Uexplore 2018 Summer Issue

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Summer 2018

漫步於關西盛夏 陽光 祭典 花火 青春我來了


夢想之旅 神話世界 Jeju Shinhwa World

拒絕平凡旅程 深入探索越南之美 Off the Tourist Trail of Nha Trang

動人心弦 揮別塵囂 - 四國香川 An Intrinsic Journey for the Soul - Kagawa, Shikoku



夏將至,陽光明媚的天氣彷彿帶着魔力,吸引人一步一步離開離開室內,大踏步出外漫遊。寶藍色的 汪洋大海,茂盛的紅樹林和大自然的鬼斧神工在各個航點等着我們去發掘,讓我們帶着各位遊客,在 各地留下青春的汗水吧! Cover Photo | Osaka, Japan

除了讓人流連忘返的航點之外,HK Express更處處為客人帶來驚喜!HK Express於2月份達到一個重要 的里程碑 — 迎來第一千萬名旅客登機。商務總監Jonathan Hutt特意打扮成財神爺,為登機旅客送上 附有折扣優惠禮券的利是,其中一封更藏有驚喜大禮:可以在一年內無限次乘搭HK Express航班暢遊不 同目的地,希望你們繼續支持HK Express,下一位幸運兒可能就是你。 另外,我們為喜歡暢遊九州中部,探索日本名城的客人帶來喜訊,由2018年5月20日起,HK Express的 熊本航線將由包機航班轉為定期航班。全靠各界的努力,熊本市已經一步一步地復蘇,正等待各位親自 探索熊本的文化和風土人情,還有KUMAMON歡迎大家呢! 除此之外,HK Express亦履行企業社會責任,致力在三大範疇中回饋社會:包括關懷社區、關懷員工 和 關懷環境,並獲 得 香港 社會服務聯會 認可,獲 得「商界展關懷」標 誌。HK Express亦連續第三年 被 AirlineRatings.com評級為全球十大最安全的低成本航空公司之一,我們在未來會繼續致力達成與維 持高水平的安全及服務質素,再一次感謝大家的支持和肯定。 願你們在探索和冒險當中享受到無窮樂趣,衷心感謝你們選乘HK Express,再會!

Oh, Sweet Summer!


here are very few sights in the world as enchanting and mood-lifting than clear blue skies, good weather, and plenty of warm sunshine permeating the greys of your day. Pack up your winter closet - it’s time to dig out those summer shorts and head for the beach! In the meantime, we are proud to share some of our latest news and achievements with you. This past Chinese New Year, we are ecstatic to have hit the milestone of 10 million Guests on-board our flights since our inauguration. To thank our Guests for their support, our Commercial Director, Jonathan Hutt and Operations Director, Simon Wu surprised our lucky 10 millionth Guest at the boarding gate with one year worth of unlimited travel on-board HK Express! Furthermore, with recognition to our commitment to the society and environment, we have yet again received the ‘Caring Company’ award this year from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Via the care for our staff, the community, and the greater environment, we hope to upkeep a better society where we can all flourish cohesively. Lastly, due to popular demand of our Kumamoto route, we have decided to turn this charter flight into a regular, scheduled flight. As we value our Guests’ feedback, let us know your thoughts on our route network, and we may just fly to your dream destination next (if not already)!


We can’t wait to fly you to our sizzling summer destinations around Asia and beyond to Saipan. Idyllic islands with spectacular corals, sandy white beaches and tall palm trees speak for themselves…but this time, read on to discover some other atypical places and events to spruce up your #summervacay! See you aboard and abroad next time. Till then, we hope you have a safe and enjoyable flight!


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漫步於關西盛夏 陽光 祭典 花火 青春我來了




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夢想之旅 神話世界 Jeju Shinhwa World

來一場養生之旅 A Balance of Body, Mind and Soul


拒絕平凡旅程 深入探索越南之美 Off the Tourist Trail of Nha Trang


投奔初夏 探索海洋天堂 - 石垣島 Summer in Idyllic Paradise - Ishigaki


感受另類熱帶風情 An Alternative Tropical Getaway


動人心弦 揮別塵囂 - 四國香川 An Intrinsic Journey for the Soul - Kagawa, Shikoku



細數手工業美麗傳承 The Beautiful Tradition of Local Handicrafts


遠離城市煩囂 發掘本土自然文化 Quaint Getaways from Urbanity



ART Designers: Sharon CHAN, Shane SER

Printed by Apex Print Limited

咖啡的靈魂風味 The Essence of Coffee


非一般的泰國菜 Northern Thailand’s Culinary Fare

11-13 Dai Kwai Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, HONG KONG 承印:泰業印刷有限公司 香港大埔工業邨大貴街11-13號 All rights reserved. Copyright© Hong Kong Express Airways Limited. All material in Uexplore is fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in any part without the permission of the publisher. Editorial material and opinions expressed in Uexplore do not necessarily reflect the views of HK Express or the publisher. HK Express, the publisher and editors will not be held responsible for any action, omission or error resulting from actions taken on the basis of the information provided here. HK Express and the publisher accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other material.



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漫步於關西盛夏 陽光 祭典 花火 青春我來了

KO NNICHI WA K A NS A I ! 大阪是日本第三大城市,在江戶時代與京都、江戶並稱為「三都」,是當時 日本經濟活動最旺盛的商業城市。現在,梅田、心齋橋、難波等周邊地區 已經成為大家必到的購物聖地,藥妝店、百貨公司、地下街商店、美食街及 一應俱全。另外,每年的盛夏,大阪都有接踵而來的活動:煙火晚會及天神 祭等。就讓夏天帶領我們遊走於這個活潑的都市。 Say hello to Kansai, one of the finest and largest cities of Japan. Those familiar with this bustling hub will know of Umeda, Shinsaibashi and Namba - the three main tourist districts in the city. From the ultimate shopping experience at local thrift stores to high-end departmental stores, to the glorious range of food and entertainment open until late at night, these districts are the life of the city. Nonetheless, that’s not all you can enjoy in Osaka - nor is winter the only season where it’s worth visiting the city. Summer in Osaka is a treat in itself. Host to plenty of annual summer festivities, visit in summer to explore a different side of Osaka, and delve into the authentic Japanese culture.

Summer 2018





祖先輩傳承下來。每年的夏日祭更是全國普天同慶 的一大節日。而祭典多是以神社寺院為主要的舉辦 場地,除了為祈求五穀豐收、商售繁盛、疫病退散 等,另一方面也是為了答謝所獲得的成就。 自江戶時代起,夏日祭包括:煙火大會、廟會等一 系列活動已經成為夏天重要的活動之一。又以京都 衹園祭、大阪天神祭和東京神田祭最享負盛名,故 素有「春賞櫻花,夏看煙火」的稱號。人們都愛穿上 漂亮的和服浴衣,走在琳瑯滿目的街道上,品嘗着 美味的章魚小丸子、鯛魚燒、棉花糖、刨冰……廟 會也會有很多不同的攤位遊戲:撈金魚、撈水汽球、 投球等,日本電視劇的畫面彷彿真實呈現在眼前。




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long with deep-rooted Japanese culture and customs, annual summer festivals date back to Japanese ancestry - in particular, the Edo era - and has always been a major celebration for the whole nation. Originally intended to pray for good harvests, prosperous industries and families, they have now evolved into mega festivals where locals don their yukata (robes) and visit temples together.


It may look strange to the untrained eye, but yukatas are favored in summer as they are more lightweight, cooling and comfortable than a kimono. Directly translating to ‘bath robes’, that was also its original intention. Today, the robes have become the unofficial ‘attire’ for summer, and come in all styles parading the streets at summer festivals. With firework displays, temple fairs, yukata parades and more, the Osaka Tenjin Festival alongside the Kyoto Gion Festival and the Tokyo Kanda Festival are the festivals to watch out for. 01,03 - 05. 遊行隊伍浩浩蕩蕩,好不熱鬧。 02. 日本傳統藝妓也出現於祭典中。

Summer 2018







江戶時代以前,人們會穿着一件單衣入浴, 以防止被 澡堂中的牆壁和柱子燙傷,當時這種衣 物被稱為「湯帷子」。到了江戶時代,人們 改變了 入浴的形式,只會 浸泡 於 熱水中,於 是 湯 帷子的 用 途 也被 改 變了,成 為了出浴 後,外出穿 着的 休 閒和服,「浴衣」這個稱號也就出現了。其後在70 年代 末,受電視 劇 集的耳濡目染下,浴衣與 煙 火 大會從此便扣上了不可分拆的關係。 其實,煙火大會起源於江戶時代兩家煙火製造商 比賽放 煙火而來,現在已經成為夏日祭的一項重 要環節。配搭着和服的繽 紛色 彩、獨 特的花紋和 細 膩的手工藝,腳 踏着一雙木屐,年輕 女子婀 娜 多姿地遊走 於各大小煙火大 會中,為洋洋夏日增 添幾份色彩。 01. 日本習俗中,穿着浴衣時會不穿襪子,直接穿上木屐。 02. 淀川河道的美麗夜景。


efore the Edo period, steam baths were the norm. As bath towels were not used in Japan at the time, the Japanese would put on a yukata after a bath to dry their bodies. The rise of the public bathhouse created popularity for wearing yukatas on a regular basis. During the 1970s, the yukata and firework displays were inseparably linked to the earliest episodes of Japan’s soap operas. As a matter of fact, the fireworks display originated from the works of two firework manufacturers in the Edo era and has now become an important part of the summer festival. The firework displays and yukata-wearing are now synonymous with each other, and young women adoring the fireworks in their colorful kimonos is now a regular sight.



淀川花火大會 YODOGAWA FIREWORKS FESTIVAL 大阪淀川花火大會是1989年由一群義工籌劃,他們當 時向周邊企業、店家和居民募款,希望活躍整個社區而 創。之後慢慢地發展成夏日里浪速區以至整個大阪最 盛大的全民性慶祝活動。 每年八月份的第一個周六,在淀川河上都會有數萬發 禮炮萬馬奔騰,營造一幕幕絢麗的煙火秀,在這時候 可以看到兩側的梅田會場和十三會場早已一片人海, 座無虛席。除了煙花外,還可以泛舟賞花,或是品嘗不 同的美食:炒面、炸雞、鯛魚燒等,順道躺在河堤欣賞 兩旁的景色,十分寫意。戀人們不妨好好珍惜這次機 會,來一場煙花雨下的浪漫約會,必定畢生難忘! The Yodogawa Fireworks Festival was established in 1989 by a group of volunteers who raised funds from nearby companies, stores and residents to create an active neighborhood. It gradually developed into the grandest celebration of Naniwa-ku, Osaka. The first Saturday of August, tens of thousands of people come together to enjoy the astonishing firework display on the Yodogawa River. In addition, they can also go boating, food tasting and appreciate the scenery along the hills. It is also commonplace for couples to go on romantic dates under the breathtaking fireworks, creating an unforgettable experience. 地址:日本大阪市淀川區新北野淀川河道 電話:81- 6 - 6307-7765 日期:每年八月的第一個星期六 網址:www.yodohanabi.com

Summer 2018



SPECIAL TIPS 每年參加煙火大會的人都較多,若想佔據一個 較佳位置,建議13:00 或者之前到達。 As the festival gets increasingly popular each year, more and more people will flock to the Okawa river to watch the fireworks. Arrive before noon to secure a good spot!

煙火大會有機會因下雨而延後一天,所以出發 前最好先查詢清楚。 01 02

Check the weather. If it rains, it is likely that the fireworks display will be postponed.

若想避免同場看煙花的人過多而擠迫,可選擇 購買觀覽席座位。 For those who want to avoid the crowds, you can choose to purchase a spot on the viewing platform.



天神祭自西元951年至今已舉辦超過1000年,是日 本三大傳統祭祀活動之一,亦是世界最大規模的水 上慶典。由天滿宮開始,包括:抬神轎、催太鼓、獅 子舞、夜空焰火等。在大川北岸有各種小食攤位,還 有期間限定的夜市。天神祭是為了盛夏來臨之際驅 除瘟疫,也是對人生的縱容,極致的狂歡! 數千人穿着傳統服飾走在街上,載着神轎、馬及牛 牽的兵器,浩浩蕩蕩地走向御堂筋大街。天黑後, 祭典的氣氛進入高潮,浩大的船隊會陸續駛向水 中,壯麗的場面映射在水上,倒影美不勝收!熱鬧的 祭祀活動一直持續至深夜,這時更會有上千發煙火 在夜空中綻放,是一場完美的水與火交融之作!


Tenjin Festival, translated literally as ‘Festival of the Gods’, is held annually in July. It is one of the world’s largest water festivals and one of Japan’s three traditional sacrificial activities. Held for over thousands of years since 951 AD in the Tenmangu Shrine, the festival today includes exciting activities such as lion dancing, elaborate firework performances, riverside parades, illuminated floating boat processions, and so much more! There are also vibrant night markets with various snack stalls on the northern shore of the Okawa river where revelers don traditional costumes and saunter down the streets to the beat of the drums from the land procession. Truly a spectacular sight! 日期:7月24、25日 時間:19:30-20:50 地址:大阪天滿宮(日本大阪市北區天神橋2-1-8) 交通:JR東西線天滿宮站下車步行數分鐘 01-04. 數千人井然有序地帶着神轎和樂器,完成一年 一度的大型祭祀。



夏越大祓 NAGOSHI NO HARAE 夏越大祓是慶祝夏日來臨的傳統儀式,人們會在這 天到神社參 拜,一邊 跨過象徵淨化的茅草結環, 一邊誠心 祈求,神靈淨化自己於上半年 犯下的過 錯,並為下半年祈福,祈求事事順境。京都天滿宮 擁有全日本最大的茅草結環,故吸引眾多遊客前往 參拜,故即使全日本的主要神社都會舉辦夏越大 祓,天滿宮仍然最深得參拜人士喜愛。 Nagoshi no Harae is a simple ritual traditionally performed to celebrate the arrival of summer at the end of June every year. Though simple, it is steeped in tradition. Commonly known as a purification ritual, it allows one to cleanse themselves of misdeeds committed in the first half of the year and pray for a better half to come. The ritual is held at all major shrines in the country, but head to Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto to view the largest chinowa - a tall sacred grass wreath and the symbol of purification - in Kyoto. 01. 參拜者跨過結環,祈求好運。 01

鸕鶿捕魚 CORMORANT FISHING 於夏季 前 往 京都 的 話,遊 客 可 以觀 賞「鵜飼」, 指使用水鳥鸕鶿輔助的傳統捕魚方法,迄今已有過 千年歷史,是日本政府致力保育的文化產物。以水 鳥鸕鶿捕魚的漁夫為「鵜匠」,身穿古老服裝,在 木船上駕馭十多隻水鳥,場面壯觀。現時只有嵐山 及宇治可以觀賞到「鵜飼」,趕快到京都一開眼界! Ukai - a traditional fishing method using cormorant birds, is demonstrated to tourists during summer season. Said to have more than 1,000 years of history, Ukai is a valuable Japanese practice and important part of culture that is actively preserved in Kyoto and Gifu prefectures. There are only two places to view it in Kyoto; Arashimaya and Uji. Similarly, note that cormorant fishing is only common in summer, from July to September each year.


02. 遊客可以乘坐小舟遊 湖,欣賞捕魚的過程。

Summer 2018




在 江戶時代,大阪、江戶和京都並列為「三都」,屬


大阪歷史悠久,遠於繩文時代中期已經開始有人居住。 可惜因為經歷了多場歷史戰亂和都市開發,以致大阪 很多古建築都消失了。因為臨近瀨戶內海,大阪發展成 工商業和 水 陸空交通中心,並逐漸轉 變為一個 綜 合 性的現代工商業城市。大阪市中心的地下城— 彩虹 城商店林立,日夜 燈火通明,成為了一座聞名世界的 不夜城。 京都曾經是日本的首都,擁有相當豐富的歷史遺跡, 也是日本傳統文化的重鎮之一。在二次大戰中,京都 較少受到破壞,所以現在是日本少數仍然擁有豐富戰 前建築的城市之一。在1994年,多處古蹟列入世界文 化遺產,成為日本具代表性的觀光和文化都市。


uring the Edo period, Osaka, Edo and Kyoto were all known as ‘Santo’, Japan’s most congested city. Osaka has a long history; being inhabited in the middle of the Jomon period. As a result of wars and urban developments, many of Osaka’s ancient buildings have been unfortunately demolished. However, due to the proximity to the Seto Inland Sea, it has been developed into an industrial and commercial land and air transportation center – transforming it into a comprehensive modern city. Among them lies the shops in the underground city of Osaka, known as the Rainbow City in which is brightly lit through day and night. Unlike Osaka, Kyoto (capital of Japan at that time) was known as the wealthier cities of Japan and was able to preserve historical sites. It is one of the very few cities in Japan that still has abundant pre-war buildings merely due to the fact that it suffered less damage during the Second World War. In 1994, many monuments were included in the World Cultural Heritage, becoming a representative sightseeing and cultural city in Japan.


刨冰 Kakigori (Shaved Ice)

冷素麵 Cold Somen Noodle










A wheat-based thin noodle variety, Somen is a less-commonly seen type of Japanese noodle. Somen are usually served cold in summer, with a dipping sauce called tsuyu. A simple dish, one may customise it by adding shrimp and eggs, submerge it in miso soup and so on.

There's nothing more refreshing than shaved ice in summer! Shaved Ice is made by simply grinding the ice cubes until it is smooth and soft, followed by adding a syrup of your choice, topped with red beans, ice-cream, or fruits if you’re feeling healthy. The style of this dessert is ever-changing, so create your own exclusive taste!



章魚燒 Takoyaki (Octopus Balls)

大阪燒 Okonomiyaki










Okonomiyaki is a Japanese savory pancake - a staple within Japanese food culture. The main toppings include: cabbage, scallion, a thick batter and bacon mixed together and grilled before adding a layer of sweet sauce atop. One of the most well-known and favorite snacks of the locals in Japan!

The fresh octopus in takoyakis are used as a stuf fing to match the delicious octopus and salad dressing. It is common for people to experiment with different ingredients to create their own unique octopus ball.

Summer 2018




濟州神話世界是全韓最大的度假村,集主題公園和 娛樂鎮 於一身,神話水上樂園更會在本年夏天開 幕,為炎夏帶來清涼快感。不論小孩和大人,神話 世界定必能為你們帶來驚喜的體驗,美食、購物、 展覽包羅萬有,分佈在不同的魅力景區當中。神話 世界佔地近350個足球場,如果一天時間不夠,可 以住在園內酒店,休息後繼續玩樂。

As large as 350 football fields, Jeju Shinhwa World is the largest world-class integrated resort in South Korea. A theme park and entertainment hub with world-class hospitality, leisure, entertainment and gaming facilities, Jeju’s newest development will no doubt further boost the destination’s popularity - an already hot summer destination for Hong Kong tourists.

營業時間:10:00-18:00 地址:南韓濟州西歸浦市安德面神話歷史路304支路38號 電話:82-64-908-8888 現場門票售價:成人 KRW39,000、小童KRW35,000 交通方式:於濟州國際機場3號出口C10停車場乘坐接駁車直達

神話水上樂園(即將開幕) SHINHWA WATER PARK (COMING SOON) 水 上 活 動 不 再受 天 氣 限制,神 話 水 上 樂 園 將 於 2018年夏天開放,配備無邊泳池、波浪泳池、水滑 梯、兒童泳池等,為你帶來興奮刺激的水上體驗! Equipped with an infinity pool, wave pool, multiple water slides and so much more, consider your summer complete at Shinhwa Water Park. Jeju’s first largest water park - it seems Shinwa World is set to hit many of such ‘firsts’.



神話主題公園 SHINHWA THEME PARK 去年 9月開幕 的神 話主 題公園已經 成 為 了濟州島上最受歡 迎的景點,TUBAn團 隊花三年時間設計了夢幻的主 題 樂園, 園內由三 大 景區 組 成,除了可以 深入歷 史 悠 久的瑪 雅 文明之外,更可以與動 畫 人物「Lar va」在叢林中相 遇,精彩表演 保證讓你樂而忘返! 01

Newly opened in September last year, Shinhwa Theme Park has become Jeju’s most popular attraction. With help from TUBAn’s design team - one of Korea’s premier 3D animation company, their creative know-how has resulted in the perfectly themed attractions for all to enjoy. Escape reality and journey into the realm of imagination brought to life here.


01.趕快和卡通人物 一起快樂地飛翔 吧。02.園內分為三大 景區讓大家盡情探索。

Summer 2018


鎮內有保齡球、酒吧、購物、餐飲等設施,設施充 滿 K - s t y l e 的元素,成 為 濟州島上 娛 樂 生 活的 地 標。鎮上各所餐廳充滿韓國特色,烤肉、咖啡店和 海鮮料理應有盡有,適合來吃一頓豐富的晚餐。鎮 內更有不少的免稅商店和 時尚品牌。娛樂小鎮內 設施包羅萬有,不單是年輕人會愛上這個地方,更 是一家人可以享受的娛樂空間。 01 02

Filled with K-style elements, YG Republique, the entertainment hub in Shinhwa World run by YG Entertainment, a Korean entertainment company, is packed with cafes, bowling clubs, bars, shopping, dining and other facilities. Not only for youngsters, families from all generations will enjoy this entertainment space together.

01,02.不同類型的遊樂設施供遊客使用。03.充滿藝術感的裝潢 在室內隨處可見。04.由G-Dragon親自噴上的塗鴉。

03 04


GD設計 "Untitled, 2017" 咖啡廳 "Untitled, 2017" CAFE

01 02

白色圓柱體 造型,加上型格的的落地 玻璃,能抽 象地看到英文字母G和D,由 G-Dragon 權志龍親 自設計的主題咖啡店「Untitled,2017」的外形充 滿 時尚感和創意。愛花的 G D 在店內的天花擺 放 了兩朵巨型花朵,更會定 時開花,而咖 啡 杯的杯 底也加入了花 朵圖案。店內充滿着 G D 的個 人特 色,各位粉絲千萬不要錯過啊!

Any self-respecting K-pop fan will know of G-Dragon, the industry’s biggest star. The official ambassador and face of Shinhwa World, fangirl in YG town where GD’s café ‘Untitled, 2017’ resides. Named after his 2017 award-winning album, the café’s white domelike exterior design is built to mirror an overlap of letters G and D - initials of G-Dragon’s name.



Summer 2018

遊韓自助出入境 Smart Entry Service (SES)) 為了節省辦理出入境手續的時間,各地開始引 入自助出入境檢查服務,如香港的e -道,讓使

用者可以快速省時地完成相關手續。韓國的 Smart Entry Service (SES) 亦是類似的自 助出入境檢查系統,合資格的香港居民亦可使 用。只要年滿十七歲、在韓國沒有不良紀錄, 並持有效期六個月或以上的香港特區電子護 照,即可在韓國登記處登記使用SES,成功登 記後(除非更新或更換護照),即可無限次使用 該自助設施進出包括仁川、金浦、釜山及濟州 機場,出入境不再費時! To provide greater convenience for travellers, automated clearance service like the e-Channels in Hong Kong have been introduced in many places around the world to greatly cut down the time spent on performing immigration clearance. Similar automated clearance service called Smart Entry Service (or SES), which can be used by eligible Hong Kong residents, has been launched in Korea. Eligible Hong Kong residents aged 17 or above with no adverse records in Korea and being holders of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Electronic Passports with a validity of at least 6 months can enrol for the SES at designated enrolment centres in Korea. Those who have enrolled successfully (except for those whose enrolled passports have been renewed or replaced), may use the self-help service unlimitedly at airports across Korea, including Incheon, Gimpo, Busan and Jeju. Why not enjoy the quick service?

自助出入境檢查 服務簡介

自動出入境審查登錄中心位置: 仁川國際機場旅客航廈3樓 登機手續櫃檯F區前 (2號出境大門前 ) (另有其他登錄中心,詳見官方網站) 自動出入境審查登錄服務時間:06:30-19:30(全年無休) 網址:www.ses.go.kr *旅客是否獲准入境、准許逗留的期限及是否獲准使用上述服務, 一般由有關國家的出入境機關官員按當時的個別情況作決定。




面對忙碌的都市生活,遊客不願再在旅行時匆匆忙忙地追趕景點,令到保健旅遊成 為了近年最受歡迎的一種旅遊模式。療程、渡假和休閒活動結合,提昇身體和心靈上 的健康。試着放下生活中的煩惱,在旅行中放鬆自己,享受一趟療癒的養生旅程吧! In the face of busy urban life, holiday-seekers today care much less about chasing attractions while they are away. It is increasingly less about what one sees, but more about how one feels. Quality definitely outweighs quantity when it comes to something as intrinsic as an experience. The shift in holiday trends has seen the rise in popularity of wellness tourism in recent years. With the combination of leisure activities such as spas, massages, yoga, and all-round wellbeing treatments in tranquil settings, it is no wonder why wellness is so sought-after as an urban getaway. Summer 2018





Thai Yoga Massage 泰式按摩可說是以平民的價格,換取帝皇般的享受。 泰式按摩發源於古印度西部,始創於印度王的御醫吉 瓦科庫瑪,屬於古代泰王招待皇家貴賓的最高禮節。 但很多人比較喜歡泰式瑜珈按摩,在按摩中加入一連 串瑜珈 動作,以冥想方式,結合深入的伸展、緩慢 施 壓,以達至身心放 鬆,提高睡 眠質素。由於 過程中只 需要享受着被按壓、推拉的快感,所以又被稱為「懶人 瑜珈」,受到了很多旅客的青睞呢! Thai massage is one activity that almost no tourist misses out on when traveling to Thailand on holiday. Be it in the city or on the islands, having a Thai massage is quintessential to the full holiday experience. Interestingly, Thai massage originated i n a n ci e n t We s t I n di a , a h e a li n g p rac t i c e o f Ayurveda dating back over 2,500 years. Combining acupressure, ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures,the practice has remained largely the same today. To relieve fatigue and joint tension, one can always rely on a good old Thai massage!


An elevated experience 按《新華字 典》的解 釋,按 摩指在人體一定 部 位 上,運 用 推、拿、按、摩、滾、揉、搖、 扳、拍等各種手法來治療 疾病的方法。有助 疏通經絡、行氣活血、滑利關節。 現在都市人生活繁忙,長期工作導致肌肉疲 勞、精神緊張。若然 在這個時候能夠享受一 個 按 摩療程,讓身心得以 放 鬆,那是多麼 美 好的事情 啊﹗很 多國家如:泰國、韓國、日本 等都流行按 摩,只是 形式有點不同,但都屬 於一種靈魂的享受! Traditionally, a massage refers to the treatment of body stress or pain through various methods such as acupuncture, rolling, kneading, or stretching certain parts of the body. In Chinese culture, massages are also known to have the role of clearing the meridians known as ‘qi’, relieving joint problems, or improving blood circulation. Many countries and cultures have their own forms of well-being treatment beyond traditional massage. Let us take a look at some different well-being treatments in Asia.



放鬆與娛樂, 被認為是生活中不可缺少的要素。

Relaxation and entertainment, is considered to be an indispensable element of life. - 亞里士多德,古希臘哲學家 Aristotle, Ancient Philosopher

越南 水療

Vietnamese Spa 水療(Spa)已經成為了到越南必做的一件事。越南按摩 一般是以輕柔的手法,配合天然養生素材,如熱石法、 五行療法等喚醒你的身體。而最具特色非礦泥浴莫屬。 泥 漿內含礦 物 質、有機 物、微 量 元素和 某 些 放 射 性物 質,經過加溫後,浸泡其中可以達到健身袪病的養生功 效。女士試完後會發現皮膚立即變得光滑細膩。若然你 現在就心動了,不如直接行動去體驗一下吧! Just like Thailand is renowned for its massage techniques, Vietnam - or Nha Trang in particularis increasingly known for its mud spas. Other than being rich in natural minerals, soaking in the mud is said to alleviate ailments such as joint tension, rheumatism and skin irritations. Besides, the mud can also remove dead skin cells to reveal silky smooth skin for the ladies! Coupled with a Vietnamese massage, a trip to the spa will no doubt awaken your mind and body.

Summer 2018



休息一會,經過休養生息的田地五穀豐收。 Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. - 詩人 奧維德 Ovid, Poet



Ibusuki Hot Sand Bath 位 於日本鹿 兒島最南端 的指宿 可 說是全年艷 陽高照, 氣候 溫 暖,從 古至今 都 是 泉 量 豐 沛 的 溫 泉 地。除了溫 泉,指宿的另一大特 色便是有2 0 0多年歷 史的沙浴。用 微 熱的黑沙蓋在身上,一會兒便會冒出小汗。享受着沙 帶來 的 溫 熱 同 時,傾 聽 着 海 浪 的 嬉 笑 聲,不知 不覺 便 把 旅 途中的 疲 憊 抺 掉!沙 浴內 的 泉 質含 鹽 酸 鈉 泉,對 於腰酸背痛、關節風濕等都有不同的效果,怪不得日本 人很喜愛沙浴! Located at the southernmost tip of Kagoshima in Japan, Ibusuki City is historically known for its hot springs with black sand spas resulting from naturally heated volcanic waters (est 50 to 55°C) thanks to surrounding volcanoes in the region. Dating back 200 years, the process is simple. Your body is meant to be covered all over with hot black sand, with only your face sticking out. Though it may be scorching hot in the beginning, it only takes some concentration and focus on the beauty and health benefits after it all to last through the recommended 15 minutes.

南韓 汗蒸幕

Korean Jjimjilbang 相傳汗蒸是當年為了替老百姓治病而研 發出來的。汗蒸可使體內垃圾隨 汗液一同排出,從而促進皮膚表面以及內部的活性;更能溫暖心臟,使血 液循環順暢,促進新陳代謝。 現在的汗蒸房形形色色,而基本的韓式汗蒸幕一般是將黃土和各種寶石 類石頭加熱,透過純天然寶石材料放 射出對人體有益的元素,促進血液 循環,加快體內廢物的代謝,以達到養顏美容的效果。怪不得韓國女生的 皮膚都這麼白滑細膩,原來汗蒸也幫了一大忙! Korean drama fanatics are no stranger to jjimjilbangs - the Korean version of public bathhouses. Usually gender segregated with hot and cold soaking pools, massage areas, saunas, entertainment lounges, and communal sleeping rooms, a trip to the public bathhouse can be a day’s itinerary by itself! Steaming is a popular activity within the jjimjilbang as it allows body waste to be discharged together with sweat, thereby allowing the skin's surface to breathe and stimulate blood circulation, which in turn enhances metabolism. No wonder the Koreans are known for their porcelain smooth skin - turns out… steaming helps! 照片來源 Photo Credits to: 德龍宮龍山汗蒸幕 Dragon Hill Spa & Resort





有置身邁亞密海岸的錯覺。距離香港僅兩個小時航程,即可抵達以絕美海岸聞 名的世外桃源 — 芽莊。

不過只是探索芽莊就太平凡了。喜愛冒險的旅行者,想必都對自然秘景有一種 不能抗拒的衝動。何不前往距離芽莊僅數小時車程的周邊城市,探索越南南部 的海灘、珊瑚礁群及風景如畫的島嶼?自然的美景、蔚藍的海水、澄明的空氣, 震懾於美如藝術品的景色,令人深深着迷。 今個暑假,聚集所有喜愛冒險的朋友,揹起背包往越南南部出發!


outhern Vietnam’s coast is known for pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs and picturesque islands. Within 2 hours flight from Hong Kong, arrive in beautiful Nha Trang where miles upon miles of sandy white beaches and tropical palm trees line the coast of this seaside city. Nha Trang is also the perfect base to explore its equally captivating neighbouring islands. Here is the ultimate island-hopper guide to the most jaw-dropping islands off the coast. Those with a thirst for adventure will find themselves in love with the wide expanse of natural space, the calls of the ocean, and above all, gorgeous works of nature. How about a road trip for a summer vacation? Whether by car or by scooter, get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

富安 Phu Yen

寧和市社 Ninh Hoa

金蘭市 Cam Ranh

芽莊 Nha Trang

平田 Binh Tien



碧海一望無際 享受恬靜假期 CAM RANH BAY 芽莊 Nha Trang 約44分鐘車程 約25分鐘車程

金蘭國際機場 Cam Ranh Airport

金蘭灣 Cam Ranh Bay 01


達,是一個鮮為人知的小鎮,這個小鎮被美麗的沙 灘包圍,雖然旅遊設施較為落後,但其純樸的氣息 正正成為熱愛冒險的旅行者不二之選。 沿着海岸慢步,望向碧綠的海水,踩着柔軟的白沙, 感受迎面撲來的微風。放眼一覽無際的綿延海灘, 灘上零零落落的有幾隻小漁船。至此,只聽見海浪 拍打岸邊的聲音,享受真正遠離煩囂的療癒之地。


reviously a military port due to its deep-water harbour, Cam Ranh is a little-known town about 50-kilometres away from Nha Trang city. This stunning unspoilt coastal town is surrounded with plentiful beaches with great tourism potential. 02

For the atypical and adventurous traveller, Cam Ranh is an unspoilt paradise with much to explore. What Cam Ranh is not, however, is a luxury destination with full-service tourist facilities. Expand your wanderlust, and visit with an open mind; from Nom beach, Binh Lap beach and more, these largely underrated islands will dazzle you with beach after beach of turquoise waters and soft sand. 01.欣賞金蘭灣如畫的夕陽。02.夕陽西下仍在努力工作的漁民。

Summer 2018





沿途欣賞絕美海岸線 BINH TIEN & VINH HY


淳樸的小村莊被高聳的山脈環抱着,彷如與世隔 絕的桃花源。當地人空閒時最喜愛在沙灘上紮起 帳篷,享受海邊的恬靜。何不像當地人一樣,帶上 露營用品感受平田?輕躺在綿綿沙灘上,抬頭仰望 星光閃閃的夜幕,低 頭閉眼聽着海洋及微 風譜出 的曲調,把最美的一刻烙印在腦海中。 睡醒感覺餓了,還有新鮮的海鮮等着您!在微風吹拂 的椰樹蔭下,大快朵頤吃着平田漁民在灘上即抓即 賣的海鮮,讓心靈跟肚皮都載滿幸福感後再出發! 平田往榮海的車程整整17公里長,從車窗看出去, 灑落的陽光隨着海水流動折射,閃閃生輝,伴隨着 迎面撲來的海風,如畫的風景在眼前呈現。沉溺在 美景之中,長路一眨眼就過了。趕快下車,投進沙 灘天堂榮海的懷抱! 01.沿着木棧道欣賞風景。02.望着碧藍大海,享受新鮮甜美的海鮮,十 分愜意。


riving or riding south from Cam Ranh Bay, the 17-kilometre stretch between Binh Tien and Vinh Hy is one of the most breathtaking coastal roads to journey on in Southeast Asia. Binh Tien itself is a small village with a stunning beach nestled amidst towering mountains and superlative rock formations. Bring along a tent to camp here under the magnificent starry night for an unparalleled camping experience. Drive along the well-paved roads, enjoy unobstructed views of the aquatic ocean and the smell of fresh ocean air as you pull over at well-situated viewpoints to feed your social media with no-filterneeded-picture-perfect paradise.After-which, sublime beaches at Vinh Hy await.

金蘭市 Cam Ranh 約42分鐘車程

平田 Binh Tien


榮海 Vinh Hy



寧和市社 Ninh Hoa 約20分鐘車程

巴赫瀑布 Ba Ho Waterfalls

從懸崖一躍而下 享受刺激快感


芽莊 Nha Trang



體驗耳目一新的刺激旅程!在越南的旅程已經對悠 閒的海灘生厭的話,可以攀上巨石群,欣賞巴赫瀑布 的宏偉。巴赫瀑布距離芽莊車程不足一小時,沿着公 路往北直駛,跟着紅箭頭的指示就能輕易到達。 在巨石群中攀爬,不時享受山澗流水的清爽。不消 一會,就能看見瀑布矗立眼前,清爽的水流聲不絕於 耳。若想追求離心力的快感,更可在巴赫瀑布的懸崖 跳台一躍而下,用全身去感受瀑布的清爽。


etween lounging on beaches and islandhopping, get active with a nature hike to the Ba Ho waterfalls. The short trail is marked with red arrows directing your way after you turn in at the Ba Ho sign off the highway, within an hour drive of Nha Trang. There are a couple of boulders along the hike, but you will soon be rewarded with cool refreshing dips in clean, fresh cascading pools amongst the mountains. Adrenaline-junkies can also engage in cliff-jumping at the falls with jumping platforms at 5, 10, and 15 metres.

Summer 2018



難得一見的奇石怪岩 DA DIA REEF Da Dia Reef


富安 Phu Yen


芽莊 Nha Trang

位於富安省綏和市的Da Dia Reef,是壯麗而難

得的自然地貌。數百萬年前火山爆發,岩漿流出遇 上海水並急速冷卻;隨着時間的推移,以及地殼的 移動,漸漸形成多邊形的岩石。不同形狀的岩石堆 疊在一起,堆砌出屬於大自然的藝術品。世上僅有 四個地方能夠欣賞到這一種獨特的地貌,機會難 得,立刻編進行程吧!



renowned scenic spot in Phu Yen province, Da Dia Reef is a magical work of nature. The multidimensional polygonal rocks are formed by the collision of lava meets ocean from past volcanic eruptions. There are only three other places in the world with this natural phenomenon- be sure not to miss out! Also situated in the central province of Phu Yen, is Mui Dien. Though slightly further out from Nha Trang, Mui Dien is commonly believed to be the place in Vietnam where sunlight rays first appear. Camp overnight on Mon beach in Mui Dien to see not only the first golden rays of the sun rise beyond the vast ocean, but also the night sky light up with thousands of shimmering stars. 01.一根一根像柱子的岩石,是十分罕見的地質現象。02,03.越南的 小艇是圓圓的,形狀很特別!04.俯視石柱的話,會發現各種多邊形, 非常獨特。


03 04

投奔初夏 探索海洋天堂



初 夏旅 遊,當然少不得陽光與海灘!八重山群

島隸屬日本沖繩 縣,由數十個島嶼 組 成,清 澈 海 水、幼 滑白沙,如天 堂 般 的 海 灘 美 景,島上 更有 不 可多得的自然瑰寶,還不快 點收 拾行裝,前 往 這個世外桃園!


n island getaway will not be complete without immersing in the surroundings of picturesque beaches with laid-back vibes. The Yaeyama islands in the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan consists of ten inhabited islands with their own unique charm. From the gateway of Ishigaki, let us explore some of them!


01.悠閒地划着獨木舟前進吧。02.長55米的 Pinaisara瀑布從天而降!03.在舟上感受大 自然的美。0 4.在西表島上可以看到連綿無 盡的紅樹林。

02 03

西表島 Iriomote island 一片片綠野森林立於西表島的急流之中,優美而頑強。 這島嶼有9成以上為亞熱帶原生森林,不少遊客喜歡划 獨 木舟看 紅樹 林,在島上可以看到大自然最原始的風 貌。海灘的水清澈見底,戴上浮潛設備,與琳瑯滿目的 海洋生物暢泳吧!喜歡冒險的你一定要前來探索西表島 的奧秘,感受這裏美好的自然風光。 Yaeyama’s second largest island, more than 90% of Irimote island is covered by mangrove forests and jungle greens. Due to the abundance of nature, outdoor activities such as kayaking, scuba-diving and hiking are the most sought-after attractions here. Enveloped in lush greenery amidst tranquil turquoise waters, the striking setting sets the pace for adventure.


Summer 2018



川平灣 Kabira Bay 02 03

川 平 灣 被 譽為 小 馬 爾 代 夫,在 海 邊 散 步,踏着白滑的細沙;感受清涼海水於 腳 下 流 過;蔚 藍 的 天 空 與 透 明 碧 綠 的 海 水使 海 天 融 為 一 體。海 水在 陽 光 的 照 射下變 換 色 彩,成 為 這 裏 美 麗 動 人 的景色。


Kabira Bay in Ishigaki is known as Little Maldives, and for good reason. Renowned for colourful coral reefs, turquoise waters and schools of tropical fishes, the underwater life is truly a spectacular sight. Though swimming is prohibited, do hop on glass-bottom boats for a sneak peek!


御神崎燈塔 Uganzaki Lighthouse 位 於石垣市外 30分鐘車程內的御神 崎燈塔坐 落 在 陡 峭 的 懸 崖 之 上,來 到 這 裏 代 表 你已經 到 達 石垣島最西北 的 一角,在 崖 上俯 瞰 壯 麗 無比的浪花,感受大自然的鬼斧神功。在此修 建了紀 念昭和 27年海難事故的慰靈碑 和菩薩 佛 像,寧 靜 美 麗 的 環 境 為 遊 客 帶來洗 淨心靈 的感覺,也是享受東海日落景觀的最佳位置。 04

Even from a distance, this stunning lighthouse glistens in all of its white grandeur. Just a short drive from Kabira Bay, one will witness the most spectacular sunset from the observation point nestled under the lighthouse. Follow the grassy path down to witness the striking backdrop of steep cliffs and jugged rocks juxtaposed with the white of the lighthouse and sandy beaches. 0 4.御神 崎 燈 塔 得天獨厚的地 理位 置加上零污染的環境,於 夜幕降臨時能看見漫天星辰。




AN ALTERNATIVE TROPICAL GETAWAY 塞 班島屬於美國北馬里亞納群島邦的首府,是一座漂亮的珊瑚 島。島上有不同的著名景點:海底藍洞、軍艦島、自殺崖等。由於位 置優 越,四面環海,擁有美麗的海灣,而且四季溫暖,被視為人間 仙境,故此成為了很多旅客的度假勝地!


aipan is the largest island in the Northern Mariana Islands of the North Pacific Ocean. Unknown to most, Saipan is actually part of the United States, but unlike popular belief, it is not as distant nor inaccessible as a quick getaway. Around five hours of flight away from Hong Kong, explore an alternative beach holiday in this historical yet stunningly captivating island with much to uncover. Be prepared to fall in love with this atypical destination.


軍艦島 MANAGAHA ISLAND 軍艦島因外觀酷似戰艦而得名,又被稱為塞班島的明珠。她位於塞 班島西側中部外海的小島,整個海島被銀白色的沙灘所圍繞,外圍 佈滿珊瑚礁的海水在陽光折射下閃爍着奇幻的色彩,還有五彩繽紛 的熱帶魚在水中暢泳。 軍艦島更曾經作為電影「大逃殺2:鎮 魂歌」、「軍艦島」的拍攝 場 地和電腦遊戲「殺手7」的靈感來源地。自此聲名大噪,成為旅遊勝 地。來到軍艦島,除了可以一睹各項二戰歷史遺跡外,還很適合玩各 種水上活動:拖傘、香蕉船、水上電單車等,是一個老少咸宜的海島! Managaha island is a tiny white sand-fringed island just a short boat ride away from Saipan. Due to its ivory coast and clear blue waters all around, this uninhabited island is said to be the prettiest in all of Saipan - though to each their own, you will just have to make a trip there to decide for yourself! Perfect for a day trip, one may swim, snorkel, dive or parasail on the island. The explorer may also come across historical remnants from World War II such as war inscriptions, cannons and more.




在塞班島瘋狂的一天 UNFORGETTABLE HEART-POUNDING ADVENTURES 來到塞班島怎可不 玩 上一天半 夜呢!這 裏 有不同種 類的活動,如 ATV賽車、極限運動、生態考查團、浮潛和潛水等。建議可以組織一 個一天的行程,上午進行陸路大挑戰,與朋友一起賽車,下午跳進水 裏與魚兒一起暢游,順道消消暑,其樂無窮! Saipan is indeed a picturesque island, perfect for relaxing getaways - but that is not all the island offers. Experience an exhilarating holiday with some heart-pounding adventures to spruce up your otherwise lazy itinerary. From ATV racing, gokarting, mountain biking to diving, let us explore what there is to do with Marianas Trekking. 照片來源 Photo Credits to:Marianas Trekking Saipan 01


就算沒有駕駛執照,也可以在凹凸彎曲的 路上騎着四輪越野車馳 騁,享受自由奔馳 的快感!經驗豐富的導遊會帶您駛進隱秘 的小路、穿過 寂靜的泥 地,經 過一 輪刺激 的奔馳,最後到達開闊寧靜的沙灘。看着 海浪翻 滾,拍 打在 岸邊巨型的岩石上,腳 踩着軟 沙,伴 着海風吹送,如 斯畫面令人 心曠神怡,如夢似幻。旅客亦可於 附近村 落閒逛一下,了解在地風土民情,感受塞班 居民的熱情。 Explore off the beaten paths and unruly terrain with your own All Terrain Vehicle (ATV). With an experienced guide by your side, ride along hidden trails and unexplored beaches to find your own paradise. Zoom off into the wild, along the coastline with spectacular views in the backdrop, or cruise along the villages to explore local farms and neighbourhoods. Those who would like a less-exhilarating option may opt for the buggy ride - don't worry, we won’t judge.



探索海洋奧祕 AQUATIC EXPLORATIONS 來到塞班島,絕對不可錯過蔚藍大海下的 珊瑚礁!透過浮潛親身接觸珊瑚礁,五顏六 色的珊瑚在清澈碧藍的海水中呈現強烈對 比,令人感嘆海洋的壯麗。浮潛的過程中, 身邊的熱帶魚群一直與您同遊,在導遊的 指引下更可餵食牠們,享受非凡體驗。 不想潛入大海,旅客亦可選擇留在水面挑 戰立槳衝浪或獨木舟,放眼欣賞一望無際 的大海。不管以哪一種方式去感受塞班島 的海洋,都必定會愛上這個地方。



The beautiful coral reefs around the island are gorgeous enough to make you question your life decisions while weaving in between the marine life. Amidst sparkling clear waters, the contrast of colourful vibrant corals against the sturdy rocky reefs and the blue of the sea, snorkelling is an activity not to be missed. One may also opt to stay above the waters to do some kayaking or stand-up paddling to get a workout in, with stunning coastlines behind you and the wide expanse of sparkling waters up ahead. Either way, it's a feast for the sight!

Mariannas Trekking, Saipan 電話:670-237-2049 網址:www.marianastrekking.com 01. 特別的輪胎設計,令全地形車可以走過崎嶇的山路。 02. 在崎嶇的路上奔馳,喜歡刺激的旅客不可以錯過! 03. 透過浮潛零距離欣賞大海之美。 04. 在水天一色的美景中享受立槳衝浪。

Summer 2018

動 人 心 弦

香 川

四 國

揮 別 K AG AWA 塵 可乘搭航班 直達高松機場 囂 香川


攝影:Au Sze Shing Wilson

模特兒:Carrie Lai

瀨戶內海有「世界寶石」之稱,香川縣就是被這顆寶石環抱着,散發着美妙的光芒。這裏 保留了日本最原始的自然風光,風光明媚不在話下,建築與藝術更紮根於香川縣的小島 之中,香川縣的特色和文化藝術結合,成為一件一件優秀的作品。這裏有大受歡迎的 「讚岐烏冬」,以小麥、水及鹽混合做成,光滑彈牙,形成香川縣的獨特美味。香川縣亦 有23處寺廟,是四國遍路修行圓滿的最後一站。來到香川縣,不論吃、喝、玩、樂,抑或 心靈上,也能得到與別不同的滿足。立即計劃行程,從高松開始你的香川之旅吧!

栗林公園 栗林公園用了近一百年才建成,號稱一步一 景,園內種植了千多棵松樹,展現日式庭園 的美麗型態。在小橋流水的美景之下,遊客 可選擇乘船遊湖,以不同的角度觀賞園中的 一草一木。 栗林公園 地址:日本香川縣高松市栗林町1-20-16 入場費:【全票】JPY410 /【學生】JPY170

小船體驗費用:【大人】JPY610 /【小童】JPY300



高松市 和三盆(和菓子)製作體驗


和三盆是四國獨有的一種砂糖,名為三盆因為需要在盤 上研磨砂糖三次。在體驗的過程中,遊客可以試着用各 種形狀的木板模具親手製作美味的和三盆乾菓子,也是 一個充滿樂趣的親子活動呢! 豆花 MAMEHANA 地址:香川県高松市花園町1-9-13 電話:81-87-831-3712 營業時間:10:00-17:00 網址:www.mamehana-kasikigata.com

和服體驗 來到高松市的商店街,除了可以在這裏盡情 購物之外,還可以穿上古典優雅的和服,在 市內悠閒地漫步!這裏會有專人為你提供髮 型設計,把日本傳統之美與你結合,保證能 體驗穿着和服的樂趣。

茶道體驗 日本有一個名叫侘寂(Wabi-sabi)的審美概 念,代表着樸素的事物,日本茶道正 好能體驗這一點。進行抹茶體驗的 過程,你能從中體會到簡樸之美, 感受日本人的茶道精神,和 諧寧靜 地度過下午。

ふくや呉服店 Fukuya Gofukuten 地址:日本香川縣高松市丸龜町5-7 電話:81-87-851-2179

和服體驗價錢:JPY5,000 / 茶道體驗價錢:JPY3,000


高松市商店街 高松市商店街位於市中心 地帶,由七條 大街 組成, 是日本最長的商店街,共 有近8 0 0間商舖。不論購 買名牌,或是香川縣的本 土物產,也可以在這𥚃找 到,到商店街搜羅你的戰 利品吧!

甘味茶屋 店內最有名的是美味的紅豆年糕湯,這是源自江戶時代讚岐的 鄉土料理,紅豆年糕配合奶油色的白味噌及野菜,賣相相當吸 引,甜和咸的味道更是出乎意料地好吃,讓人一試難忘。 ぶどうの木 Budounoki 地址:日本香川縣高松市百間町2-1


Summer 2018



三豐市 七寶山秘境


位 於七寶山上的一個小山頭,除了是滑翔機愛好 者基地,你亦可以看到海天一色的美景,遊客更可 以利用視覺上的錯覺,拍攝出彷如在海上行走的 相片,為你的旅程增添樂趣。 ハンググライダー基地 Hanguguraida Centre 地址:日本香川縣三豊市仁尾町広江地区ハンググライダー基地 交通:由七寶山隧道停車場步行約50分鐘 網址:www.mitoyo-kanko.com/?p=20422

海濱咖啡店 験 如果你希望可以在旅程中找到喘息的空間,位 於三 豐市的Cafe De Flots是最適合的地方,從店中可以 看到美麗的父母濱海岸,一邊品嘗使用地道食材做的 蛋包飯和漢堡扒,一邊靜心感受香川縣的醉人美景。 Cafe De Flots

暑氣全消 涼感夏日 每到夏天,刨冰都會人氣急升,來這裏吃一杯色彩斑 斕的水果刨冰,加上無添加的天然煉奶和新鮮水果, 必定會暑氣全消,為旅程帶來能量。 かき氷カフェひむろ Kakikouri Café Himuro

地址:日本香川縣三豊市仁尾町仁尾乙165-1 電話:81-875-82-4525 營業時間:周五至三 11:30-18:00

地址:日本香川縣三豊市仁尾町仁尾乙202 電話:81-875-82-2101 營業時間:周五至三 11:30-22:00

團扇之港博物館 五彩繽紛的團扇深受日本人喜愛,丸 龜市團扇之港博物館不但可以讓你認 識團扇的歷史,更可以參加體驗班, 親手制作一把獨一無二的團扇呢! 團扇之港博物館 地址:日本香川縣丸龜市港町307番地15 電話:81-877-24-7055 時間:09:30-17:00(逢周一休息) 收費:團扇製作體驗 JPY700(五人以上可預約體驗時段)


高屋神社 稻積山上有一個 隱世的景點-高屋神社。從山腳到 神社需時約40分鐘,但當看到「天空鳥居」時,𣊬間 疲勞盡消,一望無際的景致出現在你的眼前,市區和 瀨戶內海的景色完美交融,也是看日落的好去處! 高屋神社 地址:日本香川縣観音寺市高屋町稲積山2730 電話:81-875-24-2150 網址:www.mitoyo-kanko.com/?p=20245




來住豊島交通 從高松港出發,只需要30分鐘便可 以到達豊島的家浦港,但船的班次 並不多,要注意船期表和預定來回 時間,乘坐高速船向着大海出發吧!

豊島交通 價錢:JPY1,330 船期詳情可參考網址: www.teshima-web.jp

豊島梯田 由於豊島有良好的水質和土壤,多年 來盛 產 野菜和 稻 米。負責保育這 裏 的唐櫃棚田保存會會定期舉辦收獲 祭,讓人們可以體驗農民生活。 豊島梯田 地址:日本香川縣土庄町豊島唐櫃

品嘗小島珍味 島キッチン自2 010年瀨戶內海藝 術祭 後開始由豊島上居民直接 經 營,餐廳食物使用島上的產物,例 如附近種植的野菜,或瀨戶內海中 的漁獲,保證食物新鮮。 島キッチン Chima Kitchen 地址:日本香川縣小豆郡土庄 町豊島唐櫃1061 營業時間:周六至周一或假日 11:00-16:00

豊島的紅寶石 由農民直接經營的小店,並使用豊島土 產士多啤梨,味道甘甜且帶清新口感, 香氣飄逸。配上芭菲和窩夫等甜品,令 人食指大動。 いちご家 Ichigoya 地址:日本香川縣小豆郡土庄町豊島家浦2133-2 電話:81-879-68-2681 營業時間:平日 12:00-17:00,周六至一 11:00-17:00 網址:www.facebook.com/teshima158

豊島美術館 美術館由藝術家內藤礼和建築師西澤立 衛一同設計,外型彷如一顆流動的水滴, 館內沒有擺放任何的藏品,但它本身已經 是一份作品,在翠綠的草地 和梯田襯托 之下,結合自然和藝術。 豊島美術館 地址:日本香川縣小豆郡土庄町豊島唐櫃607 電話:81-879-68-3555 網址:http://benesse-artsite.jp/art/teshima-artmuseum.html

Summer 2018




探索海上之旅 香川縣除了景色優美,更可以進行刺激的獨 木舟冒險呢!由教練帶領着各位參加者,迎 着海風,在大海中感受瀨戶內海的美景吧! クアタラソ Quataraso Sanuki Tsuda Relaxation Resort 地址:日本香川縣讚岐市津田町鶴羽24-2 電話:81-879-42-5888 網址:http://q-t.anabuki-enter.jp

與海豚約會 想親身接觸海豚這種可愛的生物嗎?來親 親海豚中心,不單可以在岸邊餵飼牠們, 更能直接跳進海中和牠們暢泳,工作人員 會教大家訓練海豚的指令,讓你也能成為 海豚訓練師! 日本ドルフィンセンター Japan Dolphin Center 地址:日本香川縣讚岐市津田町鶴羽1520-130 電話:81-887-22-1245 交通:由JR高德線 鶴羽站下車步行20分鐘 營業時間:10:00-17:00 休息日:4月至10月無休日 / 10月至3月周三休息 網址:www.j-dc2.net

高松市 T A K A M AT S U


人氣燒肉店- 橄欖飼牛 じゃぽん為客人帶來最高級的燒肉享受,店內選用的和 牛以橄欖果實餵飼,油脂豐富,入口即融,加上小豆島 出產的橄欖油,引發出肉的鮮味。配合無煙烤爐,客人 可以在舒適的環境中品嘗美食,定必回味無窮。 さぬき焼肉庵じゃぽん Sanuki Yakinikuan Japon

居酒屋中的地道名菜- 骨付鳥 香川名菜「骨付鳥」即是烤雞腿,老雞味道濃郁, 嫩雞肉質鮮甜,只需鹽和胡椒便能令食物的味道昇 華,微 辣 帶咸的骨 付鳥配 上一杯 啤酒,是一流的 美食享受。 とり料理 かど弦 Toriryouri Kadogen



宇野ビル1階 丸龜町商店街



營業時間:周一至六 17:30-01:00

時間:周一至六 16:30-00:00

周日 17:00-23:00

東京一直都是時裝潮流聖地,受惠於日元貶值,現在前 往東京正是入手心儀名牌手錶、手袋及首飾的好時機! 喜歡手錶的你,可試試到東京中野的The Watch Company ( T W C )尋 寶 ! T W C 是 專 營 名 牌 手 錶 買 賣 的 專 門 店,在 香 港 大 熱 的 R o l e x 運 動 款 式 如 G M T、 Daytona、Submariner系列、Patek Philippe的Nautilus系列、 Omega的Speedmaster系列及Tudor、Panerai等款式齊 備。另外TWC更有不少價錢優惠及狀態良好的二手手錶。 The Watch Company specialises in high-end timepieces, particularly of the top brands from Europe, including Rolex, Patek Philippe, Jaeger-LeCoulture and Cartier. The Watch Company 東京中野區中野5-58- 6 5-58-6, Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 81-70-3336-6663(支援多國語言) TWCJapan www.thewatchcompany.co.jp

The store is located at Nakano, which is just 5 minutes away by train from Shinjuku.

HKexpress 讀者優惠 Readers Offer 於TWC消費即可獲 Starbucks Gift Card(價值1,000日圓)一張 TWC offers a Starbucks JPY1,000 voucher upon any purchase 優惠號碼 Coupon Code:HETW180201 優惠有效日期至 Valid until:30/09/2018


Tokyo Luxury Shopping Guide BrandFirst 東京新宿區歌舞伎町1-18-7 1 Chome-18-7, Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 81-70-4415-6066(支援多國語言) brandfirsttokyo

HKexpress 讀者優惠 Readers Offer

喜 歡 手 袋 及 首 飾 的 你,可 逛 逛 位 於 新 宿 歌 舞 技 町 的 BrandFirst。BrandFirst網羅多個高級女裝品牌的手袋及 飾物,其中包括全球知名的Louis Vuitton、Chanel、大熱的 Hermes Birkin及Kelly系列等,其中不少更是「日本限定」 款式。TWC及BrandFirst兩家店都設有高價收購服務,詳 情可到網站或Facebook查詢。 BrandFirst offers a wide range of luxury handbags and accessories from prestigious brands, including iconic Louis Vuitton, Chanel and the most sought-after Hermès Birkin and Kelly handbag series. Plus, many of these products are sold in Japan only. It is at Shinjuku Kabukicho, a few minutes walk from the train station.

於BrandFirst消費即減1,000日圓, 消費滿100,000日圓以上 可享9折 BrandFirst offers JPY1,000 discount for any purchase and a special 10% discount on top for orders with JPY100,000 or above 優惠號碼 Coupon Code:HEBR180201 優惠有效日期至 Valid until:30/09/2018


家庭帶來機遇,也為香港帶來蓬勃的經濟發展。 但 是隨着時代 轉變,工業轉型,香港年輕一代不 再 投身手工業,古老的本土手工藝無以為繼,逐 漸消失,不禁令人懷緬過去香港手工業的黃金歲 月。香港本土手工藝已經碩果僅存,當務之急是 保育和 傳承,讓本土工藝絕處 逢生,下一代也能 看到本土手工業的光景。


here was once a time in the olden days where traditional handicrafts was the bread and butter of countless families in Hong Kong. However, with the evolution of time and technological advancement in various industries, this intricate skill is slowly and sadly fading into history. In the age of automated assemblies, the golden age of Hong Kong handicrafts has passed its prime. Nonetheless, it is important to preserve a piece of this tradition, so that it will be remembered for future generations to come.

Summer 2018



紮作技藝已經成為了香港非物質文化遺產,師傅以簡單的材料 如竹篾、紗布、色紙、絹布等,經過繁複的程序,一絲不苟地把 材料變成栩栩如生的花燈。這些紮作通常在新年或元宵才能 看到,它們承載了香港的歷史和文化。 One familiar with Chinese New Year traditions will have seen the prance of lion dancers in the centre of festivities. Yet, few know the intricate craft that go behind making the lion’s heads. Hand-woven with the traditional Chinese paper crafting method called ‘zhizha’ with simple materials like bamboo sticks, gauze and colored paper, the process is usually tedious and meticulous.

五光十色的霓虹招牌是香港的城市特色。八十年代,不論夜 總 會,當 舖 或食 肆 都 會以 霓 虹 燈 與同行 較 勁,照 亮 香港 街 頭。但 L ED 燈 的出現使 它步向式 微,街上的霓 虹 燈 逐 漸 被 取代。但它們近年受到藝術家的熱捧,出現於大小的作品當 中,使其繼續璀璨! In the 1980s, nightclubs or char chaan tengs alike would compete for attention in the dense space by the size of their ambient neon lights. As they were all tailor-made compared to mass-produced signage, it was a symbolism of family businesses and small - scale operations. With the homogenization of chains and franchises, the craft has given way to more sustainable LED lights.

在香港的橫街窄巷,有時會看到以油漆噴上的標 語,寫着「不准 吸煙」、「No smoking」等。其實這是來自香港的鑿字工藝。工匠 會按客人要求,以不同字型寫字,然後把原稿放在鐵皮之上,親手 使用工具鑿出不同的字,成為字模,製成的字模盡顯書法的剛勁 柔美,以它印成的文字亦非常獨特。 Spray-painted Chinese slogans used to be a common sight in Hong Kong’s narrow alleyways. Local craftsmen will write the characters in different fonts and slowly transfer them to an iron sheet before cutting it out. The characters are then transferred on walls by spray-paint where the softness of the initial calligraphy still remains.



現在如果需要打印文件,只需要一個按鈕便可以輕 易完成。但曾經有一段日子,活字印刷是商號的必 需品,例如印刷合同、單據或發票等。每一粒銅 模 也是由書法家精心書寫,再由工匠刻鑿,每間鑄字 廠的字體特色各有不同。只要小心翼翼地把銅制的 字粒排在活字版之上,便可以造出精美的印刷品。 可惜活字印刷敵不過科技,現在已經所剩無幾。 Historically, letterpress printing was once a must for traders. Each of the copper molds were carefully written by calligraphers and carved by craftsmen, and each of the caster's characters differ in style. As long as the copper characters were carefully placed on the movable type, fine prints can be made. Unfortunately, the movable type was soon replaced by newer technology.

五、六十年代,油尖旺一帶的賭檔成行成市,售賣 着各式各樣的賭具。憑着經驗,師傅手起刀落,準 確無誤地雕出一隻一隻麻將,再為其上色。自從有機 器雕刻麻將後,平價麻將只需數百元便有交易,手雕工 藝因而沒落。為了保留手雕麻將的價值,有些師傅會讓客 人訂造麻將,在上面雕刻其他東西,例如英文名字等。如果去 到麻將舖,不妨訂造數隻麻將當作禮物呢! In the 50s and 60s, the Yau Tsim Mong district used to be a gambling haven. Den masters could openly display and auction off all kinds of gambling instruments. With years of honed mastery, the mahjong tiles were carved with stunning precision before adding a splash of color. However the craft started to fade out with the arrival of mahjong carving machinery. To retain the value of hand-carved mahjong pieces, customized orders are now encouraged.

Summer 2018



長 體驗新舊交替的魅力 CHEUNG CHAU 洲

是位處低窪地區的小村莊,連接着 兩座山丘,沒有高樓大廈也沒有大型商場, 但遊客絡繹不絕,淳樸之餘亦不失繁榮。 上岸就能感受到長洲的熱鬧,海濱長廊熙熙攘攘, 寧靜的西式咖啡店、舊式的海鮮餐廳、售賣糯米滋及 咖喱魚蛋等小吃攤交互而立,譜出長洲特有的光景。從 長洲的一端沿着海邊慢步到另一端,或租借自行車沿着 海岸騎行,可以觀賞沿途的海邊風景,感受微風送爽, 享受恬靜的一刻。遊客也可以參觀島上的廟宇,細看長 洲的歷史故事。 要是碰巧遇上一年一度的太平清醮,更可以欣賞長洲特 有的飄色巡遊及搶包山比賽,吃一口寓意家宅平安的平 安包,感受濃濃的節日氣氛! Under an hour of ferry ride from central harbour, Cheung Chau island is a whole new world unto itself. The island is unique in not just its unusual shape of two wooded hills connected by a low-lying village, but the eclectic mix of the old and the new. Cheung Chau may be small, but there’s plenty to see and do. For a leisurely afternoon, rent a bicycle from the many shops along the harbour and ride along the waterfront promenade to experience the full magic of the island. Visit the beach on the other side of the harbour, embark on short hikes on either ends of the island for spectacular views, or visit the temples around to get acquainted with the island’s history. Don’t forget to participate in the annual Cheung Chau Bun Festival, a week of colourful celebrations held in May. 長洲 Cheung Chau 交通:中環5號碼頭乘坐渡輪,船程約1小時


大 大 嶼 離島探祕之旅 LANTAU ISLAND 山 嶼 山

作為香港最大的離島,如八色鳥一樣有着 多姿多彩的魅力,讓遊客樂而忘返。大嶼山深受爬山 和攝影愛好者歡迎,沿着爬山徑到達山的頂端,可 以欣賞到美麗的日出或日落景色,沿途亦有很多美 景,隨意按下快門都是賞心悅目的照片。 當然少不得參觀天壇大佛,參觀後沿着寶蓮寺旁的 小徑,便可以走進心經簡林,這裏有一排巨型木碑, 刻着中國傳統書法碑文,在這條小徑更可眺望到南 中國海的壯觀景色。

Hong Kong’s largest outlying island, Lantau, holds much to explore. Delve deeper into the island beyond the Big Buddha to find stunning coastlines, fishing villages, charming beaches, unique waterfalls and plenty of picturesque views.

大嶼山的特色漁村大澳亦深受遊客喜愛。大澳有東 方威尼斯之稱,淳樸的風情、一排排的漁船和建於 海上的棚屋是大澳的標誌。難得來到漁村大澳,除 了欣賞這裏的獨 特 景色,也別忘了買些海味特產 作手信!

A short walk from the Big Buddha lies the Wisdom Path. A series of tall wooden monuments with Chinese calligraphy carved on them, the path offers spectacular views of the South China Sea. Lantau island is also known for some of the most picturesque hikes - from Lantau Peak to Sunset Peak, ready your cameras for some breathtaking views, especially at the golden hour. A journey to Lantau island is not complete without visiting Tai O - the centuries old fishing village on the edge of Lantau. Stilt houses, fishing boats, and the slow pace of living will not fail to captivate city dwellers. 大澳 Tai O 交通:從港鐵東涌站B出口,乘坐11號巴士至大澳巴士總站, 車程約50分鐘 天壇大佛 The Big Buddha 交通:從港鐵東涌站B出口,乘坐昂坪纜車至昂坪纜車站, 車程約25分鐘





香 港 感受端午熱情 HONG KONG ISLAND 島

引人入勝的海灘及行山徑,讓大自然愛好者 無需舟車勞頓,都可以親親大自然。 紫羅蘭山和孖崗山位於香港島南區、淺水灣與赤柱 交界,沿着山徑一級一級的攀上樓梯,在樹蔭下一 步一步前往頂端,淺水灣的美景慢慢展現於眼前, 疲勞感一掃而空,心中一陣舒爽。下山時更可以選 擇到赤柱廣場或淺水灣,在咖啡店點一杯拿鐵恢復 元氣、放鬆身心。 六月又迎來中國的傳統節日端午節,一年一度的龍 舟競賽活動將在赤柱舉行,屆時吶喊聲與鼓聲此起 彼落,好不熱鬧。想要親身感受節日氣氛,絕對不 能錯過!

Hong Kong is magical in that one does not need to venture far to get in touch with nature. For those who prefer to stay on the island, there are a couple of unique spots to visit for beautiful beaches and hikes with equally spectacular views. Violet hill and the twin peaks hike is infamous for the thousand stairs one must conquer to get to the top. However, the reward is also one of the most gorgeous backdrops in all of Hong Kong. A stone’s throw away from bustling Causeway Bay, board a bus or take a taxi to the start of the hike. It is recommended to start at the twin peaks to end at Stanley Plaza or Repulse Bay where you can relax at sandy beaches and quaint cafes. The annual Dragon Boat festival will also be held this June at Stanley, so don’t miss out on this energetic display of colours and the ultimate battle of team strength and speed across the harbour! 紫羅蘭山 The Violet Hill 交通:乘搭巴士6/61/66/76,黃泥涌水塘站下車 孖崗山 The Twins Peaks 交通:乘搭巴士6/73/260,衛奕信徑赤柱峽道站下車

咖啡是不少上班 族的生活必需品,每天提神必

備。咖 啡分為多種不同的 種 類,有 酸有 苦。你知 道不同咖 啡的特 色嗎?咖 啡相 傳是源自非洲,自 從傳入了阿拉伯世界和 歐洲之後,一下子 便 流行 起 來,成 為貴 族 爭相 追 逐 的產品,更有「黑色金 子」的稱號。咖 啡衍生出不同種 類 的沖煮 方式, 於是出現了咖 啡師的考牌制度,可見沖泡咖 啡也 是一門學問。 過去,傳統咖 啡只在歐洲興盛,但現在亞洲的咖 啡也越來越受歡迎,甚至成為了其中一個 咖啡豆 的主要產區。咖啡店更會在咖啡中加入獨有的亞 洲口味,增添獨一無二的風味。


raditionally only popular in western cultures, the coffee scene in Asia is now thriving, due in part to the emergence of global coffee chains. Today, coffee has become a daily essential for most - (mostly) to deal with responsibilities in life or increasingly as a leisure option for social gatherings. However, coffee in Asia has grown beyond large international chains with many local coffeehouses taking a unique and local spin on the traditional black coffee. Here we take a look at some of Asia’s most sought-after coffee spin-offs.



作為一個多元化的城市,即使你想喝精品咖 啡或是 手搖咖啡,你都可以在這裏找得到。香港茶餐廳把咖 啡改良,調製出「啡走」和「鴛鴦」。「啡走」把咖啡走 糖並加入煉奶,煉奶有助把咖啡的味道變得更濃更香 滑,而且煉奶有足夠甜度,飲用時不用加入砂糖。而「鴛 鴦」是把咖啡和奶茶混合,兩者配合得天衣無縫,也象徵 了香港中西交融的特色。如此一來,「啡走」和「鴛鴦」便 成為了港人和遊客的最愛。 As a multi-cultural and racially diverse city, there are plenty of options for coffeeholics here in the urban jungle. Hong Kong's Char Chaan Tengs are known for their gazillion variations of coffee that needs to be ordered in the local lingo to be understood - by the servers. The ‘Yuan Yang’ which means half milk tea, half coffee, and ‘Feh Zao’ which means coffee with condensed milk and no sugar, are two of the more popular choices for locals. When in doubt, do as the locals do!













灣咖啡的多元化特色。 Thai






often likened to be similar due to their use of

Since the introduction of coffee beans by the British

condensed milk. Nonetheless, the traditional

in 1884, coffee has become an indispensable

Thai coffee is brewed with not only coffee beans,

part of the Taiwanese’ daily life. Due to Taiwan's

but an eclectic blend of ingredients such as

natural geographical advantage, fresh mountain

soybeans, sesame and corn. Cardamom pods

water and plenty of sunshine, coffee beans can be

are also sometimes used in the recipe to give a

produced from low to high altitude. In the Alishan

combination of sweet, fragrant and unique taste

and Ruisui areas, coffee beans lean towards the

unlike any other.

sour side, while the famous Gukeng coffee from Yulin county has a more fruity aroma.

Summer 2018





是運用較少椰汁,而香料的味道會較濃郁。另外, 涼拌的菜式亦比較多,烹調方法直接方便,在泰國的 炎夏吃着酸辣的美食,增添一份清新舒爽的感覺!


泰北金麵 Khao Soi 吃一碗泰北金麵是所有人到清邁必做的其中一件事, 大街小巷中也可以見到它的蹤影。金麵是以小麥做的 雞蛋麵,多數以咖哩配上黃薑和椰奶作為湯底,另外 亦會加入辣椒和酸菜等香料。濃郁辛辣的咖哩和麵條 散發着獨特香氣,必會為你的夏日增添無窮魅力!

hai cuisine is typically characterised by its strong aromatic flavours with a twinge of spice. Northern Thailand’s culinary fare tends to be milder in spice, yet richer and saltier than its southern or central counterparts. There are also more side dishes with simpler cooking methods in the North. As Northern Thai food has its own tasteful rendition of the cuisine, it is extremely rare to find the authentic version outside the region. Grab this opportunity to sample it all!

Easily the most popular Northern Thailand dish, Khao Soi is a rich coconut-based curry egg noodle soup. Using crisp egg noodles as a garnish and in the soup, the fragrant dish is topped off with optional additions of lime, chilli and pickled cabbage. The rich spicy broth and tangy noodles will no doubt spice up your summer!



炸豬皮 Deep Fried Pork Rinds 當地人會以康托克餐(Khan Toke)招待客人,所有人

會以席地而坐的方式用餐,其中一款菜餚就是炸豬 皮。乾脆的豬皮不論炒菜或者當作小吃也十分滋味。


如果到清邁旅行,不妨買一些炸豬皮,加上絕配的青 椒醬作為手信! Deep fried pork rinds are a local delicacy, especially in Chiang Mai. In Khan Toke style dinners, where samplings of local food are presented on a small round wooden tray - one of such dishes will always be Kaeb Moo. Sample the crunchy snack on its own, or with a green pepper sauce that perfectly complements the fried pig skin!

蕃茄辣肉醬 Nam Prik Ong 在泰國的菜市場不難買到蕃茄辣肉醬,醬内包含了蕃 茄、咖哩、檸檬葉和胡椒等調味料。配搭着椰菜、四 季豆、小黃瓜等蔬菜一同食用,辣肉醬和蔬菜清新爽 甜的口感配搭得天衣無縫,必定會令你食慾大增! A kind of chili dip, Nam Prik Ong is the Northern Thai’s rendition of Nam Prik. Altered with ingredients like ground pork and tomatoes, the dip is complemented with lemongrass, garlic, shallots and basil for that tangy aftertaste. Usually served with sticky rice, fried pork skin, or vegetables like lettuce wraps, green beans and cucumbers.

薄荷葉炒肉碎 Laab Muang Moo 這是一道簡單而有風味的泰北菜式,泰國人會 把豬 肉和雞肉切成肉碎,加入蘑菇、薄荷葉以及其他香料 炒香。這道菜味道辛辣,最適合配搭清脆生菜或白 飯,酸辣的口感令人一試難忘,在炎熱的夏天帶來無 比的滋味。 A northeastern-style salad with minced meat, mushroom and mint leaves, this dish has a spicy zing to it. The type of meat differs from pork to chicken, and is typically stir-fried with basil and a smattering of herbs and other spices. Delicious and fragrant, laab muang moo is often served with sticky rice and raw vegetables.

糯米飯 Sticky Rice 泰國以種植稻米聞名,而泰北人特別喜愛吃糯米飯。 當地人習慣用手直接抓飯,把糯米飯握成小圓球,再 蘸上美味的醬汁食用,因此糯米飯會被蒸得不黏手, 每一粒米飯也層次分明。配合炸物、香腸和蔬菜等一 同食用,是泰北本土的料理。 Thailand is known for rice production, and Northern Thais are especially fond of sticky rice. A staple in the north, the locals are accustomed to eating this directly by hand. The dense glutinous rice is steamed to the perfect proportion of stickiness. Enjoy it on its own, or as a refreshing accompaniment to other side dishes.


Summer 2018



最新消息 Latest News HK Express為你的幸福之旅啟航 HK Express一向積極推廣本地設計藝術,鼓勵新 一代開拓創意視野,並特別舉辦「幸福之旅」A321 飛機外型設計公開比賽,誠邀全港合資格之中學生 參加,其中六位設計優異的勝出者將可參加由HK Express聯同日本香川縣於七月上旬舉辦之文化交 流團,一同前往香川縣高松市及縣內其他地區進行 文化交流與觀光,認識香川縣的文化,同時在旅程 中交流學習。 Design your happy journey HK Express has always been a firm believer in education and the exploration of creative horizons in cohesion. As an official sponsor of the 42nd Hong Kong International Film Festival, we co-hosted a special screening of the award-winning film ‘On Happiness Road’ for underprivileged students, and a contest for these students to relay the artist’s personal interpretation of a ‘Happy Journey’ in the design of one of our A321 aircrafts. Six lucky winners from the contest will participate in a cultural exchange organized by HK Express and Kagawa Prefecture to Takamatsu in Japan.

HK Express 首次招收管理培訓生 在三月份,HK Express已經收到超過1,500份畢業生培訓計劃的申請,於4月份進行面試,預計招 聘10至15人。我們的培訓生會在特定部門進行為期24個月的訓練,培訓生將從中學習到不同的領 導技巧,並取得寶貴經驗,我們期待着與各位新的同事見面! HK Express’ First Graduate Trainee Program HK Express has received more than 1,500 applications for our first ever graduate trainee (GT) program. The in-house graduate program will be done differently from other GT programs in the market. Instead of rotating between departments, the selected trainees will choose and be assigned to a particular department for a period of 24 months in the hopes that they will be wellversed in the skills picked up and experience gained thereafter. We look forward to welcoming our new colleagues!

新成員成為HK Express一份子 HK Express的成員無分國界,在早前,我們於韓國進行了首次海外招聘,19位韓籍空中服務員即將於 4月份在空中與大家見面,如果你也有志成為我們其中一員,立即申請加入我們! Annyeonghaseyo to our Korean crew! HK Express’ team of global staff from corporate to ground, knows no geographical bounds and are internationally diverse. We have recently recruited our new Korean team of 19 cabin crews who will accompany you on your journey for new adventures around the world. Let’s see if you can spot the next ‘Oppa’ on board!



reward-U 主題塗裝飛機登場 HK Express的獎賞計劃reward-U成立兩週年,為慶祝這個特別日子,我們特意在全新的A321客 機噴上reward-U主題塗裝,印證着reward-U的重要里程碑,在鮮艷的紫色背景上印有reward-U獨 特的禮物圖案,代表獎賞計劃爲會員帶來更多獎賞和非凡體驗的願景,reward-U更推出全新的合 作優惠助慶。 reward-U debuts newly painted livery To mark its second anniversary, reward-U is launching a newly branded livery (A321 B-LEJ) and rolling out new partner offers for its members. The unique coating of its gift boxes symbolizes its commitment to bring greater rewards and offerings for members. Similarly, the hashtag on the winglets mark the program’s vision to innovate and enhance the overall online experience for today’s consumers. HK Express榮獲「商界展關懷」標誌 HK Express對社會的關心和貢獻備受認同,獲香港社會服務聯會頒發「商界展關 懷」標誌。過去HK Express參與的活動包括植樹、向長者發放福袋、為惜食堂預 備餐盒、綠色力量環島行和支援救狗之家等。在此亦再次感謝每一位參加活動 的義工,在未來,HK Express致力繼續關心社會,履行企業社會責任。 HK Express Cares HK Express has been awarded the 2017/18 Caring Company Logo by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). The award was presented at a recognition ceremony organized by the HKCSS in recognition of our commitment to our staff, our community, and the environment at large. From tree planting to beach clean-ups, to fortune bags distribution to the elderly and less fortunate, to volunteering at the Hong Kong Dog Rescue, we would like to thank all our supportive staff for their voluntary work.

Summer 2018



機艙服務 Inflight Services 舒適空間座 透過 HK Express 網站訂票、於機場櫃台辦理登機手續或登機時,只需付出少 許額外費用,即可選擇舒適空間座,享受額外腿部空間。基於安全考慮,旅客 必須符合特定條件,才能選擇位於緊急出口處的舒適空間座。

Sweet Seats HK Express offers a number of seats with additional legroom, and for a small fee these premium seats may be purchased through our website, at the check-in desk or onboard. For ‘Sweet Seats’ located on the exit rows, Guests must fulfill specific safety regulation requirements prior to purchase. 全新餐單 U taste HK Express 航班上的 Inflight Menu - U taste 提供多種冷熱美食、零食、飲 品及酒精類飲品,價格大眾化。除傳統港式點心及素食佳餚外,我們早前 已推出全新餐單 U taste,提供更多精彩選擇。餐牌放置於座椅袋內。我們接 受現金、八達通、以及信用卡付款。

U taste hits the spot with a brand new menu U taste offers a wide selection of hot and cold meals, light snacks and drinks - including alcoholic beverages - for purchase at competitive prices. We have just launched a brand new menu, with more tasty choices than ever before. You can find the latest onboard menu card in your seat pocket. we accept cash, Octopus cards and all major credit cards. 頂級空中購物體驗 如果您想選購禮物送給至親好友或自用,可參閱我們的機上免稅品雜誌《Ushop》。HK Express 致力讓旅客獲得最優質及 效率卓越的機上購物體驗。全新的機上免稅品雜誌《Ushop》提供超過100 個品牌,不同商品以顏色分類,方便客人快速找 到心儀商品。貨品種類琳瑯滿目,更有只限透過《Ushop》獨家發售的HK Express品牌商品。

Superior shopping in the sky Looking for some last-minute gifts for your friends and family, or fancy treating yourself ? HK Express brings you the most exclusive, hassle-free shopping experience available. Check out our inflight duty-free shopping magazine, Ushop a fresh new publication featuring more than 100 premium brands, conveniently color - coded by category so you can find whatever you want quickly. You’ll be amazed at the great selection, including HK Express’ own range of specially selected items, which are available only from Ushop. 獨家商品 品牌商品系列現以包括HK Express USB記憶棒、便攜水壺套裝、 Remove Before Flight 紀念鑰匙扣、飛機模型及抓毛毯。 如欲購買,請向機艙服務員查詢。

Exclusive from HK Express Our branded items available for onboard purchase now includes a HK Express USB, Foldable Water Bottle Set, Remove Before Flight Keychain, Aircraft Model and Blanket. Please check with our cabin crew. 交通優惠 HK Express現已於機上發售香港機場快線、大阪南海電氣鐵路、JR九州鐵路周遊券、JR四國鐵路周遊券、 成田利木津機場快線、箱根周遊券、羽田京急缐列車、平和島天然溫泉、近鐵旅客周遊車票及韓國旅遊卡。

U save transport deals Hong Kong Airport Express, Osaka Nankai Railways, JR Kyushu Rail Pass, JR Shikoku Rail Pass, Narita Airport Limousine and Odakyu Hakone Free Pass, Keikyu Hanetoku and Heiwajima Natural, Hot Spring tickets, Kintetsu Travel & Rail Pass and Korea Tour Card are now available for purchase on board.



旅途安康 Health & Safety HK Express 重視旅客的安全、健康和舒適 安全第一 • 請詳閲放置於每個座位椅背的安全指引卡,並在航機起 飛時注意機艙服務員的安全示範。 • 我們重視每一位旅客的安全和舒適,包括有嬰兒同行的 旅客。除非您為嬰兒購買額外機位,否則飛行期間嬰兒 必須安坐於成人的大腿上。飛機起飛及降落時,以及每 當機艙服務員作出特別指示時,嬰兒必須繫上嬰兒安全 帶,固定坐在成人的大腿上。 • 當安全帶指示燈亮起時,所有手提電腦、平板電腦和影 音器材都必須關閉。旅客不應使用遙控裝置或藍牙設 備,以免干擾飛機的通訊及導航系統。 • 飛機起飛與降落時,手袋或手提電腦等隨身物品都必須 存放於前方座椅下,或座位頂上的行李架內。 嚴禁吸煙 • HK Express所有航班均嚴禁吸煙。旅客必須知道於機 艙內任何位置吸煙,均屬違法。

健康與安全 • 於飛行期間,可嘗試在機艙內不時走動以促進血液循 環,減輕疲勞和肌肉緊張。 • 我們也建議旅客每隔一小時進行一些簡單伸展運動,如 屈曲腳趾,以及把雙膝緩緩地提高等。這些運動可降低 腿部血液凝塊的風險,預防深層靜脈血栓。 • 如旅客腿部容易血液循環不佳,可以嘗試穿着特別設計 的飛行襪或壓力襪,其效用極高。 • 我們建議旅客於機上盡量減少攝取咖啡因或酒精以減 輕身體不適,如頭痛、腹脹和脫水等情況。飲用清水和 果汁是維持身體適當水分的最佳選擇。

HK Express cares about our Guests’ health, safety and comfort onboard Safety first • Please read the safety instruction card in the back of each seat and pay special attention to our cabin crew during the safety demonstration at the beginning of each flight. • We value the comfort and safety of each of our Guests, including those with infants. All infants must be seated on the lap of an adult for the duration of the flight unless an additional seat has been purchased. Please be advised that your infant must however be strapped onto the adult’s lap with the infant seatbelt during takeoff and landing, and at any other time as instructed by the crew. • Laptops, Tablet and AV equipment must be switched off when the seatbelt sign is on. Guests are required not to use remote control or Bluetooth devices as they can interfere with the aircraft’s communications and navigation systems. • Loose items such as handbags or laptops must be stored underneath the seat in front or in the overhead lockers during take-off and landing.

No smoking • All HK Express flights are non-smoking. Please note that it is a criminal offence to smoke in any part of the aircraft. Your health & comfort • Try to walk around the cabin from time to time during your flight to encourage blood circulation, avoiding fatigue and muscle stiffness. • We would also recommend some simple stretching exercises every hour such as flexing your toes and raising your knees gently towards your chest. These exercises can potentially reduce the risks of blood clots in the legs, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). • If you are prone to poor leg circulation, wearing specially designed flight socks or compression stockings can be extremely beneficial. • We recommend that our Guests try to minimize caffeine and alcohol consumption onboard to prevent health problems such as headaches, bloating and dehydration. Drinking water and fruit juices are the best options to keep your body suitably hydrated.

Summer 2018

航線圖 Route Map







Busan Hiroshima































Chiang Rai


石垣島 Ishigaki


Hong Kong 峴港



Da Nang

Chiang Mai




Nha Trang

Siem Reap




Scheduled flight


Charter flight

有關最新航班資訊,請參閱hkexpress.com。For the latest flight schedule, please refer to hkexpress.com.

Summer 2018

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