ipcm® n. 63 - May/June

Page 160


Has the Pandemic Changed Economic Dynamics? Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy



verything has been said about the

reopening phase as soon as possible.

when other sectors will start recovering. On

pandemic. However, not many

Continuing with our analysis of Europe,

the other hand, it is also a strength, because

analyses have been made on future

England was also hugely impacted.

we will be able to observe what industries

economic dynamics. Someone has

2020 is a crucial, transitional year for

will be the first to invest and understand

gone into bold predictions related to a

Brexit, as the country should leave the

where there will be a greater need for

“return to normal” in 2021, but almost

EU on 1 January 2021. It will probably


all the economic “voices” have involved

not, because the collapse of the Pound

Overseas, the United States of America

requests for help from the governments

together with the health and political

has been seriously affected and President

to support the industry. How will our

issues tied to the “Covid management”

Trump has repeatedly spoken out against

economy change?

could push the UK to ask for an

the lockdown to entice his electorate made

China was certainly the country that

extension of the transition period, with

up of entrepreneurs and self-employed

suffered the greatest economic impact,

further uncertainties on various areas,

workers. However, his statement that “If US

also because of the lockdown policies

including the regulatory one (how long

has 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we have

implemented, the first and strictest one

will European standards apply to the UK?

done a good job” is forcing him to offer

in the world. For the first time in several

What will be the role of England on the

his mea culpa, given that the current data

decades, one of the strongest and

various working tables of the European

are already close to that figure. However,

constantly growing economies at the

bodies in which English representatives

historically, the US economy has always

global level will have a negative national

already participate?). Meanwhile, the

used a series of “vaccines” for recovery, such

GDP at the end of this year. This could

health and economic crisis is also falling

as the New Deal after the Great Depression

tempt other economies, which are

on Russia, which initially seemed almost

and, more recently, the financial crisis of

already seizing market opportunities

free from the virus. This will generate a

2007 in the aftermath of the September 11

where China has lost ground. However,

series of problems relating to the natural

attacks. Therefore, it is estimated that the

we should not forget that China is not

resources imported by other countries.

run-up to growth will be accelerated.

only a competitor, but also a supplier. Its

In Italy, there will be two important

Among other things, it has not been

crisis is spreading like wildfire to other

sectors that will experience serious

emphasised that the virus has mainly

countries as well.

losses in 2020, trade and tourism. On

affected the countries with developed

A similar phenomenon has occurred

the other hand, the industrial sector

economies, and only with months of delay

within the European continent,

has already restarted as soon as

has it reached the developing ones. In terms

where each country has adopted

Phase 2 was announced and, despite

of health at the international level, this was

different solutions with very different

numerous difficulties, that economic

a lifesaver: the response to the pandemic

lockdown periods, without any central

space that existed before this sad year

will be more effective than in a hypothetical

coordination. This has resulted in

is being rebuilt. The finishing industry,

reverse case.

different evolutions of the pandemic, but

in particular, has the advantage/

In conclusion, we have lived in a globalised

also in the creation of several economies

disadvantage of being related to a

world for some time now, but each

with different paces. Foreign companies

process phase located the end of the

economy will have a different recovery

with suppliers in Italy had to look for

production cycle and, therefore, of

speed. It will be very important to grasp

new partners in other countries, with

being subjected to the cyclical economic

these dynamics at the international level.

severe consequences on our market

fluctuations of the upstream sectors

Italian companies have always had a

and our competitiveness. This was one

with a “delay”. On the one hand, this is a

vocation for export. This period, therefore,

of the reasons why ANIMA asked the

weakness for us, as we will experience

will present a series of opportunities for

Italian government to authorise a safe

difficulties for some time to come, even

them. (But first, let us heal our wounds.)


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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