Word From Jerusalem - September/October 2022

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Word From Jerusalem is published by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Word From Jerusalem has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). For more information, visit us at www.icej.org

I hope to see many of you in person at the Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Jerusalem from 9-16 October. If you are not able to physically be with us, please make sure to check out the ways you can join us online through our special streaming platform at feast.icej.org.

I hope as you are reading through this magazine, you will be blessed and encouraged by all that we are doing together. I want to especially thank you for standing with us even during difficult times in your own countries. We trust and pray you will experience in your own life and family that those who bless and comfort Israel will receive God’s blessings in return.

* To stand with Israel in support and friendship; * To equip and teach the worldwide Church regarding God’s purposes with Israel and the nations of the Middle East; * To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Arabs and to support the churches and congregations in the Holy Land. From its head offices in Jerusalem, the ICEJ reaches out to more than 170 countries, with branch offices in over 90 nations.

In this issue of the magazine, we address a question which comes up from time to time: Why is the ICEJ reaching out to the Arab minorities in Israel? This is something very dear to our hearts, as we know we are called not only to bless the Jewish people and to recognise their unique, eternal calling, but we also must show the loving face of Jesus to all the people groups living in the Land.

CREDITS ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler VP International Affairs Mojmir Kallus VP Finance David Van der Walt VP Operations Barry R. Denison VP International Spokesman David Parsons VP AID & Aliyah Nicole Yoder Managing Editor/Publications Director Laurina Driesse Staff Writers Chris Chambers Graphic Design/Illustrator Ryan Tsuen Administration Tobi H Photography Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, AP, JAFI, dayan.org, Yad Vashem, ICEJ Staff and Branches, wikimedia commons

The New King James Bible is used for all Bible references unless otherwise noted.

INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN EMBASSY JERUSALEM P.O. Box 1192, Jerusalem • 9101002, ISRAEL Support our ministry online at www.icej.org SCAN ME TO BLESSTODAY!ISRAEL

I want to also mention that we are having a real impact in Aliyah this year and, with your help, the ICEJ hopes to sponsor more Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia, Russia and Ukraine over coming months.

Dear Travellingfriends,over recent weeks through Europe, I have been left with a troubled and sad feeling about what I see taking place. Various European countries are finding themselves in a very challenging season as they try to emerge from the corona pandemic while facing a brutal war nearby. Not only are there high inflation rates and shortages of certain food supplies, for the first time I have seen long lines of needy people forming outside soup kitchens in my own hometown in Germany. In addition, there are fears of energy shortages during the coming winter months. It gives one a sense of watching our prosperous times crumbling before our eyes and a return to a bygone era when poverty and war swept across AtEurope.thesame time, when looking towards Israel I am amazed at how the nation not only fared well during the corona crisis but also is economically strong despite over three years of political instability and now yet a fifth election campaign. I am reminded of Isaiah 60, where the prophet sees gross darkness covering the earth, but the light of God is rising over His people. This is a good description of the situation in our world today.

We also feature an inspiring Bible teaching by David Parsons on this year’s Feast theme: “The Land of Promise”. David makes use of his legal background to help bring out fresh spiritual truths about a subject of great importance – the role of the Land promise in God’s redemptive plan and how we as Christians should respond to the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland today.


Our vision is: * To reach every segment of Israeli society with a Christian testimony of comfort and love, and * To reach and actively represent to Israel the support of denominations, churches and believers from every nation on earth.

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was established in 1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of Jerusalem and its unique connection to the Jewish people. Today the ICEJ represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to the nation and people of Israel. We recognise in the restoration of Israel the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant with the Jewish people. Our main objectives are:

The Christian Embassy is a non-denominational faith-based ministry supported by the voluntary contributions of our members and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by donating to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ.


In the love of Christ! Dr. Jürgen Bühler InternationalPresident Christian Embassy Jerusalem COVER PHOTO: The fruitfulness of the Land of Israel; Jezreel Valley FOR MAGAZINE ARCHIVES visit www.icej.org/media/word-jerusalem


Israel also is known today for its amazing agricultural produce, its cutting-edge drip irrigation and water conservation, and its expertise in creating new fruits and vegetables.

Israel has one of the most nutritious domestic food supplies in the world, even As we consider this year’s Feast theme of “The Land of Promise”, there is a tendency to focus on the “Land” part.

And this is understandable, as the Land of Israel is so unique, diverse, bountiful and captivating.

From choice greenhouse cherry tomatoes to flavourful Medjool dates to zesty Jaffa oranges, the successes of modern Israeli farmers are legendary.

You can go from majestic snow-capped Mount Hermon to the shimmering Sea of Galilee, on down to the lowest point on earth at the

TEACHING BY DAVID PARSONS, ICEJ VICE PRESIDENT & SENIOR SPOKESMAN ultra-salty Dead Sea, past the striking Ramon Crater, and end up at the tropical Red Sea. There are fertile valleys like the Ayalon, Hula and Jezreel. There are the rolling hills of Judea and Shomron and the Carmel range, while the coastal region boasts the scenic plains of Sharon and Shephela, not to mention all the alluring Mediterranean beaches.


Meantime, the dispersed Jewish people were not known for having a ‘green thumb’. In both the Christian and Muslim lands where most Jews were scattered, they were largely forbidden to own land, which meant they basically lost the ability to farm. This makes the bounty coming from the Land of Israel today even more astounding. Still, God had promised that one day He would return the Jewish people to their ancient homeland, and the land would again yield its fruit for them, while the desert would “blossom like a rose” (Isaiah 35:1; Ezekiel 36:8, 29-36, Zechariah Once8:11-12).you realise how remarkable this prophetic transformation of the Land of Israel is, then the focus starts turning to the “Promise” part of “The Land of Promise” – and especially to the God who promised all these things. That is where our attention truly belongs!


But think about it! If we love someone, shouldn’t we keep our promises to them? You can tell your spouse or child that you love them all you want, but if you start breaking your promises to them, it only rings hollow. That is why the Land promise still matters today. God’s loyalty to His oath is the hallmark of His love! Indeed, the very character of God is at stake over His faithfulness to keep His promise to deliver the Land of Israel to Abraham’s descendants as an “everlasting possession” (Genesis 17:8).

The Balfour Declaration I. TEACHING ranking above France and the US. The nation also is exporting high-quality farm produce in all seasons, even while all its Arab neighbours must import food to feed their people. And all this is taking place in a land that is largely desert. Yet the Land of Israel was not always so fruitful. In fact, throughout all the centuries of Jewish exile the land lay desolate and would not yield its fruit for another people, just as the Bible said it would (Leviticus 26:20; Deuteronomy 11:16-17, Jeremiah 18:15-17).




But that is not how God vested title to the Land in Abraham and his heirs. He did not just hand over the Land scot-free. How so?

THE LAND PROMISE The modern-day restoration of the Jewish people back to the Land divinely promised to them is an incredible testament to the faithfulness, reliability and even love of the God we serve. Every Christian should be amazed that God has kept a promise made by sworn oath to Abraham four thousand years ago, because it demonstrates that He can be absolutely trusted to keep every promise He has made to us in Christ through the New Covenant. This, after all, is the whole point of Hebrews 6:13-20. So, witnessing Israel’s ongoing restoration in our day should build our faith and our awe of God!

Yet some Christians still question whether the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel is from God. They say it is a mere accident of history or the result of a ‘man-made Zionism’ fraught with injustice. Others contend the Jews forfeited their right to the Land by rejecting Jesus, or that the Land was only needed until Christ came and the Church was born. Many insist we should be more concerned about salvation than any physical piece of land. And then there are those who totally spiritualise the Land promise to the point it has no earthly relevance.

Now, there indeed are wonderful spiritual lessons for our own lives which we can take from the biblical story of the Promised Land. But before we go there, let us first try to understand more fully the nature of the Land promise and how it is treated throughout Scripture.

In His covenant with Abraham, God chose both the Land and the people of Israel for the purpose of world redemption, so that together they might form a nation which over time would deliver all the means we need for salvation (Genesis 12:1-3; 17:4-8; 22:1518; Psalm 105:8-11; Acts 7:2-5; Romans 9:4-5; Galatians 3:7-8).

Clearly, the Bible records how God originally promised the Land of Canaan to Abraham and his natural descendants through Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 13:15, 15:17-21, 17:5-8, 28:13, 35:12; Psalm 108:8-12). But the nature of the title which Abraham and his offspring received is key to understanding the eternal purpose behind this promise. As a former practicing real estate attorney, I was used to rendering opinions on title for landowners I represented. And I am amazed at the similarities between the divine Land promise to Israel in the Bible and property deeds today. The grantor and grantee are specified, there are clear words of conveyance and warranty of title, and there are several consistent ‘meets-and-bounds’ descriptions of the precise lands conveyed (Genesis 15:1821; Numbers 34:2-12). But what exactly is the nature or kind of title which Israel received?

Normally, when someone conveys a piece of property to another person, they deliver title in “fee simple absolute”, which means the grantor is transferring all his rights and claims in the land to the grantee and he retains nothing. If the grantee then wants to build a beer joint on the property, the former owner can do nothing about it.

This trusteeship also is reflected in the intriguing words of conveyance found in the passage where God assures Jacob: “The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I give to you; and to your descendants after you I [will] give this land.” (Genesis 35:12) Here, the Lord says

Now, some assert that this promised rest was fulfilled when Joshua led the people in conquering the Land, citing such passages as Joshua 21:44: “The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers...”

The Book of Hebrews affirms this in the simplest of terms: “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God.” (Hebrews 4:10; see also Hebrews 4:1) To this day, the promise of an abiding rest for Israel back in the Land has never been completely fulfilled. But we are now witnessing a process of restoration which will eventually end in Israel as a nation entering this rest in their ancestral homeland. They will finally meet the conditions which God placed on their right to enjoy possession of the Land, because they will have appropriated to themselves the same atonement which you and I have accepted by faith in order to enter our rest in Jesus.

When that day arrives, Israel will no longer need to strive for righteousness through their own efforts. Their fear of enemies and exile will be over. And even the whole world will be at rest in what we refer to as the Millenium or Messianic Age.

This is the same destiny of Israel prophesied by Moses long ago, when he declared that the Lord Himself would one day provide atonement for both the Land and the people of Israel (Deuteronomy 32:43).

No doubt, there are many important lessons we can draw for our own spiritual walk from the biblical truths surrounding the Land of Promise. We have all heard sermons on how we each have a promised land from God but must fight the He already gave the Land (past tense), He is giving the Land (present tense), and He will give the land (future tense) – all in one verse. This speaks of God’s continual, abiding entrustment of the Land to Abraham’s offspring, while retaining its ultimate ownership. This unique trust relationship involving the Land and people of Israel, which has seen them separate and come back together at various preordained times, has been working out God’s plan for world redemption all along. Israel has never forfeited its title to the Land. God has never reneged on His Land promise to Abraham. And the Land promise still awaits an ultimate future fulfilment. We see this, for example, in the simple but powerful words: “I will give you rest.” ENTERING OUR REST Despite the doubts of some Christians, the New Testament affirms in numerous places that Israel indeed has a future destiny back in the Land of Promise, and one ‘proof text’ can be found in the Book of Hebrews.

The writer of Hebrews spends much of chapters three and four urging us to “enter” the rest provided in Jesus, drawing an analogy to the failure of the Israelites in the wilderness to enter the rest promised them in the Land of Canaan. Now this promise of rest originates in an emotional conversation between God and His servant Moses in the days after the first giving of the Ten Commandments. The Lord was still angry over the sin of the Golden Calf and told Moses he and the people should go on ahead to Canaan without Him, lest He “consume” them along the way. But Moses interceded and God relented, vowing: “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)

Taken together, these verses clearly indicate that God intends for Israel to one day enter a permanent rest in the Land promised to them as an “everlasting possession”. It is a rest whereby the nation never again has to struggle to possess the land and can finally rest from their works – meaning striving for righteousness through the law – just as God rested from His works.

This promise of rest in the Land is then repeated elsewhere in the Books of Moses, including in Deuteronomy 3:20, 12:9 and 25:19.



Surely, God has solemnly vowed to deliver the Land of Israel to the Jewish people in rest and peace forever. And you and I will be beneficiaries once more of that unique trust relationship between God and the Land and people of Israel.

Yet the writer of Hebrews insists that if Joshua had truly given them the rest intended summarised in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, which set forth the moral requirements Israel needed to meet to remain in the Land given to them. Otherwise, God vowed to exile them as a corrective measure. Yet loss of possession did not mean loss of the underlying title, as He also promised to always come find them and bring them back to the Land (Leviticus 26:4045). Why? Because He had already promised to Abraham by sworn oath to deliver the Land to his offspring as an “everlasting possession” (Genesis 17:8).


WHICH I GAVE ABRAHAM AND ISAAC I GIVE TO YOU; AND TO YOUR DESCENDANTS AFTER YOU I [WILL] GIVE THIS LAND.' - Genesis 35:12by God, there would have been no need for David to later speak of a future day of rest in Psalm 95:9-11.

Now if God just handed over the Land to the Israelites in ‘fee simple absolute’, He would have no right to come along later and impose these conditions. What this means is that Israel actually received title to the Land in the nature of a trust, whereby God retains ultimate ownership, but entrusted the Land of Canaan to them to further His plan for redeeming the world. They do hold title exclusive of any other claimant, but it is not absolute ownership free of any obligation to God or to others. In this trust relationship, Israel is both a trustee and a beneficiary, as the Land was there to protect and provide for them over time. And even we Gentiles are beneficiaries of that trust relationship, as salvation ultimately came to us as well. We see this trust relationship evidenced in Leviticus 25, where the Lord sets out the commands for observing the Jubilee every 50 years. One of His core commands was that any family or tribal lands which had been lost due to debts had to be returned to their original owners, while no part of the land could be permanently sold, “for the Land is Mine” (Leviticus 25:23).

Paul also states that he was “entrusted with the gospel” (1 Thessalonians 2:4). God entrusts us with everything we need to fulfil His eternal purposes in our lives. But ultimately, it all belongs to Him, and we are just trustees and stewards of His grace and provision. We

I. Moses Throws the Tablet of Stone. Illustration from the 1897 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us: Containing 400 Illustrations from the Old and New Testaments: With brief descriptions by Charles Foster ...we should continue to be amazed and inspired by the faithfulness of God to release the fruitful bounty of the Land of Israel to a Jewish people regathered from the four corners of the earth.

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Indeed, Jesus speaks in several parables about good and bad “stewards” in the Kingdom of God (see, for example, Matthew 20:1-16; Luke 12:42, 16:1-8).

WORD FROM JERUSALEM giants to possess what is rightfully ours. This is a land that will provide for us, and if we are pleasing to the Lord we will have rest from our enemies. These are all valid and helpful and inspiring analogies. But let us narrow in on what we can take away from this understanding that God entrusted the Land to Israel for His divine purposes. When the Lord gives us our own promised land – a ministry, a building, a business – it is because He wants to accomplish some divine purpose in and through our lives. But whatever He gives us, it is never truly ours. He simply entrusts us with what we need to pursue His Kingdom purposes. We cannot just waste it on our own pleasures. We have obligations to Him and to others. The New Testament often refers to this as “stewardship”.

Paul also urged believers to consider him and his fellow Apostles as “servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) Elsewhere, Paul says we should be “good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10; see also Colossians 1:25).

TEACHING do not have absolute ownership or possess anything for ourselves, but are sojourners in this world. Yet God supplies everything we need according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). This is a continual, abiding promise of His provision – past, present and future. And it ends with all the redeemed – including Israel – entering that promised rest of His glorious, eternal Meanwhile,reign!we should continue to be amazed and inspired by the faithfulness of God to release the fruitful bounty of the Land of Israel to a Jewish people regathered from the four corners of the earth. That should do something for our faith in Him and our trust that God will perform every good promise we have in Christ Jesus!

uring his visit to the Middle East in July, US President Joe Biden raised hopes of an imminent breakthrough between Israel and Saudi Arabia, but he fell short when the Saudis greeted him with a cold shoulder. The cool reception signalled Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was personally tiffed by Biden’s criticism of his rule, as well as the American (and Israeli) media leaks of recent covert meetings between Israeli and Saudi leaders. The lesson for Israel is that the House of Saud is still interested in normalizing relations – largely due to the Iranian threat and the benefits of tapping into Israeli hi-tech solutions – but they prefer a slow walk towards peace. After three packed days in Israel, Biden boarded the first direct flight from Ben-Gurion Airport to Saudi Arabia amid reports he was forging a regional Israeli-Arab military alliance against Iran, and even might pull off a dramatic diplomatic breakthrough between Jerusalem and Riyadh. However, it soon became clear the Saudis did not share his urgency or ambitious agenda.

Second, Israelis also know any real, lasting peace in the region is usually worked out by and between the local players themselves, and sometimes the less outside interference the better.

Even Biden’s most urgent action item –getting the Saudis to increase oil production to replace sanctioned Russian oil – was met with disappointment, as Riyadh only offered a modest two-month uptick in petrol supplies for the troubled global energy market.

The Saudi leader also made clear he dislikes leaks to the press – such as the disclosure that IDF chief-of-staff Gen. Aviv Kochavi recently met with his Saudi counterpart during a secret

A second Saudi cabinet minister, Adel al-Jubeir, soon added that while peace with Israel is “possible” and a “strategic option,” it would first have to wait for the creation of a Palestinian state with eastern Jerusalem as its capital. Surprisingly, the United Arab Emirates – which already has ties with Israel via the Abraham Accords – also dampened expectations by stating that “the UAE is not part of any axis against Iran.”

Israelis must now draw their own conclusions about what Biden’s bungled mission means for their country.

Third, Israelis surely realize Biden had made it personal between himself and bin Salman, and the Crown Prince was not interested in handing the American president any real wins in his visit to the Kingdom. Instead, he exploited Biden’s visit to regain some of his lost legitimacy over the Khashoggi affair.





First, the regional dynamic between Israel and its Arab neighbours remains positive overall for the Jewish state. Much of the Israeli-Arab coalescing of late has to do with the Iranian threat, and that impetus is only going to keep driving them together, as a key Iranian official just declared that Tehran now has “the technical ability to build a nuclear bomb.”

To begin with, Biden disappointed his own political base by fist-bumping bin Salman upon arrival, which was seen by progressives back home as an even friendlier gesture than a handshake. This was particularly so after Biden had vowed to treat the Saudi ruler as a “pariah” for allegedly approving the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey in 2018. When Biden immediately confronted bin Salman over the grim incident, the Crown Prince instantly fired back with pointed questions about the unresolved death of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in Israel and the infamous Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal involving American troops in Iraq two decades ago. Even before Biden landed, the Saudis had already doused hopes of any looming diplomatic opening. As Biden bid farewell to Israeli caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid, the two were elated by the Saudi announcement they would open their airspace to all airlines, with the US president hailing it as a “a big deal” and “the first tangible step” towards Israeli-Saudi normalization. But while Biden was enroute to Jeddah, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan countered that the opened airspace had “nothing to do with diplomatic ties with Israel” and was “not in any way a precursor to any further steps” toward normalization.

Of course, if there is a major development in Netanyahu’s trial one way or the other, that could also tip the election. But the wheels of justice will likely continue to turn slowly.


Finally, Israelis should understand the Saudis are very proud of their 2002 peace plan (even though it was actually dreamed up by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman), and they will continue to publicly insist on a two-state solution under its terms, even while quietly making deals with Israel for their own selfinterest.

Many Israelis view Netanyahu as an indispensable national and global leader who is facing an attempted ‘leftist’ coup to bring him down. His opponents, including some on the Right, say he has undermined Israeli democracy by failing to step away from office while under indictment.

At the heart of the political impasse is the fate of Benjamin Netanyahu, the nation’s longest serving prime minister who currently is facing trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. The three cases brought against Netanyahu took several years to investigate and although the trial is now underway, it has proceeded at a slow pace as numerous witnesses have given testimony for or against him. So far, there is no clear direction on whether he will beat the charges or not.

Therefore, please be praying for God’s will to be done in this perpetual election season in Israel, and that the Lord would continue to ever watch over this nation and people.ofnormalization which took place with the UAE and Bahrain is now happening with the Saudis, but because of the special role they play as guardians of Islam’s holiest sites, the Saudis are traditionally cautious and will slow walk the path to peace with Israel.

If Netanyahu is close to 61 seats, several MKs on the Right who oppose him could cave to pressure and support his return to the premiership.

BY DAVID PARSONS regional summit of Israeli and Arab generals to discuss military and intelligence cooperation against Iran. Israel needs to keep that in mind going Accordingforward.toIsraeli-American entrepreneur Avi Jorisch, the US and Saudi Arabia did quietly manage to sign some 18 unheralded but important agreements on various cooperative efforts, including a lucrative solar energy deal involving an Israeli R&D company.

The latest polls still show neither the pro- nor anti-Bibi camps getting enough votes to form a majority government, though Netanyahu’s block is slightly closer to the 61 Knesset seats needed. No one wants a sixth election, and everyone realises it will be hard for chief rival Yair Lapid of Yesh Atid to reconstitute the broad Right-to-Left coalition that managed to stay in power over the past year. Thus, political analysts suggest one of two likely outcomes.

Jorisch also noted that Israel had discreet trade and investment ties with the Emirates and Bahrain for several decades before they ripened into the Abraham Accords. He was involved in developing those economic ties and is now working on similar initiatives with Saudi Arabia. In fact, in May he led a high-level delegation of some 50 Jewish CEOs of major global companies on a first-ever visit to Medina no less, which historically has been off-limits to non-Muslims. In meetings with Saudi government, business and religious leaders, Jorisch found there was much mutual respect and interest in working together, even though their hosts knew several Israeli nationals were there on foreign passports. Thus, he believes the same process



Alternatively, if the polling deadlock continues as we get closer to the November ballot, pressure might grow within his own party to finally replace Netanyahu as chairman to enable the formation of a Likud-led coalition government coming out of this election.

Israel finds itself in yet another election season – the fifth in the past three-and-a-half years. This prolonged time of political uncertainty could even linger on after the November balloting, as the early polls show little movement towards a clear winner.

Internal Moves

It is a unique privilege and a challenge to serve the Lord in Jerusalem, as the staff in our global headquarters well know. During the corona pandemic over recent years, our entire Jerusalem staff faithfully stood with us and saw the ministry through those uncertain days. But now that Israel’s borders are open and international flights have resumed, there are many changes to report among our staff, including several departures, a couple internal moves, and a number of new additions.

Avalon Wood Avalon served on staff for nearly three years as an Assistant in Events Registration, while also spending part of her time with our Homecare department. A native of the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, she studied in Australia before engaging in social work in the Philippines and other Asian nations, with a special burden to assist women caught in sex trafficking. Avalon answered the call to serve the Lord in Israel for a season and was a great blessing to our staff and to all she met here.

Tiffany Mallillin Tiffany was recently appointed to the new position of Head of Marketing, after serving for three years as Head of Events Registration. Born and raised in the Philippines, she completed a university degree in integrated marketing communications. Tiffany then spent time in the entertainment field, most notably as a vocalist with Hong Kong Disneyland and a musical theatre actor for off-Broadway shows. She later worked in sales and marketing and as an accounts consultant for a pioneer software company. Raised a Christian with a heart and gifting for worship ministry, Tiffany eventually left the corporate world after visiting Israel for the first time as a Feast volunteer in 2017. She feels honoured to serve Yeshua in Jerusalem. Avalon packing food hampers during the corona pandemic. Lily preparing Passover boxes during the corona pandemic.


Lily Sironi Lily served with the ICEJ for the past three years in several positions, including as Social



BY DAVID PARSONS Media Manager, Projects Manager for the revamped website, and Head of our Arise youth department. She recently married former Jerusalem staff member Alex Mills and they will make their home in New York City, where Lily has a wonderful opportunity to serve with the Israel Mission at the United Nations, working under Amb. Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN. She is uniquely qualified for this position, having earned her undergraduate degree from the IDC (now Reichman University) in Herzliya.


' Farewells' AND 'Welcomes'

Due to our rapidly expanding prayer activities worldwide, Anastasiya has recently been named the new Assistant Prayer Coordinator. Originally from Russia, she previously served as a staff writer and Assistant Head of Media and Publications. Choosing to serve the Lord rather than pursue a career in banking, Anastasiya has travelled widely with different Christian ministries and has a heart for intercession and outreach. She felt called several years ago to Jerusalem, where she met and married Joshua Gooding, our Prayer Coordinator, and also joined the ICEJ’s Media and Publications department.

Anastasiya Gooding

Annaliese Johnson

Chris Chambers

For the past six years she has been working as a professional photographer and videographer, mostly freelance. Among her many travels, Katarína has visited Israel three times before and loved it, even sensing it was her spiritual home. She has worked part-time with the ICEJ’s Slovak branch in recent years, and now looks forward to serving full-time in our Jerusalem headquarters, using her creative abilities to help better introduce Israel and the Christian Embassy to new on-line audiences.

Annaliese has come on board as the Assistant Head of Events Registration. Originally from Texas, she recently completed a Masters’ degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Annaliese says she is zealous about supporting Israel as well as interfaith dialogue, and has participated in several programs designed to get to know Israel and the Middle East better, such as Passages, the Tikvah Fund, and the Philos Project. She was first drawn to the ICEJ due to our Aliyah efforts. Annaliese makes friends easily and already seems to know her way around Israel well.

Chris has re-joined the Christian Embassy as a staff writer and Assistant Head of Publications. Hailing from England, this is his third stint on the Jerusalem staff, having previously served in key roles in our Finance and Logistics departments. A proud grandfather, his background includes extensive time as a bank manager and financial advisor. Chris contributes much to the family atmosphere on staff and has quickly shown a gift for capturing the personal stories of those Israelis we are helping through our Aid and Aliyah projects.

Yesenia Vélez Originally from Puerto Rico, Yesenia is the new Head of Events Registration. She was a Baptist youth leader, before studying Communications at the University of Puerto Rico and at ITESM in Mexico. Over recent decades, Yesenia worked as a Producer with film companies and advertising agencies, both in Puerto Rico and New York, and as Costume Supervisor for American features and TV series. She has volunteered at the ICEJ’s Feast since 2013, as an usher and in Feast Registration. She looks forward to being an instrument of blessing and comfort for the people of Israel.

Returning Staff

Anne Mgaga


Anne is the new Feast Team Administrator. Originally from South Africa, she came from humble beginnings during the apartheid era. But as a young girl, the highlight each year was attending a Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Durban, which felt like heaven while worshipping with people of all racial backgrounds. Her yearning for Jerusalem drew Anne to our Feast in 2018, and in the Garden Tomb Communion service she again felt the presence of the Lord like as a young girl, and knew she wanted to get involved with ICEJ. Anne now hopes to use the skills acquired while working for various law firms for God’s Kingdom. Lucie Kallusova Lucie has officially joined the ICEJ staff as Assistant to the Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Mojmir Kallus. Born in Czechoslovakia during the communist era, she studied architecture at the Czech Technical University and worked in an urban planning institute for historical towns. She came to faith in Jesus in the 1980s and joined a local Evangelical church, where she met Mojmir. They married in 1990 and have one daughter, Matylda. Lucie has been helping her husband in various fields of ministry, including pastoring, church planting, organising events, publishing, translations, and graphic design. She speaks Czech, Russian, German and English and is learning Hebrew and Arabic.

Marelinke van der Riet

New Staff

Marelinke will be the new Assistant to the Vice President for Operations, Barry Denison. She was born in South Africa, raised in Namibia, studied in Australia, and now lives in Israel. She previously served at another Christian ministry in Jerusalem in 2019 and came to know the ICEJ at that time. Marelinke then returned to Namibia and began pastoring young adults, but she had a strong sense the Lord would bring her back to Jerusalem, especially through Ezekiel 37:12 (AMP) and Acts 20:22. She says being back serving in ministry here in Israel is a dream come true.


Katarína Haršányová Katarína will be our new Social Media Manager. She comes from Bratislava, capital of Slovakia.

Nicole Yoder, ICEJ VP for Aid & Aliyah presents a donor plaque. The entrance to the underground shelter

ounded by Yemenite Jews in 1950, Moshav Mash’en is a small Israeli farming community close to the Gaza border. During the latest rocket war with Hamas in May 2021, the village medical center had to close down because it lacked an adequate bomb shelter to protect against the flurry of incoming rockets from Gaza. For 20 years, the community has campaigned to repair an underground bomb shelter beside the medical clinic to keep it open during times of crisis. The room was dark, flooded with water, home to wild animals, and very moldy.


“Things isbelieveweit“ShouldAshkelonchiefAmnonimpossible,”lookedsaidZiv,securityfortheHofregion.wecollapseorcloseitoff?Butsoonbegantothatnothingimpossible!”

Nicole Yoder, ICEJ Vice President for Aid & Aliyah, joined local community leaders in mounting a donor plaque at the shelter’s entrance. She told the gathering: “this gift comes from Christians… We are thrilled to be part of this beautiful project and we hope it gives you peace of mind and saves lives.”

Amnon Ziv and Itamar Revivo, mayor of the Hof Ashkelon region, both spoke kindly about the Christian donors and explained more fully the mammoth task to restore the shelter. The facility now has waterproofing, a kitchen, revamped bathrooms, and air conditioning, while the medical center can treat patients in the shelter during emergencies. The bunker also is a comfortable space for children’s activities and community gatherings year-round.

Mayor Revivo also noted that while the shelter will protect lives from injury and death, the rockets can still cause fear and emotional traumas which take years to heal, especially in children. But having the security of the shelter nearby will enable normal life to go on and aid the recovery of those suffering from trauma. Your support is giving hope to many vulnerable Israeli citizens who need our help. Please continue to give to the ICEJ’s ‘Israel in Crisis’ fund so we can be ready to save more lives in Israel’s next emergency.


here. Because of this course, I will be working full-time in programming. Israel is the perfect place to be as every major hi-tech company is here.”

Arabs constitute 21% of Israel’s overall population, but they comprise only 3% of the nation’s thriving hi-tech workforce, even though many Israeli tech companies want to hire them. Arab interest in hi-tech careers is growing, as 15% of the students currently in hi-tech courses are Arabs, but they still show very high drop-out rates. Many times, Arab youths entering university face greater challenges than Jewish students – such as economic constraints, Hebrew language deficiencies, or unfamiliarity with Israel’s mainstream culture. This often leads to them giving up early in their studies.

Support at: give.icej.org/givinghope

PLEASE DONATE AT: give.icej.org/crisis


This is because the ICEJ, through our USA office, came through with funds to fully restore the underground shelter, which also serves a nearby kindergarten and synagogue. In July, a small ICEJ delegation attended the official re-opening ceremony.



Thus, the ICEJ has been sponsoring a special computer coding course for promising Israeli Arab students in need.

Basil, an Arab student from the Galilee, recently told us he was proficient at computer programming even in high school but needed this coding course to land a good hi-tech job.

“This computer training course is very important”, explained Basil. “You cannot rely only on a degree to get gainful employment

With your support, the Christian Embassy is bringing the hitech dreams of talented Israeli Arabs one step closer while also strengthening Israeli society. Help us give a future and a hope to the next generation of Arabs and Jews as they seek their common good together.



The Hebrew prophets, such as Isaiah 19, also inspire us with a vision that one day there will be a broader reconciliation between the restored nation of Israel and the surrounding Arab countries. We are seeing the first fruits of that vision today, especially in the Abraham Accords and the growing fellowship between Messianic Jews and Arab believers.

Also remember that Israel is constantly defamed as an “apartheid state”, while we as Christian supporters of Israel are accused of “racism” for our perceived indifference to Arab concerns. But we know Israel seeks to treat its Arab minority fairly, while the ICEJ has a proven track record of reaching out to the Israeli Arab community for over 40 years now. We at the Christian Embassy want to see Israel preserved and strengthened. And while our primary mandate is to comfort the Jewish people, the local Arab community also is an integral part of Israeli society. For all these reasons, we are pro-actively reaching out to them as well with a sincere witness of Christian love.

First, we know God loves all humans – no matter their ethnic background. When God first called Abraham into a special covenant relationship and birthed Israel, His clearly stated goal was to “bless all the families of the earth.” (Genesis 12:3) That includes Arab “families” – who after all are also descended from Abraham. Further, the Law of Moses commanded the Israelites to be kind to the stranger in the land, because they were once strangers in the land of Egypt. They could not “mistreat” or “oppress” them (Exodus 22:21; 23:9), but rather had to “love” them (Leviticus 19:33-34; Deuteronomy 10:19). In fact, the rabbis point out that Abraham ‘ran to the strangers’ and offered them a hearty meal when three visitors appeared before his tent (Genesis 18:2). Many Jews in Israel today consider these biblical standards to be guidelines for how they should treat the Arab WHY REACHWEOUT TO ISRAEL’S COMMUNITY?ARAB BY DAVID PARSONS AND NICOLE YODER minority in their country. So, we are always looking for ways to encourage reconciliation, harmony and goodwill between Jews and Arabs in Israel, just as Jesus taught in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).

In practical terms, Arab citizens make up 20% of the Israeli population and they enjoy the same democratic rights as Jewish citizens. Thus, while most of our aid budget goes to benefit the Jewish majority, a good portion is directed towards the Arab sector, often to projects that bring the two peoples together. We do this to promote societal cohesion, knowing it helps strengthen Israel if the nation does not have to spend time, energy and resources dealing with ethnic clashes inside the country – as happened in May 2021.

As Christians, we also are called to a way of peace (1 Corinthians 7:15), and to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). Therefore, we have sponsored many joint Jewish-Arab social aid projects (particularly for the younger generations) to promote peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.

ICEJ AID Sometimes, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is asked why we engage in social aid projects directed towards the Arab community in Israel.

Many of our social aid programs also promote economic opportunity for the poor, and unfortunately many Israeli Arab families are stuck in poverty. If they are not able to keep up with the Israeli mainstream, it can lead to crime, violence, drugs and civil unrest.

Israeli Jews themselves regularly ask the ICEJ for help in giving Arab citizens a better chance to succeed. For instance, while Israel’s hi-tech industry is booming, we learned that only 3% of the hi-tech workers are Arabs, with Arab women comprising only 0.1%. Thus, we are funding a very promising program which teaches computer programming to select Arab students in need.

It is true that when the ICEJ was founded in 1980, we received a clear biblical mandate to be a ministry of comfort to Israel and the Jewish people, especially in light of all the past wounds inflicted on Jews by Christians. We have faithfully carried out this mission ever since. But we also have compelling reasons for reaching out to Israeli Arabs – including Muslims, Christians, Bedouin and Druze.



Your support for our next planeload of Ethiopian Jews will help us cover the flight costs as well as various pre-flight expenses, including transportation and security needs, Hebrew lessons, medical attention, interview and documentation costs, plus urgent integration assistance once they arrive in Israel. So, please give generously towards our upcoming Aliyah flights for Ethiopian Jewry. And maybe share this need with a friend on Facebook or on your mobile phone. Tell them it is truly time to bring home the last remnant of Ethiopian Jews.




Since then, the Christian Embassy has sponsored Aliyah flights for more than half of the Ethiopian Jews (2,750 out of 5,347) who have been brought to Israel over the past seven years.

There are still many more Ethiopian Jewish families who urgently need our help to finally reach Israel. With financial help from relatives in Israel, some have found decent housing and sent their children to school while they wait for approval to immigrate. But for those still living in the transit camps, the conditions continue to worsen. Often, their homes are tin shacks without electricity or running water. Many have trouble finding work and get taken advantage of because they want to leave. In addition, the nation has been hit hard by coronavirus, civil war, drought and famine.

DONATE TODAY AT: give.icej.org/aliyah

ICEJ welcomes new flight of Ethiopian Jews at Ben Gurion International airport June year.14


Our latest sponsored flight landed in June with 160 Ethiopian immigrants on board. An ICEJ delegation was there at Ben-Gurion Airport to welcome them and witness prophetic promises being fulfilled. But we also witnessed first-hand many tearful embraces revealing the deep pain of these families split apart for all those long years.

ome twenty years ago, thousands of Ethiopian Jews began leaving behind their fields and villages and hurrying to Addis Ababa and Gondar to hopefully board one of the flights taking this ancient Jewish community home to Israel. But many ended up stuck in transit camps where they have languished ever since. This was around the time when Facebook and the first iPhone came along. So, while the world has been racing ahead into an age of instant global connectivity, these Ethiopian Jewish families have remained in limbo, ever longing to reach the Promised Land. Thankfully, we can do something to change that! Israel has committed to bring home up to 3,000 Ethiopian Jews before the end of 2022 as part of its ongoing emergency airlift known as Operation Tzur Yisrael (“Rock of Israel”). To help achieve that goal, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is looking to sponsor Aliyah flights for many of these Ethiopian Jews due to arrive in the coming weeks and months. This is our chance, together, to help them make it to the Jewish homeland. The remnant of Jews still left in Ethiopia were previously prevented from coming because they are considered Falash Mura, a term for Jews forced to convert to Christianity several generations ago largely to keep their jobs. But they continue to identify with the Jewish people and faith, and they have close relatives already living in Israel. So, in 2015 the Israeli government approved the resumption of the Ethiopian Aliyah in an effort to reunite these separated families.



Oksana first escaped to Moldova and then Romania, where she applied for Aliyah and soon boarded a flight to Israel with her sons. Since arriving, Oksana appreciates the safety and better standard of living. “Here, people care”, she said. “And I love the nature, it’s beautiful. I love Israel with all my heart. I never want to leave.”


Thousands of Jews have recently escaped the war in Ukraine and immigrated to Israel, many arriving with few possessions. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is helping them get settled here in many ways, such as providing them with urgent dental care. We recently met with two of these new Ukrainian Jewish immigrants and heard their heroic stories.

Oksana discovered she also needed urgent dental care while looking for a dentist for her son, Liev. She had her teeth checked and they found significant damage across four teeth. Still struggling to make ends meet, she sees our assistance with her dental needs as a real gift.


“I have been given so much support from Christians and want to say a very big thank you, including the ICEJ for this dental care,” she said.

“Thank you so very much for your help,” she said tearfully. “This is such a beautiful day.”

Nicole Yoder with Katia


Having saved her life and leg, and improved her mental state, Katia faced yet another pressing need – dental treatments. The bomb blasts left her with root canal problems, a major mouth infection and no front teeth. Still, she smiled and thanked the ICEJ for helping fund her dental procedures. Eventually, she is expecting a brace and bridge over her new front teeth. She now needs to study Hebrew, learn to walk again in rehab, and give herself more time to Katiaheal.knew from her teen years she was Jewish and could make Aliyah, but never gave it serious thought. Now, she believes God has a reason for bringing her to Israel, and she looks forward to when she can help others again.

SAVING KATIA’S LEG, AND SMILE Katia, age 31, arrived in Israel from Ukraine in March. Prior to the war, she was a sales manager in a factory and volunteered her spare time to help less fortunate families. As Russia’s invasion started, her home was destroyed and she was shot in her left leg. Bleeding profusely and in constant pain from shrapnel wounds to her mouth and body, Katia was stretched across the folded back seat and trunk of a car and driven for eight hours over dangerous roads to Moldova. Finally safe in a hospital, she received the harsh news that, due to their lack of medical expertise, her leg had to be amputated. But Jewish and Christian volunteers helped arrange a rescue flight to Israel, so she decided to wait on the surgery. Arriving at Ben Gurion Airport, she was rushed to an Israeli hospital and successfully treated. Katia was especially delighted when doctors said they could save her “Thisleg.is a miracle!” Katia told us. Since arriving in Israel, Katia has been alone and somewhat in shock. Sadly, her mother and sister abandoned her, likely due to her post-traumatic stress. Fortunately, a Christian nurse befriended her and helped her through the deep depression that marked her recovery.


The ICEJ is committed to helping Jewish immigrants as they make their way home to Israel and begin their lives anew here. Your generosity is making a difference for new arrivals like Katia and Oksana and their families! Please continue to support our Aliyah and Integration efforts.


Nicole Yoder, ICEJ VP of AID and Aliyah with Oksana and her son

Oksana and her two boys, ages 15 and 6, recently arrived from Kyiv. Like so many other Ukrainian Jews, Russia’s invasion split their family. She quit her job, left her husband behind, and came to Israel with the boys, one suitcase and little money. She decided to leave because her youngest son, Liev, has asthma and struggled to breath while stuck for days in underground shelters.

he ICEJ’s Home for Holocaust Survivors in Haifa has been welcoming nine new residents who fled the war in Ukraine, and all their stories are heart-breaking. Here are just a few facets of their lives, plus other updates.

After long bureaucratic delays, the elevator was finally installed in the Christian Embassy’s new residential building. The building still needs some work, but several Holocaust survivors from Ukraine have already moved in.




While our residents need physical and emotional care, they also need good beds to sleep in and comfortable chairs to sit. Shela and Lena, also new residents from Ukraine, had great fun when our team took them to the local IKEA to find some new furniture. They had never seen such a huge store and felt like children in a toy shop. They especially enjoyed scooting around the showrooms on motorized carts. Natalia, a new resident of the Haifa Home for Holocaust Survivors waves from her room.

Shela and Lena shopping at IKEA

“We feel so loved and welcomed,” Maya repeated several times. “They take wonderful care of us, and we are so happy to be here.”

When war erupted in Ukraine last winter, Maya and Anatoly had no plans to leave their home of many decades. But as the battle grew closer and trenches were dug around their property, they knew it was time to go. That evening, an readyurgethemwhichorganisationhadhelpedforyearscalledtothemtopackandbetoleavebymorning.

With tears flowing, Natalia told us she felt like her father helped her make it to Israel, because he had such a difficult life but always found ways to reassure the family. She is so grateful for the care she receives at the Haifa Home, but adds it is not easy starting over at her age.

“All my friends, my whole life is in Ukraine”, Natalia confides. “I’m not sure if I can really make Israel my home. Let’s see what time brings.”



When Russia first attacked Ukraine, the Odessa port was seen as a prime target, but Natalia never imagined leaving. “I told myself I would stay no matter what”, she said. Yet, the constant fear in war returned, and with few nearby bomb shelters for civilians, she decided to escape to Israel.

After passing many roadblocks to reach Kharkiv, they were put on a bus to Moldova, where their documents were processed before they flew to Israel. Their son was already living in Haifa, so they joined his family there. But soon, Maya and Anatoly became the first residents in our new apartment building!

Meanwhile, Arnold had to find a good mattress for him and his disabled wife Allah, who stays mostly in bed. Simcha, our physiotherapist, happily showed him how to try out a mattress in an Israeli store.

Another new resident is Natalia, whose family fled Odessa when the Germans invaded Ukraine in World War II. She still remembers the constant fear. When the family returned to Odessa, her father became a ship captain – a rare position for a Jew in Soviet days. Natalia later married, but today she is a widow.



Simcha with Arnold at Ikea

Tanja and Arnold NEW STAFF MADE FOR THEIR JOBS Tanja, who recently joined the Haifa Home staff, is really fit for her job. She made Aliyah from Ukraine herself in 1999, speaks the language fluently, and knows the challenges of moving to Israel. She is helping our new survivors from Ukraine navigate all the immigration paperwork and taking them to see doctors.

The two girls found that caring for Holocaust survivors is a great way to learn from the elderly and see the world from a different perspective. “We as young people are often busy with our phones and social media”, said Kathlin. “Here I learned how wonderful it is to take time to build a deep relationship, to listen and to learn from older “Livingpeople.”


Naomi is an amazing lady on the Haifa Home staff. A child of Holocaust survivors herself, she is already past retirement age and only works parttime, but she is always available for the residents –morning, noon and night.


“I see my task as to help them with the important and the small things”, Tanja said. “Sometimes, I am just sitting with them and listening, so they do not feel alone. I want them to feel they are home and have family who care.”

We also just added Ella to our Christian volunteer team. Because her parents came from different Soviet republics, she speaks both Russian and Romanian, and then learned Hebrew while studying in Israel over recent years. Seeking the Lord for her next step, she applied to be an assistant nurse on our Haifa team, and it turns out she is well suited for the job. Ella will be responsible for all our new Russian-speaking residents.

Naomi (right) gives a present to a resident.

“My parents taught me from a young age to be independent and not let anything hinder me”, she said. But it was not easy, as her grandparents all perished in the Holocaust, and her parents never talked about what happened to “Theythem.

never told us anything”, she lamented. “Only when I was already married, I found a picture of my mother when she was young with a group of beautiful young women. When I asked who they were, she burst out crying. They were a group of girls in Auschwitz chosen for special abuse by the Nazis.” When her father was old, one day Naomi discovered big scars on his back. When she asked what had happened, he reluctantly told her about surviving the infamous Babi Yar massacre in Kyiv, where over 33,000 Jews were murdered by the Nazis in one weekend. He was shot in the back and fell into the ravine with other bodies falling on top. But partisans managed to dig him out alive and he spent the rest of the war hiding in the forests.

have compelling reasons to care for these Holocaust survivors and are privileged to still have a chance to impact their lives. Thank you for considering a generous gift towards the work of the ICEJ’s Haifa Home for Holocaust survivors.


Naomi also spends a lot of time teaching her ten grandchildren about the Holocaust and bringing them to the Haifa Home. “It’s so important for me that they know this past, and that what we have today in Israel is only because of what the past generations went through”, she Likeconcluded.Naomi,we

“We will miss you very much”, said survivor Sofie. “You have become part of our family!”

Please donate today give.icej.org/survivorsat:

“What I try to do with the residents is to give them love, but at the same time they give me love”, assured Naomi. “It is very important for me to give to others because I did not experience love, warmth, and hugs in my own life. So, I give it to our residents, and I receive the love from them I always craved.”


Born in Poland after the Second World War, Naomi experienced antisemitism in high school when classmates called her a “dirty Jew”. At age 15, she made her way to Israel with a Jewish youth movement. Over time, her divorced parents and brother all made Aliyah as well.

When members of our Christian volunteer team leave, it is always an emotional farewell. Kathlin and Steffi, two 19-year-old German volunteers, left after nine months of loving service to Holocaust survivors. Their smiles and youthful spirits brought much life and joy to the residents, whom they helped every day with cleaning, errands, doctor visits, and much more! They said a tearful yet warm goodbye to the residents at the weekly dance night.

among these Holocaust survivors has taught me many things”, added Steffi. “The exercises we did helped me to connect with people I couldn’t talk to due to language barriers. It taught me that I can do much more than I often think.”


A new washing machine brings much needed help to a family in Beersheba Please continue to support ICEJ Homecare give.icej.org/homecareat: 18 | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022

Homecare is a work of building relationships with those we care for and responding to their needs, and sometimes it takes years to develop that Aboutrapport.18months


Several times, she expressed her thankfulness that we never forgot or gave up on her. We saw that our visits, even though short and just to the front door, had meant a lot to Ada. Finally welcomed into her home, we left with our hearts filled with joy and hope. Yes, there is still more healing ahead, but Ada has hope again.

Since the war broke out in Ukraine, she worries greatly for her parents, and her brother and his family, who are all close to the fighting. They cannot leave, and when she hears their reports of agony and distress due to the war, it only adds to this young mother’s worries. Not long ago, she called us in panic, as her washing machine had stopped working and could not be repaired. With her small income, she could not afford the unexpected costs of a new washer. But she could not live without one, either – not even a week. So, Homecare quickly responded to her need. We went back that same week to Beersheba, took her to an

ago, Ada lost her husband after many years of illness, suffering and multiple hospital visits. Ada took care of him with love, perseverance and what little strength she had, since she also had serious health issues. But she forgot about her own needs and put her emotions aside. Yet when her beloved husband passed, she fell into a deep depression. The years of only giving had taken its toll. The curtains of her small apartment stayed closed. The television became her companion. She feared everything outside her home and did not want to leave. Because of her relationship with ICEJ Homecare, built so carefully over the years, we continued our monthly visits. Emotionally, she did not have the strength to talk with us. Our monthly visits stopped at the front door and were very short. Just trying to encourage Ada and show her love, we did not give up hope but continued visiting, month after month, and praying for the complicated situation. We knew with the right help from a doctor and her children, things could turn around.

“This machine is quieter than a windmill”, her little son said as he looked the new washer over at

HOMECARE appliance store, and – thanks to generous Christian donors – were able to buy her a new washing machine.

Meanwhile,home.his mother was in tears with Thesethankfulness.aretwo stories from the visits which ICEJ Homecare undertakes to needy Jewish immigrants in the south of Israel. There are many more families we would like to share about, but we also want to say thank you to our faithful supporters. With your help, we are able do this precious work the Lord has given into our hands together.

It is still early morning. Birds are singing, and the sun has just greeted a new day as Corrie van Maanen and a colleague from ICEJ Homecare begin their rounds. They start early to avoid Jerusalem’s busy morning rushhour traffic. Once a month, ICEJ Homecare heads south to Arad and Beersheba, in the Negev desert, to visit, strengthen and comfort different Jewish immigrant families in need.

After one and a half years, she finally opened the door for us again and a little ray of hope sparked her depressed heart. We could come in, listen to her heart, and hear her say: “I do want to get better, to be able again to reach out and help other people.”

We moved on to see a single mother, whose youngest son knew we were coming and was jumping with excitement. He greeted us with big hugs. For this mom, however, life is filled with challenges. She has three young children and they live on the third floor of an apartment building with no elevator. We stand at her side, listening to her stories.

“We attribute this growth and revival directly to our participation in the Rosh Chodesh prayer chain”, proclaimed Pastor Ilustre, whose church teams have been leading 14 different one-hour prayer watches during Rosh Chodesh.

Afresh wave of prayer is sweeping through the global ministry of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.


A similar testimony recently came from Thailand. During our Rosh Chodesh prayer chain in the month of Adar, when Queen Esther fasted for three days to save the Jewish people, the Thai teams were in their prayer watch when they received word that Tangmo Nida, a famous young actress and outspoken Christian, had suddenly died. Believers across Thailand were in shock, but in prayer a word came forth from John 12:24:

When our prayer efforts intensified two years ago, our ICEJ national leaders around the globe accepted the call to intercession, and one good example has been the ICEJ-Philippines, led by national director Pastor Steve Mirpuri. He began inviting pastors nationwide to join him in an hour of prayer during the Rosh Chodesh vigil, and the response was amazing. Not only did they want to join, they offered to lead their own one-hour watches. As a result, Christians from the Philippines have carried the Rosh Chodesh prayer chain for 54 hours in recent months.



We have seen the Lord move mightily and answer our prayers; here are a couple recent testimonies of what He has done.

Christian leaders in Thailand felt to call a three day fast in alignment with the Esther story, and next thing the main news channel broadcast a story on the actress and her outspoken Christian faith. Then many of her famous friends set up a memorial service for her, even though they were not Christians, and during the service the Gospel was openly preached on Facebook and YouTube, drawing over three million viewers. The end result was that over 400,000 people came to faith in Jesus in a little over a month – in a nation with only 200,000 Christians to begin with!

When the world first faced the challenge of a global pandemic two years ago, the ICEJ turned to prayer and by God’s grace we have not only survived but thrived. Two new prayer initiatives were birthed at that time, the weekly Global Prayer Gathering and the Rosh Chodesh monthly prayer chain. Each initiative had a different vision but the same focus: to ask the Lord for an outpouring of the Spirit of God over Israel and the nations.TheGlobal Prayer Gathering is held every Wednesday between 4pm-6pm (Israel Time), and usually draws some 500 intercessors worldwide every week to receive insights from ministry leaders and to unite our hearts in Meanwhile,prayer.


“Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” JOHN 12:24

the Rosh Chodesh on-line prayer vigil begins the first day of each month on the Hebrew calendar. It started out with a 12-hour prayer chain at Pentecost 2020 and has now grown to 240 hours in length with churches and prayer groups from over 60 nations involved. Each hour a new team of intercessors takes the baton to pray for revival in their nation and for the redemption of Israel as the prophets foretold (Ezekiel 36:27).

One leader who happily joined the Philippines watch was Pastor Carlos Ilustre. But last year, his region was hit by a major typhoon and many people lost their homes. In response, intercessors in our prayer chain began to pray for the Philippines and in that moment, Pastor Ilustre felt the unction of the Holy Spirit to do outreach in the community hit hardest by this storm. In one week, over 3,000 people came to the Lord and began attending church. Now, his churches are hosting services where young people especially are having divine encounters with the Lord.

“Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”


This shows that when the people of God align themselves with His will in prayer, grace abounds and miracles happen. If you would like to join the ICEJ’s times of prayer or get more information, please visit icej.org/prayer or send an email to prayer@icej.org


BelayIsraeliKallusFinallyinICEJJuliusappointedofficiallyApostleEkieastherepresentativeCameroon.inGabon,Dr.wasjoinedbypastorBirlieforaninterdenominational conference in the capital of Libreville.


Indeed, it is evident that Christians throughout central Africa are waking up to God’s plan with Israel and want to actively participate in comforting the Jewish people. We also look forward to welcoming their delegations at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem this October.

Arranged by ICEJ-Gabon national director Judicael Mounguengui, the gathering was attended by hundreds of Christians in-person, and with thousands more joining on-line via Facebook and YouTube.

The ICEJ recently lost a faithful and pioneering leader in our global family with the passing of Victor Schlatter in July. Victor served for many years as an ICEJ special representative to Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, and in 2017 he received our annual Nehemiah Award. Together with his wife Elsie, Victor lived a life of sacrifice and dedication to the Lord. Although a credentialed nuclear scientist, Victor answered the calling to be a Bible translator in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, and over several decades of ministry birthed a network of over 100 congregations. He also instilled his passionate love for Israel in Christians throughout the Pacific island nations, even impacting their voting records on Israel at the United Nations. We honour Victor’s life and send warm condolences to Elsie and the family.



he ICEJ held three national conferences on Israel with interdenominational participation in central Africa in June, all addressed by Dr. Mojmir Kallus, ICEJ Vice President for International Affairs. In the Central African Republic, hundreds of believers came together in the capital of Bangui for a conference on Israel’s spiritual journey according to Romans 11, organised by ICEJ-CAR national director, Pastor Firmin Ngatoua. The conference was held over three days in three different churches (a Baptist and two Apostolic churches), and concluded with the official inauguration of the Embassy’s office in the country. In Cameroon, Dr. Kallus was welcomed in the capital of Douala, where he spoke about the ICEJ’s work at a conference for more than 150 pastors


Apostle John Aaron Wright, Sr., the ICEJ’s National Director in Liberia, recently decided to run for president of his country in the upcoming national election. His activities over recent years on behalf of Israel and the ICEJ have given him numerous key contacts in government and across the nation, and many have confirmed the personal calling he senses to stand up for leadership of Liberia. Our blessings and prayers go out to our brother Aaron in this endeavour. and ministry leaders. He also

Pastor Gaspard Obiang, the honorary president of the conference, thanked all the host churches for their involvement, adding that it had created an “opportunity to intercede for Israel, and to remember the promises of salvation for her”.

The ICEJ’s office in Gabon is one of the oldest in Africa, having been founded by the late Zachee Eloka in the 1990s. The awareness of Israel is growing in the region, and the Gabon team intends to organise more such conferences in the years ahead.




Costa Rica celebrates Israel Independence Day



CEJ national leaders in Spanish-speaking countries recently helped organise several celebrations to honour Israel’s 74th anniversary, illustrating our growing presence in Latin America, where we currently have active offices or representations in eleven countries.

CEJ-Germany recently convened its annual Prayer March in Stuttgart, this time featuring ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler. Hundreds of Christians flocked to the gathering and carried large signs with Bible verses as they marched around the busy city center. Prayers were offered for the nation’s leaders and churches and for the Jewish people, while several speakers delivered powerful messages on fighting antisemitism, trusting the Word of God, and building stronger relations between Israel and Germany.

MEXICO In Mexico, our national director Javier Martinez Rueda helped arrange a “Happy Birthday Israel” rally attended by Israeli Ambassador Zvi Tal and numerous Christian and Jewish dignitaries. Javier shared about the ICEJ’s work with Aliyah and Holocaust survivors, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Other speakers noted Israel’s historic role in shaping Western democratic values. ICEJ-Mexico also organised a rally celebrating 70 years of diplomatic relations between Israel and Mexico, held at the symbolic “Angel of Independence” monument in Mexico City. The event was attended by leaders from the Zionist Council in Mexico, Bnai Brit, Enlace Judío and other Jewish and Christian groups.

ICEJ-Costa Rica recently held a double celebration of Israel’s Independence Day and Jerusalem Day, featuring the Evangelical Alliance’s national president Dr. Jorge Gómez and other dignitaries. The event also marked the 40th anniversary of the ICEJ office in Costa Rica, founded by national director Teresita Torres. Some 500 people attended the gathering in person, while another 500 joined online. The festivities included dancing, praise and worship, and much joy.

Barry Denison, ICEJ Vice President for Operations, visited Azerbaijan during June to set in place Aykhan Mahmudov as our new representative in this Muslimmajority country. Aykhan has experience in business and pastoring, and God sovereignly placed a supernatural love for Israel and the Jewish people in his heart.



Pastor Yeni Moreno, deputy director of ICEJPanama, says that through prayer, “our nation has entered the greatest revival in its history”.


ICEJ-Finland recently hosted a special Israel-themed photo exhibit to raise support for our projects benefitting needy children in Israel. The exhibition featured a collection of beautiful photographs taken in Israel over the years by ICEJ-Finland national director Jani Salokangas and James Cheatham of our Jerusalem staff. The exhibition opened to a packed house in Sotkamo and ran for three weeks before the framed photos were sold to raise funds for Israeli children. PANAMA In Panama, our ICEJ team was recently invited by Israeli Ambassador Itai Bardov to celebrate Yom Hatzmaut. A "Flag and Friendship" event also was held, with the local Jewish community providing Israeli flags for ICEJ-Panama members to deliver as gifts to over 100 Evangelical pastors to display in support of Israel. Meanwhile, the Panama team’s regular participation in our Rosh Chodesh monthly on-line prayer vigil has become an opening to spread awareness of the ICEJ across the nation.


Donate today at: give.icej.org/yadvashem

Dedicated trees line the walkway to Warsaw Ghetto Square at Yad Vashem

The ICEJ enjoys a unique and even historic partnership with Yad Vashem, assisting Israel’s official Holocaust memorial and museum to reach the Christian world with its message on the universal lessons of the Shoah. These joint efforts are largely done through the work of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem. You can support our initiatives by becoming the Guardian of a tree planted on Yad Vashem’s campus to honour the Righteous Among the Nations. Yad Vashem grants special recognition to the “Righteous Among the Nations” who took great risks to save Jews during the Holocaust. Over the decades, Yad Vashem has planted some 2,000 trees on its Jerusalem campus to honour these Righteous Gentiles, but the trees are in need of regular maintenance and tending. Become the Guardian of a Tree of Righteous Gentiles by donating US$365 per year, and you will receive: • A certificate with the name of a Righteous Gentile and your name. • The story of the Righteous Gentile. Please give generously to Christian Friends of Yad important joint initiative. Raoul the"RighteousRecognizedWallenberg.asAmongNations"


VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE AND RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL PURCHASES! Go to: ICEJSTORE.COM and use the discount code: WFJ2022ICEJ – The special 10% discount for your purchases at Embassy Resources is valid throughout 2022. 2022 FEAST T-SHIRT 'THE LAND OF PROMISE' (Visit our site for all available sizes) Exclusive 2022 design MERCHANDISE ICEJ BOTTLE 'THE LAND OF PROMISE' MERCHANDISE 2023 ICEJ CALENDAR The Land of Promise SOUVENIR EPISODES now airing on our ICEJ official channels and GOD TV Follow @icejofficialICEJ scan me to watch an icej original program Available from Embassy Resources for US$36.00 | www.icejstore.com EMBASSY RESOURCES // PROPHETICWWW.ICEJSTORE.COMGOD'SFEASTS by Jacob Keegstra BOOK 20 vanbyPetraREJOICEOBSERVEREMEMBERUSDderZande BOOK 18 USD 13 USD 12 USD 14 USD This is the most comprehensive work to date on the noble origins, broad scope and sincere motivations of the Evangelical movement’s support for Israel. The book covers Christian attitudes towards the Jewish people since the early Church fathers, the rise of Evangelicalism out of the Protestant Reformation, and the development of Christian Zionism ever since. While serving as an invaluable resource for the movement going forward, A Short History of Christian Zionism also serves as a personal mirror for the reader to reflect on exactly where they stand on important biblical, prophetic and political issues related to Israel today. This is a welcome work of excellent historic and religious scholarship which instantly belongs atop the required reading list of anyone interested in Israel. A SHORT HISTORY OF ZIONISM:CHRISTIANFROM THE REFORMATION TO THE CENTURYTWENTY-FIRST By Donald M. Lewis (InterVarsity Press / 2021) 36 USD All of our Encounter Israel episodes are available on demand at GOD.TV/VOD/ENCOUNTERISRAEL and our OFFICIAL MEDIA CHANNELS Check GOD TV's schedule for your regional listing.

Register for the Online Feast packages at: feast.icej.org 9-16 OCTOBER 2022 OnlineBASICPackage Online Access through January 2023 US$ 5000 ‘PROMISEDOnlineLAND’Package Feast T-shirt & Online Access through July 2023 US$ 10999 FIRST-FRUITOnlinePackage Includes US$ 50 Feast offering, Feast T-shirt & Online Access through July 2023 US$ 15999 20 + 1 Group Promo For every 20 paid registrants, get 1 FREE registration. Applicable to mixed ticket types. Complimentary pass applied to the ticket with less value, and not valid on upgraded packages. (A digital certificate of participation is issued for all Online Packages.) WATCH THE FEAST THREEONLINE! PACKAGES TO CHOOSE FROM. Connect with pastors and church leaders from across Israel and around the globe, refresh your spirit and receive a renewed vision for your ministry. Gain new insights into Israel through briefings by key figures in the Land. envision.icej.org ENVISION PASTORS & LEADERS CONFERENCE YOUR INVITATION TO BE ENRICHED, INSPIRED, AND EMPOWERED.

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