Tunes Trends & Threads health tips

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TRENDING Dark Matter


Seven Health Tips for Winter BY HENRIETTA HEDBERG ON 19TH NOVEMBER 2016



The summer has rapidly been replaced by winter. Where did autumn go? As the winter jackets are about to come out of the closet once again, a pressing question is lingering in my mind. What can I do to keep healthy and happy during the winter months? Instead of muttering passive aggressive slurs at the weather, and everyone in my vicinity, what can we do to keep our spirits elevated, and our health on point?

1. Wash Your Hands The flu is an inevitable epidemic during the cold months, and hand sanitizer is sure to protect you from the streets, the tube and shopping germs. Make sure to wash your hands after you’ve been outside or once you’ve gone to the bathroom, but I’m hoping you’ve already got the latter down by now. via GIPHY

2. Be Social!

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Being social and making friends counteracts stress hormones. Stress and winter goes hand in hand, especially prior to the Christmas months. Start a book club or learn a new language, challenge yourself and make a few new friends and fill your winter months with giggles!

3. Up Your Vitamin Intake

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Take them! If you don’t want to spend money on expensive, funny smelling pills, eat fish, oats, yoghurt and garlic! Yoghurt prevents osteoporosis, reduces the risk of high blood pressure and facilitates constipation. Oatmeal is rich in grain content and increases your serotonin, a feel good chemical. Try to avoid fatty or sugary food, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips – unless it’s Christmas, that weight, my friend, does not count.

4. Exercise Even though you don’t have to get ready for the beach, I’m sure you miss your beach bod. There are multiple soft ways you can exercise, such as going to the park, babysitting 5 year olds, or taking a yoga class. Exercise releases endorphin, a “happy” hormone we all desperately need during the winter. Be sure to spend time warming up before you start your exercise as it can take a little longer for your joints to loosen up in the cold weather. Exercise helps you sleep better, feel happier and look fit.

5. Get Enough Sleep A lack of food supplements and the flu might get you down and tired. But here’s a fun fact, if you sleep less you’re more prone to get the flu. Sleep the designated 7 hours per night, and save yourself from the agony. via GIPHY

6. Keep Warm! Warm mittens, mulled wine, ice skating, Christmas markets, gingerbread cookies, decorating cards and admiring Christmas decorated shop windows are a few things amongst the many likeable things there about winter. Enjoy today, as it will be gone at a moment’s notice. Even though the weather might be dull, and your toes are cold as ice, you still have great friends, family and plenty of fun to have before the sun blesses us in the spring with it’s converted by

rays of light. Stay warm! Staying warm is a secret to feeling happier. The cold can make you feel sluggish because of the increased energy demand on your body.

7. Skin The cold weather can affect our skin and contribute to conditions such as dry, itchy skin, chill blains and eczema. This may be due to the reduced humidity, drinking less water than you would during summer or possibly due to reduced circulation, which may decrease the flow of blood and nutrients to the skin. Using moisturizers daily may help to keep the skin moist and supple whilst supplements containing vitamin E or garlic help assist blood circulation. You still need to aim for about two litres/day of water during winter, as it is essential for our body to function. If you struggle with drinking plain water try herbal teas. via GIPHY Now you’re ready to rock the socks off of winter! Enjoy every day, and remember that summer comes around every year; this is not the last glimpse of the sun. But if this is not enough to satisfy your taste for summer, go have some mulled wine, it’s sure to do the trick. exercise









wash your hands




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Henrietta Hedberg is a creative writer who grew up around Europe. With a degree in law she loves to discover the functioning of society and the evolution of culture. Her interests range from fashion, culture, and politics. RELATED POSTS



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