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rrhe ha sketba ll team imd cr the direction of Coach 'rhunnan C. D iethr ich had a very suc ce. sfnl season bnilding a record of ten ·wins as against :five l osses. 'C l1 e team was composed mainly of vetrra m ; l'r om l ast year's team with ouc n ew co mer, .Abts, a t fonvanl.

" .Whi tey" Chatain <'apta iu ecl the quiJt ·· tot a n d di<l a .fine job of: holding dow11 the ce ntral po . iti ou . "\iV lt it ey 's" sup e rior h eight enab l ed H owe to con trol the ti1 -off tlnoughout the season Nourse and Abts ]1 eJc1 down the forward poRitions . ".J ock" was hi g l1 -point man aml wa s t h e main cog in both off en. ·e and cl cfouse. Abts fo ll owe d c lose l y behind Nourse in tota l points. Han It was espc•ial l y adept at cl ose-range tip s hots.

...:'nyder and Smith teamed up at the g uard po s iti ons u ud pm sen ted a s tronp; defense to the Wi Icl eats' opponents. Snyder possessed a fine eye :for long s hot s a nd practica ll y a ll of hi s point s were sco r ed from behind th e foul lin e Smit h plftyecl au aggressive gnrne t ln o11 ghont the seaso n a nd worked in well wit h the team's sty l e of play. Gabriel, Wanier, 11 a ll o·we ll , OlsoH, 'v\T i lli ams, a nd ':Caylor w0r c r ese r ves.

' l'lte opposition was remarkably s tro11g t lti s fieaso n and Lhe cad et.· had a vet·y Rt i:f.f sc hedul e to wade through. The record they cstablislrnd in doi11g so was ind ee d a remark a ble one. Tln·ee Hiv ers prov ed to b e the nut that How was un -· l'1 blc to cra c k w hil e th e Maroon. def ea Lecl t l1 e IIiJl s c.l::il c l i resbmen t wi ce The Hi ll sda le :fiv e p r ovi led the toughe s t competit io n tl1at H owe was able to subdue. i 11re ;:; lm 1eu bow ed twice to the L a1· :t £i g l1ti 11 g ' v\Til cl ea t s and after the second game tlt Mm:oo11s were certain that the J.i'ro h w rc improvin g with age. Morgan Park a lso bow ed to the Wildcat s in a game that wa s not quite as close. The cadets c·losecl t110ir s ason by clefeati11g tho \V cstmin8ter team of South Bend.

By wi1111i11g ten games aucl lo si ng· li, ·e tho raclcLH rnrnl c an a\'l1 rngc of .G(i/. rl'hc

\Vi lclc1:1ts scored 4n points to their oppo11ents' 357, scol' iug :208 field goa l s and 7G free throws while tlieir opponents WCl'C garne rin g ] 52 fie l d goals and 5:3 l'rc<· throws.


DN·. 5- 0r lnml lri gl 1 Nehool 1 !) ; T-fowe 5..J-

()pc·. 7- J\fougo lli g h Nc•liool :Zl; How e -1-8.

Dec. 1 :3 -J \ i1 goh1 11 igh Hcliool Howe :Z!l .

.Tan. lJ - r:I1 l11:ec l-foTe1·s lli g h Hrhoo118; JI owe 7

.1<111. 15- HrightoJt lli g lt Sc hool :20 ; llow c :ll

.Jan. 18- Uo ldwator Ehgh School 32; JI owe :2 -1-.

,Jan. 22-Lirrrn 12; J lowc .+5

,Jan. 25 - Cranbrook 39; Ilowe 3:2 l• 1 el1. 19 - Lima 27; IJo we 30.

Feh . l - Jiill8dale Frosh HJ; II owe, +:3.

Web . 8 - Morgan Park 16; Ifowe :2-1-.

Wch. :21- Jlilbdale Frosh 24; Howe 25.

!•'ch :Z:Z- Co ld water 25; IJowe -:1-1.

Ji'eh. 26 - rJ'hree H.ivers 2(); Howe 23 .

F'eh. \v e8tmin8ter, of South Bend 2:3; IJ owe :15.

Nourse (.F'orward)

The Team

Abts (Forwanl) Nnydcr (Guard)

Chataiu (Center)

Smith (Guard)

Be8erves: ·warner, ·Williams, Hallowe ll , Gabriel, Olson and Taylor.

Company Basketball Season

Duri11g tho basketball season t110 Company '' 11 '' quintet avenged their many defeats on tho gr idiron. The indoor season proved to be a long one as both te1-1m · chalk ed up quite a few vietotios. Company" B" how ever got the edge on their opponents near the end of the season and continued 011 in that position rn1til t h e end H ere as in football much uew potentia l ta lent was discovered by the coaches. These players will prnbab ly receive theil' chance with the Val'Si.ty n ext winter. The members of tl1e teams follow:

Company ''A'': Xanders, Meyer, Kreis, Nor fl eet, Duenweg, Johnson, McJ\ifullen, Stabile.

Company "B": Goss, b]dgar, Stein, Chester, ] enton, Hutchinson, Goode, Clark E., Clark, D., Gentry, Spencer, Mote, D., Scudder.