ipcm® n. 64 - July/August 2020

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It is time to relax. Richiedi la versione in italiano a info@ipcm.it

I know that it may not seem the right thing to say at a time like this. A few hours before I wrote this editorial, the European Recovery Fund was approved, worth 750 billion Euros in loans and subsidies to be allocated to the economic recovery of the twenty-seven Union members, which are weakened by a pandemic that still frightens people and prevents a return to normal consumption. Yet, lightness is needed this year as never before. We need to restart our minds by distracting them from negative thoughts, which prevent an objective assessment of the situation and, above all, creative thinking. “Good ideas” are crucial for the dynamic management of business activities – and creative ideas often arise when we are relaxed, when our mind is free to wander. Rita Levi Montalcini said that “creativity lies in curiosity and in keeping one’s own mind open to the world”. Well, we should all go back to opening up our minds and being receptive to the most varied sources of inspiration, while stopping chatting about COVID-19 and our fears for the economy. Of course, I do not want to suggest underestimating a problem that is far from definitively resolved, as it has become apparent in these days. However, going back to exercising lateral, unconventional thinking, looking past the data, and observing them from different perspectives than those of logic can be extremely useful to restore our confidence in future and find new ways for our companies to continue to thrive. Edward De Bono, a Maltese psychologist specialising in individual and occupational psychology, introduced the concept of lateral thinking: he considered it a very useful approach to favour the “problem solving” moment, in whatever form or area this occurs. This is the reason why, after two issues in which we dealt extensively with the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and with the ways in which the surface treatment sector has put its technologies at the service of the fight against this virus, this summer issue of ipcm® is simply aimed at offering you plenty of prompts to stimulate “good ideas”. Technological, process, management, and product ideas. Success stories, unprecedented systems, new lines started up through digital technologies, unconventional surface treatments (once again, also useful for sanitising surfaces), and research on better performing raw materials. In a word, a positive framework, clearly showing the European industry’s industriousness and dynamism.

Alessia Venturi

Our wish for this singular summer is that we may use the time that, for once, we will not lose in overcrowded vacation spots to focus on what is good and useful in technological innovation, so as to restart with more force, more awareness, and by only keeping the positive lessons that this unprecedented event has taught us.

Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile

Happy summer.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2020 - N. 64


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