1936 Howe Military School Yearbook

Page 1



Engravi n ..:s by Crescent E n gr<wini.: Co. Ka la m ri:oo , Mi ch L936 Howe Sc h oo l Howe, PlnMic B in di n g Corp. U.S Pat. No 1970285 732 S h cr mnn £ c. C hi cago Print ed by Jo urnnl Publi s hin g Co. S rur g is, M tch. I I


N this publication, a permanent contribution of the Class of 1936, we have endeavored to portray a cross section of cadet life at Howe School. If in later years this book recalls pleasant memories to the minds of the readers, we will feel that our efforts have been rriore than amply rewarded.

BOR his persistent efforts and unbiasl"d judgement in developing some of the finest teams Howe School has ever known; as a small token of our esteem for one whose friendship has been open to all; and as an appreciation for his advice and guidance; we, the Senior Class of 1936_, dedicate this Tatler to Mr. Thurman C. Diethrich.



ROYCE AINSWORTH Business Manager

THE REV. ROBERT J. MUR.PHY Faculty Adv is er

B 0

Board of Trustees

E , - Ol<FTCIO

T111 R1<.11 1 Rl \'1-RI Nn C\\!1'111 LJ. (;RAY, 1. A., D. D., S. T. D., l' Nside11/ Jli shop o.f Northern fw lia11a

lll ' RRI 'J'T B. B OVH>N, M . .1\ ., S11prrinlrude11t of }/o we Schoo l

ELH"fl\ ' E

W11.1.1AM \ V1L SON F1 Sl!ER, J\. B., H owe·, '00, Dalla s, Texas

EDWARD C'. Bo1rn1·: MAN, ELKllART, T N JJ.

ll. 11 AHl IU Y 1 Sc<rft11ry nud 'J'rrasu!'fr, ll o \\ C1 '98, i<ort Ind.

CL..\VllF H u11 ARll SF RLE , M. D., ll o\\1! 1 '93, C hi cag-o , Ill.

1\LJ- xA DER f ACOJ\IB CAJ\IPAU, ll owc, '93, Detroit, M i c h.

T11E Tl oN0Jt 1\BJ.F CJIAR!.J.S L. D1BBJ.F, 13 A., LL. B , D. C. L , Kalamazoo, J\!ich.

B1wc1-: VA N Ll '. Al' I:, i \ B., Jl owc, '13, C h i cago, Ill.

Advisory Council

Tm: R1c11-r Rr.vi-:RE ND GEOK .E CRAIG STEWART, D. D., L. H D., S. T. D. Bishop of Ch icago

T11r. R 1c JJ-r REvF.K1 rn D Jo1 1N Ni-: 1 TO N M cCoRM ICK, D. D. Bishop of Wntrm Mic!1igm1

GOKDON JENNING S L.\I NG, Ph. D., Litt. D., LL. D. Deal/ H111tritus, 'J'h r Di vis iou of 'J'/1e J1 11111n11itirs; l'rofr sso r of Latin; 'l'lir Uui-versity of Chirngo

W t LLIAM MAR Sll A LL W ARR l·. N, A. B., P h. D. D cnu of Collrgr of Librrn l Aris , Roston University

i\ 1. 1.EN S I SS ON W111T N U ', A. B. lfr n,/ of the Dep11rtJJ1f//t o.f Educntion, Uuivrrs it y of Mi chignu.

REM SEN H Oc11.nY, J\ M ., D. D. l' rrsi.lcu/ of Trinity Co ll ege

T11 1 ·: H11 •1 R l-. :-.!JJ W 11 LI AJ\t F. l'11 :l\c 1·:, M. A., L. 1-1. ])., D. D., LL D. Prr sidmt of J\c11y o11 Co ll ege


The Executive and Administrative Staff

T1rn RE\'EREND CHARLES HERDERT Y ouNG, M.A., S. T. D., R ecto r E111eril11s

MR. BuRRErr B BO UTON , M. A ., Harv a rd, Swperi11te11drnl

MR. EDMUND SCU DDER }AM IESON, A. B., Pl'in cc ton, H endma sl er

T11E R FVEREND ROBERT J AMES MURPHY, 13. D., Se abur y, C!tnp l nin

T 11E R EV EREND EARL T. J1: NNING S, '1 2, A. B. , Syracuse, l'riu cipnl o f Whit e H nll

CAPTA I N FREDER I CK PE ARSON U. S. A., \Ves t Point , Co111111n11tln111

MR. FRANK MARVI N LITTL E, '0 5, Bu sin ess Mnnn gf r

MR. }Ol!N AIKMAN, ' 2 0, Sec r etar y

The Military Staff

The Co1 rn11anda11t Prof esso r of Military S ci e11 re n11d Ta cti cs

CAPTA I N S. MERRITT, '1 7, Inf R es , U. S A Assist a111 Co111J J1 r//ltln11/ nnrl H earl of Ho we H all

CAPTA I N E M. FRITTI E R, A. G. D. R es. , U. S. A. H cnd of G ray HnU

LI EU TENA NT GEOR GI': s. PR ES T ON , '1 8, Inf. R es , u s. A. 'J.'a cti rn l 0 ff i cr r W !tite H a lt

SERGEANT Sil.A S GL I KSTE I N, D E. M L ., U S. :\ // ssis ta11/ to P. M. S. & 'J'

The General Staff

FRANK WAD I·: , '9 +, M. D. Sr!10o t l'!t ys irin11

ALFRED A I NSIVOl\"1" 11 W AD I·: , ' 0 3 , M. :0 Sr/too/. l'!ty si ci n11

MR. GEORGE ARTHUR F1 SllER, 'O + Q1tn rl f r111nslrr

MR R oBF.RT E. P owr LL Jlcro1111/n11/

MR S. M ARY C. BYRO N Dirtitin11

MR S. P. Y O L' MAN S, R. N. S11pc ri11t eurle11/ of t!tc lujir111nr y

MR. En r:A R K. BROW N Sccre tnry to t!t e S 11j1e ri11t e11d ent

} AMES K. D FF, D. D. s Sc/too l D ent ist

J EAN P AU L L11 -: n, D. D. S., D.R . C ., U .S. A. Sc/too l D e 11ti.;t


The Middle and Upper School Faculty

Tin SL'PElll"<TLNDENT Fre111 /1

T 11 E H FADMA STER L11ti11 r111d Matlifmfltics

T11F l'llAPl.Ah Sa cred S!11din

1\f1 ss GRACI. L101 Y £11g/isli

MR. ·1. CHARLE S NOll T ON, B. S., Nurtlrncstcrn SciPnc ·e

1R. ROBERT E. SN0\\' 1 13. S., Knox Mat/Jematio

Mic EDW I N w 1\'F.FF, B. s., M. :\. h icagu Co111mercial S11bjccts

1R. H OWARD W DOWNS, A. B., T h ie l I I istory

MR. W 11.1.1 AM F ll A 1.1. , /\. l3 , W as hin gto n U ni, ersity Spn11isli a11d H istory

MR JAMf:s W. SLAT1·: 1t, /\. B., Colgate Lnti11 a11d Motler11 Lfll1g11nges

MR T. c. DIETllRIC ll Dirutor of J/ tl!Letirs

CAPTAIN O T l-IO LI NG, Ha11tlmastc r Band a11d Ord1crtra / 11Jtrnme11tr

CAPTAI E. M. FR l 'l'T l f R, 13.. Ed., I llinois Star e No n na ! Un i, ·c rsity Mnt/Jemati cs r111d E11g l isli

MR J. JO SEPH Sell I LL I N(:, Choirmaster J'in110 n11d Orgn11

The Faculty and Staff of White Hall

T11F. R F.VEREN!l EARL T j FNNINC: S, : \ B., Pri11 ripal Sa .- rrd Studies n11tl E11glis/J

CAPTA I N CF.Q ll (:E s. l'RE S'l'ON, First Lie u t. l nf. Res., U. S. A. Mi l ita r y Scimce a11rl Mnt/1e111ntirs

MR F. 1..t C'liNlc VV. MoR<:AN, '29, :\. B., lll ino is .I 1111ior Sc/Joo / Suhjc(!s

MRS. 'oN STANCF. L . MORGAN, B. S., Ohio State .I 1111io r Sd100 / Subjects

1 KS FLORENCE /\. MILLER, R. N. Matron a///l Nu r se


'/-/auk" 011c

S\'lt 1\CU S J:, I ND l 1INA

l ' pp cr School '35-'36; Co.":\" '35-'36; P.f. c. '36; :\ s istanr Sports Edito r ]J era ld '35-'36; Var s ity football '35; Varsity ba sketball '36; Varsity "JI" Club '35-'36; Taller staff '36; Jlon or card group; \lpha Ddta Tau.


YCE R. A l 1SWORTll "Ai11sy'' Three


Midd l e Sc hoo l '33-'34; Co. "A" '33 -'36; Midget fo tball '3 3-'34; Co. "!\" footba ll, bask<! thnll 'H-'36; Upper Sc h oo l '34-'36; Coq1ora l 'H-'35; Staff Sergeant ' 35-'36; Sword and Sheat h '35-'3 6; Herald S1aff '34-'3 6, Circulation Mgr.; Tat lc r '36 Ad 1•e r tising Mgr.; Baskct liall M g r. '36; Varsity "H" Club '36; Rifl e Tc:un '3+-'36.



J\ lidd lc Sc h oo l '3 3- '35; Co. "A", B a nd '33'36; Co "A" footba ll ' 33 ; Cu. "A" bas k e tball '33; Up p e r Sc h oo l ' 35 -' 36; Ba nd Corporal '34; l3nnd Se r gea n t '35-'36 ; Va1 s it y ba se ball '3+-'36; V:t r sity foo tball '3 +-' 35; V ;11 ·sit y " H " Club '3+'36; 1-krald S t aff '36; Conc e rt nnd C hap e l orc h es l r a s ' 3+-' 3 6.


SYRACU SE , l N D l ,\ N A

U pp er Sc h oo l ' 35-'36; o. "A" '35-'36; P .f.c '36; Var s it y foot hnll '35; Co. "A" ba ske tball.


"Whiley" Five


Lower School 'JI -'32; Lowe!' football '3 I ; Lowe r ha sc ba ll and basketba ll '32; Mi d d le Sc hool '32-'34; Co. "B" o r po r a l '3+ ; M idget footba ll '32; Midget ba sketba ll '33; Co. "ll" footba l l '33; Co. "Il" basketba ll '34; Old G u<ird '3 5-'3 6; Sergeant, ol ol's, 'o. "ll" '34; Fi rst Lieutenant '35-'36; Swol'd and Sheath Cl u b '35'36; ll aberly Bronze '35; ll cad of Fol'm '31' 35 ; ll ern ld '32-'36; /\ ss is t;int Ed itor '35-'36; Tatle r Ass is ta n t Ed itor '36; H o no r Ca r d Gro u p '3 2-'36; Va r sity footba ll '35; Va r sity ba sketba ll '35-'36; C.ipta in basketba ll '36; Vice - Pres. S(•n io r Cla ss '3 6; Vars ity " I-I " Cl ub, Vice-Pres '35-' 36; Ri fl e T eam '34-'36.

]OllN A. l30WNE "Slip" Four

GR \ND RArrn s, M1c111cAN

i\liddh: Sc hool '32-'3+; Midget football '32; l'!I "A" foot hall '3 3-'36; Sergeant, Middle Srhoo l '3 3; Scl'o 11d in Forlll '3 2-' 3 6; Co. "A" baseball '33-'3+; orpoml Co "A" '34; Dan ce Co111111itkc '3+-'35; Upper School '3+-'36; Sergeant Cn. "A" '35; Cn. ":\ " baseball '33-'35; \\\ a rd for Best Ess:ty '3+ and '35; llab cr l y \ward, Brn11zc, '35; First Lieutenant Co. "A" '36; Swo rd a11d Sheath C l ub '35-'36; Old Guard '36; ]Jerald '32-'36; Editor-in-Chief ll cra l d '35'36; l l o n o r Card Group '32-'36; Editor-in- hicf Tatlcr '36; J{ifle Team '33-'36; 3rd Place l l carst Trophy Team Mcn1her '3 5; Varsity " I I" Club; 1\lpha Delta Tau




Up p e r Sc hool '34-'36; Co. "B" football '34'36; Co. "B" ba sket ball '34-'36; P.f c '35; Co rp o ral o. " B" '36; H e rald Staff '34-'35; V;1rsit)' "II" Club '35; Vars ity ba se ball '35 -'36.


Mid d le Sc h oo l '3 2 -'33; Co. "A" footbit ll '32-'33; Co. "A" ba sketba ll '33; Co. "B" Co r poral '33-'34; Co "B" ba sketba l l '34 - '36; Upper Sch oo l '33-'36; L ie utenant '36; Swo r d a n d S heat h Club '35-'36; Boxi n g h o nors '33; H era l d ' taff '34-' 3 6; Exc h an ge Ed itor '36; Var sity footba ll '34-'36; Var si ty "H" Club '34-'36; T reas ur er Senior C lass '36; Tr eas ur er Va rsity " II " C lu b; Tat lcr '36; Old Gual'CI '35-'36.

EDWARD M. !T ESTER "C!tel" Four



'Pele" 'l'!tr ec ClllCAGO, ILf.I NO IS

Midd le Sc hoo l '33-'H; Co. "B" Band '33'36; Co. "B" footbn ll '33; Co. "B" ba sket ball '33-'36 ; Upper Sc hool '3+- 136; Band Co rp ora l '34; lh.nd Sergea n t '35; H cr:tlcl '33- 1 36; Bu sin ess Mannger ll cra ld '3 5-'3 6; Varsi ty footb: dl '35; Var sity " JI " C lub '35-'36; Sec r ctnry Se ni or la ss '36; Sc hoo l o r chcs trn '33-'36; C hap el o r chestra '33-'3 6; Rifl e tea m '3+-'36


"Eel" Two

Upp e r Sc h oo l '34-'36; 'o. "B" '34-'36; Co. "B" football '34- 135; o. "B" basketba ll '35'36; Se r gea nt Co. "]3" '36; Choir '34-'36; H erald Stnff '3+-'36; Varsity track '35-'36; Photographi c Edito1· T;Ltlcr '36.



Cii I CAG0 1 I LL I NO I S


Low er Sc hool '30-'3 2 ; Low e r footbaU '3 0'3 l; Lo we r basket ball '3 1-'32 ; Lo we r t r ack '3 1'32; Legion of Honor '32; Middle Sc h oo l '32'3+; o. "B" footba ll ' 32- '3 3; Co. "B" ba sketball '33; O l d Guard '33-'36; Corpora l "B" Co '33; Uppe r Sc hool '34-'36; Sergeant Co. "B" '34-'35; Lieutenant Adj. '36; Sword a n d heath C lu b '36; St. Vin ce nt' s Gu i ld '32-'36; Cru cifcr '35-'36; C hoir '30-'3 l; H era ld Staff '35-'36; Tatlcr '36; Varsity track '33-'36; Vars it y football '34-'36; Captain track '36; Vars ity " II" C lub '34-'36; Rifk: team '35-'36.


\.i\DREW D J : \.MTESON 011e

TRENTON, J\'1·: 11' J ERSEY llppc r Sc hoo l '35-'36; Co "B", Band '35-'36; Co. "B" foot ball '35; Var sity track '36; Ja zz Orche st ra '35; H e r a ld Staff, Copy Editor, '35'36; Ta tl c 1· Staff '36.

OMER :\. J\ 11L LER

"O'""Yu Th r ee

B ANCO R, M I C ll l GAN

J\1id d lc Se hoo l ' 33-'35; Co "A", Ha nd '33'36; Mi d get foot ba ll '33-'3+; Co. "A" footbal l '3+-'36; U p per Sc h oo l '35-'36; lh n d Sc rg,·:1111 '3 5-'36; C h ape l orc hest r a '3+-'36; Sc hool orrlll'slrn '3+ -'3 6; J azz orc h ,·str a ' 35; R ifle tcn m '33- ' 36; 3rd p larc l k:u s t Trop h y T c a 111 111 c 111hcr '35; Va r s ity " II" C lu b.


"l\IT ac" 011e


Upp,·r Sr hou l '35-'36; Co. "A" '35-'36; Jaz z Orche stra '35; f'I iki n g s quad '35-'36.


"'l'rk" Two

ST J u1-1N>, M 1c11 1GAN

lTppe r Sc hoo l ' 3+-'36; l'n. "A" ' 3+-' 36; Co

" :\ " foot h:ill '3+- ' 36; Cn ", \. " ba sket ball '3+'36; Sl• rgc ant Co. "A" '36; ll e rald S taff '3 5'36; Co. " :\" ba se ball ' 35 ; Tatl cr S taff '36

"Da ·ve "

DETIWl'I', J\11 c 111 c;AN

Opper Sc h oo l '3+-'36; Co "A" '3+-' 36; Co ": \." football ' 3+-' 36; Co " !\." ba ske tball '34'36; P.f. c Co "A" '36; H e ra l d Staff '3 5- '36; Trac k mana ge r '35; Var sit y "I-1" Club '3 l- '36.


J \ J\IES F. SMTT Tl (( 111i11y" Eight


Lower School '2 8-'3 2 ; L ower footba l l '3 I ; Lower basket ball '3 I; L owe r ba se ba l l '32; Lowt' r track ' 32; L owe r tun1bling '3 2 ; Middle Sc hoo l ' 32 - '3 +; Li e ut enant ' 33 ; o. "B" football '3 2; Co "B" ba ske tbal l ' 3 3; Old Gua1·d '3 1- '36; Corporal o. "B" ' 34; ppcr Sc hool '1+ - '36; Sergea nt Co "B" ' 34; St. Vin ce nt' s (;uild, C ru cifo r , ' 35; Var s ity foo tbal l '3+ -'36; Var sit y ba s ketba ll '34-' 36; Var s it y base ba ll '3 3'36 ; Var sit y track ' 34- '36; Captai n Var si t y trnck '3 5 ; Vars it y "H" C lub '33-'36; ll e ra ld '33-'36; Sports Editor H e rald '35-'36; Tat lc r, Sp orts Editor '36; Staff Sergeant Co. "B" '35; Capta in Co " H" '3 6 ; Swor d a nd Sheath Club '35 -'36.

JOHN C. NOU R SE "Jock" Eiglit

K ANSAS C 1TY, M 1ssou 1u L ower Sc hoo l ' 28- '32; Low e r foot ba ll '3 I ; Lower b<t ske tball '3 I ; Lowe r ba se ba ll '32; Lower track '32; Low e 1 · tumb li n g '3 2 ; Low e r Sc hoo l White ' 28-' 3 2; Pr es. M cK e nz ie Soc ie t y '31; Middle Sc hoo l '3 2- '34; Captain '33; Co. "A" footba ll '32; Old Guard '3 1-'36; Most Tru stw o rthy Cadet '34; 13ancl Co rp o r a l '3 +; Drum Major '35; Upper Sc hoo l '34-'36; St. Vince nt' s Gui ld, F l agbca rc r, '35; Var s it y foot ba ll '33-'36; Va rsity ba sketball '3 2-'36 ; Var sit y track '34-'36; Varsity ba se ball '3+-'36; Var s ity te nni s ' 3 +-' 36; Var sit y " 11 " C lub '33 -'36 ; Pr esi de nt Se ni or Cla ss '36; Captain Co. "A" '36; Swo rd and S hea th C lub '3 5- '36; P1 ·csid c nt Va rs ity " H" C l ub ' 35'36; Ca pt a in Va rs it y footba ll '35.


" I f.'/111.-f.," ()11e

Dl ·. TROl'J', Ml lll CAN

llppc r Sc h ool '35-'36; Co "A" '35-'36; P .f.c. ' 36 ; llcrald Staff '35-'36; T:ctler '36; Var s ity fo o tball '35; l ! onor car d g- r ou p; Alpha Delta Tau.

"f-Te rbi e"


Upper Sc h ool '35-'36; Cu. "B" '35-'36; Co. "B" ba sk ct b:dl; H e ra ld Staff '35-'36; Varsity footba ll '35; Va r s ity " H " C lub '35-'36; D eclamation Contest ' 35.




U pp e r Sd101) l '35-'36; Co. "A" Ba nd '35-'36; Co. "A" footba l l '35 ; Var s ity ba sketba ll '36; Va rs it)' " H " lu b ' 36; H ono r Carel Group '35'36; P .f.c. '36; A l p h a Delta Tau.



Pr esident


Vice- P resident





Sergeant-a t-Arms

rl'h e il lustrio11s r lass of ';)() began iu l!l:2 8 with thu arr i\' a l of tl1 e Fli11t train c·a r1',Yi11,g; .Jimmie Smitl1. .Timmie ha f.: made a grnat record in ath let ics during !ti s lon g stay ' l1 erc rrhe following fall .Jack No ur se arri , ·ed. .Tack h ai l s from l\'ansa . ('itr and upho l ds h er name in fi\'c .·ports. J aek rRptained this year's footlrn 11 team.

' l'he 11 ext arri\ a l was Gamme ll <'Oming from the windy C ity i11 ' 1 1 11 0 cla ss be n efited the next year whrn nob C hatain, brilliant st ud e nt and athlrte eo utribntcl 11i s abilities.

':3:2 proved a banner year as the cla ss r ece ived some of its be 't 111eu: lfa lp l1 Grego!')' , the Pride of Painesville, J olm Bmvnc, Grand Rapids' contribntiou, ancl eag l e-eyed JDdd ic Chester from tbe metropo lis of IDlkluwt, Tndi ana.

' l'o the fast g rowin g gro up :in the Middle t-jcJ10ol the next year added the goo 1 1mtnr cd At las from C l ayton, Mich., Jack \.11d e r son. re h e lmnd b enefited the appearance of Omer Miller. Frnm t h e cast ca me Hoycc i:\ in sworth, Jato of De-


troit, and from the west John of Chicago took the lo ca l co untrysid e s ur1n·1 se.

Last year tl1e c h eck -1·0 11 was incr eased whc11 DaYid NRfc of Detroit, the blonde FrPd "Tek" Norfleet of St. Jo lnis, Miclt., Da\·e Ularl\ of Detroit and Rd Clark from Ci.11rin11ati a ll appeared t o contr ilrnt e their Yarj on s h1 Ion ts to tl1e cla ss

'l'lte Jarg·cst acldjtion to t he c l::iss came this rl're11ton, N T. gave to How e ..: \ nchew .Jamieson. From the wilds oJ' [mliana came s p orts star I lank Abts and Hucl .Xm1ders, botl1 c l aimed by ::-lyrncui-ic. JJ e rbi e Stein left the city of J3 1oomf:icld, lncl., bereft of half tl1e populati011 to .ioi n us h e r e. Michigan came tlnougl1 with ,) olm Goss and Robert Wagner, hoth from t l1 e J\utomobi l c Capita l. :Mt. (' lemons gave up its favorite son, Spence1· Fenton, with a great dea l of rc lu cta11<'c. Birmingham 11a s had to rnmiage without Don .Juan Martin . Aud rnost !mt never the l east came Glid IvlcGreeYy ,iu t-:it to see the Sc l1oo l that his a 11 cestors fmmdecl.


'L'o any and a ll of those concerned witl1 the Rffairs of Howe Sc ho ol, we, the l1it-5to1·ie Clas s of 1036, 111:-wing absorbed foe rndiments of hi g h er education, and liaYin g rnceived the honorary title of i ors, do at this t ime, with only a s li g l1t tinge of opportunism, publi s h and loa\'c for tl 1e e difi cation of those concerned, om la st ..Will and Testament.

Having either paid 01· cancelled a u.\' l ossible debt that we may lmve incurrc 1 during our regime at Howe School, we do bequeath our mot l ey estates a.· follows:

VoLul\.rE ONE

Concel"liin.r; GenPml Beqii ealhments


the exa l ted Superi 11te11dent, Cornmanda11t, 1--1 eadrnaster and . Officer .in Char ge of the Upper 8chool, we l eave the not at all envi ous position of try ing to keep this Schoo l under co1 1tro l without our very able assistance.


To the Faculty we l eave a profound gratitude for a ll of the numerous assignments and delinquents that were so necessary for our lJctter welfare.


To those <'adcts who will return here .mt another we 11aml t h e lmrni11µ; fagot, and a drsirc to Sl'e the staml al'<ls of tile C lass of rn:w up l10lc1 in a II of tl1<> .' ears to eome.

} ART T\'

'l'o the SC'hool itl-lc lf' wp gi\'<' a prornis t l1 at we wi ll return, and if tlte SC'l1oo l ha H not pro g 1·essed as much during t h at ti n1 e <Hi i t di<l whi le we W<'l'C then' " ill lw 1rn Ii mit to our sbame.

Vm,uM g ' l'wo f>Nsonal Beq11 Pafhme 11t s

Clark, hequ•ath to "'\'Vi lli " rl'emp l c my science drag.

1, "Cowboy" Kre is, wi II my c losc rel at ion sh ip wit h Morpheus to '' l<'fll'lllCr'' Non ick.

l, '<"\ Vhack" Wagner, bequeat Ii to "(fonP.' ' " Gochvin my ability to study.

I, "Jock" Nou r se, w ill my football .· houlclern to ''G iant'' Gentry.

I, ' •Snuff y" McGree v y, l1 eq n eat h to " J o Im 11 y " Ra th hu n rn y mi I itary kmrwledge

1, "Jo hnni e" l<Jwa ld, wi ll my cm· ls to "Casanova" Boa k s.

I," Dul" C lark, be qu eat h to " llor sc1-;" :Mote my German drag.

T, "Tek" N orfiect, ·wi. 11 my crop of liair to '' i)pud'' Spencer.

[,"Jimmy" 8rn it h , bcq11eatlJ to "8tooP.' ' " Stabl my retir ing· nature.

1, " ll cr hi e" Stein, wi ll my ahi lity to si l ent to "Toddy"

I, "Dave" Nafe, hequ 'ath to "l!'idgcty" 11'eagans my borrowing a l> i 1itr.

I, "Zurn" Xm1dcrs, will my weH-kuown shoe1-; to "House" llaJ l owell.

I, "8tedge" Gamme ll , bequeatl 1 to n ext years' adjutant my parade technique.

I, "Spence" Feuton, wi II my winning wayR to ''D imples'' Duenweg

I, "Goose" Goss, bequeath to "Uur l y" 1vl e:Mu ll e11 my supel'b nickname.

I, "}.. 11cly" Jamieson, wil l my touch on the iYoti cs to ''De nny" DeN oyelles.

1," 11.a lphio" Gregory, bequeath to "Ollie'' Olson my hirsute growt h

I ," Bubbles" Martin, will my extens iv e vocabulary to "Uliicf" Meyer .

J, " Whitey" Uh ata i11,b egueat h to "Gabby'' Ga brie l my modesty .

r, " I lank" Abts, will my .·opl1i stication to ''Scud'' Scudder .

I," Ainsy" 1\ in :-;wort h, bequeat h to next ' ea r:-; ' smok in g-room quartet rn.v h ca utifnl baritone.

l , "Om i e" .Mi ll er, will my trumpet to the Upper School janitor who can learn to bl ow call s as 1 do.

1, ''Norge'' Anderson, bequeath to '' Bandleader'' .Beam my ahility to end <lll argument.

.L, "Lynn" vVarner, wi ll my invei1tiv c o·cnius to "'J'anny" r1 1 anne h i ll

I, "8 kipp y" Bowne, bequeath to "Uage,\T" Con ick my rare sense of lrnmor .

.And now I, 'hestel', bel i eving that I have d i .·tri lmtcd the various qualities mid ch aracter istics of tl1e Ulass of rn:1G equa lly and fairly among the aspiring hmiors, will my rare foresight to any one el se who would und cl'ta k e the task that I have just comp leted in years to come.

PAltT Ill


Bureau Announces Safety Features

Blind Flying No Longer Dangerous, Says Chester

Elkhart, Ind. - The head of the aeronautical research bureau, Edward Chester, today announced the pending manufacture of instruments to greatly reduce the hazards of blind flying. Mr. Chester has been experimenting with blind flying practically all of his life and now feel that he has attained his goal, that of being able to see when blind Quoting Mr. Chester; "Ever since I was a young lad in prep school I have been taunted about my experiments in the blind flying field. Now I shall be able to go up to one of these erstwhile taunters and say " see , I can see " Oh, gosh I'm happy!"

Inventor Makes Public Latest Amazing Discovery

Gooey Glue, Alabama--"Stickum" Kreis, famous Inventor and research engineer in the fly paper field , today announced that he had decided to release his newest invention , a non-sticky fly paper.

" A gift to humanity," Kreis was quoted as saying "Just think how wonderful it will be to have a nons ticky fly paper! Babies will cry for it, housewives will weep over it , manufactmers will beg for It."

"Stickum", who is the recognized man in his field is the same man who brought out non-transparent windows, wall-less ceilings, buggyless baby buggies, and coneless Ice cream cones.

"There is only one obstacle in the way'', stated Kreis, after much deliberation. "For some odd reason, the flies don't seem to get stuck, but it is only a matter of time until the thing is perfected. Getting the idea was the hard part."

Arbiters End Motor Strike

Martin Promises Success Next 1.'ime

Detroit, Mich.-The strike at the Lord automobile manufacturing plant was ended this morning by government arbiters. The strikeleader, Kirk Martin, and the government agents finally came to an agreement only after a conference lasting all night and well Into the next day. Even though the strike is officially over Martin still says that the workers were rooked and if it hadn't been for the fact that he had to return to his mansion on the Pacific coast he would have continued his fight for the oppressed workers. " Look at the poor workers ", said Martin "they don't even know what a fair deal looks like". Before his departure for his coast estate Martin announced his candidacy for the presidency.

Lissing Mink Discovered

Howe School, Howe, Ind.-The noted professor of biology at the School today announced he had finally discovered the Lissing Mink. Professor Goss was delighted at having found the elusive creature after such a protracted period of search and proudly exhibited the odd creature. Discussing the life of the Lissing Mink, Professor Goss stated that the rare animal lived only in certain parts of the world where there were bull-rings nearby It seems that the mink Is very intelligent and learns the sounds of the footsteps passing by overhead on the bull-ring. When discovered the little mink had a complete set of classifications pasted on the walls of its den. Such incriminating evidence was at once destroyed by the professor who did not wish to embarass the owners of the footsteps if the names ever leaked out.

' G-Men Stage Raid On Gambling Joint

"Bean-Bags" Warner Taken Last Night

Howe , Indiana- Federal G-Men late last night closed down on "Bean Bags" Warner , reputed to be head of a large gambling ring operating in and about Howe, Ind.

The "G 's" have long suspected warner, but could not procure conclusive evidence until today when a complaint was received from Rev. John D. Schultz, pastor of a local church. He complained that the younger members of the church were not kicking in the usual amount. He said he investigated the matter and found that the children were stopping in at Warner's and gambling away their money. Schultz said he walked in "Bean Bag's" main joint and found Warner on his hands and knees playing marbles for a penny a shot. Schultz stated that the marbles were loaded and that it was practically impossible for the kids to win. He said they should be given at least a 50-50 chance

The G-Men confiscated Warner's entire equipment , among which were loaded marbles , bean bags c o n t a i ni n g Mexican Jumping Beans, and several loaded yo-yos. Milk spiked with iced tea was also served in a back room, It was discovered.

Cleveland Honored By Mayor

Painesville, Ohio - Mayor Ralph E. Gregory today announced the inclusion of Cleveland as a suburb of this city. Mayor Gregory said , " For several years Cleveland businessmen have been imploring me to Include that city as one of our suburbs." Report has it that Gregory is taking the rural districts around Manhatten Island into consideration.

VOL 1 HOWE INDIANA, MAY 30, 1946 NO. 1

City I Famous


Clayton, Mich. - The erection of Novel Plan Brought to City's the new 600 Inch telescope here on Demented Desperado Taken

Kansas City, Mo.-"ID-pressure"

Nourse. valiant fireman from the east side No. 13, today presented his plans for a gigantic Kansas City Centcmnlal. One of the greatest public! ty stunts in the history of the nation, Nourse is sure that it wlll finally put K. C. on the map.

Plans for th Centennial as seL forth by Fireman Nou rse include buying new r ed uniforms for the firemen's ball teams, re-digging the Mississippi valley, buildin g an Indian igloo , and estab li shing the mo st gigantic ice cream parlor in the world.

The i ce cream parlor is the ma sterpiece Twenty mile s lon g, the building will be eq uipped with counters on both sides, and wlJJ hav e a capaciLy of 20,000,000,000 gallons of ice cream. Nours ha s also Invented a new way of making 20 cent stirs twice as big, and thi s new icl ea will also be presented.

When questioned as to how he conceived the idea, Fireman Jack state d, " Ah don't really like to say, but ever since '36, I've wanted all the s uffering commoners to be able to have their fill of ice cream. Now my dream will be fulfilledand ah suppose ah can giL a snack on the way to a flre now and Lhcn."

FLASH: Kansas City fire rate ha s increased 900 per cent since the centennial.

"Sw ing " McGreevy, Noted Leader Returns

Brattleboro , Vt . - The entire populatlon of this city trooped down to the railway station to we l come home Brattleboro's mo st famous son, "Swing" McGreevy and hi s great rhythm band. When the Lrain pulled into the station there was "Swing" playing his l atest composition on the engine's whistle. "S wing" retlll'ned the wonderful ovation sent up with a mighty series of blasts , in his own peculiar arrangement. Tonight "Swing's" banct is to play before a crowd of po ss ibly one hundred and fifty p eo ple at the annual Sugar Worker's Union Charity Ball. Swing it "Swing "

has l ead the

head of Anderson's Observatory, Professor John I. Anderson. to pre- Ditto Mark , Arkansas-Robert diet the bringil1g of the moon to J (T rigg e r ) Wagner , ferocious safe within 1987.43065 yards distance cracke r from the northlands, toclay from the earth. ' 'Why, I have al- was captlll'ed in the act of dynareacly seen a lar ge body of liquid I m!Ling the Ditto County State Nawhich I have taken the liberty of tlonal Bank naming Andersons' Sea. On one Trigger, who had swo rn to kill side of the sea is a great moun- every copper in the country , and tainous district which I h ave nam- who vowed "t h ey never will catch ed the Downes Mountains. On the me a liv e'', gave up without a wigother sid e i s a great desert which glc when the officers fla shed a I have named Walters D ese rt. The in hi s direction. names I vaguely recalled from m y Bank officials di sclosed that the busy prep school days." safe contained a new set of mathe1 matical problems, a ll of which


Reali zes Long

C h eris h ed Drecrm

Torn Pant s , Neb.-"And brethren, in closing, let me remind you that you arc losing the gleam. Let me see all you r shining faces at my tabernacle often - and bring s : me extra butts", finished the benevo lent Rev David Nafe, evange li st par excellanc e, in his dedication of hi s new two-bit home for the lo st and strayed so ul s of th is hard and cynical world.

Nafe, his kindly countenance beaming with the light of the serene purity found in those who live in the hope of aiding their distressed fellow creatures, broke clown , and shed a tear of joy as he beheld his beautiful new tabernacle. " Ju st think of all the good I can do now," sobbed Nafe, "a nd only 90 % graft, at that!"

The money for th e tabernacle was co11tributed by widows and orphans, who were given mining doc k , go ld bricks , and oil bonds in r et urn for their generous contr ibution. Admittance to the sanctity is free , with one requirement only All visitors must l eave their butts on the rev ere nd 's table-so he can send them to the sta rving children of the Malay peninsula.

could be carried out to at lea st Jive mlllion decimal points.

Anti-Noise Committee

Finally Silences Stein

New York City, N. Y.-The antinoi se committee today placed under arrest Howard Stein found i11 I an empty auditorium shrieking out o. campaign speech at the top of hi s lungs. Mr. Stein says : "I was only rehearsing one of dad 's speeches and all of these cops came in and told me I was under arrest for disturbing the peace. I was r eally only mumbling th e speech to myself. I wasn't makin g any noise." The committee reports that in apprehending Mr. Stein , Public Noise No. 1, a great duty llas been done for the city of New York.

rooaooaooOCDOOOaoooooooooooooooaoa ooooooo


§ Our Motto "Bounce with I Bowne". Two-bit s the first mile and the meter takes ca1·c I of the rest.

t Cla1·k's Cut-Rate Clothiers

Big selling out sale this week. I 1

J Gigantic two-for-one sale next week 1 · Stupe ndous selling-out sale week after next. I

Colossal fire-sale soon also. I

j We pay the railw ay fare here and back. Also one set of j J go ld edgc d t eac up s with every pair of p a nt s. i

!'fak.es / "Trigger" Wagner C t l Pl Starthng Prediction C t d Al · en enn1a
ap ure 1ve
r···-··-··- ··" -··-··-· ,· , -··- ·,-··-··-··-··-··-·,-··-·,-··-··-··-··1·

Hindustan-Royce (speed merchant) Ainsworth today broke eight world r ecords in the 85th Olympic ga me s. Amon g his victories were the hundred yard dash in 2.3 seconds , the 220 yard dash in 5.9 seconds, the 440 yard dash in 8.7 seconds , the 880 yard dash in 14 flat , and the mile run in 23.1 seconds.

After dashing off these warming-up exercises, Ainsworth proceeded to trot t11e two mile in 36 sec onds , the four mile run in 51.3 se conds , and finished up the day with a 25 mile marathon in 1 min. 32 seconds. "I had to save something for the marathon , or I would have really tried in the other things ", wailed Ainsy.

Ainsworth, who has been attending the University of Michigan for the last sixty-five years, has high hopes of graduating before the next century rolls around

"I give all my credit for my wonderful training to the d e luxe super s pecial model T , who paced me to the mess hall every morning at Good Old Howe. Under the careful g uidance of Coach Snow, we often made the run from the academic building to the food hangout in 55 flat--minutes, of course."

Burlington , Wis .-Wllliam Xanders won a lie-telling contest here today.

Competition was especially keen this year, due to the large amount of foreign talent entered. Xanders won out on the third day , after eliminating three former champions and a runner-up from last year's contest.

Xanders plans to retire on the prize money and make a little cigarette money by endorsing some o! the l ea ding brands of butts.

Zummy 's lie, by the way, wa1 a, combination of three things. They were: "Everyone got a letter, you can sleep through inspection, and somebody won." ! FENTON'S


Come cure your ills with Fen- • 1 , 1 ton. Our baths are the b est I in the state. You will never 1regret taking a bath the Fen- j ! ton method. Prices on up. i

+-11 - 11-11-11-11-11-11-11- 11 - Mi -1 +

Minsky A warded Judgement Today

Smith Loses Again

Flint ,Mich .-The Seren e Court of Michigan today handed down a deci s ion in favor of Min sky and Bros. , owners of a few independent Burles que theaters, aga in s t James F. Smith, owner and operator of Smitty 's " Joyous Janes" burlesque chain.

Mil1sky brought suit against the ex-beer baron on the grounds of luring his star performer away from the guarding folds of his own palace of amusement on the hard and cruel runway of the Boulevard Burle sque by dint of his fatal charm and a couple of hundred bucks a week extra.

Smith started his chain with a group of hula dancers at the Zingo County Fair and grew in a few years to the gigantic monopoly h e now holds on the sons and daughters of Ballyhoo and Hooey. Kind of face and hard of heart, Smith plays his role of lion in a lamb skin with a poker puss and a heart of Flint, Mich.

Local Announcer Honored

IChicago-Robert Chataln has been chosen as the announcer for the fight of the century, Loe Jouis vs. Butch McCoy

This is considered the climax of Chatain 's brilliant career. Wbitey' s voice has been heard in practically all famous arenas in the U. S. and Europe . Ever since a child, Chatain has set his goal as being the world 's premier announcer. He developed his stentorean voice from long practice.

He attributes his success to the fact that whlle at Howe School he was made a corporal and had to give commands to his squad. Although the squad could not always hear the command, it was here that Chatain developed the bellow he now carries around under his collar.

Daily ! i Success Story f i

Pott sto wn- In a recent general order iss ued by the U. S. War Dept., Omer P. Miller was promoted from asst . bugl er in the CCC camp No. 143 to Chief Buglar in the CCC camps of all of Rhode I sl a nd.

The triple tonguing of Miller has made him famous in and around Ca mp 143. Frequently crowds gathe r at revi e lle just to hear Mlller' s s weet clear tone s roll over the camp. The boys say that to be awa ken ed by Omer, as they loving ly call him , along with other pet names , s tarts the day off with th e wrong foot forward and a sneer on their faces. Miller is expected to i ise to greater heights in his new position and possibly it will provide the inspiration he bas needed to perfect his quadruple tonguing.

Department Head Stricken

Chicago, Illinois-" Stedge" Gammell , beloved head of Chi ' s white wing department, was grabbed by the guys in white coats and slapped in th e meat wagon eaTly this morning. He is in a padded cell HOW , with a fatigue coat on , as no stra ight jacket could hold him.

R eportei- s who were on the scene of action, said that Gammell came sc reaming down through tbe loop traffic , completely berserk. The exact cause is unknown, but there are rumors.

Gammell has been in the White Wing D epartment ever since '37, when he started out as No. 37, just a plain can pusher. Since then Gammell has pushed himself to the top , and has held for the last six years, th e position of Head Bo ss on the Chicago Street Cleaning Dept.

It is said that Gammell got his experience when he was at Howe School, and roomed with a ce r tain Gabriel. 1 1 _

If you take my exet·ciscs I can make a man out of yo u 1 1 in two days. It is all very simp l e. No tedious exercises. I Just use my 11atentecl musc le manipu lators for twenty-four I I hours, I will guarantee the results . Sencl ten cents in cash i f for my big free catalogue . I

-t--•11-••-··-··-··-··-· · - ··-··-11·- ·t

,._, ,,_,_+ Fathers and Sons I Beauty and l

Attend ClaH Rrnnion


l Charm I How e, Indiana- The outstandin g .l,,_,_,.

+ event of the r ece nt Howe School commencem e nt was undoubtedly Momentous Sec ret Di sc lo se d the tenth ann iv er sary reunion of -- Ithe C lass of Thirty-s i x. PracticSlickum, Ohio-J . Pierre Ewa ld ally every m mber of this illu sat a national Hairdresse r 's Con- triou s cla ss was pr ese n t a nd m a n y ventlon held in P od unk Hollow h ad brought the ir s ons wit h them yeste rd ay, di s close d hi s lon g che r - fo r the purpo se of ex p osing them i s h e d sec r et of main ta inin g a wave to the atmosphere of the old for weeks at a Umc w ithou t the Schoo l.

Announcement By Jungle

Howe Schoo l Striken From Preferred List

Pfiffville, Ind.-David Clark , h ea d of Jungle No. 5, today announced to all brother bums that How e School ha s been stricken off the la s t for h andouts. Clark mad e this statement of momentous m agnitude after h e, kin g of hobo s, had u s u a l fu ss in g to k eep it In place Th e announcement came as a complete surpri se to the convention which had no id ea Ewald would eve r di sc lo se t h e se cret. In the p a st few yea r s scientists t h e wor ld over have been experimentin g in an atte mp t to produce a s ubst a nc e which would keep t h e hair 's wav e In pl ace.

Ew a ld states that hi s s ucc ess with th e fair sex i s du e to the fact that h e him seli n e ver ha s a hair out of pl ace H e says that the se cret formula h e u ses is go od old drain oil of mod e l T crankcases.

I been turn e d away from the back After a most feast, I dooi· of Howe School' s mess h a ll. se r ved m the palatial New Kmgs- In recent years the School ha s bur y Hou se, Mr. Bouton was called b ee n more and mor e frequently upon b y Fireman Nourse to say turnin g tramp s a wa y with th e a few words to the old bo ys. Mr. state m e nt , " Sorry , fellows, we ' re Bouton, on wh om the years h ave g ivin g the cadets the food now ." rested li ght ly, expresse d him se lf Mr s. Mary Byron, head of the as proud, ind e zd, of the r ec ord · gast ronomical department of th e made by t h e m emb e r s of the class. Schoo l could not be reached for a "D u e," sa ld h e, " to our g uidanc e s tatement. cla sses, which were esta bli s h ed d u1 ing yo ur Senior yea r , you hav e a ll fcund yo ur proper sp h e r e in ject a word of busin ess . H e to ld tl:e work of the world, a nd hav e of the pro g re ss being made in th e m ade fine records " H e r e d1iv e fo r n e w Ch a p el li g ht s. Fr. J e nnin gs int e rrup te d with the a l s o s poke lon gin g ly of the propo sBetter Manners Advocated prop os al t h at a wheel-ride to Fort eel sw immin g pool and new library ,

Wayne be organiz ed. No one , how - a nd urg e d ea ch m e mber of th e ever, see m ed to take the s u gges - clas::. to do hi s s hare. Th e la st par t Watch Your Mann er s. Idaho- t io n se riously. Fr. J e nnin gs mut - of hi s s p eec h was drowned out, H e nriqu e <P ene lop e) Abts, apostl e ter .:: d so m et hin g a bou t not bein g howeve r, by Smith' s s t zntori an of the f a mou s Crumbl y Toa s t , "a bl e to take it ." tcnes as he tried to convince Mr waved hi s pink hanky at the as- Bouton that his "Jo y ou s Jane s" se mbled s oci e ty e ditor s, and witl1 Other s p ee che s from the m em- I would mak e a s uperb Saturday a final " too s h twit t e tah, g irl s", bers ot' the clas s, and from a few I ni g ht ent er t a inment for the corp s. he daintily flutt e r ed into th e p eac l1 Faculty m e mb e r s p r ese nt , followed --.. and rose doorway of his b eautif ul in du e s uccess io n. Fr. Murphy l a- 1 As the hour for parting. dr ew s umm e r ga rd e n hou se. m ent ed the fact, that not a single I n ea r , Mr. Jamie s on sea ted him se lf

H e nriqu e had ju st fini s h e d g iv- m e mb e r of th e class had chosen .the pian o Softly of ing the girls a s coop on whicJ1 / J c urnali sm os a prof ess ion. " After Little Indian a Town we1e waftmann er s were to be in vogue this a ll the work we did together on th e ed upon the ears of the yea r , and we prem at ur el y warn HERALD a nd the TATLER, it doe s crowd. To a man , they ro se to yo u, that if y ou wish to be in p er- see m t h at so m e of you s hould hav e th e ir foet a nd with 8: born of feet form this s umm er , don ' t for- been in s pir e d to write." H e re h e s mokm g- room practice m the old get to wa sh your toe s before enter- l ook e d point e dly a t Bown e who clay s, bur st forth mto the choru s in g your se cond childhood. was en gaged in ex pl a ining to Pas- of th e " Howe Victory March".

Abt s , who ha s bee n a leading a u- tor Nafe how taxi meter s co uld be Thu s e nd ed the tenth reunion thority on etiquette Lor a numb e r fi xe d. " Bowne 's sys tem, " Nafe lat- of th e Clas s of Thirt y - six. In como f years, invit ed the s oci ety editor s e r r e mark ed , "makes Warner look m e ntin g upon it, all Mr . Bouton of e very important n e wspap er and like a s m a ll time racketeer." , wo uld say was , "Boys will be boys." m agazin e to a tea given on hi s

Patron ize Bla s t Advertisers s paciou s lawns. Mr. Abt s wa s Major Littl e, st ill bu s in ess mandres se d in a d eli ghtfu l thing of age r of t h e School, ro se to interm au ve taffeta, with a gorgeous eor - '1

' ' sage of sweet pea s, se nt by a n a d- '

N fl H R ' mirer on on e s hould er. m s h a ir ! Try or eet's air estorer

wa s done in th e latest bobb ed s t yl e, i

and he wor e a turquoi se tiara in !

'l'his Hair Restorer is Guaranteed

Pink tea a nd lemon cooki es were ! to gTow hair on the balclest of pates. My restorer has been

se rved , and Bex R a ttle 's e ns e mble l u sed for eighteen years <tnd never a complaint yet. Money : furni s h e d th e class ica l mu s ic for ! back guarantee if not sa tisfied.

., .,_,,_,._
it I I
! I I
I th e affair


The Juni1>r Cl ass h as a bi g task in get tin g ready to tak e char ge of n ext year's cadet a cti 1 itics. Thi s year wa s spe nt in lcn rnin g t h e diff e r e nt rcsponsihili1i cs which th ey will h av e as Senior s nex t yea r. Th· Fifth F o r111 g r o u p is unu s uallr l a r ge t hi s year and promi ses to lw o n e of th e la rges t g radnatin g cla sses in so me tim e.

Th e gro up is w e ll r ep rese nte d both o n the playin g fie ld :tnd in th e da ss r oo 111 Severa l m e mb e rs b e lo n g to th e honor ca rd g roup whi le sti ll ot h ers h ave won th e ir Va rs ity letters in var io us sport s As Senio r s, t h e cla ss s h o uld prol'id c th e l cad e 1·ship that is ex p ec t e d of it.

P res id e nt , , , John A. Co rri ck

Vice - Pre s id e nt , •.. Doug l a s M. Sor ri c k Sec r e ta ry ] o hn M. Spe n ce r

Tr,•as ur c r , •.. ...•.......... David Mot e

SL' rg-ea nt-:t t- a n ns .

Rob e rt J\1. Bca111

Roh e r! 'J' Boaks

Cora l R. D eNoy dlc s

Ja ck .M. Duenw eg

Sru ar 1 El e 1·ick

Da1 id E s ler

Da 1 id G. Fea g an s

H o w;11 d Gentry


11 o ra l'C Codw in Wi lli a 111 Hall owe ll

Ed\\'in Hutchin sn 11

John 13. John so n

Char les W. Meye r

Ca rl M ti l l

Ba r r lu y McM ul h-n

Jlobe rt

Donald J. Gab 1·i e l

John Rathb un (, cor ge Sn 1dd c r

Ed\\' in S h e lb y

Hun te r Sta ll

Rohl'r t Ta. nn c hil l

Jam es W. T e mple

Ma r k T o dd


T h e Fourt h Fo r m is co mp o se d of a fair ly large g ro u p t hi s yca. r and w ill pr obab l y in cre a se mu cl 1 mor e i n t he n ex t two yea r s If t h e e n ro llm e n t pe r s is ts on i nc re as i n g as wel l in t h e n e ar fut ur e as i t h as d on e t h e pa s t two yea rs , t hi s cla ss w ill b id fai r to be

o n e of t h e larg est i n t h e h istory of t h e Sc h oo l. T h e gro u p co n tai ns many bri ll iant st u d e nts a nd se vcnd o u ts t a nd i ng at hl e te s who s h oul d be able to ca 1Y c nic h es fo r t h e m se l ves in Howe' s H a ll of Fam e.

P resi d e n t. We i r W ill ia n1 s

V ice- Pr es ide n t , , , , , Ma r t in Ta usz

Sec r e t a ry , , , , Robe rt Goode

Trea sur e r '. , Pie rr e Font

Se r gea nt-at-A rm s. • E d so n


Ro hen B ri n es

Ear l

G r a n t Ed s 1rn

P ie rr e Fo n t

Ro be r t Goo d e

\ ¥e st b rook J o n es

D;1v id Jo rd a n

Lu dl ow Loz ie r

Ja 111 es Mc 1\1ahon

Jo h n M ur p h y

E d w a rd Rat h b un

C harles Reid

Robert R usse ll

T h o 1na s Scott

Dona ld Su ll i\ n n '

Man in Tau sz

Ly l e T11y l or

Do u g l as Vo ll a n

We ir Wi lli a ms

Hovva rd Yo u1rn1ns


T h e Fre shm an da ss hoa st s a la r ge array of studiou s eadets. T he T h ir d Form c:ul c ts were m ostly , ·ctc ran s, r h is yta r T h is s 111 al l g roup sh ould be able to make

qu ite a 11 :1111 e fo r it se l f a lo n g a ca d e m ic li n es. T hr ee IDng years li es befo re t he T hird For111c rs b u t t h ey ; h o ul d b · ab le to sai l t h ro u g h wit h ·o l o rs flyi n g

P n·s id l' n L t\ ndr ew G ill

• \f iec-Prc s id c n t , T h omas Pa r ker

Senct ar y , Robe rt Ma n g um

Tr l'as 11r c 1-. , Sc ri b ne r Pa l111 c r

Sc r gea n t-at-A rr n s , , , , , Dn n :c ld Ca m ero n


: \rthu r Ba r t h o l o111ac

P r esto n Beck

Do n a ld Ca 1T1 c r o n

E d wa rd Ca rp e n ter

Wi lli am Cassel l

Ja rq ues C b ata in

I Li r ol d De lze ll

B: r r y Die t z

c\n drew Gi ll

P h ili p C re n na 11

:\ l 1 in Ray llu ffo rd

Ri c h :inl Li e be r

R o he n Ma n g- 11111

Jo sL' ph No 11rsc

Scr i b n er P a l1 11c r

T ho m a s P arke r

: \ n hu r Po ll ack

Wi lli a m So l o n

J o hn S pi ll so n i\' :i t h a ni c l \ V:i llk s



T hese cadet s will l!lov e int o the M icldl c Sc h ool next yea r and will get th e ir first ta s t e of R. 0. T. C. work Whil e in th e Low er, School, eac h ;rnd eve ry one has made a s pl e ndid r eco rd T hi s year's e ig h t h g r;ul e ha s been the lar ges t in e vera l seaso ns a nd h opes to ca ny

on in th e sa 111 e s pmt whi ch ha s h ce n shown dul"ing th e pa s t few years. T h e Seniors wi s h good lu ck to these g raduates of the Low e r Sc h ool an d hop e tha t they will be able to earn as s plendid a r cconl in th e Upper forms as th ey did in th e Low e r.


Raymond J. Hoak s

Ja ck Cassin

J ack Epps

Ja ck Glendinning

l\lilton H e nd e rso n

\Yard J e nse n

Donald L ee

Geo r ge McMahon

Robe rt Murphy

Rob e rt Rathbun

J o hn Reed e r

R o bat R ose

Leland Simpson

J o hn Swan


Th e lralkrs in t he Low e r Sc hool next ye ar ar c to be found in t he Fir st Forn i roll call The L o we r Sc hoo l is fort un ate in ha vin g such a fin e g roup o f yo un g cad e ts r o min g up to fill t h e va c anri cs 111ad c by g ra du at io n thi s Ju11c. E\' c n t ho ug h t he sc1 ·ent h

C harl es Dautel

Jack Diet ze n Jam es D uff y Geo r ge Ev c r h:irt IT

I I arr y l l u1n111 c l

g rade is not a ve ry l a r ge g r o up :it pre se nt mor e c:id c ts a r c to be add e d nex t yc:i r T hi s g roup ra nk s h igh aca d c111i ca ll y an d sh ould pro 1 id c offi ce rs a nd :i thl ctcs next year.


E ll e r y J :1n1i cso 11 Jn111 cs Ma r in us John Palm e r k e VVad c Ston e


Thi s ye;n' s Sixt h Grad e c o n tain s much fin e 111atc ri a l a l111 o st e v e nly di v id e d be tw ee n n e w boy s and o l d hoy s. Se n ?r a l 111c111b crs of t hi s g r oup h av e a l r ead y be g un to 111ak c nam es f o r t h c 111 se l 1•es Two more


year s 111 t h e Lower s h ou ld st!nd t h e111 into t he M iddl e Sc h oo l well pr e par ed to tak e th e i r pla ces in th e lar ge r li fe of t h e Sc h ool.


Frank lha c kc s Rob e r t Ba s ye

J;1 c k C halm e r s Ri c h ard C ov e r t G e or ge Duff y Ja ck D un can

Rodn e y Evc rhan J o hn H oka n son J a 1n cs K ee nan Jam es M c Goudwi n Wi lli a 1n Ste inbe r g


1\11 of the se -; 1d e ts are expected ha c k nex t year tu carry on for th e h o nor of the Low er. Grent thin gs sh o uld co111e fro111 the efforts of the se.: youn gs ter s Th e re arc plenty of yo un g pro spect s for th e g ridiron, the dia111011d, th e h ar dwo od, th e track, a nd th e rifl e

ran ge. T h e ir efforts do not stop h e r e how e v er, a s 111a ny of th ese ca d e t s will h e r ece iving honor card s e \ c ry month and lead in g their r es pectiv e form s Tn year s to rolllc th ese boys wil l be th e nucl e us of g reat cla sses o f whieh How e School will be proud.


Fot.: R'J'll GRAnE

l tt ·"l' JI GRAD E

Cl<lll d c Be hn

Elliot Elkin

M :trtin Kay

Richard K c llc.:i·

William M cC oy .T nm es Redmond

G eo rge Rini e1·

Jack Zicb,trt h

Ja ck l\r c h a rnhault


Jo se ph Ri ck e tt s, .Tr.

Dona ld Ro sa ti Da1 id W c id c nkopf


rl' h e Lower Sc h oo l ha s enjo yed auothcr h appy and profitable year. In spite of Old Man vViuter's constant barrage, the cadets liav c to find thri lJs ga lo1·e whjch hav e more tliau compens ated for th e confin ing weather.

Soc ially, the year began with the wiener roa s t h eld in the oval at which time the ·new boys became acquainted with the o ld boy s and a .' pirit of rea l fellowship h egan to make itself felt.

r11he Low e1· was tlwilled witl1 the perfonnance of B lac lrntonc a nd Company who came to ent ertain the Scl100J ear l y in the year. Soon afte 1" two lo ca l magicians di s p l ayec1 thci r WR res 11eforc th c l\'I cKe11Zie Literary Soci.ety,-Fr. Murphy and Fr. J ennin gs. rrJte former prese nt ed the lar ger type of illu s ions wl1ile tile latter manipulated cards to the de1ig ltt of tiJe baffled cadet.' .

'1'he Star Li st of tJ10 pr evious year made their customary trip to the LaGrange Co rn Scliool with B'r. Jennings <.rnd Lt. Reeder. 'l'hosc who were tlrns p1ivileged were Boaks, R. J., Keenan, McMahon, Dietzen, M cUoy and Lee.

rl'he annual Hall owe 'cu .Party i i:; always a great event at th e Lower Schoo l. 'J'he party was l1eld in the Jiving roow aml many were the g ho sts and ]1ob goliJiH8 in attendanc e. Tlrn costumes were the best seen in many yea r s 'l'he Chine se costume 'Norn by J amiesou and the J\.fae \ Vest outfit affected by Murpb.\r, H. were Yot ed the most attractive by th e jmlges. I-fokanson, dressed as Maggio, and Swan, who had become a Gnome for the time hein g, were acclairued the funniest. Mr. Todd's story "The .Mistletoe liou gh" was retold by Fr. J enn in g·s.

Many rarebits, ce l ehratin g birthdays or as rewards for conduct or good academic work, were g i \'en during tlie course of the winter. No one who La s

ever enjoyed these feecl8 need s to be told 110w cleJiciom; they are.

Ranta Clmrn visited tlic l.Jow er Clwistmas Part.Y, as u sual. PreHeiits 'v e r e distrilrnted, g ift s exchanged, Uhri stmaR stor ies told a11d caro l s sung Tl10 tree was rnrnsually l> eaut i.ful this year.

rrhe J{ ui ck -W hite football series lirou g ht forth mucl1 real spirit from hot]1 s id e... ]'r. J em1 i11 gs coac hed the "White>' i:md Mr. 1forg·a11, tho Knicks. Tho \Vhit o :-;qund wa :-; composed of J I e11d e r so u, Rtono, Humm el, Duff.v, G., G lcnd im1i11g , Dant e !, Chalm cn;, Boa ks , R. J , Ratl1lrnn, R., Pahnerlee, Cassin, liJJ p ., Jensen, ICvorlwrt, R, and Simp:oll. rl'he Kuicks wore: Lee, Dietzei1, }\fr Mahon, R 'Oeler, R., Jamie Ro u, Mnrph.y, J:t., Haackcs, .M arim1s, fltein h e r g, .Dtrnca11, Zielmrtl1 Rncl Keenan. A ltbough the "White:-; won s i x of the se v en games to take the sc1·i es, t l1 e cont sts wern spii' it ed.

Coac h Morgan whipped tlie Low er Varnity into s hap e to meet the Midgets on .B'ounders' Day, lint t!Je o Ms were too µ;1·cat an d tlie Midgets scored a YlCtOl'.)". rrJ1e 1· erna ining games of tl1is :-;c ri ei:; were all clo sely con t es t ed hut went in to the Midgets co ll1l11n. On 'J'hm1lrngivi11g day the Lower Varsity, angmc11ted hy Casse ll, Bmt11olomae, 'ameron, Rpillson and Nourse, J. L., al I Middle Schoolers but former Lower boys, defeated the Midget s in a most stl·em1on :; game .

'l'he Lower basketball squad, coac h ed Mr. Morgan, went to work witl1 a will in lll" eparation for the Lower -Mi dget liasketball series The first four ganies went to the r_,ower,-enougb to win the series. rrhe next three game. were wo11 by tlie Midgets. Hummel, Glendi1mi11g, Boa lrn, R. J., Dautel, Palmerlee, Lee, Stone, .Jamieson ancl Baackcs made up th e Lowe1· sq11ad.

'!' h e \\7 ltii cs defeated the Kni<.'ks for tlte r lnh haskeil>all rhampionship. 'J:1hc Kn il'k squad was cowposecl of McM al1ou, l\ifnrph.,, R, Heetlcr, H.., Duff.,-, .J., Marinm;, l>i etze11 , Rosflti, Ke ll e r , Rosf' ancl D1rn ea11. ' J1l1 e e ltarnpiow; wen• D11ffy , G., Hatl1lm11 , K , ,J 011 Rc 11 , M ·Gooc1wi11 , Nimpso11, 1 [cnc1 0r so 11 ancl Epps.

Dnri np; th' 'vintcY mo11t h s, cham 11ion:-: lii p s were cl f'C•i cl rd in ch ecke r s, pingp o n g· nnt1 billi an1s.

tlw Npri11g· n 1ea t io 11 t h e irn1 oor lm se hall se ri e:-; l> L'Lwce n the c lub s wns won h \· thr Knirk.

rrenuis a nd trnelc mad e tl1 ei1· debut i11 du e sca:-;0 11. ' !'lie e nti re gTo np of b oys

\'IH s gfrcn 1-ests to determine in w hi ch ern 11t s eac l1 exce ll ed

' I' li e fina li sts for the Best Mmks111m1 m edal were Cove rt , Dautc l , Di ,tze u , L ee, H.ceder, R., t)teinbei·g allCl Nwan.

' !'li e rn emh crn of the tumh liu g s qnat1 lt avc worked faithfnll y in pr epar a tio11 for th e ir Comme nc eme nt ex ]1ibition. Glend in11i 11 g and Rath bu n, R , a r c t il e le ad e r s . and Rosati arc th' :-: 11rnll es t ]Joy s on tl1 e s quad but tl1 e.\· e qual tl1e l arger hoy s in ab ili t.\' allC1 p; r aee. rl'li e ol h c r s qu ad m eml, c n ; a r e Murp h.v , R., Boak s, R. .J , Dietzen, Daut e l , Mariuus and ll enderno n.

'L'he rornma ncliu g offi er of th e Lower Com pany , Ra.vmo 11d .T. Boalrn, mu st lw congrat ul ated on h is fin e work witl1 th e Company thi .· year . R ic hard Reeder, e1 n e w boy, h as c1011 e espec iall y we ll in hi s militarr work a11d i s now right g uid e ( iavtui n Preston d ese n es great c r edit for th e pain sta kin g work whi ch Jia s produced Hu c h a we ll -chill ed Com pan y.

Durin g th e Jat ter part of May, th e big whe e l rid e to Wort wayn e wi ll tak e p lace. A S(JUad of about tw c n t.v asp ire to talrn t h e trip. Records for co ndu ct and s tud " i es la 1·ge l.v d ete rmin e who the lu c k y bo y s will h e

'J:1 l1 e McKenzie Literary Soc i ety ha s prese11 ted many i11t ercRt in g pro g r ams clming the year. The :first pl'Ogram of note was gi \' e n b y Ca d et Epps who prese nt e d hi s Pnuc] 1 and Jud y : h ow u s in g pnpp etR h e had made him se lf. Spec i a l meetings stressed the l esso n s l ea rn e d f r om the liv es of ·wash ington and L i11 c0 !11. rrh e l jowc r was repre:ented in the arnrnal declamation co nt est at Blake Hall a nd a l I the spea k ern did very well. Mrs. Ntr in berg grar ion s ly loaned severa l motion pirtures for s howin g a t tho r_,owe r, wlt i le 1\ifr. Simpson gave a most in struct iYe lcct nr e on " Bird s". In tun e w i th t l1 • tim es, an "-Amateur ] l our" was s ta ge d at 011e m eti n g and mu ch n m m spec t e d ta lc11t di scove r ed r:rl1 e Kn ick s defeated tl1e \ \T hi tes in a m o::;t exc it in g d e bat e

Heede r , R., McMal1 011, Marinns, D a nte !, McGoodwi11, McCoy, Elk in s, Archambault and Weid011 kopf h a v e b een lea d em in a c ad emic work. Many other ra d eb.; hav e, ]1 owever, earned Merit l !ards. ':l1h e program of visua l e du cati on u se d to s uppl e m en t the r eg ular s tu l y program .-, h as b ee n of in va lu a bl e ass i st an ce to t h bo ys

.A faithfu l g1 o up of aco l ytes ha s ca rri e d ou its daily work. ' !'h e Low e r aco l ytrs arc Gl ondinnin g, Boa k s, R J ., Rath1mn , R ., Pa lrn er lee, Baackes, Stone, Murph y, R., Humm e l a n d !Gverhart, R. Durin g L e nt, B'r. J e nning s g·avc a se ri es of spee ia l meditations to this g roup on Friday nJOrning s in t h e chap e l.

Of eu u rse, th e yea r wou]d not b e co mpl e t e without t11e ann u a l, a ll -day pi cni e at Ce dar Lak e ]1' fr e work s, ra ces, wac1i11 g- tn gs-of-war, bo a tin g, swimm in g and pl e nty of good food made th e da y a r e dle tt e r clay for a ll Low e r 8choolers.

And so th e yea r ends. It h as b een a happ y year fill e d wit h many r ea l ac hi even1 e nts. Next ye ar, t h e Lower look s forward co n fid e11tl y to au other g l orious nine m o nth s .


LJICUTl·. 1'"\NT lOLONE J FRFD E IU CK P EARWN Captain, In fa n try, U.S.A. Comma1!tlt111/ of Cndets

MAJOR } AMF.S C llAEl FER M Ell.RITT Cap lain, lnf:intry R ese r ve s, U S A. ti ss isln11/ Co111111n11dn111 of Ctulels

CAl'TA I N E. M. FR I T TI ER Adjuta n t Ge ne ra l ' s Dcpa1·t111enl R ese r ve, U.S. A. T11ctim l 0 ff iet r, Gray H nit


Firs t L ie ute nant, I n fantry R csc n •cs , U.S.A. 'l'tt cli ca l Offi ce r, While Hnlt

CAPTA I N OTl!O L I NG Bn11dmasl er

S T AF F S 1·: Rr:EANT S 1L A > G1.1 C KST E I N D.E. 1.L ., U.S.A.


La st Fou n d e rs ' Day, Co111pany "A" took fi rs t p l a ce in the co mpetiti\' e dril l and h a.s he ld t h e honor po sit ion throu g h the bal a n ce of th e year. Th e s p i rit of th e Company ha s bee n marv e lou s, and thi s ha s b ee n s hown by the 111<111n e r in which th ey drill. Most of the c re dit mu st go to th e indiv idual s ra.th e r than the office rs beca u se of th e ir willingness to work hard in o rd e r that th e ir Company sh ou l d hav e fir s t pla ce

T h e o m pa n y was w e ll rc pr cse nt cc l t h is yea r bot h on t h e g ridiron and ba sk ct ba II fl oo r The footb<tll team h as tak e n the c hampion s h ip for t h e la st t h r ee years without be in g sco r ed up o n heav ily. "A" Company ha s r ea l s pirit a nd s h o uld co m e throu g h th e r e maind er of th e year wit h co l o rs fl y in g

Ca pta in , • J o h n C. No ur se

Li e ute nant. Jo h n A. Ilown c

Li e ute nant. ............• .....•............•..... C:trl 0. Kreis

St aff Li e ut e nant. Wi ll ia111 R ee d e r

Staff Se r gea nt R oyce Ainsworth

Fi r st Se r gea nt.. William l-l;i.ll owe ll


ht s, I' f.<'.

Beck, P.f.c.

Ca ss el l , P f. c.

C'hatai n , J., P.f. c.

D e l ze ll

Diet z Du e nw eg

Ele r ick

E s le r , P.f. c


L' a g-a. ns

Font, Cp l.

Gab r iel, Sg t

Gi l l


Jo hn so n

Jon es LaF o rg"c

Li e be r McJl.lahon, ].


M c Mu ll e n, P.f. c.

Mounsey, Sgt.


No rfl eet , Cpl. Pal11 1e r, P f. c Ptak, P.f .c. Rathbun, E RL1ssc ll Sco tt


Watt les

P.f. c.

Xa nd e r s, P f. c: Y o u111 a us , P .f.c.


Th e e ffici e n cy and fin e spiri t of Corn p ru1 y "B" ha s e nabl e d thi s g rnup to maint a in a goo d standin g in th e Corp s Alt h o u g h not in fir st pla ce, it h a s co ns iste ntl y r ema in e d clo se up o n th e hed s of the leading Comp:Lll)' in mil ita r y co mp et ition.

Ba sketb a ll w a s th e sp o r t i n whic h Co 1np•t11 y "B" cXl'c lkd , h a1 i11 g eas il y won t h e with th ei r bril -

Ca pt a in ...• .•.

lia11t hall - h :L ndlin g Th e A ll -C lub t ra ck 1n ce t pr o llli ses a ;.: 1·.;;,1 li attk in whiclt th e Compan y "B" ca d e t s ha ve a s li g ht e d ge ove r th e ir oppon e nt s

I t wo uld n ot be s urpri s in g if, 111 th e lon g run , " B" Co 111p :u1y pu sh es it se lf int o fir s t p lace e\'e ntuall y, ill'ca use of it s tl dc nnin e tl effort s t o win.

Jan1 cs F. Smi t h

Li e ute na nt. R o be rt N Chataiu

Staff Li e ut e nan t. F ra nk M. Etl g:ir

F ir st Sergea n t. John Sp e n ce r

Li e ut e nant Adjutant

Ha 1·tho l n ma .:

Brin es

Ca tll l.' r on

( 'n rp e n t e r

Car tc 1" C'pl.

( ' lw st e r, l ' pl.

Clark, D., C pl

C' la rk, E.

D eN oy e l li- s , Sgt.

Ge ntr y Goo d e Go ss


Cn.: nn an

llu ffo rd

Hut hin so n, P.f.c

L ozie r

J'VIa11 g· un1

Martin, K , P .f.c.

J\ l:i ni 11 , "R.

M<>t •" D., l'o l or Sg r

M nrph y, J.

No urse , J. L., P.f. c.

Iso n , P.f. c.

Parl :c r

E dward J. G:unrn c ll

Polla c k

Ra.rhhnn, J ., Sg t.

R e id, C pl.

Sc udd e r, P. f.c.

So lo n

S pill s on, J> .f.c.


S te in

S ulli v; w, C pl. 'f :l1111cl1ill, J>.f. c

Ta usz

Vo ll an, C pl.


Compan y "L" has 111 ai nt ai n cd its e nviable p os ition in th e military iifc of t h e Sc h o o l durin g th e pa s t ye ;u -. S pl e ndidl y drill e d and we ll offi ce r e d, th e Co111pan y a lwa ys win s th e h earty applau se of th e sp ec tator s at parad es an d in s pec tions.

Company "L" cad e ts w h o g radu<ttc into th e M iddl e and Upp e r ]Ho 1 id e a wdl-train cd nu cl e u s , and us ualli• th e offic e rs , for t h e o ld e r Companie s

I st Li e ut ena nt Ray111ond J. Boaks, Co 111p any Co1 n1n an d c r

2 nd Li e ute n ant. • Arno ld H ender so n

Se r ge ant s Dona ld L ee ; H ar ry l-l u111111 e l ; Rodn e y E1 ·e rha rt

Corp o ral s Jack Di e tzen; Jam es Duffy; Geo rge S. E\' e rh art; E ll e r y

Ja111i esu n ; Jam e s F. K ee nan; Jam es JVb r inu s ; Ge o r ge M c Ma h on ; R ob ert M ur p h y; Ja c k Palrn e l'l ee l r i1 at cs Fi rs t C l a ss Ri ch a rd R ee d e r; Willia111 M c Coy; J ose p h Rickett s ;

Wad e Ston e

: \u g us t '\r ch arnba u lt

F r ank Ba a c k c

Rob e r t Hay se

C laud e B e hn

Ja c k C h a lm e r s

Jack Ca ss i n

R ichard Co 1 c r t

C h arl es Dnut c l

G e o r g e Duff y

Ja ck Dun c an


J a c k Epp s

El l iott E lkin

J o hn Glcndi nn in g

John H oka n so n

Wa.rd J e n se n

Marti n Kay

Ri c h ar d K e ll er

Jam es M cGood 11 in

R o be r t Rathbun

J ::un cs Rc cl1 nond

G eor ge Rini e r

Donald Ro s:Lt i

Rob rt Ro se

Wi ll ia m St e inb e r g

L e land Si 111 p so n

Ja ck Swan

Da\'id W c id e nk opf

J o hn Zieb a rth


Tin1e and a g ain a spe ctator, after wat ch in g- on e of t he f ull dre ss parad es ha s r e nirirked, "W hat an i1n p r,·:-s i1 ·c· p;irnd c-and what s pl e ndid 111m ic !"

Thi s fact is rec o g ni ze d by mo s t o f th e Corp s, too , an d " ell it s hould be, for How e is note d for havin g on e of t he fin es t b:i.ncl s in t hi s sec ti o n of th e c o un tr y.

T h is y ea r' s band h as bee n on e of t h e fin es t cw r to parad e o n 1h c l i ow c g ro und s. I t is both we ll h a la11 ccd a nd se a son ed, :i. ncl t h e quality of t he mu s ic is ama z in g-, both in t he mili tary n1 a rc hc s a nd th e in s pe ct io n nuJ11b e r s , wa lt ze s , s er e n ad es , and c h ara ctc ri stic p ieces

T he bn nd c oncert wa s i cviv e d t hi s y cnr, furth c 1· s h owin g- t he v e rs at ili ty of t hi s year' s o r ga ni zation. Tt

wa s ;i n e x ce ll e nt pro g- r:i.1n 1 a nd on e of th e m o s t e njo ye d durin g t he entire yc ar.

To o 1nu c h ca n not b<.! sai d fo r t h e ce;i se lc ss effo r t s of Captain Ot h o Lin g , bandma st e r, w h o ha s mack t hi s fine unit po ss ible. T h e Captn in is both l ov e d a nd res p ec te d hy both hi s ba nd and t h e r es t of th e C o rp s, a11d t h e Captain' s g ruff hu t k indl y rn a nn e r is a t r aditio n at: H ow e.

T he band m c 111hers h av e e nj oy e d e ve r y minut e of 1h e i r wo r k t hi s year, a nd it is w ith mu c h re g ret t h at m a n y of th e m will leave t h e Sc h oo l. A s pec ial word of rec o g niti o n 1Hi g h t be s pok e n for E u g e n e S n yd e r , fi rs t t rum p e t e r in t h e band, w h o h a s b ee n w ith t h l' for fi ve y ear s , a nd is a fin e mu sician.

Captain , E u ge ne S n y d e r

Li e ut e nant , •. Ra l ph Gr eg ory

Se r ge an t Drum M<Ljor .•... Rob e r t B eam


J o hn Corri ck

John T. A nd e rs on

Do ug Ja s So rr ick

Cn r l Mote

Ome r Mi ll e r

Rob e r t ]3oak s

David J o rdan

!'IU VA T l·'.S


Jam es T e 111plc

Edw in S he lb y

Lyl e Tay lo r

C h:l.l' les M e ye r


Lynn Wa rn e r

Mark Tod d

S p e n ce r Fe n to n

W e ir Willia1 n s

Grant Ed son

A ndr e w Jami es on

J o hn P. Ewald


\. ppro x imatcl y :t quart e r of a ce ntur y a go t h e Alpha D e l ta Tau wa s es tabli s h ed a t To m e Sc h oo l, Mary land , a s a 11 a tiona l h o n o rar y frat e rni ty fo r sc hola st ic achi c 1·e111 c n t, ope n lo a ll aca d e mi es H ow<.: Sc hoo l esta bli s h ed a chapter in 1906, t he se \' c nth to be es tabli s he d in t h e U ni te d St at es.

Ten ye a rs after t h e birth of t he soc ie ty the p rcj udi re :L r isin g again st G ree k-lette r frat e rnit ies at th a t tim e :ind th e addit io nal fort th at th e A lph :t D e lta Tau ruled aga in s t fl' min i nc m e mb e r s hi p, ca use d t h e o rg ani z ation t o be di sco ntinu e d as a n atio nal frat e rnity and Cum Lau ck es ta bli s hed to tak e it s place. H owe Sc h oo l , h owc 1 e r, r eta in e d it s c h apte r of A lph a D e lta Tau a s its 01 n1 loral fraternity.

Th e st a11clarcl s o f l'u111 Laud e ar c \'a s tly cli ffe 1· e 11 t .fr o m those of Alp h :L D e l ta Ta u. To beco m e a. 111 c n1b c r nf th e latt e r, a cadet mu st be of cxrc ll e nl c ha ra c te r, a nd mu st hi g" h 1n ac:id c mi t:

wnrk a s wd l as exce ll ent d e p o rtm e n t. A lph a Delta Tau 1n e 111bcrs aut o 111 at ica ll y beco m e 111 c rnb e rs of C u1n La ud c II' he n th ey g rncluat e : \ bo u t ten yea rs ago, t h e st andard fo r n1 c 111be rs hip in A lph a D elta Ta u wa s rai se d from 77.5 to 82% , rnakin g· it mu c h m o 1·c sdcc ti1 c t h an pr e , io usl y. If at a 11 y t i111 e a m e mb e r' s a1 ·e rnge dr o ps d o w n too for he is d ro pp ed from th e soc iety.

T he :\ lph :t Delta Ta u h as al ll' a ys bee n s u ccess ful in se tt in g- b efo r e t h e e ntir e st ud e n t b o dy a goa. 1 at wh ic h t h ey ra n aim It ha s always bee n t h e hi g h est a111b i1ion of c\'c r y e li g ibl e rn e mb c r of t he upp e r two form s t1> join it s 1·a nk s. T he r ece nt rev iv a l of th e soc iety aft c 1· :t :iurnbcr of yea rs ha s t hu s in c re a se d t h e h o ri zo 11 of th e a111bitiou s cad et

T he 1n c n1b c r s of th e soc ie ty ar c H e nry A b ts , John :\. Bown e, Fra nk M. Edgar, Ki rk Martin, Roh c· rt \\1 :1g- n c r , Ly nn Warn e r


A d ec ad e ago, th e Swo 1cl and h eath cl uh ca m e int o ex ist e n ce at H o w e Sc ho o l and .f r o111 th e m o me nt of it s birth, h as bee n one of th e for e mo st org:rni zation s on th e c a111pu s Th e lub wn s esta bli sh e d for the purpo c o f bringing t h e offic e rs into loser co ntact with th e h ea d s o f th e military depart111 c nt, thu s improl'in g t 0

h e 111ilita r y e ffi c ie n cy of th e Sc h oo l. Th e g r o up is co mp ose d of t h e ca d e t offi e rs a nd fi r st se rgea nt s of Gray Hall.

T hi s yea r, th e c lub h as follow e d a sc hc d ul c of

weekly m cd i11 gs. Seve r a l h ono r :u y 111 c 1nbc r s a.re 0 11 th e roll of Swor d a nd S hc:1th amon g th e m b ein g Mr. l3011ton, Colonel P e ar so n , Cap ta in Pr es ton, Major M e rritt ;u1d Se r gea nt Gli ckstcin.

The Sword and S h eath pl ed ge 1s as fo ll ows : "ln a cce p ting 111 e 111be rs hip in the Offi ce rs' Cluh of How e Sc h ool, I pledge 1ny s ·Lf, without re se r ve, to lll<Lintain t he id ea l s ;ind st:L11d ards of H owe Sc ho ol, to f ulfill all dutie s e ntru sted to me, a nd to n se my bes t end e avor s to uphuild th e li fe and spirit of th e Corps ."


l'aptain J o hn C. lo ur sc Captain )cLtn es F. S mith

Capta in Eugen e S n yd e r

Li e utena nt Johll A. Bown e

Li e ut e nant Car l 0. Kr e is

Li e ut e nant Rob e rt N. C ha.t a in

Li e ut c n:1nt Edward J. Ga1111ncll

Li e ut e nant Ralph E. Gr ego r y

Li e ut e nant Willia111 G. R ee d e r

Li e ut e nant Frank

First Se r ge ant Willi :u11 F. Hall o w e ll

Fi rs t Sc r "ca n t Ja c k M. Spe tKe r

Staff Se r ge ant R o yce R. A in s worth


The \\int·r and ea rl y s pring uf 1936 brouKht fo rth a l'ifle t e am which ha s pl'Ohably kno\\'n no equal in the lon g li st uf team s which hav e bee n produ ce d und e r th e watchful eye of Se l' gen nt Glick s te in. Th e team thi s year con s is ted, fo r th e 111ost pn.rt, of cadet s who had bee n m e mbe rs of th e pr c1 io us ycal''s t eam. Co nsequ e ntly, most of the lll e 111b e r s were full) ' a cquainted with the pro cee din gs and had 111 c l' cly t o start pra ct ice. U 11cl c l' t he ca re ful d ire ·t io n of Se gc ant Gli c kst ein, th e ir eff ic ie nt and untirin g c oach, th e 1n e111h crs of the tca 111 re s pond e d with so m e \ ' Ct")' accurate and co n s is te nt s ho ot in g. The l'Otl of th e team co ntain s th e nam es of a sco r e of the S dio o l' s bes t mark s 111 c n, hy ri goro us conq1ctition in th e R. 0. T. C'. unit. Th is

g r oup of cadet s d csc n cs a g l' eat d ea l of c r ed it for th e amount of tilll c s p e nt o n t h e ran g-c ;u1d for t he 11 ond c l'folly fin e spirit di sp lay d 111 the vanous co mp eti tion s

Mor e niat c h cs wer e fi re d thi s yea r rhan in pr e viou s year s, th e te a!ll h av in g e n g aged in com p et ition with the team s of K e mp e r Mi l itary Aca d e my, C ranbro ok Sc h ool of D e troit, Concordia Co ll ege , Kentu c ky Military In sti t ute and T o m' s River 11 ig- h Sc ho o l of N e w J e r se y. Th e Maroon sh arp sh ooter s al so participat ed in th e Midwe s t Inte r sc h ola s tic Matc h at Morgan Park, the Corps Ar c a lntc r co ll cg iat c , th e National Int e r co ll eg iate and the 1l ca rs t Trophy Match es


l' o rrick Ewald :\in swort h

Temple lhwn e

Moun se y Rathbun ]. S he lb y

Miller G1 ·cgo r y C:i1nm c ll

Snyd e r l ' hatain R. Martin K.

c 0


Hi g h on th e li st of ex tra -c urri c ular activ ities s t::tnd s the How e H e rald, w ee kly publication 0£ the Sc h ool.

night, £cw activities take so much time and co nsc ientious effort as · d ocs the wee kly e dition of the How e H era ld. This is tru e both of th e w o rk of the Faculty Adviser and of th e st aff.

T h e staff of this year's H e rnld d e p a r ted fro111 th e o ld fo rm at and adopted a l arg·cr and mor e impre ss ive s tyle whic h ha s earn e d co rninc nd at ion from t h e Co lumbia Sc h ol astic Press Association. T h e ne w H e rald co ns is ts of fo ur p:•ges of five co lumn s eac h The l a r ger sh eet mak es possible the inclu s i o n of a g r eate r arno u nt and variety of mat er ial.

T he H era ld se rve s thr ee principa l purpo ses P'irst, it keep s t h e par e nts, patron s, a I u111 ni and friends of the Sc h ool in c l oser contact with the activities of the School. Second, it gives any st ud e nt w h o is inter es t ed in journa li s m an opport un ity to write and to lea rn frorn pra ct ica l ex pe rien ce. Third l y, and obvio usly, it provide s e njoym e nt and in st ruction for th e student body.

J o hn A. Bown e, '36, is t he Editor-in-Chief a nd Robe rt N. C h a.ta in, '36, is the Ass is t:urt Ed it oJ". F:•t he r Murphy, w h o ha s s up e r vised t h e publi c:Ltion for th e past two years and who ha s had mu c h to do with the n !markabl e progress of the pape r , is the Faculty Adviser.


John A Bowne, E di tor-in-C hi ef

Rob e rt N. C hata in , Ass ista nt Editor

Janr es F. Sm ith , Spo r ts E di to r

ll c nry A ht s a nd Spe n ce r Fenton, Assista nt Sports Editor s

Edwa rd M. C hcste i-, Exc ha nge Ed i tor

Jo\111 P. Ewald, Bu s in ess Manager

!\ndi·cw Ja111i eso n, Copy Editor

Roy ce A in swo rth, C ir c ul at io n Manager


Boaks R. T., Clark E., Gamme ll , Mangurn, JVTartin K., Mote C., Moun sey, oJ"fl eet, Spencer, Ste in, Vo !l a n , v\Tagner, Yo um ans, Gentry, D e Noyel lcs, Glendinning, Martin R.

A luuJ11i Editor, }01 IN A 1KJVrAN, '2 0

Fncu l ly Adv i ser, THE REV. RonERT J. MURPHY


Mr. Jo se ph Sc hillin g ha s co mplet e d hi s seco nd s u ccess ful year n.s c h o ir111 n.stc r a nd o r ga ni s t of th e c h apel c h o ir.

Th e c hoir is a promin e nt orga n izat i on i n t h e r eli g iou s li fe of H o w e Sc h oo l. Not o nl y d ocs it r e nd e r da il y se r vice a s Ves pe rs, but takes a ln.r ge part in t h e reg ular S und <•y a nd ho ly day se r v ices.

Th e Low e r Sc h oo l sh o uld be g i ve n c redi t for a g r eat dea l. of ha rd wor·k thi s year, a. nd Low e r so los

LOll'l-:R SC !IOOL


Pali11 c rl ee

C halm ers

M c Mahon, G

Murphy , R.


Marin us


J\1 I Dlll.E S H OO L

Cam e r o n

Ba rth o l o 111 ac

R ec d

P a rk e r

Martin, R.

Pa l111 c r

a r c a r eg ular t hin g of lat e.

T he c h o ir ha s seve r a l exce ll e nt so l o is t s t hi s yea r. Ja c k Duenw eg, Cora l De Noyc ll es , and Robe rt Rat hbun have all co n tri bute d exc el le nt so l os o r du c ts durin g th e S und ay se rvi ces.

T he c hoir wa s aid e d t hr o u g h o u t t he year b y t h o r c h cs Lr a und e r th e di rect io n of Capta in Lin g , w hil e Mrs. H a ll ha s s un g se v e ral so los o n s pec ial occas io ns.


Glc mlinnin g

Be hn

Eve rh a rt , S. Dn. u tc l Ke ll e r McGoodwi n Rini c r

Rathbun, R

Sto n e

U PPER Sc 11 00 1.

])u e 1n vcg

Moun sey

C l ark, E

D cNoyc ll es Ma rtin, K.

O rga ni st a nd C h o inna stc r ....• J. J ose ph Sc hillin g

Cr uc ifc r. Gam m e ll

Fbg Bea r e r ...•..... •....... N o u rsc

0 D


T hi s year's o r c h est nL h as bee n, b yon d a d o ubt, o ne of th e fi n est eve r hea rd :'tt H owe Sc h oo l , du e la1 g-t.:ly t o th e effo rt s of i ts dir ecto r, Capt<L in Ling.

T h e orc h estra ha s presented a n l1111bcr of sp le ndid co nce rts a nd h as play ed for alm os t eve r y draniati c a nrl ora t o ri ca l e\'c nt cl urin g th e year. ln add iti o n to

t hi s, t h orc h estra h as p l aye d at eve ry ch apt.:I sc rvi c" a nd at se , ·eral co mmunity f un c tion s

The mu sic of t h e o rc hestra , whic h is chi e fly c lassica l or se mi- c la ss ic al, h as b ee n t h oroug hl y e nj oyed by t h e Ca d et Corps and by all who h ave bee n privil ege d to hea r it.


J " hn P Ewald l111e r .'\, Mil le r E u g-e n e S n yder

iV.lark Tod d J o hn I. An d e r so n R o be rt B ca111

CA PTAI N L1 c, Dir ecto r



On e of th e lll ost vcncralilc orga ni z ation s o n th e c ampu s ,,f llnw e Sc h oo l is th e Old Guard. Th e qualifi cation for m e mbe rship is four years at ll owc Sc h ool.

U ndoubt e dly, m any ha ve n o tic ed th e ova l- s hap ed doth e mbl e m on th e arrn of th e fat ig ue coat s of cer tain of rh c Cadets. Thi s c 1nbk111 is th e in s ignia of 1h c Old G uard. Ve r y rar e l y a s il ve r s hi e ld is g iv e n. Thi s i, e n1hl c1uati c of t e n yea r s of l oya l H owe livin g.

Th e 111 e 1nbcJ'S of th o Old Gu<Lt·d a r.: lar ge and

s111al1 1 but in seve ral re s p ec ts th ey arc th e sa m Ev e ry me mb e r is proud of hi s love £01· Howe, and every 111 c 1nhc r _co ntinually striv es to liv e up to h e1· rul es a nd tradition s a s hcs t h e is ab le

At th e e nd of each y e ar th e Old Guard ha s a ba1i.1u et at whi c h a pre s id e nt for the organi z ation is e lec t ed. T h is yea r th e club el ec ted Ja ck Nour se to the co1 ctc cl po s ition "Jo c k" i s winding up hi s e ig hth year at l ! o w e, and is ind ee d w e ll fitt e d for the pos iti o n.


Arth ur Barth o loma e

Pr es ton Heck

R o hc rt l3 o ak s

Raymond l3oak s

J o hn A Bown e

Donald Came ro n

R o be rt h atai n

Edw ;trd M. Che ste r

Ja c k lJu c nw eg-

Frank M .Ed g ar

Gr<1nt Ed so n

J ack Glendinning

Edward Gamme ll

Ralph Gregory

'William Hallow e ll

Ja ck J<1hn son

Da1 id Jo rd an

Ca rl Kr e is

Jam es M cMah o n

Carl Mote

David Mote

J ose ph No ur se

Ja c k No ur se

Jack P : d1n e rl cc:

Tommy Park e r

John Rathbun

Willialll R ee d e r

Edwin Shelby

J a111 <:s Smith

Eu g·e nc nydcr

Duu g la s Sorrick

J ark Sp e n ce r

D o u g la s Yoll a n

H o w a rd You1uan s

I n fo n rn ga i nc; mo r e sp o r t s I h e i r T l 11 II owe spirit


Friday, ,June 5th

8 :00 P.l\ f. IJower Nchool tumbli11g exhibiti on.

!l ::lO P .M. \ l urn11 i an cl class l'cuni ons.

NatunlHy, June 6th

7 :00 1\ .1.1. lJ oly Communion

!J :00 A. I . l cv iew aml in spcct jon.

!J ::-30 .A. I. ( 'ompcti Live clrills.

10 i\.M. DciroiL Ys. Chicago, "L ittle Worlll Series.''

1:.2 :00 Nuon Luncheon.

:.2 :00 P. :M. l-3aseba l I, the Varsity vs. the J.\ lumni.

Breakfast. Review <1ncl inspection. Chat l. The baccalaureate se rmon by 'l1he Right Hcv e rc 11 d Campbe ll Gra.v, D.D., l3i s l1 op of Nort h ern Indiana.

J\nmia l dinn i·. The \lum11i and Ol l B ys, e l ection of off i c·ers, au cl reception or l::)e n i or c la:s The me ss hall.

rLOO .P.M.

8:00 P. I. Dinner. l{ eceptiou ancl 'ommencmeut Ball, by invitation.

Sunday, June 7th

7 ::30 "\ .l\I. l'o rp oratc ;onnnuuion, tlle }.Jumni and Senior s


One of th e 111 ost \ 'c 11 c r ab lc o r g ani z ation s 011 th e campus uf 1l uwe Sc h ool is th e O ld Guard. Th· qualifi cat ion fo r m e mbers hip is four yea rs at I I owe School.

ndoubt edly, many have noticed the oval-shaped cloth e mbl e m on the arn1 of th e fatigue coa ts of cer tain of th e Cadets. Thi s e 111hle111 is the in signia of the Old Guard. V e ry ra r e l y a silver s hield i s g i ve 11 Thi s i; c 111bl c lllati c: of ten yea rs of l oya l Howe li vi n g. Th e rncmb c rs of th o Old Guar d arc lar ge and

Grndufltiou exercises, the Now Gynrnasium . Presentat ion of tbe Senior:' memo1·ial.

Ji'i11al Vesp r s , presentat ion of Bibles to Seniors. Vinal frc :s parade aud i·eview, received by the A lumni.

s 111a ll, but in sev cra 1 re s pects th ey a.re t h e same. E m e mbe r is proud of hi s l ove for Howe, and e\ 111 c 111b e r _co ntinually striv es to live up to h er n and tradition s as best he is able.

At th e e nd of e a c h year th e O ld Guard h<1 banqu et at 1rhich a presid e nt for the organizatio ·lccted. T h is )' Car th e club elected Jack Noursl th e 01 c tc:d po s ition. " J ock" is winding up e ighth year at H owe, and is indeed we ll fitted for po sition


Arthur Bartholoma c

P r1:s ton He c k

Robe rt l3oak s

Raymond Boak s

John A. 13owne

Donald Ca m eron

Roh en C hatain

Edward M. C h este r

Jack lJu e nw cg-

Fr.ink M. Edgar

Grant Ed so n

Jack Gl c ndinning

Ed ward Ga111me l l

Ralph Gregory

Willia111 H allow ll

J ack J<1hn so n

Dal'id J ordan

Carl Krei s

Jam es M c Ma h on

Carl Mot e

David Mote

Jo se ph Nourse

Jack Nourse

J::i c k Palrnnl cc

Tommy Park e r

John Rathbun

Willia111 R ce d e l'

.Edwi n S h e lb y

J a m es Smith

Euge n e S n yder

Duu g la s Sor ri ck

Ja c k Spencer

Dou g las Vollnn

Howard You111ans

8:00 \.M. 9::0 A.M. 10::-30 .A .M. :15 PJvL :2 ::10 P.M. -1-:00 P.M. -L:·m P.M 5 :00 P.1\1.
[ F


'!' li e rn:35 footba ll Rqna<l l 1ad a seaso n npoi1 w lt ir h eYe ry a lmrn 1i, patr o n , and <'adct rn ay proudly a nd tn1thfully loo k a s one o.f the g r eatest in the whole hi i,;torr of' 1l owc Rrhool. In eve r y p;a rn c the "J1'igliti1 1g .·how ccl t h e Rtrei1 gt l 1, pow e r , a ncl cleterminati011 \\ hi cl 1 e11dc cl in th e ir most impressiYe r cro rd of fiye v i cto ri es, two l osses, F111cl 01Je tic.

J1'oot ha ll ca mp sta rt e d a week befo r e sc hoo l, ai1d h e r e al l the fe llow s ex hiliit efl tl1e trn e s1Jirit and .fi 0 'ht w]1i.ch was on 1 of tb e b est eve r s h 01v11 h y m1 y I ! owe Schoo l s1 o rt s team. U ncl e r Coac h D-ieth1·i ch 's fin e Je ader sJ1ip , t11e ·wildcats soo u d e 1·clo p cd i nto a lJOwc rfu l m1d s ki l lful foot!Ja 11 ma c hi ne. Coac h Snow's h e lp

\\'H S also Yer v va lu a hl e durin g foot ha 11 cam p.

A lt hongb two or thr ee of tJ1 e ga rn es w e r e td.ayecl 011 o ld and wi.11d.\ ' clays, tl1e How e l1oy s alwa.v.· gave all. they had. 'ro

a S]Jort-s fan's eye , hard ly a more b a utiful sig ht co u ld h e seen t lmn th e Wil 1eat ·talwa rt s in the lin e, op nin g i1p Fl h o le, an d a fleet back speed in g thrnuo·h, prot ec t e d b y Aaw les · int erfern n ce From encl to e nd, the Wildcats were always t h tcmghest when the go in g w as the w01·Ri» and op po. ·ing Jin thrust. · wo uld often he thrown a Im os t before they ]1acl .·tarted.

Jcxt Reaso n , t11e Maro 11 and -White w i ll lose all four of h er r eo·ul a r ha ck s, wlii nh ba ck fi el d was a de li ght to see i11 o p1 ra tio11. Wii:.·t we me11tion ".Jo ·k " N 0 111· ·c, whose comp l et mastery of hackfi.e]cl work and beautifu l nnrnin g will l on g lJ e rnmembered by eYeTy one who sa w tl1 is fl ee t yo un g man prove very disaHt r on s to every opponent that Howe rn t. Jim Smit h will a l. ·o be grea tl y nii ssed by th e fans next y ea r. H e prove d l1 i :::; ahi l it y in blocki11"' and rrnrnin g, ai1cl in gcnernl defensive work as fullha<:k. Ge n e S ffycler, whose trip le-t h reat

work in t h e backfield played a most important part will leave a bad hole which ·w ill need to be :fill ed. Hank .Abts, the f mnth member, was tho sort of bard-hitting, speedy back that winds up a we lllJa lanced strong backfie ld. f:lpence ]j1 01 1ton at one of tho wi ng poR ition s was a l\Ya.n; bu sy s topping tho tough ones and keeping hi s end well guarded. Wbitey <1lrntain who played the otlicr end, rn;e c1 hi ,· height to a good advantage and was fast on running out for passes .

rl'il l'80 tackles wi ll. be Jost by grnc1uatio11: Gamme ll , whose stubbon1 rm; i stance i 11 the line and outstanding offo11sivc work was always noticeable in t l1c l ine; Ste i n, a new ma n t h iR year, and 011c who was very much of a tough ho.v on ])ot l1 offensive and defensive; ancl Chester, \vl1ose line enab led him to he a wall of defense. At the guard position we ii.nd Ewald, Anderson, and "NIartin graduating . J olmny Ewa l d l oved to submarine, m u ch to the other team's discomfort, and he had · p l enty of powe r for every p l ay. Martin was fast and s h ifty, and was always strong at making l10les for the boys. Andy ..AndOl' 80ll, who did relief work at guard and re n ter, h el d up h is side of t h e li ne hy l1 anl , fast play Ra l ph Gregory a Senior hac k saw plenty of action, and his passing, running, a n d snagging passes wa8 a lway8 consistent .

i; or next year's team, Bill Hallowe ll , w li o is captain-e l ect, will confo rn e h i s exrc ll eut a ll -arou n d fo 1c work and h is 11arclclriYing sty le of game. Gabrie l , speedy and tough defensive man, wi ll l1e back as wi ll "Chief" Meyer· at center whose work in that posjtion this year was irrop1·oach able. J or clan t h oug h on ly a Sopl1 ornore, lauded a regu l ar guard bert h, and was a lways the best at breaking up t h e opposing line thrusts. \ iVi lli ams, who gai n ed experience th i s year in the backfie ld is a l so onl y a second year man. The li ne next year will have for candidates S h e lby, Font, and Scudder.

T l1 e Wi l dcats began the season wit h one of th e best games of the year hy

p laying Stmgis a 1'.2-1:2 tie. The veteran Stmgis team got the jump on the 11 owe boys the fhst half, and scored two to n ch clovvns. However, the Maroon and w 11 ite s came hack the second ha lf and lu tl cm;hod f hei 1 · powoTfu l decept ive runn ing attack to ti.e the score. The seco11d garne saw Howe complete l y outplay a \r h ite Pigeon c loven hy a 35-0 score. rl'ilo llext game at ·warsaw saw fhe Call ets hel 1i.ncl at the first half by one po int. f 11 tl 1c second ha l f, a cl i.J'fcrent story was re lated, and again ]-l o we was v ictorious hy a score of 13-7 The old r iva l Ce11tra l Cat l10 lic was next to be comp l etely subclu d hy a J 8-0 sc o1·e. T J1e wi ldcats bad O\ ' eryt h ing this day, and tJ10 strong lads from lj't. wayne bardly saw the Howe : 5 li ne rrh e F'ou n don;' Day game, p le:tyecl before a cheering e11t hu siast i c r r owcl, saw Howe's Wi ldcats play beaut i fu l footba ll to defeat a h eavy, fast Col umhia City team by t h o score of 14-0 . rrlt is game was marked by c]ean, fast, h ard playing, the fi.rst half being anybody's game . On November 2 a 8trong, p owerful H icksville team a lmost ruined the } Iowe record, but whe11 Jock Nourse pu Jl ed the "Fin Ross" J lay out of h i s hag of tr i cks, Hicksville saw a l)eau ti.fu I ()5 yard nm for a touchdown, an d t h e point after touchdown w h ic h pTOved to be the wining po int Hi cksv ill e's m arker came on a beautifu l run of 95 .nncls on an intercepted I ass.

\Vit h a ll t h e breaks aga inst t hem and O\'er :WO yards in pe1rnlt i es, the Wi ldcats ret urned from Cranbrook with a 19-14 ll cfcat: rrhi s score does not indicate the actua l strengt h of the -Wi ldcats, as Ilow :) complete l y outp layed the CraueR t h roug h out tl 1e game . Howe t o110hlow n s were ca ll ed back because of penalties . 'l'he final game saw the fig h ti n g toug h \ iV il dcat team defeated by South Ricl e o:f Ji' t. \iV ayne Tl1ey were very l1 ci'lvy and a fast eleven . Howe fought i ts power fol opponents to a stands t ill t h e first ha lf, but bad breaks with the s t rong w i11d a n d t h e strong reserve material o f So u t h Side .

'l'hr seaso n s 1ue1y was one upo11 whi<·h Herr 11owe ent hu s ia s t ma y look w ith prid e . And as a fittin g clo se, the

fi g l1tin g, powerful s pirit of the seaso n wa s embodied in tbe cheris h ed go l d l'ootbnlls r e oived by the ·lettermen.

Hep t 0mh0r 21

1\f i r li. 1::!; H owe 1:2.

Neptc m hcl' 2

""W hi te Pi geo n , M iel1. 0; I Iowe 35 . 0 tobcr 5

·wnl'saw 11 . 8 . 7; lfow 1 :3.

October 1:.., ( '011 tral Uat h o li e, Ft . ·wayTie 0; Howe l S.

October 26

C'o i11ml 1ia C ity 11. 8. 0; How 1..J..

November :2 11 irksv ill e, Ohio 6; J Iowe 7.

November 9

C r an l1r oo k Sc l1 00 J, Dc t TOit 19; H owe H

Novembe r 17

Ho 11 t l1 S id , Ft. \ iVayue 2-1-; Howe 0.


];'o r t l10 t hird year in a row 'om p a n y

"A" mal'c hcd off w ith tl rn footba ll ch a mpionsh i p 'l' h e 'ompa u y" B" team t h is year d id n ot ge t t h e op p or tu n i ty t o cro "· t h efr opponents goa l l ine once cl min g t l1 e entire seaso n. Both team s were e \·enl y matc h ed, bu t ''A"

11ad a s u per i or veteran bac kfi e ld. rr b e :run n in g m1cl bl ocki ng of h otl1 t eams w as rn r y we ! I clone and man y comments as Lo th o 11os. ib l e Va r s i ty mat e ri a l in t h e c lnh team. were beard 'r h e series tcrmi1rnte Ll afte r t h e :fir s t four gam es s i n e .for ,·ictor y 0 11ly £o m ou t of th o poss i h lc

·eYen garneH wo1· needed. Seve r a l of t h e:e warr i o r s w i ll b e een on t h e Varsi ty next season and will undoubt e d ly p rove t h e ir worth. Th e members o f t h e te a m .· WOl'O as fo ll ows :

Uo mp any ' ' A'': Backfi el d ; Bow n e, Nor fl eet, Kreis, vVarno r , Johnson Line; Casse ll , Boak s , D u e n weg, Hieeder, McMa l1 on, ]°Delson

Compa n y "B'' : Backfiel d; Spe n cer, Ol so n , Mote, 0., ar t er, Mote, D . l_, i ne; Con ick, Gos:, No u rse, J L., Beam, DeN o Ye l!es, Rp ill so n


rrhe ha sketba ll team imd cr the direction of Coach 'rhunnan C. D iethr ich had a very suc ce. sfnl season bnilding a record of ten ·wins as against :five l osses. 'C l1 e team was composed mainly of vetrra m ; l'r om l ast year's team with ouc n ew co mer, .Abts, a t fonvanl.

" .Whi tey" Chatain <'apta iu ecl the quiJt ·· tot a n d di<l a .fine job of: holding dow11 the ce ntral po . iti ou . "\iV lt it ey 's" sup e rior h eight enab l ed H owe to con trol the ti1 -off tlnoughout the season Nourse and Abts ]1 eJc1 down the forward poRitions . ".J ock" was hi g l1 -point man aml wa s t h e main cog in both off en. ·e and cl cfouse. Abts fo ll owe d c lose l y behind Nourse in tota l points. Han It was espc•ial l y adept at cl ose-range tip s hots.

...:'nyder and Smith teamed up at the g uard po s iti ons u ud pm sen ted a s tronp; defense to the Wi Icl eats' opponents. Snyder possessed a fine eye :for long s hot s

a nd practica ll y a ll of hi s point s were sco r ed from behind th e foul lin e Smit h plftyecl au aggressive gnrne t ln o11 ghont the seaso n a nd worked in well wit h the team's sty l e of play. Gabriel, Wanier, 11 a ll o·we ll , OlsoH, 'v\T i lli ams, a nd ':Caylor w0r c r ese r ves.

' l'lte opposition was remarkably s tro11g t lti s fieaso n and Lhe cad et.· had a vet·y Rt i:f.f sc hedul e to wade through. The record they cstablislrnd in doi11g so was ind ee d a remark a ble one. Tln·ee Hiv ers prov ed to b e the nut that How was un -· l'1 blc to cra c k w hil e th e Maroon. def ea Lecl t l1 e IIiJl s c.l::il c l i resbmen t wi ce The Hi ll sda le :fiv e p r ovi led the toughe s t competit io n tl1at H owe was able to subdue. i 11re ;:; lm 1eu bow ed twice to the L a1· :t £i g l1ti 11 g ' v\Til cl ea t s and after the second game tlt Mm:oo11s were certain that the J.i'ro h w rc improvin g with age. Morgan Park a lso bow ed to the Wildcat s in a game

that wa s not quite as close. The cadets c·losecl t110ir s ason by clefeati11g tho \V cstmin8ter team of South Bend.

By wi1111i11g ten games aucl lo si ng· li, ·e tho raclcLH rnrnl c an a\'l1 rngc of .G(i/. rl'hc

\Vi lclc1:1ts scored 4n points to their oppo11ents' 357, scol' iug :208 field goa l s and 7G free throws while tlieir opponents WCl'C garne rin g ] 52 fie l d goals and 5:3 l'rc<· throws.


DN·. 5- 0r lnml lri gl 1 Nehool 1 !) ; T-fowe 5..J-

()pc·. 7- J\fougo lli g h Nc•liool :Zl; How e -1-8.

Dec. 1 :3 -J \ i1 goh1 11 igh Hcliool Howe :Z!l .

.Tan. lJ - r:I1 l11:ec l-foTe1·s lli g h Hrhoo118; JI owe 7

.1<111. 15- HrightoJt lli g lt Sc hool :20 ; llow c :ll

.Jan. 18- Uo ldwator Ehgh School 32; JI owe :2 -1-.

,Jan. 22-Lirrrn 12; J lowc .+5

,Jan. 25 - Cranbrook 39; Ilowe 3:2

Feh . l - Jiill8dale Frosh HJ; II owe, +:3.

Web . 8 - Morgan Park 16; Ifowe :2-1-.

l• 1 el1. 19 - Lima 27; IJo we 30.

Wch. :21- Jlilbdale Frosh 24; Howe 25.

!•'ch :Z:Z- Co ld water 25; IJowe -:1-1.

Ji'eh. 26 - rJ'hree H.ivers 2(); Howe 23 .

F'eh. \v e8tmin8ter, of South Bend 2:3; IJ owe :15.

Nourse (.F'orward)

The Team

Abts (Forwanl) Nnydcr (Guard)

Chataiu (Center)

Smith (Guard)

Be8erves: ·warner, ·Williams, Hallowe ll , Gabriel, Olson and Taylor.


Duri11g tho basketball season t110 Company '' 11 '' quintet avenged their many defeats on tho gr idiron. The indoor season proved to be a long one as both te1-1m · chalk ed up quite a few vietotios. Company" B" how ever got the edge on their opponents near the end of the season and continued 011 in that position rn1til t h e end H ere as in football much uew potentia l ta lent was discovered by the coaches. These players will prnbab ly

receive theil' chance with the Val'Si.ty n ext winter. The members of tl1e teams follow:

Company ''A'': Xanders, Meyer, Kreis, Nor fl eet, Duenweg, Johnson, McJ\ifullen, Stabile.

Company "B": Goss, b]dgar, Stein, Chester, ] enton, Hutchinson, Goode, Clark E., Clark, D., Gentry, Spencer, Mote, D., Scudder.


Tl1 e H) 3 () h a se lm ll ·e a s on h a s b ee n \' Cr)' s u ccess fu l in compari s on ·with p aR t r eco rd s T l 1e m a jor it y of th e team i s mad e 11p of v e t er a n : h a vin g two or mor e .\-e ar s pr ev iou s ex p er i en ce b ehind th em ln a ddition to th ese Yet e1·ans, ho weve r , tl1 ere ar c se v er a l n ew m en who h a v e ea rn e d th e r i g ht to r eport for dail y p racti ce and hav e aid e d g reat l y th e build in g up of a b e tt e r s pir it am on g th e p l ay e r s t hi s ye ar.

Mr. Di ethri ch, a th l eti c d ir ector, fo i·so ok t h e d i a m ond for th e court s th i s y ea r aud turn e d t h e r e in s oY e r t o Mr S la t er 'd10 fo rm e rl y p l aye d on th e C o l ga t e n i n e.

rl'h e n ew di a mond wa s put in s h a p e e m ·lr thi s y ear to l ennit early s pr in g pra cti ce . rrh is ga , ·e t h e t eam quit e a jmnp on ·ever a l ot her sc ho o ls wit h whi ch w e hav e h a d comp etition . Th e ea r l y pra ct i ce lJut th e t ea m in exce ll ent c on clit i on fo1· th e a nnu a l b a tt l e with Crn :n.liro ok Sc hool, but th e w ea th erm a n dampen ed e v e r yo 11 e ' s ho pe s and th e g am e wa s ca n ce ll e d until n e t seas on.

'11 0 t h e m emb e1·s of t h e nin e who wi ll he r e turnin g n ex t y e ar and to th eir n e w

coa c h , Mr . S l at e r, w e w i s h a ll. t he l11c k in t he wor ld a nd ea rn es tl.\· hop e t ha t n ex t se a s on w i II h e as s u ccess ful a s th e on e of 10 36.

1 D3G n ..1-\ SEB ALL T IGAM

J A C K .A N! l E l{S :N, UA l:''l' AJ .N

( 'a t e her .... .. .. . ... . .. F e nton , M c y e1·H

Base Ga l n i el Ne ·ond Ba se ... . .. . .. ... .... . C lark D .

Nh or tHtop K1·e i s

' l' hi r d B ase Abt s

Uti lit y I nfi. eld e n .;. . .. ... G m1tr y, Sta b i le l' i g l 1t Wi eld Smith

C e nt er Ii' i eJd . .. . .. . . ..... . No ur se J CJ .

L e ft F i e l d . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .. ..t\ 11d e r s on Uti lity On tfi eld e r s Xan le r s , \ !\Ti l li a m s l) i tc h er s .. .. !Del s on, Ol se n , N ou rse , J .C

J9 36

1\ i n 15-I-low e v s Mougo (H) :2:2 - How e vs Scott ( 11 )

A pr . 2H- .How e v s . Lima (H)

M ay 6-How e vs LaGran ge ( H)

May 1 3-H ow e Y s . Lim a ( T)

M a y 1 6- llo we v s Wl1 it e Pi ge on ( H)

}.fay :W- How e v s L aGra·nge (rl')

M ay :28-How e \" S ViTil it e Pi geo n ( 'l' )


This tennis casun ha s hccn a wry slll:ccssfu l o n e und er th e g uidin g h a nd of oar h Dicthri r h. : \II tenni s match es up to thi s dat e lml'c bee n won wit h case and t h e re h ave been n o los;cs t o ma r the r eco rd of the g r o up. T h e tea m is composed 111 os tl y of la st yca 1· 's veterans with th e except i on of one new member, B ob Tanne hi l l. John Corrick is t h e captain of this year's nc t tcrs and ha s turned in severa l fine p •rfo rma nces The brilli a nt play of J ac k No ur se ha s bee n a g r eat asset t o t h e team this yea r as in the past three

years. Ja c k S pe ncer, l ast year's c; tptain, h as dun e very \\'l' ll in garne rin g seve ral wi ns. B o b Tan n e hill, the ne wco m e r, ha s amazed hi s ri va ls with hi s st ea d y pla ying. H o ward S t e in and John Goss wcr • pai re d in the d o ubl es play a nd were s uccessf ul beyo nd expectations Other players app ea rin g in 1110tt c h cs t hi s year were Ralph G rego r y, B o b C h;Lt:tin, and Johnn y Ewa ld These ca det s w o n th e ir matc hes co ns ist e ntly a nd were a g reat aid to t h t en, 111.


Ap L I 5-St ur g is ( !J e re) (T he r e) ( H e r c)

tur gis 25-Gos hc n

9-Co n cor cli a ( l l e rc)


13-K c nyon o ll egc Tou rnam e nt 16-Gos he n ( H e rc)

23-Co nco rdia (T her e)

JO-Sc ho o l Tournament Fi nal s

May 22-S
Apr. !\pr
Mrt)' May


A g r ea t d ea l of c re di t mu s t be g ive n Coac h Snow fo r hi s co nsc ie nti o us effo rt s w ith thi s year's tra ck tl'a 1n.

La s t year's team wa s deple te d b y g raduation, but a g- r ca t man y ne w fe ll ows r e por te d fo r th e vaca n cies

As t he seaso n dr aws to a clo se, th e team is still cl cv dopin g

T he o uts t ::tndin g point- g ain e r s fo r H owe , so fa r , a re S nyd e r, Jordan a nd Smith in t he da s hes , Goss 111 th C' hal f mil e, C hatain , G rego r y :u1d Notuse, J. C.


in the hi g h jump a nd Gamm e ll , Hall owe ll and Clark E. in th e we i g hts.

T h e Sc h ool r ec ord for t he <1uart e r 111ilc, whi c h has stoo d fo r 13 yea r s, was b r oken thi s ycuJ· by Jimmie

Sm ith w ho co ve re d t h e di sta n ce in 5 2 5 , cuttjn g cxa l' tly o ne seco nd fro m th e o ld reco rd.

Next yea r' s tea m, whi c h we arc see in g in th e m a kin g t hi s year, s h o uld be we ll- seaso ned a nd s ho uld go far.


EDWARD GAMM !:: LL , Captain

I 00 Yard D ;t s h S n yd e r, J or d :w, Smit h

220 Yard Da s h .. ... .. .... . . . . ... Sm it h, Sn y d e r , J o 1d an, J a mi eso n, Ga briel

+40 Yar rl Da sh. S111i1h , Ga b rie l, Ga mm e ll, Casse ll

880 Yard Da sh Gos, M a rt i n K., Gamme ll, G rego r y

M i1c Run R a thbun E., Gi ll, L oz i er

200 Yard L o w Hurdle s Snyde r , J o rd a n, Mote D ., LaForgc

120 Yard Hi g h Hurdl es ...•... J o rd a n , S nyde r , McMahon

Hi g h J11111p C h ata in R., No ur se J. C ., G r eg ory, Es le r, Wattl es

Broad Jump No usse J. C., S n yde r, S mi t h, Gabrie l, C h atnin

Pole Va ult. •...... C hes ter, G rego r y, Mote C., C hata in J.

Shot Put. C l.ark E., Ha.llow e ll, Gamme ll, J o rdan, Ste in

Half M il e Re by Jami eso n, J or d a n, Mote C., Snyd er. ( am c rnn )

M ilc Relay C:issc ll, Gabri e l, Gamme ll , Sm ith (Watt l es)

1936 TR.'\CK SC H EDU LE

Ap r. 18- H owe vs T hr ee Ri ve rs ( H )

Ap r. 25- H owc \'S. Auburn ( H )

May 2- H owc vs. Cra nbr ook ( H )

May 9-Howc n Co ld wate r ( H )

May 20-:\ll C l uh Pr e ! im s

May 30-A ll C lub Fin :d s


C'hatain .... . .. Bowne

Lazi est . .. .... .. ................ .i.\ in swort lt ......... C lark l iJ ... .... Kreis

11'1ost In Need of a Shav Stein Norfleet Sm ith

Biggest Xand0rs Chatai11 f:ltein Bost Atl1lcte ..................... No m se ........ . ... 8rnitl 1 .... .... .• \bt s 11 m1dsomest . ........... . ........ Gl'Ogo r.v . ........ . .Martin . . . . . . . . ' It ester

Pmrniest ........... . ............ Bowne ............. Bowne ........ Bo;vno

J\lo st 111 De linqu ent C lark J{} Xanders C lark D.

Most In .A rg11 rncnt A uders011 Stein Xanders

1\ ,r t \ o·. • I I R t , ( 'lwster C larke K 8 h ata in lho s • t> 1 ee,1 1 e oonnucl es ....... N fl t 1\ ,r G • i or ee regory

Nhol'lc>st Jami eson 'lark D. G rogo1·y

Most Co ll eg iat e Cbeste1· N afe Miller

Bi ggest Soakers ................. .. . .. ..... . .. Kr ei s ... ...... Sm ith

:Most rug na c i.0118 .... . ... .. ... .... Norfleet . .......... C' l arkD ........ Wenton

l-3 i gg st P a ilm es in Pugilism ...... Fenton .... ...... . . l'lal'k D........ Nor llcet

nJ ost Lik e l ,, to f::lnccced .. . ........ Waguer

Mo st Popu lar Day ............... Uoliday

Most Populal' P lace . . ............ Drill fi e ld

Best Dance ............... . .. .. . . :B'om1d ern' Day

J3est Waiter ............... ... .....c\b gregc ha

2nd :-3rd Best Natu r ed ..................... \.mlN son .. . ....... Jor fl eet ....... ('hester Blrniest \Vag1wr .'Warner \.ht s M m1t H.esp0C'i t'cl 1 oursc Smitl1 Kreis lfost Mnsieiirn ................... ....... .. ... . •Jamieson . . ... . Anderson Biggest Blnff'er .................. C' l1 estc r ........ . ... Gamme ll ..... . 8tein N N1 te st ............ .. ........... Wagller ........... C h ester ...... . Kreis Biggpst Dra g Smith J\ bts lj,wald rl' a ll est Cl ark g_ Ch atain Goss Hest .All J\ rnnud I ell ow Norfleet :B'enton Gamme ll Mo s t Modest McGreevy Jamieson Warner Poli tesi ......................... 111 artin . . . . . . . . . . . . ' hoster . .. .... ·11Jwald 11 1ost Popular ...... .. .......... . . K Olll'."O Nor fl eet ....... Gamme ll Mo .. t \ 'oc if e rou s ............. . ... Ntein .. . ... ... .. . . . Xanclers . .. .. .. A ht s Best Rtudcnt . .. .... . ............ Wagner ...........


S hower boy s sta mped e clo vus tair s .

S h owe r boys s LHmpcde np stRir s.

Sn)' dcr turn s orf alarm. ,.\bt s

and .ITe ntou ari. ·e

tl n yd r blows fi rst ca ll. F ii: st fl oo r ari. ·cs, dre sses

\Varning blow s . Second Hom·

ari ses , dre sses . rr'h ircl floor s ta ggers out.

Co nt est to determin e loud es t radio. Chata in wins.

llfoss ca ll.

Stein goes down to wn s h

Me ss forrnati on. No urs e qui e t s

t h e mob.

St ein a ni vcs.

Break fast, ba co n and toa st.

Um)er sc hool ers return. Abts and :B1 enton clean tbeir room.

Hadios compe t e for second place. Clrntain win s

Morning sc hool formation. ourse quiet s the mob. Capt . Vritticr make. · announcement

Sc hool over. Hadios comvete for third place. Ohatain win s.

l ;Vag 1w r ai1d \ iVa rn e r ret urn from sc hool.

Sea r ch begins for bugler

Hug lcr found. Trnrnpet blow s Mess formation . N oul.·se qu icts the mob . Capta in Frittier repeats an noun ccm -nt. Noon me ss

Ord e r li es distribute l etters .

Officer of the Day hlo ws wliistlc for si l ence ·waiters be co me 11 oi s i er.

Officer of th e Day announces wrong aml right tim e. Co rp s marches out.

Search begin s fo r bugler . Wa g11 e r a nd Warner go to cl a. s .

Somebody blow s ca ll . Uppe r moY e8 OYer to acaderni c bni lclm g

:1:00 Ne hoo J encl s. Voci J' e ron s r e-

j o icing \ Vague r an d \ Varner return from sc li oo l. Dri 11 hcg; im;, I Lospital s qnacl 011joy s dHi ly r est period.

J)r ill end s JI osp ital s quad, r cf r cs li ed, goes out to at hl ct i cH .

U pp e r sc ho o le r s race to see who will get the sbowern (:2). Prepare for Mr. Norto n 's cl e li11<11Hmt.

Mr. Norton's dl ' li11qu c 11L b cg in l-l. Chap e l call.

Chapel formntion. \ Vag 11 r and 'Nam e r pr ese nt. Captain :b'ritti ei: re ])cats mmoun ce m ut .

Mr Nm ton' d elinqu e 11t en d s.

lJ p]J ei- sc ho o l r et urn ( ' hap el ends. Co lor se rgeants brin g fla g in.

liJveni11g me ss .

Officer o-f t h e Day blow s w hi stle for :,;ilenc e . Waiter s riot. A 11nouncernent that there wi 11 be h a tI. Wi ld ch ee rin g .

Had10 s co m1Jete fo1· fourth plac e . Cliatain wins.

8tudy hour. Silence. apt. l1'ri tti e r d e tect s disordeL

b low s on third floor.

Ugbt s go out on secon d floor. 'rhird floor li ghts go 011.

Sil ence 'apt detects di s order.

Hearch b g in s for bugler .

Study hour over. Bugler found Srnoki11g room boy s fal I dow11s tai rn

'W' arning s uppo se d to blow. lt doc s .

U Q ])low s Smokillg room ho.rs fall up sta ir s .

' l'aps suppo sed to blow. Miller imitat es dying calf on trumpet. Third floor li g hts go out.

Offic e r s tmn radio s 011 loud enou g h so no oue is unabl e to h ear

\-r A.M. r 6 :30 r () :-1-0 (j :-l J r (j :-1-7 <l :i:iO r fi :5 5 7:00 I :10 7:] 5 7 ::20 7 7:30 7:55 7 :5G 8 :JO 1:2:1[) 1 :.! ::20 ] :30 1:2::-u 1 :.! ::-35 1 :.! :-l:O P.M. 1:00 1 :0 5 1 :Of-i 1 ::20 1 ::25
;3 :05 :3: 10 :00 -1-:0G -1:: 59% 5 : -J.;) 5:50 5 ::31 (i: 10 (j : :20 6 :+fi 7 :()() 7 ::-w 7:31 7 ::-3 :2 H:OO !) : 10 !1 :] ] !) :-1-0 9:50 10 :00 10 :05 10 :JO



Nonnc \lnrn e of s 111 oki1 1g priYil ege Godwin

Gammel l ' l1 ca 1·i11g bottom ont of swimming pool. Hnsty Pc11n

Bow11 e .. ... ..... .. H a i s ing riot in mor g u e . ....... . ......... Nig ht watc lnn an

-' \in swo rth ......... Stca li Hg scooter .... . . . ..... .... 8upcrintcndent

1\ht s . . ........ .... d own fla g po l e ... . .......... .. .. U 1>p cr 8C'hool jan itor

l•'e nton Padel ling cmioe on paraclc fi.c l cl H azz le

Smith kp,, in g 011 .Jimm y l i1r itti cr t:;ai·ge

Stein ..... . . . . ..... Pl a ,,·in g ta g witli liu tterfli s .............. J\fr. Hchilliu g

11;<1tin g flips ill chape l.

1 1rn. Byron

wa g nor Neg lect of aC'acl cmi c duty Mr. N 01ton

\\ arner Pro f m1ity McMullen

M ill er Knock i ng 0\'(:'l' 'Nal Cl' tower nTajor Merritt

.......... Pu lliH g co rn e r i;to n e out of c h ape l ... . ... Wat h er Murphy

Chester .. . ..... . . .. l\o toenai l po li s h for overn i a l1t hik e .... .. Barry

NorHcet .... ....... . Car \'in g n ame in l ake .. .... ... ... .. M r. Neff

Clark, D T ea ri11 g , ·cnti lato r s off gym roof Lord Gym

Cl ark, v; . . .. ... . .. . ii unting· rabb it s in b elfr y Game wa1·den

C li ata iu Hwallowin g ·word at in s p ect i on Co l P ea r so n

Nafo Ll azi n gcaclets Co l. Fenton

,Jamieson .......... !frea kin g chandelier in commo n room . . .. Major L ittl e

Xander s p lates iu me."s ba ll Th e Dut c h e,.s

McGroevy Rnrngg lin g rnm1i Lion s into JDtbiopia Musso lini

Puttin g marriage Iice n se on requ i sitiou Mr. Powell

Goss Glu e in g s n owba ll s 011 radiator M r. S l ater

G r egory .. ..... .... 11 id i u g- ha r und e r be d ..... . .... .... .. ... Ai n swo rth

Knowl ed ge my of be t the to co n ec t al'O r e port s a b ove the Nu hmi tt e d r es p ec tfu II y, A ll t:U e Offi ce rs of th e Day s




Abts "Lets go gang (loud)" Barker .....•....ln front. one listening Voice

Ainsworth "Its all \'ery intricate" Boat boy Bar Going to bed Speed

A n derson "I'm a Norwegian". .Teaching Swedish Sweden .Cloudy night Swedish accent

Bowne ... . ... . . ."A pun" .............. . ....... . Salrntioa Army ......... .. Third floor ........ . ...Talking ................... Sunny disposition

Chata in "Got anything to eat?" Leader, W. C. T. U On the road · Low doors Feet

C hester . .. . ... . . ."No food, no wo r k" . . .. . .. . . . .....Optometrist . . ...... . . .. . .Spanish ... . .. . .. . ..... Kay K yser .................. Blindness

Clark, D . .. .. ... "Aw, gee, coach!" ... .. . .. . ....... .Sco ut 111aste r .. . .. . ... .. .. .Ger111an .... .. . . .. .... .Camels .. ... ..... . . .. .... . . . Fr eckles

C l ar ke, E. . . .. .. . " I lost my book" ......... .. . .. ...Gigolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .P h ysics ... . ...... .. . . .Physics . . . . . . . . .. . . ....... Height

Ewald " R eport off to Blake Hall" .Howe policeman Blake Hall Being head waiter Gripe

Fenton . . .. . .... ."Chemistry's a ci nch". . . . ........ , Our Gang Comedies .. . . . .. L ower berth ............Abts .... . ..... ... ......... Getting in the way

Gammell .. ... .. . "Thay there" .. .. . .. . ... ... ... . .. PMS & T ............. ... Mess hall . . .. . ..... .. .. Blowing whistles ... .. . .. .... . Nose

Goss "I'll wake you up early" Fann hand Three Rivers Chesterfields African baseball

Gregory ... .. .... "Hi, Whitey''....... . ... ..... ...Waitress . ... ... . . . ..... Spotlight . ..... . ...... Alone .... . .. . . . .... . ...... Mustache

Jamieson "Sure, I can fix it" Salesman .Piano So Radio Lantern jaw

Kreis .... .... ... "Why can't a guy sleep?" ... . . ... ... Graduating ...... . . .. . .. .Diamond . . ... . . . ....Getting out of bed. . . . . . . . .Shormess

McGreevy "What time is it ?" Revenge Drill field Broken records Rhythm

Martin "And is she a honey" Perfumer H erald No comb Profile

Miller . . . . . . ... . " I t isn't time yet" .. . ... . .... . . . .... Orga n Grinder .... .. .. ... .R adio .. . . ..

Off key

Nafe ..... .. . ... "Got any 1nagazines?" ....... . .... .Livi n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dark corner. . . . . ...... . bull -ring ..... , ...... .. . . . Magnetic personality

Norfleet . .. .... .. "Stuck up, eh?". . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I\ ursemaid ... . ......... . .Smoking room . ......... Baldness .. .. ............... Baldness

J\ourse "Wait'll ya come to K. C." G - Man L eft half No ice cream........ -\uthority

Smith . .......... "I'll tell 'em" .... .. .. . ..... .. .....Yes man .. . ........... . Mr. Bouton's table ...... Nothing to butch about. ...... Me

Stein " I don't make any noise" FloonYalker .Beach Keeping quiet J\louth

Wag ner "I'm sorry, sir" '.\'lath Classroom- any No Warner. \Nallflower

Warner "Got your physics!"

.Teacher .\Vagner's room J\othing to study Wildlife

Xanders "That Anderson". Barbe r Delinquent Quiet shoes. Squeaky shoes

. .. ....... Blo 11·ing calls . .. .. ..... . ....


I I I I . I I



ll ) ( l!.l ltc I!! )( ll )( ) ) 'll ll )(
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Fader
HOWE SCHOOL A Trustee 11ll)l!ll!f1 ll
WILSON & CO. Established 1875 Insurance and Bonds Fire and Tornado Plate Glass Casualty Burglary Accident All Forms of Automobile Insurance )( J( J( i: iTII The Kingsbury House Howe, Indiana CLEAN COMFORTABLE HOME-LIKE 136 E. Berry St. Fort Wayne Host To Howe Patrons For 30 Years J( )( 1 : Phone A 2101 C. E. SCHAEFFER, Prop. J(] ptj i 1ll1ll:rn:lll Charlottesville W oole11. Mills CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Manufacturers of High Grade Uniform Oloths in Sky and Dark Blue Shades For Army, Navy and Other Uniform Purposes and the Largest Assortment and Best Quality
Grays Including Those Used at the United States Military Academy at West Point and Other Leading Military Schools of the Country Prescribed and Used by the Cadets of Howe School
• ft flt! 1::1 1::i 1)1 [ll )I rH 1 :1 )I )( )I Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Epps )! i; " ll )( "' !;) l!lJ l!lJ ll I ll r.•1 tlll ll )( ) I 1 F:!iJ'J!lill!lilll!l:!J'l11IDJ!IDJ_t lillJ).ll tffilfllllIDIDifu!filMfiKIDlll!lll1tll !llJ .!.1/)11 ll:il ll:ilrll !Ill ilJ[l]flllll:illl:ilflll!Ill Congratulations to the T atler Staff of 1936 • )( • ll JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY !l] u ll !l ll ll ll )( ll )I " li!IliIDI!:i!ID:illlllffi Sturgis, Michigan
l ( ff filll! l llliJfill:t[li'fl]iil])Jl l ) riliill!'Hi1i )'{ ')ii ) i; l:! tJ [l( .,, )( THE NATIONAL CARBON COATED PAPER CO. Sturgis, Michigan J l:! )( )( lt ( lt lt lt )l )( l l:! lt ll !i!Jifi!lllill' l.l ill! Established 1870 George D. Searing Phones: Office, lOa Residence !Ob Funeral Director and Embalmer Notary Public FURNITURE Floor Coverings , Cedar Chests , Curtain Rods , Shades , Electric Lamps INSURANCE Fire and Tornado , Eight Companies Two Casualty Leading ft] )( lt On the Square Howe, Indiana }; 1}tJ;-O i'l1itl1lil.llli'TIIIllrJlmJ1 GREETINGS To Yo u On Our lOOth Anniversary HORNER BLANKETS Are Backed by A Century of Woolen Progress t "ii )( )( lt )( Horner Brothers Woolen Mills )( ( ( )( Eaton Rapid s, Michi ga n ) ( lt lt Founded 1836 )( [lt [l:! )( l l ( l.![ )( ( l )( ( [IC )( )( )( ) ( )( l lt Vogt's Flower Creations Are Always Correctly Styled Phone 278 Sturgis, Michigan )l )l )( )( )( ( it] [!I ID1 I[ l:ll 1:-tj 'iJl t:i 'ff 11 j"'J ,( Ill I )( :· )t ll lt lt lf' iti!; fltJ) tlJl]tlJ.il)'\()illffinJ f t 1li!illllJlilli1nl!f,
I( )l ll f( )(j I( ( ( [!! J. K. Duff J.P. Lieb )( )( ii )l )l IC I( I( 1:1 ltj )l It lt j ltj It IC IC It ll ll IC Storage and Repair Gas and Oil DENTISTS LaGrange Indian a RUSH GARAGE Howe, Indiana 1: )l 1: ll ll I( )l ll !! ll ll ll flt )( ) ! .181!'.11!8llifu!!,c'1t;, ( • llilllil!!l' ) iiI<li.lillillfilltIDi!l]filJ!l.fjillJ • ( (llllliIDMll )( I( ll )( )l Compliments of M. A. Henderson )l jj )l t l )( )l ( )( )l i [ll ), )( ll )l flll rn 1 1 IDil.ll , !IlID!.lilETilll!iliilID.lllllilllllillrtli:ru:mim:imm1.i!lllillliiiillEi.llllil'.lll'.ll!llllll!ilii:l!l'.lll:rn c1li ' ) TI'l1iillii:Ui i.ll:rnID'.lllllilil.ll1!El.il.i;Jll':iltii1.lllllllllillil


The Senior Pictures In This TATLER

Were Made by A very Studio Sturgis, Mich.

Duplicate prints may be 11ad at any time.

Are Official at Howe Manufactured By Champion Knitwear Mills

N. Y.

) l.! l l ) ( ) ) ) ( ll) ll) l.! ll ll tt tt ) ) )( )t ll ) ( ll l l ) ( ) [ll Ill ll t ) )( )( )l One Thing We Don't Sell, We Give It Away FRIENDLY SERVICE W. Walter Crandell "The store on the square" l )( i)t 1)(1 Oscar A. Anderson f¥: Michigan i ! Clayton, • WHOLESALE RETAIL i 1 1 FOREST PRODUCTS ;jj l( )( ll flt [l ! lii1 ill] (.(. ( ( ( illl'll!li! ( !ID.ffilllllil )( )( )l Compliments of ' The Auto Haulaway Co., Inc. i;;i DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 1111 ll!] iltr ;llJ [ii:] ill! [ii:l [lll 1'.ffi ) iilliIBlilill!iil1Ul!n!il"ll'illliIBl : , t ill!:i.!J:ll;ll!iil!c l lilll!ll'ill:IlJ t :llil!i)] 11Il1 > )1lliJiiiiilillill 1iw 1>..!11llliJ , i> llll!lt1

Made of Balloon Cloth (U. s Gov't Standard), is strong yet very light weight. Made in smart doublebreasted model , with military collar , slash pockets and full belt Color deep sea. Guaranteed

lutely waterproof.

We are Privil ege d to S erve the How e School with

.:qpt l( ll lt ll lt lt ll lt llilt ll lt lt lt ll lt 'it lt Rift lt ll It it lt lt lt fOt l " )( pt illf lt lti illJ Ill! lttl )( Jltl lt lt lt )( lt lt t 111 :ti ll )( )( I lt )( I ) VISIT THE WASHINGTON CAFE in Sturgis for GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE GOOD ATMOSPHERE We Cater to Howe Patrons E s p ecia ll y t lt lt ,• )i }J I)( ilJ) <')( )( l( tti l.lJj( )(J ll.1 1': l()tltfl •I )( lllll){il l l!.llli )(
Featherweight Miljtary School Uniform Raincoat
St. Louis, Missouri ll It I t )( ll jj l ) lt )t it ll ll ll [;: r;;l 11ti ) Ill )( ll .( ) I ll )( ll ll )( ll '( lt lt :r1t]Jl !!] i.l11lllt}N.l l_(l}(fll n ( )( )( lt ) lt lttj t ( I 1HI )"l lltj :J ;1 )( ll )( )( ) ) ( l lt ( tt )( ( t lt )t 1:1 ll ll 1" ll lt ltj )( ll i:l '( w !!J )( )( t ( )( lt ' l )( ) )(
Best Wishe s for the Success of the Class of 1936
Mr. and Mrs. R.
HrLLMAN'S Whole s ale a nd Retail 1027 Calhoun St. Fort Wayne lt )( ) t ) l( t
• China • Glass • Silverware
)l )I l I )l )I )I )I )I ll [ll )I ( )I )I )t : )I ll ( ) )( [ll )( ( )! )( )( )( )( ll ll
The HOTEL KEENAN Fort Wayne, Indiana [!ll t illllllJ[R]1't lill'.llllIDlllli!lillJli.ll!lfillllillilJ:llllillifil-OllllfllllIDlOOlll.illilJ§li.lJll]lllJillJ[illl] l ll ) [j] l lt )( ( ( )( )l ) )l ) )l
Compliments of Frank M. Edgar

You won't lose your shirt - nor your socks, underwear, pajamas, nor any of your belongings if you mark them with CASH'S WOVEN NAMES.

Neat, distinctive, permanent, economical. Choice of styles and colors. Easy to attach with thread or Cash's NO-SO Cement. Order from your Haberdasher or Department Store or write us.

TRIAL OFFER: Send 15 ¢· for 1 dozen of your own first name and sample tube of NO-SO Cement.

South Norwalk, Conn.

( )( )( )( )( )( ( )( )( !l!J )( )( )( )( )( )( ll )( )( Compliments of G. C. GARRE'TT SHOE SHOP 106 s. Nottawa St. Sturgis, Michigan Try the BIR For a Real Surprise Delicious Food World's Best Bed s
Timers say "Nothing like it between Chicago and Toledo". And the Prices are Right ( l LA GRANGE Six Miles South 1!t )( )( )J )( )( )( )( )( '( )( )( ) [lt )( )( I( )( )( I( ( [ll )( fc )( ( lJ )( lCl : ( ll ll ) )(
bc lg\ [ll] :
I )( )t )( l( li!j ,, ( I )I ll )( )( ) )t llt )(
BROS. EVERARD CO. Kalama zoo, Michigan
fl nnter rut
Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Redmond )( )( )( ') [:t [ll )l l ( :ti )( il l Compliments of William G. Reeder, Jr. .t[it it lt l t [jt]flt (ftfiijfil!!J[jJlfll][l1] lt lli u ll Comp lim ents of Robert N. Chatain & Co. )( )( )t ll )l ( )( IH )t )( )(l )( )( )( 1 ::1 )( llll lil 1) )( l( fl( )( )( )( )( )( !! )( )( ll f;:l1 )( )( ( [lt] ;_i l! 11.a'.il11111!.-0tilllllilll - cifil: i illlll1.!!!Ilrill.i!J1 clllll!l"illll tl icJli11ll ii c1ic it!it';Cl'lt JicJ l tj;l.!li!lllllill11lll'H
"GLEN ALUM" The Super-Quality Coal ( )( It )j For FARM CREST Baked Products t: Steam and Dome s tic Use ) fi )( Sold By Glen Alum Fuel Company Cincinn a ti , Ohio Detroit, Mich. fiiJli(J[)l ,_ t li.lllfffilll!fml , liil!iiM!lllttlll:DtJfllllffi'lJJI The Alun1ni Association of Howe School Extends the Warm Hand of Fellowship to The Class of 1936 G. L. Xanders, '00 President Howe School Alumni Association

The Basic Princip l e Underlying Any Achievement Is Great Preparation; Therefrom Comes The Best of Everything


Are "Tops" With All Who Know

) ( ., )( ) ( tll ltl ;51 THE HOLLAND SHOE COMPANY Quality Shoes .for Men and Boys )( ) )( i: :1 1:11 )( j )( ) ) f)(l )( ,, )( I Compliments of l<i ) j :; HARTER )( SPORTING GOODS 1 )( 1 SUPPLY CO. lltJ l!Jl Goshen, Indiana
: (]] 11
I I J lllJ l!.!l . ' t ' 'l l l : 1 ){ ){ ) t ll ltt ){ ){ l ){ ){ ) l l ){ ){ Ii: llt ric Iii il.il'.Ill.!tfllllllliilJ;gJ:);Fi: Complim ents of John Cro111well l i fl( Ile: )(





)( l:cJ Ill! )t ) ( ) { )( Compli ments of E. C . W r ight Co . For d V-8 L incoln Zeph yr ( l )( ( )( [)( ' ( )( t)( )( )( ll ){ )( )( t ) )( )( Complim ent s of THE HOWE HERALD ) )( ) ( )( )( )( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) { )( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( [)lJit ff lt l ) ( j lt \<C ( I !ll) ti}.!J.llJl C) ( 11l c)) Cill11'.JJ ,lC i )( )( lJ I ltil rj)Cl)li lj lj) ;j( ( ( )_( ) { lt ){ )( ) )( flt It )( )( )( )(
)( ) (
and R a pid s, Mich .
- --

To the Patrons of HOWE SCHOOL The HOTEL ELLIOTT Sturgis, Michigan

Invit es you to make your visits to Howe School pleasant by stopping at the Hotel Emott.

Our Motto : First Come , First Served and the same price to everyone.

)( )( lt )( )( ( ll )(
and Mrs. D. J. Gerow, Mgr s. Compliments of the Carl Reh111 Clothing Co. Sturgis, Michigan
for Men
Reputation for
l l1tll!tl(l"tJl :HRilltl1t!Il! l llJ;!Il.ilit!ff l lt ll lt KENDALLVILLE LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING CO. It Is Our Aim To Please Send It To Us Kendallville, Indiana 1:) HJ l tl.£ l:t I I ' ' ll] )t l )( lt l :ft] llLffJll l1t llt l}f •i ,, , !l.!I
With a National
Style and Quality


Mr. G. A. Bowne Frank C. Wade and Alfred A. Wade

The T atler Staff

wishes to thank the advertisers and friends who have made this issue of The Tatler possible.

) ll ll ) ll [ti I llJlt ll l f@ I !llliJ l l I l .t( ifl!illJ, ( )( ll ll ) ( )( )( ll ) ( ) ( )( 1:11
)( ll )( )(
J I 1 l l 1 J • •
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