Kenavenster internationale editie

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7 ième période 2012 I  1

edition EDITIONinternational INTERNATIONAL

Kenavenster Youth in act ion

Magazine de de Kena -  7ième apparition trois mois  -  17ème année NR. 3  -  Magazine special Kenavzw  vzw - la periode de 2012 - camp international


t/u conten By international participants How did the participants of Roumania, Portugal and France come 7 I to the idea to participate and come to Belgium? They speak!

By Pauline from France already did several international exchanges 8 I Pauline before. She tells her point of view.

By Lise & A誰sha Lise was already several times a leader at Kena. This is her first 10 I international experience. A誰sha came to Kena for the first time.

By redaction you ever tried to look at a story in someone elses position? 13 ITheHave wolf that met Red Riding Hood shows his side of the fairytale.

Geert took the challenge of leading the international camp. A project with youngsters from Belgium, Roumania, France and Portugal, all here to share a lifetime experience. He tells us a story, well known in Heuvelsven; 2 frogs in a bucket of milk... _______________________________________ 2 frogs were jumping around in a field full of cows, when one moment they accidentaly fell in a bucket full of milk the farmer had forget. They tried to get out but that wasn’t so easy. Whatever they tried, they always fell back in the milk. On a certain moment one of them decided to give up, so he stopped swimming and ... he drowned. The other one kept trying and trying, but he always fell back in. Still, he refused to give up so he kept swimming. Suddenly he felt something beneet its feet. It felt like he had hit the bottom of the bucket... but, seemed to be, the frog had swam so long that the milk slowely became butter. So the frog kept padding and swimming and there came always more butter. Until one moment he could get on it and through that way he could jump out of the bucket. We can look back at this exchange in the way the pessimistic frog did, and say that we, people from Kena, had to give up a lot of things that belong to our ‘style’. Some things didn’t go the way we are used to and for a while that could be weird. The first day I really had to change my way of thinking and I had to start thinking like the second frog: the optimistic one.

Keep going, Geert, keep going. Make the best out of it and everything will turn out just fine

‘Keep going, Geert, keep going. Make the best out of it and everything will turn out just fine’. And exactly, after a while everyone found his way, his place. And I seriously think that I am aloud to say that we have had an amazing exchange. The youngsters have learned so much of each other en they had a great experience, and at the same time a whole bunch of ‘international’ friends. Me as well, I will leave with a positive feeling, for myself, but for Kena as well. I truly hope that we have planted an international seed in Heuvelsven and that it may continue to grow. I am sure that our Portuguese, Roumanian and French friends will take a lot of Kena seeds with them back home in their luggag! Thank you all for this amazing week!! Good luck! Geert 7 ième période 2012 I  3

Editorial What do you do when someone asks you to participate at an international camp in a small country like Belgium? Belgium... People often know Brussels instead of Belgium, and it wouldn’t be the first time that someone tells me that they thought ‘Brussels’ was the name of the country. In case you didn’t know yet, it isn’t! Brussels is our capital. And when they ask you to participate, I can imagine you didn’t really come here because you like our country, right?! Neither for our lovely, rainy weather, I think. When you go to a foreign country, on a camp with youngsters that speak different languages, you probably come here to get some new experience. You learn about each others cultures, each others habits and maybe you can even learn a few words in their language. But you also learn a lot about yourself! You learn how to work together with people you don’t know and you are prepared to try new things. You respect each others habits and rituals. For us it’s a great pleasure to see how you accept and how you try to understand our rituals and our tradition. We hope you enjoyed your stay at Heuvelsven and you return to your home country with new values, new friends, new ideas and a lot of memories! Maybe this small magazine and a lot of pictures will help! You can always take a look at the website we made for this camp: Love, Hannah & Julie

Qu’est-ce que tu fais quand quelqu’un te demande de participer à un camp international dans un pays très petit comme la Belgique? La Belgique... Les gens souvent connaissent Bruxelles et ce ne serait pas la première fois que quelqu’un pense que Bruxelles est le nom du pays. Si tu ne savais pas encore, ce n’est pas! Bruxelles, c’est notre capital. Et quand ils te demandent de participer, je ne peux pas m’imaginer que tu viens pour le pays, non?! Et pour notre temps, non plus, je pense. Quand tu vas à l’étranger, au camp avec des jeunes qui parlent une autre langue, tu viens probablement pour faire une nouvel expérience. Tu apprends au sujet d’autres cultures, les habitudes et les rituels des autres. Et tu apprends aussi plus de toi-même! Tu apprends comment travailler ensemble avec des gens que tu ne connais pas et tu est interessé à essayer des nouveaux choses. Tu as du respect pour les rituels et les traditions des autres. Pour nous aussi c’est un grand plaisir de voir comment vous acceptez nos rituels et nos traditions. Et que vous faites l’effort des comprendre. On éspère que vous avez aimé cette semaine à Heuvelsven et que vous retournez à la maison avec des nouveux valeurs, des nouvels amis, nouvels idées et beaucoup de mémoires! Peut-être que cette petite magazine et beaucoup de photos peuvent aider! Vous pouvez toujours aller regarder au website que nous avons fait pour ce camp: Bisous, Hannah & Julie

4  YOUTH IN ACTION I international camp

Challenge everything!

Yes we can!

United we stand!

Just do it!

T Ver rans lat tal ion ing - tr adu Tradu cti ção - tr on adu cer







Hi / Hello


Bonjour / Salut



See you later

Tot ziens

Au revoir

Vejo-te mais tarde

Pe curând! Ne vedem mai tartiu

Thanks / Thank you

Bedankt / Danku




How are you?

Hoe gaat het?

Comment allez-vous?

Como é que tutas?

Ce foci?

And you?

En jij?

Et toi?

E tu?

Dar tu?

This is fun!

Dit is tof!

Ceci est cool!

Into é giro!

E aluzant

Have a nice meal


Bon appetit

Bom apetite

Pofta buna



Bonne nuit

Boa noite

Noopte buna

What is your name?

Wat is jouw naam? Hoe heet jij?

Comment t’appelles-tu?

Como é que te chamas?

Cum te numesti?

What is your facebook?

Wat is jouw facebook?

C’est quoi ton facebook?

Qual é teu facebook?

Care este odresa tas de facebook?




Bom dia

Buna dumineata





















6  YOUTH IN ACTION I international camp

Participants speaking!

With what kind of organization did you come here? Avec quelle genre d’organisation vous êtes venus ici?

We came here with people from the same school, but I never did something like this before. It is completely new. (Catarina – Portugal) Nous sommes d’un projet European. On est tous de la meme village. Alors nous nous connaissions déjà. (Coline et Anne-Sophie – la France) In Roumania we actually don’t have a lot of camps. I’ve never been to one. (Rado – Roumania)

What was your first impression when you arrived here? C’était quoi ton premier impression quand tu est arrive?

There are trees everywhere, like everywhere! There is a lot of nature. And everybody was really nice. (Catarina – Portugal) C’est très strict. Au début quand nous sommes arrives, c’était très bizarre. Mais maintenant ça va. Le chapel est un valeur. Pas pour moi, mais je comprends qu’il a du valeur pour les autres. (Coline et Anne-Sophie – la France) I like this place especially at night. It is peaceful and there is a lot of silence. I think the chapel is poor made. Usually there are a lot of pictures of Jesus and stuff. Now it is just another building. The first night I went into the chapel and there was a lot of silence. It made me laugh. I thought ‘What are they doing here?’. They weren’t praying out loud, there weren’t any words. But it is a chapel so off course it has a value. (Rado – Roumania)

Why did you decide to participate with this camp? Pourquoi avez-vous decide de participer à ce camp international? There is a first time for everything. I thought this was a nice opportunity to try something new. (Catarina – Portugal) Pour découvrir d’autres personnes qui ne parle pas la même language. (Coline et Anne-Sophie – la France) I was tired of Roumania. It was only school and being at home. I wanted to do something new. (Rado – Roumania) What did you know about about Belgium? Qu’est-ce que vous saviez déjà de la Belgique?

Not much which I don’t like because I like to know a lot about all countries in Europe. Even though it is a small country. Portugal is a small country as well. But about Belgium I actually didn’t know anything. (Catarina – Portugal) On ne connaissait pas la Flandre (Coline et Anne-Sophie – la France) We only knew Brussels… And we knew they have real good chocolate! (Rado – Roumania)

7 ième période 2012 I  7

Comment ne pas se sentir bien à Heuvelsven?

Comment ne pas se sentir bien à Heuvelsven? La vie y est surprenante. Ce n’est pas toujours facile au début de s’adapter à des règles qui existent depuis des années et qui viennent d’une culture différente. Je pense que l’enrichissement est mutuel et que chacun en sortira grandit. D’un côté nous, les partenaires, nous découvrons un fonctionnement particulier. Et de l’autre côté j’éspère que vous aussi, nos hôtes, vous avez pu trouver des choses intéressantes à nos côtés. Le meilleur dans tout ça reste la démonstration de valeurs communes quelle que sait leur forme. Pour une première expérience en Belgique je remarque aussi que les gens ici sont beaucoup plus intéressant que ne le laissent penser les mauvaises, mais tenaces, blagues françaises! (HaHa) En tout cas bravo à toute l’équipe pour votre super travail! J’éspère que vous continuerez longtemps! How can you not feel good at Heuvelsven? Life here is suprising. It is not easy at first to adapt to rules that already exist for many years and that come from a different culture. I think that the enrichment is mutual and that we all go home as bigger people. On our side, the partners, we discovered a particular way of working. And on the other side I hope that you, our hosts, have found some interesting stuff on our sides. For a first Belgian experience I notice that the people here are way more interesting than our bad, but stubborn french jokes tell us. (HaHa) Anyway good job to the whole team for all their great work! I hope you can continue a long time!

- Pauline

. .. t a h t w o n k u o y id D

… You can’t hang up a pen with a nail … Which Hannah tried … Lise fell of the bench at the girlrooms ... Precious talks in her sleep … Frits says ‘I can’t help it that there are scratched on the screen of my phone’ after he rubs them between two stones … Hannah paparazzi is afraid in boats that hobble … Antonio is a machoman … Duckfaces are in and Lars is out (by Valerie & Hannah (p)) … Hannah paparazzi doesn’t know how to write … Papparazzi was written with one P, not two! … Antonio thinks that when singers give us all they’ve got, it looks like they are going to the toilet … that same Antonio said he would love to come back next year … we have a lot of musicians at camp … Jonas even brought his piano with him … the Portuguese thaught us a cool song … it is about an ugly, fat pony

‘In general I am enjoying the experience. The organization and the people are great. The food is good, except for the soup. The portuguese people don’t really like this kind of soup. The activities are interesting and funny. I just don’t like the religious things because I don’t believe in God. I really like the free time when we can row the boats or just stay talking. I also like the night time when we are singing’. - Carolina (Portugal)

‘Kena is great because it has its own style and habits. There is always a great atmosphere at camp. It is something we do every year and I couldn’t imagine a year without at least one camp at Kena. I can’t even imagine myself doing a camp with another organization. Doing this exchange with other countries, does change the style of Kena a bit. But you get to know the other cultures. You learn the other languages, so it is a bit like a language camp but then better because you are not obligated. I think it is a special feeling going at camp in another country. I think I would go to Portugal. But we didn’t subscribe with the purpose off going on an international camp because we actually didn’t really know before that it was a project. We only knew it would be a little bit different’. - Frits, Yannick, Michiel, Emilie (Belgium)

7 ième période 2012 I  9

I call them ‘my little family’!

When they asked me to do this international camp, I was totally excited! But I had to wait for my schoolresults. So the first thing I did when I received them was calling Geert. And you can guess - he didn’t pick up his phone. I could go on this camp, joehoe!! It is weird how everyone just talks in his own language and we don’t understand anything. But this way we learn other languages, and that’s very nice. - Lise

During the first night the contact between alle the different people was not tthat comfortable, but now, to me, it feels like we are one big group. As we sit around the table during the meals, it is like we have known each other for years and we are all friends. It is so lovely to see that. We explain the others what our habits are over here and they tell us their habits. Everyone is so peacefull. We all became friends. So that is the reason why I called them ‘my little family’!

For me, especially the moments with our small band are fun. In little groups it is easier to get to know each other. There is more interaction. The teambuilding was cool as well and a great way to get to know them better. People at Kena do their best to understand their teenagers. At other camps they don’t know what is going through our heads. Here I feel like they do. They try to understand us. For example, the stories at the end of the evening, they really help. 10  YOUTH IN ACTION I international camp

You are not going to believe me but I think the chapel is really cool! Yesterday (the first night) is was a bit noisy, but I did stay for a while and I really enjoyed it. It is so quiet! I think it is great that there are teenagers from other countries now as well. Other people should have the chance to experience this and to come to Belgium. I know one of the leaders of Kena and she told me to try this camp. I love it! Oh my god! - Aïsha (Belgium)

Silence and laughter!

7 ième période 2012 I  11


12  YOUTH IN ACTION I international camp

in perspective Little Red Riding Hood Adapted from the Grimm’s fairytales ________________________________________ Once upon a time there was a little girl who wore a red cloak, and she was called ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ One day her mother asked her to visit her sick grandmother. Her grandmother lived outside the village in a forest. On the way Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. ‘Hello, Little Red Riding Hood,’ said the wolf. ‘Where are you going? ‘To my grandmother’s.’, she replied ‘Where does your grandmother live?’ ‘Deep in the forest,’ she said and kept walking. So the wolf ran straight to the grandmother’s house. He put on the grandmother’s clothes and hat, and got into bed. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived, her grandmother lay in bed with her hat pulled over her face, and she looked strange. ‘Oh grandmother,’ said Little Red Riding Hood, ‘what big ears you have!’ ‘All the better to hear you with, my child,’ was the reply. ‘But, grandmother, what big eyes you have!’ she said. ‘All the better to see you with, my dear.’ ‘Oh, but grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have!’ ‘All the better to eat you with!’ Next, the wolf jumped out of bed towards Little Red Riding Hood and she ran to escape. A lumberjack was passing and heard screams. He entered the house, and ran to attack the wolf with his axe. The grandmother appeared and shouted to the lumberjack, ‘Kill the wolf! Kill the wolf! Save Little Red Riding Hood!’

Little Red Riding Hood Told By The Accused Wolf Adapted from A Curriculum on Conflict Management, 1975 by Uvaldo Palomares et al., Human Development Training Institute, San Diego, CA 92101. ________________________________________ The forest was my home, I took care of it. One day, I saw a little girl coming down the trail. I was suspicious of her because she was dressed strangely - all in red. Naturally, I asked who she was and where she was going. She told me she was going to her grandmother’s house and walked off. As she went she threw a sweet wrapper on the ground. Imagine that! First she was rude to me, and now throwing rubbish! I decided to teach her a lesson. I ran to her grandmother’s house. When I saw the grandmother, I explained what had happened, and she agreed to help me. The grandmother hid under the bed and I got into the bed, dressed in her clothes. The girl arrived and immediately started to insult me, making nasty comments about my big ears, and my big eyes. I tried to stay calm, but she wouldn’t stop and insulted my big teeth next. By then, I couldn’t control my anger any longer. I jumped up from the bed and growled at her, ‘All the better to eat you with!’ No wolf would ever eat a little girl, that red cloak would taste bad anyway. I just wanted to scare her. But she started running around screaming. I jumped after her, to calm her down. But a big lumberjack barged in with an axe. That meant trouble, so I jumped out the window to escape. But that’s not the end of it. The grandmother never told my side of the story. Word got around that I was mean and nasty. Now everyone avoids me. Maybe Little Red Riding Hood lived happily ever after, but I didn’t. 7 ième période 2012 I  13

© Ellen Van Haegenborgh

14  YOUTH IN ACTION I international camp

7 ième période 2012 I  15

MERCI I THANK YOU I BEDANKt I obrigado I multumesc


Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture Fontanès

16  YOUTH IN ACTION I international camp


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