1938 Howe Military School Yearbook

Page 1



Copy r ig- ht 193 8 H ow e Sc h oo .I ll owc , lnd i: u1a


JU8' 11 a11otber (: Jass, the v a th s of so m e of whose rn e mh er s rna y neYc• 1· rrosH again, is irn sH in g i 11 to t h e a1111a JH Of I l o1ve history this yea r. v\Te lw ve sn id good-hye to numerom; J\·ieudH. \ life liav P li ved s id e by side all(1 now we l eave I !ow e for a new auc1 diff erent li fe.

'We, w l1 0 pul1 lis]1 tltiH vo l ume, hop e tl1nt in tbe future those who drift far from I l owe may l eaf their way hack i 11to the pl easa nt hour s w h ich fle<l with KU('l 1 unbelievab le sw iftn 'H8


T () express i11 a s mall wa.' ' our rcpcet , µ;1·atit11dc, a11d nchuin1tiu11 for one who lta f:i eorn fort cl u s in onr l11H1l '. ' of n eed a11c1 who lln s so unsplf1:-dil ,,· lookc>cl aft l' u s duri11g our year s nt I l o\\' P, we, the l'lass of' d 'di<'i:ltc this rl 'cltiPl' to Oll i' clear f ri c>lltl -



DOH,lj} P':P.AK .J OH N BL HOB 11m,rr ADAM


ROBJGH'l' GOODJiJ Busi 11 ess Manage r

JUl -l N PATTBH.SON Ass 't Husi11,e ss JJfonciger

JOHN CLINTON 8p01·ts Editor rr

b'aculty Adviser





MR . B uHRET'I ' B. Bou·10N, A."H., M.A., Il arvarcl, Supe r i11 / e'JI({ P11 t

Mn uN n A. B , Priueeton H r

MA.fort .) AMES 8. MERR I 'rT, Capt. luf. Hos , U. 8. A., lJowc 1917 Oomma nda11t

TLIE HEVERE ND RcrnmRT JAME S M HP HY, B. n., S eab ur y Chaplain

'r :a:m Rm 1m1rn o 'l'JI.OMAs JE NNrnus, A . B., 8yn1.cu se, JI owe P ·rin c·ivnl of the .Jiin·io ·r Sc h ool

MAJOR Am,Al C. YouNn, Infm1try, U. S. A. P rof essor of M ilitci ry Scie:11 ce and 'l' lict ics

0A P' I'AlN GEoRuE S. Li eut. lnf. :Res ., U. 8. A , I !owe 1n1s Dir etfo r of P ro m ot ·irm-Tac l ·ical O ff ice r , Whit e Hall

MH. F'HA N I< MAuvrn L1 1" t' L8, H ow 1905 Jfos •in ess M.wwger

MR .•Jor-1N AmMA::<;, H owe rn 20 Secreta. ry



1-JEADMASTEH Lntin ri:nd llfothenw t ,ics

Miss GRACE LnmY Li b ra rio,11

MH. L. C1-TARLES Nowt'ON, 1"3. R., M. S ., Nort hw estern Un ivcr.· it y IT r'od of Ffoie n cc Depn'i"tm e11 t and Director of Guirla.nce

Mn. RoB.1m'r E. 8Now, B. S., Knox Co ll ege H earl of Mui/ 1r 11 wtics nepa1·tm ent

MR. Eow 1x \?\T. NEFF, J3. S., Indiana, :f. A., Un i vers it y of C ili rago Commerc io,l 811.l1:jPcts ((,nrl C(l. inp D i r ec tor

MR. IlrnL>\Rll \\Tru;c• N Dow Ns, A. B., ' ['lli o l, 1'i1I. \. , Uni \' ersity of PitL s hnrg·b II ea.i/, of Soci r1 l Science D ep ar/1J1 e nt

1\lH .•hMEH W . SL\.TER, A. B., Co lgate University H cart nf Lu11,_rr11 09 P D epa rt'llle11f

]\,ifu. BrnD L. A. M .A., Baylor U ni ven; ity Fl earl of Engl ish D epcwline11/,

]\.fa . I<JuuENE \¥. MoJWAN, J3. S., Un ivo r s i t y of [J lin o i s, Jfo1ve, ] Sc ·ie nc e

Mns. UnNSTANCE L. Mo1tUA"\, 13. S., O l1i o State Univ ersit.v Jm1io1· 8chool S1l 7J.iec t s

UAPTA t N SulRLEY H.. GLENN, fof. He .-. U. S. A , A B., M A , Indiana Univers it y 'l 'cictica l Off1:cP 1, G 'm?J }foll-La tin


HARRY 0. TnYuG, A. B., Missouri Va.Dey Co11 ege Ji1n ,i01· 8chool S1tbjects

MR. GEOIWE Cor,E, A. B., Dartmouth Co ll ege English

Mn. MAURICE N. LAWLEn , B. S , Un iv ersity of Illinoi s Rcirnce

MR. LESTER G. BRAI LEY, B. 8., M. A., Ohio State University .Jwnio1' Schoo l Su,b:j ec ts

CAPTATN O'l'HO LING Directo ,. of Ba.nd and 01·chestra

Mn. D. lbwrT1: TiJAS'I', 13. P. IC., Purdue Univers]ty Dir ecto r of Phy s'ica,l Eilticat 'ion

LmuT DONALD B. STu 'KEY, Inf. Hes., U . S. A ., Howe, 1934 Tnctical Offi cer, How e Hall

SERGEANT MEI.NIN "'vV. DAUER, D. E. M. L., U. S. A . Ass'l to P. M. S. & 1' .

Mn. Cun-rrs NASH and MR. PAUL KrnTZEr_,r_, Antioch C alleg e .Assistants

Mn. J JusEPH ScmLLING, A. A G. 0 Cho ·i'1.,mr1,ste r, Pia.11-0 a,11d O'rgan

Mn. GEoRUE AnTHcm li-,rsi:rnn, Howe, J904 Qt1ri'l"t ennas t c 1'

Mn. ROBERT lB. PowEr,L A ccounta.nt

M1is. PALMEIU,EE Sec ·r eta-ry to the 811pr-wintrmdent

lVJn8 . .ANfTA P. YOUMAN S, R N. 811pp r'intemlr 11t of th e l nf'i rm a,ry

J\hs A. MrLT.E H, R. N. lllatron of JVhit e Hn .ll

}\fas. J\L\JW CJ. BrnoN f)irl'il 'imi

Jl'nAN1c CF1ASE , ,,TADJ-: , M. D., llow c, 1894 8chool Phys 'icfon

ALr.'RED .A rnswonTr 1 \i\TAni-: J M. D., Howe, 1903 School Phy sicici'n

.)A.llJES K . DULc l•', D. D. S. School Dentist

.TEAN PAUL n. D. S ., D. R c ., U . S. A. 8chool Dentist

r I I I I I I I I:1 I I I I I




Uppe r Sc hoo l '36-'38; Vrt rsit y l3a st:ball ' 37- '3 8 ; Va 1·sity " II " Club '3 7-'38; Co. "A" Bas k ct bnll '36-'3 8 ; Co. "i\" Fnotln ll '1 7 ; Ei g ht C lub '38 ; H e rald Staff '37- '38; CoEditor of Tal'lc r '38; A ss ociat e Editor of G c nc ml Ord e rs ; Co rp o ra l Band '37-'38; Comin c ncc mcnt Da>i cc l' o mn1ittcc '37; Fou nd er s' Day Dan ce Committ ee ' 37.

U pp e r Sc hoo l '36-'3 8; Co. "A" Footba ll '36-'37; Co. "A" Ba s ketba ll '36 -'38 ; '3 6-'3 8 ; C h o ir '3 7- ' 3 S; Dance Com mittee '3 7; Founder s' Day D;:in ce Committe e '37






Middle Sc h ool '36-'3 7; Summer Camp '3 7; America n Red Cross Life Saver '3 7; Co. " : \ "Footba ll '36-'37; Sc h oo l O rc hest r a '36-'38; Upper Sc h oo l '37-'38; Corpora l Co. "A" '37- '38; Co. ''A" Ba ske tba ll '37-'38; Eig h t C lu b '38; Rad io Cl ub '38.

Upper Sc h ool '36-'38; P. F. C. Co. "A" '37; Co. "A" Football '36; Co "A" Basketba ll '36-'37; Co nduct Ribbo n Groups '36-'38; Co-Ed itor of Hera ld '37-'38; Co-Editor of Tatlc r '38; Sergea n t D rum Major '37-'38; Varsi ty Foo t ba ll '37; Vars ity " H " Cl ub '37-'38; Al ph a De lt a Ta u '38; Ho n or Car ri Group ' 37-'38; Va rsity T rack '37; Sergea n t-at-Arms E ig h t C l ub '37-'38.





Midd le Sc hoo l '35-'36; Co. "13" Footba ll ' 35 ; H owe U ni o n '3 5- '3 8; Upper Sc hoo l '36-'38; Co r p o ra l Co. "B" '3 6-'37; Va rsi ty Ha sc hall '37 -' 38 ; Var s it y " H " C lu b '37-'38; C h 'lirlllan of H o we U ni on '36-'38; Co ndu c t Ribb on Gro up '36-'3 8 ; First Scrg-ca 11 t Co. "H" ' 38; Fo undc1 s' Da,· Da 11 cc Co mmi ttee '37.

Upper Sc hoo l ' 36-'38; Co. "A" Footba ll ' 36-'37 ; Co. " B" P. F. C '3 7 ; "B" '37-'38; Col o r G uard ' 37-'38; Cond uct Ribb o n Gro up '36-'38; Gro up '37-'38


J1 mno, Mr c ur GAN

Co rp ora l l'o H o n o r Ca rel


:SIIAKER H E I Gi-iTS, 01-l lO

Srhool '36-'38; Co "-"·" Footba ll '37; P F. C. Co. "A" '38; Aco l yte '3 7- '38; H ono r Card G r oup '37-'38.

Midd le Sc h oo l 'H-' 36 ; Co. "B" Ba sket ba ll 'H - '3 8; Co. "B" Footba ll '34 - '3 6; Mid get Ba se bal l '35; Seco nd Be st D ril kd Cade t '35; Corpo r' Ll Co. "B" '35-'36; Upper Sc h oo l '36-'38; :Staff Se r ge ant Co. "B'' '36-' 37; Swo rd a nd Shcatb C lub '36-'38; Cap ta in Co. "H" '37-'38; Var s ity Football ' 37; Var si ty " I-I " C lu b '3 7-'38 ; G lee C lub '3 8; O ld G uard '38.



Uppe r S..: hoo l '36-'38; Co "A" Foot ball '36; Co. "A" Basketball '36-'38; Varsity Track '37-'38; Varsity "H" Club '37-'38; Varsity Football '37; Herald Staff '37-'38; Spn rt s Editor of the Tatler '38; General Orders Staff '3 8; St. Vincent's Guild '3 8; Corporal Co. "A" '37-'38; Co ndu ct Ribbon Group '36-'38.

:J pp cr Sc hool '37-'38; Varsity Football Captain '37; Var sit y "H" Club '37-'38; Gkc Cl ub '3 8; P. F C. Co. "B" '37-'38; Co. "B" Basketba ll '37-'38; Conduct Ribbon Gronp '3 7-'3 8.




Upper School '36-'38; Co. "A" Football >37; Co. "A" Basketball '36-'38; V;Lrsity Track '37-'33; P F C. Co. "A" '37-'38; Founders' Day Dance Co mmittee '37.

Upper Sc h oo l '36-'37; P. F. C. '315-'37; Band '36-'38; Orrhcstr:> '36-'38; Va rs ity ball Manager ' 36-'38; Varsity "Fi" Cl u b '38; Assistant Tactica l Officer 1Lt Lower Sc h oo l '37-'38; Sergea nt Co. "A" '37-'3S.




Middle Sc hoo l 'H-'36; Co.".'\" Footbal l '34; Varsity Football '35-'36; Secretary Sophomor e C lass ; Sp ri ng Dance Committee '35; Varsity "H" C lub '35-'38; Uppe r Schoo l '36-'38; Co l or Sc r·geant Co. "A" 1 36-'37; Treasur e r Juni or C la ss; Vars ity Ten n is '36-'38; Vic ePr csi dcnt Eig h t Cl ub '3 7-'38; Sword ru1cl S h eat h C lub '36-'38; Secretary Senior Class; Old Guard '38; Honor ard Group '36-'38; Li e ute nant Co. "A" '37- 1 38; Secretary Varsity "H" Club '3 7-'3 8; Fir t Li e u tenant "A" Compa n y.

Middle Sl'i1oo l '35-'36; Choir '35-'J6; Trl'a s urer Sophomor· Class; "B" Co. Football '35-'37; "B" Co. Basketball '35-'38; Spring Dance Committee '36; Upper School '36-'38; Acolyte '36-'38; Secretary Junior C la ss; C hairm an Cornrncncemcnt Dan ce Co 111111it tcc '37; Co rp ora l "B" Co. '36-'3 7; Treasurer Senio r C lass; C h airman Founders' D:iy Darm· Co rnrni ttee 1 37; Bu si n ess Manage r Herald and TRtler '37-'38; Pre s id e nt E ig ht Club; Sergeant o. "B" '37 - '38; Tec hni cal Scrgc:u1t "B" Company.


M1 Ill AN



CROSSE POINT E , M1 C J-JIGAN Uppe r Schoo l '36-'JP. ; l'u. "13" Ba sketball '3 7-'38; Var sity B:c sc ball Manage r '37 - '38; Band '37-'38; P. F . C. Band '3i- ' JS; Vars it y "H" C lu b. Upp e r Sc h oo l '36-'38; Ban d ' 36- ' 38; P F. C. B a nd '37; Co. "l:!" Ba ske tball ' 36- '3 8; V:i r sity Track '37-'38; C h oir '37-'38. DETROIT, M ICH I GAN



Uppe r School '36-'38; P. F. C. Co. "A" '37-'38; C'o. "A" Hasket ba.11 '36-'3 7; Varsity Football '37; Cumn1cnc 111 e nt Dance Committee '37; C'a.rtuonist Ge n e ral Orders '38.

Upper School '36-'38; Vars ity Foothn.ll Manager '36-'37; Varsity " II" ClL1b '36-'38; Co. "B" Basketba ll '36-'38; Howe Un io n '37; Va rs ity Track '37-'38; Corporal Co. "B" '38; G lee C lu b '3 8.


DE'l'ROl'I', MIClllGAN


Middl e Schoo l '35-'36; Co. "A" Football '35-'37; Upper School '36-'38; Corpoml Co. "A" '36-'37; Conduct Ribbon Gro up '36-'3 7; Honor Ca.rd Gro u p '36-' 38; Co 1nn 1c11ccmcnt Dance Cou1111i11 cc '37; Tl c rald Staff '37-'38; Srnmp C lu b '37-'38; First Scrgen.nt Co. "A" '38; St. Vin ce nt' s Guild '38; Founders' Day Dan ce Committee '37.

Lower Sc h oo l '28-'34; KnickebOLker C lu b '32-'3 +; Varsi ty Low e r Footba ll '3 1-'33; Var s ity Lower l3a skc:t ball '32-'34; Varsity Lower B aseba ll '32; Var s it y Lower Track '3 3; Varsity Track '34-'38; T umhlin g Tea m '32-'3+; Var s ity Lower Soccer '32-'34; Captain Luw c r Var si t y Track '3+; Low e r Al l -A round Sports Le tt e r '3+; A ll Point Me d als '33-'34; C h oir '29-'3 I; Star Li st '32-'3+; Leg io n of Honor '32-'3+; Pr es id e nt Second For111 '3+; Corporal Co. "L" '31; Scrg.:a11t Cu "L" '32; Second Li e ut e nant Co. "L" '3 3; First Lieute nant Co. "L" '3+; M iddle Sc h oo l 'H-'36; l3twd '34-'36; ScrgcanL Co "A" '35-'36; Varsity Footba ll '3+-'37; Varsity "H" C lub '3+-'38; C hairman Spring Dance '36; St!coud Mo st-Trustwort h y Cadet '36; Bron ze Hab c r l y Meda l '36; First Se r geant Co. "A" '36-'37; Ol d G uard '33-'38; Cu 11111 1andc r Old Guard ' 37 -'3 8 ; l pp c r Sc hoo l '36-' 38; Silvc 1· Hab aky M e dal '37; 1-I crn l d Staff '37-'38; Ca pt a in Cu. "A" '37-'3R; P r es id e nt Var s ity "I-I" C lub ; Eight C lub '37-'38; Swor d an d S h ea. th Club '37-'38; Editor Gc nl! ral Ord e r s '38; Pr es ident Sen ior C la ss; Ctdct Major.





U p p e r Sc h oo l '37-'38; Va rs ity Footba ll '37; Varsit)' 13a s ketb td l '37-'38; Va rs ity "H" C lu b '3 8; Eig h t C lu b

L01wr Sc hool '32-'3+; Knirk Fontball '32-'33; Kni ck Ba s ke tb ;dl '32-'3+; P. F. C. '33-'H Co. "L"; Stai· Li s i '3 2- '3-i-; Lowc- r Var s it)' Football '34; C h oir '3 2- '33; Miclrllc Sc h on! 'H-'36; Co. "A" Footba ll '34-'35; Co. "A" Basketba l l '3+-'38; Vars i t)' Track '35-'38; P. F. C. Co. "A" '3+-'35; Co r po r :tl Co. "A" '35-'36; Uppe r Sc h oo l '36-'JS; O ld G uard Tl ow.: P n in n ' 36; Scrgca :1t C'o. " , \ " '36-'37; Fo r t K n ox '37; L ieutenant Co. " :\ " '38; Swo rd :incl S hl':it h C lub '37-'38.





Uppe r Schoo l '36-'38; P. F. C'. Co. "B" '36-'37; V;1rsity Football '36-'37; l'o. "13" Basketball '36-'38; Varsity Basc·hall '37-'38; Varsity "II" Club '36-'38; Sergeant-at-A r ms Senior Class; Corporal Co. "B" '3 7-'3 8; Co111pany Clerk '38; C'ondurt Ribbo n Gronp.

Upper Sc h ool '37-'38; Varsity Football '37; Varsity U.1skctball '37; P. F C'. Co. "A" '38; Band '37-'38; G lee Club '38; Conduct RibbL> n Group '37-'38.



Middle Sc hool '35-'36; Midg e t Football '35; Midget Basketball '35-'36; Varsit) Ba seball '36-'38; Upper Sc h ool '36-'38; Co. "B" Ba skcth ;tll '36-'37; Var s ity "H" lub '37-'38; onduct Ribbon Group '36-'JS; Honor Carel G 1·o up '37 - '38; Co rp oral Co. "B" '36-'37; Rifl e T ea m '37-'38; Secretary Eight Club '37-'38; Tec hni cal Sergeant Co. "B" '37-'38.

Upper School '36-'38; P. F. C Co "B" '37; St•rgcant-at-Arms Junior Ch s; Varsity Footba ll '36 -'37; Var sity Track '37-'38; Varsity "H" Club '37-'38; Con11ncncc111cnt Dance Co nunitt ce '37; Co. "B" Ba ske tball '36-'38; Trcasmc r Eight Club '38; Coqrnral Co. "B" '3 7-'3 8.


l3tRM1NGt1AM, M 1c 1t1cAN




Upper Sc h oo l '36-'38; P. F. C. Co. "A" '36-'37; "A" Co Footba ll '36-'37; "A" Co. Basketball '36-'38; Corpora l Band '37 - '38; Varsity Track '37-'38; Va rsity "H" Club '37-'38; A ss istant Busin ess Mana ge r of H era ld ;in cl Tatlcr '37-'38; E ig h t C lub '38; Co mmc n rcmc n t Da nce Co 111111i ttcc ' 3 7; Co-Editor G e n era l O rd e rs

Middl e School '34--'36; L' h nir '34-'36; Co r poral Co. "A" '35-'36; Upper Sc hoo l '36-'18; Sergea n t Co_"/\.." '36-'37; Band '36-'38; Eig h t C l ub '36-'38; Co. "A" Footba ll '36; Rifl e Team '36-'38; Lieul. Band S w o rd and Sh eat h '38; 1-l crn ld Staff ' 37-'38; Co-E di tor Tatlcr '38; Sc hoo l O rc hestrn '37-'38; C h apel Orc hest r a '37-'38.



li A M I L'J'O N , f N DI A A

L o w e r Sc h oo l ' 32 -' 3 + ; Kni c ke boc k c r Club '32 -'34; V tLr s ity L ow e r F oo tba ll '32' 33; Vars i1 y L o w er Ba sk c tlm ll Va rs it y Lo we r B.1 se ba ll ' 32- ' 3 +; Var s it y L owe r T rack '3 2- '3+; Var si ty L o w e r Tumbl i n g- T ca 1u '3 2- '3+; Va r s it y Lo \\' c r Socce r ' 32-'3 +; Te nni s Champion '3 3-'34; Captain L o we r Va rsi t \' Ba ske tball ' 3+; Lo w e r All- t\round S p o rt Ll!t t e r '3+; All P o int M e d :d s ' 33 -'H; C h o ir ' 32- '34; S tar Li sL ' 32- '3+; Leg ion of H o n o r ' 32 -'3+ ; Vi ce- Pr es id e nt M c K e n z ie Lit e rar y Sor ict y '3 4; Vi ce -Pr es id e nt Seco nd Forni; Li e ut e n a nt C o "L" ' 33 -'H; Middl e S rh oo l ' 3+- ' 36 ; Midg e t F oo tb111l ' 35 ; Mid ge t Ba s k e tball ' 35-'36; Mid ge t Ba se ba ll ' 35 ; Va rs il )' B:1 s l.;1· thall ' 3 6- ' 3 8; T e nni s Ch :unpion Middl e '36; C o rp o r a l Co. "B" ' Jl- ' 36 ; Bu g le r ' 12 -' 37; l' pp c r Sc h oo l ' 36 -' 18 ; Va rs ity F olltb a ll ' 36- ' 37; Va rs it y B ase b a ll ' 37- ' 38; Vi ce- Pr es id en t V:u s it y " !-!" C lub '37-'38; Old G u a rd '36 -' 3&; Ei g h t Club ' 38 ; B:u1d ' 35-' 38; Sc r gcn. nt Co. " B" ' 36-' 37 ; T-l c mld Staff '37 -'3 8 ; C apt :i in B a nd '3 7-' 38 ; Sw o J'd and Sh eath Club '37 -'1 8

U pp e r Sc h oo l ' 37- ' 38 ; o. "A" F oo Lb all '37 ; C o " t\ " B a sket ba ll ' 37 -' 38 ; Ch o ir '37 - '38.

llERBERT .'\. TllOM AS L IMA, 0 111 0



DE'l'RO l 'I', MtCHlGAN Upper School '36-'38; Rifle Team '37-'38; Alpha Delta Tan '37-'38; P. l'. C. Co. "B" '36-'37; Best Student in Junior Cl:iss; Varsity Football '37; Sergeant Co. "B" ':i8; Eight Club; St. Vincent's Guild 'JS. Upper Sc ho ol 'JG-'38; Co. "A" Footba ll '37-'38; P. F. C. Co. "A" '38; St. Vincent's Guild '38; D:incc Co mrnittcc 'JS; Glee Club '38. Omo


Low e r Sc h ool '3 2 -'34; Scc r·ctary McKe nzi e Literary Society '34; P. F. C. Co. " L" '34; Winn e r All Poi nt Cup 'H; Midd l e Sc h oo l '34-'36; Rifl e Team '35-'38; Coq>oral Co. "A" '35-' 36; C'o. "A" F'ootha ll '35-'36; Upper Sc h oo l '36-'38; Scrgen.nt Co. "A" '36-'3 7 ; A lph a D " lta Tau '36-'3S; Curnnv·ncc111cnt Dunce Co rnrni ttcc '37; Lieut enant Co. "B" ' 37-'38; 811" :ml aqd Shc :1th Club ' 37-'38; A ss is tant H ea d Acolyte; St. Vinc e n t's Guild '38.


DA \ TLD .JOH.DA N Pn>. sident

M 1\ H/l' I N rl'.A UHZ V ice PresidPnt

liO BJ1j H/ 11 GOOD ID T r easiwer

P ml-<. Ii PONrr Sec retcwy

GORDON Mc MULLL-GN 8 e rpe(( 11f-((t-A rms


1t was just teu ycan; ago t hat the ad\ ' HUce part y of our U laFJs se ttl ed h e re at 11 tYw e years l ater h o was j oi n ecl h.' · a CJuartette, reprcseut i11 g, r es p cc tiY e1.Y, th e 8out h , the Nort h, t h e l<Jast, aml (he v\T est of o m : great co uutl'.".

[u rn:H the u nlt era lcl cd a nd nn ::; nn g a pp ea ran ce of :five more swe ll e d t he (' lass r oste1· to ten m em b e r s . 'J'h e fir st L'cw cla)'s of that year were s p c11t iu wr i tin g hom e, tr yi n g to lear n tl1 e lm g l e <•a ll s, and r c rn c mh e ring our roommat es n ames L\ l lont th i s tim e we proceedc<.1 to c leet David .Jorda n as o ur lea cl e1·. Cla sses qni ckly di s p e ll e d 11 ome -s iC'lrn ess a11d w e H 1l were introchu.:e d to t he wonders of Urnera l 8ciencc nud e r tl1 e direction of Mr. No rton. Came J1'o und c r s' Ua)7 a11d Pvc r y hod,,-'s un c le was hlu s lii11 g lr intr ocln ec cl to o nr teac h ers. Mid-year exam s s woop ed down a nd tnrned out to h e thr ee da ys of rest fr om sc hool. Soon, howthe spr in g fever e pid emi c s pr e ad, h e lp e d. a l ong by a Boa1·d of 'J'ru stPes meet in g Com m e n ce m en t Day of our l•'rN; hman year dra gge d t lll' ough in a s 1v e l te r of cloth es c h ang in g- a lld a cli maxi11 g l1 appines:-;.

' L ' li c open in g; w ee k s of EJ:-J 5 p asFJed for u s , now offiecrs in t h e Middle l-i<' l wo l. We n ow boa sted a roll of e ig l1tee n and fort hwi th e lecte d W eir 'v\Ti 1liam s pr es id en t of th e Clm;s . J'J xam s <·arnc went but w e liacl accustomed o u rse lY es to these ai 1d accepted. witli sto lidn ess t h e amaz in g score th e J11 arn I ty ran up against n s . vVe were in formed one cl ay afte r sc h oo l t hat t he Midd l e l1ml hi aze d u p a lit t le a n cl t hat t l1 e 1 I owe Wir e Brig·ade h ad qnirkly int c rY e n ed \ Ve p;ot to t l1 c Midd l e in time to see m os t of t ll 0 B ri gade \Valking l1orn c. Spring bl ew i11 a llcl th e boy s he£.l,'H ll flippin g co iu s to sec w h o \voulcl ricle to t il e lake wi1 h Mr. :Ncfl'. Again Comm el1l,eme nt ro ll e d around. Aga in th e ru.-h and t h e h e lt er s k e lt e r , crazy feeli n g ihat freedom brin gs.

19:36 we 11 ailed as a n e w and <.liff e r ent so rt of Year. vVe were uow iu the Uppe r wl1 e r 0 th e hig s h ots liY e d. Rnmorn got

nrom1d that were forc e d to s uff er t il e indign iti es of wmmcr :-;c hool to repair the dama ges i11f]irt cl dnrin p; fo e pct st yeur. Some of t he ex-M itldl ers wa lk e d int o the s m o kin g r oom and went nt it as if they h a d pr act i ce d foT yea r s Oth on; s miled wa11 l .\ - and r e tir ed for a w h ile. Pote11tia l .Alpha D e lta r11a11s hep; Hn to rnoYc OYcr to s tudy l1 all with i·egula ri t.v. Om l 1lass had doubl ed it se lf and ag ain e l ecte d W eir v\T i lli arns to tlt e po s t of pre s id e nt. A large numb e r of tb e h o., ·s w e re pl e dged to th e \ Tan;ity " I-T" C ini> and wore e ffi ci e ntly m id lustil.v initiated into th e secrets of t h at C lnb.

I I owa rd Yon man s, vVarr en rrwadd le, mid :Man in Ji".:dward s made A lph a D e lt a Ta11. Sp rin g ro ll e d arou nd as s prings do, u11cl th e 8priu g Dan ce was a great :oc i a l and finan c i a I s uc ces8. La st qu a rtc r exam s L>rought tl1e u s ual g r oaus from th e a nd th en C omm e 11 ceme ut

aga in

A C lass of tl1irty- e ight Re niors r eturned iu September and w11,tc h cd wit h lofb- indiff e r e n ce th e tri a li:; a nd trihulat i o n.s of t h e poor F'r cs hman a nd Rophornore s Da Ye .T ordan was e lecte d C lass pr es i"lcnt a nd pr es id m1t of the Old (J u ard. r\ few of u s tan g l e d w ith various Nubjc cts and, after a ll tl1 ese years found that w e hadn't leal' ncd a ll tb e ti·i<'ks from th e :B'aculty \\Tint er ca me and w e roll e d through th e mid -yea r cc-:ams. rrh e n we noti ce d a b la uk file hetc and t h e re, or a n e mpt y room 011e mornin g, m1d finally di. scove r cd that Mr s . Y oumaus was goi n g sta rk ravin g mad with an e pid em ic of meas l es w e l>au ge cl off a Re t of Co lumbia R ese:n c h Exmrn; for t h e tl1inl l(n a rt e r and ea 1u e h ea d 011 w it h a Guidance th es is. b nagine writ in g a c ouple of thousand \\' Orcls about )-om·se l f ... . lrnt we wanted to graduate her e it is a few days b efore Cornm e nc e rn eut. vV e ' rn get tin g ready to l ea Ye for th e l ast time. It wi ll b e 'ivitli deep r egre t that we leave 1-1 ow e A i1d so w e saY to a ll our fellow-Sen i ors, and t l1o se whom w e leave h el1ind, "Good lurk and God lil ess you ! "


J-rnJ\ DQUAH.'rJ1}ltS of rl'..ATLTGH. STAB'F

Ifowe Rc l1o o l, llowe, India11a .Tnne J 2, 1938

GJ1JNJ1jH,.'\L DJRORDI1}H,8 No. 1:

'I'o rrake lijffe,- t P. D. Q. (Precisely, Directly, and F'or lJJowi11g every ca ll on time for tl1e )Jeriod of forty -eigl1t hours witl10ut a f"law ROHg J{rl' K. .AI IB. J1JNR is 1101·ehy appointed f o tl1c office of chi ef Bazooka pl aycT in fl 1e Band. ( S D.)

I URLJ\N is 11ercby rechwecl to the grnde of private for "swingin', truekin ', and peek in' "hymn numbe1· 1 on 11is · 8tradevarius i11 c h apel ou t]rn of D'T id ay, May J 10:rn.

b'crr inte:utionally lrnocking down the f lFI µ; pole with lii s baton during a parnde, Nergeant Drum Major JOHN HLACIC, .JR. is ]1erehy reduced to the grade of private.

H,()BJiJR'I' BJ-t1Nl1JS is herchy reduced to the grad" of private for driving a 1r1oto1· boat ove 1· the parade field during a pc-i'iod of inclement weather.

Because of raising a successfnl rrop of corn tlris spring on the football field is herehy appointed 1o the office of Grain Sergeant in Corn'' B ''.

[i'or finally lcarni11g to eomh his Im ir al'tH two yearn of hard study -WILLIAM BUHGf1jR i s h r eh.v appointed to the off i •e of proprietor of ''Ye 11 owe Cam1m s B01rnty Shop1)e".

_l-<'or substit11ti11g the eliape l aisle for a how lin g t1lley a11d cai1d l es for ten pins ( 'apta in HI, CJ\ i s h erebv r eclneed to tl1e grade of Pin Hoy in (Jornpm1y "B".

For horrowi11g aud utterly destroying Maj or Merritt's s h eep-s kiu ed c o at .101 IN CLLN'PON is h e r eby promoted to the rank of Uaptain in Company "A".

'1'or horri.bly l>eating his roommate with the f la g pole HO BlBR'L' CRA lL is

hercb.v given tho Cross of I l onor from the :Mn, ic Cmporation of .America.

F'or taking two yearn of Chemistry -from Mr. Norton aml finally passing it HlL'l IJ\RD DOYlNG h ereby r c ives a great deal of respect from the entir0 Ncllior C l ass.

l1'or taking adva nt age of his position and manhandling the irn10cei1t T_,ower Nchoolers to the extent that they leave l-lowe MARVIN l1;0"WARD8 is herehy reduced to the grade of private

Ji'or nutstering the 1£Hglish Lauguage after three hard years of work, tl1e "F'renchman, :B'ON'l1 is mad the lwad o-f t h e !Bng li s l1 Department.

HOH11JRrl1 GOODF; is l1ereby promoted to tl1e rank of Lieuternwt for marrying a rieh widow in the near vici11ity.

' I' he fol low in g cadets are rec1uced to tl1e g-rnde of lffivate f r garnh li 11g and 11s111g uncouth Janguag·e in the rrypt:





.L11 or finally becoming acquainted with t he fact that Ozzie Nelson is H band leader and not a wre.'t lin g ho I cl wn JLLAM I I.A H'r is hereby promotocl to tlie n111k of Co rp orn l in the Hanel. (8. D.)

Wor teJling more Wairy 'Pa l e;· tlian Major Young· has medals KARL HOSTi , hereby reduced to the grade of private.

giving the appearance o:f a butler whm1 at attention \iVJDS'J'l-3ROOK is hereby m:ule l1ead wai to1·.

.B'or st riki11 g one of the Board of 'l\·u stees w h en r fu sed th e roq u est that h e Il e given h a l f i11t ereHt in the sc ho o l 0 1\ VfD ,J OHD 1\ N i H h ereh _\' reduced to tho grade of priYn.te.

b'or b e in g the l a:;: i e.·t ca d et 111 tile e 11ti r c sr h oo l .JA1VJ'1jt) McMA llO N i s 11 erehy .·entonred to nm to l''ott vVayne arnl hack witl 1i11 twelve 11 onrs

li'oT t h e Majo r in golf teu clown nnd eight to go i :-; promoted to 1-11e r a nk of PMN&'r at 11 owe Nr h ool.

W0r tear ll i ng Capta in U I cm 1'i:; 11cw hah.v tn u s<' to lm C' •o GOR D1\ N Mcl'.vl U LL l•: i :-. l H'rc li.\ · r cd n rcd to tlJP µ; rncl e o f' priY atc.

B'or throwing radios 01 1t windows, br ea kin g tran so ms, s m asl 1ing d es k s, Rrnl sctti11g b1 011l's ni g ht s l1irt 0 11 f ir e l LA LL PACKA H.D i s ll ere h y rcdncecl to the gracle of priva te.

l1'o r fa lli ng mad l,\· in lo \' C wit l t tlte cl ang ht <>r of a Major of Ma rin es, J () 11 P i s here !>.'· clii:;misscc1 from t l1 e H.. 0. ' 11. ( ' .

]•'o r putting Hrnw n ' I' . d own the ba ss li o rn duri n p: h a ml praeti co 'l' l I l•j ()J)() 1-nj

P'I' \ K i R h en' l>,\ ' red u eed to file p;nHl l' of pri v n t0.

l' 'o r pl ay in g ' l'igor J ag on tile Cliapcl dtim0s (! Ll 1\ H.L 1•:8 H. l1an j :::; 11 e rch.nn all c Ca pt a in Adjutant, Company "B ".

Appro,·e L

HO ,J. J\if UHP 11 Y

Facu lt .v J \ dvi He r

1"01· p11blishi11g a radica l newspapC'l' and creating gr at nnrest among the cadets Al,T,'H.ED SU ll ULTZ i s hcr ch:1r L"Cdu 'Cd to t h e 9,'l'ade of private.

hatl1ing in t h o hircl hat l1 in t h e milld le of t he ni ght JJON 1\ LD NU LL TV AN is h c r c h) ' rn acle li eacl inttm:alif't of l l Nchoo l.

of lri H m ot h e rl y instincts

:i'vL\H 'l'IN ' I\ \ UNZ i i:; li e r eh,\ - macle I kad MnLt·on of 1low c Nehoo l.

Brcm1sc of the faC't tl1nt lii s li a ir is ra1Jic1l.1 · falling I h ere h y ass ig n I l ' 111101\II AN to h e thC' fir st r 11 sto mer ol' the I I owe Carnpn ·Beaut.\'

i·e n10, ing the lctkr H fro m t l1 e Nuuclay night a lph a b et soup

T AY L< )]{ i H li erc b.\· m ade Ca d et 1VIaj0r

lfora u se of fa ilin g m ili tary gn1<l cs, s lo pp ,, a pp eara nc e, and a ca r o leHs att itude i s hcn ' by r cc1 1lC'ec1 to tile g r ade of pl'ivnte.

1·;1\ H r l1j f.Vr vVORMAN is a born pri1·ate, h e h aH n e v c1· h oe n anything lmt a pri.1 ·at0 and n eve r will. r1 1 h crefore it i H irnpo ss ihl e to e ith e r mal<c o r bu st thi s ca <1 Pt.

Bec·an:-;f• of l1i s wi1111 in g p •rsoua li ty ll OW \HD YOUM \ 8 is ho r e ll y m ade Mm;tu- of Ceremonies at Coac h C nm1b' s Cas i no.

R Ol3 l1rn rL 1 I f. J\ D \ l'v[

Prirnt , H. 0. 'I'. C., U.S. A.


(Prof. of 1lilibny Di so rd e r allCl U pr o ar)


r11 1rnr sllay morning, l 'i..pril :28, t i IP S<'C'Ond Nenior J1Jdncationa l got irndr->r wa.v with twe11ty hoys occupying two hnse8. :Mr. Bouton, ]\.fr. 1\ilnnan , and lj'at l1 er l\forphy arrompa.nicd tlrn gT0 1111 to Chirago.

r1 1 Jic first stop of tlte morning ·was a 011e at Hob's Barhorne at wl1ieh time nll breakfasted 011 a cl<>liricnu; meal. ( io11t innin g from there, the second stop to h · made was at tl10 l'arnegic-Jllinois Sh'PI works at Garr, Indiana. \w aitin g tl1c a rrival was a photogn1ph<:>r aml a reporter from t l1 e Gary Post rl1 riIH111 <>. :B1 o ll owjng the picture' n1c group was lc•tl tl1r011gh ll1<> lar gest stee l 111ills iu the world hy two expert g-u icl os, wl10 s l1owed how the rrnde ore from itS ll<lturnl state i11to ntih·oacl rnils, mi Iroad Cl:ll' wh0el:-; and stee l i11gots.

( l-oing 011 from there the llnsc8 journcrrd ti) Argo, Illin ois, ,,,.here tl1e _, \r g·o Con1 Prndm 1ts ( 'ornpa1l_\ ' is Iorated. There was sc011 the process of' 111aki11g and 11acki11µ; of hoth starch and con1 syrnp or hy frade mime, K:wo, for public co11snrnpt io11. Prececcfo1g the plant 5nspection, C\'C!ryone was treated to a meal identical to one served to the emp lo yees i11 the plant cafete1'ia The time spent iu tl1c faetory was obta,iH ecl tl1rongh the kincl-

Hess of M r. Adam, Uadet .Adam'.· father. rl'l1e iti11cral'y then I cl tl1e group to the Armour <rnd Company stock yards wl 1ore the cadets witnessed the actual killing a11d ]H'oressb1g of the anima l s from which al'C obtained Lam, roast beef mid steaks.

H.v tilllc most everyone wets qnite fatigu cl Hild Jiun gry, 80 the group adjonrncd to t11' beautiful new L,a,vson 1'. nl. C. J\. wliero all were re h·,shencd hv 11 swilll in the Jo,·ely new 1!0ol, and henn.v lllt'al i:;0rvcd in a p1:i.vate dini 11g 1'00111.

' l'l1<1 t night the schedule took the Neuion; to th0 Tribune ':J1ower at whi ·lt time tltc,\ ' saw tl1 111or11i11g edition of the C l1i"<1go ' l'r ilnm e put to ]H'eSR aml enjoyed a <·ornp le1 c' and j11tcrnsfo1g trip through the plant. Before tl1e tour of i11speti011 n uwtinn pic:tm·e was 1-1liown oxp laiuing· the prncess by wl1icl1 wood is Lransforrnetl into i1nper pulp. J\ t nine o'clork <ill met i11 the Hew lu:nnious vV. G. N. stnc.lio:,; to bear the regular 'rlrnrsday c\"C.m in g ro1 1cel't played by Jlemy vVeber aml hi. fine roncert orrbc. tra.

'l' h e i1ext mo rning the i:::leniorn b·aveled to the \Ver-;tcl'll pla11t. Here a interesting hour was :-;p nt in watching telephones being eonstructcd

nnd swit<-h boards wi.re<l together by expert hand s, for it is here that Hell telopliono s arc a.II made.

rrhc Ad ler Plm1etarinm followed, mid l1cre in a darken e d room life for the p<:1 .· t thr c ' y e ars war-; rcli\'ccl in 011e s l1ort l 1om hy tl1e ·tory of tlw s tars s i11 ce

Passing ou to the f·'icld Museum, which Wfl S next, lmwh WR S sened i11 thL• :Mus eum's cRfot ria and a lli ghl , ellneationa1 and interesting trip follo\Yl'<l t hr ough it. · llall of Ma11 and groat eolledion of pr :;:ened anirnalH clone t h e i10tec1 taxidcrn1i ·t, Carl Aiklc.\'. Mall)' valuable hours cou ld he well ::qwnt hen• lrnt· as time w1-1s 1n ccio n s thr grou 11

\Yas for· •d to JUO\'C 011 to t11e HosLmwnlcl

1v[n sel1m of k ·iei1 ce and lndnstry. I Je r e, om•c again, g uid es root the cadets a ncl ox pJaiu cl tlie many different exl1illits from airplane motors to thE' adion of

inf'rn -r c r1 my s on 1110Yit1g ob.i e ct s 'I'h e !2,'roup wa i:i totally lo s t in awe at t1H) mHn' Plon s s iµ;llt s in c luding- the onl y trn 11par c nt woman i11 the world.

..Not to he fo1·goitP11 \Yas tile l JniYersity or ('llicago, wliich wonnc1 np the erluca1ioual trip in sma r t st.Ylo. '11herC' awaiti11g tl1C' t01 1ri sts wHs a , err r011rteo11s 'itucl c 11t gnicle wlto in, ·itccl tl;ern to view t it<• cm11pus l'rorn the grn und nml for t l1o sc cl csir iu g a higher leYc l , t h e to\YC'l' of tl1e new C hap e l. this most iute 1·eHt-ing j onr n e.' ' wi t li an i11spcrtio11 of tl1e <lorrnatories, clinuer waH tlieu eat0 11 at the Id a No.\·(•s' I !all , a g·il'l s' cluh llnnsf'.

, \ni, i11g i11 llow c :-it•ve l'al 11our s lat e r, l'\·cr_,·01ic was phy sica lly ox liau stcd but 11w11t1lly rdl' esl1 ecl "''ith the Hat i sfact ion of' l1aYi11g- cn.io.ved n most wm·t liwl1i lo n,nd 0c111rntion a l trip.


VES hit. :211<.l. :ll'd. best Ntudcnt .................. Twa rkll ......... Youmans ... . .... H lack Befit .1 \\hlt,te .................. . rJ'11 :\'lor ...........Jorcl a 11 . .. .. . ... . Kcoua.11 J\. I ost I e.·poeted 'l'fln sz l''o ut H.ei l HPst Look i11 g .... . ............. l-31ark MC'Mn ll 0n Patt ornon 11 ' un11i ci:;t ..< \<l1rn1 nootlo Un1il Bigg es t Eater ................. M urpliy ......... Paeka rd .. . ...... rra11 s;1, l ost 111 Lov e . .. . ... . ........ .. H11 r cl1 ........... 80110.' · ........... J\<l::irn Best l\ilusi<'iirn ................. Ptak JI art Lea s t Ntudiou s .... ..... .. . . . .. P<1ttorson ....... r\hn'ns .. . ... .. .. M eJ\if'a lion Nliortc st Br in es Nu lli van K er nan ' Pall est Sclrnltz Burch Murph,\· Be st I H tnrcd . .. . _. ............. Do,, ing- . ... .. .. .. C'ra i I Tn n sz NN1tcst Mu11g·er rr0n1 .Most ('oneeitod ...... . .... ... .. .fordan . .. ....... rl\ 1.v lor .......... Carter Quiet c,s t ll art if0r11 MeM«-1l1 on J fap11i ost ..................... w01 ·m a1 1 ....... . Worman ... .. .... 'Worman Most Beli gel'e nt ............... Carter .......... Alire11s ... ....... Pac lrnnl Most Vik o l.' · To 8norced ........ J1'0 11t ............ Mr1vfu ll o11 ....... Jlarl cy Most No11rha lant. ........ . ... . Goode ...... . .... C lint 011 .......... rr 110rn as Bci-:t Drag .r orclan Yo urn mis rra rlor 13t1siest . .. .. . ......... ...... . Burger .. . .... ... ,/ ones ........... C liu tcrn l\{o:-;t rJ'a lkiti rn Jlo s t e ll fh'i11cs Jordan Be s t 8oldic1· ................... Pattcn;on . . . ..... Pattm-.·o n ..... .. Pattcr so 11 Best . .... . . ...... . . ... 'l'orn ............ Di ck ............ I I nrry



F'rolll t h e g roup whi c h co111 pri ses t h e Juni or C lass 111u s t rn 111 c t h e lea d ers fo r th e fo ll owing yea r Th e a ct ivity and coo p c ratio11 of t he c la ss g- i1 ·cs promi se t h at th e C lass of '39 will be a vc r)' e ffi ci ent g r o up.

T h e i11n cascd parti c ip a ti o n of th e 111 e 111bc rs of th e c las s i11 Sc h oo l affa ir s durin g th e la st )'Ca r is ve r y c \ iclcnt. The Fift h For111 is ve ry \\'ell repre se n ted in 111ili tarr, s p o rt s, a nd aca d c· 111i c work. A 11u111bc r of th e boys arc 111 c111b c r s of th e Va r s ity " H" C lub whi le ot he r s arc regu lar receivers of H o nor Card s Su r,· l y t h e 111 ;ucr ia l for au exce ll e nt Se ni o r C lass is at han d

Presi d e nt.

• Geo r ge B eggs Jr.

Vic e- Pres id e nt. • • • Ri c hard W. T ull ar

S ec re ta ry.. •..

John M. S pill so 11

T reas ur e r ..•.. T h o111as L P a rk er

Scrgcant-at-A n11 s Rob e rt Mang u111


H obe rt K. Ahrens

W a lt er R Barl o w Jr

Pr esto n Beck

G e orge Beggs, Jr.

W a ll a ce Blak c 111 o re

Howard P Blazo

Donald F. Ca mero n

William K. Casse ll

Ja c qu es A. C ha tai n

Barry W. Di etz

i\ ndr e w S. G ill

Phi I ip R. G r c nnnn

A l vin R. Huff o 1cl

Sam u el R. Laud e man

H e nry M. M cNca l

Rob ert M a 11 g u111

Ri c h ard J M cC rca d y

J ose ph N. Moor e head

Ro ss A Ma rtin

Ja c k 1-1. M ur p h y

J osep h L. No ur se

C l air B. Owe n Jr

William A. R ec d

William M. S h akespea re

Jo hn M. S pill so n

My les H Stand is h

John T. Stewart

Ri c h ard W. T ull a r

Fay H. Wi ll ey

Lrc W o rm a n


Th e Fourth F a nn o f thi s year is mad e up of a ve r y ac ti, c g-ro up of hoy s. Each o f the 111 c 111bc r see m s to excc ll in at lea st une activi1y, and fo r thi s r easo n there doc s n ot see m to be s in g le act iv ity in whi c h so m e m e mber of t h e class is not a n a c tive parti c ipant. T h e dass 1s very we ll r e prese n te d in military, athl e tics, mu s ic and aca d c1ni c work.

Th e ca d e ts of thi s cla ss will probably se r ve a s th e nu cleu s of a g reat deal of Sc h oo l ac tivity until th e time of their gra du at io n in '40. Th e s uccess of th e cla ss as a wh o le de pe nd s quit e a bit on t he lead e rs whi c h th e gro up se l ec ts At pr ese nt the lead e rs of th e class ar c as fo ll ows:

Pr es id e nt.

...•... R obe rt L. Mutin

Vic e-Pr es id e nt J hn A. Clcndinnin g

Secretary Donald N. L ee

Tr eas ur e r.

....•..... Raymond J l3 oakes

Sc r gca nt- nt-A r1n s Vin ce n t M li

H av il u h Be nd e r

Gr egg D. B e nn e r

Raymond J B oa kc s

J a !ll cs S B row n

Tracy W. Brown

Ja ck i; Bu s h

R obert C. Ced e rb erg

C h ar l es D Clappi so n

Richard D 1LV is

H a r o ld W. D e lze ll

J o hn A. Gl c ndinnin g

Ro ge r W. lla za rd

Kenneth G. H e rri c k

Ward V. J e n se n

D o n a ld L ee


C harl es R. Marqui ss

Rob e rt L. Martin

Vin ce n t M e li

Rob e rt D. Murphy

Fred Q [ o il

Scr ibn e r C. Palm e r

Charle s L. Pcil' ce

Ar thur T. P a lla. ck

Warr e n W R oe

Benjamin F. Sta.bi le

Ri c hard E Struith

Nat lmni cl J. Wattl es

Jam es M. Wh ea tl e y

Ed Fann e r B eggs

R o be rt C. J e nnin gs

Dona l d A. Sc hmid t

George I. R. McMahon


T h e Cbss of '4 1 is mad e up of a gro up of act iv e boys T h e achievement of thi s da ss h ave tou ch ed i n nearly eve ry activity of th e Sc hoo l , and wit h th e t hr ee re 111ainin g yea rs of d eve lopm ent befo re th e 111 it is cx pcctccl t h at t h e class wi ll r ise as h igh as a n y ot h e r Se ni o r C la ss.

President. C h arles Dau tel

Vi ce-Pres id e n t. R o be rt L Ja n ey

Secretary , , , .•...... , Max Wattl es

Treas ure r. , , C h a rl es C. Know Iso n

Sergeant-at-A rm s , , , E rn eRt Vick ers


Gw 1·gc F. A ll e nd o rph

Frank J. Br a ndt

C harl es L. Ce der ber g

Rob e r t L C lancy

C h ar l es S. Dautcl

Jam es Duff y, Jr.

Gordon J. E n g li s h

William F. Gardnc 1·

J ose ph F. Golde n

M ilt o n A. H e nd erso n, J r.

J ames R e nd ri ck

William A. Hu dso n

Phillip Hu1·lbut

C harl es C. Knowl so n

H e1 be rt S. K opsc h

D nalcl B. Levin e

Robert D. Ovcr111cycr

Ja t· k D Pal111 c rl cc

Walt e r L. Par ce ls

Robcl't R. Rathbun

E u ge n e W. R eav es

l-larolcl F. Th o ma s

Ernest Vi c ke r s

Max Wattl es

Ma r sh all H. W ebste r

Steven C. Wur z bur g

Paul T. Xa nd c r s

J o hn P. Young

T h o r To rb c rso n


Thi s year the se c ad e ts will co 111pletc th e ir work in th e Low e r School, and next yea r wi ll 111 0 \ ·e tu th e Middk Sc h oo l to tnk c a n '1 th e r s t ep t owards th e comp le tion of th e ir education. T he fin e r eco rd ac hi c \ ccl by th ese yout hs is the r es ul t of e nthu s ia st ic a nd dili ge nt work. f t is ex p ect e d th a t th ese c;,d c ts will k ee p up their fin e r eco rd s wh e n th e y go o n t o th e Middle Sch oo l.

K e rn s As hw o rth

Fra nk Ba n ekes, Jr.

Martin Ba z n e r, Jr

Gro\'er Bea r

R ona ld Bontsc m <L

Geo r ge Brown

William Bro oks

Ja ck

J o hn Clmlm c r s

Ri c h ard Cove rt

Le wi s Di e t z

G eo r ge Duffy


Ja r k Dun ca n

Rodn ey Ev e rh art

Gn le F l·a th e r

Arthur Ell e ry

Grant Gib so n

Robe r t H e id en re ic h

John H okanson

Jam es M c Gooclwin

C la ud e McLc sk ey

William M o rse

Paui Sumn e r

Donald Taylor


From the me mber s of this Form mu st be ch ose n th e leaders of next year's Second Form. Tl1is energet ic grou p of cadets sh ow great pr o111 isc of m;lking a r eco rd which will rate ve ry closely with th e Second Form thi s year.

Rob ert Ba ird

Claud B e hn, Jr.

Gordon Burrows

William Carter

William Crabbe

Robe rt Geyer

Thomas Jon es

Richard K ellar


Robert Kop sc h

Nicholas Manos

William McCoy

L:nvr cn cc McKay

Ri c hard Rapaport

George Rini er

Frank Stabile


T hese ca d ets have sh ow n a b i l ity 111 all of th e f ield s w hic h t hey h ave e n tered In two mo r e ye<trs t h y w ill be th e lea d e rs of Lowe r Sc h oo l a nd 111u ch is ex pecte d of t h e m Ma n y of t hem h ave a lr ea d y acco m p li s he d m a n y t hin gs of w hi c h t hey ca n be pro ud


T heo dore C Aa l bcrsbcrg

J o hn H Dow n y

Pa ul Do wn s

H oward F l y nn

George L Gi lk ey

J o hn F. Go ul d

J o hn J. ll a llld , Tll

Robert \ V. Mat h ews

P hillip C. Ne lso n

W ill iam II Ta n n e witz

H a r ry J. Wa l ke r , TIT

William A. Wi es bur g

Art h ur We ll s, Jr.


Thi s g r o up is m a d e up of the s malle st e:i d cts in th e Sc h oo l. ln th e' years t o rn rn e th ese boys w i ll be t h e lea d e rs of g rea t classes of whi c h How e Sc h oo l w ill h e pr o ud T h e r e :ire pl e nt y of yo un g pro s pects fo r g- rL· at H owe !:ie h oo l t ea m s h e r e.


J a m es C. Bo lc ns

D o nald M Chambe r lain

J a m es F. K ee nan , Jr.

K e nn eth E. Kiland c r

Richard M. McD e rm ott

R obe rt P MeD c rm ott

H e rb e rt H. Nee l y, Jr

J ose ph W. Ri c k e tts, Jr.

Dona ld A. R osn. tt i

R o be rt G Ruppr ec ht


Anot110r active year ha s e lo socl for the Lower dmi11g which tho old boys ha ve Ht e ppod up and nohly filled the plac es l oft by tho hoys who went on to Llie ]'vficldle.

'J 1 he old boys a11d J:i'aculty we l comed the now boys m1c1 now J1'ac11lty members flt an indoor hambm·gcr mast. Mr. Le;;ter Brailey who comes from Ohio, was given a real welcome. Al:,;o, Ncrgcant who i s R:-;sistm1t to Cnptain Pre::;(;on \Va H l'Ocei ved.

rl'lic leaders of "L" Compm 1y we re <'i10He11, -F irst i:,ieutenant Rodney J':vP rl1art; 8eeond Lieutenants J aek D1mcau, Frank Baackes, .James :1frGoodwiu; l<'il'st Nergeant George Duff,v; Sergeants .J iwk Cha lm ers, Rich1uc1 Covert, Ja ck llokauson, Louis Dietz, George Brovrn; Cor pora.l s Martin Bazner, Ulancl McLe s k.v; aml Private Wil'st Class, Gail f1' eaLher.

'l'l1e Compa n y has held its owu i11 the pnrades mid l1aR g iv en a fine ex hibit.ion or :-; il ent drill. '11 he spir it lias been fine. ; \ 111011g the lllany boys cited this year for neatness in clrcs:-; and wol L-c leai1ed Li avc bee n .Aalhersherg, Duffy G., Hinier, Duncan, Bazn01·, MrGooclwin, Hosati, vV ll s, Hickctts, Kopsch H.., l1mt R., and KeeuaiJ. Captain Prestou has held many competitive drills to get th cacletR rnady for Lhe fina] parades.

'Too, fo r exeo ll euco of stud ie s aml co n<lnd, ..1 \alh crnherg, Bolltsoma, Duncnn, J l amo l , McCoy, Nol. on, and Wells, ha ve rnniccl tho privil ege of leav ing ear ly.

011 th e first Nunclay tho cyc l e scprncl I '<1 hy the principal rode to the waternwlnn i)at c h wl1orc melon:-; nnd cantalon p<'s wore clevom·ed to tho heart's cont<'11 t. A not he r 0110 of tho opening featnres of tho year ·waH tile trip of the Ntnr List hoy ;; of tho prnvion s year to t lJC ' LaGra11gC' Con1 Nehool. Tho ho ys hnd n mnl'\'elons time tl1is year ou the Fenis \Vheol, Morry-Go -Hound and otl1er rides of the carnival. Throwing at the bottles with baseballs was also a fos<'i1rn.ting mn11sement.

'l'hc ancie n t riva lr y hetw<'cn the Kn icks and Whites h as 11c cn as int c))So m.; Ver. Coach Brai i<'\' luu1 eoacbecl 1hc \"fltites am1 .l\'1T. 'l1rygg 11a s b 'Cn tl1c i<:'<H1or of the K11icks. rp 11 e \i\Tliitos l'inH lly c1:1pt11 r ecl tile football sc rir s nfter a <'lose l1ard -fougl1t liattle in tl1c la st game.

l \rnrh Brailey did well in hnilcli11g up a spirited Low er foot ha I I tcnm that lrnmv not defeat although odds were exeecdingly h eavy against them. rrhc Mic1g-ch:;, under t11e Captaincy of tl1e fonncr Ca ptain Cl1arles Dautcd, took ih e games of the se rie s save one. 'l'lio '1'1ia11ksgiving game was a real battle nnd was not deciclecl nntil the la s t. wliisHe. Hrown n1adc a hcantifnl 1011g nm in the la st gm11 e for a torn::hclown. 'l1l1e s quad <'onsisted of C halm ers, McUoodwin, Kopsch, Bn1 ssc1, BaackoH, Manos, H.apa1Jort, .B'eather, Bro'Nn G., Bazner a 11d Duncan. Brown was n fine lead er aud cleso1·ves mucl1 eo rnrnend atio n for l1is effol'tR. .As a Tewa rd for the fine sp irit, Hr own an cl l''cat hcr were taken to the Nohe DamcHouthcrn Ca lifornia game.


!'h e Jnni or ser i es was nlso very ex<' i ting and l1a1·d fought. M<'Coy, Bo11tsc 111a , Behn and Aalbol'Shorg deserve m e ntion for the \i\Tl1it es, wlJilc Neele:v, Ho:mti, Keller and Ricketts Rtaned for tl1c K11icks.

A new Rport was organized after the regular football seaso n ca ll ed s ix man football. 'Phe teams participating ·were the Bears, Cardinals, Roel \Vings, Tigers, and the Panthers. The Bears won th e < 'ilampions hip.

' l1l1 e Mc Ke11:1.ie Literary 8oriety e lected thrir officers for the 36th annual gl'oup of meetings. 'Phc :B-,aoulty .AdvisPl' wa:-; Mr. Brailey; Duffy G., President; Jame H 1fcGoodwin, Vico-Presiden t; Thoma s Jones, 'J 1 1·ea surnr; Martin J3a7.n er, Parliamentarian. 'I'be Society has 11ad many very inter esting J.irogram s, debates, speeches and spec ial programs. The society sponsored a Ol1ristmas

movi0, "Rcrooge " before the Ulnistma s \' aca ti on. A i1 other fine s ouu 1 pictme W<1H sho1\' ll i>)1 the socioty,"l,ost J1111gle".

1\ now Honor Sorioty was started ?cm· ca ll ed Beta Lambdct Sigma, s irnil al' to Umn Laude i11 th Upper 8r l1 oo l. [ts imrvose i s to stimu la tr high aca ]ernic endonvol' and rea l sc h oo l s 1 iri t. 'l ' h e standard for ol i g; ibili t)· cons ists of a" 13" av0rnge with four "A's" . .B-,1'. ,Jenniug s is the lf'acult.v .Adv iser and Rgt. l•;dwards is tho Senior Counse lor.

'!'here l1 ave been lllany enterta inm ent r·eat ur es dnring the sc ho o l year. On Washington's Birthday, eac h grncle spoke at Blake H a ll. A fine C hri stmas program was g i ven featuri 11 g tl1e Psalt01'.Y C hoir under the ah lo direction of Mrs. Morgan, - the first of it s kind at How e. This p arty was a thrilling one with Santa C lau s in the person of Mr. Kintzel who presented the hoys and g11ests with presents. rrh e Livin g Room was panelled with p11inting. of the sre 11 es load ing· to the Rirtli of Clnist clo11e by the st ud ents in the art comses. .After the carol singing refreshments were served. Lat er a very successf ul comm1111ity s in g was g iv en by the stude nt s for t h e- Facu lt y and guests. Crabbe, as Master of Ceremonies, c] ever ly introtluced many fine i1umbern amo11g them two oxh il1ition s of dancing giv011 hy Rally Da v is and a young mau :from rrhere was a dancing p arty for the dancing clm;s, with prize dancing. McCo.v was judged the best dancer witl1 H.osati running him a cl ose seco 11d.

ne-w lit ernry society in ]1or1or of tlie founden; of the Lower S hoo l , Mr. a nd Mrs. r1'oc1c1, was started for the bo)- s in g-rade s fom and fiYo. Mrs. Morga n i s tbe Waculty Adv i Rer, Donald Hosat i i s the president, .Joseph Hicketts, secretary and ' Pl1 e society had a party ith fine food and a good time.

Oue of the bi ggest events of the fall seaso n was th e annual I1 allowe 'en The ving Room was decorated in eerie fasl1ion and presented a gl1o stly sett in g

for t h e s to1') ' to ld b:· Mr. rrr.\ gg. Mau)' a ttrnctiY e and i1oveL co stume s wer e s e e n at tl10 party. rr1i o prizes 1vent to "Tid" as the rrraffic- li g ht s ignal, 11 j lkim., as a leopard, Dahlman and Hosati a s lacl ie'l , Behn, t11e comic tramp, Baa c k .· , tho s k e leton, Bets :' Young a s Dmrn l d Dnck, and Mart h a Down s , tl1e Dutch gir l.

During the l oug winter mo11th thel'o was a s atter in g of hirthcla:· dinner,;, l·ar ehit feeds aml s preads of one kiud or a11ot h er . Sorne were at the 11otel ::incl others at the Lower. Pancake broakfosts were a lso popular. Among those p;iY iu g suc l1 partie · were Duucan, Ke ll er, ]\if C'Goodwi n , Bazner, a nd Baird, Gi lk ey, 8unmer, Gould and R ini er . Also, there were i11a11 ,\1 steak roasts out -of -door s Mr. Nmnner gave the boys a wate rm e lon part.' · in the fa ll.

' l'h e aco l.\'tes h ave been v e r.v fait liful this ,\·eal'. rr li ere are twelve in the group. Haackes i s h ad sen·er, Uh a lm e1·s is a ssi. ·tant h ead M l'V er . rrhe.·e bO.\ ' S qualifif'CT fo r tl1e la r ger Gu il d hy pa. s:-ii 11 g tile exam in atio n s. There have h eo u many Corporate UornmnnionH with a lm ost a full att.endanC'c at the splend i d lcctme s g i \ en hy Fr. Murphy on the "Creocl", th e "C l1nr ch 's "l,ife of C hri st" and "llow We Got Our Bible". '1' h ere we Te so , era l co rpor ate breakfasts and mo,·ic pal'ti es at Sturgis. rl1 l1 e g r oup has been a faithful grou p in the st ndi o:-; eonueC'ted witl1 their work. Old rnemh rrs were: jjaarkes, C halrn e r s, Holm, McCo.\ , Rinier, R. New m 'mhers Wf're: Dnff.\· G., l l o kan so 11 , Duncan, Kopsrh, Mc<Joodw in , Brussel.

During the late fa ll at Still Lake, CHptain Preston, Mr Brail ey and the h ockey pla) ·ers bacl some ex:c iti.u g battles. Ngt. J•; dw ard. · , with the h e lp of boys i.11 tcrc>ste rl , lmilt a real skat in g pond ri.ght bark of the Lower. Some of the Faculty used it at night.

Mr. Brailer de\·eloped a fine hasketball team - 01w capab l e of defeatiug the Mido·ets in all ; 14-11 ; 18-Hi ( OYert irn e) ; 38-J 5; 1-1: -1] ;

15 - l ·L 'l1he Lower kPpL up ib; winnillg l'C'<'orcl on trips b,\' defeating Ol1io , .Juni or lligh Ncl1ool :-38-15 and Piolll'l' l'S (\entn1l Y. M. C. 1\. To lcclo, Ohio, l 7. 'J'l1c Lowe1· won 1:3 gm11es m1cl lost JO games dnring; the seaso n. 'l'lw higl1est scorer , were Duu 'an witl1 155 point s and Baackes with lOD poi11ts 'l'hc squa d co11si Rte cl of : 11'o nvanls, Haack es, ( 'ha lm el'S, Duff v G.; Guard -, Brnwn 0 ., 11 1 e utlH'I', 111f anos, R, au cl ( '<•11tC'l", nuncnn.

Hevcral gifts 'ive1·e ti tau kful 1.Y rcrci Yec1 Llli s )' ear Mr. Frank rr 110111p so11, an olcl Lcrwcr ho)' prcscntPd the Ila sketba II tea 111 " ' itll beautiful gTee 11 snits. Dr. Be l111 pr esente d llic e luh teams with jc•rseys. M1·. Niln ll t'r, of the (1i1 1<'i1rn at i F'lag Uo., gave tl1c M<'Keitzi Litcrnr.r Hoci t.v a fine si lk tlag, staf f mid 11olc1er. Mrs. Duffy gan• Lhe f.\O \ iet.'· a gavel. 1\ l :·m, Mr. M acDonal ], :rn o lcl Lower hoy, s nt th Lower a blaC'ic he <.-n w hi ch has fnrnii-;hed the C'arnpus uo Ii ttlc.• amnsome11t and exc i tement cRpcPia ll )'with its ea rly escapade. A l so, due to tlw gt>nC'rosit,r of M r. Ball 'H, man.\ ·

n 'W and valnahlc ])oo lrn were ad<lerl to t Ile Lower Lihra t',\". 1\ lr'lo, due to t i 1c ki11d11ess of Mr. Jordan, tlll' Lower and the 8<'l1dol l1as had tl1e l1se of a ffoe sonlHl prnj<'rhw wl1ich has added to tl1e pff' iC'ie11 ·'' of' ib> visua l instrurtiou progTHlll.

Duri11g tl1c year there lut\ ' <-' hecn lmudrecl hours ol' som.1cl f ilm s, Hi le t1t film s, s lides and fi lm s lid es which !l ave in<'l'ea sccl the l earn ing proeess and tnacle clouhl.v i11t c 1"sti11g mid instruetivc a ll the <'ourseR of stncl \' J\lso, tl1c <'lllTieu lnrn hai,; he e n grcat l. y enric h ed h.'· the adtlition of the art cournc g;iveu Mrs. Morga11. 'rbis included co lor drawing, oi l paint in g, and c lay srn lpt oring. rr 1i e r e 'vcre two spl nclid art exhibit i ons gin•n in tltP Lower LiYi ng lloom. On sl1cl\'CS wer e placed models or r la.Y. ' l'h e walls

W<'rc> covered wi tli water- o !or pictures, oi I paintings, hlock prints and pastels. :Much talent wa:'i sl1own h,\ ' tl1e work. rl'llosc who saw it were ve r r lti g lil)· pkasect.

.Dming the winter rno11ths the Hutl the e11tirc sr ho o l l1ad ping-pong· con-

h>st8. Th<· champio11s of' the gnu.lcs were: 5th G rRclc, H.ickrtt s; 6th Grnde, Ilam0l; Ith (trade, Dahlman; 8t h Gracle, J)11nca11 Du1wa11 was scl 1ool clrnrnpio11 witlL lh1ltlma11 nrnucr-np. 'l'hen' wen: tile exri li11g Goldr11 Gltwes ('onlests,' l'u1rnewit7. nncl Me( 1oy, l\fatthew s and \\I eish<wg a11d the ]\if C'DernioLt twins. 'l 1 l1c J'i11alists W<'re J1'catl1crw c ig;hts, \ 's . 'l'mrnewi tz; Lightwci gilt; Cl1arn lwrlni.11 \'S. 11..; Light l l ocw.Ywcigl 1t, n;. M attl 1e \\' S; and 11 eaYywrip;ht, Du11ran \ 's I1'cat hcr.

Dnrinµ; the )'01 11' there ha\ ·c bec11 fTcqueut L1\wult> · l1H' et ings followccl h.' · a soP i a l time for tltc Fa<'11 it» mernhers. Prolllems were disenssed and many matlPrs of rontine .·e tLlecl. ' l1 h c strnle11ts \\ '(' t: C graded i11 the various poil1b; of <'itizenship. 'rite s(' r ecords were gone O\ ' 'I' witl1 each indiYiclua I and tl1e eaclet was a::;k ecl to try Lo remcll? wealrnesKes as graded h.'' the cliJ'fercnt l"aculty rncrnher" 'l' l1 esc rerords have lieen \ 'C l'.\ ' 11clpful to both l1 'ar ult)· a11cl student.

.l\[au.v hahits llaYe been rha11gcd ancl rnneli impr0Yeme11t shown.

frnmediately aftC'l' the 8pri.ng vacation there 'i\'iL' the usna l spirited i11c1001· baseball se ri es l>c1:wcei1 tile 1.wo Plnh teams. ' l' l1 ese were pla.\·ed i11 th0 l>ig gym and ont-of-doors. 'l1 l1 e rc was a lso keen ri\ 'a ln· ])ctwecn tl1c .Tnnior teams Games of ·indoor were played h.' ' hoth la1 ·ge and small tN1n1s with Btnrgis, LaGrm1g·e 1 l ,ima mid a .luui or team from the Middle.

' l1 l1 ere were man.\· harclh a ll gamc8 wi.tl1 the same ri, ·a ls and teimis tournalllents. Nturgis and tl1c Jm1ior J\il iclclle tcarn met (ll>f'cat i 11 con1petition. Feat h er nml Chalmers were the hatte1y, Hrown, Haack: efi, ];-;,,e rl1al't, Rosati, Ihmcan, Raz11e1· a11d Dnff.' ' G. were no·n l an; Oil the lundhall team. B ro wn ,..., lc<l in hatting- on tl1c irnfoor team.

'l'here were ha l'll_\'ard g-o l E champ ionslii ps between a ll c lasses. 'rhe boys in lll<=1ll)' cases threw so me arcurate 11 orses hocs. Mc Ka) ', Kopsch and Belin were ont fo1· ear lr 11 ouors.

'I'ho tr::tck moot hetween the Kn icks and vVlrite s waH very exciting· It was won br the [\11icks with Duncan scoriug t l1 e most individu::tl points. Meets were held with Lima, and Sturgis. Our stl'ong team did fine. McCoy s<'ored points as we ll as Ra pap ort, Brown G., Keenmi.

turnbliug- exJ1ibition was another r ea l ·portfcst of tJ10 year, g·i ven before the big Commencement crowd. The o ld l eaders, G lendinning, Rat hbun H., Mmp]1y, ai1d \lV hstel' were wonderfn ll y h elp ed by Ura il , Aalb er:-;berg, Brm;se ll , Hnrrows, Carter, Carter, Clmlmers, Gould, Hamel, KopHch, Tannewitz a11d C hamb erlain. Baa.ekes acted as property man. Many new features we1·e added to the clown fall and otlier i;;nappy rnovernents.

.Another athletic event of irnporta11cc -it was counted real fun-was the anmml picnic held at Cedar Lake. From t li e fone the sho uting boys l eft in the big tru ck until tl1eir return Jat e in tl1e aftel'noon there was a quick succesRion of aetiY itics. Will the tug of war, tlie races, tlie g:l'eat fire-works, the swimming, boatiug and eafotg of lu sc iou s food out in the opc11 l1 e forgotte11 for a Jon g time!

Sill anot h er event took place on Dec·oration Day wlriclt is going to stay in the memory of a l I the boys-the thril li11 g wheel ride to lj't. \iV ayne . The caravan l eft real ear ly in the morning witl1 :Nfr. Bonton, I, r ..Je1mings, Beck, Nourse, Mr. '..11rygg, Benoy, Brown G., McLesky, ] 1okan 011, Duffy G., Baackes, Rinier, Dietz, Du11can, Cha lm ers, Dahlman, Carter, nazn or and Bontsema. The ride was full of thrill : and fun all the way from the hr ea kfast table of the Kingsbmy to A vi ll a-C l1i<'k en Dinner-from h ere to

t h e big time at Ft. Wayne at tbe Keenan and the Emboyd. Mr. Downs was the chief first-aid man for the travellers.

The rivalry for the All-Point s hi e ld of the Lower School was keen a ll year aud it wa H a close race between McCoy aud Dmican. r1 1 hi s is tJ1e hi g h est honor given earJ1 to the a ll -round boy of the lJow e r.

r11h e rifle competiti.on was also very keen thi s ai1d this resu lt ed in many t'I ose matcJrns.

Dining the year many 11ave received the coYeted 1·eward of Merit Cards indi ·ating superior work done in studieH. Near ly every boy has at one time or other merited one of these honor <'ards during t h e year Of course those who received t l1 c most cards ha ve a lr eady been mentioned in the roster of the 11 onorary So<'iety of the Lower Schoo l. ·

'l1lte Lower made a fine s howin g at tho annua l inspection by the government both ju drills and in personal appearance and iu barracks. The officers have worked h ard and during Captain's :,;hort absen<'es, Charles Reid, an old Lower hoy lia s kept up the rigid dri 11 movements.

So from the opening· gun in tho fal I to the la st note:-; o:f the Au ld Lang Syne of the dress parade there l1 as been constant activity mixed with serious work, i1lay and real recreation. It has b een a year wl1icl1 the Second. l11 ormen; will lo11g look hack to with many fond memorieH of ])l ea:,;ant times. 'l'he rest of the stndent hody will a l so rememher the old friends hip s and w ilJ detern1ine to carry on wbcre the ho ys heing promoted left off ...'\ lt appy a Hd weJl-spent summer to yon a lJ !



ADLA I C. YOUNG, f nfont r y, lJ. S. A. Prof essor Military Scie11 cc n11rl Tactics

MAJOR J AME S S. MERR I TT, Ca pt. ln f. Re s. , U. S. A. Com111.a111la11t

CAPTA I N GEORGE S. PR ES TON, Inf. Res., U. S. A. Ta clirat Offi ce r W liite /-l a /I

CAPTA I N S HI RLEY R. GLE NN, Inf. Re s., U. S. A. Tn cli cat Of.firer Gray Halt

CAPTA I N Or 11 0 LIN C Dire clor of Ba11d a11d Orrliesl r a

L1wn·: NAN·1 DoNALlJ 11 STl!CKEY, In f. Res. , lJ. S. A. Tacli<al Office r H owe Hall

SERr. l : ANT MEL\' I N w. DAUER, D E. M L., ll S. A. Assista11/ lo P. M. S. & 'J'.


Under the effic ent ea d e r s hip of Captain Jordan and hi s officers t h e Co111pany h as rn adc exce llent prog ress throughout h e year, and promises to g i ve Co1npany "B" goo d competition in t h e co 111p ct iti1 c drill t hi s Co111111e11ce11l\:nt.

Cadet l'vfajor David C. Jordan

Captai n •... •. Martin L. Tausz

Fir st Lieutenant. Pierre J. Font

Second Lieutenants Jame s R. L. McMahon, Theodore J. Ptak

I• ir s t Scq,:-cant Westbrook Jon es

SE RGEANTS : Edwards, Gi ll , C hatain, B ec k, Cassell, Palm er, Di etz, Bla ck.

CORPORALS: C lappi so n, C l inton, Sch ul tz, Stabile, Beggs G., \¥attic s !'J., Tullar, B e no y, Blakemore, l3ur ge r, Do y in g, L a ucll•ma11.

PRIVA'r Es F 1R sT CLA>s: Barlow, Brown, T ., Bu s h Del ze ll , Eng- li sh, Jen se n, Keenan L., Ma rqui ss, Munger, Mu rph y J. H., M cMa h on G., Stra t h, Wheatl ey, Willey.

PRtYATE S: t\dam, AIHcns, Allcndorph, Brown, Bl :tnkcnhurg, Cederberg C., Cederbe r g R., Davi s, Dnvlorntcs, Ellery, Ga rdn er, Golden, Good s p.;c d, Hamak er, H e ndri c k, Hurlbut, .J c n11in gs , MrNea l, L ev in e Moor eh ea d, Ne wman, Noll, Ovcr1n eye r, Patte r s on, Parcel s, Rathbun , R ca \ ·es, Ro e, Vickers, T h oma& F., Torbc r so n, \.Vonnan E.


Compa n y "B" h:t s had, :t nd rdain c d, the of 111 a rc hin g as th e leading Company in all parades eve r since th e ir 1 inory of l ast Commc n ce n1 e nt. T hi s s du e to t he fine coopcrntil'C sp irit of th e incli1 idual ca dets wit h t he ir ca d et officers.

Captain s Earl L Carte r , Lyl e 0. Taylor Fir st Lieutenant s Donald Su lli van, Charles R ei d Second Li e ute nan Howard Youmans F ir st Se r gea nt. R o bert Brin es Tec h nical Scq:,:-cant. ·; John W. Mmphy

SUlG l AN Ts: Goode, Twaddle H., Grennan, Cameron, Pa1·ke r, Spillson, Twaddle W No ur se.

CoRPOHAL S: M cM ull e n, Burch, Mangu111, Shakes peare, Boak es , Mart in R. L., Harl ey, Glcndinning, Pa c kard, H oste n, Stewart, Worm a n L., R ec d, Hufford

PRIV AT ES F IRST CLASS: Bender, C l ancy, Bla zo , Crail, Da u tel, Tlart, L ee Martin R. A., Meli, M cC r ca d y, Pollack, Lon g-: Ln, Ow e n, Pier ce, Kop sc h 1-l.

PRl\'A 'J'E S: Ashworth, Beggs Ed Farrn c r, B e nn e r, Brandt, Brnok s, Duffy, Gibson, Ha z<e rd, H e nd e r so n, Hud so n, Knowlson, Murphy R., Palrn e rl ce , Stotndis h, Tay l or, Wattl es M., \V c bster, Wurzhurg, Zanders, Young.


!n this st urdy g roup of cadets live s h e neve r-dyin g sp1r1t cif the L owe r Sc hool. It s hi s s pirit whi c h ac hi eves s uc h "'cr·c llcnt drillin g a nd di c iplin c The Lowe r Sch ool Cornpany ofte n h as the best lin es at the pMa d cs a nd th e ir e ffici e ncy in sill' nt drill, in wh ic h no co11 1111and s arc g ive n, s asto undin g.

First Li c ut en a nt. Rodney F:l' c rlrnrt SL·ro11d Li e ut e n ants Frank Baa c kes G eo r ge Duffy, Ja c k Duncan, Jam es McGoodwin

C'oKl'OltAL > Ba z ner, Behn, El.ki11, Feat he r Jon es, McCoy, Rini c r

PR IVA TE S FIRST Cr.As: Hokan so n, Kopsch R., McLcskcy, Ril'kctts, Walke r W e ll s.

PR IVA TE S: Aa l bcrsbe 1·g Baird, Bear, Bon sc ma, Bru sse l , Burrc,\\ s, Carter, Chambcdain, Crabbe, DahllTlan, Down ey , Downs, Flynn, Geyer, Gi lk ey, Gould, 1Iammcl, H e id e nr e ich, Kelle" Kiland e r, MrDermott Rirhard, M cD c rn1ott Robe rt, McKay, Ma n os, Math ews , M orse, Nee ly , Nelso n , Rap <tport, Ros<tti, RupprL' c ht Stabi e F., Su mn er, Tan ncwitz, Veishurg-, Bolen s


Th e B:Lnd, und e r th e dir ect ion of C tpt:cin Ling, well descr \'es t he prai se of Cadet Co rp s, Patrons, ;u1d Faculty for its lin e s h owi n g t hi s year !\.lw ;tys ;u1 outstan clin g part of th e parades <lll(f inspections, th e band s 1111 intcg-m part of t he C<1rp s

Wt> owe much of tin s fin e s h ow in !:· to th e leade r ship of Captain Ling-, Drun1 Major Bla c k, and the fullest coop c rn.tion of a II the band.

TRL"NI PETS: Tay or, Edwards, Munge r, W:1ttl cs, Xandc rs. CL .\ Rl NET S: Clappi so n, Hart, ":i ss cll, B ender, To rberson.

T IWM BONES: Ptak, Ccck1·be rg, A d am.

l3 AtU'J'O NEs: Brown T., Ow e n.

B Ass 1- s: A hr e n s Worman L DRLIM S Patterson, Harl ey T ull ar.

S \XOl'llONE: Strait h

.I . I I



The l oc: Ll c hapter of thi s soc ie t y \v as esta bli sh ed o n 1h c 1-J o we Sc h ool Ca mpu s i n 1906 as one of t h e Ii rst c h apters of the l\ lph a D e lta Ta u Soc ict)', a national frat e rnity. D ue to th e di sco n tin u ation of th e nati o nal soc ie ty t h e A lph a D e l ta Tau Soc iety h as bee n co ntinu ed a s a l oca l 01·gan iz;ttio 11 of th e Sc h oo l. M e mbers hip in thi s soc iet y g i1 ·es m c111b e r shi p in th e Cum Laud e Societr, t he nati o n:tl s ociety w hi c h took th e pla ce of th e Alp h a D e lt a Ta u Soc iety

T h e soc ie ty re tain s :ts hi g h sta nd ard by se lect in g o nl r a c h ose n few am o n g m a ny cager ca d e t s A c:u u lid ate for t he s ociety mu s t h ave academ ic g r a d es abov e average a lo n g w i t h exce ll ent co ndu ct an d c h aracte r. If th ese r equ ire me nts a rc n ot rn Ji nt a in e d t he m e mb e r at fau lt is s uspe nd ed from t he soc ie ty.

Its :t ctiv ity t h is year h as ce n tered nrni n I )• aro und th e r c 1 is ion of t h e cons t i t u t io n 3 nd by-law s of t he society a nd t h e e lect i on of n e w m e111be rs. Eac h ye ar the soc iety g ive s a m e dal to t he .cadet, outs id e of its 111 e111b c rs, who be s t li ves up to t h e re quir e m e nt s of th e soc iety

Pr es id e n t •. , H e rb e r t Twad dl e Sec rct<tr y .•... H owa r d Youman s

T rcas urc 1·. Vv'arr e n Twa ddl e


J o hn Bla c k

Andrew Gi ll

Marvin Edw;trds

M r B o u ton

Mr. J a 111i eso n

Fr. J e nnin gs

Mr. No r ton

Mr. J o hn A ik111an '20


The 1938 Sword and S h e ath Club co ns ist s of ten m e mb e r s. Throu g h o ut th e yea r they ha vc taken an active part in cla ss projects. In th e s upervi s ion of pp er School st ud y per iods, self-co ndu c t e d etiquette cla sses, and incr ease d privi l eges th e gro up ha s sh o wn o ut st andin g leadership

T h e c l uh h ad th e p!ca s l11·c of Bi s h p Gray' s pr ese nce :it one of th c i r rn ec ti n gs whe n h e expresse d hi s v iews on th e ir activiti es.

The rankin g Juni ors of thi s y•: ar have pro sp ects of ca rryin g thi s organization to eve n hi g h e r st:u1danl s

MAJOR ADLAI C. YOUNG, Infantr y , U. S. A


D:H'id C. J o rdan, Pr es id e nt

Earl Cart e r

Lyle Taylor


Martin T a u z

Charles R e id

Donald Su llivan


Pi e rr e J. F o nt

H owa rd Youman s

Jam es M c Mahon

Th eo d o r e Ptak


Un d e r th e ab l e co: trhin g of hjor Youn g a n I Sergeant D a ue r the 193 8 Rifl e tea m rnmplcte d a ve ry s u ccessful seaso n.

The team won e ig h t out of the fift ee n mat c h es fir e d, pla c ing fir s t 111 th e o rp s A rca and third in th e H.: ar st Trophy Match.

VVith the exception of five lett e rmen, 1h c e ntir e tea m will rdurn n ex t year.

A lr ea d y the 1n a.tc h e> arc plan1wd for mxt ycRL· in whi c h th e returning m e n sh o uld 1uake a fin e sh owing.

NAME Av e. PER. TARGET H erbert Twaddk ( aptain) 92.67 Theodor e Ptak. • 9 I. 5 2 Phillip Grennan 89 .91 W a rre n Twaddle 87.53 Ran y Didz •.. 86.55 J ack Murphy ...•... 85.43 Walter Barlow 85.05 Pr es ton Be c k .• , 83.58 H owa rd Blazo 83.28 William Shotkes pea r e '. 82.69 Ri c hard Stra ilh 82.2 + Howard Youman s 8 1.0+ D ona Id Ca m e r o n 7 9. 8 9 Thomas Longan , 79 .++ Rob e rt Cederbe r g , 73.8 1


Th e How e H era ld thi s year ha s once 111 o r e prov e n it se lf a mo st worth y asset to the Sc h oo l. T h e H e rald is a. w ee kly pap e r e dite d by a g roup of very able ca d e ts The H c J· a ld S t uff d ese r ves much c re dit for its fin e work in k ee pin g the patron s, a lumni a nd cadets in co ns tant touc h with eac h other.

Un lik e la s t )' e' .i·'s He1a.ld, it ha s b<'c n a s mall e r s ize s h ee t, hut ha s tr iumph e d 01 cr thi s handic a p bea utifully.

Not to be unm e nti o n ed for hi s exce lle n t wo rk is o ur Faculty Adviser, Father Muqihy, w h o h as spe nt 111any co untl ess , tedious h o ur s with us dev e l oping the H era ld int o a. n o tabl e pap e r.

T h e H e ra ld h a> alway s pr ov id e d a fine o pp o rtunit y for tho se boys inte r este d in journali s m, and b es ide s th e expe ri e n ce, it furnishes many ot h e r val u abl e tr a ining habits.

} ' rom a ll appearan ces th e I-I crn ld Staff n ex t year will be c omposed of bo ys who arc cager to ca rr y 0 11 and fo rward th e H o we H e rald' s r e putati o n

Editor Il e rb c rt Twaddle

Editor ..•. J o hn S. Ul ack

Sport s Editor ...........•.............. R o b ert Mangum

Ass istan t Spo rt s F.ditor • How ard Blazo

Exchange Editor .....•........ William K. Ca sse ll

Cir c ulation Man n.gc r Alfred W. Sc hult z

Copy D e partm e nt. J o hn S. Cl in ton and Thoinas Park er

Busin ess D epa rtm e n t R obe r t Goode and John L. Patte r so n


A da111, W., Taylor, L., S tandi s h, Murphy R., Ow e n , Ptak, R ec d , W., Twn.dd lc , W., Vvh ea tl e y, a nd Baa ck es

Alullln i Editor ..................•............ J o hn Aikman '20

Facu lt y Adviser. Rev. Rob e rt J Mu1·ph y


The loc:tl c hapte r of the Ord e r of S:tint Vin ce nt, a na t i o n rd g uild fo r a.c o l ytes, on th e campu s of H owe is und e r the dir ectio n of Fath e r Murphy. Th e 111 c 1nhc r s of th e g uild h ave bee n very active in th e c hur c h sc n i res throu g hou t th e ye ar

The or g :tnization of th e l oca l ch a pt e r co nsi sts of two g r o up s T h e r e are th e m e mb e r s o f th e nati o nal o r ga ni zat io n who d o a g r ea t d e al o f se rvin g at th e A lt ar. Th e seco nd gro up co ns ists of a.ssoc iat es, ca d e t s who a re act ive in t he c hur ch se rvi ces , but ca n n ot se r ve th e A lt a r beca use th ey h;1vc n ot yet bee n eo nfirm e d Th e fir s t requ i r e m ent for e ntrnn cc to th e g uild is fait h f ul se r v ice in t h e c hur c h acti, iti es ove r a long p e ri od of tim e. Th e candidat e mu st th e n sc 1·ve :t pe riod as a p r o bati o n e r. Durin g t hi s pe ri o d th e pro s p ec tiv e m e mb e r mu st fulfill the oth er r e quir e me nt s for e ntra n ce At th e c l ose of thi s p e ri od th e m e mbe rs o f th e C hap ter co nsid e r t h e canclid:tt c car e full y to m ake c e rtain t hat h e has 1n e t a ll th e qualifi ca tion s. If th e ca ndi dat c is e le ct ed he is allow ed to w e ar t h e me dal of th e ord e r and beco m es :i fre qu e n t se rv e r at the A lt ;ir


C harl es R e id, H ea d A co lyte ; H owar d Youman s, A ss istant !l e ad Aco l yte; Willi a m as.sel l, Ccrc 1n o nari o us ; J o hn C lin to n; P1·cs ton B er: k; R o be rt Murphy; Warr e n T waddle; Ja ck Gl c ndinnin g


Alfr e d S hult z ; Da vid J o rd a n ; W es tbrook Jon es


Th e ch o ir, und er the able di r ection of Mr. J. J osep h Sc hillin g h as co mpl eted 011c of its finest years.

lt ha s thi s yea r, a s alway s, p l aye d a large part in our reli g iou s li fe at sc h oo l and is d ee pl y app r e ciate d hy all who atte nd St. Jan1 cs' Ch:tpcl.

Th e c hoir is mad e up of a fine gro up of cadets, many of whom will fortunately be b ack n ext yea r. Th e c hoir is one of th e r ea son s why th e chape l continu es to be the h ea rt of th e Sc h oo l.

Captain Lin g i s to be congn•tu la t c d on hi s work as dir ec tor of the c hap e l orc h es t ra.

Or g ani s t and Choirma ster .• Mr ]. Jo se ph Sch ill ing-, A. A.G. 0. D i recto r of C hapel Orch es trcL. , Captain Lin gChoir Moth e r Mrs. Ling


D o nald Ro sati

Willia111 M cCoy

Claud e B e hn

Harry Walk e r

John Gould

Grover B ea r

Robert G .; yc r

Jack Bru ss d

Rob e rt Baird

G eo r ge Rini c r

John Ham e l

Phill ip Nel son

John Chalm e rs

Jam es Bol e ns

William Tann ewitz


C laud e McLeskey

Ja111 es M c Gooclwin

Lewi s Di e t z

J;i ck Dun ca n


L ee Wor111an

Rob e rt A hr e n s

William Recd

Richard Stra ith


Donald Cam e ron

Scrib n er Palm e r

George McMahon

William S h ak es pe are

William Hart

Hcrb e1·t Thomas


T he l! owc Sc hool Orc hestra is an o rganization co mpo se d of tho se boy s of th e Sc ho o l w ho arc possesse d of mu si ca l ta l ent. T hi s gro up of e ne r get ic ca de ts sa crif i ces its time to give t he Cadet Corps thr ee co nc e rts thron g h out the ye ar

T hi s year t he or c hestra h ad a ve r y succe ssf ul seaso n und e r t he dire ctio n of Captain Ling. B es ides the three co nce rt s the o r ga ni zat io n takes part in many ot h er act i v ities such as th e Fo und e rs' Day and the Co lllm e ncc 111 c nt Exercises.

Mr s. D. H Ea st wa s the voca l ist a t one of th e concer ts So l os h ave been played by Marvin Edwa rd s, trnmp et, a nd Theodo r e Ptak, trombone.

B e noy


V i olin

M e li Vio li n Owen , , , , Vio lin

Murphy R Violin


• Violin

M cLc s ky : Violi n Brown T , , , F lu te Clappison C l a rin et Edwar ds Tr ump et Pt ak Trombo n e

Capta.i n Ling

H orn

Mr. J. J osep h Schi llin g , • •. Piano


T hi s o r ga ni za tion m a d e it s fir st app ea ran ce o n th e carnpo s last year, but h as grow n to a goo d -s ize d soc iety s in ce t h e n. T he c lub is und e r th e spon so r s hi p of Mr Pri ce w h o dir ec t s a numbe r of p la ys each ye ar for t h e e n joyme n t of t he Facu lt y and Cadet Co rp s

To beco m e a m emb er of th e E ig ht Club o n e mu st be an actor o r a s t age man ag\!r for o n e of t he pl ays T h e m e mb e r s of th e club a r e all e nthu s ia sti c parti c ipant s 111 t h e a ctiviti es of t he Sc h oo l, a nd join toget h e r durin g th e year in m a king a n id e al c lub

Preside nt , , Robe r t Goode

Vicc-P J" es id c nt , Pi e rr e Fo n t

Secre t a ry , .•........ John W. Murphy

Trea s u r e r ., Ha 11 Pa ckard

Sc r ge: uit -a t- A nns John Bla c k

Spo n so r , , , Mr. B L. Pri ce


Ma1·r MrNc:c l

Charl es Reid

lJa l' icl J orcla n

R o bert A dam

l l ow arcl Blazo

J o hn P a tte r s on

Leo K ee nan

Lyl e Tay l or

H e rb e rt Twaddl e

William R ec d

T h eo dor e Ptak

H1 ward Youman s

Harlan Be n oy

Jn ck Chatai n

Warr e n Twaddle

C lair Ow e n

Rob e rt Mangmn

William Casse ll

J o hn Sp ill so n

Th o ma s P arker

Ri c h ard To li a r

A lfr e d Sc hult z


T h e me 111bc r s of th e O l d G u ard r ep rese n t t he o l dest o r ga n ize d g r o u p at H ow e Sc h oo l.

To gai n 111 e 1n hc rs hip a cad e t m ust h al'C rittcndc d H ow e fo r fo u r year Afte r t hi s p e r iod h e fe el s as th o u g h he we re a n in sepa r ab le p a r t of t he in stitut io n T h ro 1who u t t h e yea r t hi s gro u p of b oys has s how n t he ir f i ne sp i r it by I'" rt ic ipation i n Sc h oo l activ i t ies.


Ba: Lrkcs

B ec k

B oa ks

Cam e ron

Ca r te r

Ca ss el I

C ha t a i11

Du ffy, J.

E lkin

E \'c rh ar t

Fo n t

Glcndinni n g

H c 11d c 1so n

J o rd:lll

Kee n a n , J.

Ke ll e r


Mrl'oy McMa h on, G.

Mr. Bouton

M r J a mi eso n

Major M e rritt

McMa h on, J.

Ma11gu 111

M urph y, R.

Nour se

Pa l111 c r

Pa l1 11 c rlc e

Pa r k e r


Rat h bun


Fat h er J e nn in gs

Ca p ta in P res to n

Majo r Littl e

M r Aik m a n

Mr. No 1t on

Mr. S n ow

Mr Neff

M r Dow ns

Reid, C.

Rick e tt s

Rini cr

Spi ll so n

S ull i\'a n

Ta usz

Tay l or, L.

Wattle s,

\'o Ul l1'111 S

Mr M o rga n

Ca p ta in L i n g

Li e u t. Stuck ey

M r Sc hillin g

Fat he r Mu r p h y

M r F ish er

M r P owe ll

Dr. F. C Wade

D r. A. A Wa d e

D r. D uff

D r. L ieb


The Var s ity " H " C lub at 1 l owe is o ne o f th e o utsta ndin g of the SC' h ool. Even in t h e l a st year th e rluh ha s ri se n to g re at er !wig ht s than e 1·e r be for e , and a s a r es ul t jt ha s co mmanded a g r ea t d ea l o f re s p ec t fr o m st udu1t s, Facu l ty, and A lumni alike. A s the Vars it y "J-1" is th e :ct hlc tic club at How e a great J11any of the c ad ets ha1 ·e h cco 111e m e mb er s through th e ex t e n s i ve sports pro g nun offered by t h e Sc h oo l. To ga in ni c 111b c r ship a c:ulct nee d o nly win a let t e r in on e of th e s ix s p orts which hav e Var si ty t ea m s.

T he excdknt spirit of former yea r s wa s exce ll ed thi, yea r mainl y be c:i usc the officcss a nd the other n1 e 111b c rs ha ve go n e farther in coope1·ating wit h o n e anot h e r fol" t h e mutual be ttcnnent of th e who le organization. Th e club revised it s rule s a nd by-law s in Ol'( lc r t hat impro ve d s p orts 1nan ship a nd a Je s ir c to obey training rule s might r es ult. Th e cooperat io n of th e m e mb e rs of th e organization ha s clam! a g rea t d ea l toward rai s in g th e Schoo l spirit to it s h ighc st peak.

The off icers of th e 193 8 Var s ity "H" Cl ub wa e : David C. Jordan, Pr es id ent; Lyl e 0. Taylor, Vic e- Pr esi d e nt; Pierr e J. F o nt, Secretary; C harl es T. R e id , Tr e a su rcr; Gordon J. McMu ll e n, Scrgcant-at-Anns.


Font Grennan Taylo r L. Lon g an Cha ta in Mu l'ph y J. Tu llar C rai l

Stabile R ei cl C. Ptak Edwards

Gi ll M cM ullcn Wattle s N. \' O lll11 llll S

C lint on M c:C 1·cady Acla1 11 Bl ac k

Diet z Host e n Casse ll Twaddle W.

B eggs G. Martin R. Jla tt erso n M a ngmn

Laud e man S ulli van T:rn sz M e li

Barlow Spi ll son Ca rt er B ec k

E n g li s h Packard Sc hult z S hakespeare

Jordan Twa ddl e J-1. Murphy H.

K ee nan

Brin es Glcndinning Stewart Blazo

Cam e ron


A lth o u g h th e G l<.!e C lub 11 as not o rgan ize d until late in fvforch i t ha s :drca d y hcco 111 c an es tabli s h ed and \·aluabl.c a sse t to t he Sc hool.

Under th e supcrl'ision of Mr. J ;uni cso n th e club ha s w or k ed h ard to g-ct 111 s hap e so th a t it 111i g h t make sew ml appea r :111 ccs be for e Com m e n ce m e nt. T h e appea ra n ee al th e a nnual Spri n g Dan ce wa s rece iv ed with tl g rr at deal of appla use fr o m a l 1 w h o attended. Even th oug h th e club will lose many c:ul cts t hr o ug h g- raduati nn w e feel s ur e it will ri se to t\ cn g reate r h e ig hts n ex t yea r

Dir ector ......•. .....•........•...•.•....... l\1r. Edmund Jami eson

L ea d er •... ..•..... Sc ribn e r P a lm e r Treasurer. Thcodon Ptak


T h eo d ore Ptak

E rn es t Wornrnn

R o be r t Rathbun

Ri c hard Straith

R o bert Crail


C la ir Owe n \Villia111 C: Lsse ll J ac k Glcndinn in g

R oss Ma r tin

Willia 11 1 S h a k espea r e


R o b e r t Ma r tin

George M c Mahon


Sc ribn e r Pa lm e r

John H ;unak c r

George Munger

Warren R oe

Karl H oste n



'l'his yc::n 's foothall season, according to Captai11 Bob C rail in hi s s11eech at tlie Wootba 11 Bai1quet, was ''a good nns ur ressfo l sea son". 'L'he team as well a. tl1e Ua1)ta in felt that it was a good sea.s ou in tl1at tliey played the game to the heFlt of their ability, and gained tlie inva luabl e ex1Jerience in true spo1·tsmans hip of beiug able to come hack again and again whole - heart ed ly after pla.11ing a lo sing game.

Under the direction of Coach fl ewitt ]-i}aFit, graclm1te of Purdue Un iv e r sity, mid Coach Hohert K Snow, graduate of Knox: Co ll ege, t h e "Wildcats" grew :-itr01 1gcl' offeusively and defem;ively as the seaFio n progTcFlsed.

'l'he scprncl will lose ten lette rm en through graduat.ioll this year. r11110se who arc leavi n g are : Black, Carter, Clinton, Crail, l!'ont, Jordan, McMullen, Sclmltz, ':I1ausr., and Taylor.

Greater than many victories was the cooperatio1 1 , the perserverance, and the sportsmans hip shown by the players. Both team and student body are to he

commended fol' the lmfailing spirit mid ('Ourage with '"Thich they tul'ne<l :-ieerning defoat into spir itu al v i ctory .


rl'h e Onarga game, whirh was play e d on J1'01rndern' Day, was one of the biggest gamei> of the season Because it was l1'oundcrs' Day thel'e was a mnch ln r gc crowd than usual. rJ'he Onarg-a team ]1ad a good passing attack, but it pron:d to he useless against th e forward wall and the efficient harkfield of the ""'Wi ld cats".

During the first quarter, both teams displayed a keen determination to win. rl'li c ball changed hand s mm1.v times, hut neither team ro11 ld br eak down the otl1m· 18 defense. re he quarter eHded with no sco r e

In the second quarter, Crai l intercepted a pass and ran ol yard , but fumb led 1-l1e ball. Onarga recovered the fumble on tl1eir own () yard lin e. Hiatt tried to puut, hut it was blocked by Spillson and downed over the goal li11 e by 'J'aylor,

L'11d in g· t1 1e lu1lf with the scorc> Ilow c ( h1m·ga 0.

Tile third quarter Rtartetl off' will1 n 7K :vunl nrn i>y Crail for a to11<'hclow11. l 1 liuto 11 kick er'! th0 ext r a point, whicl1 wn s gooll. 11 owe sti ll led 11.i" th e encl of tltt' quarte1" 9 to 0.

li1 tb. e final qnartc1· of tl1e game ( 1 n1il irn sRc d to 'J\t) lor for a +3 .vanl ga in l'rni l then ca rri. ecl the ha ll O\ ' <'l' f'm· a to 1whCl own. 'J' l10 tr.\ ' fo1· tl1c> extnl poi.nt l'uil e<l ancl t lH' game c nd C' d. llow t• l G, ')11e11·µ;n 0.

N l <l 11 '11 0 1\Ml <J

'l'hc' ni g ht g'rll ll e with ( 'c ntrnl Cat holi c o l J<'t. \Vn.n1 e, w l1 i.rli took plac e in 1·l1 c Ntnrg i:-; Ntadimn, was a 11cw aclve 11tnr e /'or tli£> "Wi ld cats". 'P hi s Wlls the .first !),'a 1n c to he play e d under lights b.\ ' any If O'\\ " <' t ea m. \I thong It it wa r-; one of the onlstanc1i11g games of the season the l'<Hlei R were g r e aU.v cfomppointed in t11c final scorc -Ce ntral Cat l1oli c 1:3, Ilow c 7. 'l'he entire Cadet Corps was pr ese nt at ih e game, and gave its full s11pport. ' l' hc rno s t s p ec tacu lar p lay of the g<1mc' wa s 78 :'>' ll 1:d run b.\ ' Bob Crai I.

ln t h e lin;t quarter, the teams battl ed i>a<'k m1tl forth , aml in tl1e ln:-:;t few rninnll's of the qunrt e r Central ( 'atholiC' pnt

011 a s purt of p owe 1· and imshc<l t il e l>;,1 ll OYe r f' or a touc·hclown. 'l'lie kic-k W<l. S


Dm i11 µ; tl1e sc' r·o11<l 'illfll'ter, 11otl1 t e H11H; \Ycr e n1t lwr 11 01'\ ' on s and tl1 e re were RC'VPra l frn11lil es, but the l1al f ernl cd with thl' sr 01 <' mwhan ge tl

l11 o r the g- 1w 1t c r p ;;1 rt of the thiHl qum:t<.'r, tlw teams r011ti11ned to battl' hark and f'ortl1 , lint in the fi1wl minut es of thc> qmnter the "vVildcab;" ntlliecl witl1 ( ' rail l h c hall 7 f'm· a tou c h<low1i. ' raylo1· ea rri ed the Im II ov e r for tl1p cxtL.. poi 11t .

fn t l1 e fourth quar!c1· Ce11tra l ( 'at lioli<- lirok e lo ose agni11 m1cl scored tlH fi11al to 1whcl own of th e g-a m c, lmt wa s uusuc(' ess fol in j h c fry fol' i]1 e ('Xtl'a lJOiut. 'l' ile g'rllllP cJJtlcd 1:3 to 7 i11 favor of ( 'c11tn:1I ( 'at lioli c.





:25-Gnnctt :20; If owe 0. :2-Anlmrn 7; llow e 6.

9- Cul\'C:> r :u; I Iowe 0.

Od. Park Milihtr) ' Araclame.'· 1 ;{; JLow e 0.

O d lH; Howe 7.

No \". G-Onm·ga :M.A.:.?; Howe lG. Ko\ ". 1:3-('nrnbrook :.?-!-; How e 0.


E11tl C l(I SS '3 8 160 l bs. 2 JIB nr s "Pete", thou g h not overly large, was one of t h e s nappi est m embe rs of t h e forward wa ll of t he "Wildcats". H e had t h e lasting· pu n c h so n ecessary for an e ncl.


'J'n<klr Cl(ISS '40 190 lbs. I 31cnr

"V in e" pht) <' d a fine ga m e at tack l e all yea r H e wa s 1h e o nl y Scip h omore to rece iv e hi s l etter thi s yea r


Hnl/b nck C:las.r '38 I 82 l bs. I ycnr

Bob ca 111 c rn us as a n ew player thi s yea r From the bq::- innin g to t h e e nd of the seaso n, h e played th e h a rd ,•s t a nd bes t brand of footba ll see n at H owe in m any yea rs. We a rc so rr y to lose a fe ll ow li ke Bob so soo n , bu t h ope to hea r frolll him in co ll ege footba ll

EAS T ( H rad Coach)

Coac h East, a gra duate of Purdue U niv e rs ity, h as bee n th e H ea d Coac h of footba ll for t h e past two yea rs H e has produ ce d two hard fi g htin g teams and we h op e t h at he wi ll pro du ce an eve n finer team next year

SNOW (Li11 e Coach)

U nd er the capab le direction of Coac h Snow, H owe h as b ee n to produ ce strong lines, w hi c h h ave bee n a g reat asset to the "Wi ld ca t s". T hi s year's forward wal l h ad 1h c pun c h, but hck ed ex p e ri ence.


'J"11ck l e C l (/ss '38 2 +0 lbs ycnr

"M ittcr" with hi · 240 pound s wa s ab l e to move relativd) fast an d brok e off a goo d 111any of the opponent s' pl :tys.

S l-J U L'J"Z

Q11ar1t"J"b11ck C l ass '3 S I +5 l bs. 2 yenrs

"Dutc h ;', ins p :tc of be ing so s h or t , displayed real fig h ting spirit an cl lctcrm ina t io n to g i ve a ll h e h a d.


Gunrd Clt1 ss 'JS I 6R lb s 4 p){lrs

'' Da vc" e nd ed hi s fo ur t h :l!l d l ast foo tball seaso n :ct H owe thi s year. H e ha d pl e n ty of sp ee d , wa s a good block ·r and wa s in o n man y of the tackles.

Q11ar/erbllc·k C ln ss '3 8 I 35 lb s.

Lyle was th e s111a.ll est had n ot hin g to d o with brain s of the tc:am a nd

p layer o n the team hi s playing a bilit y. did a fine job all

yea r 's tea111 w ill s u1 ·c l y mi ss him. ,

2 _1enrs but h is s ize H e was t h e seaso n Next


Git ar d Clfl .<s '3 8 160 lb s. I year

"Clint" j v in e d th « tl'alll thi s year a s a reliable, fa st-chargin g g nard who did 111uch tn stop th e thrn st s of hi s o pp o n e nt s. ] l e \\d S g-rtat s upp o rt for th e tt•.tnl.

C ,\RTl ·. R

Full bad<' Clo.ts 'JS 159 lb s. year

Ear l wa s a hard plun gi n g fullhack wit h n n e 1·er -give-in spirit. ] le w as a dep e ndabl e play er and s h owed grea t impro ve ment this year.


J-1nl / C i r/SS '39 162 lb s I yea r

Ja ck is a n othe r new Junio r who ca lll<' th ro ug h to put on evcra l go od ex h ibitions wh e n ca ll e d t o do so


Ce11ilr Class '38 159 l bs. I yea r

J ohn n y " .i s a s d e p e ndabl e on 0Hcnsi 1"<' pl:iy a s th ey come and "h e n it came t o taking p uni s hm e nt, h e wa s ri g h t up w ith th e best of t hem.

McMuLl .EN

Ce11/e r C l ass '38 150 lbs. 2 yea r s Gordy wa s truly a bundl e of fig htin g Ir ish and wo uld hav e und o nbt e dl y pl ayed g rc,1t hall a ll seaso n hu t fo r th e fact t h at h e broke hi s ankl e early in t h e fa ll.


Eu.I Clrw '39 180 l bs. 2 years

John is ano th e r of th e Junior s who rcc civc cl hi s Jett a t hi s yrnr He developed rapidly and lwnu n e a st a lw art d efe n sive e nd.


Karl h as been 1nana gcr of t h e t eam for two seaso n s H e wa s of g reat help to Coac h Easr and it will be h ard to find anorh e 1 111 a na g-er t o take hi s p la ce.


rl'h e cadet:-; !tad a fairly succeAsf nl Heaso n tliis year. r:J.'liey wo11 ui110 ont of tlip J1i11 teen gameR played lo sing onl)· two on tile hom e floor. 'J1hi:ee Iott rm ' ll were hack this _rear and Coac l1 Morg·an was a.hie to build his team aro1111<.l these rnm1. ' l'aylor was e lected Ca ptain and played a fine game at guard a ll s 1 aR011. rl'lll lar pla,, ·cd t l1 e forward ]>o s itio11 ver.'· wrll, Npillson held dovm the c•enter po s ition.

' l'li e mo Ht thrilling game of tho seaso n was the Cuh·er gnme, which tile "Wildcats" won 1>5 · a sco1·0 of :-3] to '27. r1 1 lii s WRH the fir.·t game that I Lowe had won from C'nlvcr 111 :flftceu yearH ancl this fact made it cvc 11 m ore cxr itin g . re 1wo11g·lio11t the game, witl1 t l1 e ewc ·ption of onrr, when Cnlv r managed to get a ten point load on tlie " .WildcatR", tl10 score ·was Yery r lose. 'l' he Rtude111" hody gave it s fnll RUJ> J> Or t and waH on it s feet moHt of the game.

.At f"l1 e end of the Heason Dr. Behn, the fatlie1· of Claude BohJL, a Lower 8choo1N, g<ffe tho lettermen gold hasketl1alls berai1se of tl1eir fine work.

With the cxC'eptioll of 'J'a) lor a nd Keenan all of tl1e lette 1·mc 11 will r eturn next year, ancl the Nrhool il-; looki11g forward to an 0Ye11 fin er tca111.

Der. 1- LirnH '26; l l owo '20.

Oec. +- Tl1rec Rivern '.25; 11 owe

l)cc. 8-1\r g-oH :31; If owe :2:5.

D0r. 11 - .A. hlc.' · :30; Ilowc 17.

.Ta11. t! - Conf'onlia Ilowe :.W.

.Ian ]:2-0rlam1 Hl; llow 0

Jan. 1+-'I'lirc Ri,·ers -l-0; ll owe 17.

Jan. '2:2; Llo we ++.

./ Fl.11. hrook J 8; 11 owe 15.

Fob. :2 - Co lOll 16; 11 owe +K

Fc_1 I>. + -Mo r gan Park :w; lI owe :21.

F'cb. D- .Tamestown n; Jl owo 17.

Woh. l:2-Colo11 7; Howe +I.

81 01>. Hi-Homo Cit . ' · 39; Rowe :t?.

l<'ch. ] 9-M aumee :28; JI owe :20.

1'\·h. :23-Lima :28; IIow e :30 .

lfeb. 2G-Onarga :2:2; J-1 owe :23.

Mar. +-C'uke r :27; llowe :n.

Mar. 5-C'oncorclia 3G; :2D.

TAYLOR (Ca p tai n)

"Lyle" wa s captain of t h is year's tea m , a nd a ch ieve d t he h o n o r of bei n g hi g h p oint 111 a n fo r t he Sl'aso n. ll e pl aye d a fas t, shi fty g a111 c a t for ward , and aJ w a ys c am " throu g h wi th m o re th an h is s hare of th e p o int s. li e h as sh ow n sp l e n did >pirit t h roug h out h is t\\ O years of Va r sit y bas k etba ll. lk \\'i ll h'" m i;se cl a g r eat d ea l.

Tu LL AR ( C:unJ'fl)

" Di c·k", a n o t he r hi g h sc or c· r, rank e d scT!l lld th is yea r in p o int s M'o r cd, sh o win g g r ea t i111pl'Ov c: 111 c 11t. H e w as a lw ays , ·c· ry ca lm a nd co lle c t ed e ve n in t h e ti g hte s t s pot s. Nex t yc ar " D ic k " w ill he t o g i \·e hi s fulfr st supp o rt to th e t l'a m

S PILL SO N ( C mt er)

he i g ht wa s a g 1c at advant age to th e and an e ve n g re at e r di sad v anta ge to th e ir oppon e nt s H e phycd a fin e g.1 m e at ce nt e 1· a nd w e a rc g lad th a t he will b e hark ne x t Y"a r.

K E E N A (Guard)

"L e o" wa s a co n s is t e nt, hard fi g htin g g uard , who alway s mana g ed to tak e th e hall off th e b<trkh o ard I le wa s s tron g on d e fen se, and brok e up man y of ot1r oppon e nt' s play s.

CllATAI N (FoFr.u ard)

jal'k wn s a !so ad e pt at taking· th e r e bound s. W h enever it \\':t 5. m' cessa1 ·y he s hifrc d to ce nte r po s 1t1011. lie ha s anotli.!r se :: so n ah e ad of him, n. ncl should be \'l! ry valuabl e to th e How e quinte t n ex t ye ar.

GLF.Nll l NING (For-ward)

Du e to a broken n rm rerci 1·ed in football J ack wa s k ept n u t of t he ga in cs th e fir s t pa rt of th e sL·aso n , but w h e n h r was ab le t o pla y he s h owe d r ea l basketba l l a bilit y. This was br oug h t o u t c s p el' ially iu th e Cu l ve r ga 111 e. 1'ortunatc ly Ja t k wi 11 be with us fo r two more yea r s.

CA SS E LL ( Cr11nrd)

" Be nny" was prnbab l y n n e of th e fask s t a nd b est dribbier s on t h e tcn111 thi s yl'a r H is s p ee d a nd g u Hdin g ability were g reat f:tctors in keepi ng· d o11 n t he oppone n t's sctHc.

G ILL (Forward)

Thi s w:t s "Andy's" seco nd yea r and h e sti ll h as a n ot he r yea r to g o. H e pl aye d a goo d ga me and imp r oved 111uc h as tlw se a so n went o n

STEWART (Forward)

J o hn d eve l o p ed a left h.ind s id e s h ot t h at wa s qu ite accura t e, a n<l s h o uld tu r n o ut to be a nt lu abk forw: u ·d for nrx t year's t ca. 111

EDWA IUJ S (Ma11agPr)

J\iarvi n was th e Se ni o r m a n age r :fo 1· t h e Maroon a n d \ N h itc H e was a g 1·cat hel p to Coac h Mor g<L n. H e w ill be r e pl aced next )'La r by Dick McCrcady.

MORGAN ( H ead Coarh)

Coac h Mo1-gan cl cvc l opcd a very s u ccessfu l tea m thi s year. T hree of last year' lette rm e n ret urn e d , w hi c h was a g reat h elp to t he coac h As Mr. Mor g an is a grn duate of H owe Sc h oo l, he h as n ot o nl y coac h e d su ccessf ul teams, but h as a lso played o n t h e m


For the fifth year in succoss i on "A" Company won the foot ball crown. This >' Ofll' ''A'' Compall ) ' won s i x ga m es of tl 1c RC'ries of seven.

'J' l1 e '' A" ompa ny m en were und e r tlte r1-1pah l e cliTCction of Coar h };dwi11 W. Noff, and t h e coac h d eve loped thl· '' 1\ '' men into a st ron g offeusi \ 'G team. The men w l1 0 rcc'civccl letters 011 "A" Compm 1>' were: Adam, Beck, B 'ggs G., Cedo rb c1·g C., Dietz B. , Davi s, Do yj 11 g, Eng li sh , GoodHpeed, .To u es, Pnttcr.'on, Hoe, Rtrai t h , ' l'h omas, Ir. , and \ ;y' aUieH N.

n 'ggs G was el ected capta in of " A" ( 'oJJJ pan y and \ V"o rm a n T.J was cl1 osen l 'a 1itai11 of" H" Corn paii)·. Mr. Lawl er was t he '' B'' Company coac h , hut due to a la ck of a snffirie nt numher of p l a >··Prs CoR.r h l ,aw l er was h amli r .a pp ecl.

· · ' 11 ho 1\ II ('om1n111_,. '[\,nm" was C' ho sC" ll ii) · 111 0 two roac hes a.nd fro m tllo foll cnY in g li st we ma_,. expect to f ind some n1 lt1 ab lc Y :w sitr material fo r 110:d )' oa r.


Adam 11.'L'. C lanc \·

L. G. Reicl ( 1 • C. Do) ' i11 g

1-?, .G Gooclo

R.'J'. Beck

H.. K Codcrlicrp; C'.

L 1,.B. Brn ·r h

I ,J I . Pnttcrnon [Ul. ·worman l_, .


A hr ns

l hll"gE'l'

Di etz B.

1\ I rnti n .A .


' l' l1i s .' ra r " A" Co rn pan) ' clefeate l t lt e i r ri n1 Is "B" Co rn p a n \' i u a s i x garno scr it'.', to win the eo rnp a 11_, haHkcthn ll (•]"(l\\11.

(htt of thi s :c ri es o:f : ix g mn cs " .A" ( 'onipany won f'om· p;amei-; Up unti I tlw laHt g-R.me iL was <lll ,\'Oll C'H sor i cs,-t l1 e , .i<·to ri H a lt Tnat i11 g ll ct w e01 1 the two tPnrn'l, but in t h e IFtst game Mr. Neff 's <1 l·fc n i-; i\ ' C "./\" l'ompan.' · pull e d thr011gh \\'itl1 t il e c.1 'c icli11g 'Ph ( 'apLain or '' J\ '' Com pan_, wa.· .T oln 111 r Ul in ton, ni1d (' la ir Ow n was tl1 0 l'H 1> ta i11 of" Ii" ( 'o rnpany.

' l ' IH' "B" Com p a n) ' team was und e r t h e dir ect ion of l'oa e h Law l er, who pro<llicecl a fin e team, lmt i t was not quit e s h'ou g e uon g h to h eat t h e ''A'' ( tcnrn.

M rC' r mH1' ·

No urn c Hoe

' l1 iiP mernhcrs of the \'i cto ri ons "A" ( 'o mr an_,-, 1vh o l' Occ iv ccl th e ir l ette r s w r r c: C lint on , Do r in µ;, 11 arnaeker, .Marqui.'8, More h ead, Murp l l.\' J. 11. , l{oc, 1-1 11cl Nel1miclt.

,\LL COMP .AN Y 'I' l1J.AU

L .F. Ow en ( ('apti:t in o:f "B" C'orn 1mny) ( ' 11 amackcr

L.O. ('mi I

lUL ( 'linton (l'api". of"_,. \ " Compa ur)

11 E }\,lj g:\f'J'lON Mnrphy 11. ( 'arter ]!J. Martin A. 1\{arquiss.


H owe ha s see n man ' goo d trark tca 111 s in rece n t yen I'S, bu t thi s year's tcarn g ive s t h e appeara n ce of beco ming one of 1 he fi n est in many years. T h e team nnd c r the dir ect ion of Coar h Snow j s ex pe ct ed to bring in many victo ri es.

A Sc h oo l Jccord wa s bro ke n hy John Patt e rso n in th e fir st 111c ct with Garr e tt wh en h e ra n th e hi g h ho r clle s in 16.5 seconds.

Dave Jordan, \\ h o is thi s yea r' s yea rs, nnd ha s mad e a s pl e ndid r eco rd. hy runnin g th e m in 1 3 6 seco nd s.

ca ptain, h as be e n wit h t h e t rack t c<un for the l ast fi ve H e broke th e Sc h ool r eco rd in t h e l ow hurdl es l ast year

Th us far t he h ig h po int m e n have hl'cn Jord :u1, Will ey, Casse l l, and New m a n in the da sh es; Patterso n, Jordan, a nd M c Mahon J in th e hurdl es; Ha za rd a nd C h ata.in in t he s h ot p u t; C lint o n and C' hat a in in t h e pol e va ult; Bec k, Glcndi nnin g, a nd Martin in th e bi·oad j um p; Tu llar jn th di st anc e run s; \l\l ;t ttl cs, Tulla r , M o re head, Casse ll , New m an, Jordan, Mart in, Glc nclinnin g, Patt('rso n , and \Vill cy 1n th (' re lays; Jlattc r so n, Pa c kard, a nd in t he hi g h j ump

W es tbrook Jon es h as take n th e post of mana ge r for t he tea 111 thi s year a nd is d oi n g a fine job.

Ma n y of thi s year's team will be ba c k y<'a r to ro nt in ue th e ir exce ll e nt work.


A pr 9-J a1nestow n ( H ) '\pr. 30-T hrcc Ri, e rs (H)

J\pr. l 6-Garre tt ( H ) May 7-C ranhr ook ( H )

Apr. 23-A uburn ( H ) May I l -Co l chrn te r (T)

Apr 2 7--LaGrangc ( H )


Da s hes J or d :i n, Marrin R ., G lc ndinnin g, J\'e1n n a n, \ .Y ilk y, Laud c 111 a n , a nd P<Ltt e r rn n

Quart e r Mil e Run Casse ll an d Wattle s

Hal f Mil e T ullar , Moreh e ad, Sc hult z, and E n g- Li s h

Broad Jump G le 11dinnin g , Ma rtin R ., a nd Bec k

Hi g h Jump Wattles, Patt e r son, G l e ndinnin g, a nd Packard

Pole Vault Cl in to n, C h ata in, and Gl c ndinnin g

S h ot Putt C ha ta in, Tausz, H aza rd, C lint o n, N c: w111an, an cl J or d a n

Hurdle s Patter so n, J o rdan, McMahon J ., Ce d c rhc rg C., a nd Web ster


'f(//(/(lllll/////:4t\ I


\.Vhcn om fien io r C lass h as grad u ated mid ctispcJ·'led to man:'i' diff ere nt parts of t he co nn try, it i :-; evide11t that many of u s will neve r m eet agai11. Most lik ely at so m e l im e or other we m ay find it possi hlC' to Jook up a n old i·oommate, or

Robert U. \darn

f ri e ud , who was c lose t o u s while in sc hool. \ iVit11ont :-io m e g uid e or dirnctim1 , we s l10uld 11aturall y flound e r in the attempt. rL11terefore, it i s th e ])Ul']JO Se of t l1 ci:;e add1·esses to a id former c l as.·mat es to locHtc each other.

3:2G () La ke Dri ve, Chi cago, Illinoi s, Apt J :1H

Rohe1·t K. A lir en .· .. .... .. 53 1 West Saratoga J\ ve ., Fen1da l e, Mic hi g mi

11 a l'lan Benoy :250 IC. North Broadway, Co lumbu s, Ohio

.Tohn Rpcn(•e1· Black, rn ... . .... Gnl Oak Street, B irrni11gham, Mic hi ga n

1ioli ort Brine s 81:2 0 ,J effc r so n Ave., Detroit, Mi c11igm1

.Roh ert Bmc li ......... . ... . ... . .... ......... .. . . ..•J eddo, Mi c hi ga n

\ Vi lli am Rmgc r :2!)71 Br i g11ton Hd., S h aker Height, Ohio

Bar i L C art e r :=i:2BO ru. Wa $hi11 gto n St., Butl e r A pt., Apt. 30, Indiaiiapofo; , Indiana

.Toln1 Street C lint on 1GCl5 1/2 J\ l'lin gto n Ave., Davenport, Iowa

Robert IG. CraiJ N. Co lJ et t, Lim a, 0.

Rte hard l G . . . ........ 20:!0 H.oso lalld J\ ve., Roya l Oak, Mi C' l1i ga11

Marvin Eclwincls ....... ..... ............... . .. . ... Le s li e, Mi cl1ip:m1

Pierre J. Wont. . ............ .4 -1- 2 Linco ln HJ·., Grosso Pointe, Michip:m1

Rohert L. Goode .. . .. . .. . ............ J\mh ers tbm g-, Onterio, Ca nad a

Jam es Ha ri ey .... . .... J ,q 70 Burksl 1ir e Hd., Grosso Pointe, Michigai1

"William II art .... . .... ... Hil 11 ig hlaud .L\ ve., 11i g l11 and Park, M i c l1 ignn

Wi lli am \ V. H e nt. .............. 11 :23 li;. Ce d ar, Routh Bend, Indiana

Kar l Jo se ph 1-1 ostcn . . .. . 1 :358 Burks hire Hcl., Grosse Pointe, Michig an

Westbrook: .To11o s ............... 591 Hildal e Ave., Detroit, M tC' hi gnn

David U. .Tord a 11 .'1:27 Ao. Lak e Ave ., A lh an)' , New York

L eo K eemrn .. . . .. . . . ........... :22 .-1: Co rtland Ave., Detroit, Micliiga11

,JamoR R. L. McMa l1 on 203 So. Rcconcl St., Monmouth, Illinoi f'

Gordo11 McJVIull e n 2:1-1 W es twooclla11d Ave., I;'e rnd a l e , Mic lii ga 11

George Munger -l-66 Rivard Bl v d., GroHse Poi11tc, Mirhigai1

.Tark vV . Murp J1 .v . .... ....... .... . ... .. .... . . . . . .. Ga in es, Michigan

llall K Paekanl. Box 02, Birn1 in g ham, Micl1igai 1

'1 1 h co don, .T. Ptak 817 N. :frcl St., Cl in ton, Io wa

John L. Patt erso n 1.1. 2 IGlm Pnrk Blvd., Pl easa nt Ridge, ]\ific hi gau

C lia rl eR '11. Hrid 2645 Hi versicle Dr., '11 re 11ton, Mif' lii ga n

Alfrod Walt e r Sclm ltz :iJ:2 Pro spect Ave., waterloo, Iowa

Donald C. Bullivan So .Divi Rion Ave., Grand Rapids, Michip;t111

Mm·tiu Tau s z 3750 N. Lak e Shol'e Driv e, C hi cago, I llin oi:-;

Lyl e Ob erlin ' J 1 a:vlor . ... ........ ... ..... . ........ Hamiltou, Indi a na

fforb e rt \. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. lA-1+ W. Market, Lima, Ohio

Warr e n vV. Twaddl e ........ D 1 ort ·Wayn e Army Post, D e troit, Michigan

Worman .+0 38 Kin gs bur y, v'l. 'l1 o l edo, Ohio

Howard D. Yomnaus C omt Street, D e lhi , New York




Compliments of Grady's Milk Co. Manufacturers DAIRY PRODUCTS Sturgis, Michigan It's Just A Flick of the Wrist With Tony Accetta Shakespeare Balanced Tackle Expertly Matched by Tony Accetta U.S. Professional All-Round Bait and Fly Casting Champion Criterion DeLuxe Level Wind Reel No. liJllllt\ S- Univ e r sn ll y a cce pte d as " th e C rit e ri on b y w hi c h a p e r fect r ee l s hould b e judg ed ." Do llar f or doll ar I t's t h e bes t vn lu e on th e ree l mar k et. No -t.1 211-The fin es t , s trong es t, mo s t p e rf ect cas tin g hn e hum a nl y po ss ible to produc e-that 's our id e al for Wex ford, rn i t h as to b e g ood. 50 y d s 14 lb t est. Pri c e, S l.liO Pri ce, $7 .00 New TruCast Double Offset Handle T h e h a ndl e n nd n e l se n t nr e se t at di ffe re nt a n g les ca u si n g lh e we i g ht o f t h e r ee l t o a utom at i ca ll y pull th e wri st t o c orr ect cast in g po s i t ion R e li e v es w ri s t s tr a in. Shakespeare Company Kalamazoo, Mich.


Since 1922

For more than sixteen years, Universal Cooler Corporation has specialized exclusively in the manufacture of quality electric refrigeration systems and nothing else. We build condensing units, on contract , for commercial refrigeration, fixture and air conditioning manufacturers. We supply household refrigeration manufacturers with evaporators and condensing units. In addition, we manufacture a complete line of refrigerators which are sold by leading stores under our own or some private brand na.me. The wide acceptance accorded Universal Cooler products ... by manufacturers, retailers and consumers . . . is due to our ability to supply the best possible products, at the lowest possible ptice.


COMPLIMENTS OF Home Office Address since 1895
S. Dear born Street Chicago,
A F r i e nd o f How e S c ho o l Steak s Chop s Soda Fountain GUY BONFIGLIO , Prop Sturgis, Michigan THE NATIONAL CARBON COATED PAPER CO. Sturgi s , Michigan ZEIDLER CONCRETE The Pioneer of Quality_ _ ;,., Zeidl e r Concrete Pipe Pipe M e et s and the Products Te s t s Zeidler Concrete Products Machinery Company Waterloo, Iowa

• A Complete Store for Men

Only merchandise with a national reputation for style and quality

Compliment s of Doctor and Mrs . Osborne A. Brines



Compliments of the CARL REHM CLOTHING CO. Sturgis, Michigan
Vogt's Flower Creations Are Always Correctly Styled Phone 278 Sturgis, Michigan Compliments of DONALDSON Paint & Wallpaper Company 111 N. Nottawa St. Sturgis, Mich. In CANDYLAND You Will Always Find a Welcome • The Best Malted Milks in Town Light Lunches Fine Candies • John Bonfiglio, Prop. Sturgis, Michigan TAYLOR PRODUCE CO. Sturgis, Michigan • Furnishes Complete Modern Produce Facilities to Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana

wishes to thank the advertisers and friends who have made this issue of The Tatler possible.

Compliments of J. K. Duff J.P. Lieb Dietz Dyers and Cleaners DENTISTS LaGrang e "Wear Clean Clothes" Indiana Phone 105-R 114 N. Nottawa St. Sturgis, Michigan
T atler Staff
Congratulations " INTf.11NA.TIONAU
I b;;;.,._

FOODS rich in DEXTROSE yield quick ENERGY


Through all your life , your body needs energy to sustain activity. The chief source of body energy is Dextrose, which doctors call "muscle sugar". Dextrose is the fuel of the body. Tests show that athletes fortitied with an abundance of Dextrose have greater reserve power and endurance.

So remember this-whenever you eat a food which is " Rich in Dextrose", you are providing your body with "life's vital force". Both Karo Syrup and Kre-mel Desserts are rich in Dextrose

Congratulations and good luck to the class of '38.


17 Battery Place, New York City

EvERY red-blooded boy wants to be muscular and energetic. But does he realize that whenever his muscles move they "burn up" energy-which must be replaced?

The chief fuel of the human body is Dextrose, the sugar you need for energy. Isn't it fortunate that

Little Lessons in Anatom y #1

You canno t do anything without using muscl e s. Le arn ab o ut th e m Le arn to use them skillfull y. Tak e the start of a sprint , for e x ampl e. Here is on accurate pi<:tur e of on athl e te " tok · Ing off "

Baby Ruth, the big, delicious candy bar is rich in this very sugar? If you like fine candy, of course you will enjoy Baby Ruth, and if you want quickacting food-energy you will get plent y of it in Baby Ruth. That's why more athletes cat Baby Ruth than any other kind of candy. Do you?

There's Muscle "Fuel" 1n Every Bar of Delicious



HE'S OFF I In on• second the first stride carries him from a standstill to • speed of 30 feet per second To get the bodv w•ight started calls for te:rriric muscle strain The muscles must be loaded with •ncrgy - explosive energy - instant energy But what muscles?

You would be surprised 90 % of all the muscles in the body take part in running but some special muscles take the heaviest strain

0 What pu sh e d that toe d ow n and lift e d th e who le man Chie fl y th e c alf muscl e s and oth e r leg mu scl es wilh lo r,g na mes. Se ve ral smaller mui.cl es mak e th e toe i. ali ve and giv e th e " toe Aip " that a dd s thoi.o ex tr a e lo sfic im: hes that mak e th e ch a mpi o n sp r int er.

@ No lic e lh e straight kn ee. The Ouodric e ps ex te nsor did th a t It p ull s o n th e kn ee c o p a nd lh e kn ee as yo u see. Th a t's what happ e ns wh e ne ve r yo u wo nt to "go pla c es " qu ickly But th e th ig h ls al so s tra ight e ne d almos t in lin e with th e trunk Th e gl uleus mo JC.i mus (wi th th e ass is tanc e of le u e r mus cl es ) d oe s thot It is bock lh e re wh e r e yo u n ee d muscle l o walk up stai rs

@ Bui lhot is not all See th e righl thigh jerk fo rward to e ol u p ih e first Th e abd o m· lnal mu sc le1. d o that. Th ey o r e th e surfa ce b e ll y mu scl es and d ee p in si d e or e th e powe rful p soo 1 and iliocv s that run fr o m spin e and hip lo !high bone o nd lift ii forward

The se are lh c chi e f mu , cl ei whic h ore pow er· fully d e ve lo pe d in a runne r Re me mb e r d e licious Bab y Ruth he lp s su ppl y th e muscle e ne rg y nee d e d

b•11 h•ve been sold. Isn't thl1 proof of the 1uprrlor purity, qu•lity ind 9oodnen or this 9re1t c1ndy bu?
MORE or le u !hon 503 of your bod y w e ight Is mu scle. It d e p e nds upon body build Well muscl e d athl e t es run a higher percentag e ; ver y thin o r ve ry fot folks some what low e r Ev e r y body action mak e s th e muscles work. You may soy, " Po ss me the butt e r" or mak e a terrific lin e sma sh in football -you hov e used muscle en e rgy You mak e your mark in th e world through muscl e


Goshen, Indiana

Compliments of Joseph M. Herman Shoe Company

Millis, Mass.

Manufacturers of Mens and Boys Goodyear Welt Shoes


Compliments of G.C.GARRETT

Super-Quality Coal for Steam and Domestic Use • Sold by Glen Alum Fuel Company Cincinnati, Ohio
106 S. Nottawa St. Sturgis, Michigan

Compliments of Mrs. Herb Frutchey

Gaines, Michigan


Standard Service

Road No. 9

Howe, Indiana

Quaker State Oil

Ice Cold Drinks, Candy, Cigars and Cigarettes

c. M HARDING , Prop.

The Alumni . Association of Howe School


The Class of 1938

G. L. Xanders, '00

President Howe School Alumni Association

Compliments of EARL L. CARTER Consulting Engineer Indianapolis, Indiana Complim ents of Glen Gipson ]etveler Sturgis, Michigan • DIAMONDS WATCHES SILVERWARE Compliments of Michigan Metalcraft Co. A. D. Covert, Pres.
' II 1 If I o" IComp liments of Robert N. Chatain and Company " The House that Service Built" Keller Tractor and Equipment Co. Detroit and Grand Rapids Michigan The Kingsbury House Howe, Indiana CLEAN COMFORTABLE HOME-LIKE Host to Howe Patron s for 31 years C. E. Schaeffer, Prop. Compliments of ]. V. McGoodwin Insurance Agency 302 Pro fess ional Bldg ., 10 Peterboro Ave Detroit, Michigan Telephone : Temple 1-6165

You Know It's Yours When Marked With CASH'S WOVEN NAMES

I1 Reginald J. Cash I J

Style 57

Vacationists, travelers, students and good housekeepers-protect your belongings f r o m laundry

1 o s s o r misuse. Mark everything with CASH'S WOVEN NAMES


3 doz. $1.50; 6 doz. $2.00

9 doz. $2 .50; 12 doz. $3.00

Easy to attach with thread or Cash's NO-So Cement, 25¢· a tube. Order from your department store or us.


58 School St. South Norwalk, Conn.

With Sincere Good Wishes to the SENIORS

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Riordan


Uses Exclusively


Manufactured by

Eaton Rapids, Michigan

Compliments of MARTIN TAUSZ furrier E. C. WRIGHT CO. 524 NORTH MICHIGAN AVE. TELEPHONE SUPERIOR 9121 CHICAGO Ford V-8 Lincoln Zephyr Sturgi s , Michigan "Service With a Smile" LOCUST LANE JERSEY FARM Ralph A. Kelly & Sons

Regulation Howe School Sweaters

Furnished by CHAMPION



Specialists To Military- College High School Trade

Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Edwards



Free Radio Loud Speaker . .. Circulating Ice Water . . :rub Bath or Shower in every room Garage - With direct entrance to Hotel.

Rates from - $2.00 Single; $3.00 Double 400 Rooms- Fir e proof


Harrison Street , just off Michigan Blvd.

ANDREW c. WEISBURG , President

EDWARD W. JACKS , Mgr. Illu strate d bookl et se nt upon request.

Compliments of The Kirsch Company
Michigan Compliments of GEO. BEGGS This firm invites inquiries from those seeking information regarding Texas Real Estate - Especially Land REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Dundee Bldg. Ft. Worth, Texas

"Bu sine ss is Good"

WHEN attending Howe School for any purpose, make the Hotel Elliott, Sturgis, your home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerow will do their best to see that you will be taken care of in accordance with your wishes.


Kansas City, Mo.

Shelbyville, Ind.

Metamora, Ind.

Compliments of

The Neelys



Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gerow Props. T. D. Stewart Co., Inc. Franklin County Canning Company


Air Conditioning

We Cater Lo Howe Patrons Especially

The Senior Pictures in this TATLER


Sturgis, Michigan

Duplicate Prints May Be Had

At Any Time

Three ·Years Work .........

by an e ngineering staff of 128 have produced Lhe most amazmg new idea in cleaners you ever saw. This new Hoover Ensemble is so different so new in idea, appearance, lightness , and cleaning conveni ences that the only way to discover its remarkable featmes is to see it and use it yourseif. S ee the beauty of the new Henry Dr eyf uss design. Discover its amazing l!ghtne ss-d ue to a new wonder metal , magnesium -one third lighter than aluminum-the Hoover One Fifty glides along at a finger touch. Try the new thrilling ease of cleaning everything . . . rugs and carpets, furniture, draperies and bare floors , , with an integrally designed Cleaning Ensemble that changes frbm rug to furnishing· c leaner in a se cond. U se for yourself such amazing new conveniences as the handy c leaning kit , the Automatic Rug· Adjustor the Time Lo Empty Signal the Clip On Plug and many othern Then decide to caJI on your nearest Hoover dealer and own a Hoover Que FifLy on a basis of $1.50 a week payable month l y.

111 Sturgis for

fla11trrrut UNIFORMS


Kalamazoo, Michigan

McMullen Tool Supply Co.

Detroit, Michigan

America's Future Lies In Its Youth

Personal Appearance Helps

We are past masters in the art of caring for your personal appearance


Kendallville, Indiana

I !

For a Real Surprise

Delicious Food

World's Best Beds

Old Timers say "Nothing like it between Chicago and Toledo"

And the Prices are Right


Six Miles South

Mayflower Electric Refrigerators

Mayflower Room Cooling Units

Lewis Automatic

Air-Conditioning Units

Lewis Forced Air Furnaces, for Gas, Oil or Stoker Firing

Lewis Automatic · Heat Transfer Units

Lewis Humidifying Units and Controls

Mayflower -- Lewis Corporation

Midwest Sales Office

63 West Milwaukee Ave. DETROIT

If It's Printing You Need ? ?

Sooner or later everybody needs printing. At the STURGIS JOURNAL your printing problems will be given the careful attention that they deserve and you will be as.sured of the highest quality workmanship at prices that are only made possible by the latest improvements in printing equipment.

Every young man and woman entering upon a business career should know that good printing that serves their purposes to the best advantage is the product of skilled, interested craftsmen who have available the most up-to-date machinery and type faces.

The Daily Journal operates one of the most complete and modern commercial printing plants in Southern Michigan. Its facilities and the advice of an expert on printing problems are always at your disposal.

L.A. GOOD, Manager Commercial Printing Dept.

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The Sturgis Daily Journal
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