RLC The Sustainer Summer 2020

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Sustainer THE

Journal of The Royal Logistic Corps R SUMMER 2020

World-class Innovative Adaptable #BRITISHARMYLOGISTICS www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk

Sustainer THE

Corps Motto: We Sustain Regimental March: On Parade by Albert Elms Regimental Slow March: Lion, Sword and Crown by Craig Bywater

formed in 1993

Volume 28 No 2 R Summer 2020


2 19

33 76 40

Contents 2 Director Joint Support COVID-19 Cometh the hour, cometh the logistician

4 Colonel RLC The launch of The RLC strategy

8 Breaking glass ceilings Second Lieutenant RCT to Commandant RMAS

18 So you want to be an ATO An insight into the Ammunition Technical Officer’s course

19 Op RESCRIPT We report on the critical role RLC units, officers and soldiers played providing Military Aid to the Civil Authorities

33 Op TOSCA 27 Regt’s immensely successful deployment on UN duties

36 MGL’s reading list The launch of MGL’s professional reading list

40 VE Day 75 RLC regiments mark VE Day 75 in lockdown

42 Unit reports A round-up of what The RLC’s units have been doing during lockdown

76 Ex CARIBBEAN EXPRESS 165 (Port & Maritime) Regt stretches its sea legs in happier times

EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to the “mid-year” edition of The Sustainer. It’s great to be back! In late March following the national lockdown and Defence’s COVID-19 force protection measures and the significant RLC unit and individual commitment to Military Aid to the Civil Authorities (MACA) under Ops RESCRIPT and BROADSHARE; the decision was made to delay the summer edition of this magazine. The autumn edition is cancelled so there will be one further edition in 2020, publishing in early December. You will note that this edition has two dominating themes. The crucial role #BritishArmyLogistics played in supporting the NHS through the darkest days of the Coronavirus pandemic, is reported in this edition. We hope this will give you a fuller understanding of the outstanding contribution The RLC has made to protect our nation over the last six months. We would like to thank all our contributors for putting in the time and effort to file their reports, during what has been an intensely busy and unprecedented period. The eagle eyed, might be asking why The RLC has a new hashtag replacing #WeAreTheRLC and a new Twitter handle - @UKArmyLogistics. These are two supporting elements of our second theme, the new Royal Logistic Corps Strategy. Launched on 6 Aug 20, its objectives are outlined within this magazine. Life has been very different for all of us, especially living in an isolated, virtual world. You still managed to

train, keep fit, mark VE Day 75 and raise money for NHS charities using your initiative, gardens and a range of digital communication platforms. You can read about some of the clever and innovative ways units and individuals achieved and adapted in this edition. And finally, we would like to formally welcome two new members to the RLC Media and Communications team and express our gratitude to our departing Assistant Editor. Katherine Lack joined us in mid-April as our full time Communications Support Administrator. She has day to day responsibility for The RLC’s official digital channels as well as providing wider support to Corps Comms and the RHQ team. Capt Paddy Vincent joined us from 9 Regt RLC on commissioning, as SO3 Comms in early July and has responsibility for Corps Media Ops. Anne-Marie Causer has been a stalwart member of the editorial team for nearly four years, working on The Sustainer, The RLC Foundation Review and The RLC Association website. We are immensely grateful for the contribution she has made. The publication date for the next RLC Foundation Review has been moved to April 2021. An announcement on the frequency of publication of The Sustainer in 2021 will be made later this year.

Charter: The Sustainer records the activities and achievements of the Corps family, its units and personalities, as well as the organisations of the Forming Corps and their Associations. It keeps soldiers of today in touch with each other and soldiers of yesteryear in touch with the Corps of today. The Journal is not only a means of cohesion and communication within the Corps but also a source of research material for posterity.

Associations. The Sustainer only uses your personal data for the purpose of sending you the magazine. The mailing data is treated in the strictest confidence, is password protected, is only shared with our printer and is deleted after each use. If any serving RLC personnel have concerns with regards to the storage and use of their personal data they should contact RHQ The RLC’s Data Protection Officer, Richard Stockman. Richard is Assistant Regimental Secretary and can be contacted at: Richard.Stockman256@mod.gov.uk

Editorial Staff Editor: Peter Shakespeare Assistant Editor: Miss Anne-Marie Causer BA (Hons) Communications Support Administrator: Miss Katherine Lack Email: rlcsustainer@gmail.com Graphic Design: David Blake Copy deadlines for THE SUSTAINER: 5 Oct 20, 11 Jan 21 Change of Address: Serving members of the Corps who are due to move into or out of non-RLC appointments (eg E2) and other subscribers are requested to notify the Editor of their change of address. No information, no magazine!

8 Peter Shakespeare Email: Peter.Shakespeare100@mod.gov.uk

Photographs: The Editor accepts photographs for publication on the understanding that those submitting them have, where required by data protection legislation, obtained consent to publication from those depicted. Anyone who believes this is not the case or has a DPA related concern should contact the Editor. peter.shakespeare100@mod.gov.uk Advertising: There is normally no space for commercial advertising, please contact the Editor. Security: This Journal contains official information. It should be treated with discretion by the recipient.

Publisher: The Regimental Association of The Royal Logistic Corps, RHQ The RLC, DCLPA Worthy Down, Winchester Hampshire. SO21 2RG. Email: peter.shakespeare100@mod.gov.uk Tel: +44 (0) 7901 676309

© Crown Copyright: All material in this Journal is Crown Copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the Regimental Association of The Royal Logistic Corps.

Typesetting, Printing, Binding and Distribution: Holbrooks Printers Ltd, Norway Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire PO3 5HX.

Disclaimer: No responsibility for the quality of the goods or services advertised in this Journal can be accepted by the publishers or their agents. Advertisements are included in good faith. The contents of this Journal and views of individual authors or units does not necessarily reflect the policy and views, official or otherwise, of the Corps or Ministry of Defence.

Data Privacy: We distribute The Sustainer using mailing data held in a secure contacts database within RHQ The RLC. Your inclusion on this database is by virtue of the fact you are serving in the military, or you are a current member of the RLC or Forming Corps

© Cartoons are copyright.

Front Cover: 84 Medical Supply Sqn RLC at NHS Nightingale London

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



By Maj Gen ST Hutchings OBE – Director Joint Support If the origin of the title is biblical then we must heed the words of the prophet. CDS, when speaking at the Downing Street podium on the 22 Apr, offered rarely acknowledged high praise for our profession whilst acknowledging that the COVID-19 response was first and foremost a logistic task. Most crises are. As such we have seen an unprecedented level of interest in Global Supply Chains and the Art and Science of Logistics after a decade of ambivalence in both discussion and innovation. Without doubt the COVID crisis has placed our National supply chains and outsourced federated models, across Government, under considerable pressure, testing their resilience with sometimes unedifying results. My sense, though, is the notion of what it means and takes, to be considered a professional logistician, is now much clearer. We are already seeing a deepening debate about how we have focused too much on the efficient outcome of cost, as opposed to equally weighted effective or resilient outcomes in what should be a trilemma of choice. Dr John Gattorna1 characterises trade off’s that favour efficiency above all others, as creating “overly brittle” supply chain solutions. Those of us who were close to the military logistic operation in support of Standing Joint Command will have seen those brittle cracks appear across the NHS and DHSC’s operating models. The response, led by 101 Logistic Brigade and teams of logisticians at key points of presence, provided the much-needed thickening in the form of resilience, integration and end-to-end value chain planning. The effect was both force multiplying and afforded support advantage, ultimately allowing the Government to get upstream of the PPE demand. The same rules apply There is a real risk that we interpret the COVID lessons as somehow changing all the principles of supply chain management and look for panaceas – the reality is the basics still apply. There are a limited number of variables in the Supply Chain and 2



these can only be managed effectively if we focus on: • Clear purpose • Accurate information across the breadth of the supply chain • Agile organisation • Strong supply chain managers (ones who understand how to do demand management and forecasting) • Collaboration upstream and downstream • A focus on quality • Strong processes. Under Support Transformation we have begun the five-year journey of cleaning up the incoherence and

inconsistency across the end to end support network that is: Defence Suppliers – Procurement – Logistic Operations – Distribution – FLC/Domain Customers. Our new normal will inevitably remain a globally interconnected supply chain, however we are going to want to make informed decisions about onshoring, alternative sources of supply, contracting mechanisms and sustainability. These decisions will require clarity over the nature and purpose of our supply chains and how we wish to position the RLC, as a capability comprising its people, systems and processes, into these multi layered interdependencies. We have a compelling story to tell as a Corps, captured in the new Royal Logistic Corps Strategy, as we make our case not to ‘de-risk’ the supply chain by seeking to outsource more responsibility contractually to others, when agile collaborative ones are required. Poke me after the IR if my thesis is not supported! 1

Dr John Gattorna in Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment in his article ‘Challenging trade-offs in the future Supply Chain’ Linked-In 16 Apr 20.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics

#BritishArmyLogistics 23 Apr 20 marked the formal reformation of 95 Supply Squadron Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) as 94 Supply Squadron Queens Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment (QOGLR) within 9 Regiment RLC. 95 Sqn RLC has existed in a number of other guises since the formation of the Corps in 1993, including as a Combat Support Sqn and Logistic Brigade Support Sqn. Since then, thousands of officers and soldiers have served in 95 Sqn with distinction, including on Op PALATINE, Op AGRICOLA, Op TELIC, Op HERRICK and Op GRITROCK. In the last two years alone, personnel from 95 Sqn have deployed to Op TORAL, Op HALLEX, Op TURUS, Op TRENTON and Op TANGHAM and on exercise to Canada, Oman, Falkland Islands, Cyprus, Poland and Germany. 94 Sqn QOGLR originally formed in 2001 from 94 Stores Sqn RLC and served in 9 Regt until 2012, when it resubordinated to command of 10 QOGLR, moved to Aldershot and reformed as 1 Supply Sqn QOGLR which continues to this day. Now reformed, 94 Sqn will continue as the Supply Sqn aligned to the Theatre Enablement Group within 104 Logistic Support Brigade; providing supply chain accountability and visibility at High Readiness. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the scheduled parade and messing to


Reformation of 94 Supply Squadron Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment

celebrate the occasion was unfortunately cancelled, but the flag change went ahead with a simple ceremony. In the week prior to this event, the highly diverse and cohesive Sqn undertook a dispersed physical training challenge to run, cycle and row the distance from Chippenham to Kathmandu.With typical competitive spirit, each Troop covered over 1500 miles and are now well on the way to their next target in Fiji! The Sqn is hugely grateful to all who have supported the project over

8 95 Sqn at Dhekelia Garrison, Exercise Lion Sun, 15 February 2020. This is the last group picture taken of the Sqn before the number was retired and reformed as 94 Sqn, noting that there are around a hundred service personnel missing as they didn't deploy on the exercise

the last couple of years, in particular the Colonel of the Regiment, Commander and Staff of RHQ QOGLR, Commanding Officer and Staff of RHQ 9 Regt RLC and both the QOGLR Trust and Association.

RLC VIRTUAL RECRUITING EVENTS ARE A ROARING SUCCESS The Coronavirus lockdown put a stop to the traditional way The RLC recruits soldiers. Like many RLC units,The RLC CET and Nurture teams turned to the medium of social media and virtual conferencing to engage with public and candidates within the recruitment pipeline. Working very closely with Recruitment Group, 20 May 20 saw the first ‘Virtual Open Day’ hosted by The RLC. Sgt McMenemy is the main point of contact between Recruitment Group and the Corps and his team created all the materials for the events. The events last one hour and the first event was about the 12 direct entry RLC trades and set the standard for future events across all of Army Recruitment. On 27 May the team ran an unusual roles open day, which was highly successful. Following this, LCpl Gorsuch-

Wright ran an event discussing LGBT, BAME, faith, learning difficulties and gender, which saw over 110 people attend. The Female Focus open day on the 10 Jun had Cpl Powell and her team discuss their careers opportunities as women. It also covered topics such as hair, make-up, support, and was followed by a Q&A session. The team is now covering individual trades. LCpl Winnett ran a Chef trade event on the 16 Jun supported by FTSW at DCLPA Worthy Down. 17 Port and Maritime Regt has hosted an event to promote its unique trades such as: Port Operator, Mariner, Marine Engineer and Diver. These Virtual Open Days are perfect to showcase the roles the RLC has to offer. If you’re regiment wishes to participate please contact the team. RLCRHQ-0NurtureTeam-Mailbox@mod.gov.uk

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




The Corps’ exploits this year have once again underlined our world-class operational pedigree and the value and currency of professional logisticians


This is my first edition of The Sustainer as Colonel RLC I must first thank Colonel Colin Francis for all he has done for the Corps during a hugely successful tenure. It is a real honour and privilege for me, to assume the appointment and it gives me immense pride to reflect on what the Corps has already achieved in 2020. This year the Corps has been front and centre of Defence outputs both globally and in the home base. Our swift response to the Coronavirus Pandemic has publicly showcased the renewed relevance and utility of our professional logisticians and we have been central to the Army and Defence COVID-19 effort.The Corps has deployed nearly 1,000 Regular and Reserve personnel on MACA tasks in support of Op RESCRIPT RLC Units from 101, 102 and 104 Brigades have been right at the heart of the effort, including tasks to support: The NHS Supply Chain, enabling the Nightingale Hospitals through the in-load of medical supplies, supporting the UK laboratories testing programme and embedding RLC soldiers and officers to build planning capacity in the numerous regional hubs across the UK. Every Regular and Reserve RLC Unit has been involved in the fight against Coronavirus in one way or another and I am fiercely proud of your achievements. The commitment and skill that you have shown, stepping up at short notice to answer the nation’s call, and the sheer breadth of tasks you have undertaken, has been truly staggering.This perfectly demonstrates the Corps’ adaptability and innovation in contact. Slightly further afield, Ex DEFENDER 20 during the early part of the year, was the largest planned movement of US forces across Europe, since the Cold War and saw 104 Logistic Support Brigade seamlessly integrate into the command structure of the US 2-star Theatre Sustainment Command. Deploying 650 soldiers to ten bases

in four countries, they contributed to the force projection of the 1st US Armoured Cavalry Division, activating and running three ports, two 1,400-strong Logistic Support Areas and distributing critical US Army materiel across a 1,500km line of communication. Next year we look forward to the TEG deploying to Greece on Exercise DEFENDER 21, which promises to be another opportunity to demonstrate compelling evidence of the Corps’ ability to project and enable at pace and at reach. The Corps’ exploits this year have once again underlined our worldclass operational pedigree and the value and currency of professional logisticians.This Sustainer is testament to this. Now, more than ever, in these turbulent and uncertain times, the Corps has renewed relevance and utility, but we must not rest on our laurels.To keep pace, we have written a new Corps Strategy which was launched on 6 Aug 20, to reinforce where we can best offer Defence value and competitive advantage. The new Corps vision is that we are ‘World-Class, Innovative and Adaptable’. As ever, the key is in the implementation.To do this we have created four work strands each to be led by a Brigadier under the leadership of Maj Gen Simon Hutchings OBE: People & Ethos Brigadier Patch Reehal MBE, Exploiting Technology – Brigadier Mike Caldicott CBE, External Integration – Brigadier Lee Daley and Communication and Influence – Brigadier Jo Chestnutt. The RLC Strategy on a page is shown opposite.You will also find it on Corps Social Media, MODNET and the full Strategy paper (less Annexes) is hosted on Defence Connect. I urge you all to read it and talk about it, be proud and get right behind the positive message to enable us to inform, inspire and influence far beyond the RLC family.Thank you for your outstanding work so far this year, together we will continue to make a real difference to the Army, Defence and the Nation. We Sustain Colonel J C West ADC

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



World-class logistics saves lives At the centre of Op RESCRIPT, 101 Logistic Brigade worked tirelessly to deliver materiel and logistic advice, which has undoubtably saved thousands of lives. Its units drove over 102,000 miles, completed over 1,000 tasks to source, quality assure, distribute and deliver over 2 billion items of PPE, medical equipment and ancillaries to NHS Trusts and Local Resilience Forums. On Thu 19 Mar 20, it became apparent the COVID-19 emergency in the UK was now a significant crisis. The capacity of NHS hospitals was dwindling, and the supply and distribution of critical PPE and medical equipment had started to fall critically short. On orders from HMG, Comd 101 Log Bde and a small recce team deployed to NHS Gold at Skipton House, London, to understand the problem and if military logisticians could assist. The initial task was estimated to be completed within weeks, but this quickly turned into a requirement for executive crisis management. The

team never returned from Skipton House and operations from that location have been on-going. With the command element of the Bde forward, the remaining elements rapidly reorganised the Bde HQ in Aldershot, enabling the Units to stepup to the forthcoming challenge. On 23 Mar 20 and only six hours after ministerial approval for MACA was given, the first elements of the Bde’s Army Reserve units deployed to NHS distribution sites.These 242 nonmobilised Army Reserve personnel and Regulars from seven units, ordinarily not held at readiness of less than 9 months, deployed with little or no notice at all. The original task was to increase site output by 15%. In reality, their tasks spiralled in demand, with the military eventually keeping each site operational whilst the civilian workforce went into lockdown.With the NHS Gold team and Bde HQ working 24/7 and with the demand signal increasing, the Bde had to quickly adapt its way of working to

meet the demand. Through innovation, exploitation of information systems, an accelerated change of organisation and the Bde placed on an operational footing, the Dep Comd and his staff were able to give clear direction and guidance to the Units as the Bde task grew ever larger. New tasks included the transportation of critical testing equipment, chemicals and swabs, all of which were time critical. From 20 March to date the Bde has been at the heart of the Government’s national and global fight against COVID-19. Full of energy and enthusiasm, the Army’s logisticians have flourished throughout this operation, getting on with the job they joined the Army to do. Quietly in support of the NHS and national infrastructure CSS soldiers have professionally understood, planned and executed thousands of tasks with the sole purpose of saving life. #BritishArmyLogistics Worldclass, Innovative, Adaptable.

THE ROYAL LOGISTIC CORPS STRATEGY We will professionalise and value our people, strengthen our ethos and maximise talent:

We will embrace the opportunity for data-led technology enabled transformation:

• We will promote pride, ethos and belonging • We will maximise the full potential of our diverse talent






• We will enhance our relationship with industry and academia through the RLC Foundation.



• We will professionalise contract management becoming Defence’s recognised experts.

:H ZLOO LQIRUP LQVSLUH DQG LQĂ€XHQFH the Corps, and wider stakeholders including society:







• We will accelerate trade modernisation to exploit cutting-edge technology




We will improve links with allies and partners to learn from others and FKDPSLRQ EHVW SUDFWLFH LQ RXU ÂżHOG

• We will develop our integration with the Defence Support community



• We will encourage innovative, inspiring leaders at all levels.



• We will drive forward professionalisation including education and accreditation


• We will showcase who we are and our enduring utility to the nation

• We will improve how we communicate binding together the whole of the Corps and wider RLC family.


www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Although the Corps has a fantastic reputation within Defence, currently we are enjoying a particularly elevated status, which of course is due to your hard work and dedication in support of the global crisis


I hope you are safe and well. I would like to start by congratulating you all on a job well done over the past few months.Whether you have been directly involved in the support to Op RESCRIPT or have been shielding or working from home; you are all playing your part by following the D&G of HMG and the Army’s senior leadership. It is for that reason, that I am so proud of you. The Corps has a fantastic reputation across Defence and currently we are enjoying a particularly elevated status, which of course is due to your hard work and dedication in support of the global crisis. However, whilst we may be enjoying this, we must not forget the reason why. So many lives have been adversely affected by this pandemic and the fight is not over yet.What will normal look like? Will we ever return to normal? How do we live with COVID-19 in the future? These are the questions that are on all of our minds. Like me, you will all have your own lockdown story and they will all be different, For some lockdown is a positive. It is family time, a chance to rest a little, while also continuing to work from home. It is a chance to reflect and learn new methods of business, it is allowing us to work smarter and at distance. But we all miss the social element of face-to-face contact. After all this is what bonds us. Simple things like doing the weekly shop are different and often difficult. Home schooling, not seeing friends and family is tough, but it is all essential. For some, lockdown is complete isolation and perhaps extremely unpleasant, so please spare them a thought. Remember, as we return to work and enjoy some semblance of normality, it has been different for us all so we must be patient, we must learn, we must hear everyone and we absolutely must look after each other. Our mental health will have taken a knock, no matter how strong we are. Be there for each

other and above all talk to one another; social distancing doesn’t mean we need to be completely isolated. Pick up the phone or use one of the many video based Apps. If you do nothing else today, check in on a buddy. As lockdown restrictions begin to ease it may feel like there is an element of normality returning to our lives. However we must not forget that we are not out of the woods yet.We must continue to follow the D&G of HMG and our senior leadership, we must set an example and we must remain professional.We are high profile and are being watched so must carry out best practice, both professionally and within the guidelines of the social distancing. You will all be aware of the headlines surrounding racism due to recent events in the US and the subsequent protests.Whilst we may have opinions on the subject, I must remind you that it is not our place to air them publicly. Mind what you say and do not air your opinions on social media or chat forums. No matter what your view is, you may upset someone. And we must not be seen to start any form of debate. Remember you are representing the British Army and The Royal Logistic Corps.We must uphold the Values and Standards of the British Army and remember ‘Respect for Others’.The Army and the Corps will not tolerate any form of racial discrimination nor will it tolerate sexual harassment, bullying or abuse of any kind. In summary, I would like to once again thank you for your amazing efforts over these past few months. Please ensure this message is given the widest of distribution around the Corps, I want our officers and soldiers to see it! Look after each other, check on each other – pick up the phone today! Remember, we are 'One Army, One Team' and we must respect each other. Do your bit and make the Army and the Corps a better place for all to serve; we must be diverse and inclusive – Everyone matters, and everyone counts! WO1 P S Broom Corps Sergeant Major RLC

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


CORPS DINNER NIGHT The first Royal Logistic Corps Dinner Night was held in the Officers’ mess at Worthy Down, on 27 Feb 20. 175 people attended and the occasion saw the dining in of the Corps’ latest cohort of newly commissioned young officers from Troop Commanders’ Course 82

No2 Board – Key RLC appointments The Corps would like to congratulate the following officers on their forthcoming appointments: • Commander 101 Logistic Brigade - A/Brig PS Reehal MBE (Aug 21) Vice Brig PD Prosser • Colonel Royal Logistic Corps Reserves Col GH Wilkinson QVRM VR (Aug 20) Vice Col M Siebenaller TD VR


Regimental silver valuation Silver Lady is currently working with RHQ The RLC with a view to providing an up to date silver valuation and database of the Corps’ silver. The company has over 20 years’ expertise providing silver valuations for the Armed Forces and Associations. Often it finds collections have regularly been under, or even over insured. Silver Lady provides a full and detailed valuation pack complete with colour images of all pieces, supplied in both a professionally bound hardcopy format and electronically. Silver Lady works closely with the major Insurance companies (Towergate, Forces Mutual and Trinity) to produce valuations. Silver Lady has been established since 1973 and has a wealth of expertise in military silver and also offers a full repair and restoration service, with a silver cleaning service which can be carried out on site. For more information email sales@silverlady.co.uk or visit www.silverlady.co.uk

HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY SGT KEN Wilmslow-based Royal Army Service Corps veteran, George Kenneth Moore (Ken) celebrated his 100th Birthday on 1 Aug 20. In the middle of July, 156 Regiment RLC received a written request from Ken’s daughter asking if it was possible to really make his day, by sending representatives from the Unit to attend his small celebration. 86932 Sgt ‘Ken’ Moore served in the Royal Army Service Corps during World War Two and spend the majority of his time serving in Norway and North Africa. He is the only surviving member of his company. Ken is still very fit and active and in his spare time can be found representing his local Crown Green bowling club. Not wanting to disappoint an old soldier, particularly one from The RLC’s Predecessor Corps, it was decided that a representative from the Regt and particularly 236

Sup Sqn should go along and present Ken with a few gifts to mark this auspicious anniversary. WO2 Yates and SSgt Millns, both serving with 236 Sup Sqn, were despatched baring a card, flowers and a stunning cake displaying the old and the new stable belts and badges of both the RASC and the RLC all donated by the Corps. Ken was absolutely thrilled and overwhelmed by the kind gesture and could not thank the Corps and Regiment enough.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Army logisticians break glass ceilings Two former Royal Logistic Corps officers have been entrusted with training the future leadership of the British and Afghan Armies

8 Maj Gen Capps Comdt RMAS

8 2Lt Capps RCT

Commandant RMAS Maj Gen Duncan Capps CBE’ appointment as Commandant of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) is the first time a non-combat or non-combat support officer has held the appointment in the Academy’s 200+ year history. “The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) is the British Army’s Officer Training Academy with a key Defence Engagement role, it has a world renowned reputation for excellence in training and educating future military leaders, and its brand and identity are possibly better known than any other part of the British Army’” he says. “So having joined the RCT in 1985 as a Driver (Pte) at age 18 and passed officer selection, I was thrilled to begin my training at RMAS as an Officer Cadet in 1986, initially on the Rowallan Company leadership development course then the Standard Military Couse as a non-graduate. Commissioned into the RCT in 1986 I served at Regimental duty in UK and Germany and on ops in Cyprus, Bosnia and NI. In 1994 the year following the formation of the RLC, I returned to RMAS as a Platoon Commander Instructor. “I loved my two years as a Sandhurst Platoon Commander - eight years on from my own time there I enjoyed every aspect of training and preparing highly motivated young Officer Cadets and working with some of the very best officer and SNCO instructors in the Army. I remember dreaming of returning to the Academy some-time in the future, whilst knowing in reality there was little chance of logisticians fulfilling any of the more senior roles. “Well how wrong could I be! Colonel Lucy Giles broke the first 'glass ceiling' when in 2015 she became both the first female and the first RLC officer to become an RMAS College Commander. An amazing achievement that paved the way for me to be selected in 2020 as the first non-combat/combat support Commandant in the 200+ history of RMAS. “So what? In its 27th year, the RLC is a highly capable mature and rightly confident cap-badge and organisation. We can hold our own and excel in any and every environment and whilst Lucy and I may have been the first we will certainly not be the last. I would especially encourage our very best NCOs to serve at RMAS as instructors.” 8

A logistician fills a Combat Essential post at ‘Sandhurst in the Sand’ Brig JRH Timmis OBE is Chief Mentor at the Afghan National Army Officers’ Academy (ANAOA).“Having enjoyed DCOS at brigade, division and finally multi-national corps, I was ready for a change! My 8 Brig Timmis with ANAOA commander suggested Chief in the distance Mentor for the Afghan National Army Officers’ Academy (ANAOA), or better known as ‘Sandhurst in the sand’. Despite being a Combat Essential post, Glasgow and PJHQ’s faith in character ahead of cap badge prevailed. After all, mentoring the Academy’s Commandant is not about siting trenches. It is about an enduring, strategic partnership, advising the ANAOA in its delivery of high quality, motivated officers who are nurtured through career into positions of increasing influence. In other words, Serve to Lead. “I inherited a fantastic, tri-service team of mentors from the ANZAC’s, Denmark and UK, charged with advising their ANAOA counterparts and Kandak commanders. Much is about building relationships. Humility, empathy and patience are prime, with communicating in a way that has understood and supports what the Afghans need and importantly, can be delivered by them. It is not about creating another RMAS, rather translating many of its world-leading methods through Afghan Ways and Means. Of course, there are challenges. Mission Command is nascent, with delegation a concept that is not embraced with innate alacrity. But even after just two of my 12 months tour, I have seen real progress, with increasingly confident, well-considered decision making. It is hugely rewarding and an equal privilege to influence tangible, positive change to the benefit of these warm, brave and patriotic people who continue to stare conflict in the eye. “The RLC is an egalitarian Corps, filled with fantastic people.Yes, we could site a trench if we had to. Maybe not as well as an infantryman, but our reputation as professional all-rounders shines through.We must continue to enrich the E2 pool with your talent. Go for It!”

8 ANAOA OCdts training on the local area

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



YOUR CAREER, YOUR CALL Career management team RLC soldiers - SO1: Lt Col Stewart SO2: Maj Brown WO1: WO1 Neilson A message from the SO1 Soldiers This issue of SUSTAINER focusses on the Corps wide contribution to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and how our versatile and adaptable Corps has assisted the Civil Authorities both at home during Op RESCRIPT and abroad as part of Op BROADSHARE; whilst at the same time kept the Army running - business as usual! “The Big Freeze”. At the time of writing, the entire Army is in the grip of an Assignment Movements Freeze. This was initiated on the 23 Mar 20, as a direct result of the UK going into the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Why did we need an Assignments Movements Freeze? The nation went into lockdown and the Government issued advice for everyone to stay at home, work from home if possible and abide by the quarantine rules if sick. A decision was made by the MoD as to what was important activity to maintain our National Security, our Standing Operational commitments and what Military Aid to Civil Authorities (MACA), was required. Anyone not involved in this activity was required to remain in their current unit regardless of any Assignment Order (AO). One of the most effective ways of preventing the virus spreading, is to stop people moving around the country and for us, that meant pressing “pause” on non-critical assignment movements, which is almost all assignments. This led to a freeze on all movements associated with assignments up to and

including 01 Jul 20. In order to follow social distancing requirements, removal companies were not to come into our homes to ensure both our families and the removals staff were protected. What happens now? The unfreeze of assignments, also known as Graduated Return to Work, is covered under Project PHOENIX and is broken down into Phases 0 to 3, to enable the system to do a re-gain on assignments and minimise the disruption caused by lockdown. Phase 0 is all about resetting to a logical start point to recommence assignments. The priority is to reunite families with all those personnel who were assigned as individuals during the freeze period, that being RSMs, SSMs and those posted to NATO or other high priority posts. These assignments will have originally fallen into the 23 -31 Mar 20 period. From here, the formula is simple, every month from 01 Apr to 30 Jun is essentially given three more months’ notice. Phase 1, Apr assignments were due to move in Jul. Phase 2 May assignments are now due to move in Aug. Phase 3 Jun assignments are due to move in Sept. This means that by 30 Sep all Service Personnel with a delayed AO should have moved to their new unit. This is in addition to all Service Personnel who had an AO which was always dated 01 Jul or later. In sum, it’s going to be a busy summer for us all. Are you affected or haven’t yet moved? If you are concerned that your assignment should have fallen

Calendar of Events: Key Dates



31 Aug

WO2 & WO1 SJARs to APC

WOs, has your SJAR been seen, uploaded and sent to Glasgow?

1-4 & 8-11 Sept

Pte – LCpl Board

No action required.

30 Sept

SSgt SJAR due

SSgts, have you had your SJAR?

1 Oct

Pte-LCpl Board results

Ptes, log onto MS Web at 0900

20-22 Oct

WO2 – WO1 Bd, RSM Bd, HoT Bd

Results released on MS Web.

into one of the Phases mentioned and nothing has happened, go to your RCMO through your CoC and they can approach your Career Manager in APC. ABN 052-2020: Workforce levers to maximise the size of the Army during the outbreak of COVID-19. This is an important piece of manning direction given to the Army and something which has helped Career Managers in assisting soldiers during this tough time. Why is it important? The Army and its people remain critical in supporting activity in response to COVID-19. Service Personnel (SP) are likely to face increased pressures at work, as well as to their own personal and families’ health and caring responsibilities. The note has been published to inform all members of the British Army of the Army Comd direction and the available workforce levers to maximise the size of the Army when in the best interest of the nation, the Service and the individual. The big takeaways for you are the following: Withdrawal of Notice to Terminate (NTT) and Premature Voluntary Retirement (PVR) Where supported by the CoC and Manning Bricks, All NTT withdrawals will be accepted, or any lesser period requested by the SP subject to APC agreement. Where not supported by the CoC and Manning Bricks for structural or other reasons, in most cases SP will be granted an amendment to their EED of up to 12-months from the date of the request or to the end of original engagement / commission – whichever is soonest. This is to make up for time lost for resettlement during the Coronavirus lockdown. The Coronavirus is deemed to be an exceptional circumstance by Hd Pers Pol (Army), so APC CMs in consultation with Manning Bricks have authority to approve withdrawal of NTT.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


THE SUSTAINER | CAREER MANAGEMENT Application for Early Release Army Comd direction to the CoC is that all personnel will be expected to serve their full notice period. Early Release of soldiers and officers is only to be considered in exceptional circumstances. Continuance and Extensions Applications for extensions or continuance will be accelerated if it is to meet a specific army need. Soldiers may be offered a total of up to two years continuance during the last two years of current service, normally in six-month blocks. This is authorised by APC CM in agreement with WF Plans E1 MB. Full details are contained in AGAI 46 para 46.021. SP granted extensions or continuance under this ABN will normally be for no more than 12 months from the date of application. Non-COVID related extensions or continuance should be requested in the normal manner. N.B. The current RLC policy is only to offer extensions of three months. At the time of writing this article, we are only permitted to deal with SP in this category who are due to leave the army on or before 31 Aug 20. Extensions in service of those SP due medical discharge Refer to ABN 059/2020. The Army supports SP in recovery and seeks to enact the most effective transition to civilian life and employment for those undergoing medical discharge/retirement action. Due to the increased pressure on the NHS due to the Coronavirus, where appropriate, the Army HQ may authorise the delay in transition of DMS healthcare to NHS providers beyond a SP’s last day of service. In such cases, an application for an extension in service on medical grounds can be made using AFB_10034. Full details are contained in AGAI 78 para 78.1034 - 78.1041. Appraisal reporting – Dispensations for COVID-19 reporting Appraisal reports 2020/21. The following dispensations regarding reporting periods are permitted when necessary to allow appropriate appraisal reporting on SP whose movement dates are affected by the COVID-19 assignment freeze; 10


• SJARs can be advanced or delayed for up to six months, authority is required from SO2 Appraisals, CM Policy, APC. The narrative to include, “This report was written during the COVID-19 restrictions and is subject to a reduced/extended timeline.” • The minimum reporting period for a STDP has been reduced from 5.5 months to 4.5 months for an operational tour and from six months to five months for a n on-operational tour. The report narrative to include, “This report was written during the COVID-19 restrictions and is subject to a reduced timeline.” Authority is required from the CM. • The minimum reporting period for any follow-on reports in the same post may be reduced from six months to five months. The report narrative to include, “This report was written during the COVID-19 restrictions and is subject to a reduced timeline.” Authority is required from the CM.

SO2: Capts: Maj Jo Marples Lts: Leigh Motherwell


SO1’s overview As with the soliders' section, this has been an interesting period as we adapt to COVID-19 and both the restrictions and opportunities it has delivered for us here in APC and for all of you. Whilst APC is currently working from home, it is business as usual and we aim to deliver the same support as normal. Please note that for all of us, you are best making contact via email to arrange Skype calls. A reminder of all our emails is below for those unable to access MODNet. In good news for the Junior Major cohort, Maj Charlie Summerfield assumed her role as Career Manager at the end of June. The next few months also sees the departure of Lt Col Den Howard as the LE CM. I am sure you have all appreciated his efforts this last year despite the fact he is retiring from Service this summer. He was replaced by Lt Col Ian Summerell at the end of July.

SO1: Lt Col Steve Kemp SO1: LE Offrs: Lt Col Ian Summerell SO2: Snr Maj: Maj Gillian Cooke SO2: Jnr Maj: Maj Charlie Summerfield

Unit visits One of things that has fallen off our programme of events is our Unit

Calendar of Events: Key Dates



11 Aug


Follow instructions as per Calling Notice. Ensure all Lts OJARs are at the APC as per the due date.

12-13 Aug


Follow instructions as per Calling Notice. Ensure all Capts OJARs are at the APC as per the due date.

7-8 Sep


Follow instructions as per Calling Notice. Ensure all Majs OJARs are at the APC as per the due date.

9-10 Sep

No4 Appt Board

Follow instructions as per Calling Notice. Ensure all Lt Col OJARs are at the APC as per the due date.

15-16 Sep

No2 Appt Board

22-23 Sep

No5 Gr3 Autumn Appt Main Board

Complete updated Job Specs and PPPs as stated from CM and keep your eye on updated Jobs List.

30 Sep-2 Oct

Arms Selection Board (Change of Commission)

Follow instructions as per latest DIN and ABN 053/2020.

2-3 Oct

Arms Selection Board (LE Commissioning) Reserve SUC

Ensure that all MS is at the APC well ahead of the Board date, noting that finalisation of reports are required after submission of the reports.

5-8 Oct

No5 Gr2 Winter Appt Board

Follow instructions as per Calling Notice. Ensure all Majs OJARs are at the APC NLT 30 Aug 20.

3-5 Nov

CSS Pink List PSB

Ensure that all annual reports are at the APC NLT 30 Aug 20.

9-13 Nov

Beige List Main Board

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



Below are the email contacts for the branch: Area





RLC Lt Cols

Lt Col Steve Kemp

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-SO1 steven.kemp645@mod.gov.uk

Lyndsey Cooke

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-1-E1 Lindsey.Cooke168@mod.gov.uk

Becca Morris

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-1-1E1 Rebecca.Moss107@mod.gov.uk

RLC Lt Col Res + TACOS RLC LE Offrs

Lt Col Ian Summerell

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-LE-SO1 Ian.Summerell495@mod.gov.uk

Sharon Scouller

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-LE-E1 Sharon.Scouller100@mod.gov.uk

RLC Snr Majs

Maj Gillian Cooke

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-B-SO2 Gillian.Cooke826@mod.gov.uk

Shona Carstairs

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-3-E1 Jessie.Carstairs100@mod.gov.uk

RLC Jnr Majs

Maj Charlie Summerfield

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-A-SO2 Charlotte.Summerfield112@mod.gov.uk

RLC Capts

Maj Jo Marples

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-C-SO2 Joanna.Marples952@mod.gov.uk

Paul Kent

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-2-E1 Paul.Kent718@mod.gov.uk


Leigh Motherwell

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-D-SO2 Leigh.Motherwell915@mod.gov.uk

Lynn Webster

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-4-E1 Lynn.Webster114@mod.gov.uk


Andy Bridgewood

APC-CSS-RLCOffrs-Res-SO2 Andrew.Bridgewood951@mod.gov.uk

Visits and the opportunities for you to have face-to-face interviews with your Career Manager. Much of what you need to know about your career is in the Army Commissioning Regulations which were updated in 2019 and can be accessed through MS Web. This pause will give us an opportunity to refine the information for when we are able to get back on the road again. In terms of any CM interaction, get in touch with the relevant POC through your normal processes and I am sure we will all see what we can do. COVID-19 issues Many of the issues presented in the soldiers’ section article are similar for the officers' section. Hopefully those affected by the assignment freeze are aware of their new movement windows and the fact that the change in date does not affect their future availability date. If this will affect your reporting, get in touch with your CM as policy has been adjusted to enable changes to timelines that can be authorised

where necessary. Remember though that short gaps in reporting are justified and can be appropriate. The minimum reporting period for an officer’s initial report in post may be reduced from seven months to six months. The report narrative to include, “This report was written during the COVID-19 restrictions and is subject to a reduced timeline.” Authority is required from the CM. With regard to ABN 52-2020 and the efforts to maximise Army numbers during the outbreak, be aware that applications are dependent on employment opportunities and manning considerations. An application to withdraw PVR or extend is not guaranteed. ABN 055 2020 is another policy to be aware of, which covers the implications of the delays in training delivery. This primarily has an impact on promotions to Capt and eligibility for BeL. Moving forward Officers’ Branch attention is now

beginning to focus on boarding for 2021 assignments. The following are some points about specific boards: • Both the Initial and Subsequent Command Board will sit over the period 7 – 8 Sep 20. The Board will grade all personnel due to move to Regimental Duty for either sub-unit command or more senior major command appointments. Directions for Service Personnel due to run the board was promulgated mid Jun 20. • The RLC Arms Selection Board will sit 2 – 3 Oct 20 to consider DE and LE Officers for Conversion of Commission. Board and Offer policy has been updated for Reg C. It should be noted that the supplemental policy implemented last year allowing DE Capts to be considered has been removed this year. ASB LE Commissioning Board will take place over the same period as the RLC LE Conversion of Commissions. The instructions for LEOCAB have been issued by RHQ The RLC.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




The Defence School of Logistics Commandant: Col John Atkins This is my final article as Commandant, before my handover to Colonel Colin Francis MBE in Jul 20. During my time in command, there has been a huge amount of change and I will take up a little bit of space to describe what has happened to bring us to this point in time. But first I would like to say a big thank you to all the instructors and staff, civil service and military, who have served with DSL in the last three and a half years.They have done a fantastic job and made my time in command a genuine pleasure. When I took over as Commandant on 10 Nov 16, the centre of gravity of the school was in Deepcut.We had wings and sub-units spread across six other sites and the construction of the new college building in Worthy Down was still underway. Now, as I prepare to move on,Worthy Down is (almost) finished and DSL is finally living up to its name as a Tri-Service training organisation. The benefits that might develop from bringing logisticians from all the services together are very exciting and potentially game-changing. There are obvious opportunities to learn from one another and - perhaps – to begin to rationalise some of the different processes that we have for delivering logistics across Defence. Back in 2016, 25 Trg Regt was still part of DSL, but under the Defence College of Logistics, Policing and Administration (DCLPA) Future

8 STW – WO1 Ian Scholes RN navigates one of the watertight hatches in the new Naval Realistic Working Environment in Worthy Down


Operating Model, it was handed over to the Defence School of Personnel Administration in May 17 and was due to move to Worthy Down. However, following a change of plan and the advent of the Combat Logistician course, 25 Regt RLC retained its regimental status and was re-based in Leconfield, as part of the Defence School of Transport. At the time of writing, a team of instructors from DSL is preparing to head north for several weeks, to support 25 Regt and help manage the increased throughput of trainees, following the lifting of some COVID-19 lockdown measures. As for the four remaining wings in DSL, their story over the past three and a half years has also involved a great deal of change. Logistic Specialist Training Wing (LSTW) Commanding Officer – Wing Commander Liz Corry RAF LSTW took over command of Marchwood-based 73 Sqn (from 25 Regt) in May 17 and the Wing has since moved its HQ and the Logistic Supply Training Sqn (LSTS) from RAF HALTON, near Aylesbury, into Worthy Down. Army and RAF petroleum training was moved out of West Moors in the autumn of 2019, and DPTS was re-titled the Defence Petroleum and Specialist Trg Sqn (DPSTS), having taken on postal and courier, tailoring and equipment repair training from Supply Trg Wing. The move out of West Moors was historic and perhaps a little sad for some in the Petroleum Operator community, but the quality of the training facilities and accommodation in Worthy Down are a significant improvement over those available in West Moors and trainees and staff are benefiting from the change of location. There is still the opportunity to deliver ‘wet’ training (with fuel) in nearby Barton Stacey (and in Longmoor) and a fledgling plan to establish a ‘dry’ training area on the campus in Worthy Down. The Defence Movements Trg Sqn remains in RAF BRIZE NORTON and is doing some great work in pioneering the use of virtual reality simulation and remote learning techniques.

8 Pte Christine Valdez competing at the Hotel Catering and Restaurant Show at the ExCel London in Mar 2020

Food Services Training Wing (FSTW) Commanding Officer Commander Suzi Nielsen RN After a long period of planning and anticipation, FSTW has grown in the first part of 2020, by absorbing RN and RFA catering training from the now-disbanded Defence Maritime Logistics School, which was based at HMS RALEIGH in Cornwall: there are now three Single-Service (Land, Maritime and Air) Food Services Trg Sqns based in Alexis Sawyer House and brand new Realistic Working Environments constructed to resemble the galley and messing facilities on board a Type 45 Destroyer.With the addition of the Navy, the status of the Chief Instructor has been changed and there is now a RN Commanding Officer leading the Tri-Service and Civil Service team. Alongside these significant changes (and despite some aging kitchen infrastructure), the Wing has continued to deliver an extremely high standard of training and participated in national catering competitions (including the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering show at ExCel London in March 2020). Command Wing (CW) Chief Instructor – Lt Col Andy Moss OBE RLC Command Wing took on the delivery of the MSc-level Defence Logistics Management Course (still delivered in RAF CRANWELL) in 2017 and moved the three Field Logistic Divisions out of Deepcut in the summer of 2019. The Wing has since

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8 FSTW: The British Army Culinary Arts Team and the first Royal Navy CO of Food Services Trg Wing, Cdr Suzi Nielsen RN (before social distancing) with the awards won at the Hotel Catering and Restaurant Show Mar 20

absorbed both 85 Trg Sqn RLC and the Adjutant General's Corps Command, Leadership and Management Sqn and is now delivering the new Army Leadership Development Programme (ALDP), the replacement for CLM. Perhaps the biggest change for Command Wing took place in July 20, when it incorporated RAF Logistic Officer Training. The Wing is now providing training to two Services and two cap badges, as well as the MSc in Logistic Management, Contract Management course and two separate programmes of international training for allied officers from around the world. Sqn Ldr John Rooke RAF is the first Chief of Staff of the new Command Wing and is a very welcome and colourful addition to the growing team. Our vision, which I hope my successor will be able to realise, is to bring RN Officer training into Command Wing: this will create a Tri-Service organisation, where junior officers can begin to build professional and personal relationships at the start of their service, something that which will be a great benefit to Defence and to the officers throughout their careers. Supply Training Wing (STW) Leaving Deepcut Chief Instructor – Lt Col ‘Dutch’ Holland RLC STW has also been through momentous change and I’ll let the CI, Lt Col Dutch Holland, describe it in his own words. ‘Since our previous submission, a huge amount of work has been done to move the Wing to the new college site in Worthy Down, while delivering the final courses simultaneously in Deepcut. COVID-19 meant some of these final courses were under threat

of not being completed and it took some smart planning by the instructors to ensure that all courses were completed before the lockdown. The completion of these courses was the final training to be delivered in Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut. It is a place which will stir many memories in the minds of all personnel that have spent time there in training. The move has been a significant event for the Corps and certainly the closing of a long and memorable chapter. The pause to the majority of training that was implemented at the end of March has been lifted and DCLPA has resumed a range of training courses under Project PHOENIX.This includes an incremental re-start to STT, where there is spare capacity so not impacting upon ITT. This has seen the return to work for some instructors who are required to familiarise themselves with the unusual procedures and processes that have been implemented to ensure social distancing is maintained within an instructional environment – something we will need to embrace, for the foreseeable future.

8 The first RLC LS(S) Class 3 trainees to use the new Realistic Working Environment (RWE) storehouse in Worthy Down. Pte Alisha Doody (foreground) and Pte Zack Cordall (background) selecting stores

8 Pte Charlie Davies undergoing LS(S) Class 3 training in Worthy Down

Now that the Wing has moved to Worthy Down, restructuring into the Tri-Service orbat is complete. These are significant changes which see all RN supply training previously delivered in HMS RALEIGH, all RM supply training delivered at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines and all RAF supply training subsumed within one Tri-Service Wing. It will also see the Wing lose the remainder of its ‘specialist’ courses, with dangerous goods and health and safety training, being resubordinated under LSTW. The instructors have also been required to make significant changes to certain courses in order to protect the delivery of ITT, by reducing the resource requirement for STT courses. The result is a reduction in the length of some courses. COVID-19 Although much of our training was paused or brought to a rapid halt on or just before Friday 20 March, DSL has not stopped delivering training throughout the COVID-19 lockdown because of Tri-Service operational needs. Additionally, because of the anticipated back-log of training, many of our courses have been re-designed very rapidly to allow for an increased throughput of trainees. I am very grateful to all the permanent staff and instructors in the School for the way that they have re-designed and delivered revised training courses at very short notice, often while at home: some have done so while providing childcare, shielding vulnerable family members or supporting key workers. Above all, I am grateful for the patience and the strength of character they have shown throughout this crisis.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Commandant: Col CJ Henson QGM COS: Lt Col SJ Watkins RLC Located within Normandy Barracks, two miles north of Beverley, East Yorkshire, we employ over 1,000 staff - 22% military, 46% civil servants and 32% are contractors. Approx. 10,000 students are trained per year at Leconfield rising to a total of 27,000 including our other satellite sites throughout the UK – 70% of all licence acquisition conducted by the whole of Defence. With 1,215 SLA bed spaces for staff and students, we have over 1,500 personnel on site in Normandy Barracks on any given day. £16.6M fuel and operating costs contribute to a £54M+ annual budget in delivering over 50M miles of driving on local roads and our 768-acre training estate of lakes, woodlands, tarmac roads, x-country routes and obstacles. Technology and changes in training have driven a revolution in training. DST’s modernisation programme will use technology to enable learning through advanced simulation, blended learning and digitisation of processes. Our training estate is evolving with a brand-new urban military driving area under development. These measures, coupled with an infrastructure rebuild to modernise our teaching facility, will allow DST to deliver more capacity and capability at reduced costs. The training environment is not for everyone and delivering at our pace and scale can be particularly challenging. We look for the best candidates from all three services to act as role models in shaping and leading our students - DST’s military staff are essential in providing the operational context to our driver training and student development. Our civilian instructors support the military ethos with a wealth of experience; in most cases with prior military service,

8 Soliders undertaking training at DST


8 Training vehicles cover over 50M miles per year

employment within the haulage industry, or other specific qualifications before qualifying as instructors. This is enabled by a range of contracted staff delivering J4 support and gateway training. Delivering success with a diverse team and a dynamic, output-focussed environment is a challenge and DST is no sleepy hollow for the permanent staff – regardless of rank. If you have the skills and character to add value to the RLC – either by shaping the next generation of our soldiers or by contributing to the DST modernisation programme – then consider applying for a tour at DST. DST continued to deliver training despite Coronavirus. A routine review of our disease control plan in Dec 2019 meant we were ahead of the curve when COVID-19 hit the UK. This enabled us to continue working at pace until we were directed to reduce output to essential training only. We delivered courses supporting operations such as SHADER and TORAL; maintained Op ESCALIN capability; enabling tanker drivers to deliver oxygen to the NHS; and provided ITT to RAF drivers to support institutional resilience. We minimised staff and student numbers on site, but the whole team kept working remotely reviewing training, digitising course content and planning a return to work. As a consequence, we were ready and able to ramp up training at speed at the end of May and are now rescheduling the training year with additional resource to deliver the RLC’s requirements on time.

8 RLC training was ramped back up at the end of May

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


By WO1 (SSM) Alan Mitchell – Master Air Despatcher Head of Trade 47 Air Despatch (AD) Squadron Based at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, 47AD Sqn RLC continues its worldwide presence supporting operations and exercises both at home and abroad. Many personnel have also been involved with fundraising for various charities. Ex AUSTRAL ENDURANCE This is an annual RAF and 47 AD Sqn RLC led exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to conduct aerial delivery re-supply to the British Antarctic Survey Team (BAST). In Jan 20, AD teams from 47AD Sqn RLC were deployed to Punta Arenas, Chile and made responsible for the construction of all aerial delivery loads, loading the aircraft and eventually despatching the stores from a Hercules C-130J. In total, the AD detachment constructed and airdropped 77 netted loads, culminating in approx. 65 tonnes of stores being airdropped over c.8 sorties. COVID-19 The pandemic has caused significant upheaval and disruption to the routine operations of 47AD. After lockdown measures were put into place, the Sqn adapted its operations and ensured it maintained its Extremely High Readiness and national standby commitments. Rolling isolation of deployable crews has maintained the Sqn’s operational effectiveness, albeit with severe restrictions. During these challenging times, it has been of great importance to the Sqn that their support to the flying Sqns at RAF Brize Norton and other Defence assets were maintained. The Sqn has ensured that it has remained current in various currency requirements, whilst adhering to the Government’s social distancing measures. Sqn personnel not involved in routine flying or ground duties have been ‘working from home’. Online lessons on various subjects have been tasked, including BCS lessons for the upcoming CT1 exercise and MATTs and online courses, enabling


A look at the latest activities from The RLC’s Air Despatch trade

8 A sortie to Antarctica as captured through a visor while perched on the end of the cargo ramp of a Hercules aircraft

Sqn personnel to prepare to take the next step in trade training to either Class 2 or Class 1. Lessons have been delivered by a combination of the Trg Wing and JNCO instructors. Also, Sqn PTIs have kept troops on their toes with weekly workout programmes that could be completed at home. #47HUNDRED Challenge Personnel from both 47AD Sqn and the Joint Aerial Delivery Test and Evaluation Unit (JADTEU) took part in the challenge, which involved running 4.7 miles a day until 4,700 miles had been completed to raise money for the NHS. In total, members of the Sqn ran 4902.1 miles in 12 days raising £7,010! If that wasn’t enough, everybody who ran the #47HUNDRED also ran 7.5 miles each for the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day on the 8 May. The Air Despatch Inspectorate and Assurance Team (ADIAT) The three-man team is responsible for the audit and inspection of both Aerial Delivery units based at Brize Norton and the small detachment in the Falkland Islands. The team also conduct the air and ground testing of trade personnel against the Air Despatch assurance programme.

Over the last 12 months, the ADIAT has been involved in numerous global exercises including Ex CHAMELEON and Ex AUSTRAL ENDURANCE. The team have also attended NATO interoperability conferences in the USA and overseen the handover of the Container Delivery System from the A400M to the front-line commands of both Army and RAF. Joint Air Delivery Test & Evaluation Unit (JADTEU) Aerial Delivery (AD) Section is a sub-unit within JADTEU, which is wholly responsible for carrying out operational Test and Evaluation (T&E) on all AD systems. AD Section has been particularly busy working on over 50 trials in the last 12 months for several sponsors including MOD A Block, foreign countries and Tri-Service organisations. The most notable recent trials include the handover of the Container Delivery System, airdropping loads from the ATLAS A400 MK 1 aircraft to 47AD Sqn RLC, a huge step forward for the future of the AD trade and Defence airdrop capabilities.

8 EX AUSTRAL ENDURANCE - the annual aerial re-supply exercise to the BAST

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



By WO1(Cdr) Jethro Davies, Head of Trade

Fellow Vehicle Support Specialists and Vehicle Specialists, this is my opportunity to thank you for all the work you have conducted over the last year and what you will achieve in the upcoming year. During this year, the trade has continued to support BFSAI and BATUS and has also been heavily involved in the loading and unloading of vessels in support of Defender Europe 20, which due to Covid-19 was halted. In addition to these deployments, VSS personnel have also supported Op WINDFIRM (Asbestos Decontamination Programme at Ashchurch) and Project Phoenix (support to DST). My aim this year was to get to see as many of you as possible within your units to gain an insight into the issues that you are facing on a day to day basis. Due to COVID-19, my plans were halted overnight. I have spoken to the majority of the SNCO’s within the trade and the feedback I have


Vehicle Support Specialists

8 Pte Wilson preparing a High Mobility Engineering Excavator to be moved during Op WINDFIRM

received is that your achievements, no matter how small, are amazing during these difficult times. Trade manning The trade manning has remained consistent over the last 12 months and the pull of the trade for new recruits and retrades is testament to what you are doing on a day-to-day basis. We have now capped Retrades and Rejoiners at LCpl and Pte, to ensure that there is progression for you. Please continue to sell the trade to all cap badges and those who you remain in contact with who have left the Army. The future of our trade is in your hands. Promotion across all ranks

remains competitive and I urge you all to ensure that you are all qualified to hold the next rank. This does not just include trade courses, but the relevant Key Skills and ALDP requirements. Trade Proponent Our current Trade Proponent is Col Nick Holman. He is responsible for representing our trade interests at the Corps Professional Development Committee. Your opinion matters and is extremely valuable to the development of the trade. Any ideas you may have (large or small) should be sent to the Head of Trade via your CoC, which may then be discussed with him directly. Farewell I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate WO1 Michael Jones on his appointment as the new VSS Head of Trade and wish him all the best. I ask that you continue to give him the same level of support that you have offered me, as he takes the trade forward. I can now look back at my Army career with great delight and it has been a privilege to be your Head of Trade over the last three years. I wish you all the best in your individual careers and look forward to hearing how the trade develops in the years to come. 8 Movement of a contaminated Buffalo, Pte Stewart (VSS) in full PPE


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By WO1 (SSM) Ed Clinton I am humbled to be able to write to you all as the Head of Trade for Ammunition Technicians; the Army’s explosive safety experts. Adaptability is the word. A keen focus on recruitment has seen an additional AT Class 2 course being required, lifting numbers from 40 to 60 this training year, finally hitting our target, no small feat given the current climate. Both the Defence Academy and DEMS Training Regt have worked relentlessly to not only maintain their outputs, but increase them whilst ensuring the safety of their staff and students, a huge effort to ensure the trade is where it needs to be, thank you. For the wider trade, 29 EOD&S Gp is currently experiencing a once in a 20-year change programme with circa £200 million being spent on new EOD equipment, robots and vehicles, meaning technicians are not only having to learn new skills and techniques, but also maintain critical outputs during a difficult time. Exercises such as Ex FIRST PRINCIPLE run by WO2 Liam Kidman (11 EOD&S Regt RLC) focussing on these new technical skills are critical in maintaining the trade’s levels of competence and professionalism. Again, thank you. As for Ammunition Technical Support, guidance and direction from Lt Col Child (IE(A)) has seen inspectorates fulfilling their explosive safety inspection requirements, during the COVID-19


Exciting Times for ATs

lockdown, by using technology, taking measured risks and applying knowledge with common sense, keeping the Army’s explosives stores legal and operational. The trade has also seen vast steps being made towards professionalisation. The next AT Class 2 course is the first working towards a newly agreed industry standard Ordnance Munitions and Explosives Apprenticeship Level 4 qualification (thanks to RHQ RLC and Maj (Retd) Peter Ramsden for leading in the development of this). This, in conjunction with financial incentives and support being offered to individuals who achieve

8 Processing of a guided weapon at Ammunition Technical Support

Eng Tech or CEng status during their career, has had a positive impact on the trade. Across the three pillars of the trade, whether providing Ammunition Technical Support, Weapons Intelligence or Explosive Ordnance Disposal, the trade has consistently demonstrated excellence in the field of explosives engineering and I will make it my commitment to ensure the trade continues to receive the right level of support to guarantee we can continue to deliver on all fronts. 8 The High Readiness stocks to support operations for the British Army

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By Capt Thomas Orrell RLC I, along with nine other RLC officers, have just completed the Ammunition Technical Officers’ (ATO) Course. The course is broken into two distinct phases. Phase One – Academic grounding at the Shrivenham Defence Academy The first eight months of the course began at Shrivenham. Here, we were given a grounding in the academic aspects of ammunition – focussing on areas such as the chemistry of explosives, the physics of munitions and the theory behind guided weapons1. As well as this work, which is validated as part of Cranfield University, we also conducted research projects looking at the cutting edge of new science and technology in the ammunition realm. This ranged from testing the effects of novel weapons systems, to formulating new render safe procedures for ammunition about to come into service. Once complete, we left Shrivenham with a Post-Graduate Certificate in Explosive Ordnance Engineering. Phase Two – Practical application at Defence EOS, Search And Munitions Regiment (DEMS) From here, we moved to MOD Kineton to complete the last 12 months of the course. This part focusses more on practical and theoretical aspects. Initially, we studied all in-service ammunition and covered everything from the .22 rim fire round all the way up to the Rapier Ground to Air missile system. The storage phase followed where we learnt about the correct handling and storage of ammunition. The stage culminates in the final eight hour exam where you have to plan and licence an ammunition site. The course then gets really handson, and for me, it was the best phase so far. First comes the disposal of inservice ammunition that is either obsolete or shelf-life expired. Much of this phase is spent on the demolition ground. Conventional Munition Disposal (CMD) followed and this phase is all about dealing with ammunition that has been found that requires disposal2. CMD 18


An insight to the Ammunition Technical Officer’s Course

also includes how to deal with mines and booby traps as well as chemical munitions. The final stage focusses on the investigation of incidents that occur in relation to ammunition. This could either be an accident that has occurred causing an injury, or a performance failure in a specific type of ammunition. The final part of our training is the Defence EOD Operators Course (DEOC). This stage is the rendering safe of Improvised Explosive Devices that could be used in the mainland UK with problem solving, decision making and teamwork forming the key building blocks of this phase. It also sets the foundations for the Advanced EOD Operators Course where threat assessment becomes the golden thread for success. It is the first time I have been in a training environment where making mistakes is actively encouraged, so learning can be gained from your experiences. At the end of this, I am now a qualified Ammunition Technical Officer with a job as a Troop Commander at 11 EOD&S Regt. There are many roles available to an ATO on graduation and throughout their career in the RLC.

8 Training for Conventional Munitions Disposal

There are: troop roles at ATSG leading soldiers and responsibility for the servicing and storage management of ammunition; troop roles in 821 EOD&S Squadron RLC at 33 Engineer Regiment delivering Very High Readiness for rest of world operations; further roles in weapons intelligence, special projects and support to police and other niche UK capabilities. Medium term, there are dedicated SO2 posts in Whitehall, Army HQ and at regimental duty covering a broad portfolio of roles including threat analysis to designing new EOD capabilities. Long term, there are three dedicated command posts and clear pathways to full Colonel. I would recommend to anyone thinking about applying for the course to do so as there is no other opportunity like it anywhere else in the Army. 1

Although academic by design, holding GCSE Maths and Science should be an adequate foundation to understand the Shrivenham phase. The support team and Cranfield lecturers are there to guide you thought each module. 2 Explosive remnants of war (ERW), legacy munitions and blinds (fired and failed to initiate).

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By Maj Nick Gomersall On behalf of the MoD Security Policy and Operations (SPO), HQ Standing Joint Command (United Kingdom) (SJC(UK)) is the operational HQ responsible for the delivery of Military Aid to the Civil Authorities (MACA) in the UK. A 3-star organisation based in Aldershot, it sits at the epicentre of a national neural network linked in with government agencies such as Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government, Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), the NHS and all the emergency services. It is through this network that Defence is able to reach out to any corner of the UK and provide appropriate military assistance where and when required. Routinely, this has involved the military response to natural disasters such as flooding, collapsing dams and wildfires. It owns a vast number of UK based operations including Op TAPESTRY (bomb disposal and search). More recently it has led with military response to the nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury under Op MORLOP. Throughout the COVID crisis, it has been on point for delivering Op RESCRIPT, the name given for the military response to COVID-19 in support of Civil Authorities. Defence deployed a Tri-Service 20,000 strong combined Regular and Reserve COVID Support Force in support of HM Government and has been involved in a plethora of activity, with impressive effect across the nation. Some of the activities have included support to Regional Testing Sites, conducting testing through Mobile Testing Units, the design and build of Project NIGHTINGALE hospitals, complex logistic support, critical PPE delivery, general duties and ambulance driving, establishing a vast network of liaison officers and planners and aviation support. What is also impressive is the impact the Royal Logistic Corps has and will continue to have in the successful planning and execution of Op RESCRIPT. Both 101 and 102 Logistic Brigades have accomplished some impressive feats nationwide and are at the forefront of supporting the Prime Minister’s top priorities.


The RLC… At the forefront of the military fight against Coronavirus

101 Log Bde has played an instrumental role in helping reshape the NHS national supply chain to meet the enormous and hugely complex PPE procurement and distribution challenge throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Its contribution has literally helped save lives on the NHS and Social Care front line. This has involved nationwide emergency logistic delivery, assisting the surge in demand of PPE to minimise the impact of the virus. The logistic expertise provided by RLC personnel has included emergency resupply, providing logistic specialists to improve productivity within supply chain distribution warehouses and to support PPE distribution at Local Resilience Forums across the country. They helped prevent collapse of the NHS supply chain at the most critical of times. 102 Log Bde provided C2 capabilities, advice and military planning which has shaped the Government’s national testing strategy. The core team has embedded with the DHSC, conceptualised, designed and built Military Testing Units to meet the

8 Reservist Driver Comms Spec Pte Timson (2 OSG) was mobilised to provide Real Life Support to HQ SJC(UK). She was presented with a Commanders Coin by Lt Gen Tyrone Urch CBE

country’s needs in its fight against COVID-19. Of note, 4 RLC, 6 RLC, 7 RLC and 27 RLC have been Regular RLC units critical to success. From the Reserves, 151 RLC, 156 RLC and 157 RLC have all made significant contributions. Within HQ SJC(UK) itself, The RLC represents almost 10% of the 200 or so staff. The applied skill, tact and working in unchartered territory, to translate the Government’s direction into tactical actions to meet strategic aims, has required real artistry. In the HQ, Lt Col Nick Stanford leads the J3 team, ably supported by Capt Dave Levens and WO2 Mark Underdown. Lt Col Rachel Emmerson and Maj Chris Ralling have been instrumental in J5. Maj Nick Gomersall is the Op RESCRIPT lead in the J1/4 area. Maj Jezz Walter is the Op RESCRIPT lead in J7 as well as support into Future Plans. Maj Jolan Flach is providing critical J2

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THE SUSTAINER | OP RESCRIPT – HQ SJC(UK) support. Underpinning the success of the HQ is WO1 Mark Hobson and his wholly Reserve Real Life Support (RLS) team, with soldiers from 2 Operational Support Group and 167 Catering Support Regiment. For some of these Reservists, it was the first time they had been mobilised. Some used their trade training to great effect to put processes in place to manage the RLS. For others, working in a 3-star HQ was initially a steep learning curve. All of them learnt new skills, which will stand them in good stead in the future and they have been outstanding representatives of their units. This combined effort is absolute proof that The RLC is very much woven into the SJC(UK) fabric and at the very heart of operational level planning and execution. In many instances, the Corps has been at the very forefront in delivering national effect. Without it, the outcome of the Government’s response to COVID would look very different. Trawls in early days saw RLC personnel embedded in various government departments and within the NHS. This was to streamline NHS supply chain and provide immediate support, reinforcement and resilience to an otherwise overwhelmed organisation, due to tempo and scale resulting from COVID-19 pandemic. Military logistic personnel provided planning capabilities, command and control in uncertainty, resilience to understaffed warehouses and advice to maximise efficiency in civilian depots. The RLC’s response was

immediate. The first logistics tied MACA request was received on 19 Mar 20 for a three-month period and involved one planner to DHSC. The first large scale MACA was received on 22 Mar 20 in SJC. This coincided with 101 Log Bde’s deployment. The first RLC unit to deploy was a troop from 10 QOGLR on the day the lockdown was announced by the PM. Over the next 15 days, RLC units deployed on 13 other major tasks, mainly to provide resilience to NHS distribution centres across England. The materiel moved and scope of the logistical support provided by The RLC to date has been staggering. 101 Log Bde and RLC units increased the capacity of NHS regional distribution hubs by 15%. Its units provided warehouse management and national PPE distribution support to the National Police Operational Centre. RLC personnel supported the reconfiguration and packing of testing kits; supported Clipper Logistics where it helped reconcile


8 The wall to wall stores equipment accumulated for Op RESCRIPT

goods received and purchase order data; supported hospitals and distributed ventilators; provided vehicles for Mobile Testing Units and personnel to give wider support to PPE provision. It set up two Immediate Resupply Groups (north and south) with teams at one-hour NTM 24/7 and one of its staff officers, collocated with NHS England, co-ordinated the distribution of PPE to Local Resilience Forums. In total, the Brigade has delivered well over 143 million items to help in the fight against COVID-19. The nature of the military requirement from Government, meant that many of the initial requests were logistic orientated. Currently, formed units from the RLC make up around 15% of the total force. When considering planners, individual augmentees, real life support tasks, this number will likely rise in comparison to other Arms and Services, though the fidelity of this figure is not readily available. The RLC is being employed in more specialist tasks, the majority of the force are employed under the auspice of General Duties. It is the skill set that The RLC can offer that is being exploited. RLC personnel have unlocked the NHS supply chain and are the vastly dominant cap badge working at the tactical level to do this, in turn significantly contributing to achieving the national Main Effort. 8 Pte Timson, LCpl Newhouse, Pte Ward and Pte Shaw. Members of WO1 Hobson’s Real Life Support Team


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#BritishArmyLogistics 6 Regiment RLC was resubordinated as OPCOM Standing Joint Command (SJC) as part of Op RESCRIPT, acting as one of two Logistic Support Teams (LST). This meant that around 300 personnel were held at varying readiness states in order to be able to react to the needs of Defence and the Government. Numerous small teams were deployed on various MACA tasks, but the Regt’s primary focus was in support of COVID-19 testing laboratories. This task saw the Regt partner with Deloitte. WO2 Macpherson and his team deployed to the National Bio-sample Centre in Milton Keynes. Originally contracted to process 300 tests per week, the centre was instructed to increase sample testing to 30,000 per day. The centre did not have the resources to increase capacity quickly. The LST of 14 personnel, working closely with the Deloitte team, carried out a review of the laboratory’s support systems and implemented measures to meet the increased capacity. The second task was to plan and then accept the samples nationally and train new civilian staff to take over the role. This was completed using military field systems and adapting them to suit the centre. WO2 Leyshon commanded the LST that deployed to Alderley Park complex in Macclesfield. Like Milton Keynes, the existing logistics plan within Alderley Park was not designed to meet the anticipated volume of samples the laboratories would be expected to process. The team ensured processes and procedures were established to address this, before training the civilian workforce to manage these different ways of working. WO2 Hilton and his 15 strong LST deployed to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow (QEUH). The aim was to establish a robust inventory support system in the support of the National Testing Program after the Scottish Government turned it into a COVID-19 testing lab. On arrival, manual labs were in operation on the third floor, with only 56m2 of ground dumped storage. The second floor was being prepared to receive eight automated systems. The aspiration of the lab was to


6 Regiment RLC Op RESCRIPT

analyse 30,000 tests per day. The team quickly set about re-designing the existing infrastructure into a workable storage area, introducing forecasting and opening lines of communication between the labs and the stores. Making stock lines leaner, with stricter stock control, made the account more manageable. Comprehensive SOPs developed by both the LST and Deloitte, the civilian contractors clear and concise guidance. Other tasks included WO2 AsafoAdjei and Cpl Foster deploying to HQ NW, Preston, on a Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) MACA task to support Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) in the five NW Counties. SSgt Hudson and his team deployed to 4 Infantry Brigade, Catterick Garrison, to support

8 LSTs increased lab capability massively

8 6 Regt's primary task was COVID testing labs

English LRFs with the co-ordination and data management of PPE distribution, assisting planners with a data capture sheet and dashboard management system to effectively manage their logistical frameworks. This concept was then adopted by the planners working at JMC level across seven LRFs. SSgt McBride and his LST Surge team deployed to assist the London Ambulance Services (LAS) supporting the main depot in Deptford in order to refine the processes to its 14 Hubs which in turn support all additional stations across London. The LAS was not scaled, in terms of infrastructure, personnel and its logistics inventory system (Log IS), to deal with the surge in demand brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic. The Surge Team took the time to gather data and physically conduct stocktakes using a new hand held terminal, which provided much needed usage data to feed the Hubs with stock. Once a new storage layout and new Log IS was implemented, the team then handed over to the civilian staff for them to assume responsibility going forward.

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THE SUSTAINER | OP RESCRIPT - 4 REGT RLC From late March 2020, 4 Regiment RLC provided extensive Military Aid to the Civil Authorities (MACA) as part of Op RESCRIPT, the Armed Forces’ contribution to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Regt’s deployment to enable other government departments’ COVID response, and came at an uncertain time in the UK’s handling of the pandemic; a lockdown had not yet been fully enforced and there was much frenzied public and media speculation. MACA ops are particularly sensitive. They will inevitably be civilian-led and will be no less congested, cluttered, connected, contested and constrained than any other contemporary operation. Furthermore, far from being something wholly separate from the Army’s contingency role, MACA ops cover three of the four tactical functions of Integrated Action – Manoeuvre Information Operations, and Capacity Building. The Army will operate in an environment of intense public and media interest. The week before the Regt’s first deployment saw several misleading and outright inaccurate narratives promulgated by irresponsible or adversarial actors on social media, including decontextualized pictures of foreign military vehicles asserted to be from the UK, or routine road transport of armoured vehicles being given a sinister air. Civilian and media interest was high throughout the entire op, with a much potential for reputational damage if anything less than total professionalism was witnessed. Nevertheless, civilian support was notable and Other Government Departments (OGDs) welcomed the military contribution and were impressed with the Regt’s performance throughout. The range of tasks conducted touched the breadth of Op RESCRIPT, with direct logistic interventions in support of PPE logistics, assets management, testing and the NHS Nightingales. Most importantly were the logistic capacity building tasks within the NHS, Social Care, Police and Ambulance Service as these would assist the OGDs exiting their crisis. 22


The experience of 4 Regiment RLC on Op RESCRIPT

4 Regt’s deployment on Op RESCRIPT covered three of the four tactical functions of Integrated Action – Manoeuvre, Information Operations and Capacity Building. Successful Integrated Action is predicated on sophisticated understanding of the situation, effective integration of all capabilities available, with a focus on desired outcomes, all aimed at influencing a diverse audience. As part of Op RESCRIPT, the Unit understood its role as being to support OGDs with logistic interventions and build capacity, with the ultimate outcome setting the conditions that there is no requirement for Military Aid. One of the first examples of such a capacity building task was 4 CS Sqn detached to NHS London, to create an assets management process and then distribute the critical ventilators across London. More of this later. Some of the Unit’s most visible work was providing vehicles and drivers to assist in the in-load of Critical PPE for the NHS in London.

8 60 Sqn assists in the repackaging and onward movement of PPE deliveries from Turkey

The Regt’s first deployment on 24 Mar 20 saw 22 personnel and 10 vehicles from 4 (CS) Sqn under the command of Lt Michael Blackwood deploying, within three hours of receiving orders, to MOD Stafford. From there, the detachment spent two days conducting the delivery of 30 pallets of PPE to St Helens, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, in London. Lt Owen Pearman, of 60 Sqn (QOGLR), subsequently led teams at RAF Brize Norton on to assist in the re-palletisation of foreign PPE deliveries. This type of task would become typical in many Op RESCRIPT tasks. It required extensive work with civilian contractors’, with junior officers working as liaison officers to ensure assistance was provided effectively. 4 (CS) Sqn was subsequently forward deployed to Central London for four weeks to assist the NHS at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, delivering vital medical

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#BritishArmyLogistics equipment to hospitals across the region. The Sqn HQ liaised with and advised NHS London on how to tackle the complex issue of setting up and sustaining supply chains to the NIGHTINGALE and other hospitals that had not existed only a week before – this was capacity building at its purist. The NHS team in charge of co-ordinating ventilator movement was formed from administrative staff that had no prior medical or logistic experience and embedded LOs from 4 Regt were essential to achieving the task. This enabled NHS London to plan, execute and track the complex task of distributing ventilators to the hospitals that needed them the most. During the four-week deployment, 20 drivers went to 55 sites and on the busiest day delivered 104 ventilators in a 24hr period. Media handling guidelines, under which all press releases must first be approved by Defence Media, limited the extent of the Information Operations 4 Regt could conduct. Within these limitations however, the Unit was able to conduct considerable media activity, which was not released but importantly recorded for when permissions are available. For the internal audience, this maximised the use of Defence Connect and the activity saw 4 Regt as the most viewed group on this platform. The Regt also put great effort into its #KillGossip campaign, to ensure that soldiers were properly informed as to the presentation of symptoms, this had great effect in reducing the uncertainty caused by MSM and SM. This ensured that soldiers were not just fully aware of the Regt’s operations, but it also allowed the Commanding Officer to highlight high performance and offer praise to sub-units and individuals. The Army, and especially The RLC, has a great and positive Op RESCRIPT story; it is unfortunate that at the crisis’ height, the full extent of our support for the OGDs and government was not released. Furthermore, 4 Regt provided a large quantity of Logistic Support Specialists (LSS) to assist OGDs. This was largely aimed at assisting in moving the unprecedented volumes of PPE to dependencies


such as hospitals, care homes, and private medical practices. This support came in many guises and an example was; 33 (GS) Sqn deployed LSS and Drivers, led by Lt Paddy Mangham and Sgt Liam Dornan, to the NHS Distribution Centre (DC) at Bridgewater to assist in distributing critical PPE. The Bridgewater DC was experiencing a backlog of stock and it was initially estimated it would take 12 weeks to clear. 33 (GS) Sqn successfully cleared this backlog in only 12 days. Concurrently, WO2 Adam Hamlin coordinated the deployment of 14 LSS SNCOs to frontline locations in Wales to provide advice on supply chain management. Beyond the NHS, Lt Lenny Hartnell led a fiveweek task based out of RAF Upper Heyford, assisting the Police with their pandemic response at the National Police Coordination Centre. Cpl William Corbet also led twenty

8 WO2 Sibley with the team of military liaison officers deployed to support the establishment of the NHS Nightingale Hospital in Bristol

JNCOs at Bicester, to assist in the outload of critical COVID testing kits throughout the UK. This was initially a planned deployment, but since then has been called multiple times in order to assist the civilian contractor. This is a snap shot of how RLC soldiers and officers used their professional excellence to assist the country in its time of need. As of 19 Jun 20, 4 Regt has been assigned to 36 discrete MACA tasks and has deployed over 232 troops, with three sub-unit HQs and maintained R1 for the last three months for nearly 400 people. In co-operation with our partners in the NHS and OGDs, the Regt has delivered 291 ventilators and assisted in 28 hospitals, DCs and other NHS facilities as far afield as Wales, Bristol and Northampton. The Unit’s performance means that it is retained by Standing Joint Command (SJC) as the logistic spearhead unit for the COVID-19 response and it has now contributed to 21% of all Defence’s MACA tasks nationwide. As the Army begins to return to normal operations, 4 Regt continues to operate as the Logistic Support Team (UK) and can look back on its performance on Op RESCRIPT with great pride. 8 4 Sqn assisting in the in-load of PPE to NHS London at the start of Op RESCRIPT on 28 Mar 20

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By Lt Anderson RLC. RV Troop Commander, 1 Squadron 10 QOGLR On 23 Mar 20, a deployment order arrived in the Regiment for a troop to deploy to Bury St Edmunds in support of the NHS Supply Chain. The distribution centre (DC) at Bury St Edmunds was unable to cope with an extraordinary scale of demand as hospitals desperately required critical, lifesaving equipment. We had just 16 hours to be in location and operational. Twenty minutes later, I was in a car, on the way from Aldershot to Bury St Edmunds to conduct a recce of where we would be working and living for the next three weeks. On arrival, I had to understand how the NHS Distribution Centre (DC) worked, where they needed our assistance and where we could add value. Concurrently, the Troop recall procedure was initiated. It gathered, loaded onto vehicles and was on the road behind me, before I had even arrived. As a Theatre Logistic Regiment held at readiness to support 3 (UK) Div, the Troop was prepared and ready, with kit packed. We had been re-rolled to a Military Aid to Civil Authorities (MACA) task, to be used in our core role and we were the first Regular unit within the Army to be deployed in support of the NHS. On arrival at the DC, I met with the acting general manager and learned that the site was responsible for the provision of all medical supplies to every NHS facility across all of East Anglia and North London (the epicentre of the virus at the time). This would go on to include the newly built NHS Nightingale hospital at the ExCel centre. The manager explained that the warehouse had seen a 30% increase in demand, in less than a week, equivalent to the preChristmas surge period, which would usually take twelve weeks of planning. This was partly due to the increased demand for, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), but also as a result of hospitals bulk ordering a variety of other items; meaning the supply chain was 24


Gurkhas first to deploy on Op RESCRIPT

8 Cpl Dev organising the inload of goods

8 Pte Upendra loading cages in the marshalling area

under intense pressure. It is worth noting that these DCs are ‘one stop shops’ for hospitals, supplying everything from catheters to custard powder. As military Logistic Supply Specialists, reacting quickly to huge demand at scale and pace, was where we were able to have a tremendously beneficial effect. The DC was split into five distinct areas forming a logistics U: ‘goods in’, ‘put away’, ‘picking’, ‘marshalling’ and ‘loading’. Whilst the systems themselves were different to those used in the military, the processes were immediately familiar to the Suppliers. By 0600hrs on 24 Mar, the first section had completed its induction and was starting the first eighthour shift. The distribution centre operated three eight-hour shifts and a section was embedded in each. Gurkha soldiers now accounted for about a third of the DC’s warehouse

staff and within 24 hours it committed to the NHS Supply Chain that it would increase its output from five days a week to 24/7. After a short period, a manager reported that as a result of the military support, the flow of supplies to the NHS from the DC had increased by 18.5%. With six other similar sites spread across the country, RV Troop’s output therefore, equated to an almost 3% increase in the overall capacity of the NHS Supply Chain at the national level! With impressive professionalism, these soldiers, who lived on the gym floor of a local Army Reserve Centre, deployed away from their families in worrying times, worked tirelessly and without complaint and should be rightly proud of their part in the national response to COVID-19. When we extracted on the 12 Apr 20, the civilian staff and managers were hugely grateful for the help the soldiers had provided. As I reflect on Op RESCRIPT more broadly, it is now even more apparent how critical the role of logistics was to deliver the equipment the ‘frontline’ NHS staff needed to save lives. I hope this will encourage others within the military not to overlook the importance of logistics in the future.

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#BritishArmyLogistics British Gurkhas in Nepal, including two serving in the Royal Logistic Corps, helped to rescue over 109 British travellers stranded across the country to ensure they could return home on government charter flights during the coronavirus pandemic. 109 Britons and a further 28 foreign nationals were trapped in extremely isolated parts of the country when news of the coronavirus broke out - causing a wide-spread reduction in transport routes, particularly affecting those in remote locations. Despite three charter flights being sent to repatriate British Nationals back to the UK, Nepal’s rigorous lockdown measures meant that many travellers were unable to reach them. British Gurkhas Nepal (based in Kathmandu, Pokhara and Dharan), with the help of UK Embassy staff, were called in to help with the challenging rescue mission. Included in this were two serving RLC soldiers; Sgt Prakash Gurung, of 29 Regiment RLC and WO2 Yogendra Limbu of 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment. After mapping out the locations of the British travellers, a rescue plan was devised and the extensive and dangerous rescue mission began. The heroic actions of all those involved saw them travelling over 4,000 miles in a three-week period. Their journey took them to remote areas across the Himalayas through mountainous towns, villages and national parks - to 13 different districts where they had to negotiate extremely difficult terrain.

8 Sgt Gurung outside of British Gurkhas Nepal HQ (Kathmandu)


RLC Gurkhas rescue stranded British Nationals from Nepal

Sgt Gurung, who arrived in Nepal in February as one of a handful of permanent assignments that 29 Regiment RLC supports outside of routine regimental and operational commitments, had only just settled in post, when COVID-19 took hold across the globe. Whilst his daily role calls on him to provide the vital mail link for both official and personal mail for the detachment, as a soldier, he is also expected to react when needed. In late March, all non-essential British Nationals were asked to leave the country. Given the country’s wide tourist appeal and remote nature, this presented a significant challenge for those UK Citizens in the most isolated areas. Sgt Gurung joined a small team travelling the nine-and-a-half-hour drive to Manang, a popular region that sits at the base of the Annapurna Mountain Range, where three British Nationals were stranded. The treacherous journey, which saw them navigate hazardous single-track roads, nearly had to be aborted during the rescue mission due to severe landslides. The courageous team managed to rescue the British Nationals, as well as several other tourists who had become stranded. Once back in the relative safety of

8 Sgt Gurung and his team taking a well-earned rest

Kathmandu, Sgt Gurung continued his efforts to support the repatriation of UK citizens, assisting with the organisation of several flights. His family have now relocated to the UK along with other BGN families to reduce any potential burden on the Nepali medical system. He remains in Nepal, ready to assist when called upon. Sgt Gurung wrote of his involvement: “I stepped up to volunteer because I thought it was a part of my job. Helping people in dire situations gives me a sense of satisfaction. The gratitude people expressed in messages has encouraged me to do more of this sort of work.” Lt Col Peter Wettenhall, Deputy Commander, British Gurkhas Nepal, said: “British Gurkhas Nepal has a long and proud history of operating in Nepal regardless of circumstance. It is both fitting, and in keeping with the role of the Armed Forces, that when called on for assistance we do our very best to support those in need. We are delighted that we were able to assist the British Embassy, British nationals, our soldiers and families in Nepal through this trying time.”

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The RLC Reserves – adapting in lockdown 8 WO1 Amanda Ward, Regimental Sergeant Major Reserves

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced The RLC’s Reserve Regiments to adapt and find new ways of working during the lockdown. This involved moving most routine activities online… “The efforts that regiments are putting in to stay connected and to deliver training just keeps improving,” says WO1 Amanda Ward, Regimental Sergeant Major Reserves. WO1 Ward has been using various online platforms, including her Defence Connect video blog, to keep up to date with unit activities, communicate with them and let them know their good work is not going unnoticed. She says she has been astounded by how well the regiments have adapted to the ‘new normal’. “Given the circumstances, in that this is a totally different situation than most have experienced before, I am impressed by everything that has been achieved to date. It is all still evolving and I suspect that more innovative ideas will continue to come to fruition as we continue to train this way.” From church services to health fairs Examples of how individual units have overcome the challenges of lockdown are many and varied. 151 Regiment RLC has completed online training including Ex TRIDENT TRADE (18-19 Apr) a virtual training exercise which included a Driver trade overview and Ex TRIDENT LEADER (21-26 Apr), on the Army Leadership Code. The Regt also took part in a virtual health fair (from 1 to 6 Jun) to promote unit health and wellbeing. 26

It gave the Regt’s personnel the opportunity to attend a full suite of both live and recorded health and well-being seminars and presentations, tailored to Defence health themes. Designed to be flexible in its delivery by utilising a combination of Defence Connect, MS Teams and Zoom virtual conferencing tools. Lt Col Deborah Taylor, CO, 151 Regiment RLC, says that virtual training provides a different yet effective approach. “The current situation and COVID-19 has presented an opportunity in which we have changed the approach taken to training delivery and produced a remote, flexible and adaptable programme full of expert advice, information and guidance on

8 Lt Col Deborah Taylor, CO, 151 Regiment RLC, says that virtual training is both effective and necessary

8 151 Regt’s Soldier virtual Health Fair was hosted on Defence Connect

practical ways to improve our service personnel’s health and welfare,” she explains. Lt Col Taylor points out that another benefit to online training is that the information can be digested when the service personnel have the time and in a location of their choice. She adds that most of the material is available directly through Defence Connect with options for additional information provision and webinars. This means that any questions raised can be asked of a number of experts in each of the areas covered. Despite the cancellation of events, a real ‘where there’s a will there’s a way’ attitude has meant not all was lost. To mark VE Day 75, 151 Regt held a virtual church service on 8 May. It was conducted via Zoom and had over 140 attendees. Several other Reserve Regiments marked the occasion with tributes being paid during the day following the national programme of events and shared across social media. On 14 May, officers and sergeants took part in a virtual Mess Dinner Night, with starters and main courses, which even included a virtual performance by The RLC band.

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#BritishArmyLogistics Cookery training 167 Catering Support Regiment, combined training with real life ‘food for thought’ over social media. WO2 (SSM) Steve Whitby says the Regt has really started to embrace the online learning culture during these trying times. This included making recipe videos from the Healthy Soldier Cookbook and Army videos for Eid using Zoom, Facebook (FB) Live and Kahoot. “Throughout lockdown we have been pushing the use of Defence Connect and Army mail as a secure way of communication. I also used WhatsApp for instant response on non-secure issues or just to see how everyone is doing,” he says. The Regt has also been conducting online training weekends. The first was 23/24 May and two more to followed, each being run by one of the Sqns. The first training weekend included a morning parade, physical training session and a values and standards brief. After lunch on the first day, there was a Kahoot quiz geared around cooking and green field craft for catering where 50 people took part. On the second day, WO2 (SSM) Whitby himself gave a lesson on how to complete objectives and aspirations using JPA, which is a brand new virtual learning package designed and built by Pte Hannah Marriott. “This is important for the Reserves as JPA can only be accessed from camp so this package allows the soldier to practice at home so they don’t need supervision when completing in camp,” he says. The training weekend was wrapped up by LCpl St-Brown who did a home cooking lesson via FB Live from his home at Berwick upon Tweed, ably helped by his son Matthew. Drill nights Capt Sarah Appleby, the Ops (and social media) Officer for 142 Vehicle Squadron, 165 Port and Maritime Regiment, says the Regt has gone online to do all its drill nights since lockdown. Initially using Skype, it then moved onto Microsoft Teams. “We have three port squadrons that have their drill nights on a Wednesday and instead of staying in their Sqns,


they instead pooled their resources and were able to spilt off into trades and conduct training together and all the recruits could also train together,” she explains. Her Sqn has also completed virtual attestations. “The paperwork is sent out and the entrant uses a bible to swear the oath of allegiance. Capt Taylor from 142 Vehicle Squadron, Banbury, led with this and it has become a good way of still getting recruits through part of the application process,” she adds. To communicate effectively, the Regt actively uses Defence Connect. Every Sqn has its own page and there is a regimental one too. The regimental one has all the links for distance learning, MATT training and CO updates on what is happening. “This has given all of the soldiers a point of contact and a focal point for finding information,” Capt Appleby says. Lockdown has also meant that the Unit has had to get innovative when it comes to PT. “There are now HIIT workouts published on the Regimental Facebook page for all soldiers so they can maintain their physical fitness along with a weekly playlist on Spotify to go along with the training. Added to this, there is a private group on Strava #165BEPARTOFSOMETHINGFIT so all personnel can log their training. The leader board is published weekly on the Regt’s

8 167 Catering Support Regt has been conducting online training, including PT

social media platforms, there’s nothing like getting ahead using a good dose of competition!” she concludes. While the examples of innovation above only represent the approaches of three of The RLC’s Reserve Regiments, all have faced the same challenges and have found new ways of working, communicating and training. Many have also been mobilised as part of Op RESCRIPT and made significant contributions both at local and national level as part of the Military Aid to the Civil Authorities effort.

8 165 Regt completing virtual attestations

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RESCRIPT Round-up 8 156 Regiment RLC picks and despatches 150 million pieces of PPE On 20 Mar 20, 156 Regt RLC responded to a 101 Logistic Brigade trawl requesting personnel who were qualified as a Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) Forklift operator to start work immediately at a local NHS distribution site at Haydock. Nine eligible Reserve personnel were identified, however were not immediately deployed. After further warning orders, 156 Regt conducted recces to two large NHS distribution centres (DC) in Haydock and Runcorn for potential support tasks in the coming days. The Regt formed, for the first time, a regimental and squadron operations room to provide command and control for future taskings. On 24 Mar, 63 Reservists deployed to both DCs and began working to pick, label and deliver vital PPE across the NW and wider country, later rising to an average of 70 personnel each day across both sites. The Haydock site contained PPE resilience stocks for influenza pandemics. Alongside loading and labelling activities, the Regt conducted several supply runs, utilising both green fleet and contracted white fleet, to locations in Luton and Manchester to fulfil PPE supply tasks. The Runcorn DC had a particularly large backlog of stock awaiting call-forward for distribution. The team spent a large amount of time creating capacity at Runcorn, transporting stock off-site for onward distribution. A cross-depot transfer process was established as capacity was created.

8 156 Regt PPE distribution

While on task, Pte Farrell got the opportunity to assist in the DC’s catering department which showed the diverse range of Reservists’ skills. WO2 Whitmore initially deployed as a Command Team soldier at the Runcorn DC. He now works there in a civilian capacity, as a shift manager with nine others from the Regt, continuing to provide vital PPE to local hospitals. 156 Regt came off task on 12 Apr 20 and over the three-week deployment, it picked and dispatched over 150 million individual pieces of PPE. Personnel gained invaluable qualifications for both VNA forklifts, powered pallet trucks and articulated lorries or were 28

re-qualified on MHE platforms. Additionally, 156 Regt also deployed a Military Liaison Officer to the Isle of Man and 27 Regt’s IRG was situated with 236 Sqn, Salford, as a base for operations. The Regt remains at readiness for future Op RESCRIPT tasking.

8 165 Regt deploy 15 soldiers to The IOW

8 165 Regt COVID-19 response 165 Port & Maritime Regiment RLC was engaged in direct activity in relation to COVID-19, with small teams helping to run Isolation Facilities in the north and south to ensure that those deploying on operations, are not infected with COVID-19. A small group of soldiers used their trade skills to complete work (all at safe social distances) at Marchwood Sea Mounting Centre where they restocked the Falkland Islands Resupply Ship. Other activity also took place around the South West with 232 Sqn in Bodmin assisting their local community by setting up a temporary assessment centre outside the Carnewater Medical Centre to enable a greater capacity of patients to be received. On the Isle of Wight, 15 soldiers were drafted in to St Mary’s Hospital to help create extra capacity for further patients; working with NHS staff they boxed, moved and filed over 140,000 medical records in over 15,000 boxes to create space for another 200 beds. 8 RLC Captains assist government department with COVID logistics planning Amidst all the initial uncertainly relating to COVID-19 in March, one of 3 Regiment RLC’s officers, Capt Jonathan Kinahan, was deployed to London under Op RESCRIPT the weekend before lock down began, to work at The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) in Westminster, as a Logistic Planner. The MACA (Military Aid to Civil Authorities) Capt Kinahan deployed under, saw both himself and a Captain from 1 Regt RLC assist with a wide range of tasks for the ministry in support of the wider government response. Eventually, he became intimately involved with the planning for ‘Shielding’. Shielding is the MHCLG led project that aimed to provide support to 1.5 Million People (2.4 by week eight of lock down) that

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were identified as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) by NHS England. The support offered by the Government saw CEV people across the country, who were instructed to stay inside for a minimum of 12 weeks, given food boxes and medicines. Capt Kinahan was then tasked with supporting the PPE Cell, which was responsible for providing PPE to local authorities across the country. Op RESCRIPT has demonstrated how the military can be effectively employed to assist the Government in a variety of roles and tasks during a crisis situation such as this. Capt Kinahan said, “It’s been fascinating working within a government ministry and incredibly rewarding. I never thought when I commissioned eight years ago that I’d be sat inside the Home Office building and sitting in on conference calls with Cabinet Ministers. I’ve learnt so much within the last few months, it's been very valuable and great to be so directly involved with helping vulnerable people and local authorities across the county.” 8 Op BROADSHARE covered the Defence COVID-19 overseas response to requests from Overseas Territories (OT) for Military Aid to Civil Authorities (MACA) In the Caribbean, RLC personnel from 3 Commando Brigade (3 Cdo Bde) deployed to Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). Part of a Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ) led, Home Office and MOD Security Assistance Team (SAT), the SAT was responding to a MACA request from the TCI Government. The SAT provided planning and security assistance to the government in a wide range of areas in order to stabilise the country during a time of unprecedented crisis. They also collaborated closely



8 RLC support teams were deployed across the NHS Supply Chain

with a MOD SAT in the Cayman Islands, who deployed some weeks later. The RLC contingent included Maj Javed Johl RLC (HQ 3 Cdo Bde). The second in command, he was responsible for all planning and liaison with the TCI Government. Maj Lucy Valentine RLC (SJFHQ) was the lead logistics planner and worked with the TCI Ministry of Health and the Department for Disaster Management and Emergency. She was assisted by Capt Laura Brooks RLC (Commando Logistic Support Squadron). Sgt Daniel Maxwell coordinated Movement Control in support of the logistics planners. On completion of an initial ‘understand’ phase, critical logistics planning was conducted with the TCI Ministry of Health, to ensure local hospital and medical facilities were sufficiently equipped in time for an anticipation of a spike in COVID cases. At the same time, assistance and advice was given to the extremely stretched, TCI Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies on contingency planning, logistics preparation and crisis management. With the hurricane season on the horizon, it was necessary to have a plan to deal with a natural disaster while still affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, physical assistance was provided by 45 Commando RM to the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Maritime Division, to counter the COVID-19 spread from illegal immigrants entering the islands. In order to underpin all the work being carried out, a strategic airbridge was established to deliver vital testing capabilities, ventilators, medical supplies and PPE to both the TCI government and military assets in the Joint Operating Area. All assistance provided by the SAT, in support of Op BROADSHARE, was enthusiastically welcomed by the TCI Government and greeted with huge support from the local TCI community. The support provided to the TCI Government was an excellent opportunity for the RLC personnel involved to demonstrate their logistics planning expertise in an operational environment. 8 1 Regt Op RESCRIPT response Capt Sean ‘Stringy’ Twine was deployed to assist the Department for Housing, Communities and Local Government at the onset of the Coronavirus lockdown to work as part of the PPE Cell. Capt Twine found himself at the centre of the effort to manage the solutions to source and supply, what became the most vital of commodities.

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8 Tank Transporter driver operators downsize to distribute PPE across the UK On the 28 Mar 20, 19 Tank Transporter Squadron deployed on Op RESCRIPT to run 27 Regt’s Immediate Replenishment Group North (IRG) based in Salford. IRGs were established across England as part of the COVID Support Force, to support the NHS by distributing PPE for Public Health England. It was a crucial and often challenging logistic undertaking. The officer in charge of IRG (North) was A Troop

Commander, 2Lt Beth Capon. In the first two months, 40 soldiers rotated through the IRG delivering more than 2,650,000 items of PPE across northern England and Scotland. As the local commander, it was her responsibility to manage, co-ordinate and oversee the effective and successful distribution of PPE to various hospitals and health trusts. She explains: “Orders were received from the 101 Logistic Brigade Operations Cell, in Aldershot. I conducted daily, hasty, planning cycles to allocate resources (people and vehicles) to task before the team headed out. We were working with immediate notice to effect and therefore planning had to be rapid and precise.” 2Lt Capon says: “By trade, the IRG (N) team were Driver Tank Transporter Operators. Routinely operating the largest vehicle in the military fleet (the Heavy Equipment Transporter), Op RESCRIPT required them to quickly adapt to different vehicles. We are fortunate to have the School of Tank Transporting in Bulford, which worked tirelessly to train the team to operate the curtain sided articulated lorries, which enabled us to transport up to 26 pallets of PPE per vehicle to the parts of the NHS where it was most needed. “To ensure the NHS remained suitably protected, our resupply was required at any time of the day and night, so there is no discernible routine. Consequently, adaptability was key to many resupply plans. We worked around irregular sleep patterns and much was asked of the soldiers, utilising their resourcefulness as they could be expected to drive up to 400 miles on one resupply loop. Constantly on the road, the largest number of tasks in a 24-hour period were resupplies to 16 different locations across the United Kingdom. Maintaining morale has also been crucial, delivered through well executed socially distanced, group activities. Adherence to core values and preserving a sense of humour, I believe we lived up to the Royal Logistic Corps motto, We Sustain. “It is a great privilege to serve as a junior commander in this highly professional unit. Working within IRG (N) has required a great deal of commitment and indeed flexibility on both my part and that of the soldiers. It has been a superb opportunity for me to gain knowledge and understanding of a real-time logistic operation and I have thoroughly enjoyed the demanding environment; especially at such an early stage of my career.”

8 Oshkosh to Merc - The tank transporters deliver PPE

8 The RLC's deployment was immediate

8 For many on Op RESCRIPT, Reserves Training Centres became home

At the same time as a huge demand for PPE came from Hospital Trusts, liaising cross-government and with local authorities across England, his team directed the sourcing, provision, storage, delivery and stock management of all PPE for the social care sector. This has been no mean feat given there are over 200 local authorities each managing in excess of 39,000 social care outlets. By early June, the systems that he assisted to put in to place have seen the successful delivery 114 million items of PPE to those who need it most. Another individual who proudly contributed to the Op RESCRIPT effort is SSgt Gray of 74 HQ Sqn. He worked at the Community Resilience Hub within Swindon Borough Council as a military planner. The Community Resilience Hub is responsible for providing support regarding food and medication matters to the local community as well as providing wellbeing support to those who need it most within the Borough. SSgt Gray’s role has now moved to assisting with the planning of Swindon Council’s recovery from the COVID-19. It has been a worthwhile few months for SSgt Gray, who has been able to enact real change at local council level.


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#BritishArmyLogistics Following the Engineer and Logistic Staff Corps’ work to aid the creation of the NHS Nightingale hospitals, according to its Deputy Director, Logistic Advisory Group, Lt Col Tim Brent, it was described as ‘probably the greatest military unit you’ve never heard of’. ELSC (The Engineer and Logistic Staff Corps, Royal Engineers (V)) was stood up in support of the military’s COVID-19 Support Force. A sub-unit of 77 Brigade, ELSC’s key skills are twofold. Its membership brings a wealth of knowledge from several industry sectors and also provides the military with a direct link to a vast network throughout industry, with an understanding of industry’s abilities and capabilities and brings an authentic view to an operation. Part of its role during the initial months of the COVID-19 outbreak, was to bring to bear some of the great minds from the logistics and supply chain and infrastructure sectors to overcome numerous challenges. Other responsibilities included aiding in the build of the NHS Nightingale hospitals and to improve and develop the ongoing supply issues experienced early on in the pandemic. Lt Col Tim Brent explains: “I was at the central hub at NHS England. My role was to understand the issues, to reach into industry and effect at pace, the build of the Nightingales and associated supply issues. In the Infrastructure space, we supported the Royal Engineers, Army Medical Services and the Army’s medical logisticians [84 MSS Sqn RLC] at all the Nightingale locations. In the logistics operations, I was able to draw upon a strong team of experts to support the 101 Logistic Brigade team, led by Brigadier Phil Prosser, which provides coordination for the supply of PPE. This team included Major Neil Ashworth (ex-supply chain director for Tesco), Major Chris Howe (former operations procurement director, Heathrow Airport) and Major Simon Gee, a supply chain transformation specialist. They were crucial in identifying how the supply chains worked and helped to identify any speed humps, before they appeared,” he says.


The Engineer and Logistic Staff Corps: The greatest military unit you’ve never heard of!

“The distribution of PPE and key NHS supply is ongoing. It is still being co-ordinated by the 101 Bde team, who are doing a fantastic job reinforcing the PPE programme supply chain, working with Clipper Logistics and NHS Supply Chain. 102 Logistic Brigade has been instrumental in the setting up and running of Mobile Test Units. This was an exemplary job that was organised very quickly. They came up with a template of what these units should look like and supporting DHSC, co-ordinated their movements nationwide. The key things the military brought to the table were the ability to command, control and co-ordinate

8 The ELSC supported 101 Log Bde’s national PPE distribution effort and 102 Log Bde in setting up mobile COVID-19 testing units

8 CO ELSC , Col Gary Sullivan, briefs HRH The Princess Royal on his unit’s role during Op RESCRIPT

distribution on a national scale. That’s what the Army’s logisticians are really good at.” Speed of response and scale made it a massive task. Lt Col Brent continues: “Firstly it came upon us very quickly. We were parachuting people into place very quickly and had to get up to speed within hours rather than days or weeks. Secondly, the infrastructure available at the start had only been set up to deliver to the NHS Trusts in a business-as-usual way and this was anything but. It cascaded at a massive rate. “To witness the efforts at the ExCel was awesome, humbling and sad in equal measure. The scale of the task, achieved in such a short period of time, was incredible. So many people came forward with offers of help and the efforts made by so many was truly humbling. And then to realise why it was being built so quickly was a very sobering thought. I think the military response to the pandemic has been a huge success, with a true Whole Force Approach of multiple government departments, the military and industry working together to achieve a common goal.”

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By Lt George Barnes RLC A team of specialists from 9 Regiment RLC helped to achieve a world first. Turning a one-kilometre long London exhibition centre into a 3,500 ventilated-bed intensive care hospital in nine days. 9 Regt RLC deployed a team of 13 from 84 Medical Supply Sqn (MSS) to support the building of NHS Nightingale in London. The national importance of the operation and the significant time pressure presented a truly unique challenge to the Sqn. The 84MSS team, led by OC Maj Alex Glass, provided specialist medical logistic advice to the development of the internal processes and priority materiel locations – expected to process 500 pallets of stock per day. Racing against the clock to prepare the facility to receive patients, the team quickly set to work to ensure the efficient supply of medical items through the external storage locations and forward into the clinical areas at the point of need. The team accounted for and processed a huge amount of consumable materiel in a very short space of time to ensure that the project remained on track to meet the Government’s timeframe. This task required a significant level of co-ordination with both the NHS and numerous civilian contractors and the team were able to provide invaluable support to all agencies involved. Concurrently, members of the team were using their experience, specialist knowledge and expertise in the development a bespoke MedLog process for the NHS that could be operated at pace by civilian contractors not used to supporting medical establishments. This process was key to ensure the efficient flow of medical consumables to those on the NHS wards. The 84MSS team also included specialist RAMC personnel who assisted in the development of a large-scale pharmacy capable of processing and issuing pharmaceuticals for up to 4,000 patients. The small team, under the direction of Sgt Riley Piesse-Mills, developed an internal process to receive, move and issue large 32


NHS Nightingale

quantities of controlled and accountable drugs. Further support to the COVID-19 pandemic was provided by individuals augmented to the Welsh Blood Service (WBS) and DE&S. Under the command of 160 Bde, Lt Sam Long provided staff support and additional planning horsepower, focusing on the WBS supply chain to ensure capacity for donor collections could still meet the demand in Welsh hospitals. As part of DE&S, WO2 Baz Nicol provided SME input to the analysis and provision of key critical materiel. The 84MSS team was highly praised for the incredible amount of support it provided across a wide spectrum to a challenging national crisis. Their deployment is a great example of what can be achieved in a short period of time when government agencies and civilian contractors work together in pursuit of a single goal. The Sustainer asked the clinical director of the NHS Nightingale project, Professor James Calder, to comment about what the Army and RLC brought to the project. He said: “It was crucial to be able to rely upon the military’s organisational skills. They were able to appraise situations very quickly, assess what

8 The team processed hundreds of pallets every day in support of NHS Nightingale, London

was going to stop progress and what was going to make the project work and anticipate the key areas that would need addressing so they didn’t fail. We had some interesting discussions. A field hospital with a 4,000-bed intensive care unit with 3,500 ventilated beds had never been done before, anywhere in the world. A 500-bed ventilated unit would have been very difficult and to have the military come in with their experience of austere environments and the ability to quickly identify where things had the potential of breaking was crucial to the project. For example, we needed to know, as we go up from one ward of 47 beds, to 250 beds to 500 beds, and so on, at what point will the logistics needed to support the number of beds, be unable to sustain them? Where will this failure happen? What do we need to do to prevent it happening? On operations, this is what the military has been doing for hundreds of years, so its approach and experience of the logistical challenges was incredibly useful, and we were very appreciative of its support.”

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#BritishArmyLogistics The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) is the longest running UN Peacekeeping mission to date. In June 2019, with members of the 27 Regiment RLC augmented by 14 other Regular and Reserve units, the Regt began PreDeployment Training (PDT); largely focusing on patrolling and public order skills. This was an exciting period for all involved, with many experiencing the thrills of large public order demonstrations for the first time. The Regt deployed in September and took over from 4 Regiment RA, before being officially transferred authority as the Sector 2 United Nations Roulement Regiment on 1 Oct 19. Engagement and liaison Engagement and liaison were the key to success throughout the tour. Key leader engagement and healthy respect for commanders enabled Sector 2 to reduce tensions and move part of the Cyprus problem forward. For Liaison Officers, the task quickly became one of negotiating the pitfalls of military, social, religious and historical sensitivities, while trying to convey the terms of the ceasefire agreement. Formal means of liaison were regularly complemented by innovative ways to communicate and influence such as dinner nights and informal sporting events. Dinner nights held at Ledra Palace Hotel for the opposing forces, presented a rare opportunity for senior commanders to gather under the same roof. A first in UN history. Operations Company 91 Sqn soldiers, alongside attached personnel from 154 and 156 Regts formed Ops Coy. Its main role was to preserve the integrity and security of the Buffer Zone in Sector 2, which extends for 30km across Nicosia. Five two-person, five-hour vehicle, bicycle and foot patrols were conducted per day. With patrols made up of junior commanders, this provided an excellent opportunity to develop leadership. These patrols also tested the soft skills learnt. Ops Coy soldiers were effectively ‘soldierdiplomats’ whilst on patrol, armed with cultural awareness and negotiation skills; preventing



military and civilian violations from occurring at the lowest level. Mobile Force Reserve 8 Sqn soldiers formed the Mobile Force Reserve (MFR). Constantly at High Readiness, the MFR needed to be familiar with the entirety of the Buffer Zone, in order to react at short notice to any incident. The public order training proved important, as the MFR was forward mounted a total of six times in response to incidents in Nicosia. Located on Blue Beret Camp alongside UNFICYP HQ, the MFR had the opportunity to work with a mix of nationalities on a daily basis. This provided a great insight into the way in which other armies operate and helped form international friendships. VIP visits were also a frequent occurrence and MFR soldiers formed honour guards including for the Minister for the Armed Forces, the Irish President and High Commissioner of India. Opportunities Those deployed were fortunate to have access to the TOSCA Regimental Adventurous Training Team (TRATT) to conduct AT. The team, made up of personnel from the Regt, delivered foundation qualifications to the entire deployed force, in either Mountain Biking,

Rock Climbing or Sea Kayaking. Outside of working hours, members of the Regt kept themselves busy organising several sporting events. There were many charity events and the Sector Civil Affairs Military Liaison team planned and executed a Wolf Pack challenge consisting of a 75Km run through the Buffer Zone, a 95km mountain bike ride from Dhekelia to Episkopi and a 200km road cycle over the Troodos mountains raising over £3,800 for charity. The Regimental Rugby Team was also able to compete in a National Rugby League, W-6 L-2, which culminated in an international fixture against the Cypriot national side. Unprecedented times With the arrival of coronavirus in Europe, unease and tension spread across Cyprus. These tensions were heightened further in March with the decision to close vital crossing points between the North and the South of the island; this was the first-time crossings had been closed since 2003. The result was weeks of protests across Nicosia, some of which became violent. Personnel from both Ops Coy and MFR were front and centre for the UN mission, donning PPE and ensuring safety of the sides and the integrity of the Buffer Zone was maintained.

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Industrial placements for RLC Petroleum Operators - The World Fuel Services (WFS) experience

As an RLC trade with restricted peace-time opportunities, any experience to conduct real-time planning and/or live fuel operations is extremely valuable. Industrial placements offer the opportunity for knowledge transfer and the study of commercial techniques against which military technical doctrine can be benchmarked. It also instils individual confidence in technical understanding whilst enhancing skills. Placements routinely last between four to six weeks and are focused on individual key competencies, skills, and specific areas of interest. The stimulus for individuals is to experience the behaviour of a commercial organisation and share these with trade colleagues in the military workplace. As well as developing generic functional skills, placements focus on particular strengths of individuals and identify areas for development. This ‘professional orientation’ creates CPD opportunities which ultimately benefit the trade. Enhanced technical competence in procedural and equipment areas also offer a unique insight into managing COTS systems, a vital and growing area in the provision of military fuel support. This exposure to commercial operating regimes is proving invaluable for trade personnel who experience how risk is managed, both in terms of Healthy and Safety and commercial considerations - an experience that can rarely be replicated in the military environment. In January 2020, a joint initiative 34

between The RLC Foundation and WFS provided the opportunity for WO1 Baynham and WO2 Stewart to conduct a four-week industry placement with WFS Global Physical Operations. The selection for the placement involved sending the participants’ CVs to WO1 Franks, the Command Pet WO who forwarded them to WFS. A rigorous interview with senior management at WFS in London followed. This allowed the participants to understand the interview process and gain important and constructive feedback regarding their CVs and how the individuals came across during the interview. On completion of this process, WFS confirmed through their suitability and an industry placement offer was made. Week one started at WFS offices in London, to gain an understanding of WFS, particularly what they are currently doing globally and their vision for the future, connected to subsidiary businesses such as Nordic Camp Supply Fuel (known to many in Afghanistan) and the energy management advisory service of WFS Kinect. Week two with Watson fuels enabled the Pet Ops to deepen their understanding of land operations from both a management and operator perspective. The time also included an insight into procurement, storage and physical delivery of various ground fuels to both domestic and commercial customers in southern England. Week three covered the aviation business, starting with depot storage operations and quality assurance. There was also the

8 L-R: WO2 Stewart and WO1 Baynham presenting the 66 Sqn history. WO2 Stewart refueling an Airbus 380 at Birmingham Airport. WO2 Stewart conducting a shell water detector test. WO2 Stewart at Luton Airport

chance to conduct re-fuelling of aircraft at Luton and Birmingham airports. Back in London, week four included sessions with Marine Operations and Austere & Remote Operations. The placement concluded with individual research project presentations to the senior members of the management team. As a mark of appreciation for the opportunity to conduct the placement, a gift of the framed history of 66 Fuel and General Transport Sqn RLC was presented to Peter Edwards, Senior VP Global Physical Ops. WO1 Baynham said: “The placement provides an invaluable industry perspective of the difficulties and challenges of procurement, storage and physical delivery of fuel across a complex global network. On reflection, the knowledge, experience and competences that I have gained over my military service in the areas of command, leadership and management of fuels, resources and personnel map over very well to the commercial needs as there are lots of synergies between civilian industry and the MOD which I believe offer great opportunities.” The opportunity to provide military personnel with industry knowledge and experience from one of the world’s leading fuel businesses, World Fuel Services, will continue.

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#BritishArmyLogistics The Royal Logistic Corps Foundation exists to foster the relationship between The RLC, industry and academia; sharing best practice, knowledge and mutual understanding amongst logistics professionals. Our theme for 2020 was to embrace “the Global Supply Chain; and what are the implications for commercial and military logisticians?” How could we have ever imagined the ‘global’ challenges that were about to unfold just five months ago, when we chose this theme. Coronavirus has caused severe disruption to the Foundation events programme in the short term, with four events having to be postponed until next year. We are however, still planning to run three events in September, October and November, subject to social distancing restrictions at that time. 13 AASR – Military planning event On 10 Sep, 13 Air Assault Support Regiment will host a military planning exercise for corporate partners to demonstrate the Combat Estimate and how the orders process works within an operational scenario. This command post exercise will take place against the backdrop of an operational field


The RLC Foundation

headquarters. Corporate members will actively take part in mission planning analysis and will be mentored throughout by regimental staff officers. Post-COVID crisis event On 13 Oct, the RLC Foundation will host a Post-COVID crisis event at Tidworth Theatre, Wiltshire. The event would seek to have a combination of military and commercial company speakers to share their experiences of planning

8 The RLC Foundation Awards 2020 is planned to take place 4 Nov 20

and execution of logistic operations during the crisis. We also hope to get NHS operational staff who were directly involved in the setting up of the Nightingale hospitals to come along, to explain the many challenges that they faced along the way. The RLC Foundation Awards The annual RLC Foundation Awards Dinner is to be held on 4 Nov at the Officers Mess, The Duke of Gloucester Barracks, South Cerney. There will be eight awards presented on the night and award nominations are required to be submitted to rlcfwoods@gmail.com by 31 Aug. For further information about the awards process, contact your unit direct. The RLC Foundation Book Club has recently been launched and is supported by MGL’s recommended Professional Reading List. For those wishing to improve their professional knowledge and communication skills visit us at: www.rlcfoundation.com Join us for discussion in our new LinkedIn group - RLC Foundation Moot. The RLC Foundation contacts: Alan Woods: rlcfwoods@gmail.com Chrissie Ross: therlcfoundation@gmail.com 8 13 AASR Military Planning event

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MGL’s Professional Reading List

The RLC has proven its high level of professionalism over more than two and a half decades of service.This professionalism has been sustained across numerous operational theatres and consistently in support of MACA tasks.To ensure that we continue to deliver this effect, extensive training, both individual and collective, combined with hard won experience has proven vital. Designed to augment this effect, the MGL Reading List has been specifically devised to enhance the RLC’s professionalism.The initial list offers a potential baseline of eclectic knowledge, ranging from politics and international relations through numerous campaign studies to analysis of the latest innovations in global logistics. The list offers a number of advantages. Created by the RLC Foundation, it is inexpensive to maintain, offers all ranks the opportunity to contribute to its composition, whilst tendering an entry level format for those wishing to embark on a programme of selfstudy whose tempo is solely dictated by the reader.Whether it is possible to predict the future by studying either the past or the present is debatable, but as Max Boot has stated, ‘the past is an uncertain guide to the future, but it is the only one we have’ and as Douglas Smith asserts, ‘we judge the unknown to be unlikely’. My aim is to ensure that however challenging the future may prove to be, or whatever the unknowns, every opportunity is offered to all members of the RLC to maintain and improve their 36

professionalism through focused reading. The full reading list can be found at www.rlcfoundation.com To launch the list, a discussion opportunity is being offered on the RLC Foundation LinkedIn page RLC Foundation Moot. I welcome your views on its current contents and potential enhancements. To aid the RLC Foundation maintain the list, I encourage your contributions, especially those of you who are thinking of volunteering to review books and/or journals that may subsequently be entered into the Foundation’s growing pending catalogue. Lt Gen Sir Mark Poffley KCB OBE Book reviews The Liberation Trilogy – An Army at Dawn (1942-1943),The Day of Battle (1943-1944) and The Guns at Last Light (1944-1945) by Rick Atkinson. At circa 1,800 total pages, you might think that these books represent painful WW2 attritional reading – think again. Every book of the US military’s role in the liberation of Europe is superbly written, a page turner in every sense. Generally described as ‘narrative history,’ the books are an easy read, full of what first appears to be superfluous detail, which is then cleverly wrapped together to present a vivid picture of debilitating combat. It is unlikely that even readers with a thorough knowledge of WW2, will recognise some of the detailed research which Atkinson has uncovered. In addition,

the trilogy is one of the few offerings from general booksellers which actually contains significant amounts of logistic considerations. Atkinson tells the story from several levels, from executive command and the consequences of their decision making, to those fighting the contact battles. As one US general explains, ‘history with a soldier’s face’.Whilst the narrative is easy to read, there are no compromises made on accuracy and each book contains clear maps (although not in colour – even in hardback), which allows the campaigns to be followed without referring to additional diagrams. Perhaps the reason that these books are so readable is largely due to the author’s background; Atkinson’s writing pedigree is steeped in journalism rather than as an academic. For twenty-five years he worked for the majority of the time as an investigative journalist for the Washington Post. His first book in the trilogy won the Pulitzer Prize for history but he actually has three Pulitzers, his first two for reporting. If you are about to embark on a six-month+ tour, are dislocated from your normal post for any reason, or wish to obtain an understanding of broad campaign analysis and effects, then any one of these books is worth a read.Whilst you do not have to start at, ‘The Army at Dawn’, it does stand out as the best of the bunch and after completion, you are one-third of the way to a better understanding of the history of the last total war.

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Museum Musings By Maj (Retd) Simon Walmsley Director, The Royal Logistic Corps Museum

VE Day to BAOR and NATO Before the VE Day celebrations in 1945 had finished, conferences were held to decide the future of Germany. The Yalta and Potsdam conferences, attended by Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill and Stalin, decreed that Germany would be spilt into four zones, each controlled by Britain, France, USA and Russia. The capital city of Berlin, which sat in the Russian zone, was also to be split into four sectors, connected by a series of road, rail, canal and air corridors. In 1948/9, the Russians closed the corridors to Berlin (except the air corridor), claiming essential maintenance work was required. The Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) Air Despatch teams, along with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC), assisted during Operation PLAINFARE (the Berlin Airlift) when the city was supplied solely by air for nearly 12 months. As a result, large quantities of food were stockpiled in Berlin and before it expired, was either issued or sold to the service families under the Families Rations Issue Supplement (FRIS) scheme. The main British fighting unit in Germany at the end of the war was 21st Army Group, led by Field Marshall Montgomery. Initially called the ‘British Liberation Army’, it soon changed its name to ‘British Army of the Rhine’ (BAOR). Four years after the formation of BAOR, to counter an increasing threat from an expanding Soviet force, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was formed; a formation which was instrumental in keeping BAOR going for so long and British soldiers stationed in Germany. In 1949, the first secretary of NATO is quoted as saying its purpose was, "to keep the Russians

out, the Americans in, and the Germans down". However, what NATO achieved was to change a static Army of occupation with only two divisions, into a field force unit with four divisions. BAOR expanded to meet its NATO commitments, establishing a large swathe of barracks, logistic depots and other facilities across Northern Germany. Joining NATO also led to other changes in the British Army. Fighting as a part of a coalition meant that ammunition was better shared if it was standardised, codification of supplies using NATO Stock Numbers (NSNs) was introduced and publications called STANAGS led to common operating procedures. BAOR lasted for nearly 50 years and a significant number of soldiers from the RLC Forming Corps served in Germany, with many marrying locals and settling there. British schools, churches, housing estates and other facilities catered for the needs of soldiers and their families. However, life in BAOR was not all

8 Children of Berlin waving at a candy bomber flying as part of Operation Little Vittles during the Berlin Airlift

easy living and German beer; this was the period of the Cold War, when a Soviet attack was expected at any time. Constant rapid deployment drills rehearsed the Army moving to its pre-deployment positions and large-scale reinforcement exercises prepared the movement of troops from the UK to Germany. Many BAOR veterans still feel aggrieved that a BAOR medal was never issued to mark their time in Germany. At the start of BAOR, the British Army employed displaced people who were stranded in Germany, including many former Polish soldiers who did not wish to return to a Soviet controlled Poland. Called Mixed Services Organisations (MSO), they formed a very close working relationship with the British Army and were employed in roles such as tank transporter drivers and labourers. The Royal Pioneer Corps Civil Labour Units employed thousands of German Nationals to work on the British bases and in the RAOC depots that were providing fuel, ammunition, general stores and vehicles. These sites kept BAOR supplied and held the War Maintenance Reserves (WMR) required to put the Army into the field. The story of BAOR, including the Berlin Airlift and other aspects of the RLC and its forming Corps in Germany, will be told in the new RLC Museum opening in April 2021 at Worthy Down, Winchester. 8 A family guide issued in preparation for a posting to Germany

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THE SUSTAINER | VE DAY 8 May 1945 was a momentous day in European history. Across the world, millions celebrated Allied Victory in Europe and rejoiced in the news that, after nearly six years of war, Germany had surrendered. The Second World War had cost the lives of millions; destroying families, cities and bringing with it a long period of suffering to entire populations. Victory in Europe (VE) Day saw people across the world celebrate, relieved that the extreme burden of this theatre of war was finally over. However, VE Day did not signal an end to the conflict of World War Two, nor was it an end to the huge impact that the war had on people. What VE Day did mark was the beginning of the political, economic and physical rebuilding of Europe. Often, when we now look back to the end of the Second World War, we rarely put our minds to what happened next. In reality, the immediate interval after 8 May 1945 was just the start of a long and difficult process of rehabilitation across the continent. Allied servicemen found themselves being redeployed outside of Europe (where fighting would continue for months) and also mobilised within Europe to start the rebuilding efforts. These servicemen included those serving in corps that later formed The Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) - and their undertakings to support work to solve international problems of economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian character should be highlighted. Such tasks established as part of the United Nations Charter on 26 June 1945 were many and varied; from the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, to the disposal of ammunition. Shortly before VE Day 1945, on 15 April, Bergen Belsen was liberated by the British 11th Armoured Division. The soldiers were confronted with over 60,000 emaciated prisoners who were in desperate need of medical attention, food and water. Their first priorities were to contain the spread of disease, bury the dead, restore water supplies and arrange for the distribution of food. Coverings for bodies were provided and a proper registration program was organised. 38


75 years on - but did the War in Europe really end on VE Day? An insight into the involvement and impact of the forming Corps of the Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) in post-war Europe by Katherine Lack

Additional military and civilian medical support was called upon to support the relief effort to help the British who faced significant challenges in responding to the crisis. One role taken on in this operation by soldiers in the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) was the delivery of British hygiene goods. Major C.R. Thompson, M.C. of the RASC wrote of his experience at Belsen: “I was immediately sent to a room nearby to be treated with insecticide. I was stripped completely and men of the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) sprayed my body with that now famous powder, A.L.63. On completion, I dressed and prepared to deliver my goods into the concentration camp. “I visited a cookhouse controlled by a British Army sergeant. He was issuing good hot food, strictly rationed and controlled. A British mobile bath unit was already in operation, hot water and soap

8 British soldiers monitor the distribution of food to camp inmates in Bergen-Belsen

being freely given. Many of the women were taking advantage of it. Ablution and sanitation facilities never before existed in Belsen, water being a luxury commodity, for drinking only and strictly rationed at that.” Also involved in this vast operation were serving soldiers of the Royal Pioneer Corps (RPC). Corporal Bernard Elliott of 8 Royal Pioneer Corps Group HQ wrote of his experience at Belsen: “The smell and desolation surrounding the camp was overwhelming. The Commanding Officer rounded up all the officials and wealthy people of Belsen and set them to work caring for the sick and dying and burying the dead.” (WW2, People’s War, 2014) In May 1945, Colonel Karol Ziemski formed Polish Auxiliary Units made up from Prisoners of

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#BritishArmyLogistics War, refugees, forced labourers and conscripts who were initially used to guard captured German armour. By the time the Mixed Service Organisation (MSO) was formed in 1947, the tasks of the Auxiliary Units had expanded, including efforts to move Allied and German armour throughout Germany. The MSO trained with British recruits, gaining qualifications and driving licences to drive the British Tank Transporters in their role of the recovery and clearance of armour. A clear highlight during this period was their considerable involvement in the Berlin Airlift of 1948 which saw a total of 277,569 British and American flights deliver food, fuel and other supplies to the annexed city. In May 1948, the MSO were officially designated as Tank Transporters and they joined 15 Company Royal Army Service Corps as 317 Unit MSO and 312 Unit MSO. When the Royal Corps of Transport (RCT) was formed in 1965, 7 Tank Transporter Regiment took command of both sub-units and a further two troops of British soldiers. The sub-units were eventually re-named 617 Tank Transporter Squadron and 16 Tank Transporter Squadron. Additionally, we also know that a crucial task undertaken by the Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC) in the wake of the war was the disposal of ammunition. ROAC Units were heavily involved in clearing ammunition from Germany’s former depots, as well as clearing live devices still in the battlefield. At home, the RAOC focused on the disposing of a vast amount of surplus stock from depots and returning, in good order, areas of land that has been requisitioned for the war. One site involved was the land around Garendon House in Leicestershire, which during the war was occupied by Number 32 Ammunition SubDepot and primarily used for the storage of munitions including small arms ammunition, artillery shells, grenades and gas shells. After the war, the site was heavily involved in RAOC operations to recover all of the ordnance and either put it back into service, recycle, or dispose of it - with hundreds of tons being destroyed by controlled explosions.


8 Crowds gather to witness the destruction of the last hut at Bergen-Belsen, set alight by a British flamethrower two days after the camp was evacuated

8 An Army serviceman at one of RAOC Army Demobilisation Centres

Moreover, the RAOC also had a substantial involvement in one of the British Government’s greatest post-war challenges; the British Army demobilisation process. The process began on 18 June 1945, approximately six weeks after VE Day and the RAOC were tasked with running the Army Demobilisation Centres across the country. The operation set out to release service men and women from the Armed Forces, whilst helping them to re-settle into civilian life. The procedure followed

that of a phased process with most being released according to their age and length of service, however a small number of ‘key men’, whose occupational skills were essential to post-war reconstruction efforts, were released ahead of their turn. A demobilisation grant was received, along with the infamous ‘demob suit’, as many no longer had their own clothes after spending years in uniform. Clothing rationing and the need for a large quantity of coupons also meant that it was not possible to buy a suit or clothing from a shop. Without a doubt, the Forming Corps of the RLC played a key role in the reconstruction of post-war Europe after VE Day. That memorable day was (to paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill) ‘the beginning of the end’ of what proved to be a long and strenuous rebuilding process to reconstruct and reconcile Europe. It is clear that we owe much of the success and strength of The RLC today to the Forming Corps and their efforts in this immense and highly taxing period of British history. It is these efforts, along with the endeavours of all those involved, that we celebrated on this 75th anniversary of VE Day. 8 WW2 People's War 2014, My life in the Royal Pioneer Corps, BBC, accessed 29 April 2020, https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ ww2peopleswar/stories/41/ a7138541.shtml

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Friday 8 May 2020 marked the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day. Despite COVID-19 restrictions causing many events to be cancelled, RLC Units across the country stepped up to celebrate the occasion in their own unique ways. Events were held all over, from gruelling (socially distanced) PT sessions to the cooking of wartime recipes. On the eve of VE Day 75, Padre Hannah Buke of 4 Regt RLC held a socially distanced service to remember and celebrate all those who served and assisted in obtaining Victory in Europe. Reading at the service was Pte Aaron Johnmorris40

Oldfield, whose Great Grandparents served in the Armed Forces during World War Two. In his reading, he paid tribute to those who kept the home fires burning, commenting that, without them, the war effort would not have been what it was. In a similar fashion, on VE Day itself, Padre Kevin Jones of 3 Regt RLC helped us to remember and honour those that contributed to Victory in Europe with his field service that was posted on the Regt’s Facebook page. As well as this, both 3 Regt and 1 Regt RLC created videos that were included in the Oxfordshire Civilian Partnership VE Day commemorative video.

Taking a different stance on the celebration of this historical day was 63 Sqn of 13 Air Assault Support Regt RLC, who went the distance to mark the anniversary and at the same time support causes close to its heart. It staged a 75-hour triathlon at Merville Barracks, Colchester to raise money for Colchester Foodbank and the Airborne Museum at Hartenstein. Starting at 8am on Tuesday morning (5 May), soldiers took one-hour slots on an exercise bike, rowing machine or running, which they kept going all the way through to

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11am on Friday (8 May). At the end of the 75 hours, the soldiers gathered for a socially distanced observation of the national two-minute silence. Moreover, 9 Regt RLC completed a virtual PT session as part of the #RLC75Challenge, which saw serving personnel complete an exhausting workout streamed live from their Facebook page. Similarly, 36 Sqn of 10 QOGLR also took part in a VE Day 75 PT Challenge. Soldiers and their families ran, walked or cycled 7.5km to raise funds for the QOGLR Trust and a local NHS Charity.

Furthermore, 6 Regt RLC took part in the BBC’s #GreatBritishBunting initiative that saw serving personnel, their families and friends creating VE Day inspired bunting and displaying it on the patch. The RLC’s Reserve Regiments also marked the day with a variety of resourceful activities. The Chefs of 167 Catering Support Regt RLC created and shared online videos of their favourite World War Two Wartime recipes, including the Federation of Bakers’ national loaf, rabbit stew, ration book orange drop cookies and carrot cake. Additionally, 151 Regt RLC created a collage of 75 images from the Regimental history as a tribute to the

vital contributions made by the British Army during the war, including deployment as part of the British Expeditionary Force. 157 Regt RLC and 165 Regt RLC posted tribute videos on their Facebook pages marking the Nation’s Toast that took place at 1500 on 8 May. The fantastic efforts of these units, as well as several others within the Corps, made sure that despite the unpredictable events of the pandemic causing a change of plans, the significant 75th VE Day anniversary was marked and respect paid to those who served, supported and sacrificed to achieve Victory in Europe on that historic day in 1945.

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1 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps BICESTER CO: Lt Col H Cook • Adjt: Capt E Thompson • RSM: WO1 A Parker All personnel in 1 Regiment RLC hope that you and your family are safe and well during these challenging times. Prior to dispersed working, 1 Regt RLC provided support to Ex TIMBER TRUSS and conducted a battlefield study to Belgium. Since the onset of the pandemic, the Regt has supported Op RESCRIPT in numerous guises and has explored novel ways of working whilst dispersed. Ex TIMBER TRUSS 2 Close Support Squadron had the pleasure of supporting the spring term’s Ex TIMBER TRUSS, a confirmation exercise for troop commanders at the culmination of their Phase 2 training. The exercise saw the Sqn provide 30 vehicles and 80 soldiers for the week-long exercise on Salisbury Plain. It was a fantastic opportunity for the Troop Commanders to get to grips with life in the RLC, confirming classroom taught Standard Operating Procedures and developing their trade specialist skills. It also offered our soldiers an excellent opportunity to showcase their driving skills over what proved to be difficult terrain due to some challenging weather conditions! Ex RHINO BULGE In March, 45 members of the Regt deployed to Bastogne on Ex RHINO BULGE, a battlefield study to Belgium which focused on the contribution of Comat Service Support in the Battle of the Bulge, 1944-1945. The exercise focussed on exploring STRIKE Combat Service Support concept development and gave those deployed the opportunity to remember the sacrifices made 75 years ago. Syndicates with a rank range of Private to Major answered questions on communications, agile logistics, Prisoner of War handling and mission command. It was an excellent opportunity for all ranks to learn important lessons from history 42

on what is required to support an advancing force over extended lines of communication. Special thanks must go to our excellent academic, Steve Williams, who brought the battlefields to life and to 23 General Support Squadron for organising the exercise. Dispersed working Since the introduction of dispersed working practices, the Regt has quickly adapted to working at reach through the use of technology and innovative thinking from our young officers and SNCOs. 12 Close Support Sqn has focused on the exploration of 21st Century ways of working - looking at methods the Regt and wider Army could use to carry out much of its core business over virtual means, including MATTs, personal and professional development, as well as trade training. The Sqn even has a virtual battlefield study in the pipeline! It is hoped that these training tools will have enduring utility and will

8 Personnel deployed on the battlefield Study to Bastogne, Belgium, to study the Battle of the Bulge

contribute to making us a more flexible and innovative Army, even after we return to normality. Many in the Regt have supported charities during periods of dispersed working. A team of volunteers from Bicester have sacrificed their time to take part in a national project to feed NHS workers with food supplied by Tesco and a local company, Absolute Taste. The project involves a raft of local serving and ex-military members of the community, assisted by the Bicester Pioneer Association. Five members of the Regt have supported the project during this time. Pte Joe Hoole, Pte James Lovett and a team from 12 CS Sqn showed excellent initiative by organising a charity cycle from their individually dispersed locations which has raised over £1,100 for mental health charities during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, WO1 (RSM) Andrew Parker has collected MFO boxes of sports clothing and equipment from across the Regt to donate to the local schools surrounding BATUK. A huge well done to all of those who have donated their time and efforts to others during these challenging times. 8 Pte Jewell taking part in 12 Sqn’s dispersed charity cycle

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3 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps ABINGDON CO: Lt Col G Wincott • Adjt: Capt R Ritchie • RSM: WO1 G Millar COVID-19 has brought about a number of new challenges for all of us. Limitations on the lives we can lead and the type of work we are able to do has forced all elements of the country's workforce to become creative with how to maintain our outputs during these trying times. 3 Regiment RLC has leveraged the use of online capabilities, much the same as many civilian companies, to provide an immersive and complete as possible training package for soldiers, as they work from their homes. Combining weekly quizzes, study in the form of NVQs and trade courses, online MATTs tests and using software such as Zoom to provide demonstrations, soldiers have been able to achieve competency on ODR for every MATT bar 1 & 2 and have completed over 2,000 courses. These online activities have kept personnel engaged during a time where it is easy to feel distanced from the organisation and has endeavoured to keep that Army sense of competitiveness going at a time when the only sport available is watching England games at Euro 96! However, during this time the Regt cannot simply stop training – the training required to enable the Regt to support operations and the Vanguard Armoured Infantry

Brigade for the next 12 months cannot be provided by online resources alone. Using robust risk assessments and creative workarounds, the Regimental Training Wing leveraged a full LFTT package which was conducted in June in preparation for OP CABRIT ROTO 7, as well as vehicle training for newly arriving Combat Logisticians. This ensures that as the world emerges from COVID-19, the Regt is prepared to take on whatever challenges awaits and is fully trained across a myriad of vehicle platforms and ready to deploy into any given situation. This year saw the 75th anniversary of VE Day and the Regt thought it was extremely

8 3 RLC’s socially distanced VE Day PT Session

important to not only include the soldiers in commemorating such a momentous anniversary, but also families and friends. Abingdon Station families were invited to decorate the front of their houses with the winner receiving a gift voucher from the Station. The Regt was lucky enough to record a video message about VE day by Lt Shane Charles featured on BBC Oxford News, which can be viewed on the Regt’s Instagram and Facebook pages. The Padre also recorded a service to send out to all the soldiers and families and there was also a socially distanced PT session. Further challenges faced the Regt in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak when they were tasked under Op RESCRIPT to establish a new materiel account to support the Covid Response Force. Despite the challenges of strict social distancing and working with minimal manning, a team led by WO2 Bull, 21 Sqn, worked extremely hard to ensure the account was active as quickly as possible in order to support the operation. 8 Members of 21 Sqn receive the first inloads to a CA in support of Op RESCRIPT

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4 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps ABINGDON CO: Lt Col C Yates • Adjt: Capt S Kennedy • RSM: WO1 D Phillips 4 Regiment RLC has experienced a remarkably active period, preparing and deploying its personnel to respond to the nation’s needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. 4 Close Support (CS) Squadron’s 150th Birthday celebration welcomed back past and present members and their families to Abingdon, to celebrate a long and rich history. Lt Blackwood delivered a fantastic presentation on the Sqn: from its horse drawn beginning to being affiliated with a pub, throughout WW2. A buffet meal showcased the diversity of the subunit, with traditional Fijian, Caribbean, Pakistani and Nepalese dishes on offer. The day was made even more special by LCpl Ormesher being awarded a Conductor’s Coin for his amazing work with the vehicle fleet. In February, 2Lt Walker travelled to Nepal to begin the Survival Nepali Language Course in Pokhara. The intention of the course is not only to learn the Nepali language so that officers can communicate better with their soldiers, but to learn the Gurkha culture or, as it is more commonly referred to in the Brigade of Gurkhas, “Gurkha Kaida”. The students immersed themselves into Nepali culture by attending various cultural visits, including the famous Durbar Palace in Gorkha. The students also completed the infamous Doko Race in the foothills of the Himalayas, which is a brutal 5.8km climb uphill carrying 15kg in a traditional Nepali wicker basket. This year, 2Lt Walker broke the Doko course record with a time of 33 minutes 32 seconds; this exceptional performance is the first time a British officer has held the title. The following day, students were flown back to the UK due to the developing COVID-19 situation, but with 4 Regt firmly on the Doko honours board! Sports and AT A huge welcome back and congratulations to the Regimental 44

sports teams who participated in competitions – with much success – in Europe this winter. The Nordic team had a strong season, with LCpl Clack winning the Nordic Junior Male category and Lt Grieve winning the Nordic Novice Women’s category at Ex SKI RLC. The team also delivered a strong performance on Ex RUCKSACK with the women’s team finishing top for the patrol race. The novice snowboarding team saw success at the Army Championships, placing second overall and first at the RLC Championships. An amazing debut for all the novices, but notably LCpl Hendry must be acknowledged for ending the season with seven podium finishes over multiple disciplines. The Alpine team saw Pte Adu-Boahen win “Most Promising Novice” and Capt Baldwin winning the Combined Cup. In January, 60 Squadron QOGLR sent a team of cross-country runners to compete in the Army Cross Country Championships which took place on a wet and muddy course at Gibraltar Barracks, Minley. Fantastic performances from Pte Chabindra Gurung and Pte Sagar Rai were a great introduction to their XC career. 2Lt Walker came third overall and was selected to run for the Army at the Inter-Services Championships. Ex ALPINE EAGLE saw Lt Pearman take 36 soldiers and officers from across the Regt to Austria to deliver Ski Foundation One (SF1). They experienced

8 4 Regt held a socially distanced service to commemorate VE Day 75

glorious sunshine as well as difficult whiteouts making it a challenging course for all. Everyone was very enthusiastic and succeeded in developing themselves from complete novices into competent skiers by the end of the week. The second week was cut short so that the Regt could begin force generating for success on Op RESCRIPT. Op RESCRIPT The Regt has been heavily involved in the response to the pandemic and the Unit provided some of the first personnel to the COVID-19 task force. By the end of May, 4 Regt had contributed to 30% of all Op RESCRIPT MACA tasks from across the country. Despite commitments and the lockdown, the Regt managed to hold a socially distanced service to commemorate VE Day 75. Everything 4 Regt achieved during this period is testament to the Unit’s agility and the professionalism of its soldiers.

8 4 Regt contributed to 30% of all MACA

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6 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps DISHFORTH CO: Lt Col L A Green • Adjt: Capt T M Furlong • RSM: WO1 G Sumner

During a time of global uncertainty, 6 Regiment RLC has spent the last six months supporting exercises and operations, primarily Op RESCRIPT and Op BROADSHARE, whilst still maintaining their sporting success and fundraising for military and civilian causes. Ex WESSEX STORM The Regt deployed in February to Salisbury Plain as the Light Brigade Support Group in support of 7 Infantry Brigade on the final training exercise to ensure validation to CT4 ahead of readiness to command LBSG 20. Trialling a new concept, the Regt showed itself to be professional and adaptable, working in not one but two major storms and leading the way with fully commanding the ASP, something not usually done by exercising troops. VE 75 celebrations VE Day celebrations were a little different this year, instead of supporting local villages with their displays as planned, the Regt contributed to the #RLC75Challenge set by Corps HQ with the virtual doorstep challenge. Service Personnel were encouraged to decorate their front doors and gardens and send a picture to the 6

Regt Facebook page with a voluntary donation to ABF. SSgt Bellis of 64 Sqn also TABbed 75 kms around Dishforth airfield with full kit, the challenge lasted nearly 13 hours and he managed to raise over £1,000 for the ABF. Fundraising Sgt Heredia of 62 Sqn initiated the concept of raising money for the NHS through exercise. With soldiers dispersed throughout the UK during lockdown, the #6Regt6MileChallengeNHS was born. The challenge was to complete six miles by any means, by bike, running, a TAB or walking with your family. Once completed, that person would nominate six others to do the same and donate £6 to the NHS. It was hugely successful and inspired a lot of people to keep active. SSgt Young and LCpl Pepperell of 600 HQ Sqn spent 12 continuous hours climbing a cargo net in order to raise money for the NHS Critical Care Society. With their initial goal of reaching the same height as Mount Snowdon achieved after a few hours, they continued with their challenge and managed to climb and descend a staggering 6,624 metres and raised over £1,000. Finally, WO2 Asafo-Adjei and Sgt Maher organised for a team of 6 Regt soldiers to cycle the distance

8 The 6 Regt boxing victors from Dishforth Airfield to Worthy Down, the new Corps home, on watt bikes in the White Rose Shopping Centre in Leeds (pre COVID-19) in order to raise money for the ABF. Sport The highlight of any aspiring boxers’ career came in early March when 6 Regt hosted a boxing match challenging 7 Regiment RLC. With a selection of hard-fought bouts across a number of weight categories, 6 Regt were the victors. A big thank you to all the coaches and the rest of the team who put in a lot of time and effort into ensuring the night was a success. Also, to the sponsors for their contribution without whom the evening would not have been possible. Other sporting successes include 6 Regt being named Princess Marina Champions and the U23 Ladies team winning the Army Inter-Unit Cross Country Championships. SSgt (SSI) Young and Pte Tarus were selected to represent the Army Men’s Marathon Team and the cross-country season ended on a high with the Male team finishing as overall champions and the Female team finishing as overall runners up.

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7 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps COTTESMORE CO: Lt Col J Edwards • Adjt: Capt D Smith • RSM: WO1 A Newham 7 Regiment RLC has reacted well to the short notice tasks of Op RESCRIPT and has challenged how it operates in an untested environment. Along with all other RLC Units, 7 Regt has managed all its operational commitments and continues to do so. For our newer members of the Regt, it remains an unforeseen challenge in leadership and how one can manage a team at distance. Op RESCRIPT As part of the national reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, 7 Regt has been stood up to take part in Op RESCRIPT, the military’s official response to the virus. The extraordinary circumstances that the country faces have created a demand for a wide range of military support which the Regt has been keen to meet, whilst 9 Squadron has taken the lead as the Regt’s primary task squadron for the crisis. 9 Sqn has been busy with a multitude of different tasks associated with its commitment to Op RESCRIPT. As part of the Sqn’s responsibilities, a TIGER TEAM of Logistic Support Specialists was sent to assist the NHS East of England at their Command Centre in Cambridge. The team, led by WO2 Grantley with Sgt McAllister, LCpl La Mothe and LCpl Pawson, spent three weeks with the Logistic Supply Chain Management team. During this time, they conducted first line PPE holding reviews throughout the East of England, provisioning and DCR forecasting, as well as assessing how to efficiently deliver to primary care units and local communities in the short-term. The team drew praise from senior NHS managers and two Brigadiers who agreed that the team showed what highly proficient, well-led LSS soldiers can achieve. The crisis has seen the Sqn deploy across the country to collect scientific equipment from universities and laboratories, as well as delivering PPE. The rapid 46

8 The Covid-19 pandemic has seen 9 Sqn deploy across the country to collect scientific equipment from universities and laboratories and deliver PPE

response to tasks and willingness to help is a testament to the vigilance, determination and commitment of both the soldiers and HQ elements in the Sqn. Additionally, some of the Sqn’s tanker drivers have been redeployed to undergo specialist training, allowing them to deliver oxygen to the NHS in line with increased demand. Further to this, the Regt has seen several of its Troop Commanders and Senior NCOs detached as Military Liaison Officers (MLO) embedded in as MOD planners in

Local Resilience Forums (LRF). They have provided critical advice to local councils and agencies regarding the planning and execution of key services and functions during the crisis. Specifically, members of the Regt have been embedded into Logistic Cells within these LRFs to advise on best practice for accounting and distributing key resources such as PPE. These MLOs have proved extremely important to the local governments in supporting them to receive the aid they require. Look forward In summary, whether it is 9 Sqn leading the charge or the remainder of 7 Regt acting in a supporting role, the Unit has been extremely busy and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. The Regt is in its training year for its commitment to the Light Brigade Support Group and is starting to shape its team, output and prepare the Regt for another exciting year ahead.

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9 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps HULLAVINGTON CO: Lt Col J Brown • Adjt: Maj A Stahlmann • RSM: WO1 P Douglass In early 2020, 95 Supply Sqn deployed on Ex LION SUN 2. With the Sqn due to reform as 94 Sqn QOGLR in April, this represented the last major event undertaken before its re-designation. The exercise consisted of three phases: BCS, LFTT and AT. After spending 10 days in the field, the soldiers were treated to an extensive AT package which involved: rock climbing, mountain biking, mountaineering and even paddle boarding. With fantastic support provided by 27 Regt RLC’s Op TOSCA permanent staff and the JSATC at Dhekelia, many soldiers were qualified in several entry-level instructional courses. With the pillars of competence, confidence and cohesion firmly validated, Ex LION SUN 2 was a resounding success and a great example of the value of overseas training exercises. Ex DEFENDER 20 Deploying en-masse, 66 Fuel & General Transport Sqn were integral to supporting Ex DEFENDER 20; the largest deployment of US troops to Europe in over 25 years. The EPLS Troop distributed a great deal of US kit and equipment, travelling more than 10,000km in total. Other members were involved in running the Convoy Support Centres (CSCs), which were the vital support nodes to the both the US and UK personnel. With lines of communication stretching over 1,000km, CSCs were paramount to the success of Ex DEFENDER 20. Adventurous Training The members of the Regt that remained behind were kept busy during this period. The Training Wing outdid themselves, delivering an AT package in the heart of one of the UK’s most impressive natural World Heritage sites - the Jurassic Coast. Over 30 personnel accumulated experience in three disciplines: mountain biking, climbing and mountaineering. With

8 95 Sqn at Dhekelia Garrison on Ex LION SUN 2. This is the last group picture taken of the Sqn before the number was retired and reformed as 94 Sqn a helping hand from the British weather, the soldiers were challenged not only physically, but mentally. This AT package is clear proof that with some imagination, there are more places than just North Wales to organise useful and inexpensive AT. 94 Sqn QOGLR 23 Apr 20 was a momentous day in the Regt’s history. 95 Supply Sqn’s flag was lowered, bringing an end to 27 years as an RLC Sqn and the 94 Sqn QOGLR flag was raised once more. There was a mixture of excitement and new beginnings for the younger soldiers, with a sense of nostalgia

8 AT in the World Heritage site, the Jurassic Coast

for many who had served in 94 Sqn QOGLR’s previous iteration. Buckley Day An important annual event within the Regimental calendar is Buckley Day. Usually a host of activities would be on offer; the famous 'Ninja 9' physical competition, CO's cup presentation and a dinner night in the Combined Mess with VIPs including former COs and RSMs. This year, the Regt came together to celebrate virtually. A series of videos covering highlights from each Sqn were streamed on Facebook for the regimental family to enjoy. Most notable, was the “Delhi and Back Challenge”; the Unit worked as a team to walk, run and cycle a distance of over 8,000 miles in three days, covering the equivalent distance from Buckley Barracks to the spot where Conductor John Buckley VC gallantly fought to protect the ammunition storehouse during the Indian Mutiny of 1857. In just four months, 9 Regiment RLC has transitioned from conducting multiple exercises at scale across Europe, to the new challenges of dispersal. The Unit has strived to maintain readiness throughout, at times answering the call to support the NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many events were cancelled and practices have changed, but the adaptability, resilience, ingenuity and cheerfulness of the officers and soldiers has persevered.

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10 The Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment ALDERSHOT CO: Lt Col A F West • Adjt: Capt Z Young • RSM: WO1 G Limbu 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment began 2020 in great spirits, having returned from Christmas leave - although a significant proportion of the Regt was required for Op TEMPERER standby - personnel started work in January with vigour. A unit readiness week was quickly followed by staff training for the RHQ, which rolled into a MATTs week for 36 (HQ) Sqn in Eelmoor training area. We know how the story ends though. As we prepared to assume readiness on 1 Apr, COVID-19 struck and our plans were scuppered. In traditional 10 QOGLR fashion, we attempted to make the most of a bad situation and much like the rest of the Army we adopted Zoom as our method of maintaining faceto-face interaction. PT continued in earnest and under very close scrutiny of SSgt Stoby, RAPTC, as well as each other; gone are the days of being able to hide at the back of the gym! A Defence Connect page was built and section commanders were empowered to deliver elements of the Soldier First Syllabus. MATTs stats have sky rocketed as unoccupied, dispersed soldiers have had their time appropriately filled and junior officers have found time to complete their education! Elsewhere in the Unit, 1 Sqn joined the Op RECRIPT effort. A troop, under the command of Lt

Charles Anderson, deployed to Bury St Edmunds to work alongside the NHS at its distribution centre. Back in Aldershot other members of 1 Sqn established a Custodial Account which saw more than 11 tonnes of PPE, medical supplies and general stores receipted and issued in aid of the pandemic response. Still under lockdown, the remainder of the Regt undertook the 7.5km VE challenge, organised by Maj G Power RLC, OC 36 (HQ) Sqn. In honour of the 75th anniversary of VE day, 10 QOGLR personnel completed either a 7.5km walk, run, cycle or swim (not many takers on the last one). With

8 Pte Upendra loading cages with PPE for NHS Supply Chain

physical challenges being the hot topic and not to be outdone, 28 Sqn organised a 28km challenge over the spring bank holiday and 1 Sqn organised the Nee Soon challenge in June. The aim was to collectively complete just short of 11,000km in 28 days - the distance from Aldershot to Nee Soon - in honour of the Regiment’s Birthday. Pte Som Maski Magar of 36 (HQ) Sqn personally achieved an unbelievable 101km in under 13 hours. In total, across all three events over £6,000 was raised for the QOGLR trust and NHS England. As lockdown has eased and the Regt lifts its gaze to the horizon, readiness in January 2021 becomes the renewed focus. Our readiness assurance exercise, Ex KHUKURI FLIGHT, in July being the first event. Rest assured, as we don our masks (literally regimental tailor made) and zoom accounts lay dormant, this has been an interesting and enlightening few months that none of us will forget any time soon. Jai QOGLR! 8 Commander’s fireside chats were a regular feature during lockdown


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11 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Regiment RLC DIDCOT CO: Lt Col N G Joynes QGM • Adjt: Capt R Kelly • RSM: WO1 A Turner This period has been dominated by 11 EOD & Search Regiment’s continuous support to numerous operationally critical MACA operations. It is continuing with the major equipment change programmes currently underway (Projects STARTER and GASKET) and numerous mission essential training activities in addition to the continuance of delivering EOD capability, whilst following the Government’s guidance in the fight against COVID-19. 721 EOD Sqn - Ex DEAMON BEACON Before the lockdown and introduction of social distancing, 721 EOD Squadron executed Ex DEMON BEACON, an EOD licensing exercise. During the Ex, the Sqn was fortunate enough to host a visit from senior Pakistani CIED personnel, accompanied by Lt Col Whitworth MBE RLC. The Sqn welcomed this highprofile visit and it was evident that whilst lessons and experiences were shared, the passion for EOD spans much further than the Corps and the British Army. It provided an insight into both countries’ EOD approach, provoking some very interesting discussions throughout the day. The visitors deployed on to the area to see how 11 Regt conducts EOD validation and whilst observing, WO2 Kidman gave a fantastic brief describing in detail the nature and considerations of the operator and the directing staff to provide a holistic overview of the event. Even in the face of Storm Ciara and WO2 Kidman’s thick Welsh accent, the brief was well received and earned him a round of applause. The day culminated in the visitors inviting the OC, SAT and the SSM to a three-course meal in a very smart local hotel. 621 EOD Sqn – A day in the life of an EOD Operator during lockdown At 1630 hrs, on Monday 4 May, a telephone call was made from Kent Police to the Joint Service EOD

Operations Centre (JSEODOC) informing that a possible munition had been found at Kings Hill, Kent. Kings Hill is a housing development and the land is situated on an old RAF base that was heavily bombed in WW2. Sgt Coney of Aldershot Troop, 621 EOD Sqn (ADW Team) received the call. Ordinarily, an EOD Team would respond to a task to confirm the item, however this was the third call from this location in eight months and after looking at photos it was highly likely to be the ‘real deal’. Sgt Coney arrived at the scene and confirmed the

8 The senior Pakistani CIED visit munition to be a German SD 50, commonly used during WW2. Sgt Coney conducted an initial investigation and found the fuse had deteriorated badly, deeming the munition to be extremely dangerous. The only option was to blow the munition in place. If not, the explosion would have destroyed the building site and caused severe damage to nearby buildings and be life-threatening to any person in the vicinity. In order for that to happen, lots needed to be achieved, such as a 200m cordon established by police, gas and water pipelines shut off and nearby buildings protected, but most importantly, to task the Mitigation Team from 29 EOD Gp (MACA Troop) to build a Hesco Bastion Mitigation System that surrounded the munition and would contain the blast. This alone required 300 tonnes of sand! After nearly 24hrs of activity, Sgt Coney placed explosives on the German SD 50, walked to a safe location and detonated the munition. After lots of photos and elbow tapping, the teams headed home; just another successful day in the life of an EOD Operator of 11 EOD & Search Regt, despite COVID-19. 8 Sgt Coney

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13 Air Assault Support Regiment RLC COLCHESTER CO: Lt Col J Beere • Adjt: Capt H Eaton • RSM: WO1 N Waring 13 Air Assault Support Regiment entered the new decade with a busy forecast of events, ensuring no let up for its personnel, who continue to strive to support UK Operations around the world. Operations and exercises During the latter part of 2019, 63 Air Assault Support Sqn deployed on Ex BLACK FOX, the aim of which was to develop both JNCO and soldiers' leadership and military skills. The exercise focused on applying the Battlefield Syllabus across both rural and urban environments. All three troops demonstrated capabilities; GS Tp ran live accounts whilst deployed in the field; F&GT demonstrated they could conduct distribution points and exchange points in both day and night scenarios; whilst Airborne Troop demonstrated the capability to move kit and equipment using underslung loads by Helicopter as well as receive an aerial delivery from 47 Air Despatch (AD) Sqn by C130J. On the 4 Jan 20 ten members of 47 AD Sqn began the long journey to Punta Arenas, Chile, to conduct Ex AUSTRAL ENDURANCE, the annual resupply of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). Planning and executing this exercise challenged both Air Despatch personnel and RAF Flights Crews due to the austerity and remoteness of the environment. Stores and equipment were moved by shipping containers three months in advance, with further stores being flown in, but taking three days to arrive. The first sorties took off from Punta Arenas, bound for the Antarctic, on the 7 Jan 20, with a sortie time of 10 hours. Upon arrival, the ramp was opened and the crew experienced the blinding white light and cold fresh air created by the icy environment. Over the two-week period in which the exercise took place, 63,000Kg of aviation fuel, petrol, rations and aircraft spares were dropped to BAS. This would have taken the 50

small BAS aircraft many, many weeks to complete. On the 28 Jan 20, 82 Air Assault Support Sqn, supported by 8 Field Company REME, deployed to Kenya on Ex ASKARI STORM in support of 3 PARA. During the six-week long exercise, 82 Sqn supported the 400 strong force in simulating a Non-Combatant Evacuation (NEO), an essential capability for 16 Air Assault Brigade in its spearhead global rapid reaction function. The NEO involved 3 PARA being airlifted into a tactical landing zone. After arrival, 82 Sqn immediately built the necessary facilities to operate the Air Departures and Arrival Command Group, a niche tactical level capability that enables control over the movement of people and equipment during airborne insertions and extractions. Within 24hrs, they had created the necessary infrastructure with which to co-ordinate and process the mass evacuation of personnel by the RAF. Following completion of

8 82 Sqn Ex ASKARI STORM Convoy Drills 2

8 47 Air Despatchers over Antarctica the NEO phase of the exercise, 82 Sqn moved on to a skills package involving combat logistic patrols, distribution points and real-time support to 3 PARA which was conducting a combined arms live firing exercise. Overall, Ex ASKARI STORM proved an invaluable learning opportunity for all. Moral and conceptual development The Regiment continues to place great emphasis on CPD. For junior officers, the Adjutant has introduced a new professional education syllabus, including international relations and business studies. 63 Sqn hosted a study for senior staff officers in 16 Bde HQ, starting with a tour of the distribution outlet before moving onto show the kit and equipment they use whilst deployed. 63 Sqn also organized a visit for its officers and SNCOs at the Personal Recovery Centre in Colchester, a valuable opportunity to better understand the Wounded Injured and Sick process. Look Forward Whilst COVID-19 currently looks to be dominating the near and middle ground, beyond this the Regt is planning to deploy a CSS planning and integration group to Jordan on Ex OLIVE GROVE.

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17 Port & Marine Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps SOUTHAMPTON CO: Lt Col P Eaton MBE • Adjt: Capt Conor McNama • RSM: WO1 M Calverley 2020 started with much promise of new challenges and experiences; 17 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC had a busy calendar year ahead. The Rear Operations Group had been stood up and the deployment on Ex DEFENDER EUROPE loomed. The Regt was preparing for drastic change in the Regiment as it adapted to having half of the officer contingent and a third of soldiers deploy to Europe. The excitement was palpable as the Regiment committed to its largest exercise in recent history. Little did we know what was in store for the months ahead. In February, the first wave of deployments began to establish the Life Support Area (LSA) in Grobbendonk, Belgium. Stretching beyond its usual capabilities, a further LSA in Woensdrecht, Netherlands and four Convoy Support Centres (CSC) across Germany were also beginning to open. A regiment used to operating in the maritime environment was now spread 1,000 miles across five countries. The objective of Ex DEFENDER EUROPE was to facilitate and support the movement of 25,000 US troops and their vehicles from the ports in West Europe to the exercise area in Eastern Europe. In mid-February, the first wave of US troops arrived into LSA Grobbendonk. Meanwhile,

at the port in Antwerp, the US vessels began to berth. The Port Task Group coalition with local Belgium stevedores disembarked 700 vehicles in the first 24 hours as the continuous flow of night convoys began to head east. A new challenge was about to appear as the Regt worked on both the home and far bank. Heavily committed to Ex DEFENDER EUROPE, it would take a monumental threat to stop those wheels turning. It seemed impossible that the exercise would stop. Now mid-March, the reality of what the world was facing forced the Regt into action. As the Brigade Commander recollects: “Like a scene from the film Argo,” the LSAs

8 The first troops deploying on Ex DEFENDER EUROPE

and CSCs rapidly closed and the withdrawal of troops back to the UK shores was swift. It was now time for the Regt to react to a threat that nobody had predicted or prepared for. Soldiers were welcomed home by their families unexpectedly early. However, the Regt was changing its focus towards generating a COVID Relief Force. A standby crew in support of Op BROADSHARE CARIBBEAN and preparations for Op RESCRIPT support were underway. With many soldiers home, they were now to be held at 48 hours’ notice to move. Routine was no longer a familiar word, as like many across the Army, the Regt was told to expect this to be ‘the new normal’. For those not deploying, focus now turned to personal development, reassessments of training priorities and self-reflection. Although the normal working practices for the Regt may change in the days after COVID-19, the commitments will not. 2020 has lived up to its promise of new challenges and experiences in more ways than the Regt expected. 8 Unloading the US Start ROROs with US partners

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25 Training Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps LECONFIELD CO: Lt Col R Amor• Adjt: Capt J Maitland • RSM: WO1 J Girvan 25 Training Regiment has continued to provide duty of care for all RLC and RAF Initial Trade Trainees (ITT) whilst DST has continued to deliver elements of training throughout the COVID-19 lockdown to ensure that operationally imperative courses continue. The recommencement of training has seen the Regt ramp back up and prepare once again to provide fully trained soldiers to the Field Army. 109 Sqn 109 Sqn has completed its transition with the establishment of Peninsular Troop which will provide Duty of Care to ITT from a range of cap badges who are training at the Defence School of Transport, along with RAF personnel who are completing their driver training. This high-profile responsibility has resulted in an efficient amalgamation of all ITT who attend DST under the care of 25 Regt and provided a new dynamic to the Sqn. In addition to its professional conduct, the Sqn has also been able to promote the X Factor of life within the Corps. Continued support of the Cross-Country team has seen SSgt Rebecca Brown, Ops SNCO selected to run for the RLC inspiring many ITT. Capt Nick Fairclough and Sgt Lee Aldred co-organised a successful ‘Cultural Day’ alongside JNCOs and ITTs that showcased the diversity

that exists in the Regt, encouraging engagement between permanent staff and ITT of different cultures and fostering the Corps ethos. 110 Sqn It has been a busy few months for 110 Squadron which has seen a real change in the way it operates due to COVID-19 presenting a number of challenges; including the management of a large dispersed student population, the provision of distanced learning to ITT and PS and finally, preparing for the restart of on-site training. The first “Eagles Challenge” of the year was held – a military skills

8 Lt Col Mike Scannell hands over command to Lt Col Rob Amor

competition between the three Troops. Currently, Granby Troop is leading, followed closely by Banner with Herrick trailing in third place. In February, Sergeant Major James Walker and Corporals Shane Furesz and Joshua Robertson attended The RLC WO1 Convention held at 29 Regt, providing a presentation on the lived experiences of a JNCO in the Regt. Feedback from the presentation was excellent with all three members of the team receiving praise from the WO1 cohort and the Corps Sergeant Major. April saw the departure of Captain Simon Lowe moving to a new job within DST as the Ops Officer, with his replacement Captain Dudley posted in shortly afterwards. The end of this period has seen the handover of command of 25 Trg Regt from Lt Col Mike Scannell to Lt Col Rob Amor. The Regt would like to thank Lt Col Scannell for all he has done over the last few years and wish him the best of luck for the future. 8 Capt Ffion Harris, SSgt Rebecca Brown and trainees compete at Cross Country


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27 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps ALDERSHOT CO: Lt Col D J Fisher MBE • Adjt: Capt R Francis • RSM: WO1 R Coleman It has been a busy quarter for 27 Regiment RLC, with a squadron deploying on Ex DEFENEDER, Op TOSCA personnel returning to the UK and members of the Rear Operations Group supporting the Op RESCRIPT task. The beginning of this quarter saw 19 Tank Transporter Squadron’s involvement in Ex DEFENDER 20. Over half of the Sqn’s workforce, as well as the complete readiness fleet of Heavy Equipment Transporters (HET), deployed to Coleman Barracks in Jan 20. Deploying as part of the Theatre Enabling Group, this was the largest deployment of the United States, United Kingdom, NATO Allies and its partners into Europe over the last 25 years. The exercise rehearsed the Regt's ability to rapidly project a largescale, combat credible force and its equipment into Europe. It was an eye-opening experience for the soldiers and officers as they transported American armour (including the Abrams and Bradley Fighting Vehicles). Moving West to East, from the ports of the Netherlands and Belgium, they navigated across Western Europe and into Poland, covering a total distance of some 2,000km. Unfortunately, the exercise was cut short with borders within Europe closing due to COVID-19. Another testing exercise was Ex PANTHERS STALK which offered a slightly different challenge for members of 91 Squadron. Despite consisting mainly of suppliers, the Sqn deployed for a five-day Mod 2 driving upgrade course. This actionpacked week afforded the soldiers an opportunity to hone their driving skills, moving tactically at night, recovering stranded vehicles and testing the capabilities of the MAN SV 6 Tonne Furthermore, the Regt completed its six-month tour of Op TOSCA. With COVID-19 halting all homecoming plans, the Regt's efforts quickly changed. The Regt has proudly commanded and

co-ordinated a critical Immediate Replenishment Group (IRG) in the response to COVID-19 and has completed over 400 tasks to date as part of Operation RESCRIPT. Logistic Supply Specialist soldiers have gained vital experience receipting, accounting and issuing equipment, whilst members of 8 Squadron and 19 Squadron have delivered the supplies by day and night across the UK.

8 The Regt has delivered over two million items to NHS Key Workers

8 Soldiers from 27 Regt cycling whilst deployed on Op TOSCA

On a sporting front, the Regt entered a variety of competitions over this last quarter, including cross-country, basketball and swimming, with a number of soldiers also representing the Corps at football, hockey and tennis to name but a few. Operating within social distancing restrictions has been somewhat challenging, but the Sqns have come up with intuitive ways to keep in contact with the soldiers; whether it be completing MATTs online, or Zoom PT sessions. The Lewis Memorial Trophy competition is back up and running after being paused for the last six months and the Regt continues to review what activities can be included, starting with a mileage challenge. The Sqns are now in fierce competition on Strava, walking, running, and cycling trying to get the most miles under their belts.

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29 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps SOUTH CERNEY CO: Lt Col J Symons • Adjt: Capt J Broad • RSM: WO1 L E Russell During a challenging time for all due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the soldiers at 29 Regt RLC have impressively adapted to their new routine with vigour. Demonstrating not only their ability to overcome and modify through the ‘Segregate to Survive’ stance, but also their ability to remain cheerful and positive during periods of extreme uncertainty. At the time of writing, the Regt had 30 personnel deployed across five operations and 13 personnel deployed across four Non-Operational Enduring Commitments. Since the start of 2020, the Regt has deployed 78 personnel on operations and 30 personnel on Non-Operational Enduring Commitments, as well as 90 personnel on 17 Short-Term Enabling Tasks across 16 countries. The JAMC has been as busy as ever, working around the clock to process 135 MCCP tasks with 6,400 passengers, 285,624kg of baggage and 180,234kg of freight. Ex DEFENDER 20 2020 began with the Regt looking across the channel where 59 of its soldiers deployed on Ex DEFENDER 2020. The Regt supported the movement of US personnel and vehicles through Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Its soldiers worked with many

8 Offloading vehicles in Atwerp on Ex DEFENDER 20


days prior to departure is a NATOrequirement in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to countries that do not have the medical to deal with an outbreak on a national scale. Finally, 29 Regt soldiers were deployed to the Caribbean as part of the Tri-Service Security Assistance Team. They are liaising with the FCO to establish exactly what resources and assistance British nationals require; a commitment that is expected to grow over the coming weeks and months. 8 Maj Horner and WO2 Todd conducting an IFAC(S) planning estimate to expand capacity for more operational throughput international allies to provide real life support at the LSAs, movement controllers co-ordinated the movement of freight and passengers at ports across the North Sea and officers and SNCOs provided liaison support to the multi-national Brigade planning teams across Germany and the Netherlands. This was the first exposure that many of the Regt’s soldiers had to NATO-level operations; a valuable experience and a great example of the opportunities that 29 Regt RLC can give to junior soldiers and officers. COVID-19 Soldiers from 29 Regt RLC have been contributing to Op RESCRIPT and Op BROADSHARE in four key areas. The first is the reservation of manpower ready for any Op TEMPERER or TEMPERER London Augmentation Battalion (T-LAB) tasks. The second was having over 200 personnel held at readiness between R1 & R2, conducting regular training in preparation should they be stood-up for the COVID-19 Task Force. Thirdly, small teams led by Maj Jack Horner, Lt Aaron Hooper, Lt Katie Scott and WO2 Todd helped to set up and run isolation centres at Swynnerton and Shrivenham. The requirement to isolate deploying personnel in the UK for 14

Squadron charity fundraising The rapid cancellation of events and exercises across February inevitably led to a degree of unfilled space in the Regimental calendar. Squadrons have used this opportunity to raise funds through several charity events; particularly 80 Sqn and 99 Sqn, creating opportunities to help mental health resilience. 80 Sqn collectively raised £1,500 for the Army Benevolent Fund by covering the distance from Cirencester to Normandy on spin bikes, rowing machines and elliptical trainers. Eager not to be outdone, Pte Wolohan initiated the 99km run for 99 Sqn, whereby 44 members of the Sqn each ran, tabbed or walked 99km across a seven-day period. The most impressive effort was from Cpn Ben Clutterbuck, who completed the 99km in one go in 12hrs 20mins. 99 Sqn raised a total of £2,712 for the Salvation Army, a fantastic achievement. Closing comments The Regt’s soldiers have enthusiastically engaged with ‘working from home’ programmes, creating and participating in online trade quizzes, presenting online lecturettes to their peers and holding debates which have helped develop their academic skillsets. As the Regt moves into the second half of 2020, it expects to maintain its high levels of efficiency, momentum and morale as it adapts to the new normal way of life at 29 Regt RLC.

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The Defence EOD, Munitions and Search Training Regt BICESTER CO: Lt Col M Long QGM RLC • Adjt: Capt G Holdcroft • RSM: WO1 Tom Kowalewski RE The Defence EOD Munitions and Search Regiment (DEMS) has been as busy as ever this year. Despite COVID-19, training has continued, new leading-edge equipment has been brought into service, world-wide support to Search and EOD remains ongoing, Adventurous Training has been conducted and there has been a change of Commanding Officer! DEMS remained one of the few Defence establishments to continue training throughout the year. A robust and comprehensive system of measures ensured that staff and trainees remained safe and operationally essential training could continue. Over one thousand trainees have completed courses at DEMS since January and the Regt has developed many procedures identified as best practice to keep personnel safe within the COVID-19 environment. STARTER, a new bomb disposal radio control vehicle, has recently entered service. DEMS is training Defence on its use to ensure that it can be used effectively on operations world-wide. As well as training UK personnel, DEMS has also supported partner nations worldwide. Within the UK, the Regiment has delivered training to twelve nations, including courses in Ammunition Technical Officer, Search, Ground Sign Awareness, Explosive Ordnance Disposal and C-EO. A Short-Term Training Team

8 The new bomb disposal radio control vehicle, STARTER

also deployed to Kuwait to develop their EOD instructors. Additionally, the Regt has hosted visits from senior officers and delegate from Sweden, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to enable others to observe best practice and learn from DEMS. Despite travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19, the Regt continues to provide external consultancy to other nations. In March, sixteen members of DEMS Training Regiment deployed on Ex TIGER TYROL, an Alpine skiing expedition to Stubai, Austria. Attendees gained either SF1 or SF2 qualifications and included Royal Engineer, Intelligence Corps, Royal Signals and US Navy personnel, demonstrating the rich personnel diversity at DEMS. Personnel have also been busy organising and participating in charity events. In April, Search Squadron raised over £1,200 for the Felix Fund in a 26km challenge to walk, run or cycle 26km. Following this, WO2 Si Hannaford, (DEMS instructor) raised money for the NHS and the Felix Fund by running 26 marathons in 26 days - 1,097,070 metres on a treadmill in his garden! On completing the challenge, WO2 Hannaford said: “When I first started this challenge, I never truly understood the degree at which this would impact on my body or my

8 DEMS personnel on Ex TIGER TYROL mental state. It is through sheer determination and the ongoing support of my family and friends that I have managed to get myself back on the treadmill every day.” His final marathon was completed on 26 May 20 at Kineton Station. In May, DEMS bid farewell to Lt Col Richard Hallett OBE and welcomed Lt Col Matthew Long QGM to the Regt. Lt Col Long arrives from Army HQ.

8 Lt Col Hallett OBE hands over command of DEMS to Lt Col Long QGM

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150 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps HULL CO: Lt Col M Casey • Adjt: Capt B Walters • RSM: WO1 P Berry To date, 150 Regiment RLC has mobilised 25 Army Reserve personnel in support of Op RESCRIPT. These personnel have primarily been assigned to 7 Regiment RLC, but personnel have also been attached to Joint Military Command (JMC) North West and South East. The Regt are extremely proud to have been afforded the opportunity to support the COVID-19 relief effort alongside its regular counterparts. In May, soldiers were trained to work within Mobile Testing Units (MTUs) and teams were placed on 24 hours’ notice to move to carry out vital testing in the Assigned Area of Responsibility (AOR). Military MTUs were to be deployed across the country, at short notice, to swab-test the public so that the Government could determine the extent of the coronavirus infection and provide support and advice to those infected. The training was focussed, thorough and left no opportunity for ambiguity. The Regt was then uniquely useful in being able to redeploy wherever additional ‘pop-up’ testing sites were required. With further training of more soldiers taking place in 7 Regiment RLC, the Regt was able to swiftly add additional capability to the Government’s arsenal to fight the pandemic. Eight teams from 9 Squadron were deployed as part of a MTU capable of administering up to 500 tests per day. As the Government rolled out the ‘Test-Track-Trace’ programme, a further 16 teams were trained and ready to deploy. Pte Whytock of 217 (West Yorkshire) Transport Squadron RLC,

who was involved in the Op RESCRIPT taskings said: “When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, my civilian role of Primary School teacher was put on hold when the Government announced the closure of schools. I’ve always been eager to experience an operational tour and contribute to ‘the fight’. I was therefore incredibly honoured to receive a call out notification attaching me to 9 Squadron, 7 Regiment RLC, from 2 Apr 20. “I was primarily involved with delivering logistical aid to Distribution Points (DPs), the collection of laboratory equipment and delivery of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Working alongside Regular soldiers has been an incredible opportunity, not only have I gained more military experience and trade knowledge, I have also come to swiftly realise how the military truly works as a team, can quickly turn its focus to an unfamiliar challenge, can make a real difference in a crisis and then melts back in to the background

8 150 Regt soldiers were trained to work within MTUs

when the task is complete. It was exhilarating, challenging and frightening at times, but gave me an enormous sense of satisfaction that my contribution had made a difference.” The Regt has also worked hard to maintain routine parade nights via virtual means through the use of Skype and Zoom Apps. This has proved hugely successful, allowing elements of training to continue and maintain regimental cohesion. An example of this would be the Regimental virtual training weekend on 13/14 Jun 20 which was attended by 109 personnel. Such has been the success of virtual training, that the Regt is now considering how it could best continue to use this to aid routine business as a means to reaching out to those which cannot always attend in person. A further example of success during lockdown was the Regt's VE Day celebrations in which members of the Regt conducted 75 reps of their chosen exercise; ranging from 75 km bike rides in the Yorkshire Dales to 75 burpees in their back gardens. 8 Personnel were assigned to 7 Regiment RLC and JMC North West and South East


www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



151 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps CROYDON CO: Lt Col D Taylor • Adjt: Capt T Joyce • RSM: WO1 C Sutherland A busy quarter for 151 Regiment RLC, packed full of a range of activities from civil engagement and recruiting to adventure and military training. The Regt welcomed some new appointments and said farewell to a few moving on. RHQ RHQ organised a reception to host the associated Livery Company the Worshipful Company of Marketors, local Boroughs, civic dignitaries and honoured guests. The event provided the ideal opportunity for the CO to provide them with an update on the latest Army recruiting campaign. The RSM, WO1 Chris Sutherland, organised a leadership and resilience training package delivered to the Regt. As part of the training, they received an inspiring presentation by Andy Barlow GM. Andy was awarded the George Medal for bravery after he was left with horrific injuries when a landmine exploded blowing off his foot, while trying to save comrades in the Kajaki Dam incident in Afghanistan. 124 Transport Sqn RLC 124 Transport Sqn was the lead for Ex TRIDENT TRADE III. The exercise provided a great opportunity for the Regt to enhance trade skills. The exercise tested leadership, transport operations, navigation and force protection. Our attached AGC military clerks were busy working in the Ops room, attached Combat Medical Technicians embedded into

8 Maj P Herlihy (L) & WO2 Mike Pentilow

transport sections to treat casualties, while the RLC Chefs prepared and served hot meals throughout the day. On the engagement front, officers and NCOs were invited to attend the Royal opening of the new Brentwood Town Hall opened by His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent. After 22 years loyal service, the Regt said a fond farewell to WO2 Mike Pentilow, his retirement gift being presented by his OC Major Paul Herlihy. 210 Transport Sqn RLC 210 Transport Sqn hosted a visit by Brig Phil Prosser, Commander 101 Logistic Brigade. The Commander visited the Reserve Centre at Sutton to see the continuous, purposeful training carried out by Reservists during an evening drill night. He took part in the Sqn’s physical training and was shown a range of innovative training which included the Dismounted Close Combat Trainer and a military skills lesson, using App technology, delivered by LCpl Stacey Newman, who later was awarded the Commanders Coin. 240 Transport Squadron RLC MT PSI James Wilson’s hard work and dedication paid off when the CO handed him his new rank slide, promoting him to WO2. The RSM and Adjt were also there to

8 WCM & Guests at Reception congratulate him, toasting his achievement with a traditional glass of Port. The Sqn engagement team supported the Army with an engagement stand at the National Netball Championships. 562 Transport Squadron RLC 562 Squadron RLC hosted the Regimental CE event at Southall. LCpl Wilkie was presented with the 101 Logistic Brigade Commanders Commendation. It was presented by the Deputy Lieutenant of Ealing, Richard Kornicki Esq CBE DL. The evening rounded off in the traditional fashion with an amazing curry prepared and served by one of the Regt's RLC Chefs. Changing permanent staff personalities The Regt said goodbye to the XO Adam Lloyd and RAO Ian Breach, who move onto to new posts within the Army. The Adjt, Ben Heinrich, has left the Army to embark on a civilian career. The Regt welcomed Major Sean Stevenson as the new XO; WO2 Brian Hinton SPSI joining 240 Sqn, WO2 Michael Hart SPSI joining 210 Sqn and Sgt Kev Jones SPSI joining 124 Sqn. The Regiment also dined in the new Hon Colonel, Brigadier Steve Shirley MBE.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




152 (North Irish) Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps BELFAST CO: Lt Col C Sykes • Adjt: Capt J Reehal • RSM: WO1 Llewellyn-Jones 152 North Irish Regiment RLC was honoured to host the RLC Colonel-in-Chief, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne. As a Reserve Unit, this was going to be quite a challenge; not only trying to get enough people in at one time to conduct the necessary rehearsals, but having suitable real estate and a muchrequired wet weather plan in place for a visit to Northern Ireland in January. The weather did not disappoint as hurricane Brenda was in full swing; the helicopter managed to make it from London via Anglesey and touched down with impeccable timing into Belfast City. The soldiers were poised for her arrival - everyone in place, civilians in their Sunday best, all ready to meet HRH. As always, she was graceful, funny and incredibly engaging. Even the most nervous were immediately put at ease and conversation flowed and there was never an awkward moment. The RSM was ready to pounce if the ‘Norn Irish’ humour would be misinterpreted; thankfully it wasn’t and HRH went away with a smile. The Regt had 120 on show with a mix of Service Personnel, civil servants and families in attendance. This was great to see and a rare opportunity for so many of us to get to together and to enjoy a regimental lunch of local sausages, champ and onion gravy. All food was provided by South Eastern Regional College, a local hospitality institute with which the Regt has close ties. Collective Training January and February were a busy couple of months with several visits and training opportunities. The Regt hosted two conceptual weekends, one for Privates and JNCOs, which culminated in a dinner night and Ex GREEN GRAMMAR 3 which also incorporated the annual Burns Night. Ex GREEN SHADOW 3 is the final part of the Regt's trade skills 58

training package where the Bulk Fuel Squadrons transport fuel while our Petroleum Operators Squadron establish a Portable Bulk Fuel Instillation (PBFI) at the training site in Aldergrove. Gratefully supported by 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment, the exercise seeks to confirm the essential trade skills that are developed throughout the training year with Reserve JNCOs at the forefront in delivering lessons, command and control. Deputy Commander Field Army, Major General Bill O’Leary popped into see the training and met with personnel from all squadrons. Again, the RSM was primed as the General challenged our personnel to ask difficult questions and the Belfast crowd didn’t disappoint! COVID-19 The Regt has also been able to provide manpower to assist in the fight against COVID-19. Personnel were detached to 38 (Irish) Brigade within the Joint Military Command (Northern Ireland) and also as assistants to the Joint Regional Liaison Officer. The Regt was able to quickly embrace the change in work pattern and sought to continue in the delivery of training for its Reservists. A weekly battle rhythm was established that allowed soldiers to take part in

8 The Regt was honoured to host the RLC Colonel-in-Chief, HRH Princess Anne

structured physical training, as well as virtual training lessons every Thursday. Two large virtual training weekends were executed in lieu of the pre-planned Regimental weekends. This resulted in an average audience of 120 personnel from the Regt receiving education on mental health and resilience, as well as a MATTs weekend where a number of the mandated lessons were captured early in the training year. Overall, 152 North Irish Regt has successfully adapted to the current crisis and engaged its soldiers. The Regimental Recruiting Team developed its online presence and has delivered in spades. Within a two-month window, it has collected over 100 contacts with a number of these looking to joining the Regt.

8 Personnel participating in one of the successful virtual training sessions

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



154 (Scottish) Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps DUNFERMLINE CO: Lt Col J Yates • Adjt: Capt F Hunter • RSM: WO1 K Poole September saw eight members of 154 (Scottish) Regiment RLC jet off to Nicosia in Cyprus, to deploy on Op TOSCA 31 with 27 Regiment RLC. Slotting into the Wolf Pack, they patrolled the Buffer Zone between the north and south of the island, engaged with the OPFOR and co-ordinated incident and response across Sector 2. They also managed to make time for running club challenges, fundraising and socialising. Op RESCRIPT In response to Op RESCRIPT, the Regt called for volunteers to help support the NHS supply chain. Within six hours, 11 individuals had finished work, packed their bags and were on a bus to Scunthorpe. The group, ranging from Privates to a WO2, joined other Reservists from 102 Battalion REME, to boost the civilian workforce at the Normanton NHS Distribution Centre, to facilitate the distribution of PPE across the north of England. The Regimental Adjutant, Captain Francesca Hunter, was deployed to assist with managing the military support to NHS England’s PPE distribution. Capt Hunter was tasked with managing a project to enable primary and social care to access central NHS PPE stocks. She worked closely with stakeholders such as the Department for Health, eBay, the Royal Mail and Clipper Logistics to design, implement and roll out an e-commerce solution allowing GPs and social care to order PPE online and receive a parcel delivery within 48 hours. The portal is now rolled out across England and has delivered millions of items of PPE directly to these end users. Capt Hunter says: “As the project grew, I became a link bringing all of the stakeholders together and ensuring at the end of the day the PPE gets to the end user and gets to where it is needed. I’m really proud to have been involved in this project.”

8 Op TOSCA 31

Training Before COVID-19 restrictions came into force, the Regt managed to squeeze in an exercise in Inverness. This was an opportunity for the drivers and commanders to shake off those Christmas blues and practice basic skills (snow and torrential downpours included). Other sqn training has included time on the 25m range with the Glock pistol, a back to basics logistics transport exercise and Ex TARTAN KAIZEN educating soldiers in leadership and ways to improve the Regt. As the Regt has adapted to the current social distancing restrictions, virtual training has continued to develop and flourish. Themes have included virtual battle lessons and orders, MT lessons, MATTs, cookery lessons and demonstrations, as well as health and wellbeing lessons.

earned rest, both teams deployed to Serre Chevalier, France for Ex SPARTAN HIKE 2020; the Divisional Ski Championships. After some hard racing from both disciplines, the Regt strongly held its own and was the only Reserve unit to qualify for the Army Championships. After a brief spell back in sunny Scotland, it was time to head to Ex SKI RLC 2020, in Ruhpolding Germany. The Regt sent two Alpine teams and an eight-man Nordic team; in total 18 skiers. Both teams won every single Reserve race in their disciplines and retained the Murray Trophy for the best combined Reserve team for the 12th straight year. The team then went on to win the overall Combined Ski Team Trophy at SKI RLC 2020, a fantastic achievement!

Achievements The ski season for the Regt started in November with the annual exercise up at the Norwegian lodge in a very wet Aviemore. This exercise brought together both the Alpine and Nordic teams for some much-needed fitness training. Both teams then deployed to Norway to continue discipline specific training, to fine tune them for the Championships ahead. After a short Christmas break and a well-

8 SSgt Cassidy on the Nordic Ski Team

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




156 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps LIVERPOOL CO: Lt Col K Haigh • Adjt: Capt A Maclaverty • RSM: WO1 R Armour The North West’s logisticians, 156 Regiment RLC, have hit the ground running in 2020 with a myriad of events already completed and a successful deployment on Op RESCRIPT, which saw arounf 70 Reservists deploy to distribution centres in NW England. Op RESCRIPT 156 Regt responded to initial tasking from 101 Log Bde, in aid of Op RESCRIPT and on 24 Mar 20, it deployed 63 Reservists to two distribution centres across NW England, Runcorn and Haydock. These sites were vital to NHS success and contained PPE resilience stocks for Influenza Pandemics (PIPP stock). Over the three weeks in which the Regt was deployed, over 150 million individual pieces of PPE were picked and dispatched by regimental personnel, with a number of supply runs conducted to locations in Luton and Manchester to fulfil PPE supply tasks. Personnel gained invaluable qualifications in both the Very Narrow Aisle Picker and Power-Palletised Truck. HMS Prince of Wales The Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier made its first visit to the Port of Liverpool in a demonstration of the Naval Service’s close ties with the city. The ship arrived on the 28 Feb 20 for a week-long visit of celebrations, where visitors were able to step aboard. 156 Regt battled the winds driven by Storm Jorge and managed to set

8 HMS Prince of Wales 60

up a military village alongside the Naval one. The Regt provided a weapon stand, first aid stand and a personal development stand. With a footfall of just over 13 thousand on the first weekend and plenty of interest from potential new recruits in the Regiment, the event was a success. Ex KHUKURI SUSTAIN Ex KHUKURI SUSTAIN saw Reserve Logistic Supply Specialist soldiers from 156 Regt deploy, conduct and complete the LSS trade exercise alongside 10 QOGLR. The soldiers were tested on their ability to deliver a consistent operational effect while being pushed to the boundaries of their physical and mental capabilities. Soldiers were using the intrinsic LogIS to facilitate working up to 22 hours per day for a sustained period, ultimately preparing them to operate at an extreme tempo if required in the future. The Reserve soldiers from 156 Regt were praised by 10 QOGLR, with Pte Griffiths being awarded the OC’s Coin for an outstanding performance over the exercise. Lancaster on-call firefighters Officers and soldiers from 156 Regt continue to develop their individual Sqn training evenings and weekends and on Tuesday 25 Feb 20, 381 Sqn, hosted the Lancaster

8 156 Regt's military village by the Liver Building

On-Call Firefighters from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) at Alexandra Barracks. LFRS carried out a breathing apparatus drill, that included three teams of two people conducting LFRS search and rescue procedures, in order to rescue three casualties. One team also took in a hose reel in order to fight the ‘fire’. Looking forward 156 Regt is continuing to drive forward into 2020. The training programme is being constantly revised and developed and has been delivered virtually during the COVID-19 lockdown. This means the Regt can continue to deliver high standards of training across the Regt, including: the Battle Craft Syllabus, physical development training and educational and trade opportunities. The Regt continues to look forward to its main effort, Ex SAVA STAR in Croatia in September, which will provide the Regt with a unique opportunity to complete the annual camp, whilst operating alongside the host nation. This will all be supplemented by various AT expeditions throughout the year, with recently cancelled AT packages (due to COVID-19) being rescheduled for the end of 2020.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



157 (Welsh) Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps CARDIFF CO: Lt Col B D N Beaumont • Adjt: Capt A J Gutzu • RSM: WO1 C Hunter February saw 157 Regiment RLC deploy to a wet and blustery Sennybridge Training Area on an exercise centred around consolidating the mounted Basic Close Combat Skills that have been refined over the past year. Two Squadron Headquarters, operating with a troop each, successfully conducted transport operations including in an urban environment. Exercising all elements to the max, Sqn Headquarters were also given future operational tasks to concurrently plan and really stretch the team. Overall Ex GREEN DRAGON was a real success. Ex SKI RLC The Regimental team, including six novices, competed in a field of over 400 skiers in the picturesque Ruhpolding. Hosting some appalling weather, fantastic races and epic crashes, the Regt returned from the arduous championships with a haul of 15 individual and six team medals. An impressive accolade for any unit, let alone a Reserve team with so many new recruits. The final event of the competition, the Military Patrol Race, was the highlight. A gruelling 15km challenge including command tasks, two range shoots and a final stretcher race. The Female team placed first and the Male team third amongst the Reserve teams. At the end of race week, the Female team finished in first place (second place vs all Regular teams) and the Male team in second in the overall Reserve team standings. Of note, this was the first time the Regt has

had a Female team in the competition and they delivered in spades. For the individual awards, Cpl Karen Gibbons won a silver for overall Novice Reserve, 2Lt Ollie Pritchard won first overall Junior Reserve and Maj Claire Abel came first overall Reserve. A fantastic effort by all who competed! Ex STUDIOUS DRAGON The Regiment deployed again to Sennybridge in the last weekend of February on Ex STUDIOUS DRAGON - a conceptual development package of two halves. The JNCOs and Privates spent the weekend conducting both a logistic and combat estimate on Caerphilly Castle. However, in order to liberate the castle, they had to step back in time and consider a medieval plan. With horse and cart for transport, archers, pikeman and trebuchet’s for deliberate operations – not

8 The 157 Regt Team on Ex SKI RLC your typical equipment, it really pushed the boundaries on how the Regt plans and operates under equipment restrictions. Concurrently, the SNCOs, WOs and Officers conducted the Defence Contribution to Resilience (DCR) Level 2 course to understand the intricacies of Military Aid to Civil Authorities and the Military Liaison Officer role. On completion of the thoughtprovoking training, the weekend concluded with a chance to celebrate the patron saint of Wales on St David’s Day, Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! Distribution Centre deployment The Regt was one of the first units to respond to COVID-19 in support of the NHS. Ten personnel deployed to bolster 103 Battalion REME at an NHS Distribution Centre in Rugby from 24 Mar 20 to 4 Apr 20. Conscious that this was not just a time for the RLC to shine, but also for Reserves to step up at a moment’s notice and make a positive difference, the detachment did a fantastic job. Building rapport with the staff of the Distribution Centre, the contingent made a real impact in getting the much-needed supplies to the NHS frontline. 8 Personnel on Ex GREEN DRAGON

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




158 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps PETERBOROUGH CO: Lt Col A Gifford TD • Adjt: Capt A Nelson • RSM: WO1 P Anderson In February, three members of 158 Regiment RLC deployed a Short-Term Training Team (STTT) to Ethiopia to conduct logistic planning for African Union Officers about to deploy to Somalia. Based at the Peace Support Training Institute (PSTI) in Addis Ababa and funded by the British Peace Support Team Africa BPST(A), the course aimed to develop the students into effective Logistic Staff Officers. Leaving a wet and cold Heathrow, the team arrived in a very warm Ethiopia and following a brief incident with customs officials, the team met with their driver. The journey to the hotel coincided with rush hour and gave the team an insight into driving conditions for the next few weeks. Once at the hotel, the team met the SO1 from BPST(A) and following an arrivals brief, made their way to the PSTI. Following a few days of preparation, the course joined up with 25 students from Ethiopia, Burundi and Uganda. Many of the students on the course had no logistic experience so the course began by teaching the fundamentals for logistics, equipment support and medical care. Once the basics had been understood, the course moved on to develop the students planning ability, introducing the Logistic

8 158 Regt RLC at the PSTI in Addis Ababa Estimate and testing it on some complex planning exercises. The time in Ethiopia was not all work - during a break in the course, the team managed to visit the Portuguese bridge used during the Muslim-Christian war; a drive out to the north of the city which allowed them to take in the culture of Ethiopia. On the way back from the bridge, they stopped at a hyena viewing area and made it to the British Embassy in time to watch England beat Wales in the Six Nations. BCIP 5.6 – BOWMAN In early January, Communications Troop carried out BCIP 5.6 uplift

training for communications specialists. The training was delivered by Sgt Danny O’Beirne and WO2 Paul Connell. With a lot to cover over the weekend, training began on Friday evening and carried on until the final tests were conducted on Sunday afternoon. Throughout the weekend, there was a lot of technical information to take in over a short period of time. As ever, the troops were very keen to learn and took the improvements to BOWMAN in their stride. Their hard work throughout the weekend was clear to see and it paid off in some very strong performances in the final assessments. Following on from training, the upgrade was rolled out to the Regt. During the MATTs weekend in February, the Regt's Officers completed an introduction to BCIP 5.6. This will allow them to effectively use the package during the upcoming ACT or if they deploy in the future. Battle Craft Syllabus (BCS) The March training weekend saw the Regt deploy to Thetford Training Area to continue with their BCS training. The training gives the soldiers the ability to deploy to any location, ensuring that they can safely occupy an area and defend it from hostile forces. These skills will continue to be built upon ready for the ACT later in the year. Looking forward In these uncertain times, the Regt is continuing training towards its commitment of its Non-Regular Deployable Component (NRDC). For the time being, PT has stopped, but the Regt has implemented a virtual training programme which allows soldiers to conduct most of the MATTs and cover the conceptual side of BCS whilst physical training can't take place. 8 Capt Pete Goodfellow with African Union Officers


www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



159 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps COVENTRY CO: Lt Col S Dines • Adjt: Capt D Gibson • RSM: WO1 A Muir It has been a challenging first half of the year for 159 Regiment RLC, dominated by the response to COVID-19 and the need to quickly adjust working practices to adhere to social distancing and lockdown rules. The Regt also bid a fond farewell to Capt Al O'Brien after nine years as Permanent Staff Administration Officer (PSAO) 237 Supply Squadron and welcomed WO2 Robbie Allen who returned to the Regt as the Operations Warrant Officer. UK Resilience Given the speed at which the COVID-19 crisis unfolded, it was impressive that circa 90 personnel quickly volunteered for mobilisation to help support their community. This has proven that, when asked, the Army Reserve will deliver. Although the demand was ultimately lower than expected, 10 soldiers were mobilised to assist the 7 Regiment RLC COVID Support Force, involved in supporting the delivery of Mobile Testing Units. Well done to everyone involved. Training A large turnout for the training weekend at Swynnerton at the beginning of March was a fitting end to a successful training year. The exercise provided an opportunity for the Regt to refresh its basic soldiering skills and to use the Dismounted Close Combat Trainer (DCCT) for soldiers to improve their marksmanship skills in preparation for the planned shooting season. The COVID-19 lockdown meant the Regt had to quickly adapt its ways of working and training plans; training nights and weekends moved to distanced learning, with training being delivered virtually. Lessons have included CBRN theory, an introduction to the DATE scenario and a weekend of trade specific lessons for the Regt's suppliers, drivers, chefs and HR specialists. Thank you to Capt Cliff

Pearn for leading the way on virtual PT which has also been a huge success. A special well done to all the instructors as feedback on the new remote training has been overwhelmingly positive. Successful training is also directly related to the level of attendance, which has consistently remained high. The embracing of Defence Connect as the Regt's main means of internal communications and the new methods of virtual training have ensured our soldiers have remained engaged throughout the lockdown - they have become fundamental tools that must continue to be used post-lockdown. Other activities The Regt successfully competed at both the RLC Ski and Snowboarding Championships. After a few falls, bumps and entertaining moments,

8 75th celebrations of VE Day the Regt competed respectably with Cpl Danielle Parker being placed third in the Women’s Individual Super Giant Slalom for Alpine skiing, LCpl Alex Smith taking the overall Junior Champion at Nordic skiing and SSgt Caroline Le taking the second Corps female in snowboarding. The RSM also thoroughly enjoyed his second time on Nordic Skis for the President’s Race and was proud to place second of the RSMs competing. Community engagement has continued with the Regt represented at multiple events throughout the West Midlands, including the Commanding Officer supporting the signing of the Armed Forces Covenant by Coventry City Football Club. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day, the Sqns paid their respects by supporting the online campaign and remote celebrations co-ordinated by West Midlands RFCA. Look forward Looking forward, focus has turned to return to work planning and commencing collective training when the lockdown measures are finally eased. 8 Pte Clamp working at a Testing Unit

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




162 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps NOTTINGHAM CO: Lt Col T Hope MBE • Adjt: Capt B Spilsbury • RSM: WO1 J Parker The first half of 2020 has been a challenging period across 162 Regiment RLC and Defence as a whole. The COVID-19 outbreak has forced both Reservists and permanent staff alike to adopt methods of training and new working practices previously unfamiliar. Thanks to the great efforts of the Squadron, Permanent Staff Admin Officers (PSAOs), Senior Permanent Staff Instructors (SPSIs) and Permanent Staff Instructors (PSIs), 162 Regiment has continued to provide engaging training throughout and maintained morale amongst the soldiers. Virtual training, utilising the likes of Zoom and Skype, has now become the norm and Command Leadership Management preparation lessons delivered by PSI 281 Sqn (SSgt Daniel Marsden) have been a resounding success. Attendance at virtual drill nights and virtual training weekends have in fact increased in recent months and the number of Reservists willing to come to the aid of their country and volunteer for Op RESCRIPT taskings was very impressive. The Regt has had two officers, Maj Matthew Pittaway (QM) and Capt Judith Gallagher (Operations Officer 281 Sqn), deploy to assist as NHS Liaison Officers in Wales. Unfortunately, due to restrictions imposed by British Forces Cyprus (BFC), the Regt's Overseas Training Exercise has now been cancelled. Though a real blow for the Regt, we are now looking to source some training areas within the UK that will still provide a great package for the soldiers. In July the Regt welcomed the new RSM, WO1 Jesse Parker, having said farewell to WO1 RSM Thompson in May having completed 22 years’ service. 2019/20 Ski Season Thankfully, the COVID-19 outbreak allowed just enough time for the Regimental Ski Team to deploy for 64

the duration of the winter season. The teams first trip was to Ex KNEES BEND in Hemsdal, Norway. The exercise is for Alpine skiers of all abilities, giving some the chance to learn how to ski for the first time and also allowing regular racers the opportunity to fine tune their technique in three disciplines; Super G, Giant Slalom and Slalom.


The lack of snow and variable temperatures throughout the week made for challenging conditions, yet the team continued to record some impressive results, though unfortunately no silverware was won

For many of the team it was their first time attending the exercise. The training was delivered by Kandahar Ski Club instructors who provided great race tips and development methods. Next up, the Ski Team moved onto Ruhpolding, Germany for Ex SKI RLC, the annual Corps Championships. The racing took place over nine days and consisted of seeding, Giant Slalom, individual/team Giant Slalom,

8 162 Regt RLC performed well in Ex SKI RLC, despite the poor snow conditions

individual/team Slalom and an Open Giant Slalom. Unfortunately, due to poor snow conditions, the Super G event was cancelled. A total of 147 personnel from 27 teams took part in the Championships, the highest attendance for the exercise in its history. The lack of snow and variable temperatures throughout the week made for challenging conditions, yet the team continued to record some impressive results, though unfortunately no silverware was won. 162 Regt finished eighth as a team across the three events and fifth best RLC Reserve Regiment. Though it was a slight disappointment to come away empty handed, participation in all the races and a good showing from all competitors was great to see. The season will be used as a building block for years to come – 162 Regt now has a solid core of experienced skiers ready to make a bid for the silverware next year. Maj Jerry Cross (Regt 2IC) also deployed in his usual role as the official time keeper and all-round admin assistant for the duration of the exercise. This was preceded with time keeping duties at the Division and Army Championships.

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165 Port & Maritime Regiment RLC PLYMOUTH CO: Lt Col C Hampton-Stone • Adjt: Capt P Cussins • RSM: WO1 M Dowland Spring 2020 saw a large amount of change and innovation occurring at 165 Port & Maritime. The rapid onset of COVID-19 saw the Regt adapt many of its routine ways of working to meet new challenges. With most permanent staff basing themselves at home, the first challenge was to increase remote working capability and connectivity. The Regt utilised and exploited its existing Defence Connect page to include a huge amount of resources and educational material in order to facilitate working from home. Under the guidance of IT guru SSgt Jim Parry, 232 Sqn in Bodmin was quick to pilot virtual parade nights, which were then rolled out across the Regt with soldiers dialling in from Canada to Carlisle. These have been a great success with good attendance and just prove that with a little thinking outside the box, quality training is still possible. Further innovation followed, which included ‘Iso Phys’ sessions led by lead PTI, LCpl Dan Coombs, and his fellow PTIs. Never the types to miss the opportunity, their live sessions enable soldiers at home to keep up with their fitness from their front rooms. The CO’s VodCast was increased in frequency to ensure that all soldiers were constantly

8 Virtual training

updated and connected to the Regt. COVID’s disruption even failed to interrupt the dogged recruiters, who have managed to get significant expressions of interest and welcome new soldiers without even meeting them faceto-face. Another popular initiative has been the Regt’s virtual running club. Hosted on Strava and overseen by running legend Maj John Porter, this club now has 53 members participating. All members are showing impressive levels of physical activity, but proving that age is just a number, Capt Dave Sanders is currently topping the leader board for most runs completed per week. Volunteers in the community The current climate has witnessed some fantastic community spirit and this is evident in many of the Regt's Reservist soldiers. One such example is Capt ‘H’ Hendy, the Regt’s Recruiting Officer, who took it upon himself to organise a team of 10 motorbike enthusiasts to volunteer as motorbike couriers for the NHS and local charities; at one point they were delivering in excess of 400 items per week. Another example is Capt Dawn Rees ,who galvanised her local community and oversaw the organisation of a group of volunteers to help local vulnerable people. These are just two examples of the fine work and selfless commitment displayed by 165 P&M’s soldiers in the wider community, in their own

8 Capt Hendy's recruiting efforts pay pre-lockdown dividends

time. A mention must also go to Maj John Scammell who is running 10k every day to raise money so that his local zoo can look after the animals who are at risk due to no incoming revenue. Goodbyes and congratulations A fantastic well done to Capt Andy Eke, 232 Sqn, who was successful on the AOSB and now takes up position as the Sqn’s OpsO. Two GOC certificates were also presented earlier in the year, Maj John Porter was recognised for his outstanding work, mainly in the area of community engagement and the Headquarters’ Caretaker, Mr Graham Barber, received some well-earned recognition for his, often unseen, hard work and dedication at the Reserve Centre. This summer will also see a massive staff turnover at Regimental Headquarters as the unit says goodbye to: the QM (Maj Chris McSherry), the XO (Maj St Vernon), the Adjt (Capt Phil Cussins) and the RSM (WO1 Dowland) all in the space of a couple of weeks. Shortly after, the CO (Lt Col Hampton-Stone) will depart, meaning every Regular soldier in the Regimental Headquarters will have changed over with the exception of the CO’s driver. The Regt wishes them all the best in their new employment and good luck to those coming into the Regt.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




167 Catering Support Regiment RLC GRANTHAM CO: Lt Col J Young • Adjt: Capt J Gajdus • RSM: WO1 A Ward As a Reserve Regiment, 167 Catering Support Regiment RLC does not have a pool of personnel held at readiness. Its chefs are widely dispersed across the UK and beyond but being motivated and skilled, when the need arises, there will always be the capacity to provide. 167 Regt has deployed a variety of service personnel in support of the COVID-19 response. There are Liaison Officers providing support to the NHS in Scotland and North West England, a SNCO working in a regional Infantry Brigade HQ and the main capability of the Regt, which is to provide catering support. There have been 167 Army Reserve Chefs in The Joint Air Mounting Centre in South Cerney, supporting HQ Standing Joint Command (SJC) UK in Aldershot and in London at Horse Guards and the Royal Hospital, Chelsea (RHC). In South Cerney, SSgt Steven Tivey, LCpl Barry Sharp and LCpl Daniel Metcalf are catering for the overseas deployments that go through Brize Norton every day. An early start for breakfast service is followed by admin time then lunch, with PT and online training following in the afternoon. Their days being shifted to the left to accommodate the flight schedules

8 167 Regt’s Maj Macdonald supporting NHS North West


has all been taken in the stride of these experienced chefs. In St Omer Barracks, Sgt Mhairi Wilson leads a team of five chefs from 167 Regt as part of a team of ten military chefs providing support to the Combined Mess - the uplift to support the tasks conducted by HQ SJC UK. The highest profile of these was a tented lunch for recently retired General Sir James Rupert Everard KCB CBE, former NATO Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe. Less high profile, but equally important, are the daily meals that the team are producing for the SNCOs, WOs and Officers. To maintain morale, they deliver bi-weekly themed nights, which have included: Indian, Mexican, Chinese and American cuisines. They have also celebrated St George’s day with a traditional British roast and the 75th anniversary of VE Day with a fantastic afternoon tea. London District is now home to four Army Reserve Chefs from 167 Regt. Sgt Brian Hunt has been deployed to Horse Guards to support HQ London District. An experienced chef, who is used to operating on his own having recently returned from a ShortTerm Training Team to Kenya, Sgt Hunt’s professionalism is a credit to the Regt.

8 LCpl Crampton, Sgt Wilson of 167 Regt at General Everard’s Lunch, Aldershot

Sgt Yucel Bartlett, Pte James Mole and Pte Alex Rowbottom have been mobilised in the RHC. The social distancing restriction and the higher vulnerability of the in-pensioners mean that they are all taking their meals in-house. Combined with the greater restrictions on working conditions for the staff, this means a significant increase in workload and the need for more chefs. Their daily routine is much the same as it would be in a Station Mess, with a comprehensive breakfast, multioption lunch and dinner. As much as possible, all produce is locally sourced to minimise the CO2 footprint, maximise freshness and support local businesses. During their downtime, they have been volunteering in the library archives helping to catalogue historical documents and photographs - a truly unique experience that will provide an insight into a history little seen by a wider audience. As has happened around the country, the response to the pandemic has brought out the best in people and has shown, once again, the hard working, selfless mentality that characterises an Army Reserve Chef.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



2 Operational Support Group RLC (2OSG) GRANTHAM CO: Lt Col A Hoey • RSM: WO1 A Clayton In the last quarter of the training year 2019/2020, 2 Operational Support Group HQ has been busy ensuring its Reservists completed the Commanding Officer’s Certificate of Efficiency. This resulted in a comprehensive and productive MATTs package that was undertaken over two weekends in Feb 2020. The training team and permanent staff were able to ensure that 80% of the Unit are qualified to receive the annual bounty payment in May. There have been numerous Adventurous Training opportunities, including: skiing, mountain biking and hill walking. The highlight of these was Ex SKI RLC in Rühpolding under the guidance of Major Nial Browne. All involved enjoyed two weeks of Alpine and Nordic skiing - with Sergeant Woods at 54 years of age being the oldest novice on the slopes. Well done to all who donned the Lycra! Ex DEFENDER EUROPE 20 WO1 Darren Lloyd and Maj Martin Collinson were mobilised in January in support of Ex DEFENDER EUROPE 20, a US led exercise with 18 Allies and Partners that clearly demonstrates the UK's commitment to NATO and European security. WO1 Lloyd’s first task was to ensure that the civil contracts on behalf of the UK were in place with support from the US Contract Officer and the NATO Contingency Team. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the exercise was cut short and WO1 Lloyd was then rapidly redeployed by 104 Logistic Brigade to Catterick in support of Op RESCRIPT where his skills and knowledge proved to be invaluable. Op RESCRIPT A good number of Reservists deployed on Op RESCRIPT to support the Civil Authorities across the country with many others stood-to should further support be required. They were employed as

Military Liaison Officers with a wide range of responsibilities. Specialised planners such as Maj Gary Bilsbarrow, whose civilian job is senior logistics lecturer at Warwick University, worked for NHS Scotland in optimising their Supply Chain. The team from 500 Communications Troop also worked at HQ Standing Joint Command (SJC) to provide support. Without exception, all have found the experience to be fascinating and meaningful in equal measure. Fond farewells In March, the Group held a joint Officers and Sergeants Mess Dinner Night to dine out WO1 (RSM) Andy Clayton and Major Dean (Arthur) Askey who left the Group on posting. The night was a great success with over 60 members sitting down to enjoy a fantastic

8 Personnel from 2OSG competing at Ex SKI RLC 2020

menu. The Group would like to say a big thank you to WO2 Aly Plummer and WO1 Lee Mahoney for organising the function. Join us 2 OSG RLC is a nationally-recruited Reserve Unit specialising in staff support to HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, Labour Resource, Contract Management and Communications Support to the Army Medical Service Reserve Field Hospitals. Based at Grantham, the minimum commitment is 19 days per annum, although most serve more than this in order to enjoy the wide range of opportunities on offer. If you’re interested in joining, call WO1 Lee Mahoney on 0115 957 3137 to find out more or arrange a visit.

8 Enjoying the joint Officers and Sergeants Mess Dinner Night

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Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Support Battalion (ARRC) GLOUCESTERSHIRE CO: Lt Col I Sands REME • Adjt: Capt J Crowley • RSM: WO1 Hall Over the last few months, the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) Support Battalion has seen a magnitude of activities planned, co-ordinated and executed - maintaining commitments to readiness, personal development, Adventure Training and sports. Preparation for Corps war fighting continues, as does the Regt's mission to deploy, protect and sustain the 3 Star Headquarters ARRC. However, the majority of this period saw the Battalion focus on Op RESCRIPT and force protection in the wake of COVID-19. Op RESCRIPT ARRC Support Battalion personnel were held at readiness for Op RESCRIPT as part of the COVID Support Force. Following this, two teams of 12 from 14 Squadron, led by Staff Sgt Tilak and Sgt Ashish (QOGLR), deployed to South Wales and Cardiff operating in the Brecon and Vale areas respectively. For over two weeks, they provided essential testing support to care homes by setting up and running testing sites at Brecon and Cardiff. Their careful planning and delivery increased testing capacity across South Wales and allowed local NHS and councils to meet the UK Government's COVID-19 testing targets. Visited by the CO and the RSM, they were proud to be helping the public in such difficult times - a unique and invaluable experience for those who deployed. Mastiff crew driver course Despite restrictions imposed by the current pandemic, ARRC Support Battalion Trg Wing innovatively co-ordinated the delivery of the Mastiff Crew Driver Course in March at Imjin Barracks and across Swynnerton training area. In total, eight Mastiff crew drivers achieved all their training objectives and were fully qualified to become part of Commander ARRC’s Tactical Mobility Support Group. This is essential for the Battalion 68

to maintain readiness. In the future, as Mastiffs roll out of the door on exercise, remaining current in this vehicle fleet has never been so critical to the Battalion's commitment. Ex TIGER SNOW Against the backdrop of other activities, troops have seized opportunities to take part in Adventurous Training. In February this year, six members of the

8 Climbing in Inverness as part of Ex TIGER SNOW

8 Helping to run testing sites across Wales in support of Op RESCRIPT

Battalion completed a week-long Winter Mountaineering Foundation (WMF) course under the lead of WO2 Bynorth. The week at Inverness had everything from snow covered ridges with sheer drops, to complete whiteouts which tested individual navigation on the Cairngorm Plateau. All performed well and learnt how to administrate themselves in a harsh environment. This training aimed to further develop individuals prior to deployment on a high risk and remote expedition planned to the French Alps - an event that has sadly been postponed. However, the training and experience gained by soldiers was rare and a testament to the Battalion’s commitment and development of its soldiers. Looking forward The Battalion will deliver a deployed HQ ARRC on Ex LOYAL LEDA, one of the few collective training opportunities being conducted in 2020. In doing so, it will provide key deliverables allowing the continued closeness of NATO partner nations and the validation of a Corps Headquarters.

www.royallogisticcorps.co.uk • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



British Army Training Unit KENYA CO: Major RJ Crane MBE • Adjt: Capt KP Kormi • RSM: WO1 K Patterson Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Kenya, a lot has changed for BATUK. The Kenyan outbreak followed at a lower trajectory to that of the UK. Strict measures to control the pandemic were quickly put in place; this resulted in Ex ASKARI STORM and SPEAR exercises being suspended until 2021 and the majority of BATUK staff and families returning to the UK. However, CSS elements have been as busy as ever, albeit with new challenges. Each RLC trade represented at BATUK has had to adapt to the situation differently. Movement Controllers were the first to react to the pandemic, with the immediate need for the evacuation of SP, families and the 2PARA BG. This was orchestrated over four flights in mid-April, which also coincided with the arrival of a bi-annual Maint Sail at Mombasa. A very busy time, but much to the credit of the three Mov Cons, all 756 pax were evacuated to the UK smoothly and the Maint Sail was successfully unloaded. For the Drivers in the MT department, COVID-19 has brought about positives and negatives. Although the locally employed civilian (LEC) workforce has been dramatically reduced, due to social distancing measures, with no major exercises, the department is finally able to conduct some much needed vehicle regeneration. Remarkably, they have managed to make large inroads into the service and maintenance of the 500+ vehicle fleet held within Nyati and Kifaru Barracks. They were also able to orchestrate the movement of the Maint Sail vehicles from Mombasa to Nanyuki even with rigid travel restrictions. Alongside the LAD (REME), the hard work on regeneration by the MT department means that BATUKs fleet is on track to be fit and healthy, ready for the 2021 ASKARI STORM exercise. Having lost most temporary duty (TDS) and permanent staff with families during the COVID-19

extraction, Suppliers continued to manage the daily running of second-line CSS with a team of Locally Employed Civilians. The MT department’s fleet regeneration meant that second-line have been very busy in order to process the demands and returns, while also making the most of the Local Resourcing Section (LRS) NCO to procure needed items. Freight has also continued to arrive with over 20 ISO containers arriving from Op TRENTON and a further 49 expected in the near future. A credit to those suppliers in UK, having forged ahead to secure the FSP they have been able to assist the BATUK team while working from the garage of one of the SFA’s in Larkhill – great ingenuity. Chefs of BATUK have also felt the strain, losing 75 per cent of their manpower, leaving just two chefs in the country, one at Nyati and the other at Kifaru Barracks. They have worked extremely hard alongside LEC chefs to make sure that fresh rations continued to arrive at camps under the strict travel measures. Even with the reduced in camp manpower, the chefs have played a pivotal role maintaining the morale of those left in country. They have been kept busy baking cakes for weekly welfare coffee and cake mornings, hosting theme nights and BBQs in the CRL and

8 Exercise cancellations allowed for team building

assisting with community engagement activities. As the training areas undergo reconditioning, the Ammunition Technician has found himself busy with three UXO disposals in just as many weeks. The ammo compound also requires regular attention as planning is conducted for the use and disposal of the tonnes of ammunition which was held for the cancelled exercises. Morale within CSS remains high with the departments taking the opportunity to conduct team building activities such as safaris on Ol Pejeta, PT with our LECs, expeditions to the summits of Mt Kenya and Ololokwe and overnight camping in the conservancies of Kenya.

8 EPLS unloading Op TRENTON ISOs

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132 Aviation Supply Squadron Royal Logistics Corps IPSWICH OC: Capt Daz Titley • SSM: WO2 Madine 2020 began as one of 132 Aviation Supply Squadron’s busiest to date, with a year of exercises planned throughout such as supporting the Attack Helicopter Force on operations and pilot training. Early January saw Cpl Christopher Clelland and Pte Sunil Shrestha deploy to Norway on Ex CLOCKWORK in support of 4 Regiment Army Air Corps (AAC). Prior to this, both soldiers had to attend and pass the Cold Weather Survival Course which consisted of a series of gruelling tasks and assessments, such as extreme weather acclimatization (to minus 30 degrees Celsius), avalanche training and the dreaded ice breaking drills. 132 Sqn’s involvement in the exercise was to support four Apache helicopters which deploy in order to qualify the pilots to fly in extreme cold and severe conditions. Ex COLD RESPONSE followed, which was a NATO exercise lead by the Norwegian Army, consisting of around 14,000 multinational soldiers. This exercise tested NATO’s ability to conduct a multinational joint exercise with a high-intensity combat scenario in demanding winter conditions. The involvement of the UK’s Attack Helicopter Force promoted our credibility on the international front and further reaffirmed 132 Sqn’s ability to support the Apache, whatever the conditions. Late January also saw a team of four deploy to Otterburn training

area in support of the Apache Conversion To Role (CTR) team on Ex LIGHTNING FORCE; an exercise designed to train new Apache pilots in various scenarios. The Sqn also deployed LCpl Steven Brown on exercise to Cyprus and LCpl Kristopher Kirby began a six-month detachment to 12 Flight AAC in BATUS. As true believers in the work hard, play hard philosophy, the Sqn found time to travel up to Scotland on a battlefield study in February. Ex SCOTTISH WARRIOR studied the campaign of Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Bannockburn. The brilliant trip, organized by Sgt Andy Setterfield, saw the different syndicates giving presentations on various aspects of Scottish history. The Bannockburn Visitor Centre also gave the Sqn the opportunity to replay the famous battle and

8 Visiting the Robert the Bruce statue as part of Ex SCOTTISH WARRIOR

much to the distain of our Scottish soldiers, the English team somehow managed to prevail. Early March saw most of the Sqn deploy to Thetford training area on CT1-2 training in preparation for deployment on Ex DEFENDER 20 which was unfortunately cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. That said, the exercise provided the team with some valuable training. Despite being dispersed, April saw the Sqn resubordinate under the new 1st Combat Aviation Brigade. The new Bde is the first of its kind in UK history and 132 Sqn is looking forward to the challenges ahead. Currently, the Sqn is continuing to support Army aviation on reduced manning and a rotating shift system. Looking forward, planning is well under way for the Sqn to send teams out in the continued support to Apache training, with deployments scheduled to Otterburn and California. Prior to lockdown, the Sqn said its fond goodbyes to Officer Commanding Maj K Mann and WO2 (SSM) J (Baz) Madine on promotion to WO1. The Sqn wishes them both the very best of luck for the future! 8 Ex CLOCKWORK in support of 4 Regiment Army Air Corps


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20 Transport Squadron The Royal Logistic Corps LONDON OC: Maj M Pasalk • SSM: WO2 B Griffiths The last few months have been an unusual time for 20 Transport Squadron as it adjusted to life with COVID-19. The early part of the year saw business as usual, however, more recently, the Sqn has spent time supporting Op RESCRIPT whilst continuing to fulfil regular public duties in as safe a manner as possible. Ex SKI RLC 20 In February, 20 Tpt Sqn entered a team into Ex SKI RLC 20, captained by Sgt Ian Gorthy. The team consisted of Capt Matthew Field, Sgt Don Conboy, LCpl Jack McGuire, LCpl Aled Harvey and Pte Kevin Didcote. Despite going into the competition with realistic views of not coming back with any silverware, the team were pleasantly surprised when Capt Field came away with a medal for being the first Alpine skier in the President's Race. LCpl McGuire and LCpl Harvey both improved their seedings from the previous year’s competition, which was an excellent achievement. Sgt Conboy, the novice of the team, enthusiastically tackled every race - improving his seeding with every attempt. Pte Didcote also improved his Nordic skiing in the President’s Race. London District Basketball Competition 20 Tpt Sqn had a streak of success within the UK South and London District Inter-Unit Basketball Competition. The Sqn competed in the minor unit’s league, winning a silver medal and as a result, automatically qualified to compete in the Army Inter-Unit Basketball Finals. Unfortunately, this event was suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. Safe Skilled Driving Day Every year, 20 Tpt Sqn delivers a Safe Skilled Driving Day. The aim of this competition is to work collaboratively with the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers (WCHCD) to foster good

8 20 Sqn ski team prior to the President's Race

relations by engaging with the local community and helping to improve the driving skills of participants. The event provides challenging activities for teams of drivers, designed to take them out of their ‘comfort zone’. Additionally, participants learn about each other’s respective careers, encouraging a community spirit. The latest winners were SSgt Chikwaka from 20 Sqn and Richard Chamberlain, Jason Kron and Steve Bates from WCHCD. Op RESCRIPT As the military response to COVID19 has developed, 20 Tpt Sqn has been carrying out various tasks in support of the Joint Military Command London, as part of Op RESCRIPT. A significant part of this has seen the Sqn distribute its white fleet holdings to the COVID Support Force. In addition, a modified public duties schedule has continued to maintain the status quo of troops on guard. There has also been the movement of diagnostic equipment around the country, support to the Royal Hospital Chelsea and the inevitable short-notice tasks that arise in these situations. Throughout this

time, the professionalism and adaptability of personnel has been a credit to the Sqn and the Corps. Farewell and welcome to the OCs 20 Tpt Sqn would like to thank Maj Richard Habbershaw for everything he has done during his time as Officer Commanding - he will be truly missed. The Sqn would like to wish him and his family the best of luck for the future. The Sqn would also like to welcome the new Officer Commanding Maj Mark Pasalk.

8 The proud basketball team captain, LCpl Banjoko

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Joint Helicopter Support Squadron (JHSS) BENSON, OXFORDSHIRE OC: Maj E Andrews • SSM: WO2 G Johnson The COVID-19 response has dominated the Armed Forces, particularly Joint Helicopter Support Squadron (JHSS) who in their capacity as a National Standby Sqn, have been put to work across the country. Helicopter Handling Teams (HHT) were deployed to Kinloss Barracks to offer specialist advice and aid in contingency planning to support the national effort to tackle COVID-19. Flt Lt Dave Jenkins, Mobile Air Operations Team Leader (MAOT) said: “During our time at Kinloss, we conducted underslung load serials to support aircrew training in anticipation of any possible COVID-19 support tasks.” Additionally, RLC Comms Specialist Cpl Dom McCabe visited the ExCel site with MAOT Leader FS Mathew Greensmith to locate a suitable landing site. Cpl McCabe added: “We were tasked at short notice to recce two sites for a VIP tasking in the local vicinity to the arena. As the duty personnel, we were out the door as soon as required to complete the tasking before returning to readiness.” JHSS have also worked tirelessly to run the Odiham and Benson Tac Parks, to ensure vital training for crews is maintained. Aligned with the rest of the station, the majority of JHSS have been working from home. However, this has not stopped the Sqn from maintaining their fitness, with a ‘JHSS 1K COVID-19 Challenge’ being tackled by personnel in their own homes. The challenge comprised of 10 rounds of 10 exercises for 10 reps, incorporating exercises such as a press-up, shoulder press and everyone’s favourite, burpees. Congratulations to all that took part! Op NEWCOMBE Despite the pandemic, the operational tempo of JHSS has not relaxed. On Op NEWCOMBE, the Chinook force recently passed a milestone by completing 2,000 flying hours in support of the French military operation 72

BARKHANE. Flt Lt Jovan Watty, deployed MAOT Leader on Op NEWCOMBE said: “JHSS is proud to continue supporting the Chinook Force whilst deployed on Op NEWCOMBE. The Sqn has deployed a standing detachment of personnel since the commencement of the operation in Jul 2018, to facilitate the Chinook’s unrivalled capabilities, including carrying large and oversized cargo both internally and underslung. JHSS’s ability to operate anywhere in the world, under any conditions, enables the Chinook to deliver its invaluable support to the French forces in Mali.” Ex HOOKER’S HUMP In order to prepare for desert operations, 19 JHSS personnel deployed on Ex HOOKER’S HUMP,

8 JHSS teams operating with Chinook as part of Op NEWCOMBE

8 The Helicopter Handling Team at

Kinloss recce a potential landing site

an off-road Land Rover driving course at RAF St Mawgan. Led by SSgt Bassett Hyatt, Sgt Dan Palmer, Cpl Stefan Bodle and SAC Craig Paull, the team learned how to navigate, route plan and drive safely on a variety of terrains. Crucially, they learned how to recover a stranded vehicle, something that happens all too often in the desert sands. Promotions, arrivals, departures In these uncertain times, it is important to recognise the achievements of those who have worked hard. Congratulations to Sgt Liam Dowling on his promotion to SSgt. SSgt Dowling is posted to 85 Sqn, Worthy Down. In the near future, the Sqn will be bidding farewell to a few familiar faces. JHSS Officer Commanding Maj Emmit Andrews will be departing the Sqn on posting to 165 Regiment RLC, Plymouth. Maj Andrews has been at the forefront of improvement and integration for the Sqn and the Sqn wishes him all the best for his posting. The Sqn will also bid farewell to the 2IC, Sqn Leader Graham McAllister, who leaves on promotion to work at Permanent Joint Headquarters. He is replaced by Flt Lt Aaron Lee, who arrives from Air Command, High Wycombe.

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Defence Munitions (DM) Kineton Station TEMPLE HERDEWYKE CO: Lt Col J N Williams • RSM: WO1 S Brennan Defence Munitions Kineton has had a busy first six months to the year and the added constraints of COVID-19 has affected all aspects of the business. Ammunition Technical Support Group (ATSG) has welcomed the first influx of Combat Logisticians awaiting their Class 2 Ammunition Technician trade training and has also started to partner with mainstream Royal Logistic Corps Units for military training. Ex LION SUN 2 Four members of DM Kineton deployed on Ex LION SUN 2 (Ex LS2) with 95 Squadron, 9 Regiment RLC in Cyprus. The aim of the exercise was to develop Dismounted Light Infantry Tactics up to CT2 Level, conduct a Live Fire Tactical Training (LFTT) package and complete AT. The exercise started with a refresh and developing the basics of fieldcraft to ensure that all soldiers were at a capable baseline. This was done quickly and increased at pace throughout the exercise. This was to test and develop JNCOs’ command and leadership skills in low level tactics all the way through to platoon level tactics and finished with a company attack. The LFTT package was based at Pyla ranges. This permitted the troops to develop their weapon handling skills; from the basic static marksmanship principles on a gallery range to a live-fire section attack. Once all the military phases of Ex LS2 were complete, it was time to kick back, relax and enjoy a week of well-earned AT activities before returning home. DM Kineton partnering with mainstream RLC Units has added a much-needed training benefit to ATSG. This has relieved pressures associated with organising and running an exercise for the whole of ATSG to attend each year, whilst maintaining the essential ammunition processing and output within DM Kineton. Attached

to tank, artillery and guided weapons. They have the opportunity to learn about the basic principles of ammunition types and how to identify the potential associated hazards.

8 Regenerating 5.56mm blank ammunition to ensure it is safe for reissue to Field Units

military personnel develop a greater understanding of how Field Army Units operate, they gain confidence in their own command and leadership skills and develop a greater skill set to use within their military career. Pre-trade training at DM Kineton After completing Combat Logistician training at the Defence School of Transport, Leconfield, potential Ammunition Technicians (ATs) are now assigned to ATSG prior to commencing the Class 2 Ammunition Technician course. This gives the potential ATs the opportunity to get ‘hands on’ experience with a wide range of ammunition, from small arms

Private M Griffiths Combat Logistician “As one of the Privates working at ATSG, there isn’t much to complain about. Arriving at Kineton was exciting; we were given good accommodation, taking us away from shared rooms and nightly inspections to a block with en suite rooms with cooking facilities. “I’ve had the chance to go to Leeds for a few days with one of the Sergeants to assist in a large Free From Explosives (FFE) task at Austin Hayes. Soon after that, I was taken in a small team to Sennybridge to process ammunition from the training area. “Everyone we have worked with has been very helpful and patient with us, teaching us how to inspect ammunition, what it is, how it’s used and what needs to happen to it after determining its condition including the sealing and marking of Ammunition Containers. “Physical training is heavily encouraged - on camp there is an excellent gym, open at all hours in usual circumstances and we also have a large sports field.”

8 Personnel regenerating ammunition that has returned from Field Units

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Bicester Garrison ST GEORGE'S BARRACKS, ARNCOTT CO: Lt Col AJ Atherton RLC • Adjt: Capt (Retired) K Jessop • RSM: WO1 A Lodwig RLC Headquarters Bicester Garrison is based in Saint George’s Barracks, Arncott. The HQ is charged primarily with providing Firm Base support to units within the Garrison, UK operations and community engagement. The Garrison (MOD) remains one of the largest, long-standing employers in the Cherwell District area of Oxfordshire. Located south of Bicester Town, the Garrison incorporates what was once the site of a Roman settlement and earliest legionary fortresses in Roman Britain after the invasion A.D. 43. Today, the Bicester Garrison emblem depicts a legionary fortress, Roman eagle and lightning bolts of the Legio II Augusta standard. Op RESCRIPT As the UK Armed Forces personnel continue to play a key role in the country’s response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, Bicester Garrison has played its small part. Since March, the Garrison has delivered Real Life Support (RLS) to DEMS Training Regiment, Mobile Testing Units, military ambulance drivers and personnel from Team RUBICON. Community engagement Salute The NHS In Mar 20, the former Formula 1 McLaren motoring entrepreneur Ron Dennis CBE put in place an exciting project aimed at providing ration packs for those medical staff

8 The ‘SaluteTheNHS’ production line in full flow

confined to COVID-19 wards for extended shifts. In conversation with his anaesthetist daughter, he discovered that there was a very real need for such a service as exhausted medical staff were having to source sustenance after long periods on the wards. Centred on a former RAF Hanger in Bicester, this operation was clearly going to need a huge community effort as volunteers from all walks of life would be needed to fill these ration packs. Ron approached Defence for help who assigned HQ Bicester Garrison in support as an enabling organisation in keeping with 11 Infantry Brigade’s Community Engagement mission. The Garrison Commander, Lieutenant Colonel

Alex Atherton RLC and QM Major Matty Barton RLC were pivotal in the provision of a ‘get you in pack’ to get production underway. Lt Col Lyndon Robinson and Lt Col Billy Dilkes RLC were assigned to the project team with the specific task of enabling success. As the Chairman of the Bicester Pioneer Association, Lt Col Dilkes ‘mobilised’ both the local veteran and broader civilian community. A welcome volunteer was Lt Col (Retired) Chris Stuart RLC. The Support NHS target is one million meal boxes by the close of Jun 20 and at the time of writing, production was some six thousand boxes of eight different configurations per day. HQ Bicester Garrison Conservation Group The Garrison is incredibly fortunate to benefit from significant areas of woodland, scrubland and meadow where flora and fauna are thriving. For over a decade, the Bicester Garrison Conservation Group has been making a positive impact and their latest exploits appeared in the Nov 2019 Sanctuary Magazine to celebrate the Year of Green Action 2019. Leading the charge is the Garrison Conservation Officer, Mr Gary Beckett (a proud Army Pioneer veteran) who has established fantastic relationships with an eclectic mix of ecology experts, skilled and knowledgeable volunteers and conservation groups. Between them, in liaison with Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), local land owners and farmers, they have delivered a number of excellent initiatives including scrub clearance and a successful programme of annual breeding, bird and butterfly surveys which record the rich assortment of rare species found within the Garrison. 8 HQ Bicester Garrison was assigned as

an enabling organisation in keeping with 11 Infantry Brigade’s Community Engagement mission


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Commando Logistic Support Squadron (LSS) BARNSTAPLE OC: Maj C Allford • SSM: WO1 C Brett The global pandemic has seen the Logistic Support Squadron having to adapt in line with COVID-19 restrictions. This has resulted in the Sqn operating on minimum manning and conducting work from home where possible - a change in tempo from the usual unrelenting pace of working within 3 Commando Brigade. Technical Troop has continued to operate an extremely busy second line account whilst reconfiguring their deployed account that had only just returned from the Arctic. Petroleum Troop personnel deployed to the training area of RMB Chivenor Airfield, which enabled the Petroleum Operators to test their military skills and the establishment and operation of a Primary Bulk Fuel Installation. The whole Sqn has really been brought into the digital age of learning with officers and SNCOs conducting a leadership webinar, grading boards, weekly Strava fitness challenges and completing MATTs on the Defence Learning Environment. Work has been ongoing to ensure that manpower and equipment is ready to deploy at any point. This is important as COVID-19 saw members of the Sqn held at increased readiness for Op BROADSHARE to provide support to the British Overseas Territories. LS Sqn was on stand-by to lead with the Theatre Enabling Group

(TEG), a task traditionally aligned to 104 Logistic Brigade. The Sqn 2IC, Capt Laura Brooks, deployed as part of Security Assistance Team 1 (SAT 1) to the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) as a Logistic Planner. SAT 1 provided contingency planning assistance to the TCI

8 The Commando Memorial dedicated to the men of the original British Commando Forces Government - considering both the threat from COVID-19 but also factoring in threat of natural disasters. As hurricane season commences and Op BROADSHARE draws down, elements of LS Sqn will continue to be held on standy-by for Op CARIBBEAN. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the British Commandos and in order to commemorate this, volunteers from the Sqn will run the equivalent return journey from RMB Chivenor, North Devon to Fort William, Scotland – a 1,140-mile round journey! This will be conducted in line with COVID-19 restrictions and to raise money for ABF The Soldiers’ Charity and Combat Stress. This period will also see a big change in the Sqn as it says goodbye to the current Officer Commanding, Maj Allford and SSM Tech, WO1 Brett. The Sqn would like to thank them for their hard work and dedication and wish them both the very best for the future. 8 Left: 2IC Capt Brooks nearby an A400 deploying as part of SAT 1. Inset: The Commando Memorial monument in Lochaber, Scotland

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THE SUSTAINER | EX CARIBBEAN EXPRESS Personnel from 165 Port & Maritime (P&M) Regt RLC tested their sea legs during Ex CARIBBEAN EXPRESS from 22 Feb 20 to 17 Mar 20. During this demanding AT expedition, 14 soldiers sailed the 72-foot yacht Discoverer, through the eastern islands of the Caribbean; clocking up more than 500 nautical miles and visiting several different Caribbean islands en-route. The crew consisted of Pte soldiers, in their first year of the Army Reserve, up to the unit’s CO and the yacht’s skipper who was a retired RAF two-star. After a long flight, the soldiers arrived at Rodney Bay, St Lucia, where a two-day period of familiarisation and essential training took place. Anyone who had expected an easy pleasure cruise through the Caribbean, soon realised that the trip would be quite demanding: the Caribbean temperature made sleeping inside the ship’s metal hull somewhat uncomfortable. The amount of work required to sail and maintain a yacht of Discoverer’s size and style, soon became apparent. Eventually, the crew hoisted the sails and left the marina in a steady afternoon breeze for the short sail to the Pitons Mountains, St Lucia, which would be the first of many nights spent at anchor. The luxury of a marina was only used at the start and the end of the trip; all other nights were spent either at anchor or tied onto a mooring buoy. The yacht’s itinerary would see her sail along the outer string of the Caribbean Islands, known as the Lesser Antilles; heading first south among the Windward Islands before turning and sailing northwards back through the Windward Islands and onto the upper part of the island chain known as the Leeward Islands. The plan would see Discoverer visit: St Lucia, St Vincent, Martinique, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Antigua and a number of their smaller island dependencies in between. The yacht’s crew were divided into three watches, each headed up by an RYA Day Skipper. Maj Chris Butterworth, LCpl ‘Hoppo’ Hopkins and the Regt’s Adjt, Capt Phil Cussins took charge of their four76


Ex CARIBBEAN EXPRESS – 165 Port & Maritime

man teams as watch leaders. The watch system was four hours on duty followed by four hours off duty, whilst the third watch took on the role of ‘mother watch’ and those qualified filled the roles of Skipper, First Mate and Second Mate. The realisation of just how hard it is to cook a meal onboard a yacht whilst sailing at a 25-degree angle and bouncing through the waves was becoming apparent for ‘mother watch’. This did lead to one or two individuals having to position themselves hanging over the yacht’s guard rails for some time as the dreaded sea sickness took hold. Nevertheless, this did not stop mother watch from producing some fantastic culinary delights;

with perhaps the dish of the trip going to Maj John Scammell’s meat loaf. However the CO, Lt Col Craig Hampton-Stone, proved he is also quite adept at cooking onboard, with an excellent pork stir fry in black bean sauce. In addition to keeping a hungry crew fed and watered, the yacht needed constant cleaning and low-level maintenance including cleaning the heads (toilets), pumping excess water from the bilges and hoovering the cabins. All this needed to be completed daily whilst the two watches above sailed the boat and took turns to enjoy a little rest. Most days, the crew were up early and on deck hoisting the huge main sail before 0600; a task which took the muscle of at least eight people. The two foresails would then be hoisted and trimmed (setting the sail correctly against the angle of the wind) and the 65tonne Discoverer would be pushed along by the wind nicely. The crew were still learning which halyard, sheet, warp or other piece rope did what and there was also other sailing evolutions to learn such as: anchoring, tying to a mooring buoy, launching the tender and many more. One such place where the Skipper decided to drop anchor was the outstanding Tobago

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Quays. This area was scattered with yachts of all shapes and sizes, everything from small sailing craft to the huge super yachts (one sailing yacht was later seen for sale at a bargain £35m) all enjoying the mesmerising beauty of the Quays. Discoverer dropped anchor just off a small tree-covered island with a narrow strip of sand making for the ideal tropical snorkelling destination. The island was surrounded by pristine coral reef and all the crew had a good few hours snorkelling amongst with the giant turtles and stunning coral. Night sailing is a big part of learning to sail and on a couple of occasions Discoverer had slipped her mooring buoy prior to 0200. For this evolution, both mother watch and the on duty watch were required on deck to hoist the sail, the on duty watch would then sail the boat until 0400 before swapping with the off watch to get a few hours’ sleep until breakfast. Mother watch would return to their bunks once the yacht was fully underway, usually by about 0300, before a 0700 wake up call to prepare breakfast for the crew. Quite an exhausting routine with little sleep especially in the heat and with the constant noise of activity on deck rumbling through the boat. Night sailing also presented its own extra challenges: there was the increased reliance on navigation lights and equipment but also the requirement to be clipped onto the yacht to prevent anyone being lost over the side and not seen in the dark; a precaution, but one which just made every task a little more difficult to complete. The crew’s knowledge and skill was expanding all the time with the yacht’s manoeuvres becoming slicker and faster; tacking and gybing through the wind as well as putting in and taking out reefs (reducing and increasing the size of


the sail) were becoming second nature. At one point, the crew had to bring down the main sail at sea with strong gusts approaching. Hauling down the massive sail and flaking it along the boom whilst bouncing around on the waves is no easy task. This evolution also included Pte Becks McMullen being hauled up the mast in order attach, or detach, the main halyard. Later, whilst in harbour, she was hauled all the way up the huge mast to complete an inspection whilst in port. In addition to sea fairing knowledge, it seemed that to be a good yachtsman mechanical engineering was also a huge asset. The yacht did have a couple of mechanical issues but luckily First Mate WO2 Pat Audas and Second Mate Maj Stu Keegan enjoyed spending many hours with their heads stuffed inside the engine compartment. Perhaps another highlight of the trip was the visit to Montserrat, where a few crew members ventured out to see the devastation that the earthquake caused to the island: the southern half of the island was out of bounds for over 20 years due to the danger posed and is now an eerie ghost town. The once top-class Montserrat Springs Hotel, made a sad sight. Suddenly abandoned over 20 years ago, the visitors’ book still lays open on the reception desk. The former capital city of Plymouth was mostly covered in debris. Spewed out from the erupting volcano some years

ago, it forced the relocation of the capital city and the entire southern half of the island up to the previously sparsely populated north. The yacht’s final destination was Jolly Harbour, Antigua, where Discoverer moored up alongside the superyachts after a short sail from the historic Falmouth Bay and Nelson’s Harbour; home to the English Navy and Admiral Nelson, more than 200 hundred years ago. After a thorough clean, inside and out and a long wait at customs, yacht Discoverer was ready to hand over to the next batch of sailors for the next leg of Ex CARIBBEAN EXPRESS. A fantastic AT expedition was had by all sailors and it was the absolute definition of what level three AT should be: challenging, exciting, ground breaking and a real opportunity to test leadership and teamwork skills.

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8 Colonel Wally Torrington 23rd September 1946 – 27th December 2019 It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Colonel Wally Torrington just after Christmas 2019. He was born into a post war family with his Dad (Wally senior) serving in the Welsh Guards and Mum, having been de-mobbed from the wartime ATS. At school, it became apparent that Wally was not a natural academic, but he made up for this with sheer dogged determination. However, in the sports arena he flourished at just about everything, achieving school and county caps in a number of disciplines. Perhaps not surprisingly, these personal attributes led him to join the Army and he enlisted as an apprentice in the Army Catering Corps. 23976869 Junior Tradesman Torrington arrived at St Omer Barracks in September 1963. Following completion of his apprenticeship, at which point he had been promoted to Junior RSM, Private Torrington was posted to the Army Youth Team in London in 1966 before serving with 23 Parachute Field Ambulance from 1967 to 1971, achieving the rank of Corporal.Wally was selected to attend a Potential Officers Course at Beaconsfield in 1971 and entered Mons Officer Cadet School that same year. Following commissioning, Lt Torrington was posted to the Army Apprentices College (ACC) initially as a Platoon Commander then as a Company 2IC in the rank of Captain, from 1971-1975.Wally was then posted to the Royal School of Artillery followed by HQ Northern Ireland where he met his lovely wife Rowena. Further postings to HQ South East District and HQ 3rd Armoured Division in Germany followed before he headed to the Falkland Islands shortly after the cessation of hostilities in 1982.


#BritishArmyLogistics In 1982 Wally was posted to the ACC Directorate, which was then followed by another posting to the College, this time as Second in Command, before being fortunate enough to be posted to HQ British Forces Hong Kong. He returned to the UK as a Lt Col for further postings to South West District and the ACC Training Centre before assuming command of the Army Apprentices College (ACC). In 1993 he became a Royal Logistic Corps officer. He finished his service in the rank of full Colonel having completed two further tours of duty in Andover and Bath. An incredible achievement after a full career in the Army, he retired in 2001. In addition to his sporting abilities,Wally was a stalwart of the ACC Association. He was a member of the Association’s Executive Council since 1990, President of the Officers’ Club since 2013 and, more recently, President of the Airborne Chefs Association. Wally was always clear that his memorial service should be held at the home Church of the ACC, and indeed that of the Parachute Regiment, with whom he had also been proud to have served. Rising throughout his career, from apprentice to the second highest rank that the ACC could have offered, was an outstanding achievement. He not only was a master of successfully assessing and organising the fulfilment of a task, but he was also able to imbue his team with confidence, motivation and a collective working ‘spirit’ where the respect that he was accorded was something close to affection. Of all the thousands who served in the ACC, in his later years Wally was to become the widest known and most liked of all. One of his military colleagues recalled that he once came upon a file containing an internal memorandum for the Director of the Army Catering Corps which he shared with Wally. This described how a staff officer from the postwar Garrison in the Falkland Islands had visited to advise on what would be needed there in future.The report on the system for garrison catering was very favourable and, to ensure its continuity, he asked that the ACC replaced the current Commander Catering with “another Wally Torrington”.The memorandum, which of course was never intended to be read by anybody other than the Director ACC, concluded with the words “regrettably of course we only have one Wally Torrington”.There were tears in his eyes when, years later,Wally recounted reading those words and realising that his success and worth were actually recognised at the highest level as being true and real. “There was only one Wally Torrington” would be an epitaph that would surely please him. May he rest in Peace…

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8 Major Kenneth W Blease – RASC/RAOC/RCT

8 WO1 (SSM) G P Keelor RAOC

OBITUARIES | THE SUSTAINER Born in Airdrie in Scotland, Ken Blease joined Junior Leaders Battalion RASC in September 1961 aged 15. At that time his father was serving in the REME and stationed in Benghazi. Joining Connaught Platoon ‘A’Wing Ken quickly settled in to his army training. Such was his cheerful personality and good humour that he made many friends. His dedication to his training quickly led to promotion through Buller, Dalton and finally, Gloucester Platoon where he attained the rank of Junior CSM. Ken proved to be an extremely capable pugilist, earning him a place in the Battalion boxing team where it is believed, he remained unbeaten. On leaving Norton Manor Ken served in FARELF Singapore, where he was transferred into the RAOC.Then on to HQ AFCENT, UNFICYP and HQ BAOR. Only ten years after leaving Juniors, he was promoted to WO2. In 1977 Ken was commissioned into the RCT returning to the Junior Leaders Regiment in Taunton as a Troop Commander. He was then involved in their move to Colerne. As a Captain he was posted back to Germany serving in several units before a short spell in Andover. Following his well-deserved promotion to Major in August 1984 he again returned to Germany facing up to the challenges of command. One of his proudest moments was taking command of the independent, Joint

Transport Company in Rheindahlen. Ken’s final posting before retiring in 1990 was as OC Driver Training Wing at ASMT Leconfield. Not being one to don his slippers at that point Ken then joined the Prison Service as OSG in prison officer support and remarkably served at the same time as is son, daughter and daughter-in-law at HMP Hull. Ken and his wife Jean had married in 1967. There followed the birth of their daughter Michelle and then soon after came son Mark. In later life Ken was often to be heard praising his children’s progress in life and how proud he and Jean were of their accomplishments. Sadly, Jean passed away in 2016 leaving Ken bereft and devastated by her loss. He continued to attend Norton Manor Group reunions and mini-meetings up to 2017, but then moved with his entire family to Banff in Scotland, where he settled into a quiet retirement. He had been suffering kidney problems for quite some time, eventually, sadly, succumbing to his ailments. On behalf of all members of the Norton Manor Group I extend our sympathies and condolences to Michelle, Mark and to all of the grand-children and great grand-children too. Kenneth W Blease was a man to be immensely proud of and he will remain in all our hearts and minds for a very long time to come. RIP Ken. Mike Mason (Secretary and Coordinator, Norton Manor Group, RASC}

Gerry Keelor sadly passed away on 31 March 2020. Gerry was born on 3 March 1938. On completion of his education he joined the RAOC as a boy soldier. He passed out as a Storeman RAOC in 1955 and was posted to Blackdown Barracks as MTI. Gerry was promoted to Corporal in Bicester, where he met Beryl, who was then a Corporal in the WRAC.They married in 1959 in St Helens, Lancashire and went on to have two daughters, Sharron and Lisa. After a posting to 17 RVD in Mönchengladbach and then Detmold, he was then posted in 1963 to 208 Signals Squadron, in Malaya. In 1966, the family returned to UK and whilst in Kineton, Gerry volunteered for the All Arms Commando Course. After being awarded his green beret he was posted with 3 Commando Brigade OFP to Singapore in 1967. Returning to Bramley in 1970, Gerry was selected to serve with the United Nations Peace Keeping Force in Cyprus. In 1972 the family were posted to Ord Depot Antwerp and Gerry was promoted to WO1 (SSM) before leaving for Bramley again in 1975. Gerry left the Army in 1978. Within the Corps, Gerry was a popular and dedicated soldier with a great sense of humour and was well known as one of The

Keelor Brothers who combined together, had a total of 97 year’s service with the RAOC. Gerry didn't settle into civilian life and after a year went to work for the Sultan of Oman's Armed Forces as an Ammunition Specialist, returning to the UK six years later. Gerry and Beryl moved to the village of Billinge, nr St Helens, where he worked as a warehouse operator at Carborundum Abrasives UK, until his retirement in 2003. In retirement he remained an active committee member of The Commando Veterans Association. Gerry was a regular attender of the RAOC Association and Vehicle Specialist Fellowship Branch reunions joining his brother Chris. His was a life, well lived, he was a soldier through and through and although struck down with a debilitating dementia type illness, he never lost his sense of humour. He was a much loved husband of 61 years to Beryl and a kind and loving dad to his girls and adored and hero worshiped granddad to four granddaughters and two grandsons. He will be sorely missed by his large family and many, many friends the world over. His funeral attendance was restricted due to Coronavirus. A memorial service is planned for April 2021 in Billinge. For information on attendance please email Chris Keelor at: chris.keelor@btinternet.com

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LAST POST Bates - On 2 March 2020, Mr A K Bates RAOC Atkinson - On 9 April 2020, Mr PJ Atkinon RASC Batty - In 2020, Maj ARJ Batty MBE RASC/RCT Beal - On 6 May 2020, Maj CH Beal RASC/RCT Bennett – on 29 June 2020, Mr R Bennett Para/RCT/RLC Blease - On 21 May, Maj KW Blease RASC/RAOC/RCT Blyth - On 8 June 2020, Col PW Blyth MBE late RASC Bowman - On 26 February 2020, Mr P Bowman RCT Bidmead - On 25 March 2020, Col J Bidmead CBE, late RASC/RCT Brown - On 7 February 2020, Mr M Brown RAOC Brown - On 9 April 2020, Mr J Brown RASC/RCT Brown - On 9 March 2020, Mrs P Brown Carter - On 14 February 2020, Mr K Carter RAOC Carter - On 21 February 2020, Maj DJ Carter RCT Cassell - On 17 June 2020, Mr G Cassell RAOC Clunn - On 14 June 2020, Mr W A Clunn RAOC Connon - On 8 February 2020, Mr C Connon RASC/RCT Connor - On 8 July 2020, Mr C Connor RAOC Cowie - On 9 May 2020, Mr Ian Cowie RCT Daukes - In May, Lt CF Daukes RASC/RAF/RCT Dempsey - On 24 May 2020, Mr W Dempsey RAOC Driscoll - On 7 May 2020, Lt Col P J L Driscoll MBE RAOC Edwards - On 27 March 2020, Mr B Edwards RCT Edwards - On 5 April 2020, Mr H F Edwards RAOC Elms - On 19 March 2020, Mr RJ Elms RCT Fleming - On 14 February 2020, Mr BC Fleming RCT Fletcher - On 3 April 2020, Capt F Fletcher RAOC Foster - On 21 July 2020, Maj S J Foster RAOC/RLC Gannon - On 14 September 2019, Mr M Gannon RAOC Griffiths - On 20 April 2020, Maj RW Griffiths RCT Hall - On 11 July 2020, Mr (IP) A Hall RAOC Hall - On 26 April 2020, Col M D Hall OBE GM late RAOC Halsall - On 14 February 2020, Mr D Halsall RASC/RCT Hazeldine - On 11 May 2020, Mr J Hazeldine RAOC Hobbins - On 5 January 2020, Mr M R Hobbins MBE RAOC Hodder - On 21 April 2020, Col IM Hodder late RASC/RCT Houghton - On 26 June 2020, Mr T Houghton RAOC Howarth - On 10 April 2020, Mr A Howarth RAOC Hunt - On 25 April 2020, Mr V P Hunt RCT Hutchings - On 13 June 2020, Mr R A J Hutchings RAOC Johnson - On 27 January 2020, Col J M C Johnson late RAOC Jones - On 10 May 2020, Lt Col DEB Jones RE/RCT Jones - On 26 May 2020, Mr P Jones RAOC Keelor - On 31 March 2020, Mr G P Keelor RAOC Land - On 9 April 2020, Mr (IP) P J Land RAOC Larrard - On 30 May 2020, Mr E A Larrard RAOC Loaring - On 8 May 2020, Mr DA Loaring RASC Macdonald - On 21 March 2020, Mr C Macdonald RAOC MacIntyre - On 10 December 2019, Mr F MacIntyre RAOC


Mack - On 20 June 2020, Mr T Mack RAOC Maclean - In February 2020, Col A Maclean TD late RCT Makepeace - On 9 May 2020, Mr B Makepeace RAOC McCulloch - On 15 June 2020, Mr M McCulloch RAOC McDonald - On 5 April 2020, Mr W McDonald RAOC McGeorge - On 29 April 2020, Mr G McGeorge RAOC McManus - On 5 July 2020, Mr C McManus RAOC Milne - On 29 May 2020, Mr R Milne RAOC Morgan - On 13 July 2020, Mr L Morgan RAOC Mortimer - On 29 May 2020, Mr JA Mortimer RASC Mullarkey - On 23 March 2020, Mr M T Mullarkey RAOC Munro - On 12 June 2020, Col A R C Munro late RAOC Noonan - On 15 December 2019, Mr P Noonan RAOC Norvell - On 6 March 2020, Mr WF Norvell RASC/RCT Notman - On 13 June, Maj AL Notman RASC/RCT O'Hare - On 1 May 2020, Col CD O'Hare RASC/RAOC Oliver - On 13 February 2020, Mr D Oliver RE/RCT Passmore - On 7 May 2020, Mr D Passmore RAOC Paternoster - On 3 April 2020, Mr P H Paternoster RAOC Patterson - On 25 May 2020, Maj KR Patterson RASC/RCT Payne - On 10 May 2020, Mrs JK Payne Povey - On 30 March 2020, Mr D Povey RAOC Quartley - On 24 March 2020, Capt S R Quartley RAOC Reece - On 27 April 2020, Maj KF Reece MBE RCT/RLC Reid - On 17 May 2020, Mr J J Reid RAOC Ridley - On 19 June 2020, Col T C K Ridley OBE late RAOC Rivett - On 15 Apr 2020, Mr G Rivett RCT Ross - On 12 July 2019, Mr D Ross RAOC Royle - On 25 Febuary 2020, Mr E Royle RAOC Russell - On 15 July 2020, Mr P Russell RAOC Silvester - On 19 April 2020, Mr D J Silvester QGM RAOC Simmonds - On 3 April 2020, Maj E Simmonds RCT/RAPC Smith - On 12 May 2020, Mr J B Smith RAOC Smith - On 18 March 2020, Mr K Smith RAOC Stewart - On 11 April 2020, Maj I H Stewart RCT/RLC Storey - On 22 June 2020. Mr P Storey RAOC Suddaby - On 18 April 2020, Mr T Suddaby RASC/RCT Thornhill - On 5 March 2020, Mr J R Thornhill RAOC Thubron - On 16 April 2020, Mr (IP) A Thubron ACC Tubbs - On 27 February 2020, Mr JK Tubbs RCT Walker - On 9 April 2020, Mr F C Walker RAOC Whitelaw - On 16 June 2020, Mr G Whitelaw RAOC Whyte - On 3 March 2020, Maj P Whyte RASC/RCT Williams - In April 2020, Mr AE Williams RASC Williams - On 14 May 2020, Mr K Williams RASC/RCT Woodward - On 27 May 2020, Maj RH Woodward TD RASC/RCT Wooles - On 1 April 2020, Lt Col DS Wooles RASC/RCT Woolley - On 26 October 2019, Mr G Woolley RAOC Young - On 12 April 2020, Lt Col A Young OBE RAOC

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