新生指南 Survival Guide 2017

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4. 25. 65.

87. 2

迎新時期 Orientation Period 8. 9. 10. 14. 16. 18. 20.

重要日期 Important Dates 領取學生證 Collection of Student Card Orientation Activities 迎新活動 Hall Registration 申請宿位 I.T. Services 資訊科技服務 繳交學費 Fee Payment 財政支援 Financial Assistance

校園生活 University life 26. 32. 54. 56. 58. 60.

讀書 Studying 住 Hall Living in Hall 做兼職 Getting a Part-time Job 上莊 Becoming an Ex-co 拍拖 Dating 大學只有五件事? BEYOND THE FIVE MUST-DOS

校園資料 Campus Information 66. 72. 74. 75. 78. 79. 80. 82. 83. 84.

食肆 Caterers 商店 Shops 銀行 Banks 圖書館 Libraries 影印 Photocopying 醫療 Medical Services 其他設施 Other Facilities 學院辦公室 Faculty Offices 學生資源及發展中心 CEDARS 溫習好去處 Learning Commons

港大學生會 HKUSU 88. 92. 94. 95.

簡介 Introduction 三聯會 3A 港大學生會架構圖 Structure Map of HKUSU 學生會幹事 Union Executives


會 長 的 話 President's Message 首先,我謹代表香港大學學生會歡迎大家來到香港大學。期望大家未來數年在港大 找到自己以後的位置和方向。 香港大學機會處處,卻未必人人懂得尋找並把握機會。大學固然十分自由,沒有了 以往的所謂「生涯規劃」,有人或因此感到迷惘,除了上課就不知何去何從。若我們讓 機會白白溜走,亦無人會責怪我們無所事事的渡過這幾年的大學生涯。但我相信大家不 會如此虛耗光陰,唯望大家謹慎選擇,然後全力以赴,在港大過得無憾無悔。 大學生活眨眼便過,相信大家亦會把握時間,讓自己這數年過得充實-有人會寒窗 苦讀,務求以驕人成績畢業;有人會全身投入實習工作,塑造一份亮麗履歷;當然亦有 人「上莊」「住 hall」,只求大學生涯曾經「搏盡無悔」。不論大家如何選擇,希望大 家謹記,能夠成為一等學府的學生,自有對於我城的承擔。當然,面對今時今日香港的 窘迫與困局,我們不能強求每人都站在推動變革的前線,但當現在香港處於困難險阻之 時,期望大家亦願意各司其職,在各自崗位守衛香港。 香港大學學生會會長 黃政鍀 To begin, on behalf of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union, I would like to welcome all of you to the University of Hong Kong. I wish every one of you is able to find where you belong and your direction here. Opportunities are everywhere in our University, but not everyone knows how to search and grasp them. This is a place with freedom. Without the suggestions on so-called ‘life planning’, perhaps you may get confused and lose your direction apart from going to lectures and tutorials. If you let chances slip by, you will not be judged as well. Yet, I am sure this is not your expectation on you life here. My only advice is that you should choose what you would like to dedicate to mindfully, and then make an all-out effort, so that you do not graduate with regrets. Your university life is going to end in the blink of an eye. I am sure you will spend your time here fruitfully. Some may delve into the sea of knowledge and pursue academic excellence. Some may seek for internships for a competitive curriculum vitae. Some will of course join student societies and halls just to do everything we can have done here. Whatever choice you make, I wish you can bear in mind that becoming the students of this centennial establishment means we also have great responsibility to our community. Indeed, not everyone will choose to or can stand at the forefront, but as Hong Kong is now facing the scourge of multiple threats, I hope you can altogether, at different positions, join us to defend Hong Kong.

WONG Ching Tak President The Hong Kong University Students’ Union




第一章 迎新時期 Chapter One Orientation Period


重 要 日 期 Important Dates 收到學校通知後

After receiving notification from HKU 完成內聯網註冊後

After online master registration

內聯網註冊開始 Online master registration for freshmen begins 網上查閱可供選修之課程 Online course information available

8/8 - 9/8

學生會迎新營 Union Orientation Camp

10/8 - 11/8

新生註冊日 Registration Day

15/8 (09:59) 14/8 - 19/8 18/8 (16:00) 23/8 (10:00) - 28/8 (16:00) 24/8 (09:00-14:30) 30/8 (10:00) 30/8–9/9 31/8 (10:00) - 13/9 (16:00) 1/9 (12:00-17:00) 4/9 - 9/9

舍堂宿位申請截止 Deadline of hall registration 筆記本電腦教學優惠計劃(第一輪) Notebook Ownership Programme (1st Round) 舍堂宿位申請結果公佈 Release of hall results 網上選科 Online course registration 暫停網上選科 Suspension period of online course registration 開學典禮 Inauguration Ceremony 領取學生證 Collection of student registration card 增修/退選科目 Add/Drop Period 暫停增修/退選科目 Suspension of Add/Drop Period 筆記本電腦教學優惠計劃(第二輪) Notebook Ownership Programme (2nd Round)

25/9 - 29/9

領取筆記本電腦 Collection of notebook computers

16/10 - 21/10

閱讀週 Reading Week


第一學期最後上課日 Last day of teaching of the first semester


領 取 學 生 證 Collection of Student Card 同學可於以下時間到莊月明文娛中心 105 室領取學生證。 Your student registration card will be available for collection at Room 105, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre according to the following timetable.

30/8 (10:15-17:30)

31/8 (10:15-17:30)

建築學院 Faculty of Architecture

文學院 Faculty of Ar ts

經濟及工商管理學院 Faculty of Business and Economics

教育學院 Faculty of Education

法律學院 Faculty of Law

理學院 Faculty of Science

1/9 (10:15-17:30) 工程學院 Faculty of Engineering 社會科學學院 Faculty of Social Sciences

牙醫學院及李嘉誠醫學院同學的學生證將由學院辦公室(Faculty Office)派發。 If you are from the Faculty of Dentistr y or the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, your student registration card will be distributed by your Faculty Office. 如果你在以上時間未能領取學生證,可以在以下時間到莊月明文娛中心 105 室領取學生證。 If you are unable to get your student registration card during the above time, you can get it during the following time slots. 7/9







迎新活動 ORIENTATION ACTIVITIES 顧名思義,迎新活動(簡稱「O」)就是專為迎接新生而設的活動。港大的迎新活動分別 由學生會、學生會的屬會以及校方的學生發展及資源中心(CEDARS)各自籌辦。透過 參與迎新活動,同學除了可以認識新朋友,還可以向師兄師姐請教選科心得,更可以認 識港大校園和文化,增加對港大的認識及歸屬感。 很多屬會幹事亦會在 O-Camp 中物色接班人,若有興趣上莊,就不可錯過 O-Camp 了。 Orientation activities (usually called “O” in HKU) are activities designed to welcome freshmen. Different orientation activities in HKU are held by the Union, Union sub-organisations, and the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS). Through par ticipating in orientation activities, freshmen can make new friends, receive tips from seniors on course registration, and also learn more about the culture and environment of HKU, cultivating a better sense of belonging towards the university. It is common for executive committee members (Ex-co) of student societies to look for their successors during orientation activities. So if you’re interested in becoming an Ex-co, don’t miss out these orientation activities!


巨 O "Huge O"/Union O 即學生會迎新營,於 2005 年停辦,2011 年重辦。新生可以認識來自不同學院的同學, 遊走校園,加深對港大文化及學生會的認識。 The Union Orientation Camp is organised by the Hong Kong University Students’ Union. Freshmen could meet students from different faculties and familiarise themselves with the campus so as to increase their understanding towards the culture of the Union and the university.

大 O “Big O”/Faculty O 由院會主辦,對象為該學院的新生,規模較大,參與人數亦較多。新生可以認識來自相 同學院但不同學系的朋友。 Faculty orientation camps are organised by faculty societies, targeting at freshmen of a par ticular faculty. The scale of Faculty O’s is usually larger with more par ticipants. Freshmen could meet new friends from different depar tments of the same faculty.

細 O “Small O” 由學術屬會舉辦,對象為個別學系的新生。規模較小,參與人數亦較少,但新生卻可認 識將來就讀同一學科的同學。 Small O’s are orientation camps organised by academic societies, targeting at freshmen studying in a par ticular depar tment. The scale of these orientation camps may be smaller with fewer par ticipants, but freshmen get to meet friends who may be studying the same subject as theirs in the future.

學 會 迎 新 營 Club Orientation Camp 由 體育聯會 (SA)、 文 化 聯 會 (CA) 及 學 社 聯 會 (ICA) 屬會所舉辦的迎新營,對象為該學 會的新會員。 Club orientation camps are organised by clubs from Spor ts Association (SA), Cultural Association (CA), and Independent Clubs Association (ICA), targeting at their new members.

舍 堂 體 驗 營 Hall Touch Camp 由舍堂宿生會舉辦,對象為所有有興趣入住舍堂的新生,旨在讓新生體驗舍堂生活,認 識舍堂文化,從中選擇合適自己的舍堂。舍堂體驗營為期兩日一夜,新生在申請入住舍 堂前不妨參加多於一個體驗營,比較一下再作選擇。


(cont.) Touch camps are organised by students’ associations of different halls, targeting at freshmen who are interested in living in halls. Through these camps, freshmen could gain first-hand experience of the life and culture of halls they are interested in joining. Touch camps usually last for 2 days and 1 night. You can consider applying for more than one touch camp so that you can make comparisons between halls.

舍 堂 迎 新 Hall Orientation 由舍堂宿生會舉辦,對象為成功申請入住該舍堂的新生。舍堂迎新有別於其他迎新營, 較著重於建立價值觀,並展開舍堂教育。為期約九日。 Hall orientation camps are organised by different hall students’ associations, targeting at freshmen who have been successfully admitted to a par ticular hall. Unlike other orientation camps, they emphasise more on the establishment of hall values and the commencement of hall education. They usually lasting for around 9 days.

茶 聚 Tea Gathering 茶聚通常在日間進行,長約數小時。茶聚期間或會有小遊戲環節,與該屬會的幹事及其他 新生交流。大部分體育聯會 (SA)、文化聯會 (CA) 及學社聯會 (ICA) 屬會都會舉辦招莊 茶聚。而部分學術屬會的茶聚亦會有教職員到場,是一個學生與教職員交流的難得機會。 Tea gatherings are usually held during daytime, lasting for a couple of hours. Some tea gatherings may include games to let freshmen get to know each other or the executive committee members of the clubs. Most tea gatherings organised by spor ts clubs, cultural clubs, and independent clubs ser ve the purpose of recruiting new executive committee members for the upcoming session. Professors and university staff are occasionally invited to some tea gatherings held by academic societies.

迎 新 日 、 迎 新 夜 O Day & O Night 分別在日間和在夜間舉行的單日活動。新生可透過這些活動了解相關學院或屬會,更可 直接與幹事溝通及認識新朋友。 These are one-day events during which freshmen are introduced to the Union or Union suborganisations. Freshmen could learn more about the student societies, get to know the executive committee members, or meet new friends.


建 議 Advice Corner 迎 新 營 必 備 品 Packing List • 小量現金 • 八達通 • 更換衣物 * • 清潔用品 • 毛巾 • 水 • 拖鞋 • 西裝 #

• Some cash • Octopus card • Clothes * • Personal care products • Towels • Water • Slippers • Suit #

* 部分迎新營可能會有濕身水戰環節 , 女生可自備深色衣物。 Some orientation camps may include water battles, so it would be a good idea for girls to bring some dark-coloured t-shir ts. # 部分迎新營可能會有高桌晚宴環節。 Some orientation camps may include a high table dinner.

退 款 機 制 Refund Policy 迎 新 時 期 的 活 動 均 設 有 退 款 機 制。 如 新 生 在 於 新 生 註 冊 日 期 間, 即 8 月 10 日 或 11 日 申 請 退 款, 可 獲 全 數 退 款; 在 活 動 開 始 前 48 小 時 申 請 退 款, 只 可 獲 75%–100% 退 款; 在活動開始前 48 小時之內申請退款,則有可能不獲退款。迎新時期難免會有撞期的情況 出現,新生切記要作適當的取捨及編排。 A refund policy applies to all activities during the orientation period. If you apply for a refund during the Registration Day (10, 11 August 2017), you can get a 100% refund; apply within 48 hours or more before the event begins, 75%–100%; 48 hours or less before the event begins, 0% in most occations. Time clashes are sometimes inevitable during the orientation period, so be ready to make compromises and arrange your schedule smar tly!


申請宿位 HALL REGISTRATION 申請宿位機制 Hall Admission Mechanism 同學申請宿位的評分標準以 Need (N) 和 Merit (M) 作準則,評分根據以下公式計算 : The scoring system for hall registration consists of Need (N) and Merit (M) as the two criteria. The following formula illustrates how the scores for hall registration are formulated:

Score = nN + mM n = weighting N = need score m = weighting M = merit score Need score (N) 是指同學對宿位的需求,考慮因素包括由家往返校園的時間、家中人均可 用空間,以及住屋種類等。Merit Score (M) 則由每間舍堂自己決定,考慮因素包活同學 在讀書和課外活動上的成就、預計對舍堂的投入程度,以及面試時的表現等。舍堂必須 公開其評分準則予同學參考。 Need score (N) calculates how much you need to live in a hall. It takes into account your travelling time to HKU, the average area available per family member, the type of housing of your home, etc. Merit score (M) is decided by each individual hall. The criteria for its calculation includes your academic and non-academic achievements, your expected involvement in the hall, your interview performance, etc. Halls must make their scoring criteria openly available to students.


此 外, 校 方 規 定 每 天 來 回 校 舍 需 要 三 小 時 以 上 的 本 地 生 擁 有「absolute need」, 即 其 need score 為 最 高 的 100 分。 擁 有「absolute need」 的 本 地 生 和 所 有 非 本 地 生 均 保 證 可 以住 hall 一年。n 和 m 是用作計算分數的 weightings,詳見下表 : Besides, local students who need to travel more than 3 hours per day are considered to have ‘absolute need’, which basically means that they have the maximum need score of 100. Local students who have “absolute need” and all non-local students are guaranteed one year of hall residence. To guarantee this, the weightings n and m are in place. They are determined according to the table below: 住 HALL 年數 YEARS OF HALL EXPERIENCE







非本地生 Non-local students





擁有「absolute need」之本地生 Local students with absolute need









其他本地生 Other local students

申請宿位程序 Hall Admission Procedures 同學可到 HKU Portal → Online Applications → Application for Resident Hall 申請 舍堂宿位。今年的截止時間為 2017 年 8 月 15 日上午 9 時 59 分,面試將於之後兩日舉行, 新生務必預留時間。結果將會於 2017 年 8 月 18 日在學生發展及資源中心 (CEDARS) 及 舍堂告示板公佈,申請失敗的同學可於得知結果後三日內申請 appeal。 成功申請宿位的同學請留意,宿位只為期一年,同學在學年完結後若想繼續在舍堂住宿, 必須再次申請。 To apply for halls, please log on to HKU Portal → Online Applications → Application for Resident Hall. The deadline for hall registration this year is 09:59 a.m. on 15 August 2017. Interview sessions will be held on the next two days, so don’t forget to reser ve your time. The admission result will be announced on 18 August 2017 on CEDARS web and official notice boards of halls. Unsuccessful applicants can apply for an appeal within three days after the announcement of the hall admission result. Please be reminded that the places in the halls will only last for one year. Readmission at the end of the academic year is required if you wish to continue living in your hall.


資訊科技服務 I.T. SERVICES HKU Portal 全 日 制 本 科 生 可 用 申 請 學 位 時 所 用 的 電 郵 地 址, 檢 查 一 封 由 reg1@hku.hk 寄 來、 名 為 「Registration for New Full-time Undergraduate Students」的郵件,電郵中會列出互聯網 註冊的程序,以及你的 Por tal ID 和密碼。 在登記成功後,同學可使用 Por tal 帳戶 reg 科、收發電郵、報 hall、報 exchange、預約診 症、查閱考試時間表、學科資訊、GPA⋯⋯簡而言之,Por tal 將會成為你大學生活中不可 或缺的一部分。 For full-time undergraduates, please check your per sonal email account used in admission application for an email from reg1@hku.hk with the subject “Registration for New Full-time Undergraduate Students”. This email details the master registration procedures and includes your HKU Por tal UID and PIN. After registration, you can use your Por tal account to register courses, check email, apply for halls and exchange programmes, book medical ser vices, access exam time tables, browse course information, check your GPA, etc. In other words, HKU Por tal will become an indispensable par t of your university life.

HKU WiFi 同學用 Portal 帳戶作簡單登記後,便可在校園及舍堂內使用 HKU WiFi 服務,亦可在 校園以外的不同地方免費使用 CSL 和 Y5Zone 的 WiFi hotspots。 After completing a simple registration with your HKU Por tal account, you’ll gain access to highspeed WiFi ser vice on campus and in halls. You’ll also be able to use off-campus WiFi hotspots provided by CSL and Y5Zone. Link: http://www.its.hku.hk/documentation/guide/network/wifi/hkuwifi/


MSSA Program 在 Microsoft Student Advantage (MSSA) Program 下,每名學生可免費在最多 5 台電腦以 及最多五部智能電話下載並安裝 Microsoft Office ProPlus (Office 365 ProPlus)。 Under the Microsoft Student Advantage (MSSA) Program, each university student can download and install Microsoft Office ProPlus (Office 365 ProPlus) on up to 5 Macs or PCs as well as Office Mobile on up to 5 mobile devices for free.

影 印 服 務 Photocopying & Printing Services 現時,同學除了可使用學校的電腦和影印機影印文件外,亦可把自己的電腦連接至學校 的 uPrint 系 統, 直 接 在 個 人 電 腦 上 操 作, 十 分 方 便。 同 學 每 年 都 會 收 到 100 個 免 費 的 printing credits( 價 值 $30), 如 同 學 用 完 了 學 生 證 內 的 credits, 可 使 用 智 華 館 和 The Oval 的增值機用八達通增值。 Apar t from using the university’s facilities to print documents, you can now print directly from your own computer by connecting it to the university’s uPrint ser vice. You’ll receive 100 free printing credits (wor th HK$30) each year from the university. If you’ve used them up, you can reload your account with an Octopus card using the add-value machines in the Chi Wah Learning Commons or the Oval.

HKU Connect Email 同學可直接在智能電話上查閱 Portal 帳戶的電郵,詳見 : You can directly access your Por tal email account with your smar tphone. For details, please visit the following websites: Link: http://www.its.hku.hk/documentation/guide/email/connect/ios/ (iOS) Link: http://www.its.hku.hk/documentation/guide/email/connect/android/ (Android)




Tuition, Accommodation and Students' Union Subscription Fee 每 年 學 費 及 宿 費 分 兩 期 繳 交, 同 學 可 透 過 ATM、PPS、 支 票 或 網 上 銀 行 繳 交 學 費。 校 方 不接受本地學生以信用卡繳交學費。同學可於 HKU Portal → Financial Services → My Invoice 查閱繳交學費的詳情。同學需於 9 月 30 日前繳交第一學期的學費,而宿費則需 於 10 月 16 日前繳交。除此之外,作為學生會會員,同學亦請謹記同時繳交會費。 由於同學未必有支票簿或網上理財戶口,故用 ATM 轉帳繳交學費可算是最普遍和最方便 的 方 法。 同 學 可 於 櫃 員 機 內 按「 繳 費 服 務 」 →「 大 學 學 府 」 →「 香 港 大 學 」, 就 可 看 到 各 項 繳 費 選 擇, 包 括 學 費、 宿 費、 學 生 會 會 費 等。 選 擇 了 要 繳 付 的 費 用 後, 鍵 入 繳 費 編 號和所須繳付的金額即可(繳費編號是學生證號碼後加 9999。舉例說,若你的學生證號 碼是 3035345678,你的繳費編號就是 30353456789999)。 The tuition fee and accommodation fee are paid in two instalments via ATM, PPS, cheque, or e-banking service. The university does not accept local students paying via credit card. Please refer to HKU Portal → Financial Services → My Invoice for more details. The due date of the lastest instalment of tuition fee is 30 September, while that of hall fee is 16 October. Meanwhile, being Full members of the Students' Union, students shall settle the subscription fee of the Union as well. Since students may not have access to cheques and e-banking accounts, ATM transfer is the most common and convenient payment method. After selecting Bill Payment → Education → The University of Hong Kong in an ATM, simply enter the bill type and bill account number as indicated in the invoice. (Your bill account number is your UID number followed by 9999. For example, if your UID is 3035345678, your bill account number is 30353456789999.)



Deferred Payment 同學若遇上財政困難,可向校方申請延遲繳費(學費或宿費均可)。同學必須於繳費到期 前最少五個工作天提交延遲繳費的申請。若果同學想申請延遲繳費,請到 http://cedars. hku.hk/finance/defer.html 填 寫 個 人 資 料, 並 於 兩 個 工 作 天 之 內 向 CEDARS 提 供 有 關 的 證明文件。如有需要,CEDARS 會邀請同學作簡短會談。 詳情請瀏覽 cedar s.hku.hk → Undergraduates → Deferred Payment of Fees。 Students with financial difficulties can apply to defer their payments of tuition fee and/or accommodation fee. The application for payment deferral must be submitted at least five working days prior to the original deadline of payment. To apply for payment deferral, you can visit http:// cedars.hku.hk/finance/defer.html to fill in your personal information and return the required suppor ting documents to CEDARS within the next 2 working days. An interview may be arranged if needed. For fur ther financial advice, please visit cedar s.hku.hk → Undergraduates → Deferred Payment of Fees.


Late Payment 若同學遲交費用,學校會先寄信到同學家中提醒同學到鈕魯詩樓一樓繳交學費。若同學 於一個月內仍未繳清學費,校方將封鎖其 Portal 戶口及停止其學生證功能。同學將不能 使用 Portal,亦不能使用學校的設施,如智華館、圖書館、體育場館等。同學於繳清欠 款後,更須繳交行政費用 ( 該筆款項的 10% 或港幣 500 元之較低者 )。 If you fail to pay the fees on time, the university will send you a letter reminding you to go to 1/F, Knowles Building to settle the payments. If payment is not settled within 30 days after the due date, your HKU Por tal account and student card will be deregistered, and you will be prohibited from using university facilities and services. To reinstate your student status, you will have to pay a surcharge of 10% of the outstanding fees, or $500, whichever is less.


財政支援 Financial Assistance 政府資助

Government Assistance 一、資助專上課程學生資助計劃 (TSFS) ,俗稱「Grant-Loan」。顧名思義,計劃包含了兩 部分,分別是助學金和低息借貸。計劃亦提供學生車船津貼和院校宿舍津貼。 所 有 TSFS 申 請 均 須 經 由 學 資 處 電 子 通 網 上 平 台 填 寫 及 遞 交( 網 址:http://ess.wfsfaa. gov.hk/), 本 年 度 的 截 止 日 期 為 9 月 15 日。CEDARS 可 按 要 求 幫 助 同 學 檢 查 申 請 表 格, 以 確 保 資 料 正 確 和 沒 有 漏 交 文 件。 如 需 協 助, 請 致 電 CEDARS 查 詢( 電 話:2859 2305)。 聲 明 書 及 證 明 文 件 須 於 遞 交 申 請 表 格 後 七 天 內 遞 交。 同 學 可 將 文 件 投 進 學 資 處 設 於 CEDARS 的 收 集 箱( 明 華 綜 合 大 樓 三 樓 )。 一 般 來 說, 若 申 請 成 功, 同 學 於 大 約 兩 個 月 後就會獲發申請結果通知書。首期的助學金和貸款會於申請結果公佈後分別二至四個星 期內存到同學的銀行戶口,而第二期的助學金及貸款則會於 2018 年 1 月至 2 月發放到同 學的銀行戶口。 二、免入息審查貸款計劃。如同學對 TSFS 繁複的申請程序感到煩厭,可考慮申請免入息 審查貸款計劃。此計劃申請程序比較簡單,但同學須繳交行政費及較高的利息。同學若 想 了 解 更 多 政 府 提 供 的 資 助 計 劃, 可 瀏 覽 學 生 資 助 辦 事 處 的 網 站:http://www.wfsfaa. gov.hk/sfo。 1. Tertiary Student Finance Scheme (TSFS). Also nicknamed "Grant-Loan", the scheme consists of two par ts – a grant and a low-interest loan. The scheme also provides student with travel subsidy and hostel subsidy. All applications can only be submitted to Student Finance Office (SFO) through the online platform at htt p://ess.w f sf a a. g o v. h k /. The deadline of submission this year is 15 September 2017. CEDARS can help students check their TSFS application forms upon request to make sure that the information and suppor ting documents submitted are in order. Please call CEDARS at 2859 2305 for assistance.


You are required to hand in the declaration and suppor ting documents within 7 days after submitting the application online. These can be submitted to the SFO drop box which is located at CEDARS (3/F, Meng Wah Complex). Normally, if the application is successful, you will receive a result notification in about 2 months' time. You will receive the grants and loans in two instalments. The first instalment of grants and loans will be transferred to your bank account within 2 weeks' and 4 weeks' time respectively, and the second instalment of grants and loans will be transferred to your bank account during January and February 2018. 2. Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (NLS). If you find the application procedures for TSFS too complicated, you can consider applying for the Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (NLS). Although the application process is simpler, students need to pay an administrative fee and a higher interest rate. Detailed information of the above scheme can be found on the website of the Student Finance Office: http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo.


University Assistance 除了政府以外,校方亦有提供財政援助給全日制的本地學生。同學可到 CEDARS 的網站 cedar s.hku.hk → Financial Resources → Univer sity Financial Assistance 測覽詳情。 Apar t from the government, the university also provides financial assistance to full-time local students. For details, please refer to cedars.hku.hk → Financial Resources → University Financial Assistance. 一、 Main Exercise 。 同 學 若 有 經 濟 上 的 需 要, 可 在 學 期 初 登 入 HKU Por tal → SIS → Online Applications → UFA Main Exercise 申請財政資助,申請時期為 2017 年 9 月 1 日 至 30 日。 二、Emergency Assistance。 若 因 突 發 事 故 出 現 財 政 困 難, 可 考 慮 申 請 全 年 均 可 申 請 的 Emergency Assistance。 同 學 只 須 致 電 CEDARS( 電 話:2859 2305) 約 見 student advising officer, 帶 同 申 請 表 格 及 證 明 文 件 出 席 面 談 便 可。 申 請 表 格 可 到 http://cedars. hku.hk/form/emergency.pdf 下載。 三、Student Travel Loan。若同學需支付到海外 exchange、field trip 及實習等費用,可 考慮申請此項免息貸款。此項貸款計劃須經過審查,而且有關項目須得到其所屬學院或 學系的認可。成功申請 TSFS 的同學會獲優先考慮。同學只須致電 CEDARS 約見 student advising officer, 帶 同 申 請 表 格 及 證 明 文 件 出 席 面 談 便 可。 申 請 表 格 可 到 http:// cedars.hku.hk/form/emergency_st.pdf 下載。


四、第一代大學生助學金。此資助計劃為合資格同學提供 $15,000 的資助,用作參與大 學籌辦的各類學習活動,如海外交流、舍堂住宿、實習等。 申 請 者 須 符 合 四 大 條 件: 首 先, 你 必 須 是 本 地 全 日 制 本 科 生 並 於 2008 年 9 月 後 首 次 入 讀香港大學;第二,你必須為家族內首代入讀大學的學生(即父母或祖父母沒有接受過 大專教育);第三,你的每月家庭收入須少於港幣 $17,915(四人家庭);第四,每名家 庭成員的儲蓄及資產淨值須少於港幣 $259,000。在特別情況下(例如有家人為長期病患 者、有多個兄弟姊妹就讀大學等),就算同學未能滿足第三點和第四點要求,其申請亦 有可能獲批。 此 計 劃 每 年 分 為 兩 輪, 分 別 於 9 月( 第 一 輪 ) 和 1 月( 第 二 輪 ) 開 始 接 受 申 請, 有 興 趣 的同學請多加留意。詳情請瀏覽 http://www.fife.hku.hk/。 五、HKUFresh$3000 。由 CEDARS 提供的獎學金,為合資格的同學提供 $3,000 的資助。 申 請 者 必 須 是: 一、 本 地 永 久 性 居 民; 二、 第 一 年 入 讀 港 大 的 全 日 制 本 科 生; 三、 在 入 學前已經有申領綜援。今年的截止日期為 2017 年 9 月 30 日,申請表格可到 CEDARS(明 華 綜 合 大 樓 三 樓 ) 領 取。 詳 情 請 瀏 覽 http://www.cedars.hku.hk/campuslife/finances/ hku-fresh-3000。 1. Main Exercise. If you're experiencing financial hardship, you can consider applying for the Main Exercise at HKU Por tal → SIS → Online Applications → UFA Main Exercise. The application period this year is from 1 to 30 September 2017. 2. Emergency Assistance. Should any urgent or unexpected financial need arise, you can consider applying for the Emergency Assistance, which is available for application throughout the year. To apply, simply call CEDARS at 2859 2305 for an appointment to meet a student advising officer for assessment of your needs. Remember to bring along your completed application form and relevant documents on the day of the interview. The application form is available at http://cedars.hku.hk/ form/emergency.pdf. 3. Student Travel Loan. If you need financial suppor t to pay for overseas exchange, field trips, or practicums, you can consider applying for this means-tested, interest-free loan. Note that the related programme should have the suppor t from the depar tment or faculty. Priority goes to those who have successfully applied for the TSFS scheme. To apply for this scheme, you also need to call CEDARS for an appointment to meet a student advising officer. You should also submit an application form and relevant documents during the interview. The application form is available at http://cedars.hku.hk/form/emergency_st.pdf.


4. First-in-the-Family Education Fund (FIFE Fund). This fund provides financial suppor t of $15,000 to successful applicants to pay for university-administered/suppor ted learning activities such as overseas exchange programmes, living in residential halls, and internships. Applicants have to meet four major criteria. Firstly, you have to be a local full-time and full-degree undergraduate students who were admitted to the University in or after September 2008; secondly, you have to be the first generation of university student(s) in your family (i.e. your grandparents and parents do not have any university education); thirdly, your family should have a monthly household income of HK$$17,915 or less (for a 4-person family); finally, your family should have a total value of savings and assets of HK$259,000 or less per family member. Occasionally, exceptional cases (e.g. students who have family member(s) suffering from chronic illness or have several siblings studying in university) that do not satisfy the third and four th criteria may also be approved at the discretion of the steering committee. This fund is open for application twice a year. Round 1 application is in September, and Round 2 application is in January. For more information, please visit http://www.fife.hku.hk/. 5. HKUFresh$3000. This is a bursar y scheme provided by CEDARS which awards $3,000 to successful applicants. To be eligible for this scheme, you have to be (a) a local permanent resident of Hong Kong; (b) a full-time undergraduate newly admitted to HKU this year ; (c) a recipient of comprehensive social security assistance prior to entr y to the university. This year's application deadline is 30 September 2017, and application forms are available at CEDARS (3/F, Meng Wah Complex). Detailed information is available at h t t p : / / w w w. c e d a r s . h k u . h k / c a m p u s l i f e / finances/hku-fresh-3000.



第二章 校園生活 Chapter Two University Life 「大學五件事」 讀書住 Hall 上莊兼職拍拖,大學短短幾年光陰,新鮮人該如何取捨 ?

"The Five Must-dos in University" Your university life ends in the blink of an eye. How will you choose among studying, living in hall, getting a part-time job, becoming an ex-co and dating?


讀 書 "STUDYING" 自古有云 :「萬般皆下品,唯有讀書高。」至於如何評價這句名言,就交由各位同學思考, 但是無可否認的是,讀好書乃是大學生的本份。 There’s an old Chinese saying that goes, “Studying is the noblest of all human pursuits.” This claim may be controversial, but it’s hard to deny that studying is a basic responsibility of university students.


Grade Point Average (GPA) 0
























GPA, 即 grade point average, 為 大 學 評 估 學 生 成 績 的 制 度。 除 了 BDS( 牙 醫 學 士 ) 和 MBBS(內外全科醫學士)課程外,所有課程的成績均以 GPA 計算。 同 學 在 查 閱 成 績 的 時 候 會 看 到 兩 個 GPA, 分 別 是 學 期 成 績 平 均 積 點 (semester GPA, sGPA) 和累積成績平均積點 (cumulative GPA,cGPA)。sGPA 是每個學期修讀所有科目之 平均分,而 cGPA 則是從同學入學起計修讀所有科目之平均分。每一科目於 GPA 所佔的 比重與其學分 (credits) 成正比,而同學畢業所得的 honour 將會以 cGPA 來計算。


The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a grading system adopted by universities for calculating students’ academic results (except for the BDS and MBBS curricula). You will see two kinds of GPA when you check your grades. The semester GPA (sGPA) is the average score of courses you’ve studied in a semester, and the cumulative GPA (cGPA) is the average score of all courses you’ve taken since Year 1. GPA is a weighted average, and the weight of each course is propor tional to the number of credits it bears. The university takes cGPA as a reference to classify honours for students. 香港大學各學院的評分準則各有不同,因此各學院以至學系之間的成績差距極大,有些學 院過三是等閒,有的卻難如登天;同樣問題在院校之間亦有發生,每一間院校所採用的 GPA 制度、評分準則亦有不同,令各間院校的成績有不小的差距。為解決港大學生 GPA 偏低的問題,校方在 2011 至 2012 年度開始實施新的評分制度: 1. 拉闊 GPA 的數值範圍,A+ 相等於 4.3 的 GPA。 2. 合格與不合格的科目都會計算至 cGPA,並用於計算 honour;若之後再報讀同一科目, 該學科成績不會被扣減。 3. 即使同學在一個或以上的學科獲得不合格的成績,亦不會被奪去取得 Fir st Honour 的 資格。 4. 所有學科的評分以標準評分取代以往的拉 cur ve。 Since ever y faculty in HKU has its own scoring criteria, there is a huge variation in GPA among students of different depar tments and faculties. In some faculties, it may be very easy for students to get a GPA of 3.0 or above; in other faculties, the same achievement may be much more difficult. The same problem exists on the university level as well - since each university adopts different GPA systems and scoring criteria, students’ GPA level differ greatly from university to university. To solve the problem of relatively low GPA of HKU students, the university has adopted a new scoring system since 2011–2012: 1.

The GPA scale was widened. An A+ is now equal to a grade point of 4.3.


Grades of all courses, whether pass or fail, will be calculated towards your cGPA. If you want to retake courses that you have failed, there will not be any penalty.


Students will not be disqualified from getting a First Class Honour even if they have failed one or more courses.


All grades now use standard referencing instead of normal referencing in their scoring systems.



Honours Classification 榮譽等級(honour s)一共分為三級,按 cGPA 而定;拿不到 honour s 就叫 pass。 There are in total three classes of honour. They are determined by your cGPA. Those who graduate without an honour are classified as “pass”. 一級榮譽 First Class Honours


二級榮譽 Second Class Honours


甲等 Division One


乙等 Division Two


三級榮譽 Third Class Honours


合格 Pass



Common Core Courses 同學必須在頭三年的課程裏完成 36 學分的核心課程,即 6 個核心課程學科。(修讀雙學 位課程的同學則只須完成 24 學分,即 4 個核心課程學科。)核心課程學科是校方為了實 行其六大教學目標而推出的新學科,共分為 4 個範疇,分別是科學與技術(CCST)、人 文 學 科(CCHU)、 環 球 議 題(CCGL) 和 中 國 的 文 化、 國 家 與 社 會(CCCH)。 根 據 校 方規定,為確保同學有多元化的學習機會,同學必須涉獵每個範疇,不能只集中攻讀其中 一個。Common Core 在學分的比重佔了不少,建議同學多做資料搜集,問問師兄師姐的 意 見 才 去 選 科。 若 想 了 解 更 多, 同 學 可 瀏 覽 以 下 網 址 : http://tl.hku.hk/common-corecurriculum/。 At HKU, you are required to finish 6 Common Core courses, i.e. 36 credits, in the first 3 years of study. (If you are studying a double degree, you only need to complete 4 Common Core courses, i.e. 24 credits.) These courses are designed to provide key common learning experience for students and to broaden their horizons beyond their chosen disciplinar y fields of study. Common Core courses come in 4 categories: Scientific and Technological Literacy (CCST), Humanities (CCHU), Global Issues (CCGL), and China: Culture, State and Society (CCCH). Students are required to study courses from all 4 categories, and are not allowed to focus on 'only' one category. As these courses weigh a lot in terms of credits, you are suggested to do more research so that you can choose the courses that suit you most. For more details, please visit http://tl.hku.hk/commoncore-curriculum/.



Official Transcript 同學若想報 intern、exchange 或搵工等,可能需要成績表供參考。校方一般只會在 HKU Por tal → Records → View My Grades 公佈成績,同學若想要一份正式的成績表,則須付 款申請。申請成績表費用為港幣 40 元,需時十個工作天。申請辦法有三: 1. 親身前往學務辦公室 ( 邵逸夫樓 G-04 室 ) 填表申請,並遞交身份證影印本。 2. 把申請表和身份證影印本郵寄或傳真至學務辦公室。 3. 於 HKU Por tal → Online Applications → Application 申請,並以信用卡付款。 Normally, academic results are only published at HKU Por tal → Records → View My Grades. If you need a proof of your academic results when you apply for internships or exchange programmes, you will have to apply for an official transcript. It costs HK$40, and takes 10 working days to process. There are three ways to apply: 1.

Apply at the Academic Services Office (Room G-04, Run Run Shaw Building) in person. Submit an application form and a copy of your ID card.


Mail or fax the application form and your ID card copy to the Academic Services Office.


Log in to HKU Por tal → Online Applications → Application for Transcript to apply, and pay by credit card.


Scholarships 有些獎學金是學院或學系頒授給同學作為獎勵,有些則需要同學自行申請。當然,申請 獎學金是有條件的,有的以 GPA 作準則,有的則以運動成就作準則,有的獎學金亦要求 同學滿足一些附帶條件,如到海外交流。若想知道有甚麼獎學金可供申請,請瀏覽以下 網址 : http://www.scholarships.hku.hk/Scholarships/。 While some scholarships are awarded by the faculties or depar tment' to students, others are provided on application. They may have different criteria that applicants need to fulfill, such as GPA, record of extra-curricular achievements, overseas exchange, etc. For a complete list of scholarships, please visit http://www.scholarships.hku.hk/ Scholarships/.


Reg 科 教 學

Online Registration of Courses 同 學 須 於 Por tal 進 行 大 學 的 選 科 操 作, 新 生 可 透 過 學 校 的 選 科 教 學 網 站 了 解 Por tal 的 使 用方法。另外,不同年級的學生均會有不同的選科日期,而新生應小心留意他們可在指 定的日子和時期作哪項選科的操作,如新生不能在「Suspension Period」作任何選科上的 修改,而「Add / Drop Period」則允許學生更改他們所選的科目。 Course Registration will be proceeded on Por tal system. Freshmen may explore the skills of using Por tal via official page of the university. Also, students of different years will proceed their online course registration on different dates. Freshmen should pay attention to different impor tant dates. For example, students cannot amend their choices of courses during the “Suspension Period” while they can rearrange their courses during the “Add/ Drop Period”. 新生可到 Academic Advising Office 的網站瀏覽網上選科教學 : Freshmen may browse the tutorial for online course registration on the website of Academic Advising Office: http://aao.hku.hk/sy3/plan-of-study/course-enrollment/ 新生可到其網站查閱選科的重要日子 : Freshmen may check out the important dates of course registration on the website of Academic Advising Office: http://aao.hku.hk/sy3/plan-of-study/important-academic-dates/



Location of Classrooms 各教學大樓位於大學校園不同位置,初來報到的新生或未清楚各上課地點,故新生在首 堂課堂前應先查閱清楚課室的所在大樓和相應樓層,確保上課當日能順利到達課室。 The campus can be too big for freshmen to recognise the specific locations of classrooms. Owing to that, freshmen are recommended to check out the locations before the first lecture.

新生可到 Examinations Office 的網站查閱不同大樓的課室的相應代號和位置 : Freshmen may check out the details of classrooms on Examinations Office: http://www.exam.hku.hk/C_2.htm



"LIVING IN HALL" 有 別 於 其 他 大 學 的「 宿 舍 」, 香 港 大 學 的 hall 稱 為「 舍 堂 」。 有 心 報 hall 的 新 生必須注意港大舍堂獨有的「舍堂教育」。創校之時,港大欲引入英國大學的學 院制度 (Collegiate System),讓同學透過不同的舍堂活動,學習團隊精神、領導 才能及承擔,從而訓練未來社會領袖。時至今日,這種文化仍強調同學們在舍堂 內不斷學習、有所得著,進而達至個人成長,希望藉此培養一群獨立自主、思想 清晰、富有內涵的大學生。 舍 堂 不 止 提 供 宿 位 給 學 生, 也 提 供 了 讓 同 學 參 與 各 式 各 樣 活 動 的 空 間。 除 了 有 各 種 spor ts teams 和 cultural teams, 有 些 舍 堂 也 會 定 時 舉 辦 時 事 活 動, 關 心 社 會, 也 會 有 各 種 由 堂 友 自 發 及 組 織 的 娛 樂 活 動。 同 學 亦 可 嘗 試 擔 任 活 動 OC (organising committee)、代表舍堂出戰 interhall 比賽、擔任 team captain、樓主 等職務,甚至上 hall 莊等。雖然坊間對舍堂教育的評價好壞參半,有人認為它不 合時宜,與現今的自由主義、個人主義格格不入,但舍堂教育強調的,正正是提 供讓大家互相學習及一起成長的地方,而不僅僅是一個床位。亦有人覺得舍堂生 活多姿多彩,令自己獲益良多,極有保留價值。 住 hall 仍對不少新生有吸引之處。近年宿位非常緊張,競爭十分激烈,如果大家 有心住 hall,除了要先了解各間舍堂的獨特文化、小心選擇適合自己的舍堂,亦 緊記要留意報 hall 的手續和截止期限。


HKU has a unique hall system. Instead of merely providing a place for students to live in, halls at HKU emphasise “hall education”: it is hoped that residents will assume responsibilities and learn to become a better person as they face different challenges at hall, so that they will become men of integrity and independence in society. This vision, perhaps, takes its root from the Collegiate System of universities in the United Kingdom, where residents build up team spirit and learn to be future leaders. There are a variety of activities you can join in hall, such as interhall spor ts and cultural games, current affairs activities and social functions. You may take up responsibilities at hall by becoming an “OC” (member of an organising committee of an event), a team captain, or even an ex-co (executive committee member of hall students’ association). Indeed, some people believe that halls nowadays are out of touch with concepts of individualism and freedom. While everyone may be a judge of that, it is the vision of halls to provide a place for residents to discover their potentials and cultivate a better personality. It is still very popular among students to reside at halls, and competition is very tense due to the limited number of spaces offered. If you are interested, you should get to know the cultures of different halls before you apply, and be alert to the procedure and deadlines of hall application.


揀邊間 hall 好?

Which hall should I choose? 網上充斥著不可靠、兩極化的舍堂資訊,同學不應盡信。要真正了 解舍堂文化,最好的辦法就是親身體驗!有興趣住 hall 的同學不妨 在 Reg Day 把握機會行 hall tour,了解舍堂生活。以下謹列出港 大十五間住宿與非住宿舍堂的簡單介紹及基本資料供同學參考。 The Internet is full of inaccurate rumours about halls. In fact, the best way to understand hall culture is, of course, f irst-hand experience! If you are interested in living in hall, don’t miss the hall tours on Registration Day. We have listed below some basic information about the 15 residential and nonresidential halls in HKU for your reference.


康寧堂 Hornell Hall 康 寧 堂 是 香 港 大 學 第 一 間 男 性 非 住 宿 舍 堂, 取 名 自 已 故 校 長 William Hornell。 2008 年,康寧堂搬遷到方樹泉文娛中心,為堂友提供一個更好的環境。近年, 康寧堂積極舉辦各類活動,參與足球比賽及樂隊演出。此外,康寧堂也舉辦了日 本和韓國文化交流團,擴闊堂友眼界。隨著康寧堂校友會於 2013 年成立,舊生 們推出師友計劃,傳承康寧精神。 Hornell Hall is the first male non-residential hall at HKU, named in honour of the deceased Vice-Chancellor, Sir William Hornell. In 2008, Hornell Hall was relocated to Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre to provide a better environment for Hornellians. In recent years, Hornell Hall has been striving to offer a variety of activities for its members, providing oppor tunities to par ticipate in football leagues and band performances. Cultural exchange tours to Japan and Korea were also organised with the aim of broadening the horizons of Hornellians. Following the establishment of the Hornell Hall Alumni Association in 2013, a mentorship program was launched to pass on the Hornell spirit.

成立年份 EST.





男非住宿舍堂 Non-residential hall (For men) “Artes Diversae in Uno Agmine” (All Arts but One Goal) 香港大學方樹泉文娛中心 1A12 號室 Room 1A12, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre, Main Campus







Hornell Hall, the University of Hong Kong



何東夫人紀念堂 Lady Ho Tung Hall 於 1951 年創立的何東夫人紀念堂為香港大學唯一現存的女子住宿舍堂,雖歷史 悠久,但擁有現代化的住宿環境和海景。何東夫人紀念堂的地理位置優良,距離 港鐵站和主校園只須約 3 分鐘路程。這裡一共提供 404 個宿位,包括單人房和雙 人房。何東夫人紀念堂的標誌顏色為黃色,代表動物為獨角獸。 Since her establishment in 1951, Lady Ho Tung Hall remains as the only female residential hall in the University of Hong Kong. Lady Ho Tung Hall is known for her background of rich history, yet it features a modern living environment as well as a great sea view. Lady Ho Tung Hall is located next to the MTR station, and it only takes a 3 minute-walk to the main campus. The hall provides 404 residential places in total, with both single and double bedrooms. The hall colour is yellow, and the hall patron beast is the unicorn.

成立年份 EST.



404 單人房及雙人房 Single and double rooms


女住宿舍堂 Residential Hall (Women only) 團結、博盡、Tough and Strong Unity, Strive for the Best, Tough and Strong 薄扶林道 91A 號(賽馬會第一舍堂村) 91A Pokfulam Road (Jockey Club Student Village I)






3152 6500

Lady Ho Tung Hall, HKU



李志雄紀念堂 Lee Chi Hung Hall 李志雄紀念堂是香港大學唯一男女非住宿舍堂。李志雄紀念堂一直致力舉辦各種 文化、體育與社交活動,以增強同學歸屬感以及培育全人發展,亦努力地於林林 總總的比賽與活動中爭取卓越佳績。同時,非住宿的性質可以給同學帶來更多選 擇、彈性和可能性,切合同學不同的性格和需要。沒有樓層的分隔,全堂的堂友 就如家人般親密。 Lee Chi Hung Hall is the first and only co-educational non-residential hall in the University of Hong Kong. Here we offer you oppor tunities to experience, to explore, and to excel in a wide range of cultural and spor ts activities, at the same time developing a strong sense of belonging. The non-residential nature of Lee Chi Hung Hall provides unlimited possibility, flexibility and choices for students with different needs and personalities. Without the separation of floors, we're one big family!

成立年份 EST.





男女非住宿舍堂 Non-residential hall (For men and women) True and Dare 香港大學莊月明文娛中心 G05 號室 Room G05, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre, Main Campus






2857 7366

Lee Chi Hung Hall



利希慎堂 Lee Hysan Hall 利希慎堂(前身為明原堂)為港大唯一一間設有男女同住樓層及設有舞獅隊的舍 堂。有別於其他舍堂,利希慎堂以「村」為樓層單位,大家會互相以「村民」、 「兄弟」稱呼。利希慎堂的標誌顏色為深紫色,代表動物為老虎。 Lee Hysan Hall (formerly known as the Old Halls) is the only hall in HKU in which men and women reside on the same floor, and also the only hall which has its own lion-dancing team. Lee Hysan Hall inherits the “village” system from the Old Halls as the floor unit and emphasises the relationship by calling each others "villagers" and "brothers". The hall color is violet, and the hall symbol is the tiger.

成立年份 EST.



374 單人房及雙人房 Single and double rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) Unity, Choice and Responsibility, Positive, Harmony 沙宣道 6B 號(沙宣道舍堂村) 6B Sassoon Road






2986 5110

Lee Hysan Hall, HKU



李兆基堂 Lee Shau Kee Hall 李兆基堂是港大其中一間最新建成的男女舍堂,一直以來都追求互相尊重和自主 學習。透過提供多元發展機會,堂友能建立家人般親厚的關係及感受到不同文化 的共融。 Being one of the recently established unisex halls, Lee Shall Kee Hall aims to pursue a hall environment consisting of mutual respect and self-initiative. Through multifarious oppor tunities, hallmates can develop a har monious relationship as a family and experience cultural coexistence.

成立年份 EST.



300 單人房及雙人房 Single and double rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) Embrace the Diversity 薄扶林道 109 號(賽馬會第二舍堂村) 109 Pokfulam Road (Jockey Club Student Village II)






3604 2024




馬禮遜堂 Morrison Hall 馬禮遜堂創立於 1913 年,並於 2005 年重新成立,代表顏色為綠色。14 層住宿 樓 層 中, 集 結 了 150 名 本 科 生 及 150 名 研 究 生 堂 友。 舍 堂 會 舉 辦 不 同 活 動, 增 進堂友間的友誼及歸屬感。透過參與各種隊伍、興趣小組及委員會,堂友可以各 展所長。另外,師友計劃及兄弟計劃讓堂友及舊生聚首一堂、互相學習。 Morrison Hall was founded in 1913 and was re-established in 2005. The representative colour is green. The hall comprises of 150 undergraduates and 150 postgraduates residing on 14 floors. We strive to enhance the bonding among hallmates and strengthen their sense of belonging by organising a variety of hall activities. Different spor ts and cultural teams, interest groups and standing committees allow our hallmates to develop their capabilities and realise their potentials. In addition, the Brotherhood and Mentorship Programmes provide Morrisonians with valuable oppor tunities to interact with our alumni and broaden their horizons through the exchange of insights and experience.

成立年份 EST.

1913 成立,1968 關閉,2005 復辦 Established in 1913, closed in 1968, re-established in 2005


本科生:約 150 150 for undergraduates approx. 研究生:約 150 150 for postgraduates approx. 單人房及雙人房 Single and double rooms


男本科生及男女研究生住宿舍堂 Residential hall (Men for undergraduates; men and women for postgraduates)


Deo Adjuvante Labor Proficit (God helps those who work together to progress)


薄扶林道 109 號(賽馬會第二舍堂村) 109 Pokfulam Road (Jockey Club Student Village II)






2986 5110 N/A



利銘澤堂 R. C. Lee Hall 利銘澤堂於 1992 年創立,以「Liber ty with responsibility, unity in diver sity」為 其 堂 訓, 提 倡 一 種 群 體 精 神 與 個 人 自 由 共 存 的 舍 堂 文 化, 致 力 為 堂 友 提 供 多 元 的平台,讓堂友發掘潛能,並從人與人交流之中得到成長。利銘澤堂重視學生自 治,鼓勵堂友自發為自己、堂友、舍堂帶來改變和進步,實踐舍堂教育。 又名雅士堂的利銘澤堂希望凝聚的不只是文人雅士,更是一羣具獨立思想,獨特 創意,以及對自己以至社會有所承擔的大學生。在雅士,堂友以互相包容和認真 的態度一同生活,並成為堂友在大學時期共同生活,以至共同成長的地方。 Founded in 1992, R. C . Lee Hall, with “Liber ty with responsibility, unity in diversity” as its motto, envisions a new kind of hall culture that hopes to cultivate collectivity within the context of individuality. The hall provides a platform for men and women of diversified interests to explore their capabilities and develop as themselves through intellectual exchange. The hall also takes pride in its ideal of student autonomy as students take initiative and exer t changes in all ways available, and also in the ambience of civic awareness among its hallmates. They are firm believers in hall education and they especially welcome eager, earnest students of all interests and backgrounds. 成立年份 EST.



369 單人房及雙人房 Single and double rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) Liberty with Responsibility, Unity in Diversity 沙宣道 6A 號(沙宣道舍堂村) 6A Sassoon Road






2986 5250




利瑪竇宿舍 Ricci Hall 利 瑪 竇 宿 舍 為 港 大 傳 統 舍 堂 之 一。 宿 舍 於 2015 年 夏 季 完 成 翻 新, 舍 內 有 131 間 單 人 房, 房 間 均 設 置 露 台, 更 備 多 用 途 網 球 場 和 自 家 飯 堂。 宿 生 熱 衷 體 育 競 技、 文 藝 時 政 等 多 元 活 動, 藉 以 鍛 筋 骨 存 浩 氣, 培 養 終 生 兄 弟 情 誼。Ricci Hall, where boys become men。 Ricci Hall is one of the most distinct and traditional halls in HKU. The hall has just undergone a renovation project during the summer of 2015, and has 131 single rooms (each with a balcony). There is also a tennis cour t and a renewed dining hall. Through diversified spor ts, cultural, and social-affairs-related activities, we hope to enrich hallmates’ characters and enhance their personal growth. More impor tantly, we hope to cultivate lifelong brotherhood among one another. Ricci Hall - where boys become men.

成立年份 EST.



131 單人房 Single rooms


男住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men) Quantum Potes, Tantum Aude (As much as you are able) 薄扶林道 93 號 93 Pokfulam Road






2546 1221

Ricci Hall HKU



李國賢堂 Simon K. Y. Lee Hall 李國賢堂位處校園,位置便利,離港鐵站不到一分鐘路程。舍堂裡有一個面積約 三個半籃球場的平台供堂友練球玩樂。我們有三大傳統:主動幫堂友按電梯(「幫 人㩒𨋢」)、習慣打開房門與對面房間的堂友聊天(「唔閂房門」)、 寫 P-hole message 互相關心(「寫 P-hole message」)。李國賢堂最引以為傲的是彼此深 厚的關係,素有三百人一家人的說法。 Located at the hear t of the campus, Simon K. Y. Lee Hall is only a one-minute walk from the MTR station. The king-size podium allows us to have a happy get-together in the sun. Our three traditions help build our much-treasured relationship: we press the buttons for others in the lift as the f irst step in recognising others’ f loors. We then leave all doors open and welcome everyone to have a chit-chat in other rooms for deeper understanding. To express our care for those with worries, we write them pigeon hole messages to give them a lift. We are proud to claim our strong bonding of “three hundred people as one family”.

成立年份 EST.



300 雙人房 Double rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) Active and Sincere 香港大學綜合大樓 Composite Building, Main Campus






3917 0307

Simon K. Y. Lee Hall



聖約翰學院 St. John’s College 聖約翰學院在 1912 年成立,是香港大學第一所住宿舍堂。聖約翰學院(簡稱聖 莊)除提供宿位之外,亦是一個培育社會領袖的獨特團體。聖莊不僅僅是宿舍, 而是作育英才的學院。聖莊與眾不同、歷史悠久的樓文化讓我們在追求卓越的同 時,亦建立了深厚且難忘的兄弟姊妹情。 Founded in 1912, St. John’s College is the university’s first residential hall. Being more than a mere hall of residence, St. John’s aims at providing not merely rooms and pastimes, but a unique community that nur tures leaders of society. Our distinctive and historic floor culture pulls us together as we strive for excellence and fraternity that will accompany us for the rest of our lives.

成立年份 EST.



215 單人房 Single rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) Breeds the Excellent 薄扶林道 82 號 82 Pokfulam Road






2817 7102

St. John’s College, HKU



施德堂 Starr Hall 施德堂為香港大學最大的舍堂,可容納五百名堂友。舍堂位置便利,鄰近香港大 學 港 鐵 站。 自 創 建 以 來, 施 德 堂 一 直 奉 行 獨 有 的 unit 制, 將 男、 女 層 各 一 層 連 結成一個 unit。舍堂生活林林總總的選擇足以促進堂友的個人成長、建立人際關 係及建構社會責任。 Proudly standing next to the main campus, Starr Hall is the largest residential hall in the university and accommodates 500 students. Ever since it was built, the unit system, which is a unique feature pf Starr Hall, has been in place. A unit comprises of a male and a female floor and is one of the most treasured platforms in the hall. With a wide range of oppor tunities provided, personal growth, harmonious relationship, and community responsibility of Starrians are fostered. Starr Hall has begun their respective journeys in the pursuit of excellence.

成立年份 EST.



~500 雙人房 Double rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) Dare to be Different 薄扶林道 91B 號(賽馬會第一舍堂村) 91B Pokfulam Road (Jockey Club Student Village I)






3156 7575 starr.hku

Starr Hall, the University of Hong Kong


孫志新堂 Suen Chi Sun Hall 孫志新堂為港大其中一所最新的舍堂,本著和而不同的信念,鼓勵堂友於多元化 的選擇下自由發展。我們重視人與人之間的關係,從當中的交流和得著中有所成 長,一眾新生亦會按照性格被分入不同樓層。孫志新堂的標誌顏色為粉紅色,代 表動物為鳳凰。 Being one of the newly established halls, Suen Chi Sun Hall is a place where hallmates are encouraged to explore themselves in different oppor tunities with few limitations. With the core values of “harmony and passion” in mind, Sunnians treat one another as companions who grow together among sweat and tears. Freshmen are allocated to different floors according to their personalities and characteristics. The symbolic colour of Suen Chi Sun Hall is pink, and the patron beast is the phoenix.

成立年份 EST.



~300 單人房及雙人房 Single and double rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) We care, we share 薄扶林道 109 號(賽馬會第二舍堂村) 109 Pokfulam Road (Jockey Club Student Village II)






3604 2034

Suen Chi Sun Hall, The University of Hong Kong



太古堂 Swire Hall 太 古 堂 是 本 部 校 園 內 歷 史 最 悠 久 的 男 女 住 宿 舍 堂, 與 港 鐵 站、 小 巴 站、 巴 士 毗 鄰,附近更有各式食肆供堂友選擇。我們獨有的開放式客廳,使人踏進來便有家 的感覺。家著重的是共同成長,只要你希望發展潛能,熱忱滿腔,歡迎你加入我 們,過一回搏盡無悔的港大生活。 Swire Hall has the longest history among halls situated on campus for both females and males residents. Our hall is adjacent to public transpor t and different types of restaurants which only takes a few minutes to reach. The signature “H-shape” of Swire Hall includes an open snack area similar to a living room. This unique structure makes hallmates feel being at home whenever they enter their floors. A family emphasises unity in all circumstances. If you are brimming with enthusiasm and wish to develop your potential, our family welcomes you.

成立年份 EST.



302 單人房及雙人房 Single and double rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) Unity and Sincerity 香港大學太古樓 Swire Building, Main Campus






2548 7565

Swire Hall, Official



大學堂 University Hall 百年的古堡之下,是歷史傳統,也是兄弟情。不論在運動場、辯論台,還是在時 政論壇中,這一夥,永遠共同進退。大學堂歡迎任何兄弟加入,我們不問出處, 只在乎你眼望何處。 On spor ts field, at the midst of a debate, we have more than mere strength or knowledge. It's not just about traditions. Brotherhood is what truly forged the castle, breed among our brothers and perpetuate under the seasoned yet green castle. We are expecting YOU, who Yield for brotherhood, who Own ambition, who Uphold changes. We are Castlers, we are from University Hall.

成立年份 EST.



110 二/三/四人房 Double/triple/quad rooms


男住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men) 搏盡、團結、兄弟情、承擔付出 Strive for excellence, Cooperation, Brotherhood, Give and take 薄扶林道 144 號 144 Pokfulam Road






2538 2600

University Hall



偉倫堂 Wei Lun Hall 偉倫堂為沙宣道舍堂村其中一間男女舍堂。以人為本,一直以人與人之間的關係 為核心價值,為堂友提供一個溫暖的依歸。偉倫堂以深藍色為標誌顏色,以龍為 象徵動物。 Wei Lun Hall is a residential hall for men and women located at Sassoon Road. Wei Lun Hall provides hallmates with a place they can call home throughout their university life and a platform where they can establish lifelong bonds with each other. The symbolic colour Wei Lun Hall is blue, and the patron beast is the dragon.

成立年份 EST.



381 單人房及雙人房 Single and double rooms


男女住宿舍堂 Residential hall (For men and women) We Begin with People 沙宣道 6D 號(沙宣道舍堂村) 6D Sassoon Road






2986 5300

Wei Lun Hall, The University of Hong Kong



舍堂活動 Hall Activities 舍 堂 迎 新 Hall Orientation 舍堂迎新歷時大約九至十天,是舍堂教育很重要的部分。迎新時期的經歷和以後住 hall 的 心態頗有關連,很多同學對舍堂的歸屬感由迎新時期時已開始建立。舍堂迎新和其他迎 新 營不同, 更 講 求 同 學 為集 體 付 出, 透 過 反 覆 思 考, 確立舍堂的價值觀。當中與別不同 的經歷,是不少人畢生難忘的回憶。 Usually lasting for nine to ten days, hall orientation camps are a ver y impor tant par t of hall education. The camp marks the star t of hall life, at which freshmen star t building up their sense of belonging towards their halls. Unlike other orientation camps, hall orientation camps tend to emphasise more on contribution, reflection and the establishment of hall values. For many people, hall orientation camps are memories that will last for a lifetime.

Dem Cheers Dem cheer s 的文化雖不是港大獨有,卻是港大舍堂文化不可或缺的一部份。Dem cheer s 的目的是在聯舍比賽中激勵士氣,增加堂友的歸屬感。每間舍堂的 cheer s 都各具特色, 令人留下深刻印象。新生在迎新時期亦會有練 cheer s 的環節,為一年一度的 dem cheer s 大賽緊密練習。在每年 dem cheer s 大賽中,新生們會代表各自的舍堂參加,一展身手。 “Dem cheers”, which is shor t for the “demonstration” of cheers (i.e. cheering), is common among different universities in Hong Kong, and is an impor tant par t of hall culture in HKU. It helps build up team spirit, boost morale during competitions, and reinforce hallmates’ sense of belonging towards their halls. To get prepared for the annual Interhall Cheering Competition in October, some halls may include cheering practices in their orientation programmes. The Interhall Cheering Competition is a great oppor tunity for hall residents to show to the audience their unity and devotion.


聯 舍 比 賽 Interhall Competitions 舍堂之間有很多不同類型的運動及文化比賽。最大型的聯舍聯賽包括馬來人盃、奧瑪玫 瑰 挑 戰 碗 及 鄭 耀 宗 盃; 這 三 個 比 賽 的 總 冠 軍 分 別 稱 為「 盃 」、「 碗 」 及「 樽 」。 馬 來 人 盃和奧瑪玫瑰挑戰碗分別頒予男子和女子體育競賽的總冠軍,而鄭耀宗盃則頒予聯舍文 化比賽的總冠軍。 為舍堂出一分力、讓舍堂在各項比賽中贏得榮譽,是很多宿生日以繼夜不停練習的動力。 正正是這些榮譽,令舍堂宿生團結一致,努力不懈地向目標進發。當中獲得的不單是榮 譽和滿足感,還可能是一生一世的共同回憶。 There are many interhall spor ts and cultural competitions in HKU. The Malayan Cup, the Olma Challenge Rose Bowl and the Professor Y. C. Cheng Cup are some of the biggest events in HKU interhall competitions. The Malayan Cup and the Olma Challenge Rose Bowl are awarded to the male overall spor ts champion and the female overall spor ts champion respectively. The highest honour in interhall cultural competitions is the Prof. Y. C. Cheng Cup, which is awarded to the champion of interhall cultural competitions. The glory of these honours is the motivation that drives many hall residents to practise day and night. The intensive practices not only help students improve their skills, but also build up bonding among teammates and create collective memories that accompany them for the rest of their lives.

高 桌 晚 宴 High Table Dinner 若 你曾看過 電 影《 哈 利 波特 》, 一 定 不 會 對 高 桌 晚 宴 感 到陌生。傳統上,港大舍堂的宿 生會會定期舉行高桌晚宴,並邀請特別嘉賓到場發表演說;發表講話的嘉賓通常會是社 會上的成功人士,同學如在晚宴上與他們直接交流,一定獲益良多。 If you have watched the film Harry Potter, you must have been impressed by the High Table Dinners in the Great Hall. As a tradition, HKU halls also hold High Table Dinners regularly, in which successful people are usually invited to be special guests. Hallmates can interact directly with them and learn from them through their speeches during the High Table Dinner.


其他住宿選擇 Other Residential Choices 龍華街住宿學院

Residential Colleges of Lung Wah Street 正式名稱為「賽馬會第三學生村」,是香港大學為迎接三三四高中教育改革而興建的全 新 宿舍。四 幢 住 宿 學 院 分別 為 信 興 學 院、 志 新 學 院、 立之學院及日新學院,位於堅尼地 城龍華街 9 號,主要提供住宿,但亦強調學生參與社會服務。 Officially named “Jockey Club Student Village III”, the Residential Colleges of Lung Wah Street were built to cater the needs of a growing number of students under the new 3-3-4 curriculum. The names of the residential colleges are Shun Hing College, Chi Sun College, Lap Chee College, and New College. Situated at 9 Lung Wah Street, Kennedy Town, these residential colleges mainly provide accommodation but also emphasise social service.


Pokfield Road Residences 位於堅尼地城蒲飛路 13-21 號的宿舍,距離校園約 20 分鐘路程,一共有 206 個宿位, 但只收非本地研究生。 The Pokfield Road Residences are situated at 13–21 Pokfield Road and are 20 minutes’ walk away from the main campus. It accommodates a total of 206 non-local postgraduate students.


Student Flats 由校方管理的宿舍,分佈於沙宣道 6 號三間 hall 的二至三樓,共有 12 個單位。六人一個 單位,每個單位有兩間睡房、一個客廳、一個廚房和一個洗手間。沒有任何傳統與活動, 只接受大學二年級或以上的學生申請入住。 There are in total 12 student flats managed by the university. They are situated at 2/F and 3/F of the three halls at 6 Sassoon Road. Six persons share one flat, and each flat has two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, and one bathroom. Unlike halls, they do not have any traditions and activities. Application is only open to students in Year 2 or above.



Off-campus University-rented Accommodation CEDARS 在 學 校 附 近 租 借 的 單 位, 裝 修 後 以 廉 價 租 借 予 同 學。 每 單 位 由 4 個 同 學 共 用, 每人約須付每月港幣 4,200 元全包的租金。可惜宿位非常少,通常供不應求。 These are flats near the main campus rented by CEDARS and provided to students with a cheap rent. Each flat is shared by 4 students. Each student needs to pay around HK$4,200 per month. However, the supply of these flats are usually insufficient to meet the demand.


University-administered Residences 校方另提供兩間學生宿舍,分別為研究生堂和何善衡夫人堂。研究生堂位於本部校園, 提供 200 個宿位予本地及非本地的研究生;何善衡夫人堂位於沙宣道 6 號,提供 150 個 宿位予醫科生。 The university provides two other residences for students, namely the Graduate House and the Madam S. H. Ho Residence for Medical Students. The Graduate House provides 200 places for local and non-local postgraduate students, and the Madam S. H. Ho Residence for Medical Students provides 150 places for medical students.


“Mini” Apartments 私人租借單位通常稱為「mini」,同學多數會三至四個人合租一個單位。宿費比較昂貴, 可是私人空間最大。同學可透過地產公司租盤,亦可留意 CEDARS 定期發放的區內租盤 資訊。 Flats rented by students themselves are usually called “minis”. It is common for three to four students to co-rent a flat and share the rent together. Although these flats may cost more money than living in halls or other residences provided by the university, students may enjoy more privacy in their own flats. You may contact proper ty agencies or visit CEDARS’ website for more information.



"GETTING A PART-TIME JOB" 由 於 在 大 學 的 時 間 遠 比 在 中 學 時 靈 活, 不 少 同 學 會 利 用 課 後 空 餘 的 時 間 做 part-time 賺外快。同學可嘗試循以下幾個途徑找工作 : As time management at university is much more flexible, many students would get part-time jobs to earn some money when they have spare time. Below are several ways to help you find a job:

Careers & Placement, CEDARS Career s & Placement 是 CEDARS 的 一 個 部 門, 會 定 期 發 送 工 作 資 訊 到 同 學 的港大電郵帳戶,亦會把相關資訊定期貼在其告示板上,當中包括與不同公 司合辦的就業講座等。 同 學 亦 可 在 Career s & Placement 網 頁 內 的 NETjobs 尋 找 實 習、 兼 職、 暑 期 工, 甚 至 應 屆 畢 業 生 工 作。 此 外,Career s & Placement 網 頁 內 有 一 個 叫 NETmatch(https://extranet.hku.hk/netmatch/) 的 功 能, 同 學 可 以 利 用 它 來建立 online profile 直接申請工作。可是,由於就業市場的競爭激烈,很多 僱主也會要求大學先作一輪 pre-screening。不要以為 GPA 夠高便勝劵在握, 因為現在很多僱主也會留意同學的課外活動表現。 Careers & Placement is a service unit of CEDARS which sends job information to HKU students’ Por tal email account regularly. Information about career talks coorganised with other companies and organisations are also regularly posted on their notice board. Students can search for internships, par t-time jobs, summer jobs, and even graduate jobs through “NETjobs” on the website of Careers & Placement. Besides, students can create an online profile for job applications using their “NETmatch” ser vice (https://extranet.hku.hk/netmatch/). However, many employers now require prescreening by the university due to keen competition in the job market.


Aside from students’ GPA, performance in extracurricular activities are also considered by many companies nowadays.

Joint Institutions Job Information System (JIJIS) 同學亦可利用 JIJIS 這個專門為香港的大學生而設的網上求職平台尋找兼職。 只須到 http://www.jijis.org.hk 進行簡單註冊,便可使用這個龐大的資料庫。 同學可在 JIJIS 找到各種不同類型的工作,包括實習、臨時工及應屆畢業生工 作等。 Students can also find par t-time job through JIJIS, an online job-searching platform designed for university students in Hong Kong. You can gain access to this huge database simply by registering at http://www.jijis.org.hk. Different kinds of job can be found on JIJIS, such as internships, graduate jobs and temporary jobs.


Private Tutoring 時 薪 高、 工 作 時 間 富 彈 性 的 私 人 補 習, 是 很 受 同 學 歡 迎 的 兼 職。 同 學 可 在 NETjobs 中的「Private Tuition」一頁尋找私人補習工作。該處為專門聘請港大 學生的網上平台,因此薪金較高之餘,更是費用全免。此外,坊間也有很多 網站提供補習中介服務,不過大部分都會抽取部分薪金以作中介費。 Private tutoring is one of the most popular par t-time jobs among university students because of its flexibility and high hourly pay. NETjobs is one of the platforms for HKU students to hunt for tuition jobs. The salary is usually higher than average, and no referral fee is required. There are many other online platforms and agencies that provide job matching, but most of them require job applicants to pay referral charges.


上莊 「莊」,泛指港大各學生組織的幹事會;顧名思義,「上莊」就是指成為港大各學生組織 幹事會的一員。 香港大學的學生組織大致可分為幾類,包括 : 1. 香港大學學生會幹事會

5. 體育聯會及經其附屬學生會之體育屬會

2. 校園傳媒

6. 文化聯會及經其附屬學生會之文化屬會

3. 各學院院會及學術屬會

7. 學社聯會及經其附屬學生會之屬會

4. 舍堂學生會 / 宿生會 香港大學的學生組織大多數附屬於香港大學學生會。現時附屬於學生會的學生組織約有 130 個。眾多學生組織的幹事會由各種形式及規模的選舉產生,其中學生會幹事及校園傳 媒須由全體會員一人一票選出 ( 在必然會員制度下,全體本科生皆為港大學生會會員 )。 「上莊」對於新入大學的同學來說可能是比較新穎的概念。在大學策劃學生活動與中學有 很大不同:中學的學生活動會有老師從旁協助,但大學的學生活動則由學生一手一腳策劃, 同學亦須對活動的成敗負責,學生自主度頗大。 上莊的道路不言輕鬆。同學不單要撰寫政綱、年度計劃 (Year Plan) 等爭取會員支持,還須 出席大大小小的模擬諮詢大會 (Mock Campaign)、諮詢大會 (Campaign)、週年大會 (Annual General Meeting) 等,回答會員的問題和質詢。 「上莊」的確需要付出時間和心機,但同時亦是對做人處事一種很好的歷練。大學是一個 裝備自己、迎接社會挑戰的地方,要在現今的社會中取得成功,單靠書本上的知識絕不足 夠。「上莊」恰恰能夠給同學處理人際關係、決策、應對失敗和處理壓力的經驗,這些都 是踏足社會必須具備的條件。



AN EX-CO There are a variety of student societies at HKU. Becoming one of their executive committee members (ex-co) is called “sheung jong” in Cantonese. Student Bodies inside the Union can be classified into the following categories: 1. Union Executives 2. Campus Media 3. Faculty and Academic Societies 4. Hall Students’ Associations

5. Spor ts Association and Spor ts Clubs 6. Cultural Association and Cultural Clubs 7. Independent Clubs Association and Independent Clubs

Most student bodies at HKU are affiliated to the Hong Kong University Students’ Union. There are currently a total of around 130 Union sub-organisations. Ex-cos of different sub-organisations are elected through elections of different forms and sizes. In par ticular, the Union Executives and campus media are elected by all full members of the Union. (All undergraduate students are full members of the Union under the compulsory membership system.) The concept of ex-co is perhaps new to you. While it is common for teachers in secondary schools to guide and assist students in preparing for their functions, ex-cos in a university are much more independent. They will have to bear the responsibility for the success or failure of their own events. It is not easy at all to be an ex-co. Students who intend to become one will have to draft year plans and run for elections to gain the suppor t of their members, in addition to attending a multitude of mock campaigns, campaigns and annual general meetings to answer questions and enquiries from members. You have to devote a lot of time and effor t to be an ex-co, but it is a very rewarding experience. University is a place to hone your skills to become a better person. Through being an ex-co, you will be able to equip yourself with skills and knowledge that cannot be sought from textbooks and lectures, but are much needed in the modern society.




(個個都拍拖,唔通個個都想拍拖咩?) (Do you really think everybody wants to date when everybody is dating?) (Go 3 go 3 dou 1 paak 3 to 1, ng 4 tung 1 go 3 go 3 dou 1 soeng 2 pak 3 to 1 me 1?) (Goh goh dou pak tor, Ng tung goh goh dou shern pak tor meh?)


大學 只有 五件事 ? BEY ON D THE FIV E MU ST- DOS




Having Social Awareness

港大學生在近年多個大型社會抗爭和思潮變更中都擔當了一個不可或缺的角色。由雨傘 革命、副校長任命風波、六四問題到香港前途討論,港大學生一直本著不平則鳴、當仁 不讓的精神積極參與。這份對社會的關懷和責任感百年來從未間斷。 與其說「參與政治、關心社會」是大學生的必然責任,倒不如認清政治的過程和結果本 來就體現在生活中各層面,而你自然會受身處的地方發生的事情所影響。因此,這從來 不是一個個人能選擇的決定,是大學生必須面對的問題。 當下香港人不惜代價爭取的其實只不過是要有掌握自己生活、前途的權力,但這一個簡 單直接的要求卻一再被當權者打壓,港人感到義憤填膺同時卻又被無力感自困,一片失 落的陰霾籠罩著香港社會。 不過,「絕望之為虛妄,正與希望相同。」在社會黑白顛倒的時代,我們更不能自我放 棄。面對內憂外患,昏亂政局、制度崩壞,港大同學必須明瞭讀書所為何事,要追求真 理、自由,秉持公義,敢於為自己和所愛的地方奮鬥,承繼前人不屈的意志和執著。 HKU students in recent years have been taking up an indispensable role in social protest and thoughtshaping among the community. From Umbrella Revolution, the appointment of Vice-President and Pro-ViceChancellor (Academic Staffing and Resources) of HKU, June-Four th Issue to the discussion of Hong Kong Future, HKU students have spoken up when injustice prevailed, actively par ticipated in social affairs, and done what they think they should do for the society. The caring and sense of responsibility towards this city have never ceased. While it may be a cliché to say that it is the responsibility of University students to take par t in politics and show their caring towards society, people should concern about the true essence of politics – ever yone would be affected by the course and consequence of politics in ever yday lives. Therefore, whether to engage in politics or not is beyond the choice of us, but an issue that every university student must face. What makes Hong Kong people protest without thinking of its costs is the autonomy to decide the way in which they want to live and the future of where they live. However, such little wish has been ruined by people with power again and again. They outraged Hong Kong people but at the same time made them feel hopeless and powerless. A haze of hopelessness is rife in Hong Kong. However, we shall remain faithful and never quit. Where HKU students must be concerned about, in the worst of the times, is that the purpose of study is to pursue truth, freedom, maintain justice and make us brave enough to fight for ourselves and for the place we love, and sustain the spirit of perseverance of our predecessors.



去 Exchange

Studying Abroad

大學的環境雖令人大開眼界,但同學還須面向世界。同學主要有兩個途徑申請 交換生計劃 : HKU provides invaluable exchange oppor tunities for students to step out of their comfor t zones and explore the world. There are mainly two ways to apply for exchange:

學院 / 學系交換生計劃 Faculty Level Exchange Programme 港大各學院 / 學系會舉辦各自的交換生計劃,詳情可留意個別學院之網頁和電郵。 Programmes are organised by faculties with specific areas of focus tailored to each faculty. You may pay attention to faculties’ website and emails for more information.

HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Programme (HKUWW) 計劃由 OISE (Office of International Student Exchange) 舉辦,每年有兩次公開接受同學 申請。 詳情可留意 OISE 的網站 :http://www.als.hku.hk/admission/exchange 港 大 有 超 過 300 個 exchange par tners, 而 每 一 間 大 學 對 同 學 的 要 求 也 不 同。 基 本 上 要 求 GPA 有 大 約 2.8 或 以 上 ; 若 同 學 想 到 以 英 語 教 學 的 大 學 交 流, 可 能 亦 須 滿 足 TOEFL(~550) 和 IELTS(~6.5) 的要求。若同學在經濟上遇到困難,影響到交流的計劃, OISE 亦有提供獎學金, 金額由數千至數萬不等,視乎交流的地方。 The programme is open for nomination and application twice a year. For more details, please refer to the website of OISE (Office of International Student Exchange): http://www.als.hku. hk/admission/exchange/. HKU has more than 300 exchange par tners, and each of them has different requirements for students. Basically, you’re expected to have a cGPA higher than ~2.8; if you’re applying for a university which uses English as a teaching medium, you may also be expected to achieve a TOEFL score of ~550 and an IELTS score of ~6.5. In case of financial difficulties, OISE also provides scholarships for students.



返 I n ter n

Finding an Internship

充實的實習機會可以讓同學好好應用書本上的知識,累積工作經驗,為前途做 好準備。 不少由學院提供的實習機會都會納入課程範圍當中,亦可計算一定的學分。而 CEDARS 的 Careers & Placement 和 JIJIS 也會公佈不同公司提供的實習機會。近 年申請實習的人越來越多,競爭越來越激烈,很多大型公司早於十月已經會招 聘實習生,所以同學謹記要多加留意! Internships are golden oppor tunities for students to apply knowledge they’ve learnt in textbooks to real-life situations, and can even be milestones to a bright future career. In HKU, many faculties include compulsor y internships in the curriculum, which count for cer tain amounts of credits. Careers & Placement of CEDARS and JIJIS also provide internship oppor tunities for students. Currently, more and more people compete for jobs. Many big corporations star t their internship recruitment in as early as October, so remember to stay aler t to the most updated information!

小貼士! 同 學 可 多 留 意 Portal 的 電 子 郵 件,career@cedars.hku.hk 寄 出 的「Daily Job & Career Notices on XXX」,裏面有不少實習工作的資料。


It’s a good idea to check your HKU Por tal email account regularly. Emails sent by career@cedars.hku.hk titled “Daily Job & Career Notices on XXX” often provide valuable information about internships.



第三章 校園資料 Chapter Three Campus Information


食 肆 Caterers 本 部 校 園 Main Campus 學生會餐廳 Union Restaurant (SU Canteen) 方樹泉餐廳 Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre Restaurant (Swire Canteen) 美心快餐 Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant (CYM Canteen)

Café 330

Rome Café

Ebeneezer’s Kebabs & Pizzeria

Pacific Coffee

Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks Coffee

粉麵、焗飯、意粉、燒味等 Noodles, baked rice, spaghetti, Chinese BBQ 粉麵、焗飯、意粉、三文治、燒味等 Noodles, baked rice, spaghetti, sandwiches, Chinese BBQ 粉麵、焗飯、意粉、三文治、燒味等 Noodles, baked rice, spaghetti, sandwiches, Chinese BBQ 意粉、三文治、咖啡、西餅等 Spaghetti, sandwiches, coffee, pastries 西餐 ( 須預先訂位 ) Western fine dining (Reservation required) 清真食物、卡巴、咖哩、薄餅、沙律 Halal food, kebabs, curry, pizzas, salad 三文治、咖啡、西餅等 Sandwiches, coffee, pastries 三文治、咖啡、西餅等 Sandwiches, coffee, pastries 三文治、咖啡、西餅等 Sandwiches, coffee, pastries


2546 0347

2548 1109

2857 5511

2794 3778

黃克競平台四樓(黃克競平台) 4/F, Haking Wong Building (Haking Wong Podium) 方樹泉文娛中心二樓

07:30-20:00 (Mon-Fri)

2/F, Fong Shu Cheun Amenities Centre

11:00-14:00 (Sat)

莊月明文娛中心四樓 4/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre

07:30-20:30 (Mon-Fri)

2/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre

10:00-18:30 (Sat-Sun)

研究生堂 P3

2858 8841

Level P3, Graduate House

2291 0071

2559 9061

2546 5251

07:30-21:30 (Mon-Sun)


2858 8816/

2915 5168

07:30-21:30 (Mon-Sun)

11:00-21:30 (Mon-Sat)

方樹泉文娛中心一樓 1/F, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre

10:00-20:45 (Mon-Sat)


08:30-21:30 (Mon-Fri)

Global Lounge, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre

09:00-17:00 (Sat) 07:30-22:00 (Mon-Fri)


07:30-20:00 (Sat)

G/F, Union Building

11:00-18:30 (Sun) 07:30–22:00 (Mon-Fri)

圖書館大樓舊翼地下 G/F, Main Library Building (Old Wing)


07:30-19:00 (Sat) 10:00-19:00 (Sun)

食 肆 Caterers 百 周 年 校 園 Centennial Campus 一念素食 BIJAS Vegetarian

中式素食 ( 自助形式 ) Chinese vegetarian food (Self-served buffet style)


意粉、三文治、咖啡、西餅等 Spaghetti, sandwiches, coffee, pastries

Grove Café

意粉、三文治、咖啡、飲品、雪糕等 Spaghetti, sandwiches, coffee, drinks, gelato

一粥麵 Super Super Congee & Noodle

粥、雲吞、點心、港式粉麵、飲料等 Congee, dumplings, dim sum, Hong Kong-style noodles, drinks


2964 9011

百周年校園逸夫教學樓地下 G/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus

08:00–21:00 (Mon-Fri)

2546 2121

百周年校園賽馬會教學樓地下 G/F, Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

07:30-22:00 (Mon-Fri)

2530 0043

百周年校園賽馬會教學樓低層地下 LG/F, Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

2857 2807

百周年校園逸夫教學樓地下 G/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus


11:30–21:00 (Sat)

08:00-20:00 (Sat-Sun) 07:30-22:00 (Mon-Fri) 08:00-22:00 (Sat) 08:00-21:30 (Sun) 07:30-21:30 (Mon-Sat)

食 肆 Caterers 外 賣 Takeaway Happy Cow


Mangrove Tuck Shop




冰淇淋 Ice cream 麵包、蛋糕、咖啡、紙包飲品等 Bakery products, cake, coffee, car ton beverages 便當、小食、三文治、飲料等 Lunchboxes, snacks, sandwiches, drinks 潛艇三明治、曲奇、飲料等 Submarine sandwiches, cookies, drinks 外賣便當、台式飲品、小食等 Lunchboxes, Taiwanese-style drinks, snacks 外賣便當、小食、各式飲品等 Lunchboxes, snacks, drinks


2252 7773

5402 4546

3526 0933

2561 9002

2517 3633

9230 2908


10:00-19:00 (Mon-Fri)

G/F, Union Building

12:00-18:00 (Sat)


08:00-17:00 (Mon-Fri)

Run Run Shaw Podium 圖書館大樓地下有蓋平台

10:00-16:00 (Mon-Fri)

Main Library Covered Podium 邵逸夫平台

08:00–20:30 (Mon-Sat)

Run Run Shaw Podium

08:00–18:00 (Sun)


09:00-18:00 (Mon-Fri)

G/F, Union Building

10:00-16:00 (Sat)


12:00-02:00 (Mon-Fri)

G/F, Union Building

12:00-20:00 (Sat-Sun)


商 店 Shops 提供大部分上課用的課本、參考書,而且以學科編號分類, 非常方便。亦售賣課外書籍及文具。港大學生購買書籍、 文具,可獲九折優惠,購買大學出版社出版之書籍更獲八 折優惠。另外,為推廣閱讀風氣,新生於開學第一個月內 購買任何書籍,可獲贈一張 $50 書劵。 大學書店 University Bookstore

Most textbooks and reference books required by HKU courses can be found here; they are even classified by course codes. Other books and stationer y are also available for purchase here. Currently, HKU students can enjoy a 10% discount on books and stationery, and a 20% discount on books published by the Hong Kong University Press. Also, to promote reading culture, students who purchase any book within the first month of the semester can get a $50 book voucher. 同學可於店內找到不少港大教授的作品。港大生可享八五 折優惠,而且每年會有大減價,同學可留意 Por tal 電郵。


Books and materials published by Hong Kong University Press Hong Kong University Press Bookshop are also available for purchase here. HKU students can enjoy a 15% discount. There is also an annual sale; information is regularly sent to your Por tal email account. 一般超市能買到的日常用品、食物等都能在這裏買到,可 百佳超級市場 PARKnSHOP

是開放時間較短,星期一至五晚上七時、星期六晚上五時 便會關門。 It sells daily necessities and food like usual supermarkets do, but closes early at 19:00 on weekdays and 17:00 on Saturdays. 由學生會營運,出售文具、學生會及港大精品,價錢便宜,

學生會合作社 Union Co-op Store

惟只於星期一至五開放。 A stationer y store operated by the Union which also sells souvenirs. The price is relatively cheap, but only opens on weekdays.


2546 8412/


09:00–19:00 (Mon–Fri)

2859 2107

G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons

09:30–14:00 (Sat)

百周年校園逸夫苑地下 ( 近逸夫教學樓 ) 3917 7801

G/F, Run Run Shaw Heritage House, Centennial

10:00–17:00 (Mon–Fri)

Campus (next to Run Run Shaw Tower)

2540 6685



09:00–19:00 (Mon–Fri)

2/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre

09:00–17:00 (Sat)


09:30–17:15 (Mon–Fri)

1/F, Union Building


銀 行 Banks 匯豐銀行 HSBC 東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia

2233 3000

3609 1812

中國銀行自動櫃員機 ATM of Bank of China

G/F, Runme Shaw Building 百周年校園地下 G/F, Centennial Campus

09:00-16:30 (Mon-Thu) 09:00-17:00 (Fri) 09:00-13:00 (Sat) 09:00–17:00 (Mon-Fri)

莊月明文娛中心 2 樓戶外

東亞銀行自動櫃員機 ATM of Bank of East Asia




Outdoor Area of 2/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre,

黃克競平台 Haking Wong Podium




圖 書 館 Libraries 香港大學主圖書館成立於一九一二年,現今總藏量約有二百八十萬本,而電子書的數量 亦不斷增加。大學另外五間專科圖書館,分別是牙科圖書館、教育圖書館、呂志和法律 圖書館、余振強醫學圖書館及音樂圖書館。 Established in 1912, the Main Library has a collection of about 2,800,000 books. On the other hand, the number of electronic books is still on the rise. There are also five other specialised libraries, including Dental Library, Education Library, Lui Che Woo Law Library, Yu Chun Keung Medical Library and Music Library.

主圖書館 Main Library

牙科圖書館 Dental Library

教育圖書館 Education Library 呂志和法律圖書館 Lui Che Woo Law Library 余振強醫學圖書館 Yu Chun Keung Medical Library 音樂圖書館 Music Library

圖書館新翼及舊翼大樓 2859 2203

New Wing and Old Wing, Library Building 菲臘牙科醫院五至六樓

2859 0402

3917 2205

3917 2914

3917 9215

3917 2218

5–6/F, Prince Philip Dental Hospital

08:30–22:00 (Mon–Fri) 08:30–19:00 (Sat) 09:00–18:00 (Mon–Fri) 09:00–17:00 (Sat)


09:00–17:00 (Mon–Fri)

8/F, Meng Wah Complex

09:00–13:00 (Sat)


09:00–20:00 (Mon–Fri)

1–2/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower

09:00–17:00 (Sat)


08:15–22:00 (Mon–Fri)

20 Sassoon Road

08:30–19:00 (Sat)


09:00–18:00 (Mon–Fri)

11/F, Run Run Shaw Tower

12:00–17:00 (Sat)


圖 書 館 Libraries 借 書 服 務 Borrowing Books 同學一次可借閱最多 60 本書,借用期為 60 日;影音最多 60 種,借用期為 7 日。圖書館 的 Find@HKUL 搜尋系統非常方便,而同學亦可以於網上預訂或續借書本。 A maximum of 60 books can be borrowed for 60 days, while a maximum of 60 audio-visual materials can be borrowed for 7 days. Searching can be done using the "Find@HKUL" system. You can also renew and reserve books online.

參 考 文 獻 服 務 Literature Review Service 圖書館設有參考文獻服務,幫助同學快速、有效地找尋所需資料。同學更可安排個人諮詢。 Literature review ser vice is available to help students gain access to academic materials. Also, students can arrange for personal consultation.

影 印 及 列 印 服 務 Photocopying & Printing 同學可以在主圖書館三樓使用影印及列印服務,每頁收費三毫。圖書館更設有文件掃瞄服 務,所有樓層亦設有自助式影印機。 Students may use the photocopying and printing ser vice on 3/F in the Main Librar y, which costs HK$0.3 per A4 page. In addition, self-service photocopiers and scanners can also be found on each floor of the Main Library

電 腦 設 備 Computers 圖 書 館 三 樓 設 有 Technology Zone, 共 有 80 部 電 腦 供 同 學 使 用。 電 腦 設 有 不 同 軟 件, 如 Microsoft Office、Adobe Creative Suite 等,部份電腦更設有掃瞄器。 A total of 80 computers are provided for students in the “Technology Zone” on 3/F of the Main Library. These are all equipped and installed with a variety of software such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite. Some of the computers also have scanners connected to them.


24 小 時 溫 習 室 24/7 Study Room 主圖書館地下設有 24 小時溫習室,內有討論室、自修室,亦有自動售賣機,同學可一邊溫 習一邊飲食。 There is a 24-hour study room on G/F of the Main Library equipped with discussion rooms, study rooms and vending machines. Students can study there while enjoying snacks.

特 藏 館 Special Collections 特藏館位於主圖書館新翼一樓,內有稀有書藉、港大論文、微形膠卷及香港資料等。 The Special Collections is located on 1/F of the New Wing of the Main Librar y. It houses rare books, theses, micro-films, and information about Hong Kong.

影 音 及 保 留 書 籍 館 AV & Reserve Collection 影音及保留書籍館除了有影音借用外,更設有自助影印服務及四間討論室予同學預約使用。 除了學術需要外,亦有不少同學在這裏借看電影渡過「天地堂」之間的空檔。 Besides providing AV lending ser vice, self-ser vice photocopiers and 4 discussion rooms are also available in the AV & Reserve Collection. It’s a good place to kill time in between two lessons.

E-Video 圖書館會定期把一些港台及其他電視台製作的片段放上網站,有興趣的同學可以到以下網 址收看 : http://evideo.lib.hku.hk/ 。 Video clips produced by RTHK or other TV stations are regularly uploaded by the library. Interested students can take a look at the following website: http://evideo.lib.hku.hk/.


影 印 Photocopying 校園主要有 5 個地方提供影印及列印服務 , 分別是 Knowles Digital Centre、學生會影印 中心、智華館、The Oval 以及各大圖書館。部份屬會的 soc 房亦提供影印及列印服務, 收費較一般圖書館便宜,詳情可向各屬會查詢。 同學每年都會收到 100 個免費的 printing credits (價值 $30),如同學用完學生證內的 credits,可使用智華館和 The Oval 的增值機用八達通增值。 There are mainly five places providing photocopying and printing services on campus. They are the Knowles Digital Centre, the Union Photocopy Centre, the Chi Wah Learning Commons, the Oval and all libraries. Some student societies also provide photocopying and printing services in their society rooms with a cheaper price as welfare for their members. For fur ther information, please contact the executive committee of respective student societies. You’ll receive 100 free printing credits (wor th HK$30) each year from the university. If you’ve used them up, you can reload your account with an Octopus card using the add-value machines in the Chi Wah Learning Commons or the Oval.



Chi Wah Learning Commons

Centennial Campus Podium Levels



Union Photocopy Centre

1/F, Union Building

Knowles Digital Centre

The Oval

鈕魯詩樓四樓 420 室 Room 420, 4/F, Knowles Building 鈕魯詩樓一樓 1/F, Knowles Building


08:00–24:00 (Mon–Sun)

11:00–17:00 (Mon–Fri)

10:00–19:00 (Mon–Fri)

08:00-22:30 (Mon–Sun)

醫 療 Medical Service 明華綜合大樓設有醫療保健處,基本上完全免費,但某些藥物或程序可能會額外收費。 同學若想預約時間就診,可到 HKU Portal → Campus Information Services → Service Departments → University Health Service → UHS Web Appointment Booking 登 記。 同學亦可致電 2549 4686 預約或親身到醫療保健處預約。 The University Health Service is a medical centre in Meng Wah Complex. Medical consultation is generally free of charge with the exception of cer tain medications and procedures. If you would like to make a booking, simply log in to HKU Portal → Campus Information Services → Service Departments → University Health Service → UHS Web Appointment Booking. You can also make bookings in person or by phone at 2549 4686.

門診 Medical Consultation

牙科 Dental Consultation

物理治療 Physiotherapy

2549 4686

2859 2510

3917 2509


08:40-17:00 (Mon-Fri)

2/F, Meng Wah Complex

08:25-12:45 (Sat)


08:40-17:00 (Mon-Fri)

3/F, Meng Wah Complex

08:25-12:45 (Sat)


08:40-17:00 (Mon-Fri)

2/F, Meng Wah Complex

08:25-12:45 (Sat)


其 他 設 施 Other Facilities 文 娛 中 心 Amenities Centres 會議室、音樂室、多用途室、展覽攤位、放置橫額的廣告 區可供借用。中心設有浴室,亦有手推車、桌椅、展板、 莊月明文娛中心 Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre

台板等可供借用。 Meeting room, music rooms, multi-purpose room, exhibition counter, and banner sites are available for booking. There is also a shower room. Students can also borrow trolleys, tables, chairs, exhibition boards, stages, etc. 會議室、音樂室、多用途室可供借用。地下亦設有國際交

方樹泉文娛中心 Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre

流中心可供同學使用。 Meeting rooms, music rooms, and multi-pur pose rooms are available for booking. The Global Lounge on G/F is also available for student use.

體 育 設 施 Sports Facilities 何世光夫人體育館 Flora Ho Sports Centre Complex (FHSC)

設有舞蹈室、健身室、壁球場、乒乓球室、網球場、搏擊室、 羽毛球場、游泳池等。 Dancing studio, gym, squash cour t, table tennis room, tennis cour t, combat room, badminton cour t, swimming pool, etc. 設有健身室、網球場、人工草地及真草地場 ( 欖球、足球、 壘球、曲棍球、棍網球、板球等用 )、多功能球場 ( 手球、

何鴻燊體育館 Stanley Ho Sports Centre Complex (SHSC)

IHP Active

籃球、排球等用 )、 多功能練習區 ( 哥爾夫球、板球等用 )、 游泳池等。 Gym, tennis cour t, ar tificial pitch and grass pitch (for rugby, football, softball, hockey, lacrosse, cricket, etc.), multi-purpose cour t (for handball, basketball, volleyball, etc.), multi-purpose practice area (for golf, cricket, etc.), swimming pool, etc. 健身室 Gym


2859 8006

2548 0074

2817 4046

2819 5450


莊月明文娛中心 Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre


07:30-23:00 (Mon-Sun)

07:30-23:00 (Mon-Sun)

G/F to 2/F, Swire Building

薄扶林道 111-113 號

07:30-22:30 (Mon-Sun)

111–113 Pokfulam Road

沙灣徑 10 號

06:30-22:30 (Mon-Sun)

10 Sha Wan Drive

賽馬會教學樓三樓 3.36 室 Room 3.36, 3/F, Jockey Club Tower


07:30-19:00 (Mon-Fri)

學院辦公室 Faculty Office 建築學院


Faculty of Architecture

4/F, Knowles Building


逸夫教學樓四樓 405 室

Faculty of Ar ts

Room 405, 4/F, Run Run Shaw Tower

經濟及工商管理學院 Faculty of Business and Economics 牙醫學院

梁銶琚樓四樓 4/F, K. K. Leung Building

2859 2149


3917 8977

ar ts@hku.hk

3917 5343


2859 0390


3917 6044


3917 2803


3917 2951


3917 9175


3917 2683


3917 1234


菲臘牙科醫院六樓 6B29 室

Faculty of Dentistry

Room 6B29, 6/F, Prince Philip Dental Hospital


明華綜合大樓四樓 420 室

Faculty of Education

Room 420, 4/F, Meng Wah Complex


黃克競樓五樓 501 室

Faculty of Engineering

Room 501, 5/F, Haking Wong Building



Faculty of Law

10/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower


沙宣道 21 號蒙民偉樓 6 樓

Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

6/F, William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road



Faculty of Science

G/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building



Faculty of Social Sciences

11/F, The Jockey Club Tower


CEDARS 學生資源及發展中心 (CEDARS) 為同學的校園生活及個人發展等提供協助,基本上同學在 大學裏的衣食住行也與 CEDARS 有關。其管理的事務包括住宿、財政、文娛中心、膳食等。 每年 CEDARS 也會舉行一些大型的招聘會,參加的公司由銀行、科技到政府部門不等,有 些公司更會即場進行面試。同學可留意 CEDARS 網頁的最新通告。 The Centre of Development and Resources of Students (CEDARS) provides suppor t for students’ university life and personal development. Basically ever y par t of your university life is related to CEDARS. Accommodation, financial suppor t, amenities centres and catering are also under the management of CEDARS. Every year, CEDARS organises a variety of job recruitment fairs which is joined by many companies including banks, IT firms, and government depar tments. Some companies may even offer interview oppor tunities right at the fair. If you're interested, please keep an eye on the latest notices from CEDARS.

明華綜合大樓三樓 3/F, Meng Wah Complex

09:00-17:45 (Mon-Thurs) 2859 2305


09:00-18:00 (Fri) 09:00-13:00 (Sat)


溫書好去 Learning Co


Chi Wah Learning Commons

智華館於在 2012 年落成,位於百周年校園,是同學溫習及傾 project 的好地方。 智 華 館 共 有 三 層, 設 備 完 善, 內 有 20 多 個 研 討 室, 大 部 份 均 設 有 電 視, 方 便 同 學 傾 project。館內亦設有學習區、閱讀區、溫習室、電腦、影印機等設施。智華館在考試期間 更會通宵開放。 Situated in the Centennial Campus, the Chi Wah Learning Commons was built in 2012 to serve as a place for discussion, revision, and research. The three-floor complex provides more than 20 seminar rooms, most of which are equipped with televisions to faciliate discussion. Fur thermore, other facilities can be found such as quiet study areas, reading and lounging areas, study rooms, computers and photocopiers. In par ticular, Chi Wah Learning Commons opens overnight during examination period.


08:00-24:00 (Mon-Sun)

Centennial Campus Podium Levels


去處 mmons

The Oval

The Oval 是一個供師生交流的公共空間 , 也是同學溫習、傾 project 的好地方,更設有三台 影印機 ( 兩台黑白、一台彩色 ) 供同學作 A4 和 A3 大小的列印和影印。 The Oval is a common area for students and staff to interact, and also a great place for students to study and discuss. There are a total of 3 photocopiers (2 B&W + 1 colour) that can print in A4 and A3 sizes.


08:00-22:30 (Mon-Sun)

1/F, Knowles Building



第四章 港大學生會 Chapter Four HKUSU


簡介 Introduction 香港大學學生會於 1912 年 10 月 6 日成立,前身為香港大學聯會。全體同學及老師皆為 會員,並由港督出任會長。 1949 年 9 月,學生會正式註冊為獨立社團,重新命名為香港大學學生會,確立學生會 及學生運動的獨立自主基礎,「團結一致,獨立自主」及後更成為會訓。雖然學生會不 附屬於大學校方,但多年來雙方一直保持密切及平等的合作關係,共同為港大作出貢獻。 經過無數前輩百年來默默耕耘、隨著港大學生人數大幅增長,港大學生會在校內、學界 及社會的影響力亦顯著上升。今日,學生會已發展成一個規模龐大的學生組織,更在校 園中心擁有一座多功能的學生會大樓。學生會大樓設有多種設施,如多用途活動室、售 賣文具和紀念品的合作社、影印中心、咖啡店、社會企業及電腦店,服務超過一萬六千 名同學。 The Hong Kong Univer sity Students’ Union was established on 6 October 1912 with membership including all students and teachers and was formerly known as Hong Kong University Union. At that time, the Governor took up the post of the President. In September 1949, the Union was officially registered as an independent society, and was renamed as the Hong Kong University Students’ Union. This lays the basis of the Union’s independence from the university. “Unity with independence” later became the motto of the Union. Although the Union is no longer subordinate to the university, both sides maintain a close and equally co-operative relationship in contributing to HKU. Thanks to the effor ts of past HKU students and the drastically increasing number of HKU students in the past centur y, the Union now exer ts great influence on the university, Hong Kong students, and society at large. The Union has developed into a huge student body with a multi-purpose Union Building on the Main Campus. There are various facilities in the Union Building, including multi-function rooms, a co-operative store selling both stationar y and souvenirs, a photocopying centre, a coffee shop, social enterprises and IT product shops, serving over 16,000 members.


根據香港大學學生會的憲章,學生會的宗旨為: 1. 為同學提供福利; 2. 作為同學和校方之間的橋樑,以保障同學和學校的整體利益; 3. 樹立學生團體在社會的角色,促進香港發展; 4. 在本地及國際事務上代表全體同學。

The aims of the Union, which lay in her constitution, are: 1. To promote the welfare of the student body; 2. To act as a bridge between the student body and the University authority in fur thering the interests of the students and the University as a whole; 3. To identify the student body with social issues in the interests of the people of Hong Kong; 4. To represent the student body both locally and internationally.


會務 Union Affairs 學生會擁有相當充裕的資源以支持多元化的學生活動。學生會每年均會將資源分配予約 130 個屬會,當中包括院會、學術屬會、舍堂宿生會、體育屬會(組成體育聯會)、文 化屬會(組成文化聯會)及學社屬會(組成學社聯會)。各個屬會除了為同學提供不同 活動及福利外,亦提供機會讓同學認識志同道合的朋友、推廣興趣的渠道,為校園生活 增添色彩。學生會亦會爭取店舖優惠,並舉辦勁過週、手提電腦福利計劃等不同活動, 務求令會員享受更多福利。 The Union provides resources to suppor t student activities for about 130 sub-organisations, which include faculty societies, academic societies, hall students’ associations, spor ts clubs (forming the Spor ts Association), cultural clubs (forming the Cultural Association), and independent clubs (forming the Independent Clubs Association). Apar t from offering members various activities and welfare, Union sub-organisations provide a channel for members to meet like-minded friends and promote their interests, creating a fruitful university life. The Union also organises welfare programmes such as the Superpass Week and the Notebook Ownership Programme, and searches special offers and discounts for members.

校務 University Affairs 學生會一直努力不懈爭取校政民主化,令同學的聲音在大學決策過程中得以反映。如 今,主管校政多個範疇的大學管治委員會,由校長遴選、校園配套、學制,到膳食、交 通、舍堂等方面均有學生代表。遇到不合理或倉促的大學政策時,學生會亦會代同學向 校方反映,捍衛同學權益。 The Union has always fought for democracy in the university so that students’ voices can be reflected in the decision-making process of the university authorities. Currently, there are student representatives in university committees of nearly all aspects, such as the selection of the Vice-Chancellor, campus facilities, curriculum development, catering, transpor tation, and halls. When the university tries to implement unreasonable policies, the Union will reflect students’ voices to university authorities to safeguard students’ rights.


外務 External Affairs 關心社會,是港大學生會一直以來的傳統,港大學生會更因而被視為推動社會改革的先 鋒。在火紅年代,港大學生積極參與社會事務,不斷出謀獻策;八十年代,對香港前途、 民主進程及八九民運更表達極大關注;九十年代,堅持在港大校園內豎立國殤之柱;近 年亦就普選行政長官、平反六四等議題通過全民投票,更自行舉辦了六四晚會。種種事 例,皆顯示港大學生會捍衛「團結一致、獨立自主」,爭取香港民主發展的精神。 Social engagement is a tradition of HKUSU, which attributes to her image as a pioneer of social reform. In the 1970s, HKU students par ticipated in social affairs proactively with clear vision; in the 1980s, we showed great concern over the future development and democratisation of Hong Kong as well as the Tiananmen Massacre in mainland China; in the 1990s, we insisted on placing the Pillar of Shame on HKU campus. In recent years, we initiated general pollings on issues including universal suffrage and the Tiananmen Massacre, and organised a June Four th Commemoration. These are all examples of HKUSU safeguarding our motto “Unity with Independence” while fighting for democracy in Hong Kong.


三聯會 3A 香港大學學生會文化聯會 Cultural Association, HKUSU 香港大學學生會文化聯會由 16 個文化屬會組成,致力推廣多元文化活動,包括文化創 作、文藝表演、視覺和電影藝術,以及益智遊戲等。為了讓學生會會員有更多機會接觸 校內各項文化活動,文化聯會幹事會在不同層面協助文化屬會,例如代表文化屬會參與 校內資源及設施等議題的討論、探索外間資助等。幹事會亦將會舉辦一年一度的文化 節,藉此鼓勵及推廣校內文化風氣。 Cultural Association, HKUSU is an intermediate organisation formed by 16 cultural clubs affiliated to the Students’ Union. The Association strives to promote diverse cultural activities including literary ar ts, performing ar ts, visual ar ts, film ar ts and intellectual games to members of the Union. In order to broaden the exposure of members of the Union to a diverse cultural experience, the executive committee of the Association provides suppor t to cultural clubs in various aspects, including purchase of resources, facilities and funding. Besides, the executive committee will organise the annual Cultural Festival to enrich the cultural atmosphere and awareness within the Union.

香港大學學生會學社聯會 Independent Clubs Association, HKUSU 成立於 1952 年,香港大學學生會學社聯會為 20 個屬會的行政管理機關,乃屬會與香 港大學學生會之間的重要溝通橋樑。另外,學社聯會亦會透過舉辦不同活動,特別是新 生註冊日和學社聯會嘉年華,協助推廣屬會及其活動。直至現時,學社聯會共有 20 個 涉及數個範疇的屬會,包括國際事務、興趣小組、宗教團體及社會服務。學社聯會將繼 續秉承宗旨,與屬會攜手為港大同學帶來多姿多采的大學生活。 Established in 1952, Independent Clubs Association, HKUSU is an administrative body that collaborates the effor t of 20 independent clubs that are involved in different areas including international affairs, social services, religious disciplines as well as other hobbies and interests. Serving as the mediating body between clubs and HKUSU, ICA helps organise the Registration Day annually, and holds the ICA Carnival to promote fellow independent clubs. ICA strives to


bring togetherness to all independent clubs to reach new heights as well as to provide a fruitful university life to all students of HKU.

香港大學學生會體育聯會 Sports Association, HKUSU 香港大學學生會體育聯會,前身為香港大學田徑聯會,成立於 1912 年。體育聯會旨在 向學生會會員推廣體育,為體育學會爭取權益及作為學生會和體育學會的溝通橋樑。體 育聯會由中央幹事和 25 個體育學會組成,主要工作包括管理體育學會和主辦內外體育 活動等。體育聯會協力向同學推廣各類型運動,包括田徑、游泳、球類運動、武術及各 種新式的運動等。 Spor ts Association, HKUSU was founded in 1912 and was formerly called the Hong Kong University Athletic Association. Its aim is to promote spor ts to members of the Union, to fight for the interests of spor ts clubs, and to act as a bridge between spor ts clubs and the Union. Comprised of a central executive committee and 25 spor ts clubs, SA’s main area of work includes administering the spor ts clubs and organising spor ts events both within and outside the university. SA has always been devoted to promoting various kinds of spor ts like athletics, swimming, ball games, mar tial ar ts, and other modern spor ts activities.



學 生 會 幹 事 Union Executives


WONG Ching Tak, Ed



Vice-President (Internal)

CHAN Hei Long, Aaron



Vice-President (External)

LAM Chak Kong, Edric



General Secretary

FUNG Kei Lap, Michael



Financial Secretary

WONG Hiu Wai, Tommy



External Affairs Secretary I

LEUNG Fong Wai, Fergus



Student Welfare Secretary

WU Siu Ting, Blanche



Publications and Publicity Secretary

CHAN Chi Wai, Chloe



Current Affairs Secretary

CHENG Tsz Ho, Benson



Administrative Secretary

WONG Chuk Ying, Bamboo



President of Sports Association

SINGH Gurpreet



President of Cultural Association

YEUNG Lok Wai, Cr ystal



President of Independent Clubs Association 學社聯會會長

LEUNG Nok Yan, Joanna 梁諾恩


edwong.valour@gmail.com aaronchan.valour@gmail.com edriclam.valour@gmail.com


tommywong.valour@gmail.com fergusleung.valour@gmail.com blanchewu.valour@gmail.com chloechan.valour@gmail.com tszhocheng.valour@gmail.com bamboowong.valour@gmail.com gurpreetsingh131997@yahoo.com cr ystallokwai@gmail.com


學生會辦事處 U ni on O ffi c e 地址 Address: 香港薄扶林香港大學本部校園學生會大樓一樓 1/F, Union Building, Main Campus, The Univer sity of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong 開放時間 Opening Hours: 早上九時半至下午五時十五分(星期一至五) 星期六、日及公眾假期休息 09:30 – 17:15 (Monday to Fr iday) Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 電話 傳真 電郵 網站

Phone: (+852) 2546 8455 Fax: (+852) 2858 6440 Email: union@hku.hk Website: http://www.hkusu.or g/

2017 新生指南 Su rv iva l Guide 2 0 1 7 二零一七年八月 August 2017 出版 Published by: 香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong Univer sity Students' Union


香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union

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