Alan Khazei's Action Plan for Millis

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Alan’s Plan to Put People Before Politics: » Address the spike in ​unemployment​ through a Federal Jobs Guarantee including expanding AmeriCorps and providing Emergency Wage Support to save small businesses and keep people on the payroll. » Support small businesses by proposing a small business hiring credit and accelerated depreciation of capital investment for small businesses that hire new workers. Dedicate funding streams to help further support women, minority, and veteran owned small businesses.

People Before Politics: Alan Khazei’s Plan for Millis

» Work to pass his Restore the Dream Account proposal, paid for by the Estate Tax, providing every young person who serves our country for one year with an account worth $50,000 to achieve the American Dream. » Pass “Medicare for All Who Want It,” providing a strong public option for affordable healthcare without eliminating the ability to keep private insurance. » Work to destigmatize and elevate the opioid and substance challenges of our community and country, prioritizing care over criminality.

Read Alan’s Plan for every city and town in the 4th District at










Millis’s Assets and Initiatives » GAF Plant Site. Revitalization of former factories offer opportunities to create new housing, business and retail spaces in Millis while conserving open spaces. » Optimized Business Location. Millis’s midpoint geographic location makes it a prime site to become a business or innovation hub. » The Millis Fund provides financial assistance to residents in emergency situations with direct payment of rent, utilities, clothing, and other emergency needs. » In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the town formed the “Make it in Millis” task force to support its small businesses.

Millis’s Challenges » Property Tax Burden. Residents feel overburdened by property taxes needed to support town services and schools. » Affordable Housing. Rising housing prices are pushing lower-income families out of Millis; existing affordable housing developments do not adequately meet demand. » Managing Growth: Some residents feel that construction of new upscale housing and business complexes threaten some of the qualities they most value about Millis. » Unemployment and Small Business Protection. With small businesses hit hard, Millis unemployment is currently 16.2%, the highest among all surrounding towns.

Alan Khazei is not a politician - he is a movement leader who co-founded City Year and led the national service movement to launch, protect and grow AmeriCorps. Alan is ready on Day One to lead the effort in Congress to protect our environment, ensure affordable healthcare for all, stop gun violence, address racial injustice and restore the American Dream for working families.

Alan’s Plan for Millis was built by listening to the people of Millis. In Congress, Alan will: Push to rethink how we fund public schools. Tying school funding to property taxes perpetuates cyclical poverty, and bars low-income people from access to quality education. Support the Common Sense Housing Investment Act, increasing funding for housing programs through reforms to the mortgage interest tax deduction. Support a Green New Deal to combat Climate Change by accelerating a just transition away from fossil fuels and ensure that Millis’s public lands are preserved. Create a Millis Congressional Advisory Board to stay connected to local issues in Millis and ensure stakeholder voices are heard in Washington.

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