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house of





house of



Camryn Bryant


Contributing Artist Contributing Writer

Tri Shriram

Contributing Writer

Madison Cochran

Contributing Writer

Shanel Pouatcha

Contributing Writer


Zaynab Siddiqui

Emma Dawson

house of



contents 01 04

Editor's Note I didn't get everything I wanted in HS and that's okay


Live for yourself


Back to School Must Haves


How to: Best School year ever


Keeping Up with College Admissions


The Power of Goal Setting


3 ways to be More Authentic


The You Right Now


Chats WIth College Students: Celine

house of



thank you thank you

Thank you to all of the girls that worked on House of Beverly this month.

Emma Dawson


"The You Right



Madison Cochran "Live for Yourself"

"Chats with a College Student"

Shanel Pouatcha

Tri Shriram

Zaynab Siddiqui

"3 ways to

"Keeping up with

"Embrace Change"

become more


and "Just go with it"

authentic this



school year"

house of




editors letter Welcome to the August Edition of House of Beverly. This edition is definitely my favorite so far, because I got the chance to work with six amazing girls on this issue. You'll see their art and read their stories. I'm so grateful for everyone who put their time, effort, and energy to make this the best Edition of House of Beverly yet. This issue is all about going Back to School and having the best school year ever. Even though our school year is so unconventional, here's how to make the best of what we have.


Camryn B|1





Going into High School, I had high

Every change and disappointment is just

expectations. I know it sounds silly, but

molding you into the best version of

I spent so much time watching High

yourself. So be patient, allow yourself to

School Musical that on the first day of

make mistakes. Put yourself out there and

freshman year, I expected there to be

try new things. Sometimes “just going for

an epic flashmob. Almost four years

it” doesn’t work, but if you don’t try, you’ll

later, I’m still waiting. Let’s get this

never know what you’re capable of. And

clear: high school is everything. The

if you try and fail, know that there is no

perfect combination of the good, the

shame in trying again. One of the most

bad, and the ugly. It is nothing like

damaging things you can do when you’re

High School Musical. Personally, I think

feeling low is compare yourself to other

I had the perfect high school

people. When you go on social media

experience. No, I didn’t get the guy.

and see everyone else's successes, It’s

No, I didn’t spend every weekend

easy to compare your life to other people

partying and No, I never had a date to

and question why your life doesn’t look a

homecoming. If anything, I spent most

certain way. It’s important to remember

of my high school years feeling like

that what you see online is never the

Sharpay. But looking back on my

whole story. On social media people

years in High School, I wouldn’t have

share the highlights of their lives, but you

done anything differently, because I

never see the hard work, sweat, and

love where I am today. Even in the

tears it took to get there. Even though it

rough moments, where I felt like I was

doesn’t always feel like it, know that even

a side character in my own movie,

the people you admire go through the

cried myself to sleep, or studied hard

growing pains of life too. Everyone has

for a test and failed. I realize that

their own journey, so I think it’s unfair to

those moments were just for character

compare yourself to others. Instead,

development. The tests I failed taught

focus on becoming the best version of

me how to study, and the moments

you, because that’s all that matters in the

where I experienced a peak amount

long haul. With the right mindset, you can

of insecurity taught me how to love

have the perfect high school experience,

myself. So when you encounter your

even with all of the bumps in the road.

first (or next) high school heartbreak, I

You probably won’t get everything you

want you to know that all of the rough

want this year, and that’s okay. You’ll get

moments are just stepping stones to

through it and become better than ever

where you’re supposed to be.





live for yourself By: Madison Cochran


I have strong opinions. About everything. But typically, I only feel comfortable sharing my opinion about things that aren’t really

My public debut of my private opinions started when I started a petition to mandate masks in my county’s schools. I expected to get about 50 signatures and be completely embarrassed about spamming my Instagram story for

important. A negative interaction can stick

nothing. But within a day of starting it, I could tell that the

with me for weeks, and I’ll talk about every

change I was advocating for actually meant a lot to a lot of

angle of it for as long as it’s bothering me. But

people. I got over 4,300 signatures on my petition, read

somehow, things that I’m really passionate about (mental health, education, and women’s leadership, to name a few things) often get left out of the conversation. It’s not that these

hundreds of comments supporting my cause, and did 3 TV interviews. There were people who challenged me, taking the opposing side on my news segments and launching counter-petitions. The school board refused to comment on my efforts (I know this because several news networks

things never come up. It’s that I usually try to

requested a statement from them). But honestly, the fact

stay neutral about hard topics. Although I like

that something I did would have a large enough impact that

to think I don’t care too much about what

the school board would hear about it is huge. Although the

others think of me, my own self acceptance comes underneath layers and layers of my attempts at conformity. If people don’t like my persona, that’s one thing. But it’s a lot harder

county did not mandate masks, they did move school online, at least for the time being. I’m taking the win.

So what did I learn from all of this? To sum it up, I’m at my best when I’m living for myself. I never would have done

to swallow someone not liking me.

something like this a year ago. This experience has shown

In this quarantine, I’ve had so much time for

me that if I’m willing to put myself out there, I am capable of

self reflection. Being removed from my

creating change. And most importantly, I learned fake

everyday life has shown me how little all the people I spend time thinking about will actually

confidence can turn into real confidence really quickly! If you tell yourself you believe in yourself enough times, you’ll start to.

impact my life if I don’t allow them to invade my headspace. I’ve started to become more

Everyone’s school situation in the fall is going to be different than usual. But my advice would be to take advantage of

authentically myself, and I’ve been a lot

the change in routine. Re-evaluate how you’re living your

happier than I am when I’m fully immersed in

life! Doing a little work on yourself can make you so much

the world. I’ve also had more time to look

happier than you were before, even with all the change

critically at the issues in our country right now, especially those related to our handling of the pandemic. I decided it was finally time to share my thoughts with people outside my

that’s going on right now. Wear that outfit you love, apply to that school you don’t think you’ll get in to, ask your teacher to take another look at that essay. Do what’s best for you instead of constantly bending yourself to fit others’ expectations.






Details on page 36.

2. love the design of


this clipboard. functional and chic !


planners are


essential to staying organized during online school.

B | 10




obsessed with this notebook!! it's so cute.



every girl needs a great set of pens.

B | 11

how to: have the best school year ever


s s



sc B | 12







to g



th ye r









1. Do

what you love, love what you do participate in activities because you love them, not because they'll look good on your college applications.


Level Up with your friends surround yourself with people who encourage you to become the best version of yourself.


Try new things

Even though trying new things can be stressful, it's super rewarding. Have courage, and just go for it.

4. Priorities,

Prorities, Priorities Prioritize your school work. It's great to have fun in highschool, but it's all about a perfect balance between school and socializing; B | 13

B | 14

B | 15

college admissions KEEPING UP WITH

College Admissions Checklist and Tips by Tri Shriram

B | 16

Applying to college is one of the most stressful experiences seniors have to face. but, with patience and guidance, seniors can end this school year with excitement and feeling ready to start this new chapter of their life.

fall semester (in order): finish accumulating a final list of colleges approach your teachers and counselors about your Letters of Recommendation finish taking your SATs/ACTs request and start ALL applications fill out your FAFSA forms apply for other scholarships or grants

spring semester (in order): submit applications confirm other application components (SAT scores, LoRs) continue applying for financial aid stay calm and wait for decisions! choose the college you will attend notify other schools attend open house + find roommate


start accumulating a list of colleges as soon as you can. separate your colleges into two categories: early action and regular decision schools. some schools offer a nonbinding early decision, so you would apply for those schools in october - november.

see if there are interviews for your target or reach schools! it's a great way to let the admissions counselors know what a great person you are.

regularly talk to your high school and college counselor during this time! they can offer you guidance and help you make the best decisions!

submit your SAT and AP score! take advantage of sending scores to colleges for free when registering for these exams!Â

take a virtual campus tour! we may not be able to visit campuses on-site now, but it's still important to see what your future home will look like!

spend time with friends. this is stressful for everyone, so take some time to de-stress with people who make you feel good.

B | 17

B | 18


the power of goal setting how



B | 20



Goal setting is so important because it turns your aspirations into actions. Here's my advice on how to keep your goals intact.

Figure out what you want Start brainstorming ideas. goals can be as big as starting your own passion project, or as small as waking up earlier every morning.

Write down your goals daily

Make a Plan Figure out the steps you need to

Think voluminous sleeves and bold prints. This fashion trends gears

take to turn your dreams into a reality.

towards more drama than usual everyday dresses.

Be consistent Once you create your plan, be consistent and follow it. Reaching your goals is a proccess.

B | 21

B | 22

kindness strive to be kind. you never know what someone else is going through.

B | 23


ways to

become more

authentic this


By: Shanel Pouatcha

B | 24



inspiration over imitation It’s not terrible or “unauthentic” to imitate someone when seeking self improvement. Imitation can be a healthy part of our lives. Almost everyone does it. It’s completely fine to imitate as long as it progresses our personal agendas and wishes in perspective of our dreams, goals, and aspirations. It’s when we begin to echo someone else’s persona and goals without keeping our goals in perspective, that we begin to lose ourselves and our authenticity. There's a clear difference between imitation for self improvement vs. imitation that reflects someone else's desires and goals.In order to combat persistent social influence, we must give ourselves a frequent reminder to stay true to and remain as ourselves, not to derive our persona, goals, or actions from the

drop the envy

potent personal influences of those around us.

2 3

If there is one thing that will hold you back, it’s envying someone else. Next time you find yourself a bit envious, ask yourself these three questions:“Why do I want what they have?”“Is what they have truly what will make me happy, or do I think it will make me happy?”“How can I use their accomplishments as positive motivation for my own aspirations?”To live authentically we have to understand that another person's possessions or situation are ultimately not what will make us happy.As Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, “Envy is ignorance” — it is the very facilitator of what we call aimless imitation. We have to make the conscious decision to shun envy, sensor imitation, and to embrace others personal values, dreams, and accomplishments in a way that complements the decisions and choices we make for ourselves in our deliberate choice to chase our own dreams.

accept yourself

Not as easy as it sounds, trust me, I know. We wish it could be as simple as waking up one day and fully loving and accepting yourself for who you are - but it isn’t. It’s a process. Here’s an exercise: Take 20 minutes. No phone, music, podcast, book, T.V. , sounds, etc. — nothing. Sit with yourself without any distractions — no I’m not talking about meditation — literally just sit there. It can be a bit weird at first, usually we have something (even if it’s for a minute), to sort of distract ourselves from… ourselves. What this will do is leave you with your own thoughts, allowing not only your personal creativity to build on the nothingness, but a personal trail of selfdiscovery and acceptance to form. Start making it a habit to take time out of your day to just sit with yourself, level out, and grow to accept yourself. Accepting yourself is a choice — a difficult one at times — but it’s in accepting ourselves that we can finally act on our authenticity.


Authenticity is a deliberate choice that’s acquired through seeking understanding of your truth, and reflecting that in deliberate action. And you can start today working towards it today!

B | 25

yellow! yellow! yellow! The perfect sunny look for this Summer. Details on Page 37.

B | 26

The perfect dress for a

Masks are the

Saturday afternoon.

coolest things you can wear


right now.

1. 2.



You can never go wrong with a Yves Saint Laurent.

B | 27

the you right now. By:



After 17 years of living, it’s safe

So, all this to say, embrace who

to say that I’ve been through my

you are right now. Go for that

fair share of phases. Looking

new fashion trend that you are

back, I physically cringe looking

worried is too loud, express your

at pictures of me from eighth

feelings in whatever way you

grade, and remembering how I

see fit, and listen to the music

acted back then. I was a

that you want to, regardless of

musical theater, Harry Potter

whether or not it’s ‘cool’ or

obsessed, young teenager who

‘trendy.’ And, what better time

thought that I had the whole

to try out a new fashion trend

world figured out. In just three

when most of your schooling will

years, the person who I am now

probably end up online

still has traces of the old me (I’m

anyways? The only people that

still pretty obsessive, but some

will see you will be your family,

things never change), but there

and they are stuck with you for

have been a lot of changes in

life, whether they like it or not.

friends, style, interests, and so

As long as the you right now is

much more. Even though I may

happy and healthy, that is all

spend nights crying tears of

that really matters. Will I regret

laughter, a little embarrassment,

having the volume all the way

as my friends send old pictures

up on my radio as my friends

of us in our groupchat, I have

sing ‘What Makes You Beautiful’

also realized that it’s okay to

at the top of their lungs in the

cringe.I believe it was Cody Ko

Downtown Alpharetta parking

that once said if you don’t look

garage? Probably. But right

back on yourself and cringe, you

now, that is a fond memory that

haven’t grown. There’s no point

I will hold dear. Sure, in a

in worrying if what you’re doing

couple of years, I might wonder

now is going to make the future

‘God, I can’t believe that we did

you cringe, because I guarantee

that, that’s so obnoxious’ but

that if you have any personal

right now, I am more than

growth, it will.

grateful for the moments like those.

B | 29

B | 30

Reminder Invest in yourself.Â

You got this!

B | 31


B | 32

CHATS college students with

So you went to High school in Georgia, and moved from Georgia all the way to Chicago, What was the hardest part of going to a school that was so far away from home?The hardest part of going to a school out of state was simply not knowing anyone in Chicago and not knowing the city itself. It was a very apprehensive process, but it truly helped me evolve into a more independent, confident woman which I have always aspired to be. How did you end up adjusting to a new environment? Was it a quick change for you, or something that you had to get used to over a long period of time?Adjusting to a new environment is never really easy for me, but it

How did you deal with the stress of the college

was a gradual process. I really was patient with

application process? To be honest, it was a

myself and accepted all the feelings that came

learning experience especially since I am a first

with it. I think that making more friends and

generation student, so my parents and I were

becoming engaged in school definitely helped

learning everything together. The internet and

ease the process for me.

youtube were great resources, as well as my counselor at school who really helped me understand the significance of various parts of the application process. What is the biggest lesson you learned when

From HighSchool to College what was the thing that shocked you the most? In high school I always complained about feeling like I didn't totally belong. Once I got to college, I finally met people who had the same mentality as me and the same strive for success, this shocked me

applying to schools? The biggest lesson I

in the best way possible. I truly feel like I have

learned was truly understanding who I was and

found lifelong friends who share the same

who I wanted to be and how these schools

interests, goals, and experiences as me.

would help me achieve my goals. Before this

What would you say is the key to making friends

experience, I realized that I had rarely ever sat down and reflected on what made me who I am and what I wanted to do. How did you know Northwestern University was the school for you? I explored as much as I could about Northwestern through videos of the

with people in college? The key to making friends with people in college is really to talk! As scary as it is, putting yourself out there is the only way you'll really make friends. There are different ways of doing this whether this means actually approaching someone, joining clubs, finding classmates on social media, or anything

school, the website, and even a tour. I felt a


certain pull to Northwestern over other schools,

What piece of advice would you give to yourself

but I couldn't really place my choice on one

as a first year college student. The piece of

thing. It was a combination of the fact that I

advice I would give to myself as a first year

really did want to go somewhere I had never been before, that was also prestigious, and would give me opportunities to really advance myself professionally and personally.

college student would be that everything will be okay. As stressful and unpredictable the first year can be and just college in general, life is about the journey you take to get to where you want to be. Have fun and always believe in yourself!

B | 33



B | 32


create for house of

BEVERLY email: to get started!

B | 35

1. BANDO- Giant Paper Clips-Set of 2 Â $12 2.BANDO - Get it Together Clipboard Folio $18 3. HERSHEL SUPPLY CO.- Settlement Case: Rosewater Pastel $21 4. POTTERY BARN- Skyline Four Section Pencil Holder $39 5. BANDO- Week to Week Desk Notepad $10 6. BANDO- Super Fun Daisy Notebook $14 7. BANDO- Rough Draft Large Notebook $15.95 8.TARGET- Spiral Notebook 1 Subject College Ruled Brushstroke-Greenroom $2 9. TARGET- U Brands 4ct Gel Ink Pens- Pastel Speckle $4.49 10. BANDO- Stick With it Paper Tape Mega Pack- Daises $10

B | 36

1. HEIDI KLIEN - Cancun Floral Print Maxi Dress $532 2. ALIGHIERI- St. Christopher 24kt Gold Plated Necklace $255 3. APPLES & FIGS- Golden Hues Ginko 24kt Gold Plated Earrings $329 4. LELE SADOUGHI- Set of 3 Pastel Face Masks $40 5. SAINT LAURENT- Quilted Wallet $725

B | 37

house of



Editor-in-chief Camryn Bryant


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