OSIGURANJE / INSURANCE INTERADRIA SC PLUS – ozbiljan igrač na tržištu osiguranja plovila / INTERADRIA SC PLUS – a major player in the marine insurance market
5 5
NOVOSTI / NEWS 6 Novo ruho internet stranice / Our website new look 6 POPRATILI SMO / WE HAVE SUPPORTED 8 10. Međunarodni Kastav Blues Festival / 10th International Kastav Blues Festival 8
SAJMOVI / BOAT SHOW REVIEW 10 Kreativnost dizajnera plovila na vrhuncu / Creativity of boat designers is at its peak 10
SESSA NOVITETI / NOVELTIES 15 Sezona puna noviteta / Season full of novelties 15 Explorer 64’ 20
INTERADRIA NOVITETI / NOVELTIES 24 Proizvodnja Key Largo One / Key Largo One production 24
SERVIS I USLUGE / SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 29 Reparacija dotrajalih plovila / Repair of dilapidated boats 29
NAŠ SAVJET / OUR ADVICE 32 Kako odabrati pravo plovilo? / How to choose the right boat? 32
YAMAHA NOVITETI / NOVELTIES 35 Nova generacija Yamaha modela / The new generation of Yamaha model 35
VOLVO NOVITETI / NOVELTIES 39 Benzinski motori nove generacije / The next- generation gasoline engines 39
SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE 45 Crni charter / Illegal charter 45
PRIZNANJE / RECOGNITION 49 Jedan korak dalje- HRB odobrenje o proizvođaču / One step further- CRS Certificate of Approval of the Manufacturer 49
ŽIVOTNI STIL / LIFESTYLE 51 Nautički stil u interijerima / Nautical inspired interiors 51
ZANIMLJIVE DESTINACIJE / INTERESTING DESTINATIONS 52 Vrbnik - ”mjesto nad morem” / Vrbnik - “Place over the Sea” 52 POSJETILI SMO / WE HAVE VISITED 54 Vina Katunar / Katunar Estate Winery 54 PONUDA RABLJENIH PLOVILA / PRE-OWNED CORNER DOBRO JE ZNATI / GOOD TO KNOW Vremenska prognoza / Weather forecast
57 58 58
NAUTIČKE INFORMACIJE / NAUTICAL INFORMATION 60 Svjetionici Kvarnerskog zaljeva / Lighthouses of the Kvarner Bay 60
Dragi prijatelji,
Dear friends,
Nova godina, novi početci, novi uspjesi! Pred nama je nova nautička sezona puna pozitivnih vibracija i zanimljivosti iz svijeta nautike. U ovom broju donosimo pregršt novih tema u kojima vam želimo približiti novitete Sessinih plovila, pokazati zanimljive trenutke s prošlogodišnjih sajmova nautike, te vas iznenaditi novim InterAdria poslovnim poduhvatima.
New year, new beginnings, new successes! A new nautical season is full of positive vibrations and interesting things from the nautical world. In this issue, we bring you a handful of new themes where we want to bring you closer to the novelties of the Sessa boats, show you interesting moments from the last year’s boat shows and surprise you with the new InterAdria business ventures.
Sessa Marine ove godine obilježava 60. godina svoga postojanja čija je povijest savršen primjer gdje poduzetništvo i tehnološki pristup omogućuju tvrtki postizanje izvrsnosti i uspjeh u cjelokupnom poslovanju. Na sajmu u Dusseldorfu Sessa je premijerno predstavila novi redizajn omiljenih modela Key Largo 27, C38, C44 te Fly 42. Ova godina puna je noviteta stoga s ponosom najavljujemo još jedan certifikat Hrvatskog registra brodova; ”Odobrenje proizvođača za proizvodnju brodica” te početak proizvodnje plovila Key Largo One. Opširnije o toj nama vrlo važnoj temi možete pročitati u narednim stranicama magazina. Jednako tako ponosni smo na sve dobivene nagrade i priznanja poput onog HGK povodom 20 godina postojanja te iznimnog doprinosa ravitku Hrvatskog gospodarstva, te se zahvaljujemo svima vama koji vjerujete u nas i koji ste nam dali vjetar u leđa. I naravno kao i do sada nastojat ćemo raditi, truditi se i ploviti.
Sessa Marine marks the 60th anniversary of its existence this year and its history is the perfect example where entrepreneurship and technological approach enable the company to achieve excellence and success in the overall business. At the Dusseldorf Boat Show, Sessa premiered a new redesign of the favorite models of Key Largo 27, C38, C44 and Fly 42. This year is full of news and therefore we are proud to announce another certificate of the Croatian Register of Shipping “Approval of the manufacturer for the production of boats” and the start of the production of Key Largo One. Read more about this very important topic on the following magazine pages. We are equally proud of all the awards and recognitions such as the one from CCE on the occasion of 20 years of existence and for an extraordinary contribution to the Croatian economy, and we thank all of you who believe in us and who have put the wind in our sails.
Uživajte listajući stranice magazina koje slijede!
And of course, as we have done so far, we will work hard, try, and sail.
Klaudio Brnečić direktor | general manager
Enjoy turning the pages that follow!
Punim jedrima Plovite bezbrižno i sigurno uz Allianz osiguranje. Sve informacije o obveznom i kasko osiguranju plovila potražite kod svojeg Allianz zastupnika ili u najbližoj poslovnici Allianza. Info 0800 5000 | www.allianz.hr
Osiguranje plovila i skipera
INTERADRIA SC PLUS – ozbiljan igrač na tržištu osiguranja plovila
INTERADRIA SC PLUS – a major player in the marine insurance market
Interadria SC Plus d.o.o. je ponovno ostvarila najbolje rezultate u tradicionalnoj akciji Allianza pod nazivom „Veliko plavo“ i time još jednom potvrdila svoje vodeće mjesto u domeni pomorskog osiguranja.
Interadria SC Plus has once again achieved outstanding results in the traditional Alllianz campaign “Veliko plavo“ (Big Blue) and thereby confirmed its leading position in the marine insurance domain.
Naš glavni cilj je konkretno odgovoriti na sva pitanja osiguranika i kreirati paket osiguranja koji najbolje odgovara njihovim nautičkim navikama i potrebama.
Our aim is to reply to all of our clients’ questions and to create for them an insurance cover that will best suit their nautical behaviour and specific needs.
Profesionalni pristup i zadovoljni klijenti stvorili su od nas prepoznatljiv brend jedne od vodećih agencija za osiguranje plovila na Jadranu, te smo kao takvi uvršteni i u Azimouthio Yachting Info nautički direktorij za područje Mediterana i Bliskog Istoka.
Professional approach and satisfied clients made our name a synonym for one of the leading insurance agencies on the Adriatic coast. We are proud to be recognized by the Azimouthio Yachting Info as well, and listed in their renowned Mediterranean and Middle East marine directory.
InterAdria SC Plus Danijela Brnelić, zastupnica u osiguranju Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav
tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 gsm. +385 (0)91 215 44 95 e-mail. danijela@interadria.hr
Novo ruho internet stranice Prateći trendove dali smo se u zadatak osmišljavanja izgleda nove internet stranice kao bitnog faktora u predstavljanju tvrtke. Vizualni identitet tvrtke proizlazi upravo iz dobre internet stranice koja govori više od tisuću riječi. Na našoj novoj internet stranici možete pronaći sve o nama, našim novostima, našem poslovanju, zaposlenicima, nagradama, servisu i održavanju vašeg plovila. Ukoliko se odlučite za kupnju novog plovila, izbor je nadasve raznolik, od novih Sessa Marine plovila, do rabljenih plovila testiranih i s garancijom, za svakog ponaosob.
Our website new look Following trends we set out to give our website an all-new design as an important factor in the company’s presentation. The company’s visual identity comes from a good website that speaks more than a thousand words. On our new website you can find everything about us, our news, our business, employees, prizes, service and maintenance of your boat. If you decide to buy a new boat, the choice is overwhelmingly varied, from new Sessa Marine boats to used and tested boats with a guarantee for each and every one. The important thing when purchasing a new boat is the price, so in our BUILD MY SESSA configuration you can get a price calculation in few clicks depending on the type of equipment you want to have on board.
www.interadria.hr Bitna stavka kod kupnje novog plovila je cijena, tako da u našem konfiguratoru BUILD MY SESSA možete u nekoliko klikova doći do izračuna cijene ovisno o tipu opreme kojom želite opremiti plovilo.
In order to avoid having problems with finding our service centres, on our website in section SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE, there are maps that can directly and effortlessly lead you to us.
Kako ne biste imali problema s pronalaženjem naših servisnih centara, na našoj internet stranici pod rubrikom SERVIS I ODRŽAVANJE nalaze se mape koje vas mogu direktno i bez napora dovesti do nas.
We also need to mention our insurance section that offers a wide range of products that you can see on our site.
Moramo napomenuti i našu sekciju osiguranja koje nudi široki spektar proizvoda koji možete pogledati na našoj stranici.
10. MEĐUNARODNI 10th INTERNATIONAL KASTAV BLUES FESTIVAL KASTAV BLUES FESTIVAL Kastav Blues Festival memorijalni je festival čija se centralna večer održava u jedinstvenoj atmosferi stare gradske jezgre u Kastvu. Nastao je kao uspomena na vrsnog bluesera iz Philadelphije, Jerrya Ricksa, koji je neko vrijeme živio u Kastvu gdje je i pokopan, a bio je poznat po svojem kozmopolitskom svjetonazoru i jedinstvenom pristupu glazbi. Četiri atraktivne lokacije (u Kostreni, Matuljima, Kastvu i Viškovu), od 3. do 7. kolovoza 2017. ugostile su priznate domaće i internacionalne blues izvođače iz SAD-a, Velike Britanije, Italije, Austrije i Makedonije te publici priuštile nezaboravan glazbeni doživljaj. Bogat petodnevni program jubilarnog, 10. izdanja Kastav Blues Festivala, u organizaciji Turističke zajednice grada Kastva u suradnji s umjetničkim ravnateljem Damirom Halilićem Halom i suorganizatorima – Turističkom zajednicom općine Viškovo, Općinom Matulji i Turističkom zajednicom općine Kostrena ponudio je pregršt zanimljivih zbivanja. Ovogodišnji Festival se sastojao od četiri vrhunske koncertne večeri, glazbene radionice/Blues Workshop-a, umjetničke izložbe te projekcije dvaju filmova – ‘’Goin’ Down South’’ i ‘’Črni Kastavac’’. Izvođačke atrakcije koje su nastupile na proteklom Festivalu ostvarile su fantastičnu interakciju s publikom: Big Steam
The Kastav Blues Festival is a memorial festival whose central evening is held in the unique atmosphere of the historic centre of Kastav. The festival was established in honour of a great blues musician from Philadelphia, Jerry Ricks, who lived for some time in Kastav where he was buried and was known for his cosmopolitan worldview and a unique approach to music. Four attractive locations (in Kostrena, Matulji, Kastav and Viškovo) hosted from 3 to 7 August 2017 renowned domestic and international blues performers from the United States, Great Britain, Italy, Austria and Macedonia and treated the audience to an unforgettable music experience. The rich fiveday program of the 10th anniversary edition of the Kastav Blues Festival, organized by the Kastav Tourist Board in cooperation with the art director Damir Halilić Hal and the coorganizers – the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Viškovo, the Municipality of Matulji and the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Kostrena, offered a handful of interesting events. This year’s Festival consisted of four top concert evenings, a music workshop / Blues Workshop, art exhibition and screenings of two films – “Goin’ Down South” and “Črni Kastavac”. The most memorable performers from the previous festival
(GB), Mike Sponza (I), Michael Roach & Duck Baker (USA), Angela Brown (USA), Luciano Cianci & Band (HR/A), Zdenka Kovačiček & Greenhouse Blues Band (HR), Sunnysiders (HR), Crossroad Blues Band (HR), Soulfingers (HR). U sklopu izložbenog programa posjetitelji su mogli pogledati izložbu „The Blues“ umjetnika Božidara Milinovića – Mr. Jazza. Ove godine po prvi puta održala se i premijerna projekcija filma. ‘’Črni Kastavac’’, dokumentarni film Igora Modrića, prvi je uvid ovakve vrste u život nomada, kozmopolita, i vrhunskog bluesera Jerrya Ricksa te posljednje razdoblje njegova života koje je proveo u Kastvu. U ovoj filmskoj prezentaciji o umjetnosti koja ne poznaje granice sudjeluju žitelji Kastva koji su poznavali Jerrya, njegovi brojni prijatelji, poznanici, kolege i poznati glazbenici koji zbog njega i danas posjećuju Kastav. Posebni gosti koji su prisustvovali projekciji bili su Jerryevi kolege i prijatelji – Michael Roach i Duck Baker. Oni su se nakon filma prisjetili Jerrya te kroz razgovor i zasvirali i tako još jednom odali počast ‘’Črnom Kastavcu’’. Ulaz na sva programska događanja i ove godine je bio slobodan, a organizatori se nadaju kako će jedanaesti Kastav Blues Festival, nakon što je proslavio svoj prvi jubilej, i iduće godine okupiti brojne posjetitelje iz svih krajeva svijeta koji će uživati u kvalitetnim blues izvedbama, opuštenoj atmosferi, druženju i zanimljivom umjetničkom programu. Pridružite nam se 2018. godine, od 3. do 4. 8., u jedinstvenom blues događaju sezone! www.kastavbluesfest.com
had a fantastic interaction with the audience: Big Steam (GB), Mike Sponza (I), Michael Roach & Duck Baker (USA), Angela Brown (USA), Luciano Cianci & Band (Croatia/A), Zdenka Kovačiček & Greenhouse Blues Band (Croatia), Sunnysiders (Croatia), Crossroad Blues Band (Croatia), Soulfingers (Croatia). As a part of the exhibition program, visitors could see the exhibition “The Blues” by Božidar Milinović - Mr. Jazz. This year, for the first time, the premier screening of the film was held. “Črni Kastavac”, the documentary of Igor Modrić, was the first insight of this kind into the life of the nomad, cosmopolitan and top blues musician Jerry Ricks and the last period of his life he spent in Kastav. In this cinematic presentation about art not knowing the borders, the inhabitants of Kastav who knew Jerry, his numerous friends, acquaintances, colleagues and famous musicians who are still visiting Kastav today, are also present. The special guests who attended the projection were Jerry’s colleagues and friends - Michael Roach and Duck Baker. After the film, they recalled Jerry and, through the conversation they began to play and once again paid homage to “Črni Kastavac”. Entry to all of the Festival events was free again, and the organizers hope that the eleventh Kastav Blues Festival to be held next year, once it has celebrated its 10th anniversary, will attract many visitors from all over the world who will enjoy quality blues performances, relaxed atmosphere, socializing and an interesting art program. Join us in 2018, from 3rd to 4th August, in a unique blues event of the season!
Kreativnost dizajnera plovila na vrhuncu!
Creativity of boat designers is at its peak!
I ove sezone predstavljamo vam za nas najznačajnije europske sajmove nautike na kojima predstavljamo razne novitete. Europski sajmovi nautike jedni su od najljepših i najluksuznijih sajmova te mjesto susreta nautičara iz cijeloga svijeta.
And this season again we present you the most important European boat shows. The European boat shows are among the most beautiful and the most prestigious shows and the place to meet yachtsmen from all over the world.
Vodeći sajam sa ukupno 17 hala i 250 000 posjetitelja je zasigurno Düsseldorf boot na kojem je tvrtka Sessa Marine International predstavila svoja dva atraktivna modela u yacht i flybridge segmentu; C44 i Fly 42. Düsseldorf boot sajam je koji izlaže novitete u svijetu nautike za nadolazeću sezonu stoga ga je uvijek zabavno posjetiti. Slijedi ga najveći hrvatski nautički sajam Zagreb Boat Show, nama izrazito drag sajam na kojem nas redovito čeka mjesto
The largest show with a total of 17 halls and 250,000 visitors is certainly the Düsseldorf boot where Sessa Marine has presented its two attractive models in the yacht and flybridge segment, C 44 and Fly 42. The Düsseldorf boot is exhibiting novelties in the boating world for the upcoming season so it is always fun to visit it. It is followed by the largest Croatian boat show the Zagreb
zagreb 10
za izlaganje. Topliji proljetni dani rezervirani su za Portorož i Internautiku gdje smo slovensku publiku kao i sve ostale posjetitelje pokušali zadiviti zanimljivom prezentacijom naše Key Largo linije. Jedan od najluksuznijih sajmova u Europi je zasigurno Cannes Yachting Festival koji je prošle godine obilježio svoju 40. obljetnicu postojanja, te je tako svojom tematikom bio još sadržajniji i spektakularniji. Na Sessa Marine International štandu mogli ste vidjeti izložene modele : C68, C44, C42, C35 te Key Largo 34.
Boat Show. This is the show we enjoy very much and there is always a place waiting for us to exhibit. Warm spring days are reserved for Portorož and Internautika, where the Slovenian audience and all other visitors have been impressed by the interesting presentation of our Key Largo line. One of the most prestigious shows in Europe is certainly the Cannes Yachting Festival which last year marked its 40th anniversary, and was so much more entertaining and spectacular as it was. At the Sessa Marine International stand you could see the exhibited models: C68, C44, C42, C35 and Key Largo 34.
Iz luksuznog Cannesa selimo se na Rijeka Nautic Show; sajam na kojem izlažemo s posebnim žarom pred domaćom publikom. Predstavili smo paletu Sessa Marine plovila; Key Largo One, Key Largo 34, C38 te C44. Osim prekrasnog vremena možemo se pohvaliti i diplomom za brodicu Key Largo One koja nam je dodijeljena od strane Rijeka Nautic Showa. Jesen je rezervirana za događaje i novitete najpoznatijega nautičkog sajma na mediteranu Genoa International Boat Show; sajma koji zauzima drugo mjesto po veličini u Europi sa svojih 100 000 četvornih metara morske površine i 200 000 četvornih metara kopnene površine i paviljona. Na svom terenu Sessa Marine Interantional predstavila je redizajn Key Largo 30 FB modela koji je plijenio poglede svojom novom atraktivnom metaliziranom “Air Blue” bojom i motorima u istom tonu. Slijedi Biograd Boat Show, sajam koji je domaća publika prepoznala kao vrlo interesantan a ujedno i predstavlja kraj hrvatske nautičke sezone. Sajam je to koji se iz godine u godinu sve više širi povećavajući svoj izložbeni prostor kako na kopnu tako i u moru. U Biogradu InterAdria se predstavila svojim atraktivnim Key largo One plovilima koja su svojim atraktivnim bojama privlačili pozornost posjetitelja. Popratite nas na našoj www.interadria.hr stranici, te facebook i instagram profilu gdje možete pronaći sve informacije i najave događanja iz ove uzbudljive sezone. Pridružite nam se!
From the luxurious Cannes we head to the Rijeka Nautic Show where we are exhibiting with a special fervour in front of the local audience. We have presented a range of Sessa Marine boats: Key Largo One, Key Largo 34, C38 and C44. In addition to the beautiful weather, we can also take pride in diploma for the Key Largo One boat awarded to us by the Rijeka Nautic Show. Autumn is reserved for events and novelties of the most famous boat show in the Mediterranean, Genoa International Boat Show, the second-largest European show with its 100,000 square meters of water basin surface and 200,000 square meters of outdoor areas and pavilions. Sessa Marine International introduced the redesign of the Key Largo 30 FB model which attracted the visitors with its new attractive metallised “Air Blue” paint and the engines in the same colour. Biograd Boat Show is the show that the domestic audience has recognized as a very interesting one, and at the same time it represents the end of the Croatian nautical season. This is the show that continues to grow year after year by expanding its exhibition space both on land and in the sea. In Biograd, InterAdria presented its attractive Key Largo One boats that attracted the visitor’s attention with their attractive colours. Follow us at our www.interadria.hr site, and also on Facebook and Instagram profile where you can find all the information and announcements of events from this exciting season. Join us!
SEZONA PUNA NOVITETA SEASON FULL OF NOVELTIES 2018. godina puna je noviteta. Sessa Marine obilježava 60 godina svoga postojanja. Tim povodom brodogradilište će premijerno prikazati 6 novih modela koji će impresionirati dizajnom, praktičnošću i brzinom. Sessa je na Düsseldorf boot-u u suradnji sa Centrostiledesignom u Imoli (Bologna) predstavila redizajn svoja dva najprodavanija modela proteklih godina: C44 i C38 koji se u potpunosti ističu svojim raskošnim interijerom i eksterijerom.
2018 is full of novelties. Sessa Marine marks 60 years of its existence. On this occasion, the shipyard will premiere 6 new models that will impress with design, convenience and speed. At the Düsseldorf boot Sessa presented in collaboration with Centrostiledesign in Imola (Bologna) the redesign of its two best-selling models in the past years: the C44 and the C38, which fully stand out for their luxurious interiors and exteriors.
Fly 21 Gullwing
Fly 21 Gullwing
Fly 21 Gullwing
Dizajn ovog novog fly-a, realiziranog u suradnji sa Centrostiledesignom predstavlja sinergijsku fuziju eksperimentiranja u stilu vanjskog i unutarnjeg dizajna, koja u konačnici zauzima oblik sportskih linija plovila od 21 metar. Stakleni prozori na bočnim stranama, kada se otvore podsjećaju na krila galeba u letu. Njihov praktičan i inovativan sustav otvaranja povećava svjetlinu prostora i prozračnost glavne palube. Prirodna svjetlost zajamčena je prozorima veličine preko 40 m² koji ne samo da dopuštaju veću interakciju s vanjskim prostorom, nego povećavaju i eleganciju unutarnjeg prostora uz privlačnost novih trendova luksuznog života.
The design of this new fly, realized in collaboration with Centrostiledesign, is a synergy fusion of exterior and interior design experimentation, which ultimately takes shape as a 21 meter sporty line. Glass windows on the sides when open resemble wings of a seagull flying. Their practical and innovative opening system increases the brightness of space and the airiness of the main deck. Natural light is guaranteed by the windows over 40 m², which not only allow for greater interaction with the outside space, but also enhance the elegance of the interior with the appeal of new trends in luxury living.
C 44 16
C44 opremljen je novom tehnologijom Volvo Penta IPS motora. Izlazi u dvije verzije: jedna s kokpitom i garažom te druga verzija s dvostrukim kokpitom bez garaže, a obje verzije imaju hidrauličnu platformu. Zahvaljujući novim trendovima i elegantno dizajniranim novim bočnim prozorima oba modela mogu se pohvaliti sportskim izgledom i elegancijom. Veličina prozora daje posebnu svijetlost u kabinama, kupaonama i salonu. Stakleni električni krov na “hard top” -u daje dodatnu svjetlost i prozračnost kokpitu. Redizajn uključuje i nove boje trupa, a kupci također mogu birati između 18 različitih vrsta materijala kako vanjskih tako i unutarnjih. Materijali poput kože ili tkanine mogu se također kombinirati sa kupaonskim dekorom.
The C44 is equipped with the new Volvo Penta IPS engine technology. It comes in two versions: one with a cockpit and a garage, and another version with a double cockpit without a garage, and both versions have a hydraulic platform. Thanks to new trends and elegantly designed new side windows, both models can boast sporty looks and elegance. The size of the windows gives a special light in cabins, bathrooms and salon. The “hard top” electric roof gives added light and provides for an airy cockpit. The redesign also includes new hull colours, and buyers can choose between 18 different types of materials both inside and outside. The materials such as leather or fabric can also be combined with a bathroom decoration.
C38 koji je već osvojio titulu pobjednika za “plovilo godine” u Engleskoj 2010. godine, ikona je stila i udobnosti, a pokreću ga dva Volvo Penta Sterndrive dual prop motora. Uz svoj novi elegantan stil i inovativan dizajn, ovaj model obećava da će biti novi bestseller!
The C38, which has already won the title of the winner of the “Yacht of the Year” in England in 2010, is the icon of style and comfort, and is powered by two Volvo Penta Sterndrive dual propulsion engines. With its new elegant style and innovative design this model promises to be a new bestseller!
U novom C38 modelu možemo pronaći sve posebnosti 68ice. Svjetlost koja prolazi kroz velike prozore stvara osjećaj sjedinjenja s morem. Ispod palube je optimiziran prostor kojeg čine dvije dvokrevetne kabine sa kupaonicom impresivnih dimenzija za svoju kategoriju. Dvije kuhinje-jedna u salonu a druga u kokpitu, prostor za sunčanje i ručavanje omogućuju vam da se osjećate kao kod kuće.
In the new C38 model, we can find all 68 features. The light that passes through large windows creates a feeling of unification with the sea. Below the deck is an optimized space consisting of two double cabins with a bathroom of impressive dimensions for their category. Two kitchens - one in the salon and the other in the cockpit, the sunbathing area and the dining area - make you feel at home.
C 38 17
Key Largo 34 FB
Key Largo 34 FB
Nova linija Key Larga 34 FB bit će prikazana 2018.g. na Yachting Festivalu u Cannesu. Nova linija ističe se metaliziranom “Air Blue” bojom trupa i novim dizajnom jastuka. U suradnji sa Mercury-em Sessa će predstaviti i nove motore u istoj boji, a od dodatne opreme ističe se novi el. paket koji uključuje joystick, skyhook, autopilot, el. vitlo sa sidrom i lancem te samopodesivim flapovima.
The new line of Key Largo 34 FB will be displayed in 2018 at the Yachting Festival in Cannes. The new line is highlighted by metallic “Air Blue” hull colour and newly designed pillows. In conjunction with Mercury, Sessa will also introduce new engines of the same colour, and from the optional equipment a new electric package, including joystick, skyhook, autopilot, el. winch with anchor and chain and self-adjusting flaps.
Key Largo 30
Key Largo 30
Verzija Key Largo 30 FB predstavljena je u Genovi na Mercury štandu. Plovilo je zasjalo punim sjajem u svojoj novoj metaliziranoj “Air Blue” boji trupa i motora, joystickom, skyhook-om, autopilotom, el. vitlom sa sidrom i lancem te samopodesivim flapovima.
The Key Largo 30 FB version was presented at Genoa at the Mercury stand. The boat shone in all its splendour with its new metallized “Air Blue” hull and engine, joystick, skyhook, autopilot, el. winch with anchor and chain and self-adjusting flaps.
Key Largo 27
Key Largo 27
Novi Key Largo 27 dolazi sa vanjskim ili unutarnjim motorom, a na Genoa Boat Showu u jesen 2017. izložen je u Sterndrive verziji. Glavni aduti ovog modela su oštre i moderne linije, trupa, novi bočni prozori koji daju više svjetlosti unutar kabine, a vlasniku osjećaj intimnije blizine s morem. Vanjski dio karakterizira novo vjetrobransko staklo, metalizirana “Air Blue” boja trupa kao i novi dizajn jastuka.
The new Key Largo 27 comes with an outboard or inboard engine, and was featured at the Genoa Boat Show in the fall of 2017 in the Sterndrive version. The greatest assets of this model are sharp and modern lines of the hull, new side windows that give more light inside the cabin and the owner feels more intimately close to the sea. The exterior is characterized by a new windshield, metalized “Air Blue” hull colour and newly designed pillows.
Key Largo 27 18
Počevši od davne 1958. godine pa sve do danas Sessa Marine oduševljava novim dizajnerskim poduhvatima s dobro znanim utjecajem prepoznatljivog talijanskog dizajna. U borbi protiv konvencijonalnog, Cetrostildesign predstavio je još jedno plovilo - Sessa Marine Explorer 64!
From long-past 1958 and ever until present, Sessa Marine has been renowned for new fascinating designs characterized by well-known influences of recognizable Italian design. Seeking to be anything but conventional, Centrostiledesign introduced yet another boat - Sessa Marine Explorer 64!
Posebno zanimljiv dizajn pramca kombinacija je ljepote i funkcionalnosti, predstavljajući liniju koja lomi energiju valova poput oštrice i time pruža besprijekornu plovidbu. Spoj modernih, prepozantljivih linija i ekonomične plovidbe je krajnji cilj svih dizajnera.
Particularly interesting bow design is a combination of beauty and functionality, representing a line that breaks the energy of waves like a blade and thus provides impeccable navigation. A combination of modern, recognizable lines and economic navigation is the ultimate goal of all designers.
Sa spremnikom goriva kapaciteta 4500 litara, Explorer 64 idealan je za duge i neiscrpne plovidbe. Staklena krmena vrata i mogućnost podizanja platforme pojednostavljuju ukrcaj tendera u uvjetima lošeg vremena, što je velika prednost.
With a fuel tank capacity of 4,500 litres, Explorer 64 is ideal for long and inexhaustible cruises. The glass stern door and the ability to lift the platform simplify the loading of the tender in times of bad weather, which is a great advantage.
Pogledamo li eksterijer, vidimo da sadrži dva atraktivna sunčališta, sa sveukupnom površinom od 80 m2. Sunčalište na mostu opremljeno je ležaljkama za sunčanje, spravama za vježbanje, barom i prostorom za ručavanje. Krovna konstrukcija štiti jedan dio sunčališta tako da nesmetano možete uživati u svojim aktivnostima. Za posadu je također rezerviran dio fly-a gdje imaju kompletan pogled za što bolju upravljačku aktivnost.
Looking at the exterior, we see it has two attractive sun decks, with a total area of 80 m2. Sun deck on the bridge is equipped with sun loungers, exercise equipment, a bar and a dining area. The roof structure protects part of the sun deck area so you can freely enjoy your activities. The part of the sun deck on the fly bridge is also reserved for the crew where they have a complete view for better navigation control.
Interijer plovila je moderan, prostran, elegantan. Velika iskoristivnost prirodne svjetlosti, upravo radi prostranosti
The interior of the boat is modern, spacious and elegant. The great use of natural light, just because of the spaciousness
salona koji ima 40m2 i otvorene galerije koja pruža zadivljujući pogled, dozvoljava da se interijer uredi po vlastitim željama i predispozicijama.
of the 40m2 salon and the open gallery that gives a stunning view, allows for the interior to be arranged according to your own wishes and expectations.
Spuštanjem u donji dio podpalublja nalazi se glavna kabina s vrlo prostranim prostorom koji prima maksimalnu svjetlost i upravo radi toga ima jedan od najboljih pogleda. Svaka kabina ima svoju praktičnu i stilski uređenu kupaonicu. U predjelu kuhinje nalazi se inovativni držač za vinske boce koji izazva oduševljenje kod svakog zaljubljenika u vina.
Below deck there is the main very spacious cabin that receives maximum light and precisely for this reason has one of the best views. Each cabin has its own practical and stylish bathroom. In the kitchen area there is an innovative wine bottle holder and every wine lover will be thrilled with it.
Explorer 64 će omogućiti svojim vlasnicima nezaboravno iskustvo plovidbe morima s jedinstvenim stilom.
The Explorer 64 will give its owners an unforgettable cruise experience with a unique style.
TEHNIČKE SPECIFIKACIJE / Technical specifications
19.50 m
EC Duljina certifikacije / EC Certifying length
19.30 m
5.75 m
2 x IPS 800
Maks. Brzina / Max. Speed
26 Kn
Putna brzina / Cruising speed
21 Kn
Pogonski sustav / IPS Drive System
Ležajevi / Berths
broj osoba / Persons capacity no.
4500 l
1000 l
Kategorija gradnje / design category
Sessa Marine - pionir u IPS tehnologiji Sessa Marine je jedan od prvih partnera Volvo Pente koji je usvojio revolucionarnu IPS tehnologiju. Zahvaljujući desetogodišnjem iskustvu i proizvodnji velikog broja modela od 42 do 68 stopa, posebno dizajniranih za IPS motore, Sessa Marine postaje jedno od najiskusnijih brodogradilišta u ovoj tehnologiji, nudeći na tržištu najkvalitetnije performanse i udobnu navigaciju. Besprijekorna upravljivost, izvanredna navigacijska udobnost i smanjenje emisije CO2 samo su neke od prednosti ovog novog inovativnog pogona.
Sessa Marine – a pioneer in IPS technology Sessa Marine is one of the first partners of Volvo Penta who has adopted the revolutionary IPS technology. Thanks to10 years of experience and the production of numerous models of 42 to 68 feet, specifically designed for IPS engines, Sessa Marine has become one of the most experienced shipbuilders in this technology, offering the best performance and comfortable navigation on the market. Impeccable manoeuvrability, outstanding navigation comfort and CO2 emission reduction are just some of the benefits of this new and innovative propulsion.
Ova predivna priča počinje partnerstvom između nekadašnje Sessa Marine tvornice i InterAdrie SC, davne 2004. godine. Od tada traje divno partnerstvo koje je evoluiralo u prijateljstvo te kao najveći dokaz povjerenja je upravo ovaj sklopljen posao o produkciji i prodaji Key Largo One plovila.
This wonderful story begins with a partnership between the former Sessa Marine factory and InterAdria SC, back in 2004. Since then, there has been a wonderful partnership that has evolved into friendship, and as the greatest proof of trust is the resulting business of producing and selling Key Largo One boats.
Nakon dogovora sa Sessa Marine International, zadobili smo sve potrebne certifikate i potvrde tj. odobrenje i mogućnost početka proizvodnje Key Larga One plovila iz naše radione, te dopuštenje distribucije Key Largo One modela za svjetsko tržište!
After the agreement with Sessa Marine International, we received all the necessary certifications and confirmations, i.e. the approval and the opportunity to start the production of Key Largo One boats in our workshop and to distribute the Key Largo One on the world market!
Diploma s Riječkog sajma nautike 2017. za brodicu Key Largo One. Diploma from Rijeka Boat Show 2017 for the Key Largo One boat.
Sve to zapečatila nam je posjeta Hrvatskog registra brodova, koji su nam potvrdili da je InterAdria kao proizvođač, u skladu s Pravilima za klasifikaciju brodova, te dodjelili Potvrdu o odobrenju proizvođača. KEY LARGO ONE – ČISTA EMOCIJA Key Largo One, samo jedan od modela iz Key Largo linije a tako drugačiji! Moderno plovilo oštrih linija i moćnog trupa te konzola inspirirana dizajnom automobila, predstavlja kompaktno i prije svega praktično plovilo koje je idealno za vikend vožnje s obitelji i prijateljima. Nastao je iz želje Sessa Marine tvornice da osmisli proizvod savršenih detalja koji može kvalitetom i cijenom privući mlađe
All of this was sealed off by the visit of the Croatian Registry of Shipping which confirmed that InterAdria as a manufacturer complied with the Ship Classification Rules and granted a Certificate of Approval to the Manufacturer. KEY LARGO ONE - PURE EMOTION Key Largo One, just one among the models in the Key Largo line, and so different! A modern boat of sharp lines and a powerful hull, and a console inspired by the design of a car, is a compact and, above all, a practical boat that is ideal for a weekend trip with family and friends. It was developed as a result of the desire of the Sessa Marine
nautičare željnih avantura. Vitka linija, trodimenzijalno rezan trup u atraktivnim bojama, kompaktna konzola, fleksibilno upravljačko sjedište, te mogućnost ugradnje motora od 40 do 115 KS čine Key Largo One savršeno praktičnim plovilom. Key Largo dizajn je uvijek odskakao po svojoj različitosti. Kako bi i sam dizajner Key Largo-a rekao: “Uvijek začetnici dizajnerskih stilova, nikad sljedbenici!” Prošle godine imali smo čast testirati Key Largo One s motorom Yamaha F 100 KS, te dobili zadivljujuće rezultate. Poletnost ovog malog plovila je nevjerojatna, s maksimalnom brzinom od 35 kt, te prihvatljivom potrošnjom goriva. Posebna nam je čast proizvoditi plovila Sessa Marine jer tako znamo da našim klijentima pružamo vrhunske proizvode. Posebna požrtvovnost našeg stručnog tima, veliki trud i rad uložen u svako od plovila, daju posebnu čar cijeloj priči. Ipak će svako plovilo proći kroz nekoliko desetaka ruku našeg tima koji će pažljivo oblikovati komad po komad i kasnije ga stopiti u jedinstvenu cjelinu.
factory to create a product characterized by perfect details that can attract adventure seeking young boaters looking also for quality and good price. The slim line, the three-dimensional cut-out body in attractive colours, a compact console, a flexible control seat, and a 40 to 115 hp engine mount feature make the Key Largo One perfectly practical. Key Largo’s design has always stood out for its quality of being different. As the Key Largo designer would say himself, “Always the creators of styles in designing, never the followers!” Last year we had the honour of testing the Key Largo One with the Yamaha F 100 hp engine and got amazing results. The liveliness of this small boat is incredible, with a maximum speed of 35 kn, and an acceptable fuel consumption. We are especially honoured to produce Sessa Marine boats, because we know that we provide top quality products to our customers. The special dedication of our expert team, the great effort and work invested in each boat, give a special charm to the whole story. After all, each boat will pass through a few dozen hands of our team who will carefully shape piece by piece and later put them together to create an integrated whole.
5.75 m
Homologacijska dužina / EC Certifying lengt
5.65 m
Širina / Beam
2.35 m
Motor / Engine
max 115 hp
Težina bez motora / weight without engine
800 kg
Broj osoba / Persons capacity NO.
190 l
45 l
Kategorija gradnje / DESIGN category
Reparacija dotrajalih plovila
Repair of dilapidated boats
Mnogi se odlučuju za popravke vlastitih plovila čak i ako su ti popravci puno puta neisplativi. Poput old timera i plovila jednako tako mogu zasjati u nekadašnjem sjaju. Što učiniti kada vaše plovilo dobije patinu te izgubi sjaj?
Many people decide to repair their own boats even if these repairs are significantly unprofitable. Like old timers, the boats can also be restored to their former glory. What to do when your boat develops a patina and has lost its lustre?
InterAdria nudi mogućnost reparacije dotrajalih plovila. Prije svakog upuštanja u popravke potrebno je detaljno pregledati plovilo i utvrditi sva pa i ona prikrivena oštećenja.
InterAdria offers the possibility of repairing dilapidated boats. Before any works have been undertaken, it is necessary to inspect the boat in detail and to determine all and any concealed damage.
Reparacija se sastoji od nekoliko faza. Plovilo je potrebno kompletno rastaviti i sanirati dotrajale dijelove oštećenja brušenjem te odstranjivanjem oštećenih dijelova ukoliko je to potrebno. Sljedeća faza je laminiranje plovila poliesterskim kompozitima nakon čega slijedi završna obrada i nanošenje top coat-a. Nakon cjelokupne obrade trupa plovila slijedi uljepšavanje tj. poliranje plovila kako bi ono zasjalo u obnovljenom i originalnom ruhu. U našem servisnom centru u Kastvu možete pronaći Sessa Marine Playa iz 1980. godine na kojoj se trenutno izvodi kompletna reparacija trupa plovila. Sessa Playa plovilo je dužine 4,10 m te odgovara otvorenom tipu glisera. Nekada vrlo atraktivno plovilo praktično je za kraće plovidbe i izlete.
The repair consists of several stages. The boat needs to be completely dismantled and damaged or dilapidated parts repaired by grinding or removing them if necessary. The next stage is laminating the boat with polyester composites, followed by finishing stages and application of top coat. Following the overall processing of the hull of the boat, the boat is beautified i.e. polished in order to restore it to its renewed original attire. At our service centre in Kastav, you can find Sessa Marine Playa from 1980 which is currently undergoing the complete hull repair. Sessa Playa’s length is 4.10 m and matches the type of an open speedboat. Sometimes a very attractive boat is convenient for shorter cruises and excursions.
Uz pomoć moderne tehnologije i stručnog osoblja u stanju smo zadovoljiti i vaše najzahtjevnije želje
With the help of modern technology and professional staff we are able to meet your most demanding wishes
• Popravci plovila
• Boat repairs
• Popravci Gelcoat-a - površinska oštećenja trupa i palube,
• Gelcoat repairs - surface damages of hulls and decks,
• Popravci staklo-plastičnog laminata – po boji trupa i palube,
• Repairs of glass-plastic laminates - by colour of hulls and decks,
• Bojanje i lakiranje podvodnog i nadvodnog dijela trupa plovila
• Painting and varnishing of the hull’s submerged section and the section above the water level
4.10 m
1.83 m
Osobe / persons
Težina / weight
190 kg
Tvrtka Multimar, osnovana 1998. godine, izrađuje inox opremu za plovila i dugogodišnji je partner InterAdrie SC d.o.o. Za vaše plovilo Multimar će osmisliti i izraditi inox konstrukciju za tende, stepenice, ograde, spremnike za gorivo ili vodu, vodilice za sidro, nosače za antene, radare, vanbrodske motore. Ukoliko želite nadograditi plovilo sa krmenom platformom, prilagoditi ogradu vašim potrebama ili vam trebaju nosači za passarellu prilagođeni vašem plovilu – obratite se s povjerenjem.
Već 20 godina tvrtka ugrađuje svoje inox proizvode na različite tipove plovila velikih svjetskih proizvođača te hrvatskih brodograditelja.
Konstrukcije za tende Stepenice Ograde Spremnici Vodilice za sidra Nosači za passarelle, jet-ski ili pomoćno plovilo Bitve Razna inox oprema
Constructions for covers Stairs Fences Tanks Anchor guides Supports for gangways, jet-ski or tender boats Bitt bollard Various stainless steel equipment
naš savjet / OUR ADVICE
Kako odabrati pravo plovilo?
How to choose the right boat?
Dolaskom toplijih, sunčanih dana počinjete razmišljati o ljetu, moru i odmoru. No, dolazite do problema kada se suočite sa stvarnošću i shvatite da nemate plovilo na kojem bi ostvarili te lijepe ljetne trenutke.
With the arrival of warmer, sunny days, you start to think about summer, sea and vacation. But you come across a problem when you face reality and realize that you do not have a boat to enjoy these beautiful summer moments.
Ne brinite, pomoću našeg stručnog tima te našeg sales managera Kristiana Brnečića, brzo ćete pronaći vaše idealno plovilo. On će vam predložiti, kao osoba sa širokim spektrom znanja o plovilima, koji je vaš najbolji izbor. Svi želimo imati plovilo koje je kao stvoreno u našoj mašti, ali u većini slučajeva postoje neki aspekti koji nas odvuku od pravih smjernica kod kupnje plovila, a tu ćemo vam mi svakako pomoći.
Do not worry, with our expert team and our sales manager Kristian Brnečić, you will find your ideal boat fast. He will suggest you, as a person with a wide spectrum of knowledge about boats, which is your best choice. We all want to have a boat that is created in our imagination, but in most cases there are some aspects that take us from the right directions when buying a boat, and here we will help you.
Kod kupnje plovila bitno je birati plovilo koje odgovara vašem načinu života, te ponajviše onome što volite vi i vaši najdra-
When buying a boat it is important to choose a boat that matches your lifestyle and most of all that suits whatever
ži suputnici. Definitivno treba obratiti pažnju kod toga kakav bi tip plovila zadovoljio sve želje koje imate kao preduvijet kupnji.
you and your favourite passengers love. Definitely, the first and most important consideration before any purchase is to know what type of boat would meet all your needs.
Da li tražite sportske linije plovila s jačim motorima koje su podizači adrenalina, ili ste ipak tip za laganu vožnju i komfornije plovilo kojim bi uživali u prirodnim ljepotama. Volite li loviti ribe i aktivno roniti ili ljenčariti na suncu i roštiljati? Sve ove opcije su zanimljive na svoj način, idući korak je na vama da dobro rezimirate sve bitne smjernice i donesete najbolju konačnu odluku.
Whether you are looking for a sporty line of boats with more powerful adrenaline engines, or you are the type for a light ride and a more comfortable boat to enjoy the natural beauty. Do you love fishing and active diving or leisurely sunbathing and barbecuing? All these options are interesting in their own way, but the next step is for you to sum up all the important guidelines and make the best final decision.
Nadamo se da ćete u nadolazećoj sezoni uživati na svom plovilu iz snova!
We hope you will enjoy your dream boat in the upcoming season! KRISTIAN BRNEČIĆ Sales Manager GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 86 e-mail: kristian@interadria.hr www.interadria.hr
InterAdria SC članske iskaznice za vlasnike Sessa Marine plovila InterAdria SC Members Cards for Sessa Marine boat owners Prilikom kupnje nekog od modela Sessa Marine plovila, klijent automatski dobiva InterAdria SC člansku iskaznicu kojom ostvaruje brojne pogodnosti A client who buys Sessa Marine boat, immediately becomes the owner of InterAdria SC members card and gets many benefits: • besplatnu inicijalnu obuku / initial training for free • besplatnu asistenciju prilikom registracije plovila / free assistance through the process of boat registration • rezervaciju veza u ACI marini Opatija u Ičićima / berth reservation in ACI Marina Opatija, Ičići • dostupnost 24/7 u slučaju potrebe za hitnom intervencijom / 24/7 availability in case of emergency • preventivni pregled plovila prije sezone / inspection of a boat at the beginning of the season • profesionalna briga o plovilu / professional care of a boat • prednost smještaja plovila tijekom zime / precedence in winter accommodation • besplatan ulaz na nautičke sajmove na kojima InterAdria SC sudjeluje u svojstvu izlagača / free entrance to the boat shows where InterAdria SC participates as an exhibitor • ekstra pogodnosti prilikom ugovaranja police osiguranja u InterAdria SC Plus / extra benefits if arranging the insurance policy in InterAdria SC Plus
Info: InterAdria SC Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 704 178 e-mail. interadria@interadria.hr www.interadria.hr 34
yamaha noviteti / NOVELTIES
YAMAHA F80D Nova generacija Yamaha modela! Još više snage! Još bolje ubrzanje!
The new generation of Yamaha model! Now even more powerful! Yet faster acceleration!
Uglađeniji, kompaktniji, lakši i ekonomičniji 4 taktni vanbrodski motor. Yamaha je tako najnoviju generaciju modela F80 učinila bržom i snažnijom.
Refined, more compact, lighter and more economical 4stroke outboard. Yamaha thus made the latest generation of F80 model faster and more powerful.
Model srednje veličine i iznimnih performansi izrazito poželjan za vodene sportove, ribolov i rekreacijske aktivnosti, sada ima još više snage i još snažnije ubrzanje. Zahvaljujući novoj konstrukciji ispušnog sustava i gumenih nosača motora, dodanom prigušenju usisa, novom sustavu montaže motora velikog raspona, te povećanoj čvrstoći jedinice, model F80 uz bolje performanse ima i iznimno nisku razinu buke i vibracije pa je uglađeniji i tiši pri niskom broju okretaja.
This mid-range model offers unmatched performance and is recommended for water sports, offshore fishing, and leisure activities. Now it features even more power and yet faster acceleration. Thanks to the re-design of the exhaust system and the rubber engine mounts, an additional intake silencer, a new long-span mounting system, and the improved rigidity of the engine unit, the F80 model not only delivers a higher level of performance, but does it even more smoothly and quietly, with ultra-low sound and vibration levels, particularly noticeable at lower operating speeds.
Potpuna kompatibilnost s Yamahinim jedinstvenim digitalnim mrežnim sustavom pruža dojmljiv raspon profinjenih upravljačkih funkcija i opcija, uključujući široku ponudu digitalnih mjerača i jedinstveni zaštitni imobilizacijski sustav Y-COP. Detalji / Details
Full compatibility with Yamaha’s unique Digital Network System brings with it an impressive array of sophisticated control functions and options, including availability of a wide
Još jedna privlačna prednost povezivanja modela F80 s digitalnim mrežnim sustavom je dostupnost sustava za promjenjivu brzinu za panulanje (Variable Trolling Speed, VTS) koji omogućuje upravljanje brzinom panulanja u jednostavnim koracima od 50 o/min - savršeno za ribolov. Modernim grafikama i inteligentno oblikovanim bočnim usisom zraka iz kojeg se izlijeva voda, najnoviji gornji pokrov uzbudljivi novi model F80 dovodi je do savršenstva. Uvjerljivi izgled i dojam uzbudljivog novog motora upravo je ono što vlasnici Yamahe posebno primjećuju i cijene. • EFI za čistu, tihu učinkovitost i ekonomičnost • EFI for clean, quiet efficiency and economy • Konstrukcija motora sa 16 ventila povećava performanse •16-valve engine layout aids performance • Kompatibilno s digitalnim mrežnim mjeračima tvrtke Yamaha • Compatible with Yamaha Digital Network Gauges • Sustav PrimeStart™ za jednostavno pokretanje • PrimeStart™ system for easy starting • Funkcija panulanja – promjenjiv broj o/min • Variable trolling RPM • Sustav Power Trim & Tilt širokog raspona • Wide Range Power Trim & Tilt • Sustav Yamaha Customer Outboard Protection (Y-COP) u opciji • Yamaha Customer Outboard Protection (Y-COP) option • Dodatni sustav Tilt Limiter • Optional Tilt Limiter system • Otpor ručke kormila mijenja se jednim pokretom (kod modela s ručkom) • Single-action steering friction (Tiller models) • Snažni alternator od 35 A • High-output 35A alternator • Pogon za plitku vodu, za vožnju u blizini obale • Shallow Water Drive for cruising close inshore • Sustav za ispiranje svježom vodom • Fresh Water Flushing system
range of digital gauges and the exclusive Y-COP immobilizer security system. Another attractive advantage of linking the F80 with the Digital Network System is the availability of VTS (Variable Trolling Speed) system, which not only provides a lower than normal speed, but also means you can control your trolling speed in simple 50 rpm steps – ideal for fishing. With its modern graphics and cleverly designed water-draining side air intake duct, the latest top cowling design completes the perfect picture of the exciting new F80. The really solid look and feel of this exciting new engine is just the sort of thing that Yamaha owners really notice and appreciate. Tehničke specifikacije Yamaha F80 / Technical specification Tip agregata: 4-taktni Engine type: 4-stroke Broj cilindara: 4 redni / 16 ventila • SOHC No. of cylinders: 4/In-line, 16-valve, SOHC Zapremina: 1832 ccm Displacement: 1832 ccm Snaga na propeleru: 58,8 kW (80 KS) pri 5500 o/min Prop shaft output at mid range: 58.8kW / 5,500 rpm Maks. o/min: 5000 - 6000 o/min Full throttle operating range: 5000 - 6000 rpm Sustav ubrizgavanja goriva: Elektroničko ubrizgavanje goriva (EFI) Fuel Induction System : EFI Sustav paljenja: TCI microračunalo Ignition / advance system: TCI Sustav podmazivanja: Mokri karter Lubrication system: Wet sump Kapacitet spremnika za ulje (litre): 3,2 Oil pan capacity: 3,2l Suha težina s propelerom (kg): 162 (L) •166 (X) Weight with propeller: F80DETL: 162.0 kg, F80DETX; 166.0 kg
YAMAHA VANBRODSKI MOTORI, REZERVNI DIJELOVI I PRATEĆA OPREMA Ovlašteni serviser i distributer Yamaha vanbrodskih motora i prateće opreme
InterAdria SC d.o.o. SERVISNI CENTAR / SERVICE CENTRE Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel.: + 385 51 704 178 fax.: +385 51 705 579 GSM: + 385 91 215 44 92 e-mail: damir@interadria.hr
YAMAHA OUTBOARDS, SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Authorised Service Centre Authorised Dealer
SERVISNI CENTAR / SERVICE CENTRE ACI marina Opatija Liburnijska cesta 7A, Ičići tel.: +385 51 704 178 GSM: +385 91 215 44 88
Protiv “bio-opasnosti” u Vašem plovilu!
Snažni, tihi i ekonomični motori ostvarili su ogroman napredak. Čak i po pitanju pouzdanosti gotovo da nema zamjerki. Ali pažnja! Smrtni neprijatelji - prljavština, alge i posebno voda - vrebaju! Jedna od najbitnijih stvari za održavanje motora u odličnoj formi je redovan servis. Osim zamjene ulja, filtera, te ostalog check up-a vrlo je bitan tretman našeg sustava za napajanje gorivom! Zašto? Prema Direktivi 2003/30/EZ dodatak od 5-7% biogenih goriva u Eurosuperu ili Eurodieselu standard je u Hrvatskoj i u EU od 2010 g. (plan do 2020. g. povećati na 20 % !). Dodavanje biogenih komponenti gorivu uzrokuje depozite ugljika u injektorima, hrđu i rast algi u sustavu za ubrizgavanje goriva.To može biti uzrok vrlo teških funkcionalnih oštećenja i skupih kvarova iako je naravno kvaliteta goriva kao Eurosuper (EN 228) ili Eurodiesel(EN 590) unutar predviđenih DIN standarda. Što učiniti? Rješenje je u visokokvalitetnim aditivima za benzinske i dizel motore tvrtke Datacol! Prilikom servisa kod punjenja tankova gorivom treba dodati Datacol aditiv u preporučenom omjeru. Trošenjem goriva Datacol će očistiti spremnike, sistem za ubrizgavanje, odstraniti kondenzat(vodu) te podmazati pumpu i injektore. Sve to doprinosi smanjenju potrošnje goriva i prevenciji kvarova! Opsežan niz eksperimenata jasno su pokazali visoku učinkovitost Datacol aditiva za gorivo! Preporučujemo da i tijekom plovidbe sa sobom uvijek imate određenu količinu Datacol aditiva u slučaju da pokupite „loše“ gorivo na nekoj pumpi diljem Jadrana! Također vrlo je bitno da tijekom zimske neaktivnosti zaštitite gorivo u tanku vašeg plovila Datacol aditivom kako bi izbjegli moguća vrlo neugodna i skupa iskustava! Od toga da ostanete na moru sa ugašenim motorom/ima zbog začepljenja dovoda goriva do toga da morate piliti trup broda kako bi očistili spremnike od tvrdokornih taloga! Zbog svega navedenog posebno preporučujemo preventivni tretman na svakom servisnom intervalu i prije zimovanja kako biste dobili maksimalni učinak i zaštitu! Također želimo naglasiti da su svi naši čistači u skladu sa zakonskom normom EN 590 za dizel i EN 228 za benzin(Europskih standarda, uredbe u kakvoći naftnih goriva) što bi laičkim rječnikom značilo da ni na koji način ne mogu štetiti motorima. Napravite najbolju stvar: prilikom sljedećeg posjeta Vašem servisu zatražite Datacol tretman!
Against “bio-treath” in your vessel!
Powerful, quiet and low-consumption engines made an enormus progress. Their reliability is almost perfect. But keep attention! Death enemies of your boat - dirt, seaweeds and especially water - are watching! One of the most important things to keep the engine in good shape is a regular maintenance. Substitution of oil and filer, and other regular check-up are important, but do not forget to treat the fuel supply system. Why? As per the Directive 2003/30/EZ, since 2010 in Croatia and Europe there is an addition of 5-7% biogenic fuels in Eurosuper ori Eurodiesel (with the intention of increase up to 20% by 2020!). The adition of biogenic elements to the fuel causes the carbon deposits, rust and seaweeds in fuel injection systems. This can cause serious malfunctions and expensive defects despite the quality of Eurosuper (EN 228) or Eurodiesel (EN 590) which is within the DIN standards. What is to be done? The solution of the problem lies in highquality Datacol additives for petrol and diesel engines! When loading the fuel tank during service, Datacol additive should be added in prescribed ratio. As the fuel is spent, Datacol will clean the tanks and injection system, remove the condensate (water) and oil the pump and injectors. This will reduce the fuel consumption and the possiblity of damage! A number of experiments proved high efficiency of Datacol additives! We suggest you to always have some Datacol additive during navigation in case you load the fuel of poor quality somewhere along the Adriatic coast! What is also very important is to protect the fuel in tank during winter with Datacol additive in order to evade potential unwanted and expensive consequences! You could stay at sea with engines off due to the clogged fuel intake system, or you could be forced to cut the hull in order to remove the sediments from the tanks! For the above mentioned reasons, we reccommend a prevention treatement at each and every service interval, and before the winter storage, in order to get the best effects and protection! We would also like you to note that all of our products are in line with the European fuel quality regulations EN 590 for diesel and EN 228 for petrol, i.e. they are not harmful for the engines in any way. Do the best thing you can and at your next visit to the service order Datacol treatment! 38
volvo noviteti / NOVELTIES
Benzinski motori nove generacije Volvo Penta V8 380/430 KS
Volvo Penta predstavlja najsnažnije motore nove generacije u V8 izvedbi snage 380 i 430 KS. U cijelosti izrađeni od aluminija novi V8 motori uključuju kombinaciju tehničkih značajki koje se ne mogu podudarati ni s jednim drugim brodskim benzinskim motorom u njihovoj snazi.
The next-generation gasoline engines
Volvo Penta V8 380/430 HP Volvo Penta is introducing the most powerful of its next-generation marine gasoline engines V8 offered in 380 and 430 hp models.
The new V8 engines are made entirely of aluminium and incorporate a combination of technical features that cannot be matched by any other marine gasoline engines in their horsepower range.
Aluminijski blok za najveći omjer snage i težine.
Features include:
Izravno ubrizgavanje goriva omogućava povećanje zakretnog momenta pri nižim okretajima i povećava ekonomičnost u potrošnji goriva.
All-aluminium block for highest power-to-weight ratio.
Standardni dvokružni sustav hlađenja rashladnom tekućinom osigurava bolju zaštitu motora jer eliminira doticaj morske vode sa unutarnjim dijelovima motora.
Standard closed-loop fresh-water cooling with no internal parts exposed to raw or salt water.
Senzori kisika, radi optimizacije rada motora kod promjene kvalitete goriva, omogućavaju smanjenje emisije ugljičnog monoksida za 95 posto. Varijabilno upravljanje ventilima radi optimizacije okretnog momenta preko cijelog raspona ubrzanja.
Direct fuel injection providing better low-end torque and fuel efficiency.
Wideband oxygen sensors to optimize the engine for varying fuel quality and reduce carbon monoxide emissions by 95 per cent. Variable valve timing to optimize torque across the full acceleration range.
Most powerful model in marine gasoline line-up Najmoćniji benzinski modeli u marine kategoriji Novi V8 380 ima 24 % bržu akceleraciju i 11 % veću učinkovitost goriva od svojih Volvo Penta predhodnika koje je zamijenio. Novi V8 430 - najsnažniji model u marine kategoriji benzinskih Volvo Penta motora daje 14% bržu akceleraciju i osigurava 10% nižu potrošnju goriva od svog prethodnika. U plovidbi razlika se osjeti u trenutku kad otvorite gas, dok je okretni moment nevjerojatan na bilo kojoj razini okretaja. Ovi motori nove tehnologije kupcima pružaju dokazanu kvalitetu, pouzdanost, ekonomičnu potrošnju goriva i performanse. Novi, 6.2 l V8-380/430 upotpunjuje ponudu novih benzinskih motora
The new V8 380 has 24 per cent quicker acceleration and is 11 per cent more fuel efficient than the engine it replaces in the Volvo Penta line. The new V8 430 – the most powerful model in Volvo Penta’s marine gasoline engine line-up – delivers 14 per cent faster acceleration and provides 10 per cent better fuel economy than its predecessor. Everyone can feel the difference the instant they open the throttle. At virtually any rpm level, the torque is nothing short of amazing. These new-technology engines provide customers with proven quality, reliability, fuel economy and performance. The new 6.2 l V8-380/430 rounds out line-up of next-generation gasoline engines
VOLVO PENTA Prodaja, servis i održavanje Volvo Penta motora, rezervnih dijelova i prateće opreme Ovlašteni distributer Ovlašteni servisni centar
VOLVO PENTA Sale, service and maintenance of Volvo Penta engines, spare parts and accessories Authorised dealer Authorised service centre
InterAdria SC d.o.o. SERVISNI CENTAR / SERVICE CENTRE Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel.: + 385 51 704 178 fax.: +385 51 705 579 GSM: + 385 91 215 44 92 e-mail: damir@interadria.hr
SERVISNI CENTAR / SERVICE CENTRE ACI marina Opatija Liburnijska cesta 7A, Ičići tel.: +385 51 704 178 GSM: +385 91 215 44 88 41
Nova snaga našeg tima je zasigurno naš polaznik praktične nastave Luka Hajdaraj učenik Strojarsko brodograđevne škole za industrijska i obrtnička zanimanja Rijeka. Kao što je opće poznato InterAdria SC već godinama prima na praktičnu nastavu učenike strukovih škola koji se osposobljavaju za zanimanje brodski mehaničar.
The new strength of our team is certainly Luka Hajdaraj who is attending practical training program in our company. Luka is a student of the Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding School for Industrial and Crafts Professions Rijeka. As is well known, InterAdria SC has been taking on for years the students of vocational schools to attend practical training for ship mechanics.
Luka je s nama od 1. razreda srednje škole te obavlja praktičnu nastavu uz mentorstvo Zorana Purića koji mu svojim stručnim znanjem uvelike doprinosi u usvajanju novih znanja i vještina. Važno je naglasiti da svaki učenik dobije zavidnu razinu znanja uz naš stručni tim. U svoje slobodno vrijeme Luka se bavi ribolovom u SRD Kantrida te se može pohvaliti mnogim uspjesima. Jedno od boljih dostignuća je osvojena titula državnog prvaka 2016. godine u kategoriji juniora do 16 godina koje se održalo u Puli. Luka je u oba dana natjecanja bio iznad svoje konkurencije i uvjerljivo osvojio prvo mjesto te time osigurao plasman u državnoj reprezentaciji za svjetsko prvenstvo koje se održalo 2017. u Francuskoj. Svojim sportskim duhom i disciplinom Luka je izuzetno dobar i marljiv te možda jednog dana, nakon završetka škole postane i naš novi zaposlenik.
Luka is with us from the 1st grade of his high school and attends practical training program with the support of his mentor Zoran Purić who with his professional knowledge greatly contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. It is important to stress that each student gets an admirable level of knowledge with our expert team. In his spare time Luka has been engaged in fishing with the Sport Fishing Society “Kantrida” and may take pride in numerous achievements. One of them is the title of the class U-16 national champion in 2016, won in Pula. On both days of the competition Luka was better than his rivals and convincingly won the first place, thus securing a place in the national team for the 2017 World Cup in France. With his sporting spirit and discipline, Luka is an exceptionally good and hardworking intern and maybe one day after graduation he will be our new employee. 43
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Crni charter Illegal charter
Tekst napisao / text by Damir Šebetić, mag. prava
Ovo je jedan od prvih tekstova objavljen u specijaliziranim nautičkim časopisima nakon što je Hrvatska pristupila Europskoj uniji.
This is one of the first texts about the so called “black charter” published in a specialized boating magazine since the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union.
Dogodilo se i to: naplaćena je prva novčana kazna nekom stranom vlasniku broda za tzv. crni čarter, odnosno nelegalno iznajmljivanje plovila. Na to se upozorava desetljećima: hrvatsko Jadransko more je zlatna kokoš za mnoge inozemne (i domaće) poduzetnike koji izbjegavaju domaće zakone. Tisuće brodova jedri i glisira Jadranom, a neki od njih plove uzvodno u odnosu na hrvatske zakone, no u pravilu prolaze nekažnjeno. Čini se kako je taj niz prekinut, čime su se brzo pohvalili i u Ministarstvu pomorstva, prometa i infrastrukture, a zahvaljujući primoštenskim lučkim kapetanima. (članak iz 2014. na jednom dalmatinskom portalu)
It has finally happened: the first fine has been imposed on a foreign owner of a boat because of the so called “black charter” i.e. a boat which has been illegally chartered. Different warnings have been issued for decades: the Croatia coastal region has been the golden goose for a lot of foreign (and also local) entrepreneurs who have been trying to evade local legislation. Thousands of various boats are sailing or speeding along the Croatia coast with some of them going against the current of the Croatian legislation and normally without any sanction. It seems that this has been stopped as the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure has been quick to mention with pride, thanks to the harbour masters in Primošten. (The article published in 2014 on one of the Dalmatian website portals)
Do danas je pokrenuto i završeno već puno carinsko-poreznih predmeta koji su povezani sa crnim charterom. Crni charter nije samo nezakonito gospodarsko korištenja plovila, nego i privatno korištenje a da nije plaćen porez u zemlji gdje je plovilo pušteno na uporabu ili zemlji gdje se plovilo koristi dulje od 12 mjeseci.
Until now a lot of customs and tax matters have been dealt with and they have been also connected with “black charter”. “Black charter” is not only illegal use of a boat for economic purposes but also a private use with no tax being paid in the country where such a boat has been put into use or in the country where it is used for a period exceeding twelve months.
Mnogi građani Europske unije su smatrali da samom činjenicom što su dio zajedničko carinskog područja, nije potrebno posebno ništa učiniti kako bi se na području Hrvatske bavili iznajmljivanjem plovila koja ionako koriste na tom području za svoje potreba. Ostala je stara navika da je dovoljno da imaju EU carinsku deklaraciju „T2L“ i da su sa time pokrivene sve aktivnosti.
A lot of citizens of the European Union thought that with the very fact that they were the part of the EU common customs area they were not supposed to do anything special in order that they would be allowed on the territory of Croatia to charter their boats which they already used for their own purposes. The old position was kept that it was sufficient to have the EU customs declaration “T2L” and that all activities were sanctioned thereby.
Stvarnost je da smo područje zajedničkog carinskog područja ali da na svakom području se primjenjuju porezne stope u skladu sa propisima zemlje domaćina.
The reality is however that we are indeed included in the uniform customs area but also that in each individual area tax rates are applied in conformity with the legislation of the host country.
U Hrvatskoj je ukinuta zabrana da se strane osobe ne mogu baviti charterom. Sada se mogu baviti i fizička ili pravna osoba iz zemlje članice EU ali pod određenim uvjetima sa kojima je zagarantirana kontrola i naplata poreza na takvu vrstu djelatnosti.
In Croatia, foreign persons may engage in chartering their boats. Now, both natural and legal persons from the European Union member states may do so but under certain conditions which provide for the assurance and control of the taxes to be paid for such type of the activity.
Uredbom o uvjetima za dolazak i boravak stranih jahti i brodica određeno je u članku 2. stavku 3., da samo uža obitelj može koristiti plovilo i osoba koja je opunomoćena.(misli se prvenstveno na skipera) Posebno je zabranjeno da se plovilo koristi za komercijalnu djelatnost. Pravilnik o brodicama i jahtama pravi značajnu razliku između jahti za gospodarske namjene i jahti za osobne potrebe. Prema tom Pravilniku, jahta za gospodarske namjene je jahta namijenjena iznajmljivanju sa posadom ili bez nje, a jahta za osobne potrebe jest ona koja se ne koristi u gospodarske namjene.
The Ordinance applied to the conditions of entry and stay of foreign vessels, namely its Article 2, paragraph 3, stipulates that only the nearest family and an authorised person (this includes primarily a skipper) may use a vessel. The legislation governing the use of boats and yachts makes a significant difference between those boats and yachts which are used for economic purposes and those used for private ones. Namely, a yacht intended for economic purposes is the one that may be chartered with or without a crew while the one intended for private use may not be operated as a charter one.
U praksi to bi značilo da domaća osoba ili strana osoba, ukoliko želi komercijalno koristiti svoje plovilo, mora to prijaviti upravnim organima RH i to Ministarstvu mora, prometa i infrastrukture. Osim toga, potrebno je da njezino plovilo udovoljava strogim kriterijima sigurnosti na moru s obzirom da se plovilo koristi u komercijalne svrhe. To ujedno povlači i pitanje stručne spreme skipera koji mora imati adekvatnu pomorskom naobrazbu. Tehnički pregled plovila se može obaviti putem nadležnog organa iz zemlje registracije plovila ili će to učiniti hrvatski nadležni organ.
In practice this would mean that either a local or foreign person who wants to use its boat or yacht for commercial purposes must advise of such intention the administrative bodies in Croatia, this referring specifically to the notification to the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure. In addition to that, such boat or yacht is required to comply with stricter criteria applicable to the safety at sea as it will be used for commercial activities. The question also arises here in connection with the professional skills of skippers who have to possess in this case adequate skills acquired in maritime studies.
Kada se netko želi početi baviti charterom ( domaća ili strana osoba) temeljem Pravilnika o uvjetima za obavljanje djelatnosti iznajmljivanja plovila sa ili bez posade i pružanje usluge smještaja gostiju na plovilu (NN 42/17) onda je potrebno da prvo od Ministarstva mora, prometa i infrastrukture dobije Uvjerenje o korisničkom pravu da se bavi charterom – višednevnim iznajmljivanjem plovila. (Zahtjev za dodjelu korisničkog prava rada na sustavu e-nautika radi prijave boravka stranaca na brodovima za višednevna krstarenja) Ali ako ne želi voditi nikakvu administraciju, uvijek postoji jednostavan način, a to je korištenje agencija koje se bave iznajmljivanjem i održavanjem plovila. One su već u tom sustavu i sklapanjem Ugovora o menadžmentu i održavanju plovila, sva birokracija se prenosi na agenta. Osim toga, PDV koji se plaća po svakom izdanom računu, plaća se u RH bez obzira iz koje zemlje dolazi iznajmljivač plovila. Prijava se vrši kod: MINISTARSTVO MORA, PROMETA
A required technical inspection of a boat or yacht may be performed either by a competent body in the country of such boat’s registration or by the Croatian competent body. If one would like to provide charter services (either a local or a foreign person), under the Ordinance on the conditions for the chartering of vessels with or without crew and guest accommodation services on board (published in the Official Gazette 42/17) the first step is to obtain from the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure the licence to provide charter services – to provide rental services for a number of days (Request for granting of the right to use the central database e-nautika for the registration of foreign persons on board vessels for multiple day cruises). However, if one is not inclined to engage in the extensive administrative process there is always a simplified way and that is to use an agency which provides boat or yacht rental and maintenance services. Such agencies have been already the users of that system and by entering into the Boat Management and Maintenance Agreement all the red tape involved will be transferred to such an agency.
Zagreb, Prisavlje 14
Also, VAT to be paid for each issued invoice is payable in Croatia, regardless of the country where a person who rents a boat is resident.
E-mail: charter@pomorstvo.hr
The registration is made with:
Zagreb, Prisavlje 14
• Upisni list/dozvola za plovidbu ili drugi odgovarajući dokument
Email: charter@pomorstvo.hr
Pregled i dozvola plovidbe:
Requirements: 1. FOR BOATS AND YACHTS OF UP TO 24 METERS HULL LENGTH: • registration sheet/traffic licence or another equivalent document
Technical inspection and traffic licence: a) For boats and yachts of up to 24 meters in length – equipment for navigation area IIa. a) Za brodice i jahte duljine do 24 metra - oprema za područje plovidbe IIa. Kada tehnički pregled stranog plovnog objekta nije obavljen od strane pomorske administracije čiju zastavu vije ili organizacije koju je ta administracija ovlastila, u Republici Hrvatskoj isti mogu obaviti: 1. Za brodice – lučka kapetanija ili ispostava lučke kapetanije na čijem se području brodica nalazi; 2. Za jahte – Hrvatski registar brodova kao priznata organizacija. Iz ovog je navedenog postupka vidljivo da je najbolja solucija kako za domaću tako i za stranu osobu, ukoliko se ne radi o više plovnih jedinica, da koristi već registrirana trogovačka društva sa kojim bi sklopili Ugovor o održavanju i organiziranju iznajmljivanaja plovila za višednevna krstarenja. U protivnom, ako će vlasnik sam to sve organizirati, a nema svoje trgovačko društvo u RH, mora imat poreznog jamca koje je hrvatsko trgovačko društvo i jamči da će PDV koji se nalazi na izdanim računima, biti plaćen u zakonskom roku. Dobit se isplaćuje na račun vlasnika plovila te se na njega primjenjuju porezni propisi o dobiti. Porez na ukupni dohodak se plaća u zemlji vlasnika plovila. Svaki plov na vašem brodu, a na kojem se ne nalazi vaša uža obitelj, predstavlja potencijalnu opasnost da se to okarakterizira kao kabotaža. U ovisnosti o stupnju opasnost ( veliki-mali brod, jedrilica, duljina boravka) može se odrediti različita kazna ali i oduzimanje plovila kao mjera porezne uprave. Ova podsjećanja na zakonsku regulativu se odnose samo na plovila koja su registrirana u EU. Za plovila trećih zemalja, postupak je puno složeniji. Za baviti se charterom, potrebno je napraviti privremeni uvoz u EU te plaćati mjesečno carinske i porezne obveze. Zato, prvo treba regulirati status svojeg plovila pred hrvatskim organima a onda predati oglas za charter na WEB. Porezni prekršaji su skupi a može se ostati i bez plovila za vrijeme trajanja postupka. Mirno more želi Vam Damir
If the technical inspection of a foreign vessel was not carried out by the maritime administration of its flag state or an organisation authorised by that administration, the inspection can be carried out in the Republic of Croatia by the following authorities: 1. For boats – the port authority or a local office of the port authority on whose area the boat is located; 2. For yachts – the Croatian Register of Shipping as a recognised organisation. It may be seen from the above that the best solution for both, a local and a foreign person is, in case there is only one boat or yacht involved, to use a company which has been already registered for such purpose and enter into the Boat Management and Maintenance Agreement. Otherwise, if an owner is going to organise all required by itself and has no company registered in Croatia, it will have to ensure a tax guarantor which is a Croatian company and guarantees that VAT incorporated in the invoices will be paid within the prescribed deadline. The profit is paid to the boat or yacht’s owner account and such profit is subject to the profit tax regulations. Total income tax is payable in the country of the owner. Any time your boat or yacht is used but not by your nearest family is a potential that such use may be characterised as a cabotage. Depending on different factors (big or small boat, sailing boat, length of stay), different penalties may be imposed among which also the seizure of the boat in terms of the measures applied by the tax authorities. This serves as a reminder and refers to the legislation applied only to the EU registered boats and yachts. For the third countries registered boats and yachts, the process is much more complicated. To charter such vessels, it is required to carry out the temporary admission procedure to the European Union and pay each month custom and tax obligations. Therefore, it is required first of all to regulate the status of a boat or yacht with the Croatian authorities and only then put an advertisement on a web site that you want to charter it. Tax violations are very expensive ones, not to mention that you can even be deprived of your boat or yacht while the tax procedure is in progress.
Fair winds and following seas wish you Damir
Jedan korak dalje HRB – odobrenje o proizvođaču S ponosom pišemo o velikom postignuću InterAdrie i njezinom odobrenju od strane Hrvatskog registra brodova. Pobliže ćemo vam pojasniti pojam odobrenja, no najprije ćemo vas upoznati s njihovim radom kako biste stvorili potpunu sliku situacije.
One step further CRS – Certificate of Approval of the Manufacturer We take pride in writing about the great achievement of InterAdria and its approval by the Croatian Register of Shipping. We will clarify you the term of approval, but first we will introduce you to CRS’s work to create a complete picture of the situation.
HRB je neprofitna organizacija koja brine o zaštiti ljudskih života i zaštite na moru te sprečavanja onečišćenja pomorskog okoliša. Nadalje, ona se bavi i certificiranjem sustava upravljanja kvalitetom. Tim ovlastima HRB je odobrio InterAdriu te dodjelio Potvrdu o odobrenju proizvođača, što nam je itekako izmamilo osmjeh na lice.
CRS is a non-profit organization that takes care of the protection of human life and the protection of the sea and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment. It also deals with certification of quality management systems. Exercising such powers, CRS has approved InterAdria and awarded it the Certificate of Approval of the Manufacturer which has of course brought a smile to our faces.
Područje odobrenja :
Field of approval:
• Proizvodnja brodica za sport i razonodu od staklom ojačanog poliestera tehnologijom ručne laminacije
• Production of sports and leisure boats made of glass reinforced polyester with manual lamination technology
• Popravak brodica i jahti izrađenih od staklom pojačanog poliestera
• Repair of boats and yachts made of glass reinforced polyester
Ukoliko želite pogledati, sve informacije dostupne su na njihovoj službenoj internet stranici gdje se nalazi cijeli popis odobrenih proizvođača.
If you want to get more information, refer to their official website where there is a full list of approved manufacturers.
Ovo odobrenje nas je poguralo u ostvarivanju daljnjih ciljeva te ćemo podignuti zavidnu razinu u proivodnji Key Largo One plovila. Svakako ćemo se potruditi dati najveću kvalitetu i preciznost kod izrade svakog pojedinačnog plovila.
This approval has helped us achieve further goals and we are seeking to boost productivity to impressive level in case of Key Largo One boat. We will certainly try to produce each and every boat to the highest possible quality and with the highest level of precision.
Zaplovite s nama!
Let’s set sail together! 49
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Marina Frapa - Dubrovnik Lapadska obala 21A • 20000 Dubrovnik • Croatia www.marinafrapa.hr
Nautički stil u interijerima
Nautical inspired interiors
“Ograničenja postoje samo u našim umovima. Ako koristimo maštu, otvaramo si svijet beskonačnih mogućnosti.” Jamie Paolinetti Stoga što čekate? Zaigrajte svoju maštu i napravite oazu mira i ugode u svoja četiri zida. Mediteranski stil odiše prirodom i prozračnošću, a inspiriran je morem, suncem, plažom te svim pozitivnim vibracijama. Prva asocijacija na mornarski stil je elegantna i bezvremenska kombinacija plave i bijele boje, poznatija kao mornarski uzorak s dodatkom crvene, koja je u trendu svake sezone. Zidovi obojeni u tu kombinaciju ili u kombinaciji s tapetama te drveni podovi po mogućnosti svjetlije boje biti će pravi temelj za ostvarivanje mornarskog stila u prostoriji. Velika je važnost od detalja za dobivanje potpunog efekta npr. drveni namještaj, prirodne dekorativne tkanine, zidovi ukrašeni slikama morskih motiva, otvorene police bijele boje na kojima može biti dekor poput morskih zvijezda, školjki, sidra, užadi, naplavina, svjetionika ili slično. Upotpunite prostoriju prozračnim bijelim zavjesama ili jastučnicama s motivima sidra ili mornarskim uzorkom. Još pokoja svijeća u posudi s kamenčićima na stolu i dojam je potrpun! Uz ove smjernice sada možete uživati u svom komadiću raja bez obzira na doba godine.
“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” Jamie Paolinetti So what are you waiting for? Indulge your imagination and make the oasis of peace and comfort within your own four walls. Mediterranean style exudes a sense of nature and airiness, inspired by sea, sun, beach and all positive vibrations. The first association with nautical style is an elegant and timeless combination of blue and white, known as a nautical pattern, with the addition of red, which is on trend any season of the year. Walls painted in that combination or in combination with wallpaper and wooden floors of lighter colours will be the right base for creating the room’s nautical inspired ambience. It is of great importance to pay attention to details to create a full effect, such as for example, wooden furniture, natural decorative fabrics, walls adorned with sea-inspired paintings, open white shelves displaying starfish, shells, anchors, ropes, flotsam, lighthouses or the like. Give your room a bright airy feeling with whitecoloured curtains or anchor print or nautical themed pillowcases. Just add a few candles in the bowl with little stones on the table and the impression will be complete! Following these guidelines you can now enjoy your piece of paradise irrespective of the time of the year. 51
Vrbnik –
Vrbnik –
Vrbnik kao malo mjesto s velikom poviješću, ponajviše glagoljaškoj baštini i folklorom, ponosno stoji na 50 metarskoj hridi, ispod koje je samo plavo Jadransko more. Prvi put se spominje davne 1100 god. Stanovnici su primarno živjeli od poljoprivrede, dok su se nešto manje bavili pomorstvom i ribarstvom.
Vrbnik as a small place with a great history, mostly known for its Glagolitic heritage and folklore, proudly stands on a 50 meter high cliff below which is only the blue Adriatic Sea. It was mentioned for the first time in 1100. The inhabitants primarily made their living by farming, and somehow less by seafaring and fishing. As the oldest place on the island of Krk, it is called the cradle of the literacy of the Croatian people. Blaž Baromić was born in Vrbnik and was the founder of the first famous Croatian Glagolitic printing company in Senj, thus greatly contributing to the Croatian cultural heritage. There is a statue erected to honour him. Narrow alleys are the most interesting features of the old centre, and it is definitely fascinating to squeeze through the narrowest street in the world - Klančić, which is only 50 cm wide. The library of the Vitezić family from the 19th century includes history books such as Glagolitic missals and breviaries, various papers and periodicals, records and books of the Vienna Parliament, but the most interesting among them is a rare copy of the atlas “Atlas scolasticus et itinerarius» by Johan David Koehler, printed in 1718 in Nurnberg. It is interesting because it shows not only the location of countries, but also
˝mjesto nad morem˝
Kao najstarije mjesto na otoku Krku nazivaju ga kolijevkom pismenosti u Hrvata. Blaž Baromić rođeni Vrbničanin osnivač je prve poznate hrvatske glagoljaške tiskare u Senju, čime je uvelike doprinio hrvatskoj kulturnoj baštini te su njemu u čast dignuli spomenik. Posebna zanimljivost ovog malog mjesta je u uskim uličicama u staroj jezgri grada, a definitivno je fascinantno provući se kroz najužu ulicu na svijetu- Klančić koja je uska svega 50 cm. Knjižnica obitelji Vitezić iz 19.st. drži povijesne knjige poput glagolskih misala i brevijara, raznih listova i časopisa, zapisnike i knjige bečkog parlamenta, no najzanimljiviji je rijedak primjerak atlasa. «Atlas scolasticus et itinerarius» Johana Davida Koehlera, tiskan 1718. g. u Nuernbergu. Zanimljiv je zbog toga što osim geografskog položaja država, sadrži i slike starih jedrenjaka, naoružanja, odlikovanja i zviježđa.
“Place over the Sea”
Fotografije ustupila TZO Vrbnik
Najpoznatiji proizvod Vrbničkih polja je uvelike poznata sorta bijelog vina - Vrbnička Žlahtina. Često se sljubljuje u mnogim kuhinjama i restoranima širom Hrvatske s raznim kulinarskim delicijama. U nastavku magazina moći ćete pročitati nešto više o samim vinima s tog područja.
Atlas scolasticus et itinerarius
Najuža ulica na svijetu - Klančić
contains pictures of old sailboats, weapons, decorations and constellations. The most famous product of the fields of Vrbnik is widely renowned variety of white wine – Vrbnička Žlahtina. It pairs well with various food delicacies in many kitchens and restaurants throughout Croatia. On the pages that follow you may read more about the wines from that area.
Kupalište Zgribnica
Otok Krk i Hrvatsko primorje ima tisućljetnu tradiciju u proizvodnji vina i pjenušaca. Još u antičkim vremenima vino je bilo jedan od glavnih proizvoda otoka Krka. KATUNAR ESTATE WINERY nastavak je obiteljske tradicije vinogradarstva i vinarstva.
Vjerujemo da bi svatko pronašao svoju omiljenu sortu u paleti Katunar vina. Nabrojati ćemo samo neke sorte: Biser mora i Porin kao predstavnici pjenušavih vina, Merlot Couve ili Plavac Mali ukoliko volite crvena vina, Opolo poznatiji kao rose, najpoznatija Vrbnička Žlahtina, koju ćemo u nastavku pobliže upoznati, te kao šlag na kraju Zlatna Berba desertno vino iz kolekcije vina Katunar.
The island Krk and the Croatian coastal region have a thousand year old tradition of the production of wine and sparkling wine. Back in the ancient times the wine was one of the main products of the island Krk. KATUNAR ESTATE WINERY continues the family tradition of viticulture and winemaking. The wine production of the ESTATE WINERY relies mainly on own grapes, because the Katunar family owns over 200 000 vines at two locations: in the Vrbnik field and in the basin of Baška. We believe everyone will find their favourite variety of wine in a wide array of the Katunar wines. We will mention only a couple of wine varieties: “Biser mora” and “Porin” as the representatives of sparkling wines, “Merlot Couve” or “Plavac mali” if you like red wines, “Opolo” known as a rosé wine, the most famous “Vrbnička Žlahtina”, and below you will learn more about it, and as the icing on the cake, “Zlatna berba” dessert wine from the Katunar wine collection.
Žlahtina Katunar
Žlahtina Katunar
Žlahtina bijela je autohtona sorta grožđa otoka Krka.
White Žlahtina is the indigenous white grape variety from the island of Krk. Žlahtina Katunar is produced from the grapes that grow in the fields of Vrbnik. The wine is characterized by crystal clarity, yellow-green colour, harmonious and honest, natural and original, pleasant and refreshing taste, a gentle scent of a sophisticated aroma where one can detect apple, citrus fruits and flowery scents. Served at 11 ° C in a beautiful wine glass, it will compliment any table. With its elegant taste, it will make a meal of fish, seafood or white meat even better, and the atmosphere more agreeable.
ESTATE WINERY svoju proizvodnju bazira na vlastitom grožđu, budući da obitelj Katunar posjeduje preko 200.000 tisuća trsova vinove loze. I to na dva lokaliteta: Vrbničko polje i Bašćanska kotlina.
Žlahtina Katunar proizvedena je iz grožđa sa Vrbničkog polja. Krasi ga kristalna bistrina, zelenožuta boja, skladan i iskren, prirodan i originalan, pitak i osvježavajuć okus, nježan miris profinjene arome u kojima ćemo prepoznati jabuku, citruse i cvjetne mirise. Servirana na 11° C u lijepoj vinskoj čaši, ukras je na svakom stolu. Svojim elegantnim okusom učinit će bogatijim obrok od riba, morskih plodova ili bijelog mesa, a ugođaj ljepšim.
Zanimljivost Poznati proizvođač vina gospodin Anton Katunar, ujedno bivši informatičar, koji je prvi napravio program u MS-DOS-u za font glagoljice!
Interesting fact The famous wine producer Mr Anton Katunar, also a former computer technician, was the first to make the program in MS-DOS for the Glagolitic script!
sail safely
tel: +385 51 705 563 gsm: +385 91 215 44 95 danijela@interadria.hr www.interadria.hr
2009., 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 500
2012., 2 x Yamaha F300 BETU
2009., 2 x Volvo Penta 5.0 Gxi DP
2012, 2 x Volvo Penta D3 - 200 DP-S
2011., 2 x Volvo Penta D3 - 200 DP-S
2013., 2 x Yamaha F 150 AETL
2009., Yamaha F 250 BETL
2007., Volvo Penta 4.3 GXI-SX
2007., Volvo Penta 4.3 GXI-SX
2001., Yamaha F 115 AETL
2011., Yamaha – Selva 115
Prognoza vremena Weather forecast Ljudi su od davnina proučavali prirodu u nadi za što boljom prognozom vremena o kojoj im je ovisio svakodnevni život. Tako je narod ovladao svim znakovima koje nam priroda šalje te koji se koriste još dan danas. Kada se spoje tehnologija i znanost s narodnim običajima dolazimo do sljedećih predznaka za lokalnu prognozu vremena: •
Predznaci pogoršanja vremena: - pad atmosferskog tlaka - pojava izrazito visoke plime - izostanak maestrala ljeti ili ako maestral prestane puhati prije vremena - mjesec blijede boje i vijenac (prsten) oko njega predkazuje promjenu vremena - crvenilo neba ili pojave duge rano ujutro najavljuje skoru kišu - zimski maestral često je nagovještaj juga i kiše - jak vjetar ujutro pri vedrom vremenu - skretanje bure za vedra vremena na E, a pogotovo na SE smjer - sivi zid oblaka na zapadu, osobito navečer (obično na E strani horizonta nije značajno za razvoj vremena) - ako je Sunce prije zalaska blijedožute boje
Ever since ancient times people have been studying nature hoping to better predict the weather because their everyday life depended on it. Thus people have learned to read the signs that nature provides and such signs have been used still today. Combining technology, science and folk customs we get the signs of approaching weather for a given location: • Signs of worsening weather: - dropping atmospheric pressure - extremely high tides - absence of the summer Maestral wind if the Maestral stops blowing before time - pale Moon and the ring around it predict the changes in weather - a red sky or rainbow early in the morning announces rain - winter Maestral wind often signals the Jugo wind and rain - strong wind in the morning with clear skies - a Bura wind shift to E and clear skies, and especially to the SE direction - a grey cloud wall in the west, especially in the evening (usually on the E side of the horizon is not significant for the development of weather) - if the Sun is pale yellow before sunset
- vijenac oko Sunca i Mjeseca uz, istovremeno puhanje vlažnog vjetra, nagovještaj je pogoršanja vremena - stalni niski tlak pri ružnom vremenu znači da će ono potrajati
Predznaci poboljšanja vremena: - postupan porast tlaka (posebice iznad 1012 hPa) - pojava vedrine pri naoblačenom nebu na W dijelu obzora - načelno vrijedi: vjetar nakon kiše donosi lijepo vrijeme - pojave crvenila, nakon zalaza Sunca, na naoblačenom nebu
• Signs of improving weather: - a gradual increase in pressure (especially above 1012 hPa) - the appearance of brightness of the cloudy sky on the W part of the horizon - typically, a wind after rain tends to bring fine weather - the appearance of redness, after the sunset, in cloudy sky
• Predznaci za nastavak lijepog vremena: - maestral danju, a burin u svitanje(i noću) - izrazito nizak vodostaj(oseka) ili ako su izmjene u plimi i oseci tokom dana pravilne - ukoliko je za vedra vremena, zalazak Sunca jasan i do kraja živo osvjetljava te ukoliko je poslije zalaska Sunca zapadni obzor lijepih boja (˝nebesko crvenilo˝) - ukoliko se visoki tlak ne mjenja ili ako raste - vedrina neba uz tišinu (uz poneki oblak) - dok puše bura nema pogoršanja vremena.
- a ring around the Sun and the Moon and a humid wind blowing are the signs of worsening weather - constant low pressure during bad weather means such weather is expected to continue
• Signs of a continuation of fine weather: - the Maestral wind during the day, and the Burin wind at sunrise (and night) - extremely low tide or if the tide changes occur regularly during the day - if the skies and the sunset are clear and if after the sunset the western horizon is in beautiful colours(“sky redness”) - if the high pressure does not change or if it increases - clear skies and silence (with some clouds) - while the Bura wind is blowing there is no worsening of weather 59
Svjetionici PP (Plov put) Rijeka - Kvarnerski zaljev Lighthouses PP Rijeka - Kvarner Bay
Geografski položaj / Geographical location
Svjetioničarska posada / Lighthouse crew
Godina izgradnje/ Year of construction
Pozicija / Position
Domet glavnog svjetla / Main light range
Rt/Cape Crna Punta
Najistaknutiji dio istočne obale Istre / The most prominent part of the eastern coast of Istria
Da/ Yes
44° 57,4’ N / 014° 09,0’ E
Rt/Cape Prestence
Istočna strana Velih vrata, Ne/No na ulazu u Riječki zaljev, na sjeverozapadnoj strani otoka Cresa / East Side of theVelika Vrata, at the entrance to the Gulf of Rijeka, on the northwest side of the island of Cres
45° 07,2’ N / 014° 16,6’ E
Grad Rijeka / City of Rijeka
45° 20,0’ N / 014° 25,0’ E
Rt/Cape Oštro -Kraljevica
Mali poluotok na Ne/No jugoistočnoj strani ulaza u Bakarski zaljev / Small peninsula on the southeast side of the entrance to Bakar Bay
45° 16,4’ N / 014° 33,9’ E
Rt/Cape Vošćica
Rt Vošćica, na sjevernom vrhu otoka Krka / Cape Vošćica, on the northern peek of the Krk island
45° 14,3’ N / 014° 35,7’ E
Rt/Cape Stražica
Sjeverni rt otoka Prvića, na istočnoj strani ulaza u Senjska vrata / North Cape of Prvić, on the east side of the entrance to the Senjska vrata
44° 56,0’ N / 014° 46,4’ E
Hrid/Cliff Zaglav
Otočić Zaglav, na sredini zapadne strane otoka Cresa i Kvarnera / Island Zaglav, in the middle of the western side of the island of Cres and Kvarner
44° 55,3’ N / 014° 17,6’ E
Rt/Cape Vnetak
Jugozapadni rt otoka Unije, na ulazu u Kvarner / Southwestern cape of the island Unije, at the entrance to Kvarner
44° 37,2’ N / 014° 14,4’ E
B10M, C7M
Otok/Island Susak
Najviši vrh otoka Susak / The highest peak of the island Susak
44° 30,8’ N / 014° 18,5’ E
Otočić/Islet Trstenik
Otočić Trstenik, istočno od otoka Cresa / The islet of Trstenik, east of the island of Cres
44° 40,1’ N / 014° 35,0’ E
B11M, C8M
OFFICIAL DEALER / EKSKLUZIVNI ZASTUPNIK INTERADRIA SC r SALES CENTER r Ćikovići 73 c 51215 Kastav - Croatia r tel. +385 51 704 178 OFFICE r ACI marina Opatija r Liburnijska 7a, 51414 Ičići - Croatia r tel. +385 51 704 178 e-mail: interadria@interadria.hr www.interadria.hr