ipcm® n. 63 - May/June

Page 178


Positioned Cleaning of 360 Suspension Tubes/Hour with Teknox’s Technology


© Teknox

Teknox recently installed a cleaning system for suspension tubes at a Romanian factory of an important German car part manufacturer. system devoted exclusively to the cleaning of suspension tubes has been recently installed in

the Romanian plant of an important German company, a Tier1 supplier of several major car manufacturers and a car part manufacturer. TEKNOX (Budrio, Bologna, Italy) designed and installed it in collaboration with local distributor BLAUTECH INDUSTRIAL (Brasov, Romania). Established in 1967, Teknox specialises in the design and construction of industrial cleaning systems with water-based products. The cleaning system installed at the Romanian factory includes a tunnel plant with an inverted conveyor featuring workpiece-holding fixtures. These were specially designed so that one operator alone can hook (during loading) and

The cleaning plant for suspension tubes.

unhook (during unloading) the suspension tubes to be treated, whose size ranges

reaching the second chamber, the

The entrance of each area features

from 38 mm in diameter and 150 mm in

parts pass through a neutral area to

laser sensors that communicate

height to 65 mm in diameter and 800 mm

avoid contamination of the following

with a PLC, which allows monitoring

in height.

bath. The subsequent station

and managing the entire cycle. The

In the loading-unloading station, the

performs a rinse with a solution of

first cleaning tank is also equipped

operator places the parts on the quick-

water and an antioxidant protective

with a coalescing oil separator

spring coupling fixtures. Once on the

product. After rinsing, the tubes are

produced by Teknox, guaranteeing

conveyor, the components are taken

subjected to a first drying stage with

the separation of pollutants from the

through a “step-by-step” movement

compressed air. Then, they enter the

cleaning solution and its subsequent

to the first chamber, for the cleaning

actual hot-air drying station, reaching a

recirculation. The productivity of this

process with an alkaline detergent.

temperature of 130° C. Before arriving

plant is 8000 tubes per day on

Nozzles mounted on the walls clean the

at the unloading area, they finally pass

three shifts.

outside of the tubes, whereas another

through a cooling area in order to

The next ICT issue will include an

one enters them to clean their internal

enable their handling, at a maximum

article about the success story of this

areas with a high-pressure jet. Before

temperature of about 30 °C.

interesting plant.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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