The Inner Temple

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The Inner Temple is one of the UK’s four Inns of Court that have the exclusive right to call men and women to the Bar, admitting those who have fulfilled the qualifications to the degree of Barrister-at-Law, which entitles them, after a period of pupillage to practise as independent advocates in the Law Courts of England and Wales.

Cleaning of internal and external communal areas within the Inner Temple (Treasury Building and Great Hall, Inner Temple Library, The Master’s House, Temple Church and Inner Temple Gardens).

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Cleaning of interior communal areas Portering and small office moves Cleaning of external areas

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Deep cleaning (including main kitchen) Apartment cleaning Event portering & cleaning

Providing delicate cleaning to historical buildings Julius Rutherfoord made an immediate impact by improved attention to detail in the cleaning regime, and revitalising the appearance of a number of key areas at this historic site. Within a short period of time client satisfaction levels increased to 97%. This was achieved through re-training and motivating the inherited staff and by introducing efficient and innovative cleaning solutions. Special care and attention was paid to all historical features including brass furnishings, wooden surfaces and floors. Our team totally transformed the original marble flooring within the Great Hall by stripping and treating it with Twister Pads which use millions of microscopic diamonds to clean and polish the floor mechanically without the use of any chemicals. The result was a sparkling clean, non-slippery floor which requires no polish. Quick and effective response to changed specifications during the 2012 Olympic Games During the 2012 Olympics, the Inner Temple had the honour to accommodate the Belgium Olympic team. At very short notice our team responded to the increased scope of cleaning, which included numerous accommodation facilities and increased post-event cleaning requirements. Our Contract Manager promptly instituted a fresh cleaning schedule, training and deploying extra staff to assist with the increased demands and to cover additional late night shifts and unscheduled requirements. “Since appointment the cleaning standards have improved greatly and the cleaning operatives (who transferred to Julius Rutherfoord under TUPE regulations) have greatly appreciated the enhanced training regime on offer to them and the greater level of Head Office and Management support. The appointment also generated a cost saving over the previous contractor and I have no hesitation in unreservedly recommending Julius Rutherfoord for cleaning services. Director of Properties at the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, July 2012

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