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The on ly t hing better t han putting t he f inishing touches to your latest qui lt is showing it of f ! So let’s see what you’ve been up to t his mont h…

WRITE TO US Today’s Quilter, Immediate Media, Eagle House, Bristol, BS1 4ST EMAIL: todaysquilter@ immediate.co.uk

Woodg r a i n beaut y!

Here is my version of Lynne Goldsworthy’s ‘Tumbling Blocks’ design from issue 77. I have always wanted to make one of these optical illusion quilts and felt really inspired by Lynne’s classic design. The quilt was a retirement gift for a colleague who works with wood, so I changed the colour scheme to something with more natural tones, which also turned out to be her favourite colours. I didn’t have quite enough of any one fabric for the quilt backing, so I pieced what I had, creating a floorboard design and quilted with a woodgrain pattern using a longarm quilter. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole project from start to finish and was so pleased with the result.

Sue, via email

Such a fantastic gift, Sue! The creativity and thought that has gone into this quilt is what makes it one of a kind. We are sure your colleague will cherish it, and Happy Retirement to her!


I have just managed to complete the ‘Joyeux Noël’ quilt by Amanda Little from issue 68 of Today’s Quilter. It was a lot of work but I am pleased with the result. The quilt featured in the magazine had a Christmas theme, but I changed it slightly to a winter theme using some William Morris Winter Berry fabrics and some Liberty fabrics! Enjoying the magazine and the fantastic patterns

Christine via email

We love the use of William Morris and Liberty fabrics for a more evergreen look!


Here is my version of Lynne Goldsworthy’s ‘Stars and Dashes’ from issue 67 of Today’s Quilter. I decided to make it scrappy to use up some of my stash. The pattern is brilliant, not intuitive to work with but the perfect instructions saved the day!

Chiara, via email

A brilliant example of how a scrappy quilt can still look beautifully cohesive with a stunning set of borders!

Homem ade a nd Cosy

This is a mash up of two projects from two issues of Today’s Quilter; Julie Taylor’s ‘Homemade Lemonade’ from issue 57 and Nicola Dodd’s ‘Cosy Carnations’ from issue 64. It was a gift for a friend of my Mum, so I changed all the colours to suit. I enjoyed pairing these projects and am pleased with the end result.

Nicky, via email

What a fabulous idea to combine two projects that you love! The results are truly stunning.

Todaysquilter Todaysquilter


This is my first circle quilt! I love how it turned out with the bright colours and piano border. I chose a subdued backing with vertical lines (thank you Tammy from Alewives and Nobleboro for longarm quilting). My husband has claimed this quilt and calls it a “1970s Mary Tyler Moore quilt”, because Mary Tyler Moore would have had a quilt just like this in her apartment... not sure on this, but it looks great on the bed!

Karen, Maine

A fantastic design! Your curves are perfect and we can’t wait to see where your quilting journey takes you next.

Todaysquilter Todaysquilter