullivan.

Players (L-R) Fiona Crowley, Derek O'Leary & Siobhan Bustin, pictured at rehearsals at the Killarney Heights Hotel, as they put the final touches to Killarney Musical Society's 'Michael Collins' which will take place at the INEC on 5th, 6th & 7th March. Picture Marie Carroll-O'Sullivan.

New initiative to make Killarney an autism-friendly town A new initiative aimed at making Killarney autism-friendly has been launched with the backing of over 30 businesses, public sector and charity organisations in the town. The initiative is being led by a voluntary committee and supported by AsIAm, Ireland’s national autism charity, whose CEO Adam Harris was the keynote speaker at the launch event in the Plaza Hotel. As part of the initiative, businesses and organisations that get involved, known as ‘champions’, will take measures to provide an environment that considers the needs of local residents and visitors with autism. The overall goal is to ensure autistic individuals have full access to goods and services in Killarney, and that their lived

experience is one of support and inclusion across all aspects of daily life. “I was delighted to attend the launch of Killarney AsIAm Autism Friendly Town Committee. There was a great attendance from across the community who had the opportunity to learn about the initiative and also hear of its importance from the perspective of the local Autism community,” said Adam Harris, CEO, AsIAm. “We look forward to working with the local committee in the time ahead to identify and remove the invisible barriers that exist so that Autistic people have the same chance to live, work and play in Killarney.” The Killarney Autism Friendly Committee has already piloted an autism friendly area at the Christmas in Killarney parades late last year, kick-starting a three-year

Éabla Clifford, with autism therapy support dog 'Zazu' from Fossa National School, supporting a new initiative aimed at making Killarney autism-friendly. Photo: Valerie O'Sullivan

journey that will include training for champion organisations, autism-friendly events and awareness campaigns to educate the wider public about autism acceptance and accessibility. The first training event for staff and volunteers working with autism-friendly champions will take place on March 5. “We started working on this initiative last

year and the support we have received so far has been fantastic” said Kevin Leahy, Chairman, Killarney Autism Friendly Committee. “The next phase will be very exciting as the champion businesses and organisations make changes to become more autism-friendly, and we look forward to supporting them on that journey.”




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KCC student progresses to public speaking competition

Killarney Community College claim a place in this year's National Soroptimist International Competition for the second year in a row. Congratulations to Tamika Heaphy, 6th year, who won a place in the National Final in The Mansion House Dublin in March in the Soroptimist International Girl’s Public Speaking Competition. Tamika is through to the next stage after competing against very stiff competition on Sunday in Killarney at the Regional Final. Tamika chose to speak about the topic of Peace and Democracy where she wowed the judges with her fantastic communication and public speaking skills. She competed against students from schools across Cork and secured one of two places that were up for grabs to compete in the National Final in March.

"This year we were lucky for two of our students to go through to the Regional Final. It was amazing to see the confidence in our students grow from participating in this competition and it was a great opportunity for them to learn invaluable new skills and create links with people in the community. They have already had the opportunity to speak at an event for Toastmasters Killarney which has been a wonderful opportunity for the girls to create links with people for their future," said teacher Tara O'Shea. We are very proud and want to wish her and Ms O’ Shea all the best in the next stage of the competition.

Bridie Brosnan and Tamika Heaphy.


Yasmin Hassan, teacher Tara O Shea, Tamika Heap

Kerry Schools Cross Country Championships The Kerry Schools Cross Country Championships took place Friday 26 in the Killarney Demesne. It was a hugely successful day out with our students winning the best boy's school on the day. Our Minor boys took off to a flying start with Ryan Vickers comfortably taking gold. Robert Murphy also ran a strong race coming in at 5th place. Our minor boys won 2nd place as a team. In the Junior boys' race, our students took 1st place as a team. In a highly competitive race Jack Culloty claimed 4th place. Moving onto

the Intermediate boy's race, Karl James O Neill had an impressive race taking the gold medal. Our team ran very well winning them 2nd place. The final race of the day was the Senior boys' race. We had a strong team performance with three of our students in the top 6. Ted O Gorman was in 4th, Daire O Brien 5th place and Cian Forde was 6th. This powerful team effort won our students the 1st team prize. Congratulations and well done to all who competed on the day. Their next race with take place on the 9th of February for the South Munster Schools Championships in Tramore Valley Park.



n Secondary Second year students from St Brigid's Presentatio trip in Sierra skiing day four erful wond a had tly recen l Schoo e, Ms B. O Nevada. Accompanied by their teachers, Ms Moor nor, the O'Con A. Ms and e oghu O'Don Ms e, Malon Connor, Ms taking to e befor ns lesso skiing students availed of professional er conweath ideal than less some nding ithsta the slopes. Notw body every to done Well all. ditions, a wonderful time was had by involved.

nt Gioielli Vaz repKillarney Community College Leaving Cert stude in Rome. Particrence confe UN l Mode t recen the at resented DRC ng resolutions drafti and s, iation ipants engaged in debates, negot the actual of dures proce the ring mirro s, issue l on various globa c speaking, publi , macy diplo UN. Model UN cultivates skills such as nts to stude for rm platfo a offers It rch. resea critical thinking, and thy empa op devel understand complex international relations, Gioielli tion. resolu ct confli ice pract and towards global challenges, st intere his fuels and noted that it was an unbelievable experience l schoo after work an nitari further in politics and huma

part of their Classroom Based Assessnts who competed in an orienteering event as Killarney Community College second year stude third year. The event was a test of their of end the at nt Junior Certificates of achieveme ment for PE. This result will be printed on their e in the designated time. g and teamwork. All students completed the cours fitness levels, map reading skills, decision makin




Vintage club hosts charity quiz night Killarney Valley Classic and Vintage Club kicked off 2024 with something different this year. The club held a table quiz for members, family and friends all Old Killarney Inn. Run in aid of Enable Ireland, the quiz raised €1,300 “Our Club is always growing and open to

everyone, from car and tractor runs, to shows and quizzes and later this year the club are hosting the All-Ireland Vintage Show on August 25,” said club PRO Richard O’Donoghue. New members for 2024 are always welcome and details are available on www.

WINNING TEAM: Cathal O'Shea, Aaron O’Sullivan, Cathal Walsh (Quiz Master), Cathal Healy, Fiona Carroll (Event MC) and Sean O’Sullivan.












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Castleisland hosted first event under new Craig Breen Foundation banner Rally driver Craig Breen was fondly remembered in Kerry this week as the first recipients of funding from the Craig Breen Foundation were selected. The Craig Breen foundation aims to continue and build on the good work started by Craig in developing the path into top level rallying for young Irish competitors, while honouring his memory. With support from Hyundai Motorsport, Sports & You Rally Team, Hyundai Portugal, Hyundai Spain, Motorsport Ireland and the FIA, the foundation has committed to supporting the J1000 Forestry Series for a minimum of five years period, starting this season. The Killarney Forestry Rally took place on Sunday in Castleisland and was the opening round of the Junior 1000 Rally Series for 14- to 17-year-old rally drivers. The championship runs alongside the Sligo Pallets Irish Forestry Rally

Championship and the Killarney and District Motor Club event was the opening round of the 2024 campaign. A total of 21 junior crews (out of 24 starters) completed the six-stage event. At the finish, the top four drivers received a fuel voucher worth €250 to be put towards the next event in Carrickon-Suir in April

Danny Brady came out on top, followed closely by Tommy Cronin, Ryan Caldwell and Ross Ryan. “It was fantastic to see 24 crews lined up for the start line on Sunday morning after a safety briefing on Saturday evening which included some wise words from World Championship co-driver, Paul Nagle,” said Foundation manager and

former Rally of the Lakes podium finisher Andy Hayes. “Following the briefing, all drivers were measured up for their Craig Breen Foundation coats, which will be issued at the next round in Carrick-on-Suir. We wish all crews the best of luck as they re-prepare their cars and get ready for the second round.”




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23.02.2024 Teresa RANDLES is a former Head of Human Resources and now works as a Career Coach and Career Planning Strategist.

Career Progression This is a question I get asked quite a lot - how do I progress in my career? When I work with people, these are some of the areas I would focus on. The Annual Performance review Take this process seriously and own it. Don't treat it as a tick box exercise. It is your opportunity to sit with your manager, discuss your career, what you would like to achieve, how what you want to achieve aligns with the company. You should come away from that meeting with a set of objectives. Each objective should be SMART and that is a specific objective, how can it be Measured, what Action will you take to achieve it, how Realistic is it and what is the Timescale. These objectives give you something to work towards and benchmark your progress. Develop a specialism I have worked with people in the past who during the first 2/3 years of their career gained a really good grounding in their area and then decided to specialise (a litigation lawyer who decided to specialise in construction litigation). You might need to develop further hard or technical skills. Find a mentor A mentor is someone who has more more experience than you and can act as a sounding board and provide

support and guidance to you. I have had a mentor in the past, their guidance was invaluable. Skills development I am thinking about soft skills here and not the hard technical skills relating to your job. Would you like to start developing some communication, presentation or management skills. Are there courses you can go on? You can think about profile raising and there are ways to do this Article writing Is there an industry publication that you can approach and pitch a relevant article for? Does your Firm have a blog, website or other social media that you could write something for? Can you co-author an article with a more senior member of the team?

Black Valley broadband project gets underway Works are under way to install a high-speed fibre broadband network in the remote Black Valley area of Kerry. The Black Valley was one of the last areas of Ireland to be electrified but broadband in the region is expected to be live in the second half of the year with residents already able to pre-order their connection. “It is well known that Black Valley was one of the last locations to get electricity due to its remoteness and challenging terrain, so we are extremely pleased to be commencing the rollout of our high-speed fibre network now with a view to connections being available later this year,” said National Broadband Ireland Deployment CEO, TJ Malone.

National Broadband Ireland workers onsite blowing 1.8km of fibre optic cable into the Black Valley. Photo Dominic Walsh

Build an external professional network through LinkedIn Networking events are a great way to meet other professionals and connect with them. But please remember a networking event is not a sales event and should never be treated as such! No one wants a hard sell. 'Career progression' is a huge topic and I am only covering it in very broad terms. If you have specific questions, please don't hesitate to contact me on teresa@meetyourcareercoach. com or 085 169 3541

Kerry Multiple Sclerosis Wellness event scheduled for Brehon in April The Brehon Hotel will host to the highly anticipated Multiple Sclerosis self-care seminar on April 21. The Kerry Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Event will take a holistic approach to empowering attendees to manage their care by focusing on mindset, nutrition and exercise. Expert speakers on the day include Neurologist Dr Helena Moore, Ireland’s leading health and performance coach Gerry Hussey of Soul Space, and Naturopath Anne Darcy.

“We are determined to ensure the rollout is as fast as possible and connection is made easy for Black Valley residents, and we have a plan in place to work around the location’s all-important tourist season. “Black Valley is a symbol of NBI’s mission that no area will be left behind no matter how rural or remote and we are delighted that this beautiful location moves one step closer to high-speed fibre today, with all the opportunities that will unlock for the local community.”

The Kerry Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Event was organised by Susan Carey and Jillian O’Sullivan on seeing the opportunity to introduce more health and lifestyle services in Kerry, for people living with MS. They previously ran this event in 2020, in The Rose Hotel Tralee, a week before the first Covid National lockdown and it was a huge success. “Traditionally, the information made available in relation to living with and treating MS is all medical research

based intel. What’s different about our event is that it is lifestyle based, supporting people to take a more hands on approach to their selfcare,” said Jillian. “The MS Wellness Day in 2020 was such an incredible success, people are still talking about how it was an enjoyable uplifting positive day. We initially wanted to run the event every two years but with the Covid pandemic this wasn’t possible. With just 9,000 people in Ireland living with MS, it can sometimes be an isolating illness to deal with, and

then with further restrictions over Covid, it has been extra challenging. We’re really proud to be bringing this opportunity to the community here in Kerry again to not only provide really valuable content but to also boost the morale of many living with MS and their family,” added Susan. The Kerry Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Event entrance fee is €20 and with limited capacity booking in advance is essential via Eventbrite. The event will take place in The Brehon Hotel from 10.30am – 3pm on Sunday, April 21 and is open to anyone living with MS, or perhaps supporting someone who is living with the illness. For more information, search Kerry Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Event on or call 085 7424114 or 086 3846359.



TO LET: Double room to let in Killarney town centre. Share bathroom with one other. Suitable for single professional. Non-smoker. No pets. Contact 087 3250182. TO LET: 2-bedroom apartment in Beaufort.

2-bedroom apartment in Glenflesk. Also, 2-bedroom apartment in Loreto. Contact 086 8136888. TO LET: Room for rent in a quiet house share, in Woodlawn area of Killarney. €130


(everything included, no extra charges). Tel:

TO LET: Rooms to rent in Tralee town. Con-

Dan 089 4717500.

tact 087 2944505.

TO LET: Studio apartment close to Killarney

WANTED: Houses and apartments to rent

town. Free parking. Phone 086 0797716.

in the Killarney area. Contact 086 8136888.

child minder for our 1-year-old daughter. Experience required. Please Contact 086 1703935.

tact 0860503512 after 6pm.

CLASSIFIEDS FREE TO GOOD HOME AVAILABLE: Beautiful 9-month-old female Blue Merle/Collie pup is free to a good loving home. She has a wonderful temperament. Suitable for farm work and/or a family pet. Call 087 2563582.

AVAILABLE AVAILABLE: MUSIC LESSONS - piano, violin, fiddle, guitar, banjo. Garda vetted. Leaving Cert Music grinds and Online Option also available. Tel John: 087-6801392 or Maggie: 087-6961681.

AVAILABLE: Plasterer available for all types of plastering work with over 30 years’ experience. Also, block work and stonework done. Telephone Pat on 087 2070009. AVAILABLE: Blaze School of Motoring – For a safer driving experience call or text Ray on 089 6145636.

WANTED WANTED: Carer required for part-time hours to care for elderly lady in her own home. References required. Telephone: 086 6772174. WANTED: Looking for a caring and reliable

WANTED: Reliable cleaner with good English, in Fossa area, replies by text only to 087 9445823.

FOR SALE FOR SALE: Hardwood & Softwood for sale. Full and half loads, Delivering across Kerry. Call 087 3831953. FOR SALE: 1-seater, 2-seater, and 3-seater fabric couches. Dark grey. Used. Good condition. Kilcummin area. Collection only. Con-

FOR SALE: 3 Wardrobes (free standing) and 2 armchairs for sale. Telephone 085 7423432 after 6pm.

ANIMALS ANIMALS: HUG: Homes for Unwanted Greyhounds. For further details please contact us on 087 6932090 or email info@ ANIMALS: KLAWS (Kenmare and Locality Animal Welfare Society) We have several adult cats (all colours) awaiting homes. 087 9729240 or 087 9704480.



SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. No math, nothing has to add up – solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.








COMHAIRLIÚCHÁN PHOIBLÍ /PUBLIC CONSULTATION CILL ÁIRNE / KILLARNEY Killarney Community CCTV Project – Killarney Town Centre CCTV Scheme Kerry County Council have prepared plans to establish the “Killarney Community CCTV Project – Killarney Town Centre CCTV Scheme” as approved by The Commissioner An Garda Siochana, under Section 38 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005, and part funded by the Department of Justice. Non Statutory Public Consultation The Council is undertaking a broad public consultation to seek the observations, views and suggestions of the local community and all the key stakeholders regarding the proposed Killarney Town Centre CCTV Scheme. An open day will be held on Thursday the 7th of March 2024 at the ANAM centre from 2.00pm to 7:00pm and a webinar from 7:00pm to 8.00pm where Kerry County Council will present the plans for this scheme. Plans and Particulars of the proposed scheme are available for inspection during normal office hours from Thursday, 29th of February 2024 to Wednesday, 20th March 2024 at the following locations; • Kerry County Council, Killarney MD & Area Office, The Town Hall, Killarney. • Kerry County Council Consultation Platform Observations, views and submissions in relation to the above can be made using the consultation platform or in writing (and marked) to: Killarney Non Statutory Public Consultation To: Kerry County Council, Killarney MD & Area Office, The Town Hall, Killarney, V93 KH5V And must be received by 5.00 pm on Wednesday, 20th March 2024 Personal information is collected by Kerry County Council to enable the processing of your submission/enquiry. Kerry County Council can legally process this information as necessary to comply with its statutory/legal obligations. Such information will be processed in line with the Council’s privacy statement which is available at




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ACROSS 1. Casino game 5. Peak 9. Add to the family 14. Close 15. Exhibit 16. Carved gem 17. Great Lake 18. Walker 20. Feel sick 21. Clamp 22. Beautiful 23. Meal ender 25. Tethered 26. Had lunch 27. Aykroyd and Rather 28. Shooter's group (abbr.) 31. Diamond and Armstrong 34. Johann ____ Bach 36. Land unit 37. Seashore find 38. Corrosive substance 39. Square dance figure 41. Prophetic signs 42. Earth's star 43. Poles 44. Shred 45. Earth's center 46. Molded dessert 50. Shocked 53. Pod dwellers 54. Pedro's "one" 55. Nutritious 57. Pub drinks 58. Latin dance 59. Southern veggie 60. Desperate 61. Rock star ____ John 62. Young adult 63. Makes a choice

DOWN 1. Work dough 2. Ghostly 3. Brads 4. Natural mineral 5. Be ambitious 6. Trunk 7. A la ____ 8. She-sheep 9. Cameron Diaz, e.g. 10. Ventured 11. Fail to include 12. Bog product 13. Broadway award 19. Of the backbone 21. Dog docs 24. Capital of Oregon 25. Dinette piece 27. Acts 28. Pleasing 29. Downpour 30. Ampersands 31. Dozes off 32. Light tan 33. Press 34. Window blind 35. Florida City 37. Nasal sounds 40. Wearing down 41. Lubricates 44. President Ronald ____ 45. Freight 46. Artistic category 47. Spring flower 48. Inactive 49. Nuzzles 50. Poker term 51. Objective 52. Scavenger ____ 53. Toll road 56. Torrid 57. Ruckus





How your income is assessed for a State Pension (Non-Contributory) In a means test the Department of Social Protection examines all your sources of income. To get a State Pension (Non-Contributory), your income must be below a certain amount. The main items included in the means test are: • Cash income that you or your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant may have. Some cash income may not be included in the means test. You can check this with your local Citizens Information Centre • Capital, for example, the value of savings, investments, shares or any property you have, but not your own home. The first €20,000 of your capital is not taken into account


Any cash income you have is assessed in the means test. Cash income includes any social security pension from another country. However, some types of cash income are not considered in the means test. For example, you can earn up to €200 per week from employment (but not self-employment) and it will not affect your Pension. Your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant can also earn up to €200 per week. Any income from work above this amount is assessed in the means test. Blind Welfare Allowance is not included in the means test.


Published By

Your net income from farming or leasing land is assessed as income in the means test. Your net income is worked out by taking your gross income (your income before tax) and deducting your expenses. If you own land that is not productively used or leased, it is assessed on its capital value Payments you get under the Farm Retirement Scheme and income from property that has already been assessed on its capital value are not taken into account in the means test.

Managing Editor & Director: Cormac Casey Director: Noelle Casey General Manager: Aidan Quirke

Information about how income from farming is assessed is available on


Savings, investments, cash on hand and any property you own (but not your own home) is assessed as capital. If your property is assessed on its capital value then income from that property (such as rent) is not assessed in the means test. If you or your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant saves a portion of your State Pension (Non-Contributory) each week, these savings as well as savings from most other sources will be taken into account in the means test. All your capital from different sources is added together and a special formula is then used to find your weekly means from capital. For more detail on this, you can contact your local Citizens Information Centre. Disability Allowance and the State Pension (Non-Contributory) The means tests for Disability Allowance (DA) and the State Pension (Non-Contributory) use different rules to assess capital. But if you are moving from DA to the State Pension (Non-Contributory) at 66, you will not get a lower-rate Pension due to a less favourable assessment of capital.


The value of the house you live in is not taken into account in the means test. Income you are getting from your home (for example renting a room) can be taken into account. However, the following exceptions apply: • You are living alone: If renting out the room means that you would not be living alone, then your income from rent is not taken into account. • You are not living alone: You can get up to €269.23 a week (€14,000 per year) from renting a room in your home without it affecting your State (Non-Contributory) Pension. The

THIS WEEK’S ISSUE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Business Development Manager: Chris Davies Graphic Designer: Leszek Szeligowski, Sports Journalist: Adam Moynihan, Sean Moriarty

person renting a room in your home must use the room for a minimum of 28 consecutive days and not be an employee or immediate family member. You should check if renting a room in your home will affect your Fuel Allowance. The Accommodation Recognition Payment for hosting refugees from Ukraine is not assessed in the means test for the State (Non-Contributory) Pension.


If you sell your home, the money you make from the sale (the proceeds) would normally be taken into account in the means test. However, you may be able to sell your home because it is no longer suitable for you (or you cannot maintain it) and have up to €190,500 of the proceeds of the sale excluded from the means test. The exemption of €190,500 applies, if you sell your house to: • Buy or rent more suitable alternative accommodation • Move into a private nursing home which is registered under the Health (Nursing Homes) Act 1990 • Move in with a person who is getting a carer's payment to care for you • Move to sheltered or special housing in the voluntary, co-operative, statutory or private sectors If you use the proceeds of the sale to buy more suitable accommodation, the balance of the proceeds after buying the new accommodation is exempt up to a limit of €190,500. However the proceeds of the sale may be taken into account by the Health Service Executive (HSE) when your entitlement to the Fair Deal Scheme is being assessed.


Any benefit you get from investing the proceeds from the sale of your home is taken into account in the means test.

If you invest the money you make from selling your home (the proceeds), any interest you make on the investment is taken into account in the means test and assessed as capital. However, if you rely on interest payments to pay major expenses, such as nursing home costs, the DSP can exclude the interest, on the exempted capital, up to a maximum of €190,500.


If you leave your home (either on a temporary basis or indefinitely) due to old age or being unwell, the value of your home will not be assessed in the means test. However, if you get an income from it (for example, if you rent it out), the capital value of the house will then be taken into account in the mean test.


Your cash means and capital means are added together to see what level of pension you will get, if any. If you are one half of a couple (married couple, civil partners or a cohabiting couple) then your means are taken to be half of the total means of yourself and your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant. You can have savings or assets of up to €20,000 and earnings of up to €200 per week from employment and still qualify for a full State Pension (Non-Contributory). The first €30 per week of means does not affect the rate of your pension. After that first €30, your pension is reduced by €2.50 for every €2.50 of means. The Farm Assist and for the State Pension (Non-Contributory) means tests are different. But if you are moving from Farm Assist to the State Pension (Non-Contributory), and the different means tests would result in you getting a lower pension payment, you keep the higher payment. If you need further information about any of the issues raised here or you have other questions, you can drop-in to your local Citizens Information Service in Tralee, Killarney or Caherciveen – opening hours are listed on our website

KC PRINT @ Lissivigeen I Killarney I Co.Kerry I Ireland I V93 XA70 | Tel 064 6632215 Email | Web Sports Columnists: Adam Moynihan, Eamonn Fitzgerald, Liam Murphy, Eamonn Keogh Journalist: Sean Moriarty Contributing Columnists:


Jill Duggan, Niamh Dwyer, Natalya Krasnenkova Photographers: Marie Carroll-O'Sullivan, Valerie O’Sullivan, Dylan Clifford, Eamonn Keogh, Don MacMonagle, Sally MacMonagle





In loving memory of Patrick Culloty Annaghmore, Headford, Killarney who passed away on 27th February 2023. As we lovingly remember our beloved father Patrick on his first anniversary, Donie, Catherina and Mag, would like to sincerely thank all those who sympathised with us on our sad loss of Dad. We wish to thank all those who sent floral tributes, cards, messages of condolences, those who telephoned and those who travelled to be with us, we are truly grateful. We would like to thank our extended families, relatives neighbours and friends, who helped and supported us during this difficult time of the funeral. To all those who brought food and refreshments to the house during the funeral. Your presence, kindness and prayers gave us great strength and comfort. It was deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. A huge thank you to each and every member of staff at the Bon Secours Hospital and the HDU unit, for your support, your kindness, your care and compassion shown to our Dad.

In loving memory of Patrick Culloty Annaghmore, Headford, Killarney who passed away on 27th February 2023. Dad we hold you close within our hearts And there you shall remain Until we meet again. So rest in peace Dad And thanks for all you’ve done We pray that God has given you The crown you’ve truly won. Always loved and forever remembered by your children Donie, Catherina and Mag, sons-in-law Séamus and Brendan, daughter-in-law Kathleen, your loving grandchildren Nathan, Noreen, Amy, Darren, Kayla, Jason and Emer, and your sisters Kathleen and Sheila.



In loving memory of Michael O’Donoghue Killeen, Clonkeen, Killarney who died on 23rd February 2023.

In loving memory of Mary Kelly Knockeenduff, Killarney, Co. Kerry who died on 23rd February 2023.

As we lovingly remember Michael on his first anniversary, his son Fionnán, daughters Mary, Sinéad, Máiréad and Michelle, in-laws Peter, John and Alison, brothers and sisters, and extended family, wish to acknowledge the support provided and kindness shown by our relatives, neighbours and friends on the occasion of Michael’s death.

Mary’s daughter, Rosemary, her son Sean, and their families, would like to express their sincere gratitude to those who helped and supported them on the loss of their mother Mary.

May you rest in peace.


Sincere thanks to Fr. Jim Linehan, Fr. Doherty and Fr. Paddy O’Donoghue who concelebrated a beautiful mass and rosary at home. Thanks to Tom and Aidan Murphy for their professionalism and care.


Our sincere thanks to Fr. Jim Linehan for his prayers and his support to the family throughout the funeral, calling to the house, and for his beautiful funeral mass.

In loving memory of Eugene (Eugie) and Sheila O’Keeffe Lissivigeen Cross, Killarney Eugie who died on 26th February 2022 and Sheila who died on 11th March 2013.

We also wish to thank Fr Gerard O’Leary who concelebrated Dad’s mass. Thank you to sacristan Claire Brosnan. We also extend our thanks to Derry and Rosie Healy for their beautiful music and songs.

As long as we can love each other And remember the feeling of love we had We can die without ever really going away All the love you created is still here.

Thanks to Tom Murphy Funeral Directors for their support and kindness on those most difficult days.

All the memories are still here You live on in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.

1st Anniversary Mass for Patrick will take place on Tuesday 27th February at 7.30pm in the Sacred Heart Church, Barradubh.


We wish to thank all those who attended the removal, requiem mass and burial, those who visited our home and brought food. Thank you to all those who travelled to be with us, sent mass cards and expressed condolences online. Your kind words and memories of Michael meant so much to us.

Thanks also to the doctors and staff of the Killarney Medical Centre.

It would be impossible to thank everyone individually, so please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.


Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by John, Alice, Michael and Marie. Anniversary Mass for Eugie and Sheila on Sunday 3rd March at 11.00am in the Church of the Resurrection, Killarney.

We wish to thank Paud and John O’Donoghue, Mary Callaghan, Derry and Rosie Healy for the wonderful music and singing in the church and at the graveyard. We would also like to thank Glenflesk GAA for all their help with stewarding and the incredible guard of honour. We would like to thank all the Palliative Care Team in Killarney under Dr. Clifford, and Dr. Sheahan and her team in the Palliative Unit in Tralee. The care Michael received and dignified way he was treated, will always be remembered.

A special thank you to those who called to us, attended the removal, requiem mass and graveyard, as well as those who joined the mass online. Thanks to those who sent wreaths, mass cards, phone calls, text messages and online condolences. Thanks to the Deerpark Pitch and Putt Club for the lovely guard of honour they provided on both days. Your presence and support was really appreciated. Thank you to Fr. Jones and the clergy, Maura and Anita for the lovely music. Thanks to O’Sheas undertakers for their help in arranging the funeral proceedings. Thanks to all her friends, especially her neighbours Mai and Joan, for their support throughout the years. Thank you to the Killarney first responders, doctors and nurses who tended to our mother. No farewell words were spoken No time to say goodbye You were gone before we knew it And only God can tell us why.

Thanks also to Nuala and her team in Trants Pharmacy for their invaluable support, advice and care.

It broke our hearts to lose you But you didn’t go alone For part of us went with you The day God called you home.

As we cannot thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgment as a token of our appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.

Mary’s First Anniversary Mass will take place on Monday 26th February at 6.15pm in St. Mary’s Cathedral.

Michaels first Anniversary Mass will take place on Sunday 3rd March at 9.30am in Clonkeen Church.






In loving memory of our dear parents Ted and Nancy Coakley late of Park Drive, Killarney Ted who died on 10th January 2018 and Nancy who died on 19th March 2011. In God’s care you rest above, In our hearts you rest with love. Lovingly remembered by your family.


In loving memory of Mike Murphy Kilbrean, Killarney who died on 23rd February 2013. You always had a smile to share A laugh, a joke, a time to care Each of us in our own way Have special thoughts of you today. Fondly remembered by his sons Flor and Michael, daughter Maria, daughter-in-law Pauline, grandchildren, and his many friends.

In loving memory of Paddy O’Sullivan 6 Woodlawn Road, Killarney who died on 15th February 2020. Death leaves a heartache No one can heal Love leaves a memory No one can steal. Sadly missed and always remembered by your loving family.

In loving memory of Paul Sweeney Pallas, Beaufort and Cloverhill, Killorglin who passed away on 20th February 2020. You always had a smile to share A laugh, a joke, a time to care Each of us in our own way Have special thoughts of You today. Loved and remembered always by his wife Barbara, sons Dermot, Sean and Anthony, daughters Breda, Ann-Marie, Marian and Ashling, and all their families.

JESUS May your Sacred Heart Lord Jesus, be praised, glorified and honoured throughout the whole world now and forever. Repeat this 3 times.

Anniversaries, Acknowledgements, Remembrances and Novenas can be placed online at











Treasured memories of Amy O’Connor late of Whitebridge Manor, Killarney who died on 25th February 2018.

In loving memory of Amy O’Connor, late of Whitebridge Manor, Killarney who passed away on 25th February 2018.

In loving memory of Con Harrington 39 O’Kelly’s Villas, Killarney and late of Cloughaulbeg, Millstreet who died on 27th February 2006.

In loving memory of a dear Dad Connie Harrington 39 O’Kelly’s Villas, Killarney and late of Cloughaulabeg, Millstreet, Co. Cork who died on 27th February 2006.

The moment that you died Our hearts were torn in two One side filled with heartache The other died with you

God saw you getting tired, A cure was not to be So He wrapped his arms around you And whispered, “Come to me”.

I often lie awake at night When the world is fast asleep And take a walk down memory lane With tears upon my cheek.

What I would give if I could say “hello dad” in the same old way To hear your voice and see your smile To sit and chat for a little while.

A golden heart stopped beating Hard working hands at rest God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best.

Dada they say the best are always taken But my proud and heartfelt memories Of you will always remain. You were a mighty man. You were always there to help. You would always wisely advise and guide. My mentor and protector, always on my side.

Remembering you is easy I do it every day But missing you Amy is a heartache That never goes away.

Always loved and sadly missed, Nana Winnie. xxxx

I hold you tightly within my heart And there you shall remain Until the joyous day arrives That we will meet again.

From your loving daughter Breda.


From your loving Mom, Dad and Cian.


HARRINGTON In loving memory of Amy O’Connor, late of Whitebridge Manor, Killarney who passed away on 25th February 2018. Goodbyes are not forever Goodbyes are not the end They simply mean we’ll miss you Until we meet again. Always remembered and deeply missed by uncle Arthur, Emma, Logan and Lewis.

In loving memory of Amy O’Connor Whitebridge Manor, Killarney who passed away on 25th February 2018. We don’t know why you had to go But we know that we will miss you so With your happy smile And your sense of fun We can’t take it in, that you are gone. You brought joy to every life you touched And you are missed, so very much. But a beautiful soul lives on forever And memories of you We will always treasure. Now your spirit has been set free To be with your God for eternity Enfolded in live as you soar on high But for a while, we must say goodbye So rest in peace, free from all pain Till we meet in heaven, united again. So dearly missed and remembered every day, Timmy, Louise, Orianne and Ewan.

NOVENA TO ST. CLAIRE Ask St. Claire for 3 favours, one business, two impossible and say nine Hail Mary’s for nine days with lighted candle. Pray whether you believe or not. Publish on ninth day. Powerful Novena. May the sacred heart of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified and loved today and every day throughout the whole world forever Amen. Say six times daily for nine days. Your request will be granted no matter how difficult it may seem. Favour publication must be promised. JOR


Anniversary Mass on Saturday 24th February at 9.30am in the Church of the Resurrection, Killarney.


Anniversary Mass on Sunday 25th February at 11.00am in the Church of the Resurrection, Killarney.


So I wish that you were still here Cherish you and all the lovely memories You will never know the heartache When I see the empty chair But until we meet again, rest peacefully In your heavenly home.


In loving memory of Con Harrington 39 O’Kelly’s Villas, Killarney and late of Cloughaulbeg, Millstreet who died on 27th February 2006.

Triona, Brendan, Cian & our angel Amy. Anniversary Mass on Sunday 25th February at 11.00am in the Church of the Resurrection, Killarney.

THANKSGIVING Thank you St. Anthony, St Teresa, St Padre Pio, St Philomena, St Jude, St Rita, The Holy Spirit , guardian Angle, Blessed Virgin Mary and dear Jesus for favours received. I will continue praying to you always in thanksgiving. Amen. EMc


If tears could wipe away our pain We would not feel hurt again The heartbreak felt since you’ve been gone We wouldn’t wish on anyone. But today is your anniversary So we’ll have to be brave And accept God’s taken What first he gave.


When God held out his precious hands To take you from your pain You stretched your weary hand right back As He softly called your name “Come home with me”, he gently said “Your pain will leave you soon Just close your eyes and take my hand And we’ll quietly leave the room”.

You possessed a wealth of wisdom, matched with a heart open and true to it’s word. Dada, you were and always will be one in a million. Who I believe still walks beside us each and every day. Missing you and loving you always your daughter Mary ,son-in-law Phil, and grandchildren Mary-Ellen and Lukas.

From your son John, daughter-in-law Sinéad and grandchildren Noel, John Jnr, Conor, Brian and Emma. xxxxx In loving memory of Pat O’Connor Villajoyosa, Alicante, Spain and formerly of Muckross Road, Killarney who passed away on 8th February 2021.

For me , it is still very hard to understand why God called you. There is so much now I want you to see and share with us. So much I want to tell you. But some how, I know you played a role in all of that. I will always appreciate and never will forget, all you did in your own quiet and gentle way.

In loving memory of Con Harrington 39 O’Kelly’s Villas, Killarney and late of Cloughaulbeg, Millstreet who died on 27th February 2006. Rest in Peace. There are no words to tell you dad What losing you has meant Every day we think of you And happy years we spent You would want us to keep smiling And that’s what we will do And every time we reminisce We having loving thoughts of you You are with us each day dawn’s And we say good night Our guardian angel here on earth And heaven’s shining light

In loving memory of a Dear Dad Connie Harrington, 39 O’Kelly’s Villas, Killarney and late of Coughaulabeg, Millstreet, Co Cork who passed away on 27th February 2006. There is a path of beautiful memories From here to Heaven above That continues to keep us very close to you It is down that path of memories We softly tread today All our thoughts are with you as life goes on its way. Life has gone on so sadly without you The days have turned to years But each day we hold a thousand memories and a million silent heartfelt tears. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by fond daughter Elaine and partner John.

You will never be forgotten And we often shed a tear But it’s only because we love you And wish you were still here. Sadly missed but never forgotten by your loving son Niall, daughter-in-law Michelle and grandchildren Matthew & Jason.

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked You for many favours. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favour). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within Your own Heart where Your Father sees it. Then, in His merciful eyes it will become Your favour not mine. Amen. Say for three days, promise publication and favour will be granted. GK

Anniversaries, Acknowledgements, Remembrances and Novenas can be placed online at









In loving memory of our dear brother John Duffy 45 Marian Terrace, Killarney who died on 18th February 2008.

In loving memory of James (Benny) Clifford Hazelwood Drive, Killarney whose anniversary occurs on 26th February.

In loving memory of Tony McCarthy Droumkerry, Fossa, Killarney who died on 26th February 2002. R.I.P.

Brother There is always a face before me A voice I would love to hear A smile I will always remember Of a brother i loved so dear

Gone is the face we loved so dear Silent is the voice we loved to hear Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thought to reach Sweet to remember, who once was here And who, though absent is just as dear.

We shared some laughs We shared some tears But best of all We shared some years.


In loving memory of Edward Duggan Rath Beg, Firies, Killarney, Co. Kerry Whose 45th birthday occurs on 26th February. 9th Birthday in Heaven. My darling Ed, on this day, your birthday comes and I must say, I hope you know how much you’re loved and always will. Forever guiding me still. My heart misses your gentle soul, Happy Birthday my love. Missing you, with love always Siobhán. xxx


Deep in my heart lies a picture More precious than silver or gold It’s a picture of you John Whose memory will never grow old. Deeply missed by your sisters Joan, Helen, Catherine, Rose, and families. Anniversary Mass on Saturday 24th February at 6.15pm in St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney.


In loving memory of Jack O’Grady late of Park Road, Killarney who died on 21st February 1995. No farewell words were spoken No time to say goodbye You were gone before we knew it And only God can tell us why. It broke our hearts to lose you But you didn’t go alone For part of me went with you The day God called you home. Sadly missed by his daughters and grandchildren.

O Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things you have given me as you confirm once again that I never wanted to be separated from you in spite of all material illusions. I wish to be with you in Eternal Glory. Thank you for mercy towards me and mine. This prayer must be said for three days, after three days the favour will be granted. ES

ST. THERESA St. Theresa the Little Flower, please pick me a rose from thy heavenly gardens and send it to me with a message of love. Ask God to please grant me the favour I thee implore and tell him I will love him each day more and more. Amen.

Always remembered by your wife Esther, daughter Ashling, and sons Kevin and David.

Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by your wife Mary, sons Michael, Donald and Jerry, daughters-in-law Jean and Anne, and grandchildren Jenny, Brian, James and Zarah.


NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. RF

In loving memory of Maureen White late of 8 Marian Tce., Killarney, Co. Kerry who died on 24th February 1999. Rest in peace.


A light from our household is gone A voice we loved is still A place is vacant in our home That never can be filled.

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. SM

Always remembered and missed by your daughters Kay and Vera, sons Billy, Tommy, Philip and Noel, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law and all the grandchildren. Anniversary Mass for Maureen and William will take place on Tuesday 27th February at 9.30am in the Church of the Reseurrection.

DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN REPEAT AN ANNIVERSARY BY PHONE? We store all anniversaries on a database for easy placement. Simply call 064 6632215 with date and name of the deceased. You can also place an anniversary online at First anniversary and acknowledgements should be emailed to or visit the office.

Deadline 5.30 p.m. Tuesday


Anniversaries, Acknowledgements, Remembrances and Novenas can be placed online at


SPORT Jack’s lads set for Croker rematch





Follow Adam on Twitter @AdamMoynihan

| By Adam Moynihan

Kerry return to Jones’ Road to take on the Dubs

The meeting of Kerry and Dublin always gets the pulses racing and the latest instalment on Saturday night will be no exception – even if the result won’t exactly make or break anyone’s season. Kerry are on the hunt for a third consecutive win following victories over Monaghan and Mayo and the opportunity to get a small bit of revenge against the team that crushed their All-Ireland dreams last July adds extra incentive. Jack O’Connor knows that his side will have to play better than they did in Stack Park last weekend to get a result in the capital. The Kerry boss gave their display against Mayo a 6 out of 10. As welcome as the two points were, the consensus was that David Clifford’s spectacular match-winning kick papered over some of the cracks that showed up in the 70plus minutes that preceded it. O’Connor felt that the hosts lacked a link between defence and attack in the first half, and he was also left frustrated by Kerry’s profligacy in front of the posts. They had a string of wides in that first period and their wastefulness almost proved costly in the end as Mayo pegged them back late on. Ultimately, Kerry’s clever clock management won the day, which is pleasing considering that the previous home game against Derry was lost due to not so clever clock management. The brilliant performances of David and Paudie Clifford can also be added to the ‘plus’ column, as can the manner in which 20-year-old rookie Cillian Burke has hit the ground running at senior level. Dylan Casey also caught the eye at corner back. The Austin Stacks defender kept Tommy Conroy scoreless. Barring any unexpected injuries, O’Connor could go with same team again for the Dublin game. As for Dublin, they arrive at this juncture with just one win from three games



Dublin v Kerry Saturday 7.30pm Croke Park | Live on TG4 as Dessie Farrell continues to trial new/ fringe players with a view to strengthening his matchday panel for the championship. Following indifferent displays against Monaghan and Mayo, they got off the mark by beating Roscommon by 1-19 to 1-12 at HQ last Saturday. Con O’Callaghan (0-7, 0-5 from play) was the star of the show for the All-Ireland champions and Kerry will need to pay close attention to the Cuala man on Saturday night. Some of their more senior figures – like Stephen Cluxton, Mick Fitzsimons and James McCarthy – are yet to make an appearance this season but established players such as Brian Fenton, Ciarán Kilkenny, Cormac Costello and Brian Howard have seen action and are likely to feature again on Saturday. Elsewhere in Division 1, Tyrone host Mayo on Saturday at 5.15pm (live on RTÉ); Roscommon play Monaghan at 1.45pm on Sunday; and leaders Derry are away to Galway at the same time (live on TG4). BAINISTEOIR: Kerry manager Jack O'Connor will be hoping for an improved performance against the All-Ireland champions. Photo: Brendan Moran/ Sportsfile.



City take spoils in Munster derby Kerry FC’s first ever trip to Turners Cross ended in defeat last Friday as Conor McCarthy’s side lost 2-0 to Cork City on the opening night of the League of Ireland First Division.

FRUSTRATION: Kerry managers Declan Quill and Darragh Long. Photo: Piaras Ó Mídheach/Sportsfile.

Mayo ladies snatch point in the Park The Mayo ladies fought back from three points down to snatch a draw against Kerry in the Fitzgerald Stadium last Saturday as the home team were left to rue some poor execution in attack. The Kingdom played the first half without several All-Star-calibre players – including Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Lorraine Scanlon and captain Niamh Carmody – but managers Darragh Long and Declan Quill will nevertheless be disappointed with the team’s efforts in the opening period. They registered just 0-4 (the same tally as their opponents) as a number of attempted shots went awry, and that trend continued in the second half, even after the likes of Ní Mhuircheartaigh entered the fray. The reigning league champions almost took control of the game when Niamh Ní Chonchúir burst through the Mayo defence but she was unfortunate to see her

rifled shot cannon back off the crossbar. Credit is due to Mayo; they never threw in the towel. They scored the final three points of the game and the late leveller by Sinéad Walsh was no more than they deserved. Kerry pressed for a winner but to no avail. In the end, the draw was probably the fair result. The good news for Kerry is that they remain undefeated with three wins and a draw from their opening four Division 1 matches. Only Armagh (four wins from four) have a better record. Kerry now have a weekend off before making the long journey up to Ulster to take on the league leaders in Round 5.

KERRY TEAM: C Butler; E Lynch, D Kearney, A Dillane; B O’Connor, C Lynch, C Murphy; M O’Connell, A Galvin.; J Gill, D O’Leary, A Harrington; H O’Donoghue, J Lucey, N Ní Chonchúir. Subs: E Dineen, A O’Connell, N Carmody, L Scanlon, L Ní Mhuircheartaigh, A Harrington, K Cronin, C O’Brien, K Brosnan.

Cheered on by a boisterous band of travelling supporters, Kerry had a chance to take the lead early in the first half but Seán McGrath’s shot was blocked by Cork keeper Brad Wade. City then grabbed the initiative in the 15th minute when Jack Doherty – the former Cobh Ramblers player who caused Kerry plenty of problems last season – opened his account for 2024 with a neat finish. Kerry now had a job on their hands to get something from the game and the difficulty level of their task escalated 11 minutes later when Doherty once again found space in the box before doubling

Cork’s advantage. While Cork were the better team overall, Kerry stuck to their task admirably and they never really looked like capitulating against their esteemed Munster rivals. McCarthy, who is the league’s youngest ever head coach, will be keen to get more actual victories than moral victories but the Tralee-based club will have more favourable opportunities to just that as the season progresses. Next up for the boys in green is a home match against Bray Wanderers in Mounthawk Park. That fixture takes place tonight (Friday) at 7.45pm.

KERRY TEAM AGAINST CORK CITY: Antonio Tuta, Kevin Williams,

Samuel Aladesanusi, Andy Spain, Seán O’Connell, Ronan Teahan, Steven Healy, Seán McGrath, Nathan Gleeson, Daniel Okwute, Victor Udeze.

CHALLENGE: Kennedy Amechi of Kerry FC in action against Seán Murray of Cork City. Photo: Brendan Moran/Sportsfile.

Late miracle in 64


Eamonn Fitzgerald was in Austin Stack Park to witness another moment of magic from David Clifford Brilliant. Tosach maith leath na h-oibre. It ended in Tralee with the 2023 Footballer of the Year delivering Kerry from the bondage of defeat in a game that the Kingdom should have wrapped up by half-time. Kerry 0-16 Mayo 0-15. Kerry v Mayo is always a great game, both sides operating as traditionalists and sticking to man-to-man marking - not the packed defences so much favoured by the northern teams in particular. It was magical to be in early and survey the setting for this league game at Austin Stack Park on Saturday last. One minute to Amhrán na BhFiann. I wondered if it was to be the pre-recorded Corkonian Seán O’Shea, or someone struggling live with the words of our National Anthem. It was a welcome revelation to listen to Shauna O’Leary. She was pitch-perfect and word-perfect. Is it any wonder that the Kilcummin lady won the Scór solo singing contest in 2023? The champion delivered as a champion should. Thank you for that performance, Shauna. Anbhean ar fad. Another voice was music to these ears so clear, articulate, and at the same time business-like. He set the perfect tone for the packed stadium as he introduced a new Kerry team before the big game. Those Down Syndrome Kerry hearts sang when they were introduced individually, all wearing Kerry geansaís. A lovely pre-match idea by the

Kerry County Board. I know that Down Syndrome Kerry is closely aligned with MTU, helping to break down barriers and giving these people assiatance in their challenging lives. No one should be left behind. After the game, I met the MC and passed on my sentiments. Believe it or not, the announcer was a Killarney native. Although now very involved with Milltown/ Castlemaine, Damien McCarthy grew up in Ardshanavooley where his mother Sheila and brother Tom live. Job well done, Damien, and when Cahersiveen born Gerry Grogan steps aside from the same role in Croke Park, we have a ready-made successor. Both fine voices and clear as a whistle. In passing one can't forget another outstanding Kerry voice that went silent on Sunday last. Comhbhrón ó chroí to the family of Michael O’Regan, immortalised in the Friday slot on Radio Kerry and his much appreciated ‘Call from the Dáil’. He was a very proud Kerryman and was President of the Kerry Association in Dublin in 2019.


It was mostly good news, especially when the match ended with the class act of David. Not even Goliath fazed him. The clock was winding down into the last 30 seconds and Mayo looked certainties to hold on for a draw that had seemed so unlikely for most of the

game. They had to play the last 10 minutes with 14 men when Sam Callinan was sent off for a yellow and a black converted to a red card. Surely Kerry would go into overdrive? Not so. In their hour of need, once more Kerry depended on David Clifford. Not since Moses played the crucial role in delivering the Israelites from bondage in Egypt was he needed. Didn’t Moses part the waters, allowing the Israelites to escape? Better go no further because Moses then went into the wilderness and the demanding Kerry supporters couldn’t stomach that. Supporters came in their thousands to see if there is the making of a Kerry team to lift the Sam Maguire in July. ‘Are we there yet?’ squeals the child in the back seat. The journey continues. Will it be a repeat of the 2023 All-Ireland final? Don’t start the war again. Sunday, July 30th is D-Day. Come July, will David guide his smaller and older brother, Captain Paudie, up the steps of the Hogan Stand into the Promised Land? I don’t expect any K.O. punch in tomorrow's league game at Croker, maybe a little bit of shadow boxing. However, Dublin need the points and they will strengthen their side. Con O’Callaghan is back but Dessie will not reveal his strongest hand by removing the cotton-balled soldiers, Cluxton, McCarthy and Fitzsimons. They will be spared until July and all three will be back to try and

RIGHT ON TIME: David Clifford scores the winning point with the last kick of the game. Photo: Brendan Moran/Sportsfile.


win and their 10th Celtic cross each. Kerry have a lot going for them at present, and even if they don’t win tomorrow another three league points will keep them afloat for premier status in 2025. Jack will be leading his troops to sunny Portugal to prepare them for the championship. However, he may still have the dilemma of a league final just before the championship. That success was a big factor in Mayo’s demise in 2023. In my estimation, 12 of the starting 15 on Saturday last will start in the All-Ireland final if they clear the various hurdles on the way including Cork in the Munster semi-final. They won't need a huge leap to proceed in that contest. Cork were beaten again last weekend.


Kerry are a different proposition when the Clifford brothers are playing. The team ended with 16 points against Mayo. David scored five and Paudie four (all from play). It was a huge contribution, more than half of the Kerry scores. That left seven points in total from Seánie O’Shea (0-4, 0-3f), Dylan Geaney, Cillian Burke, Diarmuid O’Connor and Jason Foley. Not the ideal formula for success. At half-time, I checked with Mr Stats, John C. O’Shea, for the tally. Kerry had scored seven points Mayo were just two behind. However, Kerry shot seven

n Tralee



wides and some of them were just awful. What’s more, four attempts dropped short into the welcoming hands of Colm Reape in the Mayo goal. I made it 11 attempts that yielded no score. Even if they had converted 50%, they would have been out of sight at the sos. There was one mitigating factor which made shooting quite difficult, and spectators may have missed it. The pitch looked fine, and the lights were magnificent, but the Sigerson final had been played at Austin Stack Park on the previous Wednesday and the downpour left its mark. The surface was very slippery, and several players suffered accordingly. Nevertheless, that does not fully explain the terrible profligacy in front of goal. So, Mayo grabbed the initiative and put in a great shift in the second half. Even with 14 men they outfoxed and outscored Kerry – well, almost. Kerry did not close out the game and there were several opportunities to do so. The ghost of the Derry game raised its head once more; was it to be another agonising one-point defeat? Full credit to David Clifford. Who else but him would have the ability and the gumption to swing over that match-winning point? More pertinently how many players would shy away from it? Earlier on Saturday I was with John Fenton, that wonderful hurler from Midleton. With two All-Irelands and

five All-Stars to his name, he was one of those players who provided us with the X factor. One of his most memorable moments was scoring a magnificent goal from midfield in the 1987 Munster final against Clare. He caught the ball from the puckout, turned, and struck it over the head of the Clare goalkeeper into the net. It was a stunning display of skill and accuracy, indelibly printed in my mind. I told him I remembered those goals from midfield so well. He was very modest about those achievements. “Yerra, I hit so many of them that one was bound to go in.” It was not as simple as that, John. I suggest that these were moments of genius. He conceded. “Well, really, it’s instinct. You just do it without thinking.” That’s Clifford also. He just does it because he has to do it when the team needs it most. What's more, both Fenton and Clifford shoot wides but it doesn’t bother them too much. They make the next one count. The Red Sea parted for those split seconds in Tralee. A magical moment was the perfect cure for a game that had all the hallmarks of the curate’s egg, good in patches. There were too many patches in this display. I expect a better performance tomorrow in Croker. Seven points from 18 scoring opportunities in the first half won’t do.

Big wins for Mounthawk, MTU Kerry and University of Ulster in college cups Mercy Mounthawk won their first Corn Uí Mhuirí title in the all-Tralee final recently, but only just. Tralee CBS pushed them all the way before captain Ódhran Ferris raised the coveted cup. His father Éamonn was also a wonderful athlete and football star, captaining the Kerry Techs to All-Ireland glory. His grandfather Martin was also a prominent player with Ardfert, starring with the Kerry juniors. He was on Mick O’Dwyer’s panel at the start of Kerry’s Golden Years. It has been a great few weeks for the GAA in Tralee and North Kerry. The University of Ulster proved far too good for UCD in the Sigerson final at Austin Stack Park. The Canavan brothers scuttled the ship that UCD had hoped to sail on. Mary Immaculate College (MIC, or better known as Mary I) defeated UL by 2-14 to 1-15 in a thrilling Fitzgibbon Cup final played in Abbeydorney. Intercounty managers always give great credence to how budding future stars perform in these competitions. So, what future Kerry players impressed in the finals of the third-level competitions this year? No Kerry club player on the Ulster team, for obvious reasons. None either from UCD, and that is surprising. There are of course many potential Kerry players attending UL, Mary I, UCC and elsewhere. However, they did not get to the final stages of the competitions, so let's look at the Trench Cup, the second tier of third level football. MTU Kerry defeated Dundalk IT in the

final 3-12 to 2-10. Next year MTU Kerry will be promoted to the Sigerson. On this year's MTU Kerry team were four Kerry senior panellists: Joey Nagle, Paudie O’Leary, Armin Heinrich and Man of the Match Keith Evans from Keel, home club of the former Kerry captain, Tom Prendergast. The venue was a saga in itself as the game was transferred from MTU Kerry North Campus to Ballyduff. Caherslee and Connolly Park were also considered but were deemed unplayable. In next year’s Sigerson, Kerry managers will look to see how the following progress from this year's Trench Cup win: Luke Chester (Austin Stacks), Joey Nagle (Austin Stacks), Seán Brosnan (Ardfert), Eddie Healy (Listowel Emmets), Paudie O’Leary (Gneeveguilla), Evan Looney (Dr Crokes), Evan Boyle (Ballyduff), Armin Heinrich (Austin Stacks), Keith Evans (Keel), Donagh O’Sullivan (Dromid Pearses), Eoin Carroll (Austin Stacks), Darragh O’Connor (Kerins O’Rahillys), Ryan O’Grady (Legion), Tommy Cronin (Kenmare Shamrocks), Conor Horan (Austin Stacks), Conor O’Sullivan (Kerins O’Rahillys) Emmet O’Shea (Fossa), William Galvin (Renard) Sam McCarthy (Kerins O’Rahillys). It is of huge interest to clubs as well. The dedicated club coaches at juvenile level are always delighted to see the little garsún or cailín they coached from tender years now progressing to such great heights in the various second and third level competitions. Best of luck to the Kerry hurlers this weekend. They need the points after two losses to Carlow and Down.

SIGERSON: Ulster University players Darragh Canavan, Peter Óg McCartan and Ruairí Canavan celebrate Ulster University's Sigerson Cup triumph at Austin Stack Park. Photo: Brendan Moran/Sportsfile.



Killarney girls will answer Ireland’s call

A trio of talented young Killarney rugby players have been called up to the Ireland U18 squad for the upcoming Six Nations festival in Wales.

Ava O’Malley, Fia Whelan and Emma Dunican have all been included in Matt Gill’s panel for the tournament, which will take place between March 29 and April 6. They will link up with their new teammates for three weekend training camps at the IRFU’s High Performance Centre on the Sport Ireland Campus in Dublin during the month of March. Gill, the current Women’s Provincial Talent Coach for Leinster, will be assisted by Sana Govender, who has previously coached Munster Women’s teams. “I’m really looking forward to continu-

ing our Irish U18 Women’s Six Nations preparations and getting our camps underway,” the head coach said. “I’m excited to work with Sana and our management team, and to work with this incredibly talented group of players.” O’Malley, Whelan and Dunican are products of Killarney RFC’s blossoming youth set-up and all three were on the U18.5 team that recently won the Munster League. Including the Killarney girls, there are seven Munster-based players on the 35-woman squad with 15 hailing from Leinster, eight from Connacht and five from Ulster. “It’s a very proud day for the girls, their families, teammates and coaches, and for Killarney RFC,” the club commented. “Best of luck, girls!”

SHOULDER TO SHOULDER: Killarney RFC players Emma Dunican, Ava O’Malley and Fia Whelan, who recently lined out for Munster U18s, have been called up the Ireland squad.



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SPEED: Sarah Leahy of Killarney Valley AC on her way to silver in the 60m sprint at the National Senior Indoor Championships at the National Indoor Arena in Dublin. Photo: Tyler Miller/Sportsfile.

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GAA: The Fossa minor team who were victorious against Reenard/St Mary's/ Valentia in the first round of the County League.

ATHLETIC: The Killarney Athletic U12 B team that defeated Mastergeeha A 1-0 in Woodlawn.

RUGBY: The Killarney RFC U18 girls and U12 girls who took part in a Q&A session at Aghadoe.

SOCCER: The Killarney Celtic U16s who defeated Ballyheigue Athletic.

SWIMMING: Killarney Swimming Club members at the Tralee Distance Gala. Pictured are Head Coach Erin McNulty, Antoni Waberski, Lara Leahy O'Brien, Emily Brosnan, Katie Riordan, Kate Daly, Ella Cremin and Cathal Mack.

COMMUNITY GAMES: The Kilcummin U13 boys' indoor soccer team who came third at the Kerry Community Games.

BOSS: Conor McCarthy before the match between Cork City and Kerry FC at Turner's Cross. The Killarney man has become the youngest head coach to take charge of a LOI team at just 25. Photo: Brendan Moran/Sportsfile.




Killarney Athletic U12 BOYS DIVISION 1: Killarney Athletic B 1 Mastergeeha A 0. The U12B boys played out a tightly contested match in Woodlawn Saturday morning with a superb long-range goal from Ryan O’Donoghue late in the first being the only goal of the game. Mastergeeha played very well for long spells and were unlucky not to score. Thanks to them for the sporting match and well done to our boys for earning the win. U16 PREMIER: Athletic 8 Kenmare 1. Ben Kelleher, Liam O’Brien, Liam Harmon, Mark O’Carroll, Alex Doolan. A dominant display by the boys in a heavy pitch, man of match Ben was excellent overall a great team performance we’re right back in contention for the league, this game also doubled up as a cup game. Best for Athletic Ben Kelleher, Bryan O’Connor, Jake Nash, Evan Doona. U15 PREMIER: Killarney Athletic 0-5 Killarney Celtic. Not the best day at the office for our 15's today when we hosted our neighbours Killarney Celtic in the League. Credit to our Girls they battled hard and played for each other and never gave up against a strong Celtic side in what was a very sporting game...Thanks to Killarney Celtic for a great game. U13 CUP SEMI-FINAL: Killorglin 1-4 Killarney Athletic. Ella Crowley, Lillian Slattery.

Killarney Celtic RESULTS: Youths League - Killorglin AFC 2-4 Killarney Celtic. Jason O'Sullivan, Rafael Viega, Callum Cronin, Matteo Falcone. U16 Tucker Kelly Cup - Ballyheigue Ath 1-6 Killarney Celtic. Pa O'Brien 3, Cillian Coffey 2, James Coffey. U16 Div 1 Killarney Celtic 6-2 Listowel Celtic. Samuel Scroope 3, Pa O'Brien 2, Cillian Coffey. U14 Tom Hayes Cup - Killarney Celtic A 1-2 Killarney Athletic A. Cormac O'Sullivan. Killarney Celtic B 2-8 Listowel Celtic A - Daniel Mannix, Kevin Breen. U13 Div 1 - Listowel Celtic B 0-4 Killarney Celtic. Noah Brosnan 4. U12 Premier - Killarney Celtic Green 5-0 Dingle Bay Rovers. Sean Doyle, Paul McGrath, Cillian Scannell, Conor O’Doherty, Dylan McCarthy. GIRLS: Padraig Harnett Memorial Cup U17 7-a-side blitz. Killarney Celtic finished runners up with Emily Buckley finishing joint top goalscorer. U15 Premier - Killarney Athletic 0-5 Killarney Celtic. Leah Mannix 4, Amelia Carroll Kelly. U12 Premier - Killarney Athletic 1-1 Killarney Celtic. Leah Mannix.

Mastergeeha LOTTO: There was no winner on Friday 16th February 2024 of the Jackpot for €8,600. Numbers drawn were 6, 12, 23, 24. Consolation prizes of €50 went to Seán Gibbons, Mayo, Elaine, Séan, and Gearóid c/o John Kerins. Ciara Nagle, Mastergeeha, Eileen & Jimmy Devane, Mastergeeha. The next draw will be Friday 23rd February for Jackpot of 8,800.

KILCUMMIN COMMUNITY GAMES: Congratulations to our U13 boys indoor soccer teams who finished in third place in the County finals. Thanks to all the coaches involved and the parents who supported the teams. Thanks also to Kilcummin National School for the use of their gym for all the training sessions. Good luck to our musicians, singers and swimmers in their upcoming events this weekend.

MEK Galaxy EMERGENCY GENERAL MEETING: The management committee of MEK Galaxy FC have decided to call an EGM. This will take place on Monday 26th February, 8pm in Faha National School. Our chairman, Liam Healy, has stepped down due to work commitments. We would like to thank Liam for the last 10 years of service to the club, and we are grateful for the drive & enthusiasm he brought to the role. We wish him all the best and hope to see him back involved with the club in the near future. There will be a number of committee and administrative roles available on the night. So if you are interested in joining the club at a very exciting time, please email your interest to or contact Pa on 087 7943220. GIRLS U14 NATIONAL CUP: What a journey the girls have been on over the last few months in the national cup, we have had some great wins and fun along the way, but as any competition goes up the levels the better the teams we would meet, and we met one of the best clubs in the country this weekend, our girls fought hard from the start until whistle, it was not our day but getting into the last 16 in Ireland is an amazing achievement for everyone one of the team so that's a wrap for the national cup this year, well done to every player who played there heart out every game we are very proud to be supporting them throughout their journey, onwards and upwards with the local league games. They’re a super bunch of girls and will no doubt have great days ahead. They showed great character in every game, never once did I hear them give out to each other for making a mistake. They battled away to the end in every game fair play to them! U15 DIVISION 2: Tralee Dynamos 2 MEK Galaxy 4 MEK are just one win away from a play-off for top spot in this tightly contested division after a comprehensive win in Mounthawk. David O’Shea opened the scoring in the first minute with a screamer into the top corner and Michael Griffin matched this with a similar score in the opposite bin. Conor Hayes then hit the crossbar but followed up for a third goal while David O’Shea made it 4-0 at the end of the first half. Dynamos stuck early in the second half and added a second late in the game, but the result was never rally in doubt as MEK came close on several occasions.

Killarney Legion GAA SENIOR TEAM UPDATE: The Club would like to place on record its gratitude to Peter Keane and Chris Flannery, who have stepped down from their roles as Senior Team Manager and Strength and Conditioning Trainer. The professionalism both Peter and Chris brought to their roles was unparalleled, and we thank them for the time and effort they put into the club. Having set a high standard, the Club is conscious of maintaining continuity, and with that in mind, Gary McGrath has stepped up from his coaching role last year to the managers seat where he will be joined by selectors Liam O’Toole and Enda Walshe. Damien O’Sullivan is the new S and C Coach with the backroom completed by Chris Davies, Gerard O’Keeffe, and Paudie Lynch. KJ Griffin will look after the stats and analysis. Donal O’Donoghue has moved away from the job of Senior B Team manager, a role he fulfilled for nine years. A man who spends incalculable hours in the club we thank him for his outstanding service. Not being lost to the club, he has already come on board with the Boys U13 team. We also thank Conor McNiece for the time he put into the team. Mark O’Leary has been ratified as Senior B manager, where he will be joined by Michael B O'Donoghue and Mike Piggott, who remain on board. Further additions to the management team will be added in the near future. MINOR COUNTY LEAGUE: The Under 17 boys kicked off their Division 1 County league campaign with a win against An Gaeltacht in Gallarus last Saturday afternoon. It was a fantastic open high scoring game, and it needed a top-class performance to overcome a very good Gaeltacht team. The next game is versus Austin Stacks this weekend and a special thanks to all the supporters who travelled back to Gallarus for the game. Final Score Killarney Legion 6-10 An Ghaeltacht 2-13. Earlier in the week he first competitive juvenile game of 2024 took place as our Under 17-second team beat Austin Stacks in a high scoring encounter in Tralee. Final score Killarney Legion 7.9 Austin Stacks 3-10.

Spa GAA SCÓR NA BPÁISTÍ: Kerry Co Final takes place on March 23rd. Any club member in Primary school is eligible to participate. Disciplines are set, figure, Seán nós, and solo dancing, solo and instrumental music, solo singing, ballad group, Recitation, Léiriú and Tráth na gCéist. SCÓR SINSIR: Kerry Co Final takes place on March 22nd. If any members are interested in taking part in either Scór na bPaistí or Scór Sinsir, please contact Scór Officer Michael Aherne on 087 1877091. MOTHERS & OTHERS: Get Out, Get Active. Spa Gaelic 4Mothers & Others is back! If you would like to join our team for an hour of fun, friendship, exercise

and laughter please complete the form in the link below or on our bio. We are excited to bring back our Gaelic 4 Mothers & Others Team to Spa. Criteria: 25+ and non-registered players. EAST KERRY SUPER LEAGUE: Round 3 Spa 3-10 to 3-07 Kilcummin. In round 4 Spa have a bye. Spa will play Glenflesk on Thursday 29th of February in Spa at 8pm in a round 1 back game. WELL DONE: Our U14 Kerry player Ava Brosnan representative Spa brilliantly when they hosted Mayo in Dr. Crokes for a challenge match on Saturday last. Ava had a great game and managed to get on the scoresheet against a strong Mayo team. Our minor side secured a draw on their first outing of the season on Saturday when they travelled to Asdee to play Listowel Emmets in the Keane's SuperValu Minor County League. The game ended Spa 1-11 Listowel Emmetts 2-08. REGISTRATION: Registration is through the Croke Park Foireann system and members can visit and set up their own account and register on the site. Anyone with any queries or anyone who wants to register directly through the club can contact either Ger (087 2512266) or Deirdre (085 1216359). They will also be in Spa on Tuesdays from7:30-8:30 for anyone that needs to register in person.

Dr Crokes GAA GAA SUPER GAMES continues on Tuesday nights from 6pm-7pm. This includes all players from 8-12 years of age. ASTRO HURLING continues every Sunday in Fossa National School. U8-U10 from 5pm-6pm. U11-U13 from 6pm-7pm. All are welcome to attend. EASTER CAMP: Our Annual Easter Camp will take place on Wednesday 3rd April to Friday 5th April from 10am to 2pm. FR. PADDY’S CARDS continue every Wednesday at 8pm in the clubhouse. There is lots of money to be won. All you need is €5 and a partner. All are Welcome. PILATES with Jola continues on Thursdays from 6:10pm to 7pm in the clubhouse. GENTLE MOVEMENT CLASSES with Kathleen continue on Tuesday mornings at 11am in the clubhouse. You do not need to be a member to join these free classes. All are welcome. OLD CLOTHES BANK is located at the rear of the clubhouse. All clothes should be deposited in bags. Donations will help to provide valuable funding to our club. LOTTO took place February 19th. Numbers drawn were 2, 3, 11, 20. Jackpot of €7,100 was not won. 9 patrons matched 3 numbers and received €45 each. Jackpot for draw on February 26th will be €7,400. Play online via Clubforce. DR. CROKES SHOP: You can shop worldwide on our online shop. BINGO: Dr Crokes Bingo continues every Sunday in St. Mary's Parish Hall. Doors will open at 7pm with the first game


23.02.2024 SPORT NOTES commencing at 8pm. CONGRATULATIONS to former player Eric O'Connor and Caitriona O'Sullivan on the recent birth of their daughter Grace. CONDOLENCES to Vince, Helen, Liam and Aoife Cooper and the Enright family on the passing of Helen's father Danny Enright, Tarbert. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam. NOTES: If anyone has anything they want to add to our club notes please email

(0-02) worked their socks off, Shane McCormick (0-01) and Mikey Moroney (0-02) were excellent in the corners, but Dylan O’Meara gave an unreal display at full forward, kicking 3-04 in total. Harry O’Connor and Morgan O’Brien also contributed in no small way to this fine victory. They now play Annascaul/Lispole in Fossa next Saturday at 3pm. Thanks also to Jerry Daly of the Killard Group in Australia (formerly from Two Mile School) who is our minor team sponsor again this year.

Kilcummin GAA

Listry GAA

EAST KERRY SENIOR LEAGUE: Spa 3-10 Kilcummin 3-07. Goals from Paul O’Shea, Padraigh Moynihan and Chris O’Leary were not enough as we lost to our neighbours in this keenly contested game in Spa on Sunday. Well done to Luke Daly who made his senior debut. We have two minor teams in the county league, but both were on the receiving ends of defeats in round 1. Our A team lost to Churchill 1-13 to 0-5 while our B team had a creditable score of 3-08 but lost to a better Listowel team. Dara O’Brien, Oscar Lovett and Billy O’Donoghue were our goalscorers. KILCUMMIN LOTTO: There was no winner on Monday 12th February 2024 of the Jackpot for €9,500. Numbers drawn were 03, 05, 14, 21. Consolation prizes of €50 went to Catriona McGuire, Katie Crowley, Kalie Kerins, Juliann Herlihy. The next draw will be Monday 26th February for Jackpot of €9,750.

LOTTO: Numbers drawn 4, 13, 20, 22. €100 Ellie O’Sullivan Ballybrack. €50 Martina Scannell Milltown. €50 Lorraine Kennedy Ballymalis. €25 Carmel Counihan Faha. €25 Linda Mannix Keel Faha. Jackpot next week, 25th Feb 2024, €10,200. SENIORS: Listry senior won at home to Scartaglin last Sunday. This Sunday 25 Feb Listry play Cordal in Listry come out and support. MINORS: Saturday the 24th Keel/Listry play Kenmare in Keel.

Fossa GAA LOTTO: The numbers drawn on 18/02/2024 for a jackpot of €9,900 were 2, 7, 10, 27. There was no jackpot winner and the €40 consolation prize winners were Mark McElligott, online; Kevin McCarthy, online; Michael O’Keeffe, Dromin; Paul O’Sullivan, c/o O’Sullivan cycles and Pat Moynihan, Dromduhuig. Tickets are available from our sellers and can also be bought online via Clubforce. MINOR COUNTY LEAGUE: Our minor team had a great start to their county league campaign with an emphatic win in Reenard against a combination of Reenard/St Marys/Valentia on Saturday afternoon. Fossa started brightly and had the ball in the net through Dylan O’Meara after 5 minutes of play and they never looked like being beaten from there on. Ryan Brady pulled off a brilliant save to deny the hosts a certain goal, Fionn Doyle was coolness personified at full back and was ably assisted by Luke McCann and Jack Spillane. Conor O’Mahoney put in a great display in front of his Reenard cousins, Jack Hallissey (0-03) and David Butler (0-02) were outstanding attacking from the half back line while Mark Kennelly and Karl James O’Neill (0-02) controlled midfield. The half forward line of Sam Clerkin, Cathal Breen (0-03) and Derek O’Gorman

East Kerry GAA EAST KERRY SENIOR LEAGUES 2024: Sponsored Frank Doran Division 1A - Rathmore 1-10 Fossa 0-12. Legion 3-13 Gneeveguilla 0-9. Division 1B - Spa 3-10 Kilcummin 3-07. Glenflesk 3-13 Firies 1-12. Division 2 Kilgarvan 0-11 Currow 4-12. Listry 0-19 Scartaglen 0-04. Cordal 3-14 Kilgarvan 0-6. FIXTURES: 12pm 25/2/2024. 1A Dr. Crokes v Fossa. Gneeveguilla v Rathmore. Legion Bye. 1B - Firies v Kilcummin. Kenmare v Glenflesk. Spa Bye. Division 2 - Kilgarvan v Scartaglin. Listry v Cordal. Currow Bye. SCÓR NA BPÁISTÍ: Best of luck to all clubs Scór na bPáistí participants, which takes place on the 25th February 2024 at 2 O’Clock in Fossa Hall. COACHING ACADEMIES: East Kerry/ Eoghan Ruadh U14 coaching academies took place last week. Over seventy players took part in the coaching sessions in Killarney and Rathmore. The aim of the sessions was to improve and develop all (2010) players sent in by the clubs. Vince Cooper East Kerry GDC and James Darmody UL delivered the coaching sessions. Thanks to Sean Coffey (St Brendan’s College) and Noreen Lawlor (Rathmore) for supporting the well-run event over the two days. The feedback was positive by all the players with games-based approach developing players skill levels and decision making in a learning environment. This was an excellent starting point in the process to select Kerry South U14 extended panel for 2024. CONDOLENCES: Sympathies to the family of Hannah O’Neill (née Reen), Lissivigeen, Killarney, Kerry/Headford, Kerry on her recent death.

Beaufort GAA FIXTURES: Beaufort senior men bye next weekend in Mid Kerry Senior League. Our minor men will be home to Finuge, Saturday, 17th at 3pm in round 2, Co League, Div 5A. LOTTO: There was no jackpot winner of €2,400 on Sunday, 18th February. Consolation Prizes were €80 Padraig and Oisín Cronin, Keel, €50 Stephen and Pádraig Ashe, Cappaganeen, Pádraig Hallissey, Cappaganeen, Christine Breen, Beaufort. The next draw for a jackpot of €2,600 will be on Sunday, 3rd March in Galvin’s. Tickets are available from usual sellers, shops, and public houses and online at www.beaufortgaa. com. Please note that the online lotto closes at 7pm on the night of the draw and tickets sold after 7pm are entered into the following draw. Thank you to everybody who support our lotto. It is greatly appreciated. EXERCISE CLASSES: Spring classes are being held in Beaufort G.A.A Clubrooms, weeknights Monday to Friday. Classes at present are Yoga and Pilates. Pilates with Colleen include Ladies, Men’s and Active retired classes. Please contact Colleen at 086 1731469 for times and details. Yoga mixed class by Ondata-Well-Being. Please contact 085 1350417 for details or the Club at 087 9975737. MEMBERSHIP: Beaufort G.A.A. Club membership is now due. Gym and facilities membership is also available. Please contact Patie 087 2515311. For Ladies football, LGFA membership, contact Sue 086 2632219. BEAUFORT SCOR NA BPÁISTÍ for primary schools was held on Friday, 16th February. Congratulations to the following who qualified for Mid Kerry Scor na bPáistí on Friday, 23rd February. Rince Foirne: Aoibheann Reid, Anna Mai Hughes, Caoilainn Riordan, Avril Lynch, Jennifer O’Rourke, Leah O’Malley, Aoibheann Moriarty, Lara and Lily Culhane. Solo Dance: Aoibheann Reid. Solo Singing: Anna Mai Hughes. Solo Instrumental Music: Evan O’Connor. Instrumental Music Group: Amy O’Connor, Harry Hughes, Anna Mai Hughes and Evan O’Connor.

Milltown/Castlemaine GAA Lotto: Sponsored by Almas Takeaway, Milltown. The most recent fortnightly club lotto draw took place on Monday, February 19th at the club grounds. There was no jackpot or match 3 winner on this occasion. The numbers drawn were 9, 17, 23 and the bonus ball was 15. Lucky Dip Winners were as follows: €50: Susan Sheehan, Milltown. €50: Cliodhna Quirke, Milltown. €25: Jason O'Connor, Castlemaine. €25: Arnold Castroverde, Milltown. €25: Ted Kennedy, Milltown. €25: Dolores O'Sullivan, Castlemaine. Our next club lotto draw is scheduled to take place on Monday, March 4th at 19:30pm in the Clubhouse where the

jackpot will be €13,000. Get your draw tickets or renew your yearly tickets online on Clubforce or get your tickets for the next draw from all the usual local outlets. Mile búiochas do gach duine for playing Milltown/Castlemaine Clubs Fortnightly Fundraiser, the money raised is vital to the day to day running of our club and your support is sincerely appreciated. SENIOR: The draw was made last Thursday night for the 2024 Kerry Petroleum Senior Club Football Championship. We have been paired with Dingle, Na Gaeil and Dr Crokes. Our first fixture will be against Na Gaeil. Dates, times and venues to be confirmed.

Killarney Camogie Club UNDER 8 & UNDER 10: Training continues next Monday 26th February from 6-7pm in Spa GAA Hall. Age 5 upwards. Hurleys & helmets provided. Please come along and try out a few sessions. Only need to bring runners and water. Contact Secretary Eimear Flynn for more information 087 6481736. UNDER 12 TRAINING: Under 12 training resumes Sunday 25th February from 4-5pm in Spa. New players welcome. Contact Secretary Eimear Flynn for more information 087 6481736. MINOR & SENIOR TRAINING: Training continues each Sunday morning. New players welcome. Contact Paul for more details 086 8416839. REGISTRATION: Registration is now open for all age groups on Foireann. Please check out our Facebook page for details on how to register. Contact Registrar Louise Moynihan or Secretary Eimear Flynn with any queries. Killarney Golf & Fishing Club (Ladies) RESULTS: Singles 13 holes Mahony’s Point. Competition played on Sunday 18 February 2024 at Killarney (Killarney - Mahony's Point). Full Net Result. Overall Position Score (Play H'cap) Placing Countback. 1 Noreen O'Callaghan 31 pts (13) Overall Winner Last Six Holes. 2 Kate Anu Culloty 31 pts (27) Overall Runner-Up. 3 Roisin Kivlehan 30 pts (28) Overall 3rd. 4 Jane Dwyer 28 pts (14) Last Three Holes. 5 Anita O'Sullivan 28 pts (28). NEXT FIXTURE: Sunday February 25th Killeen 11 Holes Single Stableford.

Deerpark Pitch & Putt Club SUNDAY DRAWS: Two Ball ScrambleFirst Nett: Daniel Kelly & Betty O'Brien 37Gross: Gearoid Cronin & Daniel Kelly 43 and Second Nett: Bobby Kelly & Cian Breen 37 1/2 (B9). 2024 RATES: At our Club AGM on January 15th last it was agreed to change both our membership and green rates as follows. MEMBERSHIP: Single Adult- €150, OAP€100, Juvenile- €80 Family- €300 and Associate €133. These rates apply from March 1st when membership is due.



SPORT NOTES Registrar Bobby Kelly is available one hour after the Sunday draws conclude for any member who wishes to sign up for the year. GREEN FEES: Adult €10 and Juvenile €7. Family Rate remains at €25.

Killarney Valley AC INDOOR: The Athletics Ireland National Indoor Championships was held last weekend in Dublin. Six National medals came home to Killarney Valley AC with Ciara Kennelly taking bronze in the women’s High Jump with a jump of 1.76m, Sara Leahy taking silver in the 60m sprint with a time of 7.42secs and our 4x400m men’s relay of Oisin O’Regan, Jack O’Leary, Cian O’Brien and Jason O’Reilly taking silver in a time of 3.31.44secs. Anna O’Shea competed in the Pole Vault in her first ever Senior National Indoor Championships at just age 15 so plenty more to come from her. Congrats and well done to all. INFO: All relevant information on our club is on our website

Killarney Rugby U18 GIRLS PLAY FOR MUNSTER: Very well done to our own U18 girls Ava O’Malley’s, Fia Whelan and Emma Dunican who represented Munster in the U18 Interpros last week, playing Leinster and Ulster. Brilliant to see our girls line out in the red of Munster. Well done girls. U16 BOYS: Wishing our U16s boys the very best of luck as they host Tipperary side Nenagh Ormond in the quarterfinal of the Pan Munster U16 Cup. This team has been playing some fantastic rugby across the season and this promises to be a cracker of a game. Please come up to support the lads in the biggest game of the year for them to date. Kick-off is at 2pm on Saturday. MINIS: This Saturday our Minis are due to host Rugbai Chorca Dhuibhne and Killorglin in a blitz for all ages. The action gets underway from 09:45am. Please remember the gumshield and water bottle. RESULTS: U14 Boys: Killarney 5-19 Mallow. U16 girls: Midleton 19-22 Killarney. Seniors: RCD 13-19 Killarney. FIXTURES: Minis host RCD and Killorglin, Aghadoe at 10am. U14 boys v Bruff, Home - Saturday at 11am. U16 girls v Bruff, Home - Saturday at 2pm. U16 boys v Nenagh Ormond, Home - Saturday at 12. U18 boys v Bruff, Home. Seniors v Waterford City, Home - Sunday at 2:30pm.

Muckross Rowing Club RACE NIGHT: A huge thanks to everyone who supported and attended our Race Night fundraiser on Saturday last, which was a great success. The club was delighted to receive such fantastic support, with over 60 sellers bringing in over 420 racehorse entries! Over 35 businesses also came on board to sup-

port MRC with race sponsorship, race programme adverts and spot prizes. We cannot thank enough all those businesses and individuals who got behind the club and this important fundraiser. All funds raised will go towards the continued investment in boats, equipment, safety and gym equipment as well as essential upkeep and repair of existing facilities. This will greatly benefit all our members this season and in seasons to follow. Many thanks also go to everyone who came on the night. It was an evening of great entertainment, and a special word of thanks also goes to our MC and race commentator Kieran Murphy. A marvellous evening was enjoyed by all! A final word of thanks goes to our hosts at Colgan’s Bar in the Muckross Park Hotel. EVENTS: Back on the water, crews remain busy with their weekend training on the water and midweek gym training. The club’s second competitive fixture of 2024 takes place next Saturday, March 2nd with the annual Cork Head Of the River scheduled for the city marina in Cork city. The Tribesmen Head Of the River will take place in Galway on Saturday, March 16th.

Workmen's Rowing Club COLLECTION: A big thank you to all that contributed at our annual Church gate collection which was held over the weekend. All contributions will assist in our club's activities and competition during the year. TICKETS: Last chance to get your tickets to Our clubs annual fundraiser night which will take place on Friday 23rd February 2024 at Killarney Avenue Hotel. Doors open at 9pm sharp. Dance Night with Sets, Jives and Waltzes and music by Jerry McCarthy & Co on the night. Tickets €10 with fabulous spot prizes on the night and an evening of great entertainment is in store for all, don’t miss it. Tickets are still available, please contact Timmy on 087 2898750 if you require same. Calling Killarney & the surrounding area to support this up-and-coming event.

Killarney Badminton Club TRALEE: Last Friday the Div 1, 3 & 5 doubles championship took place in Tralee Sports Complex. Killarney Badminton Club had a very successful night. Div 5 Men’s winners: Hasib Ahmmed & Driss Lecointe. Div 3 Ladies winners: Adele O’Brien & Josie Gilbert (Ballyheigue). Div 3 Men’s runner up: Kieran Crehan & Alvin Rahman.

Killarney Swimming Club TRALEE: Killarney Swimming Club showed their growing strength in Kerry as one of the leading clubs at Tralee Distance Gala at the weekend. Killarney had 90% personal bests, lots of heat wins and top finishes: Ella Cremin (age group 15) - 1st 400 Free, 1st 200 Breast.

Cathal Mackey (age group 18) - 1st 200 IM, 3rd 200 Fly. Emily Brosnan (age group 15) - 1st 200 Free. Lara O’Brien Leahy (age group 14) - 2nd 200IM, 2nd 200 Back, 3rd 400 Free. Dara Sheehan (age group 14) - 2nd 200 Breast. Kate Daly (age group 17) - 3rd 200 Breast.

Kerry Badminton Club DOUBLES: On Friday last, the Division 1, 3 and 5 Doubles County Championship in association with took place in the Tralee Sports and Leisure complex. There was a great crowd there on the night between players and supporters. As always, this competition was highly contested in each of the divisions with big draws in each separate division. A big thank you must be said to all those that organized the competition itself and made out each of the draws for the night. The winners from this competition get to go forward and represent Kerry in the Munster Doubles and Mixed finals which will take place in mid-April in UL. Best of luck to all winners who will now represent their county in this next round. On Sunday, 3 Kerry teams travelled to Cork to compete in their respective graded intercounty competitions. The grade E and G teams travelled to the new MTU arena while the C team went to Carrigaline. 6 teams competed in the grade G competition with Kerry meeting Cork and Tipperary in their group. Unfortunately it wasn’t their day and after some very close games, they came out on the wrong side in both cases when it came down to the mixed games. The team lost to Cork 5games to 4 and then to Tipperary 7 games to 2. There were 5 teams in the grade E competition. The Kerry grade E team came up against a very strong Cork team in the first round who became the eventual winners. The team were beaten 7 games to 2 in this round. They then came up against Waterford in the next round. This was a much closer affair and it went all the way to the deciding mixed doubles game where unfortunately it just didn’t work out on the day. Finally, the Kerry grade C team who were playing in Carrigaline got runners-up on the day. In the first round, came got the better of Tipperary winning 6 games to 3. But unfortunately the team then fell to a very string Cork team 5 games to 1 as the final was the first to 5 games.

Killarney Bridge Club PAIRS: The club pairs 2024 competition was held recently. The combined score of both nights resulted in the following, after handicaps applied. First prize and winners of the club trophy went to Therese O’Donoghue/Brenda Moynihan. Second Pauline Lyne/Joan Linnehan. Third John O’Shea/Therese McCarthy. Well done to all.

Euro Bridge Club RESULTS: February 20th. First Mary Murray/Maureen Lyne. Second Imelda Healey/Maura O’Donoghue.

Fossa Bridge Club RESULTS: The winners of Fossa Bridge Club weekly competition are: Thursday 8th February - North/South - 1st Ciaran Broadbery and Ursula Daly, 2nd Mary Rose Felle and Mary Shanahan. East/ West - 1st Peggy Barrett and Maire O'Sullivan, 2nd Kathleen Coen and Hazel O'Connell. Thursday 15th February - North/South - 1st Anne Looney and Maura G. Moynihan, 2nd Ciaran Broadbery and Ursula Daly. East/West - 1st Mary Rose Felle and Mary Shanahan, 2nd Hanneke Nieman and Don O'Sullivan.

Kilcummin PARISH GATHERING: In his Pastoral Letter, "Moving Forward in Hope”, Bishop Ray invites all parishioners to participate in a consultation process to shape the future of pastoral areas and parishes. A consultation gathering will be held in our parish on March 4th at 7.30pm in the Recreational Hall. As preparation for the gathering, you are invited to reflect on the following three questions: 1. Without the presence of a priest to lead and coordinate, what aspects of parish life could we, the laity, take responsibility for and organise ourselves? 2. Where do we see scope for cooperation with neighbouring parishes in our pastoral area? 3. Given what Bishop Ray has said about reducing numbers and increasing age, what do we want to say to priests? Many thanks for your support and assistance for this consultation. ST. BRIGID’S CROSSES: A huge thanks to all the staff and students from our three schools who crafted beautiful St Brigid’s crosses for her special day. All offerings have been given to St. Vincent de Paul in Killarney which amounts to €605. This includes the Christmas Crib. Míle Buíochas. KILCUMMIN COMMUNITY ALERT: Kilcummin Community Alert would like to thank the parishioners for their generous support of their annual collection. It is very much appreciated. MEETING: Garda Sean O’Sullivan will attend a meeting in Anabla N.S on Monday 26th of February at 7.30pm. All are welcome. COOLICK NATIONAL SCHOOL: Coolick National School is delighted to launch its first online school lotto with a jackpot up to €2,000 to be won. 1 line €2.00, 2 lines €4.00 or 3 lines €5.00. To play, visit KILLARNEY LADYBIRDS: Enrolment for girls (5-7 years) Monday 26th February at 6-7pm in the Old Mon School, New Rd. For more information, please contact Erika 086 1715549 or Jennifer 087 7918130.





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