InterAdria Magazin 3

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NOVOSTI / NEWS InterAdria Nautic Centar proširio svoj asortiman / InterAdria Nautic Center expanded its offer Edukacija djelatnika - ključ uspješnosti / Education of employees- the key to success InterAdria SC otvorila je carinsko skladište / InterAdria SC opened customs warehouse

4 4 7 9

SESSA MARINE NOVITETI / NOVELTIES Nova imenovanja u Sessa Marine brodogradilištu / New designations in Sessa Marine shipyard C54’ - Savršen spoj elegancije i stila / The perfect combination of comfort and style C48’ - U duhu Mediterana / Mediterranean soul C44’ - Prostran, elegantan i tako zabavan / Spacious, stylish and so fun C35’ - Koracima legende / Footsteps of a legend C32’ - Mali Yacht Cruiser na dohvat ruke / The small Yacht-Cruiser at your fingertips Key Largo One - Prvi korak prema svijetu Key Largo / The first step towards a Key Largo world

10 10 12 14 18 20 22 24


ODRŽAVANJE PLOVILA / VESSEL MAINTENANCE 30 Savjeti za zimsko skladištenje plovila / Advices for vessel winter storage 30

TESTOVI / TESTS 32 Ekspedicija “Corto Maltese“ / “Corto Maltese“ expedition 32 SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE 36 Ugovorni odnos sa marinom i pitanje servisne mreže – održavanje plovila 36 Contractual relationship with a marina and the issue of availability of network of required services – maintenance of a boat 36

RENT A BOAT 40 Charter savjeti / Charter tips 40 Charter ponuda / Charter offer 42

INTERVJU / INTERVIEW 46 Kapetan Tomulić - djelić mora unio usvoj dom / Captain Tomulić - brought fraction of the sea, into his home 47

ZANIMLJIVE CHARTER DESTINACIJE / INTERESTING CHARTER DESTINATIONS 48 VOLOSKO - Gradić umjetnosti i užitaka / Town of art and pleasure 48

GASTRONOMSKI VODIČ / GASTRONOMIC GUIDE 53 Vinska priča iz Dajle / Wine story from Dajla 53

SPORT / SPORTS 57 InterAdria uspješno vlada skijaškim padinama / InterAdria conquered ski slopes 57

POPRATILI SMO / WE HAVE SUPPORTED 58 Odbojkaški klub Opatija / Volleyball club Opatija 58

NAŠI PARTNERI / OUR PARTNERS 61 Zagrebački sajam nautike - Ploviti, otkrivati, živjeti / Zagreb Fair - To sail, to discover, to live 61

DOBRO JE ZNATI / GOOD TO KNOW 62 Vjetrovi na Jadranu / Winds on Adriatic 62



Dragi čitatelji,

Dear readers,

Pred vama se nalazi već 3. broj InterAdria magazina, za kojeg se nadamo da će postati jedno od vama dražih štiva i ove sezone. I ovaj broj obiluje novostima i zanimljivim temama iz svijeta nautike.

In front of you there is already third issue of InterAdria Magazine for which we hope will become one of yours favorite readings during this season. This number is abundant with news and interesting topics from the world of nautic.

Osim noviteta vezanih uz poslovanje tvrtke i detaljnog predstavljanja atraktivnijih modela Sessa Marine za sezonu 2011., donosimo korisne savjete kako vaše plovilo pravilno uskladištiti tijekom zime, te na što valja pripaziti prilikom potpisivanja ugovora sa marinama. Iako sezona čartera još nije započela, valja se savjetovati i pripremiti što i kako charterirati, te vam stoga donosimo zanimljiv prilog na tu temu.

Besides the novelties related to the company’s business activities and detailed presentation of attractive models Sessa Marine for season 2011., we bring you useful tips how to properly store your boat during the winter, and on what you should pay attention when signing the contract with the marinas. Although, chartering session hasn’t begun jet, it is important to consult how to book vessel from charter agency. We have prepared an interesting topic about that.

Izrazito smo ponosni na naš društveni angažman u zajednici kojem nastojimo posvetiti veću pažnju i prepoznati entuzijazam i uspješnost svojih sugrađana, te im pripomoći u ostvarivanju ciljeva. Tako donosimo priču o Odbojkaškom Klubu Opatija koji je zahvaljujući predanom radu ostvario izvrsne rezultate. Lifestyle kutak “začinili” smo ljepotama i bogatstvom okusa i mirisa koji se nalaze u našem okruženju. Donosimo priču o Voloskom – gradiću umjetnosti i užitaka, vinsku priču iz srca Istre – Dajle, te vas vodimo na adrenalinsko putovanje do Malte. Trudimo se da nam izvrsnosti ne manjka i nastojat ćemo Vam iz broja u broj pokazati kako je nautika, ne samo beskrajna ljubav prema moru i plovidbi, već i jedinstveni stil života.

InterAdria is very proud on its social engagement in the community where she tries to recognize the enthusiasm of its fellow citizens and assist them in achieving goals. We bring you the story about the Volleyball Club Opatija which is due to the dedicated work accomplished excellent results. Lifestyle corner of our Magazine is “spiced” a bit more in this edition with beauty and richness of flavors and fragrances from our environment. We will revel the secrets of Volosko - a town of art and pleasure, tell the wine story from the heart of Istria - Dajla, and take you on the adrenaline trip to Malta. In each issue we are doing our best to present nautic not only as the infinite passion for the sea and navigation, but even a unique lifestyle.

Klaudio Brnečić direktor / general manager


InterAdria Nautic Centar proširio svoj asortiman InterAdria SC uvela je novosti u svojem već postojećem asortimanu nautičke opreme u sklopu Servisnog centra u Kastvu, Ćikovići 73 c. Trgovina koja je do sada bila namijenjena isključivo veleprodaji rezervnih dijelova za plovila Sessa Marine, te motore Yamaha, Volvo Penta i Yanmar, proširila je svoj asortiman. Na jednome mjestu moguće je nabaviti sve što vam je potrebno za bezbrižnu plovidbu. Uz paletu novih vanbrodskih motora Yamaha, brodsku elektroniku i kozmetiku, ondje možete pronaći i kompletnu opremu za sigurnu plovidbu i sidrenje: bokobrane, konope, sidra, lance, opremu za spašavanje, te opremu za ribolov i sportove na vodi.


InterAdria Nautic Center expanded its offer InterAdria SC has introduced many innovations in its already existing range of nautical equipment available in its Nautic Shop in Service center in Kastav, Ćikovići 73 c. Until recently, solely focused on the wholesale trade of spare parts for Sessa marine boats, Yamaha, Volvo Penta and Yanmar engines, the company has expanded its range. You can now find everything you need for carefree sailing in one place. There, with the new range of Yamaha outboard engines, marine electronics and cosmetics you can find the complete equipment for safe navigation and anchoring: fenders, lines, anchors, chains, rescue equipment, and equipment for fishing and water sports. InterAdria Nautic Center Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav Ana Tomeček tel.: + 385 51 687 450 fax.: +385 51 704 020 gsm: +385 91 215 4499 e-mail:



Edukacija djelatnika - ključ uspješnosti

Education of employees - the key to success

InterAdria kao ovlašteni servis koji pruža usluge popravaka i održavanja brodskih i vanbrodskih motora Yamaha, Volvo Penta i Yanmar redovitim educiranjem svojih djelatnika nastoji unaprijediti razinu svojih usluga. U sezoni 2010 serviseri InterAdriinog centra g. Damir Dubrović, voditelj servisnog centra i g. Zoran Purić, voditelj odjela brodske mehanike prisustvovali su servisnom seminaru za nove Yamaha V 6 i F 70 A vanbrodske motore, upravljanje YCOP sustavom sigurnosne zaštite Yamaha vanbrodskih motora i LAN tehnologijom implementiranom u ustave 6Y8 i 6Y9, te stekli kvalifikaciju u sustavu Yamaha Academy Certifikat kao potvrdu uspješnosti u servisiranju Yamaha motora.

InterAdria as an authorized service center that provides maintenance and repair of marine outboard and inboard engines for Yamaha, Volvo Penta and Yanmar regularly educate our staff strives to enhance the level of its services. In the 2010 Mr. Damir Dubrović a service center manager and Mr. Zoran Purić, head of marine mechanics attended the service held for the new Yamaha V 6 and F 70A outboard engines. They learn about new YCOP Yamaha control system security protection for outboard engines and LAN technology implemented in the system of 6Y8 and 6Y9. They had gained Yamaha Academy Certificate as confirmation of the success in managing Yamaha engine services.

Početkom studenog, voditelj odjela brodske mehanike, g. Zoran Purić prisustvovao je seminaru o novitetima kod brodskih Volvo Penta motora sa IPS pogonom. Na seminaru je bila riječ o poboljšanjima postojećih i načinima ugradnje nove generacije modela motora i pogona. Govorilo se o novoj paleti IPS 800/900/1050 i 1200 pogona, novoj izvedbi komandnih ručki sa dodatkom novih funkcija, te o novoj paleti display-a od 2.5 i 7 inča.

In the beginning of November, the head mechanics, Mr. Zoran Purić attended a course about innovations in marine engines Volvo Penta IPS drive. The course was for the improvement of existing and installation of new generation models of motor and drive system. There was talk of a new range of IPS 800/900/1050 and 1200 system, the new version handles command with the addition of new functions and a new range of displays from 2.5 to 7 inches.

Voditelj servisa g. Damir Dubrović pohađao je četverodnevnu obuku u Almeri, Nizozemskoj, sjedištu Yanmar marine Europe za nove trendove u dijagnostici Light duty Yanmar motora. Na treningu su rezimirane možebitne poteškoće na starijim modelima Yanmar motora te kratak osvrt na popravak istih. Također serviseri su bili upoznati sa načinom radaYanmar Europa, te kako iskustva prenijeti i implementirati u rad u Hrvatskoj.

Service manager Mr. Damir Dubrović attended the four-day training in Almera, Netherlands, the seat of Yanmar Marine Europe for new trends in diagnosis Light duty Yanmar engines. The training outlines the eventual problems on older models of Yanmar engines, and a brief review of the repair thereof. Also, service personnel were familiar with the way of work Yanmar Europe center and to transfer the experience and implement the work in Croatia.

Servisni centar ulaganjem u obrazovanje svojih djelatnika nastoji pratiti trendove i uvijek biti korak ispred, a sve kako bi pružili što potpuniju i kvalitetniju uslugu.

Customer Service Centre by investing in the education of their employees is trying to follow the trends, always be one step ahead, and do everything to provide quality services.



InterAdria SC otvorila je carinsko skladište U nastojanju da bude prepoznatljiva kao pouzdan partner i da pruži najbolju moguću uslugu na tržištu InterAdria SC proširila je svoju djelatnost otvaranjem carinskog skladišta tipa E. Dobila je odobrenje za smještaj i čuvanje privremeno uvezenih plovila po aneksu C Istambulske konvencije. InterAdria od sada omogućuje smještaj u svom servisnom centru u Kastvu, Ćikovići 73 C plovilima pod stranom zastavom koja ondje mogu biti u postupku carinskoga skladištenja neograničeno vrijeme tj. sve do izlaska iz Republike Hrvatske. Ovo je dobra vijest za sve strane državljane koji plove u teritorijalnim vodama Republike Hrvatske, a čije plovilo nije ocarinjeno od strane Hrvatske Carinske službe, te kao takvo mora biti konstantno pod carinskim nadzorom. Oni mogu svoje plovilo bezbrižno prepustiti na čuvanje InterAdriinom servisnom teamu koji se brine da sva plovila smještena u servisnom centru budu pravilno uskladištena, te čista i suha do ponovnog korištenja. Servisni centar raspolaže zatvorenim prostorom od oko 500 m2 u kojem je moguće smjestiti do 4 manja plovila dužine do 24 stope, te otvorenim prostorom od 1300 m2 gdje je moguće smjestiti i veća plovila do 38 stopa.

InterAdria opened customs warehouse As part of its business policy, Interadria SC seek to be recognized as a reliable partner that provides the best possible service on the market. InterAdria SC has expanded its operations (range) by opening a customs warehouse. She received approval for the holding and storage vessels temporarily imported under Annex C of Istanbul Convention. InterAdria now provides accommodation in its service center in Kastav, Ćikovići 73 C for vessels under foreign flag that there may be in the customs warehousing procedure indefinitely, i.e. until leaving the Croatia. This is good news for all foreign nationals who sail in Croatian territorial waters on a vessel which is not cleared by the Croatian Customs Service, and as such must be constantly under customs supervision. You can leave your boat safely in InterAdria service center where our service team ensures that your vessel is properly stored clean and dry to reuse. Service Center has a closed area of approximately 500 m2 which can accommodate up to 4 smaller boats of length up to 24 feet. On its disposal is also the open space of 1300 m2 where is possible to accommodate larger vessels up to 38 feet.



Nova imenovanja u Sessa Marine brodogradilištu New designations in Sessa Marine shipyard Sessa Marine krenula je sa velikom odlučnošću, optimizmom i novim idejama u sezonu 2010/11 potpomognuta ojačanim managementom. Nakon više od 50 godina vodstva Raffaelle Radice, koja je bez sumnje doprinijela u nastajanju i razvoju branda Sessa Marine, brodogradilište je reorganizirano s ciljem još boljeg unapređenja i rasta cijele organizacije. Raffaella Radice, zadržavajući poziciju predsjednice kompanije, odlučila je podržati Massima Radice kao novoimenovanog izvršnog direktora te Riccarda Radice kao novog potpredsjednika brodogradilišta. Glavna uloga dosadašnjeg direktora proizvodnje, 44 godišnjeg Massima Radice biti će stvaranje novih vizija za budućnost i promicanje razvoja cjelokupnog poslovanja kompanije. Novi potpredsjednik, Riccardo Radice, nastavit će svoj rad u marketingu i proširivanju poslovanja na cijelu Europu uključujući i nova tržišta diljem svijeta.

MANAGEMENT, KLJUČ ZA BUDUĆNOST Sessa Marine ponosno predstavlja novog voditelja industrijskog menagementa g. Alfreda Cofana. Nakon dugogodišnjeg rada na poznatom brodogradilištu RIVA gdje je razvio precizan sustav industrijalizacije, Alfredo Cofano je ponosan na svoje bogato iskustvo u industrijskom sektoru na nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj razini. Njegova vještina i jedinstven pristup organizaciji označavaju ga kao savršenog kandidata za vođenje kompanije Sessa Marine u viši konkurentni sektor. Dolazak Cofana dodatno potvrđuje Sessin cilj da nastavi sa strategijom upravljanja koje je pokrenula prije dvije godine s dolaskom novog tima u upravu: Andrea Loro, koji je prethodno bio direktor prodaje Yamaha Motors Marine Italia, Sophie Dupuy managerice za odnose s javnošću koja je došla iz vodećeg Francuskog brodogradilišta, Paolo Maggioni, kao admi-


Sessa Marine turns to the future with optimism and determination with fresh ideas for the season 2010/11 backed by strong industrial management, as has been in place for the past two years. Having been lead for over 50 years by Raffaella Radice who has been a key asset to the yard and who has no doubt contributed in making Sessa Marine an industry leader, today the yard is being newly reorganized, reaching for improvement and growth of its entire industry. Therefore, Raffaella, although still remaining president, will support Massimo Radice as the newly nominated CEO and Riccardo Radice as the new Vice-President. Having been Sessa Marine’s Industrial and Product Director, for many years, 44 year old Massimo Radice’s role will be to create and follow up on vision for the future, to promote development and fulfill ambitious financial goals. The new Vice President, Riccardo Radice, will continue in his key role leading the marketing team along with be in charge of the “product style”. At the same time, he will lead the expansion of Sessa Marine in Europe, its core market, along with new markets across the world.

MANAGEMENT, THE KEY TO THE FUTURE Sessa Marine reorganization plan means that it can also proudly announce the arrival of Alfredo Cofano into the group. He will lead industrial management. Having been for many years at the renowned RIVA shipyard, where he developed a precise system of industrialization, Alfredo Cofano is proud of his wealth of experience in the industrial sector at both the national and International levels. His skills and unique approach to organization mean that he is the perfect candidate to guide and push forth Sessa’s, into more competitive sectors. The arrival of Cofano further confirms Sessa Marine’s goal to continue with a management strategy started two years ago with the arrival of a new management team: Andrea Loro, who

nistrativni i financijski direktor koji je svoje iskustvo stekao u radu sa multinacionalnim kompanijama u industrijskom sektoru i medijima. Massimo Radice ističe da je cilj Sessa Marine održavanje strukture i socijalne kohezije unutar tvrtke u kombinaciji sa kontinuiranim razvojem i stvaranjem novih modela, te da samo predanost radu vodi do uspjeha. Odluka da se oforme dodatne ključne funkcije, kao što su direktori za komunikaciju, prodaju, računovodstvo i industrijsku organizaciju, te da se dovedu ljudi sa velikim iskustvom, doprinijeti će strukturnom rastu cjelokupnog poslovanja brodogradilišta.

Novi modeli obilježili su uspješnu 2009/2010 godinu Tijekom sezone 2009/2010, Sessa Marine je lansirala šest potpuno novih modela, uključujući i C 68’, nagrađivan model za najbolji design, te F 54’ prvi fly bridge model. Svi oni još jednom potvrđuju inovativnost i motivaciju za stalnim napretkom. Sessa Marine je u sezoni 2009. ukupno isporučila 438 plovila uključujući 93 većih od 35 stopa , dok je 2010. isporučila 497 plovila, uključujući i 100 preko 35 stopa.

Inovativnost i kreativnost za pozitivnu budućnost

was previously the Commercial Director of Yamaha Motors Marine Italia; Sophie Dupuy, who comes from leading French Yacht builder, as the Communications Manager; and last year, Paolo Maggioni, as the Administrative and Financial Director, whose experience comes from working with multinationals in the industrial and media sector. “Our focus on fluidity, maintaining of the structure and social cohesion inside our establishment as has been demonstrated in the past few months, combined with our continuous development of new models, make Sessa Marine a leading example to other yards” – says Massimo Radice

2009/2010 NEW MODELS MADE FOR A SUCCESFULL YEAR During the 2009/2010 season, Sessa Marine came out with six brand new models, including the C 68’, award winning flagship model and the Fly 54’, first Fly Bridge model. All of which demonstrate Sessa marine’s personal motivation for innovation and justification in a delicate economic situation. Sessa Marine, for the 2010 season, has delivered 497 yachts, including a hundred over 35 feet, whilst for 2009 the total delivered was 438, including 93 over 35 feet long.


Kvaliteta i inovativnost i dalje predstavljaju ključ za uspjeh za nadolazeće vrijeme. Prognoza za sezonu 2010/2011., koja je započela u rujnu Cannes Boat Show-om, je pozitivna i predviđa gospodarski rast dijelom zbog predstavljanja pet novih modela, a dijelom zbog ekspanzije na nova tržišta u zemljama u razvoju.

Quality and innovation represent the key for the next few years to allow growth and expansion. Financial perspectives for season 2010/2011th, which began in September on the Canes Boat Show is positive and provides for economic growth partly due to the presentation of five new models, and partly due to the expansion into new markets in developing countries.

Valja naglasiti kako su sa pet novih modela za sezonu 2010/ 2011 nadopunjene linije Key Largo sa modelom Key Largo One, Cruser sa nasljednikom vrlo uspješnog modela C 35’ i noviteta C 32’, dok je linija Yacht obogaćena modelima: C 44’, C48’ i C 54’.

The five new products are part of Sessa Marine’s three ranges, from the Key Largo to the cruiser range with the launch of the new C 32’ and highly successful C 35’s successor as well as three new yachts; C 44’, C 48’ and C 54’.


C 54’


Sessa Sport Coupe C 54’ Savršen spoj elegancije i stila Sessa Sport Coupe C 54’ The perfect combination of comfort and style Sessa Marine je, stvarajući nove trendove, odlučila upotpuniti svoju paletu sportskih jahti novim modelom C 54’ koji se ističe markantnim linijama trupa, vrhunskom kvalitetom i sportskim izgledom. C 54’ ima sve karakteristike jahte: ugodan dnevni boravak, sofu L-oblika, stol za šest osoba, pokretni flat-screen TV i bar s vinotekom, koji ovom plovilu daju osebujan stil i originalnost. Funkcionalna kuhinja smještena je na donjoj palubi kako bi se što više prostora osiguralo na glavnoj palubi, kao središtu događanja na brodu. Desno u pramcu plovila nalazi se kabina s dva odvojena kreveta, kao i VIP kabina s velikim bračnim krevetom. Obje kabine imaju zajedničku kupaonicu. U krmenom dijelu smještena je vlasnička kabina, kao i kabina za posadu, koja se lako može pretvoriti u dodatnu kabinu za goste.


Sessa Marine, always creating new trends, has decided to complete its range of sport Yachts with new model C 54 Sport Coupe. With its striking lines, sporting performances and choice of original materials this beautiful yacht will seduce all Sessa enthusiasts. C 54’ has all the characteristics of a yacht: comfortable and welcoming living room, an “L” shaped sofa, a table for 6 people, movable flat-screen TV and a bar, equipped with wine storage which gives it that touch of style and originality. The angle shaped kitchen, spacious and easy to use, is intelligently placed on the lower deck to assure more space on the main deck, which is the center of onboard entertainment. On starboard is a single cabin, which shares a bathroom with VIP cabin at the bow. At the stern there is a master cabin and crew cabin that can easily be transformed into an optional guest cabins.

Luksuznu atmosferu kokpita nadopunjuju električni hard-top i prednje vjetrobransko staklo, koje se proteže sve do donje palube i osigurava optimalnu preglednost. Kako bi se osigurala potpuna funkcionalnost otvorenog prostora, jahta je dizajnirana po konceptu “walk around” koji omogućuje jednostavan pristup i krmi i prostranom sunčalištu na pramcu. Uz to, C 54’ opremljen je hidraulički upravljanom krmenom platformom koja omogućuje jednostavan ulazak u more, a koja je ujedno postala standardni luksuzni dodatak svake jahte Sessa Marine.

The electric Hard-Top completes well equipped cockpit along with large windscreen that extends down to the lower deck and ensures optimal view. The yacht has been designed as walkaround to facilitate access to the external area at the stern, and a spacious sun deck at the bow. And finally, there is the hydraulically operated swim platform at the stern to greatly simplify life on board and which has become a luxury standard on every Sessa yacht. Equipped with twin Volvo IPS 900 engines achieve a cruising speed of 35 knots.

C 54’ pokreću dvostruki motori Volvo IPS 900, te zahvaljujući njima postiže krstareću brzinu od 35 čvorova. Sustav IPS2 omogućava veliko ubrzanje i agilnost manevriranja u usporedbi s tradicionalnim sustavima, a zahvaljujući joysticku, upravljanje ovom 16-metarskom jahtom vrlo je jednostavno.

IPS2 system gives this yacht tremendous acceleration and agility in maneuvering when compared to traditional systems. Thanks to the joystick managing this 16 meter yacht is very easy.

Vanjske linije trupa snažna profila, te dizajn interijera, koji je moderan i šik, nude savršen ugođaj, a svaki trenutak proveden na ovom plovilu postaje pravo životno iskustvo.

An exterior line, with a strong profile and an interior design, modern and chic, offer a clean atmosphere where every moment on board feels like a true life experience.


16.36 m


4.70 m


21 t


2 x Volvo IPS 900


2 X 1000 l


566 l






C 48’

Novi model Sessa C 48’ “u duhu Mediterana” The new Sessa C 48’ “Mediterranean soul” Sessa Marine je u listopadu 2010. na Genova Boat Showu predstavila C 48’ – luksuznu jahtu inspiriranu Mediteranom koja je postala simbol vizija brodogradilišta Sessa Marine u 2010. godini. Model C 46’, lansiran 2007. godine, prepoznat je po sportskim linijama i jedinstvenom dizajnu koji izražava talijanski smisao za sklad i eleganciju. Uz to, C 46’ prva je jahta na tržištu s IPS sustavom upravljanja. Upravo te karakteristike pripomogle su joj da osvoji prestižnu nagradu ”Brod godine“ na London Boat Showu 2008. Sessa Marine osvježila je ovaj revolucionarni model pridajući mu još modernije elemente i veći komfor, te se može očekivati da će novi C 48’, kao redizajnirana verzija C 46’, pridobiti mnoge simpatije postojećih fanova C 46’. Razlika između ovih dvaju modela leži u dizajnu trupa, brojnim tehničkim nadogradnjama i prostranijem kokpitu. Dopredsjednik Sessa Marine Riccardo Radice ističe: “Potrebe i želje naših klijenata usmjeravaju nas u našem radu. Mi stvaramo za njih i to je ono što naše jahte čini idealnima za uživanje i uvijek u trendu.“ “Jahta je mjesto na kojemu se strast, kulture i različiti životni stilovi međusobno isprepleću i žive, a naš je posao da ih interpretiramo i spojimo u jedinstvenu cjelinu na najbolji mogući način. Osvježavajući hit-model kao što je C 46’ na način da se predstavi verzija C 48’ idealan je modus koji sa stajališta ergonomije i stila danas odgovara na potrebe klijenata. Sve to još jednom potvrđuje našu kreativnu snagu.“


The yacht range renewal program at Sessa Marine continues by the presenation fo new yacht C 48’ at the Genoa Boat Show 2010. C 48’ is a unique, modern Mediterranean-inspired yacht and the perfect symbol for Sessa Marine Shipyard. Being the first yacht on the market in 2007 with the IPS propulsion system, the C 46’ was instantly recognized for her Italian Spirit characterized by her elegance and onboard comfort, design a sportiness. Sessa Marine has now efreshed this mode, already awarded “Boat of the Year” at the London boat show in 2008, to give it a modern touch and adding even more comfort. The C 48’ will most likely receive a warm welcome from our C 46’ fans, because of the similarities between the two yachts. The differences lay only in the design of the hull and superstructure that are in line with Sessa’s new spirit, along with a larger cockpit and numerous technical upgrades. “Our clients’ needs and ideas are what guide our decisions. We create for them and that is what makes our yachts so enjoyable and always up to date .”, says Riccardo Radice, the new Vice President for Sessa Marine. “A yacht is a place where passions, cultures and different life -styles come alive, and it is our job to interpret them to their best”. Refreshing a hit such as the C 46’ by presenting a 48 version is the perfect answer, both from an ergonomic as well as stylistic point of view, to an owner’s needs today. This only goes to show, once again, our creative force”.



C 48’ je evolucija profila modela C 46’, pri čemu su linije postale mekše, atraktivnije, ženstvenije, a istodobno nisu izgubile sportski duh. Apsolutno suvremen, C 48’ vrlo je šarmantan model sa svojom sjajnom, crnom bojom trupa koja idealno pristaje uz zatamnjena stakla.

With its superstructure and hull inspired by the C 68’ and as with the entire range, the C 48’ is an evolution of the C 46’s profile making her softer, more attractive and feminine, yet without losing her sporting look. Absolutely contemporary, the C 48’ is very “charming” with her gloss black hull to match the windows.

PROSTRAN I SVIJETAO KOKPIT Uz produženje krme, otvorila se i mogućnost za povećanje kokpita za 35 centimetara, te se time dobio veći i udobniji otvoreni prostor. Osim prostranosti, kokpit C 48’ postao je i puno svjetliji zahvaljujući većem pokretnom dijelu hard-topa koji sada omogućava idealnu cirkulaciju zraka. Treba još istaknuti i upravljačko sjedalo, koje je u potpunosti redizajnirano. Dizajn je inspiriran automobilskom industrijom, a svi detalji prepušteni su mašti dizajnera Christiana Grandea. Rezultat je moderna jahta koja izražava jedinstvenu sportsku eleganciju.

INTERIJER U PRAVOM “MEDITERANSKOM STILU” Interijer je dizajniran po uzoru na današnje trendove u uređenju luksuznih jahti. Prevladava kombinacija smeđe i krem boje kožnatog namještaja, u kombinaciji s krem bojom kuhinje koja stvara osjećaj prostranosti i svjetline.

SPACE AND LIGHT IN THE COCKPIT With the extension of the transom, we were able to expand the cockpit by 35 cm. This allowed more room for a larger and more comfortable outdoor space. The C 48’s cockpit is also brighter because of an even larger, electrically operated hard top positioned over the starboard helm and allowing for perfect air circulation. And finally, the driver’s seat. It has been redesigned having been inspired by the auto industry and treas ured by our designer Christian Grande. The result? A modern yacht, which expresses a unique sports elegance.

AN INTERIOR IN TRUE “MEDITERRANEAN STYLE” The interior styling has been done following the leading trends for today’s yachts. The furniture in dense walnut, leather surfaces in brown, cream and cocoa together with a cream coloured kitchen all combine to make this yacht exceptional bright that invite one to do more than just travel, but to do so in a typical Mediterranean Style.




Prostrana krmena platforma na hidraulično upravljanje idealna je za jednostavno spuštanje u more gumenjaka i jet-skija, ali i za jednostavniji ulazak u more. Garaža je idealno spremište za gumenjak dužine do 2,85 metara ili jet-ski.

The large hydraulically operated beach platform at the stern allows not only for simply launching of the onboard toys or tender, but also makes for easy access to the water to enjoy a swim. The garage has space for up to a 2.85 meter tender, suitable for the C 48’ to carry a jet-ski. Our technological improvements are many; Fuel and water tanks in reinforced polyethylene to reduce corrosion, upgrading of the hydraulic and electrical systems for improved performance, the use of infusion that maintain the same mechanical properties as before though reduce the weight of the finished product. The C 48’ is powered by twin IPS 600 systems (each with a 435 HP D6 engine).

Na C 48’ vidljivi su mnogi tehnički noviteti: spremnici goriva i vode izrađeni su od „armiranog“ polietilena kako bi se umanjila mogućnost korozije, poboljšani su sustavi hidraulike i elektronike radi poboljšanja općih performansi plovila i korišten je sustav infusion kako bi se smanjila težina plovila, a pritom zadržala sva mehanička svojstva. C 48’ bit će opremljen dvostrukim sustavom upravljanja IPS 600 (svaki s motorom 435 KS D6).




15.72 m


4.28 m


Max 870 hp / 640 kw




2 x IPS 600 : 13 t

TANK GORIVA / Fuel capacity

2 x 636 l


530 l


190 l


C 44’

C 44’ prostran, elegantan i tako zabavan C 44’ Spacious, stylish and so fun


Za sezonu 2010/11 Sessa Marine predstavila je model C 44’, elegantan brod koji će zasigurno izazvati pravu senzaciju na tržištu, kao i njezin prethodnik C 43’.

For the 2010/11 season Sessa Marine presents C 44’, an elegant boat which will cause a real sensation with its appearance on the market just like its predecessor the C 43’

Novi C 44’ nudi savršen balans između pažljivo biranog dizajna i visoke tehnologije. Za ovaj je projekt dizajnerska palica prepuštena Christianu Grandeu, koji potpisuje prvoklasni koncept temeljen na tradiciji i modelima koji su stvarani kroz povijest Sesse. C 44’ pruža pogled u treću dimenziju. Prekrasan salon i kuhinja odlikuju se igrom boja i materijala koja stvara jedinstvenu i modernu cjelinu: spoj kože i lakiranog drva, te raspored prostorija ostavljaju bez daha. Unutrašnjost plovila nudi dvije prostrane kabine, a svaka ima svoju privatnu kupaonicu.

The New C 44’ offers a perfect balance between carefully chosen design and high technology. For this project, Sessa Marine has once again entrusted the interpretation of its stylistic philosophy to the designer Christian Grande, who has created this first-rate concept, based on the tradition that was created throughout history of Sessa Marine vessels. C 44’ provides a view into the 3D dimension. The lounge and galley present a play of colors and materials which create a unique, modern atmosphere: textured leathers and lacquered wood will fascinate you. Interior offers two spacious cabins, each with a private bathroom.

Senzualan i zavodnički kokpit sa svoja dva salona U-oblika, te stolom i inteligentno osmišljenom sofom na kojoj može sjediti najmanje 12 osoba, idealno je mjesto za potpuni užitak boravka na otvorenom.

Sensual and seductive cockpit includes 2 salons with a Ushaped sofa and seating around a table for no less than 12 guests, and it’s a perfect place for the full enjoyment of being outdoors.


14.00 m


3.99 m


Max 870hp /640kw




2 X VP IPS 600 - 9,8 t

TANK GORIVA / Fuel capacity

2 x 450 l


265 l


95 l

Sessa je ovim novim modelom odgovorila na želje svih koji imaju potrebu za luksuznim plovilom na kojemu mogu uživati u društvu većeg broja prijatelja.

With this model Sessa Marine responds to the desire of those who want to live on their boat in an open area and to enjoy the company of as many friends as possible on board.

C 44’ pokreću dva sustava Volvo Penta IPS 600 s dizelskim agregatima snage 435 KS.

The C 44’, powered by two Volvo Penta IPS 600 435 hp diesel engines which ensure optimum performance when cruising combined with excellent maneuverability in port.

Sustav IPS osigurava optimalne performanse tijekom krstarenja, kao i odličnu upravljivost u luci. C 44’ obećava ugodno provedene dane i zabavne večeri, te je idealno mjesto za provod nezaboravnog ljeta.

C 44’ promises pleasantly spent days full of enjoyment and entertainment. It is an ideal place to spend an unforgettable summer.


C 35’


Novi C 35’ Sport Coupe, koracima legende New C 35’ Sport Coupe, footsteps of a legend Sessa preuzima novi izazov redizajnirajući model C 35’, najprodavaniji model u posljednjih deset godina. Tehničke inovacije, osobnost i elegancija cruisera čine novi C 35’ Sport Coupe jedinstvenim. Savršeno osmišljen prostor pruža bezbroj mogućnosti. Prednja i stražnja kabina dobile su na prostranosti, kao i na neovisnom pristupu kupaonici i kuhinji. C 35’ idealno je mjesto za suživot dvaju parova ili obitelj s djecom. Kuhinja L-oblika vrlo je moderno i praktično uređena, s mnoštvom pretinaca i velikom radnom površinom. U prostranom kokpitu smješten je raskošan salon pretvoriv u sunčalište i natkriven električnim hard-topom koji putnike za vrijeme vožnje štiti od sunca. Jahtu pokreću dva motora Volvo Penta snage od 440 do 520 KS, a opremljena je i upravljačkom palicom za optimalno manevriranje u luci. Uz novi C 35’ život na moru nikad nije bio toliko atraktivan.


For the past 10 years, the C 35’ was one of the Italian brand’s biggest successes. Today Sessa takes on the challenge of reinventing the legend. Technical innovation, personality and elegance make this boat unique. Perfectly designed space of the new C 35‘Sports coupe' provides numerous possibilities. Forward and back cabins have a lot of space as well as independent access to the bathroom and kitchen. C 35' is an ideal place for the coexistence for two couples or a family with children. The L-shaped kitchen is very modern and practical with lots of drawers and a large work surface area. The luminous cockpit is equipped with an electric hard-top which protecta all passengers while sailing against the sun. There is also a spacious lounge-dining concept convertible into a sunbathing area. The C 35 ' is powered by 2 Volvo Penta engines from 440 to 520 hp and a joystick for optimal maneuverability in the port. Life at sea has newer been so attractive.


11.02 m


3.45 m


2 X D3 220 HP (162 KW)


6600 kg




560 l


286 l


95 L


C 32’

Mali Yacht Cruiser na dohvat ruke! Živahan, elegantan, dotjeran i ugodan... The small Yacht-Cruiser at your fingertips! Lively, elegant, smart and comfortable...



STYLE the Italian way

Ovaj malen, ali prostran, svijetao i ergonomski dizajniran “Yacht-cruiser” nudi savršen dizajna i visoku kvalitetu materijala koji su prepoznati kao zaštitni znak Sessa Marine. Odlikuje se inteligentnim rješenjem kombinacije hard-top i platnenog soft-top krova, koji je neobično graciozan za brod dug nepunih 10 metara. Sessa Marine nudi vlasnicima plovila mogućnost da iskoriste odlične performanse, udobnost i kvalitetu čak i kad se opredjeljuju za plovilo manjih dimenzija.

This small but spacious, bright and ergonomically designed “Yacht-cruiser” offers the perfect design and high quality materials that are know recognized as Sessa trademark. It is distinguished by its intelligent sunroof – the combination of Hard Top and canvas Soft Top, that looks functional and elegant for (the boat less than 10 meters long). Sessa offers boat owners the possibility of benefiting from excellent performances, comfort and quality, even when opting for a smaller-scale dimension.

Kabina će vas oduševiti toplim i modernim materijalima u tonu čokolade, cimeta i oraha. Visina plovila u unutrašnjosti ugodno iznenađuje. Vlasnička kabina smještena je u središtu plovila i nudi maksimalnu udobnost, dok genijalno osmišljen ormar s ogledalom djeluje kao predsoblje između kupaonice i salona. Uz praktičan salon, pretvoriv u drugu kabinu i prostrano sunčalište, C 32’ može primiti par s dvoje djece za izlete od luke do luke, pa čak i više… C 32’ dostupan je u dvije izvedbe motora: s novim dizelom Volvo Penta D3 200 KS (s joystickom) te benzinskim motorom GXi 5.7. Ovo plovilo premijerno je predstavljeno na Paris Boat Showu koji se održao u Porte de Versaillesu od 3. do 12. prosinca 2010. godine.

Going down into the cabin, we are at once enveloped in the world of Sessa: chocolate leather, cinnamon colored walnut, fabrics… warm and modern materials that are dear to the Italian brand. The master cabin is set apart and positioned in the centre of the boat, offering maximum comfort. The headroom is agreeably surprising. Indeed, the ingenious closet system (equipped with spacious wardrobe and mirror) acts as an anteroom between the bathroom and the double bed. Equipped with a lounge that can be converted into a second cabin, and generously proportioned sun decks, the C 32’ can accommodate a couple and two children on vacation... for trips from port to port or more! The C 32’ is available in two engine versions: the new diesel Volvo Penta D3 200 HP (with joystick) or petrol GXi 5.7. Its premiere was in December 2010 at the Paris Boat Show held at Porte de Versailles.


9.75 m


3.00 m


max 540 HP / 402 KW





TANK GORIVA / Fuel capacity

515 l


110 l


46 l




Prvi korak prema svijetu Key Largo The first step towards a Key Largo world Sessa Marine predstavila je u listopadu na Genoa Boat Showu malo iznenađenje: novo, zadivljujuće i zanimljivo plovilo dugo 18 stopa – Key Largo One. Ovaj moderan gliser svojevrsno je odavanje priznanja modelu Key Largo 18, koji je bio hit u 90-im godinama i prodan u više od tisuću primjeraka. Osnovne karakteristike novog Key Larga One očituju se u inovativnoj konzoli, širokoj palubi i podesivom sjedalu vozača. Sjedalo je podesivo na potpuno nov i funkcionalan način. Nezaobilazan je i okrugli stol u kokpitu, kao i prednje sunčalište, te dovoljan broj pretinaca za odlaganje stvari. Među raznim opcijama i dodatnim varijacijama dostupna je praktična bimini tenda, koja se može spremiti u posebnom udubljenju bez remećenja komfora i zauzimanja prostora na plovilu. Tu je još i 42-litreni mini bar i GPS za sigurnije putovanje. Za dodatnu zabavu na brodu postoji kvalitetan audio sustav, te prostor za spremanje ribolovnih štapova i skija za vodu. Key Largo One Idealan je za obiteljske izlete ili kratka, zabavna putovanja s prijateljima. Stvoren je da bi impresionirao!


Amongst the new yachts at exposed on Genoa Boat Shows 2010 , Sessa Marine has in store a “little surprise, an 18 feet pleasure boat, captivating and interesting: the Key Largo One. This new boat is a compact and stylish runabout which is a tribute to another one of Sessa’s successes, the Key Largo 18, that in the 90’s produced and sold over a thousand copies. The boat’s main characteristics are the innovative console , wide deck and adjustable driver’s seat, in a completely innovative way: the seat’s back comes down towards the driver’s spot and the front opens toward the stern. There is also a comfortable seat at the stern and a wide sun bed at the bow. Not to forget, the wide peaks that allow the stowage of onboard equipment. Amongst the different options available there is the stylish canopy, which can be put aside in a special recess, without disturbing the space onboard. The 42-liter mini bar and a GPS for a safer journey. Instead, for fun on board there is a stereo, storage space for fishing rods and for water skies. It is ideal for family excursions or fun small journeys with friends. The New Key Largo ONE is created to impress!


5.75 m


2.34 m


40-115 HP

Max. broj osoba / People on boArd



100 l


45 l


33 knots

Kategorija gradnje / Project category




Yamaha predstavlja nove modele vodenih skutera za 2011 godinu

Yamaha introduces accessible sports runabouts FOR SEASON 2011

Sa prvim predstavljenim modelom 1986 godine Yamahini vodeni skuteri postali su sinonim za okretnost i pouzdanost na vodi.

First introduced in 1986, Yamaha Wave Runners have become synonymous with supreme agility, efficiency and reliability on the water. From recreational models suitable for beginners to ultra-high performance sports models, all feature highly reliable Yamaha marine engines, great-handling hulls and a host of technological innovations allowing water sports enthusiasts to enjoy their time on the water responsibly.

Svi modeli počevši od rekreacijskih, pa sve do sportskih modela sa ultra visokim performansama opremljeni su pouzdanim yamahinim motorima i mnoštvo tehnoloških inovacija koje omogućuju jednostavno rukovanje i maksimalno uživanje na otvorenom moru. Novi WaveRunner VXS i WaveRunner VXR odlikuju se sportskim dizajnom, ultra laganim trupom zahvaljujući NanoXcel tehnologiji, snažnim motorima što rezultira nevjerojatnom razinom ubrzanja i upravljivosti. VXR model dizajniran je za ozbiljne entuzijaste sportova na vodi te nudi luksuzno sjedalo two-tone step-up seat dizajnirano za sportsku vožnju. Kod modela VXS i VXR po prvi puta se susreće okretan i lagan NanoXcel trup u kombinaciji sa izuzetno snažnim 1.812 ccm, DOHC, 16 ventilskim motorom koji postiže nevjerojatnu razinu ubrzanja bez ikakvih problema. Semi-V multi-chine trup i NanoXcel® tehnologija Oba nova modela imaju Semi-V multi-chine trup za neutralno upravljanje uz optimalnu stabilnost i udobnost. Napredna NanoXcel ® trup tehnologija značajno smanjuje težinu, te je posebno oblikovana za maksimiziranje performansi motora. Dodatne pogodnosti uključuju povećanje agilnosti i optimalniju potrošnju goriva. Izvanredan stil i završna obrada Mono-formirana vanjština VXS i VXR modela je uglađena i impozantna. Oba modela karakterizira visok stupanj kvalitete i dizajna sa Hydro-Turf-anti slip podlogom po odabiru najboljih svjetskih skijaša na vodi.


New Wave Runner VXS and Wave Runner VXR are designed as accessible sports runabouts, with ultra-lightweight hull designs – benefiting from NanoXcel® technology – with powerful, High Output engines, resulting in incredible levels of acceleration and handling. The top-of-the-range VXR is designed for serious water sports enthusiasts and offers a luxurious twotone step-up seat – designed for sports riding – and a rear reboarding step. The introduction of the VXS and VXR heralds a new kind of WaveRunner. For the first time, an agile and lightweight NanoXcel® hull is combined with an extremely powerful, 1,812cc, DOHC, 16-valve engine. Delivering consistently High Output, this engine provides a crisp throttle response and contributes to the incredible levels of acceleration that both the VXS and VXR can achieve. Semi-V multi-chine hull and NanoXcel® hull technology Both new models have a semi-V multi-chine hull for neutral handling, optimum stability and comfort. A round keel delivers grip and balance during cornering. The use of NanoXcel® hull technology dramatically reduces weight and – working in tandem with the High Output engine – results in a superb powerto-weight ratio. Additional benefits include increased agility and more efficient fuel consumption. Hot rod style and High-class finish. The mono-formed exterior of the VXS and VXR is sleek and imposing in the water. Both the VXS and VXR are finished to an extremely high level of quality, featuring as standard the same Hydro-Turf® anti-slip mats chosen by the world’s best racers.


3.27 m


1.17 m


1.16 m


4-takta, 4-cilindra, DOHC, 4 ventila / 4-stroke, 4-cylinder, DOHC, 4valve

Zapremnina / Displacement (cc)


Promjer i hod / Bore x Stroke (mm)

86 X 78

Kompresijski omjer /Compression ration


Rashladni sustav / Cooling system

Vodeno hlađenje / Water-cooled

Tip pumpe / Pump type

155 mm Axial Flow

Gorivo / Fuel

Bezolovni benzin / Unleaded regular gasoline

Napajanje gorivom / Fuel system

Elektronsko direktno ubrizgavanje/ Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI)

Kapacitet goriva / Fuel capacity (l)


Podmazivanje / Lubrication system

Uljna pumpa / Wet Sump

Rezervoar za ulje / Oil capacity (l)


VXR model namijenjen vodi Uz sportski-fokusiran dizajn trupa sa osebujnom metalic bojom, model VXR opremljen je ergonomski dizajnirananim „step-up“ sjedištem za povećanu udobnost i stabilnost, te zgodnim „re-boarding step-om“ za entuzijaste koji žele provesti što više vremena na vodi. Ključne značajke novog Yamaha VXR modela 4 taktni, 4 cilindra, 1.812 cc motor sa direktnim ubrizgavanjem, pretinac za rukavice, multifunkcionalna instrument ploča, produžena stražnja platforma, prijevoz od jednog do tri putnika, HydroTurf podloga, spremnik gorivo 60 l, re-boarding step, dvostruki držač čaša smješten u pretincu za rukavice, metalic boja trupa.

The VXR: designed for watersports With a more sports-focused design than the VXS, the VXR offers an advanced range of features – including an ergonomically designed step-up seat, for increased riding comfort and stability, and a convenient re-boarding step – to help enthusiasts get more out of their time on the water. Key features of the new Yamaha VXR 4-stroke, 4-cylinder, Fuel Injected 1,812cc engine, Glovebox, Multifunction instrument panel, Extended rear platform, One to three passengers, Hydro-Turf® mats, 60 litres fuel capacity.



Ključne značajke novog Yamaha VXS modela


3.27 m


1.17 m


1.16 m


4-takta, 4-cilindra, DOHC, 4 ventila 4-stroke, 4-cylinder, DOHC, 4valve

4 taktni - 4 cilindra, 1.812 cc motor sa direktnim ubrizgavanjem, pretinac za rukavice, multifunkcionalna instrument ploča, produžena stražnja platforma, Hydro-Turf podloga, spremnik goriva 60 l, spremište 57 l.

Zapremnina / Displacement (cc) Promjer i hod / Bore x Stroke (mm) Kompresijski omjer /Compression ration


1,812 86 X 78 11.0:1

Rashladni sustav / Cooling system

Vodeno hlađenje / Water-cooled

Tip pumpe / Pump type

155 mm Axial Flow

Gorivo / Fuel

Bezolovni benzin / Unleaded regular gasoline

Napajanje gorivom / Fuel system

Elektronsko direktno ubrizgavanje Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI)

Kapacitet goriva / Fuel capacity (l)


Podmazivanje / Lubrication system

Uljna pumpa / Wet Sump

Rezervoar za ulje / Oil capacity (l)


Key features of the new Yamaha VXS 4-stroke, 4-cylinder, Fuel Injected 1,812cc engine, Glovebox, Multifunction instrument panel, Extended rear platform, One to three passengers, Hydro-Turf® mats, 60 litres fuel capacity, 57 litres storage capacity InterAdria SC Ovlašteni Yamaha distributer / Authorised Yamaha dealer Ćikovići 73c, Kastav Tel: +385 51 705 563 | Fax: +385 51 704 020 GSM: +385 91 215 44 90 e-mail:



Savjeti za zimsko skladištenje plovila Advices for vessel winter storage Za mnoge od nas zima je razdoblje ne korištenja plovila. Zato je važno da se ono plovilo pravilno pripremi za zimsko skladištenje kako bi bilo u dobroj kondiciji i spremno za sljedeću sezonu. Zbog svega toga neophodno je izvršiti čitav niz propisanih i preporučenih postupaka od strane proizvođača, te je najbolje pripremu prepustiti ovlaštenom servisu, posebice ukoliko je plovilo još uvijek pod garancijom.

For a lot of nautical people, winter is a period when vessels are not in use. It’s very important to properly prepare the vessel for winter storage, so it can be in good condition and ready for next season. Also it is necessary to carry out a series of prescribed and recommended procedures by the manufacturer in an authorized service center, especially if the vessel is still under warranty.

Zimsko skladištenje plovila počinje pranjem podvodnog dijela plovila koje nakon uporabe valja temeljito očistiti od algi, koralja i školjki. Vanjske dijelove broda kao što su inox i aluminijske ograde, ljestve, bitve treba zaštititi od korozije. Probleme u održavanju plovila zimi stvara vlaga.

Preparations for winter storage start with washing the underwater part of the vessel from the algae, corals and shells. External boat equipment such as stainless steel and aluminum fences, ladders and cleats should be protected from corrosion. The most important problem of maintaining the boats during the winter is moisture.

Kondenzacija koja se stvara uslijed velike vlažnosti zraka može nanijeti štetu unutarnjim dijelovima plovila – dovesti do stvaranja plijesni. Unutrašnjost plovila nužno je temeljito očistiti i provjetravati tokom cijelog perioda zimovanja.

Interior of the boat should be thoroughly cleaned and ventilated during the entire period of hibernation.

Sve pomične tekstilne predmete ( jastuke, presvlake..) treba složiti i skladištiti na suhom, najbolje van plovila. Sve ladice moraju se ostaviti na pola otvorene kako se vlaga ne bi skupljala na hladnim površinama, a absorbere vlage treba postaviti na što je više mjesta moguće.

All the movable textile items (pillows, upholstery ...) should be cleaned and stored in a dry, preferably outside of the vessel. All drawers must be left half open so the moisture would not be collected on the cold surfaces, and moisture absorbers should be placed on as many places as possible.

Frižideri, ledomati i zamrzivači također se trebaju isprazniti, a njihova unutrašnjost očistiti sredstvom preporučenim za tu namjenu.

Refrigerators, freezers and ice-makers also need to be cleared out and cleaned by agents recommended for that purpose.

Sprječavanje stvaranja vlage nije samo zadatak servisera, već u tome treba sudjelovati i vlasnik. Rano konzerviranje može biti korisno, jer dok je zrak topao lakše isušuje unutrašnjost plovila.


Condensation which appears due to high humidity can cause damage to internal parts of the boat and lead to creating mold.

Preventing moisture is not only a task for the service team, but also for the owner. Early conservation can be useful, because while the air is still warm it can easily dry the surfaces in the interior of the vessel.

Kod konzervacije crnog tanka i tanka sive vode sisteme treba u potpunosti isprati i tretirati odgovarajućim sredstvom u cilju spriječavanja stvaranja bakterija i neugodnih mirisa. Na kraju iz sistema treba u potpunosti odstraniti prisustvo vode. Čišćenje sustava slatke vode podrazumijeva punjenje sistema slatkom vodom i dodavanje odgovarajućih tableta za purifikaciju koje preporučuje proizvođač. Da bi sačuvali akumulatore potrebno ih je periodično priključivati na punjač radi dopune kapaciteta, i vršiti stalnu kontrolu te dopuniti sa destiliranom vodom. Za spriječavanje preranog slabljenja performansi motora i unutarnje korozije važno je pravilno konzervirati motor. Stručno obavljanje konzervacije uključuje zaštitu motora s vanjske i unutarnje strane. Ulje se mora mijenjati barem jednom godišnje bez obzira na sate rada. Uz to valja obratiti pažnju na spremnik goriva. Prije zimovanja treba ga ili napunit do vrha ili potpuno isprazniti. Benzin koji dugo stoji, a koji je u kontaktu sa kisikom postupno se pretvara u vodu i time mu se smanjuje oktanska vrijednost. Zato mnogi motori u proljeće teško pale. Ukoliko želite kvalitetnu i potpunu uslugu održavanja vašeg plovila i tijekom zimskog perioda obratite se s punim povjerenjem InterAdriinom servisnom Centru. Stručni tim servisera spreman je udovoljiti svakoj vašoj potrebi.

Info: InterAdria Service Center Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel.: + 385 51 704 178 fax.: +385 51 704 020 GSM: + 385 91 215 44 92 e-mail:

Before the conservation of black tank and gray water tank, systems have to be completely washed and treated with appropriate agent in order to prevent the creation of bacteria and odor. In the end, the presence of water should be completely removed from the system. To clean the fresh water tank it should be filled with water with the appropriate manufacturer recommended purification tablets added. To preserve the batteries in the period of non usage, they need to be periodically plugged in to the charger to recgarge. Also, constant control and adding of distilled water is required. To prevent premature weakening of the engine performances and internal corrosion it is important to properly conserve the engine. Professional performance of conservation includes protection of motors from both internal and external sides. Also, oil must be changed at least once a year regardless of hours of work. Despite all mentioned above, attention should be paid to the fuel tank. Before conversation, the fuel tank must be filled to the top or completely empty. Gasoline which is in constant contact with oxygen is gradually converted into water and therefore it reduces its octane value. Because of that so many engines fail to start in the spring. If you want quality and full service maintenance for your boat during the winter period you may contact InterAdria Service Center with full confidence. The professional service team is ready to satisfy your needs.



Ekspedicija “Corto Maltese”

The “Corto Maltese” expedition

InterAdria SC prepoznala je želju najboljeg hrvatskog skijaša Ivice Kostelića za adrenalinskim putovanjem kojim je, kako kaže, nakon ostvarenoga cilja – olimpijske medalje, želio samoga sebe nagraditi putovanjem na Maltu.

InterAdria SC has recognized the wish of the best Croatian skier Ivica Kostelic for an adrenalin trip, for which he said, after the realized goal - an Olympic medal, he wanted to reward himself with a trip to Malta.

Pripreme za ekspediciju trajale su nekoliko mjeseci, jer sve je trebalo isplanirati do detalja kako ne bi štogod pošlo po zlu.

Preparations for the expedition lasted several months, everything had to be planned and prepared so the crew can travel safely.

Optimalnim plovilom za tu ekspediciju pokazao se gumenjak Mar-Co twentythree XL, renomirane talijanske tvornice gumenjaka MAR-CO, koji je izrađen po narudžbi i bio je posebno opremljen za ovu ekspediciju. Mar-Co twentythree robustan je i snažan gumenjak. Dugačak je 7,40 metara, širok 2,87 s tvrdim dnom od stakloplastike. Dno je izrađeno procesom infuzije u vakuumu pa je zbog toga tvrđe, a čitavo je plovilo lakše. Bez motora, težak je gotovo jednu tonu, te mu ta težina daje i stabilnost. Budući da je kao pogon povila predviđen izvanbrodski motor, a proizvođač preporučuje maksimalno 250 KS, ugrađena je Yamaha F250 AETX.


Infalatabe boat Mar-Co twentythree XL was chosen as the optimum vessel for the expedition. It is one of the top models of renowned Italian factories of inflatables MAR-CO. This boat was specialy designed and equipped for this expedition. Mar-Co twentythree is a robust and powerful boat. It is 7.40 m long, 2.87 m wide with a hard fiberglass bottom. The bottom is made in a vacuum infusion process and is therefore stiffer and easier for the entire vessel. Its weigh, without engines, is nearly one ton which improves its stability. As this type of boat is designed to be powered by an outboard engine maximum power of 250 hp, it was fitted by Yamaha F250 AETX.

Najvažniju standardnu opremu gumenjaka čine: upravljačka konzola s hidrauličnim sustavom upravljanja, komplet jastuka, krmena platforma u stakloplastici s teleskopskim ljestvama za ulazak u more, hladnjak zapremine 70 litara, sudoper i radna ploča, spremnik vode kapaciteta 75 litara, tuš s električnom pumpom, automatska pumpa za santinu s izljevom u more, prednje sunčalište s jastucima, “salon“ s jastucima i pripadajućim stolom pretvoriv u sunčalište, vesla, pumpa i kit za popravak... Od dodatne opreme istaknuli bismo da je na plovilo ugrađen roll bar u stakloplastici s navigacijskim svjetlima i sirenom, sustav preklapanja roll bara, bimini, te električni sidreni vinč sa sidrom i lancem od inoksa. Zbog plovidbe u međunarodnim vodama i dugog boravka na moru, za ovu je prigodu gumenjak, osim standardnom i dodatnom opremom, opremljen i ekstra opremom: posebnim spremnikom goriva većega kapaciteta – 350 litara (iako je standardni spremnik ovog modela 300 litara), noćnom pokrivkom za plovilo u obliku šatora, pomoćnim motorom i splavi za spašavanje, Lowrance HDS-8, broadband radarom i VHF radiostanicom LVR-250E, te opremom za reprodukciju glazbe: Fusion radiom MS-CD 600 (radio–CD–MP3) sa zvučnicima 7’’ od 260W x 2 s četverokanalnim pojačalom, a sve kako bi plovilo i posada bili što sigurniji i plovili što ugodnije. Važno je naglasiti da Mar-Co twentythree ima plovidbene karakteristike visoke kvalitete. Glisira već pri maloj brzini i visoko se izdiže iz mora, pa se po bonaci stječe dojam da jednostavno klizi morskom površinom. Dobro opterećen postiže maksimalnu brzinu od 50 čvorova. Lako je upravljiv te se iz pune brzine zaustavlja gotovo na mjestu. Ekspedicija “Corto Maltese”, kako ju je nazvao Ivica Kostelić, službeno je počela 12. lipnja 2010. završnim opremanjem plovila u marini hotela Admiral u Opatiji. No, to nije bio nimalo lak zadatak, jer je u unutrašnju dužinu od 6,35 metara i širinu od 1,75 metara trebalo smjestiti svu potrebnu opremu za dvadesetodnevni boravak na otvorenome moru.

For a long jurny such as a this trip to Malta, the boat has to be well equiped. The most important standard equipment is: the control console with a hydraulic steering system, bathing platform in a glass-plastic with a telescopic ladder for sea entry, a 70l fridge, sink and worktop, 75l water tank, a shower with an electric pump, automatic bilge pump with a sea effluent, a front sun deck with pillows, a “salon” with pillows and a table convertible into a sunbathing area, a pump and a repair kit. The accessories built into the boat should be pointed out; a glass-plastic roll bar with navigation lights and a siren, the system of overlapping roll bar, bimini, electric, windlass with stainless steel anchor and chain. Because of the navigation in international waters and a long stay at sea for this occasion the inflatable was equipped with some special, extra equipment: a special tank of larger capacity - 350 liters (although the standard model of the tank is 300 l), a night cover for the boat in the shape of a “tent”, an auxiliary engine and a life raft, Lawrence HDS-8, a broadband radar, VHF radio LVR-250E and a music box: FUSION radio MS-CD 600 (radio-CD-MP3), speakers 7’’(260W) x 2 and 4 channel subwoofer, all for comfort and maximum safety of the crew and the boat. It’s important to notice that Mar-Co twentythree has excelent marritime performances. Planes even at low speed and highrises from the sea. Achieves a maximum speed of 50 knots when fully loaded. It is easily maneuverable and can stop from full speed almost in place. The “Corto Maltese” expedition, as Ivica called it, officially started of 12th July 2010. with final preparisions in the Port of Hotel Admiral Opatija. But it was not an easy task, the internal length of 6.35m and a width of 1.75m should accommodate all the necessary equipment for twenty days stay on the open sea.


Corto Maltese je u 18 sati zaplovio na pučinu, na čelu s kapetanom Ivicom Kostelićem i prvim članom posade Slavenom Ružićem, trenerom hrvatske skijaške reprezentacije.

At 6 PM, led by captain Ivica Kostelić and first Crew member Slaven Ružić, coach of the Croatian ski team, “Corto Maltese” sailed on the sea.

Ekspedicija je, uz manje peripetije, preko Dubrovnika – Budve – Drača – Otranto – Portopala stigla na cilj u La Valettu 23. lipnja 2010. u 13.09 sati, te se javila porukom: “La Valetta, Malta, 13:09, frizura je postojana.“

The expedition with a few twists and turns through Dubrovnik – Budva – Durres – Otranto - Portapalo reached the finish in Malta, La Valette 23rd June 2010. at 01:09 PM, and emerged saying “La Valette, Malta, 01:09 PM, hairstyle is stable.”

Potom je uslijedio lagan povratak kući preko Barija – Vieste – otoka Tremiti do Opatije.

Then they slowely started to return home via Bari - Vieste – island of Tremiti to Opatija.

Tijekom 22 dana preplovili su 2013 milja, a ukupno su imali 140 sati plovidbe, te su u jednom danu najviše preplovili 250 milja. Uglavnom su plovili putnom brzinom od 22 čvora, koja se pokazala optimalnom u odnosu na performanse i potrošnju.

During 22 days they have saild 2013 miles and had a total of 140 hours of sailing. They have sailed 250 miles maximum per day. Navigation with the cruising speed of 22 knots is proved to be optimal in relation to consumption and performance. Boat and engine both had shown excellent performances.

Plovilo i motor iskazali su odlične kvalitete i performanse. Jedini problem, što se opreme tiče, dogodio se još u Hrvatskoj, i to zbog tankanja nekvalitetnog benzina punog vode. Tu su, nažalost, izgubili dva dana na uklanjanju kvara motora. Putovanje je proteklo uglavnom mirno i po lijepom vremenu. Nemirno more imali su samo u Sicilijanskom kanalu i Tarantskom zaljevu, no i te su prepreke uspješno prebrodili. Dana 4. srpnja 2010. u popodnevnim satima ekspedicija se sigurno i ponosno vratila u matičnu luku, marinu hotela Admiral, gdje su s ponosom dočekani. Osim članova uže obitelji novopečenih mornara, na pothvatu im je čestitao i direktor InterAdrije Klaudio Brnečić. Posada je, pomalo izmorena, ali prepuna dojmova, odmah počela planirati nova putovanja i ekspedicije u morska prostranstva, njima još neotkrivena…


The only problem with equipment occurred while the Expedition was still in Croatian Territorial waters, due to poor quality gasoline full of water. Unfortunately, because of that, they have lost 2 days in repairing of the engine failure. The journey passed peacefully thanks to good weather conditions. Rough seas were only in the Sicilian Channel and the Gulf of Taranto, but these barriers were successfully overcome by our team. On 4th July 2010. in the afternoon hours the expedition safely and proudly returned home to port of hotel Admiral in Opatija where they were greeted with pride by their families and friends. Director of InterAdria SC, Mr. Klaudio Brnečić congratulated the new sailors on their great achievement. The crew, a bit exhausted but full of impressions immediately began to plan new journeys and expeditions to still undiscovered seas…

IVICA KOSTELIĆ (Rođen 23. studenoga 1979. u Zagrebu) hrvatski je skijaš koji se specijalizirao u slalomu. Stariji je brat svjetske skijaške prvakinje Janice Kostelić. Nakon što je postigao značajan uspjeh u juniorskim natjecanjima, Kostelić je započeo karijeru u Svjetskom kupu balansirajući između između uzastopnih pobjeda i ozljeda. Njegovi glavni uspjesi su zlatna medalja Svjetskog prvenstva u slalomu 2003. godine, olimpijska srebrna medalja u slalomu u Vancouveru 2010, te srebrne medalje 2006.u kombinaciji i 2010. u super kombinaciji,te jedanaest medalja u Svjetskom kupu (devet u slalomu , jedna u kombinaciji i jedna u super kombinaciji). On je također osvojio Svjetski kup u slalomu 2002. godine. Kostelić je sedamnaesti čovjek u povijesti Svjetskog kupa koji je osvojio bodove za Svjetski kup u svih pet disciplina. O MAR-CO kompaniji 1974. Mar-Co Marine Construzioni je nastao iz snova i ustrajnosti Maria Zamuner. Ranim fazama: slijedeći tradicionalne gumenjake, dolazak VTR postavio je Mar-Co na vodeće mjesto. Tijekom godina, akumulirana iskustva u kombinaciji s kreativnim i tehničkim inovacijama,te vođeni neobuzdanom vizijom Mauro i Marko Zamuner zadržali su Mar-Co na vrhu. Vrhunska kvaliteta i stil Mar-Co gumenjaka odvest će vas u stvaran svijet morskih avantura i pružiti pregršt uzbuđenja.

IVICA KOSTELIĆ (Born on 23rd November 1979. in Zagreb) is a Croatian alpine ski racer who specializes in slalom. He is the elder brother of overall World Cup champion Janica Kostelić. After considerable success in junior competitions, Kostelić has had a World Cup career alternating between triumph and injury. His main accomplishments include a World Championship gold medal in slalom in 2003 , Olympic silver medal in slalom in Vancouver 2010, and silver medals in combined in 2006 (traditional combined) and 2010 (super combined), and eleven World Cup victories (nine in slalom, one in combined and one in super combined). He also won World Cup in slalom in 2002. Kostelić is only the seventeenth man in World Cup history to win World Cup points in all of the sport’s five disciplines. about MAR-CO Company 1974. Mar-Co Marine Construzioni was born from the dreams and tenacity of Mario Zamuner. Early stages: following from traditional inflatable boats, the arrival of VTR put Mar-Co in the lead. Over the years, the accumulated experiences combined with creative and technical innovations, driven by the unbridled vision of Mauro and Marco Zamuner have kept Mar-Co ahead. Already is today, meandering through dreams of sea, adventures and emotions, with constant improvement, guided always by quality and style.


7.40 m


2.87 m 6.35 m


1.75 m


0,48-0,56 m


930 kg





Ugovorni odnos sa marinom i pitanje servisne mreže – održavanje plovila Contractual relationship with a marina and the issue of availability of network of required services – maintenance of a boat

Tekst napisao / text by Damir Šebetić, dipl. iur Odvjetnik i skiper / Lawyer and skiper

Poštovani nautičari,

Dear boaters,

ovo su poznate stvari i razlozi zbog kojih ste došli ploviti Jadranom: Jadran ima 1.185 otoka, 3 nacionalna parka (Kornati, Brijuni i Mljet), opskrba gorivom je dobra, ljudi su ljubazni. Klima je umjerena mediteranska, vjetrovi predvidljivi, more čisto, meteo informacije vrlo razvijene i postoje skloništa i dovoljno vezova za plovila različitih dužina. Marine su uglavnom uredne, sanitarni čvorovi uređeni u skladu s rangiranjem marine. Na žalost, ne podižući kvalitetu, sve marine podižu cijenu, pa smo svjedoci svakogodišnjeg povišenja cijena veza. Zbog toga sam napravio:

these are well known things and reasons why you have come to navigate along the Adriatic Sea: the Adriatic Sea boasts with 1.185 islands and three national parks (Kornati, Brijuni and Mljet), the supply of fuel is good, people are pleasant. The climate is mild Mediterranean, the winds are predictable, the sea is clean, weather forecasts very developed, and there are shelters and enough berths for the boats of all kinds of sizes. Marinas are pretty much clean, toilets and showers made and equipped in accordance with marinas’ categories. However, unfortunately, they are not improving their qualities but are increasing their prices. Every year, we are witnessing higher and higher prices of marinas’ berths. This is the reason why I have composed

lista prioriteta kod biranja marine: • mogućnost ugovaranja: godišnje, mjesečno, tjedno; • crew marine- pomoć prilikom prihvat ili odlaska iz marine; • non-stop rad VHF chanel 17; • nautičke servisne usluge i mogućnost nabave rezervnih dijelova; • opskrba gorivom; • ljubaznost osoblja; • urednost sanitarnog čvora; • rangiranje marine. Ostaviti plovilo preko zime u marini (čast iznimkama) je vrlo odgovoran i težak zadatak. Razlozi su uvijek isti: pitanje cestovne mreže, blizina od mjesta boravka vlasnika, lokalna prognoza, cijena veza, servisna usluga. Obzirom da prva tri faktura ne ovise o nama i često ne o našem izboru, probat ću ukratko


the list of the priorities when opting for a particular marina: • option to contract marina on the annual, monthly, weekly basis; • marina’s crew – assistance provided when coming to or departing from marina; • non-stop VHF channel 17 at your disposition; • services provided by nautical repair shops and availability of spare parts; • fuel supply; • staff’s kindness; • cleanness of toilets and showers; • marina’s category. To leave a boat in a marina during winter (with a few honorable exceptions) is very responsible and difficult decision. The

reasons are always the same: the issue of road network, the distance from the owner’s place of living, local weather forecasts, the price of berth, available maintenance services. Since the first three of these cannot be influenced by us and very often have nothing to do with our choice, I will try briefly to explain the contractual relationship with a marina and the issue of availability of network of required services – maintenance of a boat while you are away. The contract is mandatory when you want to use monthly, quarterly and annual berths. To take annual berth is the most cost-effective option and sometimes the only one if you are exploring the Adriatic in Croatia with a boat sailing under a foreign national flag and leave it here during the whole year.

objasniti ugovorni odnos sa marinom kao i pitanje servisne mreže – održavanje plovila dok vas nema. Ugovor je obvezan kod sklapanja mjesečnih, kvartalnih ili godišnjih vezova. Godišnji vez je cjenovno najpovoljnija varijanta i ponekad obvezna varijanta kada plovite Jadranom plovilom koji vije stranu zastavu, a isto ne vraćate kući nakon godišnjeg odmora. Svako strano plovilo, koje ostaje prezimiti, mora biti smješteno u carinsko skladište. Skoro svaka marina ujedno ima dozvolu za carinsko skladište, te je ona odgovorna za plovila po osnovi odgovornosti prema carinskim propisima. Zbog toga je vrlo važno da se tipski ugovor potpiše od strane vlasnika plovila, (privatna osoba, direktor firme ili leasing kuća) a ne od strane skipera. Pažljivim čitanjem ćete uvidjeti da marine ne odgovaraju za štetu (bar ne stavljaju klauzulu u ugovore). Ali to nije točno. One su odgovorne za vaše plovilo i nastalu štetu po zakonu. One su specifično skladište (carinsko skladište) i svaki skladištar odgovara po općim načelima za štetu. Najčešće primjećujete da kada vi napustite marinu na više dana, u nekim marinama je to pravilo, vaš vez se iznajmi nekom drugom plovilu. To je moguće samo, ako je u ugovoru o godišnjem vezu to i napisano. Naime, u svakom ugovoru trebaju biti slijedeći elementi: vlasnik marine, korisnik veza, identifikacija plovila, inventurna lista (misli se na ugrađene ili druge vrijednije stvari na plovilu: generator, perilice, TV i slično), broj veza i na koje vrijeme se sklapa ugovor. Preporuča se da plovila budu osigurana, jer je po iskustvu mnogih nautičara, vrlo teška i spora naplata odštete, kada je odgovornost na marini. Kasnije se vaše osiguravajuće društvo regresira od osiguravajućeg društva marine. To se odnosi na sve, pa tako i na krađu. Ali da biste dobili odštetu kod krađe, morate poštivati interne pravilnike marine, a to je najčešće: držanje ključa plovila na recepciji marine, te vaš potpis na dokumentu kada ga uzimate i kada ga vraćate. Ukoliko to uredno ne radite, uvijek postoji prigovor marine da ste i vi odgovorni za krađu plovila radi svog nemara. Ono najvažnije, niti leasing društvo ne može samo „otuđiti“ plovilo, a bez da napravi zapisnik s marinom i podmire troškovi. Ako se radi o kreditu, onda

Every foreign boat staying in Croatia during winter must be placed in the customs warehouse. Almost every marina has also a permission to operate as a customs warehouse and is thus responsible for the boats in accordance with the customs regulations. This is the reason why it is very important that a template contract is signed by the boat’s owner (physical person, company’s director or leasing company) and not by a skipper. Carefully reading such a contract, you will note that marinas are not responsible for damages (at least, they do not include such provision in a contract). But, this is not true. In accordance with the law, they are in fact responsible for your boat and any damage suffered by it. They are specific warehouses (customs warehouses) and every such warehouse bears responsibility under the general principles applied to damages. You will usually note that when you leave marina for a several days, in some marinas this is the rule, they will rent your berth to another boat. This may be so only if it is expressly written in the contract made for the annual berth. Namely, each contract must comprise the following elements: marina’s owner, berth’s user, boat’s identification information, inventory list (consisting of installed and other valuable objects: power generating unit, dish washers, washing machines, TV sets, etc.), berth number and the duration of contract. It is recommended that the boats are insured because a lot of the owners experienced very difficult and time consuming damages recoveries in cases when marinas are held responsible. Later on, your insurance company will be repaid by the insurance company of marina. This refers to everything, including theft. In case of a theft, to obtain damages you have to observe the internal rules of marinas, usually including safekeeping of the boat’s keys by marina’s reception desk and your signature on the document when you are taking and returning the keys. If you do not observe this procedure, there will always be the objection on behalf of marina that you are also responsible for the theft of the boat because of your negligence. The most important thing is that a leasing company also cannot simply “seize” the boat without making the record thereof together with marina’s staff and paying the costs. In case of the boats bought by loans then the boat cannot be “seized” but following the court action a public auction must be held. The weakest point in the majority of marinas is the provision of good maintenance services. This year, in one of the reputable and also the most expensive marinas in Croatia there has been


no service shop at all. We think that this is intolerable and irresponsible in respect of the clients who maintain their annual contracts and of those that are in transit. Besides, after the reception, the service shop is the second most important point of interest when one comes to marina, either only for a few days or to enter into a contract with it.

se plovilo ne može „otuđiti“, nego se mora provesti javna dražba nakon sudskog postupka. Najbolnija točka većine marina je osiguranje dobrog pomorskog servisa. Ove godine, u jednoj od poznatih i najskupljih marina na sjevernom Jadranu uopće nije bilo otvorenog servisa. Smatramo da je to nedopustivo i neodgovorno prema klijentima koji imaju godišnji vez i tranzitnim plovilima.Osim toga, nakon recepcije, servis je druga po redu točka interesa kada netko uplovi u marinu u tranzitu ili s namjerom sklapanja ugovora. Naime, plovila imaju svoja pravila održavanja, s time da plovila pod tvorničkom garancijom zahtijevaju striktno pridržavanja tih pravila. Nažalost, u marinama ili nema servisa uopće ili se radi o pomorskom servisu bez priznatih certificata o osposobljenosti za popravak predmetnog plovila ili predmetnog motora ili generatora. Najčešće marine biraju svoje servise prema dobivenoj visini najamnine ili osobnim kontaktima. Nažalost, prema sadašnjim iskustvima nautičara, vrlo je malo servisa koji imaju odgovarajuće licence od proizvođača motora ili plovila, te primjenu ISO standarda. U RH je Zakonom o trgovini i Zakonom o zaštiti potrošača regulirana odgovornost davatelja usluga. Za to trebate imati uvijek dvije stvari stvari: račun sa svim stavkama i presliku radnog naloga. Prema pravilima marine, vi biste trebali dati specijalnu punomoć menageru servisa radi obavljanja radova na vašem plovilu. Sve su to dokumenti koji su vrlo korisni u slučaju spora. Oni koji imaju svoje skipere, za pretpostaviti je da to sve rade njihovi skiperi. Računi ne smiju biti na ime skipera, ali radni nalog može, jer je skiper kapetan plovila i odgovara za sigurnost robe i ljudi na plovilu. Ponekad je dobro slikati svoje plovilo na vezu uz prisutnost mornara ili neke treće osobe ili nakon godišnjeg dizanja i pripreme za sezonu. Dešava se da se plovila tokom boravka na doku, uslijed isplovljanja ili drugog razloga, međusobno oštete. Slika sa datum je dobar dokaz ukoliko odgovorni kapetan ne želi priznati svoju grešku.


Namely, the boats are subject to their maintenance rules, especially those still under the manufacturer’s warranty, requiring strict observance of such rules. Unfortunately, in marinas, there are either no service shops or sometimes they are without recognized licenses for repairs and maintenance of particular boats or engines or power generating units. Usually, marinas select their service shops according to the highest offered rents or personal contacts. Unfortunately, according to the present experience of the boaters, there is a small number of service shops that have adequate licenses of manufacturers of engines and boats and that apply ISO standards. Lately, it has become usual occurrence that some marinas, despite the fact that this has not been agreed, separately charge the arrival of a mechanic who is not from marina, in the amount of about HRK 500 per day. This is the case regardless of whether you need some assistance within the warranty period and you need a specialized mechanic or you require regular maintenance services. Such cost shall be of course included in your final invoice and you shall pay it yourself. In Croatia, the Trade Law and the Customers’ Protection Law apply to the liability of the providers of services. For that, you will always need two things: invoice including all the items and the copy of work order. According to the marina’s rules, you should give special power of attorney to the service shop’s manager for the purpose of carrying out the works on your boat. All these are the documents that are very useful in case of any dispute. Those that have skippers will probably entrust their skippers to do all that. However, the invoices should not be issued in the name of a skipper, only the work order may, as a skipper is the master of a boat and is responsible for the security of goods and people on board. Sometimes, it is good to take a picture of your boat on berth in a marina, in presence of marina’s staff or some third person, or in case of lifting the boat by crane or making preparations for the season. It happens sometimes that the neighboring boats are during the stay in marinas damaged, usually when leaving or coming to a dock or because of any other reason. The picture having the date is good proof if the responsible master does not want to admit his mistake.

INFO: Šebetić & Partners , law firm Đorđićeva 6, Zagreb Tel.: + 385 1 4873 222 Fax: + 385 1 4873 538 e-mail:



Charter savjeti

Charter tips

Najbolji način za otkrivanje čari Jadrana, ljepote tisuću otoka, morskog plavetnila koje se spaja sa obzorom i skrivenih uvalica jest svakako plovidba. Ukoliko nemate vlastito plovilo, najbolji način da se i vi uputite na krstarenje jest unajmljivanje - charteriranje plovila.

The best way to discover the charms of the Adriatic, the beauty of a thousand islands, blue sea that merges with the skyline and hidden coves, is by sailing. If you do not own your own boat, the best way to cruise is by chartering a vessel.

Kako bi vam osigurali bezbrižan odmor, donosimo vam nekoliko korisnih savjeta na što valja obratiti pažnju prilikom unajmljivanja plovila za vaše potrebe. Odlučite se za što vam je plovilo potrebno – jesu li to jednodnevni izleti, ribolov ili pak višednevna krstarenja od luke do luke. Sukladno tome odaberite tip plovila koje vam najviše odgovara – Fisherman, Open ili Cruser model plovila.


We bring you some useful tips on what to look for when renting a boat for your needs, so you would ensure a carefree holiday. Decide what you need from a boat - whether it is for day trips, fishing, or multi-day cruises from port to port. Accordingly, select the type of vessel that best suits you - Fisherman, Open or Cruser model boats.

U svakom slučaju, bez obzira na tip plovila, prije unajmljivanja se uvjerite da je ono osigurano, opremljeno sigurnosnom opremom i da je uporabna dozvola važeća. Ukoliko nemate dovoljno iskustva u plovidbi dobro bi bilo angažirati skipera. Na plovilo je potrebno ponijeti što manje stvari, no svakako je potrebno ponijeti prikladnu odjeću. Osim lagane odjeće koju nosimo ljeti, dobro je uzeti i nešto toplo i nepromočno jer uvijek treba računati na nevrijeme sa jakim vjetrom i valovima.

In any case, regardless of the type of vessel, before renting, make sure that it is provided, equipped with safety equipment and that the occupancy permit is valid. If you do not have enough experience in sailing a good idea is to hire a skipper. It is necessary to bring as little stuff as possible on the vessel, but you definitely need to bring suitable clothing. In addition to lightweight summer clothes we wear, it is good to also take something warm and watertight because one should always count on a storm with strong wind and waves.

Kod preuzimanja broda potrebno je dobro pročitati inventarnu listu opreme koju se preuzima, te kontrolirati da li se ista poklapa sa stvarnim stanjem (bokobrani, konopi, crijevo za vodu, kabel za struju, čaklja (mezzomariner), prsluci za spašavanje, prva pomoć, nautičke karte i pribor, priručni alat...). Posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti eventualnim ogrebotinama i udarcima vidljivim na trupu i palubi plovila, te ispravnost motora. Od bitnih stvari valja još provjeriti sidro, duljinu lanca i da li je lanac pričvršćen. Kontrolirati treba i valjanost VHF stanice.

When taking the boat you should read the downloaded inventory list of equipment thoroughly and check whether it matches with the actual situation (fenders, ropes, hose, power cord, hook (mezzomariner), lifejackets, first aid, nautical cards and accessories, tools ...). Particular attention should be paid to any scratches and shocks visible on the hull and deck boats and engines. One of the important things one should still check is the anchor, chain length and whether the chain is attached. You certanly have to check the VHF station.

Za olakšanu navigaciju iznajmljeno plovilo najvjerovatnije ima GPS, a možda i kombinaciju GPS-a i plotera. To je sigurno veliki plus, ali i dalje treba biti oprezan i dobro proučiti sve karte i peljare za planiranu rutu. U slučaju nesreća, o sigurnosti brine Nacionalna središnjica za traganje i spašavanje na moru, te lučke kapetanije i policijska plovila. Ukoliko isplovljavate sa skiperom on je odgovoran za plovilo i posadu, ali i posada sama. Zato nikada ne treba precjenjivati vlastite mogućnosti, jer na moru vladaju zakoni prirode, koji katkada znaju biti veoma okrutni. Prije prvog isplovljavanja potrebno je uzeti popis VHF kanala na kojima se svakodnevno sluša prognoza vremena, a dobro je unaprijed u mobitel upisati besplatni telefonski broj 9155, preko kojega se dobije veza sa Središnjicom. S njom se dolazi u kontakt i preko kanala 16 na VHF stanici.

For easier navigation a rented boat probably has a GPS, and perhaps a combination of GPS and plotters. This is certainly a big plus, but you still need to be careful and study all the maps and pilots for the planned route. In the case of accidents, contact the National center for search and rescue, port authorities and police boats. If you are sailing with a skipper he is responsible for the boat and crew. That’s why you should never overestimate your own abilities, because the sea is ruled by the laws of nature, which can sometimes be very cruel. Prior to the first departure it is necessary to take a list of VHF channels on which you can listen to daily weather forecasts. It is recommended to enter in the mobile phone the toll free number 9155, which is used to connect with the Center. You can also connect to the Center via channel 16 on VHF.

Jadran je vrlo ćudljivo more, jer se iz naizgled pitomog mora u par minuta može pretvoriti u podivljali ocean. Ljetne nevere prolaze brzo (za sat, dva), no ožiljci zbog loše procjene ili nepažnje mogu ostati zauvijek.

Adriatic Sea is very moody, because the seemingly docile sea can turn into a wild ocean in a few minutes. Summer storms pass quickly (lasting an hour or two), but the scars due to bad estimates or negligence can stay forever.

Kako za Vašu sigurnost, tako i za charter flotu s.e.s.s.a brine se visoko kvalificirano osoblje koje će vas sa zadovoljstvom uputiti u sve tajne plovidbe i kako na što sigurniji način iskoristiti sve mogućnosti plovila za nezaboravnu zabavu i užitak.

As for your safety and for the charter fleet, s.e.s.s.a is taking care by highly qualified staff which will gladly acquaint you with all the secrets of navigation and safest routs to take advantage of any vessel for an unforgettable and entertaining experience.

Rent a boat office s.e.s.s.a charter Izabela Lelek Purić, charter manager gsm +385 91 215 44 93 email:



Key Largo 22’ Open Ako su vam nespojive ljepota i udobnost provjerite sportski šarm Key Larga 22’ Open. On nudi najbolji način da upotpunite dan jurnjavom po valovima i otkrivanjem skrivenih uvala, te pritom iskoristite prostranost kokpita i sunčališta na pramcu. If your expectations of beauty foresee a drop in terms of comfort, think again. The sporty charm of Key Largo 22’ Open ensures you a day racing the waves and exploring secluded bays, while enjoing spacious cockpit and bow.



6.45 m


2.48 m


Yamaha F 115 AETL




200 l


60 l

Key Largo 20’ Key largo 20’ je maleno, ali kompletno i brzo plovilo koje se istovremeno predstavlja i kao plovilo velikog prostora i inovativnih rješenja. Dovoljno je navesti prednje sunčalište i kabinu koja je s obzirom na veličinu plovila zaista prostrana, te Yamaha motor sa 150 ks koji osigurava udobnu i brzu vožnju. Key Largo 20’ is a small but complete and fast boat that represents both a large space craft and innovative solutions.It suffices to mention the front sun deck and cabin, which is due to the size of the boat really spacious and the 150 HP Yamaha engine which ensures high speed and top comfort.


6.10 m


2.30 m


Yamaha 150 hp




200 l


45 l


Islamorada 23’ Elegantna, snažna , stabilna i brza Islamorada 23’ pruža užitak življenja na otvorenom. Isprobajte je makar i na jedan dan….. jedan nezaboravan dan….. i vaši će se snovi ostvariti Elegant, powerful, stable and extremely fast Islamorada 23’ enhances the pleasures of the outdoor life. Have it even for just one day…unforgettable day…and your dreams will come true.



7.56 m


2.50 m


Volvo Penta GXI 225 hp




300 l


45 l

Key Largo 19’ Key Largo 19’ je maleno otvoreno plovilo stvoreno za dnevni izlet i sportski ribolov. Zaljubljenicima u more i sunce pruža pravi užitak, te svojom pojavom plijeni pažnju i mami uzdahe. Key Largo 19’ is a small open boat made for day-trips and sport fishing. Provides a real pleasure to all sun and sea lowers. Its appearance attracts attention and lures sighs.


5.43 m


2.15 m


Yamaha 115 ks




100 l


45 l



Kapetan Tomulić – djelić mora unio u svoj dom Captain Tomulić – brought fraction of the sea, into his home Razgovarala / Interview by Klara Basan

Razgovarali smo sa g. Borisom Tomulićem, kapetanom lučke ispostave Opatija, koji nam je otkrio skriveno blago – kolekciju školjaka sa svih strana svijeta...

We spoke with Mr. Boris Tomulić, captain of the port office of Opatija, who revealed us a hidden treasure - a collection of shells from all over the world...

Kapetan Tomulić, veliki zaljubljenik u more i plovidbu, uveo nas je u svoj dom i otkrio svoju veliku strast – ljubav prema školjkama i kolekcionarstvu.

Captain Tomulić, a great lover of sea and sailing, introduced us to his home and revealed his passion - the love of shells and collectibles.

Njegova priča o kolekcionarskom skupljanju školjaka započela je prije 15 godina kada je naslijedio omanju zbirku mekušaca, a koju je danas, ističe ponosno, proširio na preko 2000 primjeraka odnosno 700 različitih vrsta. Osim školjkaša koji čine većinu u njegovoj se impozantnoj kolekciji nalaze koralji i spužve. Najegzotičniji primjerci kolekcije dolaze iz daleke Indonezije i Filipina a najvrijednijom školjkom zbirke smatra izuzetno rijetku školjku Harpu Costatu, inače stanovnicu tropskih mora. Usprkos svoj ljepoti i gordosti egzotičnih školjaka , kapetan Tomulić najponosniji je na raritetne primjerke iz našeg Jadrana od kojih izdvaja Vretenastu Mitru.

His story about a collection of shells begins 15 years ago when he inherited a small collection of mollusks, and which today, says proudly, he expanded to over 2000 specimens or 700 different species. Apart from shellfish, which constitute the majority of his impressive collection, there are also corrals and sea sponges. Most exotic specimens come from distant Indonesia and Phillipines, and the extremely rare Harp Costata, an inhabitant of tropical seas, is considered as the most valuable example from his collection of shells. Despite beauty and vanity of exotic shells, Captain Tomulić is most proud of rare pieces from our Sea from like the spindleshaped Vretenasta Mitra. In this collection you may find a number of examples of symbiosis of different organisms. The most interesting example is Xenophora Pallidula, a community of small mollusks that have “settled” in a larger shell.

U ovoj se kolekciji može naći čitav niz primjera simbioze organizama kod koji je mozda najzanimljiviji primjer Xenophora Pallidula kao zajednica malih mekušaca koji su se „udomili“ na većoj školjci.


Svaku je porodicu školjaka naš kapetan pomno označio pronašavši i istraživši podatke o njima u pisanoj literaturi i internetu. Pronašao je imena, podrijetlo i podatake o njihovoj geografskoj rasprostranjenosti, te ih pomno razvrstao po porodicama i veličini u svoju zbirku. Jedno se vrijeme čak bavio izradom nakita i ukrasnih predmeta od školjkaša, no ističe kako su one ipak najljepše u svom izvornom obliku, upravo onakve kakve su i izvađene iz mora.

Each family of shells is carefully marked by our captain finding and examining data about them in the written literature and the Internet. He found the name, origin and data on their geographical distribution, and carefully classified them in his collection according to their families and sizes. A few years ago he even made some jewelry and ornaments out of shells, but he insists that they are most beautiful in its original form, just as they are taken out from the sea.

Svoju kolekciju g. Tomulić nadopunjava isključivo obilazeći štandove i trgovine u potrazi za primjercima koji mu nedostaju, a u proširivanju zbirke pomažu mu i prijatelji koji mu na poklon donose primjerke sa svih strana svijeta. Ističe kako je ovaj hobi svakom godinom postaje sve skuplji, a kao uzrok navodi problem izvoza školjaka iz matičnih zemalja, ali i svijest prodavača o njihovoj vrijednosti. No, usprkos tome, kapetanova kolekcija se i dalje na opću radost širi , te je on sada u pregovorima sa gradom Opatijom kako bi se u Voloskom otvorio muzej sa stalnom postavom školjaka, a koji bi bio otvoren za širu javnost. Zaista bi bila šteta da se ovakvo blago ne pokaže...

The collection of Mr. Tomulić is completed by visiting booths and shops in search of specimens which he’s missing, and expand the collection with help of his friends that bring him specimens from all over the world. He points out that this hobby becomes more expensive each year, one of the causes being problems of export of shells from their home countries, but also the retailers awareness of their value. However, the captain’s collection is still expanding, and he is now in negotiations with the city of Opatija, in order to open a permanent display of shells in the museum in Volosko, which will be open to the general public. It would be a real shame not to show such a treasure ...





Gradić umjetnosti i užitaka Town of art and pleasure

Između Opatije i uvale Preluk, valova i sunca, smjestilo se idilično ribarsko mjesto Volosko – mjesto intime i gastronomske umjetnosti

Between Opatija and Preluk bay, the waves and sun, an idyllic fishing village of Volosko is situated. A place of intimacy and culinary arts.

Ribarsko mjesto Volosko, sa starim zbijenim kućama, prvi se put spominje 1543. godine. Povijesna važnost Voloska obilježena je dominacijom obližnjega grada Kastva, kao luke i carinskog ureda, odakle se brodovima izvozila roba. Razvoju grada kao urbane cjeline najviše je pridonijela francuska okupacija od 1809. do 1813. godine.

This fishing village of old narrow houses was first mentioned in 1543. The historical importance of Volosko is characterized by the domination of the nearby town Kastav, as port and customs office where the goods are exported by ship. Main development of the city as an urban ensemble occurred during the French occupation from 1809. until 1813.

Prve su građevine u Voloskom nastale oko lučice “Mandraća”. To je područje i danas prepoznatljivo po zbijenim ribarskim kućicama, jednostavnih fasada s kamenim ertama. Izgradnja naselja pratila je konfiguraciju terena, tako da se slojevi kuća

The first building in Volosko was built around the port called “Mandrać“. This area is still known for its tight houses, simple facades with stone blocks. Construction of the village followed the configuration of the terrain.


u zbijenom nizu amfiteatralno spuštaju prema uvali. Ovako gusta, zbijena izgradnja na terenu koji se strmo penje stvara vrlo slikovite i vrijedne prostorne ambijente, krivudave uličice i stepeništa između jednostavnih kućica s malim terasama i vrtovima. Duž glavne ulice pretežito su se smjestile “kapetanske kuće“, nastale u vrijeme razvoja pomorstva, tijekom 18. i 19. st., s krovnim kućicama i balkonima nad ulaznim vratima. Na rubovima naselja, na njegovoj sjeveroistočnoj i jugozapadnoj strani, nastali su početkom prošlog stoljeća reprezentativni objekti i ljetnikovci. Neke od njih projektirao je austrijski arhitekt Karl Seidl, koji je projektant više vila na tom dijelu jadranske obale.


Thick, dense housing on the ground with steep climbs, creates a very picturesque environment, winding, narrow streets and stairs between the simple houses with small gardens and terraces. Along the main street the “captain’s houses” with remarkable balconies, created during the development of navigation, through the 18th and 19th, are settled. On the outskirts of town, on the north and the south-west, most representative buildings and villas are located. They were all built at the beginning of last century. Some of them were designed by Austrian architect Karl Seidl, who has designed a number of villas on the coast.

Nad gradom dominira župna crkva sv. Ane, izgrađena početkom 19. st., u baroknom stilu s dva razvedena zvonika na pročelju. Unutrašnjost kapele opremio je i ukrasio u secesijskom stilu kipar Ivan Rendić (1910.–1911.).

The church of St. Ann dominates over the town. It was built in the early 19th century in Baroque style with two towers indented on the front. Interior of the chapel is furnished and decorated in Art Nouveau by sculptors Ivan Rendić (1910.-1911.).

Danas je ovaj gradić, koji je nekoć bio ribarska luka, postao grad umjetnosti i užitaka za sva osjetila. U pitoresknoj lučici Mandraću smjestili su se brojni izvanredni riblji restorani, a često se u predvečer čuje sotto voce pjesma. Ljeti se ova idila upotpunjuje slikarskim natjecanjem Mandrać, a dimnjaci vološćanskih kućica nepresušan su motiv brojnim umjetnicima.

This small town is transformed today from a small fishing town into a city of art and pleasure for all senses. The picturesque harbor Mandrać has settled a number of exceptional seafood restaurants, and often in the evening there can be hear the sotto voce song. In summer, this idyll is completed by a painting competition called Mandrać. Chimneys of numerous Volosko houses are an inexhaustible motive for numerous artists.




Vinska priča iz Wine story from Tko zna bismo li na vinskoj karti Istre morali čekati sve do današnjih dana na pojavljivanje toponima Dajla, da mladi sin ostarjela grofa Grisonija nije tako nesretno/nespretno poginuo u dvoboju. Who knows wheter we would wait until today for the appearance of the toponym Dajla on the wine map of Istria, if the young son of an ageing Count Grison was not so unhappy/clumsily killed in a duel. Imanje s vilom u Dajli sjeverno od Novigrada stari je conte Francesco Grisoni, ostavši bez nasljednika, zavjetovao padovanskim benediktincima obvezavši ih na gradnju osnovne škole i širenje općeg i katoličkog nauka među posve zaostalim hrvatskim pukom. Iako je pod upravom crkve latifundija, navodno, bila primjer dobro vođenog gospodarstva, redovnici vjerovatno nisu imali želje za proizvodnjom vina koja bi znatno nadmašivala misne potrebe. Nadalje, montiranim političkim procesom posjedi su im bili oduzeti poslije rata i zapušteni, pa su prekrasni položaji Dajla – što se tu u sjeverozapadnoj Istri protežu gotovo do sama mora – u vinogradarskom smislu oživljeni tek nedavno. U posljednjih je pet godina naime, poticano entuijazmom gospodina Ivice Hanžeka i uz posvećeno stručno vodstvo enologa Slavka Krčmara iz riječkog Istravina, odnosno Podruma Brtonigla, te uz blagoslov porečko-pazinske biskupije, na tom položaju iznimne geomorfologije i odlična terroira (crljenica ili terra rossa) posađeno više od pet tisuća čokota po hektaru (tzv. gusta sadnja) većinom odabranih klonova malvazije i terana na više od 100 hektara dotad zapuštena zemljišta. Samo ime Dajla ima podrijetlo u nazivu Ajla (ili Ayla) u popisu posjeda novigradskog biskupa u ranom 11. stoljeću. Posjed će poslije darovati koparskim odličnicima Sabinijevima, najvjerovatnije zbog njihova odlična i odlučna protuvenecijanskog držanja. Oni na posjedu grade Kaštel Dajla (Castrum Dailae), koji će opet zbog njihove nesretne jalovosti prijeći u ruke (kasnije će se pokazati) jednako nesretnih koparskih grofova Grisonija. Oni će pak za potrebe preuređenja kaštela u jednu od najljepših vila u Istri angažirati Napoleonova dezertera, stanovitog Gabriela Le Terriera du Monetotea. Francuski će arhitekt tako izgraditi jedinstvenu građevinu u Istri, u kojoj prevladavaju kontinentalne stancije. Kompleks francuske neoklasicističke vile svjedoči o visokoj kulturi življenja viših društvenih slojeva devetnaestog stoljeća. Uživalo se tu sigurno u glazbi i umjetnosti, ali i u ombolima i tartufima, kobasicama i pršutu, grancigulama i škampima, ispijala se medica, točio se muškat. Talijanski vrt vile Grisoni, koji kroz ukrašeni portal izlazi malenim molom u more, svjedočio je brojnim vrtnim zabavama, događajima i udvaranjima , pa možda i onima koja će poslije dovesti do obiteljske tragedije.

The estate including the villa in Dajla, north of Novigrad, was vowed to the Paduan Benedictines by the old count Francesco Grisoni that, left without a successor, obliged them to build the elementary school and to spread the general and Catholic doctrine among the very backward Croatian regiment. Although under the authority of the Church, the latifundia was apparently an example of a well-managed economy,even if the monks probably had no desire to produce wine that would significantly outweigh the Mass needs. Furthermore, by an assembled political process, the properties have been seized from them after the war and neglected, and the beautiful setting Dajla - which in northwestern Istria stretches almost to the sea itself - in the vineyard sense revived only recently. In the past five years in fact, encouraged by the enthusiasm of Mr. Ivica Hanžek and by the dedicated professional guidance of the enologist Slavko Krčmar from Rijeka’s Istravino or Brtonigla Cellar and with the blessing of the Pazin-Poreč diocese, on this beautiful location with the exceptional geomorphology and excellent terroir (measles or terra rossa) were planted more than five thousand grapevines per hectare (i.e. dense planting), a majority of selected clones of Malvasia and Teran on more than 100 acres of previously derelict land. The name Dajla has its origin in the name Ajla (or Ayla) in the listed property of the Novigrad’s bishop in the early 11th century. The estate was later given to the Koper notables Sabini, probably because of their excellent and committed anti- venetian posture. They built the Dajla castle (Castrum Dailae), which will again because of their tragic futility pass to the hands of the equally unfortunate ( later proven to be) Koper Grisoni counts. For the renovation of the castle in one of the most beautiful villas in Istria, they will engage the Napoleon deserter, a certain Gabriel Le Terrier Du Manetote. In this way the French architect will build a unique building in Istria, in which dominate the continental estates. French neoclassical villa complex testifies the high culture of living of the higher social classes of the nineteenth century. There they certainly enjoyed the music and the arts, but also ombolo and truffles, sausages and ham, crab and shrimps, drank the mead, poured the Muscat. The Italian garden of Villa Grisoni, whose decorated portal leads with the


Pitamo se je li očita francuština vile Grisoni, koja se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini vinograda, bila nadahnuće za današnju bordošku kupažu, koja se kao cuvée barrique nalazi u liniji Dajla riječkog Istravina uz prepoznatljivu malvaziju i odlični teran. Ranije spomenuta, vrlo uspjela etiketa Dajla, nagrađena je jednom od uglednih dizajnerskih nagrada – Red Dot Award 2008 i prikazuje istarski poluotok (no i bojom i oblikom asocira na list vinove loze u doba berbe), a tri vina (malvazija, teran, kupaža merlota, cabernet sauvignona i cabernet franca) nebrušeni su dragulji. Mladi nasadi, od kojih nisu svi još u rodu, već su dali nagrađivana vina, od kojih izdvajamo tek posljednje: Teran Dajla 2007 – zlatna medalja, Vinistra 2009, gdje je isto vino odabrano i za najbolji zreli teran. Tek će se maturiranjem nasada i daljom njegom vina, uz božji blagoslov, kojega bi na ovoj ispaćenoj crkvenoj zemlji trebalo biti, pokazati sav potencijal vina s položaja Dajla – govore vrijedni vinari. Kako je Dajla bila nastanjena još u rimskim vremenima, možda je baš s ovih položaja dolazio istarski teran koji je, opet navodno, kao lijek uživala Julija, zakonita žena rimskog cara Augusta, smatrajući ga blagotvornim za zdravlje i dugovječnost. Proći će cijela tisutljeća dok moderni medicinari konačno ne shvate i priznaju vrijednost mediteranske prehrane i umjerena konzumiranja crnog vina, koja je dakle bila tako očita u antici. Danas stoga nije nevažna briga za proizvodnju te kvalitetne namirnice, pogotovo u ekološki besprijekornu okolišu kakav je Dajla, ali i bolji dio Istre te čitave Hrvatske. U potrazi za nestalim malim ovozemaljskim užicima jednog sparnog poslijepodneva sudjelovali smo i sami u ovogodišnjoj berbi u Dajli, točnije na Velim Brajdama i kušali slatko toplo grožđe s trsova, ali i svjedočili upravo iznimnoj stručnoj brizi ekipe ljudi iz obližnjeg podruma Brtobigla, u kojem se vina kreiraju i njeguju. Nakon što su stoljećima upravo posjedi u Dajli prelazili iz ruke u ruku, čini se da im kao iznimnu vinogradarsdkom polažaju pripada ružičasta budućnost, iako ružice (još) nema u ponudi. Razmišljajuči tako, možda ni prerana smrt mladog Grisonija s početka priče ne bi bila potpuna uzaludna kada bi neko novo, buduće vino (zašto ne rose!) s položaja Dajla ponijelo ime – Conte Grisoni. Bila bi to svakako tema za novo druženje uz malvaziju, teran ili cuvée, svejedno. Sve Dajla.

Tekst napisao / Text by: g. Dario Naletilić Fotografije / Photography: g. Rino Gropuzzo

small mole into the sea, witnessed by a number of garden parties, events and courtship, and perhaps those that would later lead to family tragedy. We wonder whether the apparent french feature of Villa Grisoni, which is located near the vineyard, was the inspiration for todays bordeaux blend, whose Cuvée barrique is included in the line Dajla of the Rijeka’s wine producer Istravino together with a distinctive Malvasia and with an excellent Teran. Previously mentioned, a very successful label Dajla, was awarded with one of the prominent design awards - Red Dot Award 2008 and shows the Istrian peninsula (and its color and form remind us of vine leaf at the time of harvest), and three wine (malvasia and teran, blend of merlot, cabernet sauvignon and cabernet franc) are uncut diamonds. Young plantations are not yet all in vintage, but they gave an award-winning wines, such as the late: Teran Dajla 2007 - Gold Medal Vinistra 2009, where the same wine was awarded as the best mature Teran. The maturation of the plantation and the continue care of wines, along with God’s blessing, which should be present on this church land, must show all the potential of wines from the position Dajla - as the hardworking winemakers say. As Dajla was inhabited in Roman times, maybe Istrian Teran came from these position, who, again allegedly, as a remedy was enjoyed by Juliet, legal wife of Roman Emperor Augustus,that consider it beneficial to health and longevity. It will take a whole millennium for modern medics to finally understand and recognize the value of the Mediterranean diet and moderate consumption of red wine, which was so evident in antiquity. Today, therefore, concern for production of this quality food is not unimportant, especially in a ecologically spotless environment as Dajla, but also the better part of Istria and the entire Croatia. One sultry afternoon, seeking the missing small earthly pleasures, we were involved in the harvest in Dajla, exactly in Vele Brajde, and tasted hot sweet grapes directly from the vines, but also just witnessed the extraordinary professional team of people from the nearby Brtonigla cellarin which the wines are created and nurtured. Centuries after the possessions in Dajla were passing from hand to hand, it seems that as their exceptional position as a vineyard, they await a rosy future, although roses are not (yet) in offer. Thinking of that, maybe the untimely death of a young Grisoni from the beginning of this story would not be completely vain if some new, future wine (why not rosé!) from the position Dajla would be named - Conte Grisoni. It would be a sure topic for a new encounter with Malvasia, Teran, or cuvée, whatever. All Dajla.





InterAdria uspješno vlada skijaškim padinama

InterAdria conquered ski slopes

InterAdriin tim već tradicionalno, u suradnji sa ski-timom Erik iz Opatije, organizira ski-vikend druženja na otvaranju skijaške sezone u Kronplatzu, jednom od najljepših i najmodernije opremljenih skijališta s talijanske strane južnog Tirola. Tako je i ove sezone, od 9. do 12. prosinca, okupirala padine Kronplatza testirajući kondiciju svojega tima.

The InterAdria team, in cooperation with Erki Ski Team from Opatija traditionally organizes ski weekend gathering at the opening of ski season in Kronplatz, one of the best equipped and most modern ski resort on the Italian part of South Tyrol. Even this season from 9 to 12th Deceber InterAdria has occupied slopes of Kronplatz and tested the condition of its team.

InterAdria je prepoznala ski-tim Erik kao entuzijastičnog partnera kojemu može prepustiti organizaciju sportskih team building aktivnosti na snijegu.

InterAdria has recognized Erik Ski Team as an enthusiastic partner to whom it can leave the organization of sports team building activities in the snow.

Ski-tim Erik osnovala je 1993. godine nekolicina skijaških entuzijasta. Danas je u skijaškom timu četrdesetak iskusnih učitelja iz cijele Hrvatske. Valja naglasiti da se među njihove članove ubraja i nekoliko renomiranih demonstratora skijanja, kao i trenera koji aktivno surađuju na treninzima planetarno poznate obitelji Kostelić. Dugogodišnja ulaganja u tim donose svoje rezultate. Tako danas organiziraju ne samo vikend-skijanja, nego i profesionalnu ski-školu za sve uzraste, te za sve razine znanja i ciljane tehnike skijanja.

Erik Ski Team was established in 1993 by a few ski enthusiasts. Today the ski team has forty experienced teachers from all over Croatia.

InterAdria podupire tim u njihovu nastojanju za ulaganjem u širenje kulture skijanja, te ih prati i kao aktivan suradnik njihova ski-biltena.

It should be mentioned that among their members is one of renowned demonstrators and ski coaches who actively participate in training of the globally known Kostelic family. Nowadays the Team is organizing ski weekends, but also a professional ski school for all ages, levels of knowledge and targeted techniques of skiing. InterAdria supports team in their efforts in investing in expansion of skiing culture and also accompany them as an active contributor to their ski newsletter. 59


InterAdria SC ponosan InterAdria SC a proud sponzor odbojkaškoga sponsor of Volleyball Club Opatija kluba Opatija


Odbojkaški klub Opatija osnovan je davne 1970. godine i do danas neprekidno sudjeluje u raznim državnim odbojkaškim ligama. U teškim su vremenima, od 1991. do 1993. godine, kad se ipak nastojalo očuvati hrvatsku odbojku, bili uspješni prvoligaši, no potom su postali drugoligaši, a 2008. godine ušli su u Prvu B-ligu. U sezoni 2009./2010. muška ekipa izborila se za ulazak u Prvu A-ligu (superliga), i to s igračima amaterima proizišlima iz njihovih redova, te se i sada uspješno natječe u toj ligi.

The Volleyball Club Opatija was founded in 1970 and since then constantly participates in various national volleyball leagues. In the difficult period from 1991 to 1993 in the order to preserve Croatian volleyball team successfully competed in premiership league, but then got demoted down to second league. In 2008 the club entered the I B league and in 2009 the man’s team entered in I A league with amateur players whom all came out from that club. In season 2010 the team continued to successfully compete in the premiership league.

Valja naglasiti da je klub prije devet godina osnovao i žensku ekipu koja se danas natječe u Drugoj hrvatskoj odbojkaškoj ligi. Osim navedenih ekipa u muškoj i ženskoj kategoriji, klub je osnovao i školu odbojke za najmlađe kadete, mlađe kadete, kadete i juniore, koji se svaki u svojem uzrastu natječu u županiji i šire, s mnoštvo osvojenih medalja na prvenstvima Hrvatske.

It should be pointed out that Volleyball Club Opatija founded the women’s team, 9 years ago. Ladies are now competing in Croatian woman’s second league. Among these teams, in the men’s and women’s category, the club has founded a volleyball school, the youngest cadets, the younger cadets, cadets and juniors, who each compete in their age group in the county with great results.

InterAdria SC prepoznala je trud i želju Odbojkaškoga kluba Opatija za napretkom i postizanjem što boljih rezultata, te ih je odlučila podržati. Pripomaže im u organizaciji utakmica i prati ekipe na svim važnijim natjecanjima, što će i dalje činiti ako se nastave postizati ovakvi rezultati i rad s mlađim uzrastima.

InterAdria SC has recognized the efforts and desire of Volleyball Club Opatija for progress, achievement of even better results and decided to support it. InterAdria helps the Club in organization of their matches and supports the teams at all major competitions.





Ploviti, otkrivati, živjeti

To sail, to discover, to live

Tradicionalni nautički sajam na Zagrebačkom velesajmu održat će od 23. do 27. veljače 2011. godine, a u svomu 20. izdanju ponudit će bogatu ponudu brodskih motora, opreme za ronjenje, ribolov i jedrenje, te nautičke obuće i odjeće, što tu priredbu redovito čini dobro posjećenom i poslovno najuspješnijim događajem svoje vrste u regiji. Nezaobilazno mjesto okupljanja najpoznatijih svjetskih proizvođača plovila, kao i domaćih brodograditelja, zagrebački nautički sajam dugogodišnji je član IFBSO – Međunarodnog udruženja najvažnijih svjetskih organizatora nautičkih sajmova – a sljedeće se godine održava pod sloganom PLOVITI, OTKRIVATI, ŽIVJETI, nudeći posebne pogodnosti hrvatskim malim brodograditeljima, kako bi im i u jubilarnom izdanju bio značajno mjesto promocije novih plovila i srodnih proizvoda, te za sagledavanje trendova u gradnji brodova za razonodu radi prilagodbe situaciji na europskim i mediteranskim tržištima.

The traditional Boat Show will take place at the Zagreb Fair grounds from 23–27 February 2011. The 20th edition will feature the rich supply of boat engines, diving, fishing and sailing equipment as well as nautical clothing and footwear. This show always attracts a large number of visitors and is the most successful business event of its kind in the region. The unavoidable meeting point of world famous producers of vessels and of Croatian shipbuilders, the Zagreb Boat Show as a longstanding member of IFBSO – International Federation of Boat Show Organizers – will be held next year under the motto TO SAIL, TO DISCOVER, TO LIVE. It will offer special privileges to Croatian small shipbuilders in order to be, also in its jubilee edition, the important venue for the promotion of new vessels and related products as well as for the assessment of trends in building of leisure boats in view of adjustment to the situation at the European and Mediterranean markets.

Kao redovito izvrsno posjećena nautičko-sajamska manifestacija – poznata i po značajnom broju na štandovima prodanih brodova, motora i ostale opreme – ova priredba posebno je važna hrvatskim malim brodograditeljima, jer se nastupom na njoj predstavljaju pred najjačim dijelom domaćeg tržišta. Također, od utemeljenja stručnih udruga malih brodograditelja i Klastera hrvatske nautičke brodogradnje, Zagrebački je velesajam u danima sajma mjesto stručnih skupova, sastanaka graditelja i kooperanata, te svojevrsna radionica za razmjenu znanja i iskustava – što će se zbivati i u veljači 2011. godine.

As a regularly well-attended boat show – renowned for the significant number of boats, engines and other equipment sold at the stands – this event is of special importance to Croatian small shipbuilders, because by taking part in the Zagreb Boat Show they also present themselves to the strongest segment of the Croatian market. Moreover, since the foundation of professional associations of small shipbuilders and the Croatian Shipbuilding Cluster, during the run of the Boat Show the Zagreb Fair has always been the scene of professional gatherings, meetings of shipbuilders and sub-contractors and a workshop of a kind for exchange of knowledge and experiences. We expect no less next February.



Vjetrovi na Jadranu

Winds on Adriatic

Iako postoji mnoštvo stručne literature iz meteorologije, većini nautičara svaka se knjiga čini previše složenom. Stoga smo odlučili objasniti osnovne meteorološke činjenice za koje smatramo da plovidbu mogu učiniti zanimljivijom i sigurnijom. Svako more ima svoje tajne, pa tako i ovo naše. Upoznajte jadranske vjetrove...

There is plenty of scientific literature in meteorology, and for most navigators, each book seems too complex. We decided to explain the basic meteorological fact that we believe will make navigation safer and more interesting. Each sea has its own secrets, including our own. Meet the Adriatic winds....

BURA – Tipični je vjetar jadranskog primorja. Zbog reljefa naše obale, bura često puše nenadano. Puše iz smjera sjeveroistoka (NE) i najčešće je pratilac lijepog i stabilnog vremena. Može puhati u bilo koje doba godine, ali najčešća je zimi, kada puše i olujnom jačinom.

BORA - Bora is a typical wind of the Adriatic coast, and often blows unexpectedly. It blows from the northeast (NE) and is companion of a beautiful and stable weather. Bora could blow at any time of the year, but it is most common in winter. In summer bora blows a few hours, or maximum two days, while in winter it can blow up to 2 weeks. Descend to the sea wind rising short, but not high waves (1 to 2.5 m). The tops of the waves disperse in the foam and the wind carries it, and the fog is sometimes so thick that visibility is significantly reduced.

Bura ljeti puše najviše dva dana ili nekoliko sati, dok zimi može puhati i do dva tjedna. Spuštajući se na more, bura diže kratke, ali ne i visoke valove (od 1 do 2,5 metara). Vrhove valova rasprši u pjenu koju vjetar nosi kao prašinu, a koja je katkad tako gusta da osjetno smanji vidljivost. SJEVERNJAK / TRAMONTANA – To je oblik bure koji puše približno sa sjevera. Tramontana je lokalni, prohladan, suh, kratkotrajan vjetar, ali nije žestok i mahovit kao bura. Prati ga vedro vrijeme i visoki barometarski tlak. Dalje od obale puše jače, traje dulje i stvara razvijene valove. Češći je na južnom Jadranu. LEVANAT / ISTOČNJAK – Levant je vjetar svojstven sjevernom Jadranu, a puše prilično jednoliko, bliže istoku, za kišovita vremena i po umjerenoj hladnoći. JUGO – To je topao i vlažan vjetar koji puše iz smjera jugistoka. Puše uzduž čitavog Jadrana i izaziva uzburkano more. Jugo najčešće prati oblačno nebo i kiša. Najjače je na južnom Jadranu, a rijetko je slabo. Prosječna je jačina juga 4-5 Bf, ali često doseže i olujnu jačinu. Najčešće je na otvorenome moru. OŠTRO – Topao i vlažan južni vjetar koji ne puše dugo, ali može dostići znatnu jakost.

NORTHERN WIND / TRAMONTANE is a form of Bora which blows from the northern direction. It is local, cold and dry, short-term wind but not so strong and gusty as bora. It is followed by sunny weather and high pressure, the further from the coast the stronger it gets and the waves get higher. It is stronger in the south parts of the Adriatic LEVANTER / EASTERN WIND - is characteristic for the northern Adriatic coast, and it blows quite evenly more eastern and it usually accompanies rainy and moderately cold weather. SIROCCO is a warm, wet wind blowing from the ESE and mowing towards the SSE. It blows along the entire Adriatic coast. Sirocco is often the cause of rough sea. It is accompanied by cloudy skies and rain. It is very frequent on the Southern Adriatic coast and shows a far greater strength in this area than on the northern coast. Sirocco is not a mild wind. Its average strength reaches up to 4-5 Bf, but it can often be of tempestlike strength. Sirocco mostly occurs in the open sea and the channels from the same direction as the wind itself.

LEBIĆ – Olujni jugozapadni vjetar. Ljeti je vjetar lokalne nevere, a zimi ima ciklonalno obilježje. Na našoj obali razvija snažne valove, opasne za nezaštićene luke.

OŠTRO - warm and moist southerly wind that blows for a short time, but can reach a considerable intensity.

PULENAT / ZAPADNJAK – Puše sa zapada. Dolazi iznenada, rijetko puše. To je prolazan, kratkotrajan hladan i opasan vjetar jačine i do 12 Bf. Donosi kratkotrajnu, ali obilnu kišu.

LEBIĆ- is a stormy south-westerly wind. In summertime it takes form of a strong, violent storm or squall known as nevera. In wintertime it bears the characteristic of a cyclone. It creates big waves which pose dangers to unprotected Croatian harbors. PULENAT/WESTERN WIND - Rare, transient, short-termed, cold and dangerous, can be strong up to 12 Bf. Brings short but abundant rain.


MAESTRAL – Javlja se uglavnom ljeti i puše uz obalu. Počinje puhati oko 10 sati, a oko 14 sati postiže svoj maksimum. Uvijek završava prije zalaska sunca (obično oko 18 sati). On prati lijepo vrijeme i pri tome znatno ublažava ljetnu sparinu. Maestral na našoj obali puše uglavnom iz smjera sjeverozapada. Tijekom dana maestral mijenja svoj smjer udesno, tj. za suncem. NEVERA – Osim lokalnih vjetrova, na Jadranu se pojavljuju lokalne i kratkotrajne vremenske nepogode manjih razmjera – nevere ili neverini. Pojavljuju se u svim godišnjim dobima, ali češće u ljetnom dijelu godine. Nevere su obilježene žestokim i opasnim udarima vjetra (15-20 Bf ), te obično jakom kišom, sijevanjem i grmljavinom, kao i padom temeperature. Iako Jadransko more ne spada u opasna i ćudljiva mora pa je plovidba moguća tijekom cijele godine, najpovoljniji uvjeti ipak vladaju od sredine lipnja do sredine listopada, kada u morskim pohodima mogu uživati i oni s manje iskustva.

MAESTRAL - Maestral occurs around 10 AM, reaching at its maximum strength at 2 PM and abating before sunset (around 6 PM) Maestral is accompanied by nice, sunny weather and as such it makes summer heat more bearable. Stormy maestral is a consequence of frontal weather. Maestral usually blows from the NW direction and turns to the WNW. Throughout the day, maestral changes its direction more to the right, i.e. after the sun. NEVERA /A SUDDEN STORM -Besides winds, Adriatic coast is known for local, short-termed weather storms called Nevera. They can happen during the whole year but most often they appear in summer. Their characteristics are strong rain, lightening, thunder and temperature falling. The Adriatic sea is not characterized as a dangerous and moody one so the navigation is possible throughout the year. The best conditions are from the middle of June till the middle of October when even the less experienced can enjoy all the sea activities.

Ruža vjetrova / Wind rose






ORP/ CRS Rijeka Radio

Ch04, Ch20, Ch24, Ch81

05:45 / 12:45 / 19:45

ORP/ CRS Split Radio

Ch07, Ch21, Ch23, Ch28, Ch81

05:45 / 12:45 / 19:45

ORP/ CRS Dubrovnik Radio

Ch04, Ch07, Ch28, Ch85

05:45 / 12:45 / 19:45

Beaufortova skala / Beaufort scale Stupanj / Grade



Čvor / Knots

Val / Wave(m)

Val / Wave(ft)


0 Bf

0 -1 m/s

0-1 km/h

0-1 knots




1 Bf

2 m/s

2-5 km/h

2-3 knots



Lahor/Light air

2 Bf

3-4 m7s

6-11 km/h

4-6 knots



Povjetarac/Light breeze

3 Bf

5-6 m/s

12-19 km/h

7-10 knots



Slab vjetar/weak breeze

4 Bf

7-8 m/s

20-28 km/h

11-15 knots



Umjeren vjetar/Moderate breeze

5 Bf

9-11 m/s


16-21 knots



Umjereno jak vjetar/Fresh breeze

6 Bf

12-14 m/s

39-49 km/h

22-27 knots



Jak vjetar/Strong breeze

7 Bf


50-61 km/h

28-33 knots



Vrlo jak vjetar/Near gale

8 Bf

18 -21 m/s

62-74 km/h

34-40 knots



Olujni vjetar/Gale

9 Bf

22 -24 m/s

75-88 km/h

41-47 knots



Oluja/Strong gale

10 Bf

25 -28 m/s

89-102 km/h

48-50 knots



Žestoka oluja/Storm

11 Bf

29-32 m/s

103-117 km/h

56-63 knots



Orkanska oluja/Violent storm

12 Bf

>32 m/s

>118 km/h

>63 knots




VAŽNI TELEFONSKI BROJEVI / IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS 92 / 192 93 94 112 11888 985 987 988 902 9155 060 520 520


Policija / Police Vatrogasci / Fire department Hitna pomoć / Ambulance Jedinstveni broj za hitne slučajeve / Number for emergencies Opće informacije / General informations Centar za obavješćivanje i / Center for notifications and alerting Pomoć na cestrama / Road assistance Informacije o mjesnim i međugradskim telefonskim brojevima / informations on local and long-distance telephone numbers Informacije o međunarodnim telefonskim brojevima / International telephone directory Nacionalna središnjica za traganje i spašavanje / National rescue co-ordination center Vremenska prognoza i stanje na cestama / Weather forecast and road conditions

IZDAVAČ / PUBLISHER InterAdria SC d.o.o. Ćikovići 73 C, 51215 Kastav tel. + 385 51 705 563 , fax. + 385 51 704 020 UREDNICA / EDITOR Klara Basan, SURADNICI / ASSISTANTS Izabela Lelek - Purić Loretta Puž LEKTURA / PROOFREADING Nada Arar Premužić, prof. Ivana Akrap, prof. FOTOGRAFIJE / PHOTOGRAPHY arhiva/ archive InterAdria SC , Klara Basan arhiva / archive Sessa Marine S.r.l. OBLIKOVANJE, PRIJELOM I TISAK / DESIGN AND PRINT Media Graphics d.o.o. Cankareva 9, 10000 Zagreb tel. + 385 1 3779 611 fax.+ 385 1 3779 612 NAKLADA / EDITION 2 000 primjeraka / pieces


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