Uexplore 2017 Winter Issue

Page 34




起日本 美 食,就 不 能 不 提 廣 受 各 地 人們 歡 迎 的 讚 岐 烏 冬;有 道 說 : 授 人 以「魚 」不 如 授 人 以 「漁」。來到以讚岐烏冬而聞名的香川縣,除了美好的旅遊回憶和紀念品外,不妨把製作烏冬的方法 也帶回家吧!美食以外,香川縣的濃厚文化和雅致景色也同樣值得細細品味。


ith a long and established reputation in its rich, stunning history and culture, Kagawa-ken is eminent for all worldwide well-liked cuisine - Sanuki udon. In this city, visitors can soak themselves in the essence of historical attachment as well as reviving Japanese traditional delicacies where the most hypercritical gourmets can be fulfilled. Not only bringing home unforgettable memories and souvenirs but also the exceptional gift of the technique of making local food. Days spent in Kagawa-ken would definitely turn visitors into awe-inspiring chefs and connoisseurs - prepare to meet a new self in this refreshing yet elegant city of Japan!


Waters of Healing – The Busshozan-Onsen

由當地的建築家設計,以其開放感及簡約的現代風格為特色的佛生山温泉 外 觀上更像是一座藝術中心;身處其中時,旅客不但能在室內浴場或露天 風呂享受被稱為「美人之湯」、對皮膚及身體有多種好處的療養池,更能 沐浴在 柔和 舒適的自然光中;即使是不泡湯的旅客亦能在佛生山温 泉 內的休息位置好好放鬆身心。溫泉內有可供閱讀及購買的書籍,亦有 提供各種食物飲料的咖啡廳。在輕柔的音樂繞樑下,絕對能悠閒地消 磨一個下午。


esigned by a local architect, the Busshozan-Onsen is a fine and modern representation that attracts not only locals, but also tourists because of its reputation as ‘The Beauty’s Onsen’. With a spacious interior, natural light shines through the French windows which illuminate the lounge and café inside the Onsen. Tourists can spend an afternoon at ease reading and enjoying the food and drinks offered by the café. For travelers who are eager to take a dip in the spa underneath the natural daylight, choose from two options between the indoor pool or an open-air hot spring which has therapeutic effects containing hydrogen-carbonate.

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