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A n ne Wi l lia ms chats to some of your favour ite desig ners to f ind out about t hei r creative spaces...

What is your creative space like?

Our conservatory is my workspace. Two sides are essentially floor-to-ceiling windows so it’s lovely and light. On one wall I have a large felt design wall. I have two enormous work benches on wheels that I made myself. The top surfaces are covered with heat-resistant material so I can press fabric on them. Old cupboards have been fixed in place underneath to provide lots of storage, which compensates for the limited wall space. They’re very flexible as I can have them out in the middle of the room or push them against the design wall. The ceiling has been insulated and a heat exchanger fitted so it’s a comfortable space to be in whatever the season or weather.

How have you personalised your space?

It’s a functional, working room and I prefer it to be clear. The walls are painted soft muted lilac, and my sewing chair and benches have been covered in matching upholstery fabric. I find this neutral backdrop doesn’t interfere with the design of what I’m working on. But a cheerful rainbow of colours is provided by my wall-hung racks of threads, so they are always to hand. I’m a big fan of Christmas and confess to having a little wire LED Christmas tree on permanent display in one corner, along with a festive quilt a friend made for me.

What are the best things about having your own creative space?

As a single mum with four kids, having a space that’s all mine is wonderful. When they were small, the kids sometimes came in with me, but now they’re older I tend to close the door and just enjoy the peace! I’m tidy and organised – everything has a home – but at certain stages of a project, I do have lots of things out. If it’s time to cook tea or something, it’s great to be able to abandon piles of fabrics where they are, ready to return to later.

Any top tips for someone creating a sewing area?

Make sure it’s comfortable all year round. Consider putting benches and storage cupboards on wheels as you can then move them about to access different parts of the room as required. Think about what you need in the room. I keep finished tops in big boxes underneath my bed, and kits and admin for my sewing business elsewhere in the house. Have a regular clear out to keep the clutter down – I do this every few months. Not only will the space be less cramped, but it will be more pleasant to work in and easier to keep clean.

Top, Andrea in her creative space – stored on practical wall-hung racks, her threads make a colourful display

Above, Andrea’s work benches on wheels can be moved around the space as required, and the surfaces are large enough to accommodate a range of items

Left, Old cupboards fixed in place underneath Andrea’s work benches provide an excellent storage space for fabrics