Nevita George - Student Research and Creativity Forum - Hofstra University

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A Systematic Review of Barriers and Facilitators Impacting the Utilization of Mental Health Services Among Asian American Youth

What did we do?

We conducted the first comprehensive research synthesis of barriers and facilitators to mental health care among Asian American youth and families.

What did we find?


2 Asian American youth face knowledge, relational, attitudinal, structural, and cultural barriers

Cultural factors were both part of existing barrier domains AND distinct barriers themselves


We identified 6 qualitative studies that examined barriers in structural, attitudinal, relational, knowledge, cultural, and other domains.

• Two of the 6 studies also described facilitators in the structural, attitudinal, and relational domains.


• Asian American youth are the least likely racial/ethnic group to receive mental health service in the U.S., perpetuating their “invisible, undocumented suffering.”*

• Studies have identified structural, relational, knowledge, and attitudinal barriers and facilitators that impact access to mental health care in this population.

Barriers are obstacles (e.g., stigma and mistrust) that hinder individuals from accessing and engaging with essential mental health services and support.

Facilitators are factors and resources (e.g., supportive social networks) that encourage access to mental health services and support psychological health.

Aim: To synthesize the literature on the salient barriers and facilitators of mental health service use among Asian American youth


• All procedures were conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. Searches were conducted in October 2023 using PsycINFO, PubMed, and Medline.

• We coded the barriers and facilitators of mental health service use and synthesized the data across coders.

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• Findings highlight the pressing need to address barriers perpetuating Asian American youth mental health disparities and the potential for culturally relevant facilitators to improve access to care. Discussion

Reference: *Huff, C. (2023). How to promote mental health among Asian American teens Studies
References removed (n=200) Studies screened (n=604) Studies excluded (n=460) Studies sought for retrieval (n=144)
assessed for eligibility (n=144) Studies included in review (n=6) Studies excluded (n=138) • Wrong outcomes (n = 26) • Adult population (n = 4) • Wrong study design (n = 7) • Not conduct in USA (n = 9) • Wrong patient population (n = 89) • Insufficient data to describe our research question (n = 3) identification Screening Included Prisma Diagram
(n=804) Scan the code to view our PROSPERO preregistration
included studies
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