Uexplore 2019 Summer Issue

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U.explore Summer 2019

熱情夏日 活力宮古 Passionate Miyako •

仲夏慶典 Get Ready for A Festive Summer 一家大小遊曼谷 Family Fun in Bangkok B.Duck奇遇 B.Duck Adventure 香港最新文青打卡熱點 Art in Hong Kong Style

Summer 2019

歡迎 Welcome

朝氣煥然 盛夏旅途

Cover Photo Miyako, Okinawa, Japan

Your Summer, Your Move!

朝氣蓬勃的夏季又來到了!是時候擁抱夏日明媚陽光, Summer is around the corner, it´s the perfect time to 在蔚藍大海的島嶼間暢遊,在異國潔白沙灘上奔跑了。 enjoy a break from the daily grind and fuel up your wanderlust! Whether it´s capturing the sunset over HK Express 隆 重 推 介 即 將 在 7 月 19 日 開 通 的 宮 古 the shades of blue, soaking in the surreal vistas on (下地島)獨家直航航線。宮古堪稱最佳夏日目的地, the pristine land, or indulging in scrumptious Asian 在這個熱情的季節,遠離鬧市的污染與喧囂,享受一 treats of enchanting flavors. The best way to savour 個悠閒的假期吧。 your Summer is to get aboard and unravel the destinations with your own eyes. HK Express 致力為旅客提供更佳的服務體驗,在今年 3 月順利推出嶄新的品牌概念及形象、標語、手機應 With high anticipation, the first direct flights between 用程式和網頁,彰顯品牌的冒險精神與服務承諾。於 Hong Kong and Miyako (Shimojishima) will begin 5 月起亦開始提供更多附加服務,讓您的旅途更舒適 scheduled services on July 19th. Flying every Tuesday, 如意。U-First 優 先服務為您優 先處 理 託 運行 李,優 Friday and Sunday, now is the time to put the "I" in 先辦理登機手續和預先登機服務,減少等候時間。現 Island paradise by selfishly treating yourself to the 更開設網上預訂 40kg 託運行李,提供更多的託運行 island getaway you´ve been waiting for. 李額選擇。 HK Express 致力提升服務質素,帶您探索更多未知的 世界新奇,迎接今個夏季的精彩旅途。

To make your journey even more pleasant, we are upgrading our product and service offering. You can now can enjoy our Priority Baggage, Priority Checkin and Priority Boarding services so your journey will be truly hassle-free. Shopaholics rejoice as we´ve added a new 40kg checked baggage allowance. With heartfelt gratitude, we thank you for the support. Rest assured we are always here for your Summer adventures. We will continue to expand the possibilities even further and provide our Guests even more destinations and services for the perfect getaway!

U.explore • Summer 2019





06 Editorial Editorial Director: Zia ZHENG Bilingual Writer: Recyi CHEN Contributing Writers: Oki-Family, Watergold Proofreader: Ryan TO Art Designers: Kenneth CHAN, Phyllis CHOI Management Managing Director: Tsuyoshi ITO (ito@hopewill.com) Media Specialist: Nathan LI (nathan@hopewill.com)


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目錄 Contents



熱情夏日 活力宮古

Passionate Miyako




Best in Summer



Get Ready for A Festive Summer

28 台中出發 一日彰化小旅行 Take A Day Trip from Taichung to Chang Hua 33


Family Fun in Bangkok

40 B.Duck奇遇


A ll rig ht s re s e r ve d . C o p y rig ht© H o n g Ko n g Express Airways Limited. All material in Uexplore is fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in any part without the permission of the publisher. Editorial material and opinions expressed in Uexplore do not necessarily reflect the views of HK Express or the publisher. HK Express, the publisher and editors will not be held responsible for any action, omission or error resulting from actions taken on the basis of the information provided here. HK Express and the publisher accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other material.

U.explore • Summer 2019

B.Duck Adventure




Art in Hong Kong Style




Summer Recipes to Chill

News & Info



Latest News



Inflight Service



Health & Safety



Route Map 5•

熱情夏日 活力宮古 Passionate Miyako 宮古群島這個迷人的世外桃源,堪稱最靠近香港的馬爾代夫,距離香港只需兩個 半小時飛行時間。宮古亦是日本人樂於前往的南方樂園,全年氣候宜人,島嶼零 污染。 下地島是位於宮古的島嶼,緊鄰伊良部島的西側,與伊良部島之間有六座橋樑相 連。隨著今年三月才落成的下地島國際機場,HK Express於7月19日開通首個國際 航班,逢星期二、五、日由香港直航到達下地島。 Closer than ever with HK Express direct flights, today´s Miyako is just 2.5 hours away, and seen as one of the most beautiful paradises in Asia. From tranquil white-sand beaches to bustling fish markets, Miyako is a feast for senses. Located on the southwest to Irabu Island, Shimoji Island can be reached through six ocean bridges. Shimojishima Airport, recently opened in March, is where the vacation begins. Pack your bag and gear up with HK Express (every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday) this Summer, to enjoy a long weekend on this seaside destination!



U.explore • Summer 2019


Miyako, Okinawa, Japan

宮古群島屬於日本沖繩縣,是位於琉球列島 西部的島嶼群落,而宮古島是宮古群島之中 最大的島嶼。 宮古近年旅遊業迅速起飛,無論是價錢相宜 的青 年旅館,還 是面朝大海的六星級 酒店, 都能在宮古找到,滿足不同旅客需求。若想 要多一些私隱,可租住豪華別墅,夜晚更可 一睹漫天的星光。夏天可來此沐浴海風,在 清澈透明的海水中暢遊。冬季溫度適宜,可 來此享受位於日本最南方的溫泉。 宮 古最 令人嚮往 的是它純白的 沙灘 和 透明 的 海 水。這 裡 擁 有 被日本 評 為 最 漂 亮 的 沙 灘 與 那 霸 前 濱 海 灘( 總 長 7 公 里 ) 和 瀉 湖 Imugya。受 到天 然 屏 障 保 護,大 人小 孩 也 可在此安全地暢游。若你喜歡潛水,宮古一 定不會令你失望。這裡的大部分水域能見度 超 過 40 米以 上,經常可看見海龜等海底生 物。另外,此地擁有許多探索難度不一的洞 穴,不同水平的潛水愛好者都可隨時來一次 大海探秘。 •8

A s a g ro u p of isla n d s in O kin a wa Prefe c ture, Ja pa n, Miya ko Isla nds a re situated bet ween Ryukyu Isla nds a nd Taiwan. Among these vibrant islands of Miyako, Miyako Island is the largest and the most populous one. With approximately 100-kilometer-long costal line, Miyako is a relatively flat island made of elevated coral reef, where you will be surrounded by its fascinating clear ocean and untouched nature. Most well-known for Yonaha Meahama Beach and the lagoon Imugya Marine


Garden, Miyako is suitable for extensive marine leisure activities, including banana boats, parasailing and jet skiing. To better experience the shore water that transits from emerald green to navy blue in a vivid gradient, diving and snorkeling will definitely give you the satisfaction. In addition to playing along the ocean and swimming with sea turtles, there are numerous other options on this island for your customized pick. Either gazing at the starry night sky, or relaxing in Japan´s southernmost hot spring, a Summer break at Miyako is never lacking surprises. U.explore • Summer 2019

池間島 Hirara Island

下地島空港 Shimojishima Airport

伊良部島 Irabu island

下地島 Shimoji Island

伊良部大橋 Irabu bridge

宮古島 Miyako Island

來間島 Kurima Island


住在沖繩的香港 三口之家,帶你踏 足琉球秘密之地 A Hong Kong family of three, living in Okinawa, welcomes you to experience a unique Ryukyu.


A . 雖然是在炎熱的小島上,但是宮古島依然擁有特色 A 的露天溫泉 ——黃金溫泉。由於是氯化鈉泉,即低滲透、 弱鹼性的熱泉,因此泉水會呈現與別不同的金 黃色。 您可一邊浸泡一邊欣賞遠處美麗風光,一切身心的疲 乏消散。


E • 10

Shigira O ug o n O nse n o n Miya ko Isla nd is the southernmost and westernmost natural hot spring in Japan, surrounded by plants, flowers and an amazing panoramic view. In front of Miyako´s best scenery, you can enjoy the finest relaxation in the amber-colored and warm spring water.



B B. 白 鳥岬公園位於伊良部島最北端的公園,

沿著斷崖和美麗的海岸線而行,一覽周邊 海域和洞窟交錯的複雜地形。 Hakuchozaki Nishikaigan Park is located on the most northern part of Irabu Island, offering a breathtaking coastal line with cliffs and clear ocean.

C. 宮古的人氣蟹料理和捉蟹體驗絕對不能

錯過。 Crab cuisine in Miyako is a must-try. So is crab catching!


D. 路過島中咖啡店的小農園看看,找到城市

沒有的自然氣息。 Take a break at Kurima Mini Zoo and explore what´s missing in the city center.

E. 遠 眺全日本最長的橋——伊良部大橋的寬 廣景致。 The marvelous Irabu-ohashi Bridge, the longest bridge nationwide, in distance.

F. 在 池間島大橋沙灘享受陽光,乃是夏日最 簡單的快樂! Indulge into the simplest joy and take a sun bath at Ikema Bridge beach!

G. 位 於伊良部島的潛水點,風景如畫,潛入

G U.explore • Summer 2019

咸淡水中的神秘體驗。 To experience layers of salty and fresh water, come and dive into Irabu yourselves!


島內交通 Transportation 若來宮古島旅行,不妨一起來看看實用的島 內交通指南,了解島內交通的常見問題和解 答吧! 1. 若不是自駕遊,適不適合去宮古? 絕對適合。這裡大部份活動都有公司的專車 接送,不一定完全需要自駕遊。而著名的景 點也可搭乘巴士到達,另外,的士收費相宜, 但建議提早預約。 2. 租車方便嗎? 方便,但是一定要提早預約。宮古是個非常 受日本本地遊客歡迎的地方。如果剛好趕上 日本黃金週,有可能會一車難求。

reached by bus as well. Miyako is not huge, and taxi fares will not be expensive either. (Early reservation is recommended.)

2. Is it easy to rent a car? Yes, it is. However, you have to book well in advance. Miyako is a popular holiday 3. 如果我不經常駕駛,自駕遊會否有困難? 宮古的車輛不太多,開車環境良好。但是這 destination. If it happens to be Japan´s 裡有許多路段雜草叢生,有可能會影響視野。 public holidays, it may be hard to secure a 夜晚街燈比較少,為確保安全,自駕遊的時 car. 候請盡量減慢速度。另外,在夏天可能會在 馬路上目睹滿地螃蟹爬過的奇景,不過若見 3. I´m a weekend driver, will I cope? 到椰子蟹請切記不要碰它,因為它的蟹鉗鋒 There are not so many cars on the road in 利甚至可以弄碎玻璃! Miyako, so the roads are relatively easy. However, because of its tropical weather, 另外,宮古租車價錢落差很大,但謹記勿貪 grass grows fast and furiously. They may 便宜,建議去提供完善保險和配套保障的大 block your view before you turn corners, 公司,就算旅程途中偶遇意外,都可盡快換 so be extra careful. Roadside lamps may 車及處理。 also be scarce, so go slowly at night. 快來自由自在地享受自駕遊的樂趣吧!請小 心駕駛,祝你擁有一個愉快旅程。 To Japanese locals, Miyako Islands are the to go getaway destination on the top of their list; yet, its attractiveness is undermined by a lot of visitors from Hong Kong! Wondering whether you´d make it a road trip or not? Is it convenient for those who can´t drive? Crack all the mysteries with us now and give this island jewel a go! 1. Is Miyako suitable as I don´t drive? Absolutely! Most of the activity providers have pick-up services, so you don´t have to drive. Famous sightseeing spots can be • 12

On Summer nights, when you drive back to your hotel, it´s highly recommended that you go slowly-you´ll be able to see lots of crabs strutting across the roads! And if you pay extra attention, you´ll be able to see coconut crabs too! But here´s a reminder–don´t touch them, since their claws are strong enough to break glass! Ca r re nta l p ric e s c a n b e of hu g e differences amongst different car rental companies. We suggest that you choose carefully for a better insurance plan. Look carefully at the small words. Fa s cin a te d by th e vie w w h e n d rivin g around Miyako! Book your trip now!


宮 古島雖然只 是 一 個小島,但 是島內基 建、 娛樂和購物設施一應俱全,這裡擁有二十四 小時的超市,還有各種土產商鋪。夏天又是 宮古特色水果收成的季節,別忘了來品嚐最 著名的宮古芒果和蜜瓜。宮古島擁有各種居 酒屋及燒肉店,近年亦有多個大型酒吧落成, 不少酒店每週都會舉辦免費煙花匯演,可近 距離觀賞煙花,留下最美的夏夜回憶。 蔚藍的天空,海邊的微風,冰涼的芒果沙冰 ……宮古還有更多屬於你的記憶,需要你親 自前來慢慢挖掘,期待與你們在街角相遇。

U.explore • Summer 2019

With the lush greenery, crystal-clear ocean and rich floras, Miyako Island is inviting you to explore and relax. Other than the divine nature, a wide range of healthy local gourmet options is also something you can´t miss. Be sure to try its famous mango and other tropical fruits! When the weather is nice, take the time to relax. Sit down at a seaside café and have some mango smoothies. This is Miyako Island. Want a blast this Summer? Come and cre ate some unforg etta ble memorie s with your loved ones! Looking forward to me etin g y o u o n this s e c lu d e d y et colorful island. 13•


炎夏熱點 Bes t in Summer • 16


無論是在海島盡情享受陽光沙灘,還是在山中綠蔭避暑 納涼,盛夏之際,這些地方最適宜夏天親臨! From relaxing journeys on the islands and beaches, to the thrilling adventure in the woods, Summer brings out the best of nature awaits you to explore. U.explore • Summer 2019



牛島 Udo

Udo Island : A Miniature of Jeju 牛島 位 於 濟州島 的東 邊 尾 端 城山 浦東北方約 3.8 公里處。形狀如同 一 頭 臥牛 而 得 名。想 要 到 達 牛 島, 需從濟州島市外巴士站搭乘巴士約 1.5 小時,至 城山浦 港 搭 船約 15 到 20 分鐘。 Situated around 3.8 kilometers of f the eastern coast of Jeju 牛島一直到約 150 年前,才有人正 Island, South Korea, Udo Island is 式定居,目前人口依然稀少,僅有 named because the shape of the 一千多人,附近經常可以看見海女 island mirrors a cow lying down. 捕 魚。 島 上 碧 海 藍 天, 海 鷗 齊 飛, 海 水清 澈 見底,夏 天 來 此 地觀 景, To get on the exciting Udo, you 環島騎行都是極佳選擇。 can take a bus at Jeju Intercity Bus Terminal, after around 1.5hour road-trip you will arrive at 韓國濟州島牛島 Seongsan Port, hop on a ferry Udo, Udo-myeon, Cheju, Korea • 18

濟州島 Jeju

and be prepared for the beautiful views ahead! Population of the island is small, with an amount of slightly over 1000. Seen as a compact version of Jeju, Udo Island boasts variety of beaches, scenic peaks, local heritages, romantic lighthouses and fields of flowers.


塞班島 Saipan

禁斷島探秘 禁斷島 Forbidden Island

Forbidden Island : A Hike in Saipan´s Wilderness 禁斷島位於塞班島的東南面,是一 個半離島,除去其可怕的傳說,這 裡保留了塞班獨特而原始的自然風 光。 徒 步 前 行, 抬 頭 見 海 鳥 翱 翔, 看海龜在水中搖曳,可近距離感受 太平洋 的魅力。或 走 入 洞穴 探 險, 在岩石的夾縫中穿梭,目睹風景從 幽閉變得豁然開朗。

Lo cate d on the east coast of Saipa n, the rug g e d te rrain of Forbidden Island remains one of Saipan´s wildest attractions and is keeping most people away. But if you are excited for a thrilling hike a nd a n expedition to the mysterious marine sanctuary, you will be awarded with amazing ocean views, and a cave with its own secluded tide pool. 塞班島禁斷島 Forbidden Island Rd, Kagman, Saipan 96950

U.explore • Summer 2019


荔枝山瀑布納涼 The Phnom Kulen Waterfalls : Sacred Land of Siem Reap

暹粒 Siem Reap

荔枝山瀑布 The Phnom Kulen waterfall 柬埔寨 Cambodia

夏 天 前 來 瀑 布 納 涼, 擁 抱 綠 蔭 下 的自然。庫倫山瀑布位於暹粒的庫 倫山內。庫倫山又稱荔枝山,風光 秀美,是暹粒河發源地,古文明的 起源,因此這裡也是柬埔寨民眾眼 中的聖地。庫倫山的海拔高約 487 米,河流自山上直瀉而下,地勢落 差形成壯觀的瀑布。河床底雕刻著 近千個水底雕塑,形態各異。旱季 時,河水清明透澈,陽光穿透樹葉 中,映照出一個個光斑在水流之上。

柬埔寨暹粒荔枝山國家公園 Phnom Kulen National Park, Siem Reap, Cambodia • 20

With around 1.5 to 2 hour drive from Siem Reap, the waterfalls at the top of Phnom Kulen Mountain (literally Mountain of the Lychees) will be right in front of you. It´s known as the origin of Cambodia´s civilization and is regarded by the local families a s th e ir s a c re d h o m e la n d . Running from the height of 487 meters, the waterfalls flow into a gorgeous river with sophisticated carvings along the bank. Take a dip in the cool waters, or set up a picnic shaded from the sun, you will enjoy a lovely day out!

百合之濱 Kagoshima Yoron Island Beach


與論島 Yoron Island

鹿兒島幻白海濱 Kagoshima Yoron Island Beach 與論島,位於鹿兒島內最南端,靠 近沖永良部島與沖繩群島的沖繩島 之 間, 距 離 沖 繩 只 有 22 公 里, 卻 隸屬於鹿兒島縣。從沖繩那霸港搭 船約 5 小時,亦可從鹿兒島搭乘飛 機前往。 這是一個毫無污染,空氣新鮮,海 水清透,宛若世外桃源的小島。這 裡有被日本人稱之為絕景的「百合 之濱」 (百合ヶ浜),只有退潮時候 才 會 顯 現, 觀 測 時 期 在 4 月 到 10 月期間,堪稱夢幻且神秘之景。

Located on the southernmost of Ka g a shima Prefe c ture a n d a ro u n d 22 kilo m ete rs northeast of Okinawa mainland, Yoron Island is surrounded by t ra n s p a re n t b l u e o c e a n a n d e x o t i c c o ra l re e f s . I t t a k e s a b o u t 5 h o u rs b y b o a t f ro m Naha Cruise Terminal, Okinawa, or you can take a plane from Kagoshima. Don´t miss your chance to visit Yurigahama Beach, where peculiar star-shaped white sand showing it s form only a t low tide from April through October. La y e re d w it h m a n y s h a d e s of different blue, the beach is exquisitely beautiful.

鹿兒島縣大島郡與論町古里 Yoron, Oshima Distrwict, Kagaoshima

U.explore • Summer 2019


仲夏慶典 Get Ready for A Festive Summer


• 22

這個日本重要的傳統節日延續 至今,通常會在每年的7月上 旬至8月下旬舉行。日本各地 特色的夏祭典禮,會伴隨著各種 不同風格的群體舞蹈表演,人頭 攢動的巡遊及絢麗美好的煙火。 在夜晚欣賞盛大的花火大會,換 上華麗的浴衣,穿上木屐,閒逛 神社,在小攤檔遊玩及品嚐小 吃,這是專屬於夏日的難忘時 光。快來感受夏祭不同的氣氛 吧! Summer in Japan is especially populated by festivals. From traditional regional events to spectacular fireworks, a great deal of Summer festivals "Matsuri" happen across the country from July to August. Summer Matsuri is steeped in tradition, where centuries-old Japanese customs come to life in vivid details. From Handmade costumes and clothing, authentic food and snacks to colorful decorations and ornaments, come to Japan this Summer and find your own unforgettable festival experience!


U.explore • Summer 2019



古時日本的夏天常有天災,為求 平安,各地會舉辦祭祀儀式祈求 神的保佑,迎接夏天的來臨。



照國神社「六月燈」 (7/15-7/16) A Unique Tradition at Shrines 若你在夏天來到鹿兒島,絕不能錯 過「六月燈」祭典。在新曆七月份中, 鹿兒島縣內的各神社、寺廟,會擇 日舉辦夏日廟會祭典,頗有歷史特 色及傳統夏日風情。許多五彩繽紛 的燈籠使用各式文字、圖樣的和紙 製成,裝點在神社,場面極為壯觀。 你可在夜幕降臨之後,閒逛各式各 樣的露天攤販,欣賞這熱鬧又夢幻 的景象。 鹿兒島的「六月燈」通常持續到七 月底,而照國神社的「六月燈」祭 典則是鹿兒島縣內規模最大,十分 推薦前往。 Rokugatsudo Summer Lantern Festival is one of the biggest events in Kagoshima. They are held every year in July (the sixth month of the Lunar Calendar) a t s h rin e s a c ro s s Ka g o s him a prefecture, where fantastic paper la nterns are of fered to Gods. To further colorize the festival, night food stalls and fireworks are also must-haves. Among all, Terukuni Shrine holds the largest Rokugatsudo festival in the city. Hand-drawn lanterns made from wooden sticks and Japanese paper are strung along a network of ropes, illustrating a variety of messages and exuding mystical beauty.

照國神社 Terukuni Shrine 鹿兒島縣鹿兒島市照国町19-35 www.kagoshima-kankou.com/tw/ events/50798 • 24

鹿兒島縣 Kagoshima Prefecture 鹿兒島市 Kagoshima

霧島 Kirishima

霧 島 國 際音樂 祭 的歷 史可 追 溯 至 1980 年,以「霧島國際音樂祭暨大 師班」之名創立,最初由小提琴大 師波茲(Gerhard Bosse)在日本親 自授課。以日本國民的貢獻和音樂 家的熱情為起點,儘管歷經日本經 濟蕭條時期,但霧島國際音樂祭仍 然持續發展,並獲得國際樂壇的肯 定與重視。

Fo u n d e d u n d e r th e n a m e of "Kirishima International Music Festival/Master courses" in 1980 and educated by concertmaster Mr. Gerhard B os s e , the philos o phy of the festival/master courses is "to raise a musician who can stand both technically and humanly".

霧島國際音樂祭以霧島國際音樂廳 (Miyama Conseru)為主會場,匯 集了來自海內外音樂家,如今已成 為亞洲最重要的音樂節之一,也吸 引來自日本全國及世界各地的音樂 愛好者慕名前來。

Cu rre ntly kn o w n t h ro u g h o u t Japan, Asia and the world, the festival often lasts for two-week and features over 40 concerts, overflowing the town of Kirishima with beautiful music. Miyama Concert Hall, resembling a ship s a ili n g o u t to s e a , w a s b u ilt fo r th e fe s tiva l w h e re music and nature can be enjoyed to the fullest.


鹿兒島祗園祭(7/20-21) Ogionsaa, Parade for A Good Wish

U.explore • Summer 2019

鹿兒島祗園祭是以消災除害,商業 昌盛為目的祈福,由江戶時代開始 舉行的傳統祭典。2012 年 7 月開始 被鹿兒島指定為無形文化財產。這 個 祭 典 總 共 有 3000 人 以 上 參 與, 遊行隊列有 2000 米長,在傳統的 歌舞隊伍中行進,讓觀者沉浸在震 撼及莊嚴的氣氛。

O rigin a te d from the Ed o e ra , O g io n s a a is h e ld a n n u a lly a t Ka g oshima with a purpose of thriving business and invoking protection from plagues, and has been designated as one of the prefecture´s intangible cultural heritages since July 2012.


Consisting of around 3000 people walking about 2 kilometers around the city ce nter, the Ogionsa a p a ra d e will b rin g fe ve rish excitement and lively cheers of Kagoshima´s Summer to visitors from Japan and around the world! 25•


霧島國際音樂祭(7/18-8/4)Kirishima International Music Festival



福岡市 Fukuoka

福岡縣 Fukuoka Prefecture

博多祗園山笠祭(7/1-7/15) Graceful and Heroic Race 博多 祇 園山笠 祭 是博多夏季 最 大 祭 典。 該 祭 典 擁 有 770 多 年 的 歷 史,被指定為日本重要的無形民俗 文化財產。祭典會製作豪華絢爛的 「山笠」,類似傳統花車,分為裝飾 用的「飾山笠」和抬起衝刺用的「抬 山笠」。每年主要在櫛田神社舉行。 「飾山笠」一座約 10 米高,一般於 福岡市內十多個地點擺放,每年打 造全新的山笠替換,題材多變,反 映時代特色,前面通常是武士主題, 後面則是卡通題材,非常搶眼,過 往亦有動漫人物被選上。「飾山笠」 只使用麻繩和木條等材料組裝,由 博多人偶師傅親手操刀,製作精良, 讓人看了嘆為觀止。

H a ka ta is kn ow n to d a y a s Fukuoka´s culture hub, offering a w e a l t h o f m aj o r fe s t i v a l s , including one of Japan´s most thrilling Matsuri "Hakata-GionYamakasa", also Yamakasa for short.

Held during the first half of July, the ritual Yamakasa welcomes almost one million spectators every year. The highlight of the fe stiva l is o n J uly 15th, whe n teams of thousands of men race through the streets at the drum 「 抬山笠 」 最 高 約 4.5 米, 當上 面 signals, carrying one-ton floats 載 著 六 人 時, 重 量 更 達 到 1 噸 重。 on their shoulders and wearing 主 要由信 奉 櫛田神 社 神 明 的 本 地 traditional straight-sleeved short 人,抬起 競走,以 最快速 度衝刺 5 c o a t s , l o i n c l ot h a n d t w is te d 公 里 直 至 終 點。 山 笠 競 走 開 始 後 headbands. It usually takes less 不可隨時停下,邊走邊根據分組交 than 30 minutes for the fastest 接,不止考驗團隊合作的默契,也 team to complete the 5-kilometer 展現出男性祭典的雄壯氣魄。 course. Both speed and style are judged for each team. The floats that are raced in the festival are known as Kakiyama, while the colorfully decorated floats set up on street corners are called Kazariyama. The 10-meter high Kazariyama floats exhibited at Kushida Shrine ca n also be viewed all year round. • 26

博多祗園山笠祭 博多祗園山笠振興會 www.hakatayamakasa.com


高松 Takamatsu 讚岐高松花火大會 (8/12-8/14) Fireworks Festival in Takamatsu, Kagawa 香川 縣 夏日祭典 的 重 頭 戲便 是 讚 岐高松花火祭,在高松市舉辦,是 在四國祭典中必賞的夏祭。花火大 會的煙火將照亮整個瀨戶內海,你 也可隨著人群前行,感受祭典的熱 鬧,也可選擇乘船在海上納涼,感 受夏夜的一絲清涼。 Ma rking the the a rrival of S u m m e r i n Ta k a m a t s u , t h e S a nu ki Ta ka ma t su Fe stiva l is the b e st time of the y e a r to enjoy a large -scale fireworks by the Sunport. Setting off one after another, these fireworks bring more delights to the warm Summer nights. U.explore • Summer 2019

高松市 Takamatsu 香川縣 Kagawa Prefecture

香川縣高松市高松北沖合海上 27•

台中出發 一日彰化小旅行 Ta k e A D a y Tr i p f r o m Ta i c h u n g to Chang Hua

• 28


由台中出發只需坐火車20分鐘就來到彰化 這個集傳統小吃、歷史古蹟、小鎮老街的 地方,適合花一天時間漫遊散策。 Located southwest of Taichung city, Chang Hua County is just a 20-minute train ride away and delivers on all counts, including breathtaking views, historial towns and local food. Take up a delightful detour and visit along East to West!

U.explore • Summer 2019


八卦山大佛風景區 Baguashan and the Great Buddha Statue

八卦山大佛風景區 台灣彰化縣彰化市卦山路8-1號

第一站來到彰化市的 地 標 :八 卦 山 大 佛, 9:50AM 23 米 高 的 大佛 莊 嚴 地 盤 坐 在 蓮 花 座 上, 是 彰 化市民 的 守 護 神。 大佛前設有 270 度景觀平台,可以 俯瞰彰化市全景。欣賞美景後可以 沿小徑走下山,沿途順遊賴和詩牆、 銀橋飛瀑及文學步道,在鳥語花香 的環境下誦讀文學詩集,非常悠閒 寫意。

Sitting on top of the Baguashan, the magnificent 23-meter-high Great Buddha Statue is watching over Chang Hua citizens. A large temple complex just behind it provides views not only over the whole county, but also far out to the sea. Along the wooden walkway, you can stroll around o n t h e l a rg e s e mi- c irc u l a r viewing deck and enjoy the thrill of the beauty.


Climbing down the Baguashan, tre a t y ours e lf with s o me tra ditional Cha ng Hua dishes, such as soy-stewed pork 爬 過 八 卦山後,是 時 r i c e a n d m e a t b a l l s . A s t h e 候 回 到 火 車 站 附 近 most common dish in Taiwan, 11:30AM 品 嚐 彰 化 傳 統 美 食 soy-stewed pork rice from Chang 補充體力,當中彰化 Hua county is slightly different. 三 寶 ( 爌 肉 飯、 肉 圓、 Finely chopped pork hindquarter 素食麵 ) 是不可錯過的。彰化的爌 w i t h a n a m p l e a m o u n t o f 肉跟台灣其他地區不同,選用豬後 f a t t i n e s s i s s l o w - c o o ke d i n 腿肉以醬油、糖及香料用小火煮燉 aromatic soy sauce, featuring 滷至熟軟。肥瘦均勻的爌肉配上醃 both sweet and salty taste at 菜 及白飯,就 是 彰 化 人日常美食。 the sa me time. Meatballs a re 肉圓就像港式點心粉果的放大版, another comfort food. Deep fried 不同的是肉圓蒸熟後再油炸,外皮 after steaming, those meatballs Q 彈餡料豐富澎湃,吃起來有清爽 always offer a generous portion of meat filling inside. 的感覺。

Traditional Dishes

泉焢肉飯 台灣彰化縣彰化市成功路216號 電話:886 04 728 1979 營業時間:07:00-13:30

9:00AM 台中車站 Taichung Station • 30

9:30AM 彰化車站 Changhua Station

9:50AM 八卦山大佛風景區 The Baguashan Scenic Area

阿璋肉圓 台灣彰化縣彰化市長安街144號 電話:886 04 722 9517 營業時間:09:30-22:00

11:30AM 品嚐彰化美食 Traditional Dishes

1:00PM 扇形車庫 Fan-Shaped Train Garage


扇形車庫 Fan-Shaped Train Garage 品 嚐 過 彰 化 美 食 後, 就 來 到扇形車庫這 1:00PM 有趣的景點。扇形車 庫是火車頭維修保養 的地方,全球數量不多, 仍使用的更是寥寥可數。彰化的扇 形車庫是日治時期興建,至今仍保 存並繼續運作,更開放給大眾免費 入場參觀。車庫內擺放了歷史悠久 的蒸氣火車頭給遊客拍照,是鐵道 迷絕不能錯過的地方。 走上兩層的觀景台,可以飽覽整座 扇形車庫全貌。車庫上的小煙囪寫 了編號,好像旅館的房間號碼。中 間 的 調 車 轉 盤由古 時的人 力控 制 到現在的電動化,鐵鏽的痕跡記錄 了一頁頁的歷史。

After having a pleasant lunch, let ´s ta ke a wa lk a t the fa n sha ped train garage. The last of its kind in Taiwan, the garage was constructed by the Japanese in 1922 to repair and park steam locomotives within limited space. S p re a d in g o ut like a fa n , th e glorious roundhouse garage is still fully functional and home to various steam, electric and diesel locomotives. In essence, all tracks of 12 radial locomotive rooms extend to the center of the circle, where train engines ride up onto the rotatable short track and then proceed inside to its direction.

Visitors are allowed to walk right up to the e ngine s a nd a cross the radial tracks. Don´t miss out the oldest steam-powered train engine in Taiwan that the garage accommodates!

扇形車庫 台灣彰化縣彰化市彰美路一段1號 電話:886 04 762 4438 營業時間: 星期二至五 13:00-16:00 星期六日 10:00-16:00 星期一公休 不需預約,但入場前需登記


2:15PM 彰化客運彰化站 Chang Hua Bus Station U.explore • Summer 2019


3:00PM 鹿港老街 Lukang Town

6:00PM 鹿港站 Lukang Station

7:15PM 台中高鐵站 Taichung High Speed Rail Station 31•

鹿港老街 Lukang Town

台 灣 古 語「 一 府二 鹿 三艋舺」描述了昔日 3:00PM 經 濟 重 地,「 鹿 」 就 是今日的鹿港。當年 繁盛的碼頭使老街興 旺至今,曲折的紅磚巷兩旁滿是古 早味老店,售賣民俗小物或傳統糕 點。老街上還有不少趣味景象,例 如具分甘同味意義的半邊井、由水 溝 改 建 成 狹 窄通 道 摸 乳 巷,皆 值 得到來參觀。 昔日的船家為保航海平安,故興建 鹿港天后宮供奉媽祖。由於大量信 徒進香,廟宇多年來不斷修葺,外 型冠冕堂皇。香火鼎盛的天后宮更 帶旺廟口人流,聚集了很多小吃攤。 既然來到鹿港,不得不試海鮮小吃 蚵嗲及蝦猴酥,保證大飽口福。逛 過 鹿 港 後準 備 乘 搭台灣 好 行鹿 港 線回台中,一日彰化小旅行圓滿結 束了。

鹿港老街 台灣彰化縣鹿港鎮瑤林街 老街24小時開放, 營業時間:10:00-18:00

蒲.臺島 Gold2TW gold2tw Blog: watergold.pixnet.net/blog 島主水金以一個平凡香港男孩的視角, 輕鬆帶你食買玩臺灣這個美麗的海島。 Food, attractions and everything else. Follow my footsteps for an amazing Taiwan! • 32

Literally meaning "Deer Harbour", Lukang is one of the most ancient towns in Taiwa n. U p until the end of the 19th century, Lukang was an important commercial harbor, second only to Tainan. As time passes by, Lukang was preserved as it was in its glory days, where numerous temples and handicrafts remained. Boasting over 200 temple s dedicated to a wide variety of local deities, Lukang is seen as a living muse um. The world ´s only glass-built Tianhou Temple is home to Mazu, the Celestial Mother a nd the most popular d e it y a m o n g t h e Ta i w a n e s e . Delicious lo cal sna cks, such as oyster fritters and "shrimp m o n ke y s" (f rie d m u d s h rim p cake), are readily available at the Old Market Street near all of the major sights. Remember to check them out! Right before sunset, you can hop on the train back to Taichung and end a beautiful day with a full stomach and lovely memories.


一 家 大小遊 曼 谷 Family Fun in Bangkok 曼谷,不只是有絢麗的夜景、獨特的自然文化風光,亦是 一個適合全家出行的旅遊聖地。這裡有老少咸宜的娛樂 項目,極致放鬆的魅力景點,快來曼谷享受一個充滿童 心、簡單快樂的假期! Other than glamorous night markets and picturesque scenery, Bangkok is also full of wonderful attractions suitable for family activities. Pick your own out-ofordinary spots and enjoy the fun with your little ones! U.explore • Summer 2019


和 LINE FRIENDS 見面 Meet with LINE FRIENDS 泰國擁有 LINE 全球第二大用戶群, 超 過 94% 泰 國 人 日 常 使 用 LINE, 而全球首間 LINE FRIENDS 室內主題 樂園近年已開放,最適宜全家一同 前往。 LINE VILLAGE BANGKOK 交通便捷, 位 於 泰國曼谷市中心的暹羅廣場。 整座樂園佔地超過 1500 平方米,共 三層,踏入這個夢幻樂園區域,可

• 34

在超 過 20 個 LINE FRIENDS 角色主 題區域打卡留念,在多彩繽紛的森 林、故事書、露營、雪景等場 景 盡 情遊玩。 主題樂園更結合了 LINE FRIENDS 商 店,推出各款獨家限量產品,無論 是 文 具、 精 品、 時 裝 和 紀 念 品 等, 皆一應俱全。簡直是 LINE FRIENDS 粉絲夢寐以求的樂園 !

曼谷一直是亞洲地區遊客旅行的熱 點,快點搭乘 HK Express 齊聚曼谷, 與你摯愛的 LINE FRIENDS 相見吧。


As the second largest groups of LINE users throughout the world, Thailand is thrilled to present the very first LINE FRIENDS theme pa rk in Ba ng ko k. Suita ble for family fun, LINE VILLAGE is a new must-go in Southeast Asia! Conveniently situated at t h e S i a m S q u a re i n t h e c i t y center, LINE VILLAGE BANGKOK c ove rs a n a re a of m o re th a n 1500 square meters and offers more than 20 experiences with photo zones and digital activities such as Dazzle Corridor, Jungle U.explore • Summer 2019

Terrance, Ice Cave and Mystique Library. Re t a il a re a is m a i n l y s p re a d t h r o u g h o u t t h e f i r s t f l o o r, where you will find LINE FRIENDS chara cter-themed gifts of all kinds! Stationery, clothing and s p e c ia l s o u ve n irs , re m e m b e r to ta ke a bit of LINE VILL AGE BANGKOK back home with you. Get on board with HK Express and meet up with your favorite L I N E F R I E N D S c h a ra c t e r s a t Bangkok this Summer!

LINE VILLAGE BANGKOK 營業時間:10:00-22:00(最後入場時 間21:00) 地址:1 Khwaeng Pathum Wan, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10330, Bangkok, Thailand 35•

露天餐廳 歐式風情 The Theme Park Restaurant in European Style 曼谷十 分受歡 迎的巧克力村莊園, 聽上去好像是巧克力工廠,但事實 上是一個歐洲鄉村風格的戶外餐廳 小鎮。容納各式各樣的歐式復古建 築,夢幻燈 塔,落地白色英式 玻 璃 屋,甚至還有美麗的運河。每一個 餐廳面積寬敞,不少餐廳更設立了 許多戶外雅座,供你露天享用美食。 這裡主要銷售啤酒及美式食物,也 有泰國菜可供選擇。走到每一個角 落,都風景如畫,極其合適全家遊 玩留影。 到了 夜 晚,在 夜 風中來 一 杯 啤 酒, 內心是無比的暢快淋漓。 Open daily from 16:00 to midnight, Chocolate Ville situates on the eastern side of Bangkok and is just 30-minute drive from city center. May the name be Chocolate Ville, this place has actually nothing to do with chocolate. As a restaurant built in spacious and ginormous land, Chocolate Ville holds the concept of "dining in the park" . With the design inspired by vintage European town, this village is a nice and unique retreat for families who desire somewhere more suburban vibes. Well-known architecture made of woods in miniatures are welcoming its visitors from every corner, such as Pisa Tower, Big Ben, Eiffel and more. Western and local Thai food are wide for selections. Remember to make a reservation for your family dinner!

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Travel 巧克力村莊園 Chocolate Ville 營業時間:16:00-24:00 地址: Soi Nawamin 74 , Kaset-Nawamin Rd., Khlong Kum, Bangkok 10230, Thailand 網址:www.chocolateville.net U.explore • Summer 2019


小小世界 職業體驗 Play Fun, Learn Fun 來 自 趣 志 尼 亞(KidZania)國 際 連 鎖 的兒 童 職 業 體 驗 館, 曼 谷 佔 地 面 積 是 所 有 分 店 中 最 大。 與 傳 統 的娛樂設施不同,如同一個小小世 界,通過讓兒童親身扮演角色,體 驗理想職業,從而培養兒童的學習 及工作意識。 場 內有 許 多 逼 真 的 職 業 場 所及 設 施, 提 供 了 醫 生、 記 者、 消 防 員、 飛機師、設計師、車房職員、可樂 • 38

廠職員等多種職業選擇。樂園亦配 備了最先進的安全系統,兒童會被 要求佩戴手帶,家長可以使用密碼 查詢子女身處位置,確保子女遊玩 過程在家長監護之下。 此 樂園 透 過 遊 戲 助 孩子 發 掘 職 業 夢想,是一家人假日的頗具教育意 義的好去處。

Travel Coming from one of the fastest g ro w i n g g l o b a l l e a r n i n g a n d entertainment brands, KidZania Bangkok is the very latest and m o s t i n n o v a ti v e n ot e t o t h e "edutainment" scene in the world. Being an interactive city made for children from 4 to 14, KidZania combines inspiration with fun by offering a series of realistic roleplays. Fro m b e i n g a re a l d e ntis t to a B o e i n g 7 3 7 p i l o t , k i d s a re encouraged to experience up to 100 different and exciting jobs. Through each profession such as firefighters, reporters, designers, cooks or ma na g e rs of a coke factory, kids will learn essential li fe s ki l l s , i n c l u d i n g re s p e c t , in d e p e n d e n c e , c re a tivity a n d teamwork.

曼谷趣志尼亞兒童樂園 KidZania Bangkok 營業時間: 1 0:00-17:00(平日) 10:30-20:00 (假日) 地址:991 Rama I Rd, Khwaeng Pathum Wan, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10330, Thailand 網址:bangkok.kidzania.com/en-th U.explore • Summer 2019


B.D u c k 奇 遇 B.D u c k A d v e n t u r e 在香港土生土長的 B.Duck,擁有讓人快樂的治癒魔力。行走多國,都可以找到 B.Duck 及妹妹 Buffy 的可愛身影。一起來尋覓旅途中的各個打卡聖地, 和 B.Duck 度過美好時光吧! The adorable Hong Kong born B.Duck owns the magic for joy. From Asia to the world, B.Duck and his sister Buffy are always ready to greet you along your many trips with their lovely smiles. Join the fun and be prepared to spend some quality time with B.Duck and his friends! • 40


B.Duck 賽跑 B.Duck Run 2019

B.Duck 留 影,領 取 精 美 獨 家 選 手 包。 快 來 和 B.Duck 一 起 奔 跑, 在 今夏留下一個獨特而難忘的回憶。

期 待 已 久 的 B.Duck Run 2019 HK 又來啦,錯過去年首屆的朋友今年 記 得 要 報 名 參 加。與 一 眾 B.Duck Fans 開 心 相 聚, 在 巨 型 充 氣

B. Du c k Ru n 2019 H K will b e ba ck this Summer! Don´t miss o u t i f y o u a re a f a n o f t h i s cheery cuteness. In addition to

gathering with friends and taking s e l f i e s i n f ro n t o f t h e g i a n t inflatable B.Duck at the carnival, you can also collect some exclusive runners' kits on site. Let´s run together and celebrate this season with joy!

B.Duck Run HK 2019 日期:2019年7月21日 Date: 21 July 2019 地址:香港科學園 Venue: Hong Kong Science Park U.explore • Summer 2019


B.Duck 咖啡閒情 B.Duck Café 若 您 到 訪 泰 國 曼 谷,不 妨 到 以 B.Duck 為 主 題 的 咖 啡 店。B.Duck Café By Shichi 位於泰國曼谷市挽 那區 (Bangna)。踏入店內,裝潢精 美,在每一個角落都能找到 B.Duck 及 Buffy 的身影。推薦在這裡度過 一 個 下午, 品 嚐 美 食, 放 鬆 心 情, 和朋友小聚留影。 The newly opened B.Duck Café by Shichi in Ba ng na , Ba ng kok i s w o r t h a v i s i t . Yo u w i l l b e greeted by cuddly B.Duck and B u f f y d re s s e d i n K i m o n o a t the front door. Every corner is lig hte n e d u p by th e c h e e r ful cha ra c te rs. Come a nd ta ke a sip! A lovely afternoon awaits at this café.

• 42

B.Duck Café by Shichi Address: 29,29/1, Bang Na-Trat Rd, Tambon Bang Kaeo, Amphoe Bang Phli, Chang Wat Samut Prakan 10540, Bangkok


B.Duck 在首爾 B.Duck in Seoul 在 韓 國 首 爾 遊 玩 除了 首 爾 塔, 更 可路過首爾南山公園尋找可愛 的 B.Duck 打 卡 熱 點! B.Duck 及 Buffy 一班好朋友早已經登陸首爾, 絕對是熱門合照地點。現場有全球 首個 2 米 高 的 B.Duck 鐵 絲 網, 快 和心愛的人掛上愛情鎖吧。

A 2-metre-tall B.Duck has come to Namsan Park, with Buffy and a group of friends by his side enjoying the beautiful view of Seoul. Couples are welcome to leave an eternal lock on the B.Duck love net to declare your love to each other. Remember to check out this lovely and romantic spot when you visit Seoul!

日期: 即日起至2019年7月31日 Date: From now till 31 July 2019 地址:韓國首爾市中區會賢洞 (近南山纜車站) Venue: Hoehyeon-dong , Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea U.explore • Summer 2019


東京買錶首選 Luxury Watches Shopping Guide


Shops Recommendation

東 京 一 向 是 遊 客入手 高 級 手 錶 的 理 想 地! 這次介紹各位於東京 中 野 的「THE WATCH COMPANY」高級腕錶專 門 店, 除了 手 錶 款 式 一 應 俱 全, 更 可 享 有 8% 免稅優惠。

As the ca pital city, Tokyo sees a g re a t a m o u n t o f h i g h - e n d brand watches from all over the world. You can definitely find your fa vo rite ! T h e Wa tc h Co m p a n y (TWC) in Nakano area is where we recommend you to take a look. There is an 8% consumption tax exemption upon purchase, also watch collection is of great variety.

The Watch Company 的 網 上 商 店 擁 有 超 過 3,000 款 商 品, 及 支 援 國 際 運 送, 直 送 到 你 手 上 The Watch Company online shop has over 3,000 items! It also supports international delivery The Watch Company

東 京中野區中野5-58-6 5-58-6, Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 81-3-5318-9302(支援多國語言) 81-70-3336-6663 TWCJapan info@twctokyo.com www.thewatchcompany.co.jp

U.explore • Summer 2019


香港最新文青打卡熱點 Art in Hong Kong Style • 48

悅動色彩「藝里坊」 Explore

A Set of Arty and Urban Canvas

位於西營盤皇后大道西與德輔道西 交界處,「藝里坊」這個獨特而五 彩繽紛的壁畫村,是嶄新的西環風 景線。它不僅美化了舊社區,佈滿 藝術家塗鴉作品的多幢大廈外牆, 帶給人全新的藝術享受。整個「藝 里 坊 」 共 有 13 幅 壁 畫, 由 8 位 本 地及外籍藝術家創作,每一副作品 都獨具匠心,引人路過合影留念。

As one of the most traditional neighborhoods in Hong Kong, Sai Wan is bursting with creativity in street arts. With themes of art and music, Art Lane was created by eight local and international artists, turning the building facade into an eye-catching canvas. Remember to take selfies with this colorful backdrop on your next street art tour around Hong Kong!

地址:西營盤忠正街奇靈里石棧里 Address: Chung Ching Street, Ki Ling Lane and Shek Chan Lane, Sai Ying Pun U.explore • Summer 2019


清新文藝 南豐紗廠 The Mills: From Factories to Design Hubs 南豐紗廠現已成為荃灣新地標。利 用 最 新 的藝 術 設 計 將 舊式 工 廠 改 頭換面,如今成為潮流時尚的據點, 不只是生活休閒的最佳去處,亦提 供給文藝愛好者交流的平台。內部 常設展覽廳,不定期舉辦多姿多彩 的文化活動,比如工作坊、分享會、 放映會、讀書會等,更有休閒 Café 創意小鋪陸續開業,成了放假拍拖 打卡的香港好去處。 The Mills, a former cotton mill and the heart of Nan Fung Group Textile during Hong Kong´s manufacturing boom, is now revitalized and transformed into design hubs, aiming to cultivate the city´s new generation of artisans. The Mills is now home to business incubators, retails and non-profit art centers. Tenants are a mix of elements, including design and tech pop-up stores, furniture outlets, cafes, bakery shops, and breweries. Regular and special exhibitions are held from time to time, highlighting modern arts and fashion to its audience. With no doubt, the Mills today is an iconic place for couples that are looking for sparkling moments during holidays. • 50


地址:荃灣白田壩街45號 Address: 45 Pak Tin Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong 網址:www.themills.com.hk

U.explore • Summer 2019


寬廣舞台 西九文化區 West Kowloon Cultural District Area: Admire Art along the Promenade

• 52

位於香港西九填海區臨海地段,西 九文化區集結了一系列世界級的文 藝、潮流及大眾娛樂為一體的綜合 文化主要場地。這裡用一個更寬廣 的舞台,向你展現香港頗具文藝氣 息的新面貌。 戲曲中心已經開幕了,這是為戲曲 而 設 的 世界 級 表 演 場 地。 在 大 劇 院會上演最新的精彩戲曲節目,還 有茶館劇場供人一邊品茶,一邊看 戲,感受本土粵劇文化的魅力;另

外,戲曲中心還提供一小時的導賞 團,講解戲曲與中國文化的有趣知 識。 西九 文化 區 內 有 一 個 兩 公 里 的 海 濱長廊,設有佔地 23 公頃的公園, 環境優 美,供人聚會及小憩。除了 不 時 舉 辦 的豐富 文 娛 節目及 戶外 表演,這也是假日和朋友吹風野餐, 拍照聚會的極佳場所,不妨盡早相 約前往。

Explore Courtesy of WKCDA

不同時節均有最新演出安排 Latest performances are available at different times


各場館設計充滿現代藝術氣息 Design of each facility is inspired by modern art

Located at a premium harbourfront site in the heart of Hong Kong, the West Kowloon Cultural District is establishing a brand new cultural quarter where local arts can interact and collaborate. Performing art venues of different types and scales are provided to t h e p u b li c , i n c lu d i n g Xiq u C e n t re , P a l a c e M u s e u m , M + Pavilion, Art Park and the Lyric Theatre Complex. U.explore • Summer 2019

W i t h a d ra m a t i c c u r v i l i n e a r façade, Xiqu Centre is now Hong Kong´s prestigious new venue for Cantonese opera and other forms of traditional Chinese theatre (Xiqu). Regular Xiqu programmes, workshops and guided tours are also available at different times of a day. With 23 hectares of public open space and a total of 17 amazing

architecture, the WKCDA offers stu n nin g ha rb o ur a n d su ns et views and is a must-see for art lovers and leisure seekers.

地址: 九龍西九文化區 (港鐵九龍站E4、E5出口) Address: The West Kowloon Cultural District, Exit E4 and E5 of Kowloon Station 網址: www.westkowloon.hk/en 53•

Gourmet Explore

盛夏餐點 Summer Recipes to Chill U.explore • Summer 2019


養生燉湯 Herb Soup 香港的盛夏燥熱難耐,燉湯有助消 暑功用。一盅燉湯,香飄四溢,承 載著豐富的文化遺產。中醫認為湯 能 健 脾 開 胃、 利 咽 潤 喉、 補 益 強 身。若在湯內添加不同種類的中藥 食材,有的可令湯消暑補氣,化解 胃滯,增進食慾 ; 有的可爽口潤喉, 清肝祛火,瘦身美顏。 有的湯通常使用豬瘦肉、豬骨、雞、 鴨等主料,然後加入時令材料,尤 其在夏季,常講究清熱、祛濕,可 選擇性質甘涼的輔料,比如 : 茶樹 菇、冬瓜、薏米、涼瓜等,利於緩 解身體燥熱。煲湯需數時,待食材 煲爛,其精華融入湯中,肉類中的 蛋白質形成奶白色,飲下深感味道 豐厚而濃郁。另外,煲湯剩下的食 材即「湯渣」,可配上醬油食用。 有的湯傾向選擇不肥膩且頗為珍貴 的食材,例如松茸、花膠等,採用 隔水加熱蒸出湯水,其製作需時更 長。湯水清澈,更可品到食材的原 汁原味。 • 56

During the Summer season, double boiled soups are a traditional Cantonese way to keep the dryness at bay. Full of nutritional qualities, the soups taste soul-southing and nutritious. By taking a strictly local approach to some nourishing soups, the base is usually made with pork, chicken and Jinhua ham, while Chinese cabbage, mushroom and other ingredients can also be added. A complex dish that takes hours to cook, double-boiled soups are intensely flavored and uphold various kinds of benefits to the human body, such as lowering the cholesterol, enhancing kidney functions and fortifying the respiratory system. Some soups are sweet, some are

savory, and some also have bitter taste directly from the herbs used. Take a sip of the clear broth that´s free of oil, you will be amazed by its richness.


韓國冷麵 Korean Cold Noodles Naengmyeon

來一碗透心涼的韓式冷麵吧!沒什 麼 比 這 在 夏 日 更 解 暑 的 了。 口 乾 舌燥的時候,吃一口酸辣可口的泡 菜,冰涼而富有嚼勁的麵條,便是 最簡單的幸福。 韓式冷麵的美味關鍵在於涼水沖洗 麵條的時間需嚴格把控,且湯底最 好使用冰湯,冰湯需要事先將牛骨 湯或高湯放入冰箱,用時使用叉子 刮成碎冰擺入碗中。最後配以青瓜 絲、泡菜、韓國辣醬、水煮蛋,撒 上芝麻,這份爽口屬於夏天!

U.explore • Summer 2019

Naengmyeon, also known as Korean cold noodles, are the most popular Korean summer dish for both locals and tourists. Served in an icy broth made from beef and radish kimchi, these thin and chewy noodles will help you beat the heat and humidity. Other than the broth, the noodles are also topped with sliced cucumbers, Korean pears, pickled radishes, spicy sauce, boiled beef and egg. With a final touch of sesame seeds, naengmyeon has a mild yet refreshing taste.


台式綿綿冰 Taiwanese Mein Mein Ice 人氣爆棚的綿綿冰,是今夏最好的 甜品。綿綿冰口感鬆化,主要由於 它使用特製的刨冰機製作,讓冰如 棉絮一般堆疊,入口感覺軟滑、細 膩,膨鬆至極。綿綿冰可製作多種 口味,如各式水果、抹茶、香芋等。 食用前可搭配各種水果擺盤,且添 加芝麻、果仁、花生和牛奶可讓綿 綿冰更富含營養。

花生冰淇淋卷 Taiwanese Ice Cream Spring Roll 夏天想吃點冰點,卻又稍微想吃點 飽腹感的甜品時,花生冰淇淋卷是 很好的選擇。在台灣夜市和路邊, 你一定見過這個產自宜蘭的平民小 吃。富有傳統古早味的花生捲冰淇 淋,多以芋頭跟鳳梨的冰淇淋作為 餡,用刨刀削出花生麥芽糖塊,再 用潤餅皮細心包裹著冰淇淋、花生 糖粉末以及香菜。

Ice cream wrapped with peanut candy shavings, this special spring roll is one of Taiwan´s most famous street food, especially on hot nights. Originating from Yilan, it is served like a wrap or burrito.

Inside the roll, scoops of creamy ice cream are set in a row, with 咬下去首先是香脆感,滿口濃郁的 l a y e r s o f s w e e t a n d c r u n c h y 花生,軟糯的米皮,爽滑可口的冰 peanut candy shavings on top. Ice 淇淋味道,在一冷一熱的交替中, cream flavors vary from vendor to vendor, but pineapple, taro 帶給舌尖不同層次的享受。 and traditional peanut are most popular. • 58

Similar to shaved ice, Taiwan´s famous mein mein ice is a can´tmiss in this Summer. Made with a customized ice shaving machine, mein mein ice has the taste of snow, with silky and fluffy texture. Fruit, green tea, taro, chocolate and vanilla are other popular flavors. Various toppings are also available for a unique concoction of your own.

Gourmet Explore

日本蕎麥麵 Japanese Soba 日本傳統的蕎麥麵主要以蕎麥粉製 成,是日本具有代表性的料理。一 般的蕎麥涼麵是把剛煮好的麵用水 沖涼,放至竹篩上,會搭配蔥花、 山葵糊、蘿蔔泥、生雞蛋、紫菜絲 等材料,再沾著醬汁食用。涼麵食 用時會用比熱吃時更濃的醬汁,醬 汁多用柴魚昆布高湯或醬油製成。 蕎 麥 麵 的 製 作 方 法 簡 單,食 用 爽 口,蕎麥性寒,非常適合炎炎夏日。

Made from buckwheat flour and similar to spaghetti, Japanese soba is a traditional noodle dish and can be easily found na tio nwid e . Z aru Soba i s th e most basic kind of chilled soba served on a strainer and topped with shredded nori seaweed, along with dipping sauce, green onions and wasabi on the side. As a perfect dish to cool down, Zaru Soba can be simple, or you can also dress it up with tempura and vegetables.


Made of water and agar, the raindrop cake (Mizu Shingen Mochi) is as much a treat for the 水玄餅是一種日式清涼糕點,屬於 eyes, but also for the taste buds. 日本和果子的一種。主要以葛粉製 R a i n d r o p c a k e i s o n e s p e c i a l 作而成,使用透明外皮包裹餡料, type of Japanese rice cakes, and 是夏季涼點中的佳品。味道香潤, usually enfolds sweetened bean 口感幼滑,不僅美味且外觀晶瑩可 paste and topped with soya bean powder or brown sugar syrup. 愛,深受女性及兒童喜愛。

Raindrop Cake

水玄餅有時會採用馬鈴薯或木薯粉 作為外皮,不光有豆沙餡料,包裹 水果的創新產品也廣受好評。筋道 彈性,口感清涼,讓水玄餅成為日 本夏天別具魅力的必食甜品。 U.explore • Summer 2019

The water cake is so delicate that it can melt into your mouth as soon as it touches the tongue. Don´t miss it out when you plan a Summer trip to Japan! 59•

越式米紙卷 Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls Packed with fresh prawn, roasted pork and mixed vegetables, Vietnamese rice paper rolls are always a hit in Summer time. These bright-looking rice paper rolls are loaded with healthy 米紙用米漿製成,用溫水一過便可 herbs and just a bit of protein, 回軟。外表薄而透明,再卷上色彩 while the peanut dipping sauce 鮮艷的蔬菜、水果或者香料。最常 on the side is refreshingly light 見的餡料有米粉、芽菜、紅蘿蔔、 but addictive. 青瓜絲和香草,入口清爽有彈性且 對胃部沒有負擔,低卡路里,是女 Healthy yet tasty, they bring out 士減肥良伴。可以搭配魚露,或不 the best of a Southeastern Asian Summer. 用醬汁品嚐食材本身的味道。 米紙卷是越南十分常見的小吃,做 法簡單,包裹鮮蝦或者烤肉,配以 清爽蔬菜和香草,色彩繽紛,五味 紛陳,無論是樣子還是味道,都令 人食慾大增。

泰式木瓜沙律 Thai Papaya Salad 由於常年燥熱的氣候,東南亞地區 有許多適宜夏天的開胃小菜 。青 木瓜沙律,音譯「宋丹」,是泰國 伊善地區的一道菜式。主要食材包 括了青木瓜、辣椒、青檸檬、花生 粒、香菜、紅蘿蔔。口感爽脆,食 材和香料不單增添食慾,更可幫助 消化。 Thai green papaya salad, locally known as som tum, is one of the most classic and common dishes for Summer in Thailand. Its main ingredients include green papaya, peppers, limes, carrots and some coriander, while roasted peanuts also adds an extra aromatic layer to this gluten-free appetizer. • 60

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島, 豐 富 歷 史 氣 息 的 軍 艦 島, 極 具 歐

tri p th a t s h ow s th e his to ric a n d

洲 特色 的豪 斯 登 堡,快用 相 機 留 下您

p h oto g e n i c sid e of t his e xc iti n g

旅行 最 美 的 一 瞬 間,在 魅力長 崎拍 攝

city! Relive the Edo era at Dejima, or


immerse yourself in Hashima Island history with the perfe c t de nim outfits, aren´t you excited to travel in style with your besties? Che ck o ut th e ir b e s t lo o ks th a t a re going to notch up your most Instagrammable photos!

Ma rking a nother mile stone for HK Express, we have successfully

曼谷直航 BKK Inaugural Flight

• 62

la u n c he d o ur in a u g ura l flig ht to HK Express 一 直 致 力 於 開 拓 新 航 線, Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi Airport) on 首 班由香 港直 飛 曼 谷 ( 蘇凡 納 布米國

31 Mar. Want to spend your holiday in

際機 場 ) 的航 班已於 3 月 31 日順利出

the vibrant capital city of Thailand?


G ra b t h e c h a n c e a n d f e t c h o u r

不要錯 過 各種機 票優 惠 活動,趕 緊 安

special deals to have a remarkable


journey now!

News & Info


Brand Refresh Launch Event

HK Express 品牌概 念及 形象 現已全面

Reflecting its authentic personality

a c t i o n , i n v it i n g g u e s t s t o b re a k


and adventurous spirit, HK Express

fro m th e m o n oto n y of th e d a ily

應用程式彰顯 HK Express 的冒險精神

ha s be e n thrille d to unveil a new

g rin d a n d pla n a n u nfo rg et ta ble

和 服 務 承 諾, 以標 語「Your Move」 作

bra nd id e ntity a cross it s ta gline,

journey with us.

為 號 召,鼓 勵 旅 客 打 破日常 單 調 的 生

website, mobile app and key visuals

活,與 HK Express 一起開拓未來難 忘

since March. A powerful new tagline


"Your Move" se rve s a s a call-to -

新增附加服務 New Add-on Services HK Express 不斷改善及新增不同的附

HK Express strives to continuously


optimize add-on services a nd

適的旅程。U-First 優 先服務包括為您

provide pleasant journeys for our

優 先處 理 託 運行 李,辦 理 登機 手 續 和

guests. Now by adding U-First to


your booking, our Priority Baggage,

新推出的 40kg 附加行李服務可在網上

P ri o rit y C h e c k- i n a n d P ri o rit y

o n b a g g a g e c a n b e purc ha s e d in

提 前 預 定, 專 享 HKD 470 價 格。 我 們

B o a rdin g s e r vic e s will s p e e d y ou

a dva nce for only HKD470. We are

期待用更 好 的服務在 您下一 個旅 程中

through the queues and save your

looking forward to serving you soon


time! The newly included 40kg add-

on your next journey!

招募撰稿人 Open for Writers

HK Express 機艙雜誌現在公開招募撰稿人,如果您對旅遊寫作有熱情和獨特見 解,請通過 media@hkexpress.com 聯絡我們。 HK Express inflight magazine is now open for article submissions; aspiring travel writers are all welcome. Or if you are just a travel enthusiast who wants to reveal the true beauty of any destinations on our network, feel free to contact us at media@hkexpress.com.

U.explore • Summer 2019


機艙服務 Inflight Service

U.taste Hits the Spot with a Variety of Dishes A s h ot S u m m e r c o m e s , w e h a v e included a number of cold dishes in

精選餐單 U.taste

our new U.taste menu launched in


April to beat the heat. Cold Chicken

有多 款 冷 盤 為大 家 降 降溫。麻醬 雞絲

Noodle with Dan Dan Sesame Sauce

冷麵 ——濃郁麻醬配上嫩滑雞絲,再加

– S h re d d e d c hi c ke n w it h c h e w y


cold noodles and crunchy cucumber


mixed with thick sesame sauce will


surely take your heat away. Fruit

日限 定 的冷 盤 精 選,餐 單 亦 配有多國

Platter – Stay healthy onboard with

菜 式,讓 您在 高 空中 也 能 享受 各 國 滋

the fresh fruit platter prepared daily.


To t o p u p o u r s e l e c t e d S u m m e r cold dishes, our menu also includes sig n a t u re d is h e s f ro m va rio u s countries to satisfy your international palette up in 35,000 feet.

舒適空間座 透過 HK Express 網站訂票、於機場櫃

Sweet Seats


HK Express offers a number of seats


with additional legroom, and for a


small fee these premium seats may


be purchased through our website,


at the che ck-in desk or onboard. For "Sweet Seats" located on the exit rows, Guests must fulfill specific safety regulation requirements prior to purchase.

• 64

News & Info

頂級空中購物體驗 如果 您想選 購禮物送給至親好友或 自用,可參 閱我們 的機 上 免 稅 品雜 誌 《U.shop》。HK Express 致力讓 旅客獲 得最優質及效率卓越的機上購物體驗。 全 新 的 機 上 免 稅 品 雜 誌《U.shop》提 供超過 100 個品牌,不同商品以顏色分 類,方便客人快速找到心儀商品。貨品 種類琳琅滿目,更有只限透過《U.shop》 獨家發售的 HK Express 品牌商品。

Superior Shopping in the Sky Looking for some last-minute gifts f o r y o u r f ri e n d s a n d f a m i l y , o r fancy treating yourself? HK Express brings you the most e xclusive,


ha s sle -fre e sho p pin g e x p e rie n c e

品 牌 商 品 系 列 現 已 包 括 HK Express

Exclusive from HK Express

a va ila ble . Che c k out our inflig ht

USB 記 憶 棒、 便 攜 水 壺 套 裝、1 : 200

O u r b ra n d e d ite ms a va ila b le fo r

d u t y -f re e s h o p pi n g m a g a zi n e ,

飛機 模 型、圓 珠 筆 及 三合 一旅行 套 裝

o n b o a rd p u rc h a s e n o w i n c l u d e s

U. sh o p - a fre sh n e w pu blic a tio n (毛毯、眼罩、耳塞)。四月份開始更會

a H K E x pre s s US B Stic k, Fold a ble

featuring more than 100 premium

陸續推出 HK Express 嬰兒機長及機艙

W a t e r B ot t l e S e t , 1:20 0 Ai rc ra f t

brands, conveniently color-coded by

服 務 員 連 身衣、 紀 念 鑰 匙 扣 及 1: 400

M o d e l,  B a ll p o i nt   Pe n  a n d  3  -  i n  -  1

category so you can find whatever


Tr a v e l K i t ( B l a n k e t , E y e M a s k ,

you want quickly. You'll be amazed


Earplugs).  H K Express Pilot or Cabin

a t the g re a t s e le c tio n , in c lu din g

Crew Ba by Romper, Keychain a nd

HK Express' own range of specially

1:400 Aircraft Model will be available

selected items,  which  are available

from April onwards. Please che ck

only from U.shop.

with our cabin crew for purchase.

交通優惠 U.save HK Express 現已於機 上發售香港機 場 快線車票、JR 關西特急列車「HARUKA」 車票、羽田京急線電鐵車票、平和島天 然 溫 泉 票、JR 九州 鐵 路周 遊 券、JR 四 國鐵路周遊券、大阪南海電鐵車票、近 鐵旅客周遊車票、csl. 及 CLUB SIM 旅遊 數據卡。

U.save Transport Deals Hong Kong Airport Express Ticket, JR Kansai-Airport Express ̏HARUKA̋ Ticket, Keikyu Hanetoku Ticket, Heiwajima Natural Hot Spring Ticket, JR Kyushu Rail Pass, JR Shikoku Rail Pass, Osaka Namba Discount Ticket, Kintetsu Travel & Rail Pass, csl. & CLUB SIM travel data sim card are now available for purchase on board. U.explore • Summer 2019


旅途安康 Health & Safety HK Express 重視旅客的安全、 健康和舒適

安全第一 • 請 詳閲放置於每個座位椅背的安全 指引卡,並在航機起飛時注意機艙 服務員的安全示範。 • 我 們重 視每 一 位 旅客的安全和舒適, 包括有嬰兒同行的旅客。

嚴禁吸煙 • H K Express 所有航班均嚴禁吸煙。 旅客必須知道於機艙內任何位置吸 煙,均屬違法。

• 除 非您為嬰兒購買額外機位,否則飛 行 期 間 嬰 兒 必 須 安 坐 於 成 人 的大 腿 上。飛機起飛及降落時,以及每當機



• 於 飛行期間,可嘗試在機艙內不時走

繫 上 嬰 兒 安 全 帶, 固 定 坐 在 成 人 的

動 以促 進 血 液 循 環, 減 輕 疲 勞 和 肌



• 當 安全帶指示燈亮起時,所有手提電

• 我 們 也 建 議 旅 客 每 隔 一小 時 進 行 一


些簡單伸展 運動,如屈曲腳趾,以及

旅客不應使用遙 控裝 置 或藍 牙設備,

把 雙 膝 緩 緩 地 提 高 等。 這 些 運 動可


降 低 腿 部 血 液 凝 塊 的 風 險, 預 防 深 層靜脈血栓。

• 飛 機 起 飛 與 降 落 時, 手 袋 或 手 提 電 腦 等 隨 身 物 品 都 必 須 存 放 於 前 方座 椅下,或座位頂上的行李架內。

• 如 旅客腿部容易血液循環不佳,可以 嘗 試 穿 着 特別 設 計 的 飛 行襪 或 壓 力 襪,其效用極高。 • 我 們建 議 旅 客 於機 上 盡 量 減 少 攝 取 咖 啡 因 或 酒 精 以 減 輕 身 體 不 適, 如 頭痛、腹脹和脫水等情況。飲用清水 和 果 汁 是 維 持 身 體 適當 水分 的 最 佳 選擇。

• 66

News & Info

Safety first • P lease read the safety instruction c a rd i n t h e b a c k o f e a c h s e a t and pay special attention to our c a bi n c re w d u ri n g t h e s a fe t y demonstration at the beginning of each flight.

No Smoking • A ll H K E x p re s s f lig ht s a re n o n -

• W e v a l u e t h e c o m f o r t a n d

smoking. Please note that it is a

sa fety of ea ch of our Gue sts,

criminal offence to smoke in any

including those with infants.

part of the aircraft.

• A ll infants must be seated on the la p of a n a dult for the duration

HK Express cares about our Guests' health, safety and comfort onboard

of the flight unless an additional

Your health & comfort

seat has been purchased. Please

• Try to walk around the cabin from

be advised that your infant must

time to time d urin g y o ur flig ht

h o w e v e r b e s t ra p p e d o n t o t h e

to e n c oura g e blo o d circ ula tio n,

adult´s lap with the infant seatbelt

avoiding fatigue and muscle

during take-off and landing, and at


any other time as instructed by the crew.

• W e would also recommend some simple stretching exercises every

• Laptops, Tablet and AV equipment

hour such as flexing your toes and

must be s witc he d of f whe n the

raising your knees gently towards

s e a t b e lt sig n is o n . G u e s t s a re

your che st. The se exercise s ca n

required not to use remote control

p ot e n ti a lly re d u c e t h e ris k s o f

or Bluetooth devices as they

blood clots in the legs, or deep vein

ca n interfere with the aircraft ´s

thrombosis (DVT).

communications a nd na vig ation systems.

• I f y o u a r e p r o n e t o p o o r l e g c irc u l a tio n , w e a ri n g s p e c ia lly

• L o o s e it e m s s u c h a s h a n d b a g s

designed flight socks or

or la pto ps must be store d

c o m p re s s i o n s t o c k i n g s c a n b e

underne ath the se at in front or

extremely beneficial.

i n t h e o v e rh e a d l o c ke rs d u ri n g take-off and landing.

• W e re comme nd that our Gue sts try to minimize caffeine and a l c o h o l c o n s u m p t i o n o n b o a rd to prevent health problems such as headaches, bloating and dehydration. Drinking water and fruit juices are the best options to keep your body suitably hydrated.

U.explore • Summer 2019


我們的機隊 Our Fleet Airbus A320 Seat Capacity 180

Airbus A320 NEO Seat Capacity 188

Airbus A321 Seat Capacity 230

• 68

我們的現代化 A320, A320NEO 和 A321 設有全經濟艙 的座位。 Our modern fleet of A320, A320-NEO and A321 is in an all economy class layout.

寧波 寧波 NingboNingbo

台中 台中 Taichung Taichung

清萊 Chiang 清萊 Chiang Rai Rai Mai Mai 清邁 Chiang 清邁 Chiang

Nang Da Nang 峴港 Da 峴港 曼谷 Bangkok 曼谷 Bangkok 暹粒 Siem 暹粒Reap Siem Reap

he tographic photographic examples onPhuket thisonpage this are page forare for 布吉examples 布吉 Phuket gn reference only. The image rights rights belongbelong d design reference only. The image sources or authors. gonding sources or authors. • 70

芽莊 Nha 芽莊Trang Nha Trang

首爾 Seoul 釜山

東京 Tokyo

(羽田 / 成田) (Haneda / Narita)

名古屋 Nagoya 大阪 Osaka 廣島 Hiroshima 高松


福岡 Fukuoka 長崎 Nagasaki 熊本 Kumamoto 鹿兒島 Kagoshima

波 o

宮古 (下地島) Miyako (Shimojishima) 石垣島 Ishigaki

塞班島 Saipan

定期航班 Scheduled Flight

U.explore • Summer 2019

航線圖 ROUTE MAP 71•

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