OSIGURANJE / INSURANCE 5 Osiguranje plovila - olujno nevrijeme / Marine insurance – a big storm 5
SAJMOVI / BOAT SHOW REVIEW 6 U carstvu noviteta / In the empire of novelties 6 POPRATILI SMO / WE HAVE SUPPORTED 12 Kastav Blues Festival 2018. 12
NAŠI NOVITETI / OUR NOVELTIES 14 Uspješan nastavak Key Largo One proizvodnje / Interadria successfully continues Key Largo One production 14
SESSA NOVITETI / NOVELTIES 17 Key Largo 24, C 54 i C 68 17 TEST Key Largo 27 20
SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE 22 Jamstvo na rabljenim plovilima? / Pre-owned boats warranty? 22
SERVIS I USLUGE / SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 25 InterAdria SC- rabljena plovila s 12-mjesečnim jamstvom / InterAdria SC pre-owned boats with warranty 25
NAUTIČKE APLIKACIJE / NAUTIACAL APPLICATIONS 28 Europe Tracking - ostanite povezani sa svojim plovilom / Europe Tracking - stay connected with your boat 28
ŽIVOTNI STIL / LIFESTYLE 46 Savršen spoj džina i cigarillosa / Perfect blend of gin and cigarillos 46 Sup - potpuna dominacija u vodenim sportovima / SUP - complete dominance in water sports 49
Dragi prijatelji i suradnici,
Dear friends and partners,
U Vašim rukama nalazi se 15. izdanje InterAdria SC magazina koje obiluje novostima i zanimljivim temama iz svijeta nautike i životnog stila.
There is the 15th edition of InterAdria SC Magazine in your hands that abounds in news and interesting topics from the nautical world and lifestyle.
Predstavljamo novitete iz tvornice Sessa Marine International kao i novitete u Interadrijinom poslovanju, pregršt savjeta i novih uspjeha koje smo postigli u godini koja je iza nas. U rubrici Upoznajte naš team želimo Vam predstaviti našeg djelatnika Franju Petrovića, bez kojeg ne bismo mogli zamisliti proizvodnju i mnoge druge segmente poslovanja. Kao i do sada, donosimo Vam mišljenje našeg dragog prijatelja g. Damira Šebetića s jednom zanimljivom temom, koja će zasigurno svakoga zainteresirati.
We would like to present in detail the news from the Sessa Marine International boatyard as well as novelties in the Interadria business, lot of tips and new achievements that we reached in the past year. In the section Meet Our Team we want to introduce our employee Franjo Petrović, without whom we could not imagine the production and many other business segments. As usual, we bring you the opinion of our dear friend Mr. Damir Šebetić with an interesting topic that will surely appeal to everyone.
Također, odlučili smo vratiti rubriku Moji trenutci sa Sessom, u kojoj ste s nama dijelili svoje lijepe trenutke provedene na plovilu. Jednako tako zanimljiva jest i rubrika Retro plovila u kojoj predstavljvamo jedan stariji Sessa Marine model, Key Largo 21’, s unutarbrodskim motorom te stajliš Riva Super Floridu, pravi primjer oldtimera iz 1958. godine, sa zanimljivim fotografijama i pričom o obiteljskim početcima nastajanja Rive.
Also, we decided to return to the section My Moments with Sessa where you shared your beautiful moments on the Sessa boats with us. Equally interesting will be the section Retro boats in which we will present an older Sessa Marine model of the Key Largo 21’ with the inboard engine and one stylish Riva Super Florida, as a real example of oldtimer from 1958 with interesting pictures and a story about the Riva family’s beginnings.
Lifestyle rubrika sadrži dvije teme, jednu sportskog sadržaja, a drugu o jednom specifičnom piću i cigarillosima za sve one koji vole uživati u životu punim plućima. Sa svakim brojem želimo Vam pokazati kako nautika nije samo ljubav prema moru i plovidbi već jedinstveni stil života! Ugodno čitanje! Klaudio Brnečić direktor | general manager
InterAdria SC vam pruža jedinstvenu priliku! Molimo Vas, da nam predložite neku vama zanimljivu temu koju bi voljeli čitati u idućem broju InterAdria SC magazina, te nam svoje prijedloge šaljite na: valentina@interadria.hr. Hvala!
The Lifestyle column contains two themes: the one about sports, and the other one about one partcular drink and cigarillos for those who like to enjoy life fully. With every number we want to show you how nautics is not just about love for the sea and navigation but also about an unique lifestyle! Pleasant reading!
InterAdria gives you a unique opportunity! Please send to valentina@interadria.hr any suggestion on interesting topics that you would like to read in the forthcoming issue of InterAdria SC magazine.
Punim jedrima Plovite bezbrižno i sigurno uz Allianz osiguranje. Sve informacije o obveznom i kasko osiguranju plovila potražite kod svojeg Allianz zastupnika ili u najbližoj poslovnici Allianza. Info 0800 5000 | www.allianz.hr
Osiguranje plovila i skipera
OSIGURANJE PLOVILA – MARINE INSURANCE – a big storm olujno nevrijeme Klima se mijenja. Olujna nevremena praćena razornim vjetrom i visokim valovima moguća su i na Mediteranu, čega smo svjedoci zadnjih nekoliko godina.
The climate is changing. Big storms, strong winds and rough waves can also occur in the Mediterranean, as we have witnessed in last few years.
Štete su milijunske.
Damages worth millions of euros.
Većina kasko polica osiguranja za brodice i jahte pokriva rizik nevremena. Međutim, na vlasniku plovila i dalje ostaje odgovornost da se brine o svom plovilu, da učini sve što je moguće kako do štete ne bi došlo ili kako bi posljedice bile čim manje.
Most of the all-risk insurance policies cover the risk of storm. However, the owners of the boats are still obliged to do everything in their power to prevent the damage or to reduce the consequences.
Važno je ukloniti sve sa plovila što bi „hvatalo“ vjetar. Tende i pokrivke moraju biti čvrsto zategnute. Konopi, sidrena užad i lanci moraju biti odgovarajući i u dobrom stanju. Vez treba biti uređen i siguran. Plovila na suhom vezu također trebaju biti prikladno smještena. Sve je to potrebno, ne samo da bi se izbjegle štete na vašem plovilu, koje je pokriveno kaskom, nego i šteta na tuđoj imovini koju vaše plovilo može uzrokovati, a koju pokriva dragovoljno osiguranje od odgovornosti prema trećima. Obavezno osiguranje od odgovornosti prema trećima pokriva samo nematerijalne štete na osobama u moru (kupači i ronioci), i ono u ovakvim i sličnim situacijama ne igra nikakvu ulogu.
It is important to remove everything that “catches“ the wind. All the sunshades and covers should be properly tightened. The ropes, anchor ropes and chains must be adequate and in good shape. The berth must be safe and regulated. The boats at dry dock should be properly placed, too. This should be done in order to avoid the damage on your boat, covered by all-risk insurance, and to avoid the damage that your boat could cause to other people and their properties, which can be covered by the voluntary third-party liability insurance. In Croatia, the compulsory third-party liability insurance covers only physical injuries or death caused to people in the sea (swimmers, divers), and is of no use in other events.
Kad olujni valovi preliju ili unište lukobran marine, vez više nije siguran i štete su neizbježne. Ako se to dogodi, obaveza vlasnika plovila je poduzeti sve razumne radnje da se šteta smanji ili da se spriječi njezino povećanje. Čim prije treba obavijestiti svog zastupnika ili osiguravajuću kuću i prijaviti štetu nadležnoj lučkoj kapetaniji.
When the seawall of the marina is unable to hold back the storm waves, the berths become unprotected and the damage is likely to occur. If this happens, the owners of the boats must undertake all possible measures to reduce or to prevent the increase of damages. Without delay, they should report the claim to their insurance agent and to the nearest port authority.
InterAdria SC Plus Danijela Brnelić, zastupnica u osiguranju Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav
tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 gsm. +385 (0)91 215 44 95 e-mail. danijela@interadria.hr
U carstvu noviteta Kao i uvijek donosimo vam kratki rezime svih europskih sajmova u 2018. godini na kojima je izlagala InterAdria SC. Sessa Marine plovila doživjela su potpuni vrhunac prethodne godine zbog iznimnog broja novih redizajniranih linija koje su predstavljene diljem Europe. Interadria uvijek izlaže s velikim entuzijazmom i prisustvuje na svim bitnim nautičkim sajmovima koji posjetiteljima nude mnoge zanimljivosti i trendove u svijetu nautike. Prvi na redu bio je Dusseldorf Boat Show koji svečano otvara sezonu sajmova za tu godinu. Najveći je to kopneni sajam koji nudi pregršt noviteta. Sessa Marine International tvornica predstavila je na razini svjetske promocije modele: Key Largo 27, C 38, C 44 te svima dobro poznat model Fly42. Pompozna paleta plovila s dozom elegancije i sportske linije, nije mogla proći nezapaženo. Nove redizajnirane linije koje mame poglede, zasigurno su svima ostale u sjećanju baš sa ovog sajma.
In the empire of novelties As always, we bring you short summary of all European boat shows in 2018 where InterAdria SC has been exhibiting. Sessa Marine boats have experienced the peak of the previous year due to the huge number of new redesigned lines, presented throughout Europe. Interadria always exhibits with great enthusiasm and attends all important boat shows offering to the visitors many interesting things and trends in the nautical world. The first in line was the Dusseldorf Boat Show, which officially opened the boat show season for the current year. The largest continental boat show offered a lot of novelties. The Sessa Marine International factory exibited the world-wide promotion of the model: Key Largo 27, C 38, C 44 and the well-known Fly42 model. The pompous palette of boats with a touch of elegance and great sport lines could not pass unnoticed. New redesigned lines were eye-catching and surely everyone remembered them on this boat show.
Hrvatska premijera redizajniranog Key Largo 27 s unutarnjim motorom po prvi puta je predstvaljena na Zagreb Boat Showu, te je pobudila veliku zainteresiranost. Uz glavnu zvijezdu sajma stajao je i naš vjerni primjerak Key Largo One-a.
The Croatian première of the redesigned Key Largo 27 with an inboard engine was for the first time presented on the Zagreb Boat Show, causing great interest. In addition to the main star of the fair, there was our faithful Key Largo One model.
Uvijek uzbuđeni dolaskom proljeća, uputili smo se na Internautica Boat Show u Portorož. Zadovoljni odazivom slovenske publike, nastavili smo putem Splita. Na Croatia Boat Show-u izložili smo primjerak Sessa Marine Key Largo One-a koji je netom prije izašao iz naše proizvodnje.
Always excited with the arrival of the spring, we went to the Internautica boat show in Portoroz. Satisfied with the response of the Slovenian audience, we continued toward Split. At the Croatia Boat Show, we presented a Sessa Marine Key Largo One, which just came out of our production.
Nakon iscrpne ljetne sezone došlo je vrijeme i za nove jesenske sajmove. Prvi na redu je luksuzni Cannes Yachting festival na kojem uvijek ponosno izlažemo u Sessa Marine Interantional redovima. Impozantne svjetske premijere budile su zainteresiranost svih posjetitelja a ponajviše dugo očekivani modeli Sessa Marine tvornice: C 68 i C 54 . Uz te modele bili su izloženi i C 44, C 38 i Key Largo 27 kojima je ovo bila svjetska vice- premijera.
After an exhaustive summer season, new autumn boat shows arrived. The first was the luxurious Cannes Yachting Festival, where we always proudly present Sessa Marine International power. Impressive world premieres were interested to all visitors and as well as a long-awaited models of the Sessa Marine factory: C 68 and C 54. Along these, C 44, C 38 and Key Largo 27 models were also presented, the latter being the world vice première.
Već nakon tjedan dana, zaputili smo se ka Genovi na sajam nautike. Na njemu su talijanskoj publici predstavljeni svi modeli kao i u Cannes-u s dodatkom jedne posebne priče. Na ulazu u sajam stajali su Sessa Marine Key Largo 27 i svjetska premijera Key Largo 24 i to u mat sivoj boji s posebnim presvlakama sjedala i motorom u istoj mat boji. Predivan scenarij na samom ulazu koji je sigurno svima ostao u sijećanju.
Just a week later, we went to Genoa Boat Show. All the models who were presented to the Italian audience as well were presented in Cannes with the addition of one special story. At the entrance of the show, there were Sessa Marine Key Largo 27 and the world première Key Largo 24 in mat color and with a special upholstery of the seats, engine in the same mat color as a hull. A wonderful scenery at the entrance that will remain in the memory for sure.
Biograd Na samom kraju sezone sajmova stiže domaći Rijeka Nautic Show na kojem smo izložili mnoge modele serije Key Largo. Key Largo 30 i Key Largo 27 u klasičnoj i redizajniranoj verziji i to na dva načina. Jedan s vanbrodskim motorima, a drugi s unutarnjim i soft topom koji ima nosače za SUP izrađene po željama vlasnika. Šlag na kraju, i definitivno jedna od najvećih atrakcija na sajmu, bio je Riva Super Florida 249 oldtimer iz 1958 godine za koju smo dobili nagradu Riječkog sajma. Ponosni učinjenim, pohitali smo na posljednji sajam u godini, a to je Biograd Boat Show na kojem smo izlagali naš proizvod, Sessa Marine Key Largo One u crnoj boji s Yamaha F 100 FETL motorom. Time smo zaključili sezonu sajmova i krenuli u nove pobjede. Popratite nas na našoj www.interadria.hr stranici, te Facebook i Instagram profilu gdje možete pronaći sve informacije i najave budućih događanja. Pridružite nam se!
At the end of the season, the local Rijeka Nautic Show has come, where we exhibited many models from Key Largo series. Such as Key Larg 30 and Key Largo 27 in a classic and redesigned version, in two ways. One with outboard engines and the other with an inboard engine and soft top made according to owner wishes and with the SUP holders. The Cherry on top, definitely one of the biggest attractions at the boat show was Riva Super Florida 249 oldtimer from 1958 for which we received the Rijeka Nautic Show award. Proud of what we have done, we rushed at the last boat show of the year, the Biograd Boat Show, where we exhibited our product, the Sessa Marine Key Largo One in black color with the Yamaha F 100 FETL engine. We have thus completed the season of the boat shows and turn to new victories. Join us on our website www.interadria.hr and Facebook and Instagram where you can find all the information and announcements of future events. Join us!
Kastav i blues - dvije večeri za pamćenje
Kastav and blues - two nights to remember
Kako je bilo i najavljivano, Kastav Blues Festival se vratio svojoj kući, u Kastav. I to u punom sjaju. Dvije večeri za pamćenje obilježene brojnom publikom i izvrsnim glazbenicima potvrda su koliko ovaj festival znači i koliko glazbeni sladoksuci znaju prepoznati “manifestacije s dušom”. A KBF jest upravo to, posebno ako znamo da su njegovi počeci vezani uz neizmjernu ljubav “Philadelphia” Jerry Ricks-a i “grada na brege”, pa se i ovaj festival održao u čast “Črnog Kastavca”.
As it was announced, the Kastav Blues Festival returned to its home in Kastav. And in all its splendor. Two nights to remember with a great audience and outstanding musicians confirm how much this festival means and how many music lovers can recognize “events with soul”. The KBF is all that, especially if we know that its beginnings are related to immense love between Jerry Ricks’‘’Philadelphia’’ and Kastav, so called”town on the hill”. And so was this festival actually held in honor of the “Black man from Kastav”.
Kako bi mogla izgledati druga, završna večer festivala, moglo se očitovati već prve večeri kada je brojna publika ispunila Forticu i uživala u nastupima talijanskih glazbenika. Anita Camarella & Davide Facchini su publici predstavili kombinaciju bluesa i swinga na vrlo osebujan i simpatičan način te osvojili simpatije publike, a nastup Mike Sponza Banda bio je pravi furiozni glazbeni doživljaj koji je završio bisom i zajedničkim a capella finalom banda i publike Rolling Stones skladbom “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”. 12
How would look the second and final evening of the festival, was already clear the first evening when Fortica was filled with audience who enjoyed the performances of Italian musicians. Anita Camarella & Davide Facchini presented the combination of blues and swings in a very peculiar and nice way, winning all the sympathies from the audience, while the performance of Mike Sponza Band was a real furious musical experience ending with the bis and the great a capella finale of the band and
Druga, ona subotnja večer, pokazala je KBF u punom sjaju. Tomislav Goluban i Vlatko Stefanovski Blues Trio privukli su u Kastav ogroman broj publike koja je ispunila ne samo Forticu i Trg Matka Laginje, već i sve ugostiteljske objekte, pa slobodno možemo reći da je “Kastav disao blues i dobre vibracije punim plućima”. Tomislav Goluban je, praćen izvrsnim bandom, oduševio nastupom punim energije i emocija, a poseban trenutak bilo je prvo javno izvođenje skladbe posvećene Jerry-ju Ricks-u, “skladbe koja je nastala prije dvije godine u spomen na dragog prijatelja, ali je čekala nastup u Kastvu kako bi bila izvedena” - napomenuo je Goluban. Za nastup glazbenog virtuoza Vlatka Stefanovskog i njegove pratnje, dovoljno je reći da je trajao skoro dva sata i da je ovaj nevjerojatni gitarist, vidljivo inspiriran prostorom i publikom, dao sve od sebe, na oduševljenje krcate Fortice. Kombinacija etna, bluesa i rocka nikoga nije ostavila ravnodušnim, a sam Stefanovski je doživio ovacije kada je rekao “svirao sam puno puta u Opatiji, ali nisam znao da postoji ovako predivno mjesto iznad nje”. Neizmjerno je bio zahvalan i publici pa je tako Kastav Blues Festival završio fantastičnom sinergijom publike, glazbenika i ambijenta. Spustila se tako zavjesa na izuzetno uspješan blues vikend u Kastvu, koji je bio i dodatno oplemenjen posebnom ugostiteljskom ponudom craft pivovara, hrvatskom premijerom posebnog pića i ponudom kastavskih ugostitelja, a kako je najavio umjetnički direktor festivala Damir Halilić Hal, u organizaciji TZ Grada Kastva i uz pokroviteljstvo Grada Kastva, KBF bi od naredne godine trebao dobiti novu, još bolju i kvalitetniju dimenziju. www.kastavbluesfest.com
audience singing Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”. The second one, saturday evening, showed the KBF in its all splendor. Tomislav Goluban and Vlatko Stefanovski Blues Trio attracted to Kastav a big number of people that filled not only Fortica, and -Matko Laginja square, but also all the restaurants and cafes nearby. We could say that “Kastav breathed blues and good vibrations fully”. Tomislav Goluban, together with an excellent band, delighted with the performance of full energy and emotions, and the first public performance of a song dedicated to Jerry Ricks, “a piece that was made two years ago to commemorate a beloved friend but was awaiting a performance in Kastav to be executed “, as Goluban noted, was really a special moment for all. For the performance of the musical virtuoso Vlatko Stefanovski and his accompaniment, it is enough to say that it lasted for almost two hours and that this incredible guitarist, visibly inspired by the space and the audience, gave all himself to delightful audience of Fortica. The combination of ethno-, blues and rock has left no one indifferent, and Stefanovski himself experienced ovations when he said “I played a lot of times in Opatija, but I did not know, there was such a beautiful place above it.” He was enormously grateful to the audience, so the Kastav Blues Festival ended with the fantastic synergy of audiences, musicians and scenery. The curtain above exceptionally successful blues weekend in Kastav went down, further refined by the special offer of the craft beers, by the Croatian premier of a special drink and the offer of Kastav restaurants and cafes. As announced by art director of the KBF Damir Halilić Hal, KBF organized by TC of Kastav and sponsored by the Town of Kastav, will get a new and even better quality next year.
Uspješan nastavak Key Largo One proizvodnje
Interadria successfully continues Key Largo One production.
Zadovoljan smiješak na licima naših klijenata daje nam dodatnu motivaciju za izradu što kvalitetnijeg i savršenijeg Key Largo One plovila. Dosadašnja iskustva bila su pozitivna i sva plovila koja su izašla iz naše radionice, sada ponosno uživaju njihovi novi vlasnici.
A big smile on our clients’ faces gives us extra motivation to create the most quality and perfect Key Largo One boats. Past experiences were very positive and now the new owners are proudly enjoying all the boats that came out from our workshop.
Key Largo One i dalje ima titulu savršenog malog plovila koje je idealno za dnevne izlete ili charter. Rado ga predstavljamo na mnogim sajmovima diljem Hrvatske kao bitnu kariku u poslovanju. Zbog svoje posebnosti i zbog toga što je izašao iz naše radionice za nas ima posebnu draž.
Key Largo One keeps still the title of a perfect small boat, ideal for day trips or charter. We love to exibit it on every boat show throughout Croatia as an important link in our business. Because of its uniqueness and because it arrives from of our production, it is very special to us.
Svaki primjerak plovila može imati svoj poseban pečat poput motora u određenoj boji ili konzole u boji trupa te poseb-
Each boat can have its own special stamp, such as a colored engine or a colored control panel or a special seat cushion.
nog tapecirunga sjedišta. Mogućnost postavljanja tikovine na krmi, daje poseban izgled, kao što smo implementirali na nekoliko naših primjeraka. Sve se izrađuje po željama klijenta te smo uvijek spremni na iznimke, dapače, lijepo je dati vlastiti štih plovilu. Odlična suradnja s našim dragim kooperantima rezultira maskimalno kvalitetnim primjerkom Key Largo One plovila.
The ability to set teak on the stern gives that special look, as you can see it on several of our Key Largo One examples. Everything is always made according to the customer’s wishes and we are always ready for the exceptions: in fact, it is nice to give your boat a special touch. Excellent cooperation with our dear partners results in maximum quality of every Key Largo One boat.
Konstantan trud i upornost dovode do maksimalnog ostvarenja poslovanja i zadovoljstva naših klijenata. Tako se ne prestajemo truditi i gurati naša načela, jer uvijek postoje ljudi koji to znaju cijeniti. Pogurani tim ciljem nastaviti ćemo proizvoditi vaše snove!
Constant effort and persistence lead to maximum business achievement and satisfaction of our clients. That is why we keep on trying and pushing our principles: because there are always people who know and appreciate it. Pushed by this goal, we will continue to fulfill your dreams!
Sessa Marine noviteti Sessa Marine novelties Prošla sezona donijela nam je mnogo uzbuđenja na bazi novih Sessa Marine plovila! Već smo spomenuli neke od redizajniranih modela poput Key Largo 27, Key Largo 34, C 38, C 44 , Fly21( Explorer.) Ovoga puta donosimo vam još nekoliko svjetskih premijera sa prošlogodišnjih sajmova koje je Sessa Marine International uz pomoć Centrostiledesigne-a predstavila publici, te tako proširila flotu plovila suvremenog dizajna. Last season brought us so much excitement regarding new Sessa Marine boats! We have already mentioned some of the redesigned models such as Key Largo 27, Key Largo 34, C 38, C 44, and Fly21(Explorer). This time we bring you a couple of more world premieres from last year’s boat shows that Sessa Marine International, with the help of Centrostildesign, presented to the audience , expanding its fleet of modern design boats.
Linija Key Largo je definitivno jedna od najprodavanijih u Sessa Marine opusu. Sessa Marine International i Davide Cipriani iz Centrostiledesigne-a stvaraju čaroliju u kontinuiranom poslovanju te tako nastaju suvremena, privlačna i praktična plovila poput ovog Key Largo 24 modela. Ovo redizajnirano plovilo je pokupilo sve zasluge na Genova Boat Show-u.
The Key Largo line is definitely one of the bestsellers in the Sessa Marine opus. Sessa Marine Interantional and Davide Cipriani from Centrostiledesigne create magic in continuous business, creating modern, attractive and practical boats such as this Key Largo 24 model. This redesigned boat took all the credits in the Genoa Boat Show.
Mogućnost odabira boje trupa u mat varijanti te motora u istoj boji, daje poseban štih samom plovilu. Redizajnirana konzola, također u mat varijanti s tamnijom verzijom volana stoji kao statua vrijedna divljenja. Pomalo retro tapecirung sjedišta u plavo-bež varijanti kože s tamnijim rubom odišu elegantnošću te je svaki detalj na svom mjestu, izvrsno ukomponiran u savšenu cjelinu ovog manjeg plovila. U najmanju ruku, na ovom modelu se savršeno vidi utjecaj prošlosti koja spoznaje inovaciju i moderan dizajn.
The choice of hull color in a mat version and engine of the same color gives a special touch to the boat itself. The redesigned control panel, also in a mat color with a darker version of the steering wheel, stands as an admiration worth statue. A slightly retro style of seating area in blue-beige leather with darker edges gives great elegance to the boat, puts every detail in its place, incorporating it perfectly into one compact whole. At the very least, this model perfectly shows the influence of the past familiar with innovation and modern design.
Key Largo 24
C 54
Inspirirani svjetlošću, već započeti dizajn s velikim prozračnim prozorima nastavlja se i u ovom Sessa Marine modelu. Ovo 16 metarsko luksuzno plovilo izražava Sessinu stvaralačku snagu, znanje i iskustvo u gradnji brodova. Centrostiledesign je još jednom pokazao koliko je velika snaga dizajna tj. završnog izgleda plovila. Nešto drugačiji od svojih braće i sestara, C 54 ima potpuno drugačiju liniju trupa i dizajn interijera. Širok i prostran interijer s velikim staklenim vratima daje dojam pravog ugodnog doma. Pomno kombinirani materijali i tekstil u interijeru, te razmještaj i poneke inovacije, ne ostavljaju nikog ravnodušnim. Definitivno će sve žene ostaviti bez daha veliki ormar u master kabini, gdje mogu smjestiti svoje najdraže cipele i torbe. Ovo plovilo definitivno ima vrlo jaku osobnost i izražen stil.
Inspired by the light, with the first large airy windows design, continues in this Sessa Marine model, too. This 16 meter luxury boat expresses Sessa creative power, knowledge and experience in shipbuilding. Centrostiledesign showed once again how great the design power, the ultimate look of the boat is. Slightly different from its brothers and sisters, the C 54 has a completely different hull line and interior design. The wide and spacious interior with large glass doors gives the impression of a really cozy home. Combined materials and textiles in the interior, as well as the layout and some innovations, leave no one indifferent. Every woman will definitely be fascinated by a large wardrobe in the master cabin, that gives them the possibility of placing their favorite shoes and bags. This boat definitely has a very strong personality and expressive style.
C 68 Kao šlag na kraju, jedan od najvećih redizajniranih primjeraka je Sessa Marine C68, koji plijeni poglede svojom impozantnošću. Kod ovog modela sve kreće od vlasničke kabine koja je glavna točka plovila. Ona je prostrana, s mnogo svjetlosti zahvaljujući novom dizajnu prozora na trupu. Za sve koji vole opuštanje, vlasnička kabina ima saunu za dvoje koja je sigurno veliki plus. Cijeli interijer je igra svijetlosti i tame, sjaja i mat materijala koji čine poseban ugođaj boravka u ovom Sessa Marine plovilu. Ovisno o vanjskim utjecajima tj. vremenu, interijer možemo interpretirati na različite načine. Dopustimo čaroliji da nas vodi kroz more uživanja.
Cherry on top, our Sessa Marine C68 is one of the biggest redesigned models, so impressive that is a definite eye-catcher. With this model everything starts from the owner’s cabin, the main point of the boat. It is spacious with lot of light thanks to the new window design on the hull. For everyone who likes relaxation, the owner’s cabin has a two person sauna, seen certainly as a big bonus. The whole interior is a game of light and darkness, gloss and mat materials that make a special atmosphere of stay in this Sessa Marine boat. Depending on atmospheric conditions, the interior can be interpreted in different ways. Let the magic lead us through the sea of enjoyment.
Osim noviteta koji su predstavljeni u 2018. godini, donosimo vam uvid u tekuću godinu i njene nove modele! Pripremite se na Key Largo 43, Fly 52 inspiriran svojom velikom sestrom, te Explorer 60 čiji je koncept izgraditi savršeno komforno plovilo s pravim osjećajem doma.
Except from the news that have been presented so far in 2018, let us introduce you to the current year new models! Get ready for Key Largo 43, Fly 52 inspired by greater sister, and Explorer 60, whose concept is to build a perfectly comfortable boat with the right feeling of home.
Test drive KEY LARGO 27 Sessa Marine Key Largo 27 dolazi s vanbrodskim ili unutarnjim motorom, a na Genova Boat Showu u jesen 2017 prvi puta je izložen u sterndrive redizajniranoj verziji. Glavni aduti ovog modela su oštre i moderne linije trupa te novi redizajnirani bočni prozori koji daju više svjetlosti unutar kabine, a vlasniku osjećaj intimnije blizine s morem. Što se tiče samog dizajna prozora, definitivno možemo reći da je moderan i moćan. Još jedan od redizajniranih segmenata je novo vjetrobransko staklo sa posebnim ergonomskim i aerodinamičnim rukohvatima koji ne narušavaju ljepotu samog vjetrobranskog stakla, već naprotiv, daju posebnu čar samom izgledu plovila. Mi smo testirali Key Largo 27 s unutranjim Volvo Penta motorom, jačine 300 KS i bijelom bojom trupa, u kojem novi dizajn prozora idealno dolazi do izražaja. Što se tiče samog izgleda plovila, vlasnici su po svojim željama i potrebama prilagodili opremu kako bi nesmetano uživali u njegovom korištenju. Ovaj model karakterizira i nov dizajn jastuka, no kod našeg testnog modela vlasnici plovila odlučili su se na ˝custom made˝ jastuke, te su isti dizajnirani i napravljeni prema njihovoj želji u sivoj boji i nešto drugačijeg dizajna od samih sjedišta. Posebnost ovih sjedala su dodatni pretinci za skladištenje osobnih stvari. U originalnoj verziji plovila, iza sjedala se nalazi ormarić sa spremištem, sudoperom i pločom za kuhanje, no naši klijenti su se odlučili na sebi zanimljivu varijantu koja ne sadrži ormarić za kuhanje, te tako dobili više prostora. Također, ugradnjom soft topa po narudžbi ostvario se potpuno novi izgled. Na njemu je ugrađen i nosač za SUP- ove koje vlasnici vole koristiti, te tako uživati svaku minutu provedenu na novom plovilu.
The Sessa Marine Key Largo 27 model comes with an outboard or inboard engine, and it was exposed with the sterndrive redesigned version for the first time on the Genoa Boat Show in the fall of 2017. The main features of this model are sharp and modern hull lines and new redesigned side windows, that give more light inside the cabin and make the owner feel more intimately close to the sea. As for the window design itself, we can definitely say that it is modern and powerful. Another redesigned segment is the new windshield with special ergonomic and aerodynamic handles that does not undermine the beauty of the windscreen itself; on the contrary, it gives a special charm to the look of the boat itself. We tested the Key Largo 27 model with an inboard Volvo Penta engine of 300 hp and white hull color, where the new window design results ideally impressive. As far as boat looks concerned, owners have adapted their equipment to suit their desires and needs so they can freely enjoy their boat. This model is also characterized by a new design of the cushions, but in our test model the owners of the boat decided for custom made pillows; so they were precisely designed and made, according to their wishes, in gray and with a slightly different design from the seats. The special features of these seats are additional storage compartment for personal belongings. In the original version of the boat, behind the seat there is a storage cabinet, sink and cooking plate, but our clients have chosen an interesting version that does not contain a cooking cabinet and in order to get more space. Also, with the installation of a soft top, a completely new look was achieved. It also has a SUP support bracket that owners like to use, to enjoy every minute spent on their new boat.
娀椀洀猀欀攀 琀攀渀搀攀 猀瘀椀栀 瘀爀猀琀愀 匀樀攀渀椀氀愀 䌀愀戀爀椀漀 琀攀渀搀攀 䈀椀洀椀渀椀 琀攀渀搀攀 䌀漀挀欀瀀椀琀 琀攀渀搀攀
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Damir Šebetić mag.ius.
Ovakav naslov zvuči kao da je iz rubrike „Vjerovali ili ne“?
This sounds like a headline taken from the column “Believe it or not”.
Mnogi od nas kupuju i prodaju svoja plovila. Održavamo ih koristeći usluge dostupnih majstora i „majstora“ po marinama gdje su naše ljepotice smještene. Vrlo često smo nezadovoljni; majstori se ne drže rokova, ponekad je kvaliteta upitna, a garancije na rad skoro nikada nema. Zbog toga su mnogi imali dileme oko kupovine plovila: kupiti novo (što je uvijek skuplje, koji metar kraće, s manje komfora, slabije snage, itd.) ili rabljeno plovilo (za iste novce duže, prostranije, koje zadovoljava našu ljepšu polovicu, itd.)?
A lot of us buy and sell our boats. We take care of them by using the services of available repairmen and those located in the marinas, where our beauties are. We can often be unhappy or unsatisfied, if the repairmen do not respect deadlines, if the quality is dubious and if work guarantee is not provided. Those are the reasons why, we hesitate and feel unsure on what kind of a boat to buy: whether to buy a new one (which is always more expensive, a meter or two missing, provides less comfort, less power, etc.) or a pre-owned one (for the same amount of money, lengthier, that offers more space and the one, one’s better half likes more).
Svatko ima svoje favorizirano brodogradilište i model koji mu se više sviđa, ali, u zadnje vrijeme, često se odlučujemo za rabljena plovila za koja znamo da imamo ovlaštenog i solidnog servisera, koji je uvijek pri ruci. Kvarovi na moru su neizostavno „veselje“ svakog nautičara i ujedno biblijske muke ako se kvar dogodi uslijed „đite“ za vrijeme ljetne sezone na pučini. Uz taj problem, na brodu mogu biti mala djeca i prija-
Everybody has its favoured shipyard and preferred model but recently, we often chose pre-owned boats, if we know that there is already a licensed and always at hand maintenance services. Breakdowns during sailing are often “delights”, that happen sooner or later to every boatman and, at the
telji koji su uzeli godišnji odmor da zajedno provedu jedan ili dva tjedna s vama na brodu. Zbog toga se pojavljuje dilema: kupiti rabljeno ili novo? Što ako se kvarovi na rabljenom plovilu pojave nakon nekoliko dana? Što ako se naknadno otkrije da je neki uređaj na brodu neispravan i sl.? Drugo najvažnije pitanje nakon cijene broda jest: Imamo li servis i je li dobar, drži li se rokova i što je s jamstvima? Plovilo može imati popravke u tvorničko-garancijskom roku, ali isto tako postoje posebne garancije na rabljenim plovilima. Jamstvo na novim plovilima najčešće traje dvije godine. Također je važno napomenuti da za neke uređaje ili agregate važe garancijski rokovi specifični za takve uređaje, a naslanjaju se na tvorničke rokove. A što je s rabljenim plovilima? Pošten i odgovoran će trgovac rabljenih plovila organizirati glavni servis, kojem se kupac može uvijek obratiti u slučaju problema. Prilikom primopredaje rabljenog plovila, trgovac će sa svojim kupcem proći sve ugrađene agregate i uređaje te pred njim provjeriti ispravnost, pokazati mu jamstvene listove, koje svaki proizvođač agregata ostavlja na plovilu. Ako su tvornički rokovi istekli, tada će na to upozoriti kupca ili će posebno dogovoriti dodatno jamstvo na određene agregate, koje daje nautički servis, za određeno vremensko razdoblje, od dana kupnje rabljenog plovila. U tom pogledu, i to više od 20 godina, InterAdria SC nudi svojim kupcima rabljenih plovila Sessa uslugu servisiranja za pojedine agregate uz njihovo servisno jamstvo. (After sale sevice) Duljina trajanja jamstva najčešće ovisi o tome radi li se o plovilo u charteru ili za privatnu upotrebu. Ako se plovilo koristilo u charteru, tada su servisna jamstva na rabljeno plovilo puno suženija i kraća nego ako se rabljeno plovilo koristilo za zadovoljstvo i zabavu. Naknadna servisna jamstva rabljenih plovila su najčešće: • jamstvo za trup – 12 mjeseci • oprema i dodatna oprema – 12 mjeseci • naknadno ugrađena nova elektronika ili neki agregat, jamstva iz tvorničke garancije. • popravci na trupu prema nalogu kupca – 12 mjeseci
same time, huge troubles, especially if a failure happens in the middle of summer trip, in the middle of nowhere. As usually these things never come alone; there ca be little children on board or friends, who took their holidays specifically to spend one or two weeks with you on board. This is why we are not certain whether to buy a pre-owned or a new boat. What happens if breakdowns occur on a pre-owned boat only after a few days? What happens if you notice that some instruments or aggregate are defective and cannot be used too late? The second most important question following the price of a boat is: Is there a maintenance service and repair shop I can count on? Does it respect deadlines? And finally, are there any guarantees provided? Boats may get repaired within the factory warranty period, but there are also special warranties for pre-owned boats. The most common is a two-year-guarantee for new boats. It is important to note that some devices or aggregates apply guarantee terms that are specific to these boats and are based on the factory deadlines. But, what about pre-owned boats? Any fair and responsible pre-owned boat dealer will organise the major maintenance service provider, to be consulted by a buyer in case of problems. At the time of delivery and acceptance of a pre-owned boat, a dealer will check all aggregates and devices and verify their proper function,together with a buyer, as well as show him a guarantee lists provided by manufacturers. If the original guarantee periods have expired, then a dealer, will warn a buyer accordingly and will arrange additional guarantees for certain aggregates or devices, to be valid for a certain period of time, running from the moment when a pre-owned boat has been purchased. This is what InterAdria SC offers for more than 20 years its buyers of pre-owned Sessa boats: maintenance and repairs of certain aggregates and devices, giving also service guarantees within the after sale service. The guarantee period most often varies on whether a boat is in charter or is intended for private use. In the first case, the guarantee periods for pre-owned boats are significantly
Odgovornost je kupca da kvar ili neispravnost prijavi odmah čim ih uoči ili najviše u roku od 15 dana od dana od kada su isti uočeni. Važno je znati da niti jedno jamstvo na novom ili rabljenom plovilu ne pokriva oštećenja ili kvarove koji su nastali nestručnim rukovanjem plovila, pomorskom nezgodom ili kaznenim djelom. No, za ova dva zadnja slučaja, sigurno ste kasko osigurani tako da i tu možete biti bez brige za posljedice ili materijalnu štetu. Zbog toga je dobro kod sebe uvijek imati smartphone i slikati problem, kako bi dežurni mehaničar mogao dati prve savjete kao samopomoć dok se ne organizira neki popravak. Pravni propisi uglavnom reguliraju jamstva robe u slučajevima kada je ona nova. Jamstvo rabljenog plovila ovisi o trgovcu i vašem dogovoru, a isti mora biti pismeno ugovoren. Najčešće je dio kupoprodajnog ugovora. Ako ste ugovorili After Sale Service, treba dakle postojati Ugovor o jamstvu sklopljen između vas i servisa. To zamjenjuje i servisna Izjava o jamstvu, ovjerena pečatom servisa ili trgovca, kojom se potvrđuje pokriće troškova. Trgovac rabljenog plovila nije dužan pokrivati kvarove u bilo kojem servisu nego samo u servisu s kojim surađuje. I na kraju, odgovor iz naslova je: - Da! Moguće je dobiti jamstvo na rabljena plovila kada ih kupujete od profesionalnih brokera ili specijaliziranih nautičkih servisa. I ne zaboravite: dobra polica osiguranja vam može smanjiti stres pogotovo ako je povezana za službom pomoć na moru. U jamstvenom listu je potrebno utvrditi (može biti dio Ugovora o prodaji): Vrijeme trajanja jamstva Koje situacije i kvarovi vezani uz stvar su obuhvaćene jamstvom Podatke o davatelju jamstva (najčešće je to brodogradilište ili trgovac plovila) Jamstveni list mora imati na sebi pečat i datum primopredaje It is necessary to identify in the warranty list the following (this may also be incorporated into the Sales Agreement: The duration/term of guarantee period The situations and failures related to the purchased object and covered by the guarantee The information about the guarantee period provider (most often this a shipyard or a dealer) The guarantee list must include the stamp of a provider and date of delivery – acceptance
more restricted and shorter, than in the second case when such boats were used for owners own holidays. Service guarantees on pre-owned boats are often: • For hulls – 12 months • For standard and optional equipment – 12 months • For latter installed new devices or aggregates, guarantee period follows manufacturer’s guarantee period • For hull related repairs, ordered by a buyer – 12 months A buyer is responsible to notify a failure or defect immediately, or, at the latest, within 15 days upon becoming aware of any failure or defect. It is important to note that no guarantee, whether in case of a new boat or a pre-owned one, covers damages or breakdowns caused by unprofessional boat’s usage, sea accident or criminal act. But, certainly, you do have all-risk insurance and it will help you in these two last cases, so you do not need to be concerned about the consequences or material damage. It is thus always helpful to have at hand your smartphone and take a picture of a problem so that a serviceman on duty can give you the first advices, you may use until the repair is arranged. Legal regulations mostly regulate guarantees on goods in cases when the goods are new. The purchase of a pre-owned boat depends on a broker and your agreement. However, the guarantee must be written and a part of a sales agreement. If you have agreed the after sale service, there must be an Agreement on guarantee made between you and the maintenance service provider. This may be replaced also by the Statement of guarantee attested by the stamp of this provider or a dealer, confirming that all the costs are covered. Pre-owned boat dealers are not obliged to cover the repairs of the failures in any workshop but only in their own one or in the one, they are working with. And at the end, the answer to the question from the beginning is: - Yes, it is possible to get guarantees for pre-owned boats if you buy them from professional brokers or specialised boat workshops. And do not forget, good insurance policy can reduce your stress, especially if it is connected with the assistance at sea service.
InterAdria SC – rabljena InterAdria SC – plovila s 12 - mjesečnim pre-owned boats with jamstvom ! warranty Visoka razina kvalitete temelj je uspješnog poslovanja i razvoja svake tvrtke.
High-Quality level is the basis of any successful business and development of each company.
Vodeći se ovim načelom odlučili smo poboljšati kvalitetu usluga, te vam predstaviti naša rabljena plovila s jamstvom. Uz kupnju rabljenog plovila iz naše ponude, kupcima nudimo mogućnost nadoplate 12- mjesečnog jamstva na plovila koja su prošla kontrolu kvalitete Interadrijinog stručnog osoblja.
Following this principle, we have decided to improve the quality of services by introducing our pre-owned boats with warranty. When surcharging a pre-owned vessel from us, we offer to a buyer an extra option to bay a 12-month warranty for any vessel that has passed the quality control by Interadria professional team.
Kontrola kvalitete InterAdria rabljenih plovila Stručnost, dugogodišnje iskustvo i odlično poznavanje plovila jamstvo su visoke razine kvalitete usluga. InterAdria SC u svojoj širokoj paleti proizvoda nudi uslugu Kontrole kvalitete plovila koja vam garantira da ćete prilikom kupnje izabrati kontrolirano i tehnički ispravno plovilo s garancijom.
InterAdria SC quality control of pre-owned boats In it’s wide range of products, Interadria SC offers a new service- Quality Control -which guarantees that you will buy a well controled and technicaly correct vessel. InterAdria quality control team make technical inspection of 25
Interadrijini djelatnici kontrolom kvalitete provjeravaju tehničku ispravnost plovila koja uključuje provjeru stanja trupa, motora, opreme i uređaja ugrađenih na plovilu. Ovim postupkom želi se utvrditi stanje prije same prodaje (vrši se provjera propisnog održavanja i servisiranja te postoje li preinake koje bi bitno mogle utjecati na stanje,svojstva i sigurnost plovila).
vessel which consists of hull, engines, equipment and devices control with the aim to detect their condition, to confirm if the vessel is appropriately maintained, to see if the vessel is adequately used and to check if there are some modifications that could have significant impact to the general condition, characteristics and safety of the vessel.
Najbolji pokazatelj trenutnog stanja plovila pruža nam testna plovidba pri kojoj se detaljno ispituju i provjeravaju svi parametri. Nakon analize pristupa se radovima i uklanjaju nedostatci ukoliko postoje. Ovim načinom Interadria želi budućim vlasnicima olakšati kupnju i ponuditi im tehnički ispravno plovilo uz garanciju kvalitete izvršenih usluga.
The best indicator of the current state of the boat provides us a test drive, in which all segments are thoroughly checked. After the analysis done, we approaches and the defects removed,if any.
Jamstvo rabljenih plovila Mogućnost nadoplate 12 mjesečnog jamstva ovisi o vrijednosti kupljenog rabljenog plovila. Jamstvo obuhvaća sljedeće djelove: Motor/generator: blok motora, brtva glave motora, zamašnjak, prigušna cijev Sustav hlađenja: rashladnik, termostat, pumpa vode Mjenjač: kućište mjenjača i svi unutarnji djelovi, prijenosnik okretnog momenta, upravljački uređaj mjenjača Osovinski pogon: osovina, nosač ležaja osovine, ležaj osovine Upravljanje: mehanizam upravljača, hidraulična pumpa s tlačnim vodovima, sajla upravljača
This way Interadria wants to make it easier for future owners to buy and offer them a technically correct boat, with the warranty of the quality of services rendered. Guarantee on pre-owned boats The option of surcharging a 12 month guarantee depends on the value of a purchased pre-owned boat. The warranty covers the following items: Engine / generator: engine block, engine head seal, flywheel, throttle tube Cooling system: cooler, thermostat, water pump Transmission: Transmission housing and all inner parts of it, torque transmitter, transmission control unit Shaft drive: shaft, shaft bearing bracket, shaft bearing Control: steering mechanism, hydraulic pump with pressure lines, steering cable
Sistem dobave goriva (osim u slučaju nekorištenja odgovarajućeg goriva): pumpa goriva, sistem ubrizgavanja goriva
Fuel system (except in case of inappropriate fuel): fuel pump, fuel injection system
Električni uređaji: alternator s regulatorom, elektropokretač, bilge pumpa, sirena, radio uređaj sa zvučnicima, pumpa vode, električni winch, pramčani propeler, klima uređaj Elektronički uređaji: GPS navigacija, radar, VHF, autopilot
Electric devices: alternator with regulator, electric starter, bilge pump, horn, radio with speakers, water pump, electric winch, bow thruster, air conditioning
Kupnjom kontroliranog i tehnički ispravnog plovila s jamstvom na ključne dijelove osiguravate si bezbrižne sate na moru i sigurnost za Vas i Vašu obitelj.
By purchasing a well-controlled and proper vessel with the main parts under warranty , you are sure care free sea time and safety for you and your family.
Obratite nam se s povjerenjem i prepustite nam brigu o vašem plovilu!
We want you safe and careless navigation!
Za detaljnije inforamcije o rabljenim plovilima s garancijom kontaktirajte našeg prodajnog savjetnika:
For more information about pre-owned boats with warranty, contact our sales manager:
Electronic devices: GPS navigation, radar, VHF, autopilot
GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 86 e-mail: kristian@interadria.hr
www.interadria.hr 27
EUROPE TRACKING ostanite povezani sa svojim plovilom
EUROPE TRACKING stay connected with your boat
U današnje je vrijeme normalno govoriti o utjecaju tehnologije na svaki segment života pa se tako možemo osvrnuti i na nautički sektor. Nova rubrika u InterAdria SC magazinu o mobilnim aplikacijama i inteligentinim sustavima za pametne uređaje donosi uvid u aplikacije i stručne savjete oko korištenja. Predstaviti ćemo vam inteligentni sustav koji odlično povezuje vaše plovilo koristeći računalo, tablet ili smartphone - bilo gdje i bilo kada, kako bi imali sve potrebne informacije i lokaciju vašeg plovila na dohvat ruke.
Nowadays it is normal to talk about the impact of technology on every segment of our life, therefore on the nautical sector as well. The new section in the InterAdria SC magazine about mobile nautical applications and intelligent smartphone systems brings insight into applications and professional usage tips. We will present you an intelligent system that connects you with your boat using your computer, tablet or smartphone in order to have anytime and anywhere all the information you need and the location of your boat immediately.
EuropeTracking je inteligentan sustav za poslovne korisnike koji sadrži GPS nadzor i praćenje, te direktno utječe na povećanje učinkovitosti, sigurnosti i na smanjenje troškova. Služeći se najnovijim dostignućima u GSM i GPS tehnologijama, EuropeTracking sustav omogućuje da su vaša plovila uvijek vidljiva, te pruža kontrolu, nadzor i bolju logistiku svojih resursa.
Europe Tracking is an intelligent business system that includes GPS supervision and tracking, and directly increase effectiveness, security and cost reduction. Using the latest achievements in GSM and GPS technologies, the Europe Tracking system enables your boats to be always visible, providing control, supervision and better logistics of your resources.
Korisnik u svakom trenutku i sa bilo kojeg internet preglednika može pogledati: • Trenutnu lokaciju plovila te njegovo vrijeme, datum, brzinu i smjer kretanja • Pad napona na brodskoj bateriji • Paljenje i gašenje kaljužne pumpe • Ime pridruženog vozača svakom praćenom plovilu • Pregled kretanja plovila u određenom vremenskom razdoblju s detaljnim izvješćima o kretanju i stajanju plovila te rada u vanbrzinskom položaju • Popis povijesti kretanja sa svim rutama (dužina rute, smjer kretanja, brzina plovidbe, trajanje plovidbe, korištenje plovila) • Sva mjesta kretanja i vremensko zadržavanje plovila • Prikaz prijeđenog puta i radnih sati u određenom vremenskom razdoblju • Najveću brzinu koju je plovilo postiglo u određenom razdoblju, kao i njegovu prosječnu
Anytime and from any internet browser, the user can take a look at: • The current location of the boat and its time, date, speed and direction of movement • Voltage drop on the boat battery • Ignition and shutdown of bilge pumps • The name of the driver associated with each tracked -boat • Review of the boat movements over a period of time with detailed reports on the movement and stay of the boat and run at idle speed • List of all traffic routes (route length, direction of movement, cruising speed, duration of navigation, use of the boats) • All movements and restrain time of the boat • Display of traveled distance and working hours in a given time period • The maximum speed the boat achieved in a given period, as well as its average speed • A tour report of marked interest points in the default interval
Preuzmite nadzor nad Vašim plovilom za cijenu jedne šalice kave tjedno tj. 1,66 kn dnevno!
Take control of your boat for the price of one cup of coffee a week or 1.66 kn per day!
Idealno za Charter tvrtke!
Ideal for Charter companies!
• Izvješće o obilasku obilježenih interesnih točaka u zadanom intervalu • Izvješće i upozorenja kretanja izvan zadanog radijusa rute kretanja • Izvješće i upozorenja neovlaštenog korištenja • Gumb panike koje aktivira SMS: SOS alarm na broju po Vašoj želji (sigurnosni centar, policija, ...) • Pregled termina registracije, osiguranja, servisa i ostalih detalja vezanih uz svako pojedino plovilo i mogućnost automatskog upozorenja o nadolazećim terminima osiguranja, servisa ili registracije za sva plovila • Upozorenje putem e-maila ili SMS-a, ako plovilo izađe van zadanog radijusa kretanja, prijeđe određenu brzinu, kreće se u zabranjenoj zoni, itd. Aplikacija omogućava pregled kretanja vašeg plovila u realnom vremenu, ali daje i uvid u prošle kretnje plovila. Ovaj sistem ne remeti rad ostalih elektičnih uređaja na plovilu. Posebno je optimiziran te vrlo koristan za poslovne korisnike u sektoru najma plovila, tj. chartera, jer uvijek imaju mogućnost uvida u lokaciju plovila. Još jedna od dobrobiti ovog sustava jest mogućnost slanja standardnih ili naručenih izvješća i upozorenja o kretanju, koje su bitan faktor u kriznim situacijama. Time korisnik kroz sustav raspolaže s važnim informacijama koje su točno prilagođene za korisnika, dok je sam sustav vrlo jednostavan za korištenje s vrlo prihvatljivom cijenom. S ponosom možemo napomenuti da Interadria već ugrađuje upravo ove tracking uređaje na svoja plovila te smo vrlo zadovoljni poslovnom suradnjom s Mareom d.o.o. Za sve klijente koji žele upravo ovu instalaciju i mogućnost praćenja svojih plovila putem Europe Tracking aplikacije, slobodno se možete obratiti zastupniku za RH: Mirasoul Group - Marea d.o.o. +385 91 222 1215 croatia@europetracking.com www.europetracking.com
• Report and motion alerts beyond the specified radius of motion path • Report and warnings of unauthorized usage • Panic buttons that activate the SMS: SOS Alarm on the number you want (security center, the police, ...) • Overview of the terms of registration, insurance, services and other details relating to each boat and the possibility of automatic warnings of upcoming insurance, service or registration dates for all boats. • An e-mail or SMS alert if the boat comes out of the specified radius of movement, passes a certain speed, moves into a forbidden zone, etc... The application allows you to view your boat motion in real time, but you also have an insight into the past movements of the boat. This system does not interfere with all other electronic devices on board. It is particularly optimized and very useful for business customers in the charter sector, as they always have an insight into where the boat is located. Another benefit of this system is the ability to send standard or commissioned reports and motion alerts that are a critical factor in an emergency. This means that the user through the system has important information that is exactly customized for the user, while the system itself is very easy to use for a very reasonable price. We can proudly announce that Interadria already incorporates these tracking devices into their boats and that we are very satisfied with business cooperation with Marea d.o.o. For all customers who want this application and the ability to track their boats using the Europe Tracking application, feel free to contact directly the representative for Republic of Croatia: Mirasoul Group - Marea d.o.o. +385 91 222 1215 croatia@europetracking.com www.europetracking.com
InterAdria SC članske iskaznice za vlasnike Sessa Marine plovila InterAdria SC Members Cards for Sessa Marine boat owners Prilikom kupnje nekog od modela Sessa Marine plovila, klijent automatski dobiva InterAdria SC člansku iskaznicu kojom ostvaruje brojne pogodnosti A client who buys Sessa Marine boat, immediately becomes the owner of InterAdria SC members card and gets many benefits: • besplatnu inicijalnu obuku / initial training for free • besplatnu asistenciju prilikom registracije plovila / free assistance through the process of boat registration • rezervaciju veza u ACI marini Opatija u Ičićima / berth reservation in ACI Marina Opatija, Ičići • dostupnost 24/7 u slučaju potrebe za hitnom intervencijom / 24/7 availability in case of emergency • preventivni pregled plovila prije sezone / inspection of a boat at the beginning of the season • profesionalna briga o plovilu / professional care of a boat • prednost smještaja plovila tijekom zime / precedence in winter accommodation • besplatan ulaz na nautičke sajmove na kojima InterAdria SC sudjeluje u svojstvu izlagača / free entrance to the boat shows where InterAdria SC participates as an exhibitor • ekstra pogodnosti prilikom ugovaranja police osiguranja u InterAdria SC Plus / extra benefits if arranging the insurance policy in InterAdria SC Plus
Info: InterAdria SC Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 704 178 e-mail. interadria@interadria.hr www.interadria.hr 30
yamaha noviteti / NOVELTIES
Upoznajte Yamahin najnoviji model za plovidbu, V8 XTO Offshore.
Meet Yamaha awsome V8 XTO Offshore
Ekstremna snaga, zakretni moment i potisak, ekstremna čvrstoća i pouzdanost.
Extreme power, torque and trust, extreme toughness and reliability.
Ekstremna učinkovitost sagorijevanja i ekstremna integracija sustava za snagu i kontrolu.
Extreme combustion efficiency and extreme system integration for power and control.
Dakle, „ekstremna” budućnost je već stigla!
So the “extreme” future has already arrived!
Predstavljamo posve novi vanbrodski model V8 XTO Offshore sa 5,6-litarskim brutalnim zakretnim momentom i potiskom, te s 425 uzbudljivih konjskih snaga -motor koji stvara potpuno novu klasu ekstremnih performansi i kontrole za plovidbu, osobito u kombinaciji s Yamahinim sustavom integrirane kontrole broda Helmmaster® , najnovije generacije sa naprednim zaslonom CL7™. Ovaj novi model osmišljen je da postane sinonim za najbolji vanbrodski motor, te da svoj položaj vrhunskih performansi digne na još jednu višu razinu uz karakteristike goleme snage, potiska, čvrstoće i pouzdanosti sa dosad neviđenom integracijom sustava i kontrolom preciznosti, zajedno u kombinaciji s vrhunskom udobnošću i brigom za krajnjeg korisnika. Za isporuku čiste, sirove sile, one potrebne kako bi se „pogonila” najteža i najveća plovila te luksuzni gumenjaci čvrste konstrukcije, potrebne su izdržljive mjenjačke kutije i najotpornije ikad proizvedene pogonske glave motora, koje zajednički naporno rade da bi pogonili vrlo velike propelere.
We are introducing a completely new outboard engine: Yamaha’s new 5.6 litre V8 XTO Offshore with 5.6-litres of brutal torque and thrust and 425 exhilarating horsepower that creates an entirely new class of extreme offshore performance and control, particularly when teamed with Yamaha’s latest generation Helmmaster® integrated boat control system with its CL7™ display. Yamaha new V8 XTO Offshore is designed to take Yamaha’s premium quality brand position to an even higher level, with massive power and thrust, toughness and reliability, rare system integration and precision control, along with ultimate comfort and customer care. To deliver the sheer brute force needed to ‘push’ the heaviest and largest offshore boats and luxury ribs,requires massively rugged gear cases and the toughest powerheads ever made, working hard together to drive very large propellers.
I po tome je model XTO Offshore već jedinstven, kao prvi model u industriji s 4-taktnim motorom, koji se služi izravnim ubrizgavanjem. Ubrizgavanje goriva pod visokim tlakom izravno u komoru za sagorijevanje značajno poboljšava raspršivanje i povećava učinkovitost sagorijevanja goriva za maksimalnu snagu i učinkovitost. Napredni sustav izravnog ubrizgavanja ima ni više ni manje nego čak pet pumpi za gorivo - a stvara tlak ubrizgavanja od čak 200 bara! Trostepeni sustav tlaka goriva također ima dvije neovisne pumpe za gorivo koje se uključuju na posebnim, individualnim razinama broja okretaja motora, unutar spremnika za razdvajanje isparina (VST). To osigurava dosad neviđenu visoku preciznost protoka i isporuke goriva, čak i na maksimalnom broju okretaja motora u minuti. Yamahin model V8 XTO Offshore također se može pohvaliti i nevjerojatnim omjerom kompresije od 12,2 : 1. Značajka ispuha In-Bank™ daje izravan put ispušnim plinovima do donje jedinice i prema van, putem središnje glavčine propelera, što poboljšava protok. Jednostavno rečeno, sve to znači puno više „praska” iz svakog paljenja, kao i ekstremnu učinkovitost sagorijevanja i veću snagu. V8 XTO ima i jedinstvenu dvostepenu pumpu za vodu i dvokomornu pumpu za ulje, koje su dizajnirane za konstantni rad pri visokom broju okretaja motora u minuti. Pumpa za vodu ima golemi gumeni impeler za visoki tlak, zajedno s iznimno otpornim čeličnim impelerom koji omogućuju protok velikih količina vode za hlađenje i preciznu kontrolu temperature na svim razinama broja okretaja motora u minuti, čak i u najekstremnijim uvjetima plovidbe na pučini. Osim ogromne mjenjačke kutije, čvrstih stupnjeva prijenosa, robusnog nosača za plovidbu na pučini i iznimno čvrstih postolja za motor, model V8 XTO također ima i tehnologiju plazmenog spajanja za košuljice cilindra radi veće trajnosti i kompaktnijeg motora. Ta mikro tretirana površina čvršća je za 60 posto od čelika, a značajno je lakša što omogućuje stvaranje veće zapremine motora bez povećanja dimenzija pogonske glave motora. Smanjenje trenja na donjoj površini također pomaže u podizanju ekonomičnosti potrošnje goriva. Dva bregasta vratila iznad glave na svakoj strani cilindra spojena su samozatezjućim lancem koji je uronjen u uljnu kupku radi precizne vremenske usklađenosti ventila i dugog radnog vijeka, a podizači ventila s karbonskim premazom također povećavaju izdržljivost, omogućujući bešuman i precizan rad te još bolju vremensku usklađenost. Još jedno područje u kojemu je model V8 XTO „prvak u
Here, the XTO Offshore is already unique, being the first 4-stroke engine in the industry to use direct inje ction. The high-pressure injection of fuel directly into the combustion chamber greatly improves dispersion and increases effectiveness of the combustion for maximum power and efficiency. The advanced direct injection system features no fewer than five fuel pumps and generates injection pressure up to 200 Bar! The three-stage fuel pressure system also uses two independent fuel pumps that activate at specific, individual RPM levels within a vapor separator tank (VST). This ensures rare high-precision fuel flow and delivery, even at max RPM. Yamaha’s V8 XTO Offshore also has an incredible compression ratio of 12.2:1. The In-Bank™ Exhaust feature gives the gas a direct route to the lower unit and out, through the center of the propeller hub, improving the flow. Simply said, all this means more “bang”from every spark, as well as extreme combustion efficiency and higher power. The V8 XTO has a unique two-stage water pump and a dualchamber oil pump, each designed for consistent operation at high RPM. The water pump features a massive rubber impeller for high pressure, along with a super-tough steel impeller. Together, they provide high volume cooling water flow and accurate temperature control at all RPM levels, even under the most extreme offshore conditions. In addition to an oversized gearcase, hardened gears, a robust, offshore bracket and super-strength motor mounts, the V8 XTO also features plasma fusion technology for the cylinder liners, not only for durability, but also for a more compact engine. The micro-textured surface is 60 percent harder than steel and significantly lighter, allowing us to create a greater engine capacity without increasing the dimensions of the powerhead. The lower surface friction also helps to maximize fuel economy. Dual overhead, endurance-driven camshafts on each cylinder bank are connected via a self-tensioning chain immersed in an oil bath for accurate valve timing and long lasting, while carbon-coated valve lifters also increase durability, delivering quiet and precise connection and even better timing. Another ‘Industry First’ for the V8 XTO is its fully integrated electric steering system, the first of its kind on any outboard. It has no hydraulic lines or linkages, so it responds more quickly and smoothly than conventional systems, keeping it easier to navigate. Of course, the ultimate control solution is to put together the V8 XTO with Yamaha’s unique and hugely successful Helmmaster® fully integrated boat control system,
Novi model V8 XTO Offshore dostupan je u elegantnoj Pearlescent White te Yamaha Grey boji. New model V8 XTO is available in elegant Pearlescent White and Yamaha Grey color.
Tehničke specifikacije / technical specification Motor / Engine Type: četverotaktni, 32 Ventila V8 / four stroke 32 Valve V8 Zapremnina / Displacement: 5.6 l Visina i promjer klipa / Bore & Stroke: 96 x 96 mm RPM Range: 5000-6000 (Full throttle) 600-1000 (Variable Trolling) Sustav paljenja / Ignition: TCI microcomputer Sustav pokretanja / Starting: el. “Prime start” Kontrola / Control: digitalna el. “Drive by wire” daljinska kontrla (DBW) / digital el. “Drive by wire” remote control Ubrizgavanje goriva/ Fuel delivery: direktno ubrizgavanje / direct injection Nagib trima / Full tilt up angle: 77o Propeler / Propeller: opcija / option
Kratki pregled • Jedinstven sustav izmjene maziva u mjenjačkoj kutiji • Dvo komorna pumpa za ulje za rukovanje u ekstremnim uvjetima • Idealan za teška plovila i gumenjake - XTO OS propeleri • Jače punjenje na niskim okretajima – izlaz za dodatnu grupu akumulatora • Visoka učinkovitost - prvo izravno 4-taktno ubrizgavanje goriva • Ekstremna snaga - 5.6L • 32V • 60º V8 • DOHC • VCT • Ultimativna kontrola - jedinstveni elektronski sustavi • Precizno električno kormilo - steer-by-wire sistem • Pouzdanost – specijalno modificirana radilica • 300% više povratnog potiska iz novog ispušnog sustava • Novi elegantni donji dizajn kućišta pete s masivnim prijenosnikom
Digital network Gauge II (CL7): opcija / option Shift Dampener system (SDS): opcija / option Težina sa propelerom / Weight with propeler: X: 442 kg, U: 453 kg, E: 463 kg
Short review • Ultra-convenient in-water gear oil change facility • Dual chamber oil pump to handle extreme demands • Ideal for heavy boats and RIBs - XTO OS propellers • High Output charging - for more output at low rpm • Efficiency - first-ever Direct Injection 4-stroke • Extreme Power - 5.6L • 32-v • 60º V8 • DOHC •VCT • Ultimate control - unique all-electronic systems • Precision - built-in electric steer-by-wire system • Reliability - tough custom-engineered crankshaft • 300% more reverse thrust from new exhaust system • New sleek lower unit design with massive gearcase 33
industriji” jest njegov potpuno integrirani sustav električnog upravljanja, prvi takve vrste na bilo kojoj vrsti vanbrodskog motora. Nema hidrauličkih vodova ni spona pa reagira puno brže i uglađenije od uobičajenih sustava te omogućuje lakše upravljanje. Najbolje rješenje za kontrolu je ujediniti model V8 XTO s Yamahinim jedinstvenim i iznimno uspješnim potpuno integriranim sustavom za upravljanje brodom Helmmaster® i njegovim revolucionarnim mogućnostima pristajanja kontroliranih upravljačkom palicom i zaslonom u boji CL7™. Posebni novi propeleri XTO OS™ izrađeni su da bi nadopunili veliki potencijal zakretnog momenta Yamahinog modela V8 XTO Offshore. Ti novi propeleri proizvode veći potisak kako u vožnji prema naprijed tako i u vožnji prema natrag, koristeći se promjerima od 16 do 17 1/8 inča. Najnoviji dizajn krila s njihovom velikom površinom pokreće i najveće brodove manjim naporom i većom kontrolom. Zahvaljujući novom sustavu oslobađanja ispušnih plinova ti propeleri imaju još jednu prednost: u vožnji prema natrag zahvaćaju „čistu” vodu, što pomaže u ostvarivanju potiska u vožnji prema natrag čak do tri puta većeg od onog koji razvija Yamahin model F350, a to znači lakše manevriranje i kontrolu pri pristajanju. Štoviše, s modelom V8 XTO ne morate niti napustiti pristanište da biste pronašli servis za donju jedinicu. Sve to zahvaljujući jedinstvenom sustavu izmjene maziva u mjenjačkoj kutiji koji to omogućuje, a da brod ne mora izići iz vode. Model V8 XTO Offshore također ima i velike sposobnosti punjenja struje te pruža čak do 90 ampera ukupne (bruto) struje. Dakle, „ekstremna” budućnost je već stigla! Yamaha utire novi put u „ekstremnim” ukupnim performansama sa svojim novim modelom V8 XTO Offshore, koji nudi jedinstveno iskustvo vlasništva i vožnje bez premca. Revolucionarni mornarski dizajn i inženjerska tehnologija, vrhunske inovacije, kvaliteta i izvrsnost - to je budućnost iz Yamahe!
with its revolutionary joystick controlled docking facilities and outstanding CL7™ color display. The special new XTO OS™ propellers are made to complement the huge torque potential of the Yamaha V8 XTO Offshore. These new props produce more thrust in both forward and reverse, using diameters from 16 to 171/8 inches. The latest blade design, with its huge surface area moves the biggest boats with less effort and more control. Thanks to the new exhaust-gas relief system, these propellers have yet another advantage; they ‘bite’ clean water in reverse, which helps yield reverse thrust up to three times as already developed by Yamaha’s F350 and that means easier maneuvering and controling when docking. What’s more, with the V8 XTO you need to go no further than the dock for a lower unit service, thanks to our unique gearcase lubricant exchange system that allows this to be done without the boat leaving the water. The V8 XTO Offshore also has great charging capabilities, providing up to 90 amps of total (gross) power. So the”extreme” future has already arrived! Yamaha is leading the way in ‘extreme’ all-round performance with the new V8 XTO Offshore,which offers a unique ownership and driving experience that’s second to none. Revolutionary marine design and engineering technology, supreme innovation, quality and excellence - this is the future from Yamaha!
Preko 20 godina uspješne suradnje!
Over 20 years of successfull cooperation!
• vanbrodski motori, rezervni dijelovi i prateća oprema • ovlašteni serviser i distributer Yamaha vanbrodskih motora i prateće opreme
• outboards, spare parts and accessories • authorised service centre • authorised dealer
• prodaja, servis i održavanje Volvo Penta motora, rezervnih dijelova i prateće opreme • ovlašteni distributer • ovlašteni servisni centar
• sale, service and maintenance of Volvo Penta engines, spare parts and accessories • authorised dealer • authorised service centre
InterAdria SC d.o.o. SERVISNI CENTAR / SERVICE CENTRE ACI marina Opatija Liburnijska cesta 7A, Ičići tel.: +385 51 704 178 GSM: +385 91 215 44 88
InterAdria SC d.o.o. SERVISNI CENTAR / SERVICE CENTRE Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel.: + 385 51 704 178 fax.: +385 51 705 579 GSM: + 385 91 215 44 92 e-mail: damir@interadria.hr 35
Your first choice at real estate
+385/99/320-0008 Ulica Maršala Tita 75/1 Ulica Maršala Tita 88/4 51410 Opatija - Croatia
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1st Boat magazine in Slovenia
Franjo Petrović U prijašnjim brojevima InterAdria SC magazina, nahvalili smo dečke na praksi, jer Interadria teži tome da vodi mlade praktikante u stručnim zanimanjima kroz srednjoškolsko obrazovanje da bi usvojili nova znanja kroz praktičnu nastavu. No, ovaj ćemo se put osvrnuti na osobu koja nam je vrlo bitna karika u poslovanju. Dopustite da vam predstavimo Franju Petrovića, osobu koja igra veliku ulogu kao plastičar u Interadriji. Franjo kod nas radi od 2013.godine te slobodno možemo reći da bez njega mnoga plovila nebi isplovila. Prijašnjih godina radio je kod poznatog renomiranog hrvatskog proizvođača plovila te je kroz druge poslove proputovao pola Amerike i Europe, te stekao razne poslovne vještine koje danas zlata vrijede, ali i mnoge zabavne i vrijedne uspomene za cijeli život. Pokretanjem proizvodnje Key Largo One plovila, proširili smo obim posla, no Franjo to bez problema stiže i s posebnim guštom obavlja sve zadatke koje donose nove narudžbe plovila. Sada u Interadriji stvara nova iskustva za cijeli život te se radujemo što možemo biti djelićem istih.
Franjo Petrović In the previous editions of InterAdria SC magazine, we praised the students in traineeship classes because Interadria is trying to lead young interns in professional education through their high school in order to acquire new knowledges through practical teaching. But this time, we will talk about one very important person in our business. Let us introduce you to Franjo Petrović, a person who plays a big role as a carpenter in Interadria. Franjo has been working with us since 2013 and we can freely say that without him many boats would not sail. In recent years he worked with important Croatian boat constructor and travelled for business in America and Europe, gaining various worthwhile business skills, as well as many funny and valuable memories for life. With the launch of Key Largo One’s production, we have expanded the volume of work, but Franjo finishes his work without a problem completing with a lot of joy all tasks that new boat orders require. Now in Interadria, he creates new life experiences and we look forward to be a part of it.
Riva Super Florida 249 Jedna nadasve senzacionalna priča počinje na obalama talijanskog jezera Como, gdje je 1842.g siromašna obitelj prezimena Riva krenula u izgradnju drvenih brodica. Najpopularnija je bila između dva svjetska rata kada postaje simbolom najpoznatijih svjetskih marki trkaćih motornih čamaca. Tek je Carlo Riva ovaj obiteljski obrt pretvorio u nešto puno veće i moćnije, te vrijedno svakog spomena.
One of the most incredible stories begins on the banks of the Italian lake Como, where in 1842 the poor Riva family started to build wooden boats. It was most popular between the two World Wars as it became the symbol of the world’s most famous motorcycle racing brands. Only Carlo Riva transformed this family business into something much bigger, more powerful, and worth of mentioning.
U pedesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća Riva plovila postaju sinonim za luksuz i čežnju svakog bogataša. Karakteristične po kvalitetnoj izgradnji, obogaćene drvom mahagonija, kožom i tikovinom, postaju prava umjetnička djela visoke cijene. U to vrijeme jedne od najpoznatijih modela su: Tritone, Sebino, Florida, Aquarama, Ariston i druge.
In the fifties of the last century, Riva boats became a synonym for the luxury and the lust of every rich man. Characterized by high-quality construction, enriched with mahogany wood, leather and teakwood, it became the real expensive artwork. The most famous models of that time were: Triton, Sebino, Florida, Aquarama and Ariston.
Ovoga puta predstaviti ćemo Rivu Super Florida 249 iz 1958 godine.
Let us introduce you Riva Super Florida 249 model from 1958.
Karakterističnost ovog modela leži u tome što je dobila ime po najsunčanijem dijelu Amerike, Floridi. Izgrađena je s nešto jačim motorima kako bi raspametila buduće vlasnike Rive i sve one koji su voljeli skijati na vodi.
The particularity of this model lies in its name, the sunniest part of America, Florida. And it was built with powerful engines to impress the future owners of the Riva and all those who liked to ski on the water.
Trup je sagrađen pomoću tradicionalne Riva tehnologije od trostruko lameliranog drva mahagonija, sa završnim zrcalnim
The boat body was built using traditional Riva technology from a triple laminated wood mahogany with a finishing
• zanimljivost: dizajner i graditelj Carlo Riva preminuo je 10. travnja 2017. u 95-oj godini života • ponosni vlasnici: Brigitte Bardot (nekoliko Riva), Sean Connery, Sophia Loren, Richard Barton i mnogi drugi • 1972.godine Carlo Riva je sagradio prvu komercijalnu marinu u Rapallu (Italija) koja je na žalost uništena zbog oluje koja ih je 30.10.2018. snašla zbog jakog juga koji je napravio ogromnu štetu u cijelom tom dijelu kao i kod nas, ali u puno manjem obimu. • Interesting fact: designer and builder Carlo Riva died on April 10, 2017, in age of 95. • proud owners: Brigitte Bardot (several Riva), Sean Connery, Sophia Loren, Richard Barton and many others • 1972 Carlo Riva built the first commercial marina in Rapallo (Italy), which was unfortunately destroyed by the storm on 30.10.2018. The strong south wind did enormous damage on this area, throughout on our coast was also big damages but in smaller extent. 39
slojem koji daje poseban izgled samom plovilu. Tapecirung je klasična koža boje slonovače u kombinaciji s tirkiznim djelovima na navlakama sjedala. U opremanju interijera, koristili su i Mako pamuk koji je najkvalitetniji pamuk iz Egipta. Sve to savršeno paše uz ‘’vintage’’ volan iz tog doba, sličan onome na automobilima, te Chris Craft instrumente na kontrolnoj ploči u srebrnoj boji. U dužinu od 6 metara stalo je toliko stila i neodoljive ljepote koja je u to doba bila nezaobilazna za svakog bogataša a danas izaziva divljenje i senzaciju kod bilo koga od nas. Ovaj primjerak Rive Super Floride 249 možete pogledati u našem InterAdria SC servisu kada god poželite. Očekujemo vaš dolazak! TEHNIČKE SPECIFIKACIJE / Technical specifications
mirror, giving a special look to the boat itself. Upholstery is a classic ivory-colored leather in combination with turquoise parts on the seat cushions. Mako cotton, the best quality cotton from Egypt was used in decorating the interiors. All this perfectly fits with the vintage steering wheel, used on cars, too, and silver Chris Craft instruments on the dashboard.
Ukupno proizvedeno / Total no. built:
Dužina / Length (m):
Širina / Beam (m):
Gaz / Draught (m):
Težina / Weight (kg):
In the length of 6 meters, there is so much style and irresistible beauty, indispensable for every rich man at that time, but causes admiration in everybodystll today.
Kapcitet osoba / Carrying Capacity:
Motor / Original Engine:
Riva V8
Snaga / Power (h.p.):
This model of the Rive Super Florid 249 can be visited at our InterAdria SC service whenever you want.
Spremnik goriva / Fuel Tank Capacity (ltrs):
Weare waiting for you!
Godine proizvodnje / Years built
Obala Frana Supila 6, 51410 Opatija, Hrvatska Tel.: +385 (0)98 425 426 Fax: +385 (0)51 701 661 info@erikski.com
w w w .e r i k s k i . c om
Retro Sessa Key Largo 21’
Ponekad je nadasve nostalgično vratiti se u prošlost, pogotovo kada je to popraćeno vizualnim identitetom i jasnom predodžbom kako je to nekada izgledalo. Ovoga puta retrospektivno vam donosimo model Sessa Marine Key Largo 21’ te stavljamo naglasak na specifičnost ovog modela.
Returning back to the past is sometimes so nostalgic, especially if it goes with a visual identity and a clear idea, how it was before. This time we retrospectively bring you the Sessa Marine Key Largo 21’ model and we are puting an emphasis on the specificity of this model.
Početci svakog od Sessa Marine modela su zanimljivi na svoj način. Možete vidjeti članke iz novina te retro slike od pred nekih 30-ak godina. Ovaj model je specifičan zbog toga što je ovo jedan od rijetkih modela te vrste koji ima ugrađen unutarnji motor.
The beginnings of each model of the Sessa Marine are interesting in their own way. You can see news articles and retro paintings of 30 years ago. This model is particular because this is one of the rare models of this kind with an inboard engine.
Po riječima projektanta, plovilo je idealno za ugodno provedeno vrijeme na moru, s obitelji ili u aktivnom ribolovu. Ono je nadasve multifukncionalno. Širok trup, praktičnost kretanja na plovilu, laka upravljivost, motor od 215 KS daje agilnost plovilu, a tikovina na bočnim stranama trupa i platforma za kupanje su točka na i Key Largo 21’ modela.
According to the designer, the boat is ideal for a pleasantly spending time on the sea, with the family or in active fishing. Above all, it is multifunktional. Wide hull, practical movement on the boat, easy controllability, 215 hp engine give agility to the boat, and teak on the side of the hull and the swim platform are the best design properties of Key Largo 21’ model.
InterAdria SC u svojoj ponudi nudi jedno takvo rabljeno plovilo iz 1993. godine, koje se slobodno može pogledati u sjedištu tvrtke.
InterAdria SC offers one Key Largo 21’ pre-owned boat from 1993, that can be visited at the company headquarters.
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dragocjeni trenutci sa sessom / precious moments with sessa
ć 5 i d 2 r n a sste
o 7 g 2 u J Kl
Precious moments with Sessa
r e isch C44
Ovako divne fotografije bilo bi šteta čuvati samo za sebe, zato bi voljeli da nam i dalje šaljete Vaše trenutke sa Sessom na: valentina@interadria.hr! Such wonderful photos would be a pity to keep only for yourself, so we would love to keep sending Your moments with Sessa at: valentina@interadria.hr!
spoj džina i cigarillosa
perfect blend of gin and cigarillos U svijetu duhanskih proizvoda, kubanske cigare su sinonim za profinjenost i glamur. Izrada cigara i cigarillosa potječe iz Amerike, a u Kubi i Havani odvija se pravo rustikalno umijeće izrade istih.
In the world of tobacco products, Cuban cigarettes are synonymous for classy style and glamor. The production of cigar and cigarillos comes from America, and in Cuba and Havana is considered a true art.
Cigar i cigarillo najpoznatiji su duhanski proizvodi izrađeni od rezanog i fermentiranog duhana umotanog u duhanski list. Izvorno nemaju filter te se prilikom konzumiranja ne udišu u pluća. Pušenje ove cigare predstavlja pravi ritual.
Cigars and cigarillos are best known tobacco products made from sliced and fermented tobacco wrapped in a tobacco leaf. Originally they do not have a filter and are not ment to be breathed in lungs when consumed. Smoking this cigar is a real ritual.
Cigarillosi pružaju istinskom ljubitelju mogućnost uživanja u jedinstvenoj kombinaciji okusa i aroma kao što su arome vanilije, kave ili čokolade. Mnogi konzumiraju ovakav oblik duhana uz alkoholna pića. U kombinaciji sa džin tonikom i njegovom svježinom između udisaja dima cigarillosa stvara se posebna fuzija poroka. Nema osobe koja je konzumiranjem džina ostala ravnodušna. Uz dodatak tonika nastaje vrlo osvježavajuće piće, a idealnu kombinaciju daju mu note krastavca, papra, ružmarina, ružina sirupa... Škotski gin Botanist sastoji se čak od 31 vrste aroma
Cigarillos give true lovers the opportunity to enjoy a unique combination of tastes and aromas such as vanilla, chocolate, coffee flavours, etc... Many people consume such kind of tobacco with alcoholic beverages. Combined with gin tonic and its freshness between one cigarette smoke, they absolutely create special fusion of vices. There is noone who remains indifferent after drinking a gin. With a tonic water, it creates a very refreshing drink; with the The Scottish Gin Botanist consists of up to 31 types of aromas
Alkohol za džin se dobiva od žitarica i destilacijom bobica smreke, borovica, citrusa ili začina te izvlači esencijalna ulja iz istih, jer je sam po sebi bezukusan. Posebnost je u molekularnom sastavu samog džina i tonika zbog čega odlično pašu. Molekule su im vrlo slične te se privlače i tvore neku novu mjehurićastu dimenziju u ustima. Nije ni čudo kako je brzinom munje postao nezaobilazno trendi piće u svim kafićima i restoranima diljem Hrvatske i šire. Kao što ljeti odlično paše hladni džin tonik, tako zimi idealno prija kuhani džin! Ako još niste probali ovakvo piće, vrijeme je da se počastite. Za vrijeme Adventa već je postao standardna ponuda svih ugostitelja. Potpuno nova dimenzija okusa ostaviti će vas bez daha. Donosimo vam jedan od recepata na bazi kuhanog džna za hladne zimske dane.
perfect combination from the notes of cucumber, pepper, rosemary, rose syrup, etc... Gin alcohol is produced from cereals and by distillation of spruce berries, blueberries, citrus or spices, and essential oils from it since it is flavorless. Particularity, it is in the molecular composition of the gin and tonic itself, which makes it a great combination. Molecules are very similar and they are attracted from each other, so they form a great bubble feeling in the mouth. No wonder that it became an inevitable trendy drink in all cafes and restaurants throughout Croatia and beyond, as fast as hot lightning. As in the summertime goes well cold gin tonic, so in the winter ideally fits hot gin with flavours or scents! If you have not tried this kind of drink yet, it’s time to honor yourself. During Advent time, it has become a standard offer of many restaurants and cafes. A whole new dimension of taste will leave you breathless. We bring you one of the recipe based on hot gin for cold winter days.
Zimski džin
Winter genius
Potrebni sastojci:
Required Ingredients:
• 0,2 dl džina
• 0.2 dl of gin
• 1 komadić đumbira
• 1 piece of ginger
• 2 prutića cimeta
• 2 cinnamon stix
• 5 klinčića
• 5 cloves
• 200 ml soka od jabuke
• 200 ml apple juice
• 1 bio naranča
• 1 bio orange
• 1 prstohvat pimenta
• 1 pinch of piment
Priprema čarolije:
Preparation of magic:
Đumbir sitno nasjeckajte i ogulite koru naranče na tanke trakice. Potom sve preostale sastojke, osim džina, zagrijte u loncu te ostavite na srednjoj vatri da se lagano grije oko 20 minuta. Kada se otpuste svi sokovi dodajte džin i ovaj jednostavan a ukusan pripravak je gotov.
Ginger chop in small pieces and put orange peel on thin strips. Then all remaining ingredients, except gin, warm in a pot and left to medium heat to warm gently for about 20 minutes. When all the juices are released, add gin and this simple and tasty preparation is over.
Uživajte u svakom gutljaju!
Enjoy every dive! 47
THE BEST MARINA ON THE ADRIATIC Rogoznica - N43° 31.8’ E15° 57.8’
Uokvirit: Škotski gin Botanist sastoji se čak od 31 vrste aroma Donosimo vam jedan od recepata na bazi kuhanog džina za Marina Frapa is the best Croatian marina!
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SUP - potpuna dominacija u vodenim sportovima SUP - complete dominance in water sports
Stand Up Paddling, svima znan kao SUP, tj. veslanje na dasci, u zadnje dvije godine u Hrvatskoj doživljava popularnost u kategoriji vodenih sportova. Izvorno dolazi s Havaja, a na našoj obali je zaživio zbog praktičnosti, lakog upravljanja i svojevrsne rekreacije, te na taj način spaja ugodno s korisnim.
Stand Up Paddling, known as SUP, or boating on the board in the last two years in Croatia is experiencing popularity in the category of water sports. Originally from Hawaii, it arrived on our coast because of practicality, easy driving and its recreation aspect that perfectly combines the useful with the pleasurable.
Postoji nekoliko vrsta SUP daski te je važno poznavati pravila kod kupnje kako vam SUPanje ne bi postalo noćna mora. Bitno je izabrati pravilan volumen i tip daske s obzirom za vašu fizičku spremu i namjenu. Nisu sve daske naravno iste: na izbor su Allround modeli, Touring modeli, Surf modeli, Fun-Race modeli, natjecateljski Pro Race modeli ili pak Kids, odnosno dječji modeli. Allround daske se preporučaju kao model koji ‘’trpi’’ i početnika i aktivnijeg sportaša te tako tvori zlatnu sredinu.
There are several types of SUP’s, and it is important to know the rules of purchase so that it does not become a nightmare. It is important to choose the proper volume and type of board for your physical fit and purpose. Not all boards are the same: you can choose Allround models, Touring models, Surf models, Fun-Race models, the Pro Race models or Kids models. Allround pads are recommended as a model that suits beginners and more active athletes, creating therefor a path midway between those two.
Korištenjem SUP daske i samog vesla, aktiviraju se sve mišićne skupine u tijelu i osigurava se kretanje u zdravom okruženju prirode. Neki se čak odlučuju na korak više te koriste dasku kao podlogu za vježbanje joge ili pilatesa, što zvuči itekako zanimljivo, ali i teško. Veslanjem kroz čisto more i uživajući u prirodnim ljepotama, djeluje vrlo umirujuće na osobu koja ga koristi.
By using the SUP-board and the paddle itself, we activate all the body muscles, ensuring the movement in a healthy environment. Some may also decide to step up, using the board as a base for exercising yoga or pilates, which sounds very interesting but difficult. Riding through the clear sea and enjoying the natural beauties, is very calming to the person who uses it.
Vlasnici plovila iznimno su oduševljeni SUP-om na napuhavanje jer se lako skladišti. SUP je vrlo praktičan zbog lakog upravljanja i praktičnosti, a nautičari se u svakoj situaciji mogu približiti obali, napuštenim plažama ili ga mogu korisiti kao dasku za transfer osobnih stvari s broda na obalu.
Boat owners are extremely enthusiastic about the inflatable SUPboards, because they are easy to store. The SUP-board is very practical because of easy handling and convenience, and sailors can approach the shore or lonley beaches in any situation, or use it as a board for transferring personal things from the boat to the shore.
InterAdria je već započela s izradom držača SUP-ova po narudžbi klijenta. Na taj način simultano korištenje plovila i SUP daske postaje extra praktično!
InterAdria has already started producing a SUP holder on a customer’s order. In this way, the use of the boat together with a SUP board becomes extra practical!
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IČIĆI Izgradnjom priobalne ceste, (svojedobno i električnog tramvaja!) i šetališta Lungomare dužine 12 km, povezana su naselja, uvale, plaže i vile od Voloskog do Lovrana i nastala je jedinstvena rivijera na kojoj svojom lučicom, marinom, plažom i vilama značajno mjesto zauzimaju Ičići. U Ičićima je očuvano dvadesetak starih vila s početka 20. stoljeća koje su gradili slavni europski arhitekti u tada modernom secesijskom i historicističkom stilu a posebno se ističu vile Münz, Mali Raj, Florida, Bamba i Mary. Neke i danas primaju goste a druge još čekaju obnovu. Turistička posebnost Ičića je velika: 270 metara duga šljunčana i betonirana plaža na kojoj se ljeti skupi i do nekoliko tisuća razdraganih kupača. Marina Ičići raspolaže s 290 vezova sa svim priključcima i može primiti jahte do 40 metara dužine. Ima dizalicu, suhi dok, sve servise i restoran, a za točenje goriva možete koristiti 2 nm udaljenu gradsku luku Opatija.
Arhiva TZ Ičići
The construction of the costal road, (and the electric tramcar afterwards!) as well as of the 12 km long Lungomare promenade, has connected towns, bays, beaches and villas from the Town of Volosko to the Town of Lovran, thus forming a unique riviera with the Town of Ičići, that occupys an important place among them, owing it to its port, marina and beach. There are around twenty well-preserved old villas In Ičići, dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, built by famous European architects in Secession and historismic style, modern at that time, known as Villa Münz, Villa Mali Raj, Villa Florida, Villa Bamba and Villa Mary. Some of them have guests even today, the others are waiting for reconstruction. The tourist attraction of Ičići is a 270 meters long beach, made of pebbles and concrete, which attracts several thousand enthusiastic bathers every summer.
Arhiva TZ Ičići 52
Ičići lučica svod - Željko Šepić
King of učka - Davor Pavlović
Arhiva TZ Ičići
Arhiva TZ Ičići
Mnogi gosti borave u Ičićima i van kupalište sezone, pogotovo oni željni spokojnog odmora na svježem morskom zraku. Ugodni sunčani dani traju duboko do sredine prosinca a zime su blage i bez snijega. Ugostiteljska ponuda je bogata i nudi priliku kušati lokalne specijalitete morskih delicija i tradicijskih seoskih jela uz odlična lokalna vina. Novi Remisens Hotel Giorgio II 4*, s 180 soba, predvodi odličnu ponudu smještaja u Ičićima. Može se birati između hladovitih parcela u autokampu, nekoliko stotina soba i apartmana u privatnim kućama do brojnih vila i kuća za najam s privatnim vrtovima, parkiralištem i bazenima, uz more ili na okolnim padinama planine Učke, s veličanstvenim pogledom na Kvarnerski zaljev. Ako ste aktivan sportski tip, Ičići su pravo mjesto za vas! Iznajmite čamac ili jedrilicu u marini i otisnite se u istraživanje skrivenih uvala, sjednite na bicikl ili pješačite brojnim stazama koje se s plaže uspinju na sam vrh Učke. Turistička zajednica Ičići Adresa: Liburnijska 7a 51414 Ičići, Croatia Telefon: +385 (0) 51 704 187 E-mail: tz-icici@ri.t-com.hr • www.icici-tourism.com
The marina of Ičići disposes of 290 berths with electrical and water connections and can anchore yachts up to 40 m long. There is a crane, a dry dock, all kinds od servicies, such as restaurants and other facilities. You can refuel your boat at the Port of Opatija, only 2 nautical miles away. In the off-season, many guests visit the Town of Ičići, especially if they wish to spend a quiet vacation on the fresh sea air. The gastronomic offer is very rich, and it gives you the possibility to taste local seafood specialties and traditional country dishes accompanied by the top-quality local wines. There are 180 rooms in the new 4-star Remisens Hotel Giorgio II, the leading hotel with an excellent tourist accommodation offer. You can choose among shady pitches at the campsite, several hundred rooms and apartments at private houses, numerous villas and houses for rent with private gardens, parking lots and swimming pools, by the sea or on the surrounding hillsides of the Mt. Učka with a magnificient view of the Kvarner Gulf. If you are an active sports enthusiast, Ičići is the right place for you! Rent a boat or a sailboat in the marina and sail away to explore the hidden coves, ride a bicycle or take a walk along the numerous paths rising from the beach to the Mt. Učka.
sail safely
tel: +385 51 705 563 gsm: +385 91 215 44 95 danijela@interadria.hr www.interadria.hr
2008., 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 600
2008., 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 600
2018., 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 600
2009., 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 500
2012., 2 x Yamaha 300 ks/hp
2012., 2 x VOLVO PENTA D3-200 DP-S
2010., 2 x Yamaha 250 ks/hp
2018., 2 x Mercury 150 ks/hp
2013., 2 x Yamaha 150 ks/hp
2009., Yamaha 250 ks/hp
2008., Yamaha 150 ks/hp
2018., Yamaha 100 ks/hp
GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 86 e-mail: kristian@interadria.hr
www.interadria.hr 55
IZA KULISA / behind the scenes
Testna vožnja na Riječkom sajmu Test drive at Rijeka Nautic Show
Susret nakon mnogo godina - Gospodin Boris Miočić i direktor Klaudio After a long time Mr. Boris Miočić and general manager Klaudio
Klaudijev rođendan s dragim partnerima i kolegama
Klaudio’s birthday with partners and colleagues
Franjo u akciji Franjo in action
Direktor Klaudio na ''odmoru'' General manager Klaudio on ''holiday''
Izabela pozira Izabela posing
Kristian uvijek nađe zanimaciju Kristian allways finds a hobby
Alen i Franjo u trenutku inspiracije Alen and Franjo at the moment of inspiration
Moja malenkost
That is me
Naš sales manager Kristian u ulozi Batmana Our sales manager Kristian in Batmans role
Zadovoljstvo nakon Zagrebačkog sajma
Večera kod dragog prijatelja Marca u restoranu ''Da Gennaro''
Satisfaction after Zagreb Boat Show
Dinner at our lovely friend Marco in the restaurant ''Da Gennaro''
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Kako se zaštititi od Sunca?
How to protect yourself from the sun?
Svaki strastveni zaljubljenik u more tokom ljetnih mjeseci dolazi u povećani doticaj sa suncem koje nam postaje sve veća opasnost. Donosimo vam korisne savjete kako izbjeći negativne utjecaje na vašu kožu.
Every passionate sea lover, during the summer months comes to an increased contact with the sun that is becoming more and more dangerous to us. We bring you useful tips to avoid negative impacts on your skin.
U današnje vrijeme bitno je imati izgrađenu samosvijest o štetnom i pretjeranom izlaganju suncu jer u suprotnom, sunce nam donosi sve samo ne dobro. Od smeđih mrlja na koži, crvenila i isušivanja kože, sunčanice pa do onog najgoreg što želimo svakako spriječiti.
Nowadays, it is important to have a built self-awareness about the harmful and excessive exposure to sunlight: otherwise, the sun brings us all but nothing good. From brown spots on the skin, redness and skin drying, the sunstroke and -the worst that we want to prevent. Useful tips for sailors: − right cosmetic protection, applying a protective factor over 20 SPF + face cream 30 SPF (especially for sensitive skin) − avoid direct exposure to sunlight from 11h to 16h − use protective head covers and sunglasses with UV protection lenses − the clothes should be airy, light colors and natural fabrics − beware of the creams and oils you use because they may be photosensitive, for example, chanterelle oil − drink enough liquid, the best a lot of water − to nourish the skin with appropriate moisturizing creams and after sun exposure
Korisni savjeti za nautičare: − pravilna kozmetička zaštita tj nanošenje kreme za zaštitnim faktorom iznad 20 SPF + krema za lice 30 SPF (pogotovo za osobe osjetljive puti) − izbjegavati direktno izlaganje suncu od 11h –16 h − koristiti zaštitna pokrivala za glavu i sunčane naočale s UV zaštitnim lećama − odjeća neka bude prozračna i lagana te svjetlijih boja i prirodnih tkanina − pripaziti na kreme i ulja koja koristite jer neka mogu biti fotosenzibilna npr. kantarionovo ulje − piti dovoljnu količinu tekućine, najbolje puno vode − njegovati kožu odgovarajućim hidratantnim kremama i nakon izlaganja suncu Učinite izlaganje suncu ugodnim i koliko god moguće zdravijim po vas i vaše zdravlje kako biste mogli što više uživati u ljetu i čarima plovidbe.
Make sun exposure comfortable and as healthy as possible for you and your health so you can enjoy the summer and the magical sailing.
Bolje spriječiti nego liječiti!
Better safe than sorry!
Tokom oblačnog vremena UV zračenje može biti visoko bez obzira što sunce nije direktno. U hladu ispod krošnje ili tende zračenje se reflektira sa svih strana te bi trebalo primjeniti gore navedene savjete.
During cloudy weather UV radiation can be high even though it is not direct sunlight. In the shade underneath the treetop or curtain the radiation is reflected on all sides and you should applied the tips above.
Formula = 1 l vode na 25-30 kg mase čovjeka, (npr.osoba od 60 kg mora popiti barem 2 l vode)
Formula = 1 l of water to 25-30 kg of body weight (eg. a person of 60 kg must drink at least 2 l of water).
Granični prijelazi Stalni međunarodni granični pomorski prijelazi Umag, Pula, Rijeka, Mali Lošinj, Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Ploče, Korčula, Dubrovnik, Senj, Maslenica. Granični prijelazi II. kategorije su: Poreč, Rovinj, Raša - Bršica, Metković. Sezonski međunarodni granični pomorski prijelazi: (01.04. do 31.10. svake godine) Novigrad, Sali, Božava, Primošten, Ravni Žakanj, Ubli - (Lastovo), Komiža, Hvar, Vis, Vela Luka, Kanegra, Umag - ACI Marina. Ukoliko u kalendarskoj godini uskrsni blagdani započnu prije 1. travnja, sezonski granični prijelazi otvaraju se za međunarodni promet sedam dana prije početka blagdana.
Ports of entry - border crossings Permanent international ports of entry – border crossings: Umag, Pula, Rijeka, Mali Lošinj, Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Ploče, Korčula, Dubrovnik, Senj, Maslenica. Ports of entry – border crossings of the second category are: Poreč, Rovinj, Raša-Bršica, Metković. Seasonal international ports of entry – border crossings (from April 1, to October 31 each year) are: Novigrad, Sali, Božava, Primošten, Ravni Žakanj, Ubli – (Lastovo), Komiža, Hvar, Vis, Vela Luka, Kanegra, Umag – ACI Marina. If, in the calendar year, Easter holidays start before 1 April, seasonal border crossings are opened for international traffic seven days before the beginning of the holidays. Douglasova ljestvica stanja mora / Douglas scale of sea state Opis
Visina valova (m) / Wave height (m)
mirno (bonaca)
calm (glassy)
mirno (naborano)
calm (rippled)
0 - 0.1
malo valovito
0.1 - 0.5
umjereno valovito
0.5 - 1.25
1.25 - 2.5
jače valovito
2.5 - 4
very rough
vrlo teško
very high
9 - 14
izuzetno teško
> 14
Stupanj stanja mora
/ Degree
VAŽNI TELEFONSKI BROJEVI / IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS 192 193 / 93 94 112 1981 1987 11888 11802 9155
Policija / Police Vatrogasci / Fire department Hitna pomoć / Ambulance Jedinstveni broj za hitne slučajeve / Number for emergencies Opće informacije / General informations Pomoć na cestama / Road assistance Informacije o mjesnim i međugradskim telefonskim brojevima / informations on local and long-distance telephone numbers Informacije o međunarodnim telefonskim brojevima / International telephone directory Nacionalna središnjica za traganje i spašavanje / National rescue co-ordination center
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