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BEVERLY house of


MARCH 2021

MARCH the comfort issue

HOB @houseofbeverly

MARCH 2021

house of



Editor and Chief

MARCH 2021

Camryn Bryant


16 FINDING WHO YOU ARE What does it mean to find yourself? How do you make that happen? Read all about Madison Cochran's journey to finding herself here.

20 NOT SO VAIN Youtuber Syrai Graham's journey to being confident in her content.

28 COLLEGE COMFORT Attention seniors: it's time to get excited about going to college.


EXPLAINING COMFORT ZONES What is a comfort zone?

Why do we hate leaving them so much? Get answers here.



36 PLAYLIST The HOB Monthly Playlist. Guaranteed to put you in your


10 VIVIENNE WESTWOOD A brief biography on the icon, Vivienne Westwood.

22 MIU MIU Fun facts about Prada's younger sister.

March Feels.

16 #SOTM The Show of the Month that we can't get enough of. It's educational, creative and fun. Can you guess what it is?

18 #BOTM This issue's Book of the Month is all about owning it, and was written by the founder of the wrap dress.

CONTENTS 44 MEET HARRIET BROWN An interview with Harriet Brown: artist, creator, and the future of illustrating.

34 OUTSIDE OF THE BOX The BEST piece of advice for anyone who is learning to like themselves.


30 NEW SUMMER TRENDS Commentary on the newest summer trends demonstrated by Carolina Herrera.

42 BAGS WE <3 Four must have bags.









o editR's


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. -Neale Donald Walsch

Over the past year, our lives have been filled with uncertainty. If you're like me, you hate the idea of change. Unpredictability in our lives can be terrifying, but recently I've learned it's important to step outside of your norm. This issue of House of Beverly was created around the concept of comfort zones: why they're scary, and how to break out of one. While you read this issue, I hope it gives you the courage to let go of what's comfortable and try something new.



YOU PROBABLY OWN ONE OF HER NECKLACES Vivienne Westwood was born on April 8, 1941 in Derbyshire, England. During her teenage years she worked at local factories, and learned how to sew. In 1965, Vivienne met McLaren, the future manager of an influential punk-rock band. Westwood instantly became infatuated with the rock and roll industry, and used it for inspiration in her designs. Her love for rock and roll shaped the brand that we all know and love today.



finding who you are MADISON COCHRAN

When do you figure out who you are? As someone that’s currently reading a lot of college blogs, I’ve seen the phrase “find yourself” more times than I can count. And according to those blogs, you’re supposed to figure out who you are in college. But I don’t understand why we have to wait that long. Sure, who we are will change as we get older (who we are in high school isn’t who we are in college or in our adult lives). But I’ve always felt as if there’s an expectation that we wait until we’re older to get in tune with who we are at that particular moment in time. Maybe that’s because I’ve always associated high school with conformity. Struggling to fit in seems like some sort of glamorous rite of passage in all the books I read and movies I’ve seen. College, on the other hand, was always portrayed as the socially acceptable time to be myself (re: I’ll be happier in college, college will be my time, etc.). And, looking back on high school, I can’t help but think this is a ridiculous notion. Self-exploration shouldn’t have a time stamp. I know, it’s a little late for me to realize this, seeing as I am rapidly approaching my own time stamp. But the idea that there’s a set time and place to be yourself is one that I’ve had to work hard to escape. And upon reflection, sometimes I think that my biggest obstacle to understanding myself was, well, me. I had to consciously remove the limitations I had placed on myself. What I’m trying to say here is this: be unapologetically yourself, at all times. Every second you’re putting off becoming who you want to be is just wasted time.



not so


Prepping for my first video was absolutely nerve-wracking. I’d just recently cemented my makeup skills and SLIGHTLY improved my self-esteem, so thoughts of self-doubt were flurrying at the back of my mind. When anyone is passionate about beauty, they’re intrinsically seen as vain or insecure, but my reasoning behind it went beyond that. I was just so worried that instead of being seen as someone who’s put-together or has an interesting personality, I’d be viewed as vain and superficial instead. All of this suppressed doubt and negativity inhibited my exploration as a[n extremely] small creator. I didn’t want to be seen as “the makeup girl” but being praised for my self-expression (which obviously has to do with my makeup) helped me realize that there will be SOMEONE out there, even just one person who might want to see what I have to offer. That’s why I decided to finally go for it and start a beautyfocused YouTube channel, along with a Pinterest and Tiktok account to show snippets of my little happy place.

I was scared about it all since I’ve always had an extremely small viewership and following in my past accounts, which heavily discouraged me. To this day I’m still relatively unseen, but seeing the comments about how my tips were helpful, how some of my viewers are just now getting into makeup, and all the little compliments really help me continue to express myself freely. Although I’d love to see some growth, I’m well aware that it is a process and passion is much more important than statistics. My time will come, but until then, I’m going to continue justifying my impulse beauty purchases— or should I say, make content that makes me happy! I advise that whatever you’re good at, you should show it to the world! Whether 500, 500K or even 50 people see it, your creativity and your overall happiness should be the ultimate focus.

Click to Support Syrai's Youtube Channel Here

miu miu let's talk about

miu miu let's talk about


iu Miu was founded by

Miuccia Prada in 1993 in Milan Italy. The

brand is a sub-group of the overarching brand, Prada. Over time, Miu Miu was able to form their own identity separate from its parent brand.


he brand is known for its ability to combine flirty elements (like ruffle and diamonds) with trendy silhouettes and make them trendy.


ver the course of time, Miu Miu's reputation has also been shaped around the brand's willingness to appoint young celebrities like Stormi Reid and Emma Corwin as brand ambassadors.




Stepping out of your comfort zones is never easy no matter who you are. But sometimes it’s just what needs to happen. With college around the corner for me, I had to make a huge decision. It was time for me to find my roommate, someone I was going to be living with for the next year, and someone that could possibly be a lifelong friend. I have always been comfortable talking to new people, but my biggest fear is putting myself out there just to be shot down. So, talking to new people was hard for me because I love to meet new people, but I am also indecisive. So, through this process I had to break out of my comfort zone and really put myself out there. Although I was scared and knew I could make a mistake and not choose the best person for me I knew that whoever I picked was meant to be in my life. Living life by the book is not how life was meant to be lived. The worst that can happen from leaving your comfort zone is that you learn from your mistakes and you move on. Having had to reach out to other people it made me more comfortable with meeting new people and I had to get used to the thought and feeling that not everyone was going to like me. Although some times were tough, the experience was definitely something that I needed to learn before I went to college and I am thankful for it. Now as scary as it is the biggest take away from this would be that there is a reason for everything.

Match your spring break fit with a pair of golden hoops to upgrade your look.

Pinstripe linen dresses are DEFINITELY in style this year.


Work meets Play. Match a long button down shirt with a pair of shorts to create a chic look.

Carolina Herrera




One of my favorite quotes is, “The best way to

I thank my mom for pushing me to go to the

build self confidence.. Is to do the things you

party because if I wouldn’t have gone there

are afraid of.” To be honest that applies to a

I would have never been able to say I met

lot of the things we do everyday. When you

some of those great people. I stepped

think about talking to new people, eating new

outside of my box and it turned out great!

foods, trying new clothes… it can sometimes be SUPER scary. One reminder you can always

While writing this article, I received a new

carry with yourself is that if you never try it, you

assignment at school. We were to dress-up

will never know if you like it.

business casual for a basic interview simulation. I was so embarrassed because I

I remember a time I had to step outside of my

didn’t want to show up to school with a

box. I was invited to my friends 13th birthday

fitted skirt and business shirt on. While this

party. I was 11 at the time about to turn 12. This

nervousness ran through my body it was

girl was my theater friend, and she was a year

soon washed away by the many

older than me. I was terrified when she first

compliments I got from my teachers and

emailed the invite. I could not fathom the idea

classmates about my outfit. There were

that I was going to a party with people older

some stares I won't lie, but I didn’t care

than me. Now truth be told, I exaggerated the

because I stepped outside of my box and

number of people who were expected to

wore something different. I never changed

attend the party. In my mind, I expected so

into the extra clothes that were in my

many people would be going to the party but

locker because I was proud of my business

actually only 7-9 people attended the party

casual look.

besides me. I walked up to her house super nervous. My mom told me “Alainah, If you want

With these two experiences I hope that you

to go into the world as a confident person, you

push yourself to try something new. Life

have to be able to hold conversations with

can be scary, trying new things can be

people you barely know.” I didn't realize it then,

scary, but it is okay to be scared! You

but my mom was actually right. When I left the

aren’t living life if you don't have a fear or

party I had plenty of numbers from people I met

two. Don’t allow your fears to keep you

at the get together. I even still talk to some of

inside of your box. Step outside of your

them today.

comfort zone!

the march. playlist.

I Don't Want it At All

I Kim Petras

Ordinary Superstar | Rina Sawayama


| Coco & Clair Clair

Get Like | Kehlani














We’ve always heard the phrase: “you should step outside of your comfort zone,” but what does that even mean? What is a comfort zone? We all have them, a place or a state of mind in which we’ve gotten used to being comfortable with our surroundings. But it’s such a vague definition, and it’s one that allows us to define numerous situations in our lives that we would define to be our comfort zones. It could extend to having a specific type of music that you listen to and not venturing to listen to different artists or genres, (Travis Scott. I literally have a playlist that has only Travis Scott songs), or being unable to come to terms with your mental health because you’ve gotten comfortable feeling good and acting as though there is nothing wrong. However, leaving your comfort zone is a sign of internal strength and signifies a period of growth in which you might gain more confidence, experience different perspectives, and go through mental maturity.

Being a high school senior, I am constantly told that college provides the perfect environment to “go outside my comfort zone”. I assume they’re all talking about trying out new clubs or meeting new people who can provide me with different perspectives on life. But let’s be perfectly honest; we were told these exact same things when we came to high school. We were told that high school would present more opportunities than middle and elementary school, like an infinite amount of clubs and internship opportunities once we got older. It’s reasonable then to assume that we will be told this again after college when we enter the workforce. “Go outside your comfort zone,” they’ll tell us, “do some crazy hobby you’ve always wanted to do or try out a new haircut!” It’s not as easy as dying your hair purple or taking a painting class. going outside your comfort zone, truly leaving an area of comfort to seek a place of discomfort, is scary and can pose great risks to people who have some mental health issues. But these incredibly cheesy people - being our parents, family, and teachers - have a point. whenever we hit a new milestone in our lives - high school, college, first job - we’re given new opportunities to go a step further out of our comfort zones.

I thought that i would never get involved with the military. The whole idea of fighting people in battlefields terrified me and I planned to completely avoid any sign of military involvement in my life path. But when i learned that i could pursue law and give back to my country, I decided that pursuing a career in the army was something I should do. This country gave me so much; why couldn’t i give back? Telling my parents and family that I wanted to join the army after college was one of the most nerve-wracking things I've ever had to do. But, my dad sat down with me to discuss what made me make this decision and has been my number one supporter ever since. Now, I’m going to whatever college accepts me with a ROTC scholarship that I couldn’t be more grateful and honored to accept. This whole experience was outside of my comfort zone: setting aside 8 years of my life to serve before jumping into the crazy world of diplomatic policies at the UN, pushing myself to physical limits I didn’t know existed, grappling with my issues that never allowed me to be satisfied with my actions. I stepped outside of my comfort zone in high school, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop leaving my comfort zone in college.

Going outside your comfort zone may not happen in a mere four years, mine certainly takes longer. So take your time. understand your limits and believe in your “why”; why are you choosing to go outside your comfort zone? Make sure your “why” makes the journey you’re about to embark on worth it. Don’t pressure yourself, and certainly don’t give up. Some days can be harder than others, but that just means you’re making the personal growth you’ll one day be proud of yourself for. If you haven’t made the move yet, you have your whole life ahead of you to go venture into the “uncomfortable zone”. I’m rooting for you.


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Le grand Bambino bag

BOTTEGA VENETA The Mini Pouch Crossbody bag

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Baby Pleated Bucket Bag


Hourglass Tote Bag



An upcoming fashion Illustrator.

Why did you start creating Fashion sketches? I don’t remember when I started illustrating. I’ve always had a love for painting and illustration and honestly anything involving visual arts. In middle school my mom decided to take my digital illustrations and put them onto t-shirt’s. That’s when my business I guess started but it never really took off. Over time, my work has progressed and I get commissions done whenever possible and work on my website little by little.

Do you have any artists that you look up to? Who are they? What makes them noteworthy? Yeah actually, when i was younger I looked towards a lot of other artists for inspiration. I remember some of my favorites were Megan Hess, Hayden Williams, Drawbertson and several others. I used to compare myself to them constantly and ask why I wasn't as good as them. After several years, I realized that not only were our illustration styles incredibly

Out of all of your creations, which one are you the most proud of? Why?

different, we were and so were our skills and knowledge. After this realization, I try not to follow too many other artists and try

Recently I did a custom for a client up in New

to find inspiration from other sources. This

York. They requested that instead of an

might not apply to everyone or every artist,

illustration, I do a painting of the Melody

but I’m very judgmental and critical of

Ehansi x Nike Air Jordan sneakers. Usually I

myself so it’s a personal choice not to

don’t do paintings, however I hate letting

follow them too much.

people down and was more than happy to try. This painting ended up becoming one of my favorite pieces of work and sending it up to her, the whole time I wanted to keep it.

What advice would you give to someone who want to start making fashion sketches?

What inspired you to start sharing your work online?

Honestly, just go for it. I know that’s what everyone says, but you just have

Around middle school, my family decided

to be somewhere. It doesn’t have to

to homeschool us and travel around the

be perfect, and it never will be. Your

world. This gave me a lot of extra time to

art will constantly evolve and go

draw and start sharing it online. At this

through phases just as the artist does.

point it was only an instagram account and

Find inspiration, try out different styles,

no website yet, but it was certainly a start

practice, practice, practice and I

for my middle school self.

promise you’ll see results.

This is my painting of the Melody Ehansi x Nike Air Jordans. Love this painting. It went to a client in NYC.

One of my favorite illustrations i’ve done. it’s the Anna Sui spring/summer 1994



HOB @houseofbeverly

MARCH 2021

house of



Editor and Chief

MARCH 2021

Camryn Bryant

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